MaquisChapter 7 free porn video

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Rural Oxfordshire. July, the same year.

“Good morning Tony, you well?”

“Yes sir.”

“Good. Let’s get moving then.”

Sir Michael Neve climbed into the passenger seat of the estate Land Rover, and the two men, landowner and estate manager, set off on their regular morning inspection of the large multi-use estate.

“Start with the woodlands at the north today sir, there’s something you need to see.”


“I thought I saw something yesterday evening on my way home, but it was late and getting dark so I wasn’t sure. I came out again first light to have a look. I think you’d better see.”

“Oh hell’s bells. Not more travellers?”

“Er, no sir, nor poachers.”

The estate had regularly had travellers camp illegally on parts of the land. It wasn’t the camping that bothered Sir Michael; it was the damage and destruction they caused. The mess they left behind.

Tony Goodwin’s views on travellers were less charitable and Sir Michael knew this, so his estate manager’s reaction puzzled him slightly. Tony seemed at once both more and less concerned than his more usual reaction to travellers, gypsies or poachers.

“I’ve seen less travellers around in the last few months,” Sir Michael mused to himself.

“Good riddance too,” muttered Tony.

The Land Rover bounced around a bend in the track and over a small rise before descending towards the edge of the mixed woodland. There was a small area of hard standing about thirty yards from the edge of the wood, where Tony brought the car to a halt.

Sir Michael climbed out and reached for his shotgun, but when he saw that Tony hadn’t bothered with his, Sir Michael left it behind. The two men tramped into the edge of the wood, where Tony brought them to a halt.

It was a typical British July morning, blue sky, sunny and warm, but with lots of intermittent cloud cover and a breeze that couldn’t decide whether to be warm or chilly. They were far enough from any human habitation that the only noises were natural. Sir Michael looked around the small glade with pride. To the untutored eye it appeared wild and rambling, but the woodland was a typical mixed deciduous wood that had been maintained with care. The huge oaks, beeches, sycamores and other large trees were interspersed with the smaller yew, ash, silver birch and others. Lower down were various ferns and brackens, with brambles, ivy and some wild clematis trailing about. Wild flowers: blue bells, hare bells, snow drops, wild orchids and others all found space to grow, along with various mosses and fungi, some very rare. A few carefully placed rotting tree trunks provided living quarters for insects, lizards and grass snakes; with hedgehogs, rabbits, foxes, red and grey squirrels and badgers all living in the wood, along with other smaller animals, invertebrates and birds. The whole woodland was a veritable wildlife paradise that had recently gained an SSSI status: Site of Special Scientific Interest.

Sir Michael rarely had to do much here now; his late parents had started the project before he himself was born, and when he took over the estate he had continued the project. His youngest daughter, who was now starting to take over some of the running of the estate, had already stated her intention to maintain the woodland and to keep it going. The last time any of them had had to intervene was about two years previously when a small pack of feral dogs had made a home here. They had watched and monitored for a few days before eventually making their way into the woodland to hunt down the dogs.

Four dogs were shot fairly quickly, three of which had been chipped at some point in the past, so these had, at one time, been family pets. None of them cared: the dogs had probably been abandoned, and while it wasn’t the dogs’ fault, they had ended up in the wrong place and were not wanted. Eventually a bitch had been found, along with a litter of six puppies. The bitch, also chipped, and two of the pups had had to be destroyed, but the other four pups had been taken, two handed over to the RSPCA, the other two to become estate dogs.

Since that time the woodland had been essentially undisturbed, and for a few moments the two men just stood and looked, admiring what nature had produced.

“Okay,” Sir Michael eventually murmured. “What is it you need to show me.”

“This way sir.”

Tony led his boss along some small animal trails until they reached a small spring, where a tiny stream bubbled up from the ground. It was little more than a trickle and damp ground at this time of year, but even during the wettest of winters the stream was never more than a couple of inches deep. He paused and pointed.

It took Sir Michael a few seconds to see what Tony was pointing at. It was a low, well camouflaged, wooden hide. “What the hell?” he exclaimed. He strode forwards but Tony gripped his arm tight before Sir Michael had taken more than a single pace.



“Look.” Tony pointed. “There are traps and snares. For us, not for animals.”

“Warning devices or actual traps?”

“Warning. I think. I’ve not gone closer than this. I can see three, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t others.”

“How on earth did you find this? This is well hidden from the wood’s edge, there’s no way you could have seen this yesterday evening?”

“I didn’t. I thought I saw a couple of men moving. But they weren’t moving like travellers. More like poachers. But there’s very little in the woods a poacher might want. Only rabbits really.”

“Have the muntjac moved on then?”

“Yes sir, a few weeks ago. Well. That’s what I assumed. But I’m now wondering whether they’ve been taken. There were only three of them.”

Sir Michael nodded. “That was good spotting. How did you find it?”

“There are only about five real clearings in the wood, this was the third one I checked.”

“You’ve checked all the others?”

“Yes sir, all clear.”

Sir Michael nodded, but said nothing.

“I checked the brocks first, just in case the local farmers had taken it into their heads to drive them out.” There was much antipathy amongst the local cattle farmers to Sir Michael allowing a badger sett to exist on his land, despite the fact that there had been no cases of bovine TB within fifteen miles of the wood for a very long time.

Sir Michael again just nodded, examining the low wooden structure. “That’s a very low building. Seems rather pointless. Especially to then set traps and alarms around.”

“Yes sir, but I think it’s been dug into the ground. Just round to the left there appears to be a slight depression and there’s a doorway of some sort.”

“Even so, I can’t see how it could hold more than half a dozen people, and they would be very ‘cosy’ in there.”

“Yes sir. I don’t know. What do you want me to do about it?”


“I’d like to stay out here and hide. Try and catch whoever created it.”

“Uh huh.” Sir Michael frowned in thought. “It must be a good six weeks since I was last here. Millie hasn’t been here in at least that long.” Millie was his youngest daughter.

“I had to look it up in the diary before I came to pick you up. It’s five weeks since I was last here.”

“So that thing is less than five weeks old,” mused Sir Michael. “It looks older.”

It was Tony’s turn to nod without saying anything.

