Mc Allister's RedemptionChapter 20 free porn video

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The sense of events unfolding in the world beyond her care had never bothered her before. It was odd that a nagging feeling should bother her, some detail left unfinished, a task she needed to do.

She went about her life, tending her small garden, literally, both the tiny plot she grew her foodstuffs on, and her own affairs, such as they were. She often ignored the stars spread across the heavens at night, but even a casual glance upward while retrieving carrots from her garden showed the agitation in the heavens. She stopped and studied the scattering of sparks spread across the velvet dark. Adding to her growing unease, Kira still had the sense strange things were happening across the world, and that McAllister needed her. Sable did also, though she was somewhere closer. Kira worried at the knowledge that they were separated, worried at it for a hidden meaning.

Her friend ... here, she smiled, her friend was still batty.

"Go to them," her friend told her in her strange voice. "I'll be well."

Kira, the great sea-dragon knew it wouldn't be so easy. Her unhatched egg was developing. She was positive it held her son, and she'd been thinking of names much of late. Nothing in her art would let her see within the mottled shell. Kira did not know how long a dragon should take to incubate her egg, having never seen another sea-dragon.

Kira would not leave her egg, and she worried for her longtime familiar Yivani. With a sigh, Kira did that thing which was so discouraged by the rest of the Hellborn, that thing that might indelibly mark her as their enemy forever. Kira, proud and independent, one who had lived alone for so many millennia, admitted she didn't know enough to plan any course of action and prayed to a goddess for guidance.

"Why hasn't your uncle arrived, Azer?" Sable was still short with the young demon. Within the last three days, she had taken over the direction of the daily activity for the small group. For an hour in the morning, they worked on learning the sword, and again for an hour before dusk. One hour was devoted to Shan Hu's practice of destructive magery, there in the courtyard. Four hours were for Shan Hu to read, and two for practical application of his magic and laboratory experiments. One hour for the evening meal, and that left two hours for Shan Hu and Sable to talk privately.

That Sable and Shan Hu could plan privately was a recent development. The morning after Sable asked why she should not kill him, Azer had tried to exert dominance over her with his superior swordsmanship. Sable recalled just enough of her equine mass to beat his blade aside with incredible strength, and sent the Fire racing down her blade to burn a welt in his side as she landed her blow. Only one blow, delivered with implacable eyes of green fire, muscles of steel, and a mass Azer had no hope of answering, and the message was clear.

There was no Healing of the burn Sable landed, not by magery. Only the natural healing brought by time could help, and Azer was ... painfully aware of the fact. He was likewise aware Sable had withheld what obviously could have been a killing blow, and the knowledge changed the nature of the relationship between the three prisoners trapped within the house.

Azer had not tried to silence Sable by magic again.

"I think he must be stymied at the border between the planes. I cannot believe he hasn't found my letter," he answered politely.

Sable sighed. "I cannot believe he hasn't, either. That leaves some alternative answers. One, he doesn't care. Two, he trusts in you to succeed or fail on your own. Three, as you suggest, someone or something barred his entrance to this plane."

Azer said nothing.

"Shan Hu," Sable said, then, "what keeps you from using magics of a higher order?"

Azer started to answer for him, but Shan Hu made a small gesture with his hand to forestall it. Sable noted the movement, and with suppressed humor, watched Azer subside.

"A sense of mastery, Lady," he gave his response at a measured pace. "There are more ... axes, directions of movement, I should characterize them as, with each level. To handle all of the new ones, and there are more new ones with each level, I need more familiarity and control. It's is a thing of the facility of the mind, how much I can encompass."

"Not so different than complicated sorcery," she mused, and Azer nodded. "Both of you, then, spend an hour now and research spells of time. I don't want to sit in this prison much longer, or at least not longer in the outside world," and she gave Azer a direct stare as she said it.

The young demon withstood the weight of her stare with chin held high, though he nodded his acceptance of her orders.

The chamber beyond the door was large, constructed with more of the gray granite blocks. Largely unadorned, the only source of illumination was the globe of light McAllister had created.

In the center of the room four great arches, their curvature barely obvious to the eye, met in a central pillar, the arches just separating from one another in the last few feet from the roof, each arch square in cross-section, and easily five feet thick. The arches came together to form the center pillar, six feet on a side, under the domed roof more than forty feet overhead.

