TimeChapter 45 free porn video

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Phones were scarce in East Germany and in Cuba, too, so letters were sent to all people eligible to emigrate. Times and dates were to be set later, stating where and when, voice communications could be made. Part of the agreement allowed a group of communication trucks free access to the families of the East Germans. They would get a chance to see and talk on the satellite phone to the new Cuban immigrants.

Those wanting to leave had to stay till all the others arrived. I knew that if I let them go, they would say how bad it was here and get the other prospective immigrants to try to stay under Communism.

Two of the people asked to immigrate were Sonia's dad and brother. In this case, it was not a voluntary arrangement. From what Sonia said, the boy would have to be forcibly sent here by the government that brainwashed him.

An unexpected benefit was that this relieved some pressure on East Berlin and East Germany itself. The Berlin Wall was not constructed yet and even though many left the east by stealth, there was less friction. I had written some books about what I thought was happening. They sold fairly well. Some discussed the future of Communism and what it did for the world. Here I had to be careful, for what would really happen now would not be the same as what I knew from history.

The book was not sold in the USSR for obvious reasons but I knew many copies were brought in and studied by those who knew of the books' existence.

The people of Cuba were of mixed feelings about the matter of East German immigrants. The new people didn't speak Spanish and had actually been an invading army. I tempered this idea with another one that would show what the newcomers could bring to the island. That was one of the reasons that the East Germans had gone out and worked so hard with their Cuban neighbours.

The matter of collaboration in the space venture was readily accepted and the Russians even asked for more drawings and technical data. This could be a critical juncture in time and I simply gave truthful answers to what they asked. I even added more data that they had not thought or hoped to get. If we were going to have a willing partner, the Russians needed to know that I was going to be fair with them.

I gave the Ambassador a large number of satellite phones, so that communications could be possible. This actually made me laugh because the Soviets would not be able to monitor the calls without someone being close, or having a live microphone nearby.

On the last of April, I asked Helen to stop taking her birth control pills. There was a time of rejoicing after the shock. It made all the girls very horny. This time there was nothing I had to do the next morning and just enjoyed myself till my strength gave out at three in the morning.

Morning came very early and I had to get back to my duties as a husband and potential father. Noon was the time we had to quit and we enjoyed a large meal to restore our strengths.

We had not stayed in Cuba all this time but the majority of our work could be done with the satellite phone and a video camera.

Our Harrier was very famous when films of its action were shown all over the world, including the Soviet Union. When a person thought high tech, they thought of our plane. After the battle for Cuba, though, it gained even more notoriety.

The Black Hawk and the Huey had gained even more fame for what they were able to accomplish. However, the real overall winner was the Apache. I had even used those names and the American army took possession of some and kept the same nomenclature. The weapons systems, airframe and engines had to be contracted out because of the very high demand.

The Challenger, too, had gained a fanatical following and it looked like all the tanks facing Russia would eventually be changed to our product. All these products were expensive to run, so I made simulators to train the operators at a fraction of the cost of a real vehicle. All the work going into this would be used for games in the near future but I wanted to keep the killing out of that equation. Space invaders were my principal opponents, apart from the elements.

A new Presidential election was coming up and Vice President John Sparkman wanted to move up the ladder to the top when President Stevenson had to step down. I had used a lot of money to look into the problems that would arise if John Kennedy were elected. He was a charismatic figure with a lot of money behind him. His flaws and the strength of the mob were too well known to me and I did my best to make sure he was not even nominated for the party's choice as a presidential candidate.

Sparkman was from Alabama. As such, he had the feelings of his state when he was a senator. I had talked to him and his party at length many times, to warn them of the race riots that were sure to erupt without some safety valves. He had listened well, although I could see that he had his own innate biases but worked to overcome them. He had done everything within his power to help all the minorities and I had commended him to his party many times. The integration laws had been easily passed and some in the minorities had been promoted to responsible positions. I made sure his party and area of government was given all the credit due to them.

The race issue had come up but it was not nearly as bad as my first time. The Vice President had actually walked with the black protestors and he had a special affinity for them now. Some of the rednecks called him a 'nigger lover'. This lost him some votes in the south but gained him many of the black votes. Overall, it was a net loss but it was good to see him as a conciliatory person.

