BandittiChapter 4 free porn video

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“Hold it right there and let me take your pic,” Tommy said, stepping into the bathroom, holding her digital camera to catch J Lo sitting on the commode naked.

“Then I want one of you with your dick hard. I want to measure you too.”

“Measure me?”

“Yes! Marcia was in the room when your mom and my mom were helping me put my wedding dress on. She told us that Donny’s dick was six and a half inches long. I know yours is longer than that!”

“My mom and your mom talked to Marcia about dicks on our wedding night?”

“No, Marcia was just bragging about Donny’s big dick and told me how big it was. I knew yours was longer than that and I want to measure you to prove it.”

“And just how do you propose going about this measurement?”

“I put my tape in my bag so I could measure you.”

Just the sight of her naked, sitting on the toilet excited him. J Lo knew it and she loved the way he was looking at her. She reached out and grabbed him, pulling him closer by his swelling dick.

He just knew she was going to suck his dick. He swelled in her hand even more. She placed a kiss on the head of his dick as he snapped the first pic. She smiled up at him, just as he took the second pic.

“I would rather not suck you right now. I’m too excited about getting your dick in my pussy while we’re in the pool.”

“Then let’s go already. If we stay here, I’m likely to throw you on the bed and take advantage of your sexy body.”

“I’m sure I’d like that too, but since we teased about this when we arrived, I’m so excited that we may actually get a chance to fuck in the pool.”

In the bedroom they had their swim wear laid out. J Lo took a small pair of scissors from her bag and began to clip a few, longer pubic hairs, before she put her bikini on.

“I’d love to do that for you,” he told her.

“Here, just pull the long ones out and clip them. If I’m going to have pussy hair showing, I’d just as soon be naked.”

“I think I may have discovered an exhibitionist in this hotel room with us.”

“I’ve never thought about it until you said that, but I think I’d like to go to a nude beach or even a clothing optional resort. Wouldn’t you?”

“Are you serious? Heck yeah, I’d go if you would”

“You just want to ogle the naked ladies.”

“I just want to be naked with my wife, anywhere, anytime we can. Being naked with you outdoors would be an ultimate thrill for me.”

“For me too! Damn Tommy, we need to do that! I’m sure the age restriction at those nude resorts and clothing optional hotels would keep us from going to one while we’re on this trip, but if we find a secluded lake or stream, I’d love to swim naked and do some hot and heavy screwing in the water and on the bank.”

As they teased and talked about being naked together outdoors, out away from prying eyes, Tommy was clipping her pubic hair closer and closer.

“Tommy! You’ve just about trimmed all the hair off my pussy! Shit, if we had time, I’d let you go ahead and shave me now!”

“You’re kidding. Right?”

“I was, but I’d let you shave me if you really wanted to.”

“Do you trust me?”

“With my life. Now, grab that razor of mine and finish the job. I’m so horny right now, I want to fuck you in the pool no matter who’s watching!”

Malachi and Arturo had been sleeping since Malachi stopped north of Phoenix to let Pedro drive to Wickenburg. Pedro parked in front of the Tastee Freeze in Wickenburg, Arizona at 9:00 pm and tried to wake them.

“Hey wake up, you two Sleeping Beauties. We need to grab a bite to eat so we can all get some sleep.”

Malachi roused up to look around, “Where are we?”

“We’re in Wickenburg. I’m going in to use the restroom and get something to eat. You better wake up Arturo or he’ll still be asleep when we get to Las Vegas.”

“Yeah, Yeah ... In a minute,” he grumbled, then leaned back with his eyes closed.

“The sign says they close at 10:30. You better not sleep too long.”

“Yeah, whatever ... Go on, I’ll be in there in a few minutes.”

Pedro went into the Tastee Freeze and placed his order for two double cheeseburgers with everything, a large order of fries, a large Pepsi, and a large chocolate shake, before he went to the restroom.

When he came out, his order was ready.

Neither Malachi or Arturo had come inside. He sat near the front window, looking over the parking lot, and out across US highway 60, which had changed to Wickenburg Way at the city limits. He was nearly finished eating when he saw the dome light come on in their vehicle. Malachi stepped out and stood beside the car, stretching, with his arms over his head, looking around at the nearly deserted parking lot.

