An Affair In Australia free porn video

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Amit was a rich businessman who spent his time amassing as much money as he could. Due to this he seldom had time for his beautiful wife Anjali who felt lonely and unloved. She had all the money to buy anything or to do anything except expecting love from her husband. So one day she decided that she needed a holiday and when she spoke about it to her husband and he was delighted.

Amit: Why don’t you go to Australia? Rajesh and his wife live there with their child and they would be delighted to spend their time with you. And he lives at the outskirts of a city, lots of trees I hear.

Rajesh was Amit’s distant relative and they had a strong friendship. Anjali had even liked his wife when they had met a year ago. It was a great idea and Anjali eagerly agreed. They called Rajesh who was thrilled about it and asked Amit not to worry about anything.

And so the turning point in Anjali’s life commenced with her arrival in Sydney. Rajesh and his friend had come to pick her up.

Rajesh: hey Anjali bhabhi!!! How are you? How was the flight?

Anjali: Everything was fine Rajesh. All I need now is some rest…

She smiled at his friend who uncertainly, smiled back. And she didn’t know why but her heart skipped a beat at his charming smile. She agreed he was handsome.

Rajesh: this is my friend Charlie. Actually my vehicle broke down two days ago so he agreed to pick you up in his vehicle.

Anjali: Thank you so much Mr. Charlie…

Charlie: The pleasure is mine ma’am, helping beautiful ladies is my hobby.

This isn’t India so don’t get offended, Anjali advised herself in her mind. Charlie dropped them to Rajesh’s home and Anjali spent the day resting in her room trying hard not to think about the handsome face of Charlie. Next morning she was served breakfast by Rajesh’s wife Neeta.

Neeta: We’re having a party this weekend; this is a party for Asians who live around here. We do this once every month to get familiar with each other.

Anjali: that sounds great!

Neeta: do you wanna go for some shopping?

Anjali: I’d love to…

Neeta: okay then we’ll go by evening.

Neeta was like a time bomb of gossip which was waiting for somebody like Anjali to explode. Anjali being a good listener didn’t mind her, and they did their shopping with joy and thus the two of them bonded well and within few days became close friends. Neeta talked about Charlie as well and Anjali listened intently.

Charlie was the heir of a well known businessman in the city. His company dealt with production and import of things for Asians so generally he was well known among them. That’s when he met Rajesh and they became close friends.

Neeta: he usually dates hot Asian women so please avoid talking to him. Many married friends of mine have ended up in bed with him.

Anjali nodded.

The night of the party:

Anjali dressed in a pink sari studded with shiny and tiny silver ornaments. She wore a diamond pendant and diamond earrings. With final touch to her make-up and red lipstick Anjali accompanied Rajesh and his wife to the party. It was organized by a local Pakistani businessman and his wife. Neeta introduced Anjali to everyone else and by the time dinner was served she was surrounded by a mob of rich women trying to show off in front of her.

“Hello gorgeous!”

Anjali turned to find Charlie standing there with a brilliant smile on his face. He was dressed in formals and had the look of a young business tycoon. Anjali couldn’t help blushing. He was so handsome…

Anjali: Oh, hi…Mr. Charlie, so good to see you.

He took her hand and kissed it. Anjali felt her cheeks reddening. She remembered what Neeta had said about him so she kept her distance.

Charlie: Good to see you too Anjali (his pronunciation of her name was terrible). So how is it going?

Anjali: well, I am having a wonderful evening.

Charlie: Wonderful evenings don’t come every day. If you want we can go for a dinner tomorrow.

Anjali: no thanks, I am shopping with Neeta tomorrow.

Charlie: when are you free then?

Anjali: never!

She walked away leaving him gaping at her. Charlie left the party in bad mood after being cold-shouldered by Anjali.

Rajesh: hey Anjali, meet Fatima.

Fatima was the hostess and Anjali talked to her for some time. Then the topic shifted to relationships.

Fatima: you know finding a loyal partner in this country is so difficult.

Anjali: true, but India isn’t far away…especially working wives in the city are prone to cheat on their husbands with either their boss or a handsome colleague. My friends in Goa, Mumbai and Bangalore always talk of such things.

Fatima: I know…that is why I keep a close tab on my hubby.

They laughed and sat down on the table. Fatima ordered a drink for them.

