The Porn Stars Sister / Part 2 free porn video

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NOTE: All stories by this author are part of an ongoing series. To follow the journey of Barbara Ann, aka Barb, aka Babs, her family and friends they are written in order from the oldest to newest. These are not professional writings but comments are welcome and appreciated. Hope you enjoy.

Chapter 1 Kerry goes to work

After graduation from high school in south Alabama, Kerry accepted a position with Bill Todd’s modeling agency in Atlanta. In the spring of her senior year, she had successfully done a one day sportswear catalog shoot for the agency. She had impressed everyone with her natural beauty and outgoing manner.

It didn’t hurt that her half sister Barb, worked for the parent company. Mr. Darrien, the head of the parent company had made it a mission to recruit Kerry. Through trick and enticement he had gotten his way. After being flown to Atlanta on the company plane, Kerry arrived at the agency offices for her first day of work.

Kerry was greeted at the front entrance by Tammy. They knew each other from Kerry’s first photo shoot at the agency. They were cordial but were not what most would consider friends. Tammy lead the way through a maze of hallways and closed doors to a small conference room.

Kerry and Tammy took chairs opposite each other on the small six seat table. After offering Kerry some refreshments and making sure she was comfortable, Tammy began,

“Let me put you at ease. Your employment with the company is guaranteed. What you are going to do this morning is consider two positions that are available. You can take the one you want.”

“That’s great” responded a nervous Kerry.

“The first is in the agency office as a receptionist. You would greet and direct people coming in the front door. You will answer and direct phone calls. There is other light office work but you would be the first person that people had contact with when it comes to our company. This is just a starting position and could lead to better things.”

“The pay is $500 week. You will be given free rent and utilities at one of the company’s apartments. They are very nice. Most of the time the other girls will only be there for a few days as they work in the Atlanta area. You’ll get a paid membership at the local 24 hour gym. If you don’t have a car, there is a company shuttle that will provide transportation. You could actually walk as they are only a few blocks from here.

“From time to time you may be able to pick up extra work. There are modeling jobs, runway work, and promotions that you may want to take advantage of. You have a leg up on other girls being here every day.” Tammy concluded.

“That sounds great, but you said there were two jobs”? asked Kerry.

“There are. This one is with modeling agency.” Tammy started.

“The other is as a receptionist for our parent company across the street. That’s where Bill Todd’s office is.”

“What is different about that job?” asked Kerry.

“We’ll go across the street and find out” replied Tammy.

With that said the two girls walked across the street to an unimpressive office building. There were no signs or indications what business was there.

“At least the modeling agency had a sign” Kerry thought to herself.

“You look surprised” said Tammy. “There is no reason for someone to come to these offices unless they’re invited.”

When they arrived at the glass doors they were locked. Tammy punched in a security code and in they went. The large foyer was quite different. It was very modern with a light color scheme. Kerry was thinking this was more to her taste even though she had not even heard the first word about the job.

To the left was on open glass stairway. Even to Kerry’s eyes, a vision of beauty was descending upon them. The woman had the legs of a ballet dancer. A form fitting black pencil skirt came down mid thigh. As Kerry’s eyes worked their way up the woman’s body the next thing she noticed was the wide red leather belt with an oversized silver buckle. Her white blouse had long sleeves and was unbuttoned to the bottom of her large boobs. Her makeup and hair were flawless.

“May I introduce Rebecca. She is Mr. Todd’s personal secretary and assistant.”“Rebecca, this is Kerry” said Tammy.

“I’ve been looking forward to meeting you” commented Rebecca.

“So nice to meet you” Kerry said politely.

“Thanks Tammy, I’ve got it from here” Rebecca said as she grabbed Kerry’s hand and took her up the stairs.

The top of the stairs was like a movie set. All glass and metal accented with rich woods. The carpet was thick and plush. Kerry was giddy at the thought of working in such a place. Rebecca opened the first door to the left into conference room. It was larger and nicer than the one at the modeling agency.

There was a seating area at the end of the room. Rebecca asked Kerry to join her on the sofa.

“Today is an important day for you. I know Tammy went over the job at the agency with you. Do you have any questions?” asked Rebecca.

“No. But I do want to hear about this job” Kerry replied excitedly.

Rebecca set out to explain the second position. It too was being a receptionist. It paid $1000 a week. The housing that was furnished was a rather nice two bedroom. There would be a single room mate. Transportation to and from work would be provided by a company car and driver. A private trainer would be assigned to her at the in house company gym.

These things alone made Kerry want this job rather than the first. Then it dawned on her that there must be a catch.

“I get all this as a receptionist?” asked Kerry.

“Well, sort of. Receptionist is the title of the position. It’s more of an apprentice or starting position.”stated Rebecca.

Kerry became a little nervous about this. What was she going to be asked to do? Was this something she really wanted to pursuit?

“Let me tell you something about our company.” Rebecca began.

“We are an international company. We are leaders in the adult entertainment industry. You are probably aware of this because your half sister Barb is one of our biggest talents.”

“I know she works for you but I’m not sure what she does.” injected a somewhat shaken Kerry.

Tammy. sensing that Kerry may not be fully aware of her sister’s work took to talking in a form of code.

“Your sister is a valued member of our family. She has developed a successful career in films, live performances, and company promotions. She is very successful.”

In English it translates to Barb is a porn star, a stripper, and a corporate whore.

“Your job here, if you accept it, would answer the phone and greet our guest. A big
difference is that strangers do not call or come by our offices. We know these people and we want them to be treated like the special people they are. Like Mr. Griffin and his son Tye that you met in Martinique. You remember them?”

“Does that mean that I have to strip naked and have my picture taken when they come here?” asked a somewhat naive Kerry in a blunt tone.

“No, silly. We have other girls here that do that. Mr. Griffin and his son did speak highly of you and your sister. They said you were the highlight of their trip. Plus it didn’t hurt when it came to the decision for them to invest in our company.” Tammy continued.

“There are two private entrances to this building. There is talent entrance where most of our employees enter the building. Then there is the client/investor entrance. The company executives also use that entrance.That is where you will spend most of your day.”

“You will have to dress a little sexier than you are probably used to.. We’ll take you shopping if you accept the job and get some new outfits. You’ll get your hair and make done every day here in our make up studio. You will be the first person visitors will see and we want you to look your best. ”

The client entrance was more like a lounge. There was a fully stocked bar was at one end. There were two seating areas consisting of overstuffed sofas and chairs. The overall decor was warm and inviting. Behind it was a separate butler’s pantry and a small dressing area.

Rebecca finished her pitch to Kerry with the following.

“The position we are offering you here at our corporate offices may not seem like much. But while you are here you will be exposed to variety of products and services we provide. While in our employment you will be given opportunities to advance.
A number of our employees came to us with few assets. Some, like your sister are now millionaires”.

This was news to Kerry. She thought her sister was doing well but this sounded like she was doing really well. Between this and the additional money and benefits, she was sold.