I didn't know who would be running against him in the race for president. There were many candidates but I knew it would not be 'Tricky Dick'. He was still in politics but after the things that had come out about him, he had almost slipped into obscurity.

The mob was still powerful but the administration did its best to boot out any person consorting with them. Laws were passed that made it easier to prosecute the mob and some people in the Attorney General's office did so. My own people, many times, were the ones feeding information to the AG so that prosecutions would be possible. This got me shot at three times and it was the security I had and the kevlar vest that saved me.

A special team found some of the local underworld bosses and I talked to them privately with the benefit of thiopentide. I not only found the guilty people but I found a large mass of evidence that could be used to blackmail each of the people I talked to. In six months I had found a way to talk to many of the bosses.

A messenger dropped off an envelope to the boss of bosses, Sam Giancana. When the man phoned me a day later, I stated, "When I die, the file you see before you and whatever additional evidence I have gained, will be sent to the Attorney-General's office." The file named those who had ordered the assassination attempts and even those who had pulled the triggers. I would now let Giancana clean up his house before I did it for him. I did not trust this man at all. He killed seemingly for fun and this was the usual way he disposed of anybody in his way.

The Kennedys had used him and then tried to not fulfill their obligations. I had a difficult time when so many people had come under mob influence and tried to get the man nominated for President. My own security was stepped up, because I was now one of the men restricting Giancana's options.

The mob holdings in Cuba could be used as hotels or anything they wanted, as long as it was legal. We seemed to come to an agreement but I knew he and his kind, would continue to try to find a way of doing what they wanted without interference.

My oil companies continued to grow faster than anything else. I was the sole owner of the Athabaska Tar Sands project. This was the largest deposit of petroleum in the world but it was very costly to extract the oil from the rock. Petrosar, my wholly owned company, did just enough during the warm months to keep the claims alive. The oil sands had burnt the fuel it had gathered to extract more from the sand but wasted most of this. We would produce millions of tons of carbon dioxide to get what crude we could extract. I wanted to use a reactor to do this and at least the energy derived would be used in a bus or a home.

Petrosar also developed the first oil platforms and had them manufactured in Japan. With my knowledge of where to look, I was very successful and found many people willing to lend me money. Some of the platforms were in the Gulf of Mexico, the North Sea, Indonesia, the Norwegian Sea, Hibernia, off Newfoundland and many other smaller areas like Libya and Tunisia. Major oil fields of the Arabian-Iranian basin region had not all been found after the Second World War, so I was able to get in and stake my own claims. Venezuela and Prudhoe Bay in the North Slope region of Alaska had my drilling rigs but I did not go all out in producing oil.

The North Apoi oil fields in Nigeria were sold to help finance other ventures, as was the West Pembina field in Alberta and much of the huge Venezuelan finds. The last would be nationalized if I could not prevent it but I wanted to be on the safe side. Cuba had been a very costly venture to keep the world safe. I was still not sure if the confrontation in this time would have ended up the same way.

The Ninian field and the Britannia in the United Kingdom North Sea, the North Scott Reef offshore Australia, Angola, Louisiana, Wyoming and two fields in Sumatra were being now developed. The Port Arguello field offshore of Southern California was being done very safely, as were my other wells, for I didn't want any spills to bring destruction and restrictive laws when good company policies would do the same. The state of California was very progressive and I wanted them to be on my side.

There was so much in China and Russia, especially the huge Tengiz field in Kazakhstan, Siberia and the Barents Sea. I could form a partnership with that country's government but at the moment I didn't trust them too much. This might have severe repercussions with the west, if they thought I was helping the Communists with more than a space project.

There were many regions in the Soviet sphere of influence that I could exploit or claim but, I couldn't do so without explaining how I knew. The Soviets, through spies, had found out that I could look down from an orbiting satellite but I did not know if they had found out to what detail yet.

I now owned two shipbuilding companies in Japan that turned out the drilling rigs I wanted. This was accomplished by actually gaining a slightly larger portion of the electronic companies and they, in turn, had a piece of the shipbuilding action.

