MaquisChapter 31 free porn video

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Somewhere in Rural Britain. August, two days after the Swarm arrive.

“Well gentlemen, it’s happened.” Ian Coulter walked into the small room and looked around at the four other men present. “Good evening gentlemen. Thank you for coming, and my apologies for the urgency and lateness of the meeting. I’ve just got the official confirmation. The Swarm have arrived in-system. The rumours we’ve been hearing for the last twenty four hours or so are, as we all suspected, true. It seems a large ship arrived, along with some smaller escorts. The information I have is that all except one of the craft were destroyed out near Saturn, but that a possibly damaged escort ship did manage to escape.”

“That probably gives us at most a year, but more likely four to six months,” George Wiggin noted. “Has the information been given to the press?”

Coulter shook his head. “Not in the UK yet, but in any case I can’t see what’s left of the British press publishing it. Not even to try and ridicule it. President Hernandez is having a press conference to announce it to the American public about ten PM our time,” he glanced at his watch, “in about an hour and a bit. So it’s just possible we may see something in tomorrow’s press.” He shrugged, giving a wry smile. “I’m not holding my breath though.”

The others all nodded.

“Where did this info come from?” asked George Wiggin.

“From the Pentagon, though I’m quite sure that it originally came from the Confederacy. Quite why our own Confederacy contacts haven’t given us this information yet I’d like to know.” He shook his head slowly. “Not happy about that. It’s only the fact that I have a personal friendship with the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs that got me this information now. Luckily President Hernandez has allowed him to let me have the information through back channels.”

“Oh well, we know now and that’s what’s important. We have to get it out though, and we do have a number of journo’s in the organisation,” noted Anthony Watts. “Pass all the information to them, and get it out anyway. We need something out there to wake the public up, to get them to do something.”

“Let’s see what, if anything, happens after the president’s speech,” agreed Coulter.

Simon McCall nodded. “Beatrice has been holding us back, but I think she’s been waiting for something like this. All those public pronouncements she’s made in the last couple of months have been leading somewhere. I’m certain it must be for something like this.”

Amjad Hussein, the last person at the table, had the distracted air of someone communing with his AI implant. Eventually his eyes re-focussed and he looked around the table.

“Her majesty asks that we make this information public, then start, in a small way, a campaign against Thorn. She still believes that the military must not be the ones to topple Thorn directly, but should be used in support of a civilian uprising which we are to try and help foment. Her suggestion, and I’ll admit I’m inclined to agree, is that there should be lots of small uprisings that will have the patrols running all over the place.”

“Hmm,” Wiggin frowned. “Small uprisings are not exactly what we had planned for, but I think we can make it work.” He looked at Amjad. “Did Her Majesty offer any suggestions?”

Amjad shook his head, smiling slightly. “She left it to our discretion, but asked that we let her know before hand so that she can make public pronouncements that turn out to be fantastically true.”

“Politician!” muttered Wiggin.

All the men in the room disliked politicians, but the other four also knew that General Sir George Wiggin, the former Chief of the General Staff, the most senior professional soldier in the British Army, had a particular hatred for the breed, and for the current crop in particular. At the same time though, they also knew he had a soft spot for Beatrice as he had served alongside her father, and had known her as a small child.

“I think,” Air Chief Marshal Sir Simon McCall, the former Chief of the Air Staff, the professional head of the RAF, said, “in one way it’s not such a bad idea. We just have to give her a couple of hours notice, or at least, ask her to only release stuff a couple of hours before something happens. A good bet would be to also ask her to deliberately get a few things slightly wrong, simply to confuse Thorn’s goons.” He shrugged. “I’d far rather just go in all guns blazing though.” He put up his hands to forestall any arguments, smiling slightly. “Yes I know we all agreed this was inappropriate, but that doesn’t mean I can’t wish for it.”

“First thing, get the information out. Pass it down your various staffs, to all the known journalists in the organisation. They should still have contacts, and in any case they will know how to get the message out.” Coulter looked at his notes. The senior officers only got together like this about once every five weeks, most of the time they were well separated for safety and security, but once a month or so they wanted to sit face to face.

“Next. Materiel. How are we doing with that. Simon? How’s the RAF doing?”

