Voyeuristic IncestChapter 4 free porn video

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It was very odd. As we sat down at the dining room table for dinner, everyone seemed very subdued. Unlike the way it had been at breakfast earlier, the kids hardly spoke, even picking through the meal, which normally had been one of their favorites. Even Jackie raised her eyebrows towards me questioning. Though all I could do was shrug my shoulders in response to that. I had no idea what was going on. Something. I could only surmise that perhaps the kids had sat down and talked about it later on. Perhaps they were having second thoughts about everything that had happened. Frankly, I'd been half expecting it, those same guilty feelings suddenly rushing back, which is why I sat picking at my own food.

But Jackie, as usual, wasn't about to let it continue on for very long. Especially when she had gone to a great deal of work in preparing such a delicious meal that normally would have been entirely consumed by now.

"Ok, who wants to go first?" she asked as she sat slicing up a portion of the tender roast beef she'd prepared. Chris was the first to respond.

"To do what?" She asked as she sat forming her mashed potatoes into a slightly larger pile without taking a bite.

"Oh ... I don't know ... to maybe explain why the two of you are acting so moody all of a sudden?" My wife asked.

Chris looked towards her brother, though he kept his eyes down on his own plate, though he made some effort to slice off a portion of meat, forking it into his mouth without looking at anyone. It was clearly obvious by the way she had looked at him, that the two of them had spoken earlier. Whatever they'd discussed had caused some sort of troubling concern, which had impacted the dynamics of what we'd all so recently experienced with one another.

"Chicken," she said simply still eyeing her brother, though he did raise his head, nearly responding to his sister's declaration, thought better of it, and spooned a bit of green beans into his mouth instead. Rob didn't much care for green beans, and yet, he ate them as though to ward off his sister's challenge.

Jackie put her knife and fork down, sitting back in her chair, and then folded her arms over her breasts. "Ok, before dinner's completely and totally ruined here, can we at least agree that perhaps we need to all have another chat again? Maybe after we've actually eaten and cleared things up?"

"I'm eating," Rob responded, forking another mouthful of green beans.

"Uh huh," Jackie said though I now felt it was time I actually put a word or two in myself.

"I agree, it appears we all need to clear the air here, after dinner," I announced. "Obviously something's happened, and it would appear we all need to sit down and talk about it."

At least everyone finished eating, though again, we did so mostly in silence. After we had all helped in clearing up the table along with the dinner dishes, Jackie told me to go pick out a nice bottle of wine from our somewhat small, but nicely stocked cabinet. "Maybe if we all have a nice glass of wine and relax..." she'd said shooing me off moments later. "We'll meet you in the formal family room," she then added, purposely directing us away from the den where it would be less of a reminder as to the recent activities, which had taken place there.

I had just finished pouring everyone a glass of wine, sipping my own when they came walking in. After everyone had taken a seat on the couch or the chairs, I passed around the wine glasses, which we all now sat sipping once again in silence.

"Ok, Chris? Since you obviously have ... or had something to say earlier? Why don't you begin and tell us what's actually going on here," Jackie asked.

As she'd done before, she took a quick glance towards her brother, but then turned back around facing us.

"Well, earlier? I was heading up stairs to go to my room, and I saw Rob leaning his head against your bedroom door. Obviously he was listening."

I saw my wife's eyes light up at that, but as she'd done in the past, without commenting at this point, she merely nodded her head indicating that Chris should continue. I took my cue from her, sipping my wine instead, though curious.

"Anyway, at first he didn't hear me, or see me, until I'd almost reached him, then he turned and shushed me, telling me to be quiet as I approached. So I listened too, and it was obvious you guys were going at it again." Chris actually laughed as she said that, as did Jackie and I, the tension in the air lessening a little.

"Go on," I spoke.

"Well, it was then I noticed, Rob had his cock out and was playing with it, which of course made me horny too." Jackie stifled a smile, sipping her wine. "We both listened for a moment or two longer, but then I motioned to him to follow me down the hall to my room, which he did. Except ... once we got there after closing the door so we could speak, I told him I wanted him to come fuck me, you know ... because now I was horny too. Except ... he said that we probably shouldn't. He said he thought that maybe you two really didn't want us messing around anymore, and that maybe it wasn't such a good idea for us to do anything unless you were there with us."

