Protection Fer Who Chapter 9
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Sometimes I hate ta be right. I just knew I wuz gonna have trouble with that there damned galoot. He wuz a crooked Confederate sympathizer politician. Now, I ask ya: how wrong kin a man be? "Howdy, Sheriff. What kin I do fer ya?"
"Ya kin come along quietly ta the jail. Ya're under arrest fer murder of some upstanding Confederate sojers what ya lyingly called Bushwhackers when ya hung 'em about six weeks ago. A true patriot cut 'em down an' give 'em a decent burial. Now ya're gonna pay fer yer crime. Hold out yer hands soz I kin cuff ya."
I had been sitting on the veranda, enjoying a cigar afore supper, when this here idjut rode up. I wuz still wearin' my guns, since I don't never go nowhere without them with so many bandits, excuse me, patriotic guerrilla sojers, runnin' around the countryside and shootin' at people kinda fer the joy of it.
I carefully snubbed out my cigar and looked the sheriff in the eye. "Ya are a damned fool ifen ya think that I'm goin' anywhere with ya when ya talk like that. Let me see the warrant fer my arrest afore ya go any further."
"I ain't got no warrant, an' I don't need one fer arrestin' ya. Everybody in the county knows that ya're a Damyankee sympathizer an' ought ta be tried an' hung fer treason."
"I might point out that Missouri didn't secede, so I can't be tried fer treason ta the Confederacy. Now, git yer sorry ass ofen my property afore I git mad an' blow yer stupid fuckin' head off."
"Ya can't talk ta me like that! I'm the law in this county, soz ya don't have no choice. Turn over yer guns an' let me cuff ya."
Suddenly, there was a voice heard from the doorway, "Sheriff, ya better git yer ass outa here, like Jeff said. Ya and yer three deputies ain't got the chance of a snowball in hell of arrestin' Jeff fer murder without a warrant. Yer word just ain't good enough at this end of the county. We ain't Union sympathizers, an' we ain't Confederate sympathizers. We're sympathizers of peace an quiet, an I'll blow your fuckin' head off with this here shotgun ifen y'all don't git out of here in about two minutes." The noise of Jane cocking the hammers on that double barrel 10-gauge could be heard clearly in the stunned silence of the so-called lawmen.
"Now, look here, Ma'am. Ya best be careful with that there shotgun."
I said, "Sheriff, ya're the one what needs ta be careful. My wife has a short fuse an' a deadly eye with any sort of gun, soz I advise ya ta do what she says. Ya kin come back when ya gits that there warrant, an' only then will I go quietly. Like I said, Sheriff, she's got a short fuse, an' I kin hear it sizzling."
"Y'all will be sorry ya defied me. I'll be back with a posse, next time."
"Ya ain't likely ta find many fer yer posse from around here, so don't make idle threats. Now, git!"
The sheriff took another look at Jane's determined face an' climbed back on his hoss. "Ya ain't heard the last of this, ya traitor!" He rode off, cursin' under his breath.
Jane asked, "Do ya reckon that he can git a warrant? Ya know that ya would be shot tryin' ta escape afore they got ya ta the jail?"
"Yeah, I know that, Honey. I had no intention of goin' with him, even ifen he'd had a warrant. I know that I could outdraw him, an' I knew that ya would back me up. I love ya, Honey, but I 'spect that I'd better make myself scarce fer a little while."
"No, please don't do that. I know that ifen ya talk ta Jeb an' Jethro, they'd come runnin' ta help ya. Our fence is sturdy, soz the only way in is through the front gate. That fool would need a cannon ta git to the house, an' I don't know where he would find one. Besides, my baby is due pretty soon, an' I do need ya ta be near when that happens."
"OK, I'll talk ta some of my friends 'bout this, but I am concerned 'bout ya an' the baby. Well, we'll see what happens. In the meantime, I'm hungry. Is supper ready?"
Over the next couple of days, I talked to Jeb an' Jethro an' some of my other friends, an' they all agreed ta back me up ifen it came ta a real fight, as long as the sheriff didn't have no warrant. Ifen he managed ta git a warrant, then the whole deal would change.
Life rocked along in its easy pace fer 'bout nine weeks, then Jane's water broke. It was a complete surprise, since she was almost two weeks early. I hitched up the buckboard an' raced for the midwife. Got her on board an' raced back home in plenty of time. I was relieved over that, but the midwife swore that she would never ride with me, again. She said I scared the life out of her. I wonder if she meant that, cuz I thought that I was right careful on the trip from her house ta here, though we did make the trip in record time. Jane wuz in labor fer 14 hours, so maybe I did drive a trifle faster than necessary. When it was time fer her ta go home, the midwife refused ta ride with me. She had her husband come git her. I think that woman wuz afraid of her own shadow—I wuzn't that reckless!