For a few more minutes they continued to look and watch, before Tony turned and the two made their way carefully from the wood. Once back at the Land Rover, they paused.

“I want that gone. I want whoever built it caught, and if possible prosecuted. That’s protected woodland, if we need to we can probably get help and assistance from the appropriate authorities and bodies.”

“That hide was very well made, camouflaged and protected, if I hadn’t been looking for something I would probably not have seen it. And it appears to have some sort of protection. I think before we do anything rash, we need to find out who put it there, and what they are about.”

Sir Michael paused, then nodded. “Agreed.” He frowned. “How did you spot it? And the traps? As you say it was very well hidden?”

Tony paused then blushed slightly. “I’ve built them myself in the past. I sort of recognised it.”

Sir Michael turned to look at him in surprise. “You have?”

“Yes sir.” Tony said nothing more, but Sir Michael was not to be put off.

“When? Where? Why? How did you recognise it?”

Tony’s pause was longer this time. “Because it wouldn’t surprise me if the person, or people, who trained them, also trained me.”

Sir Michael’s eyebrows raised in astonishment. “Trained?”

“I was in the army.”

“So was I, but no regiment...” Sir Michael paused, and slowly his expression changed to one of understanding. “Ah. I think I see. Not just any regiment. The Regiment.”

“Yes sir.”

“You were in the Special Air Service”?

“No sir. The Parachute Regiment.” He paused a moment. “I joined the Paras when I was seventeen and was a Colour Sergeant by the time I left.” He paused in thought. “I never joined the SAS, merely did some advanced training with them prior to a joint deployment to Iraq. About that time I discovered I was breaking bones rather too easily, and I’ve now broken most of the bones in my body at one time or another. At first they assumed I was being careless, then stupid, and one doc even told me I was doing it deliberately. Then when I went on holiday to Northern California I broke the radius, the thinner bone in my left forearm. They discovered I had osteoporosis. When I got back the army retested me, and I was discharged on medical grounds. It was potentially too dangerous for me and the people around me if something happened to me in the field.”

Sir Michael grimaced in sympathy, but just nodded. “It’s very unusual. That’s usually a woman’s disease, and only later on in life. My mother had it and my older sister has just been diagnosed. It must have really startled the docs to find a young man with it.”

Tony gave a soft laugh. “It startled me, never mind them.”

“It’s treatable of course.”

“Yes sir. Mostly with calcium pills, even now I have to drink lots of milk. But that’s okay, I love ice cold milk.”

Sir Michael gave a soft laugh, then turned serious again. “So you think the person, or people, who built that hide may have been SAS?”

“Or trained by them, yes, it’s possible. I’ve been hearing odd rumours for a few weeks now. There are rumours the SAS is to be disbanded.”

“Disbanded?” Sir Michael looked astonished. “For heaven’s sake why?”

Tony shrugged. “Don’t ask me why, but Thorn appears to have some sort of hatred towards the military.”

Sir Michael nodded slowly. “Yeah, my own regiment is now down to a single battalion. And according to colleagues, they are pretty certain they are going to be forced to lose one company.” He paused. “But that doesn’t explain that hide in there.”

“No sir. It’s why I want to go looking tonight, see if I can spot someone using it.”

“In that case carry on, but keep me informed.”

“Yes sir. Sir, with respect, with whom did you serve?”

Sir Michael smiled slightly. “I was a Major in the Second Battalion The Anglian Regiment. I was serving in Afghanistan and got a serious flesh wound that invalided me back to Britain just before we pulled out. By the time I was fit for service again, the British involvement was over, and I was made redundant a few months later in one of the regular rounds of spending cuts. By then my father was already seriously ill, so I came back here and took over.” He paused for a moment. “It should have been my older brother, but he died of acute alcohol poisoning when he went on a bender for his 21st.”

Tony just nodded without saying anything. Although the two men had worked together for eight years now, they had spoken little about their respective pasts. The two men got back into the Land Rover to continue their inspection.

About an hour and a half later they had finished their inspection, and were back at the main house. As they entered through the kitchen door both were assailed by the smell of cooking bacon. Sir Michael smiled. “Millie’s here,” he said joyfully.

Twenty-three year old Millicent Neve was as small as her father was large, taking after her mother in build, but her father in drive and love for the estate. She looked up as the two men entered. “Saw you coming. Ready for breakfast?”

Sir Michael enveloped his daughter in a bear hug, which Millie returned before pushing him away. “Fwar,” she exclaimed, wrinkling her nose in disgust. “You stink. Have you been smoking that horrible pipe again?”

Sir Michael just smiled indulgently. “When did you get in love?”

“Just as you were leaving on your inspection. I nearly followed you but I could hear Grip and Fang barking.” Millie was a lover of Lord of The Rings; the books, not the films, and she had named the two puppies that had been recovered after two of Farmer Maggot’s three dogs. They always had been more her dogs than his.

“Oops sorry,” her father said, a slightly embarrassed look on his face. “I forgot.”

“Hmm. Then it’s just as well I got here when I did.”

Sir Michael smiled and looked at his watch. “You must have had an early start then?”

Millie shook her head. “Not really. Came to Oxford yesterday afternoon after work. I met up with Gemma and then stayed the night with her in the village.” Gemma was one of Millie’s closest friends. “She dropped me off on her way into work.”

She turned to Tony. “Good morning Mister Goodwin.”

“Good morning Miss Millicent. Thank you for breakfast. That would be lovely.”

“Wash your hands, both of you.” She turned back to the stove.

“How long are you staying?” asked Sir Michael once the three had sat down with large plates full of sausage, bacon, black pudding, mushrooms, tomatoes and fried egg, accompanied by toast and butter. All washed down with large mugs of hot tea.

“Dunno. Was hoping I could stay here. For a couple of weeks at least.”

“Of course you can. Any particular reason?”

“I don’t like what Mummy and Stan are doing.”


“Stan has joined some new political party called Truth and Freedom, but it’s very strange. They have some very strange ideas.”

“I’ve heard of them,” Sir Michael said dryly. “What sort of ideas?”

