Maude'sChapter 3 free porn video

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Gary placed himself before the young teen, "Allison?" He held out his hand.

"Call me Allie." The girl took his hand and used it to haul herself out of the chair, and then let go, turning a courtly gesture into lifting dead weight and nearly toppling Gary in surprise.

"If you'll follow me..." Gary led off diffidently; Allie, head down, her backpack making her look hunchbacked, duck-walked ungracefully behind him.

Maude rubbed her face. "Mr. Sheppard..."

"Do what you can," Morris Sheppard cut her off. "No one expects miracles. Some of that..." he waved at his departing daughter, "is a deliberate attempt to be unpalatable - a defense mechanism."

"We hope," his wife muttered under her breath. Clearly, SHE wasn't convinced.

Delicately, Maude asked, "Is she yours?"

The woman flicked a glance at her husband. "No. But I've tried..." Morris looked disapproving, and she shut up.

"Can you show us a place to retire?" Morris demanded.

"Certainly," Maude sighed, and led the couple away.

In Room Four, Gary turned to Allie and, gathering himself, began, "I think the backpack should go, don't you?"

"Yeah." Allie eyed him and dropped a shoulder so she could roll it off. When it hit the floor, she returned her attention to the nice-looking old guy before her, "Look, I know what I look like..."

"The question is, 'why?' This has to be deliberate," Gary opined.

"Well, it is and it isn't," Allie replied. "I'm ugly, anyway - this way I don't have to pretend to compete."

"You're in the competition whether you want to be or not," Gary chided.

"I'm working on dead last."

"You won't make THAT, either," Gary told her, "I can tell."

Allie grimaced. "That was gonna be my claim to fame."

"Better plan on something new," Gary advised.

"Why am I doing this?" Allie asked. "I'm not going anywhere."

"You should."

"I won't."

"Then why ARE you here?"

"To lose my cherry," Allie replied. "THAT, I can do. And when it's done, at least I can remember THAT. You're gonna show me a good time, aren't you, Mister?"

"I'm going to do my absolute best, Allie. Promise." He twirled his finger. "Why don't you get out of that... ?"

"Aren't we supposed to be concentrating on you?" Allie challenged.

"I'm not a Chippendale, Hon. There won't be any striptease or dancing. We're going to handle the mechanics of the thing and I'm going to do my best to make it pleasant - but I need to see your goodies, too, and that dress is in the way," Gary told her.

"I don't have any goodies," Allie declared flatly.

"That's for ME to determine," Gary retorted. "Your opinion doesn't count because you're all down on yourself in the first place and you're not male in the second place."

"Guys don't..." Allie began.

"Young guys? Young guys are idiots, Hon. If I knew then what I know now..."

"Yeah, well..."

"So you can have, what, four guys? You realize, of course, that you can take wise old bulls like me and make them young again - everywhere but between the ears, where it counts!" Gary pointed out.

"Well, that assumes..."

"That you're worth looking at? Why don't you shut up and unbutton that dress and we'll find out?" It was time to lean a little.

Allie's eyes popped behind the eyeglasses - but she reached for the buttons on the front of her dress. "You don't have to be nasty!"

"I'm not - I'm just tired of us wasting time while you tell me all about what you don't have. It's time to show me what you don't have and get my independent opinion on it!" Gary replied. "We could talk all night - but that wouldn't accomplish even what YOU want from this!"

"Yeah, well, sorry! I'm a little..." Allie's face began to quiver.

"Scared?" Gary stepped forward and took her in his arms. "It'll be fine." He rubbed her back. "You feel good."

"Maybe I can hunt down a blind guy, then," Allie sniffled.

"I really don't think you'll have to settle for that," Gary murmured, "although I'd hate to think I was robbing the blind."

"You talk nice, anyway," Allie muttered. There was more to it than that; his hands on her sides and back felt wonderful! "I have to bend over..."

Gary stepped back. "Shoes and socks while you're at it."


