Zak's GiftChapter 2 free porn video

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"You look tired, Vic." said Mr. Andersen, Victor's boss. Broad-shouldered and strong, nature had obviously indended Darrel Kennith Andersen to be a hulking juggernaut of a man, but his body had never gotten the hint, stopping its vertical ascent at four-foot-six. Except for a forelock at the front and some stubborn growth at the back, the man was bald, though he had once had a full head of ebony hair. Character lines from his fifty years as a reporter and, later, an executive, had built themselves around the taut scar-line he'd received in a knife fight in his youth, just barely missing his right eye. The scar bespoke a hard childhood for the man. He was so unlike the many employees around him who knew not the meaning of hard work. He had earned his place in command, had made himself irreplacible, and thus, had secured himself in his position as managing chief, known as the Archangel of Death, because he was the lowest-ranking executive, and often was the one to oversee the enactment of decress "from above." "How long's it been since you had a vacation?"

"Six months." Victor replied. "And it was the whole two weeks, and I'm not due to get any more until the new fiscal year."

"True enough, Vic, but..." Mr. Andersen paused. "We're having a bit of a turnover problem right now, and I'm not talking pastries."

"I know, sir, that's why you need me here."

"No, that's why I need you to not burn yourself out, Vic." Mr. Andersen replied emphatically. "You're one of precisely four employees we have left with any loyalty in them. The rest of these kids are just working here long enough to get some extra job experience and our name on their resume before they head over to that big station across the river, or they're just here on work-study programs while they're working their way through Baylor. That's not your problem, though, not as copy editor, at any rate. It's the board's problem. Your problem is getting some rest so you're not shambling around here half-dead." He pulled a little keychain from his pocket. "Listen, Vic, you guys are very important to me, and that's a fact. I need you in tip-top shape. So, since Vinnie's back from sick leave, and your two weeks are already gone, I'm putting you on assignment." He handed the keychain to Victor, who immediately recognized the black plastic head of a car key and the brand name of a company speciallizing in deadbolts for houses. He knew what Mr. Andersen was trying to do, but he owed it to the man to put up a little resistence if only to show he wasn't totally fried.

"I appreciate it, Mr. Andersen, but I'm an editor, not an anchor."

"You're our most senior non-executive." Mr. Andersen replied. "That gives you an idea of what makes a good employee and what makes..." He gestured to the youths on the other side of the one-way mirror Mr. Andersen used as a window so they couldn't tell whether or not he was watching. Most often he was, but he didn't want them to get cocky and make a mistake when he eventually had to go to the restroom or something. They were all going through the motions. One of the research guys was obviously viewing a porn site at his terminal, as evidenced by the bulge of his eyes and the too-pleased look on his face. Andersen entered a few keystrokes to confirm what he already knew, and sent an email to the man's inbox. The pop-up window indicating he had mail appeared on cue, and was followed by a series of clicks from the young man's mouse. "Let me finish before I have to tear into Danny Droolsalot over there." Mr. Andersen continued. "What you hold in your hands is the key to the car parked in in spot 24B and a set of keys to a house on Lake Mexia, and the boat that's parked there. Your assignment is to round up someone who's looking for a steady job. Make that several someones. We need all the decent help we can get! You'll be drawing a recruiter's salary, which is cheaper than hiring a headhunter but still enough for you to be comfortable, and you'll have an expense account."

"Sir, I couldn't impose..."

"Impose?" Mr. Andersen scoffed. "It's not like I'm sending you on vacation, Vic. This rollover has investors looking elsewhere, and we can't have that." Well, if this was how Mr. Andersen was going to justify it, far be it for Victor to argue further.

"I won't let you down, sir."

"You never do, my boy." Mr. Andersen said. "It's a shame you're our most senior non-executive at only four years."

"That bad, sir?"

"Like I said." Mr. Andersen replied. "Oh, and Vic?"


Mr. Andersen pulled back his remaining hair with one hand in an attempt to give the impression of a widow's peak, assumed a very bad Jack Nicholson face, and said in a very bad Jack Nicholson voice "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy." Victor gave a little laugh before he stepped out, almost running into the very nervous young porn-surfer. "What the fuck did you think you were doing out there, Pennington?!?!" he heard before the door closed.