He looked up to see Pedro sitting inside eating. When he walked past the window, he gave Pedro the finger before opening the door to enter. He went straight to the restroom, then came out to order.

When he paid for his order, the young girl informed him that they would be closing in thirty minutes.

“Yeah ... Yeah ... Whatever,” he mumbled as he turned to walk over and sit across from Pedro.

“I’m gonna get Arturo something to eat, before they close. He’ll be madder’n hell if he wakes up later tonight and there’s nowhere to get something.”

“Serves the bastard right. He should be in here like we are. I don’t know why you let that sorry POS hang around with you all the time, even if he is your cousin.”

“Hell, you almost didn’t make it in time to eat. You don’t need to be so damn grouchy all the time, anyway. We are in this together, you know.”

“Yeah, Yeah. But only until we get our money back. Then I’m cutting ties with you and your lazy ass cousin!”

“It won’t happen any too soon for me when you do! If you hadn’t brought that dumb-ass, Enrico in with us in the first place, we wouldn’t be trying to chase down the rest of our money out here in the fucking desert.”

“I knew it was just a matter of time until you blamed this wild goose chase on me!”

Pedro left Malachi fuming as he went to order Arturo some food for later. He loved pissing Malachi off, then walking away, leaving him to stew.

As he stood at the counter waiting for his order, he glanced back at the table where Malachi sat. He knew that eventually there would be a showdown between him and Malachi. The man was too greedy. Greedy just like his fucking, whoring-ass sister, Floria. Pedro readily admitted to himself, that she has some of the best pussy he’d ever gotten, but she spreads it around to anyone who smiles at her.

‘Fuck her greedy, whoring-ass. Fuck her bitching-ass, greedy brother too’ Pedro thought on the way to the car.

Finally, Malachi came out to the car, after getting into an argument with the night manager when he was told they were closing. He slammed the car door harder than necessary and Pedro knew he was trying to wake Arturo so he could start another argument. Pedro didn’t want to sleep in their vehicle with it parked in front of the closed Tastee Freeze, so he drove further into town a few more blocks until he saw a convenience store. The sign stated they were open twenty-fours.

He parked the car facing the street and rolled his window down.

Looking into the rearview mirror he saw Arturo still asleep with his head back and his mouth opened wide. He glanced over at where Malachi sat in the front seat. He was picking his teeth with a toothpick and flossing as he smacked his lips. When Malachi glanced over to see Pedro looking at him, he leaned toward the passenger door and farted.

Pedro leaned over with his head out the window until the air cleared. Then he turned back at Malachi to tell him what he thought of him, “You’re a rude, crude, arrogant shit-ass, and one day you’re gonna get your comeuppance. You’ll see!”

“My comeuppance will come in the form of my share of that million dollars those fucking newlyweds made off with.”

“We don’t even know for sure if they did have the money when they left Odessa. Hell, we don’t even know where they are right this minute, and we don’t know if they’ll come through this shit-hole town or if they are in fact going to Las Vegas. Kids can’t gamble anyway, why would they want to go there?”

“It’s Sin City, Man! Everyone wants to see Sin City at least once in their life. Hell, if I was eighteen and had a million in unmarked bills, I’d have a ball in Sin City!”

Pedro had already tilted the steering wheel up and let his seat back to stretch his legs. He turned his upper body toward the window and closed his eyes.

Malachi farted loudly, then laughed as he turned and twisted to get comfortable.

“Hurry, Tommy. Get it out. That older couple is leaving the pool and the woman is picking up her purse and towels.”

“Pull your bikini aside, J Lo. Damn, Baby! I love your smooth little pussy. YES! Take me deep and ride me.”

They were in the corner, at the deep end of the pool. He was facing the far end and she was facing the motel. Her head was barely above the rim of the pool apron, but she could see anyone before they walked out to the pool.

“Suck my titties, Tommy! OH FUCK YES!”

“Not so loud, Baby! Ride my dick and get yourself a good cum. This makes me want to keep my dick in your pussy all night.”

