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The Porn Star’s Sister

Chapter 1 The reunion

He was known by many names. Mr. Darren, Mr. D, and for those that knew him best, “El Diablo”. A middle aged white man that was a bit overweight. To the casual observer, he was just a average guy. In reality, he was head of an international organization that made most of their money off sex and d**gs. He had a talent for getting some of the most beautiful women in the world to work for him and do his bidding.

Barb was one of those girls. She had been recruited in southern Mississippi at the age of 24. A widow at a young age due to an auto accident, Barb was looking for direction when she was introduced to Mr. Darrien. Over a period of months she was groomed to become one of the organizations top money makers. From a shy, country girl she had been transformed into a stripper, a whore, and a porn star.
Financially she was well off but at a cost of her soul.

Bill Todd, one of Mr. Darrien’s associates, had contacted him with a lead on a new and promising find. A young lady from Dothan, Alabama, had been brought to his attention. She, among other things, was doing well in local beauty pageants. In a familiar story, she was pretty and talented but other girls had advantages. Coming from a wealthy family or being willing to do favors for the judges, gave a girl a winning edge. This girl had neither of those things going for her. She had one special thing, she was Barb’s half sister.

Barb’s mother and father had divorced when she was very young. Both parents remarried relatively quickly with Barb staying with her mom. Her dad and new wife, Susan, lived in southern Alabama and had a daughter named Kerry. Barbara Ann was aware of Kerry but hard feelings between the couples kept the girls apart. At 10 years of age difference they had grown up as strangers.

Bill Todd was well aware of the connection of the two girls being sisters. The company that Mr. Darrien ran, made it their business to know everything about the women that worked for them. They had too much time and money invested in these women to have family or friends interfere in what they were doing. They also did not need the prying eyes of the law getting involved in their affairs.

New, fresh faces and bodies were the life blood of the business but Bill took a perverse pleasure in recruiting Barb’s sibling. He liked Barb and from time to time over the years had even enjoyed the pleasure of fucking her. It was not revenge for bad conduct. It was the idea that if there was one tremendously successful money maker in the family, possibly there was a second. Sex and pleasure were good but a woman that could make the company money was even better.

Kerry at 18 was now a senior in high school. The National Peanut Festival was a few weeks away. It was a giant regional affair with one of the highlights being it’s beauty pageants. Through one of the pageant sponsors, Bill was able to offer Kerry a part time job during the festival. He was going to open a temporary office for his Atlanta modeling agency in Dothan. He wanted Kerry to work as a receptionist.

Part time work, extra money, and a job at a modeling agency was the right bait. Kerry jumped at the chance. Soon she was sitting behind the reception desk in a temporary office. She thought that this was a sign of good things to come. The agency would find legitimate work for people that wanted to be models. But unknown to the majority of people coming into the office, it was only a front. If Bill could recruit just a few girls for the adult entertainment part of his company, he would consider the the week a success.

Bill’s main target was Kerry. He let it be known he was pleased with her work. He told her he would love to have her come to work at the agency in Atlanta after graduation. He gave her a $1000 bonus at the end of the week. The hook was set.

As they were wrapping up the temporary office, Tammy, one of Bill’s assistants from Atlanta approached Kerry.

“Before you leave, Mr. Todd wanted me to let you know we have an offer of work for you. We have a client that saw you when they stopped by the office and want you to model for them in their summer catalog.” she said.

“When?” asked Kerry

“We know you are in school and the photo shoot is in Atlanta. We wanted to schedule it for next weekend. If you are interested, I would need to speak to your parents.” stated Tammy.

She continued “We will fly you to Atlanta on Saturday morning and have you home that night. You will be paid $2000 and you can keep all the clothes that you wear during the shoot.”

Kerry was being reeled in like a fish that wanted to take a ride in the boat. It was too good to be true.

“Do you want to go home with me now?” Kerry inquired enthusiastically.
“Maybe you could come to dinner. I’ll call my mom.” Kerry offered.

Kerry’s mom said yes without hesitation. Barb’s dad had left her and her mother to hook up with the younger, sexier, Susan. She was a free spirit with a stripper’s body. She loved to show it off and fucked Kerry’s dad like a bitch in heat. The opportunity for her daughter to be a model was exciting to her.

The arrangements were made. Kerry would make the one day trip to Atlanta with the blessing of her mother. They were so excited that it is all the mother and daughter talked about for a week. Susan gave her husband sex every night with renewed vigor. He didn’t share their excitement for the trip but enjoyed the extra attention. On Saturday morning Susan drove Kerry to the executive terminal for private aircraft at the Dothan airport.

At 7:30 on the dot, a sleek white private jet pulled up to the gate. When the door opened, Tammy stepped out in an all white business suit. She walked to the gate, said hello, and turning to Susan said.

“We’d love to give you a tour of the plane but we are on a really tight schedule. Maybe next time. But for now we have to go. We’ll have her back here at 8:30 tonight. See you then.”

With that, Tammy led Kerry to the open plane door. As Kerry reached the top step and entered the cabin, she became aware of another passenger. In unison, though they had never met in person, they recognized each other.

“Barbara Ann, is that you?” asked Kerry.

“Kerry?” asked Barb.

“What?”blurted out Tammy in an Academy Award winning performance.

“Do you know each other?” Tammy continued.

“That’s my sister, I mean my half sister” stammered Kerry.

“That’s true” injected Barb.

“What a coincidence” was Tammy’s best observation.

The sister’s hugs were interrupted by Tammy reminding them they had to get on their way. The two sisters took seats side by side and belted in. The door closed and the plane began to taxi away from the terminal.

Susan watched as the plane taxied out. She wished it was her on the plane. She was unaware of the reunion that had just taken place. It was so surreal. Her pussy tingled at the thought of flying on a private jet to a photo shoot. She couldn’t wait to get home and spend the day naked in bed with her husband.

As the plane left the ground Barb and Kerry tried to figure how they had come to be on the plane together. Kerry’s story was easy because it was true. Barb’s story was more difficult because she did not want to reveal her true reason for being there.

She admitted that she worked for the same company. She further admitted that she lived in Miami. She told Kerry that she was on her way to meet some of the
corporate legal team and then would be doing some promotional work for the company in the Atlanta area. The truth was she was going to Atlanta as a reward to a company attorney that had just won a case that saved the company millions of dollars. She would spend the afternoon in an expensive suite of one of Atlanta’s finest hotels performing any and all sexual acts for him. That evening she would do 3 shows as the feature dancer at one of the company’s strip clubs.

Mr. Darrien, Bill Todd, and Tammy all knew the truth. It was all an elaborate ruse. Mr. Darrien and Bill knew it was part of a plan to recruit Kerry. Tammy, for her part was happy to be able to do some thing different. Normally her acting consisted of different forms of adult entertainment. Her recurring acting role was telling the men with their cocks buried in her that they were the best lover ever.