Millie made a face. “I can’t tell whether it’s what the party is saying or whether it’s just Stan shooting his mouth off, so I’m not one hundred percent sure.”

“Huh. Is he dragging your mother into it?”

“I think so. She doesn’t seem too happy with it, but she’s also not fighting it.”

“Hmm. Well. That’s her problem. Far more importantly though, is he trying to get you involved?”

She nodded, her mouth full of breakfast. After a few moments she managed to speak. “He seems to think anyone not a member should be classed as a traitor, and doesn’t brook any opposition thought. I’ve never truly disliked him, but I really don’t like what he’s become. Quite what Mummy ever saw in him completely escapes me.”

“Well if they are what I think they are, you need to steer well clear of them. You come and stay here for as long as you need.”

“I do need to be in London though. I still have a job there. It’s not a particularly fabulous job, but I can’t afford to lose it.”

“It’s not easily commutable into London from here. I suppose you could catch the early train out of Oxford, but it’s a bit of a trek into Oxford. You really should get your driving licence you know.”

Millie grinned. “I do drive the estate’s Land Rover. I can leave it by the back gate, cycle from there into the village and catch the bus into Oxford.”

“But then I’ve got to walk down to fetch it. That’s the best part of an hour’s walk.”

Millie looked surprised. “What happened to the trail bike? Use that, then throw it in the back.”

“It’s gone miss,” Tony told her. “The engine gave out quite spectacularly, and we don’t have the money to repair or replace.”

“Oh! Oh, sorry, I didn’t know.” Millie frowned for a moment then just shrugged. “Oh well, I’ll just have to cycle from here then.”

Sir Michael nodded. “Oh. By the way, while you’re here, don’t go near the north wood.”


“Just for a day or two I hope. Tony’ll fill you in if necessary, but for now just stay clear.”

“Tony?” Millie looked at the estate manager.

Tony shook his head. “Not yet miss, I’ll try and let you know tomorrow.”

The two men deliberately turned the conversation to the rest of the estate, despite Millie’s attempts to prevent it and find out more.

Breakfast over, Tony left quickly, to Millie’s disappointment, and her father refused to say any more beyond another admonishment not to go into the wood for the moment. “It’ll probably be okay, or at least sorted out, within a day or two.”

Tony got to the wood a good hour earlier than he had the previous evening. He crept slowly through the wood until he reached the small clearing. Crouching down, he watched and listened for over ten minutes before moving to a large oak. Satisfied there was no-one around, he began to climb. It took him another fifteen minutes to get to a position he felt was both secure from falling and hidden from view. He pulled on some black leather gloves, and rolled a black balaclava down over his face, adjusted himself to get as comfortable as he could, then settled down to wait.

It was thirty minutes before anything happened. Then he heard rather than saw.

“Someone’s bin ‘ere,” he heard a soft whispered voice.

“‘Ow many,” came a second whisper.

“Hard to tell. Mebbe two, mebbe three.”


“Dunno. Too dark to see clear enough.”

“Have the trips gone?”

“One has, don’t think any of the others have.”

“Okay, scout around.”

Tony grimaced. Damn. He’d missed a trip wire.

Seven or eight minutes later he heard the whispers again. “Just the one boss.”

There was another short silence, then: “Okay. Call the others, let’s get inside.”

Tony watched carefully, as five people crept through the clearing and down into the bunker. Two of them were obviously far more highly skilled than the others, but all five showed signs of at least limited military training. None of them appeared to have weapons though, and once inside, he could hear nothing. He considered. Should he make his way down and introduce himself? Should he wait until they were out again before confronting them, or should he let them go and investigate later? Having watched them all go in, he was fairly confident he could avoid all the traps.

He decided to wait.

It was just starting to get light again when he heard them leave. He looked down to see the door to the hut open, and one after the other, the five men drifted out and away. He watched carefully to see where they stepped, and then waited. After half an hour he shinned down the tree again, keeping as quiet as possible. He crouched down to wait and listen, looking carefully. Seeing nothing he stood, and then nearly died in fright as an arm went around his neck pinning him. He felt a pressure just under his ribs.

“That’s a knife see. I just knew we’d bin spotted. Oo are you? And how’d you find us?”

“Whoever I am, I have a legal right to be here, you don’t,” Tony said, managing to sound far calmer than he felt.

“Oh yeah, what makes you think that then? You work for His Lordship?”


There was silence, and Tony knew he’d surprised his assailant. “Why are you here?” he continued after a few moments. “This is private land, and that includes the wood. I have legal authority to throw you off, and to have you prosecuted for both trespass and criminal damage.”

“We both know you can’t be prosecuted for just trespass, so don’t try ‘n’ be clever,” the unknown attacker snarled.

“So who are you, and why are you here?”

“Oo we are, an’ why we’re ‘ere is none o’ your business. Now are you gonna flip off before I do sommat you’re not gonna like?”

Tony was startled. He’d heard that phrase before, and he was pretty certain he knew where. Thinking back, trying to remember, it came to him fairly quickly, and only another couple of seconds for a name to surface.

“Lance-Corporal Steven Coates.”

Tony’s assailant froze, the arm around his neck getting tighter, and for a second Tony thought he might have made a big mistake. “Oo the flip?” came a breathed reply. Tony was pushed roughly away.

He turned to see the man he’d expected to see. Older, wild eyed, but in generally better condition than he’d expected. “Well I didn’t expect to see you here Lance. What are you doing, and why?”

“Well flip me backwards,” came the awed reply. “‘Ow d’you work out it were me?”

“You are the only person I know who uses the word ‘flip’ the way other people use the word ‘fuck’. It took me a second or two. That’s another nightmare come true.”

Steven Coates still looked stunned. “But, but, why are you ‘ere?”

“I work here. And I’m still asking the questions Lance-Corporal Coates.”

“It’s Corporal, not Lance-Corporal.”

Tony nodded acknowledgment. “Corporal. You still haven’t answered my question. What are you doing here and why?”

Coates pulled himself up to his full height, taller by nearly four inches than Tony, and relaxed into something distantly approximating standing to attention. “I were helping to train some local NEDs. Keep ‘em out o’ the hands o’ the TaF.”