“Oh Damn, Tommy, we really do have your dick deep inside me like this. Suck my titties ... fuck my pussy! I’m getting close ... Cum with me NOW, Tommy! Oh Hell Yes!”

With her top pulled in place, covering her breasts again and her bikini bottoms back in place, they hugged and kissed until they wanted more.

“Let’s go up to our room, Tommy. I want some more of my beautiful dick and I want to fuck my husband in as many ways as we can think of before morning!”

Bob was up before the sun. He lit his iPhone as soon as he was out of bed, then when it booted, he checked on his newlyweds. They were still at the Biltmore.

He checked on the three suspicious characters in the older sedan. They were stopped inside the city limits of Wickenburg.

‘They’re guessing again, and I’d guess they were right this time too. They’re going to wait on the black Camaro and follow it’

He drove over one street and stopped at an all night waffle house. He drank coffee and ate breakfast, then pulled into a twenty-four hour convenience store to top off his gas tank. This would take him to Vegas with plenty to spare.

He parked across the street from their hotel and waited.

Tommy and J Lo checked out of their room early the next morning, then loaded their luggage. The restaurant was just opening and they went back inside to eat breakfast. They would still get an early start for the last three hundred miles to Vegas.

As they sat waiting for their food, J Lo remembered the faded green duffel bag in the trunk, “Tommy, what do you have in that old duffel bag of yours? It must weigh at least twenty pounds. We’ve carried that thing in and out since we left, and you’ve never opened it.”

“It’s not mine! I thought it was yours!”

“Hmmm ... it’s not mine either! Do you think our moms and dads may have put something in it and stuffed it behind the seats before we left?”

“They may have, but I don’t remember seeing it when we put our luggage in the car.”

“I don’t either, but we did throw our bags in the backseat and leap over the doors when we left!”

“We did, didn’t we? I was in a hurry to get my new wife naked and make up for all those times we managed to abstain when both of us wanted to make love so bad it hurt.”

“I was too and it was well worth the wait! When we get to Vegas, we need to see what they stowed away for us. I hope it isn’t perishable.”

“We may need to open it carefully. They could have played a trick on us and loaded it with something that will jump out at us when we open it.”

“That would be just like our dads, if they did ... Anyway I’ve got a better surprise for you this morning ... Guess what it is, Tommy.”

“What? I have no idea what you’ve done now. I see that grin on your face! Tell me!”

“I’m not wearing a bra or panties under my T-shirt and miniskirt!”

“You’re kidding, right?”

“No I’m not. Look under the table.”

“Damn! I love my wife in more ways than I ever thought possible after all the years we’ve waited to marry. You could be in trouble after showing me that little bald pussy.”

“I hope so. I hope you get deeper and deeper in trouble with me too. If you know what I mean.”

“Are you telling me that trouble is now spelled, p-u-s-s-y?”

“Yes and I hope you will be in deep t-r-o-u-b-l-e for the rest of our lives.”

“I love you, Jennifer Lee Manara. I have laid awake many nights wondering and dreaming what it would be like when we married. I was so far off ... I never knew it would be this exciting and so much fun being married to you.”

“Oh Tommy, I feel the same way. I can hardly wait to go to bed at night, and sleep next to you. Then I can hardly wait to start a new day with you next to me.”

Bob Conlee was still parked across from the Biltmore when he had a light-bulb moment. A brilliant idea flashed through his mind, one that would hopefully keep the three suspects from spotting the Manara’s Camaro, if he could pull it off.

He left Phoenix in a hurry, well ahead of the Manaras. He knew he could track the newlyweds, no matter where they drove. He was hoping to use his own Camaro as a decoy, by leading the three suspects in the older sedan off on a chase to nowhere, then losing them. He was so sure his plan would work, he was smiling as he hit the beltway loop and headed up to Sun City, where he’d take highway 60 up to Wickenburg. Once there, he’d hit highway 93 over to Vegas.

Even if he didn’t spot the suspects’ vehicle in Wickenburg, his iPhone would pinpoint where they were, and keep tabs if they did take the bait and follow him. He knew that once he was out in the open country he could easily elude the older vehicle with his Camaro.