The flight to Atlanta was quite brief. It seemed that it had just left the ground when it was starting to land. They were going into the smaller Fulton County Airport rather than the massive Hartsfield International. When the plane came to a stop, there was a limo waiting for the girls. As they were getting situated, Tammy and Barb’s luggage was transferred from the plane. Barb was surprised and happy that her and Tammy didn’t have to give the pilots their customary thank you blow jobs.
Especially in the presence of her younger sister.

On the short ride to Barb’s downtown hotel, Kerry asked if it was possible to see her again. Barb wanted to spend more time with her sister. But, she was well aware what her schedule called for and she was not willing to admit what she did for a living.

Barb’s other concern was that her sister was unaware of the main business the people she was associating with. They had legitimate businesses many of which laundered money. Their real estate holdings were extensive. The modeling agency was real. But sex and d**gs were at the heart of what they did.

“You’ll be graduating soon. Why don’t we make plans take a trip together. My treat.”
offered Barb.

“That would be great if we could” said Kerry.

With the limo parked in front of the hotel, Kerry and Barb said their goodbyes and promised to stay in touch whether their parents agreed or not.

Barb went to the top floor suite that had been reserved for her. Her “date” would not be there for a few hours. In the time she had she would shower and prep her body to include the mandatory enema. She had learned to be ready to please in every way.

She was going to be the lawyer’s date for the afternoon and was expected to act like one. She would great him with a big hug and kiss as if she had known him for a while.
She would be dressed in a floral summer dress with no underwear and high heels. She would be scented strategically with his favorite perfume. She had even been instructed a few weeks earlier to grow a small patch of hair above her pussy. Mr. Darrien kept detailed records of the preferences of all the men he gifted women to.

When the hotel room door opened, Barb was pleased with her assignment. He was tall, fit, and good looking. She found it a pleasant change from the middle age and older men that she was normally asked to service. When she welcomed him with a hug, he embraced her like a long lost friend. He kissed her softly and tenderly. Barb responded in a similar manner.

The tenderness began to go away when he squeezed her ass cheek through the thin material of the dress. Once he saw no resistance he raised her dress and placed his hand on her exposed skin. He continued to gently kiss her face and neck as his hand massaged her ass and lower back. Barb cooed to the pleasure of his touch.

He continued his massage with his right hand as his left hand found it’s way to the tuft of hair above her slit.

“Very nice” he said softly. “By the way, my name is John”.

“I’m Barb, but I’m sure you already knew that” was her breathy reply.

“Your everything I thought you would be and more” he continued.

“Here let’s go sit down” Barb said as she lead him by the hand to the sofa.

Barb had done this many times before. She acted as if she was going to sit but when her date was at the point of no return she remained standing. She was there to entertain. She was there to put on a show that her date would remember and think of as he lay in bed with his wife. This is what was expected of her. This is what she was going to deliver.

To a soft dance tune that played only in Barb’s head, she began to slowly sway her body to the beat. Her date relaxed back in the sofa to enjoy the show. Barb turned her back to him and while looking over her shoulder, raised her dress to expose the bottom half of her nude ass. There was no rush as they had all afternoon.

She had perfected the art of the flirt. She had purposefully selected this dress for the way the way she could use it to tease. A lot a her toned skin to start with. A twist of the fabric resulted in the flash of a boob, pussy or ass. A slight pull on the fabric exposed a tantalizing view of bare skin to her mesmerized date. Slowly and with great skill she would remove her dress with desired results. Her date would squirm in anticipation of more.

Once completely nude with the exception of her heels, she would offer her body for inspection. She would move close and if necessary encourage him to explore her body.
In most cases by leaning in, arching her back, and pushing her extended nipples forward was enough motivation the client. She would position and pose herself in ways that made for easy access. Every man enjoyed this part of her performance. Some were rough pulling and twisting her nipples. Others took pleasure in sticking their fingers up her pussy and ass. John simply pulled her toward him and kissed her nipples.

Barb was beside herself. She wanted to fuck this man in the worse way. He kissed and sucked on her until her body was on fire. John worked his was down her body as she climbed up into the sofa. Working in unison, his mouth hit her pussy. That’s all she wrote. She with a complete lack of any inhibitions began to hump his face. He in return tongue fucked her pussy. She began to orgasm with no thought of anyone’s pleasure accept her own.

She had found a selfless lover. She would have been happy to dance on his tongue all afternoon. Reality set in and she remembered why she was there. Pulling herself back from John, she slithered down to a kneeling position between his legs. She was going to worship his cock with her mouth and hands. She was going to make sure he was compensated for the pleasure he had just given her.

She lavished attention on every inch of his stiff manhood. She kissed, licked, and sucked him from the tip of his cock to his ball sack. Her hands complimented her mouth in raising the heat in his body. When she took him deep in her throat he could take no more and release his first load which she quickly swallowed.

Barb was not done. She took John’s hand and led him to the walk in shower. There, under the steady stream of warm water, she bathed him from head to toe.
She knew exactly how to relax and then revitalize a lover. When they walked from the shower, he was once again rock hard.

Over the next two hours, she let John fuck her anyway he wanted. He was a skilled lover and brought her to multiple orgasms. He also demonstrated stamina that allowed him to cum two more times. At the end of the session they were both spent. For a long time they just lay in each others arms.

John took one more quick shower as Barb lay in the bed completely naked. She didn’t try to cover herself up. She wanted John to get one last look at a woman that glowed with satisfaction. John for his part, came out of the bathroom and dressed as Barb watched. When he was finished, Barb got out of the bed. John held her one last time giving her a tender kiss on the lips. Much like they had started, John left as he would leave a girlfriend.

It had been a great afternoon for Barb. One of the best ever. She wondered if a man like John would ever take a serious interest in her. She looked at the clock and realized she had to clean up and get ready to go to the club to perform.

After leaving Barb at the hotel, Tammy and Kerry were driven to the corporate office. Once inside, she was taken upstairs to one of the photo studios. Kerry was introduced to the photographer, makeup woman, and wardrobe assistant. Faster than she could imagine, she was standing in a robe and slippers in front of Bill Todd.

“We’re so glad to have you here today. I hope everything has been OK” said Bill.

“More than OK” was all Kerry could say.

“These people will take good care of you. I’ll see you at the end of the day before you leave” said Bill before he turned to leave.

Unknown to Kerry, her day would be filmed. She had her hair and makeup done and was helped into her first sports wear set. All this was on film including her taking off the robe, standing totally nude, and then getting dressed. This went on all day with the exception of a brief break for lunch.

The day started with casual sports wear. As the day progressed to clothes got smaller and tighter. By early afternoon it was bathing suits which progress to small bikinis.
Kerry’s head was swimming. She willingly put on the outfits that were given to her.
Her tight, athletic body made the clothes look great. Her full C cup boobs and firm ass made her changing room scenes worth the effort for the company.

