BethChapter 44 free porn video

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August 13, 2017

Dear Ms. Diary,

[Written August 14]

I woke shortly before 7:00 in the middle of the bed. I laid there, marveling again at how wonderful it was to wake to the warm feeling of my two lovers snuggled into me. I also thought that it was a good thing that we had turned on the AC last night, because Rhee is a furnace. She’s the most-wonderful bed partner in winter, but summer requires AC to survive the nights with her.

I pondered life for a little longer, until Heather began stirring, so turned my head to the left to watch her wake. She is just so angelic when she is asleep, which is quite a different appearance from the crackling wit and gamine grin of much of her waking hours, features that create an incredibly cute girl. While I watched, her mien went from angelic to pixie-ish in a flash, as her sparkling blue eyes snapped open and, as she found my eyes looking at her, that grin jumped onto her face. She picked her head off the pillow and moved toward mine, then lightly kissed my lips while our eyes continued looking into each other.

I started to talk, but she beat me to it.

“I love you, Beth. I love you both. I love waking up in bed with you two.”

“I was going to tell you much the same thing. I was so enjoying watching your sleeping face, but I also love seeing those gorgeous blue eyes of yours so happy.”

“Thanks. I love seeing your ice-blue eyes and Rhee’s burnished-walnut eyes when I wake, because it means that I’m happy, I’m with my heart’s family.

“I’m sorry about last night’s bit of downerdom.” When I tried to interrupt her, she said, “No. let me get this out. I don’t know from where that came. But I’m happy now, I’ll be happy tonight, and I’ll be happy tomorrow morning. Yes, I’ll be less-happy tomorrow afternoon, but I’m good. I’ll be back with my family on Friday, when the three of us will sleep in our Devlin-house bed, where we can wonder how Gracey’s night is going. That should be really fun! We can imagine what she and Dad are doing and get ourselves worked up and give each other great orgasms. What could be better than having sexy fun and fun sex with my two ... wives.”

Rhee said, “Oh, Heather,” as she rolled partly over onto me and wrapped her right arm around Heather and me. “That sounds so wonderful, me being one of your wives. Hey! What do you think about having a ceremony? One just for family? I’d love to trade vows with you two. I know Heather has said that she feels we’ll always be together in some fashion, and I feel that, too.”

Both of them looked at me, of course.

“Let’s talk about that further, at home. I don’t know that I like the idea of getting engaged in a hotel room. I’d rather do that somewhere where our love is embodied in the place that it comes about.”

“Beth, I love you, so much,” Rhee responded. “You are...”

The alarm interrupted her and us. She reached over and turned it off.

“I’m glad I woke before that. Indeed, let’s discuss the topic at home. For now, we need to take over the world ... or, at least, win the 12-15 girls’ state championship.”

Heather and I chuckled.

We met the rest of the team, including Liya, Civia, and Charlize, in the hotel’s small meeting room, where we had an arranged breakfast buffet.

Right on schedule at 8:15, Coach, with Civia and Charlize beside her, called out “Settle.”

“Our scouts will give us their report on Centerville.”

Civia, with notebook in hand, took one step forward and began.

“Centerville is very good. Very good. They played a 3-4-3 yesterday against Dripping Springs, but Charlize and I heard talk in the stands behind us that they also regularly play a 4-3-3. We would not be surprised if they play that configuration today, given the strength of our offense. Their three-girl back line is quite good and has some speed. We do not know what their four-girl back line looks like, though it must incorporate at least some of the players of the three-girl line. Though their goalie played well up the field when they were strongly on offense, that may change if Centerville plays a 4-3-3 today.”

She looked at her notebook briefly, then looked back up.

“Their midfield, too, is quite good. That midfield enabled that 4-1 lead around the 60-minute mark, as they dominated possession. Their front line is adequate given how good the rest of the team is. Their right wing has a rocket, but she missed on both rockets that we saw, once well wide, once barely high. The center striker’s dribbling skills are good, and she is the primary ballhandler, but not by all that much, given how much whichever center half is devoted to offense handles the ball. Charlize and our four or five best ballhandlers surpass their center forward’s skills. As Charlize said last night, our offense is the single biggest difference between the two teams.”

“Centerville passes well, but they did not show anything like our tiki-taka ability. They seem to rely on beating defenders one-on-one, then making medium-length passes forward or to the side, in order to advance the ball.”

Civia looked back at her notebook. Since I had both Civia and Coach in my field of view, I could see Coach’s facial expression change with that last bit. I nodded my head to myself.

“As one can expect from a 3-4-3, one of the center halfbacks focused on offense much of the time. In the 60 minutes that we watched, that right-center halfback took a breather once. When she was off, the left-center half became the offense-focused midfielder, rather than the other girl’s replacement. Her dribbling skills were not quite as good, but she might be a better passer. Charlize will finish the report.”

Civia stepped back while Charlize stepped forward.

“Yesterday, their center back, who is tall and stocky and seems very strong, seemed to be their target on offensive set pieces. She scored a header goal off a corner kick; it was a very good header. We did not see either of their wing fullbacks make sideline runs, though that might change in their 4-3-3.

“The girl that was their right-center halfback yesterday seems to be the team’s best ball-handler, and she generally went hard on offense, as Civia noted. I presume that if Centerville plays a 4-3-3, she will be their center half. In their 3-4-3, the left halfback would make occasional runs up that sideline; the right halfback made such a run only once that we saw.

“As I mentioned last night, their center forward has a dribbling move that she shoots from. Watch for her to quickly swivel her head to the left as she approaches the box and be prepared to move to your left to cut her off, as she went that way all three times that I saw her do that, scoring on one shot.

“From my own experience playing against you, I believe that your team’s overall ball-handling skills are better on average and better to much better position-by-position for most of the positions. That’s what I have.”

“Thank you, Civia and Charlize. In the upcoming discussion, if either or both of you have suggestions, please do not feel bashful. In fact, Civia, in the talk you heard about their 4-3-3, was their anything about strategy?”

“No, Coach.”

“Pity that, though I do appreciate knowing about their 4-3-3. Greatly. I have some thoughts, quite a few, about how we play this game. However, I’ll be requesting suggestions from various of you, starting with Beth.”