Simon McCall grunted. Even though these men had all vanished and, as far as the general public knew were in one of Thorn’s prison camps, in practice they were still in effective charge of their respective service. “No real change from last month. We’ve now stopped producing any more aircraft. As of yesterday there were still three F35E’s and a Typhoon F5 in production, but once they’re completed, we’re not producing more fixed wing aircraft. Even though most of what we’ve been producing for the last ten months have been crated to both reduce size and to make them more inconspicuous, we have run out of space to store them secretly and securely. In any case we now have almost three aircraft for every fully trained and qualified pilot currently available, both in and out of the RAF, so for the time being we don’t need any more. It’s the pilots themselves I’m now more concerned with. We’re now working on training systems, along with both army and navy aviation, to try and train more pilots, and to keep all our current pilots up to scratch. For the last couple of months we’ve been producing small arms, and that’s now been stepped up. There are now almost enough personal weapons for every man woman and child over the age of fourteen within a one mile radius of every RAF base, plus at least four hundred rounds for each of them. We have probably enough PPE, body armour, helmets and boots for the same. We’ve not been producing food rations to any great extent, though there are some. We are however short of trucks and cars, but we’ve been liasing with George’s people for that. Fuel is still a problem, but the Canadians have come up with a neat dodge, so for larger vehicles at least, that may be less of a problem than it was.”

“Dodge?” asked Amjad.

“For the last few months at least, and probably a hell of a lot longer, they’ve been fitting Confederacy fusion motors. They’re a bit bulkier than a standard engine, so don’t fit so easily into a standard sized car. The larger size of trucks and buses, also some four by four’s, give us the room to play with this. We’ve only been doing this for just over a month, so we’re way behind the curve here.”

McCall shook his head in rueful exasperation. “We’ve been sneaking all sorts of Confederacy technology into the combat stuff, but we never even thought to consider it for the more mundane stuff like ordinary cars and trucks.”

There was a general trickle of laughter around the table.

“Anything else?” smiled Coulter.

McCall shook his head. “No sir. No change in any of the larger aircraft. They are pretty much all grounded though I can occasionally get an AWACS plane into the air. Just occasionally we get Sheard to tell those political dwarves that there’s some ‘enemy’ aircraft approaching Britain and it needs to be ‘escorted’ away.”

“Does it work?”

“Yeah. We occasionally manage to get a couple of Typhoons into the air as well. The pilots all know it’s just an exercise, but it’s good for both training and morale.”

Coulter nodded. “Good. George?” he asked, turning to Wiggin.

“Again, no real change. Most bases have been producing STEN guns, L85A3’s and ammunition for both. I was told just this morning that someone has come up with yet another change for the L85 that is sufficiently ‘large’ enough to call it an A4, but I have no more information on that. We’ve got just about enough sniper rifles to have one per platoon, but I’d like to get more people trained up on those. Most army bases are currently stockpiling ammunition but for obvious reasons we’re not letting too much of that out at the moment. We’ve had to stop building choppers as we’re running out of the right raw materials, but there’s now twenty-nine Chinooks, twenty-one Apaches, thirty-three Wildcats and thirty-six Merlin’s built, with four more Merlin’s and a Wildcat in production. We are disguising them as air-ambulances for the time being. People are still used to seeing them about, so having a chopper fly over that looks like an air-ambulance doesn’t excite any comment.” He shrugged. “That shouldn’t work for the Chinooks but apparently it does.”

“Surely even you can’t persuade people an Apache or Wildcat is an air-ambulance?” Chuckled Coulter.

George Wiggin laughed and shook his head. “No. Don’t even try. Wildcat maybe, but no, not an Apache. We’re very careful about where we fly anything. Even the Merlin’s and Wildcats,” he paused and said slowly. “You know, if we were very careful, we could actually use those two a bit more, to aid the civilian side, the ‘Maquis’, but we would have to be careful.”

“How?” asked Coulter. The others all looked interested, Amjad Hussein particularly so.

“Well in the first instance, why just disguise them as air ambulances? Some Merlins are used as air-sea-rescue anyway, so already have the capability· So why not actually use them. As air ambulances I mean. Won’t take much to convert a couple of Wildcats as well, they’re already being used for emergency casevac off the 45’s. It’ll make people more comfortable with having them around. Make the patrol less jumpy when they are. That in turn will make them more careless, hopefully, when they come in to land carrying troops instead of medics.”

There was a pause as everyone digested this. “I like this idea,” Hussein said slowly. As a Royal Navy pilot he had actually flown Merlin mark 2’s off the flight deck of HMS Queen Elizabeth during her initial workups, when they were still testing out all the systems prior to it formally becoming operational.

“Okay,” said Coulter slowly, looking at Hussein. “Try and contact some of the air ambulance controllers. See what you can come up with.”

“Yes sir.” Hussein made a note on his jotter.

“Good. George?” Coulter asked.