Kerry had enjoyed the long day. Being the center of attention made her feel special.
Bill Todd came back to the studio as the day was wrapping up.

“They told me you were great. Looks like you have a future in modeling if you want” he told her.

“All the clothes you wore today are packed and will be taken to the plane for you. And here in this envelope is a check for $2000 for today’s work.” he continued.

“Tammy will go with you for the trip home. She’ll make sure you get some dinner and arrive at home safely” he concluded.

“Thank you, thank you so much” Kerry said almost crying.

“This has been the best day of my life.”

Chapter 2 The Family Secrets

To the best of anyone’s knowledge, Kerry was a typical high school senior. She acted and dressed in the typical fashion for her age. An average student that was a cheerleader and dance team member. She had shown an interest in a few boys but had never had a steady boyfriend. By all accounts she was an average girl.

She had experience with sex education at an early age in a strange twist of events. Her biological father, Tim, had been blessed with an oversized cock. His first wife, Barb’s mother, had never been with another man. She considered it normal and did her best to accommodate him as her upbringing dictated. She had sex with him on a regular basis and seemed to fulfill his needs. But with the birth of Barb, she lost all interest in being fucked by his horse cock. This was the main reason they got a divorce.

There were many reasons that Tim had married Susan. She was fit and had the body of a stripper. She was a flirt, loved to tease, and early on demonstrated she knew her way around a bedroom. As a matter of fact, she knew her way throughout the house in a carnal way.

Tim and Susan had an active sex life. At home she wore clothes that made her readily available for Tim’s sexual advances. With the birth of Kerry, unlike his first wife, Susan quickly was back in the saddle. She thought she was setting a good example to her young daughter to follow. A woman should take care of their man.

Kerry’s early sexual experience was listening to Tim and Susan carrying on. Susan was vocal. She was 5’5” and 125 lbs. Tim was 6’1” at 210 lbs. Susan loved to be dominated. Tim for his part enjoyed pounding his wife’s pussy and ass with great enthusiasm to put it mildly. This was a nightly sound that Kerry was continually exposed to.

When she was younger, she imagined that the sound was her parents practicing wrestling. Much like the men on the Saturday night TV wrestling show, there was a lot of grunting and groaning. After a while it was quiet like the match was over. It was only later that she learned they were training for the Bedroom Olympics.

Her Dad didn’t care about the effect it was having on Kerry. His concern was the great pleasure he was having with his own personal whore. He felt that Susan was acting like a good wife should. At home, his wife was his sexy whore while in public she was a conservative member of the community. They projected the image of a normal couple with a young daughter. What could be wrong?

Kerry’s sexual education also included being exposed to Susan’s flirting. Her dad allowed it and even encouraged Susan to do it. She had never done it in public but when Tim’s friends came by the house she dressed and acted differently. Kerry never knew it but actually it went further. While Kerry was growing into a teenager, Tim was pushing Susan into sexual activity outside their home.

It started with Susan playing hostess at Tim’s monthly poker night. She at first would serve the players in tight shorts and tube tops with no bra. Over the period of about six months she had progressed to changing to more revealing outfits as the night progressed. The men enjoyed the fashion show especially when she ended up in a sheer baby-doll nightie. After that game, Tim and Susan had a memorable night of hot sex.

Though Kerry was staying with friends when all this was going on, they were always hints that something was up. One day Kerry walked in on Susan shaving her pussy while sitting on the edge of the tub.

“Sorry, I didn’t realize you were in here” said a surprised Kerry.

“That’s OK Baby” her mother replied.

“Why are you doing that?” asked Kerry.

With a slip of the tongue, Susan said “It excites men to see a woman’s hairless pussy.. One day you’ll know about these things.”

The word men was not lost on Kerry. Was her mother showing her pussy to people other then her father? Was she cheating on him? What what was she up to? Did her father know? She wanted to find out.

In the first few weeks of her senior year there was a poker party. She slipped back into the house rather than go to her friends. As the night progressed, she peeked through slightly cracked bedroom door. She was surprised to see Susan wait on the poker players in sexy, revealing outfits. This particular night around midnight, Susan changed only to return to the party topless. With just a pair of small panties on she brought the men snacks and drinks.

Kerry could not see everything through the crack in the door. She could see Susan walking around the room showing off her boobs. She at one time sat on Tim’s lap.
He openly groped and rubbed Susan’s tits and nipples in front of his friends.

When the game was over,Kerry had a clear view of the front foyer. Just before the men left, Susan made one more wardrobe change. She returned from her bedroom nude except a pair of black high heels. Her hairless pussy was on full display. As the men said their goodbyes, Susan gave each man a hug and a kiss. Two of Tim’s friends simple responded as if she had clothes on. The last two took their time and felt Susan up as they gave her a lingering kiss goodbye. All the time, to Kerry’s surprise, Tim stood by and watched.

As the last man left and the door closed, Kerry watched her father pull down his pants and push her mother’s naked body against the wall. With her arms pined above her head, he forcefully pushed his hard cock between her spread legs. He entered her so hard he lifted her off the floor. Kerry had heard it, but this was the first time she actually witnessed it. Her parents having sex.

Susan appeared to be a willing participant. Her mother spread her legs wider to give him easy access. As they got further into their act of unbridled lust, Susan began to press her hips in and out fucking Tim back. After they had grunted and groaned as Kerry had heard for years, they stood still embracing each other. After what seamed a hour, they separated and went to their bedroom.

The sound of running water in their shower made Kerry believe the night’s activities were over. She took off all her clothes and laid in bed thinking about what she had witnessed. Was this the way women were meant to behave? Was she suppose to follow her example? Why had her dad not say or do something? These questioned bounced around in her head until she fell off to sleep.

Between school activities and academics, Kerry’s time at home was limited. Susan took a part time job as a secretary for one of Tim’s friends. Though Susan had a car, a couple times a week she would get a ride to work with one of Tim’s friends. It became common for her to be up at noon and dropped off at home in late afternoon or early evening. On some occasions there would be two or three men in the car when they picked her up.

In early November, Kerry was home alone. She had been invited to a party to celebrate the end of football season. She went to her mom’s bedroom to see if there was a dress she might borrow. Susan had made it quite clear over the years that her bedroom was off limits to Kerry. It was her private space and should be treated as such. The temptation of being in the house alone was too much for Kerry.

Susan had a large walk in closet. To Kerry surprise, there was in one section a group of very risque party dresses. In addition there were mini skirts and sheer, almost see through, tops. In the same area there was a chest of drawers. Exploration of this found panties so small that when Kerry tried on a pair she found it difficult to cover her pussy. Pubic hair was sticking out everywhere.

She found in another drawer a variety of sexy bras. She was shocked to find one that offered support but with the upper part of the cup was missing. When she tried it on it pushed her boobs up but left her nipples fully exposed.

“Where and why would a woman wear a bra like this? Kerry thought to herself.

