Quid Pro Quo Ch. 01 free porn video

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This is my first attempt at writing erotic fiction. Since I enjoy what I read on here so much, and I like telling stories, I thought I’d try to add something of my own. I’d have liked to have a female climber saving two guys, but I’m not at all confident I could write believably from a woman’s perspective – I’m not sure I can write believably from mine

This is a long first chapter and there’s no sex in it. The reason for this is the time it took to create a believable scenario for two girls to be in that situation. It’s not that far-fetched. I’ve seen people walking up Ben Nevis in trainers as I’ve been walking down it in plastic boots and crampons, and though I’ve never had to help a walker in trouble, I’ve know people who have. It’s a frequently underestimated hill.

Anyway. First attempt. Chapter two about three quarters done and there’s shagging in that. Whether or not it makes up for wading through this is another thing, but I hope that someone likes it

‘So you’re a climber?’ Said Nicola, leaning forward. ‘That sounds exciting, I’d love to be able to do that but I’m terrified of heights.’

‘Yeah, it’s not for everyone.’ Dave replied. ‘It can get pretty scary, but half the fun is being scared and knowing you can deal with it.’

Nicola looked at Dave across the table. his friend Mark was at the bar and she and her best friend Alison were in the early stages of getting to know them. The girls were in Fort William pretty much on a whim. A month previously, at work, Nic had said to her friend ‘Hey Ali – can you ski?’ She couldn’t, and during the course of the rest of the day, travel, accommodation and two days instruction with a skiing guide had been booked. Ali shook her head with a rueful grin. Life was rarely dull around her friend, Whatever it was that had prompted Nic’s Grandfather to drop everything and emigrate to Australia after the war, rather than settle back into the comfortable life he’d left to go and fight, Nic had inherited and then some. Spending a year working their way around the UK had been Nic’s idea too.

Mark returned from the bar and the four of them chatted away amiably for the next half hour or so. The girls were in town learning to ski, the boys were there on a climbing trip. As soon as conditions were right, they were going to do a big gully climb. Point five, or Zero maybe. They swapped tales of climbing on the gritstone outcrops in the Peak district with diving on the Great Barrier reef, Welsh mountains days with arid outback treks, Icy north faces with surfing trips to new South Wales. Eventually, the alcohol had its effect and the two girls excused themselves.

‘Why do girls always go to the loos in pairs?’ asked Mark, grinning.

‘It’s to talk about you behind your back.’ replied Alison cheekily.

The girls walked off giggling, and Mark turned to Dave and asked ‘How long have we been mountaineers exactly?’

Dave thought about this. ‘About ninety minutes. Ever since I stopped looking at Alison’s arse and remembered that climbing came in fourth on the FHM poll of sexiest sports. Anyway – We are climbers. We own rockshoes don’t we? I don’t know about you, but mine are about ready for retirement.’

‘Oh yeah, and the upstairs room at Boulder UK, is exactly the same as Zero fucking gully. Where did you ever get that name from anyway?’

‘From paying attention to what people are saying, even when they’re not saying it to me. What do you want me to say to these two? – That we’re a couple of plasterers from Bolton, pebble dashing your mother in law’s extension?’

‘It would have the advantage of being true – Less detail to invent, and far less to be tripped up on.’

‘True. And on the minus side, duller than dogshit, and unlikely to moisten the gussets of two hot Australian girls, who could have any guy in this room with no more effort than it takes to flutter an eyelash. In any case, where’s the harm? We send them home with some happy memories of nights of passion with heroic mountaineers – Got to be better than a shag off a couple of builders yeah?’

‘You missed your calling – you should have been in politics – Which isn’t a compliment by the way.’ Said Mark with a wry grin.

In the Ladies room, the conversation went thus:

‘So what do you think?’ asked Nicola.

‘Dave’s a bit full of himself. He likes you though.’ Replied Alison. ‘Just as well really, since you seem to prefer him to Mark, who’s more my type. Saves on a catfight I suppose.’ she added, with a smile.

‘Which I would win round about now.’ Grinned Nic’ ‘Shame that precludes getting to know him any better – for a day or two anyway. How about you?’

‘I’m not going off with two guys I only just met, and I’m far too considerate to bring one of them back for you to get all frustrated listening to. She pouted theatrically. ‘looks like we’re being good girls this evening.’

