A Weird OneChapter 5 free porn video

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As I drove to the Village Inn I asked, "Would baby's cocksucker care to tell him just how things fell that enabled him to become a happy motherfucker?"

"When I caught you jacking off with my panties while sniffing the crotch of another pair I was horrified that you had become some kind of a freak. When you tossed my affair with Albert at me I thought "Oh my God! He'll tell his dad" as I ran from the room. It wasn't until I calmed down that I realized you would say anything to your father if I didn't.

It took me a while to realize that it must have been me that you were fantasizing about as you jacked off and the idea of you thinking of me while you beat off turned me on. I started thinking of you thinking of me and for some reason that I do not understand I started leaving my dirty panties on your pillow for you to use. The more cum soaked ones I picked up off the floor the more I wondered what it would be like to fuck my baby. I finally worked myself up enough to go for it."

"You were taking a hell of a chance."

"No I wasn't. I knew incest didn't bother you so I felt safe in doing it."

"Why did you think incest wouldn't bother me?"

"Tom told me."

"Tom? Tom told you that I didn't mind incest?"

"He told me that you knew about him and Mary and it didn't bother you at all."

"How in God's name did you and Tom end up talking about that?"

"He told me one day after we got done fucking."

"You and Tom?" You and my best friend?"

"I didn't fuck your best friend. I fucked Mary's son just like I fucked her husband."

I just stared out the window as I drove and everything rattled around in my head and then all of a sudden I started laughing. I was laughing so hard that I had to pull over and stop.

"What's wrong? Why did you stop? Why are you laughing?"

I finally got myself under control and said, "I'm laughing at the absurdity of it all. Mary told me the reason she had Tom recruit me was so she could throw it in your face that she corrupted your son because of you fucking her husband and all the time your were fucking her son. That's just too fucking funny."

"Yes, I guess it is."

"Do I get an explanation?"

"Of what?"

"When you told me that you were fucking Mary's son and not my best friend you made it sound like there was a purpose behind it."

"There was."

"Come on; give."

"It goes all the way back to college. Mary and I were pretty much best friends from the eighth grade on. I told you about pulling trains in college? Well Mary was lying on the mattress next to me. In our junior year I met a guy and we fell into a relationship and I thought he just might be the guy I'd spend my life with.

"When my grandmother died I had to go back to Chicago for the funeral. I came back a day earlier than expected and found Mary and Ellis fucking. Mary claimed he had gotten her drunk and then had taken advantage of her and since she was my best friend and I could trust her I believed her. I mean surely she wouldn't screw over her best friend right? I kicked Ellis out of my life and Mary and I stayed friends.

"I met your dad, fell in love and we got married. Six months later Mary and Albert got married. Everything was fine until I found out that your father was fucking his secretary. I loved him and I wasn't going to lose him over a piece of recreational pussy, but I did promise myself that when the occasion presented itself I was going to get even.

"One evening when Mary and I were out for drinks she got a little blotto on me. It just so happened that Ellis was at the bar with a woman who we both knew wasn't his wife. Mary was so out of it she didn't know what she was saying when she said:

"I knew that asshole was no good. I don't know why I ever seduced him."

"You bitch! I thought. I believed you when you said he got you drunk." A week later your father was out of town and I was out having dinner and Albert came in, saw me and asked if he could join me. We had a few drinks and he made some suggestive remarks and I decided to get some payback on your father and Mary. I let Albert think he was seducing me and then I carried on a six month affair with him. He really was a piece of shit, but I didn't care. I was getting back at Mary for what she'd done with Ellis and getting even with your father for doing his secretary.

"I never knew that Mary knew until you threw it at me. I knew from Tom that Mary was fucking you so I knew that the information had to have come from her."

"Okay; that's why Albert, but how did Tom come into the picture?"

"He was in the habit of just walking into the house when he came over to see you and one day after I took a shower I walked naked down to the kitchen. Tom came in and saw me and I saw his pants tent up. I'd just recently found out that your father was fucking Marge and I was already planning on getting even so when I saw Tom's hard on I said to myself "Why not. Two birds with one stone. One more getting even with Mary for Ellis and getting back at your dad for Marge." I walked over to him, rubbed his bulge and said:

"Is that for me?"

"That started it and it lasted right up until he left for West Point."

"I never knew he was such a stud. You, his mom and Gail and all at the same time."