McAllister noted the three other sets of double doors spaced evenly around the circumference of the chamber, and the curvature of the walls. He had no doubt that water could be caused to rush in those doors. Though the water may be a short while in the coming, it would not lack for force and depth when it arrived.

Looking up, he shuddered to think about how far underground he was, and how many tons of cut stone block could come tumbling down to fill the chamber if the central pillar failed.

"They did what I asked and more," Carus said in awe. "I never saw this level after it was roofed over. The great arches were still massively propped up with lumber. The project was to take four hundred years. I ... died ... in the fiftieth year of its construction, an old man."

With an easy smile, he turned to the two guardsmen, Beneficiaries, Carus called them, 'soldiers for the good of all', meaning 'military police', a duty McAllister's Royal Marines were often pressed into in fleet duty. "Emile," Carus addressed one, and the taller of the two guardsmen ducked his head. "I'd a report the two of you were absent from your post, early on in the construction, perhaps the tenth or twelfth year. I am signally happy to discover you hadn't deserted your post."

"It weren't nothing, sir," the guard, Emile, responded. "We'd just stared down one of the snooty Hindi royals and one of his flunkies, and set down to dice, and here we are." The other guard's stomach rumbled then. Emile grinned. "I hope there's a meal soon, sir, I haven't eaten in twelve hundred years."

"We need to survive this next bit first," McAllister murmured, with his eyes locked on the pillar. Unlike the decoy room the tour on his first visit into the palace, this room had a sense of something ... At his breast, McAllister felt the stick talisman awaken, the level of awareness the carved stick projected sharpened almost painfully.

Behind McAllister the light brightened, as he circled the pillar, studying its face. "It thrums, as it calls to you, does it not?" The voice was Aditya's, though McAllister frowned at the words in the language he thought of as 'Bhandi', his attention still on the pillar. Idly, he removed the lashing holding the stick talisman to his breast.

"Can you subdue it?" McAllister asked the stick in the silent way.

A short burst of confident scorn came back to him, then, and McAllister felt the will of the stick encompass the strength of the Rod embedded within the pillar.

"Before you strive, you should understand deeper," came Aditya's voice from behind, warm and close, and McAllister nodded, his attention almost fully upon the pillar. The Rod was a thing of constancy, of adamant will, he knew from his reading. 'When the cryptic lettering flashed golden, all must obey or die', he had read in the library in the city of Crest.

He perceived lines of strength radiating from the cube at the end of the rod, permeating the pillar, and spreading through the Palace. To a lesser extent lines ran through the rock and air of the upper city of Bhangda. Other localized pockets of the strange force were scattered about the world, he saw, some greater than others, the greatest of which must be the Basilica at Saint-Raphael.

With dull shock, McAllister realized the will of the Rod still bound thousands on thousands of men, dead and in their graves, their bones still under the geas of the Rod. Perhaps worse were the men whose bones were scattered, not collected together in a grave. McAllister understood then the magic on the horn he carried, and understood more of the Rod.

The strength in the pillar withstood the weight of the entire Palace, millions of tons which should have crushed the pillar before him into dust, exploding the massive blocks with great force before the Palace crashed into the bowl scraped into the bedrock of the mountain, the bowl McAllister stood at the bottom of. "Bide a moment," McAllister told the stick, while he drew on the inner fire, and quickly wove the spell of binding he used on the door to Huídào's study, in the wing of Natural Philosophy in Sea's-Home, a lifetime ago. Tightly, neatly, McAllister wove, sending the strands of the stuff to climb up the pillars and through the arches, binding the stone. With each strand he drew it tightly, until it lay closely within the substance of the stone blocks.

"Enough, do you think?" McAllister asked the stick.

McAllister sensed approval from the talisman for what he did, but it seemed uncertain if the extent were enough.

"Well, then, go slowly," McAllister told it, silently.

Time slowed for McAllister, as his stick began working a contest of wills. His perception returned to normal, though the room dimmed, and the familiar sense of cold permeating everything without McAllister returned. The golden nimbus around the ivory rod McAllister held encompassed him, and then it seemed to him the stone blocks of the pillar became like glass. Embedded within the stone, the Rod ignored McAllister and the stick talisman, seemingly unaware of the alteration in the flow of time.