"Charlie got in trouble!" a singsong voice chimed from the gopher farm. The perpetrator was hidden behind a forest of particle board partitions, but Victor knew by sensing the glee among a sea of nervousness who had said it. He navigated the cubicle-maze with the ease of four years' experience until he was at the cubicle of Kim Kahn, called Kimi by her friends and Genghis Kahn by those who had tried to get into her pants. Victor knew she was good at her job, but she was only biding her time until she could get a job interview with a competing station. He decided she could use a shift in loyalties.

"When's your break, Ms. Kahn?" he asked.

"Four o'clock, Mr. Phillips." Kim replied sheepishly, giving her superior a frightened expression.

"Would you find a stopping place in that document you're working on and come see me in my office, please?"

"Yes, sir." she replied, keeping her tone level despite the fears that echoed in her mind. He went to his office, pocketing the keys in his hand and walking as nonchalantly as one with his kind of plans could. He closed the blinds over his window and made himself relax. In minutes, Kim was at his door. She knocked politely. She was afraid she was going to get fired for something.

"Come in." he said, speaking in Chinese, to keep her associating him with someone who was to be obeyed, such as the grownups in her childhood homeland.

"You ... you speak Chinese?" she asked, sheepishly, as she entered.

"Close the door, please, and flip on the privacy light." he said. She complied. Her thoughts were more fearful now, for she had consoled herself by muttering plans for revenge to herself in Chinese. The fact that Victor was speaking Chinese to her now only made her think that he had heard her and, unlike "the rest of the gwailao who infest this place," had understood what she had said.

"Is there anything I can do for you, sir?" she asked, respectfully, in Chinese, since it was apparently the chosen language for this conversation. This could work to his advantage. Not only did she associate China with her childhood and childhood manners, including respect for adults who spoke it, but it had also forced her thoughts to dwell on her treacherous mutterings. He decided to keep himself vague, and pressure her to confess.

"I would like to discuss your plans for the future." he said.

"My ... my plans?" she asked.

"Yes, Kahn Kim." He deliberately addressed her as she would have been addressed in China: Surname first, as if she had not Anglicized her name to fit in in America. "I am interested in your plans for the future. Where do you see yourself next month? Next year? Two years from now? Five?"

"I ... I don't know." she stammered.

"Don't you?" Victor asked. "Tell me, Kahn Kim, what did your parents teach you about loyalty?"

"I ... uh ... I..." she stammered.

"Do you know that bad turnover is a self-perpetuating problem?"

"It is?" she asked.

"Yes." Victor replied. "There could be nothing wrong with a company's way of doing business, but it is required to publish its turnover rate. Now, let's say few disgruntled workers quit and move on to something else out of no reason other than they're bored, or it's no longer fashionable to work for that company. The company has to hire replacements. Suddenly the company has a rise, even a minute one, in turnover, and this comes to the attention of the investors. The investors panic, selling off their stock, hurting the company financially, causing budget cuts, which results in salary cuts, which results in more resignations, requiring more workers to be hired to replace the ones that left. This frightens the investors more, and the selling increases in pace. The cycle continues, only faster now. No one remembers why the turnover began, only that it has, and it is accellerating." He had risen from his chair, and now stood before Kim, bending at the waist to stare into her fearful eyes. "There is a way to stop it, but it requires teamwork ... and loyalty." Her eyes were becoming tearful now. She was obviously struggling to keep her face from scrunching up in a full, bold-faced bawl. "The responsibility has been placed in my hands, Kahn Kim."

"I am sorry." she said, closing her eyes as two tears leaked down her face. "I am sorry for my disloyal comments, sir! I did not know anyone could understand me! I was frustrated! I was trying to calm myself! That is all! I do not truly wish to leave! Please don't cast me away!"

"That is what I needed to hear." Victor said, brushing her tears away. "I need loyal employees who can help me slow this thing, escape the downward spiral."

"How can I help, sir? What can I do?"

"This is enough for now." he said, patting her shoulder. "Do you have any job interviews scheduled?"

"No, sir." Kim replied emphatically. "I ... I had sent in a few applications, but I will cancel them immediately!"

"Yes, I believe that's best." Victor said, gesturing toward his desk. Immediately, Kim sat in the rather comfortable chair, taking half a moment to enjoy the feeling before she picked up the phone and dialed an outside number. In English, Kim cancelled her job applications at four competing stations, turned to the computer to email the cancellation as well, then logged out of her email account and hung up the phone.

