Mc Allister's RedemptionChapter 7 free porn video

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"Where do we go from here?" Sable asked in the morning.

"Overland," he said. "Kira, there were civilizations here, in the past, no?"

"Here and on the far western coast," she agreed. "Rafael's Prysia had colonies here, to mine for copper and gold, and those colonies traded with the Western civilization where they could. The colonies failed, and the colonists moved to the more-successful colonies of the north."

"Do you suppose it was a Western city that Raphael sent Caruso to?" McAllister wondered aloud.

"When last I was on the western shore," Kira reflected, after a brief pause to scratch Yavani under the chin, "ninety years ago, there were cities founded by the Easterners there. Inland there are native cultures, some who use tools chipped from stone, and some more civilized. I have heard rumors, from the Middle-Sea men to the north, of cities of gold, and of horrible deaths for those who have tried to go through the interior. I have heard stories from the Easterners of horrible savages who fight strangers without provocation. The truth," she said, dryly, "is probably somewhere in between."

As evening fell one day somewhat later, Kira laid out the finest her home had to offer. For the meal, Sable wore Kira's darkest clothing, to minimize the contrast between her skin and the deep azure. McAllister sipped the three-hundred year-old brandy, appreciative of the art of the long-ago craftsman who'd distilled it and of the moment of calm security, one of the few he had yet had on this world. The meal itself was fishcakes and bread, with some small jellies that were preserved in tiny glass pots under paraffin. The flour to bake the bread and firm the fishcakes had come from a barrel next to the jellies and brandy — and McAllister complimented Kira on her ability to preserve.

"I go from preservation to creation, at long last. McAllister and Sable, you are forever welcome in my home." Suiting her words, Kira kissed each on the cheek.

In the morning, goodbyes were shared. "Someday," Sable promised Kira, and she understood. McAllister watched, as Sable shifted into the familiar metal equine form before his eyes. The blue gown, she kept ... somewhere.

Seeing Kira's concern, Sable assured them both "I do not tire or hunger in this form. I will need to eat much, as a human, someday, but I can go for decades as it is now."

"Do not forget her, Mother," McAllister said, almost conversationally to their patron Goddess as they left, meaning Kira. He received amusement, and then a firm acknowledgement in return.

Little had been exchanged between horse and rider, as they rode to the north and west.

McAllister consulted the copy of the star-chart and his lodestone compass. Deciding there really was nothing in the wasteland they crossed to keep them from holding course, he asked Sable if she had any internal sense of North. His reasoning was simple, the horse was made from metal, the lodestone was an ore of metal...

"No," the horse snorted.

"Do you know," McAllister noted lightly, "there's a certain brevity of your speech, the things you say, when you're in this form, compared to your other."

"Yes," the horse said. Many hours passed before the horse spoke again. McAllister endured it with a smile.

There came a point when even the spare-of-speech horse felt compelled to end the silence, to her exasperation, and McAllister's quiet satisfaction. "McAllister," she began, the slight irritation tingeing her 'words', "why haven't you asked about the similarity between you and I that Kira and I have each remarked upon?"

"I had thought it was that I am undead, that I had made this body I wear?" Surprised, McAllister had been distracted enough that the rolling terrain bounced him in his seat, further discomfiting him.

If Sable were pleased that McAllister showed surprise, she didn't let it color her response. "It is the internal fire, McAllister. Yours is of the True Fire, as is Kira's and mine." She paused for a moment, then continued with some degree of dubiousness. "I think that is what draws us to you at first, you are akin to us. No wonder the human women have no chance. McAllister, sometime on this journey, we should make time to explore this quality of yours. There are those who can affect the world without through the use of the fire within, and they are feared and respected, even by the Gods. I am a weak sorceress, but I think I can teach you."

"I suppose it's too late to avoid notice by Gods," McAllister made his reply a short while later, having digested Sable's words, "as we're now on an errand for them, and all."

"Do you see any reason to stop?"

McAllister considered. "I am not tired, and given what you have taught me, I can see in the near-dark, as can you. Very well."

Together, Horse and Man ran through the night.

The next day was hotter, the land higher, McAllister knew. The desert became more sere, drier and somehow less hospitable.

Riding turned dreamlike, a long, unrelieved succession of strange spiky plants, dust, and rolling washes and gullies. The heat beat down, and Sable stopped occasionally, for McAllister to dismount while the horse exhaled jets of blue-hot air from her nostrils for a few minutes, stopping when the color faded through yellow to orange. The dust and sparse vegetation under those twin jets of superheated air crackled and popped, and burn away in small orange sparkles, an impressive sight at dusk.

