MaquisChapter 19 free porn video

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South Buckinghamshire. September.

It was the sound of music, music loud enough to overcome the sound of their own vehicle, that drew their attention. The four man patrol was bored and irritable. They had been on duty for nearly six hours, since seven that morning, patrolling an area of countryside that had a lot of tiny villages and hamlets, and even more roads that seemed narrower than their vehicle.

Most of what they had seen so far was fields, trees, birds and the occasional cow or horse in the neighbouring field. There were very few people around, it didn’t look like there was anyone out in the fields doing ‘farming’. Not that any of them there would have known what any farmer might have been doing in the fields at this time of year. They had passed a few country pubs, most appeared open, but they didn’t stop. It was too risky. Only a few weeks earlier a patrol had decided to stop at a pub and try and bully a few drinks out of the landlord, only to find out that it was a regular stopping point for a senior leader; and he just happened to be in the pub with his family enjoying a Sunday lunch. The four men of that particular patrol had been punished exceedingly severely for disturbing a senior officer.

The only thing that made the day even slightly bearable was the simple fact that though it was the last Sunday in September it was a gloriously hot and sunny day.

There was a sullen silence in the Mitsubishi 4x4 as they crawled around a tight corner, only going slowly because they couldn’t see around the bend in the very narrow road. It was unlikely anything was coming the other way, but Sod’s law stated that the one time they assumed they were the only vehicle on the road would be the one time they would find they weren’t. And all four men believed absolutely in Sod’s law.

“Can you hear music?” asked the senior man present, who was sitting in the front passenger seat. The driver took his foot off the accelerator to let the noise of the engine die down a little as all four listened intently.

They all heard the music now.

“Yeah,” said one in the back.

“So where’s it coming from?” asked the driver.

They all knew the area reasonably well, but none of them knew well enough that they could state categorically where the sounds might be coming from. That is, they knew the roads, not what was behind the high hedges.

They crawled carefully around another bend, all of them having now wound their windows down to try and get a better feel for where the sound might be coming from. It didn’t help that it was intermittent and would die down for a few seconds and then get louder again.

“My side, I think,” said the driver.

“Yeah,” the man sitting behind him agreed.

After a few more seconds or careful listening, the other two also agreed that the sound was ‘somewhere’ to their right.

The road straightened and they could now see for about 500 yards or so in front of them. There was a large hand written sign stuck to a post on the left hand side of the road about half way along. “START” it said, with a huge arrow pointing across the road.

They slowed and as they approached it was obvious that there was a gateway in the hedge leading onto a field.

“Some sort of local event?” one of the men in the back wondered aloud.

“Guess so. Some sort of fun run or cycle race maybe?” wondered the driver.

“Haven’t seen any bikes out and about so it’s unlikely to be that,” the patrol leader murmured. “Nor any extra cars.”

The driver just nodded.

They pulled into the gate and stopped, deliberately blocking the gate so that no-one could leave. This was standard practice and none of them thought anything of it. In front of them, in a field of probably about three or four acres were about two or three hundred people, it was a little hard to tell as they were moving around. Many of them were wearing bright green tops.

“Yeah look,” said the driver, pointing. “He’s got a number on. He’s probably a runner or something.”

“Hmm,” pondered the man in charge. “I don’t remember anything in the daily briefing.”

“Oh shit,” said another. “Does that mean we’ve wandered out of our patch?”

“Bugger. I’d better call it in, just in case. Let’s find out exactly where we are, and what’s going on first. Be careful, we all know what happened to Mally and his guys the other month. Don’t make the same mistake. This is exactly the sort of area the senior officers like to live in, so watch it. Be nice. Be polite. Be everything the plebs think we are.”

The men nodded and smiled. They understood the warning. And it was a lovely warm day, no wind, little cloud, and this was unlikely to be the sort of crowd that would cause trouble. The men relaxed a little. But only a little.

A young woman approached them carrying a clipboard and a radio. “Hi guys, you okay?”

“What’s happening here?” asked the leader curiously.

The woman smiled. “It’s a charity event. We’re raising money for a couple of local hospices.” She turned and pointed across the field. “The runners start over there and run a 5k route through the grounds, come out over there,” she moved her arm and pointed in a slightly different direction. “They can do a second circuit if they like for a 10k, or they can finish after the five, it’s entirely up to them. To finish they go over that obstacle there, then over to the finish line there.” She now pointed at a large black inflatable arch, probably about five meters high in the centre, ten wide, and about a meter deep.

