DHS 77Part 3 free porn video

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On Monday I filled a tiny plastic bottle with DHS 77 and put it along with one of the antidote pills in my purse. When I got to my office that morning I took the antidote and waited till later in the morning to go down to Sylvia's office.

When Sylvia wasn't looking, I smeared the formula on the back of her arm and she was out before she had any idea of what was happening. I quickly closed the door to her office and then I turned her desk chair so that Sylvia was facing away from the door so that someone looking in wouldn't see Sylvia's face and would think the two of us were just talking.

Then I gave Sylvia the key phrase I thought up for her. Bitch face. It wasn't very nice but it had a certain ring to it. I programmed Sylvia to react when she heard me say 'be nice' by doing just that. She would apologize for being rude and she would feel guilty for being bitchy. I hoped that by making her feel guilty for being bitchy that I would be able to modify her behavior.

Monday afternoon our team had a meeting to discuss a campaign we were working on and Ronald had just finished pitching an idea of his when Sylvia said, "That's the stupidest idea I have ever heard."

"Be nice, Sylvia," I said.

"I am so sorry, Ronald," Sylvia said. "I don't know why I said that. I guess I was just jealous that you had an idea and I didn't. I really am sorry."

Everyone looked at Sylvia to see if she was being sarcastic or if she really meant what she said. I thought it was evident from the look on her face that Sylvia was feeling bad about what she had said and was truly sorry.

I was really feeling the power of the DHS 77 and was looking forward to my next opportunity to use it on someone. That evening as I sat at home I was thinking of different things I might do with the formula and I am ashamed to say they weren't all nice. I felt the dark side of my personality coming out.

I began to carry the little bottle full of the formula in my purse along with the antidote. I also bought some disposable rubber gloves at the drug store and carried them in my brief case. I felt that by using the gloves I wouldn't have to take the antidote. I didn't want to run out of the antidote before I used up all of the formula.

About a week after I had programmed Sylvia there was another incident at work. Sylvia and I had stayed late to work on a campaign and Megan Brown was working with us. Megan had made a suggestion that Sylvia didn't like and in her typical style Sylvia let Megan know.

"Be nice, Sylvia," I said.

"Oh, Megan, I am sorry. I shouldn't have spoken to you that way," Sylvia said.

"Can you believe this bullshit?" Megan said. "She can insult me all she wants and then say she's sorry and I am supposed to accept it."

I tried to calm Megan down and she snapped at me. "Why are you taking that bitch's side against me? I don't know how you can stand to work with her. I hate her."

I don't know what made me do it but I went into action immediately. I slipped on a rubber glove and squeezed a drop of DHS 77 out of the plastic bottle onto my finger. Megan was standing right next to me watching me.

"What are you doing with that?" Megan said.

"I want to show you something," I said and then wiped the formula from my finger onto Megan's arm. As Megan was slipping into a trance, I looked at Sylvia and said "Bitch face."

I told both women to sit down and then I sat down with Megan and leaned close to her ear so that Sylvia would not hear what I was saying.

"Can you hear me, Megan?"


After her positive response, I gave Megan the key phrase 'bourbon sour' and then proceeded to give her the instructions I wanted her to follow. When I was finished with Megan, I went over to Sylvia and gave her instructions.

For a moment, I wondered if I was going too far but the sense of power I felt at that moment made me continue. I woke both women from their trances and Megan immediately started in on Sylvia again.

"Sylvia, you are always such a bitch. Why do you have to be that way?"

"Sylvia, tell Megan how you feel," I said.

"Megan, why don't you kiss my ass?"

Megan's face got bright red as she tried to think of a comeback.

"Megan, why don't you tell Sylvia what you would like to do?"

Megan's expression changed from one of anger to one of adoration as she looked at Sylvia.

"I would like very much to kiss your ass, Sylvia. Would you let me?" Megan said.

Sylvia began to open her pants and then turned her back to Megan. Then she pushed her pants and panties down to her ankles. Sylvia stepped out of her pants and spread her legs.

"Megan, honey, come lick my asshole," Sylvia said.

Megan walked over to Sylvia and dropped to her knees behind her. Then without the slightest hesitation, Megan buried her face in Sylvia's ass. As Megan worked on her ass, Sylvia bent farther forward pushing her ass harder into Megan's face.

I just stood and watch the scene. It amazed me that I really had that much power over these two women. I surprised myself a little by what I had done. I actually liked Megan a lot more than Sylvia so why did I have Megan sticking her tongue into Sylvia's ass. The only reason I could think of for doing that was because I could.