"If you had less than a six point five you wouldn't even bother to ask," Gary replied. "Everything and anything is open season. Besides, you're kidding with those things, right?"

Allie shrugged while she undid the bottom button of the dress. "They're part of my disguise. Wait till you see the beard!"

Gary chuckled. "Hurry up! When you're naked, you get to undress me!"

"Now THAT's a silver lining!" Allie grinned tremulously as she looked up from getting out of the ugly sandals and socks. Working the dress off her arms, she placed it on the backpack, revealing a plain white bra and panties.

"Okay, so, where's the third eye?" Gary asked, looking her over. Okay, she had wide hips and a big ass - and stocky legs. Okay, so her breasts looked a little saggy. "Have you lost weight?"

Allie's eyes popped. "You've never... !"


Allie eyed him suspiciously. "You've seen pictures?"

"No. Nothing before tonight. Why would I have to fight you out of your clothing to get a look if I had?"

"Then where did that crack about my weight come from?"

"It was a guess. You look like you weighed more - maybe..."

"Forty pounds."


"Yeah, big whup. Look what it did for me." She threw out her hands.

"Take your bra off."

"So you can laugh?"

"No, so I can get at 'em. They're an erogenous zone."

"Okay." Eyeing him sullenly, she undid the catch and leaned forward to drop the straps off her shoulders. Yeah, they sagged - because five to ten pounds of the forty she lost had been on her chest, probably. Gary reached in and cupped one - it was soft and heavy and pleasant to the touch - and all natural.



"Let's see the rest."

"So you can lie about THAT, too?"

"Now, Allie. Quit hiding behind your anger. No one is going to hurt you here."

"You already have!" Allie pouted - but she stepped out of her granny panties, revealing a luxurious amount of pubic bush.

"Shut up and come here!" Gary demanded. She was going to piss and moan until he gave her reason to forget it. When she was in close, he said, "Tilt your head to the left."

Allie did as she was told and Gary stepped in, put a hand in the small of her back and a hand on one ass cheek, leaned in and applied his lips to her neck.

"AAHHH!" Goosebumps went everywhere as Allie instinctively clutched him to her. "You don't have to have sex with me, Mister - if you do that for a few minutes, my whole year is made!"

"We're going for the big one, Hon," Gary breathed in her ear, "Hang on and enjoy it!"

"Seriously, I know I'm ... uuuhhhhhh..." Allie ran out of thought process.

"Shut up, Allie," Gary singsonged into her ear. "I could go out in the street and find twenty guys to have sex with you based on a picture - but you're all mine for now!"

Allie's belly was a butterfly habitat. "Unh huh," she gasped. "You got that right. You can say fuck. I like dirty words."

"Good," Gary breathed. "Whatever you think you look like, I'm here to tell you I've had worse - MUCH worse! I'm gonna fuck your brains out - and I'm gonna enjoy it - a lot!"

"Oohhh ... Shit ... Please?" The arms wrapped around her were the only thing that kept her from melting into a puddle in front of him. Her pussy was ... squishy. Her nipples rubbed his shirt and sent shivers down her spine. "I want it. I want to see it. Please?"

Gary let go of her. "Come get it. Undress me." He was stone hard under his clothing. He could SMELL her wet musk. They were going to fuck all right ... This wasn't a training session any more - it was nothing that clinical. He was going to pop Allie's cherry and then pin her to the mattress with his cock - not because some lesson plan said to, but because they both wanted it. He bent forward so that Allie - with shaking hands - could pull his golf shirt over his head, then kicked out of his shoes while she feverishly worked at his belt.

"They're out of control in there," Maude mused, watching the video feed.

"It is for the best. The female's self-image is extremely poor. This will be a validation of her worth. Speech is sometimes inadequate - this will be more effective," the AI intoned.

"Do you chafe at that limitation?" Maude asked.


"I wasn't going to stop them - I'm just making an observation."