“How come there’s an obstacle at the finish?” asked one of the other men. A few years earlier he might have done something like this himself.

“There’s about twenty-five around the course. You don’t have to go through them, you can go round if you want.”

“Do they lose marks or something if they do?”

She smiled, shaking her head gently. “It’s not a race. Not in the sense you mean. It’s just a bit of fun. They aren’t timed, and in fact they go off at different times so there’s no bunching at the obstacles.”

“Ah. So what... , “

“Hang on Col,” interrupted their leader. “Sorry miss, don’t mean to be rude, but this is registered with the authorities isn’t it?”

She looked startled. “I wasn’t aware it needed to be registered, but I’ll ask.” She turned slightly away from them and pressed a button on her radio. “Sarah to Alan, are you there?”

There was a pause. “Sarah to Alan, come in please.”

Another pause and then she looked at them. “He’s not answering. He may be around the course somewhere, or just busy with something. Come on, I’ll take you over to the organisers’ tent.”

They began to walk. Colin, who was slightly taken by the young woman, moved alongside her. “So which hospices?”

She named two, one of which triggered their driver to move forward also. “Oh my nan was in there about ten year ago. It were lovely and they really cared for her. I reckon that last month or so before she died were the best and most comfortable she’d had for about four years. The nurses were wonderful and she seemed far more relaxed.”

Sarah smiled at him. “I’m glad,” she said softly. “They do do wonderful work. I originally started helping with their fund raising after my dad died of cancer a couple of years ago. They looked after him so well in the last couple of weeks of his life that I felt I just had to do something in return.” She smiled. “I got a couple of my work colleagues to help on last years event, and now this year my boss’s company is one of the sponsors of the event.”

“I’ve never truly understood the point of a hospice,” said another. “I mean, isn’t it just a hospital?”

“Jack, you’re a dick,” said Rudy. “The whole point of a hospice is it’s for people who have a terminal illness and nothing the hospital can do will cure them.”

“The point,” said Sarah firmly, “is that it’s for people in the final stages. People who are now too weak to look after themselves. In too much pain or discomfort. There’s one woman working there who has terminal cancer, but she’s got at very least another six months. Maybe more. It’ll only be in the final couple of weeks that she might need to be admitted. Maybe even only in the last days. It’s also about pain relief. Some diseases can be very painful in the terminal stages. And it’s not only for cancers,” she paused and listened on her radio.

“Sarah to Alan, you there?”

There was a pause, then: “Alan, I’m with some guys from the Patrol, they need to see you so we’re coming over to the control tent.”

Pause. “Okay.”

She tuned to the patrol leader. “Alan’ll be about fifteen minutes. He’s out on the course but he’ll get back here as fast as he safely can.”

“Section leader?”

Rudy turned. “Jer, what?”

“I was just telling Sarah here that my Nan died in the hospice they’re raising funds for. Do you mind if I head over and maybe put some money in their collecting box?” He glanced at Sarah. “I guess you do have something like that?”

She nodded and smiled at him. “You’ll probably find something over by the finish line. Or just go and buy some food from one of the catering vans. They’re all run by us so we get all the profit.”

The section leader looked at him and nodded. “Take Jack with you. Get him properly educated on what a hospice is.” He pointed to a van with a tent next to it. “That looks like it might be a good place to start.”

The two men peeled off and headed in the direction the section leader had pointed. They knew he was also telling them to be observant and to report back if anything looked even slightly ‘odd’.

Colin moved back alongside Sarah, while the section leader flanked her on the other side as they made their way towards the control tent.

The music seemed somewhat intermittent and at the moment the general level of noise was not loud, but it suddenly went up, clapping and cheering, and next moment a group of about ten men ran out of the trees to their left, turned sharply left, and headed away from them at a good pace. The music also picked that moment to get loud again, though not so loud it was impossible to talk.

“They’ve finished the first loop so they’re heading off to do a second loop for ten,” Sarah said with a pleased smile.

“They look very fit,” the section leader pondered.

“We get a lot of club runners from some of the local running clubs. This is good training for them, though it’s not specifically the sort of running they would usually do.”

“What do you mean?” the word ‘training’ had piqued the section leader’s interest.