I stopped Megan after about five minutes and had Sylvia put her pants back on. I then put both women back into a trance and told them to forget what had just happened but before I woke them I told them both that whenever they got into an argument they would be sexually attracted to each other. That last part was for my own entertainment.

Afterward I almost laughed when I noticed Megan kind of licking her lips as if she was trying to figure out what that strange taste in her mouth was.

Chapter 12

That night I had trouble getting to sleep. I had a lot on my mind. I was still pissed at Allen because he had cheated on me although he didn't know that I was pissed at him or that I knew he had sex with Jennifer. I was also a little disturbed by what I had done to Megan at work that evening. The fact was that I enjoyed it while I was doing it but I was feeling guilty after the fact.

It was in my sleepless state that I once again began to think about my tormentors at CIS. I knew that I now had the tool to get my revenge on them. All I had to do was track them down and then I would use the formula on them. They would never see it coming. As far as they knew I didn't have a clue about what they did to me or even what they were working on. They also believed that all of the formula was destroyed along with all of their notes when the project was cancelled.

It was that night that I thought about some of the people I had worked with at Alpha Security and Investigations. I wondered if they could help me locate the CIS gang.

The next morning at work I wrote down the names of the five people I wanted to find with as much information about them as I could remember. Then I called Judy Stone, one of the investigators I knew when I worked at Alpha and asked if she could track down the current addresses of my friends from CIS. I told her that I hadn't seen them since I left the military and would like to get in touch with them. She said she could get that information pretty easily and would probably have it for me in two days.

I asked Judy how much this was going to cost and she said, "This won't take much time so for an old friend, no charge."

I thanked Judy and said I would fax her the list of names, which I did as soon as I got off the phone.

That evening I met Allen at a bar near his office. We planned to have a couple of drinks and then go to dinner. I almost had to laugh the minute I walked into the bar. I saw Allen standing at the bar and Jennifer was talking him. As Jennifer was talking, she reached out and touched Allen on the arm and he jumped and quickly pulled his arm back. Jennifer must have thought that she scratched him with a fingernail and she reached out to touch the spot on his arm and when she made contact Allen jumped and pulled his arm away again. That seemed to put an end to their conversation.

That evening I decided I would stay with Allen. I found it easier to forgive him for his fling knowing that I could trust him in the future and besides, Allen was good in bed. That didn't mean that I would forget what he had done.

When we got to the restaurant and had been seated I said, "I want you to tell me the truth, have you had sex with Jennifer again?"

"No. I don't know what it is about her but, if she touches me, it feels like she is burning my skin."

"That's nice, honey," I said.

Suddenly a puzzled look came over his face.

"How did you know about Jennifer and me?" Allen asked as his face became ashen.

"What are you going to do?" he asked. "Please don't leave me. It will never happen again."

"I know it will never happen again," I said. Then I said, "Strawberry clock." When Allen went into a trance I told him to forget the conversation we just had and I also told him he should feel guilty about having cheated on me and should try to make it up to me.

Chapter 13

On Friday I got the fax from Judy. As I read over the list my desire for revenge was tempered a little by the news that Dr. Moore had commit suicide three years earlier. I wondered if his suicide had anything to do with the guilt he felt from what had been done to me. The other four names where all there with current addresses and phone numbers. Jim Holtsclaw, Brian Carter and Brenda Powell Carson all still lived in Virginia. Major Mitchell lived in Tampa, Florida.

Now that I had the addresses the next step was to plan out exactly what I wanted to do to each of them. I knew this was going to take some time and money but that wasn't going to be a problem.

That night after dinner Allen and I were snuggling on the sofa and watching television. During one of the commercial breaks I kissed Allen on the cheek and said, "Strawberry clock."

I had rehearsed what I was going to say to Allen so that I could get it all in during the commercial so he wouldn't miss any of the program we were watching. I was kissing him when he came out of the trance just in time for the show to start again. I waited for the end of the show before I made my next play.

"I have been kind of tired lately," I said.

"I've noticed," Allen said. "I think maybe you should take some time off from work and get some rest. If you want, you could go back east and visit some friends. I think that might be good for you."

"You think so?"

"Yes, I do."

"How long do you think I should stay?"

"Why don't you take a leave of absence for a month? That should be enough time for you to see all of your old friends and recharge your batteries."

"You mean it? You'd be okay letting me take off for a month?"

"Of course. I think it will be good for you."

I kissed Allen and thanked him for being so considerate. Poor baby never knew what hit him.

