Australian StoryChapter 5 Welcome to Australia
- 3 years ago
- 24
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Brisbane, Australia. Linda and the girls were enchanted. Fascinated. The whole atmosphere was so much like home and so different at the same time. The signs were in English. The streets and cars looked the same. Just different. The Australian cars had the steering wheels on the wrong side and they all drove on the wrong side of the road too. This would take some getting used to.
“What’s the name of this place again, Fred?” asked Linda
“Meriton Suites in Adelaide Street. We have adjoining suites. Great view of the Brisbane River.”
What’s an Adelaide? whispered Tink.
It’s some kind of Australian drink, like gatorade, whispered Linda.
Too right, added Ret.
What a load of rubbish, whispered Mouse.
All four girls erupted in laughter. Australia was going to be fun!
“What’s so funny, Linda?” Fred asked.
“Nothing much. I was just thinking about that man calling me a Sheila,” Linda answered.
“I got a text message from Diane. She and her crew from Ping also arrived this morning. They’re staying in a different hotel. She’d like to meet up with us for dinner tonight. Mike will be here in a day or two also. He had to make some arrangements in LA before he could leave.”
“Sounds fine to me. What else is on my schedule?”
“It’s going to take us two or three days to get over this jet lag and I have some running around to do, checking local courses out and meetings with the local golf cognoscenti.”
What’s a cognoscenti? Tink asked.
You can google it, but I think it means big shot in Aussie, Linda whispered.
“So what exactly does that mean for me?”
“There’s a good gym here in the hotel, so get your regular workouts in the mornings. You have the afternoons and evenings off, until I say different, that is. Now finish your lunch and let’s go up to the rooms, unpack and catch some sleep. We’ll meet up for dinner with Diane around seven. Before I forget, the gambling and drinking age here is eighteen. Don’t go crazy now. Keep that clean cut American-Girl image that Ping wants out of the news.”
Out of the news is easy and hard, whispered Mouse. Depends on whether or not Angel arrived with us.
I’m sure Ret will find us something to do on one of her recons, Tink added.
Already searching, whispered Ret.
Liar. You’re wondering what we should do with that backpack full of gems and money, whispered Linda.
“Linda? You’re staring off into space again. If you were a blonde I’d be tempted to call you an air-head.”
“I was just thinking about my life in general, and how different things are than when I first left the foster homes.”
Good job on hiding the backpack from TSA and Australian Customs, Mouse, whispered Tink.
“I’ll bet you never imagined all this.”
Mouse flexed her mental muscles. I can camo just about anything now, she whispered.
Be quiet girls. It’s impossible for me to carry on two conversations at the same time, Linda whispered. “Not a chance. I never touched a golf club before, and never met an Israeli either,” she told Fred.
Fred choked on a mouthful of coffee, and said, “Don’t even mention Israel in jest. That’s one place we won’t be playing in a tournament. You’ve finished eating. Now get up to your room and get some sleep.”
Upstairs in her room the girls sat down for a chat before nap time. We have over four hundred thousand now in the backpack, and those small leather bags full of gems. I’m open to suggestions on what to do with it all, Linda whispered.
I think we should throw a major party and invite mostly guys. Hunky Australian guys with that accent to die for, Mouse whispered suggestively. Makes our panties wet when I hear them talking.
Is that what happened? It felt gross to me. Squishy panties isn’t on my fave clothing list, whispered Tink.
It’s not just Mouse’s fault. I get tingly when I hear them, too, Ret added.
Wait ‘till you get a bit older, Tink. Maybe you’ll understand better then, Linda said.
The question of all that money still remains, Ret reminded them.
Linda whispered, I think we should keep about twenty thousand for emergencies and donate the rest to some local charity, anonymously.
What about the gemstones? Mouse asked.
Maybe we could have some nice jewelry made while we’re here, Tink suggested.
A diamond and emerald necklace with matching earrings would look hot, Mouse whispered.
If we have enough stones we could make a set with the sapphires and another with the rubies, too, whispered Ret.
All good ideas. But for now, I’m getting sleepy. Let’s crash for a bit so we’re fresh for dinner with Diane. I suspect she has some interesting ideas to tell us about, Linda whispered.
At 6 p.m. Linda’s phone alarm woke her from the nap. She got up, showered, added makeup and brushed out her hair. Linda decided to wear the purple dress with white trim provided by Diane.
At least we’re not wearing purple heels or sneakers, Mouse complained.
I kinda like the purple stuff, Tink whispered.
Linda responded, Diane says it’s all about branding or something like that.
Eww. Branding sounds painful. I hope we get a cute brand if we have to get one, whispered a concerned Tink.
