MaquisChapter 31 free porn video

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Somewhere in Rural Britain. August, two days after the Swarm arrive.

“Well gentlemen, it’s happened.” Ian Coulter walked into the small room and looked around at the four other men present. “Good evening gentlemen. Thank you for coming, and my apologies for the urgency and lateness of the meeting. I’ve just got the official confirmation. The Swarm have arrived in-system. The rumours we’ve been hearing for the last twenty four hours or so are, as we all suspected, true. It seems a large ship arrived, along with some smaller escorts. The information I have is that all except one of the craft were destroyed out near Saturn, but that a possibly damaged escort ship did manage to escape.”

“That probably gives us at most a year, but more likely four to six months,” George Wiggin noted. “Has the information been given to the press?”

Coulter shook his head. “Not in the UK yet, but in any case I can’t see what’s left of the British press publishing it. Not even to try and ridicule it. President Hernandez is having a press conference to announce it to the American public about ten PM our time,” he glanced at his watch, “in about an hour and a bit. So it’s just possible we may see something in tomorrow’s press.” He shrugged, giving a wry smile. “I’m not holding my breath though.”

The others all nodded.

“Where did this info come from?” asked George Wiggin.

“From the Pentagon, though I’m quite sure that it originally came from the Confederacy. Quite why our own Confederacy contacts haven’t given us this information yet I’d like to know.” He shook his head slowly. “Not happy about that. It’s only the fact that I have a personal friendship with the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs that got me this information now. Luckily President Hernandez has allowed him to let me have the information through back channels.”

“Oh well, we know now and that’s what’s important. We have to get it out though, and we do have a number of journo’s in the organisation,” noted Anthony Watts. “Pass all the information to them, and get it out anyway. We need something out there to wake the public up, to get them to do something.”

“Let’s see what, if anything, happens after the president’s speech,” agreed Coulter.

Simon McCall nodded. “Beatrice has been holding us back, but I think she’s been waiting for something like this. All those public pronouncements she’s made in the last couple of months have been leading somewhere. I’m certain it must be for something like this.”

Amjad Hussein, the last person at the table, had the distracted air of someone communing with his AI implant. Eventually his eyes re-focussed and he looked around the table.

“Her majesty asks that we make this information public, then start, in a small way, a campaign against Thorn. She still believes that the military must not be the ones to topple Thorn directly, but should be used in support of a civilian uprising which we are to try and help foment. Her suggestion, and I’ll admit I’m inclined to agree, is that there should be lots of small uprisings that will have the patrols running all over the place.”

“Hmm,” Wiggin frowned. “Small uprisings are not exactly what we had planned for, but I think we can make it work.” He looked at Amjad. “Did Her Majesty offer any suggestions?”

Amjad shook his head, smiling slightly. “She left it to our discretion, but asked that we let her know before hand so that she can make public pronouncements that turn out to be fantastically true.”

“Politician!” muttered Wiggin.

All the men in the room disliked politicians, but the other four also knew that General Sir George Wiggin, the former Chief of the General Staff, the most senior professional soldier in the British Army, had a particular hatred for the breed, and for the current crop in particular. At the same time though, they also knew he had a soft spot for Beatrice as he had served alongside her father, and had known her as a small child.

“I think,” Air Chief Marshal Sir Simon McCall, the former Chief of the Air Staff, the professional head of the RAF, said, “in one way it’s not such a bad idea. We just have to give her a couple of hours notice, or at least, ask her to only release stuff a couple of hours before something happens. A good bet would be to also ask her to deliberately get a few things slightly wrong, simply to confuse Thorn’s goons.” He shrugged. “I’d far rather just go in all guns blazing though.” He put up his hands to forestall any arguments, smiling slightly. “Yes I know we all agreed this was inappropriate, but that doesn’t mean I can’t wish for it.”

“First thing, get the information out. Pass it down your various staffs, to all the known journalists in the organisation. They should still have contacts, and in any case they will know how to get the message out.” Coulter looked at his notes. The senior officers only got together like this about once every five weeks, most of the time they were well separated for safety and security, but once a month or so they wanted to sit face to face.

“Next. Materiel. How are we doing with that. Simon? How’s the RAF doing?”