"Gary Oberndorfer knows instinctively what to do. His mate has various issues. He is practiced at when to go gently and when to assume command. They are communicating. The young female is fully committed. All is well."

"I agree," Maude replied.

Allie, panting, was trying to push Gary's pant legs off without looking at what she was doing - because her gaze was locked with the single blind eye of Gary's erect, purple capped penis. It waved before her eyes like a cobra, mesmerizing her. "Oohh! My God!" she breathed. "It's ... beautiful!"

Gary got a leg free, somehow, and stood on his pants so he could pull his other leg out. "Go to the bed!"

Allie didn't argue - she ran! "Where? How?"

"Lie on your back with your butt on the edge and grab your knees!" Gary directed. Allie complied just as rapidly as she could. Gary surprised her by dropping to his knees in front of her dripping snatch. "Wow! What a furburger! I was going to lick you, but you're soaked!" He leaned in anyway and attacked Allie's clitoris directly, sucking the hard bump under the surprisingly protuberant hood between his lips.

"OMIGAAAAWD!" Allie screamed, convulsing as an orgasm flashed up on her from nowhere and exploded. "FUUUUCK!"

She was gone and back in only a few quivering seconds; Gary rubbed his glans along her drooling split, between her large, rubbery inner lips. "Want it?"

"Yes! Do it! NOW!" Allie stretched up from the bed, her expression intense.

Most times, with most girls, defloration is better handled as a slow, gentle process - but THIS time, under THESE circumstances, with THIS girl ... Gary seated his glans in the opening, locked eyes with Allie, and shoved his cock into her to the root!

Allie erupted in an ear-splitting scream of pure joy, "EEEEEEEAAAAAHHHHH!!!!! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!" Her pussy pulsed in orgasm as Gary hit bottom. If she had much in the way of a hymen, neither she nor Gary noticed it. Gary set up a punishing stroke - and Allie sucked it up happily, crossing her ankles behind his back and flexing her knees to make sure he got in deep while holding his biceps in her hands. "FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!" she chanted, punctuating every stroke with an entreaty to keep pounding.

It didn't last long - there was no way it could, really, the way they were going at one another - it was too intense. It wasn't forty seconds later that Allie went "OoooooOOOoooOOOHHH!" and arched her back, then her eyes rolled up and she began to shake and an orgasm that made the two previous pops seem like a ripple shook her - and by extension, Gary - like a terrier shakes a rat! Her pussy turned into a milking machine and she crushed Gary against her crotch with her legs so he couldn't escape; all he could do was roar and pump gusher after gusher of seed into her clutching tunnel!

Allie drifted back as if from a great height. She opened her eyes to see the man who had transported her still hovering above her. "OMIGOD! That was AWESOME!"

Allie unlocked her ankles and Gary struggled closer to the vertical before echoing the sentiment, "I'll say! That was the shortest - but the wildest - fuck I've ever had! You're one hot piece of ass!" Under other circumstances, Gary would never have expressed his admiration in that particular manner - but he and Allie had an understanding. Being a little rude and little vulgar got Allie off, so it wasn't a problem with Gary.

"Really?" Allie beamed.

"Absolutely!" Gary confirmed. "You wrap those legs around a guy and he's a goner! The big question is going to be how many guys it will take to keep up with you!"

"She'll settle down in a bit," a voice announced in a businesslike manner, "but she's still going to be hotter than the average." Both Gary and Allie jumped and turned startled glances on Fiona, who had drawn pickup duty. "Unfortunately, we're on a schedule, so neither of you can loiter. Gary, you can clean up in the bath on the left, then go through to debriefing. Allie, we need to talk about this and that." Fiona chivvied Gary out of the room.

Gary took a quick shower and climbed back into his clothing - Allie and Fiona were nowhere to be seen when he diffidently stuck his head into Room Four to collect his discarded clothing. Then he headed off to Maude's office, to hear all about how he screwed things up...

