Phoenix Pt 4 Ch 13 free porn video

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Béla was starving from regenerating after yesterday’s grueling games, so she got up and staggered unsteadily over to the cooler. As she picked out several pieces of fruit and noticed there were no meat packs (Damn! Beth must have eaten the last one), she remembered the fun she and her sister had throwing hatchets and knives at each other.

It all started yesterday (was it morning?) when they woke up after having dream-walked to earth and found this really neat sporting goods store, with hunting and throwing knives and a nice supply of little axes, all of these complete with their own leather carrying pouches.

After scarfing an armful each of those sharp little beauties, they dropped their pilfered goods off in the arborium, then woke up in their quarters and physically teleported down to play.

It started with Béla throwing a knife and getting her sister right in the butt cheek, and ended like that type of play always ended with them – both sisters half-kneeling, half-crawling on the ground, neither able to stand upright as they lovingly chopped and hacked at each other until they passed out from orgasmic exhaustion and loss of blood. One always ended up lying on top of the other. There had to be a winner, after all.

Sitting on the bed and munching on a pear, Béla could hardly sit still as she recalled her sister’s hatchet slicing up between her legs all the way to her belly button. That one blow had completely disabled her, and Beth had gleefully taken the opportunity to chop Béla almost completely in half, lengthwise. It had taken several hours for Béla to recover and heal from that assault.

Béla got even during the next round, though, and almost completely severed Beth’s left leg at the hip. After that, they switched to knives, having decided that the little axes required too much regeneration and not enough play time. Knives didn’t do that kind of damage.

‘Where are you, Sis?’ Béla heard in her mind. ‘Are you awake yet? I could use a little help…’

The image that Béla received with her sister’s plea surprised her so much that she choked on the pear she was swallowing.

Béla immediately teleported down to the arborium. The sight she saw was the same as the image Beth had projected. Even seeing it with her own eyes, Béla still didn’t believe it.

Beth was suspended several feet off the ground on a pole that she’d somehow managed to insert into her ass. The top end of the pole was evident beneath the skin of her stomach as it slowly pushed its way through, trying to exit just under her breastbone.

“How in the world…?” Béla asked, staring dumbfounded at her impaled and obviously uncomfortable sister.

“I’m stuck…” Beth grunted. “I can’t straighten up…”

She was holding the top end of the pole with both hands right through her stretched and distended flesh, trying to keep it from exiting where it wanted to poke through.

Béla could see the incredible image in Beth’s mind of what she was trying to do. After watching for a few more seconds, she finally found her voice.

“I’m not sure what you want me to do,” Béla said, her voice weak with disbelief. “Do you want on that thing or do you want pulled off?”

“Well…” gasped Beth, trying to keep her tone conversational, “I original… At first, I wanted on… Can you… straighten me up?”

Béla actually laughed – a short bark of astonishment. After a few seconds of thought, she formed her wings and launched into the air. Flapping her wings noisily, she hovered over her impaled sister.

“Grab my feet!” she cried down to Beth.

As Beth reached up to grab her sister’s feet dangling just over her head, the pole started to tear through her solar plexus as she slid further down.

“Eeyyyaahh!” Beth shrieked, then grabbed Béla’s feet, stopping her painful downward movement.
Béla flapped harder, trying to raise her sister off the pole. Beth had her legs wrapped around it so she wouldn't slide down any further, and Béla couldn’t pull her off.

“Leggo with your legs, dammit!” Béla shouted down. “I’m going to fall on you!”

“Just straighten me up and leave me!” Beth cried back.

“Jesus!” Béla exclaimed.

Flapping her wings as hard as she could, she pulled out of her sister’s grasp. Beth sank back down on the pole as her body weight forced it right up between both lungs, stopping again as it stuck halfway up into her chest cavity. She was gasping for air, now, her breasts heaving and her belly contorting as the pole slowly slid up and flattened her esophagus and her windpipe. With every struggling motion Beth made, she slid a little further down on the pole.

