Nancy s Vacation Part 3
- 2 years ago
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"Men attempting to prove their own cleverness built this place. Keep alert," McAllister encouraged the stick talisman in the silent way, "we may need to react, quickly." McAllister had the definite sense the strange piece of wood anticipated what might come, eager to face whatever challenges might appear. Shaking his head for the thousandth time over the puzzle the stick presented him, McAllister turned his attention to the door.
"There is a bolt here, and here," McAllister said, after pushing on the heavy wooden barrier. Bound with two-inch wide iron straps on two-foot centers holding the massive wooden timbers together and riveted through, the door looked as if it were intended to secure a powder magazine. For a moment, McAllister entertained a fantasy of blowing the door into flinders.
"Can you turn it to dust, like the mages in the poems?"
McAllister stopped his inspection to turn and stare at Aditya. "No," he said flatly. The stick talisman gave an impatient flex, then, and McAllister's face froze for a moment. "Maybe," he said, then, slowly.
Quickly, he untied the stick, and drew a rectangle in the air before the door. "An area this size, then," he suggested aloud.
The face carved on the curious wooden object was turned toward the door. McAllister felt a flare of resolve as a spark leapt from the base of the stick, and quickly traced an outline of a rectangle between the iron straps, racing around and around the outline, trailing what looked like a glittering mist behind it.
"What is it doing?" Aditya asked in a hushed voice.
"Aging the wood where the mote touches," McAllister responded, equally quietly. "I have no idea how long it would take to render dense wood into dust, though I should think it would be tens or hundreds of thousands of years. When it finishes, we should be able to withdraw this plug, and determine how to open the door."
The spark faded, and the stick talisman relaxed its concentration. Quickly, McAllister stole a glance at the figure carved on the small stick. Detail in the weave and pattern of the clothing the figure depicted wore appeared where none was before, and the hints of a library shelf with scrolls filling it began to emerge behind the figure's shoulder. McAllister gave it a brief nod, and the figure appeared to return it. McAllister had a haunting sense of recognition, then, that in some way he knew the figure depicted, though how or why, he could not say.
Turning back to the door, McAllister quickly restored the stick to its position on his blouse. He slipped his saber through the gap on the right edge of the cut. With the tips of the fingers on his left hand, he worked the block backwards, until he could pull the block, six inches thick, from the door.
After quietly setting the nearly twenty-pound block of wood on the floor, McAllister turned to see Aditya with his arm through the door, grimacing. "Just a little..." the smaller man grunted, and with a grate and squeal of long-unoiled metal, he succeeded in freeing the bolts on the door. Aditya stood, then, and with an elegant flourish with the right hand, and a seemingly negligent push with the left, opened the door before McAllister and waved him through.
The door opened into a passageway that ran past the opening in both directions. McAllister proceeded down the hallway to the right. With his saber in hand and the ball of reddish light floating behind his shoulder, he led with Aditya following behind. The rough-cut blocks of stone at this bottommost level of the Palace of Architecture were massive dark granite things, slick and damp with the sheen of subterranean moisture.
The floor pitched to the left, where there was a shallow gutter, though there was no more moisture in it than on the walls. McAllister wondered if the entire palace drained rainwater to this level, or if there were other drains to the mud flats below the upper city. Still, he reasoned, there must be a drain to the sea from even this bottommost level, and that was worth keeping in mind if there needed to be a desperate escape.
According to the plans that Aditya somehow obtained, the passage they were in should curve around the outside of the sixth level, and yet this followed a straight line, as near as McAllister could tell, though the curvature was likely too subtle to detect in the small pool of light the globe he sustained cast.
"We should have found a passage to the left," McAllister muttered, and Aditya nodded, eyeing their back trail.
McAllister drew his notes from his pack then, and shook his head. "I mistrust proceeding blindly."
Aditya seemed worried to McAllister. "The only thing I can say about the accuracy of the sixth-level plan is that I trusted it enough to be here with you."
McAllister nodded. "Let us proceed another hundred paces."
After fifteen paces they came upon an intersection where six-inch-square columns of the same black granite as the block walls barred the left-hand leg. Between the columns were four-inch wide gaps, which ran the height of the passageway, down to the level of the gutter on what would surely be the inside edge of the circle the passage described. Clearly, this was a drain, and the columns a crude sieve. What it might filter ... McAllister thought again of the forest of spikes at the bottom of the shaft they'd descended, and the body of the man impaled on them.