Wiggin nodded. “Okay, well, carrying on then. For the last month we’ve been converting all military owned trucks and buses that the patrol haven’t confiscated to use a fusion engine. It’s slow going as we have to be careful, and very discreet when we use them: they sound very different to a heavy diesel engine. I’ve got a note here that twice now bases have had to spike a couple of vehicles at the last minute as it was about to be confiscated by the patrol.”

“How did you do that?” asked Watts.

George shook his head. “Don’t know. If you’re interested I’ll try and find out for you.”

Anthony shook his head. “Don’t worry, I’ll pass it down my staff. They may already know, but if they don’t, it’s worth them getting in touch to find out.”

“One of my guys,” interrupted McCall, “has designed a noise generator to make the vehicle sound like a standard diesel. I’ll find out the details and pass them on.”

Wiggin nodded. “Cheers. We’ve scrapped about eighty five percent of all our heavy AFV’s, we can’t really use tanks in this fight, and from what Colonel Carter and his people have passed on, I strongly believe they’ll not be of much use against the Swarm either. As such they’re a waste of space and resources. I’ve kept a few dozen Challenger 2’s, and even improved on them as much as I can, but I’ve got rid of the rest to produce APC’s and mobile artillery pieces. I’d really like a lot more of those, but again we’ve had to halt through lack of raw materials, as well as space to store them.

“Now, this is new. I’ve had the Security Patrol come on to bases twice since April to confiscate tanks. In one case we’d already got rid of all our tanks, and all they could find was a huge pile of what we told them was scrap metal, in the second case the sergeant on the ground had the presence of mind to spike the guns. I’m sure you’ve all heard of the incident last month when they tried to fire on those rioters in Sunderland? And the tank all but exploding on them? Well that’s what that was. Unfortunately they do have four Challenger 2’s and a number of other older AFV’s and APC’s in full working condition. They got those before my people had the chance to pass the word to try and ensure anything the patrol do get is spiked.”

“Has anything been done about those tanks?” asked Amjad, writing rapidly on a notepad.

“Not at this time. We know where they all are, and we’re keeping a close eye on them. At the moment they’re all in Catterick, so if they do decide to move them, we should have ample warning.”

“Good. Thanks George. Anthony?” Coulter looked at Admiral Sir Anthony Watts, ex-chief of the naval staff.

“No real change in large materiel, we’ve just been maintaining what ships I’ve kept. Before I go on though, I got a note, yesterday, day before, from the Americans. A note of thanks.”

“Oh?” asked Coulter.

“Not been made public yet, but one of our type 23’s, HMS Sunderland I think, helped the US Coast Guard with a large drugs bust. Now we’ve worked with the USCG before on drug busts, but this one was almost accidental. Sunderland was on a general patrol in the Caribbean, it’s hurricane season so we usually have a ship or two out there in case there’s a need for humanitarian aid and disaster relief et cetera. Anyway, a Coast Guard helicopter chasing a drug boat gets engine trouble and rather than ditch asks permission to land on Sunderland. Her captain gives it, obviously, but in the meantime Sunderland sends its Wildcat after the drugs boat instead, and because Sunderland is closer than the USCG cutters, also give chase. The Royal Navy brings the drug boat to a halt under the arms of a few Royal Marines, and the USCG comes in, does the formal arrest, and takes them off our hands. It was accidental in the sense that if their chopper hadn’t had a minor malfunction we wouldn’t have got involved, but it was good work all round. Good exercise for Sunderlands people, good morale booster all around, and good PR with the Americans. Plus, the Americans say that because we were there and closer, the chase actually finished a good quicker.” He grinned. “My personal opinion? The drug runners were more scared of the Royal Marines than they were of the US Coast Guard.”

The others laughed. “Well,” smiled Coulter. “It’s good to know we can still work together with the US.”

Watts nodded. “Their Coast Guard are good people. We’ve worked with them before. A few years ago HMS Argyle, another 23, had a couple of busts while formally working with the US Coast Guard. I’m just pleased that relationship is still there, even if a bit more informally.”

“You’ve passed on congrats and so on to the Sunderland’s Captain and crew?”

He nodded. “Of course. I’ve also told Sheard so that if, somehow, Thorn or his cabinet get to hear of it, he won’t be surprised.”

Coulter nodded. “Good call.”

Watts sighed and checked his notes. “Okay, well, the last of my type 45’s is now in Brest in France. All six are now berthed there. They’re all fully equipped, stocked, crewed and ready. Six of my 23’s are also now in Brest. Unusually, the French are being very good to us here. Of the remaining six, two are on patrol in the South Atlantic, one in the North Atlantic and Sutherland ... oh! Sorry. Sutherland, not Sunderland. It was HMS Sutherland in the drugs bust, that’s still in the Caribbean.” He gave a deep sigh. “HMS Richmond, is just finishing a refit on the sly by using a replicator and stripping out a couple of decommissioned vessels for raw material. That is still expected to complete by the end of next month, when I’ll probably send it to Brest. HMS Lancaster was due to be decommissioned anyway, but is now currently berthed and being allowed to decay.

