BLOWING OUR STEPDAD free porn video

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y best friend Becky's step dad during middle school ended up being MY step dad through high school. As far as Becky and I can figure out, this change-of-parent stems from the fact that my mom is a whore! My mom met Becky's step dad at my 15th birthday party when Becky and her mom and William came over. She got his number and kept making up excuses to call him. Embarrassing, really! Anyway, whatever she was telling him eventually worked: Two months later, we caught William pulling his truck out of MY driveway! (Becky and I were just walking home from school, and spotted him from across the street. He didn't see either of us.) Six months later, the 'change of ownership' was official between Becky's mom and mine; William now slept with my mom instead of Becky's!

My step-dad (now ex-step dad) William is a genuine and nice-enough guy. As a person, though not particularly as a 'dad.' He tried for the longest time to 'bring back' some parental order to our home, and to get me to behave myself around boys. With mom, however, there had never been any order to 'bring back'. Mom always seemed content to just leave me alone, and to not interfere with my dating.

(Besides, I was FAR too excited about my personal discovery of sex in the 12th grade to listen to some new would-be step!)

As it turned out, William ended up moving out just before the end of my senior year. Mom had hooked it up with my math teacher, and William caught them together in the shower one afternoon. He told Mom exactly what he thought about her, and stormed out. (What did he expect? Hadn't they cheated to be together in the first place? Oh, well, all's fair in love and war... and seduction.)


Becky and I actually have lots of things in common -not just step dads. Since we met in fifth-grade, we've pretty much shared everything, from music to clothes to the occasional 'friend-with-benefits!' In middle school, we had our own secret world of dirty-stories and fantasies we shared with one-another! I guess you could say that we were somewhat late-bloomers physically, but were years ahead in the mental-department!

It was highly amusing to be so overly mature compared to everyone else around us. By high school, Becky and I were outclassed by the developing curves of our female peers, but we had a distinct advantage in the 'flirting' department! Becky and I 'studied' and came to understand the reactions of the male sex. We were actually quite aware of how the young male-mind worked! (Not rocket-science, actually. One thing we realized that if a girl starts a conversation with a guy- any guy- and holds unblinking eye contact with him while he talks, he'll eventually start stammering or blushing or trying to 'act cool' in some way! It was an adorable and highly entertaining discovery!

When we turned 18, Becky and I FINALLY received what we'd actually wanted all-along: TITS! It was just simply amazing; within the course of one fall and winter, my poor aching chest expanded from training-bra flatness to the most deliciously full C cup anyone could hope to see! (A lot of guys, apparently, hoped to see!) Becky, whom I observed closely, was going through similar changes at the time, so we held our own secret-contest. Innocent girlish fun, honestly! We were neck and neck until the last week of our senior year, when my sports-bra malfunctioned conspicuously during volleyball, and had to be up-sized to a 'D'! For all the improvements 'on top' Becky and I both remained rather trim and toned otherwise, what with swim-team and yoga etc. etc. We were the same athletic girls we were before, only distinctly hourglass shaped.

One time, were out shopping for bras when we realized something we had always overlooked; something so simple but perfectly suited to letting us realize the full potential of our new found forms: fitted shirts! No, I'm serious! It was a real moment of realization for both of us... we went home that night, each with three carefully chosen new shirts. Shirts chosen, not for comfort or color, as in the flat-times past, but for their shear ability to show off our breasts!

We agreed to keep our 'boob shirts' a secret from our moms. We kept them hidden in Becky's gym bag. Every afternoon after gym class, we would unstrap our bras, slip into our shirts, and enjoy the last three periods of side long (and sometimes direct) glances at our tits!

Adolescent boys have not learned how to control their eyes, and so have very little ability to ignore cleavage. They have even less ability to control their penises, which we delighted in making publicly erect!

It was truly delicious mayhem, watching these boys watching us! I still have my favorite shirt -a dark blue tank that matches my eyes. Becky has her favorite: a low v-cut green shirt with a cartoon turtle funny! After school, we would talk to boys outside. Flirt with them, and entice them, and then walk home.

Becky and I also shared our 'first time', with a pair of high-school friends. It happened on the night of our much advertised,though largely disappointing senior prom. How typical is that?! We did it at an after-party at our friends' Jeff and Kevin's house.

Becky and I had simply decided that it was time for some virginity-loosing! We'd taunted these two boys all evening with our eyes, and by asking them if they'd 'gotten their nuts off' lately! By the next morning, we could check it off the list:

Virginity: Gone forever.

Kevin and Jeff: Happy Lads!

Erika and Becky: comparing notes, hungry for BIGGER and BETTER things!!


Imagine the surprise on my ex-step dad's face when a couple of bored, attractive high-school graduates knocked on his door! It was the 4th of July and we'd wandered across town and up the steps of his cramped east-side apartment. He opened the outer barred-screen door, half expecting to see our mothers behind us. He was obviously puzzled at our visit... I guess it must have been weird for him. I mean, we were his ex-step-daughters. He'd been the one who was there to scold us and to take care of us during our adolescent years. Now, he lives alone and has no lasting arrangement or connection with us whatsoever!

