A Weird OneChapter 3 free porn video

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Prom was a blast. My mom, God bless her, had made me take dance lessons when I was in the seventh and eighth grades and I spent the evening dancing with the three best looking and sexiest women there. If you had told me that a month earlier that Tasha and Pauline would someday sit at the same table and smile and talk to each other I would have laughed at you and suggested that you be committed. But it did happen.

When Tasha and I arrived Gail and Tom were sitting with Pauline and her guy who had flown in from Tulsa so he could be her prom date. Even though I fully intended to sit there with them I was surprised when Tasha pulled me toward the table.

"You behave" she said. "I know she is no threat to me. All she did was fill in for me until I got my head out of my butt. Make sure you dance with her. You hear me?"

"Yes dear."

Between Tasha, Gail and Pauline I was kept on the floor almost all night. I was having such a good time and was in such a good mood that when Eddie came over and asked if he could have a dance with Tasha I just smiled and said:

"Just make sure you bring her back."

As Tasha and Eddie moved out onto the floor I saw Gail, Pauline and Tom looking at me with disbelief on their faces and I just smiled at them. When Eddie brought her back he thanked me for allowing her to dance with him and as he walked away Tasha mouthed "I love you" and then even though it was against the rules she leaned over and kissed me. Luckily none of the chaperones were looking our way.

There were a couple of after prom parties, but the one we went to was the one at Tom's house. Mary had sprung for a keg and a lot of snacks and then had gone off somewhere after warning Tom not to destroy the house or allow anything that would bring the police to visit.

We partied and danced to CDs until the party started to break up around one thirty. It had already been set up with Tom so it was no surprise to him when I led Tasha to Mary's king size bed.

I'd seen all of Tasha's parts at one time or another. I'd had her breasts out and I had licked and sucked them and I'd had her pants down or her skirt up when I had fingered her or gone down on her and of course I had seen her in a bikini around the pool, but I had never seen the entire package naked all at once. It was breathtaking!

There of course was the initial pain and when I tried to pull back Tasha grabbed my ass and wouldn't let me do it. I took it slow and easy and after about ten minutes she had her first orgasm and mine came shortly after.

"I had no idea" Tasha said when it was over. "I'll be kicking myself for years to come for waiting. Again? How soon before we can do it again?"

I shocked her when I went down on her. I know she was thinking "How can he do that on a dirty pussy" but it didn't take long for her to be grabbing my head with her hands and pushing herself up at me. I got hand and moved her into position for some doggie and in only minutes she was slamming herself back at me. That time was a first for me. In all that I had done with Mary, Gail and Pauline I had never cum at the same time they came, but it happened with Tasha. She cried out "I'm cumming" and I felt her start to orgasm just as I let my load loose into her.

We laid there cuddled up to each other and suddenly I felt tears on my shoulder. I looked at Tasha and she said:

"I'm sorry baby; I'm so sorry that I deprived us of this."

I wiped her tears away with a corner of the sheet and then I pulled her to me and kissed her.

"Not to worry my love. We have a lifetime of this to look forward to."

I wanted to keep going, but the problem I had was that I had to have Tasha home by three. Her father had wanted her home by one, but Tasha and her mom had worked on him to get her a little more time to hit some of the after prom parties that were considered part of the prom night experience. Tasha was trying for six in the morning, but even her mom wouldn't go for that so Tasha had to settle for three.

I had her home at five to and I got a very steamy goodnight kiss. It lasted a bit because no porch light flashing took place.

"Tonight?" she asked when we broke the kiss.

"No" I said and she frowned until I said, "This afternoon. Say about two?"

She smiled and kissed me again.

After that first time Tasha wanted to make love all the time and she was frustrated when we couldn't always do it. She had a mom and two younger sisters at home so her place was out. My mom was a stay at home mom for the most part. She did occasionally go into work with my dad and fill in when some one in the office called in sick or went on vacation and she did do some volunteer work so we were able to use my house at times, but it was sporadic.

There was snow on the ground at Stevens Point so the blankets in the trunk were not practical and lastly, my weekly allowance while not small was not enough to allow me to rent a room. Tasha was occasionally able to borrow her mom's car and it had a big backseat and being able to use it helped some, but Tasha wasn't getting as much as she wanted. The worst part was that I didn't have a clue as to how to fix the problem.

The solution came from an unexpected source. As close as I was to Tom and Gail Tasha being with me made her the Fourth Musketeer. Tasha knew that Gail and Tom were sexually active and as she and Gail grew closer and closer Tasha opened up more to Gail. One day when she was with Gail she was in a cranky and bitchy mood and Gail asked her why. Tasha told her that it was a lack of sex and she ran the problem down with Gail. Gail got with Tom and the two of them talked about it and then the together the two of them went and talked with Mary.

I didn't know any of that at the time so it came as a complete surprise one Saturday morning when Mary offered the use of her place for me and Tasha to use. There was a price of course. Regardless of what Tasha might want to do or where she would like to go Saturday's were Mary's until four in the afternoon or until she released me whichever came first. Also I had to give her two times during the week. She would prefer four and she didn't much care if I came to her before or after being with Tasha.

"How you do it or how you manage it is up to you. Now hurry up and make love to me before I change my mind."

Tom, Gail and I discussed it and it was decided that the way to handle it would be to have Gail sound Tasha out on how she would feel making love with someone else around. Depending on what Tasha said Gail would tell her that she and Tom made love at Tom's house on the days Mary was out of the house attending committee meetings of the various charities she volunteered to work for. If Tasha didn't mind that she and Tom were also going to be in the house making love she thought she could talk Tom into letting Tasha and me also use the house when Mary was gone.

Gail ran it by Tasha and Tasha jumped on it. When she mentioned it to me I acted hesitant and then let her drag me into it. Tasha never saw Tom and Gail making love, but she sure did hear them and I'm pretty sure that there were times when they heard us. The arrangement worked although there were times when Mary grumbled and complained that she was being neglected.