On Monday morning I went to see the head of personnel and told her that I was having some personal problems and needed to take a month's leave of absence. She told me she hoped that everything would work out for me and asked me when I wanted to start my leave. I told her I wanted it to start the following Monday.

Chapter 14

I spent the rest of that week tying up loose ends at work and getting ready for my trip. Along with my clothes, I packed our video camera and some blank tapes and of course I packed the DHS 77, the antidote and my rubber gloves.

On Saturday, I kissed Allen good-bye and boarded a Delta flight to Tampa, Florida. I rented a car at the Tampa airport and found a room at the nearby Hampton Inn. That evening I called Allen to let him know I arrived safely and then spent the rest of the evening reading a book. At six the next morning, I was parked across the street from Major Mitchell's house.

Major Mitchell came out of the house at 6:30 AM and I followed him as he drove to work. It turned out that he was second in command at an Army Reserve center in Tampa. I parked across the street and took out my book and waited.

At 12:05 PM Major Mitchell came out of the building walked to his car. I then followed him to a local restaurant. I waited in the parking lot until Major Mitchell went back to the reserve center. I followed the major for a couple more days to get used to his routine and then decided that I would 'accidentally' run into him at lunch.

On Wednesday, I waited until Major Mitchell went inside the restaurant and gave him time to get seated before I went in. I hoped that he would recognize me and ask me to sit with him but, if he didn't, I planned to approach him.

When I entered the restaurant, I spotted Major Mitchell sitting by himself in a booth along the front wall. I began to walk down the aisle past his booth without looking in his direction and as I was passing him he spoke.

"Pam Martin?" he asked.

I looked at him and waited just a moment to act as though I didn't recognize him immediately and then gave him a big smile.

"Major Mitchell. How are you?"

"Wow, I never expected to run into you down here," he said. "Are you by yourself?"

"Yes. I'm here on business for a couple of days, leaving tomorrow," I said.

"Why don't you join me then? Why eat alone when you don't have to?"

I slid into the booth across from him and we began chatting like we were old friends. We split a bottle of wine with our lunch. I managed to get him to drink most of it while he talked about himself. He told me that he was second in command at the reserve center but that he should have been the commander and been promoted to Lieutenant Colonel. Just before he was due for promotion they brought in a full Colonel to take command and denied his promotion.

After lunch, Major Mitchell suggested that we retire to the bar for a couple of drinks. I guess he was beginning to think that he might get lucky. I did nothing to dissuade him from that idea. After finishing his first Manhattan and ordering his second, he started to open up.

"Colonel Harris doesn't know his asshole from his elbow," he said. "How he ever got to be a Colonel in the US Army I'll never understand. I have to serve under that jackass."

I made some sympathetic comments and let Major Mitchell continue his rant.

"If I didn't need five more years to get my thirty, I would resign and let them see how much of a fuck up Colonel Harris is without me there to clean up his messes."

At that point, I excused myself to use the rest room. I put on a rubber glove and put a drop of the DHS 77 on the finger. Then holding my hand so that no one would notice the glove, I walked back to our table. I was beginning to feel a little guilty about what I was planning to do but Major Mitchell relieved me of the guilt. As soon as I sat down he said, "Star kitten."

I dropped my head and Major Mitchell reached out to keep me from falling face first onto the table. As soon as I felt his hands on me I reached up and wiped the DHS 77 on his wrist. It was too bad that I was the only one that was going to know the irony of what had just happened.

"Major Mitchell, can you hear me?"


I didn't plan on giving him a key phrase because I never planned on seeing him again so I just gave him the commands I wanted him to follow.

"When you wake up, you will be in love with Colonel Harris and you will want to make love to him. You will finish your drink and then go back to work. When you get to work you will go see Colonel Harris and you will tell him that you are in love with him and you want to suck his cock. Do you understand?"


"When you talk to Colonel Harris, you will be so sexually excited that you will have an erection. Do you understand?"


"What do you think of Colonel Harris?"

"I love him," Major Mitchell said.

"When you wake up, you will not remember that I was here today. You will not remember having lunch with me. Do you understand?"


"Close your eyes now," I said and the Major did as I said.

"When I say wake up, you will count to 100 and then open your eyes. Do you understand?"


I got up from the table and walked around behind Major Mitchell and bent close to his ear and then said, "Wake up, Major."

As soon as I heard him begin to count I walked out of the bar as quickly as I could without running. When I got to my car, I started the engine and left immediately. As I drove away I was pretty sure that Major Mitchell was going to be leaving the Army much sooner than he had planned and the end would come in such an interesting manner. I just wished I could be there to see it. I got my revenge on Major Mitchell and he would never know what happened to him.