“NEDs? TaF?” asked Tony frowning slightly.

“NEDs is Non Educated Delinquents. TaF is Truth And Freedom. It’s some new organisation that’s tekkin in all sorts and turning out something nasty.”

Tony nodded but said nothing.

“We reckons these kids’ll be better off wiv us than wiv the TaF.”

“And what are you training them to do?”

Coates looked surprised. “Oo d’you fink? We’re gettin’ ready to fight the TaF if we ‘ave to, and them aliens that’re supposed to be ‘eadin’ our way.”

“Who’s we?” asked Tony slowly.

“Me an’ another lad you prolly don’t know. ‘E were still only a private when they made us redundant. Name o’ Holt.”

Tony nodded slowly. If this Holt had taken up with Coates so easily, he would probably have become another trouble maker. If he wasn’t already. Tony sighed slightly. “How many of you are there?”

“Fourteen all told.”

Tony frowned. “And you can all fit in there?” he asked, nodding towards the camouflaged hide.

Coates shook his head. “Eight if we don’t move around. Six really. Less is better. It’s bigger ‘n it looks.”

“It would have to be,” Tony noted dryly. “But you can’t stay here.”

“Why? It’s perfect. This is just derelict woodland.”

Tony laughed. “This woodland has been carefully managed for nearly seventy years.”

“Managed!” exclaimed Coates. “There’s rotting logs over there. How’s that managed?”

“Those logs have been carefully placed to allow insects and other invertebrates to find a home. This wood is now a Site of Special Scientific Interest because of the fauna and flora that lives here. It’s not for logging or coppicing. Nor is it for tourism. It’s maintained solely for the wildlife, the plants and animals. There’s a healthy brock, er, badger sett here; the only red squirrel colony in nearly eighty miles, some very rare orchids and fungi, and there’s a greater variety of birds and insects living here than anywhere else in the ten or fifteen miles around.”

Tony shook his head. “We’ll lose that status if you stay here, or you’ll be discovered by the scientists themselves. How long have you been here?”

Coates had to think about that one. “Near on six weeks I think,” he answered slowly.

Tony nodded slowly. Five weeks, six weeks, it was close enough. He suspected that the two had missed each other by hours at most. “There’s three other woodland areas on the estate you could use instead of this one, though only one would be truly suitable. That one really is unmanaged. We just haven’t found the time. It’s rather overgrown with brambles and wild clematis, and the trees themselves are not in as good a condition, nor is there any where near such a wide variety of either fauna or flora. If you were to move there, and carefully dismantle this place, I think you would be better off.”

Coates looked irritated. “We’ll just scare the scientists off.”

“That’ll just bring in the authorities. You’re trying to conceal yourself from them. No. You must move. And quickly.”

“Flip!” ground out Coates. “Flip flipping FLIP!” He flung his knife into the ground in frustration, where it stuck, blade down, quivering from the force of the throw. “Where is this other wood then?”

“Almost the other end of the estate. It’s got a high wall along the outside edge.”

“Huh. I think I know the one. We looked at it because of the wall, but it were too awkward to get into.”

“Hmm. Well, I can have a look...” he paused. “I wonder,” he mused.

“What?” asked Coates.

“Look Steve. I can call you Steve?”

Coates nodded. “Better ‘n Corporal.”

“Steve. Let me make some discreet enquiries. I have a feeling that Sir Michael is not well disposed towards this Truth And Freedom, so it’s just faintly possible that he may permit you to use the estate. You’d still have to be discreet, but it would be easier. In any case, no matter what, you’ll need to dismantle that hide.”

“Bastards,” grumbled Coates, but without much heat. “Oh flip. I’ll disable the traps and trip wires, an’ then you can give me a hand shifting a few bits and bobs. Don’t need these flippin’ scientists findin’ my stuff.” He reached down and plucked his knife from the ground, cleaning it carefully before putting it back in a belt sheath.

It took Steve just ten minutes to completely dismantle the system of trips and alarms, showing Tony that there were at least two he hadn’t spotted. After that Steve invited Tony into the hide. It was a little bigger than it looked, but it was also quite basic. A couple of logs had been put down for seating, and a rough wooden board was propped against one wall. Someone, Tony guessed Steve, had been lecturing to the others. He hid a smile at the thought of Steve lecturing. Maybe his promotion to corporal had calmed him down.

There were just a few props: one ancient revolver that Tony instantly saw would be dangerous to put ammunition into, an automatic pistol with an empty clip, and a shotgun. Plus a small pile of books and papers. Tony wasn’t surprised to also see a small gas stove, kettle and half a dozen mugs, along with some teabags, instant coffee, and sugar all in a cardboard box.

Steve dumped the box into Tony’s arms, then began piling as much of the paperwork into it as would fit. The firearms went into Steve’s pockets, or slung over his shoulder, while he carried another pile of papers. “I’ll have to come back for the rest,” he grumbled. “Can’t carry them all.”

“Are you parked somewhere?”

“‘Bout a mile an’ ‘alf away. Near that old pub.”

Tony looked surprised. “Wouldn’t the old pub have been better for this? It’s been abandoned for nearly two years now.”

Steve shook his head. “Nah, there’s building work goin’ on there now. Think it’s bein’ turned into a ‘ouse.”

“Oh. That must be fairly recent. How did you know about this place? I didn’t know you were from around here?”

“Oh aye. Were born a few mile from ‘ere.” Steve turned and grinned at Tony. “Know this area like the back o’ me ‘and. Course, din’t know that this flippin’ wood was sommat special. But you’re not from ‘round ‘ere.”

Tony shook his head, still concentrating on not tripping while carrying the heavy box. It occurred to him that he was defenceless if Steve tried anything, but on the other hand Steve was in front, so Tony wasn’t really expecting trouble. “From the Wirral. Just across the Mersey from the Liver Building.”

“So ‘ow come you got this crack?”

Tony shrugged. “After I left the army I took a few odd jobs around doing basic painting and decorating and bits of gardening, but then someone I was working for put me in touch with her son who was a head gardener at Kew Gardens in London. Spent three years there working my way up, and getting a load of training at the same time. I’m not a horticulturist, nor a landscape gardener, but I do know the basics. I bumped into Sir Michael at Kew when he was looking for an assistant estate manager, and been here for the last eight years.”

