TimeChapter 40 free porn video

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With the computer, helped somewhat by good encryption, we had kept close contacts. The three companies tried hard to mesh in with the others in which I had an interest in Germany, as well as with the others in my corporation.

We met at a spa a few hundred miles from Berlin and after checking for bugs we started ours talks. They were well aware of the Harrier project and the three had worked with this project. Rheinmetall had even supplied the 20 mm cannons for the craft.

The Challenger had been made but only two. It was underpowered at only 1,200 horsepower. The 120 mm cannon seemed to be working well, along with the munitions I drew up to be made. NATO had put in orders for fantastic amounts of our products but they did not know of our tank yet. When they did, I expected to be made even richer.

France now wanted not only more of our war material but my contraceptives. Part of my price for assisting them in Vietnam was for them to assist me equally. Equally would mean that they still owed me a lot.

Each of the three managers got the new and smaller and more sensitive receiver for detecting bugs. They had already been given a rundown on what new developments we had found. New computer programs were now being shipped to the various companies and I explained how they would help each of their jobs. With my new algorithms, no government or group would be able to find out what was transferred for years to come. Our efforts to educate the world had worked but now we had to work to stay ahead of the competition.

On the way back to our vehicles I saw two men. One changed course on seeing us but the other was more proficient and took out a paper as if to read something. Security was close by but they could not restrict people from going on vacation. I pointed out the two individuals and I figured future private conversations in this location would now be impossible. Parabolic mikes had been around for quite a while and tube-driven amplifiers worked just as well.

This was no different than in the twenty-first century. There, people wanted to know what I was doing but used more sophisticated means of gathering the data. I was also an old hand at not letting the information be found.

In two days we were in France, where I looked in on some of my acquisitions. Most was land in the centre of Paris that would go up in value as the economy rose. All I had to do was to have a business built that would pay the taxes on it. Retailing household electronics sounded like the best way to go. I accomplished this by building the first 'The PX' in the country. Starbucks was here, too but the French still liked coffee their way.

The drug company outside Paris was half mine and they were doing a better time of getting the Pill accepted because of the government assistance. The laws in most other countries had not been as liberal as France. My efforts through my links to Japan were helping there, too.

The girls didn't enjoy London as much as they did Paris. Then again, the English are not the same as the French. It was not that one country was better but sometimes it was the difference in the customs of each country that made the difference. France would be far snootier in the future, while the British were that way now.

The three girls and six security people went out to Surrey to see the latest version of the Harrier. Hawker had run into problems and the only project that had the possibility of making money was the Harrier. I had stepped in and now owned fifty-one percent of the company. Now, Hawker Siddeley would never come about.

The girls loved to see the actual plane rise on its downward-facing thrust and slowly change to a forward or even a rearward direction. The movie 'True Lies' with Schwarzenegger came to mind because of the view before me.

This plane inspired a lot of interest in the marines. There were an even dozen of this variety there, along with the air force and the navy. I was very happy I had ensured that the plane could be more densely packed in a hangar, because the wings could fold. The compressor and fan were all metals that could take the salt-laden air much better than the magnesium that was usually used.

This model was actually our fifth generation. There was no armament in this unit but the avionics came from IBM and testing was taking place with some units from Bell. If most of the soldiers present were pilots, then they would be drooling over both the airframe and the electronics. Nobody in the world was even close to us.

The 'Made in U.S.A.' tag was not on the craft, yet and to tell the truth, I would rather its production stayed here in Britain. It would cost more to produce the plane from two assembly lines when one could do the job quite adequately.

To compensate for the loss of revenue and the fact that no Americans were employed in this endeavour, I wanted to sell Britain some of my aircraft that would be made at Fairchild. We made a much better Huey than was made the first time around; it was fitted out for attack and troop transport, not just for evacuation of the wounded. Its power, offensive capabilities, payload and avionics were much better than in the old unit used in Vietnam during my first time. We were having difficulty even keeping up to domestic consumption. We did have the option of expanding but I was trying to get the various military organizations to pay for this. The new Huey II was much more capable and had a great deal in the way of defensive countermeasures.

