Contractor To The [porn] Stars Chapter 3 free porn video

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Ann and I must have sat and talked for hours in the coffee shop when I noticed it had become dark outside. I was surprised and said, “I'm sorry, Ann, I've kept you from wherever you were supposed to be. I was just enjoying talking to you so much I didn't notice the time.”

“Don't be silly, Chad. There's no place I'd rather be right now than sitting here talking to you. Do you have to be somewhere?”

I looked into her eyes and said, “Yes, there is, and it's right here, with you.”

She looked down and even blushed a little, then whispered, “I don't know if you're the most charming man I know or the biggest liar, but thank you for saying that. But it looks like they're closing, and I'd better get home, Chuckie will be looking for me.”

I drove her home to a very nice apartment complex and took her to her door. She gave me a very chaste kiss and a smile as she closed the door.

I went home, cleaned up, and sat as I went over what I'd learned about Ann. She was living with Chuckie, her stepfather, and was finishing her college classes in a few months. She kept house for the two of them. The one thing I wanted to know was if he ever made a pass at her like he did when he asked her for a blowjob. She had told me that he treated her well, but I was skeptical.

I didn't sleep too well that night and was a little fuzzy as I made myself breakfast until the phone rang. A good customer of mine wanted some more work done. Things were looking up. I was just walking out the door when it rang again. I was surprised to find Hazel on the other end this early.

"Chad's Carpentry.....What can I do for you Hazel? It's a good thing you caught me, I was just leaving, and you would have had to call me on my cell....Sure, I'll have some time toward the end of the week if that'll work out for you....Okay, I'll call you the day before, bye now.”

I hadn't drove a block when my cell phone rang. I pulled to the side of the road and answered it. “Chad's Carpentry....Hi Dawn, what a coincidence, I just hung up with Hazel a couple minutes ago.....No, I didn't know that, she sure doesn't look that old.....Plastic surgery, huh....I don't know, they felt natural to me.....Yeah, they're bigger than usual, but so are yours, and you told me yours were natural, didn't you?.....Calm down, I didn't say that, they're beautiful, Why'd you call me?.....Sure I do cabinet work.....This week? I don't know, I told Hazel I'd see her at the end of the week and I'm busy 'til then.....Okay, Monday or Tuesday, I'll call you first....You too, bye.”

What the hell kind of feud did I get in the middle of, two gorgeous, big busted porn stars fighting over my time? I don't know if I'm lucky or doomed.

Wednesday, I called Hazel. “Hi Hazel, it's Chad, I can come over tomorrow if that fits your schedule....Ten O'clock,? Can we make it noon then? I start at eight and I could do a job in the morning before I come that way.....You don't have to do that, I can grab a bite on the way....Well, if you're making something anyway, then sure, I'll be there at noon, thanks. Bye now.”

While I was finishing the shelving that afternoon I remembered I was meeting Ann at six, but that should give me plenty of time to see what Hazel wanted done and still get home to clean up.

Thursday I started a littler earlier than usual to make sure I finished the small job I had for the morning and finished in plenty of time. I stopped at a supermarket and picked up a little house plant for Hazel in thanks for the lunch she was making.

When I got to Hazel's I had to park in the street, the driveway was packed with cars. As I walked up to the front door I could hear some loud female laughter from inside. I rang the bell and when Hazel opened it there were five or six other women behind her, staring at me. They were all holding glasses and I got the strong impression they had been holding them for quite a while. A couple of them were teetering a bit and I saw two that were openly leering at me.

Hazel, grabbing my arm, pulled me in the house while saying, “I want you to meet some of my friends and co-workers, Chad.” She pointed and rattled off their names which I'm sure she had no intention of me remembering. I did remember the faces and bodies though, they were indelibly etched in my brain.

This was the most stunning gathering of pulchritudinous beauties I had ever seen, even if they all were a little smashed.

I got Hazel off to the side and asked her, “You did want me to do some work for you didn't you? I appreciate the scenery but I have to make a living too.”

“Sure Chad, I wouldn't fuck you over like that. There's a set of prints on the desk there, let's eat lunch and you can take them with you to get a bid up, alright?"

She led us all out to the patio where she had a bounteous spread laid out. We all got a plate and loaded up. I noticed the ladies concentrated on the bar more than the food, but maybe they were dieting. I sure didn't see any that weren't pretty perfect as is.

One of them sorta sidled over to me and slurred, “So you're Chad of the king cock huh. In this business I've seen some monsters but Hazel says yours is special. What's so special about it?”

I was a little put off by this and answered, “You'll have to ask Hazel, I don't go around comparing my cock with other guys, so how would I know?” I had drank a couple of beers with lunch and then Hazel insisted she and I do a few hits of tequila. When I started to feel it I thought I'd better leave and went to get the plans. Some of the women were in the house and the rest followed me in.

Hazel put her hand on my chest and ordered, “You're not leaving yet, Chad. I've been telling these girls about you and they don't believe me.” She gave a good shove and I stepped back, hit the couch, and sat down. When I tried to rise I had women all over me, one holding my face between her boobs and another digging at my fly and two more pulling my pants down.

One of them said, “It is pretty big, and it's still soft.”

Another noted, “ Yeah, but look how nice and clean and smooth it looks, what's it going to look like hard?”

A third claimed, “Get out of the way, I'm going to find out.” and dropped to her knees in between my legs, opened her blouse and started titty fucking me. That encouraged yet another to kneel on the couch and as the head of my dick would appear from the plump tits on each stroke, would take a long lick on it.

It didn't take very long and I was ready to cut glass with it, it was so hard. Needless to say, I was no longer struggling to escape but was trying to fondle all the naughty bits I could reach. The titty fucker had changed to licking and sucking on my balls while the licker was now deep throating me. One of the audience said to Hazel, “You didn't lie, I have seen bigger but none so nice looking.”

Another said, “Nice looking! That's a work of art! If that had been on the statue of Michaelangelo's David it would be gone by now with all the women licking it.”

Just then the ball licker said, “His nuts just tightened up, he's gonna blow.” And blow I did, almost blowing the cocksucker off it. She was a trooper though, and stuck with it until it started leaking out around my dick onto my thighs.