Bob pulled over at Sun City to have another look at his iPhone. The Manaras were on their way around the beltway loop, just as he had guessed. The other vehicle was still parked in Wickenburg. Quickly, he pulled up the highway map from Wickenburg to Kingman. One hundred and thirty miles between the two towns. He knew he could lead that bunch astray and lose them somewhere along that stretch.

Looking at the map, he saw where highway 93 briefly merges with I-40 West, for twenty-three miles — before they split again. He decided this was where he’d shake them ... if in fact he was right and they took the bait and tailed his Camaro.

He grinned as he pulled out, driving hard and fast toward Wickenburg.

Entering Wickenburg from the south on highway 60, Bob spotted a Tastee Freeze on his right, and pulled in. He needed to use the restroom before he engaged in a cat and mouse game with the three men. Before he left, he bought a coke on ice, knowing more than likely he wouldn’t stop again before he reached Vegas.

He raised the top on his convertible and then raised the tinted windows. He didn’t want them to see a man driving the black Camaro with Texas plates and become suspicious. Keeping a watchful eye, he drove just under the speed limit through the town. At the junction of highway 60 and highway 93, there was a round-about circle. Following the signs, he took highway 93 north toward Kingman ... and Las Vegas.

He was holding his iPhone in his left hand - against the steering wheel — glancing at it off and on. He’d previously set the alarm to activate upon movement of the sedan. As he drove past a convenience store on the west side of the street, he he thought he recognized the target vehicle, just as the alarm sounded. Sure enough, before he’d traveled a half block from the convenience store, the sedan had pulled out into traffic, following him.

This was what he wanted. This was his plan when he left Phoenix, and now, sweat popped out on his forehead and his hands were sweating where he gripped the steering wheel. He reached over to turn on the air conditioner and flip the fan to high. With his iPhone between his legs, he wiped his right palm on his pants leg. Then he wiped his left hand.

Glancing at the driver’s side door mirror, he saw them. They were still three vehicles back. He knew they wouldn’t attempt to make a move until they were out on the open road.

Up ahead, Bob could see road signs indicating a divided highway. They were about to hit the four-lane. He decided to act now before they moved up behind him, or even beside him. Who knows, they may even start shooting!

When he hit the four-lane, he down shifted to fourth gear and gunned the big engine, taking the left lane. He never let up as he shifted to fifth, then sixth. He looked at the speedometer. He was running ninety-five. He was hoping he didn’t meet a highway patrolman.

Glancing at his iPhone, he saw that he’d put some distance between them. He looked in his mirror and there were four cars tailing him, right on his bumper.

Bob stayed in the left lane, passing the slower vehicles like they were parked on the shoulder of the road. Glancing back again, he now had a line of nine or ten vehicles on his tail. This was even better than he had planned. He eased back slowly until he was running ninety and kept that speed for close to an hour.

From Wickenburg to Kingman was one hundred and thirty miles. He knew they’d hit I-40 West before they reached Kingman. Then it was only a twenty-three mile stretch before highway 93 North and I-40 West parted ways again. Bob wanted to wait until he hit I-40 to really leave the suspects behind. He wanted them to think he was staying on I-40 West into California, then get far enough ahead of them to exit, hide, and double back to hit highway 93 North, when they passed by.

He was hyper and he was excited more so than he’d been in years. He thought of the times he and Janet would join a treasure-hunt, back when they were in high school. They didn’t have iPhones, GPS, or Google maps. All they had was a fast car and a road map. Someone would write down all the clues, with descriptions and directions to each leg of the treasure-hunt, then they would make copies for all the entrants. Each team would put up five dollars and sometimes there would be as many as twenty teams.

Janet was the navigator and she knew the roads around San Antonio like she knew her own street. They had won many prizes during those treasure-hunts. There wasn’t a lot to do back then, and still stay out of trouble doing it. It was fun and both of them would be thrilled when they won. They had won a few fifty dollar prizes by finding the treasure before any of the others. Their last treasure-hunt before school started their senior year, they won a hundred dollar prize. Bob took his half and bought Janet an engagement ring!