My revenge on Major Mitchell may seem severe but I felt it was justified. He was the one who started the DHS 77 experiments on me. If he hadn't done that, none of the others would have used me the way they did. Besides, he had just tried to use the key phrase on me again.

Chapter 15

I left Tampa that evening and flew to Dulles airport in Virginia. I picked up a car at the airport and got a room at a local motel and called Allen.

I had decided to leave Brenda Powell because I didn't know how I was going to handle her. What she had done to me was vile but she had only used me once while the others had done it repeatedly. So I went in search of Jim Holtsclaw.

He wasn't hard to find. On Friday I just went to the address Judy had given me. As I walked to his door I didn't know what I was going to do to him but the answer came to me soon after the door opened. Standing in front of me was an attractive woman. She was tall and blond and in her early thirties. She smiled at me as I introduced myself.

"You must be Jim's wife. Hi. My name is Pam Johnson; I used to work with your husband."

She looked puzzled but she shook my hand and invited me into the house.

"I'm Barbara. Jim's not home. He won't be home for another two hours," she said.

I looked at my watch. It was 5:30 PM. "Perhaps I should stop back another time then," I said.

"No, stay and have a drink with me. I am feeling a little lonely today. The kids are with the grandparents for the weekend and the house always feels so empty when they are away," Barbara said.

"If I am not imposing, I would enjoy a drink," I said.

Barbara made two gin and tonics and we sat in the living room.

"One weekend a month the kids go to either my parents' house or Jim's parents' house so that we can have some time to ourselves. It helps keep things fresh for us."

"That's nice," I said. I wasn't enjoying the small talk so I decided to get down to work. I finished my drink and asked Barbara if I could have another. When she went to the kitchen to fix my drink I put on a rubber glove and put a drop of the DHS 77 on the finger. When Barbara handed me the drink I wiped the DHS 77 on her arm and then had to catch her to keep her from falling.

I gave her the key phrase 'bottoms up, ' and told her that when she woke up she would answer any questions I asked her. When she acknowledged that she understood the command I woke her up.

Over the next several minutes, I found out that Jim and Barbara had an active sex life and that they planned on having a lot of sex over the weekend. I also found out that Jim tended to be jealous and would get angry if he saw Barbara dancing with other guys when they went out.

"Do guys flirt with you?" I asked her.

"Oh, yes, all the time."

"Does that bother Jim?"

"It drives him crazy."

"Any guy in particular that flirts with you more than the others?"

Barbara laughed and said, "Frank Miller. He is always after me and it drive Jim crazy."

"Why doesn't Jim do anything to stop him?"

"He owns the company Jim works for."

"Do you like it when he flirts with you?" I asked.

"He is very handsome and it is flattering that he finds me attractive but I wish he would stop. I don't like the way it affects Jim," she said.

"Is Frank Miller married?"

"No. He used to be but he isn't now."

My plan was complete. "Bottoms up," I said.

Barbara was just about to say something but slumped back on the sofa before she could get the words out.

I spent the next fifteen minutes giving Barbara instructions that I wanted her to follow and then I woke her up.

Barbara looked momentarily confused and then she smiled at me and got up from the sofa.

"I have to make a phone call but please don't leave," she said.

"I'll be right here," I said.

I could hear her on the phone in the kitchen. "Hello, Frank? It's Barb Holtsclaw... I'm fine, thank you... I was wondering if you would like to meet me somewhere for a drink... Yes, I know where that is. I'll be there at 7:30... Me, too... See you later."

When Barbara came back into the room, she had a little smile on her face.

"Have you gone and done something naughty?" I asked.

"I don't know why I did that. I just asked Frank Miller to meet me for a drink. I think I am going to have sex with him tonight," Barbara said.

"What about Jim? What's he going to say about that?" I asked.

Barbara looked at me and winked. "I am going to ask Jim to watch me while I fuck Frank."

I smiled at her. "Good for you," I said.

Chapter 16

At 6:30 Barbara got up from the sofa. "I have to get ready for my date. Why don't you fix yourself another drink and hang around till Jim gets home. I am sure he would like to talk to you."

Same as DHS 77
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Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Widow Maid In Bangalore

Hello Friends. This is asam(Nick Name) age 27. I am working in an MNC as SSE in Bangalore. This is a story of mine with my maid. Please enjoy and give me your reviews. Also, any female of any age, feel free to contact me, it will be out little secret, believe me. Email: Lakshmi is very young. Aged around 28. She is the mother of two and is really cute and has firm breast. ever since she started working I have always had a feeling for her. I used to masturbate thinking of her. After completing...