With that, one of the ladies cried, “Don't hog it all, Amy!” and started to lick and suck it off me. That started a bit of a free for all, each trying to get some by swapping cum with Amy and each other. It's a good thing I was already sitting or I'd have been on the floor.

“Holy shit! He's still hard. Hazel, I'll never disbelieve you again. How long can he keep it up? Can he cum again too?" One of the girls was amazed. I didn't know it was out of the ordinary, I was usually good for at least two go a rounds. There was a lot of loose clothing flying around now and some beauteous bodies showing.

Hazel said, “You ain't seen nothing yet.” as she jumped up on the couch and planted her pussy over my face. I grabbed her ass cheeks and started enjoying the tasty snack she presented to me. I also felt somebody lower themselves on my dick and start whooping and hollering.

From the noises I don't think the others were holding a book reading either. I was able to peek around a thigh to see a raucous scene of various female parts in a snarl of passion.

I lost track, don't even ask. I finally did have to almost fight my way out with my shoes in my hand. I never saw my skivvies again either, but made up for it when I found two pairs of panties shoved in my shirt pocket with a card that had a bunch of phone numbers on it.

I made it in time to pick up Ann, but just barely. We went out to dinner and sat after just talking for a while. She looked at me quizzically a few times and finally asked, “Are you okay, Chad? You look really beat, was it a hard day at work?”

“Uh, no, not really. I went to Hazel's today and, um, things got out of hand. She wants some work done but she had some of her friends there and, uh, they were tipsy and uh, I was in over my head.”

Ann grinned and said, “Yea, and I know just what head you're talking about, too. Hazel is known for her parties, don't let it bother you, it doesn't me. I've been around this lifestyle long enough to know that sex is one thing, feelings for someone is another altogether. If you get in situations like that it won't change my feelings for you."

I sat back in relief, “That takes a load off me, Ann. I don't want to mess things up with you and me, I've become very attached to you. Some of Hazel's friends want work done too. At least, that's what they said, but I don't know if I trust that.”

“Don't let it worry you, Chad. If they start getting too playful just tell them no. I'll tell you one thing, you don't have to worry about picking up some disease. Their livelihood depends on staying healthy and they get checked regularly. Anyone who doesn't no one wants to work with. And then they don't work.”

After a couple hours talking Ann said I looked like crap and should go to bed. I didn't tell that had been my intention when I made this date, but not alone. After the workout this afternoon I concurred and took her home and went home myself. I slept like a log.

I put in a long day Friday and went to bed early. Saturday I tried to call Ann but didn't reach her until the afternoon. She sounded a little distraught and asked if I could pick her up, to which I quickly agreed.

As I drove away from our meeting place I could see that something was agitating her and inquired, “What's bothering you ,Ann? Is school giving you trouble? Tell me and maybe I can help.”

“No, schools fine, it's Chuckie. I don't know what's going on, he's always treated me like a daughter, but now he's coming on to me and I don't know how to handle it. Another thing, when mom was killed in an auto accident I got a big insurance payout and so did he. He's always managed mine for me but now he won't talk about it, and I'm worried.”

I thought for a moment and asked, “Do you know what the money is in, stocks, real estate, something else? We could trace those I think. Do you have any papers?”

“That's just it, Chad. He used to give me the reports to look over, but I never paid too much attention except to see it was growing nicely. But now, even when I ask him about it, he evades or tells me he hasn't the time right then. And that combined with his looking at me the way he started doing lately, I'm very uncomfortable. I do have some of the old reports and papers that I've tucked away in a hideyhole.”

“I think we should look those over. I have a customer that I think will help us figure it out, he's a lawyer, and has become my friend, but we can't do anything tonight. Let's go to a movie and relax.” She scooted over to me, put her head on my shoulder and agreed. After the movie we stopped at friendly neighborhood bar and had a few drinks. I could see that she was still disturbed.

“What's wrong Ann? You still have those frown lines on your pretty face.”

She sighed and stated, “I just feel uneasy about going home. I just don't know Chuckie lately or what he'll do. He's changed.”

I offered a possible solution, “It's still early, Chuckie won't think it strange if you invited me in. I'll be able to see how he's acting and maybe straighten things out between you and him.”

“Oh, Chad, that would let you see the tension between us, I think. Let's go.”

After parking at the complex we walked hand in hand to the door. As Ann unlocked the door and we walked in we heard from another room, “Where the hell you been, Annie?” Then, as he walked into the room, “Oh, It's you Chad,” as he frowned at me.

Ann asked Chuckie, “Why do you want to know where I am all the time? You never cared before, so what's different now?

Chuckie growled, “You're just about done with school and I have plans for you, that's why. Don't you think you should pay me back some for the years I've taken care of you?”

Ann was bewildered, “What do you mean, you've taken care of me, you've been paid from my money every month, and who's been taking care of who? I've been cleaning house and cooking for you for all those years and you've never had to pay me a thing.”

“Annie, you don't have any money. And haven't I paid for your education? You owe me, and you'll pay me, one way or another. I told you I have plans for you.”

“What kind of plans, Chuckie? I told you I won't do porn. If there's no money, what happened to it? What about those reports you gave me that said I had it and it was growing.”

Chuckie sneered, “I was your legal guardian and invested it for you. We did good for a while but when the recession hit we lost it. Now I've made arrangements for you to become the biggest porn star ever. We''l both be back on top again, bigger than ever. So don't get squeamish about porn, you've been in it for a long time.”

“Chuckie, you know I didn't even want to be a script girl. I did it to help you out when you couldn't find anyone else. I won't do it.”

Chuckie reached for her but found me in the way and I didn't have a smile on my face. He looked at me for a moment and walked into the other room. Ann stood there, stunned.

I put an arm around her and suggested, “Ann, why don't you get some things together and stay at my house. If you want we can get the rest when he's not here, but don't forget those reports and any other papers you have.”

It didn't take long for her to gather her things and we left. On the way to my house she quietly cried while I held her close. When we arrived I carried her things in and to the room she, uh, we had used the last time she was here.