The ivory carving in McAllister's hand acted, and somehow pinched one of the vastly slowed flows of force leaving the Rod until the flow stopped. The ivory then turned that flow back into the Rod. Methodically, then, it set about repeating the action for every flow of force from the Rod, and McAllister understood, then.

"It's not aware," he told the ivory baton in his hand, and received confirmation in a warm pulse. "You will defeat it," he conveyed to the ivory carving, then, with utter confidence. Flow after flow, the ivory baton sundered and returned to the Rod, until there were only two left.

"You should save the battle for your goddess' Basilica for when you are physically there," a voice he should not have been able to hear in this moment outside of normal time suggested.

McAllister looked up to see a tall figure with legs crossed and a vaguely pear-shaped face hovering before him. The figure shone with a natural luminance, and small black eyes regarded him from under slender brows, over a tiny, bow-shaped mouth. All of this paled in McAllister's mind as he saw the one before him held a trident and a comb in a second set of hands behind the first set draped in his lap. "Am I free to depart for the Basilica in Saint-Raphael, then?" McAllister asked.

"That will depend," the other said, and held the object in his lap up before McAllister. An eye, floating above the hands, McAllister saw, and the eye saw him.

"Its glare can burn," the other said, "though I think, not you. Another shall negotiate, I have judged. Release the flow of time," the last directed at the ivory baton McAllister held in his hand.

Time flowed again, McAllister knew, as the light from the ball he created, surely a lifetime ago, again lit the room. Warm and fluid, the others in the room were speaking.

"Well, when do you begin?" Carus asked, curiously, while McAllister studied the ivory rod in his hand, all hints of its former wooden substance replaced.

"He has finished," Aditya spoke in Denarian, and his voice carried a sense of presence, of multiple voices speaking at once. "McAllister, we are pleased you have chosen a way that did not destroy the palace, nor destroy the instrument of binding. Will you leave it with us?"

McAllister read the consternation in Aditya's face and body as real fear. "Relax," he told the smaller man in Bhangdi. "It is only a visitation," and turned so the others in the room would not see his smile.

"Do I need to leave that sorcery I've woven above in place?" McAllister asked when he turned back.

"No," he was told. "The artifact binds it still. You have a right to the artifact, therefore we did not stop you. You were judged as pure of purpose, and now that we have seen your actions, we offer a service in exchange for your right of ownership of the device."

McAllister nodded. "I don't like the thought of millions on the mudflats below, living in squalor, with no hope of changing their station in the world."

"There is precedent, set by many, for changing one's station."

"There are no public works, no sea-wall, no provisions for defense," McAllister countered.

"There is not enough food produced to feed even a fraction more."

"There is no stewardship, no governance, in the city below. With direction, and authority, labor can be diverted toward foodstuffs. Other labor can be diverted to common defense and public works. There are no large palaces under construction here in the upper city," McAllister said. "Was that not a time of plenty?"

"What, then, do you propose?"

"Allow the worship of the Child, the Mother, and the Crone in the lower City. Stonemasonry may be taught in the construction of her churches, and the order her Church imposes can be taught as well. Her religion is not exclusive, and if you are seen supporting her here, her priestess can work, over a generation, for the improvement of all. There would be little in conflict with the ways of existing law. You obtain a healthier, and content populace. Defense from storms, skilled labor for shipping and cartage, and a city of stone, all fed by willing farmers."

"And if we decline?"

"It will happen anyway, but badly," McAllister sighed. "Sooner or later, shipping from Denaria or Han will find your harbor, and find things to sell to those with no means to buy. The shipmaster's demands will hold your government, the Royals, hostage or your people will overthrow the government."

"Why do you say this, McAllister?" The multiple voices speaking through Aditya fell silent, and only one, not Aditya's natural voice, asked.

"I've seen it, in the policies of my King's government," McAllister replied. "There is a country, on my world, called Bengal. Men from the United Kingdom, men who run a company of shipping, bring into Bengal a drug that causes its users to crave more and more of the good feeling it brings. The drug is meant for shipment into the massive country behind it, a country that is extremely poor, but has so many people the company can get rich nonetheless. That drug kills the people who use it, as they would rather have more of it than eat. The shipmasters use the money the drug trade brings to purchase silver for trade with the Chinamen, and they trade with China for tea to sell back at home. To keep the tea coming, the Parliament allows ever greater atrocities in the name of producing more opium to further the cycle. There is nothing the Emperor of China can do to stop this."