“Well they would normally do road running. Half marathons, marathons, that sort of thing. A cross country obstacle course fun-run would not normally be their thing. Not for true training anyway.”

“Ah. I see. All right.”

He watched as a couple of older men and women, obviously no where near as fit, ran slowly towards the finish line, bypassing the tall scramble net that was the final obstacle. Then a couple more came out and did scramble up and over the net.

The three paused for a moment, checking to see that the way was clear before crossing the race line. Rudy could see a couple more people struggling towards them. “Large range of fitness levels,” he murmured to no one in particular.

“Yeah. They are likely to be local people and hobbyists, as well as people who have a particular connection with one or other of our sponsors, or with one of the hospices.”

They arrived at the control tent. “Alan’ll be here shortly. I’ll leave you here till he gets back.”

She gave them a smile and wandered off in the direction of the finish line. Colin looked after her, admiring her trim, slim figure.

The section leader clipped him lightly across the back of the head. “Pay attention. Did you notice anything odd about that last group of runners who carried on for the second circuit?”

Colin shook his head. “Can’t say as I did.”

“Look at all the other runners. Apart from the green shirts they’re all wearing, what else do they have in common?”

“The numbers?”

“No! Ignore the shirts. Is there anything else that they all have in common?”

Colin looked carefully. “Um,” he started, “is it that they all,” he paused and shook his head.

“That’s the point,” Rudy told him. “They’re all different. They have different coloured running shorts or trackie bottoms, different running shoes. Look. They are all different.”

Colin was confused. “So?”

“Those ten men. I’ve only just twigged. They weren’t wearing running shoes. They were wearing boots. And they were all wearing dark green combat trousers.”

“Oh. Do you think the Patrol have some runners then?”

“The Patrol? You serious? And even if we did, do you really think we’d run in boots and green combats?”

“Well, no.”

“No. Of course not. Something funny’s going on here.” He paused. “I’m gonna wait here for this Alan, you go off somewhere out of earshot of anyone and call it in. Tell them,” he paused as a small sandy haired man in his late fifties hurried into the tent.

“Gents, hi, sorry about that.” He grinned at them. “Some pillock went off the marked track and disturbed a wasp’s nest. They got a bit annoyed and stung him a couple of times. He’ll be all right but we’ve had to adjust the course slightly to take the runners farther away from the nest.”

He stuck out his hand at the section leader. “Alan Welesley.”

“Section Leader Rudy Inglis. Look, sorry about this, but we weren’t told you were doing anything today. Did you get permission for this event?”

Alan looked surprised. “Permission? We’ve got permission from the land owner, if that’s what you mean. The local ambulance service are aware of where we are in case of emergencies. We’ve got the local St John Ambulance out for first aid cover, and we’ve got insurance cover. I can show you that document.”

Rudy shook his head. “No. With the Patrol. Did you register this event with us?”

Alan shook his head, perplexed. “No. We’ve never done that in the past. We’ve been doing this event since ‘99 and no one has ever complained about us. We’re not close enough to any houses for the music to annoy anyone. Penn House Estate has always welcomed us with open arms.” He gave a small chuckle. “All sorts of filming is done here.”

Rudy shook his head again.

“Not relevant. You should have informed us of this event. It’s the law. Any public event with more than fifty people has to be notified to the local Patrol station no less than seven days before the event. If there’ll be more than two hundred people you need to actually get written permission at least a month before the event. That means you need to tell us at least two months in advance. That’s the law.”

“But, but, no one has ever said anything before now. The local police used to show up occasionally but they never said anything.”

Rudy’s face darkened. “It wasn’t necessary back then. But it’s been law for over a year now. You did this event last year?”

Alan nodded.

“At this time of year?”

Alan nodded again.

“Then that’s twice you broke the law.”

“Oh. Oh. I never knew that.”

“Ignorance is not a defence. That’s been true for a great many years and it’s just as true now.” He turned to Colin. “Go and do what I asked you to do please. You know where we are.”

Colin nodded and left the tent. He too had picked up on Alan’s reference to Penn House.

“What’s he doing?”

“Never you mind. What time did you start this morning?”


“And roughly from what time would you say there were more than fifty people here?”