We talked about her dilemma for a while and decided we'd have my friend look over her papers. I called him and made an appointment to meet him at his house in the morning.

I was in the kitchen, making a light meal, when Ann came over to me, put her arms around me and laid her head on my back and said, “Thanks for taking care of me, Chad. I don't know what I would have done if it wasn't for you.”

I turned and put my hands on her hips and lightly kissed her, but she wanted more. She opened her lips and ran her tongue over mine, saying, “I don't want to be alone tonight, will you hold me and love me?” I turned off the stove and picked her up. As we went down the hall she kissed me passionately, as I caromed off the walls, until we reached the bedroom.

I laid her on the bed and joined her, holding her in my arms as we kissed. She unbuttoned my shirt as I did her blouse. I stroked her breasts through her bra as I nuzzled her neck, but she quickly unhooked it and took her blouse and bra off as I took my shirt off and threw it in the direction of the chair.

As I laid back she laid atop me and ground her whole body on mine. I know she felt my erection as she reached down and lightly squeezed it through my jeans. I took her by the waist and lifted off her me and stripped the rest of the way and helped her pull her jeans off her legs.

That left me at the end of the bed admiring a beautiful pussy laying there. I took her ankles and spread her legs a little as I started kissing my way up her calves, then her thighs, and finally her cleavage of ecstasy. She moaned and gave a deep sigh as I parted her lips and licked her inner goodies. When I took her clit between my lips and sucked on it she immediately orgasmed. I slid up the bed and held her while she quit shaking, kissing her lightly and stroking her breasts.

Soon she pushed me on my back, and straddling me, slowly lowered herself on my erection. The intense sensations had us both panting as she slowly rocked herself back and forth trying to get more of me into her.

I reached up and held her shoulders as I sat up and kissed her and tried to get my whole tongue in her mouth. I then slid my arms under her legs, slid to the end of the bed and stood.

I now held her with her legs over my elbows and by raising my arms opened her up to accept my whole length into her hot, moist tunnel of pleasure. It didn't take long for both of us to cum together in a final burst of euphoria.

We collapsed on the bed. As I held her I could feel when she relaxed and fell asleep. I rolled her enough to get the covers loose and covered us. Then, I too, fell as sleep like I'd been cold cocked.

When morning came I awoke first and just laid there for a while, watching her sleep. She gave little poofing sounds as she breathed. I quietly slid out of bed, grabbed my robe, went and put the coffee on and gathered the eggs, sausage and bread for breakfast.

I had just poured my coffee when she appeared, wearing my shirt from the night before. That aroused me more than a little as it only reached the middle of her bare thighs and did very little to disguise her beautiful full breasts when she left a few of the top buttons undone.

My libido took a nosedive when she asked, “How soon do we have to meet your friend? What time is it now?”

I looked at the clock and said, “We have time for breakfast and a shower if we hurry.” That killed a shower tryst, damn it!

Ann asked, “Would it be alright if I took my shower while you make breakfast? Then while you shower I can make myself presentable.”

“Honey, if you were any more presentable than you are now we wouldn't be going anywhere but back in the bedroom, but go ahead, I'll just cook and suffer by myself.”

She gave me a little kiss on the cheek and walked down the hall. I said walked, I meant pranced, as she knew I was watching those cute little butt cheeks wiggle. I damn near stuck my hand in the flame before I got a grip on myself and paid attention to cooking.

We were in time as we pulled up to my friend's house. He was Don Harris, a lawyer I had done work for on a trade basis, my carpentry for his legal advice and help. He met us at the door and I introduced Ann. We went into his den and his wife came and offered us coffee, which we accepted as I hadn't had but two cups at home.

We explained the situation to Don. He raised his eyebrows a bit when he learned Chuckie was a porn flic producer but made no comment, even when he heard that Ann had worked on the sets. He looked Ann's papers over for a while and then laid them on his desk.

Turning to us he asked Ann, “Do you mind if I make copies of these? You should put the originals in a safe place, preferably a safety deposit box. How old are you now Ann?”

Ann replied, “I'll be twenty three next month. Why, is that important?”

“Yes, according to your papers, uh, what's his name, Chuckie? He should have turned everything over to you when you turned of legal age. That's eighteen in this State, so he's had control of your money illegally for almost five years. I'll have to study the copies and check at the court house first, but it looks like he owes you money, and a lot of it. Do you know if he has any assets that you could recover?”

Ann thought and then said, “He's been dodging the law and the tax authorities for a long time. I know he has money, but I don't know where, maybe some of his friends do though, they invest together on different things.”

“Alright,” Don said, “Make a list of his associates that you know and I'll have them checked out. Chad, you might owe me a whole house remodel before this is done.” He was smiling though so I hoped it wouldn't be that bad.

But then Ann spoke, “No, Mr Harris, this isn't Chad's problem, it's mine, can't we work on a contingency basis?”

Don chuckled, “I was just pulling Chad's chain a little, I don't think it'll be that bad, and I'm sure we can work something out. I probably won't know anything for a week or more. Will you be alright until then?”

I spoke up, “There's no problem, Don. Ann can stay with me.” That raised his eyebrows again but he said nothing more.

We spent the rest of the day very pleasantly after we went to a bank and rented a safety deposit box. Ann seemed to be considerably relieved and it was great to see her usual smiling self. We even went on a picnic But the last days must have exhausted her mentally, as she fell deeply asleep on the way home. She didn't even wake completely when I carried her inside and laid her on her bed.

When I checked on her later I saw that she had become conscious enough to get undressed and was cuddled snugly under her blankets. I didn't have the heart to wake her, but I sure wanted to. I called Dawn and made arrangements to see her tomorrow and then waited for Ann to wake and hopefully call me to her bed. No such luck.

I woke early, checked to see Ann still sleeping, had a quick breakfast, and packed a lunch. I left a note for Ann and went to the lumberyard to make arrangements for some material deliveries. Then I took a deep breath and went to Dawn's.

When I pulled into her driveway I was relieved to see only her car. Not that I hadn't enjoyed Hazel's little party, but I also had to make a living. When she answered the door I could see that she hadn't been up long. Even without makeup and with her hair tousled she was a stunning woman. She was wearing a light silk robe that clung to her luxurious curves as she moved.