Sidney Camm walked over to me and said, "It makes my heart glad to see this plane fly. I had thought that your plans the first day were only rough and it took me six months to see that you had done a fantastic amount of work on the design already."

"Thanks, Sir Sidney. Things would have gone much faster if you had used a club when you talked to Rolls Royce about making the engines. You must have spent half your time working on this design and half the time fighting their engineers."

"That was certainly true. I took your advice and not only did our ministry threaten to go elsewhere to get engines but the American military threatened to take their business elsewhere if there was not some improvements soon. That clause where they have to produce or pay sure came in handy. Now things are moving along quite well and there are a few obstinate engineers looking for work."

"Theodore Roosevelt talked about speaking softly and carrying a big stick. I just made sure you had the stick to use."

I had suggested to the Royal Navy to alter the end of their flight deck to 12 degrees. To some, it was like I was asking to sacrifice their first-born child but the ministry prevailed. Harriers were now taking off much easier and safer, too, for the pilot had an extra few seconds in case something was going wrong. Our short take-off distance was just one of the things the Royal Navy loved.

Instead of staying in London we remained in Kingston-on-Thames to look into more of what was happening to Hawker Aircraft. Sir Rowe was still there and was happy to always have a running total to when the one thousand figure would be reached. There were just over six hundred and twenty to go and he was happy to keep track. Now that I owned half of the company, I had to give up that requirement up but it was still a joke between us.

The girls were now old hands at the party scene and knew most of the other guests. They were very sure of themselves and it showed in how they acted and even laughed.

Sir Sidney and Sir Rowe pulled me aside and the latter asked, "What is this helicopter you are trying to sell the ministry? Is it going to cut into Harrier sales? I think we may have lost some sales already."

I smiled and said truthfully, "It may have but the Harrier cannot do everything. You can't throw a cargo net under it to carry a dozen infantry. The helicopter is slower and more manoeuvrable but the Harrier has much better payload. I am telling you that my equipment will compliment each other, the way my companies do." I pulled the men's ears close and whispered, "I even have a replacement for the Harrier. This one is supersonic and radar will not be able to see it."

Sir Sidney just backed up with his mouth open. I could almost see the gears working in his head. He came very close and asked, "Tell me about it."

I whispered, "It is still STOVL; it generates vertical thrust through the use of the thrust-vectoring exhaust nozzle. The lift engine alone generates 18,000 lbs of thrust, compared to the 17,000 pounds we have now from our Pegasus engine. This method has the additional benefit of lowering environmental effects during primarily landing, where the thermal effects on, for example a carrier deck, are greatly reduced."

"This time we are using your old idea and have a second engine for thrust. This one will be over 27,000 pounds of force alone."

The excited man said, "Altitude and speed?"

"Only 50,000 feet at one point nine. It will be a Multi-Role Fighter and will bring in even more money than the Harrier. Even though I see the Harrier getting the new engine to provide 21,500 lbs of thrust, it will not compete with this machine. We have lots of work to do on this design and it will not come out till the Harrier is too much of a target even with new avionics. I will still get my thousand planes and at least half again more."

Sir Sidney licked his lips then said, "Who is going to be working on it?"

"Who is my best engineer, Sir Sidney?"

The man smiled widely, patted me on the back and then said, "Let's get back to the party."

The parties and meetings did not end and it was another two weeks before we were able to leave. During this time, I pulled rank and flew one of the newest Harriers. This was the second time in this life with me at the controls and I have to say that it was a lot of fun. The wives all had a chance and flew in the gunner's chair in front of me for a short flight. They were very excited when we got back and if they kept it up, I would get worn out tonight.

I took up the security detail one at a time in the same position and they came back just as exited. It was things like this that made a job fun for me and for them. I would like to think, if the roles were reversed, that I would get a ride, too.