Fatima: but you know this Charlie. I haven’t seen a guy like this him in Australia. He is so…you know…he is like we Asians. One life one partner. Maybe associating with us had taken a toll on him.

Anjali: that’s not true…he is a guy who uses his good looks to lure Asian women to his bedroom.

Fatima almost spat her drink out.

Fatima: who told you that? That’s absolute rubbish! I have known him for seven years now. He is the best foreigner I have ever met.

Anjali: well Neeta was telling that-

Fatima: huh! Neeta will definitely talk badly about him. Do you know? She was handling her husband’s business for a month when he was sick. So one day she approached Charlie for an affair. He refused rudely and the word spread like fire as some of her friends knew about it. Rajesh heard it too but he did not doubt his wife. He talked to Charlie who denied the rumors and saved Neeta but she could not handle the refusal so lightly, as she had become a laughing stock among her friends. So she is jealous of him and spreads wrong rumors about him.

Anjali was shell shocked and she felt bad for snubbing Charlie earlier. The party ended hours after midnight and they went home. She slept through the morning and by afternoon she was dialing for Charlie. He picked up on the third ring.

Charlie: hello?

Anjali: Hey Charlie I’m sorry for yesterday…um-I just had a misunderstanding about you…

Charlie: it’s alright Anjali. I know with Neeta around as your only friend-leave that. So what are you doing tonight?

Anjali: like I said I am going to shop. But I am free tomorrow.

Charlie: okay…I’ll pick you up by eight.

And so they started going out for dinners and sometimes for lunch. Neeta was apprehensive but Anjali ignored her warnings. This continued for almost two weeks and Anjali despite herself was falling for Charlie. The way he kissed her hand every time they met sent currents through her body. His smile made her blush and whenever he talked Anjali gazed at his handsome face. One day he called her to be ready for the night out surprise.

They went for a drive-in movie. AS they watched Charlie had his body closer to hers as they were seated in the back seat. Anjali was in his arms and he had his jacket cloaked over their bodies. Anjali was feeling warmth and excitement that she had never experienced before…it was like being alive once again. The movie’s lead pair was kissing and with her head resting on her head she looked up. Charlie was staring deep into her eyes and their faces were awfully close. Anjali felt his warm breath on her face and she breathed in. Her defenses were weakening and she felt a force of attraction she had never felt before.

Charlie: I-I love you Anjali…

Anjali was dumbstruck but her insides were rejoicing as some part of her loved him as well, but she could not love him…it was impossible as she was a married woman and was faithful to her husband. Her eyes filled up with tears…she wanted Charlie but her martial life wasn’t allowing her.

Charlie saw the tears and exclaimed: Please, please Anjali…don’t cry! It’s my feeling towards you and I am not asking you to love me back.

Anjali shook her head and said: no Charlie, it’s my fault! I encouraged both of us and now my married life is in my way.

Charlie: so…so you love me as well?

Anjali looked straight into his eyes trying to convey her feelings with fullest meaning.

Anjali: yes Charlie…after spending my holidays with you, I have realized that this had been the best part of my life with a man and before I could stop myself…I-I fell for you.

Charlie was ecstatic. He had never believed that he would be able to get her, but now all those doubts were behind. He had her now and his body was shivering.

Charlie: Anjali…

She looked straight into his brown eyes as they got closer. His hands traveled across her back as he hugged her. Anjali did not resist and hugged him as well while they stared at each other lovingly. After a long time they did not know who made the first move but their faces were closing on each other.

Anjali: there are people around…

Charlie: this is Australia baby….

And the last moment Anjali closed her eyes feeling his hot breath on her and their lips touched. It was out of the world feeling. The delicious taste of their saliva and the delicacy with which they kissed. Charlie had kissed women of his nationality but never an outsider. He sucked on and on, drinking the honey like saliva Anjali’s mouth released for him. He then used his right hand to clutch her cheeks. This made her red lips to protrude and Charlie opened his mouth wide and kissed her fiercely. He munched for a dozen times then he pulled her upper lips between his teeth, Anjali grimaced but did not stop him. Charlie stroked her head with his left hand and sucked her upper lip. Anjali was enjoying his style of passionate kissing and she kissed him back. They were kissing loudly but the people around did not care. And Anjali knew that she was in a different world.