I stood, feeling that that was proper for the situation.

“I suggest our usual offense, with a couple of minor ... additions or changes. Certainly, Centerville had someone watching us yesterday, at least the second game. If we’re lucky, which we should certainly not plan on, they’ll have seen Rhee only in the false 9 role. She should probably be a true 9 today. Rhee, Heather, and Tonda should streak when they get a chance.

“Rathi should be assigned their ball-handling midfielder, whoever that is, and whatever formation they use. Wing midfielders should take advantage of chances to do runs on offense. I think that Centerville’s ‘adequate’ front line gives us as good a chance as any to switch Ann and Gracey and give Ann the option to do runs. We will have to wait to see if their goalie comes well forward on offense. If she does, our midfield and back line boomers, Ann, Zala, Rathi, should consider trying for a long shot as Charlize suggested. I also think that if the goalie does play forward, Heather should stay as far upfield as their back line allows when Centerville is on offense. She might be able to run underneath an errant long shot. Finally, in that vein, if Rhee trails the play by 10 yards or more, she might provide for a surprise for a back line worried about a deeply penetrating Heather.

“While we do tiki-taka when we need it, if Centerville doesn’t do it, and we can’t know for sure that they don’t, they may not be used to defending against it. We’ve shown it very little here; we might consider using it extensively in appropriate situations.”

I sat down.


“I agree with Beth, entirely.”


“I cannot think of anything that Beth didn’t talk about other than we should push counterattacks.”

“Okay. Beth covered most of my thoughts on how we play Centerville. I do have a couple of additions. Zahira, you picked a wonderfully opportune moment to make a run yesterday. Feel free to repeat that if you see an opportunity. I’m sure Gracey would cover your butt were you to pick a bad time.”

There was much chuckling.

“The other point that I wanted to stress, and Rathi beat me to it, is counterattacks. Our offense handles the ball well and we have some speed. Get the ball to them, particularly off interceptions. Again. We want to force them to make mistakes. Keep the pressure up. If our offense is that much better, let’s use it.

“Lissa, I want you by my side today. You may be on the sidelines much of the game, but I want your help in assessing our offense and Centerville’s defense. Beth will probably play most of the game, unless it’s a blowout one way or another, but you are her backup. I want to give her breathers, so please figure out everything that she learns about Centerville’s defense. Tonda, I may well sub you in for anyone on the front line, so please pay attention and be prepared.

“Ann, pick your moments for runs and watch for their goalie coming up the field. Zala and Dakota, you’re going to have to fill in on D for Ann when she makes a run, so keep that in the forefront of your brain. Gracey, I believe in you. Be the rock that I know is within you.”

Charlize and Civia hung out with the team once we moved to the soccer complex. We watched some of the Dripping Springs-Sarnia game that would decide third place in the tournament. It was 2-2 at the half, but possibly only because the girl that broke her leg yesterday was Dripping Springs’ starting left wing, and she was supposed to be very good.

At the half, we moved to the east field, the field on which we played both games yesterday, to do warmups and drills, doing them in practice clothes. I was surprised by Charlize’s interest in joining us, though not in Coach giving her permission to do so. She even ran laps!

Charlize was particularly interested in and fascinated by a drill that we had been doing for a while that we’d picked up from Barcelona. They call it a rondo, and it’s basically one-touch keep-away, with 5-7 of us in a circle (of sorts) and two in the middle, the circle of girls having to make one-touch passes to someone else in the circle. If one of the middle girls gets control of the ball, she trades places with whomever was the one to make the pass that got intercepted. Charlize did spend some time in the middle.

After we quit our drills, we headed to our locker room by the central field. On the way, Charlize buttonholed Rhee and me.

“That rondo is interesting. I can see how you guys got so much better at passing. It really forces you to know where everyone is before the ball reaches you. I’ll have to see if I can introduce it to GV. Where did you get it?”

“Barça videos. They do it every practice.”

“That makes sense. I’ll have to look for that.”

Rhee said, “Yeah. It’s pretty fun and has greatly increased our capability at tiki-taka. Because everyone has to do it, it sharpens the skills of the back line, who didn’t generally get a lot of ball-handling practice before we looked into tiki-taka.”

“Yeah, Charlize. You can blame Rhee for our interest in better ball-handling, as she’s the one that suggested we look into it.”

Charlize responded, “I guess that I need to be ... more involved with ... strategy. You guys do things so much differently than we did. Our coach planned everything, and we did what we were told.”

Civia, who had just caught up to us, said, “That’s the single biggest difference between this team and every team I’ve been on. Coach has players teaching other players skills. You’ve seen the locker room, Charlize. Yesterday and today was no different than it is every day. Coach asks for opinions on how we ... yes, we do things, how we plan strategies against other teams. Beth is usually the first one that Coach asks, but she usually asks Ann, at least, and often Rathi, Rhee, and others. Like you, I was amazed the first time I saw that, so I’ve thought about it a lot. I think it gives the players more ... ownership, I guess, of the plan. I think that this also helps with ... what’s that ‘c’ word that I want?”

Rhee asked, “Camaraderie?”

“Yeah, that’s it. This team works together so much better than any team I’ve been on. Yes, they’re more dedicated, but I think they see that they can have a hand in how things are run, what the plan is for the day. I’ve seen even the 12-year-olds have suggestions accepted by Coach and Beth and others. And you saw that they accepted my scouting report on Sarnia, and I’m only 11 and not really on the team! This team is amazing! If I ever become a coach, I’m going to do it this way!”

Charlize stopped walking. Since she was in the middle of the knot of us, we noticed and turned to her. She looked at Civia, then me, then Rhee, then back to Civia.

“Civia, that makes sense. Perfect sense. If you do become a coach, I’ll bet you’re a good one. I guess I have some conversations to start with our coach. I don’t know how he’s going to take some of my suggestions. He’s a bit ... authoritarian.

“Regardless, Civia, thanks for your synopsis. Beth, I also see why you’re so happy where you are. You always were the quickest of the three of us to understand why we were doing things a certain way. I know that you’ll be a great coach, if and when.”

Charlize looked around at Rhee, Civia, and me.

