Mc Allister's RedemptionChapter 6 free porn video

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"It's good to have friends," McAllister noted casually.

The steel horse turned one emerald eye to her rider, and somehow suggested weary patience with the tiny motion. "Very well. Why make this particular observation now?"

McAllister studied the pallet supporting their belongings as it was lifted onto the sailing ship, SV Beaualito. Square and broad of beam, the hull was much higher than the docks, and the complex system of booms and draglines cluttered the air around the ship's masts and yardage.

The crew expected to hoist Sable ignominiously aboard, but with a disdainful flick of tail and ears, the horse calmly walked up the gangplank, which bowed under the great weight of the metal moving across it. McAllister prudently waited for the hooves to clear the gangway before mounting it himself.

In answer, McAllister indicated their belongings, bedding, tent, saddle and gear, along with a goodly supply of food suitable for a long trail ride, were packed on a small three-foot by three-foot pallet, then wrapped in oilcloth and lashed to the deck. A small canoe was aboard, lashed below the stern rail, for McAllister's use getting ashore wherever he expected to debark.

McAllister himself was unsure of where that would be. The Western Continent was a large unknown, with only minimalist maps of it having yet been created. All he had was a twelve-hundred year-old report that Croso or Caruso, whichever he was called, had sailed to the southern half of that continent.

The Master of the Beaualito, one Burnsby by name, would sail to the colony cities the City-States of the Middle Sea formed on the Western Continent. They'd sail generally south by southwest, and beat up the coast until they found the cities. McAllister would disembark when they found land.

The steel horse scoffed at the notion that a dock was needed to disembark, and so Madelle provided a canoe for McAllister.

Sable watched the sailors on the deck, and then, with an equine snort, gave agreement. "It's not so good we leave all these friends behind, McAllister," she observed. "Madelle..."

"Madelle is the new Head of the Church of the Mother," McAllister interrupted, flatly. "Even if the old Head does not yet believe it, or indeed know of it. She is needed here. Our part is to make it possible to remove the old Hierarchy."

"It would be useful to have one who knows when falsehood is spoken," the horse continued, unperturbed.

"Can you offer a theory why you and I cannot so divine?"

"No. I am puzzled."

"Me too, my friend, me too." McAllister watched the stevedores and dockworkers moving on the wharf below.

The ship sailed on.

"Well sir, where are we?" McAllister asked of the Captain.

"I don't know," the Captain answered him from behind the helmsman. "I think we've traveled two hundred leagues generally south by southwest."

"Are there no islands you could spot, to fix your location?" McAllister turned to the man, shocked.

"There are," Burnsby responded.

"Then why don't you have lookouts on the masts to spot them?"

"Because, Sir, they would do no good. On a journey of this length, if I knew where I started to the most precise degree, it would avail me little at the far end, as the imprecision would be so large." The First Mate, by Burnsby's side glared at McAllister.

McAllister said nothing, though his jaw set. Later that evening, he obtained some of the shipmaster's precious vellum, and sat, late into the night, resting against the horse's leg, staring at stars and occasionally marking their positions on the paper.

It took McAllister some time to explain the concept of latitude and longitude on the world's surface the next morning, and he was morosely certain the majority of his audience only humored him. The First Mate had a truculent air about him, as if his failure to understand McAllister's excursion into the geometry of the world were willful.

On the fiftieth day of the journey McAllister's boredom was finally broken.

Under a broken cloud cover, with much haze in the air, the Beaualito moved listlessly, rocking in the gentle swells, making slow headway. The creaking of ropes and the occasional ruffle of the nearly empty sails in the nearly nonexistent wind filled the stultifyingly moist and heavy, oppressive air.

Ahead of the ship, with an odd tearing noise, the sea bulged and lifted. A large triangular head, malachite in color, iridescent, rose from the water, and stood a dozen feet over the surface. Water rushed and tumbled into the void left behind that massive head, and swirled with some noise behind the graceful neck suspending it.

The tumult awoke McAllister, who scrambled to his feet beside Sable, and together they stood and stared over the gunwale to the port side into large eyes with vertical slits for pupils. The pupils were encircled by emerald irises, the eyes fully two yards apart in a long, toothy face covered in fine scales of vibrant green.