"I don't think we ever discussed that, or made any mention of the fact we disapproved of your relationship," I said looking over towards my wife who sat nodding her head in agreement. "You're both adults now, and as far as we're concerned, perfectly capable of deciding for yourselves as to what you both want, or are willing to do, or not do. I don't think that's for us to decide at this point. The only thing I think we'd be in a position to suggest, is if you decide to do so ... to continue on with an intimate relationship, is that you not flaunt it in front of people we know. They might not have the same understanding, or open-mindedness that we do."

And though my comment seemed to put that in perspective again, and clear up any misconceptions or communications about it, it was obvious there was a bit more to it than that.

"Told you they didn't mind," Chris said staring at her brother, actually smiling a bit. "But ... one thing we both did agree on, and where curious about," she went on finally now speaking for them both as even Rob sat up a bit straighter in his chair. "What we're mostly worried about, is that what happened ... was a onetime thing, a sort of a..."It just happened" kind of a thing, and that it probably wouldn't ever happen again. You know?" Chris looked back and forth between us worriedly, letting it sink in for a moment. "But here's the deal..." she continued. "The fact is, both Rob and I enjoyed this morning, a lot. And even afterwards, during breakfast, things seemed to be a lot more fun around here than it's actually been for a while. Now, I don't know if that had something to do with what we'd done outside, but I think it did. At least for me it did. And I was horny and aroused after that almost all day long. Until Rob told me what he did anyway," she said once again glaring at her brother. "But ... was it? A onetime thing? Because we certainly hope that it wasn't," she now stated firmly. "I know ... we know, a lot of people would probably frown at what we did out there, and certainly a few other things too," she added, looking directly at me. Which told me in a sense that Rob must have said something to her about our brief afternoon together. "But the way we see it ... its no one else's business what we do. The only fear and concern we have ... is that maybe you and mom might not see it that way."

"I see," Jackie finally said finishing off her glass of wine. "So, what you're telling your father and I, is that you enjoyed it ... enjoyed what we all shared together, and want to continue doing so, is that it?"

"Yes," Rob actually answered even before Chris could, which she still did a second after her brother had. "I enjoyed what dad and I did today," he openly admitted. "It was fun ... maybe a bit unusual in a way ... but it was still fun. And I'd like to think that wasn't just a fluke of some sort either," he finished.

"So ... just be honest with us both," Chris said jumping in again. "If we don't have a problem with continuing to have fun like that again ... do you guys?"

"Let me say this ... and I believe I am speaking for your father as well on some level. We'll be the first to admit and say we've enjoyed everything that's happened so far. I'm not sure ... being your mother, and he ... your father, that we're quite in a place to actually go much beyond that. More than we already have. I would never want anything to happen or come between us, that would cause problems for anyone inside this family. So ... there are still issues there, at least for me, and perhaps for the three of you as well, that have to be taken into consideration. But ... let me at least add this much. I'm willing to at least continue as far as we have gone, and just take things as they come. As long as we're all willing to be perfectly and totally candid with one another ... and honest. Then I don't foresee any real problems here. If at any point however, anyone ... you, your brother, even your father or I, have any concerns. Then I think we all agree to come in here ... sit down, just as we are right now, and discuss them. Agreed?"

Everyone agreed of course, and it was nice seeing the smiles return back to everyone's face again.

"Now, what's say we all grab another glass of wine, and head on down to the den shall we?" Jackie suggested.

"Cool, and can we watch the other movie? The one Rob said he got to watch? He told me how daddy came walking around balancing a rose on his dick, and I'd kind of like to see that for myself now," Chris said grinning.

"Yeah ... we can watch that one," Jackie said looking at me, asking the second question she had for me without so many words. I merely smiled at her winking. I'd been wise enough to have moved the third movie to another location. At least for now...

"Let me make a quick pit-stop," Jackie said heading up to our bedroom. "I've got something I think might be interesting and fun ... under the circumstances," she added giving no hint as to what it was she was up to. The rest of us headed on down to the den, where almost immediately Chris shed her clothing without even batting an eyelash. As she did that, Rob walked over and removed "The Sound of Music" case. Upon opening it, he gave it ... and then me a questioning look.