They kissed each other carelessly and she felt a sense of freedom. Anjali felt him press her cheeks and her mouth opened. He stuck his tongue out and slowly inserted it inside. Anjali took his tongue in and sucked hard. Charlie started the to and fro motion of tongue kissing and Anjali made loud sound sucking and kissing his tongue. They continued that until he got tired and Anjali took her turn to do the same. The slurping sound got louder and somebody from behind wolf whistled. Anjali blushed and tried to pull away but Charlie was defiant and he started sucking her bottom lip which was comparatively fatter.

In the car the kiss had turned fierce and the two of they were hungrily smooching and moving in the back seat. Finally when Charlie had had enough they decided to go.

He drove up to the freeway.

Charlie: I want to love you Anjali…like I have never loved anyone.

Anjali: me too Charlie…I want to be loved but we seriously cannot do it. With Rajesh keeping a close eye on me…

Charlie: Just say yes, we’ll spend the night at my home. Rajesh will not know.

Anjali blushed thinking about spending a night with Charlie in his home. The possibilities….

Anjali: I am late, I need to go home.

Charlie interrupted (pointing below his abdomen): can I show you something.

That was abrupt and Anjali looked uncertainly at the lump on his crotch and then at the roads.

Charlie: c’mon nobody’s watching.

Anjali hesitantly watched as he unzipped his pant pulled his manhood out. A smile broke on her beautiful face.

Charlie: you like it?

Anjali: it’s so good…

Charlie: go on touch it!

Anjali: I seriously don’t wanna-

Charlie: cut the crap Anjali…just feel it.

The moment Anjali’s trembling fingers touched his penis blood rushed to it and his penis rose higher.

And they laughed. Anjali felt guilty at that…by calling his manhood good was like calling her husband’s bad. But the feeling was good anyway.

Charlie: just-just suck it for me please?
The pleading look made her do it. She brushed aside the strands of hair from her face and bent over to his crotch. Charlie slowed down and drove steadily as he felt her soft and delicate hands touching his dick. Anjali held the penis firmly at the base and shaping her mouth like an O she swallowed the whole shaft. Charlie’s manhood wasn’t gigantic like others would claim about theirs, but it was more than good and definitely big enough to satisfy anyone.

She bobbed her head up and down his penis with her eyes closed. She could feel his throbbing cock as her tongue circled it inside her mouth. Charlie grunted in pleasure and gripped the steering wheels tightly with his knuckles whitening. Her warm and wet mouth was almost the replica of her eager pussy waiting for his cock down there and she sucked on with such precision that Charlie literally started jumping. He started moving his waist in a fucking fashion as he felt waves of pleasure the sensitive nerves in his cock were generating.

Anjali first sucked the head of his cock, sucking so strongly that Charlie started smiling. Anjali felt the head of Charlie’s cock hitting the roof of her mouth. She sucked his cock that way for some more time and then she swallowed his cock completely. This time the head of his cock was nearly hitting her throat as she sucked it passionately. Her head was bobbing up and down his cock as though she was sucking the tastiest ice cream in the world. Her eyes were on him watching his reaction and her hands were playing with his balls as she sucked his cock from top to bottom.

Charlie: I know a place where we can have sex.

Anjali’s face reddened. She let go of his penis and adjusted her posture. Charlie put his hard and wet penis inside with some difficulty and looked into her eyes.

Anjali: please Charlie I am already late, Rajesh is expecting me.

Charlie: you love me right?

Anjali: I do Charlie but I don’t wanna risk my marriage.

Charlie: then I have a better idea.

He drove further towards Rajesh’s home and stopped near a small park-like space with dozen trees. Rajesh’s home was in the outskirts of the city so such open areas were common there.

Charlie (pointing at a place between the trees): See, this is the perfect spot, the neighbors cannot see, nor can anybody from Rajesh’s house. If Rajesh calls then you can just walk away.

Anjali: you want me to have sex in the open…are you nuts?

Charlie: not in the open silly, in the car…

Anjali blushed: okay…

He slowly positioned the vehicle under the trees where there was pitch darkness. Then he turned the keys and there was silence. He gave her a swift kiss and said.

Charlie: go sit behind and roll up all the windows, I’ll go check whether the place is isolated or not…there might be a couple of love birds around, like us.