“Subs. Still no change on the Vanguards. All still in service. Thorn seems to like the idea of having nuclear missiles. He just hasn’t cottoned on to the fact that he doesn’t control them, and they are no longer in Britain. I’ve finally been forced to scrap the last two Astutes. They’re all supposed to be being scrapped, but the two that are, are being done in such a way that it should look like all seven have been scrapped. That’s the plan anyway. Of the other five, three are in Canada, but last week I directed two to the South Atlantic. Not sure they’re needed there, but the local commander, Rear-Admiral Spelman, requested them, and it was as convenient as anywhere else. The two retired Trafalgar’s are still in dry dock. Not managed to do anything with those, and now don’t intend to. I’m quite happy to lose them after all. I’m pretty certain Thorn and his new defence minister think they are Astutes.

“Of the Type 26 frigates, I’ve finally managed to get a third fully operational and into service. The remaining three were all scrapped by Thorn while still under construction. I’m sure you all saw the televised destruction of the hulls recently.” There was a general nodding of heads. “Those hulks are still sitting where they were destroyed. They are blocking the dry docks, which is a pain, but on the other hand, I’m damn sure that once Thorn has gone, if I wanted, I could turn at least one of those, possibly two, back into useable vessels in relatively short order. Of the three 26’s that did enter service, the oldest is berthed in Portsmouth, it’s not in a good state, but is actually in far better condition than it appears. I’m allowing it to be used as a diversion so that Thorn thinks the navy is down to scrap; the second is now berthed in the Falklands, having arrived two days ago, the other is on its way there. All are short crewed though.”

Wiggin interrupted. “Have you heard any more rumblings from the Argentines?”

Watts shook his head. “No. I think they’ve finally realised that the islands are now a far more heavily armed place than they realised.”

Coulter intervened. “I spoke to General Ronaldo Vierra last week. I think they know that the reason we’ve moved so many men to the Falkland Islands is nothing to do with them, and while they’re unhappy that we have put so many armed men on what they still consider their territory, they also recognise why we’re doing it, and are keeping their politicians in check. Just. There are some benefits to Thorn’s censorship of the press. What noises the Argentines are putting out are not being reported, so our politicians are either ignoring them, or simply not seeing.”

Hussein frowned. “That’s arse backwards. You would have thought he would have played it up. Deflect people from local problems.” He shrugged. “Oh well. It’s to our advantage in a way, yet also wouldn’t hurt us if he did play it up.”

All five men looked at each other, realisation dawning.

“We don’t want to allow him to play it up at all,” Watts spoke slowly. “If we allow him to play it up, it’ll play into his hands. We want his attention focussed elsewhere, but we want the general population’s attention focussed here, at the things he’s doing wrong.”

“If he’s allowed to...” McCall broke off, thinking deeply.

“Right!” Coulter said firmly. “Let’s get back to the agenda. Such as it is, and we’ll tag this on at the end. Anthony. You were saying?”

“Um. Yes. Where had I got up to?” He frowned briefly. “Oh yes,” he smiled slightly. “Appropriate, I was about to talk about diversions. As diversions, the two old Trafalgar fast attack subs, the type 82 destroyer, and a type 23 frigate are all slowly rotting, with another 23 and a type 26 looking like they are. I’m not bothered about the Trafalgars or the 82, apart from the fact that they look horrible. I don’t think Thorn doesn’t realise they aren’t in service anyway.” He stopped as he realised the convoluted nature of what he’d just said, frowned momentarily, then shook his head slightly and continued. “The 23’s, and in particular the 26, grates though. The 26 can definitely be brought back into service, and if there’s time, maybe one of the the 23’s can as well.” He shrugged. “Moving on. All my shoreside bases are still producing small arms and ammunition, and like George and Simon I now have an abundance of L85’s and ammunition, as well as body armour and helmets. Nearly all the Royal Navy Police now have confederacy stingers. The plan is that by the end of next week they’ll all have them, and so far it’s looking do-able.”

“Wouldn’t you want to bring those other ships back into service?” interrpted George Wiggin with a slightly surprised look on his face.