“So you’re only assistant manager?”

Tony shook his head. “There’s never been anyone over me, except Sir Michael. He mentored me for a year, and sent me into the college in Oxford for one day a week to do a business management course, but since then it’s all me.”

“Landed on your feet then.”

“Very much so.”

“What happened to that girl you were dating? Weren’t you engaged or sommat? She still around?”

Tony’s face darkened a touch.

“We were already married. She’s a city girl at heart, and when I moved here she didn’t want to come. We tried having a distance relationship, but that didn’t work. Got divorced about six years ago.”

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On the way to the mall, Lucas was having some problems. Although at first, it was easy, as the minutes passed, the blowjob was becoming increasingly dangerous, it was getting hard to concentrate on the road. It wasn’t enough to cause a dangerous accident, but Lucas didn’t want to crash the car, he had too much to do, having to explain to the police about the crash was not in his plans. So he was doing his best to keep his mind calm. It didn’t help that Violette was going all out to please...

1 year ago
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Lady Accountant Gets What She Is Looking For

I am a 48 year old woman who has a very successful job as a CFO for a small but growing company. When I was in college, I majored in accounting and then got my MBA from a very prestigious University on the west coast. While getting my MBA, I met and married my present husband and we have two lovely grown, married daughters who live not far from us and they have blessed us with four grandchildren. My husband and I are very comfortable with each other and love each other. I am a big woman, 5’ 10”...

4 years ago
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I walked with the fat captain through the lower area of the loading docks where there were girls and women tied to almost every post. ‘Discards,” he called them, “ready for the scrap heap, for Gravelly Point.” He laughed. At the end of the dark area a large dumptruck had been backed in and as I watched, girls were being led there, turned about and shot in the back of the head. Their bodies thumped into the truck bed. “Typical end of the line,” said the captain. “Most of these sluts are...

2 years ago
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First Time with Jerry

First Time With Jerry Penned by: Miss Deborah Leigh Johnson It was a rainy afternoon, a hot summer afternoon. I was with my friend Jerry. Jerry and I were both sixteen. But that was the extent of our similarities. Jerry was tall, about 5' 8", while I was almost 5' 4". Jerry was stocky. I was lithe, in fact, I was often teased for looking more like a girl than a boy. Jerry was a jock, no surprise there. I was not. I compensated for my lack of physical prowess with an alert...

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Frank watched her from his window every day. Herapartment was a floor above and across the alleyway, sohe was looking up at her when she worked in her kitchen.She often had on shorts or a little skirt and sometimesjust panties. He dreamed of tying her up with rope. Shewould be so helpless and vulnerable and beautiful. Hecould do whatever he wanted to her.One night he looked up and she was getting spankedright there in her kitchen as she washed dishes. A largeman yanked her light pink panties up...

1 year ago
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The Rugby Do

Simon’s story The disco was rubbish. Held in the function room of a pub hotel it was about as festive as an undertaker’s reception room. I’d been sitting there alone, quietly drinking my beer, whilst resentfully watching all my mates on the dance floor. I couldn’t believe their behaviour, taking every chance they have to get a quick feel and what’s more I couldn’t believe the women were letting them get away with it. I knew my feelings were born in jealousy. Despite my good looks and rugby...

4 years ago
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Sun Sand And Sex on a Greek Beach Chapter 1

I stopped the rental car at the top of the hill overlooking the wide curve of the sandy beach on the west coast of Crete. Despite the fact that it was late September, the sand still shimmered in the late morning heat, and the lines of waves breaking in the blue water looked inviting. A few things had changed - there was now a new hotel block at the far end of the beach next to the taverna. But at this time of year, there would only be a few other people around, and I was looking forward to...

3 years ago
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Best night ever

Introduction: Two couples push thier boundries Angie stood up from the table to get herself and Sarah another drink, and as she did I noticed both Dave and Sarah watch her ass as she walked. I could tell that the evening was starting to turn into one that held promise. Angie mixed herself and Sarah another cocktail and brought them back to the table. We had put the kids to bed much earlier and had ourselves and adults only dinner. We were all fairly sated but had yet to start our deserts. Soon...

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Yo I banged your friends mum

As a barely 21 year old, my chances of getting into an "Over 28's only" night at a club were pretty slim...I invited a few of my "older" female friends down to distract the bouncers from checking my ID. It worked. I walked into the club, observing all of the cougars with their loose skin flapping about on the dancefloor. **Note: Not all of them were in bad shape. These were just the first onces I noticed.After observing this, I decided to dedicate myself to a night of heavy drinking.I put down...

3 years ago
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Amandas Journey Day 2 Part 3

Chapter 10 I spot a trash can nearby and run over to it, lean over the rim, and vomit. I know every pair of eyes in the lot were drawn to the sound of running high heels, but all I'm able to worry about is keeping my hair out of the stream of vomit. Jennifer rushes over to find out what's wrong, and a kind young man inquires if I'm ok, and hands me a bottle of water. Who say's chivalry is dead? Jen reassures the good Samaritan that I'll be fine, as I rinse my mouth. I...

2 years ago
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Royally Never AfterChapter 17

The King came forward. “Not only is this a good place for honeymoons, it’s a good place for engagements. May I come to your wedding?” I grinned. “Yes, Sire. There is one condition though.” He looked at me curiously. “My parents are deceased. You will have to give away the bride.” He blinked and then nodded smiling. “My dear Jar, it will be my pleasure and privilege.” I reached over and hugged the King who hugged me back. We kissed each other’s cheeks. I returned to Jam. He embraced me and...

2 years ago
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Cousin Ko Seduce Karke Sex Kiya 8211 Part I

Hello Doston I am Rocky (name changed) and regular reader of ISS. This is going to be my first story. Since sex stories are always best when you read them in hindi , so I am going to share with you my experience with my cousin in Hindi. Meri cousin ka naam Nirali he. Jo mere se 2 saal badi he. Waise to dikhne me wo itni sundar nhi par average zaroor he.Figure me uska aapko batau to uska weight takreeban 85 ke karib hoga. Moti honi ki wajah se uske boobs kaafi bade the normal size se aur uski...