He was wearing a fresh button-down shirt and had obviously just gotten out of the shower. Was he expecting someone?

We just stood there, wearing our flirty above-the-knee summer dresses. Both our gowns, I might add, sported wonderfully revealing low-cut tops... perfect for summer mischief!

He stared for a moment, glanced out behind us, and asked with some uncertainty, if we would like to come in.

I smiled at Becky as he turned to let us through the door...She'd seen the same thing I saw... that wonderful uncontrollable 'downward glance' that let us know William was quite aware of our now 'fully-developed' bodies!


We'd actually talked about him at length during our leisurely stroll across town. (Talked about HIS LENGTH as well!) It was very entertaining to think that this guy had fucked both our moms, and was now single again! The poor guy... he'd just had his 42nd birthday. I remember because mom scratched the date out of June on our calendar.

Becky and I compared notes: Our memories ranged from Becky seeing him in swim trunks in her hot-tub, to my seeing his ass one time when he accidentally left the bedroom door open. By any reasonable conclusion we could draw, he had some very NICE equipment! Neither of us had seen it in 'action mode' but I'd noticed quite a sizable pair of balls hanging into view whilst gazing at his ass! Becky recalls one time finding my mom's gift to him in the laundry-basket: a sheer black male bikini-bottom... otherwise referred to as a 'banana-hammock.' She'd shown it to me in confidence, and we'd taken turns 'filling it out', first with our imaginations, then with our hands... we were just innocently trying to determine the size of its intended cargo!

(A funny story that goes along with those that find: One weekend, Becky and I both bought vibrators... It was late at night and we were each home in bed. Becky called me to ask what I was thinking of while masturbating... I described to her how I wanted to untie the little straps of William's 'banana hammock'... we basically both lay in our beds, cumming all night to thoughts of his junk! Needless to say, William's 'personal details' were quite enthralling to a pair of horny 18-year-old ex-step-daughters!


"You think your mom gave him good head?" was Becky's burning question she posed on our walk across town.

"Oh, I GUARANTEE it! That's probably why he left your mom." I shrugged.

"Yeah. My mom never gives head. I heard her talking to Aunt Jenna who recommended it."

"Don't worry about it. She couldn't have competed anyway. My mom's a fucking pro." I said in a casual way.

"Oh, no? You don't think MY mom's head could compete with YOUR mom's head?!" Becky retorted, eyes flashing! (We are always razzing one another about things we take personally. Our moms were an ongoing subject of debate.)

"Becky, what are we talking about?" I raised an eyebrow, amused, "Your mom vs. my mom in blow-job-giving?"

"Well, I guess not..." she said, trailing off. "...I guess it's a little late for THAT contest, anyway."

For two blocks, we walked in silence. After two, we shared giddy grins and just kind of chuckled to each other... it's so funny, but I KNEW exactly the thoughts she'd been thinking... I'd been thinking them too! I was ready to answer her when she finally asked, "So, UM... where DOES William live these days?"

I stopped, and raised an eyebrow in mock offense; Becky just grinned and licked her full pink lips!

"This way, my little ex-home wrecker!" I lead the way, my blond bobbed-haircut held high.


"Would either of you girls like anything to drink? Water? ...I've got... coke..."

"How about a beer, Bill!" replied Becky, relaxing on his blue futon-couch. She crossed one long smooth leg over the other, grinned, and watched him return with a frosty glass of Coke. He was SUCH a tightwad!

"And you... Erika?"

"Oh, I'll have the same!"

William sat down in his leather armchair. (It was the only REAL piece of furniture to his name.)

"So, I can't talk long I'm expecting a friend. It's a date."

Becky and I both smiled and gazed into his eyes, not saying anything.

"So... it's summer... You're both out?! Graduated, I mean?" he stammered, trying to break the tension.

"Oh, yeah. We're done. We're 18 and out the door!" said Becky with short flirtatious efficiency. She was holding his eyes with her own, and smiling deliciously. Becky shrugged her shoulders and leaned forward slightly... his eyes stole a glance at the way her pale breasts squeezed against one another in her cotton dress.

He turned to me, trying not to show his embarrassment, "And you, Erika? Any summer jobs?"

"Oh, I don't know!" I said, stretching my arms back behind my head, yawning lazily. "I was thinking of doing life-guarding again. I need to get a new swimsuit, though."

"Well, you should. I was down at the Y yesterday, and they're hiring..." He gulped and turned his head down to his beer. He'd involuntarily taken the bait: his eyes had looked at my clean-shaven armpits and glanced directly at my graciously lifted bosom! (I am NOT a 'little girl' anymore, I guess you could say.)

I cut in, sounding a little more sarcastic than polite, "I'm glad you've got a girlfriend, William. We won't stay too long."