“No point. There was only ever one 82 and it’s just a static training vessel, really not much more than a floating barracks in Portsmouth. For well over a decade it is, or was anyway, used as much, if not more, by the Sea Cadets and Sea Scouts and other civilian organisations as anyone else. The point is though, to an ignorant civilian, it still looks like a warship. Thorn and his cronys are not only ignorant, we’ve kept them that way. As for the trafalgars, the rest are long since gone.” He shrugged. “I don’t need extra types, I need more of existing types. I don’t think there’s time, but using those as scrap to build more 26’s or 45’s would be acceptable. The new 31 never got beyond design stage, no steel was even cut, I don’t think, so I don’t care about those. I don’t know how to use subs in the coming fights, so I may not rebuild the Astutes anyway, but I’ll see what the Swarm does before that decision is made.” He made a wry expression with his mouth, and sighed. “Sadly the damage to the type 26 in Portsmouth is more than just cosmetic: it is reparable, but it really will need a couple of months to get ready.”

Wiggin nodded his understanding.

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Women and Prostitution Some Very Sexy Facts

I have been writing about prostitutes since I was 13. My own personal experiences and everything I saw around gave me a good understanding of how whores operate. Contrary to common belief, not all prostitutes do it under threat of v******e or to avoid starvation. Some of them just like it. Some find it easy and even quit their regular jobs to become full time prostitutes (like my mother).But today I will talk about those women who have whore fetish.My older 28 year old girlfriend was a bdsm...

3 years ago
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Equal Opportunity

Equal Opportunity an original story by CutePatti Billy had been looking forward to playing baseball all winter and could hardly wait for summer to arrive. He had just turned 13 and was eligible to play in a brand new league called the intermediate league. It was going to be so cool to get out of little league and he had heard that a lot of the rules were going to be different in the new league. He just knew that the new rules were going to be so much better than all the ...

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Tempting Ashly

As the plane landed, Ashley couldn't help but think how she had gotten herself into this. It wasn't that she didn't like her cousin Tiffany, but she didn't like being sent away. She had been dating the school bad-boy for almost two years now and she had grown to love him deeply. But that didn't stop him from hurting her over and over. She wanted to save herself for marriage and hadn't slept with him and only occassionally gave him blowjobs. Because of that, he had often found other girls that...

3 years ago
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Piper and the College Boys

Author's Note: As you can probably tell from the story codes, this is a happier story than others I've written. If you're a fan of gang rape and exploitation, I've laid the ground work for sequels that you might like better, but I'm not certain those'll ever get written. I'm fickle that way. Impatient readers be warned: There's a lot of build up and character development at the start of this one. If you need to cum before the end of a commercial break, look elsewhere fast. The dirty...

2 years ago
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My Daughter

I had just gotten home after work. I was almost looking forward to spending some time alone in the house. My daughter and son, Danielle and Isaac, were supposed to be at friends' houses until dinner. My oldest daughter, Shawn, would probably be at Lindsey's house, like she often was. That meant I could go home and use the big TV in the family room to beat off. Normally I wouldn't have to resort to such solitary means of orgasm, but my wife was away on a three week road trip for her company....

4 years ago
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Playboy Hyderabad With Bisexual Couple 8211 Part 2

Hi to everyone thank you for Indian sex stories for the support and thank you for the feedback. Any woman or couple from hyderabad want to meet me then mail me at This experience is continuation to my past experience. After meeting this having good fun with them in night. By the time I woke up I was only on bed and his wife Tina was in kitchen and preparing breakfast for us and her husband went out on work I got ready and went to kitchen and wished Tina good morning and asked about her husband...

2 years ago
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Cant Get Enough of You

GET IN THE CAR,” Jen demanded when she pulled up right in front of my work’s main office doors. It was quarter to six in the evening. I stayed an extra forty-five minutes late at work to finish off some stuff that I didn’t want to clutter my desk when I come back Monday morning. “Jen?” I was in shock to find her picking me up after work. Since the night she came over to my place and we fucked each other until the wee hours of dawn, we haven’t seen each other. The odd times we caught each...

3 years ago
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The conference

Even though I am a respected, long-term professional employee, I don’t get much in the way of perks. There is no corner office or cute secretary to keep my appointments straight. No office at all, just a cubicle. But once in a while, meaning every three or four years, I do get to attend a professional conference. This year’s conference was in San Diego. This meant besides listening looking a PowerPoint presentation, being summer time I would at least get to ogle some bikinis by the pool. Also,...

Straight Sex
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The Interview

My wife, Lisa, and I met at the same workplace and, whilst it was years after, she told me about how she was hired. Lisa was 27 when she applied for the job and didn't think for one second she stood any chance of getting it. She was under qualified, at the time out of work and had no references but really wanted the job and saw it as a great opportunity to get other jobs of the same ilk once she got her foot in the door. The job in question was a call center operator for a large company based...