3 years ago
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Subliminators Assitance

"Okay, Sammy, I'll see you tomorrow," crackled the cell phone I was holding to my ear as I climbed out of the taxi. "That's great, see you then." And I hung up. I was only half listening anyway. Most of my attention was on the half a dozen or so svelte beauties parading before me. I love Niagra Falls during tourist season. The place was overrun with people imported from all over the world, and there was no shortage of young hotties among them. There was a time in my life when such a...

2 years ago
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Your plaything Aja

Her name is Aja. Shes a full figured, dirty blonde bombshell with ample chest and ass. And all she wants to do is please you. Go ahead, tell her what you want.

1 year ago
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Danis New Life Chap 2

It was the rich aroma of fresh coffee that brought Dani Evans back to consciousness early in the morning after her life-altering experience. The twenty-eight year-old corporate attorney stretched like one of her kittens, her muscles responding and her body waking to the smell of breakfast and the sound of soft conversation in the background. Opening her eyes, she saw Alan Jacobs, the new Director of Sales for the same company that employed Dani as their VP of Legal Affairs and in-house counsel,...

1 year ago
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GotMylf Jessa Rose Double The Cum

When MILF Jessa Rose pouts her pink lips, the whole world stops to watch. Today, she struts her stuff in a penthouse apartment. She sways back and forth, letting the incredible shape of her body do all the talking. Then, she pulls down her top and exposes her perfect titties, rubbing them as she gets hornier and hornier. Finally, our stud shows up and gives this girl what she has been waiting for. She grinds on his fat dick and savors the intense friction. Her body is so crazy hot that she...

1 year ago
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Swms 5 Accidental IncestChapter 3 Truth or Consequences

"Alright, let's go." I said. The two of us headed up the stairs to the attic, to find out that it was finished like our rec-room. Instead of a couch there was a queen sized bed. There was a TV with an old VCR and a bookshelf lined with tapes with dates for labels. I walked over to the bookshelf to examine the tapes while Emma went to the bed to examine the nightstand. The nightstand had a photo album on it. The tapes were dated from 10 months before our birth up until just shortly after...

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The Other EarthChapter 1

Friends, you are reading this sex story on indiansexstories dot net All of you must have heard about the multiverse theory on the TV or read about it in books. Basically, the theory says that there are infinite universes with infinite earth and infinite different things like a universe where the moon was made of blue cheese or a universe where Justin Bieber was a man and many other things. Even the possibilities are infinite. I used to wonder what kind of universes must be out there while I lay...

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Story of My Unfortunate Life Chapter 9 Part 2

"You're crazy Sero! You know that, right?" Ulrich shouted to Sero. Ulrich was angry because he is unable to help the group with his katana. "Let him have some fun, he doesn't get an opportunity like this often." Aelita said, watching Sero as he slowly thinned down the swarm. Odd was having some fun, taking potshots at the giant mass surrounding the Way tower. Moments later, the remaining Hornets fled, puzzling the group. "Where did they go?" Sero said, landing near the tower. After...

2 years ago
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Queen Yavara Chapter 21

ELENA The drip of water, the howl of wind. The cold on my naked body. One breath, then another. That was what Adarian taught me so long ago. The room was lit by a barred window. It cast a dim ray onto my body, centering my exposed belly with a square of light. I was strapped to a wooden board in my cell, my limbs stretched in a spread-eagle, open and helpless. The binds were unescapable, I knew, for I’d placed many beasts in them myself. Only for them, the worst interrogation practice had...

1 year ago
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A Great Reason to Have a sister Part 2

Jamie took a swig from his wineglass, a big one. This was not a conversation he ever thought he'd have. "Well, you're right about that," he said. "I mean about guys thinking you were sexy, they all wanted to go out with you. No, wait, I don't mean that you weren't actually sexy, I mean you must have been, must have known something, uh ..." He was falling all over himself trying to say the right thing."You are so sweet, big brother!" Heather laughed, and took a sip of her wine. "But believe me,...

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Cletus Tucker4Chapter 3

Missouri, late August, 1866 The wagon train was a little closer to Kansas City, but Cletus still doubted that they could make it to Nebraska before the weather got too cold to travel. He had seen snow, but he still thought people were teasing him when they talked about big snow drifts and a snow fall as much as 12-inches in one day. He had to see it to believe it. He wouldn't worry about it until then. Cletus was still acting as scout for the wagon train, and the guards were beginning to...

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Ashly FiresCumslut Catholic Mom Drains teens heav

Devout Catholic mommy Ashley Fires is reading a Bible to her two strapping sons. She's wearing horny, owly-looking reading glasses and has unbelievably skimpy blue jean cutoffs on, revealing her luscious thighs, andcreamy curvy ass-cheeks. They are so short you can see her meaty, bald pussy flaps and swollen, glistening clitty.  Ashley's wearing a T-shirt ala Riley Reid that says, "Jesus Loves Me." She wobbles her tits sinfully and the hard nipples protrude, straining against the fabric even...

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The RescuedChapter 8 Day 0

Even as Steve Miller began to awaken, he realized something weird was going on. Normally, he awoke quickly and easily. This time, he was groggy, and felt like his brain was wrapped in cotton. He was lying on his back, which he never did. He always slept on his stomach, or on his side; his sinus problems meant that sleeping on his back resulted in snoring, which resulted in his wife poking him until he rolled over. Twelve years of marriage made avoiding his back completely automatic. There...

4 years ago
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Me My Landlord8217s Wife 8211 Part I

Hi friends this is Vikas after a long period and with my new story I got lot of comments to my previous stories I thank them all and I just want be free with you people so I’m going to narrate my new story and it’s also my own experience with my made hope you all enjoy my story and gals, aunties, unsatisfied wife’s in Karnataka want any relationship I’m always ready to feed you please male me at Hi! Friends this story is all about my land lord’s wife her name was Anitha (NC) she is a very...