Simon McCall grunted. Even though these men had all vanished and, as far as the general public knew were in one of Thorn’s prison camps, in practice they were still in effective charge of their respective service. “No real change from last month. We’ve now stopped producing any more aircraft. As of yesterday there were still three F35E’s and a Typhoon F5 in production, but once they’re completed, we’re not producing more fixed wing aircraft. Even though most of what we’ve been producing for the last ten months have been crated to both reduce size and to make them more inconspicuous, we have run out of space to store them secretly and securely. In any case we now have almost three aircraft for every fully trained and qualified pilot currently available, both in and out of the RAF, so for the time being we don’t need any more. It’s the pilots themselves I’m now more concerned with. We’re now working on training systems, along with both army and navy aviation, to try and train more pilots, and to keep all our current pilots up to scratch. For the last couple of months we’ve been producing small arms, and that’s now been stepped up. There are now almost enough personal weapons for every man woman and child over the age of fourteen within a one mile radius of every RAF base, plus at least four hundred rounds for each of them. We have probably enough PPE, body armour, helmets and boots for the same. We’ve not been producing food rations to any great extent, though there are some. We are however short of trucks and cars, but we’ve been liasing with George’s people for that. Fuel is still a problem, but the Canadians have come up with a neat dodge, so for larger vehicles at least, that may be less of a problem than it was.”

“Dodge?” asked Amjad.

“For the last few months at least, and probably a hell of a lot longer, they’ve been fitting Confederacy fusion motors. They’re a bit bulkier than a standard engine, so don’t fit so easily into a standard sized car. The larger size of trucks and buses, also some four by four’s, give us the room to play with this. We’ve only been doing this for just over a month, so we’re way behind the curve here.”

McCall shook his head in rueful exasperation. “We’ve been sneaking all sorts of Confederacy technology into the combat stuff, but we never even thought to consider it for the more mundane stuff like ordinary cars and trucks.”

There was a general trickle of laughter around the table.

“Anything else?” smiled Coulter.

McCall shook his head. “No sir. No change in any of the larger aircraft. They are pretty much all grounded though I can occasionally get an AWACS plane into the air. Just occasionally we get Sheard to tell those political dwarves that there’s some ‘enemy’ aircraft approaching Britain and it needs to be ‘escorted’ away.”

“Does it work?”

“Yeah. We occasionally manage to get a couple of Typhoons into the air as well. The pilots all know it’s just an exercise, but it’s good for both training and morale.”

Coulter nodded. “Good. George?” he asked, turning to Wiggin.

“Again, no real change. Most bases have been producing STEN guns, L85A3’s and ammunition for both. I was told just this morning that someone has come up with yet another change for the L85 that is sufficiently ‘large’ enough to call it an A4, but I have no more information on that. We’ve got just about enough sniper rifles to have one per platoon, but I’d like to get more people trained up on those. Most army bases are currently stockpiling ammunition but for obvious reasons we’re not letting too much of that out at the moment. We’ve had to stop building choppers as we’re running out of the right raw materials, but there’s now twenty-nine Chinooks, twenty-one Apaches, thirty-three Wildcats and thirty-six Merlin’s built, with four more Merlin’s and a Wildcat in production. We are disguising them as air-ambulances for the time being. People are still used to seeing them about, so having a chopper fly over that looks like an air-ambulance doesn’t excite any comment.” He shrugged. “That shouldn’t work for the Chinooks but apparently it does.”

“Surely even you can’t persuade people an Apache or Wildcat is an air-ambulance?” Chuckled Coulter.

George Wiggin laughed and shook his head. “No. Don’t even try. Wildcat maybe, but no, not an Apache. We’re very careful about where we fly anything. Even the Merlin’s and Wildcats,” he paused and said slowly. “You know, if we were very careful, we could actually use those two a bit more, to aid the civilian side, the ‘Maquis’, but we would have to be careful.”

“How?” asked Coulter. The others all looked interested, Amjad Hussein particularly so.

“Well in the first instance, why just disguise them as air ambulances? Some Merlins are used as air-sea-rescue anyway, so already have the capability· So why not actually use them. As air ambulances I mean. Won’t take much to convert a couple of Wildcats as well, they’re already being used for emergency casevac off the 45’s. It’ll make people more comfortable with having them around. Make the patrol less jumpy when they are. That in turn will make them more careless, hopefully, when they come in to land carrying troops instead of medics.”

There was a pause as everyone digested this. “I like this idea,” Hussein said slowly. As a Royal Navy pilot he had actually flown Merlin mark 2’s off the flight deck of HMS Queen Elizabeth during her initial workups, when they were still testing out all the systems prior to it formally becoming operational.

“Okay,” said Coulter slowly, looking at Hussein. “Try and contact some of the air ambulance controllers. See what you can come up with.”

“Yes sir.” Hussein made a note on his jotter.

“Good. George?” Coulter asked.

Wiggin nodded. “Okay, well, carrying on then. For the last month we’ve been converting all military owned trucks and buses that the patrol haven’t confiscated to use a fusion engine. It’s slow going as we have to be careful, and very discreet when we use them: they sound very different to a heavy diesel engine. I’ve got a note here that twice now bases have had to spike a couple of vehicles at the last minute as it was about to be confiscated by the patrol.”

“How did you do that?” asked Watts.