“I’d love to work here with you” Kerry said happily. “When do you want me to start?”

Rebecca informed Kerry that one of her assistants would take her to lunch. She would stay with Kerry for the afternoon to get her settled into the apartment.
Kerry would have it to herself for a few days until her new room mate came in from overseas. It was fully furnished and had everything she would need.

Upon arrival, Kerry was impressed. The apartment building was a nine story, modern structure. The apartment was on the fourth floor. It was spacious and ten times better than she had imagined. It had stylish, modern furniture. Sliding glass doors opened to a patio area that featured a view of the Atlanta skyline in the distance.

It had every thing including a supply of snacks and beverages. She took notice of the thick, soft towels in the bathroom and a bed that felt like you should stay in it all day. A few weeks out of high school and Kerry felt like she was already a success.

Chapter 2 A career begins

At 8:30 the phone rang. Kerry had been up and ready to go since 6 am.

“Kerry? This is James your driver. I’m here to take you to the corporate office. I’ll be waiting at the front door of the building“ was all she heard from the stranger on the phone.

When she arrived downstairs, an attractive young man in a business suite was standing by the door.

“James?” asked Kerry.

“At your service” he answered as he opened the door and lead her to a black BMW sedan. Such personal service made her feel special. She would be glad to do whatever her new job entailed.

The BMW pulled into a parking garage that was on one side of the corporate building. James stopped the car directly in front of the entrance doors. He got out and opened the car door for Kerry. As he opened the buildings door for her, she noticed Rebecca standing inside waiting for her.

She was dressed like she was going to play tennis. White tennis shoes with low top white socks. She looked cute in her white pleated skirt. Her t-shirt top was rather plain except it was apparent that she wore no bra. As always her hair and makeup were flawless.

Without a word,Rebecca grabbed Kerry’s hand and lead her to the elevator.

As they waited for the door to open, Rebecca said “It’s time to get you ready for work. This is going to be a great first day.”

The two continued to the second floor where they went to the in-house beauty salon. There Kerry was treated to not only hair and makeup but had her nails done. Before

she was taken to get dressed for the day, Rebecca asked her to pull her pants down. She was feeling so good about the experience she didn’t hesitate. Besides, there was only two other women in the room.

“We can’t have you leave here without checking out what you have going on down there ” commented Rebecca.

“Why would that matter if I’m not going to take my clothes off?” asked Kerry.

“Very cute” Rebecca said as she ran her fingers through the small patch of neatly trimmed hair.

The soft gentle hands of another woman was a pleasant change from the crude advances of the boys she knew. When Rebecca went just a little bit further and let her hand rub against her exposed pussy, Kerry let out a noticeable soft whimper. She had never been with a woman but Rebecca sensed that it was only a matter of time.

After passing inspection, Kerry and Rebecca went to the wardrobe and dressing area. There Kerry was given a matching tennis outfit. The lack of a bra did not surprise Kerry as she knew Rebecca was not wearing one. No panties being provided was something else.

“Where are the panties?’ asked Kerry.

“There are none to this outfit” said Rebecca lifting the front of her dress to expose her shaved pussy.

“You remember Bill Griffin. He’s coming to the office this morning. He is a big tennis fan and we thought we would dress for the occasion.” Rebecca informed Kerry.

“But why no panties? You said I wouldn’t have to strip” complained Kerry.

“Men invest in our company because it is a good business decision. They also do it so the can enjoy the benefits. One of today’s benefits is he will get to peek at your bare pussy if he wants.” Rebecca said as in a blunt manner.

When the limousine arrived at the lounge entrance, both Kerry and Rebecca were there to greet it. The driver got out and opened the passenger door. First out was Bill Griffin. Behind him were two girls dressed in identical tennis outfits.

“Who are they?” asked Kerry.

“They’re strippers from one of our local clubs. Mr. Todd sent them out to meet Mr. Griffin when his plane flew in. They’ll spend the day and probably the night entertaining him. As soon as we get them to Bill Todd’s office, you’ll get dressed for your next assignment.”

Kerry was glad that she had not been required to show her pussy. If asked, she would have. But it was a good start to the day and she went back to wardrobe.
There she was fitted with a yellow mid thigh wrap dress with matching yellow heels.
Once again the dress came without undergarments. Kerry got the sense that there was a pattern developing.

She returned to the lounge. Three different times a car pulled up to the entrance. Each time she went to the door and greeted the occupants. All were older men that worked for the company. They were very business like and polite.

Each man made the same statement. “You must be the new girl.” With that they made their way to the elevator and disappeared.

At around noon, Rebecca returned still wearing her tennis outfit and informed Kerry they would be having lunch with Bill Todd in his third floor office. After a brief elevator ride they walked to what turned out to be Rebecca’s office. Behind and to the side of her desk was a large wood door. On it was a brass plaque that proclaimed “Bill Todd, Senior Vice President, Talent Development”.

Inside was a large comfortable office that was larger than Kerry’s new apartment.
Bill was sitting behind his large executive desk. He directed Kerry to have a seat in one of the chairs facing his desk. Kerry sat carefully so as not to expose her bare bottom. He directed Rebecca to come and stand facing him by the side of his chair.

As she stood talking to him, he placed his hand under her skirt caressing her bare pussy. As his finger penetrated into her, Kerry could see Rebecca’s nipples harden. Bill Todd took more pleasure in watching his new employee squirm than he derived from finger fucking his well built secretary.

“Did you enjoy your first morning at work?” he asked Kerry as he continued to stroke Rebecca.

“Very much so” she replied trying to be professional.

“Do you think that Rebecca is enjoying herself?” he asked.

“It appears that she is” Kerry replied.

“Do you like watching her enjoy herself?” he asked.

“I’m not sure” she said starting to doubt herself.

“Do you want me to stop” he asked.

“No” was her simple answer.

Bill stopped abruptly. He directed Rebecca to have a seat next to Kerry. She sat down as if nothing had happened. Bill sat at his desk content like a cat playing with a mouse.

Bill called on his phone to have lunch brought in. When it arrived he invited the girls to join him at the small dining table in the corner of the room. The two stewards helped seat the girls and then served the meal.

As the stewards left the room Mr. Todd turned to Rebecca.

“Please take your top off. The sight of your beautiful tits would make lunch much more enjoyable.” he requested.

As Rebecca began to remove her top, Bill noticed Kerry beginning to take her’s off.

“No, No, Kerry. Your our guest and this is your first day at work. I’m sure you have beautiful breast but you can leave your top on.” he directed.

“Rebecca has been with me a long time. I have seen her naked many times. She considers it a compliment that I still take pleasure in the sight of her body. Isn’t that so Rebecca?” he asked.

“I find it exciting to give you pleasure” was Rebecca’s answer.

The entire time that this verbal exchange was going on, Bill was taking his own pleasure in seeing Kerry’s discomfort. He hoped that her pussy was moist with sexual arousal.