The period between prom and graduation was a fun time, at least from a sexual perspective, but hard times were coming and I knew it. I would be staying at home and going to State for my degree in Business Management, but Tasha was going to be going to Western which was a four hour drive away. I'd only be able to see her on the weekends when she came home. Add to that my easy life style was going to come to an end.

Every year from my fourteenth birthday until the summer at the end of my junior year I worked part time at my father's business and that included some Saturday's. Mom talked dad into giving me the summer before my senior year and my senior year to be nothing more that a footloose and free teenager. The price was that following graduation I would work full time until I started college and then part time as my class schedule allowed. All breaks would be worked full time and of course after I had my degree I would be full time as I prepared to take over from my dad when he decided to retire.

In short, all the free time I'd had for fucking would be gone. I'd still have evenings and Sunday's and all holidays when the plant would be closed, but that was all. I would be going from a kid's life and schedule to an adults. Tasha was not happy about it.

"It is my last summer before I go off to college. I want to go places and do things, but you will be working."

Yes indeed, my lady was not at all happy. If that wasn't bad enough more got dumped on me. Tom was informed that his dream had come true. He had wanted to go to West Point since the eighth grade and one of our state senators had gotten him an appointment. It was his dream, but Gail's nightmare. She'd had her heart set on becoming Mrs. Thomas Bagley within the next year or so, but now that couldn't happen until he graduated and became an officer. To make it worse she was as needy when it came to sex as Mary was and Tom was going to be over fifteen hundred miles away.

"You have to take care of her for me bro" he told me over coffee. We were sitting on the patio by the pool watching Gail and Tasha in the water.

"She is highly sexed and you and I both know she won't be able to go without and I'm afraid of what might happen to us if she goes to other guys to get what she needs. I trust her with you Bobby; you have to have my back on this."

"What does she say about it?"

"I haven't brought it up yet."

"I don't know Tom. I don't know that I can do what you want. I mean I know I can make it with Gail, but I don't know that I can keep her away from other guys."

"Why couldn't you?"

"Jesus Tom; I'm only human. You had to bring me in to help you take care of your mom and Gail. If you needed help in taking care of the two of them how am I going to manage the two of them and Tasha all by myself?"

"You may have to give up mom. We both know she can get someone if she needs too. Of course we both know that Gail could too, but that is what I'm hoping that you can keep from happening."

"For four years? Get serious Tom."

"It won't be that bad. During the week Nat will be up at school and we both know that there will be weekends when she won't come home. I'll talk to mom. She knows how I feel about Gail and she will understand my fears. I'll get her to back off a little. Please Bob, you have to help me on this."

"All I can promise is that I will try, but you need to something for me first."


"You have to get Gail to agree and then the two of you will have to sit down with Tasha and me and get Tasha to agree."

"What!!! Are you nuts?"

"Hear me out on this bud. If I do what you are asking people are going to see me with Gail and you know as well as I do that someone will tell Tasha about it. Just remember what we recently went through with Eddie. I do not need Tasha raining down on me for running around on her so she needs to know what it is that we are doing. She doesn't need to know about the sex, but she does need to know why Gail and I are spending time together. Besides, we don't even know that Gail will go along with it."

Gail did agree so she, Tom and I sat down and talked about how best to approach Tasha about it. It was decided to go straight at it. The four of us were sitting in a booth at Harry's and had just finished our burgers and fries. I wiped my mouth with a napkin and then said to Tasha:

"Tom has asked me for a favor and I need your input on it. I was going to talk to you alone, but Gail thought it would be best if she and Tom were part of the conversation. Simply put, Tom has asked me to go steady with Gail while you and he are gone."

Before Tasha could say anything Tom explained what he wanted. Gail said she was good with it and I explained that it would only be while Tasha was at college and not when she was home. Tasha looked from me to Tom, then at Gail and then back at me.

"I don't know what to say" she said.

"Would you at least think on it" Gail asked. "We have some time yet before Tom has to leave. It would help us Nat; it would really help us."

As we drove away from Harry's Tasha said, "I need a better idea of what this going steady means and why you needed to bring me in on it."

"To be bluntly honest about it Tom is afraid that he will lose Gail while he is gone. He knows that she isn't going to stay at home and watch TV while he is off learning how to be an Army officer. She will eventually date and he is scared shitless that she will hook up with some one and that the some one she hooks up with will steal her away. He figured that with you gone during the week I would be free to take her to movies and things like that and it would keep her away from other guys.

"The reason I had to bring you in on it was that I know that if I do it someone who sees me keeping company with Gail will take pleasure in seeing to it that you find out I'm cheating on you. I won't be, but that is what it will look like and I can't have that. That's why I have to have you on board before I agree to it. You say no way and I won't do it."

"It won't work you know."

"Why not?"

"The prime date nights are Friday and Saturday and I'll be home on those nights so on those nights she will be available for other guys. She might be able to hold off for a month or two, but she will get tired of staying home and eventually say yes to some guy who asks for a weekend date. Tom said it himself. She isn't going to sit home and watch TV."

She was silent for a minute or so and then she said, "Even though I know it isn't going to work it is okay with me. It probably won't even happen. It will probably be over before it can even start."

"Why do you say that?"

"One of my older sisters dated a guy who was going to go to West Point. They have a thing called Beast Barracks. What it is is basic training and it takes place the summer before they start their first year. Tom will have to report in near the end of June or the first part of July. That means that Gail is looking at most of the summer vacation with Tom gone. You already know what you will be doing during the days this summer and I'm damned sure not going to share what little time I'm going to have with you with some one else. The odds are pretty damned good that Gail will already be dating before I even come close to leaving for college."

I did not share Tasha's sentiments. I thought that she was flat out wrong. Even if it did eventually happen I figured that Gail would at least try to be good and figured that even if she did give in she would go six or seven months or so. Tasha was partly right. Tom did get notice that he had to report in by July 9th.