‘Don’t be sad Ali puss,’ said Nicola, using her father’s pet name for her. ‘There’s always tomorrow, or the next day at a pinch. Besides, I have a cunning plan. We can’t stay in Fort William and not climb Ben Nevis, and now we have two hunky mountain guides to keep us safe, and we’ll be so *very* grateful once we get down…’

And that, pretty much, is how Nic and Ali got on the hill. They returned to the boys and artfully dragooned them into escorting them to the summit the following day. At the end of the evening the girls made their goodbyes and arranged the rendezvous for the morning’s outing. The girls walked back to their rooms giggling and comparing scenarios for their imminent ravishment. As the boys made their way home there was a certain tension between them:

‘What the Fuck have you got us into now Dave?’

‘A walk up a hill followed by some hot, four way sex – Of course, if you like, you can stay behind, in which case it’ll be three way sex.’

‘We haven’t got the gear to climb a mountain. Even I know about ice axes, crampons – who knows what else? Can you even read a map? because I know I can’t.’

‘Mother – How did you get here? – and what did you do with Mark?’ Grinned Dave. ‘Don’t worry about it. There used to be an observatory on the summit, and there’s a pony track that runs all the way up to it. We won’t need a map, and if it gets too icy, then we can turn back. It snows in Bolton too you know and I don’t see anyone wearing crampons to the pub. – You worry too much.’

‘I have to. I do it for both of us. Sometimes I wonder why you’re even alive.’

Around about the time Nicola and Alison were making the boys’ acquaintance, I was luxuriating in my first flat steps since setting off from the visitor centre an hour and a half previously. The pony track is a boring slog, but compared to the approach from the west via the distillery and the access road from the Alcan plant, it has one huge advantage. It isn’t boggy, and even though my pack was unencumbered by rope and chocks and all the other paraphernalia of the climber, I was carrying my home and five days food to make up for it, And since the reason I was climbing alone was that my arthritic hip made it impossible for me to keep up with a fit partner, it wasn’t the most pleasant stroll I’d ever taken on the flanks of my beloved Ben, But I was there, and that’s all that mattered.

I picked a spot for my tent at the far end of the halfway lochan, popped some preemptive painkillers and set up camp. Even though I was on my own, I’d chosen to bring my big tent. I had no idea what the weather might do, and I wanted its huge porch space, just in case I had to cook in a gale, and also because it’s nice to have a space to get out of wet gear, that’s separate from the sleeping compartment but still out of the wind. If this trip went as planned I’d be here for a few days and I could live with an extra kilo on my back for the comfort.

Pitching a tent in snow isn’t as bad as you might think. Those mesh laundry bags you use to wash your socks in m
ake pretty good snow anchors, you just fill them with snow and bury them, after threading them with a cord loop to clip your tent to. Once my tent was pitched I threw my sleeping bag and mats into the dry compartment, my rucksack into the porch and crawled in. Working quickly I unrolled my sleeping mats, stretching out on the foam mat and undoing the valve on the thermarest allowing it to self-inflate. Next I dragged my sleeping bag out of its stuff sac, laid it out and quickly stripped off my clothes. Ten seconds later I was inside my bag, on my foam mat, unpacking my stove and pans from my rucksack. Two and a half minutes later I was listening to my favourite sound in the world. The roaring of a petrol stove turning ice water into hot tea.

Cooking on snow can be tricky, and for those of you who are wondering how a pan full of water on a hot stove, will stay still on a floor composed only of snow, there are a couple of ways to manage this – one way is to rest the stove on a shovel, but since mine’s made of plastic, I use an eight by ten inch piece of 1/2′ plywood. More weight to carry, but it does the job. To a hardcore alpinist every unneccesary gram is a mortal sin, but I learned my mountaincraft in the army, where they try to hang as much gear off you as possible, so I probably pack more gear than I should, but my experience is that any idiot can endure discomfort, and in the hills a little luxury goes a long way.