McAllister did wonder at the apparent lack of need to sleep. "Why do you suppose that is?" he asked Sable.

"McAllister, you are undead. You consort with Gods, and Hellborn. You visit Divine planes. Why do you question this?"

Hot answer held in check, McAllister continued to wonder.

Four days later, they cantered between mountains, and down into a desert full of spiked and hardy plants, in a large valley. McAllister was glad to be riding a horse of steel, even though many of the plants had thorns that penetrated the boots Auben gave him what seemed a continent and a lifetime ago.

In the distance, McAllister saw, from time to time, roving bands of huntsmen, nearly naked, with arrows and spears. Without much communication, both Sable and he agreed they wanted no part of the locals, and steered away from them.

McAllister cursed, though softly, the phenomenon with the lodestone. It was drawn to Sable, and he had to make his readings several paces from the horse. With the local bands of huntsmen, McAllister had not wanted to stop even so long or be separated from Sable. It meant his navigation was more difficult, and as the desert became hotter, he abandoned his attempt to navigate under the stars.

Hotter still it became, and water scarcer. McAllister studied the mountains, looking for snow on them, which would mean fresh streams, but found only brown rock. The last river they crossed, the day before, was sluggish and brown, and McAllister did not wish to brave the mosquitoes to find out if the water were even safe to drink. He had no pot to boil it in though Sable could easily have provided the heat.

As high as they were in the inhospitable land and with no water for miles, they had not seen any of the native hunters. Together they stopped at the saddle of the pass between mountains they had climbed before noon. Before them was a massive valley, bright with reflected sunlight from the sandy floor, thousands of feet below. Majestically, above the haze over the desert floor, perhaps a hundred miles distant rose a range of mountains with snowy caps. "Conserve your water. We will stay up here until nightfall," Sable ordered. McAllister nodded, and they found shade under an outcrop of rock. "Sleep," Sable told him, and McAllister did.

The next day found them picking their way down the mountain toward the desert floor before the sun broke over the mountain behind them. By the third hour of the morning light, they raced across the desert, Sable venting nearly pure fire as McAllister held on grimly.

For six hours in the day's heat they cantered across the desert. McAllister guessed the ravines and gullies and stunted growth littering the desert floor slowed them to perhaps fifteen miles to the hour.

The heat of the air and Sable's breath had nearly cooked his reddened legs thoroughly when they at last reached the foothills and nearer slopes of the mountains.

Sable angled toward a pass, with a hot, dry wind whistling through and scorching them. At last, they broke over the pass, and could see the land before them fall down several thousand feet toward an ocean, a bare hint of blue on the horizon, sparkling and cool. The land here in the heights was grassy, possessing many trees, though not a forest.

"I smell water," Sable informed him, moving toward the source. A few minutes later, they found a mountain stream tumbling down the pass beside them, and McAllister fell out of the saddle while Sable plowed in. With an angry hiss, and much bubbling, a large cloud of steam evolved, obscuring the steel horse.

Moments later, the steam began to cool, and as it parted, McAllister saw, as if a vision, the dark, metallic-skinned woman step forward, with the sheen of metal in her dusky hair. His eye latched onto the modest curve of her breast, and the line of her taut stomach indented by a tiny navel, to the hint of metallic-toned hair between her thighs, to the exquisitely muscled calf rising from the water. "Come," she breathed, dark eyes glittering in her dark face, "Come and let me wash the dust from you." After she had, she tasted of him what she could.

Together they played and frolicked in the cold, clear water, after McAllister drank his fill, and they made love in the grass beside the stream until the starry sky framed her glorious hair, and the moonlight lit her body and traced it in light and shadow. McAllister felt his breath catch as she gripped him and rose over him to mount him. Together they shared the moment as together they shared the night, and together would face the dawn.

It was a pleasant and leisurely ride down out of the mountains, especially when compared against the pace of the last few days, and McAllister killed a rabbit with a stone for his noon meal. On this side of the mountains, the air was cooler, with hints of the ocean still far ahead.

"We are being watched," Sable told McAllister in the silent way, shortly after leaving the fire where McAllister had his lunch.

"More, we are being followed," McAllister agreed in the same manner, watching the dark forms flit from tree trunk to tree trunk.