The girls and I flew to Scotland and then home from there on a commercial flight. It was nice to be thinking of all the other jobs waiting at home. Helen and Laura had been doing work over the phone but they had learned to delegate the way I did.

In the next two years IBM made much more of the hardware used in the war craft I was manufacturing. Japan had come online and had been making sophisticated home computers. I didn't licence anyone to make processors and these all came from Silicon Ridge. The polysilicon boules, though, were grown and cut in Japan. Microwave ovens and fax machines were a hit. Many of the parts were farmed out but they were still only assembled in the plants in Japan.

We got our version of the Internet and used it extensively to communicate between various branches. The American government had taken to our computers and after some arm-twisting, so did the Canadians. Businesses, though, just loved our equipment. IBM had recovered all of its lost sheen and gained a lot more.

I was happy to say that we never had punched cards or paper tape to encode data or to store it. If the secretaries of the world knew what they missed, I would be thanked doubly.

This brought in the concept of trained people for help. When other tube-based computer companies went bankrupt, I hired their people if they were of any use. Most, I was sorry to say, weren't. Our books went across the continent and every child had a chance to learn about logic circuits if their school board bought the materials.

Some schools got computers but only after half of the teachers agreed to take a course in how to run them. Schools in my old life had far too many teachers who had no wish to learn any of this newfangled equipment.

Night school classes in computers were a very popular class in most of the world lucky enough to have a computer.

I started an Internet search engine, complete with ads for my products and services. E-store was my version of Ebay but it took a while to get going. I started my own version of Pay Pal, with the Toronto Dominion Bank taking care of the minor details. Credit cards were discouraged but debit cards were encouraged as much as possible. This, in turn, made me a lot more money. Martin Siddeley and his Purolator was the preferred shipper of most of the goods. He had found a partner in Joseph Silva and both were now much richer than they ever thought to be at one time.

Others introduced credit cards after the debit card came out. I fought this as much as I could, because of the amount of debt people would go into. The electronic card readers and the net made the difference, I think, because I charged much more for a credit transaction through my equipment. The Toronto Bank handling this for me was now, by far, the largest bank in Canada in the amount of loans and money at hand. This arrangement was protected with the many patents I had for every step of the transactions.

My oil company produced subsidiaries that prospered in many countries around the world. People compared me to a magician in my ability to sniff out oil. When I could, I brought up existing properties from other oil companies to keep the price stable.

Another popular pastime was to have companies try to sue me, or my companies. I had talked at congressional hearings many times in my life and I think in this life I would be there a lot more.

I took a page from J. Edgar Hoover and found out all I could about the congressmen asking questions and then, with the newspapers and the television recording, asked them which of my competitors had put them up to what they were doing. This helped in the short term, till the companies got stalking goats to do the same job.

I ran my corporations with this sort of interference in mind from the very start and I had less to deal with than another might have had. To make sure I rubbed salt into the wound, I mentioned that I was working hard to make sure that the 'Free World' was protected from Communism. Hampering me was the same as helping the Russians.

Many plans were made for when the Russians would launch their satellite ahead of anybody else. I had gained some shares in various newspapers and even made friends with the editors. When the time came, they would have a stream of information to print that would get back at the companies that were now impeding me.

My own aerospace company had been doing a lot of testing and I was happy to say we were ahead of everybody else. The rockets built by others were not suitable for placing a satellite in high orbit. They were much too small and, to me, had an unacceptable failure rate. Japan and Canada were testing a great many engines of various sizes and fuels. Canada did this more in line with short-range missiles.

Much of the conditions in space were familiar to me and I just had to make materials that were suited for getting there and then remaining operational when in position.

I owned a Japanese atoll. This was used as a final testing facility if there were no aircraft or ships nearby. When 1957 rolled around, we were in preparation for the Russian launch. Last time the first Sputnik was launched October the forth but they had been getting a lot of information from even my facilities. I figured it would be better to preempt them in late May instead. I was still worried that I would be late, even at that date.