You’re thinking about tattoos. They do hurt some when you get them. I think Diane was talking more about setting up a public persona, Ret explained.
Not another Persona. There’s enough of us already, answered Tink.
Different kind of persona, Linda whispered.
If we get the earrings we’ll need our ears pierced, added Mouse. Maybe our nipples too! Gems in our nipples!
The ears probably, nipples, not, Linda said firmly.
Spoilsport, whined Mouse.
Let’s go eat. We’re late and I’m starving, Ret said.
When Linda walked up to the table Diane and Fred were already deep in conversation. A starter platter of grilled shrimp and mushrooms was sitting on the table, untouched. Linda planned to touch it. A lot.
“Fred, listen to me. I’m not trying to say you’ve done a bad job. You’ve done great. You’re not a manager though. You, my friend are a fantastic coach and mentor, but Linda needs a professional manager. Now! She is going to make millions and millions of dollars. It’s past time to move her into a more professional atmosphere.”
“I still say I can do both,” Fred grumbled.
“Okay, Fred. Here’s the bottom line: She needs an accounting firm for taxes, a legal firm on retainer, a publicist, a personal assistant, an investment firm, a chauffeur, a bodyguard, and probably more that I’ve missed. The manager, accounting and legal should have been set-up before we left LA. My God, her account with Ping already has almost half a million in royalties, and we don’t know where to send the money. You share in all that she makes, so you need an accountant and legal help too. Concentrate on making Linda the best damn golfer in the world, and let professionals handle the details.”
“What you said makes a lot of sense, Diane. How do we get started with all this?” Linda asked.
Ret, see if you can calm Fred down. Send calming thoughts or something, Linda whispered.
Ohmmm ... Ohmmm... , Ret whispered, then started giggling.
Okay, okay. Just try to get him to relax a bit. This will all work out fine, Linda said.
“You think we need a manager, Linda?” Fred asked.
“Just look at your schedule the next three or four days. You’re running around taking care of details that someone else should be doing, instead of spending your time helping me. We can afford this, and like Diane said, I think we need the help.”
“Alright then. Any suggestions, Diane?”
“Here is the contact information for three great professional managers. Get the manager hired first and let her take care of everything else. She’ll send representatives to interview with you and Linda so you can pick people and firms you feel comfortable with.”
“These are all women managers,” Fred said.
“That’s because, if you haven’t noticed, Linda is a woman,” Diane smiled at him. “On top of that there are better women managers available than men. Prejudice and all that...”
“Oh. Right. This all okay with you then, Linda?”
“Yes, fine. Now let’s eat. I could starve to death if I just sat here listening to the two of you.”
“Yes, let’s eat. I’ll call these three and see if any of them can fly down here for an interview. Otherwise, we have to wait until we return.”
Over dessert, which Linda enjoyed and the other two just watched, Diane said, “Linda, you have any plans for the evening?”
“Nothing special. I was thinking of just wandering around looking at stuff.”
“Good. We’re going clubbing. The casinos on the Gold Coast have some of the best clubs. Gambling too, if you’re interested.”
Mates? I mean men? Mouse asked.
Of course men, laughed Ret.
Gambling! added Tink.
“Let’s go then.”
“The hotel has a shuttle bus to the major casinos on the strip. I’ll text the camera team to meet us there.”
As they walked to the bus Linda said, “What camera team?”
“We brought a full camera team. Still pictures and video. The camera loves you. That photo shoot in LA turned out great. You won’t even notice them. Hardly. Linda, let’s be honest. You’re never going to be beautiful, but you are cute as a bug, even with the braces. Customers are going to love you and your whole line of merchandise.”
Linda sighed. “Okay, Diane, but next time give me some warning so I can prepare.”
“We want to catch the natural Linda. Out and about for a night of fun.”
She should have seen us in Tijuana, flying over Cartel compounds and dissolving thugs, laughed Ret.
Nobody sees what Mouse hides, bragged Mouse.
Thank God for that, whispered Tink.
“I would still prefer a bit of notice. I don’t like surprises much. Next time warn me or I’m not going along with it.”
“Okay, next time you get fair warning. Now, let’s hit some casinos and have fun!”
At the Golden Onion Casino, Linda wanted to gamble a bit and Diane wanted to listen to some music, so they split up and agreed to meet up again at eleven for some hardcore dancing. Linda walked into the gambling area, and went over to the cashier and bought three thousand dollars worth of one hundred dollar chips. Several people were placing bets and watching the spinning wheel. She placed three chips in separate bets on three different numbers. All three lost. She bet another three hundred and lost again. The third time she bet Linda made the spinning ball drop onto one of the numbers she bet on. Nine hundred dollars wagered, thirty-five hundred paid back. Half an hour later Linda was up by over ten thousand dollars and she changed to the high rollers table, where she began betting with thousand dollar chips. Losing nine thousand to win back thirty-five thousand. She was up over one hundred thousand when Ret spoke up.