1 year ago
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Sins of A Father Part 1

I know I have a problem. I knew that I had a problem from the time that I first saw her, right after my wife Janet gave birth to her. I knew that I was going to love her more than any father had ever loved a daughter before. We named her Sarah, it means Princess. She was my Princess. Janet and I had been married for only about 6 months when she told me she was pregnant. At first I was scared and pissed off that I was going to be stuck as a family man at only 22, but that first time I...

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Two Bodies and One Soul

TWO BODIES AND ONE SOUL BY PAUL G. JUTRAS "Hey, John, I'm glad you came." Sarah said she fixed a scarf and hat on a mannequin in the back room. "I was starting to think you didn't get my message." "I heard you wanted me to help you with your magic act." John said with a snicker. He stood in a black blouse, three in heels and a tan skirt. He remembered how Sarah used to pull stuff rabbits out of a plastic hat with a trap door bottom since the age of eight. She always...

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A MILF Story ch2

  My name is Meg Williams and I am a MILF. At 43 I could easily pass for 30 or even younger. I am 5' 8” and I have the time and resources to take good care of myself along with good genes. I have long legs and a tight ass from working out and playing sports like golf and tennis. I have long brunette hair and an all over tan. My tits are my best asset. They are 36 DD and are heavy but don't sag. They are all me, with big areolas and nipples that stay hard. I have worked out more lately to stay...

2 years ago
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Susan im Pornokino

Susan ist eine atraktive junge Frau. Sie hat gerade ihre Ausbildung zur Arzthelferin begonnen. Sie würde gerne wissen, wie es bei den Kerls so geht und vor allem, wie es mit den Kerls geht immer wenn sie den letzten Satz denkt, fühlt sie ein Klribbeln zwischen ihren Oberschenkeln Da kommt es ihr sehr recht, dass sie im Dameklo ihrer Disko ein Gespräch belauscht. Zwei weibliche Stimmen betreten das Örtchen, sie merken nicht, dass eine Kabine besetzt ist und sie sind im Gespräch. "Und wo ist das...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Texas Patti Slutty Anal MILF

Raven-haired psychologist Texas Patti bats her long lashes and squeezes her round tits. When her patient, Mark Wood, divulges his sexual issues, the hot MILF doctor finds her pussy soaking wet! She strips, revealing a sexy clit piercing. Patti climbs on top of Mark’s meat for a bouncy anal cock ride. He bends her over and plows her butthole from behind. His sphincter thrusts make her cum. Giving a wet, ass-to-mouth blowjob, Patti drools on Mark’s balls and chokes on his meat. The...

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The Year 2011 Fool Me Twice

The year 2011 seems so far away and yet so close. It is the world of tomorrow, created from the seeds of today... Crystal knocked once and then quickly opened her younger sister's bedroom door. "Marie, you th..." She stopped, experiencing déjà vu as she caught her sister masturbating. As before, the young brunette quickly covered herself with her bed sheets. "CRYS!" Marie was about to yell, then quickly caught herself, looking frightfully to the other side of the room. There,...

3 years ago
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My Servant

Hi, there all you horny guys & erotic stories lovers. Just like you I am also very fond of erotic stories & erotic experiences of real life. I have searched down so many sites but Human Digest has No.1 place in its style, content & presentation.Since long I was thinking to let others know the real incidents of my rich sex life. First of all I want to clear that I found 90% of erotic stories as cooked up & not real ones. One may take the liberty of language but not of ideas & situations.As you...

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A New One

You often hear the phrase that "Life isn't fair" and I'm living proof that it is true. But every once in a while life gives you a gift that helps ease things somewhat. Again, I'm living proof. I was an indifferent student. Not a poor one – I maintained a B average – but I just didn't care for school so college wasn't in my future. I'd never been more that fifty miles from the town I was born in so one of the things I wanted to do was travel. Travel meant money and money meant a...

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I was used and loved it

After 22 years of marriage my wife and I were still sexually active and we often tried different things to spice it all up. I had a secret past and up until the day our sex life changed forever she had never seen me in women's clothes.It was Christmas last year and some good friends were throwing a house party. When I say good friends i forgot to include the fact they were very rich and lived in a beautiful house. 8 + bedrooms and acres of land. The invite came through the post a few weeks...

2 years ago
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My Shemale Mom and Aunt chapter 2

When we three got home Mom told to me go to my room and wait for her, about 5 minutes later I was sitting on my bed. She walked in with one of the bags of goodies we bought, Mom said I think you should call me "Jenna don't you Timmy".Jenna started to strip so I went to her and got down on my knees, she said later Timmy hop in the shower NOW!. Mom/Jenna undressed and joined me in the shower she grabbed the the shaving lotion and her pink razor, she shaved every thing except my testicles, she...

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Hotel Slut

My name is Nichelle and I recently turned 25. Shortly after, my boyfriend and I broke up after being together for two years. His loss. Not to brag, but I'm very attractive. I'm 5'9, size 8, with a nice bubble butt and perfectly perky 36 B boobs. I'm black with cocoa brown skin. I have dark brown eyes, a slightly pointy nose, full lips and a smile to die for. Since I'm naturally beautiful, I really have no need for makeup. Not too long ago I realized I have an addiction... Reading kinky stories...

Group Sex
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Death Road

I would like to thank Zen Master for his help in editing this story. This story transpires in the year 1979, in the county of Palm Beach, Florida Murrr derrr, murderrr. The way the word rolled off my tongue seemed to fascinate me. Especially since that was the reason that I was sitting in the dark, on damp grass, with a gnarled cane pole in hand and I wasn’t thinking about murdering fish. I was planning to kill Bill Brown. My thoughts would bounce from the word to the question and back....

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Mdchen wird erwachsen

Jenni GPunkt ist 18 Jahre alt, hat pralle Titten und ist 1,60 groß. Auf dem Weg nach Hause wurde Jenni klar wie ihre Haare aussehen mussten und wie leicht man sie für eine Schlampe halten könnte, als sie plötzlich sah wie an einer Parkecke 3 junge glatzköpfige Männer in Bomberjacken mit einem blonden Mädchen mit kurzem Rock und roter Handtasche diskutierten. Wie auf ein Zeichen stürzten sich alle auf das Mädchen und zerrten es in den Park. Wie angewurzelt blieb Jenni stehen und war so erregt...