Unbelievably, she managed to move her neck back enough so she could breath again, and the pole slid right up into her throat. Another moment of struggling, and the rounded, blood covered tip was actually sticking out of her mouth. A trickle of blood ran down from each corner of her mouth and her naked body was covered with cold sweat.

‘I did it!’ Beth exclaimed triumphantly into Béla’s mind as Béla landed in front of her. ‘I’m impaled! God, this feels strange…’

“It should feel strange,” Béla said, looking up at her sister. “How did you do that without rupturing your central core? That wood should have dissolved inside you.”

‘Rounded tip…’ Beth thought back. ‘Doesn’t tear…’

“Where in the world did you learn that?” Béla asked, astonished. She just had to know. She already knew Beth was insane about penetration, but she’d never suspected anything like…

“Didn’t you know?” Beth thought at her sister. I was married to Vlad Tepes… in Transylvania. We used to do this a lot… sometimes Vlad would let me… hold them down. They squirmed a lot. I always wanted to know… how it felt... but he would never do it... to me...'

“You helped Dracula stake people on pikes?” Béla asked, twice astonished. “No wonder the Praetor never let you loose! How do you plan to get down, anyway?”

‘I didn’t think that far ahead,’ Beth admitted. ‘Maybe I could slide down… No, that won’t work… Got any ideas? This is getting a little uncomfortable…’

“I can imagine,” Béla sympathized, finally seeing the humor in Beth predicament. “No, on second thought, I can’t! I don’t ever want to know what that feels like.”

Beth created an image of being impaled on that pole along with all of her sensations from start to finish, and dumped it on her sister.

“Holy fuck!” Béla exclaimed. She staggered, her legs nearly too weak to hold her up. “How many orgasms did you have getting that thing inside you?”

‘Dunno…’ Beth thought back. Her thoughts were weaker, now. ‘A lot… feel tired… Heart pounding. Thought… I’d last longer… One guy… lasted three days… after… we spiked him. His dick stayed... hard... most of that time...’

Walking up to Beth’s impaled, trembling body, Béla stroked a finger along the length of her sister’s pussy. Beth’s body shuddered at her gentle touch and Béla felt her sister’s orgasm radiate through her.

‘Oh, God! That feels good… Do it again!’

Béla stroked her again, then shoved two fingers up inside her. “Wow! I can feel the pole inside you with my fingers!”

Beth didn’t answer, but her pussy clenched down on Béla’s fingers.

“Okay,” Béla said, looking up at her sister’s upturned face. “Let’s play a game! I know you can’t talk with that pole in your mouth, so just squeeze my fingers. One for ‘yes’ and two for ‘no’, okay?”


“You like it up there?”


“Can I play with your pussy?”

Hard Squeeze!

“Okay,” Béla shook her head at her sister’s courageous stupidity and leaned forward to kiss her sister’s convulsing stomach. Despite the fact that Beth seemed to be enjoying her self-induced torture, her body seemed to be doing its utmost to expell the cruel, foreign device.

Working another finger up inside Beth’s pussy, Béla grinned and started fucking her sister with her hand. It was difficult because that hard pole took up a lot of space where Béla could normally push back when she needed more room for more fingers, but she finally managed to get her hand all the way up inside that tight, quivering little cunt.

Beth’s pussy was pulsating, now, stimulated into a constant series of orgasms. No more squeeze-type communication would be possible. Beth’s body convulsed several times as she radiated more orgasms through her torturous sister, then she relaxed completely and slid down a little further on the pole.

“You can teleport off any time,” Béla told her anxiously. “If you don’t, your body will probably die. You’re turning blue, you know. Your heart’s not getting any blood!”

Beth’s mind was quiet. She wasn’t responding.


There was nothing there!