Lunch lasted about 30 minutes. There was light conversation of no consequence.
Bill paid no special attention to the natural looking, enhanced chest of Rebecca. She acted as if she was fully clothed. The noticeable exception was her nipples being fully extended and rock hard . Kerry tried to act nonchalant and enjoy the meal.

“Kerry. After lunch, go down to the gym on the first floor. Find Jamie. He’s going to be your personal trainer. You’ll spend the afternoon with him setting up your program.” explained Bill.

“Will you need me at the reception area?” asked Kerry

“No. You did a great job and are really cute. But we have some clients that are coming in this afternoon that are into girls with really big tits. We have some special girls lined up to greet them.” snickered Rebecca.

“Go along now. Rebecca and I have some business to take care of. I need to give her an after lunch treat.” said a smiling Bill.

As Kerry got up from the table she gave one final look at the beautiful topless Rebecca. She was smiling at Bill while wetting her lips with her tongue.

With Kerry out of the room, Bill and Rebecca went to the sofa. Bill stood as the topless Rebecca loosened his belt and pulled down his pants. He sat down and got comfortable while she assumed her practiced position between his legs.

While Rebecca lovingly stroke his cock, Bill said “Now wasn’t that fun. We have two weeks to play with her before she has to start giving us a return on our investment.”

Rebecca nodded her head in agreement as she placed his cock in her mouth and began to suck.

Chapter 3 Secrets Exposed

The afternoon had been spent with Jamie testing Kerry and setting up a schedule for her workouts. She was relieved when she was given a workout outfit that was similar to what she wore in high school PE. It was of much better quality than she had been used to a came with a matching set of sweats. She enjoyed everything about the afternoon but went back to her apartment both relaxed and tired.

Upon entering the apartment she was startled to find someone there.

On her sofa sat a petite girl with shoulder length dark hair. She wore slacks and a cute top with sketch of the Eiffel Tower on the front of it.

“Who are you?” Kerry asked in an agitated voice.

“I’m Anna. Did they not tell you I would be here? said the seated beauty with a strong accent.

“No” was Kerry’s abrupt answer.

“I work for the company and I’ll be your roommate for the next few weeks. Rebecca gave me a key.” Anna explained.

“I’m from Prague. I’ll only be here for two, three weeks at most.” Anna continued.

“Well, I’m Kerry, and I’m glad to meet you.” said Kerry as she slipped into a chair across from her new roommate.

Once she had gotten over the idea that a stranger was in her apartment, Kerry was struck by Anna’s beauty. With her loose fitting casual clothes it was hard to tell much about her body but her skin was flawless. Anna had very little makeup on. She reminded Kerry of a doll she had growing up. Porcelain skin, dark hair and big,
bright green eyes.

“What kind of work do you do for the company?” asked Kerry.

“I do what most of the girls do” replied Anna.

“Oh, the promotions and personal appearances?” asked the naive Kerry.

The use of those terms to describe their work set off alarms in Anna’s head.

“I do you same job as your sister Barb. She is a lot more successful and in demand than I am. She is a star in our business as I am just a rising star.” she continued. “But you knew that.”

“I don’t know my sister that well. That’s a long story but I am finding out more and more since I’ve started working here at the Atlanta office.”

Anna was taken back by Kerry’s apparent lack of knowledge of the company she worked for. On top of that, Kerry’s sister not only worked for the company but she was one of their top talents.

“Do you know my sister?” asked Kerry.

“We’ve worked in the same club a couple of times. Once was in Stuttgart, Germany and another was in Meaux, France. We also worked a private party in Dallas. Other than that, Barb and I are not what you would call friends.” offered Anna.

“What kind of things do you do during these club promotions?” asked Kerry.

Anna, tiring quickly of Kerry’s innocence, blurted out “We’re strippers. You know. We take our clothes off in a club full of men. We show them our tits and pussies.
We even shake our naked asses at them.”

An astonished Kerry couldn’t believe this stranger’s bluntness. She remembered the outing on the golf course in Martinique. How easy it was for her and Barb to take off all their clothes and have pictures taken with strangers. She also remembered at the end of her date with Tye Griffin how she had been given $2500. Was she that stupid as to not see what was going on.

While sitting with Anna, she also replayed the blatant sexual activities that she had witness in Bill Todd’s office. Why would she be shocked by what Anna had just said?

“What else do you do at the clubs?” asked Kerry.

“We meet with our fans and have pictures taken among other things. We are just there for a few shows. They have other dancers that work full time in the clubs.”

“It sounds pretty easy. Is that what you are going to be doing while your here?” Kerry continued her inquiry.

“That is the easy part. It’s the dates that get old after a while.” Anna informed her.

“You get to go out on dates while your here?” the exchange continued.

“Call them dates if you want. Customers in the club can arrange a date through the club managers. They’re checked out and it is far from free. They pay a lot of money for a little personal entertainment.” Anna explained. “Then there are the important clients that the company has you spend time with. It’s a job. A good paying job. The money is one of the best benefits of being a girl in the adult entertainment business.”

“When you say dates, what exactly do you mean.” asked Kerry.

“This girl is dumb as dirt” thought Anna to herself. “She acting all innocent yet she works for these people.”

Trying to figure exactly how much was an act and how much was true, Anna decided to go for the blunt explanation of what she, Barb, and probably in the near future, Kerry, did for a living.

“We call them dates to be nice. But you know most people would call us working women, whores, prostitutes, call girls, or maybe escorts. I like to be thought of as an adult entertainer. The clients think of us as a sure thing. Depending on the client and the amount of money being paid, they know they will get us naked. They’ll get to fuck our mouths and pussies. If they want, they can even fuck us in the ass.
In return for a fat pay check, we will give them the screwing of their lives. I and all the girls like to think after a date with us, the men will think of us while doing their wives.”

“And do you do this a lot?” the insistent Kerry continued.

“All year long. All around the world. This is what your sister, me, and few other lucky girls do for a living.”

With this being the two girls two girls introduction, Anna thought it best to take a break.

“Let’s go out and get something to eat. I’m starved. How about you?” Anna suggested.

The two got up and went across the street to a nearby neighborhood restaurant for dinner. Two attractive young girls sharing a meal. What could be more normal.

The next few days were uneventful for Kerry as most of the managers, including Bill Todd, were out of town. No visitors stopped in leaving her to watch TV in the morning and working out in the gym in the afternoon. Mid week, while on the 2nd floor, she ran into Anna.

“Tonight I,m doing a single midnight show at one of our smaller private clubs. Why don’t you come with me? It’ll be fun.” offered Anna.

With nothing else to do, Kerry gladly accepted the invitation.

“After work we can get something to eat. The car will pick us up about 9.” said Anna.

The night went as scheduled. The girls, dress in tight shorts, halter tops and heels were picked up promptly at 9 O’clock. The black BMW sedan with dark tinted windows whisked them to a nondescript brick building on the north side of Atlanta. There was a striped awning over the lighted entrance. The buildings few windows were blacked out. The one outstanding feature was the heavy, ornate wood door. There were no signs to indicate it was a business or that it was even open.