"They are not very good at concealment, and they seem somewhat under-tall to me," Sable replied. "But keep your wits about you, they could still surprise us when we leave the tree line."

At the tree line, those following gave up any pretense of concealment, and instead formed a small company of perhaps six, who trotted behind them. At least one ran ahead, for when McAllister and Sable found a road, a mounted party of twelve waited for them.

The original half dozen melted back into the trees, and the riding party fell in behind them as they cantered, unhindered, down the road.

As night fell, there were murmurs behind them when it became apparent McAllister and Sable would continue into the dark. Both McAllister and Sable were comfortable in the strange light they could see, brightened by Sable's fiery breath, though their escort could not see on the cloudy night, and was not comfortable with the darkened ride.

When the cloud passed and the moon shone, a rider pelted past the Man and Horse, riding hard for an objective up the road. Soon, McAllister and Sable found another party waiting for them, another dozen, to replace the original.

Still, McAllister and Sable rode through the night, and the road became paved with gravel, with neat fences on the sides, and the occasional village they thudded through, thirteen horses and thirteen riders.

"I wonder if they know I am restraining my stride?" Sable asked McAllister, about the fifth hour of the night.

"I think they suspect."

By dawn's light, the sky rosy behind the mountains they'd left the day before, McAllister could see they rode in urbanized farmland — well-ordered plots of land, with many homes about. The people in the land were shorter, with a decidedly sallow tint to their skin, and he found himself thinking of Chinamen from his own world.

Up close, when they overtook a farmer and his oxen-drawn cart, McAllister decided he was right, the fold of the eye and the look of the face were exactly as he remembered on the few Chinamen he'd seen sailing on His Majesty's Ships.

"Do you have an idea of where we want to be?" Sable asked, as they approached an ornate lacquered gate, all reds and golds on black.

"None. Perhaps we should ask our escort?" Sable snorted hot amusement at that, jets of air visibly glowing even in daylight.

McAllister gave a subtle rearward shift to his weight, and Sable stopped. He looked over his shoulder at the man with the most ornate decoration on his leather clothing, and made a crooked-finger 'come here' gesture.

"Can you understand me?" McAllister asked.

"Do you speak Han, a civilized language?" was the other man's reply.

"This is a civilized language," McAllister responded, and the man showed surprise at hearing McAllister speak a language he knew. McAllister shrugged. "Where would you want me to go in this city?"

Now the other seemed taken aback. "We had assumed that you knew where you were going. Seldom does any but a savage come from over those mountains. We were watching you as a curiosity, if you will."

"As a precaution, aye," McAllister said. "But knowing now that I have no immediate aim, but a longer-term purpose, where would you see me willingly lead you?"

The other regarded him steadily. "You are a military man, are you not?"

"I was. Now, I ... the King I once served is on another world." McAllister could not say why he told the man the truth, other than that lying was not overmuch in his nature.

"If I and another were to accompany you to the palace, would that satisfy your honor?" The other expressed no surprise at McAllister's casual reference to other worlds.

"My need for honor? Certainly. I would give you my word that you should need no more than yourself and one other ... Lieutenant?" McAllister guessed at the rank.

"Sub-Lieutenant. Very well, then, I shall dismiss these others."

True to his word, a quick conversation with the others, and they turned their horses about, all save one, who stayed with the Captain.

Sable 'said', quietly, to McAllister, "I do not understand their language when they are not speaking to us, McAllister. This is strange, and a little worrisome."

Without moving, he answered, "As you hear it more, you will understand. I don't fully understand how this gift from the Mother works, but in this I feel confident, for I remember it as being so when we first were riding through Troyer."

"I hope you are right, McAllister."

They were not given time to wonder more of it, as the Sub-Lieutenant of Horse, as McAllister styled the man, rode beside them, his horse little shorter than Sable, the man's head level with McAllister's shoulder. Behind McAllister followed the sub-lieutenant's small troop of horse. As they traveled, McAllister had the chance to study the other man's gear.

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Chapter Six   I went to the door to the hall, I hadn’t even tried it before…or had I?   Maybe Charles had unlocked it when the shower came on or something, I’d have sworn we were locked in.   In my bare feet I slipped to the balcony and watched as Sally walked across the room towards my uncle by the fireplace…as Charles turned I realized that he too was enamored with Sally’s body, his cock was just as swollen as the one now filling between my thighs.   I slipped...