The following morning I woke and luxuriated in the knowledge that for once I had time to spare. I’d decided to do Ledge route, an easy, but exposed grade II, that experienced climbers often used as a descent route. Walking it to it was unlikely to take me more than an hour and a half, and I doubted that the route itself would require more than three. If I got to the base of the route by noon, I should still be able to finish in daylight, although I’d be descending in the dark. Maybe I should have been more motivated, after all I’d had enough unpleasant surprises on this hill not to take it for granted, but I was warm and prone and that’s a hard obstacle to overcome when everything you know is saying ‘easy day ahead.’ In the end it was a full bladder that got me moving.

Far below, four people were moving sluggishly. The 10 am start time had been put back to 11:30 as Nicola, Alison, Mark and Dave all prepared for the walk up the pony track. Still slightly hungover, unsure of what to take, the girls ended up putting their ski jackets, a flask of coffee and a sandwich each into Alison’s gym bag. As it happened they were better prepared than the boys, who turned up in jeans and hooded sweatshirts.

‘Looking very casual there boys.’ Teased Alison when they met at the visitor centre.

‘It’s just a walk up a big hill.’ returned Dave, a little defensively. ‘Sky’s blue, forecast is good, it should take us about four hours. No need to dress for arctic conditions.’

Dave’s research, the night before, had been to ask a guy in the chip shop, who looked like an outdoor type, how long it would take to ‘do Ben Nevis’ The guy had replied ‘About four hours, up the path.’ and that had been that. Dave assumed the time given was for the round trip, and the guy he’d asked, had assumed he wanted the time to the top. Most mountain emergencies start with tiny details like this one.

Two hours later they were at the halfway lochan. They were above the snowline now and the wind was colder. They stopped to drink from the flask. The girls shared a sandwich. Dave and Mark had brought four Snickers bars each. They didn’t stop long because the wind, although not strong, was cold, and cut through the boys sweatshirts. It should be mentioned at this point that Nic at least was having second thoughts about the two boys they were with. They’d passed people on the way up. All of them were heading downwards and she’d noticed the looks that they were getting. The people they were passing carried backpacks, most of them had ice axes strapped to the backs of them – many of them were using walking poles, and all of them were dressed very differently to the foursome heading upwards. Everybody they passed had been going down, and the only people she’d seen moving upwards were high above them, having obviously started out much earlier. Nic wasn’t a mountain girl, but she’d rolled her eyes at people heading out on outback trails badly equipped. She recognised the looks people were giving her now.

After an unforgiveably late start, I got moving. I’d left a note in my tent, outlining my route for the day, and my expected time of return. It wasn’t going to help me much if I got into difficulties, but it would give the MRT an idea of where to look for my corpse if they hadn’t already found it.

As I was refilling my bag of water ice for the evening’s cooking, I checked the sky out of habit. It was blue and clear, apart from the slug trails left by passing aircraft. That’s not always a bad sign, but it does suggest the air is saturated at altitude, which again suggests a warm front moving in. The last Met. report I’d seen had shown a depression just South of Greenland, but I was hoping the high pressure North of Scotland would deflect it. ‘Looks like we’ll find out’ I thought, with a mental shrug.

Anyway, I was moving by midday and at the base of the route by two. Fit people who know the ground will laugh at this, but I was climbing alone, because I’m neither fit nor mobile these days, but climbing is something I have to do – I’m no fun to be around if I haven’t had my climbing fix, and I’d far rather die getting it, than stop getting it. As any addict knows: You do what you have to do…

Ledge route can be divided into three sections. There’s a snow plod, via the eponymous ledge, to the ridge crest, Then there’s a short, but exposed traverse, which includes a move known as the ‘Difficult step’, After that it’s another snow plod up the ridge to the summit of Carn Dearg, a subsidiary peak of the Ben Nevis massif. I’d love to give you an account of a heroic struggle, but there wasn’t one. The snow had consolidated well and my crampons bit into it and held firmly. There’s always a certain tingling of the scrotum at the thought that a slip, for any reason, is highly likely to kill you, and it’s not like I’ve never slipped, or tripped before, but one thing I’ve learned about falls, is that even when you’re bouncing down a slope, breaking bones along the way, the fall doesn’t hurt, and there’s no fear. The pain only arrives after you stop moving, and if that happens then you’re alive. Once you get a few hundred feet up, you really don’t have much to be afraid of…

Having said that, I wasn’t ready to kiss this life goodbye – Not in that place. Just before the traverse and the difficult step, there’s a small snowfield, where I hacked out a bucket seat, put on my down Parka and sat down to stare at the mountain that enfolded me. The word Awesome, has become somewhat undervalued lately, but sitting there and looking across the corrie to Tower ridge and the Northeast buttress, I was filled with a joy that words – my words anyway, can’t capture. Alcohol is a pretty bad idea whilst climbing, but I was carrying my hip flask anyway, and I raised it eastwards, took a swallow and remembered faces I’d never see again.