"Hail, Cousin," the monstrous creature 'spoke', and McAllister understood. Behind him there was alarm and panic, and McAllister turned.

"Hold," he commanded. "If this creature means us harm, harm it will do. The man who unleashes a weapon will answer to me." McAllister fixed the First Mate with a stare, then returned to the giant serpent.

"Why do you greet us so?" McAllister asked, in the silent way.

"I greet my cousin, beside you, Man," the other answered, "though you are like us."

Surprised, McAllister turned to Sable. "You know each other?"

The clouds had closed in, and the now-pointless sails reefed, bundled tightly to the yardarms. Ahead of them, the anchor rope creaked against the capstan, as the sea-dragon towed the ship. Burnsby watched the rope almost angrily. "How did I get to this pass?" he asked his First Mate. "Who is this McAllister?"

"I was a Captain of Marines, men who sailed on fighting vessels, and would fight hand-to-hand against pirates, or board or repel boarders." McAllister spoke from his position behind a pallet, previously unseen. "I was unfairly captured, betrayed, and when I refused a slave's brand was shredded in an instant by a stupid little man who cursed me and excommunicated me from his Church as he killed me. Never mind my church was not his."

Seeing the Captain understood, McAllister finished the tale. "I escaped from Hell, and with the aid of my companion Horse, I came here. I was charged with finding a lost relic of the Church of the Mother, and that is why the Deacon of that Church moved amongst you, to gauge your measure. You see me now, I am no different than you."

There was silence as the Captain and his First Mate left McAllister.

"I heard and knew each word to be the truth," the sea-dragon ahead of them caused him to 'hear'.

The SV Beaualito stood several hundred yards off the limestone that tumbled off the escarpment and formed the rocky beach of the cove, unable to draw closer for fear of submerged rocks.

"I will swim into my home," the sea-dragon 'told' them from under the surface, ahead of them. "You may enter from over the land, less than a quarter mile inland is an entrance. Have a care, cousin, debarking from your vessel, the water below is still some ten fathoms."

McAllister and Sable turned to look at the crew, every man silently watching the two of them.

"Set the anchor, please, Mister Boatswain," McAllister ordered.

"McAllister, I can reach the shore, but I would crash through the gunwale. Please have them construct me a ramp, using the gangway, and lash it in place."

McAllister nodded, and asked 'why' after he gave the order.

"Because you may not be aware of it, but I am some twenty tons," came the answer. "I have a limited ability to firm the footing I stand on, and spread the load without visible means, though on water, its speed I need to push my weight against the water's own resistance to movement."

McAllister understood. "The faster you move across the surface, the more you can rely on the surface to seem firm."

"Yes. I cannot run from here back to Marcelon, as I would quickly develop too much heat, but I can accelerate and run across the seven hundred yards to the shore. But there isn't enough room on the deck of this ship for me to clear the gunwale, and I would have the master of the ship wait here for our return."

McAllister nodded, but did not voice his doubts.

Nearly two months had passed since McAllister was last on Sable's back, and now he felt again the power of the horse, so unlike any beast he had ever ridden before. A smooth rush forward, then they were over the water, while the wind tore the tears from his eyes as he lay on the horse's neck.

The shock of each hoof-fall on the water was akin to the shock of running on flagstone. Soon, the horse slowed in the surf, and then they picked their way up the limestone cliff to the top of the escarpment.

McAllister saluted the boat, smaller now in the center of the bay. He was pleased to see the anchor rope still out. The flash from his saber would catch the eyes of the crew, he knew, the crew that was strangely silent when he or Sable was in hearing distance. He reset the pack stuffed with biscuit and salt pork on his shoulder — neither he nor Sable wanted to go ashore without bringing enough to last McAllister for weeks.

Ahead of them waited a low stone building, cut from the same limestone at the base of the cliff.

Descending the stair was not easy, the steps were shallow and wide, causing both Horse and Man difficulty. Sable lit the way with an odd green glow, cast from emerald eyes in twin cones visible in the omnipresent hanging dust.

The staircase led down, to a path hewn out of the limestone, and then into a wetter cave system that reeked of sulphur. Crushed limestone made a path above the uneven cave floor, and wound between dripping, glistening stalactites and sharp stalagmites.