The Pit Boss has been watching us. They’ve no idea how we are winning, but they’re going to start cheating us. They can make the ball pop out of one hole and move to another one. When we win they’re going to start moving the ball to a loser, Ret whispered.
Linda placed one of her expected to lose bets. Suggestions?
There are three people from the gaming commission here under cover. They’re already suspicious of this casino. I’ve got their attention and they are moving over this way to observe. A man and two women, whispered Ret.
Good, responded Tink. We can keep winning and own this casino.
Too much publicity. We want to keep more of a low profile than that. I don’t want to see the morning papers full of ‘Amateur Golfer Breaks the Bank at Casino,’ Linda told her.
Let’s prove they’re cheating then. Win and force them to try and move the ball on us. Let the inspectors catch them, whispered Ret.
I like that plan, Linda whispered back as she placed a single bet for ten thousand dollars on sixteen. Three hundred fifty thousand to win!
The croupier looked over at the Pit Boss who nodded at him, spun the wheel and rolled the ball. Linda took control as the ball slowed down and dropped it into sixteen. The crowd gathered around watching began cheering and yelling, then the ball popped out of sixteen and moved to another number. The wheel was barely turning, there was no way the ball should have come loose. Linda moved it right back to sixteen and smiled at the croupier.
The female inspector raised her badge high in the air and declared, “This table and the entire casino is closed for suspected illegal game operations.”
Her male counterpart told the croupier to pay Linda, then took her over to the cashier’s cage to cash in her chips. “They were trying to cheat you. We’ve been watching them for months and couldn’t catch them. Now we have enough to shut them down and examine all the machines. You’re a tourist at a hotel here?”
“Yes,” Linda replied.
“Have the cashier wire your money to the hotel for you. Much safer that way.”
Linda had the cashier wire just over three hundred thousand dollars to the Meriton Suites. One hundred sixty thousand was withheld for Australian taxes.
Now we have even more money to donate someplace. If we don’t, we’re gonna need a bigger backpack! Mouse muttered.
Let’s go find Diane and change casinos. I feel like dancing, Linda whispered.
Linda found Diane already sitting with two guys. She walked up, and said, “Hey, Diane. Ready to go clubbing now? I’ve had all the fun I can stand at the tables.”
“Linda, this is Steve and Davy. Guys, this is Linda. Isn’t she cute?”
“G’day, Linda,” Steve offered and reached for her hand.
Davy said “G’day, Luv. I’m with Diane so you’re stuck with ugly Stevo.”
Stevo wasn’t ugly. In fact he was quite good looking. Over six feet tall with short dark hair and lots of muscles. He even kissed Linda’s hand.
“Don’t pay any attention to Davy. No one else does. He’s right used to it. Sort of his comfort zone you see.”
“Hey now, Mate. I got my Sheila, now you got yours. Let’s go next door. Their shutting this dump down anyway.”
The party moved to the casino just down the street, and the boys ushered the ladies into the dancing lounge. They found an empty table and ordered drinks. Linda went with the strawberry daiquiri, suggested by Steve and discovered it tasted great.
“Care to dance with me, Luv?” Steve asked as he took her arm and pulled her to her feet.
Linda looked at Diane and she just winked at her. It looked like Davy’s hand was sliding up Diane’s thigh.
“Let’s go then. I’m not much of a dancer,” Linda warned Steve.
“That’s alright. You’ll catch on soon enough.”
The couple danced for two fast songs, then the band played a slow number. Steve took Linda in his arms and pulled her close.
Eeek, I can feel his thingy, whispered Linda.
It feels as good as I always imagined, whispered Mouse.
You should see his mind. He has plans for us that involve a horizontal position, whispered Ret.
I’m going to sleep. Wake me in the morning. I don’t need to see all this sex stuff. It’s gross, whispered Tink.
Steve leaned in close and kissed Linda’s neck, then nibbled up to her ear. Linda said, “Not so fast, sexy. I think we need a drink to cool off some.”
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Three months had passed, business was booming, with their line of sexy clothing selling well, Keisha, who now liked to be called Kay, excelled in designing ultra short and revealing party wear, while Sams line in super sexy underwear designed purely for sex was selling well too.Kay had moved in with Sam and let all the world know they were an item. The sex was the best they had both ever had, Sam telling Kay that she had graduated with honours from her academy. Many a weekend had been spent...
