A Weird OneChapter 2 free porn video

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"Trouble in paradise?" Pauline asked when we got outside.

"You could say that."

"How much trouble? Enough to free you up? I meant what I said sweetie."

"What you said?"

"The night you took me home after my meeting Natasha. I told you that if things didn't work out to give me a call."

"Well I guess that things haven't worked out."

"You have anything planned for this weekend?"

"Not a thing."

"How about we go to the game on Friday and then maybe we can think of a way to fill the rest of the weekend."

"I'd like that."

Pauline was driving her parent's car so I told her that I would see her in school the next day and I went on home. I hadn't been there twenty minutes when I got a call from Tom.

"You really upset Nat when you got up and joined Pauline and then left with her."

"Tough shit bud; she's the one responsible. It will probably wind her watch even more when she finds out that I'm dating Pauline this weekend and probably beyond."

"Nat is in the mood right now that with a smidgen of effort you could fix things up with her."

"I don't think so. Did you not hear the venomous "fuck you" tone in her voice when she told me she was dating Eddie? She can just keep on dating the asshole for all I care."

"We still on for our regular Saturday morning?"

"Wouldn't miss it."

"I'll let mom know."

Thursday at school I had to work extra hard at avoiding Natasha because she had gone from avoiding me to trying to get to me. I was sitting at a table in the cafeteria during lunch period and she came up and asked if she could sit there. I told her to go ahead and when she sat down I got up and left.

When class ended I headed for the student parking lot and saw Natasha standing outside on the steps. She was talking to Eddie Wooters and I debated turning and going out the west entrance, but decided not to. As I walked out Natasha left Eddie and headed my way.

"We need to talk Bobby."

"Didn't any one ever tell you it wasn't polite to walk away from your main man to talk to another guy?"

"He isn't my main man."

"Now isn't that a coincidence. I'm not either" and I walked away from her.

I'd gone maybe five steps when I heard "Hey!" I turned and saw Wooters coming toward me. I had no idea what he wanted and I didn't care. I owed the asshole, but I wasn't stupid. He had me by four or five inches and at least sixty pounds so a fair fight was out of the question. When he got close he said:

"Where the fuck do you ge ... ooof!!"

The last thing that he expected was that I would attack so when I drop kicked him in the nuts it came as a total surprise. While he was still stunned I kicked him again and he screamed and went to his knees. I kicked him a third time as Natasha came running over.

"Stop it Bobby; you're going to hurt him."

"That's what I'm trying to do you stupid bitch."

I kicked him a fourth time and then I grabbed a handful of his hair and jerked his face up to within inches of mine.

"You are bigger than me fuck face so I'm never going to fight fair with you. I owed you this for what you did to me and Natasha. You can accept it as your due or you can come looking for payback, but if you do know this. You will need to grow eyes in the back of your head because one day I will creep on you from behind and I'll open up your head with a baseball bat, a crowbar or a two by four and I'll keep doing it until you get the message."

While that was going on Natasha was trying to pull me away from him. I stood up and pushed her away.

"Remember what you said to me that day in the cafeteria? Well back attcha; get the fuck away from me!"

I got lucky. Apparently no teachers or other school officials noticed what had just happened and I walked away, got in my car and left.

I was helping my mom do the dishes when I got a call from Tom.

"You could very well end up being the least popular guy in school."


"You know why. What you did to Wooters."

"How does that make me unpopular?"

"We play the Braves tomorrow and if we don't beat them we don't go to the State finals."


"What you did to Eddie caused him to miss practice and that means he will be benched for the game."

"Tough titty bud. I owed him for the shit he pulled on Natasha and me. I'm not the least bit sorry and if the rest of the school is upset about it fuck 'em. Besides, Reynolds may let him slide since he had a valid reason for missing practice."

"Can you get loose for a bit? Gail and I have some place to go and mom is alone. She can use some company."

"I'll see what I can do."

When the dishes were done I told mom that I was going over to Tom's to study.

"Say hi to his mom for me. I haven't talked with her in quite a while. Not since she kicked her husband out."

"Kicked him out? I thought he ran off with a younger woman."

"No. She caught him cheating and kicked him out. I guess once she booted him he hooked up with one of the women he cheated with and left town. If you think of it ask her to give me a call."

"I was hoping you would be able to come over" a naked Mary said when she answered the door. "Hurry up and get your clothes off. I want to play the numbers game and then fuck your brains out."

"The numbers game?"

"Sixty-nine silly; sixty-nine."

I was dressing to go home when I said, "My mom said to say hi and said that you should give her a call sometime."

"She did, did she?"

"I didn't know that you knew each other."

"A long time ago we were good friends."

"A long time ago? What happened that you aren't friends any more?"

"Albert Bagley happened."

"Albert Bagley?"

"My late unlamented husband."

"I don't understand."

"Simple enough. Beth and I were good friends until I found out she was fucking my husband."

"My mom? I don't believe it."

"It is true. She doesn't know that I know, but that is why I stopped speaking with and associating with her. She called me a couple of times wanting to get together, but I always told her I was too busy raising Tommy as a single mother to go out."

"Too busy raising Tom? That would mean she was doing it while married to my dad and raising me. I don't believe it. You have to be wrong. She would never cheat on my dad. Whoever it was who told you that she was cheating with your husband had to be lying to you."

"Think so? Wait right here."

She left the room and came back a few minutes later and handed me a folder.

"Go ahead. Read it."

I opened the folder and read the top sheet. The logo on the top of the page said Spenser Investigations and it was dated just a little over eleven years ago. The report described following Albert Stanley Bagley for the week and it showed that he met my mom on five separate occasions. Twice at our house and three times at the Red Roof Inn. There were photos of my mom kissing a man, holding hands with a man and entering rooms 113, 127 and 201 at the Red Roof Inn with a man. A man who was not my father and whom I could only assume was Albert Stanley Bagley.