Béla pulled Beth’s body into her mind and off the pole. Then she shoved her back out into the physical universe on the ground in front of her. Dropping down next to her, Béla mind-linked and forced her awareness into Beth’s comatose body.

Beth’s heart had stopped. That big tube that fed it had been partially crushed by the pole. Teleporting blood from other parts of Beth’s body, Béla kept putting blood cells into the lower part of that blood tube where the damage began, building up pressure that began to open the tube again.

In about a minute, she had the tube open. She stomped on Beth’s heart with a telepathic burst of electrical energy, forcing it to beat a couple of times. The second time she did that, Beth’s heart stayed beating.

Béla awoke in her own body to discover that she had collapsed down on top of her sister, having forgotten to hold her own body up while she was busy inside Beth.

“I’m becoming quite the surgeon,” she sighed in relief to her unconscious, but now-breathing sister.

‘Showoff!’ Béla felt the thought from somewhere nearby, and realized that Beth was outside her body, dreamwalking.

It took Beth about two hours to recover from the damage she’d done by forcing that pike up through her body.

“Why didn’t you wait for me?” Béla wanted to know after Beth was fed and feeling more refreshed.

“I was curious!” Beth proclaimed, defending her action. “Besides, I figured you’d probably try to talk me out of it.”

Béla rolled over onto her sister and held her shoulders down with both hands. “You really think so, you idiot?”

Béla grunted as Beth leg came up between hers and impacted against her pelvis.

“Don’t yell at me!” Beth yelled back. “It was something I needed to do!”

“Why? What is wrong with you?” Béla demanded. “Why do you have to blow your belly wide open or stake yourself out on a pike? Why do you treat your body like that?”

“Because I can!” Beth exclaimed angrily. “I need it! I expected you to understand! I thought you did! You need it, too! You love it when I do that to you!”

“Not like that,” Béla replied, trying to tone down the upset in her voice. “And not all the time. That’s all you seem to think about.”

“So?” Beth asked, her own voice quieter now. Neither of them wanted to argue with the other. “What else is there to do? Ultimate sensation; right? If you’re still conscious, you’re not there, yet. Do it until you die. Then if you wake up, you do it again.”

Béla gasped and hugged her sister close against her. “God! I didn’t realize… You are one tortured little girl.”

“I’m not a little girl,” Beth whimpered. “I think sometimes I like to be… But I have these needs – raging inside me. All the time. The only relief I get is… Well…”

Beth shrugged in her sister’s embrace. “Love me, Béla. Don’t try to fix me – I can’t be fixed. Tomorrow is our last day on board. I had to do this today. Please try to understand. It was my last chance…”

Béla hugged her tighter, then grinned at her. “I do love you, Madam Dracula.”

“I know,” Beth replied quietly.

Béla couldn’t feel anything emanating from her sister. Beth’s mind was shielded. She sighed, knowing that whatever was wrong between them wasn’t resolved. Then she kissed her, very tenderly.

Beth moaned and put her arms around her sister’s neck. In a moment, the kiss changed from tender to passionate, then to hunger and lust.

“Can I choke you?” Beth asked, coming up for air.

Béla’s body responded with a wave of lust before she could even answer. If her body hadn’t reacted that way, Béla would have said, ‘no.’

“Bite me first,” Béla replied, instead. “Draw blood from me and let me take from you, blood sister.”

She felt light-headed and it was difficult to think. Beth was still shielded, but radiating love and lust in response to her own psychic broadcasts. Each sister bit into the other’s neck and began rubbing their legs against the other’s pelvis as the taste of hot, thick blood flooded into their mouths.

They embraced each other tightly, their bodies twitching with each orgasm as they sucked on each other. Then Beth’s hands were around her throat, getting tighter. Béla couldn’t breathe. Then her entire body was exploding in orgasm.

Some time later, Béla awoke, her newly regenerated throat still throbbing, and noticed that Beth was quietly sleeping on top of her.