“Thanks, all of you, for encouraging me to be a part of your team this weekend. I’ve never enjoyed soccer so much outside of when I’m playing. Maybe, I can do some good for the GV team and you guys won’t steamroll us next year.”

She grinned at the three of us.

I put my return grin away and said, “Charlize, you need to try. Despite your team’s disadvantage due to the small pool of talent that one can expect from a relatively small town, most of your players are reasonably good, and you’ve got a couple of very good teammates. While I like padding personal stats as much as anyone, I admit to liking well-fought games even more ... at least when we win them. In fact, one of my favorite games this season was our 2-2 draw. That was a well-played game on both sides, and one that could have gone either way.”

I looked around and noticed that the three of them were looking at me oddly.

“Yeah,” I said, “I know I’m weird. However, I think ... umm ... bear with me, as I’m trying to articulate something that I haven’t previously. I think that we learn more about ... how to win when games are close. Look at the Smithville game. It was too easy for us, and we did not learn much. We did things that we knew we could do and only rarely had to back up and rethink something.

“Then, look at our 2-2 draw with GV. When it came time to plan for the second GV game, we had learned some of GV’s strengths and weaknesses, which enabled us to figure out a way to deal with those strengths and take advantage of those weaknesses. Had we just run over GV in that first game, we would not have learned much because we wouldn’t have needed to do so.”

I looked around, again, and the three of them were looking at me oddly, but it was a different ‘oddly,’ a more-pondering ‘oddly.’ I was looking at Rhee when her face cleared, and she wrapped me in a Rhee hug.

“Girl, you are amazing! Not only did you figure out something important, you managed to articulate it plainly enough that even I understand it. And I agree with it!”

“Oh, shush, you. You are no dummy! Don’t denigrate yourself.”

“Yeah, yeah. You’re too easy, Beth.”

Rhee then turned to Charlize.

“I agree with Beth about GV. I don’t know your team’s ... how your team members interact with each other, but from my perch on the outside, it seems to me that your... ‘star power’ may provide the only chance for a change in how the team is run. However, unless it gets really untenable for you, don’t quit out of pique because your suggestions aren’t being given a fair shake. I would hate to see someone of your talents not playing. Hell, I’ve put in much more work this season, and part of that was because I wanted to stay ahead of you in goals. You make me push myself because I know I have to be as good as I can be to beat you, and I have a much better supporting cast. If our positions were reversed, I am certain that you would have outscored me.”

After a few seconds of staring at Rhee, Charlize said, “Thanks, Rhee. I appreciate that; I really do. However, it doesn’t make me stop wishing that we had never moved. I don’t know how you and I could have worked together on the same team, given how similar we are, but I would have liked the chance to try.”

“Charlize,” I said, “what are you going to do after next year, since GV doesn’t have a premier team in that age class?”

She shook her head and said, “I don’t know. I really want to keep playing, but Mom and Dad are both happy in GV and I just couldn’t be the one to get them to move again.”

“There’s always the national team. Have you gotten any feelers?”

“No, Rhee. Have you?”

“Nope. However, I gotta think that someone from national is here this weekend. It’s really too bad that you couldn’t have been here, playing. You’re going to go to college, right?”

“Yeah, but I’ve got to stay sharp and three years with no competition is no way to do that. However, I’ve heard rumors that what will be my high school may be starting a girls’ team. That would help, but we’d run into you, again!”

The four of us continued on our way to the locker room, catching up to Heather and Coach just before reaching the building as Coach said, “Surely, you could at least ask.”

Heather looked at her, then at us approaching, and nodded her head.

“Thanks, Coach.”

Coach nodded at her and turned to us.

“Charlize, you’re welcome to join us if you wish. I know you came with your mother, and if you’d want to watch the game from our bench, your mother would be welcome to join you there.”

Charlize stared at Coach for a couple seconds, then said, “Thanks, Coach. I’ll see what she wants to do. On another topic, may I say something to the team at some point before you leave the locker room?”

Coach looked at her for just a moment before responding, “Sure. I’ll call on you at the start. By the way, I’ve got something for you. If you have a few moments, now, I could get it.”

“For me?” When Coach nodded, she said, “Uh, okay. I can wait.”

“Nope. Just come with me.”

Charlize looked a question at me. I shrugged, as I had no idea.

When Coach and Charlize wandered off, Rhee said, “Come on, Heather. You can tell us what that was about while we get into our kits.”

“I will tell you, but not yet. It’s ... a personal thing and I’d feel more comfortable getting your thoughts at home.”

Rhee looked at her for a few moments, then nodded her head. I looked around, but did not see Civia, and I thought that she’d been right there.

Most all of us were in our uniforms when Coach called out, “Gather ‘round.”

When I turned to face her, my eyebrows rose high in surprise, but Coach began speaking.

“To thank Civia, Charlize, and Liya for their help this weekend, you can see that I’ve given them tokens of appreciation. The jersey numbers are simply what I had on hand and have no meaning. However, the jerseys do have meaning and, at least for today, these three are honorary members of the best team that it has been my pleasure to coach. You are all dedicated. You have earned your spot in the final of the state tournament, a tournament that I have never reached before, much less the final, either as a player or a coach. Just as I have thanked these honorary team members for their assistance, I thank you girls for learning and for having the drive necessary to get this team here. Regardless of what happens today, I am so very, very proud of you all.”

Coach looked over us, one by one. When she reached the end of her scan of the team, she nodded.

“Play this game with as much focus, as much skill as you played yesterday’s games, and I will be even more proud. The team in the other locker room is very good. It is a worthy opponent for this team in this place. Although I know that you could, I don’t expect you to run away with this game. If you do, you will have continued your obstinate insistence on surprising me at how good this team is. If you don’t run away with this game, you will learn much more than you might think, even if you lose a squeaker. Of course, I’d rather you win.”

There was much chuckling.

“Charlize has asked for permission to address you. Charlize?”

Charlize stepped forward, seemed to gather herself, then looked over the team.