2 years ago
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College Initiation

She had never once thought about it. She never once was around any girl, that she could recall who’d even spoken about it either. In fact, she had never even once, when showering or otherwise, such alone in her bedroom, considered doing something like what she learned later on. Yes, Cassandra, or Sandie as she liked and wanted to be called, soon learned about the “art” of masturbation. When she’d heard about it, this young lady from the sticks was amazed at what she’d learned. Yes, she was...

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Wife Restores Sexual Balance

Restoring Sexual BalanceI was a bit pissed off that my husband Andrew, had fucked our best friend’s teenage daughter. Not because he was fucking a young girl – Arkie was also our daughter’s best friend – but because, well I admit it……I was jealous. It wasn’t the first time he had fucked her – that was at our home a few weeks earlier. But that was more understandable – on that occasion Arkie and her mother Anna had stayed at our house on Saturday night. Although Anna and Andrew and I all slept...

1 year ago
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TeenPies Jade Jantzen Lets Make A Baby

Big Pete was folding his girl Jade Jantzens laundry and was pretty pissed about it. He would rather be at the gym getting some gains. Just as he was about to finish, he noticed a tank top that was way too big for a girl and definitely not his. Jade denied it, and Peter eventually digressed. He‘s been too paranoid from watching all these movies about cheating lovers lately. Pete was sorry, until he overheard Jade talking to a guy about how dumb he is for leaving his shirt at her place! Jade is...

3 years ago
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Camping with my Niece Part 1

Introduction: Ive changed the names, but the story is true. This is just the intro to a series of reallife adventures between my Niece & me. 5 Days in The Adirondacks with my Niece Did I think about fucking her before the trip began, Yes. Did I want to fuck her? Yes again. Did I think it would happen? Not a chance. But just in case I put a few condoms and blue boner pills in my first aid kit. Im 42 years old avid hiker having traversed the three major trails in North America. To...

4 years ago
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Cheer Raider SABRE Panther Episode 11

EPISODE 11: "Mecha Meets its Match? Cheer Raider Captured!" "Alright, Matt, come at me," Jennifer invited. Matt smiled and ran towards her, his fist raised in preparation for a punch. The next thing he knew, he was flat on his back with the wind knocked out of him. "Very good, Jennifer, that was well done," said Ricketts. As promised, General Alvarez had assigned him to give them a crash course in some basic battle techniques. In the spirit of things, they were both wearing...

4 years ago
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What if She WantedChapter 6 Candys submission Part 1

After Saturday's party, my ass was on fire. The monster dildo that impaled me for most of the evening had stretched me, a huge invader in my rear that got my attention. The hot sauce that covered it made sure that it kept it, long after it was out. Even during the horrible torture to my pussy, the caning and the cigar burns; it maintained, in the background, a throbbing counterpoint to the screaming horror coming from my pussy. Even now, as Simon baths me, tenderly applies cold cram to my...

2 years ago
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After Corona In The DormsChapter 6

Feeling Diane fit alongside me like a puzzle piece was one of the best sensations I had every imagined. Like putting on a warm pair of slippers that fit perfectly, or diving into a cool pool on a hot day and feeling the water embrace you. It just felt right. Which is why my phone buzzing over on my desk was such an annoying distraction. I was prepared to keep ignoring it, but then I heard a second chime start up and Diane shifted to look at her bag. We somewhat awkwardly moved around to get...

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Night at the Video Store part 3

There I was a sissy bimbo dressed like a slut in a short black micro mini skirt, spike heels, lots of junk jewelry, huge platinum blonde wig, shoulder strap white fur purse and, of course, perfect make up.I had never been to this video theatre before and was nervous at first, but I waited for my eyes to adjust to the darkness and then moved into the theatre area. Screen five was recommended to me by the door girl, who I knew from other theatres. She knew I was a cross dresser and a bimbo slut...

1 year ago
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SisLovesMe Jasmine Grey Moist Stepsister Massage

Jasmine Grey is bored hanging around the house, so she heads into her stepbrothers room to hang out. They sit on the bed together and try to figure out something to do. Soon, Jasmines stepbro gives her a special massage, slipping his fingers in and out of her juicy pussy as she cums. Later, Jasmine wants to return the favor. Their parents are out of the house, so she gets on her knees and sucks her stepbros thick dick. A couple days later, Jasmine waits for her stepbrother on the bed completely...