"Read this pamphlet over, Mr. Hansen. Before you even sign up for our course, we will want you to have a full medical with one of our approved doctors. That's a state requirement." "Yes, I understand. If you give me the list of doctors, I'll make an appointment right away and then we can talk again." I had been interviewed by Terry Jackson, son of the owner of Jackson Driving School and V.P. of Training. He was not much older than me and, while very pleasant to talk to, he was very...
I was glad to be returning home again. Every since the first time I put on a pair of my mom's panties I could not stop wearing panties. During a visit after boot camp, I snuck into my parents room to get several pairs of my mother's panties from her dresser and her hamper to take back with me to my duty station. On another visit I had taken two pair of my mom's panties to bed with me. I used one pair to sleep in and the other pair I would use in the morning to catch the sperm as I masturbated...
I arrived at the cabin my aunt let us use. I was running a few minutes late since my mother asked me to drop my sister off at school. I'm 19, 5'8" tall, with a medium build. I have breasts between a C cup and a D cup, usually wearing a C. I play piano and volleyball. I have long blond hair. I have my mother's German looks. As I parked the Jetta I saw Jason. We are almost cousins. His mother married my father's brother when Jason was a year old. We grew up a quarter-mile (nearly 1/2 kilometer)...
Group SexHe is the sexiest man ever. He loves me much and I am so glad we have a family together.But our love was never so simple. I was going through life trying to find the right person for me to share all my desires with. I did not want another relationship with someone I am not sexually comparable with. We met on the Internet and I drove to see him over a 100 miles away. I did not know what to expect but our conversation was so great over the phone.After meeting Tony we went out and spoke but...
It was a typical summer day and I was out doing job quotes for the construction company I worked for. I had one last quote to perform around 5 pm and it was in a town a little over an hour from my home. I wanted this quote to be the last of the day because it was in the town of and old friend and I wanted to stop by and visit her. Her name was Mary, she was about five years older then I and had been divorced for about five years and as far as I knew wasn’t dating anyone. She had long black...
Author's note: Thanks for all the positive reviews Lady's, Men, and Gurls! It fills me with joy to see that people enjoy my little twisted tale so far, and it makes my clitty hard just thinking about the fact that someone somewhere has wanked to something that I have created. Without further delay here comes part 2! How I Became A Simpering Sissy Slut Part 2 When I woke up I was in a large 4-post bed covered by luxurious pink satin sheets. My head was pounding so hard it...
They loaded as many of the items as they could carry in the car giving priority to the food containers. They had just finished loading the last of the supplies when an air car was spotted approaching. It contained ten robots. Quickly the pistols were drawn and they began firing on the robot occupants. "Please," Tes said as she reached for Marks pistol. He relinquished it to her and she took careful aim not at the robots but at a spot on the air car. Tes fired and the air car dipped and...
Just A Bit Of Fun Part 2 Ellen Haslett.When Billy returned on the Monday afternoon, having gone fishing, he saw his mother ironing underwear. She sorted them into various piles. The first pile she placed in tissue paper and then into a cardboard box.Billy told her he was going for a shower. When he returned, she asked if he wanted something to eat. “No thanks, maybe later.”“Well in that case, can I ask you a favour?”“Sure, what is it?”“Would you take this round to Ellen’s?”His face dropped, “do...
My name is David and I am 14 years old and I live alone with my 30 year old Mom. My Dad accidentally got my Mom pregnant so they decided to get married. From what my Mom tells me my Dad was a loving and proud father but he passed away in when I was a baby leaving my Mother as my sole parent. She did the best she could but her job as an elementary school teacher didn’t provide much for us. We made due though, we bought a one bedroom rancher out in the country, it was small but we liked to think...
Introduction: Sarah comes back, part time This is the sequel to Sarah left me1-4. Next morning I woke early and decided to give my two darlings a surprise. I started between Sarahs legs, licking her slit very gently in case she was still sore from her weekend orgy. Sarah woke up quickly and pressed my head firmly into her crotch, which I took to mean dont hold back., so I kept licking her labia, tongue fucking her and sucking on her clit until with a soft moan she came, thrashing about on the...
The Knight and his groom followed the road leading to the Keep. It was late afternoon as they approached the front gates of the Keep. There should have been a guard on duty to warn of riders coming but none could be seen as the two rode through the open gates. People stopped and stared at the two, The one a very fine gentleman, astride a huge black stallion, the other a small older man, dressed in the livery of a groom, rode what looked to be a donkey. they rode into the center of the bailey...