Same as Mc Allister's Redemption
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The group of four got into John’s car with Dan and Lisa again in the backseat. She was all over Dan undoing the bow that kept her dress closed. “Dan, you and Karen said you had a surprise for us,” Lisa asked, placing he left leg over Dan’s right and guiding his fingers to her wet pussy. “Have you both heard of the Hen House?” Karen asked. “Yes but we’ve never been there before. We’ve heard that people can go there and fuck in public.” “Yes, that’s true. Karen and I are two of the early...

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Amy: I know this sounds cliché. I've been keeping it to myself for a very long time because I don't think anyone would believe me. See, everyone knows about Spring flings and Summer hook ups. There's nothing new or novel about it and it's almost become a rite of passage – if you haven't had at least one drunken spring break fuck you're missing out. But this was so much more than a drunken hook up. Sandy introduced me to passion like I've never known before ... or since. I didn't think...

2 years ago
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Eric Olafson Midshipman Vol 4Part 31 DECK 54

The Devastator was an enormous ship and the outer corridor of Deck 54 circled the ship at the horizontal equator of the main hull. It was almost seventy clicks long. There were IST (Inter ship transport) stations in regular intervals, every 20 meters was a security door, open during normal operations that could be closed in an eye blink and reinforced with force field curtains. Dividing the entire ship in millions of individual sealed compartements.All Union military ships had the same...

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Prowling for new Conquest

I discovered a large group of women in North Texas ranging in age from 18 to 40 that willing throw themselves at me. D magazine in Dallas published a story about me. In the story they described me the most eligible divorced bachalor in Dallas. They listed the restaurants, nightclubs, and bars in North Texas that I own and frequently visit. They also listed the social events I attend. I refused to be interviewed for the article. After this article was published I decided not to travel out of...

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I met Donna several years ago at a psychic fair.  She is short, comes about chin high to my almost six-foot height, slender, and possessing a wonderful pair of breasts.  She must have been in her late forties back then and very appealing to me.  I feigned interest in her life coaching, and we chatted off and on for a few hours in between people who were actually interested in her line of work.  All I was interested in was the cleavage she was showing. Over the years, we crossed paths often and...

Quickie Sex
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Well That Backfired 20

The moans and screams of my teenage daughter flow from her open bedroom window and into the backyard. The neighbors give me amused expressions while I hurriedly run to the back door and fumble with the keys. I flush beat-red with embarrassment as I battle the door’s broken latch to the soundtrack of Laurie wailing her ecstasy above me. I curse under my breath and wrestle with the stubborn metal, feeling the neighbor’s judging eyes taking me in. This wouldn’t be nearly as bad if Laurie kept it...

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Shower Play

So, where I live I don't have much alone time. It is very hard to have privacy. There is one place I know I won't be bothered though, and that is the shower. I have a big tub with a removable shower head. I want to share my experience I had one day while taking a shower. It was a rare day when the house was quiet, everyone had gone to bed early and I was the last one up. I couldn't sleep at all so I thought a nice hot shower would help me relax. Boy, was I right about that. --- I start in my...

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KellyChapter 5

I nodded, and then did something I haven't done since I was a little girl. I crawled into Mike's lap, and snuggled into him. "Mike, please, just hold me. I'll never be able to do this if you don't." He rested his chin on top of my head. Holding me, he again began gently rocking me like a small child. I could hear his voice rumbling in his chest, when he said, "No harm can come to you now. You're safe here, with me. I will protect you." It all felt so soothing and comforting. I...

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OyeLoca Vainilla Skin Choking On Chorizo

Latina hottie Vainilla Skin has never looked hotter walking around the streets of Colombia with her ass practically popping out of her gym tights. Following her around is easy, because that round thing has everyones attention. When she meets up with our stud, he cannot wait to get his big prick inside her tight little pussy. She sucks his rod, flashing her beautiful brown eyes, and then splays her legs out wide for him to stuff her vag full of man meat. She moans and spasms as he works, loving...

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Rachels point of view part 3

Rachel awoke the next day with the taste of Nicole still in her mouth. As she stretched out her still naked body in her bed, she had to wonder, was it all a dream? The feeling between her legs told her it was no dream. Memories of the previous evenings adventures flowed thru her mind, causing her to moan as she stretched. First the excitement of watching Mark and Nicole fuck, combined with the, what? The naughtiness of him spanking her, only to be topped off by Nicole coming into her and...