The reason for my low pumping volume was to keep the price of petroleum up and to restrict the use of private cars as much as possible. My bullet train was already at work in Japan and Canada. Again, one of my companies was making the machines. This was a major commitment but there was enough local money in Japan to keep the work going without my constant monitoring. Canada, though, was so large that it would be very difficult to make this proposition work.

The United States had the necessary materials and the need but the aircraft industry worked hard to counter my efforts. I, in turn, did as much as I could by getting the price of oil raised, even if it was by taxation. This brought down the ire of every other oil producer and users.

Gasoline in Europe had always been expensive and this made small cars very popular. The same thing was happening in North America. I didn't have any concrete figures but I think the economy was less driven by the automobile than it was previously. With the leverage I had in the major car companies in Japan and North America I made sure that the cars were as light a possible and they would not rust out, because I demanded galvanized metal and plastics be used.

This innovation was fought hard in North America, because they wanted to sell more new cars. It took only three years for the Japanese imports to garner a major portion of the market. I was not shy about putting the blame on the heads of the board members of the seven major car manufacturers. North America balked at the minivan, too but after two years of production in Japan, they eventually saw the light.

Stock prices in the North American manufacturers suffered considerably. I bought some shares when it was low enough. There were a lot of rich people very angry with me for what I had done. Stock went up in a year after galvanized steel was introduced but the anger never left. Sam Giancana got in touch with me one day through a safe intermediary. He told me of a group of Texan millionaires who had put out a contract on me.

I thanked the man and returned the favour. On the satellite phone I said, "You should sell off your holdings in the United States and move out very quickly, for your health. Look for places with no extradition agreement with the United States. I think you have just a bit over a month."

The man gave me credit and left within a week and sold later.

My own team of investigators found one of the millionaires and that was enough to find out all I needed to know. I used the same method that I used on Sam Giancana with great results. For good measure, I expanded a bus manufacturing company to make even more competition for the car companies.

We were all back in Cuba on the first of June. The election would occur in a little over a month. The campaigning, though, had started right after the election was proposed over six months ago.

Things had radically changed since I first came to the island. The Army was only 7,000 soldiers now, a third of what it used to be. Three hundred and sixty of them were former East German soldiers. Their families had come over in record numbers that made the Soviets look very bad. The actual numbers were never mentioned to their faces but everybody knew it.

The necessary trade was done with little fanfare. A small crane lowered a wooden crate onto the deck of an equally small fishing boat. A day later it would come up to a Russian freighter and head back home.

Sonia's father never came. We were given a copy of his death certificate and from Sonia's own memories I thought it was probably true. Her brother Yuri was a different matter. He got off the Aeroflot plane in Havana and hated everybody and everything he saw. For a fifteen year-old this was nothing new. I put him with two young Cubans to learn Spanish.

Sonia was very apologetic about her brother but I said, "Boys that age are like that sometimes. Let him learn to communicate, then I will test him on his social conscience. He will come around.

Helen was now three months pregnant. She glowed with the life within her. Laura had been off the pill for a month and we were trying to get her into a similar condition. Seiko was always quiet but I could all the time see in her eyes the expectation of when she could throw her pills away, too. I was still not sure of Sonia but the bookies had given her more than an even chance of getting pregnant by me soon, too.

The whole family was with me in Cuba, even though it was the hottest months. Mom and dad and the entire family were very happy with us. Aron was fifteen and his hand was always holding Mineko's. I was fairly certain that he would want her for his wife soon. I even started preliminary plans because of the problems I foresaw.

I was disturbed at the airport, for there were a lot of children. They were mostly young girls with Helen, Laura, Seiko and now Sonia dolls. Many had voices much like ours saying the various things I thought were needed. What made me apprehensive was that some girls now had an Alex doll that looked and sounded very much like me. I had not okayed the last two dolls but I had only started the company and had let the girls run it the way they wished, along with their other duties for me.

Grandpa just laughed when it was shown to him till I said, "They are going to make a cantankerous doll of you, too."

"They wouldn't dare," he said as he glared at the girls. They just giggled like schoolgirls and smiled at him.