For many minutes they moved amongst the silent sentinels of the dark, guarding secrets it seemed only they and the builder of the path had ever seen. Finally, they reached another stair, one with honest sea-air rising up from the depths. As they reached bottom, McAllister found a cave with water in it, a large underground grotto. Eerie phosphorescent light gave the chamber a dim glow, almost exactly matching the color of Sable's eyes. The great sea-dragon lay around the center isle in a groove its body had worn smooth over time unknown, its sinuous form resting half-in and half-out of the water.

"Welcome to my home," the dragon 'spoke'. "Attend," directed at Sable. A strange and subtle twisting began, and the dragon rushed into itself. McAllister would have sworn the mass of the huge body went ... elsewhere, tucked aside. The body shifted its constituent parts, and then a woman of grace and beauty stood before Horse and Rider, clad in a diaphanous blue gown with blonde tresses stacked high on her head and held with combs. McAllister found her beautiful, but could not place an age on the woman before him.

"This is my form when I am in residence for a period of time," she spoke aloud to her two guests. "Though," she said with a tinge of amusement, "I would as a matter of course omit the clothing. Please, come into my house."

The two exchanged a silent glance, and then followed.

"Why do you not change your shape, Cousin?"

"I do not wish my second attempt to be witnessed," the horse answered with equine equanimity. "And in this form, I need not eat, though I would feed my intellectual hunger."

The woman that was the sea-dragon smiled, and gestured around at the library shelves. Deep in the side of the cave, the living quarters the dragon made for herself were human-scale, though the scale of the living quarters was large.

"This has been my home for twenty-five centuries," the dragon said offhandedly, as if reading her guests' minds. "I've had a lot of time to make myself a home to be at home in."

A small ball of furry creature with wide wings stuck at a silly angle to the funny body launched itself the length of the library, gaining speed, chirping "Kee rah, kee rah", before colliding with the woman in the sapphire dress. It reached up with a wing with hook-like fingers on it, and pulled a comb from the blonde's hair, causing it to tumble over a shoulder.

"My familiar Yivani," she introduced the small creature. McAllister saw the glint of an eye as it wormed its way under the dragon's blonde tresses, perched on her shoulder.

"I am McAllister," he said gravely, to the small creature.

"And I am Sable," the horse spoke aloud.

"I am Kira," the dragon in human form replied. "Yivani is a friend, who wandered into my cave as her kind is wont to do. She elected to stay with me, though she does get lonely from time to time when I am out in the wide world." Kira looked down fondly at the bat, and made a chirring noise with her lips, one the small creature echoed.

"Why did you greet me as cousin?" Sable asked Kira, aloud.

If Kira were taken aback by the bluntness of the question, she showed no sign of it. "Like you, I was born in the place we left. I escaped tens of thousands of years ago, in a great breaking, when all manner of things escaped." The other woman smiled sadly. "I chose wisely in my form for survival in this world, but not so wisely as a female might."

She looked up, and told Sable defiantly, "I was hiding from those who would chase, to force me back to Hell, the Gods and other denizens of the planes. Nowadays, Hell itself pulls its own back to the Abyss, to avoid a repetition of that Great Hunt. I suspect you two have been beset and Hounded during your sojourn?"

McAllister nodded, once.

Sable, though, asked a different question. "Twenty or more centuries, and without male companionship?"

Kira met the emerald gaze with her own sapphire eyes. "There were no other dragons of any type on this world, Sable."

Sable pressed. "A human male?"

"Would be consumed," Kira answered, sadly. "I would not do that to any creature. I am not evil, though I was born in Hell. You of all people should know that."

"He has the internal Fire, as you have seen. McAllister is no ordinary man," Sable said, aloud, quietly. "If he wishes it, you are guaranteed to conceive a child."

Unexpectedly excluded from the conversation, McAllister watched the two Hellborn stare at one another, though he knew they were discussing him.

McAllister sat in one of the chairs under a glowing lamp, fuelled by no visible means, and picked up the book on the table next to it. A moment later, Yivani worked her way out from under the blonde hair of the Dragon Kira, and flapped over to McAllister. "You are different," the familiar said, then, "scratch!" and extended her neck to be rubbed.

Kira came to him, later, as he sat in the entrance to the ruddy limestone building on the desert plain, looking off the cliff at the faraway ocean. Together they watched from afar as the Captain of the Beaualito and one sailor were lowered over the side of the ship in McAllister's small boat. The Beaualito then sailed off, northward. The men in the boat raised sail and followed, albeit more slowly.