I stared at the words in absolute disbelief. My mom cheating on my dad! I was shaking my head. It couldn't be. My mom loved my dad. I know she did.

"If it helps she had what she thought was good reason to cheat on your father. She caught him fucking his secretary and she was getting even. She just should have gotten even with a man who wasn't the husband of a friend. Like I said, she doesn't know that I know. When I finally confronted the asshole it was over another woman he was fucking and not your mother.

"Even though your mom doesn't know that I know I have always planned on telling her. In fact, I have a confession to make. The main reason I pressed Tommy to bring you in as his helper was so I could corrupt you and then throw it in your mother's face. It was going to be a "You fucked my husband so I got even by fucking your son" moment."

I looked at her alarmed and she laughed.

"That was then lover; this is now. To begin with I woke up to the fact that you could be pissed enough to blow the whistle on Tom, Gail and me and I couldn't have that. But the main reason I can't do it is because it would put an end to what I'm doing with you. I've grown fond of you lover and I'm hoping I can keep you around for a long, long time. Now give me kisses, run on home and look forward to our Saturday. Oh, and tell your mom I said hi."

I thought about what I'd found out all the way home. I still had a problem believing it. Mom cheating on dad? Dad cheating on mom? How could that be? I saw them every day and it sure seemed to me like they loved each other.

There was a change in me when I got home. I hoped that mom couldn't see it, but it was there. I had heard that most boys at sometime during their lives looked on their mother's with lust and had sexual fantasies concerning them and used those fantasies as mental sexual stimulus when masturbating. That had never happened to me. Until I got home that night.

Suddenly I saw mom in a new light and when I walked into the house and saw her I got a hard on. The first one ever that was caused by my mom. When I saw her in the kitchen I saw her entering a motel room with Albert and I began to imagine what she did inside that room. The image of my mother fucking a man who wasn't my father was in my head when I went to bed that night and was the cause of the first time I ever beat off while thinking of her. As I spurted into the hankie in my hand I even wondered if my mom might consider a little incest.

Friday Natasha was waiting at the west entrance when I got to school. I thought "Shit! Here we go; another damned scene" but then off to my right I saw Pauline coming. I slowed until she reached me and then I offered her my arm and we walked into school together. As we walked by Natasha she gave us a very, very nasty look.

Natasha tried to catch me between classes, but I was able to avoid her and during lunch period I sat with Pauline so Natasha didn't come anywhere close to our table.

"You sure you want to go to the game tonight" Pauline asked.

"Sure. Why wouldn't I want to go?"

"From what I've been hearing this morning you might possibly be hung from the goal posts. Is it true what I'm hearing about you and Eddie Wooters?"

"You mean my getting a little upset with him? Yeah. I guess I did."

"Whatever for?"

I told Pauline the story.

"He actually used me in his lie?"

"That's what I was told."

"The next kick in the nuts he gets will be from me." She paused and looked at me for a moment or two and then asked, " I guess the next question is how long do I have?"

"What do you mean?"

"How long do I have until she gets you back?"

"I don't see us getting back together, but one answer to your question could be nine months."

"Why nine months?"

"In nine months you will be off to college. Last I heard you are going to Vassar and since I'm staying here and going to State that puts about two thousand miles between us."

Just then the bell rang and we got up and headed for class.

Reynolds must have accepted that Eddie had a legitimate reason for missing practice because Eddie did suit up and play, but he wasn't at one hundred percent. He did contribute to our win over the Braves and I didn't get hung from the goal posts.

After the game we stopped at the malt shop and Tom and Gail were there and so was Natasha. Natasha was sitting with three other girls and Tom and Gail were sitting alone so we joined them. We talked about the game and Tom reminded me (for Pauline's benefit) that I had promised to help him in the morning.

"I don't think that it was a good idea to come here Bobby" Pauline said. "The looks I'm getting from the other side of the room should be able to kill."

"They are not aimed at you sweetie; there are being sent my way. I'm the one who asked you out and I'm the one who brought you here. Besides, the caster of the glances is the one who caused things to fall the way they are falling. I should be the one giving her the evil eye."

Just then there was a stir in the place and all eyes went to the door and then to me as Eddie and two of his team members walked in. Eyes bounced from Eddie to me and then back at Eddie. I saw Tom tense up and I said:

"Stay out of it if anything happens bud. I've already told Wooters what will happen if he wants to carry things any father. Just let what happens happen. No need for you to get messed up."

While I was speaking Eddie and his two team mates, Phil Reed and Gene Ellsworth, joined Natasha and the girls she was with. Gail reached across the table and grabbed my arm and when I looked at her she nodded to her left. I hadn't noticed her getting up, but I saw Pauline striding the floor toward the group. When she got there she reached over Gene's back and picked up a glass of water from the table and then she poured the water on Eddie's head.

"When you are going around telling lies asshole best you keep my name out of them. The next time it will be me kicking you in the nuts and I'll make damned sure that when I do it I'll make sure that the shoes I'm wearing will have the pointiest toes."

She turned and headed back to our table. Eddie watched her walk away and he had a murderous look on his face. He started to get up so I did too, but then Gene and Phil pulled him back down so I settled back down on my chair. I saw that Eddie's look was more at me than Pauline and it was at that moment I knew that Eddie was going to ignore what I'd told him and I knew without the slightest doubt that things were not over between Eddie and me. Some day I was going to have to follow through on the promise I'd made him.

Pauline sat down and Gail asked, "What was that all about? What brought that on?"

"I owed the asshole. I dated him once and after a movie and some time at the arcade he drove out to Steven's Point and I asked him why and he said it was so we could make out. I laughed at him and told him that it was our first date and I didn't even know yet if I liked him enough to give him a second let alone kiss him. Then he said that it didn't matter to him and that if I wanted to walk home it was up to me."

"He didn't!!"

"Oh yes he did."

"What did you do?"