Same as Banditti
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Prodigal Son

It was a long Saturday evening when I walked back into the small studio apartment I shared with my little sister. Given how young she was at a budding 18 years old, her side of the room was all pink and covered in lace, while my side had a more austere and efficient look. There were two things that were similar about us : first was our shared passion for gaming and indeed both sides of the room were dominated by gaming setups, hers in a rainbow color that constantly irritated me, mine with a...

1 year ago
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Jill Steps Out A Cuck is Conceived Part 2

It had been about a month since Greg and I had fully recognized his role as a cuckold. I continued to see Colby. Mostly at his apartment, but twice I had invited him over to the house for dinner and sex. Greg knew his role. He sat quietly in the bedroom and watched as Colby fucked me into insensibility. He thoroughly cleaned me up between Colby’s orgasms. Colby had been a bit nervous the first night with Greg there and watching. I had explained what would happen but he had never been in a...

3 years ago
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Lessons from Allison part 1Revised

   To this day I can remember the greatest dream I have ever had as though it was last night. I was about eleven or so and I dreamed that I was lying in my bed and Alison appeared in my door. She was dressed in a short, revealing white nighty and staring at me with a naughty little smile on her face. “I thought I’d drop in to say goodnight,” she said. Then she sauntered toward my bed. She planted her lips onto mine and then looked into my eyes with that same devilish smile. “I love you...

2 years ago
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Wendolyn Too Number 4 in STOPWATCHChapter 10 Oh No Hes Outside Looking in

"Momma? Who is Tim?" "Wendy, remember when I told you I brought my diary ... Tim is in the diary. It's complicated and I might get it wrong ... so," She handed me her diary. The original title had been Journey. The newest title was STOPWATCH. I read it. Straight through, one sitting. While she caught up with Violet and Tim, the Shaman, I read. This was momma's life before and just after she married. I finished it. I jumped up and headed for the Club. I have to pee. She didn't say...

3 years ago
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MMB The Great Car Theft

After I had finished my fifth story in the Matchmaker Bandit Series I realized that I had always made the woman captive the one who antagonizes Ms. White. As a result it was the woman captive that always caused the couple to be placed in the somewhat embarrassing situations that are the trademark of the series. With this story, I decided to try a few things differently. I hope you enjoy it. Prelude Hollywood, California - 1926 "Oh God! Yes! You really are The World's Greatest Lover!"...

2 years ago
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I’ve been living in New York for some time now, comfortably separated, working a bit too much – as a refuge, I suppose. Dating just seemed weird, and I stopped looking for companionship years ago, just happy to stick to my routines, politely accept the dates that my friends set up, and otherwise enjoy my solitude. Then, out of the blue, I met HER, in the deep freeze of the coldest winter we’ve had in decades. What a crazy city this is. As you know from the news, it has been horribly cold, and...

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The Good Deed

If you want to read just the sexual part, skip to the middle at the double spaced paragraph break. I was on my way home from work on a back road when my car started losing power. I had broken up with my boyfriend about a week earlier because I caught him in a lie about being with another girl. That had distracted me enough that I forgot about getting gas. After coasting to a stop along the side of the road, I could see the neon lights of a little country store and bar ahead in the...

1 year ago
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The Pussyholic Pt 2

"The Pussyholic" Part 2by SmutwriterCopyright October 2010When she re-emerged she looked much the same. Perhaps her makeup had been retouched, her eyes looked darker, bigger and surely her lipstick brighter, whatever, she looked lovely. He sat and watched her.She went to the chair where he’d sat and picked up his beer and drank the half-glass that remained. “An orgasm like that leaves a girl thirsty I guess.”Next she came over the where he sat and bent and picked up the book. “Now, where were...

Straight Sex
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I like to fuck sleeping women

I like to fuck to women as they sleep. It all began with my first wife. She was very “hot” meaning that she was sexy and she loved sex as much as I do. One night after a couple of hours sleeping I awoke with a throbbing erection. I got up and went to the bathroom and urinated then returned to bed and tried to go back to sleep. But the extreme sexual urge wouldn’t go away. I rolled over and snuggled close to my wife who was laying with her back to me in the spooning position. I kissed her on her...