George shook his head. “Don’t know. If you’re interested I’ll try and find out for you.”

Anthony shook his head. “Don’t worry, I’ll pass it down my staff. They may already know, but if they don’t, it’s worth them getting in touch to find out.”

“One of my guys,” interrupted McCall, “has designed a noise generator to make the vehicle sound like a standard diesel. I’ll find out the details and pass them on.”

Wiggin nodded. “Cheers. We’ve scrapped about eighty five percent of all our heavy AFV’s, we can’t really use tanks in this fight, and from what Colonel Carter and his people have passed on, I strongly believe they’ll not be of much use against the Swarm either. As such they’re a waste of space and resources. I’ve kept a few dozen Challenger 2’s, and even improved on them as much as I can, but I’ve got rid of the rest to produce APC’s and mobile artillery pieces. I’d really like a lot more of those, but again we’ve had to halt through lack of raw materials, as well as space to store them.

“Now, this is new. I’ve had the Security Patrol come on to bases twice since April to confiscate tanks. In one case we’d already got rid of all our tanks, and all they could find was a huge pile of what we told them was scrap metal, in the second case the sergeant on the ground had the presence of mind to spike the guns. I’m sure you’ve all heard of the incident last month when they tried to fire on those rioters in Sunderland? And the tank all but exploding on them? Well that’s what that was. Unfortunately they do have four Challenger 2’s and a number of other older AFV’s and APC’s in full working condition. They got those before my people had the chance to pass the word to try and ensure anything the patrol do get is spiked.”

“Has anything been done about those tanks?” asked Amjad, writing rapidly on a notepad.

“Not at this time. We know where they all are, and we’re keeping a close eye on them. At the moment they’re all in Catterick, so if they do decide to move them, we should have ample warning.”

“Good. Thanks George. Anthony?” Coulter looked at Admiral Sir Anthony Watts, ex-chief of the naval staff.

“No real change in large materiel, we’ve just been maintaining what ships I’ve kept. Before I go on though, I got a note, yesterday, day before, from the Americans. A note of thanks.”

“Oh?” asked Coulter.

“Not been made public yet, but one of our type 23’s, HMS Sunderland I think, helped the US Coast Guard with a large drugs bust. Now we’ve worked with the USCG before on drug busts, but this one was almost accidental. Sunderland was on a general patrol in the Caribbean, it’s hurricane season so we usually have a ship or two out there in case there’s a need for humanitarian aid and disaster relief et cetera. Anyway, a Coast Guard helicopter chasing a drug boat gets engine trouble and rather than ditch asks permission to land on Sunderland. Her captain gives it, obviously, but in the meantime Sunderland sends its Wildcat after the drugs boat instead, and because Sunderland is closer than the USCG cutters, also give chase. The Royal Navy brings the drug boat to a halt under the arms of a few Royal Marines, and the USCG comes in, does the formal arrest, and takes them off our hands. It was accidental in the sense that if their chopper hadn’t had a minor malfunction we wouldn’t have got involved, but it was good work all round. Good exercise for Sunderlands people, good morale booster all around, and good PR with the Americans. Plus, the Americans say that because we were there and closer, the chase actually finished a good quicker.” He grinned. “My personal opinion? The drug runners were more scared of the Royal Marines than they were of the US Coast Guard.”

The others laughed. “Well,” smiled Coulter. “It’s good to know we can still work together with the US.”

Watts nodded. “Their Coast Guard are good people. We’ve worked with them before. A few years ago HMS Argyle, another 23, had a couple of busts while formally working with the US Coast Guard. I’m just pleased that relationship is still there, even if a bit more informally.”

“You’ve passed on congrats and so on to the Sunderland’s Captain and crew?”

He nodded. “Of course. I’ve also told Sheard so that if, somehow, Thorn or his cabinet get to hear of it, he won’t be surprised.”

Coulter nodded. “Good call.”

Watts sighed and checked his notes. “Okay, well, the last of my type 45’s is now in Brest in France. All six are now berthed there. They’re all fully equipped, stocked, crewed and ready. Six of my 23’s are also now in Brest. Unusually, the French are being very good to us here. Of the remaining six, two are on patrol in the South Atlantic, one in the North Atlantic and Sutherland ... oh! Sorry. Sutherland, not Sunderland. It was HMS Sutherland in the drugs bust, that’s still in the Caribbean.” He gave a deep sigh. “HMS Richmond, is just finishing a refit on the sly by using a replicator and stripping out a couple of decommissioned vessels for raw material. That is still expected to complete by the end of next month, when I’ll probably send it to Brest. HMS Lancaster was due to be decommissioned anyway, but is now currently berthed and being allowed to decay.