Graduation came and with it came the big change in my life. I had to be at the plant by seven and I'd be there until five-thirty or thereabouts. The plan that my dad had set up for me was that I had to learn every job in the place from the janitor all the way up to dad's job. I learned the janitor and mailroom parts from when I was fourteen up until I was given my year off.

Now that I was back to working I was starting on the shipping and receiving end of the business. I learned to use a pallet jack and drive a forklift. I learned how to pack stuff and arrange for shipping it out. I learned to make damned sure that when I received something that I made sure that it was all there and undamaged and I learned how to break the received goods down and get them to the appropriate departments.

The plant closed at five-thirty if no overtime was worked. I worked shipping and receiving until three and then I went into the offices and Marge, my dad's personal assistant and Stella, the office manager, worked on teaching me office procedures. Things like how our computer system was set up and how the filing system was set up to handle the documents that had to be saved.

The plant ran six days a week and the work force was set up to work ten hour days with some working Monday through Thursday and the rest working Tuesday through Saturday, but I was lucky. I got to work all six days. Whoopie! But I only had to work half a day on Saturday.

The good thing about it was that I was getting a paycheck and I could afford to get us a motel room now and then. Tasha liked that part, but she wasn't all that happy about the amount of time I was able to spend with her. On the average of two nights a week I had to tell her I was working overtime and on those nights I had to call Mary and make sure that Tasha wasn't there lounging around the pool with Tom and Gail and then I'd stop by.

Mary was not a happy camper. Tom was spending all of his remaining time with Gail and she was only getting me a couple of times a week. I was the only one not unhappy. I was getting more pussy than I had any right to expect. Quality pussy at that!

July 8th arrived and after tearful farewells Tom was off to West Point. Then things got really complicated for me. Apparently Tom, Gail and Mary sat down and talked things over. It was agreed that until Tasha went off to school that Mary would share some of the time she normally spent with me with Gail.

I found this out on the first night I stopped to see Mary after Tom left. Mary and Gail were both there and between the two of them they flat wore me out. I know that it is the dream of most guys to have two sexy women to play with, but I'm here to tell you that no man – unless he has a perpetual hard on – can adequately take care of two sex hungry females. Can't be done. I tried. I tried like hell, but it can not be done.

Unfortunately for Tasha (but fortunately for me) Tasha's mom and dad had a lot of family plans for Tasha's last summer before she went off to college and entered adulthood. This eased the strain on me somewhat, but had the downside (or upside – depending on your view) of Tasha doing her absolute best to fuck my brains out when were able to get together. There were actually times during that summer when my dick hurt.

In addition to my three ladies I still (and I don't know why) felt that I had to occasionally leave soiled panties on my bedroom floor for my mom to find, pick up and wash. It was weird, but I kept on doing it and my mom never said a word to me about it or the night she walked in on me.

I was one very confused puppy. On the one hand I didn't want Tasha to leave me and go off to school. I knew she was meant to be my life partner – the yin to my yang – and I wanted her to be with me and close enough to touch at all times, but on the other hand I couldn't wait for her to go just so my cock could have some relief.

I could have gotten that relief by simply telling Mary and Gail that I was sorry, but I needed to give all my time to Tasha. Yeah! Right! Get serious! An eighteen year old (coming up on nineteen in three weeks) giving up pussy? I loved Tasha. I truly did, but I just couldn't give up my mini-harem especially knowing that Tasha was going off to college.

I did have some backbone though. It didn't make me any points with Tasha's parents, but I'd like to think it would have made me points with Tasha is she would have ever found out what happened.

It was the week before Tasha was to leave for school. I got a phone call at work from Tasha's dad. He wanted to talk to me and he asked me if I would meet him after work for a cup of coffee. Being naturally curious I said sure and he asked me to meet him at the Hilton when I got off work. I called Mary and told her that I had to take a pass on the evening because I had to work overtime. She told me that if I got off early enough I should stop by if only for a quickie.

Tasha's father was already there sitting in a booth when I got to the Hilton's restaurant. He stood up when I got to the booth and offered me his hand. I took it and we shook hands and then I sat down. The waitress showed up and I just ordered coffee.

"You are curious I would imagine" he said and I nodded a yes.

"I have a problem and I need your help in solving it."

"Of course I will help if I can."

"Natasha's mother and I have always had big plans for Tasha. Those plans are in danger of being derailed because of you."

"Because of me? How am I upsetting your plans?"

"Natasha is talking of changing her major and going to State instead of Western. She says she doesn't want to be apart from you. My wife and I want you to break up with Natasha. You do that and she won't want to be around you. She will go to Western instead of State where she would have to see you around."

That caught me totally by surprise and I sat there looking at him and trying to think of a way of politely telling him to go fuck himself. I don't know what my silence was telling him, but before I could say anything he smiled at me and said:

"I was young once and I know how it is. You will fall in and out of love a half dozen times before you finish college. I also know that young guys can always use money so I'll tell you what I'll do. You help me out here and I give you a check right now for a grand. Deal?"

I stood up, took out my wallet and pulled a five out of it and dropped it on the table. "That should be enough to cover my coffee. All I can say about your proposal is that it doesn't look like you are going to be any happier having me as a son in law that I will be for having you as a father in law" and I walked away.

As I drove away from the Hilton I wondered if I should tell Tasha about the meeting and then I decided not to. I couldn't see any sense in creating problems between her and her parents. I also thought about the fact that Tasha hadn't mentioned to me that she might change schools. My mood wasn't all that great so I thought I'd swing by Mary's to see if she couldn't cheer me up.

She did.

My walking out on Tasha's dad wasn't the end of it. Four days later I received a call from Tasha's mother. Same thing. Same time and same place. She was there when I got there and after I was seated she said:

"I'm sure that you know what this is about right?"