‘I must have passed out,’ Béla thought to herself. ‘Did she choke me to death? I think I remember not being able to breathe – and my body was made of hot lava…’

Gently rolling Beth off to one side, she stretched forward and gently kissed her sister on her bloody mouth. A slight moan was her only response. She was asleep and her mental shield was gone.

Gently nudging Beth’s mind with her own, she mind-linked with her sister and looked at the tortured needs that seemed to drive her. There were images of her desperate need to destroy the soft, sensual symmetry of her body, as well as the incredible drive that caused her to create an eight foot pike, plant it in the ground and fly up to land on top of it, cunt first.

Béla winced as she found the painful images of her sister’s first few attempts to land on that pole. When Beth had succeeded in getting the pole jammed into her ass instead of her pussy, she decided that was good enough. It already hurt too much to try it again.

Many of those erotic but destructive images in Beth’s mind were superimposed over other, obviously older images. As Béla tried to walk from one image into the other, the victim and the perpetrator seemed to change. She saw another woman (not Beth, but with a similar appearance) alongside an indistinct bearded man doing what Beth seemed to require done to herself these days.

She was slowly beginning to understand. Beth didn’t always look the way she did now. After all, their father had given her a new body. That other woman in those images was an earlier version of Beth – the Lady Elisabeta.

‘Oh my God! Everything she’s driven to do to me or to herself, she’s already done to others! And they all died from it!'

She found images of people being hacked apart, people being staked on long poles, people being boiled alive. The evil witch, Elisabeta was in charge of it all, with her husband Vladimir’s blessings and eager assistance! She had even experimented with tubes filled with explosive black powder expensively transported from Arabia to blow women apart exactly like she did to herself with those blasting caps!

‘We really are just alike,’ Béla realized. ‘In her own way, she's trying to make amends for what evil she’s done in the past…’

“Wake up, sister!” Béla shook Beth’s shoulder. “Wake up and look!”
“What?” Beth asked, then Béla showed her the duality of her destructive drives.

Beth didn’t say anything for a long time. Béla lay on the grass and stayed as quiet as possible, not wanting to distract her sister from her thoughts.

Finally Beth spoke. “I enjoyed what I did to those people. Even when I was doing it, I wanted someone to do it to me. I wanted to feel, inside me, what they broadcast through me when I murdered them.

“Béla, Sister – I’ve been empty inside ever since the humans killed my brother – my lifemate. I could feel that others felt that way, too. So I made them feel filled.”

“Why didn’t you stay with J… Hank… in New Eden, then?” Béla asked. “I mean, if he’s your lifemate…”

Beth laughed, then sighed, both sounds, sad. “I loved him for a long time, and missed him afterward. But fifteen hundred years is a long time to miss someone. I don’t love him, now. I got even with so many people for killing him, that – I finally just stopped loving. Anyone. Everyone.

“Then I met Vlad,” Beth smiled, still looking inward at her memories. “He was truly evil – the most righteously bloodthirsty man I had ever met. His mind felt delicious against mine. He was the antithesis of my lifemate, but everything he did was in his name. I think I was insane by then. Those thoughts seem to belong to another person – not me. Not anymore.”

“How did you come up with the idea of sticking bodies on poles?” Béla asked.

“We didn’t think of that,” Beth replied, surprised at the question. “The Turks did it first. I loved the Turks – they were a bloodthirsty lot. We just did to them what they did to us. On a slightly greater scale, of course.”

“Of course!” Béla said, remembering the stories about thousands of dead enemy soldiers staked out to protect Dracula’s country. “You would have loved the Druids. They weren’t quite as showy, but they liked chopping people up and burning them alive.”

“Were you with the Druids?” Beth wanted to know.

“For awhile,” Béla replied, looking back on her own memories, now. She was with them for almost five hundred years. “They called me Breed. They thought I was a goddess.”