There were literally thousands of workers getting everything ready for our first shot at putting a package in orbit. There were, without prevarication, thousands of man-years spent in making my satellites and the rockets. Everybody there had signed a document to make sure they kept the information quiet.

On May 25, 1957 our first launch was to take place. A hundred thousand feet of film was taken before the launch. It included most of the people there at that time, as well as footage of the launch site. The people gave their names and a bit about themselves. This was not an American effort but a full twenty-five percent happened to be that nationality. The rest were Japanese, German, Canadian, English and French in order of their numbers.

People were tense for the week preceding the launch. Everything was gone over many times. Our equipment was the best there was but it was not as good as what NASA had even in the seventies. We had to make up for our crude instrumentation with intelligence and foresight.

The first launch was at ten twenty in the morning. The atoll was much too small to allow the people to remain on the island if something went wrong. There were fortified positions but not for the number of people we had. A small island three miles away was as close as I would allow. That was still too close.

The people bitched at me and I just smiled as we shuttled them off. I was with them, too and this seemed to mollify them a bit. When the rocket went off, the noise was so loud that they had their hands over their ears. The rocket went up to approximately fifty-five thousand feet and then the gimbaled motors shifted slightly and the rocket continued its trip across the Pacific.

Everybody, who was not already deafened, heard the wild cheering. I must add that I was doing it just as much as the others. I think Aron peed himself; he was so excited. The girls just hugged me and jumped up and down. I had told them about this day for years and now it was finally here. I radioed one of our ships and they said how they had seen the launch from ninety-seven miles down range. The first stage had separated and they were on the way to recover the shell to be used later.

We did not have enough powerful radar stations to know how well the rocket was doing. We had to rely on information sent back from the rocket itself.

Much further down range, the second stage booster was sighted. Only coded messages were sent but this was not hard with the computer. Four small observatories with my people gave their progress reports. Even through their typing it was discernable that they were excited too. Others were listening for any odd reports or sightings but none had come in so far.

The satellite orbited the Earth four times and was slowly coaxed into its proper orbit. Most of this was by guess, for we had little information to go by.

That night most of the people did some serious drinking, especially when our small, hand-held radio transmitted to the satellite and it then rebroadcasted the signal back to Tokyo, almost five hundred miles away.

In the next ten days we launched four more satellites and even used the shell from the first rocket in the fastest turnaround I had ever seen. The sixth satellite was not as lucky and went up to almost seven miles before exploding.

That day the people were down as much as they had been up with the first launch. Although a replacement vehicle had been brought in for just such a case, the next successful launch did not fully overcome the loss.

In the coming months we launched twenty-seven more satellites to add to the six already working for us. On September third, the Russians launched their Sputnik. I knew that they had, for I saw the launch and recorded it from three of our own spy vehicles hundreds of miles over their heads.

The newspapers, though, had well-written stories delivered to them as soon as I knew that the Russian vehicle was in orbit. Other newsmen were called and told to run the stories they had been given. This was before anybody else even knew of the launch. The only way the articles got printed was because my name was used to verify the data.

I was very happy, for there was no leak that I could detect from any of our people. Washington, London, Bonn and even Ottawa were giving out all kinds of signals. This was when the politicians read the information in a local newspaper a mere hour after the launch was admitted. This was not to tell about our launches but to show the Russians that their efforts were being noted and even congratulated.

As predicted, the west was more than just shocked at what had happened to them. Nobody was even looking for artificial satellites till after the Russians announced their triumph. In coming days more articles went to the newspapers but nobody could find out anything about the ten additional satellites they found. The experts were sure they were natural.

Same as Time
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Sex Party for 4 previously posted in my blog

Picture this: My soaking wet pussy (the one you see on my profile pic) with two cocks in it while I am licking another woman's cunt. Does that give you a hard-on or make your pussy wet? Well good, because I'm about to give you details and hope to make you cum. ;)As I said at the end of my previous blog (My man, my best girlfriend, myself and the glass toy), I invited my hubby's best friend (Mr R) for a night of sex with the three of us. We lost power because of the bad weather, so when he got...