On the floor were lined up 10 pair of assorted 6” high heel shoes. Kerry could not figure what all this was for. Though Susan was a exhibitionist around her husband, she had never seen her mom dress in any of these clothes. When it was just Tim and Susan her favorite outfit was an oversized T shirt with no bra. Barefoot and at time with no panties, she was available at short notice to Tim’s advances. As Kerry was growing up she was first embarrassed. Kerry thought it gross. From her girlfriends she learned this was not uncommon in other homes. Most women appeared to be very conservative but when home with their husbands they liked the T shirt or cotton sweat suit look. No bras, no panties. All the girls thought it normal but unattractive.

One thing all the moms had in common was the got up before the rest of the family and put makeup on. Some used more than others but they took made a great effort to not to be seen without it. As young girls, Kerry and her friends were indoctrinated into what turned into a lifetime ritual.

When there was the poker party Susan wore some pretty sexy outfits and underwear. The amount of clothes and underwear that Kerry had discovered was way more than Susan could wear for the once a month poker party. Something was going on but Kerry could not lay her finger on it. Whenever Susan left the house she dressed conservatively like all the other moms.

Curiosity was one thing, getting caught in her mom’s her bedroom was something else. Kerry returned to her room to think this out. She knew about sex, but could not figure where or why a woman would wear such clothes. Secondly, what was her mom doing with them? Soon she would graduate and hopefully move out on her own. She would leave all this behind her.

Kerry had dated boys. She loved to make out and have the boys slip their hands under her bra. There were a girls in school that were rumored to have sex with any of boys that would take them out on a date. They were labeled by Kerry and her friends as trashy. Even the boys talked poorly of them. The only difference was the boys wanted to date these girls if they hadn’t already.

Some of the popular girls in school had regular boyfriends. Nobody knew for sure but it was rumored that these girls let their boyfriends have their way with them. How else would a girl be able to keep the cutest boys to themselves. As with the community at large, there were many secrets at the local high school.

With the onset of spring, Kerry and her 2 best girlfriends, started making trips to Panama City Beach. At first the girls enjoyed laying in the sun, hanging out, and flirting with the boys. On one trip they made a visit to the beach oriented department store. There they discovered the small exclusive area that specialized in smaller, sexier, more revealing swim suits.

On a dare, Kerry bought a string bikini that exposed much more skin than she or her friends normally did. Kerry was prepared for such a suit. After catching her mother shaving her pussy and trying on one of her mom’s skimpy G- string pantie, she had decided to trim her bush. One night she trimmed her forest of pubic hair into a small ,groomed, patch of black hair. She liked it and spent part of her daily grooming and maintaining the look. No matter what she wore or where she was, that small patch of hair made her feel sexy. At night she ran her fingers through the carpet as part of bringing herself to orgasm.

The three friends went straight to the beach after shopping. Kerry was wearing her new suit. She liked it but was embarrassed to be wearing so little in public. She almost immediately noticed the guys paying much more attention to her than her equally pretty friends. This was not lost on the other two girls.

The girls made one stop before leaving Panama City Beach. They revisited the store where Kerry had gotten her bikini. The other girls each bought a string bikini to wear on their next trip.

They didn’t have to wait long. Just 2 weeks later they were invited to spend the weekend at a beach house. It was owned by the family of one of the cheer squad.
Unknown to Kerry and the other girls parents, there was not going to be any adult supervision. They assumed that the parents were going. The family that owned the house thought the girls were mature enough to stay in the home by themselves for one night.

Kerry and her two friends, who were also cheerleaders, thought it was going to be a great weekend. They had been trying to figure a way to stay overnight for weeks when this just fell in their laps. They weren’t about to screw it up by telling their parents the truth.

About mid-morning Saturday the girls met at the beach house. Kerry and her two girlfriends shocked the group when they put on their new suits.

“I didn’t know we were at a clothes optional beach” said the captain of the cheer squad.

“Have you shaved your pussy?” asked another girl.

“They’re only bathing suits” quipped Kerry as she went out the door toward the beach. She stopped in the door frame and shook her half bare ass cheeks at the other girls.

As two weeks before, it was quickly apparent that you men preferred girls in small bikinis. The day was sunny and warm. Late in the day all the girls returned to the beach house.

A few of the young men they met on the beach, came by with pizza and beer. They e. As a rule in Kerry’s world, good girls didn’t drink. But soon she and her friends would be starting their own lives. Soon the cheer squad would be a fond memory. Tonight was a good night to let their hair down.

A small amount of alcohol went a long way with Kerry. Soon she was not feeling well and wanted to lay down. Later in the evening she remembered waking up on the bed with someone between her legs. She looked down to see an unknown guy with his face buried in her pussy. His tongue was moving up and down her slit in almost crude manner. His inexperience not withstanding, it was making her feel excited. As it sank in what he was doing, she began to push back against his mouth. Mild bolts of electricity started to course up her body.

As the fog in her head cleared, Kerry was startled that her shorts and panties had been removed. Even though she still had her blouse and bra on, she could feel her nipples hardening. He continued to roughly lick and suck on her. His apparent lack of experience was made up by his enthusiasm. Soon Kerry was being rocked by a hard orgasm.

He reacted to this stopping his oral assault. He began to climb up onto Kerry.
He already had his clothes off and awkwardly tried to mount her. He was as crude in this as he had been in eating her pussy . This did not stop her from welcoming his stiff cock into her wet pussy. Kerry ‘s body reacted in a positive manner to his advances. She relaxed and accepted his stiff rod into her body. There was a certain familiarity though she had never had intercourse before.

There was a lot of grunting as he entered and withdrew from her.
It was not pretty, but Kerry’s body continued to react to the physical assault. The electricity grew until she had her second orgasm. The tightening of her pussy was all the young man could stand. He filled her pussy with a load of hot cum.

“What the fuck are you doing?” yelled an irate Kerry.

“I thought that is what you wanted!” he retorted.

“Get off me. Get the hell off me. Get out of here” screamed Kerry.

Sheepishly the he put on his shorts and t-shirt. Without a word he left the bedroom. Kerry remained on the bed in disbelief of what had just happened. She had never in a million years thought this was the way she would loose her virginity.

Chapter 3 Martinique

As Barb promised, she sent Kerry a graduation present and a note. The present was a round trip plan ticket to Miami and the note was as invitation to spend a week together on vacation. Kerry was overjoyed. Susan was jealous. Tim wanted to know why Barb after all these years wanted to contact Kerry.

Kerry didn’t know what Susan told Tim. She did know that he turned 180 degrees. He finally agreed it was a good thing for the two sisters to spend time with each other.
In reality Susan had told Tim to get on board. If not she was going to get all her fucking from his friends and he could do without. No more had to be said.

A week after graduation, Kerry boarded a commercial flight from Dothan to Ft. Lauderdale. She was greeted by Barb at the gate. One of the company drivers took them to the smaller airport at Opilaka where the met up with 4 of the companies female talent. Barb knew two of the girls. She and Kerry were introduced to the other two.