"Give me your arm," McAllister said, and when the other complied, McAllister grasped his forearm with his left hand. "I did not understand the how of the thing before it was done to me. The one who showed me this knew I could do it after. It is a thing of Hell, and will darken and erode your soul every time you use it. No matter the temptation to do this in your line of work, you must resist. If you cannot, you shall become less than human."
Aditya swallowed at the intensity of McAllister's words, and then gasped silently, as McAllister stretched and slipped their forms just as Sable had first done at Auben's church in Danane. McAllister turned and watched in grim satisfaction as he pulled Aditya by his arm through the gap between two pillars.
The new passageway was smaller. McAllister had to walk bent slightly causing him discomfort. Shortly, the passageway ended in a black opening, through which nothing was visible.
"It is like a curtain," Aditya whispered, and reached out to touch the sheet of black. McAllister grabbed the man roughly by the shoulder, and yanked him backwards.
"We know nothing about it," he cautioned, as he undid his pack for another rope.
While showing Aditya what he did, McAllister knotted the end of the rope quickly, about three inches from the end, and then gently swung two feet of the end through the flat-black darkness. The rope end swung through, unimpeded, seeming to end at the surface of the blackness, though it swung as if the mass of the knot were still attached. A quick tug back, and the entire rope came back, knot included. McAllister showed it to Aditya.
Aditya's eyes widened, as he understood the knot indicated the blackness had not cut the rope. He watched as McAllister drew his saber again, with a slight whicker of steel on brass. Gently, McAllister probed beyond the inky blackness with the tip of the saber, and when he felt the solid floor beyond the curtain, probed further. Satisfied the floor continued beyond the black wall for at least enough room for them to stand, McAllister sheathed the saber and mimicking Aditya's earlier grandiose wave, indicated the smaller man should step through.
Visibly shaking, Aditya gathered himself and stepped through. McAllister followed...
... And stepped into a brightly lit hallway. A moment's surprised reconnoiter showed McAllister he stood in a deep gutter, the outside wall constructed of the familiar cut black stone blocks, but only to the height of the inside wall. The inside wall was of a gray granite, constructed of even larger blocks. A staircase was built alongside the inner wall, starting at the doorway, and rising eight feet or so to the top of the wall. Craning his neck, McAllister saw the ceiling was a great arching roof of the gray granite, twenty or more feet over his head. Along the walls at what appeared to be sixty-foot intervals were large sconces holding massive oil lamps.
Shrugging, McAllister turned to climb the stair, Aditya following behind. At the top, McAllister found he stepped onto what would pass as a roadway if it were on the surface of the world, made of the gray granite blocks, with twin deep gutters running along the sides of the road, made of the black granite. Seeing this, McAllister understood the gutters would carry water to the center of the palace ... and sudden understanding came.
"The gutters, the last two passages ... is there a river dammed uphill from here, do you know?" McAllister asked of Aditya, lightly.
"There is," Aditya admitted, giving an uneasy glance to the gutters. "This is the straight corridor to the nadir, and if the dam were struck, I guess much water would flood this level ... quickly."
"Would it drain as quickly, is the question," McAllister asked. "No matter. We must proceed with caution, more caution than we have shown yet. There is sorcery all shot through this place, not the least of which is in those wall-lamps."
Aditya nodded grimly. "With the exception of the present company, I mislike sorcerers and mages more than I dislike mystical architects."
McAllister turned so the other should not see his smile, and walked down the corridor, his reddish ball of light following tamely behind his left shoulder.
"Hold," McAllister said, after two minutes. "I feel strangeness just ahead, here."
Aditya froze in place, regarding McAllister curiously while the taller man knelt.
"There..." McAllister said, as his fingers encountered the sorcery he felt, and began to absorb the fine stuff. After a moment, McAllister grew impatient, and pulled the ethereal substance from where it was bound. Drawing it to his hand caused a soft golden glow around the extremity, casting new shadows in the hallway.
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This story is dedicated to all of the girls that tried to keep their virginity and their boyfriend, to all of the wives that tried to keep their mate sated and faithful. Now I add Techsan to the dedication. He edited about a fifth of this story and read the remaining parts that I had finished. He said, ‘I like what you’ve done with the story so far and am looking forward to see where it goes.’ I feel driven to live up to his expectations and I hope I succeed. The world is a poorer place...