3 years ago
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I Did It for My HusbandChapter 4

I got into bed with Gary after my shower. Thankfully he was finished raping me for the night. He pulled me into his arms and went to sleep with his hand on my breast. I lay there awake for a very long time, listening to his quiet snoring in my ear and trying not to think about what my life has become. I doubt if I got more than two or three hours sleep. I still felt dopey the next morning when the alarm went off. Gary shut it off and took me into the bathroom. I have showered with Jimmie...

4 years ago
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My Passion for Mustang GTs Ch 03

Not all just about writing erotica, this story is about car buff stuff for car buffs. Susan discusses her other passion the automobile. Never comfortable with the Camaro Z28, just my personal preference and opinion, I didn’t feel as in control of the car as I felt in the Mustang GT. A heavier car than the 3,500 pound Mustang GT at the time, comparable in weight then to the much heavier 3,900 pound Mustang Cobra GT 500 of today, the Z28 felt too heavy in the turns and too light with the...

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A night at the theatre

She'd been looking forward to tonight for a week, it was the start of her holiday and she was kicking it off with a trip to a west end show. She knew her husband wasn't keen on theatre but was touched he was so willing to go. Smiling to herself as she hooked each of the 44hooks down the back of her new black satin and lace basque, she couldn't help but picture his face at the end of the evening. Rolling her nude smooth top stockings up her long tanned legs, being sure to stretch the silk and...

3 years ago
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The Making 5

“How was your little nap?” Mistress Annette asked as I opened my eyes. I just moaned something unintelligible and rolled toward the voice. My body reminded me where I was and what I had been put through; I ached all over but my ass was particularly sensitive and quickly brought to mind the abuse I had been put through. “My asshole hurts,” I declared. “Yes, and it will hurt a lot more before this is all over. I think maybe it is time to explain what is really happening here. As you have...

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GirlsWay April O8217Neil Jenna Sativa Georgia Jones 12 Hours

April O’Neil is at the office. She pours herself a coffee; it’s going to be a long day and she’s gonna need the extra boost. When she sits down, she instructs her employee, Alana Cruise, to begin her presentation. When Alana starts her presentation, she notices someone sending her lewd photos of herself with another girl. She freaks out and slams the screen on her laptop. She apologizes for the interruption and discreetly opens her laptop again. She writes to this person...

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Another day for the bored housewife

After tasting the sex of her neighbour, she knew she wanted more, she loved the danger of being caught, and also of being taken, she wondered who else she could may be get to satisfy her need. Coming out of the shower she realised the window cleaner was busy at the bedroom window, he was no looker and she reckoned quite a bit older, but she wanted, needed to be used and fuked, so she just let her towel drop pretending not to notice him she stood in front of the mirror looking at her body,...

2 years ago
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Tranny tricked the Postman

A true story…I’d woken earlier than I’d wanted for a rare day off from work and decided to see if I could have a little fun. So I did my make up and found the longest false lashes I had, touched up with the darkest mascara there is… with a touch of glitter… bright red lippy, a naughty smile, get the picture?I put on some sexy underwear and a black lace top, little skirt with heels and hold-ups… I was on the hunt for cock but how could I trick a complete stranger into some naughty fun with a...

1 year ago
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SexAndSubmission Chloe Cherry Troubled Teen ReHab 2

When troubled teen Chloe Cherry starts a cat-fight with her neighbor, she is sent off to Troubled Teen ReHab where Derrick Pierce gives the bratty teen an anal attitude adjustment. Tied up to the wall in the detention cell with a ball gag stuffed in her mouth Derrick whips Chloe into shape with the flogger. Stinging and punishing Chloe whimpers with each crack of the flogger on her small perky tits and delicate thighs and butt. Derrick spanks Chloe bare ass and turns it bright pink-just the...