"Is there anything else I can do for you, sir?" she asked, looking up at him with an expression very much like he had imagined a well-trained servant would use. The combination of her expression and her tone of voice turned Victor on immeasurably. He caressed her cheek, allowing his tone to soften.

"There is something else." Victor said. Her ankles crossed, her knees parted slightly, her face flushed, her pupils dilated, her back bent ever so slightly to emphasize her small bust. This change in body language spoke volumes which didn't need to be verbalized, but Victor continued down his chosen path. "I won't tell anyone about your mutterings, but I cannot stop what has begun without help." She nuzzled into his hand as she continued to respond to the intimacy of the moment. "I need to know I can count on you to help me if necessary. You've been very honest with me, Kim, and I am grateful for that. Now I would like to be honest with you." She gazed up at him. He had her undivided attention. "I cannot be certain yet, but I believe this assignment I have been given is multi-faceted. I think there may be someone moving up soon. I must do some work away from the office, and I need someone to keep an eye on things, scout the situation for me while I'm gone."

"I will do anything you ask of me, sir." Kim said, her hand rising to meet his. "I am at your disposal." He brought her up out of the chair to meet him. One hand at the small of her back, he held her gaze, his finger tracing her jawline. She let a small moan escape her lips. Victor realized she liked being touched this way. Their lips brushed. Her mouth opened, admitting his tongue. She tasted faintly of gin and chamomile. She shivered as his hand traced down her side, slipping below the hem of her skirt. She cooed as he ran his fingers over the crotch of her very wet panties. Her hands began to unsnap his shirt. She ran her fingers over his muscular chest. "I've never felt this way ... about anyone ... before." she grunted as his finger slid under her panties to caress her labia. "Please ... I want this ... take me ... keep me ... own me..." she moaned. Victor's mind locked the office door as they moved into the tiny washroom. Her mind echoed with passion and pleasure. Victor found that she was a closet submissive, needing a strong male to guide her and dominate her, but afraid to show weakness in front of anyone lest she be taken advantage of.

"Take off your clothes for me." he said, putting down the toilet lid so he could sit down. She moaned passionately at her fantasy come true.

"Yes, sir." she replied. "Yes, master." she amended. Her jacket fell from her shoulders to pool on the floor, followed by her tan skirt. She fumbled with the buttons on her blouse, ripping off the final three buttons in her eagerness to serve. Victor smiled. He wasn't even controlling her. He stopped her, rising from his seat to rub at her erogenous zones through the undergarments.

"You like this?" he asked as she ground herself against his fingers. "Knowing who's in charge?"

"Ayah!" she exclaimed as her body convulsed in orgasm. She collapsed against him. "Yes, master." she sighed. He kissed her on the lips, moving one hand to the small of her back, which seemed to help her get aroused even more quickly.

"Hold out your arms." he said, and she moaned as she complied. He unfastened the clasp of the silken strapless, dropping it to the floor as he began to play with her nipples. Her aureolas were small, but well-formed. Her nipples were little buds of pleasure that loved the attention he lavished on them. He watched through her mind as she felt the heat from his mouth as it approached one nipple, then fire as he began to suck on it. He alternated between the two nipples, delighting in her reactions. He brought his hands to the hem of her panties, which by now were soaked completely through. "Are you sure you want to do this?" he asked. "Because once I take these panties off, I will posess you. My word will be your law." She moaned, her breath coming in ragged gasps.

"Yes." she said. "I want you to own me, master. I want you to take me to hypnosis shows and make me pay for the tickets. I want to be your spy, your agent, your whore, your blow-up doll, whatever you want. I knew this the moment I started crying in your office, Master. You are my Master. I am your slave. I can only hope to be worthy of you, Master." A quick mindbrush revealed that she had often visited a website called the Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive on company time and company computers. With the gift Zak had given him, he could easily protect her from retribution should it be discovered. Yes, he felt the wisest course was to accept her, and the responsibility that came with her.

"You've been so honest with me, Kim. Now I want to be honest with you. I have a power. A power which would let me change things about you. I would never use it to harm you, but I want you to know that your fantasies can come true if you want them to." She gazed into his eyes, and he let her be aware of his presence in her mind.