"Oh listen to Mr. Super Stud here. Mary, Gail, Natasha and Pauline or any combination of three of them at the same time."

I pulled away from the curb and headed for the restaurant.

"What are you thinking" she asked.

"Good thoughts or bad thoughts depending on your point of view."

"Explain please."

"How to get you and Mary together again on a mattress pulling trains. I already know that when Tom comes home I'm going to get him to help me double team you."

"And if I don't want to do those things?"

"You have no say in the matter. You are my slut now and I decide what you will do. Right now you need to get over here and suck my cock until we get to the restaurant."

She sat there and looked at me with an unreadable expression on her face and then she moved over to me, unzipped me and did what I told her to do.

Over our French toast and bacon I said, "I'm thinking of getting an apartment. It might make things easier for us."

"It won't. It will be one more thing that can go wrong. People will start to wonder why your mother is always visiting you. An occasional visit sure, but not days and days of them. You and I being at home raises no eyebrows because you are living at home. Better you should stay at home."

"If I have an apartment I can see you more. If I stay at home I'll only see you when dad goes out of town or on a Saturday morning when he goes into work."

"You are only going to see me when your father is out of town or at work on the weekends anyway so it makes more sense for you to remain at home. Besides, if you are at home and something comes up that keeps your father at work late or something like that we can get in a quickie and we couldn't do that if you get an apartment."

"True, but I can never make a gangbang happen at home and I could do it if I had an apartment. I just need to figure out how to get you to talk Mary into it."

"That won't happen. For one thing Mary isn't in that mindset any more and besides that she is in a relationship she wants to make work. However what is most important is the fact that I have no intention of doing one and I have no intention of letting you and Tom do me at the same time."

"I'm not ask..."

"Shut the fuck up! Stop with the macho domineering crap right now! You are getting what I am letting you have – what I am giving you – and don't you forget it! We do it when I want to and when I can and you get to take it or leave it. Do you understand me?"

"Yes ma'am. Sorry. I thought from the way you were behaving with the little girl voice and the mommy stuff that you wanted me to take charge. And you did tell me how much you liked it when you pulled trains and I thought you were trying to tell me something that you obviously were not. I am clear on things."

"Good. Now feed me and then take me back home and fuck me."

"I'll feed you, but I'll have to take a pass on the second part."


"I have a date with Pauline."

"You would pass me up for Pauline?"

"I'm just being practical. Pauline will be available most nights until January second, but you won't be available till next Saturday and even then it is only a maybe depending on what dad does."

On the way home from the restaurant mom said, "When I had drinks with Mary she did throw what she was doing with you in my face and then I told her why I had done what I did with Albert. We are back on track to becoming friends again. I did not let her know about Tom and I don't want you to ever let her know about it either. Also, I do not want you letting Tom know that you know about what he and I did unless he brings it up first. Okay? Can you do that for me?"


"On what?"

"On whether baby's cocksucker is still baby's cocksucker after today."

"Then I think we have a deal."

When I got her home she asked, "Can I at least warm you up for Pauline?"

"I don't trust myself to stop if you get me started. I need to have enough left in me to do her some good or she may dump me for some one else and I need to keep her around at least until Gail comes back from visiting Tom."

"Gail? What does she have to do with things?"

"I would have thought that Tom would have filled you in during your bedroom talks."

"He didn't tell me anything about Gail other than you were doing her along with Mary."

I explained the deal Tom had worked out concerning Gail before he left.

"That's another reason that I'm thinking apartment. Motel rooms put a hell of a dent in my wallet."

"You already know I'm against the apartment idea. Let me think on it for a bit. Maybe I can come up with something."

Pauline and I had dinner at Gregio's and then we went to the new teen club. Because there was no revenue from alcohol sales there was a fifteen dollar per person cover charge, but as far as I was concerned it was worth it.

The live band was great and Pauline and I had a marvelous time. The only dark spot was that about an hour after we got there Natasha showed up with some guy I'd never seen before. Every time Pauline and I were on the floor Natasha would somehow maneuver her date to where they were close to us. Twice I glanced her way and she smiled at me and mouthed a "Dance with me? Please?" which I ignored.

On the way to the Starlight Pauline said, "You may be over Natasha, but she sure isn't over you. She didn't take her eyes off of you the entire time she was there. She wants you sweetie."