“Right from the start. We were just setting up. There’s nearly forty people involved in the marshalling alone. Then there’s the catering, the comms, the runners admin. We have a couple of people who’s sole role is general health and safety, plus the first aiders on top of that. There’s easily fifty people, closer to a hundred. The runners didn’t start arriving until just before half nine.”

“And roughly what was the maximum number of people here? Including yourselves.”

“We had one hundred and eighty-seven registered runners before today, plus about another forty or so who registered on the day. Many will have brought family and friends, so say four to five hundred people including spectators. Ish,” he added moments later. “There may have been a few more or a few less.”

“Plus yourselves as the organisers?”


“So up to six hundred all told?”

“I guess.”

“That’s three tiimes the number at which you have to actually ask permission from the Patrol.”

“Oh. Yes. I’m sorry. I didn’t know. I’ll make sure it gets done for next year.”

“If you’re around next year.”


“You broke the law,” Rudy said harshly. “You may not be free to sort it next year.”

“But ... oh.” Alan looked downcast. “What’s going to happen now?” he asked quietly.

“How much longer are you intending to go on?”

“Not too sure. We plan on having everything tidied up and packed away by about two, so the last of the punters gone by one or one thirty at the very latest. The first to actually leave will probably be leaving anytime now, but for most it’ll be noon or so before they start heading off.”

“Do you have the names of everyone who is, or was, here?”

“Only the runners.”

“Well you should have had the names of everyone. That’s the law.”


Rudy was about to add something else when there was a shout outside. “Some arse has blocked the gate. I can’t get my car out.”

Alan went pale with fright and almost scuttled out of the tent.

Rudy followed. He was furious, but remembering what he’d told his men earlier, he reigned it in. For the moment.

“That’s our vehicle,” he said coldly. “I’ll shift it when I’m happy that no laws have been broken. And at the moment I’m not happy.”

The man who had obviously shouted looked shocked. “Oh. I’m sorry. Your car isn’t marked up.” He suddenly looked up. “You should get it marked up, I can do that for you. At no cost to you obviously.”

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Chapter Seven

Chapter seven! The words echoed silently through the hallway, reverberated in his ears, rolled down the marble, or was it granite, stairway. Chapter seven accompanied him as he walked through the lobby, his shoes squeaking on the polished floor. He listened to the squeaks and noticed the accompanying sharp clicking high heels beside him. She walked beside him now, just like she had stood beside him, worked beside him and finally failed beside him as the papers were signed and initialed and...

2 years ago
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Teacher Under The Train With Student

Hi, all Indian Sex Stories readers dot net readers. This is madhan again, first of all, thanks to all indian sex stories readers for 10000+ likes (, and all your feedback. I have been getting a lot of requests from my female readers. Please share your views and correction. Any unsatisfied or wanna have fun type of aunties/girls in and around Mysore/Bangalore can mail/hangout me on and 100% secrecy is ensured. About Me: I...

3 years ago
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Everything Is For A Cause

The most beautiful and unforgettable moment in life is the first romance, comprising of shyness, happiness,curiosity, satisfaction so on.. That feel cannot be explained in words available in dictionary. Sex is enjoyed at the fullest when done as a part of love not as a part of work is my point of view and my belief. That beautiful moment was experienced by me was recently with my partner who is as sweet as a fruit, as beautiful as a flower. Myself a guy with different point of view and...

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My down fall with texting Part 2

My down fall with texting Part 2. Jessica and I have now exchanged bodies; these is my 1st day as Jessica and have an ordeal of a dreaded visit from my wife, my former self is out playing golf and in this episode I get my first spanking. By Jessica Kingston Part 1, Tells of my truthful early days, leading into my fantasies, one being Jessica and me swopping bodies for 9 months. The visit from the wife. I ran downstairs and opened the front door and let her in, she just pushed...

1 year ago
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ExxxtraSmall Eva Yi Wasabi Little Me

Eva Yi is a tiny wisp of an Asian girl with perky little tits. Shes hanging out on the deck, enjoying the sunshine in her sheer white bathing suit. Our stud gets there and shes happy to see them. He takes her back to his bedroom to have his way with her. He handles her roughly, wrapping his hand around her throat and playfully choking her. He pounds her tight Asian pussy hard and makes her moan loudly in ecstasy. After he blows his heavy load all over her face, she keeps sucking on it,...