She delivered a beautiful girl. Absolutely the prettiest baby ever borne. She named the baby Mary Elizabeth, after our two mothers. I thought that was nice, but I really didn't care what name she chose, I was gonna love the baby just as much.
I had about three weeks with my wife an' baby afore the shit started to fly. Just 23 days after the baby was borne, the Sheriff showed up with four deputies to try to arrest me, again. He still didn't have a warrant, but he tried to make up for it in bluster. I refused to go with him, so the damned fool tried to draw on me. I'd had all I could take of his stupidity, so I shot him, though not fatally. I did shoot him in the right arm an' shattered it. Sensibly, the deputies didn't try to draw on me. They gathered him up an' hauled him to the nearest doctor, who amputated the Sheriff's arm to save his life. I had now made a life-long, powerful enemy.
I went to see Jeb an' his wife. They promised ta look after Jane an' Mary Elizabeth. I had no choice but ta disappear until the whole thin' blew over. I hoped that would only be a few months, but we all feared that it would be years before I could return ta livin' on my farm.
I spent a tearful night with Jane an' the baby afore I lit out fer Oklahoma Territory. I promised ta come back an' visit as often as I could, but I wuzn't at all shore when that would be.
I didn't take much with me, jus' my two pistols an' a Spencer carbine. I took a minimum of supplies an' three $20 gold pieces. That left Jane an' the baby with nearly $2,400, which should hold them fer several years. I didn't know exactly what I would do, but I wuz gonna stay out of Missouri fer a while.
Naturally, the best laid plans git screwed up. I headed into Kansas straight away, cuz I figured I needed ta git out of Missouri as quick as possible. That took two days of hard travel until I was shore that I was inta Kansas. Once I figured I wuz out of Missouri, I headed southwest. The Cherokee wuz partial ta the Confederacy, soz they might be willin' ta turn me over ta the law from Missouri. I didn't know fer shore, but I didn't want ta take any chances.
Anyway, I wuz 'bout halfway through Kansas when it dawned on me that I wuz pro'bly better off in Kansas than I would be in Oklahoma. Oklahoma wuz more a part of the CSA than Missouri wuz, so I decided ta stay in Kansas, at least for a while. At least, the people in Kansas wuzn't likely ta turn me over ta the law in Missouri, no matter how much they might beg.
So that's what I decided, I'd stay in Kansas 'til a better idee came along. I stayed out of towns an' lived off the land. There wuz enough buffeler around that I had plenty of meat, but I shore got tired of that pretty soon. Finally, I couldn't take it any longer an' went into a little town to buy some beans an' coffee. I got the impression that they couldn't care less who I wuz or where I come from—as long as I had money, I wuz welcome.
Jeb said, as we sat in the kitchen drinkin' coffee, "I seen ya let yer niggers use guns. Don't take that as criticism, cuz I seen how it worked out." "Fuck, man! Do ya think I let them sit around with a thumb up their ass while my women wuz in danger of gittin' raped or killed? Hell, no. Ifen I feed an' house 'em, they're gonna fight fer me. They agree that it's fair, soz I don't git no argument. Besides, they know they're better off here than they would be most places." "Ya...
Once Rastus got ta the point that he wuz well enough ta move around, I found out that he wuz right well educated on the subject of raisin' hogs. He had done that fer almost 12 years afore he and Martha had been sold by their owner, who needed money ta pay off some gamblin' debts. He said that he would love ta be able ta work with the hog farmin'. He thought that he could take it over completely an' leave me free ta concentrate on the sausage an' bacon business. Hell, that was too good...
After supper, we sat at the kitchen table, well, the White folks did, an' the niggers stood around an' leaned on the counters. We, includin' the niggers, drank coffee an' talked 'bout what ta do with all the treasure we found. We figured that there wuz no way we'd be able ta return the money, soz we agreed ta divide it up, half an' half, between us an' Jeb's family. That wuz a shit pot full of money, enough soz none of us would ever have ta work, again, ifen we didn't want ta. That...