3 years ago
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Truck Sex

So the other night about 20 minutes into my workout James came into the gym , he is on one side of the gym and I am on the other and we are texting each other, its been 4 days since I fucked him and he is begging for my cock. So we meet outside the gym and jump in my car and we head to James house but all his neighbors are outside so its to risky for me to go in .We decide to look for a secluded spot and after driving around for 20 minutes we find a spot in the middle of no where under trees....

1 year ago
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Amlu Aunty8217s New Year Gift

Hello, All, Indian Sex Stories readers. How are you all. Thanks for your huge and overwhelming response for my first sex story. I am happy that many of them read my sex story and informed about your satisfaction. Thanks to the Aunties and girls who invited to their house and mutually satisfied with new positions and new things and looking forward to satisfying you all to my best with the confidentiality. All your feedback are welcome. You can email me or chat with me in and will reply ASAP to...

3 years ago
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Loving Babysitter Part 1 revision

Introduction: Rewrote and proofread. It all started when I was 16. I remember it like it just happened, how could I ever forget? My parents were going out of town for a few days, moving trucks. My older brother was staying with my aunt, and I insisted I was old enough to take care of myself. However, my parents gave me a big fat no as the answer. They knew I didnt do well spending long periods of time alone. They asked one of my dads friends, Jamie, to stay with me while they were gone. Jamie...

2 years ago
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Did something I couldnt believe I did

Hello I’m kinda nervous to write this and tell you guys about what happen. My name is Keri I’m 22 years old I’m 5’7′ 110 pounds 34b-24-34 lid ritzy blond hair pass my shoulders. It was a Saturday afternoon and I was seating around my apartment. When my friend called me to see what I was up to I told him I was doing anything and he asked me if he could come over I was like ok. So after about 30 min he was over to my place I got up and let him in I was wearing a t shirt and black yoga pants, we...

2 years ago
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Today was no different. They belonged to an online site that catered to those in such arrangements. They had been chatting online with a man that said he was experienced in playing with couples, and really enjoyed having the wife while the husband watched. Kent liked this idea. Vincent had invited Eve to lunch on Monday, but Kent wanted to meet him as well, so he went looking to see if Vincent was online. He was. So Kent and Vincent chatted online a bit, Vincent had just returned home from a...

4 years ago
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Duped Myself Into Becoming a Cock Sucker for My Black Boss

When I enrolled in college to pursue a major in computer science, I envisioned myself becoming some sort of wealthy guru who would consult with major corporations all over the world. The reality is that I ended up working for a company that provides technical training on our software development platforms. The pay is very good, but I'm required to travel at least seventy-five percent each year.My name is Ed, and my wife, Linda, and I moved to Boston to start our new jobs after graduating from...

First Time
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After the accident

Sue did hear it and quickly sat up. Seeing my eyes open, she rushed over and kissed me. I cleared my throat and in a weak voice, I asked her what happened. She told me that another car had crossed into my lane and hit me head-on. I asked if anyone else was hurt. She said that the other driver and his passenger were killed. They were driving a smaller vehicle than I was. Then I asked her when it was and she said that I had been out for two days. She told me that I had seven broken...

1 year ago
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HandsOnHardcore Sheila Ortega Kesha Ortega Busty Twins Fucked Hard

Our two hot and busty twins Kesha and Sheila Ortega can’t wait to get their hands on Kai Taylor. The British stud shows up for a Nuru massage and gets his boner worked with their enormous titties and shaved pussies! Sit back and enjoy another sizzling hot Hands on Hardcore premium porn film. Today’s threesome starts with a wonderful hands on massage by our two brunette hotties from Latin America. The two brown-eyed babes enjoy rubbing their curvy naked butts all over his thighs while Kai Taylor...

1 year ago
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Rules and guidelines for proper slave husband to proper oral servitude : 1. Consider orally serving a woman a privilege and honour. 2. Always be ready, eager and willing to serve her orally in any way and as much as she likes, at any time, anywhere and under any circumstances, no matter whether she just was at the gym for a workout or whether she is just having her periods or whether she just had sex, with you or any other man. You always owe her your full oral servitude at all times....