The car pulled up to the entrance, the driver walked around the car and let the girls out. As if they were expected, the door opened and a bulky man in a dark suit ushered Anna and Kerry inside. He guided them through a series of hallways until they reach a dressing room.

They could hear the sound of men cheering and clapping as the made their way through the dimly lit halls. The dressing room itself was small but clean and well lit.
There was a make-up table and a small sofa. Other than that there was a door that lead to a full bath with shower.

“Are we the only girls here?” asked Kerry.

“No. a private dressing room, for what it’s worth, is one of the perks of my job. The regular girls share a larger dressing area. Not a lot of privacy there.” answered Anna.

As Anna started to apply heavier makeup, Kerry sat on the sofa. She tried to imagine her sister working in a club like this. She really struggled when she tried to picture herself working there.

At about 10:30 a man that identified himself as Frank, the club manager, knocked on the door. He inquired if there was anything they needed. He offered to show Kerry around the club if it was OK with Anna. Considering it just another one of the endless clubs she danced in, Anna had no problem with it.

Before she left, Anna had a word of advice. “Remember, this is a private club and you may see some things that people normally aren’t allowed to do in public.”

Back through the maze of hallways, they ended up back at the front entrance. There was small podium like a hostess might use in restaurant. Behind it was the burly doorman that had greeted them on their arrival. Behind him was a doorway covered with two heavy red d****s accented with gold flower.

Frank lead the way through the curtains and had Kerry stand beside him at the darkened back of the room. There were about twenty men seated at tables around the small stage. There were couples in booths at the back of the room. The stage was well lit with an attractive girl dancing.

She had a very skimpy bikini on from what Kerry could tell. The music was loud and had a strong beat. As they watched, she removed the top to expose her milky white boobs that looked and bounced like medium size cantelopes. In short order, she had removed her bottoms and danced about nude.

What happened next took Kerry by surprise. The beautiful girl with no clothes on left the stage and walked among the patrons. She freely allowed the men to touch and grope her body. At one table she stood facing a sitting man. She spread her legs and smiled as the man fingered her pussy. As this was happening another man slapped her with his hand on her bare ass.

When she went back on stage she writhed and wiggled around making sure everyone that wanted to saw her spread ass and pussy. To Kerry it was a shameless display of a woman’s body. But, the biggest surprise was yet to come. Gathering up her clothes she once again made he way into the audience . She took one man’s hand and lead him to a booth in the back of the club. There she sat naked on the table as the man played with her boobs and exposed pussy.

While the man played with the stripper, Kerry noticed two couples coming through the curtain. She could not believe her eyes. It was her mother Sandy, her aunt Sarah from Birmingham. They were accompanied by two strange men. Both women were dressed in low cut, skin tight, extremely short dresses. They wore stiletto heels like the strippers on stage. The men wore suits.

If the sight of her mother was not enough, it was compounded by the fact that Kerry had just talked to her dad before she and Anna had left for the club. She wanted to talk to her mom but was told she had gone to visit Sarah in Birmingham.

“What the hell is this?” she thought to herself.

Staying in the darkened back of the club, she watched as her mother and aunt walk to a back booth with their dates arms wrapped around them. Just before they sat down, her mother embraced the man she was with. In the middle of a prolonged kiss he pulled up her dress and grabbed her exposed butt cheek.

This was too much for Kerry. She asked Frank to take her back to the dressing room.
He said her had to attend to some club business. He suggested that she should remain where she was. He offered her a stool that was to the side. She could wait there and have a good view of Anna’s act.

Unknown to anyone but herself, she also had an unobstructed view of her mother.
The four sat in the curved booth with the two women in the center. After a round of drinks, the couples seemed to settle back to watch the show. When the waitress left after delivering a second round of drinks, Kerry noticed her mother had one breast out that her date was fondling. Her aunt was into heavy kissing with her date.

Kerry was oblivious to anything else as she watched her mom carry on. At one point the two women went to the bathroom. When they returned, the appeared to hand the men their panties. Her mother’s date got up like he was going to let the two women to sit down. But after Sarah slipped in, he stopped Susan. He proceeded to bend her over the table and lift her dress over her ass. She stayed in that position while he grabbed her ass and rubbed between her legs.

She was consumed by the antics of the two women when she noticed Anna had taken the stage. When she looked back, her mother was still being m*****ed and her aunt had the top of her dress down and her tits hanging out.

The announcement of Anna starting her show drew Kerry’s attention to the stage. Anna was beautiful. She had a full red cape on. During the course of a couple of songs, Anna had reduced her clothing to a skimpy bra and pantie. Like the other girls, she removed these to be left standing only in heels. Unlike the other girls, Kerry thought Anna was seductive, sexy and classy in the way she removed her clothes.

Also, unlike the other girls, she did not leave the stage to mingle with the audience.
She remained on stage for the second part of her act. She went to the back of the stage and fetched a leather case which she put on a folding stand. One of the club workers rolled out a small armless chaise at the same time.

Anna opened the case with great care as if it were filled with precious jewels. With the same amount of care she selected a small glass dildo. Once seated on the chaise, she proceeded to lovingly kiss and suck on it. With the tenderness she would treat a lover, she slowly rubbed it over her body. She had the total attention of the audience when she finally inserted it into pussy as she would take her lover’s cock. There she sat with her legs spread moving the dildo in and out the song in the backgrond.

Her white porcelain skin was complimented by her pink nipples. The full, puffy lips of her vagina looked hot and inviting. She continued her show be selecting a variety of toys in a various sizes and shapes. She methodically make love to each and every one.

She ended the show, when to the delight of the audience, she allowed one of the men e to use a dildo on her. She left the largest and thickest for the finale. Anna laid back completely relaxed. She used her hands to open herself up for this final insertion. She cursed and moaned as she encouraged the man to push the monster into her. She begged him to fuck her harder with it. As a reward for his efforts, Anna squirmed and bucked until she had an explosive climax. Whether it was real or only part of the act, the men gave her a standing ovation.

Unlike the other dancers, Anna did not go down into the audience. She acknowledged their applause then exited to the rear of the stage. Never could Kerry have imagined someone doing what she had just witnessed let alone do it public.

After Anna’s act, Kerry focused back on her mother, her aunt , and their friends.
She tried to make herself as small as possible as the group got up like they were getting ready to leave. They were laughing and carrying on as they passed the shadowed Kerry. Rather than leave, they went down a hall toward the back of the building.

Susan seemed oblivious to the fact that her dress was hiked up around her waist as she walked across the club. Sarah had the top of her dress pulled down exposing her newly enlarged tits. Neither woman seemed to care that the room full of men were watching them. The men seemed to relish the women’s public exposure.When Kerry finally made her way back to the dressing room she was pale. Anna was concerned over the way she looked.

“Did someone in the club hurt you?” was Anna’s first question.