2 years ago
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Heart BallPart 12

When Shannon got to her locker before the first period class, Steve was there. He handed her the disk with his letter. "This contains good news and bad news," he said. "The good news is that Amy is at the Mayo clinic. Her parents took her there. They really think they can help her. I don't know any more than that." "And the bad news?" "It's in there. It's too long to tell." So she figured that he'd grown tired of her. Still, he walked with her to class. Mrs. Foster went on and...

2 years ago
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Nancys FindChapter 5

Oh, Jeeze. Now I was going to get it. It was Saturday morning. I was lying in the extra bed that had been brought into Anthony's room. I woke up to see his doctor, my best friend Jeff, leaning over me, shaking my shoulder to awaken me. My best friend. It hit me how unusual that was. And how true. This man, twice may age, in charge of most of the areas in the hospital I was involved with as a candy striper and recently married to a woman who was almost ready to deliver her fourth child, was...

1 year ago
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Good sex sex life

Though our school was co-ed , the authority made sure that the contact between either sex was minimal. In reality we hardly ever met the girls. The girls had their own playground and studied in different classrooms. To cut a long story short we had no or very limited chance to meet a girl, let alone , have sex. Now , How the hell did I get lucky? Keep reading, u will know…. Now that I had sex with girls, it was not at all comfortable for me to have anal encounters with my friends. I...

2 years ago
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Careless Fun

Her long hair fell over her shoulder as she reached to fumbled with the stereo dials. She pushed it away with an awkward flick of the head and started moving her body carelessly to the pop music flowing from the speakers. She glanced at him."I missed you," she said softly. Referring to the seven months she spent several states south. "I missed you too." He replied, keeping his eyes on the road. "What's wrong with you tonight, you've barely spoken a word since you picked me up. Have some fun."...

Love Stories
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Panty boy part one

As Cassandra got off the elevator at her penthouse apartment that over looked Lake Michigan she groaned a little as the strain of the day overtook her!!! It had been a long one, with meetings with clients starting at eight in the morning all the way to five p.m. in the afternoon, being a senior partner at one of Chicago's major law firms could at times be challenging, but most often grueling!!! She was about to put her key into the dead bolt lock on her door, when as if by magic it swung open...

3 years ago
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Taking the Class Part 3Chapter 14 Friday Night 1014PM

Carla took Don’s former seat at the table, carelessly dropping a small black bag next to her. She reached down and slipped off her heels. The tall brunette near the door pressed it shut. “This all of us, Tiff?” she asked, looking around the room with a puzzled expression. “I thought everyone wanted to play again?” She started wandering over towards the middle of the room. “Yup, this is all of us!” said Tiff. “Nia’s on her shift tonight so she can’t leave the floor. Becca’s out of town this...

2 years ago
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StupidChapter 3

So, I was the chosen one. I didn't want a wife as much as our parents wanted one for me. I took her to our first date, she was cute, seemed happy, and made appropriate noises. She enjoyed our day out; we did the conventional routine of dating. I thought maybe she was the one and put of my mask for a while, and the usual result. She was shocked to see me. Unemotional, unassuming, but stupid man behind the mask. Didn't I expect this? Well if I had to try it with someone. I chose to put her...

1 year ago
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MonsterCockFriendDominatesMe 2

(Part 2). My story. For those who read my previous true story (titled: How I became bisexual), that event happened on a Friday. This part of my bisexual experience is what transpired during the rest of the weekend and it remains to this very day, probably the single most sexually life changing event in my life. It's now Saturday, in the early morning hours. My best guess, it's about 6 am. The sun has not yet come up but it's close. As I start to get up, I realize that I smell like baby oil and...

4 years ago
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Summer in California

This is a story about my junior year in high school and two incredible sisters that made my life interesting that year. First a bit about me. My name is John and I live in California. I’m now 52 years old and recently divorced. I have never been overweight and am 6 foot tall dark eyes brown hair. It was the 1970’s and I was having what I thought was the time of my life. Hey I had a car, a part time job, was still living at home, school was fun, and I was playing a lot of baseball. Oh and...

First Time
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Helping my sister to learn about white cock

So I waited and on the 3 day and then I finally got that phone call from Sooby I had been waiting on. Sooby told me: "Hi Mr. XX!! I think we are all set so come over as soon as you can baby! I'll, I mean we'll be waiting for you!" she whispered! I asked where is your sister? Will she be there are going to try it today?" Sooby said: "She's going to sit in the closet and watch us as we get it on. Got to go, I don't want her to hear us. See you soon. Bye! So I showered and shaved and really...