He shrugged. "Just a date, really. Not a girlfriend. But a good friend, so thank you."

"But you want her to be your girlfriend?" was Becky's pressing question.

He sat back in his chair for a minute, looked at his watch, and shrugged. (He looked very nice in his light brown slacks and silk shirt.)

"Well, who knows? Anyway, glad to see you both. I think I really should finish picking up around here." With that, made a move to stand up, but Becky stopped him, placing her hand on his arm.

"Oh, don't get up! I didn't realize it was a house date! We can help you!"

"No, I mean thanks, but I should get ready and you..." he trailed off for a second, he seemed to have been momentarily hypnotized again by Becky's dress. A ray of sunlight from the window had somehow shone down her neckline where she sat, and was silhouetting her breasts in a rather spectacular manner!

Becky just let him look and said with assurance,

"This will only take two minutes, Bill."

"We just wanted your opinion about something... personal", I chimed in.


Now, Becky and I are each pretty confidant alone, but put us together and there really is NO LIMIT to the sort of trouble we can pull off! I guess it was a little forward on our part, but we'd come all that way to settle our little question of 'best blow-job' and weren't going to leave unsatisfied! So, he had a 'date'? It could WAIT! He'd been the one to invite US in... WE were his 'date' now! (All's fair in love and seduction, remember?)

Despite William's moment of surprise, he offered little protest when Becky reached behind her neck and unclasped the button holding her dress closed. She stood up from the futon, and in one sway of her hips, let it fall into a little puddle on his floor! At first, he was too busy gazing at her naked body to notice that I'd also undone and stepped-out of my coverings... the look on his face when he turned to see me was precious!

"Girls.. oh..."

He looked as if he had tried to remember something, but had just as quickly forgotten... His attention was with us for the moment! He gulped. He looked at me from head to toe. He took in my short blond-bobbed haircut, slender strong arms, pale shoulders, my pale bulging breasts heavy on my chest, my trim tummy, curved hips, my cleanly-trimmed blond tuft of fur, and tight muscular legs.

If he'd been planning to hold off for his would-be girlfriend, the situation looked bad for William. Very bad indeed! Already, his trousers were elevated beyond 'suspicion'. That was all I needed to see! In all honesty, it's pitifully easy to seduce a man. Especially if you're working with a friend!

Our first time at his place was really not a big deal. Essentially, he tried to get us to leave, but didn't manage to stop me from unzipping his nice clean slacks. He offered some words of protest, but didn't manage to stop Becky from licking circles around his balls... He said he should get ready to go, but didn't quite manage to escape my lips admitting the swollen head of his penis! Once that happened, it was all over for him.

(Not surprising, actually... I've gotten my technique down to the point that I can pretty much turn my lips, my tongue, and my throat into the hottest, tightest, slipperiest CUNT imaginable! Add to that my piercing blue eyes, gazing up behind my blond-bob, and maybe your hands cradling my unstrapped bouncing tits... and you're pretty much done-for!)

William ejaculated in thirty seconds flat.

Ten minutes later, it was Becky's turn! What she lacks in technique, she more than makes up for with her plush perfect lips, her curly blond hair, and her tongue. She's the only girl I've ever met who can have a guy's cock all the way up to the hilt in her mouth, and then nearly lick back to his ass-hole with the tip of her tongue! I'm talking ball-lapping octopus-tongue!


We had our dresses back on and were descending the apartment staircase when we passed a conservative looking woman in her mid 30s going up. She glanced at us for a second and proceeded up to William's door. (It was the only one at the top!) A LOT can happen in 20 minutes!

In William's case, it was enough time to give each of his ex-daughters an ample serving of his JIZZ!


It was part boredom, part curiosity, and MOSTLY just sheer horniness that found us walking up his staircase again the very next day! William opened his door a crack and frowned at us. He was obviously concerned.

"Girls. I don't want to get you two into any kind of trouble. Please."

"Oh, it's no trouble!" I said, brightly. "We're both going to community college in the fall, so we're not in any big rush or anything!"

"We have all the time in the world to get you hooked!" was Becky's equally bright comment.

"Girls, I just... I met someone. I'm sorry. We're going out again tonight."

"We didn't get you into trouble yesterday, did we? I promise, we'll behave!"

"I just wanted to bring you a present!" said Becky, extending her hand. When she opened it, out dropped a new, sheer, leopard-print 'banana hammock' the two of us had picked out. In the coming days, he would learn to wear it well!


Oh MYGOD! Can I just tell you how much fun it was, having William's place to go to? I mean, it could have been an interminable summer of boredom! William worked from home like he always had, editing sports-commentary and writing press-coverage...this meant that we generally knew right where his DICK was to be found! I know it's bad, but we literally made it our routine to go there every afternoon, suck him until he blew his load, and then go to our summer jobs! He didn't seem to mind.