"I laughed at him and asked him how he would like to go to jail for attempted rape. I told him to take me home right that minute or I'd get out of the car and run from it screaming for help because he was trying to rape me. He knew as well as I did that the cops knew what went on at the Point and turned a blind eye on it, but they still usually had a car in the area in case of trouble. He knew that if I hollered rape he would be in a world of shit so he called me a cunt and drove me home.

"That was as far as it went and I never did get to do anything to him for what he pulled. His lying to Natasha and using me in his lie gave me a chance to do something so I did."

On the other side of the room Natasha was staring daggers at us so I put my arm around Pauline, kissed her on the cheek and said:

"Remind me never to piss you off."

She turned, kissed my cheek and said, "Like you ever could."

Ten minutes later Eddie and his team mates left and a couple of minute's later Natasha and the girls she was with got up and left and Pauline told me that it was time for her to be getting home.

As soon as we were in the parking lot Pauline said, "I don't really have to go home right now. It is a full moon tonight so the view at the Point should be pretty good."

"If I take you to the Point you won't see the view and you know it."

"That pretty much depends on you doesn't it?"

She was right. The full moon shinning down on the lake was pretty, but I was right in that she didn't get to see much of it. I'd no sooner parked than she said:

"You sure didn't use much forethought when you bought this car did you."

"What do you mean?"

"The center console screws up using the front seat and the back seat isn't big enough. I hope you are smart enough to at least have some blankets in the trunk."

I was and we got out and spread the blankets on the ground and then we got down on them. We made out for a good twenty minutes and then Pauline broke the kiss we were in and said:

"I'm not a virgin Bobby."

That caught me by surprise and it was a couple of seconds before I said:

"That is a first for me. The girl asking instead of me working my butt off to try and score."

"I thought that I'd better make the first move because I doubted that you ever would."

"Why would you think that?"

"Because you are still hung up on Natasha. You might not admit it to yourself, but you are. You made sure that we sat where you could see her and you watched her the whole time we were there. If I'm going to have a chance with you I need to strike before you decide to try and get back together with her."

"If you want a chance with me?"

"I've wanted a chance with you since the seventh grade, but it just never worked out. You would be with some one so I'd date a guy and sort of go steady and then you would break up and by the time I got out of the relationship I was in and get to where I could take my shot you would be with some one else. I thought I'd finally made it the night we hooked up at Skate City, but then I found out about you and Natasha. Now you are on the outs with her so I'm taking my best shot before you have a chance to go back to her."

"That doesn't even make sense Pauline. Why would you want to make love with me if in the back of your mind you think I might get back with Natasha?"

"Truth time? If I'm fucking you and she isn't I think I can hang onto you. If you have been fucking her I'm hoping to be better than she is and that will help me keep you. And there is one more thing. If I'm fucking you she may give it up to some one else to spite you and that will piss you off enough to stay away from her."

While she had been talking she had also been working on my belt and zipper and she finally worked my cock out and - surprise surprise - it was hard. Then I surprised myself when I pushed her hand away.

"I like you Pauline; I have always liked you and we have always gotten along good together. I don't want to ever get to the point with you where we can't smile at each other and talk to each other and I'm afraid that might happen if we do this. If we do it and I do end up back with Natasha you will think I'm an asshole and I don't want that."

"You say that as if getting back with Natasha is what you want."

"It is what I want, but I'm not sure anymore that it is what she wants. The first time I saw her I knew she was the one I wanted to spend my life with. There was a spark that flashed between us and she said she felt it too. I still think that way, but I don't think that she still feels the same about me any more. Given what she has done and the way she has acted I will not chase after her, but that doesn't mean that we might not eventually get back together. It would depend on her and what she does and to be honest about it right now it doesn't look like she even gives a shit. I just don't know."

"It is a chance I'm willing to take Bobby. I have to take my shot while I can."

Well, I was up front about things and if she still wanted to do it so be it.

Pauline was only my third so I didn't have all that much experience, but I was aware that there were differences. I mean the mechanics were the same. Fucking was fucking and sucking was sucking, but it was still different. Mary was active, needy and pretty much take charge – almost business like in getting it done. Gail was fun loving but, at least to me, there was no sense that it mattered if it was me or some one else doing it to her. I was just a body that was there to meet Mary's operational requirements and as a result I was there to be used by Gail while Tom was busy elsewhere.

Pauline sucked cock every bit as well as Mary and Gail and responded to being eaten pretty much the same as Mary and Gail, but she seemed more energetic in giving pussy than either Mary or Gail. With Pauline it was as if her life depended on seeing to it that I was satisfied with her. Probably a piss poor explanation, but what can you expect from a teenager not long from giving up his cherry. I guess the best way to put it is that Mary and Gail were takers and Pauline was a giver.

The only downside to the evening was that November nights can be pretty cold and making love outside on a blanket under the stars took a little something away from the experience. Not saying that the sex wasn't good; just saying it could have been better.

When I took her home Pauline and I made a date for the next day. She wanted an early start and wanted me to pick her up at noon, but I told her that I already had plans for the morning that I couldn't break and that the soonest I could pick her up would be around four. Of course I didn't tell her that my morning plans were to spend a fairly exhausting time with Mrs. Bagley.

Driving home I thought about how the evening had gone and what some of it had meant. Two things stood out to me. The first was the rage on Eddie's face when he started to get up after Pauline had dumped water on him. The look he threw our way was more at me than it was at Pauline and I'm guessing that it was in his mind that his public humiliation was as a result of my exposing the lie he told Natasha which in turn had brought Pauline's wrath down on him. He undoubtedly coupled that with what I'd done to him outside school. I knew that Eddie and I were not done yet.

The second thing was that it was Natasha who grabbed a bunch of napkins and started to dry him off and that did not bode well for our ever having a relationship again. It was one more item to add to the list of things to discuss if we ever started talking again.