“Thanks, Coach, for allowing me this chance. I wished to tell all of you that I greatly appreciated spending time with you this weekend. I greatly appreciated your overcoming my membership on your rival team, Grass Valley. I came this weekend to watch some good soccer and to root for this team, which is the best team that I’ve ever played against. Though some of you know, others may not. Rhee, Beth, and I were teammates on a 9-11 team in Elkton before my family moved to Grass Valley. The three of us were friends then and have managed to remain, at least, friendly acquaintances since. I did not expect all of you to be so accepting of me, nice to me. I did not expect to be able to help scout Centerville for you. I did not expect to be able to practice with you. I did not expect to become an honorary team member. This has been the best, most-enjoyable soccer weekend of my life and I have all of you to thank for it. Thank you, very much.”

There was much clapping and voicing of “You’re welcome!”

“Charlize,” Coach said, “nicely done, and you’re welcome. Now, we’re going to do something different this time to remind us all of today’s game plan. Beth, Rathi, and Ann will note the plans for the offense, the midfield, and the back line, respectively. Brianna will then remind us of the plan for our goalie. I assume that it will involve, somewhere, her stopping any shots headed into our goal.”

There was much laughter.

“After that, Civia and Charlize will remind us of the facets of Centerville’s play that might not be noted by the others. Please listen to them, all of them, carefully, and be certain that you know what your individual role is in the overall plan. If you have questions, do not be shy with them, not that any of you have an overwhelming amount of shyness in you.”

There was much chuckling.

After the summaries and after we were all dressed, we headed out to the bench and typical pre-game drills and warming up. We then had to go through the rigamarole of each team member being announced to the surprisingly large crowd.

I called the team into our typical pre-game huddle.

“Put the announcer out of your mind. Put the crowd out of your mind. Put the hoopla out of your mind. This is a game against a very good team. We need everyone focusing on this game, on their part in this game, on what the other team is doing. We need that focus to be sharp ... for 90 minutes.

“Those of you not starting, help Coach analyze what the other team is doing. Watch for their strengths, figure out their weaknesses. We need everyone involved, everyone paying attention, everyone helping, whether on the field or on the sideline.

“Let’s take it to the 800-pound gorilla. However, for us, that gorilla is just another team. Another team to figure out how to beat. Let’s do that for Ann, for Brianna, sending them to the next level with a crown, a championship. I know that we can do this, so let’s just do this.

“The kickoff plan, if we get it, is tiki-taka from the start. I know that we haven’t used tiki-taka to its fullest and I won’t ask that we try it now. However, let’s use it. Heather, Rhee, Tonda, judicious streaking. Midfielders, Ann, we’ll be watching for runs from you. Ann, Gracey, Zahira, Brianna, be our rocks. Let’s see if that gorilla can handle us!”

We won the toss and I took the north side of the field. The first half was something of a slugfest. We controlled the ball more and spent more time in Centerville’s half of the field than in ours. We also penetrated deeper and more frequently than they did. The only time the ball came close to going in either goal was a heartbreaking blast from Rhee that caromed off the crossbar at the right post. Centerville had two shots on goal, but both were weak and close enough to Brianna that she had no problems corralling them.

A quiet “Settle” got Coach attention from all of us in the locker room. She slowly looked around the room, spending a few seconds looking hard at each of us. Then, quietly, she began.

“I am so proud of you. You are all still positive, ready to keep taking it at them. You are not only holding your own against the reigning state champs, you are outplaying them. Yes, we’ve got a scoreless tie at the half, but the stats are all in our favor. They haven’t come close to scoring, while Rhee missed by only a couple inches. They made only a single substitution, while we got six of our starters breathers, including all midfielders. We are controlling the tempo and, as I’ve become accustomed with this team, the all-critical midfield. Their midfield could not even take advantage of either of our two 13-year-old backup wing midfielders. Kanda, Dakota, you were both superb, particularly considering that you were up against 15-year-olds. Ann, Gracey, Zahira, I did not feel the need to give you breathers as Centerville did not make you work hard, and you can thank all six of the midfielders for that.

“Tiki-taka is giving that team fits. If their back line weren’t so very, very good, we would probably be three or four goals up. However, we’re going to really take it to them in the second half. Charlize came up with an idea, a couple ideas and she, Lissa, Civia, and I have fleshed them out. The three of them will present them to you in the huddle.

“Tonda, you’ll be going in this half; I’ll know when and where once we get back underway. Padme, the officiating crew were wrong for calling you offside on your streak, so you did not let us down, did not mess up a great opportunity. You timed it perfectly, but we’ll not get that back, so put it behind you. You will go in again for Heather. Lissa you did a good job during Beth’s breather and that pass to Rhee for her oh-so-close shot was superb. Lana, you did a good job spelling Gracey, and I particularly liked your decision to come in behind Rathi and strip their striker of the ball. Your boot to Padme was perfect, and, well, you already know what I think about their calling her offside. You should have had an assist.

“Take it easy for the next ten minutes. Take a break from the game, both physically and mentally. You’ll be better for it if you do.”

[Again, Rhee absolutely insisted that I had to include this next bit. Heather backed her up in that.]

When we broke up, I chatted briefly with Lana, then began mingling. Rhee worked her way to me, then whispered in my ear.

“I saw that.”


“You talked to Lana.”

“I’ve also talked to Haven and Ann. So?”

“Yes, but neither of them is Lana. Neither of them is liable to de-pants someone.”

I grinned.

“That was funny, you have to admit. And it had the desired result. You’re not still sore about that, are you?”

“You know very well I’m not and was not then, and you’re purposefully being dense.”

Her eyes suddenly went wider, and she quickly scanned the room. Her eyes stopped on Heather, who seemed to be holding court to a semi-circle of five of the younger girls, but with a ring of older girls around them. Right then, they struck.

Lana had been right behind Heather, and she managed to get not only Heather’s shorts, but her undies, too, down to the floor. As Heather and her young audience reacted in surprise, the older girls behind the audience de-pantsed every one of them, though only two also had their undies taken down.