“I’m sure you corrected their mistake,” Beth laughed, knowing that her sister was the Goddess of the Land in New Eden and had done nothing to correct that misconception.

“Of course I did,” Béla lied. They both laughed.


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It was three in the afternoon and there I was standing in his backyard completely naked, except for a collar that my Master made me wear that had - BITCH - written across it in rhinestones. The party was all set up. Lots of food and bottles of beer with my Master setting up the BBQ. I knew his friends would be arriving soon and I still didn’t know what was coming. My Master had said he’d enjoy watching me perform my first power hour. I asked what that was and he said that it’s a surprise for...

2 years ago
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Real Estate Agent seduces continued

“So, what do you want to do now?” she asked me. A sly, sexy, devishly look in her eyes. I was still recovering from her sucking my cock off to a knee weakening orgasm. I felt light headed as she stood from being on her knees in front of me and kissed me deeply. I immediately was struck by the taste and realization that I was tasting my own cum on her tongue. Wearing nothing but a tight, fish net body suit, her round perfect firm tits stood straight out and she pressed them against me. I could...

2 years ago
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Nerdy Wife Gets Owned by Jock

Originally Written by: gustav_jorgensonNewlywed couple Arthur and Eleanor joined a couple of friends Herman and Lester one night to enjoy a rousing game of "Settlers of Catan," a board game cherished by nerds the world over. Unfortunately their friendly game was disrupted by the intervention of Herman's crass cousin Joey...Arthur, Eleanor, Herman, and Lester were all sitting around the coffee table in Herman's living room playing "Settler of Catan" when Herman's cousin Joey walked into the...

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I fucked my mil rekha

My family had been looking for a girl for me to get married to for the last few years. I did not really want to marry a rich highly educated girl with a big family. These type of girls tend to be unfaithful gold-diggers. So I asked my parents to find me a sweet girl who had not yet attended university and came from a relatively small family with a low income. I remember the first time I met my mother in-law rekha. She had been invited to my parents house for tea . She was 38 at the time, she...

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Getting Even

Nancy was in serious trouble, I could tell. I had left her alone at home with my three poker buddies, not because I wanted to, but because we had all sworn, in a weak moment of drunken horniness, that we would each do that one time. But I had cheated, and snuck back to watch what was happening. What I saw had me in a panic. The guys were taking turns kissing her in the kitchen, and not just kissing. She was obviously hot as hell. Nancy was in serious trouble. I couldn't just burst into the...

3 years ago
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My personal Awaking

For me, it started the day after my 15th birthday.I had suffered through the embarrassing ordeal of having my mother be one of my teachers in the spring semester.  The ending of the school year trumpeted, for me the end of school, the beginning of summer which started of my celebrated birthday.  Despite my parents, both educators in the local school system, being nearly over bearing and puritanically conservative people, they were very considerate when they came to throwing my...

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Conservative Lady Turned Female Escort

Hi, friends am Shilpa (name changed) who is a sexy college student from Bangalore. I am currently doing my Bachelor degree in Bangalore. I am 20 years old girl with a good physique and sexy curves. I have a lot of sexual desires and fantasies but never got a chance to fulfill my fantasies. I belong to a very conservative family. It was my semester exam time. So, I thought to do combine studies with my friend Shwetha (name changed) in college hostel to score good marks. So, I went to college...

4 years ago
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1 Stormy MondayChapter 11

In the end, it took an appeal from Dave to Sammy. Bobby refused phone calls from Collette, just as he had from Patty. Collette asked Dave if he could help persuade Bobby to talk to her. Dave suspected that if he attempted to intervene directly on behalf of his sister, he would lose whatever friendship he had with Bobby. So he called Sammy for advice. Sammy agreed to talk to Bobby about it. The next day, as Bobby, Julie, and Sam studied together in the recreation room of Sammy's house,...