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Great sex with my Bhabhi

We are two brothers and one sister living in a combined family system, sister is younger than me and brother is older than me and married, he is also living with us with his wife, her name is Ramya and let me tell you she is very gorgeous and sexy. She is dynamite. It all happened to me when my brother got a job abroad and he left for Saudi Arabia just after 3 months after his marriage. He was not willing to go but our economical situation was not very good and in order to support his family he...

4 years ago
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Eclipse The Waning Of John Blake

I. John had shown no movement for six days. He had made no sound. He was only recently released to his present hospital room from the strictly quarantined, Infectious Disease Intensive Care Ward. He hovered in a state of half-consciousness as his wife Julia, finally allowed at his side, held his hand as she listened to the man in the white jacket at bedside. “Well, at least we know whatever bug he’s got is no longer contagious,” said the doctor, one of the country’s leading specialists in...

1 year ago
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PrettyDirty Jaclyn Taylor Caught With The Butler

Horny housewife Jaclyn Taylor has the hots for her new butler, Xander Corvus. Unbeknownst to her husband and to Xander, with whom she’s constantly flirting, she decides today is the day they’re finally going to fuck. While her husband is watching the big game, she mixes his sleeping pills into his drink. After a few seconds he dozes off and then the fun begins! Xander is a little apprehensive at first, considering his boss is sitting in the room where he’s about to fuck his...

4 years ago
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Something interesting

Well, this is gonna be short and to the point, just something i wanted to share with you all and get your feed back....recently my friend came over, one of those friends with benefits, she is a great girl with fantastic tits, i love making out with her and grabbing those gorgeous things threw her anyway, I lay her down on the bed, start licking her threw her panties (i love that). i pull her panties down and dive in tongue first, licking that sweet pussy and sucking on her lips, she...

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11th GradeChapter 16

"I'd rather go back to the orphanage to live, than spend another five minutes here, discussing Brenda. Maybe that's what you need to do, Mama, send me back, and go find another boy, one who would be happy to start all over again with Brenda." I stood up from the table then, asking to be excused, and half ran, half walked, to the front door. I heard Dad calling after me, and I heard my mother, angrily yelling at me, demanding that I come back, so she could finish discussing this with me....

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MAU Sisters of the Night

This story copyright by the author 2001, all rights reserved. It may be posted at Fictionmania and any free site with the permission of the author. ******************************** MAU: Sisters of the Night Synopsis: A couple of roommates stumble across an MAU and decide to use it to get really great Halloween costumes to crash a Fraternity party. When the big night comes, they can't get in. Then one of the guys lets his fascination with creatures of the night run amok, and they...

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The Eighth Warden Book 3Chapter 9

Peregrine may not have been as large as the massive cargo carracks that formed the bulk of the Senshall fleet, but at over a hundred and fifty feet long, and thirty feet across at her widest point, she was still a big ship. And a busy ship. Corec had to wait his turn to ascend the ramp from the pier to the main deck, while the sailors ahead of him rolled a heavy barrel up the incline. When he made it to the deck, he greeted Boktar, who was crossing items off a checklist. “There was nothing...

3 years ago
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A Teacher and Her Student a Forbidden LoveChapter 2 Its Saturday

The next morning Alice woke up groggily, confused to where she was. Damn it ... I fell asleep on the couch, again. At least it's Saturday. Oh wait ... It IS Saturday! Sitting upright she suddenly remembered that John was supposed to come over later today. Glancing at the clock, however, she saw that it was only ten a.m., it'd be another four hours until he would come over. Alice turned off the TV and after that she went to the toilet to do her business. She was relieved that her ankle...

4 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 269 About Cuties and Ducklings Especially Diana and Claire Norris

Late-June to Early-July, 2005 I didn't screw any of the Cuties or Ducklings before we went to Europe, although I easily could have. I was really saving that until we had the privacy of the mansion. We did get each group to arrange a mass get together which I just coincidentally happened to be in the area of. I stopped to talk with my sister and her friends, and much flirting ensued. Our clothes remained on, although we did play a few fondling games when we could be sure that no one was...