Instead, the AI announced, "You have fulfilled expectation, Gary Oberndorfer. While the approach was unusual, the results were optimal - the student was extremely pleased and came away from the lesson with increased confidence."

Gary shrugged, embarrassed. "I went with my instincts. It wasn't the way I planned it and I wouldn't handle things that way normally, but she had certain needs..."

"You have good instincts," Maude congratulated him. "When you penetrated her, I thought I was going to have a heart attack - and then I realized she was having an orgasm! Amazing!"

"She was ... very needy," Gary muttered. "She would wander if you coddled her - you had to rein her in. If you didn't let her feel sorry for herself, things went well. Pleasure isn't something she gets a lot of..."

"Given an opportunity, she took maximum advantage of it," the AI summarized.

"You didn't get in much in the way of cunnilingus," Maude noted. "She'll be ready for fellatio in an hour or so - will you?"

"Yeah, I think so - I've got another charge in me."

"Good. For now, Fiona has her in hand," Maude murmured. "You can nap in Room Four if you like." She flicked a switch and Fiona and Allie could be seen on the screen. Allie was still nude; Fiona was talking to her while brushing out her hair. "Fiona may be present to supervise. By the way, Emily had nothing but praise for Chuck's efforts - and having seen the reports, I agree with her. He's ahead of the curve already."

Gary didn't know what to say, so he limited himself to, "Thanks," and went back to Room Four and collapsed on the only mildly mussed bed.

When he awoke, it was because the lights had come up. Allie was there, with Fiona. She was still nude, but apparently a lot more comfortable about it. Her hair looked clean and glossy, and Gary thought he detected subtle make-up - certainly she didn't look as pink and oily as before and there were no obvious blemishes in the works on her face. Her pubic bush wasn't, anymore - she had a nicely defined patch of hair there, not a wilderness. Even her stance was a bit different - less rooted and clumsy. "I'm ba-ack..." she said softly.

Same as Maude's
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That unforgettable Tuesday I had quarreled with my sweet Ana and I had ended slamming the front door and going to a nearer bar.Two hours later, after having some drinks there, I came back home.I had decided to spend the night in the guest room; so I passed in front of our main bedroom’s door and found it was closed.A while later I heard some moans and I thought Ana would be watching some porn alone; but I then noticed the unmistakable soft voice of my sensual wife begging to be fucked harder…I...

1 year ago
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Eve continued on her path down the long graveled country lane. With just a small suitcase in hand and the clothes on her back, she was determined to get away from the miserable existence of her past life. Growing up was difficult, shuffled around and being seen as an 'unwanted child' to some, while a few tried to take advantage of her. But now she had turned eighteen, she could do what she wanted, go where she wanted. No adult to watch over her. No one to tell her what to do. This is what life...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
2 years ago
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My Fucking Forest

My Fucking Forest I needed some help and my sister-in-law needed a break from Beth. Well Beth is short for Bethany and she just turned fourteen and apparently gained an attitude. So it was, that we were stuck with each other for the entire summer. I was a confirmed bachelor as it was. Oh don’t get me wrong I have dated and once I even found the girl of my dreams, however I was too stupid to realize it. She found my brother. Yes, my sister-in-law is the girl of my dreams and has been...

3 years ago
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New Girl

Mary is 19 her first day at school first time away from home. Her mom and dad helped her move in two days ago but now it was real no one to fall back on. Thing went pretty good till History, World history it was her worst thing but she had to have it. Walking in the teacher a woman about 35 tall and classy her hair lite brown she had eyes on Mary from door to seat. Walking around the class she looked the students up and down moving them where she wanted them. Mary she sat right in her line of...

2 years ago
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Happy Hour

Men and women both have said they were intimidated by me. Actually, they were concerned, anxious with what I consider to be a very striking appearance, and, the clothes I wear to spotlight that look. Men always take a second glance. In heels, I’m nearly 5-10, with long brown hair which d****s to my bosom, an ample chest which is accentuated by a slender waist and long legs. I favor tight dresses which expose cleavage and thigh and focus on my hourglass silhouette. I don’t need a Wonder bra to...