That of course brought up another thought. We could have already been talking, but I was avoiding her. Why? I had to admit that I honestly did not know. There was just something inside me that wouldn't let me. A little voice in the back of my mind saying to me:

"She fucked over you now it is your turn to make her hurt."

Make her hurt? Was that any way to treat the woman I loved and wanted to spend my life with? I think what it was is that the little voice was telling me that if I let her get away with shit now she would try it again later. Stomp on it now to let her know that I wouldn't put up with it and hopefully I would never have to do it again. Of course that attitude just might prevent there being a later. Being a teenager sucked. I was too young to be thinking about stuff like that.

Saturday morning I got up and went for my run at Paint Brush Park. When it was over and I was getting into my car I saw Natasha's mother dropping her off. I saw Natasha heading for me, but before she could get to me I left.

When I got home dad had already gone off somewhere and mom was in the basement sorting clothes prior to putting them in the washing machine so I took the opportunity to go into my parent's bedroom and open the bottom drawer of my mother's chest of drawers. I 'borrowed' the item that was there. It was buried under some sexy lingerie that brought what I knew about mom to my mind and those thoughts gave me a hard on. I wondered what she would look like wearing them and then I wondered how she would look wearing them as Tom and I double teamed her. My hard on throbbed. God, but I was weird.

I was at Mary's at ten to eight and before I could ring the bell the door opened and a naked Mary was telling me to hurry up and get my clothes off. Tom wasn't there so I had to try and satisfy her myself. She was doing her absolute best to fuck me to death and she pretty much wore me out.

She was still trying for one more when I told her that I had to be home by four to help my dad with something in the garage. It was a lie, but I didn't think it would be wise to tell her the real reason. I didn't think telling her that I had to leave to go meet a girl would go over well and I was in no hurry to do anything that would end the weird relationship I had going with her. A horny teenager fucking up chances for pussy? No way. No fucking way!

I took Pauline to the AMC theatre complex for a movie and after the film we went to the arcade. We had a fun time right up until about nine. Eddie, Phil and Gene showed up with several girls and Natasha was one of them. It was an awkward situation. Gene, Phil, Bev, Marlene, Carol, Pauline and I had been classmates from the first grade on and we were friends whereas Eddie had only moved to town at the start of eighth grade. Gene and Phil were tied in with Eddie because of being teammates. They and the girls (except for maybe Natasha) wanted to socialize with Pauline and me, but because of being with Eddie and the rift between Eddie, Pauline and me we were all avoiding each other.

Adding to the problem was that the arcade wasn't all that big so we were always around each other. Eddie kept throwing nasty looks our way and it was obvious, at least to me, that he was spoiling for a confrontation. After about an hour I suggested to Pauline that we get out of there and she agreed so we left.

We were almost to my car when from behind me I heard, "Hey! Asshole!"

I turned and saw Eddie and his group.

"We got some unfinished business dickhead."

"I thought you were halfway smart Wooters" I said. "I believe I told you what would happen if you didn't stay clear of me."

"You don't scare me shit head."

Once again I did what he didn't expect. I attacked. The little guy doesn't go after the big guy right? He put up his arms and hands to stop my rush and that gave me what I needed. As I ran toward him I took an object out of my pocket and when I got to him I touched his bare skin with the object and he went down like a ton of rock had dropped on him.

A couple of years previous there had been series of muggings in town and my dad had purchased a stun gun and had given it to mom for personal protection. She hated the thing and wouldn't carry it and it had set in the bottom drawer of her chest of drawers until that morning. When Eddie had come into the arcade I had switched it on so the power charge would build up and be ready if I needed to use it.

I'd just given Eddie over eighty thousand volts and he was lying on the ground and thrashing around like a fish out of water. I walked over to my car, unlocked the trunk and got out the aluminum ball bat I had there and I walked back to where Eddie was flopping around on the ground. Phil asked me what I was going to do and I told him about the warning I gave to Eddie.

"I warned him and now I'm going to follow through on my promise."

"Hey man, no; don't do it Bobby. Not cool man, not cool at all."

"I made him a promise Phil. If I don't follow through on it and show the dip shit that I mean what I say I'll be putting up with his shit forever."

"Don't do it Bobby. Me and Gene will straighten him out. Right Gene?"

Gene nodded a yes and I thought for a moment and then said, "A promise is a promise. I won't smack his head, but he has to feel the bat" and I whacked his left knee.

"Make sure that he understands that if there is a next time I will not be talked out of it."

Natasha was standing there with the rest of the onlookers and she was staring at me with a look on her face that I could not decipher. Pauline took my arm, leaned in close and whispered in my ear:

"Get me out of here and take me somewhere and fuck me you wild assed caveman."

It was cold on the blanket at Stevens Point, but we managed to generate enough heat.

The next morning when I finished my run I found Natasha sitting in my car waiting for me. I got in and before I could ask her what she wanted she said:

"We need to talk Bob."

"About what Natasha? About the way you let Eddie fuck us up? You knew he was an asshole when he tried to make a date with you while you were out on a date with me. So how did he, a known asshole, get a chance to sit down with you and talk? And what about the talk Natasha? You knew he was a dirt bag, but you believed what he told you anyway. Did it not occur to you that all you had to do was ask me if the drivel he fed you was true? Give me my day in court so to speak? No. I got slapped and called a bastard. What else can we talk about? How about the fact that after you were shown he was a lying sack of shit you still hung around with him? Well quite frankly if those are the things you want to talk about I'm not interested.

"I'll tell you what I'm thinking. That night he horned in on our date I wanted to go after him, but you told me to let it go and that you had handled it. What I'm thinking now is that your way of handling it was to give him your number and tell him to give you a call. That would go a long way toward explaining how easy it was for him to sit down with you so he could tell you his lies."