Same as Beth
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Despite all the fun we have writing stories about men and women with huge sexual appetites screwing each other every way 'til Sunday without a condom, they live in a fantasy world where people don't suffer and/or die from venereal disease. Please practice safe sex. All characters in this are completely fictional; the situation is fictional obviously; and is completely a fabrication of wild mind and idle hands-- "Only loose women dress like that," I said. It was one of those things that on...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Ana Foxxx Black Girl Magic

Donning a colorful bikini and matching stripper heels, gorgeous black babe Ana Foxxx performs a steamy strip tease. Ramon Nomar rims Ana’s asshole and worships her beautifully trim body. Ana gags as she gives Ramon a slobbering blowjob. The hung stud plunges his thick rod into her rectum. Interracial anal sex features intense, ass-to-mouth cocksucking and hard fucking, both vaginal and anal. Ana talks dirty as Ramon drills her orifices and whimpers as he pumps out a cum facial. The...

1 year ago
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Give me an A

(First time)"Mr. Davies?" The 19-year-old blonde called out hesitantly, pushing open the heavy, carved wooden door that had been standing slightly ajar. "Hello?"The 5'4" freshman tugged self-consciously at her clothing, trying in vain to make her lime-green, pink and black plaid miniskirt a little longer and her black tank long enough to meet the waistband. The stubborn spandex/cotton blend slid right back up, baring her bellybutton and tanned midriff. Raised by smothering, conservative...

4 years ago
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Old Friend next door

My wife and I married and I dated a girl when I was in my late 20's and she was in her early 20's she was a definite BBW with a fat ass little waist and her best assets were her two 48 FFF tits they were so big if she sat naked on the bed or floor all you'd see is tits maybe a little hips nothing more, the skin between them were stretched to the limit! I loved these tits, she loved sex but one on one, we hooked up went and got an apartment on the third story, you should have seen her wide ass...

1 year ago
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Best Friend of My Mom1

Hi, Indian sex stories readers, I hope you all guys and girls are doing well professionally as well sexually. My name is Ronnie, from Chembur, Mumbai. A 24 karat pure Mumbai guy. I am 19 years old. I mean young*. Now, talking about my looks- my height is 6 ft, a lean perfect body, and an attractive face, my tool size is 6.8, which can satisfy any girl/lady. Today I am gonna narrate a sex story, which is a true incident which happened a couple of weeks back. If you guys wanna give feedback to my...

2 years ago
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Affair With Watchman8217s Son 8211 Part 4

Hi friends, I am Sirisha..34 30 34…I am a exhibitionist..I am back with my past 2yrs experience..With a boy beside my house.. Coming to the story… This happened 2yrs ago… Actually we are living in a rented house then.. We came to that house in summer.So I have almost never opened my room windows because of ac.. When summer was almost completed I have opened my windows.. But we have mosquito mesh for window.. There was another apartment terrace and very cool breeze is coming night time…I loved...

2 years ago
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Dont let old age fool you

I was walking home from work one day when I saw two oldish ladies struggling to carry some heavy shopping bags from their car to their house. I stopped and asked if they needed a helping hand. "Oh that would be lovely, thank you young man," said one in a surprisingly smooth and silky voice. "Oh you are a dear," replied the other with an equally seductive tone which belied their years. I thought nothing of it so accepted the bags that they piled on top of my outstretched arms. Within...

1 year ago
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With mums best friend at work

Steve Blake, is a 23 year old single guy with jet black hair, a reasonable figure, lean but not muscular, and is very successful in his marketing job he has held for the past 7 months. His was normally very bad at keeping a job, but thanks to his mother's friend Sally, she had got him, in his opinion the best job in the London. Steve's boss Sally Taylor, was his mums best friend, from school, and he had known her for most of life, at the age of 48 she had the look of a woman in her early...

3 years ago
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The nudist beach and me A true story by Erotic

For a long time now I've always wanted to visit a nudist beach, but never had the confidence to go through with it. That was until now!! (2012) It was whilst chatting to a fellow Hamster that the subject of nudist beaches came up. She said that she often visited one close by, just a few miles down the coast from where I live. It was a location that I'd heard of years before but had forgotten about it.....So I thought about it and decided "WHY THE HELL NOT" I'm going to give it a try! Wiht that...

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Kate and I Ch 1618

16. Over the next couple weeks, Kate and I were getting back into our groove as we were on the 3rd floor. We were spending most of our time together. When we weren’t sleeping, we were in the office together. I would tell her to go home, but she wouldn’t, she said that her job was to important. During this time, my head was buried in contracts, or on the phone with with customers or the Asheville office. The Asheville office wasn’t really that big, while with only 10 or so employees. The place...

2 years ago
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The Hot Photographer At The Wedding

Hello everyone!! I am back with another wonderful sexperience of my life. I don’t like beating around the bush but since the story submission criteria is minimum 1000 words, I am adding introduction Para. You can skip the 1st para because actual story starts from 2nd paragraph. So here I am, average built horny but little lucky guy to fuck around with awesome chicks. The following story goes back to the days when I was nature wise little immature & new to relationship and far from loyalty in...

1 year ago
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BrownBunnies Amethyst Banks Amethyst Takes the Best BBC

Amethyst Banks used all her social engineering skills to find out the unlisted Bangbros address. She heard they have the biggest black cocks in town. She was lucky. When she knocked Prince Yashua opened the door. He led her into the living room and let her touch his crotch and pull down his pants. Yes his cock was indeed quite impressive. It was bigger than her head. She started to suck it. Obviously it did not fit into her mouth. Prince Yashua licked her pussy and then took her doggy style. He...

1 year ago
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Sunshine and Fine Wine

This better not be Becky’s idea of a wind up. I’m sitting at the bar in Macy’s, keeping the bar staff company. Faye is now 26 minutes late and the signs are ominous, she’s not turning up.I had been single for a few weeks now and my work mate Becky was full of sympathy, often saying my balls must be ready to explode, or teasing me with tales of her own rampant sex life.One day she must have felt sorry for me. She said her mate, Faye was on the market having split up from her long term partner....

1 year ago
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The Challenge 2 8211 Goodbye For Now

Disclaimer: Reading and appreciating this story requires reader’s attention. If your sole purpose of reading a story is to fap, then you might be disappointed. “With a simple excuse that Raj will teach me how to cook, I got to spend weekends at Raj’s place. Besides cooking and all the other fun we had, there was a lot of time we had at spare. To keep us occupied at those times Raj suggested me to write down all our sexual adventures. Yesterday, Saturday night was no different. After dinner...