"She had me Pauline and she threw me away. What she did wasn't something that just happened or was a stupid one time mistake. What she did was thought out and planned ahead of time and then done with someone she knew I could not stand. Natasha is gone! I don't give a rat's ass about what she wants. Now will you please stop thinking of her and spend your time thinking on how you plan to explain my poor dead body to the police when you get done with it?"

I was still alive when she finished with me, but only just barely.

The snow had melted enough that I went for my run on Sunday. I headed for Paint Brush Park, but on the way I thought better of it. Natasha was home from school so she might go to the park to run and she might even do it hoping that I'd be there. I decided to run in the neighborhood and I made a u-turn and went back home.

After my run I showered and then wondered what to do with the rest of the day. Pauline had family things to do and wouldn't be home early enough to make going out with her that evening reasonable. I came out of the shower and found mom naked on my bed and on her hands and knees.

"Hurry baby. He's gone to Lowe's and we have time for a quick one. It has to be my ass baby. He never goes there so he'll never know. Hurry baby; fuck my ass."

I fucked her, she washed my cock, sucked it hard and I fucked her ass a second time. When we were finished she said:

"Another reason for you to not get an apartment. This would have been a lost opportunity if you weren't living here."

I had to agree with her on that, but I had also been doing some serious thinking on the apartment idea. True, I would have missed this opportunity if I lived in an apartment, but how often were opportunities like this going to occur?

The other side was the money side. Using my past activities with Gail as a guide I could conceivably use the Starlight three times a week (figuring her parents being gone every weekend) and at $58.76 a visit the Starlight would cost me a minimum of $176.28 a week or $705.12 a month. Throw in an occasional weekend day, say two a month, and I was looking at $822.64 a month and I could get an apartment for $700 a month. But what if Gail wasn't around for some reason or other? Like maybe she would decide to move back east to be close to Tom?

I was sitting there running the numbers in my head when mom came into the room and asked me if all my dirty clothes were in the hamper and all of a sudden it hit me. I'd be doing my own laundry, cooking all my meals, cleaning the place, shopping for groceries and who knew what else. I was getting enough from the trust fund and from my job that I could easily afford the Starlight and just like that – that quick – the decision was made to stay at home.

Dad came home and asked me to give him a hand in the garage and that filled in the rest of my day.

Monday was spent in the office working on inventory control and I was assigned to work with the third member of the "Terrible Trio." I knew Shelly would tease me, but because she was a married woman I didn't expect her to push it as hard as Tina and Gloria had.

My batting average as far as figuring out the girls in the office was concerned was 0 for 3. I was wrong again!

We hadn't been there fifteen minutes when Shelly asked me to help her get something from the old files in the basement. There was a room in the basement that was full of file cabinets the held stuff that was saved for ten years. When we got to the room I asked Shelly:

"What do you need?"

"I need to know why you are violating the company Policy and Procedures Manual."

"What are you talking about?"

"The CP&P was designed and put in place to insure in part that all employees are treated equally."


"You aren't doing it."

"Not doing what?"

"Treating all employees equally."

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"You offered to show Tina yours and you did show Gloria yours so why haven't you treated me the same?"

By that point in my relationship with the three girls I'd gotten a little backbone so I didn't get red faced and run for the john. I'd learned not to bluff, but to call them so I said:

"It is because you haven't done what Tina and Gloria did. They both showed me theirs before I offered to show them mine so I am not doing anything that is against the CP&P by not showing you mine. Besides, I'm not management. I'm just another employee and nowhere in the CP&P does it say one worker bee has to treat the other worker bees equally."

"So what you are saying is that I have got to go first?"

I just smiled at her. Given the way the conversation had been going I was not surprised when she took off her sweater and then took off her bra. She cupped her tits in her hands and said:

"Like them? Are they as good as Gloria's?"

"Visually they are every bit as good, but I did a taste test on hers."

"No taste test for you until you do your part."

I unzipped and took out my hard on and Shelly looked at it and said, "Gloria didn't lie. She said you had a nice one."

She went to her knees in front of me and took me in her mouth. She licked and sucked for a bit and then she stood up and said, "Your turn."

I reached for her tits and she pushed my hands away.

"Oh no you don't. Equality, remember? I tasted yours and now you have to taste mine."

She walked over to a table that was used when sorting files. She pulled up her skirt, took off her thong and sat on the table. She spread her legs and said:

"Now it is your turn." She paused and then said, "If you are man enough."