Anjali smiled and obliged. She rolled up the glass, switched off the lights and waited for him. Charlie came back in a minute. He was already unzipping his pants before he entered into the vehicle. He unbuttoned his shirt and Anjali threw her pallu aside. Her deep cleavage was revealed and Charlie stared at them like a hungry wolf.

He cupped her large breasts from under and played with them like a kid. He gave gentle upward pushes to each breast alternatively and watched them bounce like footballs. Anjali leaned back and moaned as her bit her breasts over the blouse. Soon the blouse was lying somewhere in the car while Charlie feasted on her melons. His mouth was holding her right nipple in while the index finger and thumb of his left hand were rubbing her left one. In the mouth, his tongue circled her nipple and he occasionally bit the tip. Anjali’s fingers laced through his hair as he continued licking and fondling her breasts.

Anjali: please hurry.

He pushed her sari up and bent over her lap. He adjusted his position perfectly and his fingers found her panty. Slowly, taking care not to tear it, he slid it off her and Anjali raised her legs for him to eradicate it completely. He threw it away as well. Then his fingers groped in the dark and found her pussy. It was wet and when Charlie stretched the labia her lubrication flowed out like mad. He heard her gasp when he touched her pussy and then he started fingering her. His hand moved like a machine with great speed and accuracy as his fingers rubbed her insides making her squirm in pleasure. Whilst fingering her Charlie was also licking her torso. He made licked all around the belly and under the breasts. Soon his hand ached and he brought his face closer to her pussy. Then moment his wet tongue touched her clit she let out a loud moan and she heard him chuckle. The tongue worked expertly around her pussy and Anjali had to tightly grab his hair to control. Within minutes of cunnilingus, her insides exploded in a mind blowing orgasm that she had never experienced. Charlie gave her wet pussy a final lick before straightening up.

Charlie stretched his body and neck against the pain that had started to build when he was so busy licking her pussy. Anjali smiled and they both kissed a lot. That was when the phone rang.

Rajesh: Anjali? Where are you?

Anjali: On the way Rajesh, almost there.

They had to finish so that she could reach home early. So without wasting time Charlie made her lie on the seat and positioned himself over her. The car wasn’t a great place for sex but he needed her badly. Charlie held the base of his penis with one hand and stretched her vagina with the other then her guided the tip to her opening and inserted his finger first. Then he entered inside her with difficulty and then he started banging her. The car was shaking a bit and Anjali was moaning loudly.


Charlie’s cock moved in an out quite smoothly. His thick white cock was stretching her vagina to the limits and Anjali couldn’t help but moan in exquisite pleasure because she just now had a wild orgasm and now her pussy was getting a little tickle. He kissed her and bit her lips and his hands were groping her boobs, squeezing them hard. His cock head was extremely bulbous which stretched her vagina to its limits as his meat’s unusual thickness had created that space in her and slowly he started fucking her. He fucked brutally moving in and out in amazing speed. Anjali’s eyes were closed and her breathing was getting heavier. Her legs were wrapped around his ass and her hands around his back whereas Charlie’s one hand gripped the top of the seat while the other was holding window of the car.

Then after banging her for five more minutes he ejaculated. His cum sprayed her pussy walls and Anjali felt warm liquid fill her vagina and she closed her eyes in exhaustion. It took time to recover and when they did Anjali wiped her thighs cleaning his semen that had flowed out of her vagina. They dressed up slowly as it took time to find her undergarments in the dark they were thrown around by Charlie while undressing her. The bra was found on the driver’s seat and the panty was lying outside on the grass. She took time to adjust her sari with perfection so that no one would think she had undressed that night. When Charlie drove up to her home. Before she could step out he grabbed her face and kissed her.

Charlie: I know this was quick and you might have been uncomfortable in the car, but give me a chance, once in yours or my home and I’ll not disappoint.

Anjali: You did not disappoint me tonight.

She stood on her toes to kiss him and walked to Rajesh’s home waving at Charlie as she went. It was the best night of her life. The smile stayed on her for the entire night as she could not get rid of Charlie from her mind. Neeta was suspicious but Anjali did not divulge anything that might ruin her life. At last when she did sleep she dreamed of Charlie making love to her.

Two days Anjali did not meet him and so Charlie called Rajesh’s home number. It was Neeta who picked up.