In the next few days I found Aron and Yuri talking. They were roughly the same age and Aron could speak Russian with some difficulty. He had resented Mineko at first but Yuri had no way of excluding her. She did make Yuri feel a bit better when she spoke to him in his own language, even if it was worse than Aron's.

I went back on the air to talk to the Cuban people. Even the hamlets now had television. It was fed from the satellites above. I explained that the various candidates would be given free time to explain their positions. I also explained about more debates where certain points were attacked or defended. This, I promised, would be fun for the audience but hell for the participants. The audience had been told many times to not go with who looked nicer, or who spoke better, or the worst: one who promised more. They had to see behind the words.

A large contingent of foreign observers came to the island a week before the election at my invitation. They would ensure, along with the army, that nothing happened to the ballot boxes before the votes were counted. So far, there had been very little political violence and I wanted to keep it that way.

The Soviet Union was well represented, as was the west. One man pulled me aside a few days before he had to go to his assigned position with a Briton.

"Mr Kramer, I am here to ask you about the shipment you made to us not long ago. It was much different from what we had sent you."

I had to laugh because I took the bombs off their ship and they were hardly given to me. "I remember it well. Were the instructions and spare parts not understood?"

"Oh, the manual and parts were well understood. We just wanted to know why we had been given this particular unit."

"The unit in question, or a similar one, could have fallen into unfriendly hands or even one controlled by a rogue element of your country. I want to protect my world along with other like-minded people. A terrorist could take a bomb and try to detonate it. My electronic device only allows part of the explosives to go off and ruin the bomb. It is very complex but that was the intention. There are no tricks. I just want to keep the accidents down and possibly thwart some terrorists."

"You seem to know a great deal about these types of secrets, Mr Kramer. Are you now making similar devices for the West?"

"Not yet. Theirs will be similar but not the same. You are free to make any change you like to the mechanism but I will not mention what I have given your people unless forced."

"That is very understandable. My country sent me to gather more information about our common project."

I knew this was coming. "I think it best to talk in the United Nations with all the countries affected. All that is required is that your country is ready to fulfill its obligations. The meeting will basically be a fait accompli and the west cannot exclude you from future dialogue."

The voting took all day. We now had a gigantic database of every adult Cuban. When a voter came up, his name was stricken from the sheet and his face and fingerprints compared to what was on file. Some had tried to vote twice but were picked up by the local police. There were no threats that I heard of and with the amount of publicity the vote had, everybody would come to have their choice counted. We had a surprisingly high turnout, which made me feel good that I had got the message across. Fraud, as in ballot boxes being stuffed, was negated by the ballots being printed in Japan and given out only just before the vote.

The former East Germans got their vote because of their special circumstance. Both sides tried to woo their vote but I had no idea how they had cast them.

I had gained a Cuban citizenship along with my Canadian one. The newspapers printed photographs of me many times as I filled out the small 'x' after many, many names.

That night there was partying everywhere, except for our foreign guests as they independently tabulated the ballots with an impartial group of officials. This was an exacting task, for security had to be very thorough to let all parties know that no cheating would happen. It still took two days to count all of the choices. There was no disclosure by area, of who had won or was ahead which spoiled much of the excitement.

The new president was Emilio Garcia. He was one of the many people who had to flee the island when Batista came to power. Fidel Castro was now the new Attorney General with far reaching powers. He was a lawyer to begin with and this had helped him get the job. I did not state too many of my own preferences in public but he was one of the ones I thought should get this post.

Same as Time
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Showing Off SusanChapter 4

Chet and Joe helped Susan back into the booth at the western club after the trip to the restroom. She had been crying and had the look of a frightened animal on her face. But she was still helpless and she didn't show any signs that the drug was wearing off as she slumped against Joe in the booth. The bartender had been keeping an eye on them. It looked to him like she was passed out. He stopped at their table and warned them that the local town cops were due to stop by the club and make...

4 years ago
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JEAN Not Your Normal Nun Story

This Is Based On My Own Personal Experience: Because I Had Discovered The "Adult Book Store/ Theater, And Basement Row Of "Glory Holes",I Had Skipped A Few Sunday School Sessions. The Monsignor Decided To Make Me Do Some Penance. If I Agreed He Would Not Involve My Mom. I Immediately Agreed. If I Stayed Out OfTrouble I Was Allow Allot Of "Freedom". He Ordered Me To Be A The Church Every Saturday Morning To Help Clear Out & Clean Up The Basement. I Had To Be There At 8am. When I Got There I...