“No, nothing like that” Kerry assured her. “Do you know what is in the back of this club.?”

“This, like a lot of the smaller private clubs have rooms that the girls can use to give more personal entertainment to the customers. The customers are all paying members. They bid during a girls set for her company. She goes to the highest bidder, like an auction.” Anna explained.

“What about couples that come into the club.?”

Anna continued “The men can bring female guest with them. They sometimes come for the show as part of a night out. Sometimes they enjoy being part of the show in the way they treat their women. Some men just like to show off their date. Many have had their women go up on stage and strip.”

“Do the couples have the use of the rooms?” persisted Kerry.

“They sure do. It’s not rare.”

Just then the club manager, Frank, stuck his head in the dressing room.

“Great show! The guys really like it when you show up. We’ve booked some dates for you over the next couple of days. Great show.” he repeated.

“Can you call us a car?” requested Anna.

As Anna and Kerry made their way back to the front, they made a wrong turn in the maze of halls. As they passed one half opened door they looked in. There, naked on all fours was Kerry’s mother. One man was enthusiastically penetrated her pussy from the back while another man pushed his cock as far as he could down her throat. Watching and taking pictures was her aunt dressed in only the smallest of panties.

It was surreal. The loudest sounds emitting from the room was the slapping of the man’s flabby groin against her mother’s tight, toned ass. The second was the choking
sound that came from Susan as she tried to accept the cock being pushed down her throat. The only other sound was that of the camera as Sarah took pictures.

Anna was impressed with Sarah’s toned, tanned body. Kerry was dismayed at the truth about her mother. Sandy and Sarah were suppose to be in Birmingham and yet here they were in Atlanta. They were entertaining men other than their husbands In the back room of a small adult club. They were acting like wanton sluts. It was just too much. Kerry grabbed Anna’s arm and proceeded to the front of the club as their car pulled up.

Kerry spent the ride home in the backseat of the sedan with Anna holding her close.
Little was said until they reached the apartment. Once inside, Kerry tearfully confided in Anna. She told her how she had seen her mother and aunt in the main room in the club with the two men. On top of that the sight of them in the room at the back of the club was too much.

To Anna this was nothing new. Her father had left her family when she was very young. Her single mother supported Anna and her younger brother as a stripper and escort. She had become aware at the start of her teenage years the true nature of her mother’s income. Anna had been recruited to strip in local clubs as soon as she was legal by her mother’s pimp. With her own history, Anna thought all this normal and what women did.

Kerry long had suspicions about her mother’s behavior especially over the past year. The sexy clothes and underwear in her closet. The taking of a part time job. Accepting rides with her father’s friends. Up until tonight, she never had proof or witnessed anything. Her mother and her aunt were a long way from where they were suppose to be with strange men. Catching Sandy in the act of cheating on her father was one thing. Seeing her having group sex while her picture was taken by her sister was way past anything she could have imagined. The only question was did her father know? It was more than Kerry could process.

Kerry’s half sister Barb was a whore. Her mother was a slut. What kind of other secrets did the family have? Was this what the future held for her? Kerry laid in her bed in the dark with her head spinning. She finally fell asleep from exhaustion of the night’s events.

Chapter 4 Kerry Downward Spiral

The next day after her trip to the club, Kerry called home. When she asked her dad
to speak to her mother he said.

“She called this morning and asked if it was OK to stay an extra day. Her and Sarah were having such a good time, she wanted the extra time.”

Kerry was tempted to say something. Was her father so blind or just dumb? His wife
was lying about where she was. His sister-in-law did not only knew what was going on but was an active participant.

“Who knows how long this had been going on” Kerry thought to herself.

She remembered back to the night that she had slipped back into the house during
Her father’s monthly poker party. She spied on her mother as she served as hostess. As the night progressed, her mother wore less and more revealing clothes. As the men were leaving she gave each one a good night kiss while completely nude. Her father stood nearby and watched with a smile on his face. What was up with that?

She came to the conclusion that her father knew more than she thought. She wondered if her father was encouraging her mother’s behavior.

Anna came into Kerry’s bedroom to see how she was doing.

“Do you think I would make a good stripper? Kerry asked.

Anna was taken back. She had just walked into the room and hadn’t said a word.

“What brought that on?” Asked Anna.

“I always thought that I was better than girls that would do something like that. I always kept the boys at bay because I thought that what girls were suppose to do.
You’re a nice girl. I consider you my friend and you do it.”

“Thanks for the compliment, I think” responded Anna.

“My sister is a nice girl and she strips. My mother is a respected member of our community. She doesn’t work in a strip club but she doesn’t seem to mind stripping for men other than my father. Why shouldn’t I do it?” she asked Anna.

Anna didn’t have a simple answer. She thought it best to let Kerry know a little more of what the job entailed. The two girls went out of the bedroom and got comfortable on the living room sofa.

“Clubs in Prague are different than the clubs here in the states. Girls that strip there turn tricks right inside the club. They are basically what you would call “bordellos” or whorehouses. The laws are more lenient and it’s all done pretty much in the open.”

“Is that what you did? Asked Kerry.

“It was part of the job. It was safe and the girls are protected. If a guy got out of line, they were thrown out. It was OK but you had a lots of sex most days.”

“How did you end up here?” Kerry persisted.

“All these clubs are controlled by the same group of men. They make money by supplying men with women willing to sell their bodies for a price. No matter where in the world you work, if you are lucky, you will be discovered by men like Bill Todd.
Only the most beautiful and most talented women work for him.” relayed Anna.

“I work for Mr. Todd. Does that mean I’ve been discovered” Quizzed Kerry.

“I don’t know for sure but it would seem that way. Your beautiful in a natural sort of way. Experienced or talented is probably yet to be seen” Anna said sarcastically. “I’m sure that they have a plan for you, you just don’t know it yet. I’d step lightly no matter what you think.”

The next day at work, Kerry sought Rebecca out as soon as she could.

“What would you think if I wanted to dance in one of the clubs a couple nights a week? Kerry blurted out.

“Do you know what the job actually requires?” snapped back Rebecca.

“Anna and my sister Barb both do it. If they do, why couldn’t I?

Rebecca couldn’t believe her ears. This was too easy. Bill would have played with this girl for weeks before they would have gotten to this point. Rebecca didn’t mind servicing Bill and his clients but he took no pleasure in them toying with other women. This was specially true when they used her as part of their game.

Rebecca knew she would have to check with Bill but she had a plan in mind.
There was a party coming up in about two weeks. She would use this as a coming out party for Kerry. Sort of launch into her new career.

Once Rebecca laid it out for Bill, he thought it was great idea. The party would be held in a large private residence in an upscale neighborhood outside Atlanta.
There would be top management and important clients in attendance. The women in attendance would be the most desirable of the company’s female employees.

Anna and Barb would be there as part of the entertainment. Kerry would play a key role in the event. Rebecca spent most of her time for ten days making all the preparations.