One way or the other, today was going to be the first day of the rest of his life. He ran the tap until the water was ice cold and splashed two handfuls onto his face, trying to focus his mind. It worked. Leaning over the sink, both hands firmly on the counter, he flexed his clearly-defined muscles in the mirror and clenched his strong, square jaw - a deep sigh escaping his hairless chest - he knew what he wanted. He wanted sex. It couldn’t be more clear to him. He wants to fuck, like...
Friday 27 August to Thursday 22nd October 1970 Harriet had always been going with Kieran when we were playing Bridge with Colette and Zena. She and I never actually interacted very much. She always seemed rather aloof. Now I was sitting in a pub at six in the evening waiting for her to turn up. I had been set up, or rather we both had been set up by our two friends. I wondered if she would resent it. I had no idea what sort of TLC was wanted. My plan was to let her take the lead this...
Carolina Cortez and Violet Myers, two friends, arrive for an introductory yoga class. Violet is stressed and stiff, which is why Carolina wants her to give yoga a go to loosen up, even if Violet isn’t too convinced yet. They are then greeted by Kali Roses, the yoga instructor, who happily invites them inside. As Kali leads them further inside, she can’t help but sneak Violet some lustful looks, clearly taking an immediate interest in her. Kali then reveals that Violet and Carolina...
xmoviesforyouThe grave had been set up in their back garden. It was large. Going up the sides were flower beds with a hundred different types of plants. At the end of the garden, two rose bushes had been created by Vlad with Lisa's grave in between the two of them. On the left was a red rose bush and on the right was a blue rose bush. Rachel approached as far as shield around the grave would allow. She kneeled down in front of the grave for one final word with her friend. "I'm so sorry that this...
on watching women get it on together. I even masturbated to one in a store that had booths where you could watch videos. I also buy lesbian magazines. I love watching women kiss each other, lick each other's pussies, grind their pussies together, and fuck each other with strap-on dildos. I never really liked walking into adult stores though because I felt someone I knew would someday see me walking in. So mostly I ordered magazines, books, and videos by mail. I usually received a free...
He leaned back against the headboard, propped up by pillows and tried to get into the book he was reading, but it just couldn't hold his attention. The question that Shawna had asked in the kitchen was still sitting on his mind. Was there a chance for them? Could he ever get by what she had done? He wanted to; he really did want to. He loved Shawna and he always had. He had loved her from the very first moment he had been introduced to her. She had been the light in his life for over sixteen...
“Well, don’t you sound excited. Happy birthday to you too Tim,” my sister purred over the phone. “Hold on,” I held out the phone and nodded to my wife, who herded our two kids closer to the phone. As one they sang “Happy Birthday Auntie Ashley”. When they finished I handed the phone to Ari, our youngest at four years old, and watched her and Nathan scurry off to talk my sister’s ear off. Nathan was five and a half, and damned be those who dared call him five. “When is she...
Sexy CholitaHi I'm Nando I'm 26 years old and I'm from Peru and I come to tell a Sexual Story of mine that I know more than one is going to love:3 years ago I went to Bolivia for vacation, because the place was nice and the people were nice but I fell in love with a girl who was good and was a beautiful cholita with a skirt named Patricia ... Maybe she was not so pretty with a face but she had good body to be a young girl of 23 years, in a typical costumbrista party of the typical make in...
I went to the QT Banking and Trust Kent Island office to see if the paperwork had arrived from Jake. I had to wait for Mr. Rustone to finish a meeting with another customer. At last I was seated and going over the papers - sign here and there. Take this to the court house, this to MVA, fill out this form. After half an hour he said "OK, we are done." "Wait a minute, we haven't discussed anything about mortgage payments or truck payments," I said. "There are no payments - Jake sent...
Old Proverb. Beware of what you wish, you might get it. The estimable Steve Zink and others have asked me to write a story with him as the main character. So here it is, a tribute to Steve, tireless editor and famous author. I shamelessly borrow characters from DC comics and elsewhere. And even more shamelessly, I have put my own spin on their characters! Behold me, riddled with remorse! The Incredible Journey of Steve Zink By Eric Steve Zink was visiting an old Indian site. Like...
Chapter Thirty One No Escape 1 Burt sat on the floor of his cell as morning came, slumped against the wall at an angle so that he wasn't putting pressure on his back where the Earl's whip had flayed his skin. One knee was raised, his arm propped on it, covering his eyes. He had cried in the night, feeling even more deeply ashamed because of it, but the tears had run out now. His eyes were red raw. His throat felt swollen. When he'd been locked in the stocks it had taken time...