1 year ago
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The man sat alone at his computer. He browsed the usual sites that held his particular interests, the kinds of sites he couldn’t access at work. He wasn’t looking for anything particular, just something to spark his imagination. He wanted to write, but his muses had all deserted him and he felt used up and dry. A car door outside closed. Footsteps on the stairs echoed. The little dog in the apartment above him began to yap and run back and forth across the floor. The door opened and closed,...

3 years ago
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My Girlfriends RoommateChapter 6

“So, you’re the famous, or infamous Jessica, then?” Larissa teased my wife as she stepped inside her house. “And you’re ... Larissa, my husband’s new mistress or girlfriend or whatever. Who is she? That woman! Wait ... is that ... Rain? My God, you look like a woman! So ladylike, so exquisitely feminine ... wearing a wig, makeup, and lingerie, too? Damn, you’re actually gorgeous!” Jessica declared aloud her thoughts as she realized how much of a girl Rain really was, something that I had...

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Sophie is asked to seduce her granddaughter while on holiday in the sun

Since Wendy’s school trip to Paris, we had become very friendly with her teacher, Miss Roberts. Angela, as we had come to know her proved to be a good companion, and what is more interesting, an insatiable and imaginative lesbian. She often used to visit us and her relationship with Wendy blossomed into a passionate love affair. I was never excluded, however and after they had slaked their lust for each other I was always invited to join them for many come soaked sessions. Angela often...

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Simon And Sebastian

PROLOGUE This is a sequel to my first story, which is entitled ‘Sebastian -The Male Escort’, which gave an account of my education at a private school in Sheldon, New York and how, on leaving school I moved to New York city and through a variety of circumstance, found myself acting as a paid Male Escort, which turned out to be a very profitable business for me. My first story ended about three years after my arrival in New York, by which time I was a well established Male Escort and I am now...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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Tina and the Stuffed Pussy Chapter 6 Birthday Presents

I wake up Saturday morning to the smell of bacon and coffee. When I walk into the kitchen I see Eddie flipping bacon on the stove while Toby sets the table. It is so wrong after last evening that I want to scream and throw Eddie out of the apartment but I know I can’t. I am irrationally angry as I go over to the fridge to get a glass of orange juice. How dare Eddie come over to my personal space and play “happy little family” after what he’s done to me! “Happy birthday Teenster!” Eddie...

3 years ago
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School Discipline

       School Discipline It was so unfair! It didn’t matter what Winona did, it could never be right. And she tried so hard. But whatever she did was judged to be wrong. Her parents thought so. Her teachers thought so. Her headmistress thought so. Her fellow school pupils all agreed. And her bum always had to suffer as a result. It was a rare day that Winona didn’t get a spanking. And usually not just a spanking, but also a caning or a paddling. And every night when she went to bed, her arse...

2 years ago
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Cant Judge A Book By Its Cover

Hillary sat on the bench outside the courtroom that Monday morning. She tugged at her skirt, trying to make it appear longer. She tucked stray tendrils of hair back into her casual chignon. Hillary was nervous and it showed. Even though everyone told her that she had an absolute barracuda for a lawyer, she still had nightmares as to how this would all turn out. Yes, Will had verbally agreed to the settlement, but he had also verbally taken vows on their wedding day. Hillary’s trust level was at...

2 years ago
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Angels Surprise

The market was crowded today, perfect, that always made her job easier. Angel was, unlike her name suggested, not a good girl- she was a thief by trade. As Angel wondered through the crowd she spotted a target, he was wearing a cloak but Angel could see that on his right hand was a jeweled ring, a noble or someone wealthy who doesn’t want to be spotted.Angel gradually worked her way ahead of the target so she could “casually” brush against him as they walked past each other. She had lived her...