Shit! I must be the luckiest man in the world. All four of them wuz carrin' one of them Starr DA pistols. Later, when I looked in their saddle bags, I found four more of 'em. They must of robbed a supply depot or some such ta have that many of them valuable pistols. Ta my calculatin', that's $336 worth of guns, far an' away more than what a man, or even four men, could normally afford. I hated ta give up the nine shots an' the shotgun, but, right then, I decided ta swap my LeMats fer...
CAST: Jeff Burnside—narrator, owner of "Burnside's Sausage & Bacon Co." Jane Burnside—wife of Jeff Mary Elizabeth Burnside—Jeff's daughter Jeff (JJ) Burnside, Jr.—Jeff's son Inez Arthur—substitute grandmother Rastus—Negro employee Martha—Negro employee, Rastus' wife "Little" Jane—Rastus' daughter Jonah—Negro employee Ellie—Negro employee, Jonah's wife Josiah—Negro employee Mandy—Negro employee, Josiah's wife Pierre Monde—creole employee, BBQ chef Agnes...
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[Janice writes] I found it hard to believe that, within twenty-four hours of reconciling and marrying, Andy and Charlie would be off in separate directions to complete commitments they have. I managed to trap him alone while Andy talked to her parents. "Charlie, is everything really okay? This separation worries me." "It shouldn't, mom." "It does. It's me, Charlie. Explain things. I'm feeling very old and very slow." He hugged me. "Mom, it will be a long time before you're old...
BULLS COCKS, COWS & HEIFERS Phil was newly divorced, his wife had given him several c***dren who were away at college. She had taken the house as part of the settlement & $20k a year from the business. Phil had converted an old warehouse into a bachelor pad. The main storage area downstairs he had it insulated and alarmed to store his vintage & classic collections.The wasted area space was enough to install two levels above the vintage & classic collections area.Phil is in his...
As Dave with his umbrella walked up the hill he could just make out the old wooden structure in the woods. When he was close to the door he noticed the blue plastic tarp he and Jennifer had put on the roof for rain protection still seemed to be intact. He lightly pushed to open the door but the hook they had put on for privacy was latched from the inside. His suspicion confirmed, Dave knocked softly and said, "Jennifer, are you okay? Please let me in. We need to be together." It seemed...
[Protection – Janice] We learned a lot from Tom and Vic. Tom was more the flier and Vic was more the mechanic though the difference was more one of degree than anything else. Vic was a very good flier and Tom a very good mechanic. Both of them were also very comfortable with the theory of aeronautics as well. As we worked with them, they explained what we were doing and why interspersed with aviation theory and knowledge. Tom told me that we would pick a plane for our use and go over it...
Dave woke early on Friday morning; as he stood in front of the mirror he looked carefully at his bruised face. He could clearly see a trace of yellow spreading under his eyes and he knew that two black eyes would soon color his face. He ate breakfast before he brushed his teeth and left for the Hawk's Hallow Golf Course. He practiced hard for three hours before he played eighteen holes. He picked up a game with three young juniors and enjoyed playing with the developing players. One...
When Dave woke on Saturday morning he was very anxious; he had a growing fear about talking to Jennifer and what her reaction would be. He knew that as each day passed he was getting closer to a probably difficult discussion with her and, now that he knew she was coming to QAI with the twins on Monday, he felt even more nervous. He went to Hawks Hallow and spent the morning practicing, but he was distracted as he continued to think about Jennifer. After two hours he finally decided to call it...
#Genesis "They're finally ready, Sir ... Justin Bieber, Fergus Riordan and Dakota Goyo", The Scientist replied, making some notes briefly on his clipboard, and then asked, "But where will you keep all three clones, Sir?" "An island", I answered, "My own little one just off Maldives ... Tell me, Doctor, why did you need so many of my pictures, a video of me, and even a sample of my DNA? How am I a part of their creation?" "We factored it all in. The technical details are...
It was a masterful trap. Robby was driving with Bennie, Pam, and I up front and not a one of us saw it coming. Suddenly, the road was blocked front and back. People with guns were on both sides. A voice came powered by a big public address system. "You folks in the bus. You can surrender. That means you come out the door at the front slowly and without any weapons. The other option is to die. We dislike killing women and children but it's your choice." We surrendered. If you are...
[Janice] We watched as two wagons pulled by horses came toward us with people waving excitedly. We stood with hands hanging loosely at our sides until they came close. We waved back as they came close. They pulled up about fifty feet from us and piled out. Two men and two women approached us slowly and with a little care. I noticed one of the men eying me a little harder than really appropriate. Bennie saw that and gave him "the look." He moved his gaze away from me. The other three...