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Naughty Night Nurse

The following happened to me a few years ago in Autumn. I had been at a movie theatre (watching Titanic, if you must know) when all of a sudden my stomach cramped horribly and I doubled over in pain. Naturally some of you will blame the movie -- I actually thought it was good, and was seeing it for the second time. Rushing out of the theatre, I collapsed to the sidewalk and stayed there for a while, experiencing the closest feeling I'll ever get to childbirth, I'm sure. I was finally able...

2 years ago
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Little problem turned into a big problem

First I felt that I had a small problem and then it change to a big problem.I had recently hit puberty, I was a late bloomer and already 15 years old with a very boyish penis. It was so small that I was the joke of all my schoolmates. I felt sick to my stomach when I had to change after gym class. The other guys were so mean and hurtful.It got better when I hit puberty and my penis grew. Soon I had the normal sized penis, but the nickname Tiny had already been attached to me. I never got any...

3 years ago
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Miss S Chapter 1

The promised day has come, I’m tired from working all day, though Chad has been looking forward to this day for weeks. Outside in the taxi car I down the rest of the energy drink that promises little to help me out, if I could just take a moment to lay down on my bed and relax I would be good as new. There is no time, work ran over today so I am already going to have to rush to get ready. With a tired sigh I watch the taxi leave and walk into the house where he is waiting on me like the good...

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Real Incident Which Changed Our Group Into Gigolo

Hi Readers this is about a true incident happened in my life. We are a group of four friends Shiva Shankar Sathya and Vibin came from Trichy to Chennai in search of job after finishing studies but to find a job is really very hard describing we four were best friends right from college we were all very fit in physique as we participate in sports. We had dream of working in A big IT company in development and also we tried earnestly but life fucks. Yeah we searched for job but couldn’t fetch...

1 year ago
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LoveHerFeet Lia Lin Liv Revamped Girl Friends Comforting Each Other

Breakups are hard. However, moving on is harder. Having a supportive and comforting friend to get over a bad breakup can make a big difference. Lia Lin is quite lucky to have a friend like Liv Revamped. The gorgeous hottie with curly hair doesn’t hesitate to cancel her plan with her boyfriend to be with Lia. Liv knows her friend needs her more today than ever. Aside from being there to comfort Lia, Liv also can’t resist having fun with her. Seeing Lia’s big feet is more than...

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Exploring The Wild Sides 8211 Part 1

A fine morning.. Beautiful sunrise coming in from window.. Early morning bird chirps could be heard from the trees outside.. Seema wakes up with a big smile and looks at his sleeping face!!! Besides her.. Lays the man who has just given her the experience of a lifetime.. Loved her the way a lady deserves to be loved.. Gave her a night she was craving for, from.Years.. The chat that started from a social site has ended up fulfilling her life long dream.. Seema.. A woman in her 30’s.. A housewife...

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Celebrity Mind Control Revenge

Your name is Roy, and you are fed up with your life. “Your a manger of one of the sexiest celebrity’s on the plant, and that’s not the bad part. The bad part was them always saying you weren’t good enough, and you could never negotiate good enough to get her enough money. She even called you names like loser, and she said that if you didn’t improve as a manager she’d fire you. You finally have had enough, and you had set up a television in your office that had a hypnosis spiral going, and you...

Mind Control
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Student Ki Maa Ki Chudai

Hi friends me neev,23 year old handsome boy hu,mere lund ka size 6.5 inch he,me apko meri life ki sacchi ghatna sunane ja rha hu ki kis trh mene student ki maa ko choda,mene jise choda uski umra 35 se 40 ke bich hogi,rang gora or boobs or gand to qayamat dhane wale the jb b vo chalti thi dono gand uchal 2 kr salami dete the mera lund to unhe dekh kr he khada ho jata tha,me apka samay khrb na krte hue story pe ata hu bat un dino ki he jb school start hue the me apko bta du ki me home tution...