“Subs. Still no change on the Vanguards. All still in service. Thorn seems to like the idea of having nuclear missiles. He just hasn’t cottoned on to the fact that he doesn’t control them, and they are no longer in Britain. I’ve finally been forced to scrap the last two Astutes. They’re all supposed to be being scrapped, but the two that are, are being done in such a way that it should look like all seven have been scrapped. That’s the plan anyway. Of the other five, three are in Canada, but last week I directed two to the South Atlantic. Not sure they’re needed there, but the local commander, Rear-Admiral Spelman, requested them, and it was as convenient as anywhere else. The two retired Trafalgar’s are still in dry dock. Not managed to do anything with those, and now don’t intend to. I’m quite happy to lose them after all. I’m pretty certain Thorn and his new defence minister think they are Astutes.

“Of the Type 26 frigates, I’ve finally managed to get a third fully operational and into service. The remaining three were all scrapped by Thorn while still under construction. I’m sure you all saw the televised destruction of the hulls recently.” There was a general nodding of heads. “Those hulks are still sitting where they were destroyed. They are blocking the dry docks, which is a pain, but on the other hand, I’m damn sure that once Thorn has gone, if I wanted, I could turn at least one of those, possibly two, back into useable vessels in relatively short order. Of the three 26’s that did enter service, the oldest is berthed in Portsmouth, it’s not in a good state, but is actually in far better condition than it appears. I’m allowing it to be used as a diversion so that Thorn thinks the navy is down to scrap; the second is now berthed in the Falklands, having arrived two days ago, the other is on its way there. All are short crewed though.”

Wiggin interrupted. “Have you heard any more rumblings from the Argentines?”

Watts shook his head. “No. I think they’ve finally realised that the islands are now a far more heavily armed place than they realised.”

Coulter intervened. “I spoke to General Ronaldo Vierra last week. I think they know that the reason we’ve moved so many men to the Falkland Islands is nothing to do with them, and while they’re unhappy that we have put so many armed men on what they still consider their territory, they also recognise why we’re doing it, and are keeping their politicians in check. Just. There are some benefits to Thorn’s censorship of the press. What noises the Argentines are putting out are not being reported, so our politicians are either ignoring them, or simply not seeing.”

Hussein frowned. “That’s arse backwards. You would have thought he would have played it up. Deflect people from local problems.” He shrugged. “Oh well. It’s to our advantage in a way, yet also wouldn’t hurt us if he did play it up.”

All five men looked at each other, realisation dawning.

“We don’t want to allow him to play it up at all,” Watts spoke slowly. “If we allow him to play it up, it’ll play into his hands. We want his attention focussed elsewhere, but we want the general population’s attention focussed here, at the things he’s doing wrong.”

“If he’s allowed to...” McCall broke off, thinking deeply.

“Right!” Coulter said firmly. “Let’s get back to the agenda. Such as it is, and we’ll tag this on at the end. Anthony. You were saying?”

“Um. Yes. Where had I got up to?” He frowned briefly. “Oh yes,” he smiled slightly. “Appropriate, I was about to talk about diversions. As diversions, the two old Trafalgar fast attack subs, the type 82 destroyer, and a type 23 frigate are all slowly rotting, with another 23 and a type 26 looking like they are. I’m not bothered about the Trafalgars or the 82, apart from the fact that they look horrible. I don’t think Thorn doesn’t realise they aren’t in service anyway.” He stopped as he realised the convoluted nature of what he’d just said, frowned momentarily, then shook his head slightly and continued. “The 23’s, and in particular the 26, grates though. The 26 can definitely be brought back into service, and if there’s time, maybe one of the the 23’s can as well.” He shrugged. “Moving on. All my shoreside bases are still producing small arms and ammunition, and like George and Simon I now have an abundance of L85’s and ammunition, as well as body armour and helmets. Nearly all the Royal Navy Police now have confederacy stingers. The plan is that by the end of next week they’ll all have them, and so far it’s looking do-able.”

“Wouldn’t you want to bring those other ships back into service?” interrpted George Wiggin with a slightly surprised look on his face.

“No point. There was only ever one 82 and it’s just a static training vessel, really not much more than a floating barracks in Portsmouth. For well over a decade it is, or was anyway, used as much, if not more, by the Sea Cadets and Sea Scouts and other civilian organisations as anyone else. The point is though, to an ignorant civilian, it still looks like a warship. Thorn and his cronys are not only ignorant, we’ve kept them that way. As for the trafalgars, the rest are long since gone.” He shrugged. “I don’t need extra types, I need more of existing types. I don’t think there’s time, but using those as scrap to build more 26’s or 45’s would be acceptable. The new 31 never got beyond design stage, no steel was even cut, I don’t think, so I don’t care about those. I don’t know how to use subs in the coming fights, so I may not rebuild the Astutes anyway, but I’ll see what the Swarm does before that decision is made.” He made a wry expression with his mouth, and sighed. “Sadly the damage to the type 26 in Portsmouth is more than just cosmetic: it is reparable, but it really will need a couple of months to get ready.”