"Take me, Master." she said, her voice a half-moan of desire. "Keep me. Change me. Alter me to your desires." With his hand on the back of her head, he made a few minor alterations, removing some inhibitions and useless things like jealousy and the tiny claustrophobic twinge she had felt upon entering the washroom. He also made himself the only man she could ever desire, though she would be open to sex with females as well. He saw that she was a little ashamed of her nearly flat chest and wished she could be a little bigger, especialy for her new Master. That, too, was easily changed, and tears of joy streamed down her face as she suddenly found herself sporting a B-cup chest. He pulled down her panties, depositing them on the sink as he kissed her, and she orgasmed again, though she was unable to form even the word "ayah" with his mouth over hers. She sank to her knees, undoing Victor's belt, then his slacks, pulling them down along with his boxers. She gazed lovingly at his nine-inch cock. Seeing a drop of fluid at the tip, she extended her tongue and licked it off. His cock jumped at the contact, and she jumped in surprise. He chuckled warmly, giving her an encouraging caress. "I love you, Master." she cooed before taking the engorged head in her tiny mouth. Its girth stretched her lips almost painfully, but she pressed on, desperate to get it inside her. He reached the back of her throat with only four inches in her mouth. She was a neophyte when it came to fellatio. She didn't know how to deep-throat yet. It didn't matter. He pulled out and drew her toward the toilet, where he sat. Her three-inch heels slipped on the porcelain until he began to hold them in place with the power of his mind, but she was finally able to straddle his hips. She slid onto him, her tight body gradually accomodating itself to its new owner. She cried out as her cherry broke, but he made sure the sound never left the room. He began to gradually pump her up and down on him, and she rode him just as she rode the waves of pleasure coursing through her brain. "Ayah! Ayah! Ayah! Ayah!" she cried as she had her most intense orgasm of the afternoon. He erupted within her, his semen nearly scalding in its heat. She flopped limply against him, helpless, unable and unwilling to resist anything else he might do to or for her.

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Doll of the Master 2

"Oh very interesting," said the doctor.While they were talking i had to dress myself and we got out of the hospital and drove home. As we arrived at home my Stepmother’s ex-husband - my special friend Glen - awaited us and welcomed me with a kiss on my mouth. My Stepmother said to him: "It is not ready for you. It will be trained for your needs and then at the age of 16 it will be yours. So please wait and don't be silly for the next steps that will done."She brought me to my room and bound me...

2 years ago
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Air Hostess To High Profile Prostitute Part 3

If you have not read my earlier stories of this series, I highly recommend you to go and check these out. I had too much sex while I was prostituting in Dubai. I got back to India, and I completed the contract with the escort company. I had done too much slavery for clients and now wanted a peaceful life. After coming back to india, I got married. My husband is currently working in a reputed organization. He is mostly busy with work but provides me with whatever I wanted, except satisfying sex....

2 years ago
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What the Future May BringChapter 10

"It is now 11:10 P.M. on the East coast," said the most trusted news broadcaster in America. "Just less than two hours ago a devastating explosion occurred in the Capitol and appears to have wiped out most of the upper levels of the United States government. The entire line of succession to the presidency, with the exception of the new Secretary of Education, Kathleen Lehrer, who had only taken office a month ago, was inside the Capitol at the time of the explosion, and it is feared that...

4 years ago
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I LOST IT to a 12 year old

Well, we scored our dope, and a bonus of a case of Miller beer. On our way back to my truck, Georgeann was walking out of the apartments. I couldn't help but watch her tits bounceing under her t-shirt as she walked. I started the truck just as it started to rain, the sky darkend quickly and lightning and thunder began. By the time I drove to the entrance to Oak Ridge road, Georgeann was soaking wet. I stopped next to her and offered her a ride. "Brian, right? and your Billy...yeah, I...

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This is a short story about how fast things can go in the shitter and the unplanned retribution when it does. I don’t really know where this story came from, but with my weird mind I’m not surprised. Even if there are no wives or sex in this story I decided to put it in the Loving Wives category, which seems to be the place to put retaliation type stories. Like always I like the constructive criticism comments I get back from readers because I learn from them. The slash and burn comments will...

3 years ago
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hanna becomes a slave for life

Consciousness returned slowly, and as it did a number of things strike me at once - my arms and shoulders are hair, lank and damp, hangs across my face, obscuring my sight...and my jaw aches horribly. For some reason i cant focus properly, and it dawns on me that i am bound tight, my arms above me and my legs obscenely spread open below me. Looking down i see a fleshy colored blur, and i realize i am naked.Long minutes pass before i hear the sound of footsteps approaching, the creak...