She motioned for me to enter as she said, “Good morning, Chad. Want some coffee? I just made it and I need it bad, c'mon in the kitchen. As I followed her down the short hall she was doing that female prance too. I wasn't complaining, very nice movements.

As we sat at the small table Dawn asked, “How did it go at Hazel's? Did you enjoy yourself? I heard she had one of her parties that day. Did you get in on that?”

“Uh, yea, I guess you might say that, I think I was the party for a while. I think I was ambushed, I didn't know what was going on. I have to confess I enjoyed it though.”

Dawn laughed heartily, “I can see where you might have, I've been to her parties and you're right, you were ambushed. Don't feel bad about it, the mayor and chief of police were ambushed once too, and they didn't complain either.”

“Oh, Dawn, I wasn't complaining, anything but that. I got some work out of it too. I'm hoping you have some for me too, do you?”

“Yes, carpentry or bedroom, which do you prefer?”

“Uh, I think we better discuss carpentry or I'll forget why I'm here.”

“You're a spoilsport, Chad. I want to redo the whole kitchen, these cabinets are falling apart. Can you give me some ideas about how to make it more efficient? Then, maybe, I'll give you some ideas on what I do best.”

We discussed layouts and budgets for the kitchen for quite a while until I had a good idea of what she wanted. During this time her robe would slip open a little and she'd pull it shut again, but never as far as before. I had a good idea of what else she wanted and I was getting a real woody. And I'm sure she noticed when she kept glancing at my groin.

She suddenly sat back, let her robe open all the way and stated, “Let's quit fooling around. I've wanted another chance at you for a while, and I see you're ready.” She got up and dropped onto my lap, straddling me, and gave me an open mouthed kiss that shook me to my toes.

I grinned at her and asked, “Dawn, don't you get enough sex at work? Why pick on a poor carpenter on your day off?”

She reached between her legs and got a good grip on my dick while whispering in my ear, “Don't mess with me, Chad. I got into this business 'cause I'm oversexed and need cock every day and today it's yours. She got up, pulled me to my feet and down the hall.

When we reached the bedroom she threw her robe on the floor and started quickly undressing me, I even gladly helped her. When I was naked she grabbed my dick and gave it a couple tugs while trying to choke me with her tongue, I picked her up a couple of feet and threw her on the bed. I had enough of the females leading the parade.

I dove onto her and immediately thrust my cock into her. She was amazingly wet already and I slid in easily. As she moaned deeply she locked her legs behind my thighs and pulled me farther in. I used no finesse and just plunged repeatedly as fast as I could. I wasn't neglecting her tits either. As I sucked and bit at her nipples she panted, “Just like that, oh, harder, bite even harder, I like some pain, ohhh, fuck me harder.”

After Dawn had climaxed twice I too reached an eruption of lustful satisfaction. I collapsed my full body length on Dawn until she groaned, “Get the hell off me, will you. You're no pigmy, you know.” I rolled over and felt a little sheepish about putting all my weight on her until she rolled right with me and positioned herself full length on my body.

I didn't disapprove of where she was in the slightest. Her bare breasts on my chest and her warm gasping breath on my neck was delightful. When her breathing slowed somewhat she slid down a little and nuzzled my chest with small kisses, even licking my nipples.

She continued those attentions as she progressed down until she faced my still erect cock. She fondled it while cooing a bit and then looked up at me and declared, “I love the taste of my juices on a man's cock.” Then she enveloped it in her hot mouth, sucking and twisting her tongue around it while jacking it with one hand and fondling my scrotum with the other.

I was soon humping my butt off the bed, trying to gain full access to her oral orifice and came copiously down her throat.

After calming down we held each other in that comfortable after sex placidity, just quietly chatting. Then Dawn looked at me and asked, “How did you get mixed up with Chuckie? You don't seem the type for him to associate with. You're way too innocent and charming.”

“It was a type of emergency thing on his part, I just needed the work.” I explained how he called me from a reference when he needed someone right away. Then I inquired, “What do you mean by too innocent? Do I look like I just fell off the turnip truck?”

“No Chad, that's not what I meant. I meant you're not a thug like Chuckie. I know you've met Bobo, he's the type I'm talking about. Chuckie can have good manners, and he's smart, but he's the biggest fucking thug of all of them. I wouldn't trust him for a second. He pays the actors and crew okay because if he didn't nobody would work for him, but they all dislike him. That's why he keeps Bobo around.”

“Does that extend to Ann too, Dawn? Do they all dislike her?

Dawn raised her head and stared at me, “Are you nuts? Everybody loves Annie and feels sorry for her, kowtowing to that bastard like she does. She doesn't realize what he's like and one of these days he's going to hurt her, but nobody has the guts to tell her. If Chuckie found out, the best you could expect is having your face scarred and then you'd be done in the movie business. It's happened before.”

“Let me tell you something, Dawn. And then I want you to tell me whatever you can to help Ann. Will you do that for her?”

“If you promise you don't tell anyone where you learned it I, and some others, will tell you whatever we can to help Annie, she's a sweetheart. What do you want to know?”

I told Dawn very little about Ann's situation but enough for her to tell me who Chuckie does business with and where he has assets that she heard about. She knew enough that I got my notebook and wrote it down, there was too much to remember. She also promised to put me in touch with other people that could be trusted that might know more.

I thanked Dawn and kissed her goodbye. Just before I left she told me one more thing, “Chad, don't trust Hazel. I'm not saying she's Chuckie's stooge, but she's not very bright and thinks Chuckie is a good guy. That's one of the reasons she and I don't get along too well, so be careful.”

I took my notes to Don Harris's office and explained them to him. Even though it was still early afternoon, I went home to see if Ann was alright and explain what I'd found out.

She had spent the day cleaning and dusting rooms I hadn't done in a while. I told her what I'd learned and now we just had to wait to see what Don dug up. Maybe next week we'd have a clearer picture.

I'll continue this if there's interest.