4 years ago
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Business trip

I’m Ashok, a proud man, in my early thirties. This is the story of one of my business trips and what happened when I got home early one day. First I have to tell you my wife, a woman in her mid-thirties and beautiful as an angel and equally sexy, and I have a very open marriage. I told her if I was out of town that it was OK to get her satisfactions elsewhere. She told me that she didn’t want anyone but me but I knew better. You see I knew she got horny when I wasn’t there. So that’s where this...

2 years ago
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PASsport Happening Encounters Day 27

8PHE0027 word count 4646 ******** Day 27, Sunday Kinny woke up in a familiar way. Familiar but different. He was getting a blowjob from Joi. But he was wearing a condom. "Hi." Kinny smiled. "Hi, yourself." She went back at it. It felt nice but it wasn't working for him. She pressed the button on his remote. Joi zapped Kinny's prostate twice, three times. Kinny didn't protest. He welcomed it. He sighed and basked in the afterglow. Joi stripped the condom off...

3 years ago
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The Watchers

She strutted down the catwalk, with an almost feline grace, her curvaceous body undulating to the beat of the music, clad only in a two piece string bikini, that clearly revealed the lush flesh of her legs, thighs, and breast. Walking with quick  steps, and a rhythmic swing in her ass, she had an almost hypnotic appeal, and especially to John, whose attention was riveted on her. To him she wasn't just sexy. She exuded sex in every step. She came closer and closer to him until he was looking...

3 years ago
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Dead Rosed

I haven't been able to sleep lately. I started a new shift at work, and it seems like the world is always asleep, while I'm awake at crazy hours, working hard to afford the life I want us to live. I never wanted her to feel like I didn't care about her needs, because I do. I guess I just have trouble exspressing how I feel sometimes. But i do it all for her. I do it all for us. She says I don't try hard enough to make time for her. She says that I concern myself too much with money, and the...

3 years ago
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After Midnight chapter 19

Strung up in that room; hanging, alone with her own thoughts, Candice knew nothing about Andy strolling around the venue handing out flyers. They were easy to read, her statement and an invitation to watch. When anyone showed any interest, he encouraged them to come.“She wants an audience,” Andy said to anyone who asked. “Being watched is important for her, but she’ll be wearing a blindfold. You can see everything, but she won’t see you.”Over the next half hour, Candice heard the door open and...

1 year ago
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How I Met Her Revised corrected spacing

I had been in the Marine Corps for slightly more than 6 years, the better part of four of them spent in the jungles of South Vietnam and now I was about to be involuntarily separated from the service I loved. Rather than take my discharge on the East Coast I had elected to remain in California with a buddy of mine who had gotten out six months before. He was one of the “lucky ones” I guess and had served his entire tour at Cam Ranh Bay working in intelligence at the US Naval Air Facility...

3 years ago
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Playing To Win Playing The Game IIChapter 41 Points Of The Compass North And South

The next few weeks were the most hectic of my life. We were on the home stretch toward graduation, and the pace was picking up. Two weeks after Prom, there was a banquet scheduled for the athletes who competed on all the school teams. It was held in a large banquet hall, and there were about a thousand people in attendance, students and families, coaches and administrators. The Athletic Banquet was one of the highlights of the school year, because it was the only time all the teams were...

3 years ago
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The Tree House Book 2Chapter 19

Michelle leaned into Lindie and as she rolled onto her back, Michelle's left leg came up over Lindie's. I snuggled against Michelle's back and put my arm up over her giving her complete protection from the demon thunder that had broken our reverie. I had to laugh because when I shifted my left hand to search out Lindie's right breast, there already was a small hand there nestling over it. As I shifted my hand away from Michelle's, it quickly reached for mine, replacing it on Lindie's...