This was the point where I was expected to run away with her laughter following me, but I smiled at her, walked over to her and said:

"Man enough? Man enough to make you wish you had me around every day."

I went after it like a starving man tearing into a full course dinner and it wasn't long until her fingers were in my hair and she was moaning. It took a while but I stayed after it until I got her off. I stood up and said:

"Now you owe me one."

"One what?"

"I got you off so now you owe me an orgasm."

"I can't do that."

"You can't do that? What happened to all that equality you have been spouting off about" I asked as I put my cock away and zipped up.

"I'm a married woman and it wouldn't be right."

"You had no problem getting it so I guess the married woman thing is just a cop out" I said and I left the room and went back upstairs. Five minutes later Shelly came up and for the rest of the day she kept her distance, but every time she looked my way I smirked at her.

Pauline and I went out to dinner and then to a movie after which, out of habit, we stopped at Harry's. Natasha was there with a couple of girls I didn't know. To prove Pauline wrong I sat with my back to Natasha. We hadn't been there three minutes before Pauline said:

"She hasn't taken her eyes off you since we sat down."

"So? You want to invite her along when we go to the motel?"

"Of course not."

"Then why are you bringing her up? I've already told you that I have no interest."

"She is the same as you and me Bobby. She's just a kid. She made a mistake. We all do. She fucked up. We all do that too. She obviously misses you and wants you back in her life. Maybe she's learned her lesson."

"I'll tell you the same thing I told my mom when she suggested I give Natasha another chance. If I take her back I'm afraid that the lesson she will have learned is that I took her back once so I'll probably do it again the next time she does it. Not gonna happen. Right now I more interested in seeing to it that you will miss me when you leave me on Friday."

"Are you sure that it isn't going to be the other way around?"

"Of course I'll miss you, but what is is. You are Gary's and only on loan to me and I know it. I wish it wasn't so, but it is. I'll just have to get busy and find a lady of my own although that isn't going to happen until you leave. Now then, how about we take advantage of the time we do have left."

Out of the corner of my eye saw the scowl on Natasha's face as Pauline and I left.

Pauline was her usual active self at the Starlight and even though I had some left I had to get her home because her parents were still treating her like a sixteen year old and had given her a curfew. They had let her know they expected her home by one and since she was staying in their home she felt that she should comply.

"It will be different tomorrow night sweetie. I'm not going home until you absolutely can not get it up any more and if they are unhappy about it that's just tough shit. What are they going to do? Kick me out? I'm leaving on Friday anyway."

Wednesday at work I was again paired with Shelly. Five minutes after I got there I took a piece of cardboard and a Magic Marker and made a sign and hung it on my desk. It was just one word –Equality!!! Every time Shelly had to talk to me or bring me something or even if I caught her looking my way I would give her "The Smirk" and she would quickly look away.

Around two Stella asked me to go down to the dead files and get the June 2002 file on Amalgamated Products. I had the file in hand when Shelly came down the stairs. She snatched the file out of my hand and said:

"On the table asshole."

I do believe I surprised her when I snatched the file back and said, "Was I belligerent and pissed off when I went down on you? I went after it willingly and did my absolute best to make you enjoy it and to get you off. If you can't at least try to give as good as you got forget it. I don't need a half-hearted attempt. I don't need or even want something that is being given grudgingly."

I went back upstairs, gave the file to Stella and then went back to my desk and tossed my "Equality" sign into the trash basket. For the rest of the afternoon Shelly avoided me.

I picked Pauline up at seven. I had made reservations for us at Marvin's Steak House and after dinner we went to the teen club for dancing and to bring in the New Year. There were quite a few people that we knew at the club and we pushed several tables together and sat down with them. Beverly Abbeg was there with Phil Reed and Nancy Wilde was there with Gene Ellsworth. I was surprised to see Gail there with Norm Schnider. Maybe ten minutes after Pauline and I got there Natasha showed up with Bill Neubert and they also took seats at our table.

It was a fun night for the most part. I spent most of the night on the dance floor. For every two dances I did with Pauline I did one with one of the other girls at the table. Except for Natasha of course. It was obvious from the way she watched me with the other girls at the table that she expected that I would eventually get around to asking her. She was disappointed.

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weird changes chap 3

I'm starting to enjoy it , even though I'm joy supposed to . He starts squeezing my sone hard young nipples with his fingers , making me even hornier then I all ready am . I'm so wet the my young pussy juice is starting to gather at my bottom . He lets go of my nipples and puts both his hands on my bottom , bringing them off the table . I see a combination of lust and crazyness in his eyes as he brings he waist back and slowly went into my pussy . I can feel my virgin pussy...