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Weird Tales Succubus Part 1

Some times I would think back, I get flashes of her all vague, I have no idea why, may be on times now lost, easier times or less complicated. I'm in my twenties I've had my share of girlfriends but they all ended before anything physical would happen they seemed to end over silly little things petty thing or without explanation. One day a new women turns up in town, I was working as normal when I first saw her she was tall and beautiful, dark hair flowing down her back, blood red...

4 years ago
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Weird things Succubus

Some times I would think back, I get flashes of her all vague I have no idea why, may be on times lost, easier times or less complicated. I'm in my twenties I've had my share of girlfriends but they all ended before anything physical happened they seemed to end over silly little things. One day a new women turns up in town, I was working as normal when I first saw her she was tall and beautiful, dark hair flowing down her back, blood red slim lips, her eyes glinted purple I took it to...

2 years ago
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Weird Fantasys Part 1

Anyways, this is a story about how I got into the whole incest scene. Not really sure how it happened, and I never had any fantasy's about incest before then, but, when I was sitting on her back, her in a skimpy bikini, me rubbing lotion on her back... well, I'll just start from the beginning to leave out any confusion. So, today was a day like any other. I got a message from my sister's, she being 17 at the time as well (let's call her Zelda, just for the sake of humor), dick-wad...

3 years ago
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Weird dream

My dream It started with me, A girl I used to like named Victoria and a couple of my friends on a mountain in a water park(for some reason), so we were all in swimsuits, I don’t why but my friends where being rude to her and I would just go up to her and tell her they don’t mean it and we would continue walking. We walked for what seamed about ten minutes, me and Victoria were talking with each other the whole time. We got to the bottom of the mountain and it was slippery, being a water park...

2 years ago
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Weird Things

I first noticed something was off while I was looking away from Rachel, who was looking away from me. The difference was I was deliberately doing it. The pretty brunette classmate of mine seemed to be having no trouble on her part. A sigh invisibly scented the air before me. It seemed like the day was going to be as humdrum as usual. Another batch of notes, another hour of listening to adults speaking, the same splayed out folder. I was set and ready to snooze. I was set. Set. Dead set. ...or...

Mind Control
2 years ago
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Weird gym class

I live in the city and so often you will find a store that sells something very common but they will try to sell it to you differently. This gym was one of them.It was a small gym that opened in a building not too far from where i work. They basically offer private coach sessions so the gym is pretty small, about 900 square feet. There are two owners. Two men around 50 years old. One of them has a physiotherapy background while the other has a gymnastic one.I wanted more mobility when working...

5 years ago
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Weird 3 Way

I had a rather weird 3 way experience a few years back. I answered an add on Craigslist from a couple that was looking for a Bi Male to join them in the bedroom. After a few emails back and forth we exchanged phone numbers so we could text. We texted for 3 days, telling the husband what turned me on, what experience I had, what I was hoping for if I got the chance to meet him and his wife. He shared very little about himself or his wife, only that she was smoking hot. Finally I got the...

3 years ago
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Weird Cousin

I have this weird cousin, let's call him Alfred. He was 20 and I was 16 at the time. He used to visit and sit around the pool watching everyone. Never got in the pool or even wore a bathing suit. He would just sit and stare at all of us. I noticed him looking at me a lot in my suit and following around but not talking to me just starring. He creeped me out. I tried just being nice to him but not really engaging him. Just the fact that he was 20 and still coming to our house with his Mom and Dad...

4 years ago
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Weird Sex With Gloria

I was heading for the gym when Gloria suddenly grabbed my arm and asked 'want to go to my house and get real freaky???' I looked at her as she smiled and started to walk towards the exit. I decided that running was not as interesting as having sex with Gloria. Gloria is on the cheer leading squad and as sexy as hell. She had witnessed part of my initialization for the track squad and blacked mailed me into having sex with her. It really didn't make no sense, all the guys in school would have...

3 years ago
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Weird Science Part 2

Weird Science Part 2 By Eric Chapter 4: The New Sarah Professor Martin was laughing inside as 'she' held on tightly to her newly acquired boyfriend and protector. Mike was a godsend and one of the many things he thanked Sarah for - the chief of which was this absolutely wonderful young body. For the first time in Martin's unhappy life 'she' felt desirable and attractive! All Martin's life 'she' had been obsessed with sex, which caused Martin epic frustrations as her original...

3 years ago
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Weird afternoon at the beach

Weird afternoon at the beach The weather was fine, maybe one of the last warm days this summer. So I picked up my girlfriend after work and we drove to a nice secluded place at the coast. We found it some years ago and liked to go to there ever since. I parked the car hidden in a small forest and then we strolled the short distance to the cliffs hand in hand. We could hardly keep from each other and one would steal a kiss from the other every view steps. You would think we are...

3 years ago
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Weirdest Yet Most Memorable Experience

Hi readers!! Born and brought up in a subtle upper middle class family residing in Southern part of New Delhi, fortunately enough making me a handsome guy with fair complexion and smart yet slapstick sense of humor. An athletic body with high amount of libido makes me horny however always being discreet of my escapades. Being a regular reader of ISS, it was my long awaited wish to share my true incidence, though would only revert to mails or chats of people truly concerned of discretion!! This...

4 years ago
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Weird Tales Succubus Part 2

It was a stone walled room it reminded me of a castle turreted room from some fantasy story, was I still dreaming I heard a moan and grown as something was waking up next to me, I looked; it was Lilly the ebony beauty she was by my side. "Hello how are you?" she asked sleepily. "Where the hell am I?" fear running through me why have I not woken up yet I thought. She got up her hair now only just past her shoulders her wings tucked in, her naked lean yet fuller figure, beat any so...

4 years ago
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weird changes chap 3

I'm starting to enjoy it , even though I'm joy supposed to . He starts squeezing my sone hard young nipples with his fingers , making me even hornier then I all ready am . I'm so wet the my young pussy juice is starting to gather at my bottom . He lets go of my nipples and puts both his hands on my bottom , bringing them off the table . I see a combination of lust and crazyness in his eyes as he brings he waist back and slowly went into my pussy . I can feel my virgin pussy...