1 year ago
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Hattiesburg to the High Seas Day2

Hattiesburg to the High Seas : Day 2 At Sea Karry woke up early and told Janet to go get Terry and Sally. When they arrived, Karry laid out the plans for the day. “OK, we’re at sea all day, so this is the best time to do target evaluation. I want each of you to meet as many of the men on ship as possible and identify which ones are rich enough to be of any value. I’ve already ruled out Don and John, so if each of us can talk to 25 men by dinner tonight, we can break the list down to 10 targets...

Erotic Fiction
1 year ago
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My sex journey with my Daughter 8211 Part 4

Note: My stories have Hardcore, Rough, erotic moments. And usually has ugly vulgar language. This is the fourth part of this series. If you do not know the story of the previous, then start from the beginning. I was given a surprise shock by my daughter, that she is pregnant. My wife was so angry at her. She asked her many times which is the reason for it was. But the poor daughter does not know who it is. It was crystal clear in my mind that whatever happened, I should tell them who was the...

3 years ago
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A Good Circle of Friends

First Name is your name Last name is your friend's name (male) Amber is your ex-girl's name. She is pale with long brown hair, and brown eyes. She sports a pair of 42DD cups, but has a flattish ass, and is 5'5 in height. Elissa is your girlfriend's best friend. She is tan with shorter chestnut hair and blue eyes. She is 5'3, has a pair of 36C cups, and an ass that makes her perfect to be Kim Kardashian's double. Doe has been one of your best friends for many years, and he first introduced you...

1 year ago
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Black male

Marie carefully checked her dark hair and smoothed her night gown before reaching reaching for the front door knob and opening the door!!! "Marie," asked the tall black man with a dazzling white smile, "I'm James Gobbel, you were expecting me!?!" "Uh, please come in, Mr. Gobbel," Marie said nervously, "I'm so glad you could make it!!!" James Gobbel moved smoothly into Marie's well appointed apartment, and after giving it a quick once over, turned back to Marie and said softly, "I'm glad you...

2 years ago
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Another ChanceChapter 22

The wind picked up and soon we were doing hull speed, hull speed is the design speed, the architect has mathematical formulae, graphs and charts that address the speed; the sweep of the hull, sail area, displacement and the length of water line. The Rhodes was seventy-seven feet on deck but sixty five feet at the water. With a displacement hull and all plain sail, it is a fact of life that the longer the waterline the faster the boat. All plain sail means nothing fancy. Something fancy is a...

2 years ago
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Lost at Sea book 2 Drifters chapter 9 part 1

“I’m sick of being stuck on the ship. Let’s get out of here,” Jack said as they headed back to the Galley. “There’s still a lot of dishes left,” Will said. “Go tell Lace we’re leaving. I’ll be right back,” Jack said. She disappeared below deck leaving Will with an amused expression on his face. “Apparently we’re leaving,” he said as he walked into the galley. “If the dishes aren’t done by morning, North will get a lot more creative with his extra duties,” Lace shook her head. She didn’t stop...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Suckin Daddy Down

____¶¶¶¶¶¶______¶¶¶¶¶¶__¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶__¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶_¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶____¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶____¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶__¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶ _¶¶¶¶¶_¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶___¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶_____¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶_______¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶_________¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶___________¶¶¶¶____________¶¶_____________¶ As I suck and inch by inch swallow your black steel pole deeper,gliding him in and out,slipping him slowly,deeper,down the back of my silk white throat,you feel the warmth of my smooth firm breast...

4 years ago
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Britney Teen Hypnotic Sex Slave

Writing these stories has given me a perspective on things sexual that I had not had previously. The thought that occurs to me the most is the ‘what if?’ questions. What if as a young adult I had the skill as a hypnotist that I developed over the years? This story assumes a young man of extraordinary intelligence. We pick the story up after he has completed thorough research into hypnosis and the related psychology. He is a virgin with no dating experience. Sam is small, about five feet six,...

3 years ago
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How I Found A Place To Live And Got Laid In The P

I was three weeks into my first year of college, and living an a crappy room in a house. The landlady was a nasty woman who was always snooping into my business, and the place in general was grey and grimy. The kitchen, which I could only use at certain times, always smelled of something rotten, and my room had a bare light bulb in the ceiling and the grubby wallpaper smelled of mildew. I hated living there, and so tried to go out as often as possible. One Friday night in late September I was...