I nodded a yes and she said, "My husband in his usual bull in a china shop manner managed to make a hash of his meeting with you. I want to talk about the same thing only differently. I know that your feelings for my daughter are strong and what I want to know is if they are strong enough for you to want the best for her? I'm not saying that you aren't the best man for her, but the two of you are young yet. You should experience some of what life has to offer before making any major decisions. If you and Natasha are meant to be it will happen as well after college as before."

"That doesn't even make sense to me. There is absolutely no way, at least to my way of thinking, that we can separate for four years and then get back together. Are you sure you aren't looking for a problem where there isn't one? She hasn't mentioned making any changes in colleges to me."

"She has mentioned it to me."

"It wouldn't make any sense for her to make a change. She already knows what my schedule is going to be like. She knows what she wants to do with her life and Western has the program she wants and State doesn't. Staying here and going to State won't give her any more time with me than she would get on weekends so why would she change?"

"My guess is that she is afraid that if she isn't around you might take up with another girl."

"If she has that little faith in me why would she want me anyway?"

"How about we stop the tap dance and get down to the nitty gritty. The bottom line in teenage romance is sex. I don't know if Natasha has given up her virginity or not, but even if she did she is an inexperienced girl. I am a very experienced woman. If you will break up with Natasha I will see to it that you get laid twice a week for the next three months or until you get a new girlfriend whichever comes first."

"Your husband is so desperate to break up Natasha and me that he will let you do that?"

"My husband doesn't know. This is strictly between you and me."

I smiled at her and said, "Between you, me and Natasha."

I took the tape recorder out of my pocket and showed it to her.

"I knew what this meeting was going to be about after meeting with your husband so I thought it would be wise of me to cover my ass just in case I needed to prove to Natasha that I didn't do something that her loving parents set me up for or accused me of."

I pushed the 'stop' button and stood up.

"What are you going to do with that tape?"

"That depends on you. If you and your husband try to break us up I will play it for Natasha and I might even arrange for your hubby to hear the part where you offer me sex. If Natasha breaks up with me on her own I'll give you the tape. The one thing that won't happen is that I will break up with her. Just to keep you happy I will share this little tidbit with you. Natasha has made it very clear to me that she is not going to marry until she finishes college and an awful lot can happen between now and then. If you are wise you will let nature and the fates follow their course. You invited me so I'll let you pick up the tab. Have a nice night" and I walked away.

I wished I could have found a way to take Mrs. Evans up on her offer without breaking up with Tasha because Mrs. Evans was one hell of a sexy looking lady. If Tasha and I managed to hang together I had a pretty good idea of what Tasha was going to look like when she was forty and I could live with that.

I drove over to Harry's where Tasha was going to meet me. I walked in and my good mood turned dark. Tasha was sitting in a booth with Gail – and Eddie Wooters. Tasha saw me and gave me a big smile and scooted over so I could sit beside her. I wisely hid the fact that I was pissed and a good thing too. I'd no sooner sat down than Gail said:

"We need to be going and leave you two love birds alone" and she and Eddie got up and left.

As they walked out the door I looked at Tasha and said, "You called it. You said that she would be dating before the tail lights on Tom's bus out of town were out of sight. But Eddie Wooters?"

Tasha just shrugged and asked if I would like to go out to the Point and commune with nature. "I need to stock up before I leave so I'll be able to get by during the week I'm gone."

The week was a busy one for me. I got together with Mary and Gail twice (I didn't mention Eddie to Gail) and the rest of the nights were all Tasha's. I even gave Tasha Mary's Saturday, but Mary didn't lose out on the deal. In exchange she got Tasha's Sunday because Sunday was the day that Tasha's parents were driving her up to Western.

The original plan had been for her to drive herself in the car that her parents had promised her for graduation, but they reneged on the promise. Their justification was that with a car she would be tempted to be out and about rather than studying. They told her to get good grades and show that she was applying herself and then they would get her the car.

I knew that the real reason was that they didn't want her to be able to drive home every weekend to see me. It was an attempt to split us apart even though Tasha didn't do what they expected and did in fact go to Western instead of going to State. I could have (and probably should have) followed through on my threat and played Tasha the tape of my meeting with her mother, but I decided not to. It was a ploy that I had already diffused. I'd given Tasha the money for a bus ticket home and when she went back to school she would be driving my Mustang. I hoped that when her parents found that out they would realize that their plan had failed and they would get her the car they promised.

I could do without my ride for a while. I could borrow mom's car and one of the perks of being the owner's son was that I could use any one of a half a dozen company vehicles if I needed to. The thought of an air mattress in the back of one of our vans came to mind. It would come in handy since Gail was expecting me to fill in for Tom.

My Sunday with Mary was exhausting and when I got home my mom looked at me and told me that I needed to slow down.

"You look totally worn out. You need to take it easier on yourself."

If you only knew I thought and then we sat down to dinner. Dad asked how work was going and I told him fine and then asked what he had in mind for me once school started and I went to part time. He said he thought he would have me work in the office. Mom asked if I'd heard from Tom and I told her no, but Mrs. Bagley asked me to tell her to call. I wondered what they would talk about if my mom did call.

The next day was the first day of my last week as a full-timer and in the break room one of the guys I'd been working with asked what was next on my training tour.

"More time in the office is what my dad said."

"Lucky you" Ben said.

"Lucky me?"

"Hell yes Bob. The only woman in the office that I wouldn't plank is that old hag Grace. The rest of them are all prime pussy. Hell dude, I'd kill to be able to bone Marge."

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Weird Tales Succubus Part 1

Some times I would think back, I get flashes of her all vague, I have no idea why, may be on times now lost, easier times or less complicated. I'm in my twenties I've had my share of girlfriends but they all ended before anything physical would happen they seemed to end over silly little things petty thing or without explanation. One day a new women turns up in town, I was working as normal when I first saw her she was tall and beautiful, dark hair flowing down her back, blood red...