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Jennifer Lawrence researches a sex addict for new

I am a sex addict.Yes, I know how ridiculous that sounds. Yes, I know that most of the male species qualifies as sex addicts too. But however debatable it is to say sex addiction is a mental illness, I still fall under the parameters. It's only due to treatment and counseling that I can keep it under control -- and still enjoy sex without going overboard about it.Maybe that's why my doctor thought of me when Jennifer Lawrence wanted to research sex addicts in October 2011.She needed to do so...

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The Child is Mother to the Man

The Child is Mother to the Man Melissa Tawn (with apologies to Gerard Manley Hopkins) My name is Beverly Johnson. I am a girl, 20 years old, a sophomore at Santa Isabella Community College in Santa Isabella California. I hope to get a degree in occupational therapy. I was not always what I am now. Two years ago, I was a man: Jonas McCracken, 29 years old, a Baptist preacher originally from Arkansas. If this is a bit confusing, I had better explain: I was born in Clearwater...

4 years ago
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Unexpected Encounter At Greggs The Bakers

Ok this is my second story in this and yet again it’s another Indian cougar that gets the taste of my throbbing cock in her pussy and mouth. Was minding my business sitting in the bakers having a pasty. The bakers were a bit busy in the counter but the seating area was more less vacant. The reason being the bakers charge an extra not much to sit in and eat. So here I am trying to gobble up this hot pasty when a woman’s glance cut my next mouthful in. She was not a stunner but decent. Scanning...

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Truck Guy Cherry

This little encounter takes place before I married my lovely and very understanding wife. These days she and I often talk about it as a “what if...” as in, “Would I do it again?” “Would she do it?” “What might we do instead?” “Is there a way to make it more fun?” “Do you still have her number?” I should mention that it also occurred before the plague of “risk assessment experts” with their rules, black boxes and cameras have made my workplace less fun. At the time I was driving a delivery...

5 years ago
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Encounter With An Adventurous Couple

Hi indian sex stories dot net readers This is a real story, in fact, chain of experiences that I had in the last 1 month. Before proceeding let me give a brief introduction about myself. I am a 27 years old, 5’10” guy with good looks and decent body who has many different fantasies. This story began with one such fantasy. Last month I was working late one Friday night and I was expecting to leave for home by 1230. I work in South Bangalore and my home was somewhere near central Bangalore and on...

1 year ago
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Hot Tub Part 1

Last week me and my girlfriend seemed to be in a bit of a slump in our sex life, which doesn't happen very often at all. We have tried many things, and done so in many different places. Our sex life is more than healthy, but we had both been incredibly stressed out the last few weeks and hadn't had much creative thought. One night after spending the evening watching movies, holding eachother close on the couch, we both started to get hot. I was kissing her neck softly and rubbing her tummy,...

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Vengeance 5

* * * Ellie lay on her back, I on top of her. My hands holding hers above her head. No rope. I ran my tongue around those lips, watched her eyes smile. Pressed mine to hers lightly, then harder, enjoying the fullness, the softness, the perfection. Finally I slid my tongue in, it danced with hers, they wrestled. I let hers win and enter my mouth for a few minutes. Softly, wetly they caressed each other. I grew harder, she grew wetter. Finally they slowly slid apart as I pulled off...

4 years ago
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BY BOYS IN THE HOOD. This is a story about a group of boys stranded on an isolated island after a plane accident. ***WARNING*** You are about to read a story that contains sexual activity between boys and teens and you need to be 18 and over to continue reading this. THIS IS ALL FICTION, MAKE BELIEVE, IT NEVER HAPPENED SO NO BOY/S WERE EVER INVOLVED IN ANY SEXUAL ACTIVITIES. What you do when you have read this chapter is up to you, I am not concerned what you do and...

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The New Scoutmaster Is a SheChapter 2

SUMMER CAMP Rebecca looked at her image critically in the full length mirror. She had to concur that the tailored scoutmaster uniform with the camouflage skirt and the bandana like top was decidedly hot. She could feel her nipples harden and her slit was primed and ready for some Boy Scout/Girl Scout Jamboree time with lots of after dark “getting acquainted” Camaraderie. She was wearing the official Girl Scout underwear because it was more comfortable for female crotches and her merit...