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Tranny Wife Me

I have always loved sex with trannies, even more than sex. Friendship and closeness that I would struggle to fin in a guy. My wife had no huge preference for Tgirls but she did have a ravenous appetite for sex and was curious enough to try everything. We decided to go to Manchester and their regular Saturday night Tranny evenings and from previous visits, we had a few drinks in Napoleon's Lounge. It was a popular meeting place for "girls." Trannies who liked other girls, trannies who preferred...

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Summer in the fields

Steve is an average 19 year old on the outside. He has a full time job, a live in girlfriend (Amanda), divorced parents, and 2 cats. On the inside he’s about to erupt. Summer is the eruption. Summer is Steve’s ‘alter ego’ who comes around every now and then. Steve used to let Summer drive around on the many less traveled roads in the area. Summer has never been with a guy, and she only got enough courage to massage the outside of her asshole with her wet finger. Right now Summer’s about to...

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A Game of InchesChapter 16

I drove straight home, I guess it was about five o’clock in the evening when I arrived. I went in and started gathering everything I would need for the trip in the morning. I put all of my bags by the front door along with my tickets and printed information. I laid out the clothes that I would wear on the plane the next day, then cleaned my room for the last time. I sat up and watched TV with Ashley for a while, I went to bed sometime around nine thirty. It was really a quiet, somber night,...

1 year ago
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EmergenceChapter 1 Starships and Queens

Joey was weaving through an asteroid belt made of cotton candy when a distant electronic chime gently brought him out of his sweet dream. “Alarm off,” Joey muttered as he rolled onto his side. Twenty minutes later, Joey suddenly snapped his eyes open and gasped, “Shit. Computer. What time is it?” “The time is oh six hours, forty-eight minutes,” the female voice instantly replied. “I still have twelve minutes then,” Joey said with relief, and then proceeded to stretch. After letting out a...

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TattletailChapter 2

Emily sat at the table crying while she watched her husband and best friend walk from the restaurant quietly talking together. Pete had his arm around Vicky's shoulders as she leaned into his embrace. Ryan started after Pete, striding angrily. He was yelling about losing his business. After several steps he stopped. He looked so defeated and alone that, even in her sorrow, Emily felt her heart go out to him. She wanted to comfort him and make it all better. He turned and started back to the...

4 years ago
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Aastha Fucks Her Students Part 1

Hello friends, I am Aastha, and I am back with another incident. This time, I will be posting my sex account in English. After he graduated from college, Varun got a job in Chennai. A month after shifting, the bastard broke up with me over the phone. He reconciled with his family and left me alone with our one and a half-year-old son. I was very hurt and got depressed. I could not focus on anything and as a result, my freelancing job took a hit. It took me a year to recover from his betrayal....

3 years ago
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Ready to Come Home from My Work Trip

As I am packing for an upcoming working trip, my wife Kendra hits me with the five words that men dread more than any others in the English language, “Honey, we need to talk.” I look nervous like something major is up and ask, “Is everything okay? Is everyone healthy? What’s wrong?” in a very panicked voice. You soothe me with a slight smile and respond, “Oh yes, it’s nothing like that. Why don’t you sit down beside me?” I come over and sit next to you. “Sweetie, I’m not sure how to say...

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MaquisChapter 24

Birmingham. August the same year. The Chief Executive of Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Birmingham, looked up, startled, as two men entered his office unannounced. “What?” he asked in surprise, before gathering himself. “Who are you and what do you want?” he asked, wondering slightly why his PA had not even tried to inform him. “Mister Sturgeon? Mister Connor Sturgeon?” the taller, younger, of the two men asked. “Yes. Who are you? You need to make an appointment. I’m a busy man, now please...

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Dinner Sex With Dad8217s Friend And Dad

Hello everybody, my name is Trisha, one of the three sisters in my family. I am a software engineer from Mumbai. I am 22 years old. I have a milky complexion. My figure is 38-24-37. I have huge boobs and ass with a tiny waist. So, this story happened last year with my dad’s friend, Rohan. He is the hottest among all my dad’s friends and I had a huge crush on him. One day, he invited us to his house for dinner. That night, I was wearing a blue dress that was till above my knees. It was a...