2 years ago
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Visit to the Doctor part 3

It's worth reading the first two parts, but if you don't want to, a young man with a tiny cock visitors his Dr who recognises him as sissy material, he grooms him on X hamster, and the young man to his delight realises his role in lifePart 3After the doctor had had his way with me (although in truth the dedicated sissy I felt that I had my way with him) we sat and talked for a while.He was asking me how I felt about my transition from inadequate heterosexual to a promiscuous sissy who took...

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Carrieby Her friend said, ?I heard on the radio that a major Hollywood studio is going to make a feature film near here.  Wouldn’t it be neat if they are hiring extras??  Carrie thought about that, and then she went through the classified ads in the newspaper.  She spotted one: Want to act in the movies?  There was a local number to call, so she did.?Yeah?? said a woman’s voice.?I’m calling about the ad in the paper, about acting in the movies???Ya wanna screen test???Yes, please.??Lafayette...

1 year ago
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The Neighbour Lady 8211 Part 2

Email: I hope you readers enjoyed my experience in part 1 of the sex  story. I have received mails from readers of this website and thanks to you. You are my inspiration. So I went home that day in disbelief and couldn’t sleep properly. I didn’t know what was it that was disturbing me. I slept very late and hence woke up late and tired the next day. I was looking for Ragini everyday from then. Hoping to meet her in the morning or evening. So I took different trains everyday for a week. But...

4 years ago
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The ProtectorChapter 75

When the Sheriff got there, Verna was just waking up and Farley helped her to her feet. She immediately started shouting and cussing me. She was foaming from the mouth so much she looked like she had rabies. You could tell by looking at her that her mind had somehow slipped away. The Sheriff stood in the doorway and watched awhile before he came in. "Jon, I don't have the facilities for someone in her condition. I can hold her in the small cell, but by law, not for over twelve hours before...

2 years ago
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Aditi 8211 Hot Houseguest Girl Fucked

Hey guys! This is Khattameetha, and I am here to share the story of my first sexual experiences and the special lady I shared them with. I am a 21-year-old guy from Delhi, and what follows was one of the best experiences of my life. Also, this story is pretty long, so if that isn’t what you like, move on. It was during my vacations in the summer months of 2018, that is, last year. It starts with me getting to know one of my mom’s old friend’s daughter, Aditi was visiting Delhi. She had to...

4 years ago
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First time with a shemale in public

So its been a minute since my last story on here so I'm back with hopefully another banger. Let me know what you think, feedback is always appreciated. :) This story took place around February 14th aka Valentine's Day.For awhile I've been contemplating downloading the Grindr app to seek transgender hookups in my area because where I live, you don't see a lot of that going on so I was reluctant about getting the app. Before the corona virus, I decided to say fuck it and download it. So I'm...

4 years ago
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Second Opinion

It was the last big party of the summer, and with few exceptions, all the guests agreed that it was the best they’d had in four years at Boulder Ridge High School. Technically, their days at Boulder Ridge had ended some six weeks before with graduation, but the numerous parties that had begun with prom night had delayed their final parting until tonight. Come Monday morning, the first of them would spread out across the country to the various colleges they would be attending. Nevertheless, for...

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RequitalChapter 1 Mid June

Cheaters are exposed in so many ways. Sometimes it's an overheard phone call, an email left visible on a computer monitor, or text messages not deleted from a cell phone memory. There's always the chance a friend, a business associate, or a family member will see the wayward wife or husband with the other person. Occasionally, the cheaters are discovered in flagrante delicto--when a spouse comes home early, for instance. And God help cheaters who talk in their sleep. When you think about...

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Sexy Nurse Fucked At Hill Station

Hi this is Sathyan from tamilnadu and i am a doctor by profession and here i am going to narrate another story of a nurse , how she enjoyed with me. To start with in our hospital we have lots of gynecology patients. They started to come because our chief’s wife is a gynecologist , she then started to appoint new staff nurses, so few new girls were appointed as staff nurses and in that there were a gang of three malayalie girls who look really very cute and sexy. The three girls names were priya...

2 years ago
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The Honeymoon 8211 Part 3

Hi friends, I am back. I read all your mails. I am very happy with the response the story is getting and didn’t expect that people will like my story so much. Thanks for all the love and I hope you will enjoy this part. After giving me the glass, Reema excused herself to the bathroom. I was not able to figure out what Reema up to because if she wanted me to drink that water then why did she went away after giving me the glass. Moreover, the way she prepared the glass, it seemed that she...