4 years ago
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Weird things Succubus

Some times I would think back, I get flashes of her all vague I have no idea why, may be on times lost, easier times or less complicated. I'm in my twenties I've had my share of girlfriends but they all ended before anything physical happened they seemed to end over silly little things. One day a new women turns up in town, I was working as normal when I first saw her she was tall and beautiful, dark hair flowing down her back, blood red slim lips, her eyes glinted purple I took it to...

2 years ago
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Weird Fantasys Part 1

Anyways, this is a story about how I got into the whole incest scene. Not really sure how it happened, and I never had any fantasy's about incest before then, but, when I was sitting on her back, her in a skimpy bikini, me rubbing lotion on her back... well, I'll just start from the beginning to leave out any confusion. So, today was a day like any other. I got a message from my sister's, she being 17 at the time as well (let's call her Zelda, just for the sake of humor), dick-wad...

3 years ago
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Weird dream

My dream It started with me, A girl I used to like named Victoria and a couple of my friends on a mountain in a water park(for some reason), so we were all in swimsuits, I don’t why but my friends where being rude to her and I would just go up to her and tell her they don’t mean it and we would continue walking. We walked for what seamed about ten minutes, me and Victoria were talking with each other the whole time. We got to the bottom of the mountain and it was slippery, being a water park...

2 years ago
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Weird Things

I first noticed something was off while I was looking away from Rachel, who was looking away from me. The difference was I was deliberately doing it. The pretty brunette classmate of mine seemed to be having no trouble on her part. A sigh invisibly scented the air before me. It seemed like the day was going to be as humdrum as usual. Another batch of notes, another hour of listening to adults speaking, the same splayed out folder. I was set and ready to snooze. I was set. Set. Dead set. ...or...

Mind Control
2 years ago
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Weird gym class

I live in the city and so often you will find a store that sells something very common but they will try to sell it to you differently. This gym was one of them.It was a small gym that opened in a building not too far from where i work. They basically offer private coach sessions so the gym is pretty small, about 900 square feet. There are two owners. Two men around 50 years old. One of them has a physiotherapy background while the other has a gymnastic one.I wanted more mobility when working...

5 years ago
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Weird 3 Way

I had a rather weird 3 way experience a few years back. I answered an add on Craigslist from a couple that was looking for a Bi Male to join them in the bedroom. After a few emails back and forth we exchanged phone numbers so we could text. We texted for 3 days, telling the husband what turned me on, what experience I had, what I was hoping for if I got the chance to meet him and his wife. He shared very little about himself or his wife, only that she was smoking hot. Finally I got the...

3 years ago
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Weird Cousin

I have this weird cousin, let's call him Alfred. He was 20 and I was 16 at the time. He used to visit and sit around the pool watching everyone. Never got in the pool or even wore a bathing suit. He would just sit and stare at all of us. I noticed him looking at me a lot in my suit and following around but not talking to me just starring. He creeped me out. I tried just being nice to him but not really engaging him. Just the fact that he was 20 and still coming to our house with his Mom and Dad...

4 years ago
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Weird Sex With Gloria

I was heading for the gym when Gloria suddenly grabbed my arm and asked 'want to go to my house and get real freaky???' I looked at her as she smiled and started to walk towards the exit. I decided that running was not as interesting as having sex with Gloria. Gloria is on the cheer leading squad and as sexy as hell. She had witnessed part of my initialization for the track squad and blacked mailed me into having sex with her. It really didn't make no sense, all the guys in school would have...

3 years ago
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Weird Science Part 2

Weird Science Part 2 By Eric Chapter 4: The New Sarah Professor Martin was laughing inside as 'she' held on tightly to her newly acquired boyfriend and protector. Mike was a godsend and one of the many things he thanked Sarah for - the chief of which was this absolutely wonderful young body. For the first time in Martin's unhappy life 'she' felt desirable and attractive! All Martin's life 'she' had been obsessed with sex, which caused Martin epic frustrations as her original...

3 years ago
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Weird afternoon at the beach

Weird afternoon at the beach The weather was fine, maybe one of the last warm days this summer. So I picked up my girlfriend after work and we drove to a nice secluded place at the coast. We found it some years ago and liked to go to there ever since. I parked the car hidden in a small forest and then we strolled the short distance to the cliffs hand in hand. We could hardly keep from each other and one would steal a kiss from the other every view steps. You would think we are...

3 years ago
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Weirdest Yet Most Memorable Experience

Hi readers!! Born and brought up in a subtle upper middle class family residing in Southern part of New Delhi, fortunately enough making me a handsome guy with fair complexion and smart yet slapstick sense of humor. An athletic body with high amount of libido makes me horny however always being discreet of my escapades. Being a regular reader of ISS, it was my long awaited wish to share my true incidence, though would only revert to mails or chats of people truly concerned of discretion!! This...

4 years ago
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Weird Tales Succubus Part 2

It was a stone walled room it reminded me of a castle turreted room from some fantasy story, was I still dreaming I heard a moan and grown as something was waking up next to me, I looked; it was Lilly the ebony beauty she was by my side. "Hello how are you?" she asked sleepily. "Where the hell am I?" fear running through me why have I not woken up yet I thought. She got up her hair now only just past her shoulders her wings tucked in, her naked lean yet fuller figure, beat any so...

4 years ago
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weird changes chap 3

I'm starting to enjoy it , even though I'm joy supposed to . He starts squeezing my sone hard young nipples with his fingers , making me even hornier then I all ready am . I'm so wet the my young pussy juice is starting to gather at my bottom . He lets go of my nipples and puts both his hands on my bottom , bringing them off the table . I see a combination of lust and crazyness in his eyes as he brings he waist back and slowly went into my pussy . I can feel my virgin pussy...