3 years ago
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Marla Naked at WorkChapter 5

Bailey went over to Zach and they both whispered something into each other’s ear for a few minutes. Then Bailey said, “Mom and Dad, Zach and I know what we are getting ourselves into. We both wanted to talk to you about this before last night but we couldn’t get up the nerve to ask you. I not only want to give up my clothes at school under that contract for the absolute naturist lifestyle, I want to be completely naked everywhere I am at. Zach and I are totally aware that the weather is going...

3 years ago
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Fashion Designer Girlfriend Cum Sex Bomb from Kolkata

Hello folks, I used to write a lot and read a lot more but it stopped. I was out of inspiration; my creativity juices stopped flowing. But one sudden day, I got this crazy suggestion of starting to write again on ISS, from the lady of this story. Her name is Sweetu or at least that’s what I used to call her (of course, I wouldn’t give her real name here). We are not in touch anymore but that doesn’t stop me from thinking about those crazy erotic (often public) experiences and even shag off to...

1 year ago
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The secretary

Julia Foxx slammed down the receiver and muttered under her breath, "Idiots, the world is full of idiots!!!" She rifled through the multitude of papers that were spread all over her large desk, and finally in exasperation punched the intercom button and ordered, "Marge, get in here, I need some help!" Marge Owens set aside the letter she was typing and went directly into Julia Foxx's office. "What's up boss?" she asked brightly. "You remember the Cambridge file?" Julia asked without looking up....

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my wife0

I was thirty and having male issues, to be blunt, I could not obtain an erection. I went to my doctor and he gave me the blue pills. These did not work so he suggested that I go to a urologist.. The urologist ran all kinds of test and they came back negative. He said that sometimes it is a psychological issue. Sometimes, we are all under a great deal of pressure and we can not relax. He stated that something will happen or you will see that will stimulate you and you will be back to...

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Mon and son TV

Mum and I got home from her works party at one o clock in the morning, I felt tied out and ready for bed, I kissed mum goodnight and went upstairs to bed, mum passed my room and called goodnight once more, I returned by saying I love you, I took off my dress, followed by my bra and panties and sat down in front of the mirror and removed my make up, I heard mum go to the bathroom, I waited till she has come out before going there myself, back in my bedroom I slipped on a silky night shirt and...

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Tracey and the BBC

This was not how Bill had envisioned his weekend. As he approached the house, he thought of how he had just recently blacked out Ashley and had been looking forward to a weekend full of fucking her in his currently empty house. Ashley has developed the biggest tits in school over the last few months, and it has taken Bill just an afternoon to seduce her once he set his mind on it. Bill had to stop thinking of the titty fucking he had enjoyed that afternoon so that he did not have a hard on when...

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Oh it was planned alright Jays story

This is the same story as Unplanned Male Bonding, told from the other point of view. I hope you readers like it.I knew Ryan was a straight guy. Obvious from the number of times he was able to pick up girls in the bar we both went to and take them home for anonymous fucks. But there was something about him.... I thought there may be a chance I could get in his pants. In fact I became obsessed with it. He was a beautiful young man. The way his tight jeans defined the sweet curve of his ass.... it...

2 years ago
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The Case of the Missing WomanChapter 23 The Missing Woman

Percy was working at his marina helping to maintain the boats when his cell phone rang. A quick glance at the display indicated the caller ID was blank. There was only one individual who would be on the other end. "Hello, Percy here." "We found the missing woman from the slave ring." The voice said. "Is she still alive?" I asked. "She was treated badly. Her mind is gone. We have her in a safe place getting care. We need to know if her husband wants her back." I started to...

1 year ago
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While this project was a big step for my husband, I suspected there was more to it than just a great business opportunity for him…..and I was right. Two days after Frank left for his project, the doorbell rang around dinner time. When I opened the door, there was Ben – my husband’s boss – standing on my porch with a bottle of wine in hand. I admit I was not surprised, but I was definitely pleased, as I stepped aside to let him in. He walked past me into the entranceway, and as I turned...