2 years ago
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Weird Afternoon

We go for a drive to the beach, the dog's are running and playing, and after a bit I have to go pee, and so do you, we see a couple of big rocks in a circle not far away and we head there. Once there we look around, no one is anywhere close, we kick off our shorts and undies an you start to squat to pee. I say "wait Laura, pee on me" You look at me funny, but I lie in sand and I pull off my shirt and you straddle me and pull open your lips and begin to piss on my chest, your piss hits me hard...

2 years ago
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Weird Sex and the depths of depravity

'Warning, this is a story of woman's depravity, read with caution, and please remark about what unfolds'As we drove my husband looked across at me, 'Fancy a gang-bang'?Asking your wife or girl friend to sexually gratify up to twenty men, is easier said than done, it takes a certain temperament in a women to realize that, just fantasizing about multiple men when you're having sex with one, is one thing, but actually being confronted by many men eager to rip your fucking pussy off is another.We...

4 years ago
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Weird sex

My girlfiend and I have always taken things slow. Mostly petting and missionary sex. I have never been brave enough to discuss my fetiish with her.One night after she got somewhat drunk we both crashed at our bedroom.Towards early morning before sunrise was my queue. I removed her panties slightly and inserted my morning glory erect cok up her ass.At first I thought of simply shafting her. Also, I rememebered the reason I woke up was due to urge to pee. There was this moment of trepidation and...

3 years ago
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Weird Science

My eyes fluttered opened and I sat up quickly. For a moment, I assumed I was awakening in the library and had fallen asleep studying again.  It made sense at first; the last thing I remembered was reading and taking notes from my macroeconomics book, and my eyes growing heavy.  But as my eyes adjusted to the light I realized I was not slumped over, leaning on a table in the library with my head resting on a book.  I wasn't in the library at all.  Instead I found myself lying on the floor in a...

2 years ago
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weirdo story 2

I love spiders. I see your adorable body in front of me. You are on the table, just the naughty nylon touches your soft skin. I like you, feel the tickling of the nylon on my tongue. Again I start to become hard. Your bald skull, your face – everything makes me horny. The breasts are moving up and down as you breathe. A kind of fear and shame is in your eyes – and a enormous desire and lust. I take a little box and show it to you. You can see three big spiders insides – just like the one I sent...

4 years ago
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weirdo story

I meet you at the airport in only a sheer black catsuit and a fish netttop over and a short skirt, thats tigth around me. I have only a little bagwhere Ihave all my money and passport. After we meet I give you a kiss and says its nowyour turn to run my life the next weeks. And gives you my little bag. I curl myhairwho is long and blond and ask if you know a cheep hair cutter who can help ustake it of and shave my head of all hair ?You drive us to a filthy plase where and old man have his shop,...

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AllGirlMassage Trinity St Claire Cassidy Klein First Time For Everything

Eager client Cassidy Klein visits the beautiful Trinity St-Clair for a relaxing All Girl Massage and hopefully more. Cassidy undresses in front of her masseuse, proud of her sleek, sexy figure. Trinity is a little taken back at Cassidy’s excitement and begins her massage. Trinity gently rub’s her clients back, thighs, legs and watches in awe as Cassidy moans sexually. Cassidy asks Trinity to rub higher between her thighs when it hits Trinity that Cassidy expects more than just a...

2 years ago
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Butt Banging Sandra in her Big Nipple Brassiere

Sandra’s cooch itched through the cotton crotch of her shiny sheer comfort waistband flat seamed suntan 94% nylon 6% cotton pantyhose. Sandra ignored the slight irritation and took another sip of her latté, adjusted her mini skirt slightly and moved her shoulders in such a way as to adjust her big nipple brassiere. “I have huge nipples.” thought Sandra. “This is the only bra I can wear that I like that covers my nipples well.” Sandra knew she looked good in her pink gingham patterned...

3 years ago
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The Crossing part 3

I'd escaped from my PoW camp and had planned on making my way across Nazi Germany dressed as a woman, but someone has seen through my disguise. THE CROSSING - part 3 by BobH (c) 2015 - 6 - My greatest fear had been realised. I had been found out. I felt numb, my throat dry. I couldn't move, I couldn't speak, I could barely think. I stood there before Count von Rumstahl, dressed in women's clothing, rooted to the spot. "Do you deny you...

3 years ago
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The Best Blind Date

Part 1: The MeetingThey always say a blind date should be blind. My first ever attempt at it was blind. It was my older sisters suggestion. She had always badgered me into getting a date. I just was not interested to be fair. I had my studies at University and that was my ultimate focus. Girls simply did not feature. However I did as I was told and decided to surf the internet. I joined one particular website that stated it was the best around and could simply find a date in "three easy...

3 years ago
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Chachi aur chachi ki ladki

Hi all sexy readers mera nam rohan hain. Main 25 sal ka ek gora our sexy ladka hu.me apko meri ek sachi aur sexy kahani sunana chahta hu.ye kuch 2 sal pahle ki bat hain. Ek din me apne chacha ke gar chutiyo me gaya tha. Vaha mere chaha ,chachi aur meri ek cousin raheti hain jo mere se 2 sal choti hain. Uska naam MAMTA hain. Mamta aur mere bich kuch jyada difference nahi hain isiliye ham dono me bahot banti hain. Jab ham chote te tam hamne kai bar sath me bath bhi liya huva hain. Ab main asli...

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Jims WorldsChapter 2

"Jim's World"--Chapter 2 Jim turned to the stunned audience and asked, "Does anybody want to back out?" After a short silence, he continued, "I thought not! Good. Susan and I will be married in three days and we would like for you to attend. We'll put you up while you wait. "I would like to leave on our expedition about the middle of January. It'll take that long to get everything ready. I don't know how long we will be gone, but it may be as much as six months, or more. Please...