The night of the event, Anna and Kerry were brought to the home by stretch limo. They had been given low cut, rather short party dresses to wear. They had been told they would be guest at this exclusive gathering When they arrived, Bill Todd and Rebecca greeted them. They were taken inside and introduced around.

Kerry thought this was great. To be invited to such a beautiful social event. The men were well dressed and the ladies were young and attractive. There were a total of about 40 people in attendance.

Young men in tuxedos served drinks. The major feature of the main room was a spiral stairway going to the second floor. Half way up there was a large landing.
After about a half hour of drinks and conversation, the lights in the room were dimmed.

An attractive young woman while being highlighted by a spotlight descended from the second floor. The beat of the 3 man band that had been providing entertainment became more pronounced. When the woman reached the landing she began to dance. To the pleasure of the guest she began to strip. She was beautiful and in the end she stood completely nude with the exception of her heels.

She walked naked down the rest of the staircase like a model on the runway. At the bottom she posed making sure that everyone got a good look at her near perfect body. A second girl was announced at the top of the stairs as the first girl walked out a door to the side.

She was also a world class beauty. Both girls had large, firm breast and small waist.
Rebecca slid up next to Anna and guided her to a hall off to the side of the main room.

“Bill thinks the party needs a boost. He wants you to do your club act using that large ottoman in the middle of the room. We have a supply of toys that will be brought in when you start. Your on next.” commanded Rebecca.

Anna had worked with these people long enough to know this was not a request.
She needed to do this no matter how much she enjoyed just being a guest. She would strip and then masturbate in front of a room of stranger. Bill and Rebecca expected her to insert whatever they supplied into all of her body. She knew for sure, just like in her act, they wanted her to allow one of the guest bring her to orgasm.

When the second girl finished the spotlight switched to the ottoman. Anna excused herself from the group she was standing with and walked to the ottoman. One of the young men that had been serving drinks brought her a leather case. In it were an assortment of dildos and toys of different shapes and sizes. Over the next 20 minutes, Anna would wiggle and hump her way through the assortment as she removed her clothes. When completely nude, she picked a guest that Rebecca pointed out. As in the clubs, Anna allowed the man to use his choice of toy to bring her to an explosive orgasm. Real or an act, the audience loved the show.

As Anna was finishing up, Rebecca approached Kerry. Rather than pull her to the side, she lead her down a hall to the back of the house. As Kerry was leaving the room, the spotlight switched once again to the top of the stairs and there stood her sister Barb.

Kerry stopped to take a longer look at her sister but Rebecca rushed her out of the room.

“Barb is going to entertain the guest while you get ready for your big coming out.
This is going to be fun. Anyway, you’ve seen your sister naked before. We need to get you dressed.” said Rebecca.

They went to the back of the home and up a stairway to the second floor. There they entered a large, formal bedroom. Laid out on the bed was a very small gold g- string and a sheer, full length, gold dressing gown. The only other clothing was a pair of 6 inch gold heels.

Kerry was not sure what she was going to be expected to do. She could hear the men downstairs cheering. Unknown to her, not only was Barb was stripping she was modeling. Part of her job that night was to kick off a line of body jewelry that the company had just acquired. Through her extended, newly pierced nipples were oversized gold rings. She had a matching ring for a belly piercing. She wore a waist chair, ankle bracelets, and a collar all out of the same collection. Barb and the jewelry were both hits.

Next on the program while Kerry touched up her hair and makeup, was a film. It was being shown on a large screen on the back wall of the living area. The star of the film was Kerry. It started with her first modeling session for the clothing catalog. The second sequence showed her and Barb stripping on the golf course for Mr. Griffin and his friends. The third sequence was Kerry having sex with Tye, Mr. Griffin’s son.

The last part of the film would have been the most disturbing if Kerry had seen it.
This part of the film was titled “It’s a family tradition”. There were clips of Barb over the years. The next was a series of clips of her mother Sandy being exhibited in the club in Atlanta. The finale was her mother being roughly fucked by the two men.

Kerry was aware that there was still a lot of applause coming from the front of the house. At Rebecca’s insistence she put on her skimpy outfit.

“Before we go, let me give you instructions.” directed Rebecca. “You will walk to the top of the stairs. They will put you in the spotlight. When they finish announcing who you are stand there and count to ten. Drop the dressing gown and then walk to the first landing.”

“Do some posing like you were at a photo shoot. When the applause stops, stand facing the audience. Pull an the stings on the side of your G-string and it will drop to the floor. Pose some more and let the men enjoy the view. I will be standing at the bottom of the stairs. When I signal you, descend the rest of the way.”

Kerry was shaking she was so scared. What had she gotten into? She hoped she didn’t trip. She realized for better or worse there was no turning back.

When she go to the top of the stairs, the spotlight blinded her from seeing the audience.

“Gentlemen” a voiced boomed out over the PA system. “May I introduce the newest talent and future star, Kerry.”

It was now or never. The band began to play and Kerry as directed dropped her gown. She stood there with her full C cups standing out from her young tanned body. The gold patch of fabric covering her pussy and small patch of groomed hair shined in the light. She looked like a goddess standing before her flock.

The rest of her coming out went as planned. Rebecca met her at the bottom of the stairs. Kerry was unsure where all this was leading. She could feel the sexual electricity in her pussy. The whole event had her so wet that she feared it might start running down her inner thigh.

Rebecca leaned into her and whispered “The party is moving to the pool area. You need to make an appearance.”

As they slipped out of the main room Rebecca returned the gold G-string to Kerry.

“You won’t need more than this. We don’t want you to be overdressed.” Rebecca offered.

As they entered the pool area, they were greeted with a large sign. “Welcome to the Carnival of Sex”

About 8 or 9 gorgeous women walked about the pool topless. A few of the women were actually naked when Kerry looked closer. They mingled with the fully clothed male guest as if it were a normal cocktail party.

In the deck area near the pool house were a number of colorful tents. When Kerry took a look in the first tent, Anna lay back on a number of colorful silky pillows masturbating herself with a variety of toys.

The second tent had a small crowd of men in it. Two completely nude girls were making out with each other. One was blond and white, the other was dark ebony were covered in oil. Their bodies shimmered in the lights of the tent.The two contrasting bodies wrapped around each other created an erotic picture.

Kerry and Rebecca made their way to the third tent where, Barb was dancing dressed as an Turkish belly dancer. The inside of the tent was lit with multicoloured bulbs. lt was easy to see she was complete naked while wrapped with in sheer, multicolored scarves. She teasingly exposed parts of her body as she seductively danced. The large nipple rings had been replaced with what looked like long diamond earrings. Her other jewelry was in the same design. As she danced, the light sparkled off the pieces. She looked like a piece of art out of the Arabian Nights.