The girls ranged from 18 to 32 with Barb being the oldest. Kerry was the youngest. They were all beautiful. They were dressed in shorts,casual blouses, and sandals. One thing that Kerry noticed was that all the girls, including Barb, had firm, big boobs. The six looked like girls going on holiday. As they waited for the corporate jet, they shared stories of what had been going on in their resent lives.

The girls, knowing that Kerry was Barb’s younger half sister, talked in a coded language. It was used by female talent throughout the company to not lie, but to hide the true nature of the work they did. These were a group of woman that traded their bodies for money in the adult entertainment industry.

Mary, from Dallas, explained that she had been on a 2 week break and was going to the corporate resort to take part in promotions for 2 weeks. Julie, also from Las Vegas, had a similar story. In reality they were in fact coming off a break. The part that everyone but Kerry knew was that the “promotion” meant walking around the property in skimpy swimwear. They would mingle with the male guest. During the day they would have show and tell sessions where the guest could visit and have pictures taken with the girls in various stages of undress. At night, they would entertain those guest that were willing to pay for the privilege.

Chantelle, from Atlanta, had been on a three week tour of some of the companies clubs. She was also going to be taking part in the same two week promotion. Her account was factual but here again everyone but Kerry knew the truth. The tour she was on meant she was a feature dancer in some of the company strip clubs. While on tour she sexually serviced men, and in one case a woman, as the club managers direction.

It was important to cultivate the rich and powerful in every city that the company had business interest. Every woman that worked for the company had sexually serviced clients, politicians, and law enforcement at one time or another.

The last girl was Tina. She told the group that she was just returning from a week long engagement at the company’s very exclusive resort in Malta. She too was going to do promotional work at the resort.

Barb explained how this trip was her graduation gift to Kerry. They had been given
the use of one of the company’s beach houses. Having grown up separated from each other and this was an opportunity to know each other. The truth of the matter was Barb also wanted this time to warn her sister about the people she worked for.
Given the chance, there was no reason to believe that they would not try to recruit and corrupt Kerry.

The plane ride to Martinique was uneventful. On arrival the four girls going to the resort were loaded into a waiting limo. Kerry and Barb were given the keys to a yellow Jeep CJ. The doors had been removed and a canvass roof with fringe gave it an island look. The two happily accepted and drove to the beach house. Barb was familiar with the area as she had been there before.

For three days, Barb and Kerry enjoyed the sites as they drove around in their jeep.
Shopping and eating out were a big part of their day. For a break they would lay out on the deck of the house overlooking the brilliant blue waters. At night they were content to stay home and kick back.

Barb was especially using this time in the evening to figure out how to warn Kerry about the men she worked for. At the same time she did not want to reveal the full nature of the type of work she did. Kerry was not helpful in that she was curious about the company and what all this “promotional activity” was about.

Just like with her mom, Kerry knew that Barb was up to something. Her young age and lack of worldly experience shackled her ability to understand what was going on.
Her mother and sister both shared a desire to keep their promiscuous sexual life styles hidden. They were not aware of each others activities but were both locked in the age old battle of good versus evil. It was a struggle of being what was expected of them by society and what men at a base level wanted them to be.

After dinner of the third day, Barb received a call from the manager of the company’s local resort. An investor that the company was courting at the resort had requested to meet her. He did not know she was in Martinique. He simply was a fan and at some point wanted to meet her.

The man, his son and 6 other potential investors were playing golf the next morning.
The resort manager wanted to surprise them by having Barb drive the beverage wagon to meet them at the start of the 10th hole. They would be playing in two groups of four. The meet and greet would take less than an hour. He explained his request in a way that Barb knew was not up to debate. Taking care of the needs of current and future investors was stock and trade part of her employment.

When Barb mentioned that her sister was with her on vacation, it fell on deaf ears.
The manager already knew this to be the case.

“Bring her along. I’m sure the men would like to meet her too.” was his suggestion.
“I’ll tell them to behave themselves.”

“I really would like to leave her out of this” protested Barb.

“No, it will be perfectly fine. They just want to meet you.” he persisted.

Realizing that this was not just a request, against her better judgement she agreed. Her going on the property was one thing. Her sister being possibly exposed to the activities of the company was something she was not comfortable with.

“Stop by the my office in the morning. We’ll have a couple of outfits for you and your sister. We will also fix you up with a beverage cart. All you’ll have to do is go out, meet and mingle with the guest, and go back to the beach house. That’s easy enough. Right?” he finished.

“See you in the morning” was all the defeated Barb could muster.

At 10 am Barb and Kerry drove the 5 mile trip to the resort. Barb purposely went to the service entrance to avoid exposing her sister to the goings on. She forgot that the entrance shared a maintenance gate with the pool. With the gate wide open Kerry got a good view of a number of young women milling about in a variety to undress. Men, in bathing suits and casual clothes stood about, some in small groups, checking out the scenery. Kerry was stunned by the beauty of each and every girl.
What struck her more was the fact they had so little, or in some cases, no clothes on.

Barb acted like she did no know the way to the manager’s office. She actually knew it well. It was common for the female employees to be summoned to the office during 2 week tour of duty at the resort. It was not rare that these office visits included a good fucking while bent over the manager’s desk. She was hoping it was not going to be the case today.

Directed to the office by staff, they found him sitting behind his desk.

“Good to see you made it”. He started.

“I have matching outfits for you in the bags on my desk. Go to the dressing room across the hall and change. I’ll wait for you here.” he instructed.

When Barb and Kerry opened their bags, they found identical suits. Barb was not surprised or impressed. They were matching string bikinis with small g-string bottom.
Kerry was startled that there was not more fabric.

“Is this all there is?”asked Kerry.

“I’m afraid so” Barb said apologetically.”If you want, I’ll tell them you don’t feel well.”

“No, if you need to do this for your job, I don’t want to cause a problem.” Kerry said emphatically.

“OK, here goes nothing. Let me help you how to put it”

With Barb’s help the top was not a problem. It fit like Kerry’s suits at home. But the bottom was something else. Very little fabric in the front and a few strings in the back. Her ass was completely bare.

When Barb put her suit on it barely covered the nipples of her large, enhanced boobs. It was a good thing she was shaved bare as the fabric struggled to cover her pussy lips. The small string in the back had disappeared into the crack of her ass
With the suits were two color coordinated pairs of sandals.

“Do you think we look good?” asked Kerry.

Reminiscent of the time Kerry had caught Susan shaving her pussy, Barb said “It excites men to see a woman display her body this way.”

Upon returning to the managers office they received his stamp of approval. They were taken to a golf cart with a beverage cooler attached to the back. They were led by one of the male staff in another cart to the tee of the 10th hole.

When the first group of 4 golfers pulled up, they ogled the two girls in bikinis. They joked around but seemed content to drink a beer and get on with their game. They were well aware that there was a host of hot girls waiting for their return. The second group approached as the first was leaving.