Neeta: Hello

Charlie: Hey Neeta, its Charlie. Is Anjali free this evening?

Neeta: Don’t you know she left last night?

Charlie: What?

Neeta: yes, she looked sad but she said she wanted to go back soon and we did not question her. I thought you knew.

Charlie: I did not…

Charlie was heartbroken. He did not know Anjali took that sex as a one night stand. Was she so cheap? He had thought she was in love with him and now she had left him without even saying goodbye. That night when he was ready to sleep he received a text message from an international number.

It read: Hey Charlie, this is Anjali. I know I angered you for certain by not telling you about my departure but believe me; it was because I wasn’t strong enough. That night I was so overjoyed that I neglected my marriage vows and betrayed my husband. That realization took over me next morning and I decided that if I stay I will again weaken and submit myself in your arms. I know I have committed a great sin so I have decided to divorce my husband after telling him the truth and I’ll continue to live my life alone praying for forgiveness from God. I wish you a happy life ahead.

Charlie’s eyes had moistened as he realized that it was him who had destroyed the life of the women he loved. He could not sleep that night and spent the time drinking alcohol. By morning he decided that whatever might happen, he would go to India for her and try to make her life a better one.


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Affair with Wifes friend whom I met in a wedding

I am 45 years old and my name is John. My wife is a socialite. She has so many friends that she is invited to various weddings and parties all the time. I am a person who likes to stay indoors after a long day of work. Although, this one time she forced me to attend a wedding with her. I had come home early from work and so, I agreed. Didn’t know this would turn into an affair with wife’s friend. I went to the wedding and my wife introduced me to all her friends. I was taken aback...

Extra Marital Affair
4 years ago
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Longing for Australia

~Dedicated to the hard-working, passionate man that is my inspiration. You are always with me, deep in my heart. ~ * After yet another long tiring day at work, I finally arrive home. The cottage is in darkness but I can hear the delighted cries of my pets as the key turns in the lock, and I am greeted by a flurry of little furry faces demanding their evening meal. Despite my exhaustion, I can’t help smiling as I scoop up a wriggly pup and accept her kisses as I dish up for us all. When the...

1 year ago
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Kirti Bhabhi Fucked By Devar In Australia

Hello everyone, my name is Sunny and I am here with one of my real sex stories that happened last month. First, about me – I am 25 years old guy with good physique and 5ft 10in height and living in Melbourne. I am brown-skinned and have a great dressing sense. I am interested in sex from a long time and keep getting it from my girlfriends and 2 of my bhabhis. Currently, I have no girlfriend but still, I manage to get laid down now or then. Coming to the story, this happened last month with my...

3 years ago
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Extra marital adventure in Australia

Hi friends, i have been reading stories on this site for almost a year now and always waited to share my experience with you all.but i was just wondering how to explain it. Its a experience of a lifetime. Now let me introduce myself to you. I was born and brought up in northern india(delhi). I am 6′ tall, average built, good looking and i live in Brisbane. I have been married for nearly 5 yrs and always had a below normal married sex life. Because my wife doesn’t like much sex and whenever she...

4 years ago
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Affair with a mature tudung lady Chapter 1 the be

This affair started back in early 2015 where i was transferred to this department. Met this mature tudung lady working as the supervisor. Late 40's, slim and slender, average looking and fair skin. It all started when we are working in the same team. I was warned by her own close friend that she has a thing for younger men but i didn't bother. One thing for sure, i don't like the idea of having an affair with someone else's wife but i was tricked. She claimed she was a divorcee with 4 boys but...

3 years ago
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Affair With Bangalore Housewife Part 6 Final Part

Hi friends. This is the final part of this series, ‘Affair With Bangalore Housewife’. Those who haven’t read the earlier parts, please do so now so that you can enjoy this final part completely. Sonia was moaning. I kept making love to her boobs until she said, “Ok, janu, ok. You may go down now.” I slipped down between her legs. She had lifted and folded her legs. Finally, what I had in front of me was the beautiful, mesmerizing site of her beautiful wet pussy. I was kind of hypnotized by that...

2 years ago
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Affair With Maid

This sex story dates back to my college days when I had lots of free time during vacations and ibises to visit my home country. At the time living with my parents, they traveled a lot. Having a big house we had staff for cooking cleaning driving and other upkeep. Unhappy with the usual cleaners, new help had just been hired. I never really paid attention to her but once I was getting ready to shower and she just barged in to clean the room. Luckily or unluckily I had not taken my boxers off...