1 year ago
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The Love Goddess Blessing

"Oi nerd," Jake the nerd pushed John into the row of lockers. The football surrounded laughing at John's misfortune. "Hell yeah Jake, should we beat him up?" James, Jake's righthand man, suggested with an evil smirk. Right as the football team got ready to pummel John, the cheer leading squad came running up and started to hug and fawn over the football team. "Whose that?" Rachel, the head cheerleader, asked in disdain with her dainty, girly voice looking down at John. "Just a friend. Aren't we...

3 years ago
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Tuition Teacher Ko Pregnant Kiya

Hi all, main deepak , age 33 yrs , from Mumbai. Ye meri pehli story hai. Iss pe kafi months se stories read karte aaya hu. Waise main well settled, reputed class se hu , par past life me kuch aisi kahaniya hui jo ab tak kisise share nahi kar paya. To socha ki ye accha platform hai… Ab story pe aata hu. Tab main 12th std me tha. Meri padhayi boys school me hui so no enjoyment, abhi abhi jawani ki taraf kadam bad rahe the par ladkiyonke darshan durlabh ho gaye the. Hum sare dost ladkiyonke bare...

4 years ago
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Lost EmpireChapter 37

Johnathon Hartwell and Derrick O’Toma were on the exercise mat facing each other. Lucie Hartwell, Shelby, Mary 2, and 1 were all standing on the side. A worried look was on Lucie’s face. “Why can’t you stop them? This is complete insanity! They could kill each other! Mary you have to prevent this!” Lucie was pleading with Mary. “Under mandates, rules and orders that the emperor gave me I cannot interfere unless death becomes an issue. I am sorry Miss Lucie but there is nothing I can do.” An...

2 years ago
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More Island Slut

It was also during the time on St. Croix that I had the chance to take one of the largest white cocks ever. It wasn’t that he was that long, he was thick, good god was he thick!Let’s just call this story‘Island Slut, Next Chapter’Bobbie gets well ‘bored’ I had my pick of nice big black ones all of the time, not all ‘monsters’ but way above average. The island was mostly black so, I had quickly made friends with the guys who could give me what I craved. The tourists were where I made my money...

2 years ago
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Toms DiaryChapter 22

Friday, April 5, 2002 Elizabeth woke me up, her hand on my erection, a firm stroking grip that reminded me of Jenny's abilities in that arena. Thinking that led me to places I didn't want to go; however Elizabeth was a lot more determined than I was dissuaded. "Are you getting close?" she whispered in my ear. "Getting there!" I was too, in spite of distractions. Elizabeth giggled. "Then it's my turn." She rolled away, sat up, shedding a pair of panties quickly. "Where's...

2 years ago
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Valley GirlChapter 6

Well, I stunned my dad. He started crying on the phone and asked me how I was. I was still crying and said I needed help. No, I was not in trouble, but I still needed help. He asked me for my address and said he would be right over. A while later there was a knock, and I opened it. I had not seen him in so long, I just looked at him, seeing the gray in his hair and the fine lines around his eyes. He reached out and pulled me into a big hug. He was crying and was telling me how much he missed...

3 years ago
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MomSon parts15

My husband Richard is on a business trip that involves being away from home an entire week. I love him dearly, but I will be damned if I stay here at home and twiddle my fingers or clit all by myself. I want so hot-fucking action. I know just where to get it too, my friend Ron, and lives two miles from here. He knows just how to help me get through the boring days or as it might be the long lonely nights. Oh god, that man knows how to fuck and push my buttons. Like last night, when he...

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A Summers Day

“Oh my God,” Tess thought, “I’ve been alone way too long.” She studied the man repairing the barn roof. She could see tanned, broad shoulders, muscles rippling with every THAWCK of the hammer and a tight ass encased in snug jeans. He was on his knees, at the moment, and she was imagining what he would look like, like that, before her. “Get it together Tess,” she thought and shook it off. He had been doing repairs since the storm had come through a week ago and he was almost done. She would...

3 years ago
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Becoming a Cock Worshipper

I first realized I was bi the summer after high school. Up until then I had only been really interested in girls. Like any high school guy I watched a lot of porn and soon realized that I really liked really nasty deep throat blow job scenes. I especially enjoyed watching a girl choke and gag and cover a hard cock in her spit. I also realized that my favorite scenes always involved a really big, thick cock, and the more I watched the more I found myself attracted to the guy in the scene and his...

1 year ago
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Sexy Housemaid Anjali 8211 Part 3

As she started her daily walk from the bus stand to Raju’s house, Anjali couldn’t help but reflect on how good life was a few months ago. It was all messed up now. Suresh was transferred to another sub-district, and while that was distressing, what hit her harder was the fact that he hadn’t even bothered to call her after so long. Maybe she was just a plaything for him; maybe he never loved her after all. As the house came into view from behind a cluster of neem branches, her face turned even...

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Pokemon Never Go into Tall Grass Alone

I never thought it would happen. I’ve ventured out of town before without any problem. I can’t even tell mom about this, I know what she would say. Maybe I should of listened to them to not go out without a Pokemon, but I’m impatient, I haven’t gotten my starter yet, I just turned 10, but I have to wait until they receive more Snivy’s, they have the others, but I really wanted him. The reason why they didn’t have him, I heard from Mom, well at least, kinda heard from her. Bryce and his...

3 years ago
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Furious With Myself

Copyright 2005 There was a young fellow named Goody Who claimed that he wouldn't, but would he? If he found himself nude With a gal in the mood The question's not woody but could he? I am just furious with myself! And I can't help but feel that I was duped and totally manipulated! My husband returns tonight and I am horrified to think that he will just look at me and know I cheated on him. What will he say when he learns that it was with another woman, a younger woman... our...

4 years ago
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Before getting started FIN wish everyone, that'll get you extra credits~NICK i know, nick; just dont make me do something awful, well by the way you are just in my head talking to me and i talk to you gawd i am going insane. oh and i am FIN, getting my head clean so it wont mess up any further than this you know i can hear you ~NICK yeah peachy, let get going... i am next for the speech

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Harrys Ladies chapter 2

About an hour or so after their little fiasco, Molly, Ron, Fred, and George returned. Sirius quickly called for Molly to join him in the kitchen. When she got there, she saw Harry and Ginny sitting side by side looking at some papers and Remus was looking through books. She took a seat and asked, “what are Harry and Ginny doing here Sirius?” Sirius then answered her question with a question “Have you ever heard of the end of clause for the Longbottom and Potter families, Molly?” “No Sirius...