2 years ago
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My Sweet Experience Of Sodomy By Naresh Manish And Jitesh

This is a true story about my experience of gay relations with 3 male occurred during my teenage as first lesson about sex. I was 18 years old then. My father was an officer and posted in an eastern district of U.P. We were staying with him in his official quarter. He was provided with a male servant Naresh, aged about 18 years and a watchman Jeetesh, aged about 22 years. In addition to that he has engaged a cook Manish aged about 23 years. It was the time, when my curiosity about sex just...

Gay Male
4 years ago
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Sues Prone Bone Romance

Susan Swan didn't feel young any longer. She was pushing twenty-six. That was the age that her mother told her all young ladies should have a husband and at least one young one in a pram or growing inside. In all honesty, she had to admit almost all of her female friends had already gone down that road and she had watched them in a state of confused dismay wondering where she had gone wrong. It wasn't a question of not trying her best to cut out a male all her own from the herd and guiding...

1 year ago
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Quarantine Stir Crazy

"I'm telling you the truth, auntie." Jordan rubbed his forehead as he sat at his aunt's kitchen table, pushing the mop of messy, matted, curly, mousy-brown hair out of his eyes. "If we have to stay in quarantine much longer, I swear I'll go out of my mind!" It had been fifty days since he'd had to abandoned his dormitory in New York City and take shelter with his aunt and his cousins in rural Massachusetts. Mary took a sip of her coffee and shrugged at her nephew. "I don't know what to...

1 year ago
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Coming out

Casey and I had been friends for our whole lives.  Out mothers were best friends when they were pregnant.  Casey and I were both eighteen.  In the ninth grade I started to notice that he was different than the other guys around us.  He didn’t like to date girls or play sports.  In the locker room at the gym I often noticed him looking at other guys.  At the time I thought nothing of it.  One night we were sitting in my bed watching a movie.  Casey had been acting strangely quiet.  He looked...

4 years ago
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my mom and the bbc part one

In May my parents separated, they were together since their sophmore year of high school and had me when they were both 16, 26 years and 5 k**s later they grew apart. Instantly my dad started dating my future step mom but it seemed my mom wasn't dating. Until NovemberI coworker John and I had been hanging out for a few months, he owned a condo in Layton, just down the street and often we'd carpool together to salt lake city to work together. Occasionally we'd go drinking after work, he'd...

2 years ago
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My One and Only Love Justins story chapter 1

    I walked into my first class and sat next to my best friend Chase. Chase was the typical high school jock. He was about 6’2” and about 180 pounds of pure muscle. He had medium length black hair and piercing green eyes. He was every girls dream. I sat down and almost immediately chase laughed and asked, “What the hell happened, it looks like you just rolled out of bed.” “I did.” I said groggily He turned away knowing that I was not in the mood for talking. Chase and I have been best...

3 years ago
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My wifes cum filled vacation

This year for spring break my wife Andrea and I carried our friend Jeff to Panama City Beach with us. Jeff has become my wife's favorite side cock because of the size of his dick. I've haven't actually seen them have sex but I know her pussy is so loose after he has been with her. After checking into the room we all decided to hit the pool to cool off so Jeff and I changed in the room while Andrea changed in the bathroom. I didn't want to appear queer so I avoided trying to see Jeff's cock...

1 year ago
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An Unexpected Gift Part 3

Once your breathing returns to something like normal, you open your eyes. You turn your head to the side, slowly, not daring to break the spell that has you cocooned in a private world of sexual hunger. You look at my eyes, glazed over as if in a waking dream. You see my chest rising and falling with my excited breathing. You see my fist sliding unhurriedly backwards and forwards along the length of my cock. It is as stiff and engorged as you have ever seen it, the veins on the shaft standing...

Wife Lovers
2 years ago
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School Days

Schooldays By Waldo Chapter 1 - Home alone I'll never forget March 7th. It started out as a normal morning with my mother giving me my lunch money and telling me "to have a good day at school." I farted around getting to the bus stop and somehow missed the bus so I had no choice but to return home and miss school for the day. By the time that I happily skipped back home, Mom was already gone to work and the house was totally empty. Gee, an empty...