3 years ago
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A friend fixes a couple up with a black man to fulfill the couple8217s fantasy about sharing a stranger

Diane said, “I didn’t forget about fixing you up.” Pam laughed. “Fix me up?” “You know, with a black man,” Diane said smiling. Pam’s heart beat a little quicker. Diane handed Pam a piece of paper. “Here’s his number. He lives in Round Rock and he’s bi-sexual like your husband, too.” “How do you know?” asked Pam. “I used to date him,” replied Diane. “We always did 3- somes. It’s how I met...

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one summers night

The wife and I were sat in our back garden on a beautiful summers saturday night, enjoying the warm weather and a couple of beers. The lady next door but one was doing the same and we got talking, my wife invited her round to ours for a drink.She was 44 around 14 stone, single and a care worker, called Alice.She came round and we were chatting away for around three hours, then when it got dark we went inside and carried on talking and drinking.My wife went to the toilet and I said to Alice...

2 years ago
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Smooth sex

Aaj share rickshaw mein mein baitha intezaar kar raha tha ki jaldi se ek aur yatri aa jae aur yeh rickshaw chale. Aaj office se nikalne mein der ho gai thi aur gaadi bhi nahin laya tha. Jab koi rickshaw chalne ko taiyar nahin hua to share rickshaw mein baith gaya. Ab raat ke aath baj rahe the. Aur tabhi ek aurat aakar mere dayin (right) taraf baith gai. Aur rickshay wale ne yatra shuru ki. Main us left side baithe buddhe mote is aurat ke beech sandwich ban gaya tha. Mein beech mein apna laptop...

4 years ago
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The Chastity Belt

Wearing the chastity belt for a year had been harder to bear than I'd expected. I mean, I was skeptical about it when she first suggested it, saying that she wanted me to wear it for a year to demonstrate my devotion to her, but as she slowly talked me into it I managed to convince myself that it couldn't be all that bad, especially since I'd know it would be removed eventually. I hadn't realized how frustrated I could get, or that frustration could actually drive me to tears. "I really want...

1 year ago
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Four Generations One Roof

Feedback greatly appreciated Characters The Standish’s David - Me - 57 Bela - wife - 55 ish’s David - Me - 57 Bela - wife - 55 Isabel - Bela’s mom - 75 Stanley - Son - 32 Janeen - Stanley’s Wife - 40 Kate - Stanley’s daughter - 14 Carl - Isabel suitor #1 - Bi Jodi - 17yo daughter Randy - Yank Bartender Tanya & Pierce - neighbors Earl - Theatre owner We lived in a township about 20 miles northwest of London, called Rickmansworth. Neat little village, awesome pub called...

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My uncle, aunt, and their family were going on a vacation for a little more than two weeks. My uncle had asked me if I could stay at their house and watch it while they were gone. I was home from college for the summer. He offered to pay me and as a college student I was also looking for ways to make some money. I worked during the day, but agreed I could be there nights and weekends. My uncle had also asked me to mow the grass every Saturday, for which I would be paid extra. STORY On the...

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The Price of Popularity Chapter One The Transformation

James was very unpopular so when he was offered a potion from a local gypsy, he couldn't turn it down. The potion allowed him to become anyone he wanted, he could never have imagined how much would change when he chose the most popular girl in school. The Price of Popularity: Chapter One - The transformation By Tammi Veil James was the bottom of the food chain at school, even the nerds picked on him. The mental abuse over the years had been very hard on him, and he was even...

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Danville BitchesChapter 3

This is a complete fantasy of my own creation. Since it is my own world, there are no STD’s or unwanted pregnancies. All characters practice good hygiene which means showers are only mentioned when a part of the sexual activities. This series is a continuation of The Danville Divorced Bitches Club. It can be read on its own but you may want to read the previous series in order to understand the background as well as the power of the bugs. Please enjoy. Laying on my back, I put my arms...

3 years ago
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The Gift How we started

Let me give you the requisite description of my wife and get that out of the way. My wife is half french and half Vietnamese. She's tall, five foot nine inches tall in thigh high stockings, but with a small muscular frame and not skinny; still weighs a pound or two one way or the other of one hundred and forty pounds; and fills a 34C-cup on the rare non-working occasions when she wore a bra. Her hair is nearly waist long and naturally jet black; however, she's changed colors so many times that...