2 years ago
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BlackValleyGirls Sarah Banks Ebony Fucks Ivory

Sarah Banks was a little bummed out that one of her best friends from Black Valley High got with one of the guys she liked, but her sadness was curbed with a newly found romance. She was telling her friend how she would skip school to meet with and fuck an older and much stronger man. He would lick her ebony pussy until she came then she would shove his girthy white cock down her throat. This relationship was ebony and ivory at it’s finest. She had never been pleasured vaginally by such an...

2 years ago
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A Weekend with my Big Sister Part Three

Lucy giggled as she closed the bedroom door behind her.“Oh my God, you pair of fucking perverts, you’re sisters for fuck’s sake,” she said. “How fucking horny, two sisters fucking each other,” she continued.“Who could blame me?” replied Georgia. “I saw how you were looking at Jay last night. Surely you’re not surprised I’m shagging her?”Lucy smiled and nodded in agreement, then looked at me.“Last night when I said you weren’t my type, Jay, I meant for a relationship. But for some good old...

4 years ago
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Drunk mom visits her son

her son is 18 At 2:00 am on a friday night Kara goes to see her son Danny at his apartment. She is very drunk and upset about what happened earlier that night. She had no where else to go, so she has the taxi drop her off at her sons. She can't drive like this. She knocks on the door. Her son comes to the door out of breath and dressed in only his boxers. "Mom? What are you doing here at this hour?" Dannys asked. Kara is crying harder at this point and can barely stand...

3 years ago
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The Fan ClubChapter 4

"Alright, girls, get me nice and hard again. Casey, take off the rest of your clothes. Yeah, that's good. Erica, stroke your clit for my pleasure. Casey, tell us something about yourself," I commanded the girls, while June winked at us. "Gwen Evans, right? Casey Jones here. Yeah, funny, I know. But that's my maiden name and I like being named after a hero. I reverted to it on purpose when I divorced that jackal Percy. He's your type. Perhaps you can get with him when you tire of Dafyd....

4 years ago
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Andy 13

Ich habe die Bilderseite erweitert. http://www.fictionmania.tv/storyimages/ForeignL/Andy.htm/index.htm ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Am n?chsten Morgen hatte ich ein Problem, das nur M?dchen vor einem mehr als gut gef?llten Kleiderschrank haben: Was sollte ich anziehen? Schlie?lich siegte die Neugierde. Ich hatte das Schulm?dchen Outfit noch nicht angehabt. Es war eine authentische Uniform, wie sie irgendwo in England in einem Internat getragen w...

2 years ago
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Strange Situation

My mother and I were never close, oh she cared for me, with little sign of affection passed between us. Her affections and attention were lavished on my younger brother of four years, who was a chronic asthma sufferer and was always classified as 'delicate', whereas I was big and sturdy and could take care of myself. I couldn't leave home quick enough to carve a life of my own and try to find someone who would show me the affection I had missed. I had many women friends, but none even came...

3 years ago
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My Girlfriend Gangbang With Friends

To the new readers, my name is Hemanth from Andhra. Coming to the story I have a girlfriend and her name is Jahnavi (name changed), her age is 20, she is about 5.8 feet, I don’t know about her stats but her boobs are handy and her butt is as smooth as silk.She is a year bigger than me.We had a relationship from last two years.I used to meet her only when I went to my home for the holidays.It was everything good but a few months back we had a clash and decided to break off.We didn’t talk for...

3 years ago
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Discovering Ass Fetishes Through Young SIL Just Before Her Wedding

Hi all, this is rahul, 29 years old happily married techie, from Bangalore. This is about my young sister-in-law who came to visit us for a week before her marriage. You can reach me on work with a reputed research centre and a strict teetotaler which helps to enjoy a very cordial relationship with everyone in my wife’s house including my young SIL, vidhya. She is 20 years old who just finished her final year exams and was getting married early because of my father-in-law’s blind astrological...

2 years ago
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Shackled and Confused Ch 02

Pierre had first met Catharine on a Tuesday. A Tuesday night in April, to be exact. He remembered this clearly because no day since had he been able to get her off his mind. She dominated his thoughts like a drug he had to have another hit of, and another, and another. The first time he’d seen her, she was arm candy of a movie director at a fancy party in LA. He heard her laugh first, or so the narrative he spun for himself began. Her laugh was so full of life and light, he quickly turned to...