3 years ago
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Care taker takes care

Smita opened her eyes & the digital clock on her side table was showing 05:27am! This was too early even for school days & this was supposed to be a weekend break with mom & dad!? She closed her eyes trying to re-enter sleep mode but she was surprisingly fresh she remembered she had slept much earlier the previous nite. She slithered in bed for a few more minutes & was surprised that she was feeling a bit naughty. She smiled & dragged herself to the kitchen, on the way she saw the beer bottles...

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My best friends mom

One of my best friends from high school had gone off to Kansas to play football in college. While there, he began using drugs and got arrested. I would stop by and see his parents from time to time, but when his mom called and said he had gotten arrested, I went right over. I had plans on playing college football at Ohio State but injured my knee, so I went to a local college. I also continued to weight train so I could stay in good shape. When I arrived at my friend’s parents’ house, his mom...

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Theater Visit

Well it starts off with me going to a "theater" with a friend...a XXX theater. When we arrive there are 4 or 5 other guys in there, but no other women or couples. Most are watching the movie and most were stroking their cocks.My friend, Mark, starts kissing me and slides his hand inside my top. Mark cups my breasts and starts pinching my nipples. I pull my bra and top down for his better access, completely revealing my breasts. I reach over and unzip his pants, and pull his stiffening cock out...

2 years ago
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30Day Program

A 30-Day Program By Jennifer Lee James and Sonya were out in the back parking lot behind the office taking a smoke break, and the topic of quitting came up. "I tried a few months ago," he said. "I was good for a few weeks, and then fell right back off the wagon." Sonya smiled and took a drag. She was a good-looking redhead who had recently joined the company, and James had to constantly keep himself from looking at the front of her shirt. She was tall, almost six-foot he...

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The Quest for the Black QipaoChapter 17 A Question of Restraint

It was six o’clock when the disappearance of one of the slaves was noticed. Tsai Linn had been sent to collect two slaves for kitchen work and realised that one of the cages was empty. The unfastened padlock lay on the floor beneath the open cage door. Whack! Bernard was startled awake by a cane slamming against the door of his cage. “Where is your friend, stupid round eye? You think we can’t count up to four?” “I - I - I don’t know,” stammered Bernard with some degree of truth. “Cha!”...

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Making Up for Lost Time

Milly and Rachel were two early-fifties widows who became friends at church. After the potluck one Sunday Milly invited Rachel to her house to visit. She mixed up a big pitcher of Margueritas and they sat on the back porch together. Well into the second pitcher, Rachel suddenly asked, “Do you miss sex?” Milly replied, “You’re damn straight I do! Even though my husband had a heart attack right after cumming in me, that hasn’t scared me away from the need for a man’s attention and affection....

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Daddy Dearest

“Daddy I’m home!” I looked around and tried to listen for any sounds in the house, but there weren’t any. Dad should have been home about an hour ago, I thought to myself. I shrugged my shoulders and headed up to my room where I threw my bag down and flopped on my bed. I quickly shimmied out of my tight jeans and sighed as I felt relief from the restricting garment. If I could I think I would go around naked all the time, clothes are so annoying. It had been hot today and a thin sheen of sweat...

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Lizzie McGuires Birthday

Gordo, Lizzie's best friend, was determined to get her the best birthday present possible, but after trying to come up with a gift for two weeks, he still could not think of anything. She was going to be 13 and he wanted her birthday to be something special. Finally after hours of thinking, it came to him. He would see if he could get Aaron Carter to sing Lizzie a song for her birthday. Aaron Carter had just been in town a few days earlier, and Gordo was able to get his email address from him....

3 years ago
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A Mad Desire to Fuck Chapter 2

I walked away from the house. Glancing behind me, I made sure that no one had seen me. I guessed that this was supposed to be a secret, and if they knew that a local college student had seen them indulge in their carnal desires…well, I didn’t know what the consequences would be.  I walked back to campus, thinking about what I just saw. I was pretty sure that I saw something I shouldn’t have seen. The people were fucking so wildly in that angelic white house that they didn’t even notice me. But...

1 year ago
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Mami Ke Chudai

Har saal garmiyon ke chuttion mein main apne nana ke ghar jaya karta tha. Wahan hum log lagbhag apni saari chuttiyan bita dete the. Ek summer mein hum log nana je ka yahan gaye aur wahan kareeb 1 month ho gaya rehte hue aur main wahan kaafi bore hogaya tha kyonki us waqt meri age sirf 18 saal thi aur meri age ka aur dusara koi nahi tha. Yah toh sab log mujhse kaafi bade the yaa kaafi chote the. Ek din mere mami ji ko unke ghar se letter aya ka unko wahan bulaya gaya hai. Unke gaon mein koi...

3 years ago
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Wrestling Plastic

Milly was whipped into the red velcro ropes coming back to a black ebony bombshell of a sex doll with the arm outstretched initiating a clothesline as she went down on the mat selling the move the right away. “Oh, Jasmine the Conqueror takes Milly Sweets down with a freight train of a clothesline. Milly is sure shaken by that,” Dave stated from behind the camera. Milly has her blonde hair in pigtails and she wears a colorful white sports bra with yellow, green, and red stripes over the front as...

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Southern Spice

Hi readers, This time around your JJ is going to give you a lesbian treat with a village back ground. In the past submissions we have had enough from the ladies hostel and the University. The below narration is also from a small Temple town south of Chennai about 320 km away from where all the lesbian action was flourishing. The place is only second to Kanchipuram in terms of number of temples found in and around this small town called Kumbakonam. Approximately 5 km from there is a place called...

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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 330

"Give me your belt and lay across the bed. You know what is going to happen. You have have been a bad boy and need a spanking don't you?" I asked. "Yes Mommy," he said as he handed me the belt. Then he calmly lay across the bed for me. I began by striking him one stiff blow, then I eased off. After the initial pain it was for the illusion more than anything. "Now are you going to be a good boy?" I asked. It was time to set the hook. "Yes Mommy please, I promise I will be a good...

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