In this group was the reason for their presence. Bill Griffin was his name. The youngest of the group was his 25 year old son Tye. He was a handsome, athletic guy with jet black hair. He looked like a male model. It didn’t take but a minute, for Bill to take control of the conversation.

“Oh Hell, what a surprise. Hey guys, this is Barb. You know, the girl I was telling you about.” he started.

“And this pretty young thing must be your sister Kerry”

His friendly, outgoing manner put the girls at ease.

“Boys, these are two of the best reasons I can think of to invest in Darrien’s company” he continued. “A picture with them is worth trip down here.”

He reach in his cart and pulled out a camera. He instructed the male staff that had accompanied the girls to take a picture with him and Barb. Then he wanted a picture with both girls.

“We got to get on with the golf game” Bill exclaimed. “But Hell, I want to have some pictures with the girls topless.”

“Mr. Griffin, my sister doesn’t work for the company, she’s here on vacation with me” Barb stated meekly.

“Hell, I don’t care who she works for, I’ll give you $500 each to take your tops off.”

Barb looked at Kerry who only shrugged her shoulder in a muted sign of approval.
Kerry at first almost backed out. She had never stood in a group of men with her boobs exposed. When her nipples started to harden she realized that she was experiencing more excitement than embarrassment.

The girls popped out of their tops and posed with each man and as a group while the camera clicked away. Tye was content to sit in the golf cart and watch. As Mr. Griffin was handing each of the girls the $500 as promised, he made another offer.

“I’ll give you girls another $500 each if you’ll take off those bottoms.”

“What the hell” said Kerry as she loosened the strings holding up her bottoms.

Following her sisters lead, Barb let her bottoms slip to the ground and stepped out of them. Kerry looked in awe at her totally nude sister. As the men stood with their mouths open, Kerry for the first time realized the beauty of her sister’s body and effect it had on men. She looked over at Tye. He continued to sit in the golf cart with a big smile on his face.

The girls posed completely nude with each other. Then once again posed with each of the three men individually and then as a group. In the end Mr. Griffin wanted both girls to have a picture taken sitting with Tye in the golf cart.

“Thank you ladies. That was great fun. We have to finish up our golf game.” With that pulled out a big roll of bills and counted out $500 as promised.

Barb was relieved that the men had behaved in the presence of her sister. Men at the resort expected the women to take their clothes off. They expected the women to put on a show even on the golf course. Barb had never seen or heard of them offering money to the girls as incentive. Someone must have schooled them in a new way to treat the ladies.

When they returned to the beach house there were two vases full of a dozen roses and 2 notes. Kerry’s note was an invitation to have dinner with Tye at one of the best restaurants in the city. Barb’s note was an invitation to have dinner with Bill Griffin in his suite.

The girls both dressed in nice, casual shorts and tops. Bras and panties were stylish but not overly sexy. Sandals completed their outfits. Barb purposely had them wear outfits that were more like the girl next door. Her sister’s dinner date appeared to be a normal outing. She wanted to do everything she could to hide the type of date she was going on.

While Kerry would be having salad as an appetizer , Barb would be sucking on Mr. Griffin’s cock. While Kerry enjoyed a dinner of steak and lobster, Barb would be bent over the railing of Mr. Griffins top floor suite as he rammed himself into her wet pussy. For desert, Kerry would enjoy baked Alaska and her sister would be feasting on a mouthful of hot cum.

Two completely different type of dates. Barb’s life as a high class whore and porn star for now was still a secret. But the problem of warning her sister of the imminent danger still existed. The possibility of doing so without revealing her true employment and lifestyle seemed to be slipping away.

A limo from the resort had taken Barb to her date. Tye had picked Kerry up in one of the resorts yellow jeeps. When Kerry’s dinner was over, Tye drove her back to the beach house. A good night kiss led to an invitation to come in for a minute, A second kiss lead to a heavy make out session. Before long, Kerry found her date between her legs licking her pussy. Unlike her first experience, this man knew what he was doing.

As her first orgasm flush through her body, she became his. She gladly gave him oral sex as payment for the good time he had showed her. At 18 she did not have a lot of experience but she had a lot of hormones flowing through her body. Her pussy was moist and her nipples hard. Allowing Tye to penetrate her body and bang the hell out her was an easy decision. She was in sex heaven. Multiple orgasm rocked her body unlike anything she had experienced before.

As they started to calm down, they lay naked in each others arms. Kerry was at peace with herself. She felt like she had become of age. The couple slipped their clothes back on expecting Barb to return at any time. They gave each other a parting kiss and as he walked out, passed Barb on the way in.

The girls sat and asked how each others date went.

Barb said “Great dinner, a real gentleman.”

Kerry said “I never knew that sex could be that good. He was delicious.”

“How was dinner?” asked Barb.

“OK” was Kerry’s simple answer.

Barb noticed an envelope with Kerry’s name on it sitting on the coffee table.

“What’s this?” asked Barb.

“I don’t know, let me see” was Kerry’s reply.

As she opened the envelope, Kerry noticeably gasped. On inspection she found $2500 in cash and a small note.

“Thanks for a great time, Tye”

“Why would he give me this?” asked Kerry.

Barb saw her opening. She explained that men of means felt women had a price. For enough money they thought a woman would do just about anything. They took great pleasure in having a woman demean herself for their pleasure. Women were to be used and played with.

Kerry wondered if Barb was talking about Susan. It seamed like that would explain a lot about the way she had been behaving. But then she thought about their outing on the golf course. Why would Barb act the way she did out of the blue. She seemed to know what the men expected and she willing bent to their directions. For every answer she thought see had, several new questions popped up.

“I had sex with him because I wanted to” pleaded Kerry. “What would make him think anything else?”

“The truth of the matter is a lot of the girls here at the resort, have sex for money.” Barb started.

“Tye may have confused you with one of those girls” she continued.

“If I find the girl he confused me with, I’ll be sure she gets her money” Kerry laughed.
“But on second thought, I did the work, I should get the fee.”

This statement took Barb by surprise. Had their brief talk taken effect that quickly.
Did she explain it so well that Kerry understood what she had just done. Twice in one day, her sister had traded on her body and good looks for money.

As far as Kerry saw it, she had earned $3500 for having a good time. It was hard for her to see the downside to any part of this. She never considered that Barb might be doing this on a regular basis.

“Did Mr. Griffin give you any money? asked Kerry as an afterthought.

“No” lied Barb.

The last 2 days of the trip consisted of more shopping and eating. Laying in the sun on the beach house deck and being lazy filled in the rest of the time. The same jet that flew them in, returned them to Florida. When Barb dropped Kerry off at the commercial terminal for her return flight home, the hugged each other as only sisters would do. They promised each other to stay in touch and get together again soon.