1 year ago
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Weird Afternoon

We go for a drive to the beach, the dog's are running and playing, and after a bit I have to go pee, and so do you, we see a couple of big rocks in a circle not far away and we head there. Once there we look around, no one is anywhere close, we kick off our shorts and undies an you start to squat to pee. I say "wait Laura, pee on me" You look at me funny, but I lie in sand and I pull off my shirt and you straddle me and pull open your lips and begin to piss on my chest, your piss hits me hard...

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Weird Sex and the depths of depravity

'Warning, this is a story of woman's depravity, read with caution, and please remark about what unfolds'As we drove my husband looked across at me, 'Fancy a gang-bang'?Asking your wife or girl friend to sexually gratify up to twenty men, is easier said than done, it takes a certain temperament in a women to realize that, just fantasizing about multiple men when you're having sex with one, is one thing, but actually being confronted by many men eager to rip your fucking pussy off is another.We...

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Weird sex

My girlfiend and I have always taken things slow. Mostly petting and missionary sex. I have never been brave enough to discuss my fetiish with her.One night after she got somewhat drunk we both crashed at our bedroom.Towards early morning before sunrise was my queue. I removed her panties slightly and inserted my morning glory erect cok up her ass.At first I thought of simply shafting her. Also, I rememebered the reason I woke up was due to urge to pee. There was this moment of trepidation and...

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Weird Science

My eyes fluttered opened and I sat up quickly. For a moment, I assumed I was awakening in the library and had fallen asleep studying again.  It made sense at first; the last thing I remembered was reading and taking notes from my macroeconomics book, and my eyes growing heavy.  But as my eyes adjusted to the light I realized I was not slumped over, leaning on a table in the library with my head resting on a book.  I wasn't in the library at all.  Instead I found myself lying on the floor in a...

1 year ago
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weirdo story 2

I love spiders. I see your adorable body in front of me. You are on the table, just the naughty nylon touches your soft skin. I like you, feel the tickling of the nylon on my tongue. Again I start to become hard. Your bald skull, your face – everything makes me horny. The breasts are moving up and down as you breathe. A kind of fear and shame is in your eyes – and a enormous desire and lust. I take a little box and show it to you. You can see three big spiders insides – just like the one I sent...

3 years ago
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weirdo story

I meet you at the airport in only a sheer black catsuit and a fish netttop over and a short skirt, thats tigth around me. I have only a little bagwhere Ihave all my money and passport. After we meet I give you a kiss and says its nowyour turn to run my life the next weeks. And gives you my little bag. I curl myhairwho is long and blond and ask if you know a cheep hair cutter who can help ustake it of and shave my head of all hair ?You drive us to a filthy plase where and old man have his shop,...

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What My Roommate Didnt Know

I heard a knock on her bedroom door. "Come in," I said, thinking it was Becca, my roommate. After the door opened, I realized it was not a woman standing there. It was Michael, dressed in briefs. His tanned chest had whorls of dark hair on it and his physique honed from hours spent outdoors working construction. "What are you doing here," I said. "Becca's gone to sleep," he said, "I thought I would see if you were still up." "Why," I said, "This is my bedroom. Not hers. You...

4 years ago
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A Christmas WishChapter 3

November 27, 2014 (Thanksgiving) Chicago "Cassandra, thanks for all the help cleaning up, even though you really didn't have to. We try not to make our overnight guests slave away ... discourages return visits." Carolyn Peters smiled as she said it. "Oh, I'd be doing the same thing if I was home in Green Bay with my parents. Anyway, I'd like to be invited back." It was her turn to smile. It was after ten and the house was very quiet. They were sitting on the big sofa in Carolyn's...

4 years ago
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Submissive Cuckold At My Gym

I am 30 something man. Been reading stories on ISS for a while. So I thought after making a little effort I should also share a experience that happened with me. Lets get started then. I live in Bangalore and work for a large IT company. Our office has a gym facility on campus. Now I am not a heavy muscular person. I go to gym to stay fit and in shape. I have been going to gym in my college days as well. But after I started working it was not possible to go to gym regularly. When I joined this...