1 year ago
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Friday is the wifes date night

On Friday after work I normally go to one of the restaurants and have a few drinks and to eat before going home. You see Friday night my wife usually has a date so I must fend for myself. But last Friday I got a call from my wife to come straight home, she said she would explain why when I get home.As I entered my house I was met by my and she gave me a quick kiss on the lips. She was wearing her long bath robe but I could see her legs where encased in black nylon and she had on her fuzzy...

4 years ago
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Rebel in the SouthChapter 38 Mina

I spotted the string of slaves marching down a parallel track about noon. They were on the dusty, fair-weather road while I stayed mostly in the shade. I tried three times to count them without getting very close and finally gave up and estimated twenty. They were roped together at the neck and had their hands tied before them. As far as I could tell from the trees, they were all women or young boys. Three of them were very light-skinned and one was surely white. They wore ragged dresses or...

3 years ago
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Sulbha Ko Rula Rula Diya

Hello friends I am going to write my first story on this web site my name is Kunal 24 years old from indore. I have done my hotel management now working as chef in 5* hotel in my city baat jada purani nahi hai. 3 mahine pehele ki hai main indore me jaha rehta hoon waha paas me ek ladki rehti thi naam tha sulbha. dikhne me bahut hi achhi thi just like rani mukharji uski hight 5’5″ hai. 36-30-34 gora rang gulabi lips thi bahut hi achhi hum log hamesha ek dusre ko mobile per sms bhejte the ek din...

2 years ago
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Unexpected Strange But True

First let me start by telling you all that all the stories I post here are true. I lead an exceptional and strange sex life and it gets me off knowing that you read and enjoy them. This one is no different. Let me tell you that names in this one don't matter, just the actions. This past Saturday night (September 3rd) I was at a club in Manhattan. Once in a while I like to go to a rave club because I know so many people there and though I am 54 the people who are MUCH younger than me like...

1 year ago
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BellesaFilms Scarlit Scandal Piper Cooper Intimate Stimulation

Scarlit takes a chance and visits a sex therapist. Since her break up with her cheating ex, she’s been struggling to have an orgasm. She’s been told Piper is a miracle worker, and Piper assures her there are techniques to relieving our emotional stressors that are often unknowingly at the root of our sexual tensions. Nervous but willing to try, Scarlit gets undressed and lies down for a full body oil massage. Piper’s calm and trusting energy loosens up her buckling knees and, slowly but surely,...

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Snow Bunny

Nothing felt better to me than to have my feet strapped into my bindings and bombing it down the mountain, leaving first tracks in the corduroy as I snow boarded over to my lift. I was 19, and worked as a lift operator on one of the mountains in Aspen, CO. Reaching my destination I came to a quick stop and sat down on my butt, reaching down and unhooking my boots from their cage before walking over to the railing surrounding the lift. Unhooking the ropes that latched around the entrance, I let...

3 years ago
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Becoming a sissy slut part 5

After cleaning myself up and making myself presentable again I went back to the bedroom to get dressed. Picking out a nice set of white lacy panties and bra, a red blouse, and a black skirt I made my way to the kitchen to fix us up some breakfast. I served him his favorite breakfast along with his coffee and was thanked with a kiss and a quick groping of my ass which brought a moan from my lips. As he began to eat I put the coffee pot away and made my way under the table in front of him. I...

1 year ago
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So Night Follows DayChapter 8

“Grampa pissed his pants again, he don’t give a damn. Brother Billy has both guns drawn, he ain’t been right since Viet-Nam. ‘Sweet Home Alabama,’ play that dead band’s song. Turn those speakers up full-blast, play it all night long.” -Warren Zevon “Play It All Night Long“ A potted plant came sailing down the hallway, smashing on the floor of the Greens’ living room. Troy Equals slipped the shoes he’d started to remove back on and hurried down the hall, toward the shouting. If the foliage...

3 years ago
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The Club

Back when I was a Puma in my thirties, I was into the twenty something men. I haven’t stopped with that nonsense because it makes all the sense in the world to me. I like men like my coffee, fresh, hot, sweet, and different shades of brown, depending on my mood. I loved to dance at clubs (still do). Once I met a guy at a Brazilian restaurant that transformed into a club at night. It had a techno room, a hip hop room and a salsa meringue room. Being the fickle girl that I am, I liked to move...

