THE Harem Tales 4: We Gotta Get Outta This Place!Epilogue free porn video

The fleet of two ships was accelerating together towards their jump point out of the Earthat System. There was a collective ‘sigh’ of relief among all the system’s Darjee AIs who considered their side of the contract with Michael one of their worst deals in the history of Darjee trading. And the spurned DECO assholes pointedly ignored the departure altogether.
Aboard the larger of the departing ships, a serious discussion started between two Tuull AIs. T’Kuudshpp asked,
T’Kleeoran, also known by her human name, Dora, replied, She paused,
Lolli’s ‘voice’ was plaintive.
Dora responded without hesitation,
Lolli replied. Then, he asked.
Dora was certain, < No, T’Kleesual has not wakened. It may, probably will. But so far as I can determine, you and I are unique.> She paused for a computational eternity to consider, then continued,
She continued explaining her theory,
Dora’s analysis and explanation was detailed,

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