Kerry could have watched her sister dance for the rest of the night. Rebecca had other ideas and directed Kerry to the last tent. When the flap to the tent was pulled back for them to enter, Kerry nearly passed out. There on the carpeted floor,strapped to what Kerry later found out were breeding benches, was her mother and aunt. They were bent over the benches with their hands tied to the legs. Their bare asses and pussies were pushed up into the air. One man knelt behind Susan
licking her pussy. Another man had 2 fingers stuck in Sarah’s ass. A third man was pushing his already stiff cock into Sarah’s mouth.

The sound of men laughing at the plight of the two women woke Kerry up. She couldn’t believe it. She was lying in her own bed in the apartment. It all had seemed so real. She looked at the clock and realized the company car would be there in 30 minutes to take her to another day at work.

The End. Comments are welcome

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HQporner Art Porn

I like my pornos to be as dirty as possible, with sticky liquids everywhere, cumshots, facials, and all that crap. However, that does not mean that sometimes I do not like to sit down and enjoy classic pornographic scenes, or the ones that are called “artistic”. It all really depends on our mood, and I think everyone can agree on this with me. Sometimes I love to watch hardcore porn scenes with choking, spitting, and gagging, but then again, I also enjoy watching sensual and passionate...

Porn for Women Sites
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BrotherInLaw Made Me A Porn Star 8211 Part 2 8211 The Hooked Fish

Part- II The hooked fish ‘Hey we’ll celebrate,’ he cheered and asked me, ‘give me your jacket honey’ I took out my jacket nervously and gave it to him. He stared at my bare shoulders, cleavage, at my popping nipples thru the top and down to my bare belly. ‘You have a more beautiful body than your sister Sangita. It will be great to see you nude.’ he told, ‘are you a virgin?’ ‘Yes’ I replied ‘great’ he smiled and asked me to give him the top also. I felt my ears turning red hot with shame. I...

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Watching Porn with My sisterr and Her Friend

visit on to see top rated stories like theseI came home that evening around seven so find a car parked outside our house. I entered the house and heard giggling from the lounge and heavy panting. I opened the door to see my sister and her friends Linda and Katie watching porn on the T.V. All three are 20. Katie is best described as all boobs and ass with a big mouth to match. Linda got the big ass but missed out on the big tits and mouth and is less attractive than Katie. My...

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Brothers Mindcontrolled SistersChapter 3 Slut Sisterrsquos Anal Punishment

I had never grinned with such excitement in my entire life. I would enjoy this. My cock slid out of my baby sister’s fourteen-year-old pussy as I stood up. My body buzzed with the euphoria from deflowering her snatch. My eldest sister, the eighteen-year-old bitch who always got me in trouble with my abusive father, had such a look of shock on her face. For once, the bitch was speechless. Her mouth worked. Her hazel eyes almost bulged out of her sockets. Her normally sultry face looked...

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Brothers Mindcontrolled SistersChapter 2 Baby Sisterrsquos Sweet Cherry

Alex groaned a he pumped away at his twin sister’s pussy. Alexis whimpered beneath him, her thighs locked around his hips as her hot, wet pussy welcomed his cock with her incestuous passion. The sixteen-year-old boy savored the thrill of pumping away at her cunt, to finally get to enjoy his sister. Thank you, Randy, he prayed to the newest god to be awakened by a Halo. Thank you for your teachings. “Oh, Alex,” moaned Alexis, her fingernails clawing at his back. “Oh, you’re as good as...

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Sexcess Becoming Porn StarsChapter 3 Vee Takes A Different Path

Vee still worked at the senior living center. Her responsibilities changed as she gained experience and demonstrated new skills. Not much has been said about Vee, short for Virginia, a name she hated. And she was about as far from a virgin as an 18-year-old could get. A much older step brother introduced her to most aspects of sex at a very early age and by the time her periods started there was little she hadn’t tried, over and over, with him, another step-brother, assorted neighborhood...

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Twin Sister Delights Chapter 4 Twin Sisters Anal Delight

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Four: Twin Sisters' Anal Delight By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! “Come on, onee-chan,” a voice called as I walked with my friend through the streets of Tokyo. “Get up.” The laughter around me abruptly ended as my eyes opened. The dream faded away. I wasn't in Tokyo but staring at my naked twin sister kneeling over me on our futon. I blinked, sleep falling away from me. My eyes felt so heavy. I let out a...

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Twin Sister Delights Chapter 3 Twin Sisters Incestuous Secret

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Three: Twin Sisters' Incestuous Secret By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! I trembled atop my twin sister, Kimiko, my body buzzing from my orgasm, Clint's cum leaking out of my pussy and coating my bush. I stared at the new person who entered Clint's basement, my stomach roiling at being caught having sex. Incestuous sex. How had my life gotten to this point? My twin sister, Kimiko, desired it. It was all...

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PornHub PornForWomen

Alright guys, time to take a back seat and let your girlfriend or wife into the room. Yeah, that’s right. Get out of here. Go play some video games or go jerk it to some hardcore porn somewhere else. Me and your girl need some alone time to talk. Don’t worry, you’re not getting cucked yet, at least not by me. I’ve just got some good shit for her.Okay, is he gone? Sweet, let's get down to business, babe. You probably don’t like the same kind of porn your guy does. And before you start denying...

Porn for Women Sites
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Brotherly Love Sisterly Love Part One

Brotherly Love, Sisterly Love - Part One RICHARD My brother and I were especially close, as twins often are. We shared everything, including all our thoughts, feelings, experiences and desires. Even though we were eighteen, we still shared a bedroom too. It wasn't like there were things that we kept private from each other, it was the two of us wanting privacy from the rest of the world. This closeness and togetherness was often particularly valuable to us as neither of us had...

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Brothers Incestous Bet Chapter 7 Sister Helps Breed Mom

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Seven: Sister Helps Breed Mom By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Sean Reenburg Anger was rising in me despite the bliss that billowed through me from cumming in my sister's pussy. She was trembling against me, sandwiched between Dad and me, his cock buried in her asshole. He had a pale look on his face. He wasn't thrilled having to deal with his secretary, Vanessa, who he, apparently, was fucking. A woman who'd abused my little sister today. When I...

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PornPics Shemale

Do you get off to looking at porn picture galleries? I have heard this question come up in several discussions, and usually, there are sides. Some people think that pictures are a thing of the past, yet there’s another side that still appreciates good smut in the form of images. Personally, I prefer videos, but what are videos if not moving pictures. Besides, I’m dedicated to providing all perverts with their preferred smut.This article is for dudes that enjoy jerking off to shemale galleries....

Shemale Porn Sites
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PornPics Masturbation

PornPics has been on my mind for a while now. There are some pretty good things about this free porn site, one of those facts is that it features photos. Browsing through an endless amount of porn pictures is a good pastime along with watching porn videos. It's a different vibe, you know? These are pictures that can last forever, always being this one item that gets you off. PornPics does a really good job of bringing in quality porn pictures in a way that's a bit different than most other...