4 years ago
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My Isekai Life in DD FireChapter 44 Isekai Life Lewd Mark

Voss was glad to be back. He joined us leaving the audience hall, and we were glad to have him back. The Theodore Esche Royal Harem was a pretty exclusive club, and I got the sense that as much as Enna found all the debauchery amusing to watch from the outside, it would eventually drive a wedge between her and the rest of us if she was the only one left out. Voss being in the mix made us a team which happened to include the harem, rather than the harem plus Enna. Bekker not counting in this...

1 year ago
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Just One Night

Harmony blushed as she took the flowers, her wet eyes glistening. ‘They’re beautiful,’ she whispered. With one hand she tenderly, lightly, stroked the rose petals. ‘It’s only the best for my girl,’ Gary boomed. His husky voice, low and resounding, echoed through the old building’s entryway corridor. Harmony swallowed hard, trying not to look directly at him. ‘Thank you,’ she mumbled. ‘I can take those, dear,’ her mother interjected, reaching around Harmony to grab at them. ‘You two need to...

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Why Did You Kiss Me Ch 1 A Terminator The Sarah Connor Chronicles fanfiction

"What are you doing?" Sarah asked after a moment. "Watching a movie," Cameron replied without turning her head. "Really," Sarah moved forward so that she was standing next to the couch looking down at the young girl. Despite the cold night Cameron wore only a thin tank top and boxers. Sarah couldn't help but notice how the cool air had caused her nipples to harden so that they made very noticeable points in her top. Sarah swallowed. "Shouldn't you be outside patrolling or...

1 year ago
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Ad Astra per Aspera

Majors Monroe and Jackson walked through the hallways of Leavenworth Federal Penitentiary arguing. Major Monroe was barely controlling his anger and growled, "I think this is a very bad idea. Picking Private Summers for this duty is at best ludicrous and is at worst a travesty of justice. You do know why he was put behind bars?" "Of course. He beat a Second Lieutenant nearly to death after the same Second Lieutenant attempted to rape one of his friends. If Private Summers hadn't...

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Slave Follows Her Masters Instructions and Meets H

The night before her mind was going in circles imagining what would transpire the next day. Just the ideas that filled her mind made her so hot, but she was told to be a good girl and not touch herself. The next morning she awoke with a dripping wet pussy, even in her dreams she was filled with excitement about today's events. She left the house that morning excited and anxious. Her master gave her a very specific set of instructions. She did not even need to read the instructions, she had...

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Twins A Love StoryChapter 2

Rule #1 was nice, simple, and self-explanatory: No fucking. Rule #2 was simple in concept, but more difficult in execution: If either of them were at a point where they thought they could not keep from fucking, they had to stop. John was more than happy to comply with this rule; he had no desire whatsoever to rape his sister. But at the time neither of them really knew where that point would come or what would trigger it. And it was confusing. Sue would invoke the rule, yet a few days later...

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Principal Ke Bete Se Apni Choot Ki Pyas Bujhayi

By: Nancy Kal raat bhi wahi hua jo mere sath kai dino se ho raha tha mere pati nei mujhe raat ko jee bhar ke garam kiya aur jab mei puri tarah se garam ho kar mat chudai ke liye tadapne lagi to wo madarchod mujhe meri choot ki pyas ke sath chhod kar jhad gaya. Mein use gali dete hue bolia, madarchod, bahan ke laude, jab tujh mei meri choot ki garmi nikalne ki taqat hi nahi hai to har raat ko yaha apni maa chudvane kyo aa jata hai aab tu to apna yeh mera sa lund le kar so jayega Par meri choot...

2 years ago
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Now that we both knew we were bi or world changed

How my wife found out I was Bi continued. After our first night in Jamaica, we were so excited to see how far we could push our vacation. I was awakened by the feeling of a deepthroat blowjob, I looked down and saw Pete going to town while my wife sucked my balls and Pete's wife Becky made herself a seat on my tongue. Pete took his time, licking and sucking. And Becky had the sweetest tasting pussy, and she was a squirter too. My wife who's name is Alexandria or Alex for short, was now sucking...