2 years ago
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Weird Afternoon

We go for a drive to the beach, the dog's are running and playing, and after a bit I have to go pee, and so do you, we see a couple of big rocks in a circle not far away and we head there. Once there we look around, no one is anywhere close, we kick off our shorts and undies an you start to squat to pee. I say "wait Laura, pee on me" You look at me funny, but I lie in sand and I pull off my shirt and you straddle me and pull open your lips and begin to piss on my chest, your piss hits me hard...

2 years ago
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Weird Sex and the depths of depravity

'Warning, this is a story of woman's depravity, read with caution, and please remark about what unfolds'As we drove my husband looked across at me, 'Fancy a gang-bang'?Asking your wife or girl friend to sexually gratify up to twenty men, is easier said than done, it takes a certain temperament in a women to realize that, just fantasizing about multiple men when you're having sex with one, is one thing, but actually being confronted by many men eager to rip your fucking pussy off is another.We...

4 years ago
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Weird sex

My girlfiend and I have always taken things slow. Mostly petting and missionary sex. I have never been brave enough to discuss my fetiish with her.One night after she got somewhat drunk we both crashed at our bedroom.Towards early morning before sunrise was my queue. I removed her panties slightly and inserted my morning glory erect cok up her ass.At first I thought of simply shafting her. Also, I rememebered the reason I woke up was due to urge to pee. There was this moment of trepidation and...

3 years ago
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Weird Science

My eyes fluttered opened and I sat up quickly. For a moment, I assumed I was awakening in the library and had fallen asleep studying again.  It made sense at first; the last thing I remembered was reading and taking notes from my macroeconomics book, and my eyes growing heavy.  But as my eyes adjusted to the light I realized I was not slumped over, leaning on a table in the library with my head resting on a book.  I wasn't in the library at all.  Instead I found myself lying on the floor in a...

2 years ago
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weirdo story 2

I love spiders. I see your adorable body in front of me. You are on the table, just the naughty nylon touches your soft skin. I like you, feel the tickling of the nylon on my tongue. Again I start to become hard. Your bald skull, your face – everything makes me horny. The breasts are moving up and down as you breathe. A kind of fear and shame is in your eyes – and a enormous desire and lust. I take a little box and show it to you. You can see three big spiders insides – just like the one I sent...

4 years ago
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weirdo story

I meet you at the airport in only a sheer black catsuit and a fish netttop over and a short skirt, thats tigth around me. I have only a little bagwhere Ihave all my money and passport. After we meet I give you a kiss and says its nowyour turn to run my life the next weeks. And gives you my little bag. I curl myhairwho is long and blond and ask if you know a cheep hair cutter who can help ustake it of and shave my head of all hair ?You drive us to a filthy plase where and old man have his shop,...

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Susan and her love rival pt 2

Her movies of choice were fairly mainstream. Anything that involved a girl having her pussy licked was a winner, so obviously lesbian porn became a keen favourite. But she was also a fan of blowjobs too. And facials. She loved watching those. Her ex-boyfriend was lacking in that department. When he came, there wasn’t much goo and it normally just trickled off the end of his cock. So Carrie ended up just swallowing it. Which kept him happy but left her feeling something was missing. ...

2 years ago
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Oh BoyChapter 13

I wanted to get to the ballpark early as I had a couple of questions for the equipment guys; questions like if I'm supposed to carry my gloves in my luggage, or if they keep them together for us, and if I need to take stuff like my cup or shoes? I saw that my gloves were gone when I looked into my locker, as were both my cups and my regular tennis shoes, along with two pairs of my spikes. I noticed that socks and workout clothes were also missing, so they must come through and take part of...

2 years ago
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MMDChapter 7 Marty Stu Walks in the Park

Sir Issac Ney strode into the General Assembly of the United Nations. I was on his left as was proper for subordinates. Sir Issac was in soft clothes but I wore my Earth Defense Force uniform. We were announced. “This is Colonel T. E. Lawrence,” Sir Issac introduced me. “His primary mission is preserving human culture. Colonel Lawrence has traveled the world collecting documents, artifacts and interviews so that human culture survives invasion by the Swarm.” “Thief!” someone shouted from...

3 years ago
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Ann is one of my wife Kat's ladys that I have saved from her asshole husband Tom's drunking fits (read my last story) anyway Ann has become my girl for sex and all. Today I went to Ann's home around 2:30 knowing Tom would be home soon I walk in without knocking and she is making supper and talking to Tom's sister Beth they both look like deer in headlites at me I say to Ann come here and hit your knees, Beth just looks in shock as Ann drops down undoing my pants and starts to suck me, Beth...

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I saw my Moms bush

In my early teens it was Summertime. I came into the house by the front door. I did not make a lot of noise, and I saw my mom in the back yard hanging clothes. I was about to turn away when she bent over to pick up some clothes from the laundry basket, and I saw her house dress raise up and she wore no panties and flashed her black haired bush at me. She did this over and over, and since no one could see, no one was around (she thought) she paid no mind to how high her dress rode up on her...

2 years ago
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The Royals 8211 Episode 2 8211 A Night Of Pleasure

The Royals is a sex story series that follows the lives and stories of 6 families in a hunt for one throne- the kingdom of Mantrapura. According to an age old prophecy, the kingdom that rules over Mantrapura for 25 years continuously shall get the power to rule the world. The prophecy is scripted on the gigantic walls of Mantrapura. Mantrapura is an island in the Indian Ocean that no country has claimed. Surrounded on the outside by a thick jungle, this sprawling kingdom hosts around eleven...

3 years ago
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Night Skies Hotel

Night Skies Hotel By Solari My name is Mark, and I don't know how much time I have left, so I'll make this quick: If you ever come upon the Night Skies Hotel while traveling the world's most isolated roadways, do not stay there. The neon-lit illusion - Yes, that's what it is, really! It's not rooted in our dimension! - is nothing more than a red-light district beacon for the weary and unwary. Already a guest at the Night Skies? Mistake number one, but you still have a chance to...