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Avatar the last airbender Chapter1 Tea time

As Aang and Katara stood there together Soka came out of the Jasmine Dragon (the tea shop that uncle Iroh owned in the city of Ba Sing Say) he said “Hey you two what are you doing out here when the party is inside “Katara pulled away from Aang and blushed saying “oh hi soka Aang and I were just talking” Aang looked at Soka saying “actually I was just leaving I’m very tired. “All rite see you Aang” Back at Aang and the gangs house nobody was home except for...

2 years ago
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Desi Version Of Akshay 8211 The Watchman

Hi friends, thank you for liking my story so muchb on public demand, I present you with the Desi Version of “Akshay- The Watchman and I hope you like it as much as you liked its original version, here it goes. Mera naam Nilesh hai aur ye mera ek ladke ke saath chudai ka pehla tajurba hai jo mai aap sab ke saath is kahaani ke roop me share karna chahta hu. Mai ek reputed society me rehta hu mere society me do watchman hai day duty wala watchman aur night duty wala watchman. Ek din jab me...

1 year ago
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Fuck partners for life

Hi. Im Laura, a 20 year old lesbian. My next door neighbor, Megan, has the best body I've ever seen. Shes has the sexiest thighs, hips, ass, and breasts I've ever seen. I wanted to fuck her so bad. Only thing is... shes straight. I would have to somehow get her into bed with me. The only question left One day I heard the door bell ring. When I opened the door, there stood 18 year old Megan in a tight button-up blouse and mini-skirt. Man did she look FINE!! I knew this would be the...

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Cathy and my Sister chapter 4

DerekThe weeks flew by, and thankfully the weather wasn't too bad. Angie had taken some of the pressure off us as her presence allowed me to spend most days on the site. It was a fair bit easier than I'd expected because of the jobs the plant would bring to the area, the building regulations weren't enforced as harshly as they might have been.Really all it consisted of, was three floors of bedrooms and washrooms, our existing bar and kitchen were plenty big enough to take the extra men, and one...

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The Wife Next Door Part VTaking Care of Angela

The Wife Next Door: Part V-Taking Care of Angela Angela is a 16-year-old knockout. She’s the stepdaughter of one of my Dad’s old friends from the law firm. Angela has the cutest face you have ever seen, complimented by sparkling blue eyes and blonde hair. When she smiles it lights up the room and the little dimples on her cheeks and her white smile dazzle everyone. What can I say about her incredible sixteen year-old body? Flawless! Angela has a slender frame with flared hips and nice 34B...

1 year ago
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Pleasure of fucking my friends mom when hes

His Mom Never said: (stop)Dana…..__”Hey dude, your so hot for my mom, you get red in the face around her.” Troy got red in the face, but said nothing. We laughed as I said: “Good luck, ya can’t touch her, others have tried.” Then I whispered: (“I can’t even see her naked, she’s a ’no go’, even now that my dad’s gone.”) We continued to talk quietly about how hot she was. I told him how she always locks her bedroom door, the bathroom door and how I can’t even sneak a peek at her. Troy asked:...

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beth and len

Beth and Len are thirteen year old twins whom I was asked to babysit for, during the Labor Day weekend, from Friday till Monday eve. On Friday morning their mother, Debbie, dropped them off. She told them to behave and reminded them that if they didn't that I had her full permission to discipline them as needed. They settled in and were busy playing and watching the television shortly after Debbie left. That afternoon I was watching tv and the children were running in and out,...

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Jims New Romance

It was a Saturday morning and Jennifer was a woken by what sounded like a woman's scream in the bathroom and she wondered if her roommate came home early. She went into the bathroom and saw a woman she didn't recognize crying in front of the mirror. She cried, "Look at me!" Jennifer asked, "How did you get in here and who are you?" The woman said, "I am Mickey and that man is right." Jennifer said, "No you aren't." She said, "Yes I am and I will show you." The person who...

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The ExperimentChapter 3 Light Within the Dark

This time I drove Mary’s Merc and it was an absolute pleasure. For about 30 seconds anyway. Then I began to think about Mary being in the trunk and the doubts, insecurities and fears set in. I knew I wasn’t ready for my retribution. I could no more have Mary gang banged, much less pierced and tattooed, than I could fly to the moon. But I had no one to talk to about it except Mary’s own son and Paul was still only a 17 year old, despite the maturity he’d displayed. Paul broke the silence that...

3 years ago
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Hypnosis Sleepover

It’s not that I dislike school, per se. It’s just that… I find school easy. And things that I find easy, I find boring. I didn’t see the point in drilling verb conjugations or taking the slope of thirty lines. Once I’d done any of those once, I could do it again. There were two people who made school manageable: Tracy and Samantha. We were pretty much inseparable, both inside and outside of school. During the day, we’d communicate in elaborate sighs and eye-rolls. At night, we’d rush...

4 years ago
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Natalie Conrad

Natalie and Conrad Natalie paced back and forth alongside her parked car. She stopped alongside the cars passenger window. She bit a nail, trying to stem her nervousness. What if this man, this Conrad, doesn't like her? What if she doesn't like him? Yesterday she had been so excited after Katy had told her about him she couldn't think straight, but now, if Katy had come by and said it was all off, she'd be glad. Wouldn't she? She glanced at her watch for the sixth time since getting out...

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Cock 2 Go

I was driving home feeling that I would have to go home without a fuck buddy and have to satisfy myself when I spotted someone ahead who looked like they needed a ride home. As I pulled up next to him I noticed his tight top stretching across his bulging pecks. “Need a ride” I asked. “Sure” he replied “I’m beat”. He climbed in and I drove off. As we started through the countryside it started to rain heavily, i glanced across at the guy next to me and saw he had fallen asleep despite the rain...