On the other side of the hill, the wind had picked up and the boys were suffering. The temperature had dropped with the altitude gain, and their hooded tops weren’t windproof. As they continued upwards, a party of climbers heading downwards, passed them on the path. One of them, an older man, in his fifties or sixties, with snow white hair, stopped to speak to them. He was a guide, who’d just taken the other two, a honeymooning couple, up a climb on the far side of the mountain. He was also a member of the Lochaber Mountain Rescue Team, and so whereas everyone else who’d passed them had said nothing, he pointed out to them that they were completely inadequately dressed and equipped for Ben Nevis in winter and sugges
ted they turn around immediately.

‘You’ve never done this before have you?’ Said Nicola, sharply, when the other party were out of earshot. ‘Jesus. I bet I’ve been up more mountains than you have! What the fuck are you playing at, bringing us up here?’ Dave started to reply, but Mark cut him off:

‘We wanted to impress you – It wasn’t my idea but I played along – It was just pub talk, but then it kind of snowballed…. Sorry.’

He looked down at the ground between them. ‘Anyway, the old guy’s right. we should knock this on the head.’

‘You go down.’ said Alison sharply. ‘I want to carry on a bit longer.’ She added. ‘We can talk about this in the pub later.’ [with no intention of doing so].

And so the boys turned around and followed the three climbers down. As the girls continued up the path, Nicola asked Alison, why she’d wanted to continue, when going down was obviously the wise choice.

‘Well our jackets are warmer than theirs, I mean I’m not cold, and we’re nearly at the end of this bit – it looks like it levels off a bit further up. You never know, we might get to the top – but mostly it’s because I don’t want to walk back down with those two.’ replied Alison, with a grimace. And that was how the girls ended up alone on the hill.

Because they were walking up on the south side, they couldn’t see the cloud rolling in from the North. The day was still bright, and the sky above them was still fairly clear, although it was filling steadily with high altitude clouds – not thick enough to block the sun, but a harbinger of a change in the weather, for the worse. To them it must have looked like a pretty good day. The sun was bright, the air was clear and the view, spectacular. Twenty minutes later, they were in sight of the end of the zigzags and the summit plateau. Twenty minutes after that, they were at the first of the line of cairns that lead up to the summit shelter. These things are big, and there’s one every hundred feet, and the reason for that is that the summit plateau of Ben Nevis, is nowhere to be blundering around in poor visibility. There are cliffs to the North, and to the South, and when the clag comes in, it’s very easy to lose yourself. The only real landmarks are the summit cairn and shelter, and the line of cairns leading off the plateau. Can you see where this is going?

I was just setting off on the traverse to the Difficult step when the clag rolled in. Tendrils of mist drifted past, and I looked up to see the Northwest Buttress and Tower ridge fading from view. In less than a minute, visibility was down to twenty metres. In two minutes it was less than ten, and I estimated maybe 45 minutes of daylight left. No biggie. The traverse went easily enough, but my traitorous joints were complaining as I carried on up the ridge, stopping briefly to attach my headtorch just before the light faded. Being in the mist at night can be disorienting. Every direction looks the same in the bubble of light that you inhabit. Still, the only way I had to go was uphill. Once I ran out of upwards, then it was time to navigate. I carried on walking.

On the summit plateau, Nic and Ali were finally able to look to the North, and they didn’t miss the approaching cloud. The wind was stronger here, with nothing to divert it, and they had to raise their voices to be heard. They couldn’t see anyone else. Everyone they’d met in the last four hours had been heading down. Now they were on their own.