Straight Sex
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The Good Wife Is Bad 20

Derek and I lay there on the sofa in the aftermath of our lovemaking, dozing happily. It was odd. I felt somehow liberated and carefree, yet I had a husband and children back home. I had lied to them to be here, and yet I felt detached from the situation. For the first time in a long time I felt content. I wasn’t completely happy, because I felt bad for Bryan and what I was doing to him and what could happen if he found out, but I felt oddly at peace with myself and the situation, as if I had...

3 years ago
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Harvest of Expectations Ch 08

Chapter 8 — ‘…can you picnic?’ April 1974 Jim was up early the next day. It was six o’clock on that Sunday morning. He was the first in the house to shower and get dressed. His dirty clothes that he brought home were still in the laundry. His mother was planning on doing them later that day. Jim was hoping that his activity would wake the rest of the house. It wasn’t like he bounced out of bed wide awake and full of energy. It hadn’t been a good night for sleep. He rattled around in the...

4 years ago
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Somewhere in Time A Road Less TraveledChapter 24

Because of the ruckus with the cave lions, we didn't get our caravan going until about mid morning. Everybody's spirits were high because of the kills made this morning. Good fortune was upon the camp because not one hunter was killed or even hurt. The boys had acted as a team, as they had been taught. There were quite a few happy and proud mothers in the group. As we walked, my women made it a point of coming by and touching. I'd just kissed Dana on the forehead when one of the groups...

1 year ago
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Kristen Blowing Snow

There is something about the words ‘blow’ and ‘blowing’ that puts most guys’ cocks on edge. I work on the late night production crew of one of those all night, all weather T.V. stations that seem so popular now. We work from midnight to 7 a.m. There are several of us guys and one brunette named Kristen. One particularly bad-weather day last February, Kris was up there in front of the big map telling everybody everywhere all about the ‘blowing snow’ here and ‘blowing snow warnings’ there. All of...

2 years ago
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Taking the Class Part 2Chapter 11 Monday Night 1033PM ndash Desire

The first thirty minutes of the drive back passed in tired silence. That was a lot to take in all at once. Let’s see if I’ve got it all: Will’s friends are idiots. Loyal, but idiots. Does one of them really go to my school? Ugh. Tiff is adorable. And so fun! I should definitely call her to chat sometime this week. Still unsure how I feel about her offering to let me feel her boobs again, though. Lobster mac and cheese is amazing. Barbara’s entire family are creeps. There’s Classes with...

4 years ago
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I am not the original author.Fred takes JessicaIt took me a long moment to remember exactly where I was, looking at my watch I noticed that it was nearly three in the morning. “Jesus” I thought “Jess is gonna kill me.”I slowly gathered myself and arose from Fred’s couch. I was alone. I guess the party was over, and I couldn’t help but feel a touch of anger over the thought of no one waking me to let me know.My name is Timothy Grant, I’m 35 and I’m a Regional Sales Rep for a national supplier of...

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Paddlin Madelyne Home Ch 02

Her big company party was being held downtown at one of the fanciest hotels in the city, and even as I was getting out of my cab. I had told her that I never drove after drinking and that we would meet there. Nearly at once I recognized several prominent members of the cream of Houston ‘money’ society. Madelyne didn’t seem to be there yet, naturally she was going to be ‘fashionably late’, and I had nearly two hours all by myself to slowly nurse drinks that I very badly wanted to gulp down...

1 year ago
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Squirted Katie Kush Katie The Cock Rider

The only thing Katie Kush enjoys more than Toni Ribas fingering her till she squirts is riding his big cock till she cums, and Toni can’t believe how good it feels as she throws that booty back as she grinds on him. He strips her out of her pink bikini and fucks her mouth, making her squirt and licking her pussy, then fucking her nice and deep. Katie just keeps cumming over and over, especially once she finds a hot pink vibrator to use on her clit while Toni pounds her! This cowgirl gets...

2 years ago
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OpportunitiesChapter 5

Business was picking up at the office. They were starting to handle an increase number of divorces which were adding to the present workload. Brian knew he was going to need to start looking for another associate soon. The way the economy presently was, he didn’t think he would have much trouble in finding one. Brian phoned Laurie and was pleased to learn that she was available this Saturday. She accepted his invitation to dinner. Laurie was always pleasant company and he was looking forward...