4 years ago
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Playing To Win Playing The Game IIChapter 29The End Of The Season

The team was scheduled to take a bus down to the University campus, where the playoffs would continue, on Thursday morning. Our semifinal game would be played Friday night, and the winners of Friday's games would meet for the championships on Sunday afternoon. After practice on Wednesday, Kayla and I were sprawled in my family room. On this last evening before I had to leave for a few days, Jake was being uncharacteristically sensitive, making himself scarce and allowing us a little alone...

4 years ago
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April and Nicky get wet

I had lots of fantasies about her little friend April Who’s tiny little body was heaven sent, her long very blonde hair almost white with her peaches complexion and bright blue eyes always excited me and I normally ended up sniffing Nicola’s panties and masturbating as a result of her just being around. I knocked on the door and my sister Julie answered and greeted me as usual. I smirked to myself as I reminisced about the time when I cam back from a rave still high and managed to finger...

4 years ago
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Kaylees hair peeks out

Introduction: My third story, hope you like it! You know, I can see your … hair, whispered Gina, before dissolving into giggles. GINA! You are AWFUL! Kaylee clapped both her hands over the front of the yellow bikini bottoms. She stood still for a moment, holding back a giggle, chewing her bottom lip. Ummm … Can you really? Kaylee slowly dropped her hands from her swimsuit and peered down at herself. Past her swelling breasts and flat tummy, Kaylee indeed did see a few blond wisps curling out...

1 year ago
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The Making of a Transvestite

*** 100% erotic fiction!!! I learned a few things early in life, 1.My mom was an incestuous slut. 2. I was very feminine. 3. I was gay. 4. I loved older men's cocks. And 5. I had a big dick myself. My mom, dad and me, lived on my grandpa's farm with him and my moms three older brothers. My uncle John gets his son, Billy, every other weekend and were more like brothers than cousins. Dad worked in that little town as a used car salesman. Grandpa was 65 but in very good shape, while my mom, dad,...

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How To Make a Superhero

How To Make a Superhero By Zedd The man had great powers. That he knew, which was why he found himself at the address before him. He had been contacted secretly stating that for him to be a superhero, he must look the part, and for a nominal fee, to come to the 'Super Lab'. They could help. His name was Max. Getting in proved quite easy, as they had been expecting him. He was made comfortable and told anything he wanted to know. His questions didn't faze them at all; 'them'...

2 years ago
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A Good ManChapter 33 Lets Go to Bed

Waiting in the living room while she got ready, made me jittery as all hell. I needed something to help calm my nerves, so I raided Vicky’s drinks cabinet for her peach schnapps. I’d only ever had it once before, but it was Vicky’s favourite so it couldn’t be that bad. I poured two small glasses, with ice, left one of them and the bottle on the coffee table and then sat on the sofa with my drink in one hand and the television remote in the other. I flicked through the countless satellite...

2 years ago
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JulesJordan Jill Kassidy POV Jules Gets Some Road Head Fuck The Insurance

Jill Kassidy and Jules Jordan go for a leisurely drive but Jill can’t wait til they get home to take his dick out of his pants. Jill’s looking super cute in her short shorts and white tank top as they head back to Jules’ house. She decides to take some sexy pictures and pulls out her amazing tits while she pulls her shorts to the side to expose her sweet little pussy. Jill rubs and fingers herself for a while and Jules can’t stand it anymore, he pulls over in a parking...

2 years ago
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The Life of John Smith Chapter 7

The next day, Monday, at school there did not seem to be anything that could keep me from thinking about what mother and I had done in bed. I did not think we had missed a single position. If we did it is one that mother did not know. Not until biology could I get my mind on anything else. Carol's smiling face seemed to pull me from Sunday's bed to Monday's classroom. "Hello John, or should I call you Johnny?" was her greeting. "Hi Carol," I said. Looking around to make sure no...

1 year ago
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Part 2 A New Kind of Heaven

Part 2 - A New Kind of Heaven This story relates how I morphed from being straight as a ruler to being bisexual. These events happened in spring '03. While I obviously can't remember every detail, the basic story is true. I've added detail where it was needed. If you haven't read part one, you should before reading this or it won't make much sense. The morning dawned bright and clear, a beautiful spring day. Thank God it's Saturday, I thought to myself. I glanced over at the clock by the bed....

2 years ago
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Ethans Revenge Part II

Robert Carter, better known as fat Bob, is the owner of the butcher shop, that Ethan frequently visits. He stands 5'11", weighing 425 lbs., with jet black hair and green eyes. Ethan walked up to the counter, grinning wide, "hey Bob, I'm doing pretty good." Fat Bob chuckled, "looks like it, what's with the shit-eating grin?" Ethan's grin faded a little, "well let's just say I had a good day at work." Robert looked down at the meat he was cutting, "uh huh, looks more like a...

3 years ago
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The Summer I Grew UpChapter 27

“You ready?” Joe asked before we got out of the car. I wasn’t. Everything about school reminded me of Sam. It was like asking me if was ready to have someone hit my broken hand with a hammer. You’re never ready for something like that, but I nodded anyway to get us moving. Bethany and Mark were waiting at the edge of the parking lot. I got my book bag and slung it over my shoulder and headed toward them with Joe at my side. He kept his arm around my shoulder the whole way which was about...

3 years ago
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Travis takes it all

Travis stopped talking mid sentence. In the silence he observed her lovely, long legs, taking in the way the silk of her stockings leant a light sheen to her skin. Around them, soft, bland but tasteful background music tinkled. The lights in the small bar were dimmed to a pleasurable level. Dark enough for punters to realise day had moved on, into evening, not so dim as to reek of pick-ups and Saturday nights. In small alcoves, candles burned. Travis made eye contact with the waitress behind...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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My Innocent Saali

My innocent Saali Hi friends, I was thinking of writing to u for last so many days but couldn’t gather the courage…today I m ready to make this confession….i m a 30 year old man who is sexually very active. I have always loved women body…especially their boobs and ass. My story starts when I got married a few years ago. I love my wife as she is a loving and beautiful lady. But after marriage I realized that my wife’s younger sister is a bomb shell… she is 22 with slim body but a beautiful round...