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OHGirl Velvet The Life of Porn Stars

Velvet: I missed the girls and Mikey, but he was still getting things organized. He had purchased a home in Japan and was getting it ready for the move, while he sold his and my condo in Las Vegas, our country home and my mom’s Condo in Columbus. The k**s were being cared for by him and mostly the nannies and they would be with us once again in the next month. Three weeks had already passed and my mom and I were keeping busy as the two hottest, fetish porn stars in Japan. We were sometimes...

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OHGirl Velvet Real Porn Stars

Two weeks had passed and my 19th birthday had arrived. I had been working as an escort for the last year and had fucked nearly 500 different guys during that time, something which I had craved in my sex addicted state, but for the last two weeks I had focused on my school work and coming home each night to spend with Mikey. He had raised me as his daughter and I recently learned that he was not my biological father. He had shared the information with me, but no one else knew. My mind had been...

3 years ago
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Teen Porn Stars

Teen Porn Stars I am a high school mathematics teacher while my wife is an English teacher. We both teach the ninth grade where the students are all about fifteen to sixteen years old. They are freshmen and are the small fish in a very big pond. For some it is hard to adjust to it because just last year in junior high school they were the big fish in that very little pond. My wife and I run a little porn studio in our basement too. It is for a very select clientele, the kind that...

4 years ago
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OHGirl Velvet Bukkake Porn Stars

OHGirl: I woke up next to my daughter’s former boyfriend, Marvin, his arm wrapped around my waist and his hard cock pressing against my ass. He had come back to the condo after my big bukkake video the night before. He had arranged for me to shoot with 25 new guys, that he had signed up on campus over the last two weeks, and I agreed to do a massive facial scene with them for my 50th birthday party. OHBoy was going to meet our daughter, Velvet, in Cleveland where she was promoting her 4...

2 years ago
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Playing at Porn Stars

Playing at Porn Stars It was my birthday, my wife Olivia had prepared a wonderful meal which we ate after I got home from work and we were about to retire to the lounge “I have a surprise for you.” said Olivia, as we made our way to the lounge. “Tonight is Porn Star night,” she announced, “so I want you to go in there and strip off completely.” “Who are the Porn Stars?” I asked, “or what film are we watching.” “We are the Porn Stars!” she exclaimed in her best posh accent, “Now I want you...

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PornHub 3D Porn

What’s up, you fucking perv!? Haven’t you got tired of jacking off to those Japanese cartoons all day? (That’s right! I still refuse to call it “anime”! Go outside, haha!) Isn’t it about time you get off to something a little more interesting? There’s a bunch of 3D girls out there waiting for your cum tributes! And no, I’m not talking about the 3D girls you’ll find when you finally leave your cum cave! I mean actual 3D animations!That’s right, my horny little friend! We’re gonna be talking...

3D Porn Sites
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Daddys twin porn stars part one

Twin girls were quite pretty but quite wild. Their mom did not care what they did as long as she was able to drink herself to sleep every night. The dad started noticing how sexy they were and his wife was not giving him any sex. He decided the girls would be a great way to release his sexual fustrations. He knew his twin daughters were sexually active so he wanted to fuck them too. That night he went into the bedroom where they slept. He tied one leg of each twin to the bedpost then stripped...

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Jealousy and suspicion are terrible diseases and I fervently hope that I am now cured. I know when the cure happened. I can tell you the exact date and even the time of day when I was cured. I remember it vividly.Telling my story makes me uncomfortable because it brings up memories I would rather leave buried. I don't like to hold up the faults in my character for everyone to see. But I also feel that I have an obligation to relate the happenings of that fateful day in the hope that some fellow...

Wife Lovers
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PornHub Funny Porn

What’s up, you horny fuckers!? I hope you haven’t been too busy breaking that cock off because I’ve got a treat for you today! It might be the perfect thing to give that poor arm a rest day! (Or not.) Don’t you ever get tired of pulling on that little thing? I mean, it must be exhausting! Haha! I bet that right arm is about the size of Terry Crews’! Anyway, depending on how horny you are right now, what I’m about to show you might give you something else to do other than pull your dick...

Funny Porn Sites
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Budding Porn Stars

I had been curious about the advert for amateur film stars placed on a postcard in the local paper shop. I had previously called the number and spoke with a foreign male who said it was for a new DVD he was marketing. He didn’t make any excuses and came to the point that it involved getting naked. He had a young woman visiting him that same day and asked if I could pop round. Naturally I was getting paid, more if the DVD sold so I accepted.The venue was an ordinary house in town. The man...

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Billionaire and the SisterhoodChapter 79 Porn Stars At Play Hunks Condo Sex Club

Mark After a phone call to Brita late in the day to check on her plans for dinner, Sheila and I brought Karyn and one of the male porn stars, Valdemar or Val, back to a restaurant where Brita and Nils joined us, and we all had dinner together. The conversation was free ranging, but Brita made it obvious that she had in her past been in the same field of endeavor as Karyn and Val – video adult entertainment. After our nice dinner, Brita and Nils hosted us for a nice little fuck fest in the...

2 years ago
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I used this Contractor to build homes we got to be friends and would go to launch and dinner sometimes to look over plans he is 6.6 tall and handsome.. We were in the bathroom one time and win he was done he turned before zipping up and I seen his cock WoW it was big and long I joked with him asking what he fed that thing lololol.. He did not know I was a Cross Dresser and a total Bottom and I Loved to be Man-handled !! Also it was odd he would reach out and flip my boob they are big for a guy...

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The Porn Stars Sister

The Porn Star’s SisterChapter 1 The reunionHe was known by many names. Mr. Darren, Mr. D, and for those that knew him best, “El Diablo”. A middle aged white man that was a bit overweight. To the casual observer, he was just a average guy. In reality, he was head of an international organization that made most of their money off sex and d**gs. He had a talent for getting some of the most beautiful women in the world to work for him and do his bidding. Barb was one of those girls. She had been...

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Coronavirusthemed porn is a thing

COVID-19 has affected virtually every aspect of our lives, so why should the way we watch porn be an exception? Not only are we watching more of it, but it’s all about hazmat suits, masks and gloves.In an article posted on Psychology Today, Dr. Martin J. Lehmiller writes that the virus has given porn consumption rates a boost. He refers to Pornhub — a free video sharing and pornography site — which reported a steady increase in March since lockdowns around the world began. In fact, on...