3 years ago
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My horny aunt and she is childless

Hi every one this is Adhnan 25 years old from chennai.iam a fair and slim guy working as a call centre executive any how I am not the best person to talk about myself,after reading stories in this site i like to publish my first experience which i got from my horny aunt,the story which I am going to tell u is my first experience with my aunt,shabnam who is 42 years old childless with milky white complexion heavy body structure,plumpy,with large breasts huge ass, just like k.r.vijaya as iam fond...

2 years ago
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The Private Couple Chapter 1

"Aran, this is Mia," said Meg, on a hot summer pool party. Meg wore her white two piece which went well with her tanned skin as Aran wore yellow shorts, Mia had on a white two piece as well."Hey," said Mia, smiling as she took Aran's hand and shook it. Not long after that, both Mia and Meg chatted while Mia occasionally shot glances over at Aran's direction. Now that was all about a year ago, before the virus shutdowns, and now here we are to the modern day. Something about that day was...

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Susan and Jason Naked In SchoolChapter 9 Thursday 1

*SUSAN* Getting up this morning I almost didn’t put clothes on. I would have just gone to school naked but it was kind of cold out. Besides, I’d be letting the morning crowd down if I weren’t able to undress in front of them. I got a tingle inside thinking of this. I met Mary coming out of the shower wearing nothing but a towel -- on her head -- little tramp. She shouldn’t be walking around the house like that. I think Mary will be hitting the six foot wall soon if she hasn’t already. She...

2 years ago
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The Training of Jody Part10 Surprises

"What is it, Mistress?" Jody asked, startled at my lunge for the window. "Someone was watching us," I replied more calmly than I felt. "Who?" Wendy inquired. "I don't know," I answered, my eyes scanning the street. "Are you sure?" came Wendy. I could see her asshole gaping. "Very," I intoned, still searching for a sign of the spy. "Who do you think it was?" Wendy asked, joining me at the window. "Could be anyone, we were making quite a lot of noise. It might have...

3 years ago
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Woche der religisen Zucht

Ich wachte auf und sah das Morgenlicht durch das Fenster kommen. Mit einem Stöhnen rollte ich mich auf die Seite und vergrub meinen Kopf unter der Decke. Aber es war alles umsonst, als ich hörte, wie Mama aus dem Flur heulte und sagte: "Komm schon, Engel. Du kommst zu spät zur Kirche." Ich seufzte. Mit einem tiefen Gefühl des Bedauerns drückte ich die Decke unter meine Taille und setzte meinen Oberkörper der viel kühleren Luft aus. Meine Brustwarzen wuchsen blitzartig, genau wie immer, wenn es...

1 year ago
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LA FunChapter 19

Beep, beep, beep, beep. My phone was waking us up. I stretched and was hugged by both Jules and Kelly. The three of us got out of bed and put workout clothes on. Yori showed up with the appropriate attire when we were leaving to go next door to the gym. We did our individual workouts while chatting about what we would find at the office. We all went back to the hotel, showered, and dressed for the workday. There was an IHOP close by, so we went there. Jules was smiling when she said that...

4 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 874

A minister was seated on a plane bound from Hong Kong to the US with a stopover in Honolulu... After the stopover a crusty old Marine boarded and as fate would have it he was seated next to the minister. After the plane was airborne, drink orders were taken. The flight attendant asked the Marine if he wanted a drink. The Marine asked for Rum & Coke, which was prepared and placed before him. The flight attendant then asked the minister if he would like a drink He replied in...

1 year ago
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Wills new home Part 4

Introduction: Will and Brook finally express their love, and Will explores his strange fetish Will sat on his couch, his hand quickly stroking his five and half inch teenaged dic. He continued stroking his erect cock, meanwhile starring at the assortment of porn magazines strewn out on the coffee table before him. Right now, Will had on only his green t-shirt, and had thrown his boxers and shorts in the corner of the room while he masturbated furiously to the images before him. He looked down...