Wiggin nodded his understanding.

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Kerry and Kate

KERRY AND KATE is the sequel to KERRY AND THE SECURITY CHECK, a long wait I know for which I apologise, but these things take time, especially when done in secret for I find I write better when I am more suitably dressed. The soft hair of a wig against my face, the constriction of bra (and sadly given my girth a corset) the light flow of an A line skirt and the softness of nylons around my legs feeling feminine gives me the power to type and so here it is please enjoy. Kerry and...

2 years ago
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Craig MccallisterChapter 8

It was just as well that we had no excitement for the next week, as that gave plenty of time for Jane's small wound in her thigh to heal. Well, it was not necessarily completely healed, but it was healed enough that it did not bother her. We continued our trip east, and we began to wonder if we were wasting our time. We were discussing that very topic when we came upon a stagecoach robbery in progress. The coach was stopped because of a tree limb blocking the road. There were four bandits,...

3 years ago
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The Everetts A tale of severe domination

REGIME IMPERIA: COPYRIGHTED 2004THE EVERETTS/ CHAPTER 1?Donald? you asshole, where the fuck are you?  Get your ass in here right now?? Seventeen-year-old Mary Everett was getting furious.  Was her stepfather being purposely stubborn?  Did he actually believe he could get away with such disobedience?         Finally, Donald Everett arrived at his stepdaughter’s bedroom.  He’d been down the hallway, in his own bathroom, trying to urinate through the tricky restrictive chastity device locked...

2 years ago
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The Dropped Key

As I am checking into the hotel, I notice you sitting in the lobby.You look up and our eyes meet.We then exchange a friendly smile. Before anything else can happen, it’s my turn to be helped at the front desk.I check in and throw a glance your way as I head to the elevator.Someone comes out of the elevator and bumps into me causing me to drop the envelope with my keys in it.I quickly grab my envelope so I don't miss the elevator and just manage to make it in before the doors close.Either by...

2 years ago
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DentistryChapter 4

It was two weeks later that John Wilkinsing came to the clinic to have the crown put on. This time before that was done Brad gave John a little tour and showed him all around the clinic. The staff Brad could see was excited when John was introduced to them. As he was doing this showing and introducing John, Brad mentioned that a credit for what they had previously charged him would be applied to his credit card. John said, “Please don’t bother to do that. I think I can afford to pay for...

4 years ago
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Here Comes the Bride Chapter 1 Revised

It has been three months since Terry and Beth's wedding. The wedding went off without a hitch, but the ceremony was anticlimactic for Terry and Beth. All the groomsmen, other than Kim, did not hide how disinterested they were to be there. The toast which the best man, Kelly, made was as bland and flat as a can of Budweiser which has sat open on a hot summer day for hours. Three of the five bridesmaids also showed disinterest in the celebration of the union. After the wedding, the...

4 years ago
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Working late again

Working late…again! As I walked into work today I saw the cleaning guy that had caught me by surprise a few weeks ago. He stared at me with a little grin on his face. I walked right up to him and whispered in his ear, “I’ll be working late tonight”, then licked my lips, gave him a devilish smile, and walked to the elevator. I still didn’t know if he spoke any English, but I figured I’d give it a try anyway. I went home for lunch, and to grab a few things. I decided I was going to wear something...

Group Sex
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Wendolyn Too Number 4 in STOPWATCHChapter 15

"Mr. Austin, please meet me in the hall." I turned to the class, "Your first assignment today; arrange the portraits of the Presidents in their order of office. President Ford is to remain where he is. General Washington is to be placed two hangers to the left of President Ford ... his left ... not your left. You may consult each other. The moms will supply any needed materials or apparatus." I followed my father to the hall. As soon as the door was closed he spun on me and raised his...

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discovering daddy

She was 12 years old and although she had been at the new school for a year she hadn’t made many friends. Her good looks made her stand out from most and her classmates seemed to shun her more than most. Five foot three inches tall with long, flowing blonde her she seemed to have everything her peers never had. Her mother ran her own hairdressing business and her father was a well respected newspaper columnist for a national newspaper. Money was not short in her home. Today though it...

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DeAnns Submissive Weekend Part Thirteen

Suzy, as I was finding out, is not only very bi, but she's also very aggressive and likes to play rough too. Quite a difference from the submissive, eager to please, persona she displays when she is with my husband Mark. I'm sexually submissive with both sexes so I was really enjoying being with Suzy in a one on one situation where she could reveal more of her bi, dominatrix side. What a gorgeous Asian hottie she is. Suzy moved closer to me and then she grabbed me roughly by my blonde hair and...