There's something devilishly sly about the way a blowjob works on a man's mind: It feels so good and takes so little time that he never quite comes to grips with the fact that it is happening until it is over! Also, when its over and done, the man can *almost* believe that nothing ever happened, and go on with his day. What he doesn't realize, day after day, ejaculation-after-lip-glossy-ejaculation, is that his penis is being trained to deliver pleasure to his mind... and his mind is being trained to receive pleasure from his penis... Little by little, his body gets better and BETTER at being pleasured! Pretty soon, one meager pump and a second of orgasm has turned into three intense pulses of semen, and five seconds of beautiful agony... then five pumps of load and eight seconds of orgasmic torment... his balls make more and more cum to keep up with demand, and his JIZZING gets more intense, and more pleasurable the more his body grows to count-on it!

Let me put it this way: Each time a man lets himself cum into a girl's mouth, his penis has just taught him a little lesson in pleasure... a lesson his mind can neither ignore nor erase... a sneaky, slippery little lesson of pleasure that will be added to the *next time* it happens!


William didn't really realize any of this... he'd just shrugged it off and never told Kelly (his girlfriend) about the arrangement. She worked all day, so it worked out perfectly! He was growing to realize that our visits had become the favorite part of his day!


William was cumming again.

(Again and again and again, actually!)

I sat on William's couch in bra and panties, watching Becky finish him off. We took turns sucking, licking, kissing, and stroking most days. William was making wonderful progress in the pleasure department! These days, it seemed like he just couldn't get enough. Or give enough... I mean, this guy was turning into a human-oil-pump for semen! From the sounds of it, he was having a 'good time' in the process!

Becky was straddling his lap in the leather chair, tits in his face and letting him lick her pointed nipples... pretty normal weekday-afternoon stuff. I was just stroking circles around his inseam with my fingers when it happened:

Unbeknownst to us, William had given Kelly a key to his apartment, and she suddenly burst in with a bag of groceries.

"Lunch, William... oh!!" She stopped short.

Quite a scene, to be sure! William struggled to stand up out of the chair, pushing Becky off and directly onto me, her tits bounced and heaved right into my face! He had his pants down around his ankles, and his penis stood proud and tall out of a sheer leopard-print sling! (It had been my turn next, and it had readied itself for me!)

William tried to make for her, but Kelly dropped the bags and rushed out, leaving the door open... He whirled around, suddenly angry! Angrier than I we had EVER seen him in all the years of his parenting us. In a flash, the discipline was raining down on us like old-times:


And so we left.


And days went by. And then a week. Becky and I missed our afternoons at William's. I guess it was just a fun activity that we could share as friends; I spent some time feeling kind of guilty. Had we really fucked up this guy's life? Had we presumed too much? Still, he HAD opened the door for us each and every time... he HAD been home, and not somewhere else...

We still talked on the phone, but she and I had jobs on opposite ends of town, and really no excuse to meet in the middle anymore. Until the call came!

I listened to my mom, who had just picked up the phone. I knew right away it was Will by the sound of her voice!

"What? No! Why are you calling me? Erika? No, you can't talk to Erika. This family is through with you." CLICK!


"He called my house too!" admitted Becky.

"I guess things didn't work out with his girlfriend after all." I shrugged.

"Who knows, actually? Maybe we'd better go and find out!" said Becky, smirking.

It sounded reasonable to me! That evening, around 8:30, we took Becky's car. We stopped by our *favorite* shop along the way, and finally parked conspicuously at the curb in front of William's apartment. We knocked and waited at his door. When he opened it, he wore only his boxers, and seemed both surprised and relieved... he held the door open, but stood still. We wore sweats and sweatshirts... pretty conservative for us.

"Girls, I didn't mean to blow up like that. I. I'm sorry. I just."

"You just want us to SUCK YOU? Is that it?" asked Becky, incredulous.

"Becky.... Erika... listen. What happened... we just..." he was having trouble with his words. "I just wanted to tell you that on the phone. I didn't want you to come back. That is, if you."

"Oh, we can leave!" I said in a helpful-sounding voice, shrugging and turning to Becky to leave.

"No. Stay. PLEASE! You have NO idea what I've been through! I. HOLY-FUCKING-SHIT. Girls! I just can't write... can't sleep... can't eat. Not without. Without..."

"Without our helpful touch?" I offered.

"We know." Becky said, chiming in. "That's why we're back. But things are going to be different from now-on."

He looked physically relieved. He looked us both up and down. We were both looking at him through glassy seductive eyes. Our new plan was reeling through our sex-crazed minds!

"Different? How?" I must admit he looked concerned.

Becky removed a small tube from her purse labeled, "Stimulatrix Gel." Still standing in the doorway, Becky squeezed just one-tiny-drop of the pink liquid onto the tip of her index finger... his boxers were already standing out at attention. One little adjustment, and his shaft protruded through the open fabric folds, his swollen head purple and hot...