3 years ago
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Bible Camp BluesChapter 16

The beads of sweat formed on Marten’s face as he fought back the urge to cum, more than once holding himself back, partly due to the desire to drag out the delights of fucking Kathy for the first time (that he recalled). Nicole didn’t help matter as she spread Kathy’s butt-cheeks and licked her booty without any shame whatsoever. In fact, she later confessed to me that she “could eat that derriere for the rest of the night without any trouble at all.” As it was, Kathy admitted to me that,...

1 year ago
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A Mothers Gift

A MOTHER?S GIFT By Tammie Anne Freeman Deborah Johnson watched her son Mark and her daughter Karen playing with dolls. Although Mark was older, Karen was two inches taller than him. Deborah saw that Mark was wearing a dress. Karen had been getting her older brother to wear her old dresses ever since she had grown taller than him. Deborah wondered if Mark was wearing panties. Knowing Karen?s attention to detail, she guessed that he probably was. Deborah worried about her...

2 years ago
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The Affairs

Introduction: not so sexy > The 1st Affair>> A married man was having an affair> with his secretary.> One day they went to her place> and made love all afternoon.> Exhausted, they fell asleep> and woke up at 8 PM ..> The man hurriedly dressed> and told his lover to take his shoes> outside and rub! them in the grass and dirt.> He put on his shoes and drove home.> "Where have you been?" his wife demanded.> "I can't lie to you," he replied,> "I'm having...

2 years ago
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I8217m a long legged babe with a hard belly tight ass and overall good looks to go with my big tits the kind of chick my husband says is built f

It’s really not all Bob’s fault I’m the way I am, but he’s mostly to blame. During those early first years of our marriage I was so shy I wouldn’t even undress in front of him and we never made love with the lights on. I know it sounds funny, but since I turned 13 years old guys have been ogling my huge tits and I was always embarrassed and ashamed of them, as well as the rest of my body. I’ll never forget the day that changed our lives. It all started with...

3 years ago
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Interesting fantasy of mine or interesting Part of

So it's Friday night, I'm picking up a girl at the station. Nothing serious, an ex lover I haven't seen for a while. We had chemistry before and few inhibitions so I'm slightly excited and slightly nervous at the same time. I'm playing it safe tonight, Got dinner at home and a movie, if there's no spark or anything that was there is gone, we'll still have a good night. In fact whilst I've been fantasizing of all the stuff we might do I've accepted that fucking someone you haven't seen in 2...

3 years ago
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Resetting My Bitch ButtonChapter 49

Victor’s kids eventually did ask questions. It took them a while to process what they were seeing and realize it was actually happening. Some of the questions were in Spanish. This is my best guess as to what they asked. “What is that in your butt?” Juan asked. Victor twirled his fingers and whistled to indicate that his daughter should turn around but keep marching in place with precision. “This is my tail, Sir.” “How do you fart with that in your butt?” “Girls don’t fart, Sir.” I found...

3 years ago
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The GauntletChapter 30

At the Duel Jacques Le Gris leaned into the saddle as his horse charged across the field, bearing down on Jean de Carrouges, who had yet to sit back upright. Jean could hear the sound of the horse running toward him. He grabbed onto the saddle horn and hauled himself up. His horse was well trained to combat and immediately ran to meet the challenge, without having to be told. Jean struggled to focus, staring through the narrow gap in his visor, his own heavy breathing sounding louder inside...

3 years ago
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Across the Unclaimed LandsChapter 8

The village accompanied us on the first part of our journey Eastward, since they were moving to take advantage of the provender of the earlier spring to be found there. At one point a blind old bull of the gigantic deer charged our march, scattering the column to the winds. I held my ground to protect my sledge from wreckage, planting my stout boar spear firmly in the stoney soil, and aiming my point at the monstrous deer's head. The leverage of the neck overturned the creature, and my...