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Anhiem Institute

**** FEEDBACK AND COMMENTS ARE GREATLY APPRECIATED!! Please Email me through the link below. **** ********************* ‘I’m really proud of you, son. I mean that’. Randall Masterson’s dads sudden outburst brought him back rudely back into the world of the living just as he was about to fall asleep. It was the first time his dad had said anything since they left the institute nearly two hours ago. Randall hadn’t really known what he was expected to say, and he figured his father had lapsed...

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Charlottes New Job Part 9

"Well, Peter, since it is 4:30 now and it's already been a busy day, can we just go to see the Grauman's Chinese Theatre and the Walk of Fame?" she asked. It took about twenty minutes to drive the eight miles or so to the theater due to the afternoon traffic. But they made it and they were able to find parking nearby.They crossed the street and began walking down Hollywood Boulevard looking at all the stars on the famous Walk of Fame. They walked past Grauman's Chinese Theatre and she asked...

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Happy birthday David

m/f, Mm/f, oral, 1st, prost. We had just gotten home from my son's 16th birthday party. David wanted a pizza party so I took him and his friends to the neighborhood pizza joint. It was a fun party for him but I could tell that he was not sure if it was his last kids party or his first adult party. It was the first time he had invited girls to one of his parties. There was David and four of his best friends that he had hung out with all his life and two girls. David...

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Dolly Part Eight

WARNING this is part eight of a multi-part Story that will include permanent extreme forced feminization, intense humiliation and forced sex acts, if you do not like this kind of story do not read. The events depicted are pure fantasy and have no place in real life. My Hero Cheryl Lynn very kindly helped with the editing. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Daniel regained full consciousness lying on a rubber sheeted hospital bed, the overhead...

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Hotwife Lifestyle

Understanding Our Man’s Hotwife Fantasy and How to Use That to Our AdvantageThe fantasy of having a “Hotwife” is growing, in fact, research shows it is growing at a higher rate than a good majority of the other lifestyle alternatives, including the old staple of “swinging” and the modern “open relationship”. Why is it that a fantasy that revolves around only one part of a relationship – the woman – going out and finding pleasure from another man more intriguing to an increasing number of men...

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The Match

It was Friday night, and time for the big sexual wrestling match that would be broadcast on pay-per-view nationwide. Jordan Driller was set to face Jillian Juggs in a inter-sex match. In this company, the winner gets to fuck the loser on national television, no strings attached. Jordan went to the gym around two to prepare for the match at Seven. He started his routine at the punching bags. He was magnificent at his kicks, with the grace of Bruce Lee as he performed them. His punches could...

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Alien Alterations take 2

Authors note: This is a relaunch of a story I started years ago under another alias. If you like what you read, please do vote. Thanks and enjoy! Another late night, another long and dark walk home. He decided to take a ‘short-cut’ of sorts. The city had just completed building a new ‘super’ park; it was about 150 acres of BMX courses, roller hockey, softball and baseball fields, and a lot more. Most of it looked like it was a part of the mountains. It wasn’t open yet, but cutting across it...

Mind Control
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Son in need

Hello Folks. I’m Faizal from Bihar. I’d like to narrate my experience with you. My mother was married at an early age of 15 to my father. This is regular among the Muslims in Northern part of Bihar and particularly in Patna where I live. My father is employed in Saudi Arabia for the last 14 years. He comes home only once or twice a year. As a young boy I was interested in watching members of the other sex and I got excited by heavy boobs. Usually my mother slept with me when I was a young boy....

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Marriage Is A Compromise Part 1

Marriage is a Compromise, Part 1 "Hello?" Parker spoke into his phone as he sat at his kitchen table, bills and bank statement spread in front of him. "Yes. Yes. I understand, but I spoke to someone there earlier in the week and I explained my situation. You see, my company has been on strike for going on seven months and..." Olivia put down her dish cloth and pulled out a chair to sit near her husband. She couldn't hear what was being said on the other end of the conversation,...

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Its VEGAS Baby Pt1

It was the fall of 1968, Mom asked me if I would like to go to Las Vegas with her and Patty, I was like 'Does a bear shit in the woods?' OF COURSE, I wanted to go. I had just turned 18 a couple months earlier, and was aware that I wouldn't be able to gamble, but it was, VEGAS, BABY. I asked when, and was told that we were going for a convention of dentists, that was to be in town on Friday through Tuesday. "DENTISTS?, Mom? You having tooth problems?" She laughed and said "No, that they are a...

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