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Fucking the Porn Stars MUM

For followers of my little series 'Me and the Porn Star', you'll already know that in late 1985, completely by chance I had a relationship with a girl called Nikki who, it turned out, had done about 10-11 porn scenes about 2 years before I met her. I was in my element for over two months - the sex had been FANTASTIC and I had learned a lot about porn which I didn't know before, got to do a double penetration for the first time, and a whole lot more.But, like all good things, it came to an end....

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Thangaiku Theriyaamal Amma Magalai Oothen

Indru tamil kama kathaiyil ilamaiyaana magalum pinbu vithavai ammavaiyum eppadi usar seithu matter poten endru ungaluku solugiren. Suvarasiyam athigam irukum kama kathaikul selalam vaarungal, en peyar karthik. En veethiiyil oru pen ilamaiyaaga sexiyaaga irupaal, avalai thinamum sight adithu kondu irupen. Thinamum aval kalluri sendru varum pozhuthu iru velaiyilum sight adika arambithu viduven. Aval peyar nandhini vayathu 21 irukum, avaluku veetil aan thunai kidaiyaathu. Veetil oru amma iru...

3 years ago
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My Wifes Solo Visits to Porn Theaters

We made many trips to the adult theaters in the Denver area where Cheryl spent many hours entertaining the various males there. She would always wear a slutty outfit so the guys knew she was there to suck and fuck as much cock as she wanted.On several occasions I took her to the adult theater during the day, dropping her off and picking her back up an hour or so later. The guys there during the day were a different crowd, not in a bad way, just a different set of men who normally did not visit...

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Celine begins her porn Theater Adventures

An Early Excursion to the TheaterFor Wifex & CelineCeline enjoyed some of our outings to a porn theater, but was still a bit reticent in going very often and was a bit shy in what she would wear to the theater. She was a bit more afraid of what she actually wore to walk from the parking lot to the theater entrance.I was a bit surprised then, when I came home and Celine was dressed in a new, and fairly slutty outfit. She was in a short skirt, black hose and heels, displaying lots of her...

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My neighbors are porn stars

Waking up to the sound of thunder and the flash of the lightning was something I will have to get used to living in Florida. Stayed in bed for a while longer. Didn’t have any where to go. I pulled out my iPad to check emails and look at the internet. It had been a while since I rubbed one out. I pulled up my favorite porn site and watched a couple of videos. Checking out shaved pussies and cream pies. Those usually get me hard. I put on some headphones so there would be no loud noise coming...

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Aztec SecretsChapter 7 Porn Stars

The next day, I got a surprise phone call from Clara. "Melany, I wanted to congratulate you on winning last night's competition," she said. "Well thanks so much Clara," I said. "I was also calling with something of a business proposition. You see, in addition to owning Rachael's, I run a very small video production company. We produce amateur adult videos, which I sell through the internet, and at the adult video stores I own." "Oh really?" I asked. "That sounds...

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BrotherInLaw Made Me A Porn Star 8211 Part 2 8211 The Hooked Fish

Part- II The hooked fish ‘Hey we’ll celebrate,’ he cheered and asked me, ‘give me your jacket honey’ I took out my jacket nervously and gave it to him. He stared at my bare shoulders, cleavage, at my popping nipples thru the top and down to my bare belly. ‘You have a more beautiful body than your sister Sangita. It will be great to see you nude.’ he told, ‘are you a virgin?’ ‘Yes’ I replied ‘great’ he smiled and asked me to give him the top also. I felt my ears turning red hot with shame. I...

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Porn Theatre

My experience with porn theatres began gradually. I had an incredibly beautiful eighteen-year old girl I had begun to see. We did things together, going places. Somehow, she decided to start working as a dancer. It was easy money; she was always the center of attention. It was easy to go to the porn theater. They had little booths where you could put a dollar in, and watch a porno movie. We went there because of the quick and easy access with privacy. I didn't really know what that hole in...

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HQporner Art Porn

I like my pornos to be as dirty as possible, with sticky liquids everywhere, cumshots, facials, and all that crap. However, that does not mean that sometimes I do not like to sit down and enjoy classic pornographic scenes, or the ones that are called “artistic”. It all really depends on our mood, and I think everyone can agree on this with me. Sometimes I love to watch hardcore porn scenes with choking, spitting, and gagging, but then again, I also enjoy watching sensual and passionate...

Porn for Women Sites
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Master misty Return to the Porn Theatre Ju

Having been a slave for nearly 6 years, I am now convinced of the fact that once you fulfill a fantasy in the Master/slave relationship, you will always try to top it. Just when Master and I didn’t think we could out do ourselves, we suddenly did.I sweated thru my black cotton dress in the heat and humidity of the city. Master and I met, crossed the street and ducked back into the porn theatre we had visited 2 years ago for public sex. I remember it exactly the same way; smoky with a musty...

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Sexcess Becoming Porn StarsChapter 3 Vee Takes A Different Path

Vee still worked at the senior living center. Her responsibilities changed as she gained experience and demonstrated new skills. Not much has been said about Vee, short for Virginia, a name she hated. And she was about as far from a virgin as an 18-year-old could get. A much older step brother introduced her to most aspects of sex at a very early age and by the time her periods started there was little she hadn’t tried, over and over, with him, another step-brother, assorted neighborhood...

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Master takes misty to the Porn Theatre May 2009

My Master is a big guy, at 6 foot 2 He towers over my insignificant 5 foot 4 frame. I love to wear flats around Him when I feel the need to be “overwhelmed.” He is well built with strikingly intense blue eyes that turn an icy blue and seem to spit fire when He feels I have disobeyed Him for one reason or the other. Despite this, He did not realize the enormous control and power He had over me until the day I surrendered to submissive sex with Him at the local porn theatre. As we drove there,...