1 year ago
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The Vicars Wife Part One

All of my stories include descriptions of sex scenes that could cause offence to some people. Please do not read this story if you are offended by perverse sexual material, or if you are under the legal age of consent for your own country. These stories are pure fiction and are not based on anyone living or deceased. When is a r-ape not a r-ape? I pose this question, and maybe once you’ve read the story I’m about to tell, you will understand why. The first part of my story happened to me some...

First Time
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First Time in a mans arse

It had been some time since Paul and I met for the first time. We had both been nervous and at the same time excited when we actually got to touch, hold and suck other's cock. We had texted often, exploring our sexual preferences, each time taking it a little further. When he said that his wife wanted to see him suck me in front of her, my cock went hard instantly - I knew I wanted him too.The day came, Paul and Jane came round to mine and we made some small talk over a glass of wine. Paul went...

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First Time Ever Having an Orgasm

My name is Alex, at the time I was a 16 year old teen with crazy emotions. I was tall, 6'1", I was very athletic and was on the football team in high school. You can say I was one of the few nerdy popular kids. I got straight 'A's and was just handsome enough for the girls to like me.One hot June afternoon, my parents went away to go shopping and I was all alone. I went on Youtube to see if I could get a good laugh at some videos. As I'm watching my favorite video, I notice that there is a...

3 years ago
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Just A Little Orgy

Ah to be young again! To be able to get a hard on without even thinking about it or waking up with a real stocker just doesn,t happen at 74! On the rare occasion wife Sarah feels in the mood to give me a hand job or reminds we of what a waste of cocksucking talent she once had even then I need a tablet to boost my “old soldier” but he can still do his duty and shoots just as heavy a load as he always has! My memory works much better than my cock and I often reminisce of my security life way...

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My Friend Harshita 8211 Part 7 Blackmailed

Tina said, “You heard that right! Be our slave or we publish all your videos and picture to the whole college.” I was confused as to what she was talking about? I looked at my roomies. Akansha walked towards me. Dropped down her shorts and panties. And in a very commanding voice said, “Lick it.” I looked at her pussy. I knew if I didn’t follow her she would do something. So I went down and started licking her pussy and she said, “Good girl.” Within a minute everyone was naked. They tore off my...

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Dolcett County Ponygirls

Dolcett County PonygirlsBy Sarah        Author’s Note:  I would like to thank P_Eric of the forum, for introducing us to the idea of the multi-zonal jurisdictions in his version of a Dolcett World.  I would also like to thank him for allowing me to use part of his transportation idea, to bring our main character out to the area.  If you haven’t read his work yet, I suggest you first read ?Air Dolcett?,14887.msg169673.html#msg169673  so you can bring...

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Sex With Neighbor Girl 8211 Part II

Hi all ISS readers. Hello this is Rakesh from Bhubaneswar I am 19 years of age 5ft 10in tall and have a good average body as well. I belong to a very middle class family. I’m doing engineering right now. This story is my first as I’m very simple in nature as I don’t have courage till now. Well this story is all about me and my neighbor Poonam. She is a very shy girl. She is 18 years old 5ft 6in tall and a nice and sexy figure. I always had an attraction for her since the day she shifted in. She...

1 year ago
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PornWorld Brittany Bardot Eveline Dellai Naughty Teacher Brittany Bardot Seduces Eveline Dellai Into Taboo Lesbian Session

Sex crazed teacher Brittany Bardot has been giving Eveline Dellai some private history tuition but is more interested in Eveline’s tight teen body instead. She opens up to Eveline about wanting to cheat on her boyfriend. Although hesitant at first, Miss Bardot persuades Eveline into ditching the books in favour of her first lesbian experience instead and these hot babes kiss before Brittany pulls Eveline’s panties to one side to lick her pussy! Eveline soon has her tongue inside her...

3 years ago
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Revenge of the NerdChapter 68

"I don't know if I saw something or not, Jeff. I just felt something. It might have been a look in his eyes or a tone of voice when he said that, but I just felt there was an implied after I get rid of that interloper when he talked about taking me under his wing." "Maybe you're just not used to him giving in or handing out credit." "It could be. It's really difficult to quantify intangibles." Jeff gave me a look. "You're playing around with words," he said in a sing-song...