"Top one," I said without further explanation, and thankfully, he didn't pursue it. It was obvious he was curious as to where the other one had disappeared to, though he didn't let on to his sister at least, that one of the three was missing. He then walked over and slid the disk into the DVD player, sitting down on the couch. Moments later Jackie came down joining us, having removed all her clothing upstairs.

"Isn't that typical?" She asked walking into the room. "Here are Chris and I already naked, and the two of you are still dressed."

"They're waiting to get erections," Chris guessed. "Don't want us seeing them with their pricks doing the floppy dance, or only half as big as they really are. It's a guy thing," she mused teasing us both. Though in a strange way ... she was partially correct. I had been sort of waiting for that, as Rob had been, though he was also the first between us to actually stand up at that moment, removing his pants.

"See? I told you!" Chris snickered as Rob finished removing them, proving to everyone that he at least did have a reasonable looking hard-on.

I undressed then as well, though I was far from erect yet, only a little self-conscious about doing so, as I could in fact appear quite small in a less than aroused state. Chris however found it interesting.

"Wow daddy! You mean ... it can go from that, to as big as it was earlier?" She asked obviously surprised at that. "Cool!" she said teasingly. I reached down to give it a bit of help, but she stopped me. "No ... I want to watch it grow ... all by itself! Don't help it any either!" She now asked.

Though the movie had started, Rob paused it, freezing his sexily dressed mother there at the bottom of the steps for a moment, looking on. I had actually taken my seat on the couch, only then realizing after I had, that I was now sitting where it was that Jackie and I had first watched the kids fucking the night before. Just that bit of brief nostalgia was enough to send a tickling throb up my shaft as my prick grew a little. Chris came over, sitting beside me there on the couch, though kneeling ... facing me, looking down at my slowly growing organ. Jackie walked over then sitting on the other side, though I noticed she had placed some sort of bag on the floor next to the couch without any explanation as to what was in it. Rob having taken one of the chairs, just sat in it sideways as he'd done earlier, his legs over the arm, though facing towards us ... watching. He had his dick in his hand, absentmindedly fondling it.

I grew a little more. For some reason, having my daughter kneeling there only inches away, her sweet beautiful tits hanging there so decadently seemed to add a little fuel to the fire. Not to mention Jackie now sitting, or rather likewise kneeling on the other side, looking on as well.

"Fascinating isn't it?" She stated. "Like a blooming flower."

"Or beanstalk perhaps," Chris quipped chuckling. "It's getting a lot harder. Though I bet it grows quicker when you water it," she laughed, alluding to the obvious.

"You're right about that!" Jackie quipped. "Daddy does like it when I squirt all over him, though apparently so does Rob when you do too," she added looking over at him as he sat grinning from ear to ear like a Cheshire cat.

"Wow ... it's really starting to get big and hard now," Chris said her eyes glued to my cock as it continued to grow, her hand twitching as though she wanted to reach out and grab it, and feel it for herself.

"Yes ... isn't it," Jackie agreed leaning forward a bit, and now Chris did, the two of them close enough I could feel their respective breaths, causing my cock to twitch, throb a bit as they did that. But to make matters worse ... in a way at least, as Chris leaned in, I felt the tips of her breasts suddenly brushing against my thigh. I glanced up worriedly towards my wife, wondering if she'd seen that, or what. "I don't think feeling a little titty is too out of line," she then said. "As long as Chris doesn't mind anyway, because I know you don't!" she finished smiling at me.

"Fuck no ... I don't mind. Go ahead daddy ... feel my tits a little if you want to."

I heard the sound of the chair being vacated. In seconds Rob had walked over taking a place on the arm of the couch next to his mother.

"Does that mean..."

"You wanna feel my tits too don't you?" Jackie laughed. I'd already placed my hand around one of Chris's, marveling at the feel of it ... the differences and similarities, my cock now growing by leaps and by bounds.

"Go ahead honey ... have a feel, I guess we can at least allow you boys to enjoy that much."

In seconds, he had filled his hands with his mother's breast, molding and kneading it within his hands. I glanced over, watching as he gently captured her rock-hard nipple, pinching it slightly, pulling on it much to Jackie's delight as she closed her eyes briefly, savoring the sensation. I was doing the same to Chris, enjoying the feel of her equally stiff fat nipple until Jackie woke us all from our rather erotic revelry.