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Diana opened the buttons of her blouse. She was- n’t wearing a bra. Her small, well formed breasts stood straight out. Topped with lovely pink nipples. My mouth dropped open as I stared at my stepdaughter’s tits. Diana I said, button your blouse. She smiled as she slowly removed it! She walked over to me and placed her slender hand on my lap, gently squeezing my erection. “Stepdad”, she said, “You want me as much as I want you. Come on.” She unbuckled...
Sorry for the delay in getting more of this story out to everyone as there were some events in my life that kept me from writing. I hope that those events are now behind me once more as they were just another obstacle I have faced in my life. Kay and Cathy will be telling this chapter together. I hope that they make it through it without tearing into each other, as I know some secrets will come out along the way. I had made plans to send Kay and Cathy on a two-week cruise to the Caribbean. I...
At one time I was a member of AFF looking for a friend with benefits. I had emailed back and forth with Dana, and we teased one another and moved to IM chat to get acquainted. One weekday morning, I logged in the check mail and found that she wanted early morning IM chat.After hellos, her message read "I'm horny and need to fuck!" I responded with, "I'm ready for a good fuck myself.""I need fucked in the ass" was her reply."When?" I asked her."NOW"Within 20-minutes, there was a knock at my...
Anal“Hold it right there and let me take your pic,” Tommy said, stepping into the bathroom, holding her digital camera to catch J Lo sitting on the commode naked. “Then I want one of you with your dick hard. I want to measure you too.” “Measure me?” “Yes! Marcia was in the room when your mom and my mom were helping me put my wedding dress on. She told us that Donny’s dick was six and a half inches long. I know yours is longer than that!” “My mom and your mom talked to Marcia about dicks on...
And that's what happened five years ago, when a hot August day and a power failure in the northeastern United States changed a few lives, and I changed them again, for better or for worse. For better or for worse. I thought a lot about what I should do when I had the power, for those few brief ( minutes / days / years / lifetimes ) when I saw everything and understood how everything fit together. And I remember the fear that came with that knowing, the terror that what I was doing wasn't...
By : Navbajwa Helllo friend’s kse ho ap sb log? I’m Navjot bajwa from Punjab, my friend’s call me Nav, height 5’10” hai r rang gora gym jne ki wje se body v thk hai hmri fmly ki sbse bdi khasiat yhi hai k sb ek se badkr ek sundar hai iska karan acha khan pan v hai r papa ki amiri v achi zamen v hai r ppa ka proprty advisin ka kam hai ye story mre r mri bdi behan k wch hue sex ki hai r dosto muje apne cmnts dna meri id pe jo hai sbko rply kruga. Chalo ab hm story pe ate hai. Me lst 9...
Seth started at the sound of the voice, but could not see who was speaking. He strained to turn, but still was held fast by a sensation he’d never felt before. He could see that Aard and Dann were similarly restrained, but that Tia and Leana appeared to be free to move, and were standing relaxed, and smiling at him. His mind worked furiously, seeking a way out, but he was powerless to move. Yet there was no sensation of pain, and the initial fright was draining away, leaving him relaxed, yet...
Leigh was excited about starting her new job. She had applied for a position in a warehouse and was pleased when she had been called and told that if she wanted the job, it was hers. After reporting to her immediate supervisor she waited for the rest of her department to show up for their morning meeting. As people started to trickle in, she was not overly shocked that she was one of the few women present. Out of the twenty people in her department only three, including herself were women. She...
It all started on Friday after work, when we were in the wine-bar. It was supposed to be just a quick drink on the way home, but at 10 o’clock four of us were still here, all pretty tanked up and raucous. And of course, the more we drank, the dirtier the talk got; and not just the guys. In fact, Suzi and Annie were the worst of all. Suzi’d been talking about this boring finance video-conference she’d been to, and how instead of listening she’d started thinking about how much fun it’d be to slip...
Office SexDream Diary 4 "True North Strong and Free" About three days ago I received an unusual letter in the mail. It was from my cousin Chris. Chris and I are pretty good net buddies. We share a lot of what goes on in our personal lives. But in real life we don't hang out much at all. We only get to see each other at major family events. Holidays, funerals and the like. Maybe once a year at best. While we do spend at least a half an hour online each or every other day, we have never used...
My gaze leaned towards the trees, past the back of Chris’ head, where I spotted one of the singing birds. I smiled at it, and then cast my attention to Chris. My arms still fully wrapped around him, I brushed his soft chest hairs with my finger tips, and then slid my hand down the full length of his posing body. I spun my hand around and gave his plump bum a good squeeze, hoping it might entice him to wake up. I relished in the fact that I had become the dominant in the relationship, and he...