4 years ago
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The Horriblest Date

I got the call about ten on Friday night. It was Jess, my daughter, out on a date. She had been so excited for she was going out with the hunkiest guy in school, Jason. All of her girlfriends thought he was dreamy and were envious to say the least. She had primped for hours before the date. Her flaming red hair and piercing blues, both attributes she inherited from her mother, shone. She had 'borrowed' a dress that her mother had worn. Yes, my little girl was now as big as her mother had...

4 years ago
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Finding Out

Before I start my story, I need to give you some background information. My wife Jennifer and I have been married for twenty-two years and life had become quite routine. Throughout the years her weight had gone up due to giving birth to two boys, and although she never really had a sex drive to speak of, she had now lost all desire for sex. In fact, I resolved to accept having sex one a year for our anniversary. While dating, my friends all laughed when I would tell them she never gave me...

4 years ago
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9 Removing the offending part

9. Removing the offending part Barry sat watching her as she sat opposite him, his jaw dropped, the words washing over him like a stream over a rock; his ears hissed his blood ran cold, he knew it was his entire fault. He alone had started the job, He couldn’t understand the details she was telling him, and he was numb. What his choices were, she was explaining, well he just couldn`t really take in. He knew she would patiently explain it again, she would have too! He felt faint.Perhaps first...

2 years ago
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Big Adventures with Tiny Tim

Aw, fuck! Not again! I mean, come on! I've jerked it, what, four times today already? But sure enough, I can feel the rushing warmth of blood flowing into my swelling dong... Maybe if I just ignore it, the stupid thing will go down. I focus on my cereal, on the delicious, sugary-cinnamon taste of these delightful little--okay, that's not working. I can feel my plumping meat pushing against the pouch of my tight briefs and pulling them tighter against my ass. It feels good. NO! Not here. Not at...

4 years ago
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Passion writer anonymous

Do you want to know what is really happening in college toilets, girls are going crazy, caressing and rubbing each others’ pussies, read and get really hot and wet!Diana likes the taste and smell of an excited woman. Maybe it sounds dirty but that’s the truth. Why lie to yourself?.. We all get aroused from such things.Diana is exceptionally skillful in sex. Tender lips, a hot mouth and a teasing tongue. As no one else in the world she knows how responsive the scarlet nub between girl’s thighs...

2 years ago
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AssParade Cristal Caraballo Worthshiping Cristal Caraballo Enormous Ass

The guys find and picked up an ass worth parading today. Cristal is a fully staked milf that works at sub shop but got convinced to have some fun for some serious cash. We quickly find out that this chick not only have big tits with an ass to match but that she can also give a good dick sucking. Cristal started to deep throat after showing off her amazing big ass that led to her getting fucked with a bare cock. You guys will get to see that big ass bounce while she rides on cowgirl and doggy...

4 years ago
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Triplet X Love Times 2 Book 3 The Pleasures of CampingChapter 17 Cumming Together In a Way

Ana moaned strongly as she once more felt her pussy being devoured like there would be no tomorrow. She opened her eyes slowly and smiled at the sight of Melissa's semi bald pussy. She had obviously shaved it regularly, but it was clear she hadn't been allowed to at the Abbey. Ana pulled her down to her mouth once more and began sucking and sucking. Ana wasn't quite sure how long they had been at it, but with the exception of a few times when sheer exhaustion had caused the two of them to...

4 years ago
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Seer 1 I See Dying People 12Part 3

Melissa was staggering forward in darkness. Her vision was blurred but she saw a square of light in front of her and she knew, just like she had been a night fly, she needed to reach that square, and once she did its light would kill her. Just like a night fly drawn to fire. When she got closer she saw Alex lying on her back. She was fighting against a darkness towering over her. In a flash her dorm room was back. Alex was still standing by her bed, her panties were halfway down her legs and...

2 years ago
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My Ghost House ch 5

(Thank you, Allie and Sam! I finally got this chapter to materialize, but only with your help.) Carrie paced the floor...back and forth. Having already called the hospital to check on Trina, she was relieved to find out that her best friend suffered nothing more than a broken ankle and light concussion. She would heal, but Beau would pay. It was time to do some homework. Throughout the day, the vibrations from the door to Beau's domain rattled the house. He was mad, and Carrie couldn't care...

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Paili Darissas Science Project

"OK, class, with the end of the semester nearly upon us, it's time to start thinking about those civics projects we discussed," Ms. Hathon lectured. "Now, in our last class we spoke about local government structure as well as city infrastructure planning. The assignment will entail each one of you to propose and outline a plan for a city government and describe a city infrastructure to be built from the ground up, considering all the factors for population growth and economic development...