1 year ago
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My darling neighbour

Note : This story is completely fictional! She was a married woman and i used to constantly think of her and used to masturbate thinking of her, smiles were mischevious once when my wife was away to her parents place i thought that this was the right opportunity i approached her house on pretext of whether their cable was working since we were not able to view our cable.After a few minutes she enquired about my wife i told her she has gone to her parents place. When i was having a nap in...

2 years ago
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I Need To Talk To You Ch 02

Sierra would swear she was going to blow up from all the tension building in her. After weeks upon weeks of staying at home and taking care of everything while Colt worked, she was beginning to feel a bit neglected. At night he would come in, exhausted from a long day at work and fall into bed without so much as a kiss or a touch. She was lucky if she heard ‘I love you’ get mumbled before he was deep in a far off land. Sometimes during the night, Sierra would feel him reach for her, getting...

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Sex Escapades With Rupa Ma8217am

Hi Readers, This is my first sex story. I have been a regular reader of ISS for a long time and wanted to share a real-life experience. So without boring you all, I am coming straight to the story. My name is Rahul. I am 35 years old and I live in Mumbai. This story is about my sexual adventures with my college crush Rupa Chakraborty. Like every normal boy, I too have had multiple crushes on my teachers. But Rupa Ma’am was different. She used to teach us English in class 12 and that was the...

2 years ago
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DISCLAIMER: All characters are fictional, no relation to anyone living or dead, all are 18 or older. If you do not like sexually oriented material, LEAVE NOW.Dan's breath started getting ragged as he entered the adult book store. It always did, no matter how many he went into. His skin prickled, his cock started getting hard in his panties, he went into slut mode, grinning inanely at the others in the shop as he mindlessly perused the mag racks, focusing on the crossdressers, licking his...

3 years ago
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New Start Rays StoryChapter 13

Ray called Jim. He was at a loss. He was usually a private person but this was something he was having trouble dealing with on his own. He could make a semblance of order of most things, but this was hard to digest. "Hey Jimmy, its Ray." "Hey man, how are you doing?" "I'm fine. I'm all right I guess. Dana and I are going to get some counseling." "I'm glad to hear that." "I want to try to make it work. For the kids' sake." "What about your sake?" Jim asked. "I don't...

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A Good Favor

When I reached to answer my phone, still half asleep, Kelly sounded a bit panicked. It wasn’t even 9 am yet? What could be such an emergency? “I have a paper due tomorrow and I so haven’t got a clue what to do about it?” “Umm..okay? How long does it have to be? What’s the topic and all that?” I asked. “History. We have to read this book about colonial living and then we have a few topics we can choose to write on. It’s gotta be 3-5 pages, and I’m totally screwed,” she sighed. “Any thoughts?”...

5 years ago
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Meri mosi ki daughter ki phele chudai

Hi dosto yeh mere phele khani hai, Jab se meine yeh site dekhi hai tab se mera bhi bhaut maan tha to meine time nikal ke aap sab ke sath apne sex experience share karu aur yeh mere phele sex story ki phele khani hai jo mei aap sab ke sath share kar rha hu. Apne story suru karne se phele mei apne bare bte deta hum era nam Kumar hai mei Delhi mei rheta hu aur abhi he 20 saal ka hua hu aur Delhi University k ek college mei padhai kar rha hu but itne jaldi he mei kai sare sex experrence kar chukka...

3 years ago
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The Photographer Always Looks Twice

It was early afternoon in May in an English seaside town. They, the three of them were lying on an exquisitely ornate upholstered bed. The shuttered room was bathed in warm sunshine. They’d been lucky with their choice of rendezvous. Nothing unusual to the casual observer, perhaps. But, if the casual observer had looked around the room a tad more he would have seen that all three were butt naked. Excepting maybe Speedy who had a pair of black hold up stockings on. God, she knew exactly how to...

2 years ago
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Six Times A DayPart 120 Thank You

Alan drove down the road with Glory in the seat next to him. With their windows open, the wind blowing everywhere, and both of them wearing dark sunglasses to fight the glare of the bright sun, they looked like a typical relaxed Southern California couple. But that picture was betrayed by the serious frowns on the faces of both Alan and Glory. The awkward silence between them grew and grew until it became nearly unbearable. Finally, Glory said, "Sorry, but maybe you should just turn...

4 years ago
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She wouldn't meet my eyes as I set her breakfast down in front of her and I couldn't say that I blamed her. There was no excuse for what I had been doing to her over the past week and I truth I probably should be castrated and then horse whipped for what I had done to her the night before. I knew why I had done it, but that didn't excuse it. She had done nothing to deserve what I'd done to her. Her only sin is that she looked like her mother. My marriage to Mary Beth lasted a little over...