3 years ago
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Une escale pas banale

Juliette et Gabriel venaient d'arriver à l'aéroport de Casablanca. Une très longue correspondance dont ils auraient bien pu se passer. Mais malheureusement, pas d'autres options. Les vols directs pour leur destination étaient complets…. Comble du désagrément, leur billets leur avait coûté plus cher! Mince consolation, lors de leur enregistrement à l'aéroport de départ, leur compagnie aérienne leur avait offert un accès VIP à leur salon. Un petit prélèvement de salive pour leur offrir un service...

3 years ago
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But honey it was just a dance

I doubt, very much, if I’m the perfect husband. I have a stressful job and I know I sometimes come home a little grumpy. Maybe I’m not the best provider, I’m certainly no millionaire, but we do alright. We have a nice home, two luxury cars, my wife has a closet full of beautiful clothes and my eight year old daughter, Jennifer, has tons of expensive toys. I also love my wife and daughter very, very much. My wife, Linda, and I have been married for almost twelve years. For the most part,...

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Cinema visit

I’d become friendly with a boy in school called Malcolm who was also a sissy boy but he was by far more experienced in cock fun than me, he use to frequent the Cinema in his free school periods. He suggested why I didn’t visit the cinema he said there were always dirty old men on the lookout for subservient panty boys to play with , I was really turned on by Malcolm’s description of what went on in the Cinema and I became more than curious to find out. Malcolm had already briefed me...

2 years ago
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Pool HouseChapter 2 The Fun Begins

I knew that my discovery would bring a lot of fun to my life. Several times over the next few days I was able to see my daughter and her friends as they changed or showered. I saw several tight young pussies and just developing breasts. I also saw Jane for the first time. Her dark pussy hair had re-grown and it somehow made her look even sexier. Two weeks later I was working in my office when one of the TV sets came to life. My 12 year-old son Ed entered one of the rooms with two of his...

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Claire Kent Alias SuperSister The Return of Superboy

When a vengeful woman turned the teenage Clark Kent aka Superboy into Claire Kent aka Super-Sister, that was the last anyone ever saw of Clark, or so Supergirl believed. So why, when she travels back in time from a period when her now adult cousin is the world-famous Superwoman, does she find a Smallville in which Superboy is back, and Claire Kent is one of the town's bad girls? CLAIRE KENT, ALIAS SUPER-SISTER: THE RETURN OF SUPERBOY by BobH (c) 2006 All characters herein...

2 years ago
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Unexpected Restroom Lust

Hi this is Arjun. im 22 years old currently living in Bangalore. I have been a ISS reader for the past 6 years, this the first time I am writing one for ISS. I am dark skinned, about 5’11 in height. I have a masculine body. not so ripped but i maintain a great figure. The the other character is JananiPriya a really homely girl. She was really a elegant female. Her dressing will mostly be ethnical. She was not so tall she roamed around 5’0. Her knotted up hair and her maskara were her...

2 years ago
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A Different Kind of Woman pt1

As I was leaving work, a car stopped at the corner in the drivers seat was the most sexiest woman that I have ever seen. She had a pair of breast that was to die for, and legs that seemed to stretch for ever, and a smile that would bend steel. She saw me looking at her, probably with my mouth hanging open, she smiled and sorta of waved than drove off. I could not get her out of my mind, when I got home I jerked off thinking about her. Two nights later I was at the corner waiting for the light...

3 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 4 Learning Hospital Day 1

Author’s Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. I do work hard to ensure I keep most things close to the real world. To keep things from being boring, I like adding out-of-the-box twists here and there. This chapter and those who follow contain activities I know wouldn’t ever happen in the real world. My story is a work of fiction. I ask that you keep this in mind as you enjoy my attempts to add erotic spice to my stories. And now back to the previously scheduled story “Good,” the man...

2 years ago
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Crazy Little Bitch

Sometimes Thomas calls me a crazy little bitch. It is more than sometimes. He does it a lot. He has done it 11 times this week, beginning Sunday. Dad says he’s just trying to make me mad, but I don’t care what Dad says about this. I do get mad. I can get MAD, MAD, MAD! Maybe I am a crazy little bitch. When I get mad, mostly I don’t even know why I’m mad. Sometimes I just am because I am. I don’t like loud noises. Loud noises echo inside my head and won’t stop. Sometimes the noises are voices,...