4 years ago
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Brownwood I Dreamed Ch 07

**** So different now from what it seemed Now life has killed the dream I dreamed. – I Dreamed a Dream, Les Misérables **** Summer 2015 – Somewhere in the Caribbean The redheaded, forty year-old lay on her stomach basking in the Caribbean sun. The smell of coconut suntan lotion wafted off of her as small beads of sweat slowly dripped down her sides. The sounds of the harbor filled the air as Bree floated in her dream-like state. She stretched and smiled to herself as she softly groaned....

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Head of the Senior Class

Head of the Senior Class by Pamela ([email protected]) This work is inspired by Jody, who many years ago told me that during her freshman year at college she actually did what our main character ends up doing in this story. *** Everything they say about fraternities being a magnet for beautiful, sexy girls must be true, John thought to himself as he made out with Charlotte. She was red hot, gorgeous face and figure, her boobs nestled in a shockingly pink lace bra...

2 years ago
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Seducing Wife8217s Friend 8211 Part 1

Hello friends My name is rakesh I am a big fan of Indian sex stories since long time, have been reading most of the stories. I am married have a lovely wife who is bit fat with big boobs 40 even having sex regular with her I am starving for sex every where I keep on looking for sex & also been lucky to have sex with many females. Here I am narrating a story about my sex with my wife’s friend sangita who looks very sexy with beautiful figure & very bold in her outfit I always had an eye on her...

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Photoshoot turns kinky when daughter makes an appearance

My photography business had been getting busier and busier in the past few months with myself and my assistant Silke being rushed off our feet going from job to job.Most of the work was fairly humdrum - weddings, family portraits, product launches and other corporate events - and was time-consuming and not hugely exciting.We had done a few recent shoots with aspiring models, which was much more interesting work for both of us - bringing out the personality of the models was not always that easy...

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The massage

Yes, I would start at your head, and move down. Kneading each muscle until it released its tension.Softly moving over your skin Sitting on your ass, straddling you As you lie on my bed Face downRubbing your shoulders and arms And moving down Unhooking your bra And using lotion to rub moisture into your skin Pushing your stress away I get to your hips and slide your panties off Moving them down your sexy ass Dropping them on the floor Sliding my fingers across your hips And pushing into your...

3 years ago
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Sab Ki Pyaas Bujhaai

Mera naam Ravi hai, main 27 saal ka hu, height 5.6 par meri aankhe sex se bhari hui hai. Mujhe sex ki lat pad gayi hai, aur main jitna bhi sex karu kam hi lagata hai, sochta tha ki mujhe koi problem hai. Par jab mujhe jaise hi aurat mili tab mai samajha ki main kitna lucky hu. So main tution deta hu, aur un students mein se se ek ki mom (Roshni) mujhe ek din fees dene aayi, aur mujhe se man hi man sex ka plan bana liya, jo mujhe baad mein pata chala. Yun baar baar phone karke apni beti ke...

3 years ago
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Mountain Release

This is the third chapter of a true story. It follows "Mountain Frustration" and "Morning Wood." Reading those first may help build the arousal.Meeting at the same small park as before made sense because of where we each live, but because both of us were married, I'd wanted to stay away from doing the same thing twice. No need to arouse anything other than my cock. Nevertheless, Darlene insisted that it would give us more time on what had turned into a warm and sunny May afternoon. When I...

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Equal SharesChapter 4

The notice had gone on the board weeks ago — the company barbeque would be held on the grounds on Friday, the 21st of July in the afternoon. The Firm had a long-standing tradition of a 'summer do.' It had varied in the past from boat trips to a picnic in a park with a jazz band playing, but for the past several years it had been a barbeque, complete with spit-roast pig etc. Also laid on was entertainment — this year there was a live band — and drinks. Taxis would be available to take...

4 years ago
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Denica was off for vacation in Bermuda. She was going to meet a friend there, so had to fly by herself. She boarded the plane in LA. Of course, it had to go the long way around. So the plane had a layover in St Louis. But that was ok, she wanted to just chill for a while. As she was waiting to board, she noticed a young soldier standing awkwardly off to the side. When they began boarding, he was escorted on with those needing extra time. He walked with a slight limp but otherwise seemed quite...

3 years ago
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Jule Loved by Everyone

PART ONE Chapter One ----------- Harry and Julie fell in love their senior year of high school, they couldn't wait for graduation and as you can imagine one month before the big day Julie discovered she was pregnant. Luck was on their side and no one could tell by looking but eight months after graduation and seven and one half after marriage they had a son, who was the image of his father. They had moved several states away and Harry had a good job with a company installing HVAC...

2 years ago
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Incest Games Chapter 11

They came in after dinner, and they'd had their own in a cute restaurant, holding their heads close together and whispering exactly like what they were, lovers. Her dad hadn't minded the curious, knowing glances they received; he had been altogether too busy being the nice guy he was. But they had to go back home; she reminded him of that sad fact over a glass of light wine he sneaked her. So they left the candlelight and wine...

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Minal Bani Rakhel

Hello dosto, main Akshay Thakur firse apke samne Minal Gupta ki kahani leke aya hu. Please aap sab jarur padhe taki iska anand le sake. Main ye kahani Hindi mein likh raha hu kyuki bohut logon ne request ki hai. Aap sabke mails aur replies ke liye main aur Minal shukrguzar hai. Ab age ki kahani Minal ki jubani. Hello, mere horny dosto! To apne pichli kahani mein padha kaise main Ahmed se pehli baar chudi aur uski gulam bani. Uske baad jaise main uski property ban gayi. Ahmed mujhe apni man...

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