According to the manufacturer, one drop of this stuff on the head of a guy's penis will induce the most intense and spreading sexual-arousal ever achieved by modern science! Apparently, his penis will just keep TIGHTENING and THROBBING, and the feeling will just keeps GROWING to the point of insanity... Oh, and the only cure for it's specialized formulation is a hot wet CUNT!

In William's case, TWO of them.


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"No!" Miss Harcourt cried, "For gods sake No!" as I levelled Mr Cambridge's antique duelling pistol to aim not at Mr Simon Harcourt's head but instead the imaginary spot eight inches above his head whereby the ball would drill a third hole in direct line with his eye sockets. "Why should I spare him?" I demanded, "He has wounded me with his tongue and now his piece." "He, he is young and foolish," she shouted, "And noble in defending my honour!" I held the piece...

3 years ago
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Indian girl with cousin Mom and stepdad

Rajesh was studying his 12th std, he was athletic 18 year boy. He was staying with his dad’s younger sister Nalini’s house in Bangalore for his education. He was a well built boy of almost 6 feet and was a football player for his college team with a athletic body His Nalini Aunty had married Sharma after her first husband had died in a road accident. Priyanka aka Pinky was Nalini’s only daughter from her first husband and was 16 years old doing her 10 class, She. was a very slim girl around...

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In the country with stepdad

I was young when my father left, so it was mom and I for years. Mom dated some, but nothing heavy till she met Bill. He was the only guy she brought home, I guess to see how I felt about him. After a few months Bill asked if I wanted to go fishing. I told him I've never fished before. With a smile he said don't worry about it, it's easy. I said OK, I'll try it. He rubbed my shoulder and said great, how about next weekend. Friday night he loaded fishing gear, blankets, and food in the back of...

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How I started with my stepdad

It was three years ago, the first time I had sex with my stepfather. Iwas a very horny eighteen-year-old at the time and as it turned out, he sureliked other things besides my mom's pussy! Steve had sucked a few othercocks over the years and he sure liked mine, a whole lot. The first time hegobbled my dick, I almost passed out it felt so good! After a few timeslike that, I got kind of curious. Steve was more than happy to let me havea taste of his big cock and creamy cum. It took a few tries...

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Tim and stepdad

Wearing an engineer-style, arms-rolled-up work shirt, Tim's stepfather wasalso wearing his gray-suit pant which was now tenting and beginning todrench with leakage from the head of his dick as he lingeringly watched hisstepson steadily mow the lawn towards the front side of their house. Incontrast with the dry, coolness of the porch, his zipper lining was gettingnoticeably moist and his belt was tightening as his dick started togradually move upward from inside his pant leg toward the upper...

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Naughty stepdad

My name is Steve.I am fifty five overweight and bald (I know it’s not fantastic). I work in an office and sometimes from home.On the day in question I was working at home, it was about two o’clock and I heard the front door close.It must have been my stepdaughter Katie, she is s*******n and at the local unit she has blonde hair and is quite chubby but has very large breasts, anyway I carried on working.After about an hour I decided to make a cup of tea and decided to see if Katie wanted one ...

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Laying here with my step dad's taste still in my mouth and my pussy stretched from his massive cock. It still feels like I dream, I have wanted him for years, and finally I got up the courage to seduce my step father. I can't help but remember how it all started six months ago, I had just gotten out of the military and moved home to started college. My name is Kim and I am 23 years old, my father is David and he is 49 years old. I am five foot eleven inches tall, green eyes, auburn hair down to...

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I'd been at college for two months when my mom called me and said that my step dad was coming to town on business and wanted to take me out for dinner. I knew this was their way of checking up on me, but I was a student on a limited budget and a restaurant meal was very tempting.I'd left our little town a bright-eyed virgin, but after 2 months of various freshman fun and initiations I'd not only lost my virginity, I'd managed to try quite a few different things in bed. The problem was that I...

1 year ago
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Well my step dad would walk around the house naked and ask me to suck his dick , I mean the first time I did it he moaned like I was a pro. It mad him reall happy so I would keep on sucking his dick and eating his cum . But one day he called me in the room while my mother was at work. He told me to take all me clothes off . I was only 15 at the time by the way. So I did exacly what he told me to do , he said " My sweet Brittney why don't you let daddy suck your tits and fuck that beautiful wet...

4 years ago
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Innocence Lost 8211 Part 2 Watching My Mom Fuck My Stepdad

Thanks for your response to my previous story of innocence lost. I hope you like this one. You can give me your feedback on the comment section or at Ajay heads home, not sure of what to expect when he gets home. He enters the house and looks for his mother. There she is in the TV room watching a Hollywood movie, in the embrace of her husband. She notices Ajay and quickly gets up Mom: Hey, sweety! How was your day at college? Ajay: It was fine, Mom, thank you for asking. Stepfather: Have a...