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Master takes misty to the Porn Theatre May 2009

My Master is a big guy; at 6 foot 2 He towers over my insignificant 5 foot 4 frame. I love to wear flats around Him when I feel the need to be “overwhelmed.” He is well built with strikingly intense blue eyes that turn an icy blue and seem to spit fire when He feels I have disobeyed Him for one reason or the other. Despite this, He did not realize the enormous control and power He had over me until the day I surrendered to submissive sex with Him at the local porn theatre. As we drove there,...

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The Porn Stars Sister Part 2

NOTE: All stories by this author are part of an ongoing series. To follow the journey of Barbara Ann, aka Barb, aka Babs, her family and friends they are written in order from the oldest to newest. These are not professional writings but comments are welcome and appreciated. Hope you enjoy. Chapter 1 Kerry goes to workAfter graduation from high school in south Alabama, Kerry accepted a position with Bill Todd’s modeling agency in Atlanta. In the spring of her senior year, she had successfully...

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PornHub PornForWomen

Alright guys, time to take a back seat and let your girlfriend or wife into the room. Yeah, that’s right. Get out of here. Go play some video games or go jerk it to some hardcore porn somewhere else. Me and your girl need some alone time to talk. Don’t worry, you’re not getting cucked yet, at least not by me. I’ve just got some good shit for her.Okay, is he gone? Sweet, let's get down to business, babe. You probably don’t like the same kind of porn your guy does. And before you start denying...

Porn for Women Sites
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A Quirk of fate againVa porn theaterGH104part1of1

I heard about The Log Cabin through the grape vine. It was a dingy little adult bookstore in Kennedale. The big attraction was the porno theater that was located in the back. It had regular movie theater seats and a big screen. When you walked in the door the screen was to the right. There was an aisle that ran down to the front. On the right side of the aisle the rows were about 6 seats and on the left about a dozen. As worldly as I was, you can imagine how embarrassed I still was, a lone...

Cheating Wife
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Is Internet Porn DESTROYING your marriage Chapter

Chapter 1Is Internet Porn DESTROYING your marriage? (that’s what the card on the wall asked)My story began a year ago at the start of summer. I’m Kathy, a social worker in my home town hospital. I went to school to become an RN but got pregnant with our first before graduating. I plan to go back some day, I hope.My husband Joe is a furniture warehouse factory worker. We have 2 teenage daughters, a nice split-level home, 2 good cars, Well mine’s a Chrysler mini-van, and what I thought was a good...

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Thelma and her brother

Note : This story is completely fictional!In nineteen forty six Thelma Lou Anderson was married with three kids. Linda was the oldest. She was sixteen. Guy and George was ten and Guy seven. Thelma owned a beauty shop in Kansas City. She suspected her husband Lawerance was cheating on her again. She followed him one day when he thought she was at work and saw him go into a house. A woman opened the door and he went in. That was all the proof she needed. She went home and packed her suitcase and...

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My Mother the Porn Star

Introduction:Sit down Roger, it's time you knew your mother better.“Dude! I'm telling ya, that's your mother! Look at her face not her tits, that's her!” My friend and I were watching porn on my laptop, killing time and getting horny. We had watched dozens of teen girls giving blow jobs and getting long fat dicks stuffed into their tight hairless pussies. I had a seriously big erection jammed in my pants but like addicts we couldn’t get enough so I suggested we watch something different. My...

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Porn Theater Jerk Fest

I'm normally an upstanding professional guy in his mid-40's. House, kids, beautiful wife, member of the rotary club....all of the normal trappings. But I've got a side that every now and then goes wild. Mostly when I have meetings with a client located down on South Broadway. His office is right down the street from Miss Kitty's Porn Palace - a huge place with one of the few remaining open porn theaters in the country.I went in once out of curiosity and what I saw changed me forever. Now,...

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ruined at the porn theater

"you need to go suck cock... and tell us about it"Went to video store to spend some time sucking cocks in the gloryhole booths, but it was closed, so i looked online and found another one near by that was open.Went in and looked around, there were 4 or 5 cars outside but no one in the store. Asked clerk about video booths."10 dollars fro video room"Paid clerk and walked through door. The area was brightly lit with drink machine and then another door. I go through the door and it is a small room...

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The Passion of Mother Ethel

Mother Ethel always enjoyed the short walk to the train station. It was beautiful Autumnal morning and Mother Ethel took the opportunity to walk to the train station as she knew that she had a very busy day ahead. Those that saw Mother Ethel along the way bowed reverently,they knew that Mother Ethel was a Nun of the Monastery of Repentance and when a Nun or a Monk walked past it was polite to bow, for many knew what the Nun's and Monk's of the Monastery were capable of. As Mother Ethel strolled...

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Is Internet Porn DESTROYING your marriage Chapter

Chapter 3Monday, I called Levant, to confess everything that had happened, minus the part about the confusion over the names. I needed to see if we were doing something wrong. I had already gone over everything that seemed to get way out of control last week, and I tried to assign fault where I could. I tried to figure out if it was me, if it was Joe and his porn, if it was this program we had signed up for, or if it was my friend Amy’s fault.Joe hadn’t looked at porn in over 2 weeks, so it was...

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Silkie goes to a porn theater 19702016

"How does that feel, Leo, if I push my ass on you like that? How does that feel, baby?" " If he comes before I do, I'm gonna be really pissed. Can't have that. I need to come, I really need it, I don't think he is going to last very long." "One thing I learned about getting it in my ass is that I can rub myself as hard and fast as I want, the dick never gets in the way, and the guy is still fucking me like crazy................"" 'I was masturbating as hard as I could. He had his arms around...

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PornPics Shemale

Do you get off to looking at porn picture galleries? I have heard this question come up in several discussions, and usually, there are sides. Some people think that pictures are a thing of the past, yet there’s another side that still appreciates good smut in the form of images. Personally, I prefer videos, but what are videos if not moving pictures. Besides, I’m dedicated to providing all perverts with their preferred smut.This article is for dudes that enjoy jerking off to shemale galleries....

Shemale Porn Sites
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PornPics Masturbation

PornPics has been on my mind for a while now. There are some pretty good things about this free porn site, one of those facts is that it features photos. Browsing through an endless amount of porn pictures is a good pastime along with watching porn videos. It's a different vibe, you know? These are pictures that can last forever, always being this one item that gets you off. PornPics does a really good job of bringing in quality porn pictures in a way that's a bit different than most other...