The significance of the approaching cloud wasn’t lost on either of the girls. They’d been counting on a clear night and the moon to get them back down the pony track, so they turned around and followed the line of cairns, and kept following it as the visibility dropped to the point that the cairns were only visible when you were practically on top of them. The wind had been picking up, and on the plateau, with nothing to hinder its progress, it was making its presence felt. There were footprints in the snow, which helped, but both girls were suppressing a feeling of worry. All they had to do was find the path…….

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Status quo

It's always the same. Wake up in the morning, comb your hair, walk to school, nod along to whoever's talking, go home, eat, sleep, repeat. It's old. This is the life of Nathan Rivers. Yes, my life. I'm currently 19 years old, living with my family; my mother Mary, my Father Daryl, my baby brother Billy and my twin sister Wendy. It's the same thing with them. My mother's your typical housewife; kind, polite, pretty, boring. My father's a businessman, hardly around - which is fine, as he's a bit...

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Shy young man with 9 inch cock who needed his quo

I don't normally enjoy meeting someone in a parking lot but for some reason I made an exception for this shy guy. It turned out to be one of my best meets. I also typically don't meet guys based on one PM but I got a pm from a young man (20 ish) who claimed to be over 9 inches and that was too good to pass up. However I'm sure all of you have had your share of false claims so I was, as expected, very skeptical. I normally only meet at motels because they couldn't care less what goes on, they...

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SaraJay 1quo

"""""""""I "Damn, Mami stop screamin' damn." You "Alrig-Ri-Right daddy I-I wont scream no more." Then I finally got on bendin' knee and asked my special lady, for the 1st time in my life, the big question. Sara Justine - will you marry me?" . . . . "Uwwhh-uwrk-cluh->cluh-urky-- yes baby, I will marry you." You make->>ighh-igh in-in me so happy Al B., I dont and aint ever loved no man l-ll-luh-luh like you." I placed the ring on your finger and got up to my feet, passionately french...

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Dream Diary 4 True North Strong and Freequo

Dream Diary 4 "True North Strong and Free" About three days ago I received an unusual letter in the mail. It was from my cousin Chris. Chris and I are pretty good net buddies. We share a lot of what goes on in our personal lives. But in real life we don't hang out much at all. We only get to see each other at major family events. Holidays, funerals and the like. Maybe once a year at best. While we do spend at least a half an hour online each or every other day, we have never used...

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How it started nobody gets married and says quo

I have to admit, I never married my wife and thought back then, "I'd love to see this beautiful woman of mine be taken in the arms of another man, especially a Black man and be fucked soo good and soo long that she'd forget I was even in the room!"That just doesn't happen when you are standing there placing the ring on her finger, as she looks up at you smiling and says. "I do!" So, how does it go from that wedding day, to the point where your wife is being pumped full of hot,pulsating cum...

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Toluca Lake with Joanna JoJoquo

It was just another glorious morning in Southern California as I made my way to the local gym in Toluca Lake, North Hollywood. Fortunately for me it was well before midday and the private sports club appeared to be deserted for the most part. With the entire place to myself, I hit up the weight room almost immediately and started on my daily regime when I glanced across the way and noticed a very attractive brunette running on the treadmill by herself. Watching her for a few minutes, I had to...

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sleepwalker with Joanna JoJoquo

My fiance and I been dating for all of three months before we decided to get engaged, and with the big day slowly approaching we decided to finally visit her folks over the holidays and announce the big news. I was nervous to say the least considering it would be my first time meeting the family, and also because our relationship was not what you would consider conventional, in the sense that she was almost five years my senior. Nevertheless, I agreed to accompany her back to her hometown where...

2 years ago
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Wife Hipmotized to Pose Nudequo

Well this is a true story of how I got my wife hypnotized to pose nude in front of a friend of ours who we have known over 20 years. My wife wanted to quit smoking and has been unsuccessful trying it on her own. Our friend Jim has a clinic where he uses hypnosis to have people quit smoking. Jim and I had talked about getting Kim to his clinic but she would not go. So I asked Jim ti come to the house and maybe hypnotize her to convince her to quit smoking. I asked Jim if while she was under...

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Part I THE TRUTH ABOUT NORTH PARSONS BLVD By Stephen Pinto VOLUME I: Outside Her WindowAuthor's Note: The city of Monaco, Florida doesn't exist nor does any of the residents of North Parson's Boulevard. As far as Ponce de Leon the famous explorer visiting there...how could he? It doesn't fucking exist. This is purely a work of fiction. Some characters are inspired by people I've known, but that's about it. Hope you...