4 years ago
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Daughter Seducing Stepdad

She heard the jingling of keys and the front door opening, she knew Rick had arrived home from work. She quickly put the photo album back in its drawer and went out to greet her stepfather. “Hey, Dad! How was work?”. He turned to her smiling, “Hey, Sweetie. Actually, work was great! Dan Barnes retired today, and I got tapped to take his place. I’ll be overseeing all operations at the factory.” Clare ran to him and jumped into his arms, giving him a tight hug, “Oh my god, Dad! That’s so great!...

2 years ago
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I hated Steve from the first day I met him. I remember it clearly, even though I was only seven years old at the time. My mom had just divorced my dad and I felt so alone. I felt that she had dumped daddy to be with Steve. I had always felt that way. Growing up my anger towards Steve grew stronger. I knew the only thing I was upset about was my parents splitting up. Even though Steve was the best father a girl could ask for, I always held that grudge against him. My mother and I would always...

1 year ago
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Lisa Gets it from Stepdad

Note : This story is complete fictional! Lisa slunk home from school. Her boyfriend – or ex-boyfriend, more like it – had totally humiliated her in front of the whole school. He’d told everyone that Lisa had let him take pictures of her – topless pictures, with her arms behind her head, breasts bared, wearing nothing but her school-issued plaid skirt, knee socks, and saddle shoes. She was only a fourteen-year old freshman. How could she spend four whole years at that school? Thank goodness the...

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Pagan ORourkeChapter 2

"Begin!", snapped the Armsmaster. Pagan spun, drew, flicked the thumb-safety off, fired six rounds, safed the pistol, reholstered - in one continuous, uninterrupted, motion - and announced, "Clear!" The Armsmaster pressed the button, to retrieve the targets, and glanced down at the stopwatch in his hand. "It's unreal, ' the old warrior thought, 'he's beaten every record in the books - including his own previous ones. Those shots were so close together, I'd have thought they came...

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Tourist Courting

Callie wrote the check to pay for four rooms and tore it out of her checkbook before handing it to the woman behind the check-in counter. The woman looked at the check for a moment, but didn't say any words of thank you. She just pulled her receipt book forward and wrote the receipt, which she handed over without comment. Callie remembered the sour-faced woman from more than forty years of visits, particularly when Callie and the woman had been much younger. The woman had been a sour-faced...

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Pampour Parlour Mum Pushy

Pamper Parlour Mum: Pushy & Proud By DebWeb. "Mum please stop this and let me go play with my friends." "Stop complaining, you know I have a reputation to uphold as the owner of a new beauty salon business. We have to look immaculate at all times. It impresses the customers and attracts new ones." "But mum..." "No buts just sit still while I fix your hair." I knew when my mother would not budge and this was one of those moments. I had planned on a nice day playing with my...

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Une Journe Difficile

Des fois il y a des journées comme ça qui sont faites pour mal se passer… On ne sait pas pourquoi mais cela arrive. Est-ce à cause des astres? Ou bien de ce qu'on appelle le destin? Ou pour les plus superstitieux d'entre nous, est-ce à cause d'un sortilège ou d'une malédiction? Personne ne peut le dire… Ce qui est sûr c'est que quand une journée est partie pour mal tourner, c'est difficile de changer cela! Nous avons justement rendez-vous avec une jeune fille qui va connaître une telle journée....

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A Man and His PetsChapter 18 Courtneys Torment and a Promise

About ten minutes later, after donning his skeleton costume, Jim followed Trina to the dungeon. With his cock hanging limply out of the costume, Jim entered the dungeon. Jim observed that Melissa was eagerly slurping away at Courtney's pussy. Courtney was moaning and writhing on the exam table to which she was secured. Jim turned to Cindy. "Cindy, my pet, come and suck me hard." In less than a minute, Cindy had his nine inch projectile ready to launch. Jim started the portable cameras,...

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Courtesan versus escort

Courtesan versus Escort Yes, it is important to know the difference to determine which best fits your desire, needs and style. Alternatively it is important to know which type of client you would be. Then and only then we can create the best possible outcome of our randez-vous for an unforgettable peak experience that you perhaps are seeking whether for a day or a lifetime.Different men are looking for different things and there is much confusion around about many terms improperly used in the...

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Neighbour asks a special favour

As I got home I heard chatting, from across the street and noticed my opposite neighbour was out on her balcony having lunch with a friend about the same age. I'd sometimes seen her coming and going, a woman a couple of years older than me, maybe late thirties, quite attractive and certainly with a body that looked younger and fitter than that. I'd often looked down from my 3rd floor window into her 2nd floor flat and wondered if I'd catch a glimpse of her in her undies or naked but sadly...

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The Courtesans Journal Ch 1

I will begin with explaining that there is nothing extraordinary about me. I was born into a modestly wealthy family of a reasonable social class. Having lost my parents rather early in life, I was shipped off to my grandmother’s where an army of servants and sycophants could ensure my proper education. In person, I am a tall woman with a dark look about me that has always ensued comparisons to gypsies or the fey. I am somewhat statuesque and have always maintained a wardrobe of jewel tones...