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Thinking Outside of the Box

Any resemblance between the content of this story or any of the characters depicted herein and real persons or events is highly unlikely and purely coincidental. “Mom! Curt is cheating again!” “I am not! You’re just a sore loser.” “Yes, you are. You reprogrammed the game! You cheater.” “How could I do that? It’s an AI! Hey, leave my setup alone. House! Secure battle plan!” “No, show me what he did.” “All right you two. Knock it off!” Veronica came out of the bedroom wearing only a...

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Nightblade Pt 1 Discovery

The black wall of darkness disappears as men with guns climb out of the smashed black van. The girl looks over her shoulder at me with those dark glowing globes. All of a sudden I feel this intense pressure around me as darkness wraps around me and pushes me behind a car. The sound of gunfire fills the air. As soon as the darkness disappears I glance over the car to see if she’s okay. A shield of darkness surrounds her as bullets disintegrate as they come into contact with it. She then covers...

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SOCCER MOMS – PART 2Wendy finally drove off after dropping Sheila home to cook dinner for the girls. The women had exchanged cell phone numbers.“Call me from a safe place when the girls are in the bedroom together”, whispered Wendy“Ok. I hope I can see something. I don’t know if they’ll want to keep the door open. My room is not next to Linda’s, but I can see in it when I stand in my doorway. I’ll do my best to report and keep one hand on phone”, joked Sheila‘Do your best. Keep your ears open....

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watching dad and mom act

Hi this is Raj, am going to submit a real story which happened couple of years ago. At that time my age was 18 years. My family consists of three. My dad, Raghu is 48 years, mom Rani (38-30-40) is 40 years, and me of Raj 18 years. We live in 2bhk flat a reputed city of Andhra Pradesh.My dad is a sex manic, I saw him ogle at many of aunties in my locality. He also had a crush on our neighbour aunty RadhaAnd I saw him flirting with her (I saw inbox of his mobile, messaging sexy things with her...

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My Cousin Jenn

My Cousin JennI recall that it was about 8 years ago when I got the call about a big family reunion that was planned for the summer. I wasn’t sure if I could make it due to my work schedule and the relationship issues I was dealing with at the time, but I got the pressure from my mother that this could be "the last".... The reunion was going to be in a small town in Texas where one relative I dont even know has a big house and was hosting the gathering during the long July 4th weekend. It...

2 years ago
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Miniskirt Blues Part 3

Miniskirt blues part three: I dreamt that I was at a ball with Sarah. I was wearing a tuxedo and she was wearing a beautiful black ball gown. So when I woke the following morning, with my morning erection and looked at myself in my babydoll nightie and panties I felt humiliated. This was degrading. It was no way for a man to dress. My erection subsided. But as I turned around I felt the caress of the nightie around my body. My erection returned. Yes, I had to admit that this...

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Sperm Donation 6

Sometime later Jack awoke to find himself lying on the same paper-covered table, still nude with his clothes still somewhere in a different room. For a few moments he just rested quietly on the table musing about his recent experiences. So far it seemed that each visit Jack made to the clinic was better than the previous one. Almost immediately after Jack woke up Mei walked in wearing only a smile. Unknown to Jack at the time every room in the clinic contained concealed observation cameras...

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Cuckold Superbowl

It was Super Bowl Sunday. This was always one of Paul's favorite days of the year. Sue, not really a football fan was working against a month end deadline coming up on Wednesday. This was a very big deadline for Sue. Most people in the company knew that someone would be promoted based largely on the results of this very report. It was a dead heat between Sue and another employee, a minority, for the job. Sue's boss was bringing his k**s over to watch the game. He mentionend that he wouldn't...

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ABQ Denise and Martin The Morning After

The Morning After The smell of fresh brewing coffee, bacon frying and eggs woke me up the next morning. I smiled. It took a minute or so to appreciate the reason I have a mustache. I took a deep breath and as much as I love the smell bacon, eggs and coffee, from my mustache came the scent of Denise’s pussy and ass. That over took my mood and my dick started to get hard. I jumped out of bed and went straight to the bathroom to take a piss because I know how hard it is to piss with a hard on...

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SisLovesMe Katie Kush Halloween Stepsister Hammering

Petite Katie Kush is excited for her favorite holiday, Halloween. But today, when she goes out trick or treating, she comes home to find her stepbrother waiting with a big piece of candy. She wraps her fingers around his jolly rancher and sucks his cock until he shoots a gooey load of cum everywhere. Later, Katies stepbrother makes a bet with her. If he can scare her, he gets to slide his dick inside her tight teen cooch. She agrees, and he gets to work. He puts on a scary mask and throws some...


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