2 years ago
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The Training of Slut Heather The Sequel chapter 6

THE TRAINING OF SLUT HEATHER THE SEQUEL OR PREPARARING FOR MY LIFE AS A SUBMISSIVE T-Girl CHAPTER VI Now, time had passed until it was only three weeks away from leaving for my life as the full time live in submissive slut with Mistress Anne and Master Tom. On that Thursday evening, I had my nightly chat with Mistress Anne on the phone. She instructed me to go tomorrow (Friday) to an upscale clothing shop for young "disco" type girls and purchase the sexiest, sluttiest, ...

1 year ago
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The Top Girl Returns

Nora Smith was probably one of the most popular chicks at BradFord University, and it was all because she was known to have a bubble butt. Her ass wasn't even big but it was jiggly and bubble, a lot of the guys really admired. "Hey, Nick can you buy me some chick fil-a?" Nora asked in a sweet way as lunchtime was right around the corner. "Aw Nora, I can't today." "I'll let you grope my ass. And smack it." After hearing that Nick gave her his $20 bill and smacked and groped her ass, feeling it...

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159 A LITTLE LIGHT RELIEFWhen hubby gets home, he is surprised that I am sat in his living room at your invitation and you introduce me as EDDY just that, no explanation, nothing. He knew I was your on-line lover, and you could see his mind racing as to my presence “I`m going to have a very relaxing bath with my favourite bath fragrance then I'm going to present myself for a full body massage boys so amuse yourselves till I call you. It will be a pleasure to invite you into our bedroom later...

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The Story of Master McBrideChapter 8

After getting dressed and headed home, I kept going over being called an “anal whore” and wanted to learn what “anal whore” meant. In fact, up to this point, I really didn’t know much about anything as to what was going on. Now, this was long before the internet, so basically the public library was your place to research anything about anything, so after meeting each day and doing about the same things each day after school, came the weekend. This gave me time to go to the library to do some...

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Fucking My Friend8217s Gf On Her B8217day

Hi this is Pushkar from Bangalore and I am persuading my B.E. from one of the reported college in Bangalore and stay with one of my friend bibin in a flat near my college. Any girl, bhabhi or aunty want to enjoy some spare time with me can contact me at pu Now coming to story; five days before Bibin told her that he planning for a surprise party for her gf on her b’day and he spent some alone time with her so we planned just invite my gf on that occasion. I called my gf on b’day date but she...

2 years ago
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People on the Move chapter 1

Kimber Carlyle's parents built a business and ran it for many profitable years. Kimber spent most of her early years learning the basics of the business. She even learned to run some and became familiar with most of the machines. She also became a certified welder including overhead. Graduating at the top of her class in Business Administration at college, she was pursued by several of her father's competitors, but came back to carry on in her father's footsteps. She returned as a pretty young...

Straight Sex
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Who is she 2

Well this beautiful stranger came to my mothers house for christmas. She met a lot of people and everyone loved her. My mom introduced her as my girlfriend which of course I did not mind. We stood under the mistle toe un expectedly and my mom raved about it… chanting kiss kiss kiss (I felt like it was a mild hazing) back in college. But she smiled that beautiful bright smile leaned into my arms and kissed me like no other, my ***k was so hard. Late that night she stayed with me and we cuddled,...

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A Latin macho in my ass

My girlfriend Camilla invited me to stay at her place on that Saturday night, knowing my husband Victor was out of town. We both went to have dinner outside and later came back to her home.There we found Ramon, a Latin guy that Camilla had been dating since her divorce. Ramon was a big guy, with dark hair and dark skin, strong muscles, a nice huge torso; a real macho man.My girlfriend introduced him to me and then she said I was going to spend the night in the guest room. Camilla seemed to be...

3 years ago
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Early RetirementChapter 5

"Let's start with the fishing boat. I haven't driven it much and will probably use it the most," I said. Sue Ann got up and walked over to it. "First, look at how it's tied up," she said. "You tie up to prevent the boat from floating away and to keep it from being hurt. That's what the fenders are for. I had Rob tie these to your dock. You'll need to watch when you dock elsewhere to be sure there are fenders or some type of protection." I was listening but also watching her body...

2 years ago
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A Rest Stop

I guess you never stop learning about ways to have sex. I also learned something indirectly about my boyfriend. OK here is what happened to me this weekend. I was driving to about 4 hours in Texas from one base to another. I was on some real funky highways. I really had to pee and hadn’t passed a restaurant for about 30 minutes. I finally saw a sign for a rest area and figured even if it didn’t have a bathroom I could squat in the trees- that is how bad I had to go. I pulled into this small...