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Seymour and Sarah

Seymour & Sarah By Alice Barry "Oy vey, Seymour what have you done to yourself?" said my mother as she entered my apartment unannounced. I knew I should have never given her a key for emergencies. "Whatever are you doing here Mother? Haven't I told you to call before dropping in?" "Don't blame me young man, what in God's name are you doing in a dress? And why is lipstick smeared around your face?" "Mama, I did not want you to find out like this. This is who I am...

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ScourgeChapter 9

To back into the swing of things, Audra was taken on her first patrol. She has several soldiers accompanying her, including Kate. Unlike Gunnar’s recon patrols where he often went solo, this is a patrol of the surrounding area. The group is led by Major Zola, a stern woman who has been with the group and General Eisley since the beginning. She is in her early forties and still retains a lot of her beauty despite the peppering of grey in her chestnut colored hair. “This patrol is routine,”...

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College Daze Our First Year TogetherChapter 4 We Try To Solve The Rumour Mill Problem

Despite our fear of what the rumour mill could do to us, it took our friends just a few days to defuse the situation, and by the time exams rolled around, it was almost a forgotten issue. Our secret was still relatively safe, although the number of people that knew about it had doubled. But because we shared similar backgrounds, that first meeting Beckie Sommers suggested became the foundation of strong friendships that have lasted several decades. It was the week before Christmas, and we...

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ScourgeChapter 5

The months seem to pass quickly for Audra. The intelligence that she had collected from the rebel leader, Leah, had proved useful. Many raids were conducted and slowly the Scourge’s breeding ranks overflowed. She had also gained the trust of the queen, yet she still hadn’t been made a stalker. She was told that she was, but Audra couldn’t do that which Saige or any of the other stalkers could—control a red fungus skin of her own. The only thing she seemed able to do is control the chasers and...

1 year ago
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A Man and His PetsChapter 20 Courtneys Release

New Years came and went with out notice. A week or so later, Jim gathered Trina, Cindy, and Melissa in Cindy's quarters in the early evening. Jim gave all his pets gift wrapped boxes. The girls excitedly tore into the wrapping paper and threw the box tops aside. Then they saw the new clothes. Jim's pets weren't all that happy with the clothes. They said they had become comfortable being nude and didn't really need clothes. Jim just smiled at the girls. He then pointed something out to...

3 years ago
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ScourgeChapter 3

Several days since her betrayal to her fellow humans, Audra is awakened to noise. Not needing to don on any clothing, she leaves the small room she had been given for her loyalty. Rather than being turned into a breeder, she was told she was going to be made a stalker like Saige. Of course, that all still depended on the accuracy of the information she had provided. Once outside, she notices the bustle of guardians, stalkers and chasers. The queen isn’t taking any chances. Audra assumes that...

2 years ago
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For the sake of the tourism

For the sake of the tourism By RotnebSynopsis: Susan would like to help her father and the town with a special tourist attraction that will get more tourists to town. Although she is warned she would not understand the full implications to play witch. Susan and four other young naked girls end up as witches at the stake in the beautiful midsummer night. The story is only fantasy.A tourist attractionThe city was a trading centre for the large local country. But the city was also the city you...

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Road Trip Jim Mellons Erotic Journey Across AmericaChapter 15 Missouri

Crystal and I stayed three extra days with the Binfords so we could have some more sexual playtime with our new friends. We each enjoyed the role of 'instructor.' Fortunately, they had no other guests at the inn while we were there, so our 'lessons' were conducted freely in all parts of the inn. When we left, they were different people for the better – more aware of each other, more knowledgeable about pleasuring each other sexually, and more in love. We promised to keep in touch. During...

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Courtesan Ch 03

I spent the remainder of the night in the parking lot of a suburban shopping mall. I didn't get much rest. I was much too upset to sleep. I had a membership at the local YMCA. They opened at 6:00 AM. As soon the sun came up I drove over there and took a shower. After I cleaned up I walked across the street to the Tip Top Cafe and ordered a ranch breakfast. By the time I was finished eating it was 7:30. I needed to call my buddy Albie Porter so I turned on my cell phone. I'd switched it off as I...

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New To The Neighbourhood I meet My Neighbours Fir

The job transfer from the remote mine to the city was welcome but the search for a suitable unit was more frustrating and took a couple of weeks. Eventually I found a comfortable two-bedroom unit at the rear of a block of four not too far from town. On a Monday morning I acquired the keys from the agent and arrived an hour later with a professional cleaning crew. It took most of the day to clean the place, except for the carpets that they were going to steam clean next day. In the late...