"Well ... maybe it's time for the movie," she suggested sitting up. "Go un-pause it," she told Rob, effectively causing him to release her breast, though he did so reluctantly, walking over towards the TV, his hard stiff cock leading the way.

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We Finally Meet in the Coffee Shop

*** Please do not use this story as your own or I'll be forced to find you and expose you for the fraud you are! *** We have decided to meet. Just to talk, though our discussions via email and phone and chat have been saturated with sexual innuendos. I'm walking into that COZY coffee shop to see you for the first time. Wow, the anticipation is building. And we have a cozy place in a corner. Where there is a bench seat, but only on one side of the table (which has a floor length tablecloth on...

2 years ago
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Hospital Nurse Udan Midnight Kaamam

Hi friends, indru kathaiyil night shift velai paarkum nursesai usar seithu avalai sex seitha kathaiyai ungalidam pagirugiren. En peyar Raj. Naan kalluri padithu mudithu vittu veetil velai thedikondu irukiren. Enaku pengalai ookavendum endru aasai irukum aanal ithu naal varai naan entha penaiyum oothathe kidaiyaathu. Than kaiye thanaku uthavi endru ninaithu thinamum kai matum adithu kondu irunthen. Nan niraiya kama padngal kama kathaigal padipen athanaal en paarvai pengalai paarkum pozhuthu ooka...

1 year ago
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Ocean Park Part 2

A volley ball hit me. When I looked up, I was sitting on my beach chair and noticed that a really big guy was approaching me. It was the guy who, a while ago, was sitting nearby with his sexy girlfriend. I was scared for a moment; as I remember, I had stopped looking at them, but apparently I had done something or something had happened that he had to discuss with me. But As I recovered my bearings then I realized that I had just fallen asleep and he was just there to take the volley ball...

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Visiting The Desert With Kelly

It was July of 1991. Kelly and I took a two-week trip to the southwest with our travel trailer. We absolutely fell in love with the desert, the culture, and the whole vibe of being there. We spent a couple of days camping near Canyon de Chelly. We stayed at a private campground that was owned by a Native American named Howard.Howard was a pretty cool dude. He had native music piped around the campground. Nothing like native flutes and drums to make you feel like you’re in a very different...

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Nicholas at camp

The summer I was sixteen, my parents decided to take a four-month tour of Europe, one of those extravagant pre-planned affairs that gouges you on everything and still manages to make you feel good at the end. There was of course the small problem of what to do with their son, so I was shipped off to an all-boys, all-summer camp, no escape camp in northern Minnesota. It’s one of those places where they try to erase the “scars of civilization” and “return to nature”. The camp consisted of three...

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SRU Aftermath

I wrote this one, thinking about what the future of one of the Old Man's "customers" might be, after he was done with them. SRU: Aftermath By Morpheus I remember it starting with that store. I had been going through the mall, when a store caught my eye. The name written out clearly above in a sign said Spells R Us. Shrugging, I went inside, thinking that with a name like that, they ought to be selling something like D&D stuff or magic tricks. Either way, I...

4 years ago
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Thats What Friends Are For

“I asked you two to come in because we need to talk. Al, what would you think of having sex with Mary?” Let me backtrack to give you a little history. My name is Albert but most of our friends call me Al. My wife of 23 years is Angie. We’re soccer parents in the summer and hockey parents all winter. Being associated with any rep team sports is a lot like joining a family. We see so much of each other that we all become a part of each other’s lives. We help each other out whenever we can no...

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Independence Day Mf inc 1st

This was one of the very first stories I ever put up on the ‘net, back before I used the name SpectreOfHell. If you were a fan of the Incstgrrl website you might have seen it there. Anyway, here it is… Independence Day By Zarathos AKA Spectreofhell We usually go to our place at the lake each July 4th. My daughter, Julie, turned 12 last February, and she for once was reluctant to go with us when the holiday rolled around again. She wanted to be with her friends instead. I had to admit my...