3 years ago
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Affair With Karan Jiju 8211 Part 2

Hello frinds. I am Zarana Desai from Baroda. I am back again with my second part of my previous chudai story. This is story about my affair with my jiju. Those who don’t know about last chudai story just go to the above link and read the first part. As I said in previous story that I am going to write 2nd part in hindi as my english is little weak. And please mail me about my 2nd part. Now I am going to start my real story after husband moved to australia. Jese mene kaha tha ki thode financial...

3 years ago
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Affair With Brother In Law

Hello all and I am Dupali and I am a married woman from Indore, age 24 years old. I am a good looking girl or woman if you mind me saying girl and it’s about how I happened to fall for an extra physical affair which I never thought I can or I will. It’s a year old story almost. I thought of sharing it on net some six months ago but I could give it shape now only. I am married to a business executive and my husband has a sister elder to him. Her husband posted to Indore in Mau army area. So...

1 year ago
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Affair with a Nigerian Servant for my lust Free Sex Stories and Adult Erotica Stories

Me and my husband recently moved to Nigeria. He has a business of developing animal skin products such as couches. He would often leave home for several days, to visit the animal farms. Thanks to his job, my house had the best of leather couches. On his days of visit, the only company I had in the house was our Nigerian servant, Taksa which led to an affair with a Nigerian servant. Taksa was a tall dark-skinned man. He was genetically well-built with muscle-cuts all across his body. He would...

1 year ago
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Gone Wild subreddits have been a real trend in recent times on Reddit. There isn’t a simple explanation as to why these subs are so damn successful, but I’m guessing that it has to do with the fact that with them, you get to see a lot of amateur content in a very short amount of time. There are many gone wild subreddits out there for all kinds of things. There are gone wild teens, gone wild college girls, and many gone wild countries. One of those countries is Australia, which has its own Gone...

Reddit NSFW List
1 year ago
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Affair of the Trainee the Manager Ch 03

It was a week since the beginning of our infatuation. Well, it was a week since the staff bowling outing. ‘Infatuation’ may not be the right word because we had not only an incredibly strong attraction for one another, but I sensed affection and thoughtfulness in our brief relationship. We each were showing compassionate concern for the other’s circumstances – trying not to put stress on the marital situations and respecting each other’s professional position. I suppose, to be perfectly honest,...

1 year ago
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Affair of the Heart Mf semicons rom

Affair of the Heart By SpectreOfHell Ben simply wasn’t used to being around k**s. He and Judith had been dating for three weeks and had been having sex for two of those, but this was the first night he’d actually slept over. Judith had been reluctant for him to stay at her place, unsure how her daughter would react to it. Trudy was twelve years old and had doted on her father when he was around. It had broken her heart when the man had left without warning, deciding that he’d rather be with a...

2 years ago
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Affair with older woman

  Affair with older woman          Hitchhiking This story was written and submitted to me to edit and post.  Thank you Don I am sure that it will be have a good following. I was a college freshman going to a school about 200 miles from home in the Northwestern part of Michigan. The college did not allow freshman to have a car on campus, so anytime that I wanted to go home for the weekend I either had to find a ride home with another student or hitchhike. This spring weekend in particular I...

1 year ago
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Affair with Aunt

Let me start by saying this is a true story, all people involved are above the age of 18.My story is a culmination of a fantasy coming true. Let me tell you a bit about me, I am 22 years old I think I'm a good looking guy but one thing for sure just like any other 22 year old male I have high sex drive.Every guy has millions of fantasy's of the woman they would like to have sex with and more ways of how they would like to pleasure them, well this was one of my fantasy's and now its a...

2 years ago
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Affair with a mature tudung lady Chapter 2 the co

Continue from Chapter 1...So we planned to have a good private session in a hotel. Stay the night bonking away. I recalled it was Friday night. Off work for me on Saturday but she has to take annual leave that night cause she was working shifts. I booked the hotel and she checked in first that evening before i came 20 minutes later. She let me in and still have her clothes on. Her eyes showed she was hungry for sex. I bring her close to me and gently kissed her lips. She took my hands and slid...