3 years ago
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For her

I’d start by pulling you down onto your bed with me as I lock my mouth onto yours in a deep kiss. I’d roll half on top of you tangling the fingers from one hand in your hair pulling you deeper into the kiss, as I slide my other hand under your shirt and massage your breast through your bra, lightly pinching your nipple through it. After I’ve teased and tweaked your nipples rock hard, I’ll move my had around and deftly unhook your bra before sliding the accursed thing off you and out of my way...

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Unforgettable Sex With Samata

Hi guys, one more story for Indian sex stories, I received lots of comments & mails after my first story, but one mail has brighten my life ones again, hence here with new story .those who haven’t read my previous story, here is the link . Well let me tell you about myself first, HI, this is abhimanyu (25), Adventure lover & Businessman from pune, Marathi guy with fair complexion, chubby looks and 5″ dick. Any girl/woman of any age from Pune may contact me at for a thrilling sexual...

3 years ago
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Fangs for the Mammaries

My prey this night was in a modern American city. People who live here feel compelled to go out at night no matter how dangerous it might be so there is always plenty of nourishment to be had. The occasional mugger is a worry, to be sure, but no one is worried about vampires in this enlightened society. It was quite different as little as a century before when the vast majority stayed indoors at night and set wards against my kind. Being able to feed regularly was a challenge. Now, it’s...

2 years ago
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Slut Pills

It could all be so funny if it hadn't been so serious, my wife of three years was naked on the floor with a stranger pounding between her legs. Not only that two others were waiting for their turn. My wife, although beautiful with an almost perfect body, was totally sexless. I didn't know this until after we were married of course for she, if she wanted to could put on good performance of unrestrained lust. To look at her you would think she was this sex bomb, always dressed to tease in...

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The Tales of TanitsarChapter 13 Disappointment

"This is where the temple used to be," Thesia pointed. "Now the rich families live there; they built their palaces on the ruins. Over there, that used to be the royal palace; now the Eldermen rule from it." Thesia pointed out important buildings to Macro, Alana, and Anais, as the caravelle entered the wide harbour of Helas, the rich capital of Hanilei. On Macro's orders the seven ships cast anchor in the outer harbour, more than twenty ship's lengths from the quays. A boat was then...

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SimoneChapter 10

Greg was awakened in a way he had not been for years. He awoke to the delightful feeling of having his penis sucked to erection. He could scarcely believe his eyes when he looked down and saw that Simone had opened his robe and was kneeling next to the couch with his semi-hard cock in her mouth. "Holy shit, Simone!" He exclaimed. "What the hell is all this about?" "Oh, Greg," she cooed after removing his member from her mouth, "After the things you said this morning, I just wanted to...

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The Afterparty Part 2

As Summer lay in a pool of sperm soaken sheets, she dazed in and out from the hangover and the multiple orgasms she just had. She dazed in and out, coming into consciousness as she heard voices of two men down the hall. Neither one was the voice of Pete. The door was still open and the voices got closer. It took a lot of her strength just to try and pry her legs close as much as possible as she turned her head away. Her legs began to tremble as they approached the door. They did not enter,...

4 years ago
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New Sensations

You and I arrive at our special meeting place horny as hell. I want you as much as you want me. Finally we arrive at our room. You walk in first and I follow. I lock the door behind us and when I turn around, you stand there, waiting. I smile. My mistress is always waiting for me. "What does master command of me?” you ask, as you drop to your knees My command? I walk to you and raise to stand before me, place a sensual kiss on your lips. With my lips still against yours I whisper, “Take off...

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New School Leader

Dan is new at East West College. He had just graduated high school, and was excited to take over this place as he did his High School. He had an extremely magic item, and it basically gave him the power to be god. His watch around his wrist allowed him to take control of any individual, and make them his. He liked to use this power for his own benefit, even though he could be a superhero if he wanted too. His favorite thing to do was to fuck hot chicks with it. If he saw a hot girl hanging out...

Mind Control
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Model turns slut 2

"What exactly would I have to do?, she asked." You would be paid to be the entertainment for nineteen men at the frat house. Whatever they want, you would be expected to do. Do you think you'd want handle nineteen guys? "Sounds like it could be fun," Barbara replied. "What time should I be there." I gave Barbara all the details and to ask for Mark when she arrived. I told her I would be there to take pictures of her performance. Barbara arrived Saturday right on time at 8:00 pm. I...

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