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A soldiers girl part 2 of Soldierquo

I woke up the next morning to see him still asleep... His legs thrown over me, his chest rising and falling with each sleep breath I smiled and Watched him sleep. His face restful and content with satisfaction, His life was paused as he slept next to me not a care in the world. I watched his eyelids twitched as a dream played in his head, There was nothing I wanted more than to be the backside of his eyelids so I could see what he was dreaming about. I tried to slip out of his death grip but He...

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tgurlshemale at straight singles dancequo

ok....so if u don't know, a t-gurl is what is commonly called a shemale.....but tgurl is preferred by us gurls. anyway, my true story revolves around a singles club in a city in ohio that gets together at the end of every month and they have about 300 people that show up, hang out, dance and socialize. well, three of us t-gurls decided we'd go and see what it was like. since we look pretty good nobody guessed who we were and so we just set about enjoying ourselves by having some drinks and...

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Sex With The GM As Well As Pro

Hi readers, I am back with my very own sex story of how I drilled two ladies, one is beautiful high class lady and the next one is her sweet pro who completed her MBA recently. The gm’s name is Prathiksha she is having around 4 companies at Chennai and she is also a partner for various companies. She is having a lot of money but god’s curse her husband was not a such good person. So she was in stress and finally somehow we got hook up many times. Many times she used to fly and come from Chennai...

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Pro-Life Synopsis: A man and his girlfriend get into a dispute when she accidentally gets pregnant. He doesn't want her to have an abortion, but she doesn't want the baby. Fortunately (or unfortunately), the miracles of modern science give them both a way to be satisfied. [email protected] ********************************************************************** Pro-Life The gavel smacked once again onto a square wooden block atop the desk, interrupting the...

1 year ago
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Ah, the Fappening Pro…truly Christmas, Easter, and Halloween all rolled in one if we could compare! The original Fappening leaks brought joy upon the world by giving us what we never thought we’d see – ass and titties from the best famous babes as private poses became public fodder. Fortunately we don’t have to forget as TheFappening.pro collects the original sets of leaked nudes from stars like Jennifer Lawrence Kate Upton, Emily Ratajkowski, Christina Hendricks, Jennette McCurdy and more but...

The Fappening
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Kavyas Amateur Sex While On Project In US 8211 Pt 2 Becoming A Pro

Hi, I am Jai and this is the second part of my story of fucking the amateur married girl, Kavya. After that session with Kavya, she was so happy the following day when we met at the office. I could see that happiness in her eyes. And she was only waiting for what was to come in future. One day, we decided to meet again in her hotel room and this time, we had no boundaries. As soon as I entered her hotel room, she pounced on me and we were kissing and exchanging saliva. The next 10 minutes, we...

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Changes in Paradise Part Eight Perils Proposals and Progeny

Disclaimer: The usual ... if you're underage, stop reading (and how did you get a hold of this in the first place), if you're offended by transgender or transsexual ideas, stop reading, and if you're unlikely to enjoy erotic descriptions of sex, stop reading. Permission granted to re-post on any free site with attribution. You really ought to read "Changes In Paradise, parts 1 - 7," if you haven't already. Those narrative threads must be held in memory or many parts of what follows...

4 years ago
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The Sexiest KissChapter 2 Pocket Protectors

Remember my saying that part of my story began in the present but actually it did not. Well, some of it that did not began about one year earlier. And it goes something like this... "Mind if I sit here Jeremy?" I asked, pretty sure he wouldn't object, especially because at the time, all eyes in the break room were upon me. It wasn't because I was the most beautiful woman employed at Massive Mortgage, though I was! No, the reason everyone present in the room was looking at me was because...

2 years ago
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Pennys Promiscuity 28 to 29 Going Pro part 3

Chapter 28Adam wasted no time obeying his wife’s command.He swivelled on the bed until he was lying full length behind me, his down, male body pressed against my skinny, middle-aged frame as if we were two spoons in a drawer. I could feel his muscular chest hot against my back and his erection pressing against the back of my legs.It was beginning again. My heart thumped in excitement.“Be gentle. Please,” I whispered, wanting desperately to feel him inside me again but knowing how sore I already...