2 years ago
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ShesNew Dixie Lynn She Exudes Sexuality

Little Miss Dixie Lynn is one of those blonde chicks that exudes sexuality from the moment you look at her. These days, she’s single and she gets dick all the time. According to Dixie, the wildest place she’s fucked was in a locker room at school! Dixie also loves sucking dick, and she shows off her skills today as she pleases our stud’s big pole. She spreads her legs for some deep pussy pleasure. Her moans get louder and louder as our stud strokes inside her tight, young cunt. Then, she sticks...

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Fucking the Porn Stars MUM

For followers of my little series 'Me and the Porn Star', you'll already know that in late 1985, completely by chance I had a relationship with a girl called Nikki who, it turned out, had done about 10-11 porn scenes about 2 years before I met her. I was in my element for over two months - the sex had been FANTASTIC and I had learned a lot about porn which I didn't know before, got to do a double penetration for the first time, and a whole lot more.But, like all good things, it came to an end....

4 years ago
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Draw or Die Like a DogChapter 9

Nothing! That described their luck in this part of Oklahoma, so they decided to try the panhandle. If they didn't find anything there, they could always drop a few miles south and be back in Texas where they both felt more comfortable. They rode a little bit north before cutting west because the roads seemed a little bit better in Cherokee country. They could tell when they got to the panhandle, because the road pooped out like it had been cut with a knife. The frugal Cherokees had not spent...

4 years ago
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Dinner With Mum

My mother is 32 years old and is not a knock-out, but she does dress well and takes care to look as good. She has great 38D breasts that fill out everything she wears and she has the body to go with them - a little on the big boned side with thick thighs and a full arse. I've spent many hours thinking about her.Around the house we are pretty comfortable if we happen to be in our underwear in front of the other person. It was never a big deal growing up so we've kept it casual. While I may...

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My Brothers GenieChapter 11

“What do we do!? What do we do!?” Charlie asked, panicking. “Mistress, calm down,” Afericus said, trying to comfort her. “Everything will be okay.” “Of course it’s not, they’re going to destroy the universe!” Charlie shouted. “Oh shut the fuck up,” Sarosa said to her. “Well sorry, I just don’t like the idea of not existing!” “Any reality where I don’t have to listen to your whining is a good reality.” “Girls girls, break it up!” Daniel shouted, getting between them. “Honestly, is it me...

3 years ago
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College life 26

***********************With Friday here, the weekend before Thanksgiving, it seemed no one left.As usual, I headed to do laps with Scott after class. We immediatelyreturned to the dorm without making a detour. Scott said he was saving hisstuff in case Hayden wanted to venture out later.When Scott and I entered our hall, we saw Colt. We ignored him to stay outof harm's way. We entered my room and were just inside when Colt lightlyknocked on the door and opened the door. His face told the...

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Rebel in the SouthChapter 26 Portia

Unfortunately, a half day later, I was back in the soup. I heard the noise before I saw the problem, and the problem turned out to be a sight larger than I first thought it was. Two good-sized men were wrestling with a women in an open-sided shed, and their intentions were clear since one had his foreflap ajar and his long member dangling in the breeze. I dismounted quickly and ran at them, obviously unseen. I pulled one off and tossed him aside and then got the would-be rapist's arm up in...

4 years ago
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The Three Signs Book 2 LoriChapter 42 University Ends

I had already planned my work schedule for my thesis; the date that the completed documents had to be submitted to the Faculty’s review committee were fixed, so I worked back from that date. I would have to work out the best way to produce the master copy of the thesis; I could always use Lori’s electric typewriter; but I thought it might be worthwhile playing around with the troff / nroff document processing software we had on the Unix system here. One of the PhD students was writing a...

2 years ago
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Sanjis New Look Anything For Love

It was a beautiful day as usual on the Thousand Sunny. Luffy and Usopp were fishing, Zoro was sleeping, Chopper studying, Franky was lounging and Brook was serenading. "Aaaaah, Nami-swan..." Sanji, the ship's cook swooned as he entered the mapmaker's room, finding the two female crewmates. "Ah, and Robin-chwan, too!" The raven-haired archaeologist giggled as she set aside her book. "Hello there, cook-san. How can we help you?" The chef removed his cigarette from his mouth as he...

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The Ice Cream Man Ch 02

I arrived the following Saturday and had a half gallon of butter pecan ice cream that I gave to John. He laughed and thanked me. Jen looked great dressed in jeans and a western shirt, but she always looked good. We went to the motorcycle races and had a fun time. A lot of bikers looked at her, she was the kind of woman that attracted attention. I didn’t leave her alone, so I felt a little better. We ended up at my trailer where we made love again. I always used condoms with Jen for pussy sex...

4 years ago
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Case File 101 Child of the Mind

My return caused enough panic for people to cut corners, which were better left rounded. I did not have time to step into a much-needed shower before the wolves arrived at my hotel room door. I turned when the door opened and studied the women who entered. Twins were an elegant touch, brunettes with dark brown eyes. Five years had passed since my last woman so I appreciated the effort spent on tempting me to lower my guard. "May I help you?" I asked. "Are you Jason, the Director's...

2 years ago
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Unfaithful 3

The next morning, Brad woke up to his work clothes neatly folded on the back of a nearby chair, joined by a pair of clean socks on the arm rest, and his shoes and keys in the seat. Next to the chair stood his smiling wife Kerri."I got you all ready for work today; this is my way of apologizing for brushing you off last night. I wasn't feeling well, baby; I'm sorry," she lied. Her purpose was to get him dressed and out of the house immediately. "That's a nice way of apologizing, but I have...