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A True TaleChapter 13

Four days past the 3-month deadline, twenty ships all flying the flag of the Kingdom of Farland. These were indeed an invading force. Four large warships, eight troop carriers, five cargo ships, two large barges carrying wagons and the royal galley flagship. They all made for the bay where the large barges ran aground, allowing the wagons to off-load and create temporary docks for the troop carriers to begin unloading troops. The cargo ships unloaded one at a time allowing all the horses to...

2 years ago
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Succulent Desires Chapter 2

Aidan stood there wondering how he let her slip from his grasp.   Rubbing his shaved head with both hands while he waited on the front porch, he wondered how he was going to survive a car ride to Edinburgh with her sitting next to him, how he was going to get her to kiss him again so he could taste her sweet, intoxicating lips again, and if her cum tasted just as sweet if not better than her mouth.   He wondered if she was as creamy and satiny when his tongue ran along her clit and labia like...

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In the Dark

This is a real incident which happened to me. And I am sure some of you might have experienced some time or other in your life……At first I was not sure if it was deliberate or accidental. It did look deliberate, yet it was very subtle. We both were traveling from Bangalore to Hyderabad. At about 8.30 PM in the night the bus started from Bangalore. He was in his late 30s and I am in my late 20s. We spoke at length about different things, as co passengers. He seemed to be successful professional,...

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Anal Virgin But Not For Lo

When it comes to sex, I've always been open trying new things. As I see it, I don’t know what I won't like it unless I try it at least once, and I've often found that I've ended up enjoying them in the end. The one thing I have always been against is anal sex. I have never even been remotely interested in trying it. There are many reasons why. Mainly, I just don’t see the reason for it. My husband and I have been married for six years, and after six years of telling him no, I'm finally willing...

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BurrChapter 67 Mr Oldham Gets Tough

William Lester taunted me about my pronunciation of certain words, especially those beginning or ending with 'th', but I tuned him out. I was having trouble concentrating on my study and didn't need any more distractions. What Jeannie had said about she and Cindy being grounded had given me a jolt. What Mr. Baldwin said about me no longer being welcome in their home had really rocked me. As far as I was concerned William Lester could go fuck himself. I wasn't in the mood to joust with...

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VortexChapter 10

The recording came to an end but neither of them showed any inclination to move. Wendy laid her head on his shoulder and sighed. "What's wrong?" Tim asked softly. "Nothing. Everything's very all right. That was a sigh of bliss." "Ah, a happy suitoress." "Very." There was a long pause. "Um, Tim ... she'd, um, be even, er, happier if you gave her um, a kiss." Very gently Tim kissed her forehead. "That's all I can reach." Wendy wriggled round and straddled his right thigh....

1 year ago
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Swallowed Kendra Spade Kira Noir Gag Fest

Kendra Spade is a naughty newcomer in her 3rd scene ever! Lucky for her Kira Noir has loads of experience to share. These nymphos were starving for meat, and wasted no time satisfying their hunger for a big tool. Kendra gives an impressive performance by sucking dick until her eyes roll back and tears come down. Not to be outdone, Kira takes a turn. You have to watch this girl – she’s told to slow down because she’s just TOO GOOD! These girls gag on dick and then eat some serious ass before...

1 year ago
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Just Acquaintences

There I was, another day where the cold January morning air slapped me in the face as I walked out of the car to my first period class. Through the doors, straight, then down the hall-last class on the right. I walk in, always the second or third person to be there, and greet my mathematics teacher from across the room. Grabbing my assigned textbook, number 14, on the way in, I march down the gap separating rows of desks, and plopped down into my seat. “Have a nice weekend, Jacob?” asked...

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