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Waiter Gets Lucky

Following is a fantasy…It was a dark and stormy afternoon in the old city of Atlanta. Many of the local bars were starting to fill up with the usual after hours power drinkers. The smell of dust and rain mixed in the air.”Damn, it looks like it’s going to rain again” said Allison with a grin on her face that could only be described as pure blissful sarcasm. “I love it when it rains” said Erika ” it always makes me so horny”.The 2nd pitcher of margaritas arrived, strawberry with crushed ice, and...

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The Pussy Ride

Jessica Noakes and Bridget Fowler were the best of friends since high school and they were now in college having all the freedom in the world to do what they want and when they want without having to authorise it with their parents. Jessica was tall, blonde, and blue- green eyes, with a terrific slender tanned figure whereas her Bridget was petite with flame red hair, blue eyed, with not much bust. Bridget was envious of Jessica because she seemed to attract more attention of men than she did...

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Company Cuckold

[/image]Story Content :( M/F, M/F/F, MP, Interracial, Cheating) My name is Peter Morris and this is my story. I really don't quite know where I should begin. You see I've kept a kind of journal over the last few months in which I jotted down notes on things that've happen to me. I did so in an attemptto try to make sense out of the various predicaments I've found myself in. I know this may not make sense, so let me give you some background on me and tell you my story since you've been good...

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Deputy PorterChapter 145

Christmas was at hand, so I bought apple cider from a fellow who made it. It was legal and above board. He sold me some at a discount from his apple shed. I saved him the expense of bottling it, transport it, standing out in the cold at the festival, so he cut me a almost half price deal for twenty gallons. I plan to make one more batch of blended whiskey. I had five gallons of moonshine I had been saving for Christmas presents, so I mixed it up with the twenty gallons of apple cider. The...

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You click the mouse a few times your amber eyes catching something on the search engine screen. 'Have a deep dark desire you want fulfilled? Post here and find someone to match you.' It was an In Search Of ad, but not the typical one you'd find in the newspaper, this one was filled with the desires of men and women. You smirk a little at the listings of foot fetishes. You've always had a secret desire you've wanted to fulfill. You click the submit button and decide to fill one out. 'My name is'...

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My Husband is Bi

Last week I was supposed to work OT till about 8pm. I phoned home and told hubby. But the project was scrapped and I came home at 630pm. I entered and heard the TV on in the den. I looked in and saw my man naked jerking off and watching a porn DVD called Bi Desires.Now I do know he likes to see me being fucked by other guys with bigger cocks then his 6 inches but I did not realize he was Bi. He is also a sub and I a dom. He has watched me being fucked then he usually eats my cunt and laps up...

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Part 1 Matric holiday in Plet

December holidays before Christmas my parents and myself went down to Plettenberg bay for 2 weeks from the 6th December to the 23 December. It was my matric holiday even tho they were with. My stepsister didn't come with as she joined a friend and went down to Durban for a few days. We stayed by my aunt who had a lovely 4 bedroom house with a 2 bedroom cottage. She had two c***dren Hailey my 15 year old girl cousin and Mark my 17 year old male cus. It was set out that Mark and I were going to...

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The Teacher and the Secretary

I am quite proud of my body. I’m not over-confident about showing it off, but I know I am not fat and not skinny, and just the right amount of curvy in just the right places. My measurements are exactly the same as Marilyn Monroe’s, which I was ecstatic to learn! I don’t mind guys checking me out, and I appreciate when people tell me I look good. Sometimes, I like to leave my bedroom curtains open when I get dressed. I have noticed one guy who drives past my house every morning, on his way to...

1 year ago
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Hot Moms

Do you get a hard-on thinking about the lovely older women? Well, many subreddits are dedicated to MILFs or whatever, but here you only have moms… aka real MILFs, not just older chicks who look like them. So, if you are interested in seeing some older beauties who are considered to be hot and fuckable, you are welcome to browse through r/HotMoms/.There is not much else to be said about this subreddit; I think that is the gist of it. I mean, you are either into older women, or you are not,...

Reddit NSFW List
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Turkey Club Sandwiches

As told to Just Plain Bob by Mrs. Hottbutt I began noticing him weeks ago. He came into the sandwich shop every day at 1:25 after most of the lunch crowd had dispersed. I would watch from the window as he came from the high-rise across the street. He always had a copy of some financial newspaper tucked under his arm. He wore an expensive suit and I surmised that he must be a financial consultant of some kind. He was maybe early forties, casually handsome, with a hint of gray at the...

4 years ago
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Christmas Holiday part 3

The club we went to was packed and heaving with totty. After a few beers me and the lads had each found a girl to play with. We’d all been dancing and trying it on with our girls. Dan’s girl had obviously found something to satisfy as she was seen whooping while she felt him up. I’d managed to have a good grope of my girl’s arse, she was barely 18 and had the firmest buttocks and pert little tits. Dancing up close to her I had a good look down her top in between snogging her. My cock was...