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Danny and Robert

Danny rubbed his dick against robrts hole to lube it, and pushed. Robrt flinched a little, but didn't move. Danny started humming him emeditly. Watch Danny's ypunh butt was so tempting, but I just watched. He finally pushed all in, Roberts facr was a mixture of pain and. Pleasure. Danny fucked him for about 5 minutes, them pulled out and turned and bent over for his turn. I told Robert to let me put so shampoo on him. I came up and offered his dick to me. I wanted to taste it so bad, but knew...

3 years ago
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First Contact

She stood, nervously; looking up and down the street for the person she was due to meet. She didn't know what he looked like, but knew that as soon as he came into sight, she would know instantly who he was. She pushed a stray brown hair out of her eyes, and stared intensely as a tallish, black haired gentleman came up to her. "You're here" he said, not needing any confirmation from her. They both knew instinctively who the other one was, their months of chatting giving them a sense of...

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Three Square MealsChapter 58 Those who fail to learn from history

John stared at his new Paragon Body Armour with his mouth agape, and walked quickly across the Engineering Bay to get a closer look. Dana had set up another armour equipping frame next to the two that were already built against the far wall, but this new one was larger, designed to hold armour sized for a brawny six-foot-two man. The full set of body armour was standing in the frame, with the robotic arms holding the front plates in place to showcase the dramatic new design. The Paragon...

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Virgin daughter

It's the run-up to Christmas, I'm back home from Uni and doing my Christmas shopping, everything is sorted apart from what do I get for my Dad. Then I see something in a shop window that gives me an idea, but it's so out there, so wild, I can't believe I even thought of it.It's something I've been thinking about for a while now but not been able to bring about, I just don't know how to make it happen. Also, I don't know how a man I love and respect would take it. I would be devastated if he was...

3 years ago
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My First Sex With A Foreigner

Hello my self Sachin living in Shimla and if you want to email me my email id is when i was 19 year old and in present i am 22 and height 5,11 , well build body andfair complexion working as an spa asst manager this story is realy true incident of my life.and this was my first sex ever with a foriegner. mera bcom suru hua tha or mai collage na jakar bhaiya ke jo mere cousine hai unke Massage centre pr baithta tha mujhe bahut si different tarah ki massages aati hai western,aayurvedic jiske liye...

4 years ago
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First public sex and lost virginity

the first time I had public sex was also the time I lost my virginity in the woods at school and at home. It was the last year of secondary school. We had a boy in the class who had been bisexual for a few years and he had a lot of sexual experience. It was the year it was popular to see as much of the underwear as possible and I often wore my pants right under my dick. One day, about a month before the end of school. The classmate and I met in the hallway, and he asked if we could meet in the...

3 years ago
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The New SonChapter 1

The party was in full swing, but Alison Taylor was too depressed to fully take part. She was drinking, instead, a very unusual occurrence for her. She wasn't even naked, unlike most of the other people. Moans and yells, the sounds of leather hitting flesh ... it all faded into the background. Thoughts of her son, and the direction his life was taking, distracted her, stealing all her joy. She just didn't know what to do. A man sat down next to her, and introduced himself. She glanced at him...

2 years ago
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Thrill Masturbation

I was on an airport run. The person I was picking up landed early morning, so I had to leave the house about four a.m. It was winter, so it was dark and would be until seven-ish. To get to the airport I'd decided on not going on the larger motorways, but to go a more direct but quieter route. I had been focused on just getting to the airport in the first hour of the journey, and what was about to happen didn't even cross my mind.I started thinking about how quiet these country roads were, and...

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My mistake 2

you can read the rest part of d story frm above web address… She started shivering very badly. I went near her and touch her forehead, it was too hot, she had a high fever. She was shivering badly and there was not a blanket there. I cant understand what to do. Now I had seen her properly, she was looking beautiful, she had a 36- 24-36 figure. She was wearing a shawl by which she was covering her breast to thighs. I can see her uncovered arms and neck. As she was shivering, i hugged her to feel...

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Real Introduction to Dogging

Some will of course doubt what I am about to share but that’s their choice. What I’ve found funny is that I was introduced to dogging years before I knew there was a term for it or that it was something people other than myself had done. I live in a rural, not so big town in Canada. I am married and this happened at a time I was involved with a man who was also married. Unlike what you see in the movies, we didn’t meet at hotels or motels or even each other’s houses. Both of us were quite...

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Halloween Revenge

Note: not to be read by anyone under 18 This story is a mix of fiction and a true event that had happened on a Halloween night not too long ago Enjoy! Halloween revenge! For the last few years my girlfriend Chris I have been going to Halloween parties of friends, we have always chosen costumes with themes and went with it! Nurse, Doctor, Vampire, Witch, Zombies But this year was going to be different Chris said she would pick the theme. In September I had finally...

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Afternoons Delight

She stood at the folding table in the apartment's laundry room. She saw him across the room, reading a paper, but not really. She could tell from the glances around the paper every now and then that he was checking her out. She smiled to herself. She enjoyed being checked out, especially by an older guy. She stood five feet six inches, and had rich thick brown hair, with some sun bleaching, lightening it. Right now it was up in a pony tail but unpinned would fall to her lovely tan...

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A Beautiful Woman is the Best

My entire outlook on sex has turned around in the past year, and I must admit that it has been a turn for the better. I am a thirty-five-year-old business woman who has been divorced for five years and I am trying to get my daughter through college. I have tried to keep myself in relatively good shape so that I'll remain attractive to the opposite sex. About six months ago I was out on a date with an old friend of mine. My daughter, Suzanne, was at home with two of her friends from the local...

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My Brother My LoverChapter 8

The bright sun peeked into the room early the next day waking Callie up. She woke up thinking last night had all be a sexy wet dream. She felt a warm strong body against her and turned around to see her brother fast asleep with his arms around her. What I'm I going to do with you Nathan? I love you so much! Callie said to herself. She squirmed her way out of bed still nude as her brother woke up brushing his hand on her back. "Good morning sweetheart," Callie said pleasantly. "Hmmmm...

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