Female Masturbation Porn Sites
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PornPics Big Tits

You may feel the need to jump on a tube site and start jerking that tiny little ghost penis every time you are horny. Sure, I get that. But I also know that you don’t need to sit on and discount porn picture sites, either. You may think I’m crazy as fuck, but what I am speaking is the goddamn truth!We may have technological advancements in pornography that would have only been dreamt of on an episode of fucking Star Trek decades ago, but it does not change the fact that jerking off to porn...

Big Tits Porn Sites
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PornPics Cuckold

Do you love the idea of looking at content that features hotwives sucking other men’s dicks – while their husbands jerk off? If you love watching wives get used and the husbands that love to watch, then this is exactly where you fucking need to be. Save for the fact that you don’t mind looking at images and galleries that will deliver those goods to you.If you want to browse amazing galleries of images and want the lion’s share of this kind of content, then I urge you to take a look at...

Cuckold Porn Sites
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PornPics POV

Do you want to cum to hot as fuck POV XXX content? If I told you that I found a huge library of POV goodness, you'd probably be begging me for the URL. Oh yeah, what are you going to do about it, you horny bastard? What are you going to give me for it, huh?ThePornDude is just fucking with you! I always give you horny fucks the down low for free. This time is no different. Also, it's a porn picture site.Oh, what, are you bitching now? You ignorant bitch, you shouldn't be! I should bend you over...

POV Porn Sites
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PornPics Anal

I know videos play a huge part in your fap sessions, but I have also been here long enough to know that sometimes you just want to chill and look at hot images. It could be the nostalgia of older days or something else altogether, but it doesn’t really matter. The thing is, you will need a good source of porn pictures sometimes.PornPics has been a reliable source of sexy porn images for years now, but their anal galleries are particularly delightful. In their anal section, you will find a wide...

Anal Porn Sites
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Freda and Jenny become porn stars

Freda came from a loving family. She was a sweet girl and her mother and father worshipped her. It was time for her to go to college and she would live alone for the first time. Well not exactly alone. She was going to share an apartment with another girl. Her name was Jenny. Freda had all her clothes packed and her parents kissed her good by. Freda drove away in the used car her father had given her. Freda was sad and homesick already but as the miles slipped by she sensed that she was going...

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PornPics Interracial

If you think that there is no place for porn pictures in this day and age, well, I want to call you a fucking idiot, but I cannot really blame you for thinking that. With so many on-demand streaming services and a wealth of free tube sites that offer so much pornography that it’s fucking impossible for one person to see everything, I can see why so many people may think that porn pictures are dead. But let me tell you something, you basic son of a bitch: they’re not!It’s just as satisfying to...

Interracial Porn Sites
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Porn Pics! With a name like that, you can tell right off the bat that this site is going to straightforward. No bullshit, no beating around the bush (except, of course, for you beating around your own bush). From the moment the homepage loads, it is exactly what you expect it to be: a shit ton of pictures taken from porn. Easy enough. Extra-large thumbnails are sorted into categories, so you can easily start your journey into whatever type of smut you like best.I am 100% an ass man, and, sure...

Porn Pictures Sites
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PornPics Lesbian

We have access to so much pornography on the Web that it’s impossible to see it all. For fuck sake, there is an uncountable amount of porn that is posted every single day. To say that you can find anything that gets you off is an understatement. From cam shows to tube sites with millions of embedded porn videos and even virtual reality porn, you can find something that will get you off.But sometimes, you want to go back to simpler times. You may even want to go back to a time where looking at...

Lesbian Porn Sites
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Diary of a Porn Star

All the porn stars listed below are REAL porn stars EXCEPT for the main character, Kianii. I encourage you to look them up if you don’t know of them already. Doing this is not essential to enjoy the story, but I figured it would help a great deal. Thanks for taking the time to read this. Please leave PLENTY of honest feedback and ratings. I love to see what you have to say. Thanks again... -Kitty_Labella Yes, I know – I’m not the next Jenna Jameson, nor do I aspire to be. My...

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PornPics BBW

If you were looking for a site that is dedicated to the lovely fatties, then you might have heard about I think it is more than obvious that this is a picture website, as it says so right in the site's actual name. So, you get to see loads of naughty images featuring BBW's who love to get down and dirty in all kinds of scenarios.With that said, it does not really give you the gist of what Porn Pics actually has to offer, right? Well, if you are interested and you’d like to know...

BBW Porn Sites
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OHGIRL Porn Star 4

I sat in the makeup chair in the late afternoon on Wednesday, smoking my cigarette as the girl touched up my lipstick. I was getting ready to shoot my sixth DP this week, the first four of which were shot two on Monday and two on Tuesday. My morning shoot was done and I had already cleaned up and changed for my final regular scene in my Double Penetration series of films. I had taken on two different actors for each scene and they all had ended with internal cum shots in both my ass and pussy....

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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

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Porn Star Babe Part One

As a hot, 20 year-old girly boy, I was invited by another girly boy to star in a porn movie with her. It sounded fun and I was adventurous sexually, anyway. So, becoming an actress getting lots of big loads of cum from her handsome co-stars was very exciting to me.The movie was shot in a private house where I drove to with my girlfriend, Chrissie Licks, a pretty, 21 year-old, aspiring porn star. Chris was a cute blonde when dressed as a boy. He was also a call boy who was popular with older gay...

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Brother Sister Incest Porno Part 1

Incest Friendly people only! I am 18 years old. My sister was 14 when we made our first porno. It didn't go exactly as planned as you'll see once you read the later half of our story. To describe myself, I am 18 years old. I have short brown hair and hazel eyes. I am skinny, pretty athletic, and well, I like playing video games as you'll see. My sister was 14 years old, she had long brown hair which reached to her breasts. She also has hazel eyes and is pretty skinny like me with...

4 years ago
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Sally becomes a porn star by accident

Sally becomes a porn star by accidentThere are key moments in life which, when looked back on, change your direction and perspective completely.The seminar which Sally was contracted to cover certainly changed her life, but in the most unexpected way.Sally was a 24 year old free-lance journalist writing for magazines like Hello and FHM and occasional items for the local radio and newspapers when this story took place. Nottingham born in 1980, she was brought up since she was 12 years old by her...

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Theater Showing Porn M2M Part 1

I was in my mid-thirties, single, and feeling a bit horny one Saturday night. I searched online for places to go and found this theater showing porn about a 30 minute drive from my home. The reviews claimed weekend action was great and the cops did not harass the people there, so I tried it out. I got there around 10pm and saw that there were quite a few cars in the parking lot. I nervous with anticipation of the unknown as I never have been to a full blown porn theater that had "action." ...

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Matt likes his porn with big boobs but his sister Maddie shows him that real is better

You never know where things will lead in life. That sounds all grown-up and I’m only eighteen but that is sixteen years of life, too. So here are the facts: My name in Madigan (Maddie to just about everybody), five foot, three and a half inches tall, “dirty” blond, brown eyes, considered “cute” by most and “hot” by my boyfriend, I weigh-in at one hundred and seven pounds, my boyfriend’s name is Jordan and we’ve been together for seven...

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