3 years ago
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Affair with a BBW

A Low Maintenance Affair with a BBWRylee always wore a baseball cap and this day was no exception. It was a standard part of his maintenance uniform and kept the sun out of his eyes as he traversed between buildings fixing everything from busted pipes to plaster dings. He was six feet tall, naturally tanned by his work outdoors, and had incredible green eyes the color of a pine tree in a rainstorm. Along with his baseball cap, he wore a tan polo shirt with the logo of the apartment building...

3 years ago
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Affair With Bangalore Housewife Part 5

Hi friends. First of all, apologies for the long delay. Unfortunately, I got busy with some personal issues. Anyhow, I am here with the 5th part of the story, ‘Affair With Bangalore Housewife’. Those who haven’t read the earlier parts, please do so now so that you can enjoy this part completely. Sonia had finally fixed our plans for the upcoming night. My next day passed with great anxiety. Throughout the day, I was just thinking about meeting Sonia in the night. Every hour was passing like a...

3 years ago
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Affair With SisterInLaw In Bangalore

Hi to all readers. This is Mr. K (pseudo name) from Bangalore. Thank you for good responses for the previous story. The central character for this story is my sister-in-law – Rashmi (name changed). She is married to my cousin brother. As they got married few years ago only, they don’t have any kids so far. My sister-in-law is just flawless with silky white skin, 5 feet 6 inches height and she has the right amount of flesh in the correct areas. She has big round ass and her figure is 34-26-36....

3 years ago
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Affair With Hot Bhabhi

Ladies of indian sex stories dot net, you can contact me at if you wanna have a similar experience. Please read and enjoy. Thank you. I was 19 years old when I saw the aunt for the first time. she moved into our neighboring apartment along with her husband who works for a bank. She’s around 5 feet 9 inches tall, 34 years old with perfect curvy structure with big boobs and a plump ass. She wears glasses too for her eyesight and she looks very sexy wearing them. Her complexion is very fair. Back...

3 years ago
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Affair With Karan Jiju

Hello readers, My name is Zarana Desai and basically I am from Surat but after marriage I lives in Baroda. Sorry in advance as I am Gujarati and my English writing is not so good. So last year in march once I was searching something on google and I got this website and from that day I am regular reader of this sex stories site. Here I want to tell you about my real story. I know lots of people just write story for their hobby and most of stories are not real but I am not professional writer. I...

4 years ago
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Affair With Brahmin Mom And Daughter 8211 Part 4

Hi everyone,i am ragu ,single bull waiting for cows. Reach me at . please comment or feedback. By the by, this is fourth continuation of the affair with brahmin mom and daughter. First of all very big thanks for your feedback, it makes me to share quickly. Coming to the story, I was relaxing myself after the strong passionate sex with janani, and messaged malli, she replied that she returned to home. After having dinner, i decide to watch movie on my laptop. And it almost 11 pm. Malli messaged...

4 years ago
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Affair With Brahmin Mom And Daughter 8211 Part 3

Hi,everyone this is continuation of my story “Affair With Brahmani Mother And Daughter”. Thanks for your feedback and suggestions to my story. Please do as same to . Writers always want a feedback for their stories. Lets go to the story. I slept after janani gone from my place, next day morning, I woke up by the controller of my plant and he wants me there in 30 mins as the boiler stops working. I was in hurry and went to my office and working along with them to bring back the condition of...

3 years ago
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Affair With Brahmin Mom And Daughter 8211 Part 2

Hello,this is the continuation of affair with brahmin mom and daughter. Am ragu and i love to have fun with ladies. Please send feedback to . Coming to the story,i saw someone fucking janani in store. I took my mobile and clicked some photos to blackmail her. And I shouted whats happening here, she pushed him and looks to the direction the sound came,and shocked to see me,she adjusting her saree and closed her boobs by pallu without inserting it to blouse. I looked at him,he put his belt and...

3 years ago
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Affair With Housewife In Dallas

This happened 10 months ago – my name is Siva, 33 years old – I am six feet tall and have an athletic body and am good looking as well. I travel to Dallas, TX every week for my consulting job. I am on a long term contract with the client and therefore bought a single family home in a nice neighborhood about 15 miles from my client work site so that I do not have to stay in a hotel during the weekday. One day – I went to the store to get some groceries to stock the refrigerator and pantry and...