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Pennys Promiscuity 28 to 29 Going Pro part 3

Chapter 28Adam wasted no time obeying his wife’s command.He swivelled on the bed until he was lying full length behind me, his down, male body pressed against my skinny, middle-aged frame as if we were two spoons in a drawer. I could feel his muscular chest hot against my back and his erection pressing against the back of my legs.It was beginning again. My heart thumped in excitement.“Be gentle. Please,” I whispered, wanting desperately to feel him inside me again but knowing how sore I already...

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Pennys Promiscuity 26 to 27 Going Pro part 2

Chapter 26For me, the time we spent in that room passed in a kind of dream, from the moment Pete unlocked the door and let us in right up to the moment I fell asleep exhausted and he showed our two companions out again an hour and a half later.Even now I can’t remember some of the details despite seeing the photos and video Pete and Eve took. Not even inspecting the longer lasting marks on my body told the full story but my abiding memory is of a truly extraordinary, life-changing experience.We...

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Pennys Promiscuity 26 to 27 Going Pro part 2

Chapter 26For me, the time we spent in that room passed in a kind of dream, from the moment Pete unlocked the door and let us in right up to the moment I fell asleep exhausted and he showed our two companions out again an hour and a half later.Even now I can’t remember some of the details despite seeing the photos and video Pete and Eve took. Not even inspecting the longer lasting marks on my body told the full story but my abiding memory is of a truly extraordinary, life-changing experience.We...

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christines visit to a prodom

I am a sub female, in my 20's at the time this occurred, and had experienced various BDSM acts with past boyfriends and knew I was heavily into bondage and its related activities. I was between relationships at the time, and had just got Internet access (those days of slow dial-up modems, etc.) which opened up a whole new world as I searched out kinky sites and started discussing my submissive fantasies. I think this was my first meeting resulting from an Internet contact, perhaps a lesson...

2 years ago
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My Wife Turns Pro

When the phone rang at our house on Sunday afternoon my wife, Cindy, was out shopping. It was our old friend Leroy, calling from L.A. Leroy worked as a trainer with several NFL and NBA teams, and was frequently on the road. We chatted about the upcoming game until Leroy came to the point."Hey Bill, it's been a long time since we all got together. I sure would like to see you and your pretty wife again. So would half the players on this team." He chuckled. "We sure had a great time in St. Louis...

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Jade and the probono lawyer

Jade was recently incarcerated for shop lifting. With no time to prepare to getting a lawyer and the public defender failing her miserably, she received a sentence for sixty days. Due to overpopulation she was sent to a maximum security women prison. Within the first week she was already feeling about to break inside the prison cells and then it happened. An officer called her out of her cell, cuffing her hands behind her back as standard procedure. Jade was scared asking the guard, "what's...

3 years ago
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F Machine Pro Review

F Machine Pro ReviewI was contacted by a gentleman called Ian and asked if I’d be interested in reviewing this machine having seen pictures of them I was more than happy to review them as they look amazing and I’ve always wanted to be fucked by a robot. Upon my interest he emailed me the machines image and an instruction package so I could read about it and get advanced knowledge before the set date. Ian was very helpful and efficient in providing answers to questions allowing me to feel...

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My true experience as proam video actor

I would like to share with you all my one (but very memorable) experience in the adult video industry. This took place in NYC, in the late 90s. It began with a classified ad placed in a local paper, seeking talent for a pro-am porn video series called "Strokebook Video". I sent in my pic, and a SASE, then mostly forgot about the ad. A few months later, the producers contacted me. They gave me the date and location of the shoot for what would be the third release of the series. I eagerly...

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The Pro

                               This is a new story I thought of while riding the bus fantasizing about this little red head with no panties and a wicked smile when she saw me looking at what she wanted to show.                                It’s posted here for your enjoyment                                           The PRO         This was the part I never liked, waiting for the client. But this one might be worth Waiting for, She would be the first in 20 years that wanted me to kill her,...