3 years ago
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Nurses in Africa

Karen Tanner and her friend Linda had been on a shopping trip to the bazaar in the small town near where they worked. They were both nurses working on a one year contract in a small west African country. Both women were very experienced and had been offered nearly double their pay at home to spend a year working with sick and extremely poor people.Both women were married although Karen and her husband were separated months before she left for this job. Karen had found this position, applied and...

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Paybacks Are A Bitch Chapter 3

Honey opened her mouth and wrapped her lips around the swollen tip of his cock, momentarily fighting the urge to gag at the salty taste of his manhood, at the drops of precum that had formed there waiting for her, and at the idea that she was tasting a strange man's hard cock.His hand was firm and insistent, pushing her harder onto his enormous cock and soon he was deep in her mouth, groaning with relief. His girth filled her mouth and his length made her gag as she felt him at the back of her...

Wife Lovers
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A Beautiful Wish Chp 7 Losing a Little

A Beautiful Wish by 800ibgorrila Chapter 7: Losing a Little “George,” whispered Dawn's soft feminine voice. George Everhart was fully awake. He had been, ever since he heard Dawn open his bedroom door and crawl onto his bed. She was sitting on her knees beside him and brought her face very close to his as she whispered again, “George, it is time to wake.” He had tossed and turned most of the night. This was partly because he already missed Dawn sleeping next to him, but also because he...

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கொழுக் மொழுக் மாமி - பாகம் 04 மறு நாளை காலை வளர்மதி மாமி என்னை எழுப்ப எழுந்து உட்கார்ந்தேன் வளர்மதி மாமி அழகாய் குளித்து நேற்றிடில் குங்குங்குமம் வைத்து குடம்ப குத்து விளக்கை போல வளம் வந்தால் நான்:குட் மார்னிங்டி பொண்டாட்டி…வளர்மதி மாமி:சி… நைட் தான் நான் உன் பொண்டாட்டி இப்ப வளர்மதி வளர்மதி மாமி.. வளர்மதி மாமின்னு கூப்டுடா செல்லம்… நான்:ஹா ஹா… சரிங்க கொழுத்த வளர்மதி மாமி… என்ன இவ்ளோ சீக்கிரம் குளியல் ?? செம அழகா.. மங்களகரமா இருக்கீங்க வளர்மதி மாமி… வளர்மதி மாமி:9 மணிக்கு லாம்...

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Tattletale Tail 2

Tattletale Tail By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Meyers Chapter Two "What kind of girl am I?" gulped Todd. "Yup?" nodded Annalise. "That's the question, princess?" "Petrified. Todd sighed, seeing all the young girls giggling and hugging each other at the bottom of the stairs. "Gee just like I was when my parent's talked to me after our teacher called my house," said Annalise, staring down at him. "Now how's that feel, tattletale?" "I'm so sorry," said Todd, feeling his...

4 years ago
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Three generations in Lesser Plumpton

"Oh bugger, your grandmother and aunt want to come to stay." Sylica commented to he daughter. Sylvia had always only just got on with her mother in law by an effort of will. Elspeth Mayow was always in appearance so prim and proper but Sylvia knew full well that she had Samantha’s father, at age fifteen out of wedlock. At least Sylvia herself had been married when Samantha arrived and it is possible if she was a couple of weeks early to have been conceived in wedlock. Anyway, Sylvia didn’t...

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Afternoon Coffee

It started off innocent enough, just two people having a mid afternoon conversation and a coffee.  They discussed the goings on in each of their lives, what they had been doing, who they had seen, just general chit chat.  But underlining the conversation was an air of something more.  It was unspoken but there was always a power exchange, she drew an aura that he feed from.  A wanting for him to please and give, and for her, the control of another soul to teach and tame.The conversation...

2 years ago
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Cuntbusting Ella

Ella is 5'5, long black hair, with a cute round face and some freckles, she has large breast and a round ass, but is so skinny you can see her ribs. Ella is a virgin, but has always been a tease. Ella wakes up on her 18th birthday and puts on her favourite outfit, a tight pink latex croptop and tight black leggings. She goes downstair to, and is astonished to find 4 men waiting in her living room holding tasers. "She'll do just fine, the viewers will love her", the largest one says, he appears...

3 years ago
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The Best Day Ever

The Best Day Ever Chapter One It was hard to believe reallly, but as Chris sat alone in his very own college apartment he was completely happy at last. It had been an unbelievable weekend of work for the entire family but it was done. An apartment. And, not just any apartment but his apartment. Finally, at the age of 18, Chris was moving into his very own place. His. His very own place in a completely new and exciting mid-size college town over a days drive from any one and...

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