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Unfolding The Lust In Her

Hello friends!!! I’m Rahul. I’m a regular reader of ISS. This is my first story on ISS, so please forgive me for any of my mistake and also do comment on About myself, I am 21 years of age , handsome looking guy. Not so fair and not so dark. About my dick, I haven’t measured it any time. I always think how to other guys measure the same. The heroine of my story is Shivani (Name Changed). She is cute, fair and one the most beautiful girl that I have seen in my life. Her boobs are just perfectly...

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Video Vixens Beeline 50176

BEE-50176 Video Vixens By Iris Licht CASTING COUCH CUMS! Rusty couldn't believe he had someone of Montana's luscious qualityundulating beneath him. The gorgeous brunette drew her legs around hishair-rough thighs and shivered. The office sofa wasn't designed for thiskind of activity, but they managed. The would-be porn stud pushed his heavy cock bulb into Montana's soft,wet flesh. Her cunt lips suctioned his rotund crown, then drew him intoher warm, willing body. She sighed, overwhelmed with...

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It runs in the family

one day visiting my gran her truth came out, my gran Susan is still sexy and she loves to show what she's got, she got divorced a while ago and she likes to go places and still lives life to its fullest, my gran has always been open with me as we are very close, my wife Dawn and I have for a while now shared in the black cock and she loves it and it brings us closer, grandma Sue this day was showing us her pictures of the latest cruise she had been on and she was sat on a table with a big black...

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Becoming Gang8217s Bitch 8211 Part II

Hi guys, this is Savita Saxena here and I am back with the second part of my long unfinished story. You must have read in the first part about how I became a shameless randi for Bunty’s gang. Now I will tell you what happened when Bunty took me to his club. About me: I am a big ass chikni slim randi for a dangerous gang in a city. This is the story of how the gang made me their bitch. So Bunty threw me down on the bed and I did not have the energy to try to escape from the clutches of those...

Gay Male
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Freshman Year Gay

Your name is Robert "Robin" Meadows. You're from a boring suburban town in Minnesota. Because of peer pressure in High School you never had the chance to fool around with anyone in your school. Not like there was anyone to fool around with, it seemed like everyone around you was straight as an arrow. Well that was until now. You're starting your first year at Bellmore University. 5,000 undergraduate students 1,000 post-graduate students and 50% of them were men. Hot, young, liberal-minded...

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The morning after

I woke up in the morning having fallen asleep in the arms of my first ever black man. I was still naked because all my clothes were still in the other room. I looked around to see if he was still in bed with me but he wasn’t.I slipped out of the bed and walked out of the bedroom he was sat on the sofa in a pair of boxers. Now I’ve got to admit I find a man in a tight pair of boxers very sexy. I gave him a smile as I walked in. I saw my panties on the floor and went to pick them up.He told me I...

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My first gangbang

So Gunther used me as his sex toy for the next couple years. I had a lot of fun adventures over those two years and I'll tell you all about them. In good time but the first one I'll tell you about is my first gangbang. CSU was playing against Nebraska. Gunther had picked up a CSU cheerleader uniform for me and told me I was going to be hostessing a party during the game. While I had been shared with a couple of Gunther's friends before he hadn't subjected me to a full-on gangbang yet, I was a...

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Made HER CUM Hard

I knew once I got this bitch to my house I knew I would change her life FOREVER. I would see her walking inside the building I work in. Tina and I are good friends at work but I had to work my way there. Once I knew she trusted me...I would work slowly on how my dick hurts most of the women I have sex with. I told her what my dick looked like one day while drinking after work. I told her how THICK it was and She moved around in the chair she was sitting. I would see her every so often looking...

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BimboTech Chapter 10 Bimbos Devour the Senators Pussy

Chapter Ten: Bimbos Devour the Senator's Pussy By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Frank Jackman, CEO of BimboTech Chemicals “There it is,” squealed Becky, her face pressed against the limo's window, staring ahead. “There it is,” Alice agreed, her voice a low purr without a hint of bimbo excitement. She had a fresh injection of the intelligence serum flowing through her veins. And since we weren't flying in an airplane, there wouldn't be any mishaps like last night. My wife...

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