2 years ago
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New Planet New Life

Chapter 1: Arrival The ship touched down on the rocky, red surface of Mars. Slowly, the crashing, burning sound died out, giving way to silence. A door opened and a voice coming from the speakers around the cabin said ?This is the captain. I would like to welcome you to Mars where the local time is 11:33 AM. You are now free to move about the cabin. Please enjoy your stay.? As the passengers filed out, they all gasped in wonder at the planet surface. The last passengers to file out were four...

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A cold damp stairwell

I originally wrote this story in May 2012. This was about a week ago, well just a week ago. Last Friday to be exact. I had been to a friend’s house for her stag party. That’s called something else… right a hen night (internet is great for these things). We had had a great time at the restaurant having a meal and then in the pubs and clubs of the area. Finally, we had gone back to her house to finish off the evening. The way we planned to finish off the evening was original too. There were six...

3 years ago
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Daddy and his girls part 2

As I set the boxes of pizza on the dining table, I'm a bit annoyed that Jenny hasn't even got cokes out, or found the pizza cutter. I bet the girls have just been sat gossiping, but I won't make an issue out of it, we have to cope with our love and the presence of my elder daughter too. I do love Jenny so very much, and our life could be ruined if our secret got out, so we need to be careful with Sky in the house, but in so many ways she can be a typical 17 year old girl. I smile to myself,...

2 years ago
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It was back in the days when hooking up thru Craigslist was a thing. It was a Saturday morning. I had the dildo working the whole for 2 hours, even though my 2 regular guys pound me good the night before and again this morning, dumping a few loads in me. I was still horny. I can’t help that I have always been a whore and cum pig slut. So, the next logical step was to put an add on Craigslists. My add had all my favorite title: “Power Bottom into Groups, Dildos, 420 and Poppers- BAREBACK ONLY”....

3 years ago
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Friends and FamilyChapter 17 Diana ndash Part 3

Sunday Morning and Evening “Good morning,” a far away female voice said. There was something happening. I could feel something touching me. I tried to wake up enough to do a quick survey of my body and position. I was lying on my side. Left? Or right? Um, left. OK. My right leg, right leg? Yeah, the right one was bent, and I was resting my head on the pillow and it was on my left arm. There was warmth against my legs. Did I wet the bed? The feeling was coming from between my legs. I felt...

1 year ago
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3 years ago, long before I ever found this site, I started this search to find a site, a sex site. Not a dating site, not some website where I was looking to hook up with anyone. All I wanted to do was share my stories and thoughts and get some feedback and do some innocent flirting along the way. Long story short, I found a chat/flirting site and within a couple of years, the stories I wrote were no longer my main focus. I had a good following of women that requested certain stories...

3 years ago
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The Breeding Room Part V

Al was the last one to come to her bed that afternoon. He had waited patiently for over an hour for the others to take their turns with her. One by one they had slipped into bed beside her to make love. There was no raw, hard sex this time with them. They had kissed and caressed and Judy took time to suck their cocks. She wanted to taste them; wanted to arouse them. She wanted to show them her gratitude. This time she also mounted them. Each one started off with her on top. Judy wanted them to...

2 years ago
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Ben Nancy Ch 02

Passion in James County XV: Ben and Nancy Evelyn went home to change and get ready for school after she and Ben had breakfast the next morning. Ben was hoping they would make love again, but they overslept and didn’t have time. He was encouraged by the fact that Evelyn made it clear before she left that she had every intention having a repeat of the passionate session they’d shared the previous night at the first opportunity. An hour before school was to start, Ben walked up the front steps...

3 years ago
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Infinity Divinity

Prologue: In all the long history of life there has been struggle, always fighting for energy and resources against the entropic nature of the universe. The very first lifeforms on the planet Earth had to contend with a very young, very hot planet that cared nothing for their survival. For every cell death was inevitable, save the ability of these cells to replicate themselves. Those that survived multiplied, diversified, and immediately the struggle against the life-taking universe was then...

2 years ago
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Dr Visit

I turned 50 and the Dr. called and said I needed to make an appointment for my birthday physical. Well my birthday fell on a Friday and my appointment was the doctors last one of the day. I was sitting in the waiting room and saw all the employees left the office. I asked the last one exiting if I had been forgotten? She laugh and said no, then she said that I was the last one of the day and that the doctor was running just a few minutes lat. I thanked her as she was walking out the door. About...