Female Masturbation Porn Sites
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PornPics Big Tits

You may feel the need to jump on a tube site and start jerking that tiny little ghost penis every time you are horny. Sure, I get that. But I also know that you don’t need to sit on and discount porn picture sites, either. You may think I’m crazy as fuck, but what I am speaking is the goddamn truth!We may have technological advancements in pornography that would have only been dreamt of on an episode of fucking Star Trek decades ago, but it does not change the fact that jerking off to porn...

Big Tits Porn Sites
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PornPics Cuckold

Do you love the idea of looking at content that features hotwives sucking other men’s dicks – while their husbands jerk off? If you love watching wives get used and the husbands that love to watch, then this is exactly where you fucking need to be. Save for the fact that you don’t mind looking at images and galleries that will deliver those goods to you.If you want to browse amazing galleries of images and want the lion’s share of this kind of content, then I urge you to take a look at...

Cuckold Porn Sites
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Is Internet Porn DESTROYING your marriage chapter

Chapter 4Monday, I called Levant, to talk about everything and how wonderful everything went. I was about explode with excitement, and just had to talk to someone!I felt like I had water poured all over me when Levant answered his phone in a dejected tone of voice. I asked what was wrong. He said, “I am so sorry Kathy. I dropped the ball. The professor is planning to reassign you and Joe to another case worker.”I yelped, “No, why? We did everything perfectly!”He said, “Kathy, it wasn’t you. It...

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PornPics POV

Do you want to cum to hot as fuck POV XXX content? If I told you that I found a huge library of POV goodness, you'd probably be begging me for the URL. Oh yeah, what are you going to do about it, you horny bastard? What are you going to give me for it, huh?ThePornDude is just fucking with you! I always give you horny fucks the down low for free. This time is no different. Also, it's a porn picture site.Oh, what, are you bitching now? You ignorant bitch, you shouldn't be! I should bend you over...

POV Porn Sites
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PornPics Anal

I know videos play a huge part in your fap sessions, but I have also been here long enough to know that sometimes you just want to chill and look at hot images. It could be the nostalgia of older days or something else altogether, but it doesn’t really matter. The thing is, you will need a good source of porn pictures sometimes.PornPics has been a reliable source of sexy porn images for years now, but their anal galleries are particularly delightful. In their anal section, you will find a wide...

Anal Porn Sites
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Freda and Jenny become porn stars

Freda came from a loving family. She was a sweet girl and her mother and father worshipped her. It was time for her to go to college and she would live alone for the first time. Well not exactly alone. She was going to share an apartment with another girl. Her name was Jenny. Freda had all her clothes packed and her parents kissed her good by. Freda drove away in the used car her father had given her. Freda was sad and homesick already but as the miles slipped by she sensed that she was going...

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Dot Dorothea and Dick

Dot, Dorothea, and Dick Chapter One Dear sister: I found this letter among some others, scrolled up and tied with purple ribbon, in a chest belonging to our great grandfather. The name Charles has belonged to several in our family line, but I believe I know the one who received and saved this letter, and kept it preserved for so many years. I believe the letter speaks for itself, so I will now offer it up to you. Dearest Charles: I hope this missive finds you in such good...

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PornPics Interracial

If you think that there is no place for porn pictures in this day and age, well, I want to call you a fucking idiot, but I cannot really blame you for thinking that. With so many on-demand streaming services and a wealth of free tube sites that offer so much pornography that it’s fucking impossible for one person to see everything, I can see why so many people may think that porn pictures are dead. But let me tell you something, you basic son of a bitch: they’re not!It’s just as satisfying to...

Interracial Porn Sites
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Sucking Straight Men in Porn Theatrestrue story

I love going to Porn Theatres and sitting in the back row a fews seats from the corner. I wait for a Hot Scene and then look around to see who is aroused-who is touching their cocks or who is Brave enough and Hot enough to take it out and slowly stroke it. I was next to an older man who looked like a Banker type- probably about 60 or so- wire rim glasses-typical Banker Look. He pulled his zipper down on a scene where a white girl was on her knees waiting to suck 3 hung black dudes. I love...

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sucking straight men in porn theatres

I love going to Porn Theatres and sitting in the back row a fews seats from the corner. I wait for a Hot Scene and then look around to see who is aroused-who is touching their cocks or who is Brave enough and Hot enough to take it out and slowly stroke it. I was next to an older man who looked like a Banker type- probably about 60 or so- wire rim glasses-typical Banker Look. He pulled his zipper down on a scene where a white girl was on her knees waiting to suck 3 hung black dudes. I love those...

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Cheryl goes hunting in the Porn Theater

Cheryl calls the shotsCheryl finished her showering and was dressing for the evening as I had a scotch/rocks while waiting downstairs. A cool spring breeze blew through the townhouse with the sun setting and an orange-red glow off the clouds.Cheryl came down the stairs in a new outfit, a sheer black and blue trimmed blouse, a black skirt, black hose and high heels.“Nice new outfit, honey, very sexy,” I said as I fondled her left tit as she stood close to me.“I would like a little change tonight...

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Ravaged in the Porn Theater

When my friends-with-benefits fuck buddy told me her plan, I was simultaneously horrified and turned on at the time. I mean, I knew she could be wild, kinky and impulsive but...this?!?I got to the porn theater before she did and hung out in the larger main room - her eventual destination - and waited. There were the usual mix of characters milling about, some making sure to keep their hands in their pockets and their heads down...the others, looking to make knowing eye contact, hoping for some...

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Porn Pics! With a name like that, you can tell right off the bat that this site is going to straightforward. No bullshit, no beating around the bush (except, of course, for you beating around your own bush). From the moment the homepage loads, it is exactly what you expect it to be: a shit ton of pictures taken from porn. Easy enough. Extra-large thumbnails are sorted into categories, so you can easily start your journey into whatever type of smut you like best.I am 100% an ass man, and, sure...

Porn Pictures Sites

Porn Trends