Barb had not succeeded in warning Kerry away from Mr. Darrien and his associates.
She thought she had done her best. She was afraid that if Kerry knew the truth, they would never be able to build a relationship. Barb had been in the adult entertainment business for a number of years. She was financially well off and a star in the industry. Even after all this she felt private shame in what she did for a living.
There were parts of the girl from small town Mississippi would never leave her. Especially, she did not want to ever admit to her younger sister the truth.

Within a week of getting home, Kerry called Bill Todd at this modeling agency in Atlanta. She wanted to know, with her graduation from high school, if his offer of a job still existed. Much to her delight he answered in the affirmative.

Bill had Kerry on speaker phone in his office. Across from his desk Mr. Darrien sat in an easy chair. When she agreed to start in 10 days, Mr. Darrien gave Bill a nod of approval. Kerry would soon be the newest addition to their staff of young ladies.
Only time would tell if she would be as big a money maker for the company as
her sister was.

The End

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Freda and Jenny become porn stars

Freda came from a loving family. She was a sweet girl and her mother and father worshipped her. It was time for her to go to college and she would live alone for the first time. Well not exactly alone. She was going to share an apartment with another girl. Her name was Jenny. Freda had all her clothes packed and her parents kissed her good by. Freda drove away in the used car her father had given her. Freda was sad and homesick already but as the miles slipped by she sensed that she was going...

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PornPics Interracial

If you think that there is no place for porn pictures in this day and age, well, I want to call you a fucking idiot, but I cannot really blame you for thinking that. With so many on-demand streaming services and a wealth of free tube sites that offer so much pornography that it’s fucking impossible for one person to see everything, I can see why so many people may think that porn pictures are dead. But let me tell you something, you basic son of a bitch: they’re not!It’s just as satisfying to...

Interracial Porn Sites
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Porn Pics! With a name like that, you can tell right off the bat that this site is going to straightforward. No bullshit, no beating around the bush (except, of course, for you beating around your own bush). From the moment the homepage loads, it is exactly what you expect it to be: a shit ton of pictures taken from porn. Easy enough. Extra-large thumbnails are sorted into categories, so you can easily start your journey into whatever type of smut you like best.I am 100% an ass man, and, sure...

Porn Pictures Sites
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PornPics Lesbian

We have access to so much pornography on the Web that it’s impossible to see it all. For fuck sake, there is an uncountable amount of porn that is posted every single day. To say that you can find anything that gets you off is an understatement. From cam shows to tube sites with millions of embedded porn videos and even virtual reality porn, you can find something that will get you off.But sometimes, you want to go back to simpler times. You may even want to go back to a time where looking at...

Lesbian Porn Sites
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Diary of a Porn Star

All the porn stars listed below are REAL porn stars EXCEPT for the main character, Kianii. I encourage you to look them up if you don’t know of them already. Doing this is not essential to enjoy the story, but I figured it would help a great deal. Thanks for taking the time to read this. Please leave PLENTY of honest feedback and ratings. I love to see what you have to say. Thanks again... -Kitty_Labella Yes, I know – I’m not the next Jenna Jameson, nor do I aspire to be. My...

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PornPics BBW

If you were looking for a site that is dedicated to the lovely fatties, then you might have heard about I think it is more than obvious that this is a picture website, as it says so right in the site's actual name. So, you get to see loads of naughty images featuring BBW's who love to get down and dirty in all kinds of scenarios.With that said, it does not really give you the gist of what Porn Pics actually has to offer, right? Well, if you are interested and you’d like to know...

BBW Porn Sites
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OHGIRL Porn Star 4

I sat in the makeup chair in the late afternoon on Wednesday, smoking my cigarette as the girl touched up my lipstick. I was getting ready to shoot my sixth DP this week, the first four of which were shot two on Monday and two on Tuesday. My morning shoot was done and I had already cleaned up and changed for my final regular scene in my Double Penetration series of films. I had taken on two different actors for each scene and they all had ended with internal cum shots in both my ass and pussy....

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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

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Porn Star Babe Part One

As a hot, 20 year-old girly boy, I was invited by another girly boy to star in a porn movie with her. It sounded fun and I was adventurous sexually, anyway. So, becoming an actress getting lots of big loads of cum from her handsome co-stars was very exciting to me.The movie was shot in a private house where I drove to with my girlfriend, Chrissie Licks, a pretty, 21 year-old, aspiring porn star. Chris was a cute blonde when dressed as a boy. He was also a call boy who was popular with older gay...

4 years ago
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Sally becomes a porn star by accident

Sally becomes a porn star by accidentThere are key moments in life which, when looked back on, change your direction and perspective completely.The seminar which Sally was contracted to cover certainly changed her life, but in the most unexpected way.Sally was a 24 year old free-lance journalist writing for magazines like Hello and FHM and occasional items for the local radio and newspapers when this story took place. Nottingham born in 1980, she was brought up since she was 12 years old by her...

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Theater Showing Porn M2M Part 1

I was in my mid-thirties, single, and feeling a bit horny one Saturday night. I searched online for places to go and found this theater showing porn about a 30 minute drive from my home. The reviews claimed weekend action was great and the cops did not harass the people there, so I tried it out. I got there around 10pm and saw that there were quite a few cars in the parking lot. I nervous with anticipation of the unknown as I never have been to a full blown porn theater that had "action." ...

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Jenny becomes a porn star by chance

There are key moments in life which, when looked back on, change your direction and perspective completely.The seminar which Jenny was contracted to cover certainly changed her life, but in the most unexpected way.Jenny was a 24 year old free-lance journalist writing for magazines like Hello and FHM and occasional items for the local radio and newspapers when this story took place. Nottingham born in 1980, she was brought up since she was 12 years old by her grandparents on her Dad's side after...

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PornPics Handjob

I have a question for you guys. Who here is a fan of handjobs? I’m sure not that many hands went up in the air when I asked this. It’s just because people don’t think about handjobs enough, in my opinion. The very idea of a girl tugging on your cock and milking it for every drop of cum that you have is just so fucking arousing for me, and I’m sure you feel the same way. It’s just that handjobs got a bad rep because they are just the precursor to the main course, which is always some hardcore...

Handjob Porn Sites
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PornPics Voyeur

When you want to relax a bit and want to jerk off to still images instead of videos, has got you covered. Today, I’ll be bringing you into the world of, but I will be taking a look at the voyeur category. That being said, I will immediately tell you that the voyeur category on PornPics doesn’t really have voyeur content since many of the pictures that I saw in this section just seem to be taken out of porn videos. So, with that out of the way and with your expectations...

Voyeur Porn Sites
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PornPics Mature

Don’t run away just yet; these mature ladies are absolutely not grannies. They’re right below the curve. They’re fuckable. I swear. Stick around. You’ll find some properly fuckable MILFs on this website. Seriously! They’re very much worth the fap. This isn’t a granny site. It’s the mature section of PornPics. If you’re not familiar with PornPics, well, you should be. This is a great fucking website that aims to bring you a never-ending list of sexy images, most of which are fap-worthy. Also,...