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Adam Amateur Amour Academy

AMSTERDAM AMATEUR AMOUR ACADEMY AWARDS AWESOME APLLICANT ANJA ANDROPOVAAnja Andropova Awesome Amatrice & Amateur Applicant at Amsterdam Amateur Amour AcedemyAnja Andropova Amatrice Aimable black-haired beauty sucking sexbomb blowing USSR UsurpantsAnja Andropova Awesome Amatrice sexy suck-star pulls pants down to go down on their mini-mansAnja Andropova Awesome Amatrice sexy sucks her great grand-dad & in our video Prez Medvedev...

1 year ago
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The New Journeyman Battlemage

"Close your eyes, concentrate on the rose. Look at each individual petal, how they curl out to form the flower, how they overlap each other. Think of how the stem attaches to the rose, the leaves angle out from the stem and the thorns attach. Now with that picture firmly in place sprinkle a few rose petals in front of you and push with your mind. Push the picture from your mind into the hand that held the petals." "Now open your eyes and look at your rose." said Master Clarisse. As she...

3 years ago
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From Melbourne With Love

The soft feel and unforgettable taste of another woman’s sweet lips on my mouth, now that’s something I absolutely cannot get enough of. My name is Afaf Ahmed, and I’m a young Muslim woman of Saudi Arabian descent living in the City of Melbourne, Australia. I was born in the City of Dammam, eastern province of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. My passport says Saudi Arabian but as an educated woman, I consider myself a citizen of the world. Aren’t we all human at the end of the day? My parents, Ali...

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Lamour de deux femmes

L'amour de deux femmes By Jessie For those who wanted to hear more detail about my feminine adventures I have decided to tell you about my first feminine sexual encounter. I really hope you enjoy it, please let me know if you do! (Yes, I have embellished it a bit, well, a lot! But some of it really did happen... have a fun read!) As some of you will already know I sometimes crossdressed with my mother's friends Helen and Madeline. (See 'Delicious Adventure') After my first...

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Three Square MealsChapter 50 A showdown with the merc company the Armoured Cobras

The girls looked at him attentively and waited for him to continue. You could have heard a pin drop in the room, as they all leaned forward to hear John lay out his plan to take down the Armoured Cobras. “We’re going to form three teams,” John said decisively. “I’ll lead Team One, taking Dana and Rachel with me on a ground insertion into the base. We’ll rescue the kidnap victims, and sabotage the base’s generators. When the generators go down, that’ll knock out their planetary defence...

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Detours Part 1 of 3

It was Bonnie’s dad who had instilled in her the love of a good, long road-trip. Her appreciation of the finer things such as a car loaded with snack-food and CDs, rest stops, and the nuances of “roadkill bingo” were all because of him. He enjoyed planning his routes as much as he did just tossing the bags in the trunk on a whim and picking a direction and driving. And Bonnie always went with him. “North American roads have more total distance than the rest of the world combined,” he told...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Courtney and Tony start their life together

Tony and Courtney start their lives together This is a sequel to the story Wrestling with myself, by Katie Leone. Tony, a senior, befriended Courtney (formerly Corey) when she appeared as a 9th grader at Dunedin HS, in Florida. Tony is a deeply committed Christian, who never expected to fall in love with a transgendered girl, or face harassment from his Christian friends to the point of being attacked and hospitalized. The last scene of the book shows them at the homecoming dance...

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Dance of a LifetimeChapter 155 The Taming Of Courtney Rogers

It was a Tuesday morning, very early, when Courtney landed in Detroit. She had arranged for a hotel room, but couldn't check in there until later. She rented a car, and drove around a bit, finding something to eat. Afterwards, she headed slightly outside of town, to the ice rink that was the home of the Detroit Skating Club. It was a lavish rink, a lot of people trained there. The caretaker showed her where the dressing rooms were. She got changed and got her skates on, then emerged into...

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ScourgeChapter 2

Upon arrival at the stalker’s camp, Audra notices that there are two massively built men at the gates, acting as guardians. Neither of the men moves as she and her captors pass by. She begins to wonder how fast the large men would move if she decided to suddenly escape. But why would I? She is led through the encampment, which with the exception of the two men at the gates, have no guards. There are, however, a slew of breeders. They are lined up in rows and too far gone. Their limbs are...

1 year ago
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ScourgeChapter 7

Audra wakes up in a very cushiony and comfortable bed. She can’t remember the last time she was in a bed that felt this good. She also finds herself alone in a private room. Looking around the simple room, she is struck by how luxurious it seems to be. The clean sheets are crisp and fresh, the furniture looks brand new. As a rebel she never came close to being in a room this nice let alone having crisp, clean sheets. Often times, before and after joining the rebels, she was lucky to have...

2 years ago
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Loving Courtney Epilogue

Courtney, now twenty-one, is in her third year of college studying to be a Social Worker. She is showing remarkable talent in the field most likely because of her own experiences in the 'system'. I have to believe that after what Courtney went through, she will fight to do all she can to insure that what she endured will NEVER happen to a child assigned to her. Courtney aced her GED exam just one day after her eighteenth birthday and we were married in a small, private ceremony just a...

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