4 years ago
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Big Tits in Bras

Bras aren't fair. Especially modern bras.Let's face it, all tits look good in a bra. The truth happens when the bra comes off. It's a lesson we learn while young. I've been reminded of this recently, while watching women of all ages on XHAMSTER's "Live Sex" portal.I'm a boob man. I usually click on "Big Tits" or "Curvy". Dozens of women of all ages appear. I click on those that intrigue me. The ones with purple hair, or tattoos, or piercings, I ignore. I really hate skanky.So I'm looking at a...

2 years ago
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A1386G Ch 07

VII. After a couple of days of living with my new master things had started to settle into a routine of helping with the cooking and cleaning, usually while being tutored by one of the other girls or Mama Kelly, punctuated by extended periods of downtime, which usually meant reading and sex. Today was sadly not one of those days. Instead, on the grounds that Anne and my master would be enough supervision for me, Mama Kelly and Grace had gone off to see some trendy grocery store on the other...

2 years ago
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To bed with my little sisters

Parents know when it happens some explode some embrace it. This happened Mom told me and little sister not to bother getting dressed. Just to go on to bed. My older sister made sure we would not have the chance by grabbing up our clothes . My younger sister slowly slipped out of my lap. My limp cock made a sucking sound as it slid out of her very wet and tight cunt. She stood up and then reached out to me to stead herself. I could see she was ditsy. I stood up...

3 years ago
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Candy Cake

Last year, well a few months ago, it’s now summer break, I met my gorgeous girlfriend in high school. We’re now going to attend the same college in spring. In high school she was the most popular and sought after girl and she lived in a small town house right next to me in the city. She’s the kind of girl that is way wayyyyyy out of the league of someone like me. In high school she was a goddess in my eyes (she still is), she was the only reason I loved school. Just being able to see her...

4 years ago
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I was 19 and still a virgin. I wasn't bad looking or fat. I graduated high school at 6 foot tall and 200 pounds and I kept working out after graduation. I was kinda shy in school when it came to asking a girl out. With older sisters, I was always around their friends who were also older. So in school I was always attracted to the girls ahead of me. Unfortunately they all wanted guys their age or older. Fast forward to the spring after I graduated. I skipped college and went to work. I...

4 years ago
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sister and I are Close Then Mom 4

Coming out of the bathroom with just a pair of pants on as I usually do, I walked to the living room to see mom sitting in her chair and Clare on the couch in her usual spot. Mom looked up as I stepped to the end of the couch, then she stood up, "Are you ready son?" giving me a quick view up her short dress, (that stopped half way to her knees when she stands) with out knowing she did so."Yes mom, I'm as ready as I will ever be." Mom turned toward her bedroom door so I went around the coffee...

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Meeting in Rome

Author’s Note: Recently my wife shared a fantasy of hers involving a seductive meeting with a supposed stranger in Italy. Both of us decided to write our own version, this one is hers. Mine is posted in the ‘Anal’ section under the title ‘In Italia.’ While mine is playful and sexual, hers is heartfelt and romantic. Hopefully one will appeal to you, if not both. Enjoy! ————— As I walk through the ripe fall air, I take a moment to enjoy the breathtaking scenery: the hazy twinkle of street...

2 years ago
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Philippine Visit

I went to the restaurant in the hotel to eat breakfast. The sexy young waitress took my order while we chatted about how beautiful the country is and I love the sunshine. I asked her if she is single but she has a boyfriend for 2 years. But she said she loves foreign men they are handsome. I asked her to meet me for coffee after she done working if she likes to chat more. She said her boyfriend picks her up after work so she can’t meet me. I said its ok I will find another girl to have...

4 years ago
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Paradox InteractiveChapter 4

The next morning, after Rory showers, she heads downstairs for breakfast. Gavan is leaning over the island counter, munching on toast and reading the paper. He is still in the black shirt and sweats that he wars to bed. Rory examines him. He is a really good-looking guy. Fit with dark hair and dark eyes that gives nothing away when he notices her coming in. “Good morning, Daddy,” she says, heading for the refrigerator to get some juice. “Morning,” he says gruffly. “What are you up to...

3 years ago
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Some Things That The Best Cocksuckers Do

I am a man so my advice on giving the best blowjobs is from a man's perspective. But you women out there should also take note.Here are the most important things to remember:1) You should be really hot for the guy and you should be hot for his dick. And even hotter to suck it right then. If you're sucking a cock you need to be in the mood of course, and you also need to be turned on sexually by the cock itself. I'm a total size queen and I have a big dick myself - 8 inches and perfect in all...

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