2 years ago
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Affair With Married Secrete Friend In Discrete

This is my first story here. Rather than story it is my real life experiences. The golden days of my life. I am karthik, age 33 living in bangalore. This happened when I was 26. I am active athletic person who moves very friendly and talks more to keep friends around me occupied. I am 5.8 height, 70kg with built body. Right from puberty, I grew interest on incest and later after this incident I developed interest on discrete fun life. My discrete friend is Archana (not the real name) 5 yrs...

1 year ago
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3 years ago
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Affair With Sudha My Horny Mother In Law

At the outset, my 44 year old mother in law did not seem much attractive to me. I saw her first when we went to their place before marriage with my parents as a precursor to the match. Sudha was lovely to look at, young, slim and enchanting, but the few creases on her face gave away the fact that she indeed was over 40 at 28 years and on the verge of matrimony, I was more anxious to inspect my bed partner for life, whom I had not seen till then, and not her mother. It was only a year after...

3 years ago
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Affair of the Heart Mf semicons rom

Affair of the HeartBy SpectreOfHellBen simply wasn't used to being around k**s. He and Judith had been dating for three weeks and had been having sex for two of those, but this was the first night he'd actually slept over. Judith had been reluctant for him to stay at her place, unsure how her daughter would react to it. Trudy was twelve years old and had doted on her father when he was around. It had broken her heart when the man had left without warning, deciding that he'd rather be with a...

3 years ago
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Affair With Wife Of Friend

Dear friends, I like to share an interesting thing happened in my life with you. Some body may feel this as a case of cheating since this involves a breach of confidence between friends. Any way I don’t want to go to the moral side of this at present. I had an affair with my friend’s wife and it continued for a few years. It was a perfect understanding between us and it was sex for sex. Nothing more nothing less. We could carry on it to a reasonable time and had to give up due to some other...

2 years ago
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How do I explain? What is an affair, and what isn't? All I can do is start from the beginning and let you decide. My wife Rachel and I lived next door to our very best friends and neighbors for several years. In all that time we'd never even discussed, nor approached the possibility of doing anything outside our marriage, let alone with anyone we knew. As friends, we were certainly comfortable discussing and talking about anything and everything of course. Including sex. But that was always...

1 year ago
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Affair with student mother

Rou Rou is from china. she is graduate who is now accompanying her son studying in singapore, aka study-mama. Rou rou works part time in a massage parlour. i know her for several months already and we are getting to know each other better. She is liberal and is most willing to offer extra services like sexual massage. she is most skilful and experienced about it. She would stoken the inner thigh and the balls, putting me in sexual excitement. One day, i asked to do massage at my office and she...

2 years ago
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Affairs of a HousewifeChapter 3

A few days went by and the guilt of cheating on her husband, now twice, consumed her. She never intended to have thoes affairs. She was looking for some level of recognition, but was not ready for what she did receive and the crushing wave of wanting and lust that consumed her. In the first month of work, she felt like she was so much more than a boring housewife. The looks she received from coworkers, her bosses, and complete strangers on the street always made her feel good about herself....

1 year ago
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Affairs of Government

You step out of your pants and stand there, naked and strong before me, emanating the power of authority, the beauty of masculinity, the aura of dominance. In my day to day life I give the orders as chief of your staff, but here behind closed doors, I voluntarily submit to your carnal will, embraced by your strength, giving pleasure at your silent command. With just the slightest twist... I love watching you on television. You talk like you are master of the universe, looking resplendid in your...

1 year ago
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Affairs of a Family in Sin

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Volume II Affairs of a Family in Sin -- Part One : Partner's In Crime She... She screams in silence, A slowly riot penetrating through her mind, Waiting for a sign, to smash the silence with the brick of self control. . Are you locked up in a world...

1 year ago
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Affairs of a Family in Sin

Introduction: Ive decided to start publishing as dark fantasy. So that hopefully, Ill no longer have to worry about, somes, moral beliefs bringing on any kind of personal attack(s). As well, Ive renewed my profile, wanting to separate myself from those first attempts. Apologizing for how badly they turned out… I present, an improved canvas. Yes, these stories are fantastical, all the same, they arent fiction. As embellished true accounts, each ones basis in reality varies. With that said, in...

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