[Janice] We were all on foot and Bennie and I seemed to have our hands tied behind us. We came into a subdivision and I noticed four or so homes that looked occupied. People came out and began to gather around. Jerry said, "They fly. Joe and the others are looking over their plane. Marty and Jamie, you are to take the girl back with Sheila, Angie, and Joan. We're to hold the man here. Joe wants you to bring the truck." One man said, "Jamie, I'll get the truck." I saw another man nod...
[Charlie writes] I found Grandpop and Grandmother talking to Marco and Isabella through the same older woman. I notice that my grandparents were using some phrases in Italian now. I listened for a bit. Finally, I said, "Please excuse me but I must speak with my grandparents." Grandpop said, "Go ahead, Charlie. We're among friends." "Grandpop, you may not like this and I know of no way to sugar coat it. "There will be no, I repeat no, agreements to bind any person or group that are...
[Janice writes] Our learning efforts were beginning to pay off. Everyone was learning and Andy had a totally new attitude about helping and teaching. I would describe her as wistfully beautiful. She had lost something but I could tell she hoped to get it back. It, of course, was Charlie. The new attitude from her was utterly attractive. Along with her physical beauty, the young men were being drawn in. She politely ignored their overtures that started less than a week after she returned to...
[Janice writes from Lavaca] There were six or eight horses and five trucks in the party coming our way. They quieted when they saw us waiting there. Melissa and I were the only ones not carrying a rifle and we had pistols strapped to our sides. Even Charlie had a small-bore rifle. His instructions were to drop the rifle and grab Doris on the way to safety. Right now, all we could do was wait and trust Melissa's feeling that things were right. I trusted my spouse. When she had a feeling...
Rita's glare intensified as a slow, arrogant smile spread over her brother's face. She couldn't believe that the little dweeb had actually gotten the better of her for once. She knew that getting a tattoo was a bad move - with parents as strict as hers, even suggesting that she was thinking about getting inked would have been enough to get her grounded for life, but one rebellious night, she'd told herself that it was her life to live, and gotten a butterfly on the inside of her thigh -...
Darkness. A thought. A wish. A vision. A flash. And there ... Madrid. Spain. Midnight. I'm actually here. Finally. I'm standing in this street. This very street. Near the driveway that leads up to Fergus Riordan's House. I can't believe it. I need to savor it. This moment of reckoning ... Grey rays of pale moonlight filtered through the trees that were being battered and blown in the fierce wind. A storm. But I felt none of it. I felt as if I'm floating in a breezeless street. Calm....
Ulrike ist mit ihren 24 Jahren eine wahre Schönheit, sie hat schulterlange, lockige, blonde Haare, hat leuchtend blaue Augen, einen hübschen, strammen Busen, eine Wespentaille, einen sehr knackigen Po, sehr lange schlanke Beine, ist im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes bildhübsch, bei einer Größe von 1,78 wiegt sie 60 kg. Sie ist Referendarin an einer Gesamtschule, ist strebsam und ehrgeizig und hat sich dadurch bei so manchem Schüler unbeliebt gemacht. Darunter war auch die Gruppe um Tom, bereits 18,...
[Janice writes from Mexico] The man said, "I apologize for Raymon's actions. I am Martin Gonzalez. We are glad to see someone new. Where are you from?" Robby said, "I am Robby Cook-Thomas-Sullivan and Janice is one of my spouses. We are residents of the communities of Preservation and Protection up in Georgia and Tennessee. We also represent Port Lavaca, Texas. "We are on an exploration trip to make contact with surviving groups to let people know they aren't alone." The woman...
~ Fern and My niece Willow ~ I was woken by the phone in the lounge room ringing. I lazily got up and walked down the hall. Standing there naked I sighed when I saw the caller ID said it was my sister. She was older than me and had always thought she could boss me around. Being bossy didn’t stop with me either, her poor husband had been suffering for years and her only child, my niece Willow, was very shy and soft-spoken. “Hello,” I said. “Mike it’s me I’m divorcing...
Missy stood naked in front of the bathroom mirror. She turned slightly from side to side admiring the shape of her naked ass. Her tight shirt hugged her slender waist and accented the curve of her smooth booty. Half way across the small cheeks of her ass the color changed from coffee brown to creamy light latte. She couldn’t decide if she liked the tan lines left from her bikini but when would she ever be able to lay out naked with her father and brother watching her constantly?Steam lifted in...