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breeders auction

It started when I was going through puberty, my testicles were very large and my cock grew to match. The problem was the amount of cum I produced. It was a third of a cup of sperm and over another third a cup of semen. Anyway, I have always exercised and worked for a landscaping company so have a nice toned body.I had a new doctor, an older woman. After being poked and prodded and providing a sample she locked the exam door and looked at me, “Samuel you are in a unique position. You have never...

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Inga Comes to AmericaChapter 1

It was her idea. Well, no, that's not fair. It was an idea that we came up with when we were chatting on line and I suppose that we developed it together. Our correspondence began when Inga sent me an email after reading one of my stories on the internet. She had been very aroused by the story and she sent me an email to tell me how much she enjoyed it. Her email included a picture of herself. She was very attractive. It was a modest picture of her in a little black dress. She was not in...

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My Wicked WaysChapter 21

Most of them settled down a bit, except Natasha, who began fucking Donald's ass herself, clearly enjoying the fact that she was now returning the favor and giving it to him as hard as he gave it to her. Whatever else she might be, Natasha wasn't strictly a woman. It was part of her sexuality, but only part of it. She liked having masculine and aggressive traits as well. I got the impression that right then, Nathan was more in evidence than Natasha, his alter ego. For my part, my cock was...

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The Pact Episode 5 the ClubhouseChapter 12

'Charmin' Harmon' Thornton swept his eyes over Donna Travers' mother and nodded to himself as he finished the introduction, "My name is Harmon Thornton -- your daughter Donna is dating my son Mac." "Is there a problem?" Noreen asked. 'This isn't going to be one of those 'Your daughter isn't good enough... ' conversations, is it?' she wondered. "Oh, no!" Harmon declared, "I was impressed with young Donna the instant I laid eyes on her!" 'Something about the way she sucks...

3 years ago
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A WellLived Life Book 3 PiaChapter 24 The Puzzle and the Cat Part I

March 1980, Hovås/Göteborg, Sweden I walked into the house and went straight to my room to put on sweatpants and a Team Sweden hockey jersey I had bought. They were way more comfortable for being around the house than anything else I could wear, except perhaps shorts, but it was too cold for that. I picked up the phone and dialed Jennifer’s number. Her mom answered and called her to the phone. “Hey, Steve!” “Hi, Jen! How are you?” “Good, except for missing you.” “I miss you too, but...

1 year ago
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The Kings Temporary SlaveChapter 2 My first encounter with the strap

"If this is a slave's life, give me more of it," I thought to myself as I reclined in the first class seat for the flight to Riyadh. Previously my flights had all been economy class with limited space. Sapphire must have read my thoughts for she leaned over and murmured, "Make the most of it, the next part is on one of our own aircraft and you will start your life as a slave." On this flight the king had bought the whole of the first class cabin for our sole use and he expected and...

2 years ago
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Fun In The Bus With A Total Random Stranger

Hi guys, I’m Raj Kumar. This is my second sex story in ISS. Thanks for all the feedback you people have given me for my first story. You can read my first one here, . So this is just my second story. Excuse me if it’s slow or boring. Do message me at for feedback. So I’m 5.8, lean guy, kind of nerdy looking with glasses and curly hair. I had just completed my engineering and started working in a software firm. This sex story is about how much fun it was on a crowded public bus in the city of...

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The biggest cock I ever had or so I thought

By the by this is not a fantasy. I'm the luckiest bastard ever cuz this happened.A little about me. I'm bi & love sucking cock. I've had plenty & have become quite the cocksucker. Put it this way... I've never met a cock I couldn't take balls deep! I'm quite the deep throat expert & I love it. I rarely get anal because I'm a “size queen” when it comes down to that. But not for oral sex. Just be d&d free & hard! I get off just fine giving a long, deep, wet BJ. I was perusing...

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Fucked My Friend8217s Cousin Sister

Hi all ISS readers, I’m back with one more true story that happened to me recently. I have already written a story named “Hectic day of work turned beautiful in bus”. I’m yet to write the second part of it. But this one is another incident. To tell you briefly about me, I’m a south Indian guy. 29 years old. Tall, black and not so good looking. I’m working in one of the MNC Company as sales manager. I used to visit stores and dealers on a regular basis in the southern districts of Tamil Nadu....

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Caught in the Story Introduction

First: This is just the introduction to a long story written in parts. I need the feedback to know if it is worth writting. Second : I dont have english as a primary language so my english grammar is sometimes bad and misplaced. Sorry, but I'm warning you if you can't tolerate it : Dont read it. Would love some feedback and if possible some sugestions. The main plot is the following: Susan Sims is a 24 yo reporter that gets a lead on a very importante story about slavery, rape, and...

2 years ago
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A failed rescue through a hungry wolf

The following was intiially an RP between Ueteru (one of my characters) and Amelia Crownguard. The threads I add to this story (unless where noted) will be from the original writing of the RP and will be the main pathway for it. But of course, however, others are more than welcome to add alternative pathways / choices to it, too! (Just follow the criteria; ,That is, being anything as long as it doesn't involve ageplay (for the characters' sake, please)) Also, for the original pathway, posts of...

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Toilet Slave pt1

Laurie was in a funk. She had been in the scene for the past ten years. Then, all of a sudden, her Master said that he wanted a vanilla relationship two days ago, and set her free.So now she had left their Chelsea loft and was walking down 6th avenue with no particular destination in mind. Perhaps say a prayer at Ground Zero, then take a train out to Jersey and rent a room.She passed Edge Play, her Master's favorite club, though he had never taken her to it. She stopped in front of the double...

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Meri Birthday Py Mom Ky Bad Sister Chudai 8211 Part 2

Dosto maera naam Surmand hy dost kesy ho ap umeed karta hon k meri pichli story MERI BIRTHDAY PY MOM CHUDI sb ko pasand aai ho gi jo ky meri sichi kahani thi jis ka sabot main ny mail ka jawab dy kar kya or mom ki pics bi send ki To dosto pichli story main main ap sy wada kyat ha k nexy story mian ap ko baton ga ky kesy meri sister mom ki help sy muj sy chudi To dosto meri sister jis ka figar boobs 34d bund 36 or kamr 32 hi. ek din main mom ki chudai kar rha tha rat ko mom k bedroom main hum ny...

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