2 years ago
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Sex With Office Maid 8211 Part 1

I am 41 years old as now and am living with my wife and two children. Since last couple of years my wife is experiencing a loss of libido due to which I always feel sex starved. Having sex in her opinion is a wasteful exercise. Even if I have sex once in a while with my wife my sex demands are not met for the reasons that I am a porn addict and need variety in the sexual acts which obviously my wife has strong objections to. These varieties may most importantly include non penetrative sex such...

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Team Spirit 2

Team Spirit 2 Don Abdul (c) Leslie re-emerged from Ricky’s room and tossed them two robes and asked for their clothes so she could pop then into the washer while they showered. Paul went first, then Miguel and finally it was Leslie turn to use the shower. When she was done, she returned to the living room complaining of aches and pains. She said she had been stressed so much lately, especially since Ricky went off to the war, she’d had to do so much by herself. Unaware of the bobby trap in...

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Willow Book III Master CarlChapter 14

Master Carl awoke in the guest room of Rose House to the very pleasant sensation of someone kissing his face. “Sir?” Heather’s red hair was a halo around her face. “You asked me to wake you if you slept till seven.” It took a few attempts to get his voice to work. The word “Coffee” came out as a croak the first time but he still got the message across. Heather had a large mug of the lifesaving liquid ready for him when he managed to sit up and swing his feet over the side of the bed. He did...

3 years ago
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My first time with a girl

This is a true story, it happened 6 years ago when I was 18. The events take place the week after my last story. I woke up on Sunday morning after loosing my virginity in a gang bang. It was the day after the party. I was lying naked in bed with a slight hangover. And next to me was a beautiful blond girl, also naked. Last night we had been gang banged together. I didn't even know her name, or who she was. She was still sleeping. And I couldn't help looking at her. Noticing her beautiful blond...

2 years ago
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Aunty And Young Boy 8211 Chennai Andra Experience

H every one, this is chinna paiyan ( name changed ) . I have been following Indian sex stories for very long time ! I m 18 now !! Young but energetic boy . I don’t know why like aunties a lot ! They r sexy , caring and unsatisfied soo I love them. This is the time fa me to say my story which happened one year ago !! with my aunty Sunitha age29 .she s very fair and slim . she looks like small girl .her stats 32-30-34 . she s from andra.. I thought her homely first but later she was a sexy bitch...

4 years ago
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Sagging Boobs Ugly Nipples Ch 03

The end of the tale. Thanks for reading. I apologize for the delay, but I’m working with someone now temporarily, to proof and edit my work. I will soon need another editor, any volunteers? …………………………………………. Stella raged, screaming in the car. She raged about the unfairness of life, the choices she made that were wrong. and most of all, she raged about Charley, and the happiness he had found. It was totally irrational, she knew that, but she felt Norma had stolen something that was hers....

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Roger The Lodger

My Aunty Tina had a lodger when I was growing up, he always seam to be around on the weekends when I was staying, she liked a bottle, and she was out of it by 9pm.I used to call up to Rodger to help me get her to bed, he would try and pick her up even though she was plump, big boobs, I could always see right up her skirt, white mesh knickers, I followed Rodger up the stairs to her room, it was when he lay her on the bed that turned me on as I was about 16, her legs open wide hair poking out the...

1 year ago
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Shadows From the PastChapter 17

Cassie stands just past the veil and does not know what to do. What had been the limitless vista of her mother's mind is now a pale gray wall. She senses no substance to it, yet it appears as solid as lead. She reaches her hand towards it and feels nothing, yet it does not yield. Or perhaps she is looking at it wrong. Perhaps this is simply a void, a buffer between the dreamverse and her mother's mind. Cassie steps forward, and her entire world becomes a disorienting gray pall. Up is the...

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16 loads pt 3 new recruit continued

so there was shelley squatting over her husband with 30 loads of cum saturating her already soaked pussy toms face was covered in it gina shouted alright get him up so tom was dragged up and tom was struggling he was covered in cum but he wasnt eating it shelley your husbands not playing the game its his duty to clean your pussy and eat all the cum from the gang you better explain that to him or i doubt we can use you as one of our sluts shelley went mad tom if you ruin this for me then ill...

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“Ginny, can I share him with you, please?” the pretty best friend of both of them said. “Sure, just remember, you have your own husband, OK?” “He is dead asleep, long enough for us all to have some fun, if you want?” “What exactly can two girls do to only one fellow?” Harry said. “You’d be surprised,” Ginny said to him. “Like what you see?” Hermione said rubbing her hands over his upper chest. “You are so ... robust!” “Thank you,” he said unsure of how to deal with the girl he has known...