3 years ago
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How I Lost My Virginity To My Aunt Chithi

A warm welcome to all iss readers and this is my first story and I thank all the iss writers who put up their effort in penning down their experiences. I am ram,22 years old guy working in a software company in chennai. Give your valuable feedback on my email id Aunties and ladies in and around chennai and throughout tamil nadu who are in desperate need of sex and satisfaction can mail me at Privacy assured. Satisfaction assured. Details would be kept safe. After reading all the iss...

3 years ago
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Beth 5Chapter 22

"See you tonight, Tommy!" That, and a quick kiss on my ear, was Beth's way of telling me she was leaving for work. Since I didn't have anything on tap that morning, I just mumbled something endearing, rolled over, and was gone for another couple of hours. I don't consider myself a chauvinist of any sort, but I WILL admit the first couple of times Beth had to climb out of bed to get to work while I could snooze for a bit longer did give me a little twinge of guilt, but then the thought...

3 years ago
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Two Three One Ch 07

7. Culmination If Victoria had been paying less and less attention to Sam before, except to silently benefit from his many labors, she almost totally ignored him now. She did however keep a more watchful eye on Keri whenever she and Sam were together. After some time of covert but careful observation she came to the conclusion that while the slave did fawn over her, it was more like that of a devoted puppy rather than of any real rival whom she might need be concerned about. Not that she ever...

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Tied In Knots

Her body protested, fists clenching as she fought against the restraints that held her still. She was tied to the bed, arms locked above her head, her ankles spread and bound to opposite bed posts by silken ropes. She was also blindfolded, and her hair was mussed from being tossed around as she shifted to pull at the bindings. You stood and watched her, silently, her struggles arousing you. She didn’t know you were there, would have only been able to tell from your breathing but she was too...

4 years ago
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Quick Flash My Boyfriend Hasnt Stopped Smiling

Sheri, Sorry I didn’t call you back last night. My mouth was…busy. Last night was intense! My head is still spinning a bit, but let me see if I can remember everything that happened. Do you remember Amber Johnson from High School? She was going to be in town this weekend for a job interview, and since we haven’t seen each other since high school, we thought it would be a great idea to get together and have dinner. It would be a good opportunity to catch up and introduce our boyfriends. We...

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Take Me AwayChapter 4

At first, Arilee was planning to cut down the amount of washing and mending she took in, considering she had almost enough money to pay another year's taxes already, but the second visit of Mazzar changed all that. She wanted to make sure that she could pay any amount asked, if Amos did not come to take her away before tax time. Having all the work also helped her to pass the time, and dull the edge of longing she felt for Amos. Her work done for the day, Arilee changed clothes and walked...

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Prurient ParishionersChapter 22 Quelling Barbaras Suspicions

Sep 21 9 AM John awakened with a marvelous feeling of contentment and a throbbing hardon. He snuggled closer to the warm body beside him and filled one hand with a large, firm tit-globe. "Easy, lover... my breasts are tender," Cheryl murmured as she wriggled against his gentle touch. "I think they're bigger too ever since you made love to me. Hee hee... like when you pumped me you pumped them up." Was there time for a quickie? He glanced at the clock by the bed and heard a sound...

2 years ago
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My Beautiful Wife Priya 8211 Part 5

Hi guys! This is Nikhil again. Thank you again for the overwhelming response to my previous story. For those of you who don’t know me, I am a 29-year-old guy married to a beautiful 27-year-old girl named Priya. This is the continuation of my previous stories. That night I slept thinking about fucking her the next day. However next day in college, I did get an assignment to do, and I couldn’t make it to her house. I went to her class during break time and informed her the same. She looked a bit...

3 years ago
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JenniferChapter 10

Finally, by the end of the week following her arrival, she felt that things were caught up enough to allow a more normal schedule and told her aunt so. “Well, that’s good. You need to learn the rest of the business as well. Don’t forget, I also need you as an assistant hostess.” “So, what do I do? And when?” quizzed Jennifer. “Well, when is evenings. Or whenever I’m busy, or away,” responded Margaret. “The hostess greets callers, takes their coats, takes payments, introduces them to the...

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