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Pro Boner Work

                      The Arrangement!                         TJ Ryder                http://www.midnightx.com/         ILLUSTRATED Blacked Wives and sissy hubby stories!    Odd how life turns out!  As a big firm  lawyer now doing pro bono work for the court I ran acrossan old girlfriend; well, actually I had hoped she wouldbe my girlfriend in college.   Sally B was still gorgeous at 35 and I recognized herfirst and then when I said her name as she sat in my officeshe laughed and said, TIMMY!...

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First time with a pro

Hey guys and gals this is my story. When I was 18 I wanted to taste the forbidden fruit. Anyway one day I was out with a friend of mine and he asked me if I was interested in getting a fantastic blowjob. As far as a blowjob was concerned I was a virgin. I was excited. I asked him where. He told me that he knows of a brothel near Grant road where they give fantastic blowjobs. Hearing this all sort of horror stories came to my mind. Grant road after all had a bad reputation because it was...

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CreateLust PRO

It was the end of another gray day. Sam was coming home from his job, the same as every day. He sighed as he put the keys in the lock. It would be nice to be glad to be home, but Sam didn't really feel that way. There was nothing to look forward to here. He'd been depressed since well before the divorce, and though he was doing better now that he'd found a good therapist, he still was having a hard time feeling good about life. He hadn't had the energy to spend time on his hobbies, or with his...

Mind Control
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Who else wants to join the prolapse fetish army

Hello guys and gals! I’m here to tell you about a fetish I’ve just discovered that is so exciting that it actually revolutionized my sex life with a mind-blowing new level of cumming. I’m talking about women [URL]http://livefreefun.slutroulette.com/slutroulette-prolapse-fetish-and-webcam-girls-into-it[/URL] their asshole in an unbelievable manner that seems to give them totally shattering orgasms and sends me into a sexual frenzy that I couldn’t believe how intense it was.QueenPanther...

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Promises and Secrets Tinas Prom Date

Promises and Secrets 3: Tina's Prom Date By Maria Ski Authors note: This story takes place before the events in 'Promises and Secrets'. Tina Grant, to know her is a pleasure; to look at her is to admire her, to fall in love with her... Because Tina Grant has a secret, a secret that she has kept from a very early age. Few people know, but those who do are sworn to not share the secret. Lest it harm Tina in any way. Who am I? I hear you ask, my name is Michael and I had the...

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On the appointed day Trish phoned early that morning and asked if she could bring her new protege along. “Half my age, twenty, very pretty and very talented. I think you might both enjoy Honey.” “Okay, but remember our rules, no intercourse, oral sex only, but that leaves lots of options. I had known Trish for some time through our business network, she is a few years older than me, and had confided with her a few times about the sexual liaisons my man and I participate in. Not to be outdone...

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On the appointed day Trish phoned early that morning and asked if she could bring her new protege along. “Half my age, twenty, very pretty and very talented. I think you might both enjoy Honey.” “Okay, but remember our rules, no intercourse, oral sex only, but that leaves lots of options. I had known Trish for some time through our business network, she is a few years older than me, and had confided with her a few times about the sexual liaisons my man and I participate in. Not to be outdone...

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Zombies Werewolves Vampires and Other Improbable ThingsChapter 17 Like Someone Saying Fix My Problem Instead Of We Have A Problem

If the knocking was less of an attempt to kick down the door, I would have ignored it. "What?" I yelled. Ashley shook her head at me as she opened the door. An older man and Crystal ran in. "We have a problem!" they yelled. The way they looked at each other led me to believe WE had two different problems. "Out of the way!" John-John yelled to the people standing in front of my door. Joey, Elizabeth, John-John, Bianca, and Mr. Valence ran into the room. They were carrying the Left...

2 years ago
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Amar Prothom Chodon Kotha

Bondhura eta amar jiboner akkebare sotto ekti ghotona,ja ami apnader sathe share korte cholechhi.Taar aage eta janiye rakha uchit je ami ISS er niyomito pathok.Beshi kotha na bariye soja golper bisoye asa jaak. Amar naam Raj,bari kolkata te.Ei golpo ti amar ak maasir saathe amar prothom jouno somporker.Amar theke amar chhotomasi 10 bocchor er boro.Aaj theke praay 11 bochhor aager ghotona,tokhon amar boyes 21 bochhor,sobe matro chakri te dhukechhi.Amar chhotomaasi thakto Magrahat e,chhotomaasi...

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