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Eating her till she Cums

Your soft thick thighs I kiss and lick making my way to your succulent pussy lips. While I'm kissing your thighs you rub your soft semi-hairy pussy in a circular motion. Our eyes all the while watching each other not sure what's to come. But it looks as though you have been wet for a while thinking of me tongue fucking you. My mouth is already watering with anticipation of your sweet taste. I rub the hair of your lips with my fingers and start working my way up and down, stroking you as...

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Bedroom With a ViewChapter 7

A few days later, Ron came out of his room around 9:30 pm, all excited. “Mom, you have to come to see this. You won’t believe what’s going on over there.” I was in the middle of washing a few dishes. “I don’t believe there is much we have not seen. You go and enjoy the show if you want, but I need to finish these dishes and tidy up the living room before we go to bed.” Ron started to speak, but I interrupted him. “Don’t worry. There will be plenty of time for us to have some fun.” I winked...

2 years ago
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A Moment Inside

I get the call in the middle of the afternoon: “Casey, it’s Jack. I’m in trouble, I need you to go to Nate’s, get him and come down to bail me out.” He tells me where he is, I ask no questions and I’m out the door. I arrive at Nate’s not 10 minutes later and am half way through “Jack needs our help he’s—”, before he stops me with his keys already in his hands, “Alright, where to?” We’ve been on the highway for an hour now and all I can think about – when I’m not worrying about Jack – is how...

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Journey Of A Tgirl Act Four

I had been corresponding with Max for over eight months now and he was coming to my city to meet with me.  When the day finally arrived, the butterflies were making me nauseous. I told Beverly, my best friend's mother, about the meeting and she insisted on driving me, meeting Max, and checking the situation out for my safety.Beverly helped me pick out a dress and it took me forever to decide. I must have tried on everything I own in every combination.We decided on black lace bra and panties...

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Antique for Gordon Pt 02

I had a lot of great comments and e-mails about Part 1 of this story and I hope that you all will enjoy part 2 just as much. I generally don’t write in a fantasy venue and I was not not at all happy with my first attempt. (HOTM) Having lived on Lookout Mountain and being familiar with the Chattanooga area I hope will add an aura of authenticity to the storyline. Anyone who has lived or visited the area will know the geography and personalities. Again I thank all my readers for their...

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TripinChapter 48

When I woke that next morning, I went to the bathroom with the laptop. I thought at the end of the update, that it was getting easier to update my brain. Since most things at least seemed familiar, even if new things were being added very slowly and most of the old seemed gone forever. I just went to the storage room to pick up my trike without ever thinking about where it was. That was ingrained in my memory at least. I had eaten in the breakfast house enough times, so that I didn't need...

2 years ago
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EvilAngel Avi Love Teen Anal

Exotic, lusty teen Avi Love teases and masturbates, anticipating a wild threesome with Markus Dupree and Mick Blue. She greets the dominant studs with a drooling double blowjob, and then spreads her legs as they take turns fucking her tight twat. Hard pussy pounding leads to intense anal reaming and nasty, ass-to-mouth fellatio. Mick and Markus’ big cocks stretch Avi’s bunghole in a furious double-anal penetration! Her wet gash creams as they ream. Unrestrained sphincter slamming...

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The Big Bang

Based on Characters from the Big Bang Theory Television show Jax_Teller©2016 By Jax_Teller Lenard and Penny had been arguing and had broke up once again. Penny had marched out of Lenard's apartment and slammed the door shut to her apartment. A short time later Amy who had been on skype with Sheldon through the...

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Sakshi Chronicles 8211 Part 1 Losing Virginity

Indian Group Sex Hi Everyone, my name is Sakshi and I have been thinking about posting my experiences on this site for quite sometime. I got introduced to this site long time ago by one of my boy friends and then again recently my hubby has been insisting me to post the events of my life in detail here. These incidents I am about to share with all of you are all 100% real and not a story or fantasy. I will break my life story in about 5 to 6 parts. I will post them as and when I get time to...

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Emmas New World

emma's New World By emma_sub [email protected] You had taken it slowly with me, not that I thought that at the time.I found out that you had been keeping a watching brief on me for months, justwaiting. Then without me realising, you decided I was ready, and you were right.It was as though you realised you had all the time in the world and were determinedto make sure that I wanted what the future held for me and was fully awareof each step. I'd seen you around the office at times. I'd fancied...

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