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Secret Agreement

Note : This story is completely fictional! We were 20 students of medicine (10 males & 10 females, by mere chance) in a Yorkshire (England) university. In our third year, we studied biochemistry under a very tough professor. Any student who passed in that subject found it relatively easy to continue until the last year of undergraduate study. All of us were scared before the final exam of biochemistry so we studied very hardly. One of our classmates said" You all know that if we all pass this...

3 years ago
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Experimentation and Exploration part 2

I am waiting in my room for my parents to leave. It’s 5 am in the morning on a Saturday and my dad and step-mom are going away to Barbados for a few days to celebrate their four year anniversary. My dad remarried when I was 14. With this marriage something came along with the step-mom- a stepsister. She was waiting for me, in her room. We had been having sex for a few months now. Ever since a trip to our parents ski cabin, we’ve been exploring our sexuality and trying new things. At first it...

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Sitting in the car next to Daddy as we drive home from school, I'm so scared.I glance over at Daddy; he is clenching the steering wheel, staring straightahead as he drives us home; I have never seen him so angry! Biting my lip,I stare out the car window and try not to cry. Remembering what has happened,I feel the blush spreading over my face. I had been attending an all girl Catholic school since I was 5, and now in11th grade, my friends and I had started to ?alter? our modest uniforms...

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First my boss and then the receptionist

Introduction: I had always admired my boss but today she went from a boss and friend to a M.I.L.F. I had just gotten back to the office from a late lunch meeting with a senior client and was quiet please with how everything had played out. I was sure the deal was final and we were guaranteed some additional business here on the west coast once all of the paper work was signed. I have been working as a sales associate for one of West Coast top design firms for the past 2 years, I use to work as...

2 years ago
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General Election 2010

As there was a general election due we’d had all the usual paperwork rubbish through the letter box, and as usual I’d ripped them up and thrown them away. This particular Saturday afternoon I was in the house on my own, the wife was at work, and I was settling down to enjoy an afternoon here on xhamster. Then there was a knock at the door, ‘fuck me’ I thought as I went to answer it. As I opened it there stood a man, around 35 years old, dressed smart but casual, he was representing one of the...

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Getting a little carried away

My wife, Tina, and I were going on a little vacation. It was first time off I could get from my new job. Watching her walk out to the car reminded me what a sexy brunette I had married. We were going to get away to the city for 4 days, since we lived in the country. I also could not go too far from home, in case there was an emergency at work. On the third night, we got a little carried away. This story is about what happened on that night.The first two nights were fairly normal for one of our...

3 years ago
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In The Line of Fire

My family was going to an out of town event, but I decided to stay home beciause of work. After much stress, it was announced that my "Aunt Deb" would stay at our home for the five days to cook for me and keep me company. "Aunt Deb" was the youngest sister of my "Aunts" Lorene and Dara, and was self-employed in a city about two hours drive away. None of these ladies were actual relatives - it all stemmed from Lorene having been once married to an uncle of mine. They did, however, remain close...

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Unknown CoPasenger

This incident happened about five years back. I am working in a private farm. I have to move frequently to different places due to my nature of work. I am well built, 5’ 7’’ of height. One day my boss sent me to Bokakhat from Guwahati around 3 P.M. I hurriedly caught a bus. Half of the bus was full. I took a side window seat to the back side some two rows away from the next passenger. Bus started to move. At the last stoppage of Guwahati, a beautiful young girl got up on the bus. She was...

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Smelly Monster Girl Feet

For ages now, humanity has stood strong against the Monster Girls, and has managed to avoid becoming their foot-sniffing slaves. However, the Demon Queen of the Monster Girls has come up with a plan to crush humanity's resistance to her. She has created Six Monster Queens of Stink, and has sent them out into the world to enslave as many humans as they can. These Queens have all created their own kingdoms, and relentlessly attack the kingdoms of humanity. These six monster Queens include the...

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Soapy Bubbles

You’ve gone to work, I do miss you when you go out, but I look forward to you coming home, you know? To pass the time, and because I am tired tonight, I run myself a bath… I pour a little of my favourite bath oil under the running water, Coco de Chanel. The scent suits me, I place candles all around the big tub and light them. I pour myself a glass of red, get my iPad and select one my favourite playlists, something nice and relaxing, as I know I’ll probably doze off for a while. I really am...

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