4 years ago
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The Wifes promotion

With the last few items shoved into my clothing bag, I zipped it up and placed it along with my wife's into our car. Going back inside I walked into the kitchen where Joyce, my wife, was finishing up her breakfast. "Ready for the trip?" I asked her. With a mouth full of food she smiled and nodded. We were on our way this morning to a nice resort hotel a few hours away. My wife works in sales for a large national company and for the past year, she had done well and had been invited to the...

1 year ago
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RedemptionChapter 5

The next day, after Roger had returned, Margo met Donna at lunch time. She told her about the three naked days, and a little of the kinds of conversations they had. Donna was incredulous, and kept asking Margo how she could stand to do that. When Margo told her about shaving her pubes, Donna thought she was joking, until Margo tried to pull her toward the Ladies room to prove it. "OK, OK, I believe you. You are some kind of exhibitionist!" "No, just a desperate mother trying to use...

3 years ago
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A Family ChristmasChapter 3

I stared at my phone. I was more than a little upset with my father Obviously there were elements to mom’s illness he neglected to explain. As I pondered what to do, mom walked up behind me and wrapped her arms around my waist. “Come on, Tommy! John said you were going to take care of me.” I sat my phone on the table, pulled mom’s arms loose, and turned to face her. She was still nude. Her blue veined breasts were pendulous. Her nipples, about a third of the way up the bottom curve of her...

3 years ago
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The Palpable ProsecutorChapter 17

Life in Alaska is one of those things that fits in the category of “well kept secrets.” A good example are the stories told by military personnel who get stationed at one of the numerous Department of Defense bases in the state. Horror stories abound. There are days where the sun is only up for an hour or two, and cold so bitter that if one’s tongue comes in contact with anything metal, it freezes to it instantly. There are bears, who are not afraid of humans, and that are big enough that it...

2 years ago
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Seeing the Possibilities

Morning’s first light beamed through the open bedroom window as a naked Billy Burke opened his eyes and attempted to shake off the after-effects of a deep sleep. The room that slowly came into focus around him was unfamiliar at first, but became more recognizable as his vision cleared. The room took on a frightening clarity as the dark haired nineteen year old not only remembered where he was, but who he was with. A realization that was enough to almost still his heart. Trying hard to overcome...

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Making A BitchinHeat

This happens to some women and you can only go along for the ride if it does, and I only blame myself for introducing my wife to big dicks. I became obsessed with watching porn with men fucking women with big cocks. I bought a big dildo for the wife and used it on her and that was the start for her. We could fuck for hours with a big dick in and out of her pussy, cum so many times with great intensity even to the point of crying, and having the feeling of numbness in and around her pussy....

1 year ago
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Reddit Femboys, aka r/Femboys! Welcome back to all my subreddit lovers. We are here to talk about yet another subreddit that I find incredibly addictive, and it is called r/FemBoys/. Now, if you are not really into that theme of feminine boys, then you might want to browse through other subreddits instead. Here you will only have the lovely boys who enjoy dressing feminine and doing all kinds of other shit.I think that one cannot get confused with a subreddit like this one. You will either love...

Reddit NSFW List
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Nude Beach Voyeur

We were heading for another day in paradise. Steph and I had been looking forward to a couple of days of camping and playing at our favorite nude beach in the Florida Keys. This was the beach where Steph was introduced to the uninhibited nude beach experience about two years earlier. She had been reluctant at first even though we had enjoyed doing some very erotic 'accidental' flashing.We knew it turned us on when we were being watched and Steph had finally agreed to visit the nude beach with...

1 year ago
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Jess Gets a Spanking

Jess Gets a Spanking Jess did not want to continue thisargument with Eric anymore. She refused to say anything, as she climbedoutta the car and walked in to the house with Eric on her heels, making hisanger known by slamming the door, which seemed to shiver in the frame. Thecouple stormed into the living room. "You would be the only oneto care so much about it that you would not even consider your girl friend,you, you..." she trailed off for a moment before starting up with astring of oaths,...

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