2 years ago
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My best friends mom in the shower part II

Jessica and I were standing there in the shower completely naked all wet and Holly was waiting for an explanation."What? You know I've been wanting to have sex with a young and sexy kitten," Jessica said."But mom, Carol is my best friend," Holly replied."I know, but it's not like she doesn't find me attractive. You told me you did, but you wouldn't have sex with me though. So I had sex with Carol," Jessica said.Did I just hear that right?"You asked your daughter to have sex with you?" I asked...

3 years ago
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Derry Finds His Way

Derry Finds His Way By Trisha Gilbert CHAPTER 1 Derry was happy to escape the house and his sisters and do the chores at Ann's house. Ann was the nurse who had stayed at his house when his mother had been suffering from some type of internal problems that had not been discussed with him. He liked Ann a lot because she was very reserved and serious, unlike his screamy-mimi sisters, and she dressed in simple clothes (when not in her regulation nursing uniform). Typically at...

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The reciprocated comprehend Part 2

Note : This story is completely fictional! I looked back again toward the other room and saw Mephew lead Cathy toward the stairs. I began to massage Helen's buttocks through her through the thin dress. It was a very nice feeling. Then her hands were at my waist her thumbs inside the elastic of my shorts and she was pushing them down. Somehow she got them past my erection and they were on the floor. I unzipped her dress and began to pull it off her shoulders. She stepped back slightly and...

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Bonded and BredChapter 8

The younger black wolf sat in the shadows of the trees as the three wolves ambled past. His black eyed gaze was fixed onto the red wolf as she moved gracefully across the ground, she was closest to him as they went by, but he thought far enough away for her not to pick up his scent. He thought wrong. She slithered to a halt even as she drew parallel with him, and turned abruptly. She crouched down with a low growl, and had he been a man he would have grinned appreciatively at her...

4 years ago
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Mother And Son 8211 Sexual Journey 8211 Part 1

This happened long back. And it was a beginning, in fact. I was separated from my wife hoping for a divorce. But she was keeping the matter pending. I was getting desperate, as I was working and living in Chennai, away from my native place. I was 27 then and had a healthy body and was badly in need of a pussy to release my suppressed sexual urges. By the way, I was not into paying money for sex. There was no fun in that. I started drinking and it became a problem. With drinking and no proper...

3 years ago
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Revenge of the Goddess

Revenge of the Goddess By Ricky Eternity had been quiet in the God's card room at The Home. It always was. Whenever someone new joined the group it was a nine eon's wonder, but since that meant the poor deity had lost so many followers he no longer had a place in the current pantheon of the real world it reminded the currant denizens of their own misfortune. The place was pretty nice, actually. A professional decorator would have been scandalized by the way the retired deities...

2 years ago
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Descent Into DarknessChapter 20

"And so now you know." he finished, telling her. Of his existence. Of his long and strange life as a vampire. He then released her out of the hypnotic state. He felt she was calmer now. She stared at him with disbelief about everything she had heard. It was a lot to take in. She studied his sensitive face, every feature, every crease, every dimple, his eyes, his nose, his lips. How she loved this man. After everything she had just heard, it didn't matter to her. She felt it was her...

3 years ago
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The Chauffeur

"Courtney?" I said to the limo driver. "Are you sure you know the right way to Club Frantique?" I drummed my fingers impatiently – perhaps a bit too impatiently – on the armrest of the limo. "I think we were supposed to make a left back there, maybe two blocks ago or so." "We were?" Courtney glanced back in my direction, trying to look past me and through the rear windshield of the car ... the one made out of dark tinted glass, the one she especially couldn't see through at night....

4 years ago
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Three good friends and my wife

Friday evening, as I came back home from my office, I found Ana wearing a bathrobe; she had black stockings on and stilettos.She kissed me and commanded I should have a warm shower.As I came back to our bedroom, Anita was standing there next to the bed with her hands in the pockets of the robe. She knelt down in front of me and pulled down he towel wrapped around my waist.She took my semi hard cock in her hand and she smiled.She then reached into her robe pocket and took out something. I looked...