Mature Porn Sites
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A porn star experience

The darkness of the night had just set in to its fullest extent. Markus yawned as he removed himself from Andrea's nethers after another long sex session while Jeanne watched a TV show. "Oh! Oh! I have a fun idea! I've been saving this one up and I want to do it!" His wife, already covered in cum, stood up and began to clean herself up. "Alright, I'll bite. What are you going to do now?" Mark asked with a tired, dismissive tone. "Don't be so negative, it's going to be fun!" Andrea...

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Are You A Porn Star

Just for fun, an interesting analysis of data from the Internet Adult Film Data Base of some 7000 females and 3000 males.Data is US-centric and percentage discussions are of women unless otherwise noted.Weight is the biggest distinction between porn stars and the general population.Porn stars are quite a bit lighter. At 117 lbs, the average female performer is a considerable 48 lbs under the national average for women, and the average male, at 167.5 lbs, weighs 27 lbs less than the national...

3 years ago
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Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...

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PornPics Blowjob

Do you know what really gets my motor running? Blowjobs. Now, I am sure that that applies to most of us, and that is why I have decided to search for sites with amazing blowjob content… well, I have found it. The site’s name is pornpics, and while they have a little bit of everything, there is a nice selection of images featuring the hottest babes sucking hard cocks.The best thing about this is that this is a site with all kinds of porn images, and it is free, so if you get bored of BJ images,...

Blowjob Porn Sites
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OHGIRL Porn Star 2

My summer vacation was nearly half way over and I was finally getting quite a few offers to do movies. Whether it was the parties that John threw, to get his contract girl’s names and faces out there to the directors and porn executives, or the connections I made at the events we attended. I had been hired to shoot 20 different scenes over the last 35 days. John explained to me that many of the films I would start out in would be low budget and he was right. He had told me that it was hard for...

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Theater Showing Porn Part 2 M2M

I was at a porn theater and had just gone a blown a guy eating a huge load of cum. My cock was out as I sat and slowly stroked it. The hot encounter that I just had made me incredibly horny and I was hoping for a little help with my cock. After about 15-20 minutes, I decided pull up my pants and try a local porn shop with gloryholes to see if my luck would be better. The movie on the screen was getting close to the money shot, so as I walked up the isle I looked over my shoulder. I got...

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Heather the Little Sister

“Hello?” I said, half expecting it to be a telemarketer. I told you, I’d settle for anybody right now. “Hey sport, so I heard you’re turning 16 in a few weeks?” said a familiar voice. I haven’t talked to my older brother ever since the divorce two years ago. “Joe, is that you?” I said shockingly. “Yeah, it’s me. I just got a new car, and I’ve noticed that I haven’t been a good brother lately, and I was wondering if you wanted to go on a road trip with me; just us, two guys having fun...

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My Wife a Topless Dancer or a Porn Star

Introduction: A wifes fantasy about being a topless dancer or a porn Star almost comes true! My Wife a Topless Dancer or a Porn Star The Cherry Pit A GO GO topless Bar and My wife Jane. Most of this story is true as my wife actually did apply for a job as a topless dancer and could have went to work dancing as one! I almost always stopped at the Cherry pit on my way home, I was never there very long, just long enough to get a nice hard on. The women were almost always attractive friendly...

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Beatdown by a porn Star lisa Ann

Beat Down by a Porn star- Lisa AnnBy lilguy [email protected] inherits a porn studio and gets shown who really boss.When porn King Dick Slamming (not his god given name) will was revealed it surprise everyone. Dick Slamming had died of a heart attack during a weeklong, orgy/coke party the like that would make Charlie Sheen Blush. He was at the ripe age of 60 and was a legend. His studio was known for excess, and despite being popular tended to have money problem due to it spending. When...

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Sexcess Becoming Porn StarsChapter 2 Careers Develop

Sheila, Patti, and Vee still worked at the senior living center. Patti had become the overall administrator. Sheila had been taking some counseling courses, more oriented towards lifestyles for the older person than therapy. This facility met a mixture of needs. All of the residents were independent to some degree. They could get out for many local activities and limited travel. Some folks just needed a few of their daily needs taken care of, others needed a little more help, a few had...

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PornPics Creampie

Everyone loves seeing a good creampie. There’s just something about imagining a babe completely filled with hot cum that makes me wanna cum in a bitch every time I fuck her. But the thing is, I don’t want to do that. I know there are so many bitches out there who would gladly make me their baby daddy and lie about taking pills. So, I’m not really going to take that risk. Luckily, there’s a way for me to enjoy seeing creampies without having to do them! The answer to my problem, in this case, is...

Creampie Porn Sites
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PornPics Taboo

I pride myself on keeping my finger on the pulse of porn. Nothing in this world sneaks up on me. I can sense trends coming from a mile away. For instance, I could feel that the fappening would go down three months before it did. The big jiggly ass craze of ten years ago? I called it. Virtual reality porn? I knew it was coming years in advance. This is what I do, and I see everything.That’s except for a tiny mishap, the shocking popularity of incest porn. It started with stepbrothers and...

Incest Porn Sites
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Carruthers Bride

The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...

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OMG My Wife Is a Porn Star

Chapter 1 After college I meet up with Debbie, and we started to date again. Within a year we got married. She had a degree in finance, and mine was in accounting and computer programing. We both got good jobs with the same major bank in Detroit. We had two children a boy and a girl, and things seemed to be going very well for us. Debbie and I both worked for the same bank, but in different departments. She ended up getting a rather large promotion, and a job transfer to Orlando Florida. They...

2 years ago
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Academy Stars the Evaluation

Academy Stars, the Evaluation Begins By: Malissa Madison Donnie Pierce sat in the Meeting Hall of the Terrellian Intergalactic Academy, engaged in a Secure Conference that no one else was supposed to know about. Also in the conference were Commandant's Blackstar, Delia Scarr and Breeze Lander. There were five others not with a military academy, they were Hob Orchid, Jarda Nimbus, Commanders Otru Demure and Lydia Shore. But the one leading the video...

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Jenny Become A Porn Star

Jenny Becomes A Porn Star Chapter One Nine months ago my life was that of a normal divorced ex house wife if you could call that normal. My husband had found a younger girl and he decided to get rid of me. At least he waited until our two boys had grown up and moved away. During the two years since our divorce I had moved into a second...

3 years ago
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Denises Erotic Porn Star Life

I worked out at the gym the next day, after waking up early and riding my lover until he sprayed his sperm deep into my bald slit. I smoked a cig while I drove down to the local fitness center. I’m sure I looked hypocritical as I finished my smoke outside in the parking lot before entering. I really needed to keep in shape because I knew this kind of lifestyle could be hard on me. I lifted and then ran on the treadmill before I finished a grueling workout on the stair climber. It felt good to...

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