3 years ago
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Unexpected love triangle 6

Jenny Three weeks has passed since Douglas and I had made it official between us. It has also been a month since my last encounter with Jacob too. Since that day when I had lost control and kissed Jacob, I started to avoid him. But it seemed that the more I ignored him the more I dreamt of him. It was starting to drive me crazy. I was also starting to feel a bit guilty because it literally felt like I was cheating on Douglas. In real life I would be kissing, hugging, doing intimate things,...

Love Stories
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The Swinging Door Ch 03

Editor: WhiteWave48 Chapter 03 — The temperature rises – the party swings Interrupting Jenny’s forbidden thoughts, a deep familiar voice called her name. As Jenny turned her head, she spotted Rick elbowing his way through the motley crowd with French Royalty in tow. Introductions were quickly exchanged before Rick wandered off with a pretty young thing who talked slow and moved fast. King Louis XIV and his wife, Marie Antoinette, were the hosts of the party and very gracious. Louis was all...

2 years ago
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Woman8217s Decision 8211 Mohit And Purva

I am Purva a 28 year old working married woman living in Noida. I am from Himachal but did most of schooling in Delhi. I have lived in hostel since I was 14. I am the oldest of the three siblings. I had a younger sister and a brother. After completing my graduation I got a job in an advertising firm.(thankfully in delhi). I was a perfectly independent working women of Delhi. My mother got worried and started pestering me for marriage. Finally I gave in and told her about my expectations. She...

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Second Chance at LoveChapter 15

It didn't take Jenny long to get Darlene to open up to her. They went to lunch twice and went out one evening for drinks. It was obvious to Jenny that Darlene had needed someone to talk to for a very long time. Darlene had been raised in a very strict and religious family. She knew nothing of boys or relationships. She wasn't ready to be in the outside world by the time she went off to college. In her second year Darlene was raped. She had been out on a date with a football jock when she...

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I had awaken this morning,today my little 3 month old alarm clock has not gone off you made a sound,maybe i have a little time on my hands so to speak,and have a little Katyanna time and have the time to indulge myself with what ever i choose,,today i have decided on self pleasure,it was to be a day just for meTo begin the day i recall mental images i have of him,thoughts about his hard cock and firm balls and cumming,were all i needed for some motivation.I quickly discarded the bed covers,i...

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Thickumz Abella Danger Booty Bouncing Fun

Abella Danger needs no introduction. Her fat ass and beautiful tits do all the talking necessary. Especially when they are bouncing up and down! And what better way to top off a great day filled with trampolines and ice cream than to head to the hotel for some tight twat pounding. Abella pops her pussy and our stud slides his extra thick popsicle stick inside for some hard penetration. Then, she slobbers on his salami, making sure to pleasure every inch of his man meat. Finally, he strokes...

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The Rise of AzkovalChapter 68 A Time to Fight

Nadia found herself surrounded by females of her own age for one of the rare times in her life. She found the group to be entertaining as well as informative. Elizabeth and Julia had put together an outfit of buckskin trousers and a tunic that fit the young woman very well. Catherine had offered a pair of boots that were far more comfortable that the shoes Nadia had worn with her dress. “It is like a second skin,” Nadia exclaimed as she looked up and down her body. She was nowhere near as...

3 years ago
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The RedheadChapter 6

This point in the story marks approximately half way. If you have been enjoying the Story please take a moment to Vote and send me a note. I enjoy hearing from you all. We have time to talk... Grace told the Johnsons (the butler and maid) that they could go home and not to come in tomorrow, We would take care of ourselves. After she saw them gone. She led me to the bedroom, which it turns out was what today would be called a Master Suite. It was almost completely self contained. The only...

3 years ago
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JenniferChapter 16

Jennifer and Margaret lolled in hammocks on the front yard of the Lakehouse. It had been a little over a week since Jennifer had talked to her mother, and both expected her to show up sometime today. So, they had given themselves a day off and lazed the afternoon away. The manic sex drives they had felt had subsided to their normal horny levels, much to the relief of an exhausted Roger and Rocky. Margaret’s period had come and gone, and she told Jennifer that meant her mother’s had passed,...

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