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Vo Makan Ke Pass Wali Bhabhi

Hi friends..Aapkpko mera namskar and pyar m anish indoore m.P se hu ye meri life ki aisi khanai hai jo mene kabhi sapne mai bhi nahi socha tha but.God is g8 bas ho gya.Ab kese or kab….To suniye. Mera email. Id hai ye bat tab ki hai jab me ..Dehli me job k liye gya tha mai waha bilkul naya tha.,kuch bhi nahi dekha ek dum new city thi ….Badi mushkil se mujhe ek flate mila jo uutam nagar east me tha.Ye bat 2010.Ki thi.Aajkal to mai indore mai hi rehta hu.,neway.Story p aata hu.Mai dehli me rooj...

3 years ago
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My first trip to the Adult bookstore

I took my first trip to an adult bookstore with a married couple from my swinger group. At first it was kind of strange, but looking at all of the porn kind of turned me on, so I relaxed a bit. I kind of wondered away from Lance and Lisa over to the DVD section. I was wearing a short yellow sundress and flip flops, I never wear panties and wasn't wearing a bra. Anyway, I kind of got absorbed in looking at all the DVDs, When I realized that I was by myself with four men who were definitely aware...

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Glory Hole Girl

Glory Hole Girl By Linda Laving [email protected] I was sitting across the table from my friend Jenny at lunch one Friday afternoon, and she looked great as usual. Jenny was model material, late twenties, 5'6, maybe 110 pounds with full breasts and a skinny waist, long legs, and topped with long golden blonde hair and blue eyes. The subject of work inevitably came up, and she asked me how I was doing, so I told her I was unemployed ... for obvious reasons. Obvious...

1 year ago
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Girlfriend gives old friend a nice surprise and me

A couple of months back my girlfriend, Janina, wanted to go to London for a weekend and so to save money I looked up my old friend Sam so we can stay with him. When we got there we went out for some drinks with Sam, who flirted with Janina like crazy, really getting a good atmosphere going. After a few hours of flirting and sipping cocktails we decided to go back to the flat and open some wine, with the intention of talking and listening to music into the early hours.After a little walk back to...

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Becky Takes A Lover

I’m 31 and Becky is 24. She likes to dress very provocatively, rarely wearing a bra, and giving all the men who see her a big thrill. Her breasts are just right, not so big they sag but more than enough to play with. Her braless thick nipples are always saying look at us. She has a slim waist with nice rounded hips, her long sexy legs complete a package that says come fuck me. Becky has always been a ‘hotty’ and as much as I give it to her, she always seems to want more. She...

4 years ago
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Edgar The Hot Mexican

Edgar was a tall handsome Mexican with broad shoulders thick black hair, handsome eyes and face a woman would die for. He was my waiter that evening, the last evening I would be in Cancun. Our cruise ship was set to sale at 10:00Am the next day. I must have summoned the waiter a hundred times just to look at this gorgeous man. He gazed at me with love in his eyes and I at his. I wanted Edgar. I was hot for Edgar, but was he hot for me? After paying for dinner my beaux and I left and all I...

3 years ago
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Unexpected Visitor Chapter IX

As the two lay together, Charlotte said, “Julie, you said Tyler is the same age as Jamie; have you ever had, you know, sexual thoughts about him?”Julie paused for a moment and then said, “Before yesterday, no; but since then, yes. I have to admit that since the incident with Jamie, I’ve wondered a lot of things about Tyler; like how big his erection is, and if his sperm tastes as good as Jamie’s. I hope that doesn’t freak you out.”“Julie, I think we’ve gone way beyond freaking each other out,”...

1 year ago
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RawAttack Kasey Miller 04132019

Kasey Miller is more than just a pretty face and a round juicy ass….she’s a tight pussy too!!! But all jokes aside this girl really has a sweet personality to go with her looks. I follow her after her scene with mark and we chat for a while about her body, her future and different things she’s into. After she reveals she has a kink for multiple men in a day, one after the other, there is no turning back. She notices me getting hard in my pants for her and its game on. Fucked...


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