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Pastor I Chapter 3

It was Sunday and I had made mind to join the church which really did not make any sense because I had to go back to school in August, but due to my research I learned that if I were to join the church I'd have to spend twenty minutes in the pastor's office for a talk. When I learned this my heart swooned for the opportunity. Twenty minutes, alone, with the pastor! Who would not want to be in the same room, breath the same air, talk directly to the one and only Bianca D Rosen? So on this...

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No Time to GrieveChapter 3

Rick called me over. I got to my feet, painfully aware of the fresh load of cum that’s starting to drip from my still tingling pussy. I approached them, conscious of how my exposed skin is tingling like it might if I were receiving a low-grade shock all over my body. I can’t help feeling very self-conscious. Rick and the couple who have been sitting with him watching me with Lyn and Lee stood as I approached but I’m too embarrassed to look them in the eye. They appear to be in their early...

4 years ago
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JudgementsChapter 81

In all her dreams her father had been a handsome man: — sometimes dashing and charismatic, other times introspective and quiet, but always handsome. The reality was a short, overweight, balding man with a ruddy complexion and mismatched socks. Despite that, Shawna felt no real disappointment but rather trepidation. As they approached the bench upon which he was sat, the reality of what she was doing seemed to overwhelm her, and she realised she wasn't feeling anything at all. She was a step...

3 years ago
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Chronos Chronicles 2 Without a MapChapter 13

It doesn't take me long to find Saber. He is close to 7 feet tall and all muscles, but he is pretty smart for a muscle man. I just focus on the sounds of fighting and there they are, Knight Protectors of the Compound. A 16 man squad, down now by 3 and at least 2 more on the critical list. But they are out there working, honing their skills in the area set aside for their fight practice. I spend a minute watching. They are some of the prettiest men and women I have seen in awhile. And as...

1 year ago
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Service Girl Stephie 3

Stephie returns seeking more! After her torment she called and said she was so sore she got a padded bra, remarking that her nipples are still tall and have to be protected she has found that the slightest contact makes her horney. I suggested she come over for more treatment to take care of issue and she went Oh Really? Several days later on friday we had some friends over for dinner and Stephie came over later helping to clean up, in the kitchen she was doing dishes and sipping a glass of...

1 year ago
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BangBros18 Aidra Fox Anatomy Lesson With Aidra Fox

Lil D’s grades have not been the best. When Aidra Fox ran into him, she had to give him some advise. He didn’t care much about what she had to say. So she had to take measures into her own hands. Aidra took Lil D inside her house to give him a lesson in anatomy, just to see if it would make him pay attention moving forward. She pulled his cock out and started sucking and choking on it repeatedly. Soon his cock was penetrating her tight little pussy. Aidra Fox got her pussy stretched in several...

3 years ago
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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 223 Eve and Me and Jen Makes Three

There was just too much we didn't know to make a rational decision. The thing I knew was what I didn't know. I didn't know what the structure of the drug business was in Aster or Tryon. It seemed to me that would be job one. To do that I needed an information sharing arrangement between the dope squad in Tryon, Aster and me. Then most likely I would need DEA to share information on Estavante. Since there was no arrangement in place, it appeared that I needed to setup one and do it on an...

2 years ago
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my friend jenny

Jenny woke up slowly, the warmth of the morning sun peering at her through the slightly opened shade. She yawned and stretched her arms through her blonde hair and up over her head. Sighing, she brought her hands down to her chest and slid them over the top of the thin, blue cotton sheet down to her waist. Her delicate hands sliding across the sheet felt good against her body. Opening her eyes, she could see the tips of her little nipples poking through the sheet. Bringing her hands back up to...

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Pet Teacher

*** A special thank you goes to my two editors (Estragon and Steven B) who made this work A LOT better than it originally was. PET TEACHER: BECOMING A TEEN STUDENT’S SUBMISSIVE I have taught for over 18 years. I have had many boys check me out; some flirt with me and some definitely get a wicked erection peering surreptitiously at my stocking-covered legs. Now don’t think I am all self-centered and vain; I am not, I accept I am a solid seven. That said, my greatest sexual asset is my legs,...

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Ex Girlfriend Fucked On Night Out

Hey, guys, it’s Prithvi here again, hope you’re all doing great. Today, I have an extra special and a very kinky sex story for you. It special because it is with my ex-girlfriend. We broke up about a year ago but still managed to remain friends. We used to chill together, go for movies and all and all was cool. We have a common best friend and she’s studying in another city, and this happened when we went to visit her. And trust me, each and every word of this sex story is true, I will never...

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