4 years ago
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My Lovely And Sexy Chachi

By : Harjas.Incest Dear ISS users hi this is my first story hope you like.I love to read stories whenever i got time while m at shop, metro or at home. Mai apni story Hindi mai likh raha hu taaki haar koi isse pad sake aur enjoy kar sake. I’m mature lover mujhe ni pta kyu par mujhe matude auntys,bhabis he pasand aati hai even mai apni girlfrind se jada uski maa ki figure jada like krta hu.. Mai jada time naa lete hue apni story shuru krta hu mera naam harjas hai mai delhi se hu aur meri umar 22...

4 years ago
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Sweet Dreams Are Made Of This Ch11

Chapter: November “Nightmares Are Made of This” * Never quite even-handed or necessarily fair, life settles on the precipice of endless balances: wealth and poverty, ambition and apathy, love and hate, darkness and light… dreams and nightmares. Often it seems as if there is an excess of the bad and the good will never come, or not enough of the good, and too soon dispersed. Living in the space between, we try and hold on, to avoid giving up living a dream, just to face hard realities. Jahn had...

Love Stories
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Smita My Cousin 8211 How I Fucked Her

Hi !!! Today I am narrating my love cum sex story with my cousin. This incidence took place near about 15 years ago, when I was around 30 years of age and Smita, my cousin, the only daughter of my only uncle and aunt, an extremely beautiful, slim, fair and sexy girl was around 32 years of age, height about 5’8” with vital statistics 36, 26, 38. Although she was elder than me, and I called her “Didi”, yet I was always attracted towards her extreme sexy figure, which I wanted to taste since our...

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Gifts maid a baby

Hi guys and gals, I am Abhijeet from Mumbai, this happened recently, we are living in our uncles place as we r searching for a place to purchase. After we shifted there, we hired a maid to do all the chores in the house. Her name I found was Rajini has always seduced my maids and I was hoping that a hot sexy woman would be appointed. The regular maid Anusuya cud not cum to this place as it was far from her place. I cud not believe my luck when I saw this new maid, she was exactly the way I...

2 years ago
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Lund With Honey 8211 Part II

Hello dosto kese ho aap sab… jayesh ko aap sab ka sex bhara namaskar…. Aap sab k kafi mail mile muje sab ko lund with honey-1 bahut achha laga …. Aur usi story ka dusra hissa ab aapko batane jar aha hu…..jisne part 1 na padha ho vo pahele padhe uske baad hi part 2 padhe… sabhi anunty ko mery ye request he….. ab suru karte he lund with honey .. Dusre din subah me der se utha… raat ko kafi jagne ki vajah se…..fir dopahar ka lunch kiya… aur me aram kar raha that v dekh raha tha…. Aunty ki dono...

3 years ago
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Slave Girl 2

Sequel to Slave Girl. Like that story I am bringing it over here from my Patreon. And like that story it will eventually make it's way here in its entirety, assuming I can finish it. If you simply have to read ahead feel free to join us on Patreon. *** Home. It is a word with many meanings and one I had been thinking a lot about recently. Was home the farm I grew up on? The familiar fields and faces of my youth, the embrace of my mother and the mouth-watering aroma of her stew bubbling on the...

2 years ago
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Milas Dare

Friday morning. The store was quiet. A couple of people looking at kitchens. Furniture deserted. I was busy in beds, plumping the pillows when I heard a gentle cough.“Can I help you?”“I’m looking for a bed," she replied. “Queen size. Brass frame. For me and my boyfriend.”I smiled at this unnecessary detail, but she did seem rather young to be shopping for furniture. She had a pretty face with large dark eyes, but her long brown hair was untidy, as if she had just woken up.“Come this way,” I...

1 year ago
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Sex after the Storm

We’re still shouting, it makes my heart hurt. And then, BANG the door slams shut. In the corridor, I’m suddenly alone. The walls reverberate with nothingness. And my tears chose to fall. Great racking sobs. For the love that we’d had, that I shattered, for my big mouth, for your sharp retorts and the shreds of our relationship that are left in this sullen silence, made all the more conspicuous by your absence. I picture you, striding towards nowhere. Your docs hitting the pavement in a steady...

4 years ago
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The Program Chapter 1

If you were to see me walking with my family and friends, you might think that my life was wonderful. The life of what is known unofficially in this country as a Government Princess. More beautiful clothes and accessories then you could shake a handbag at, my monthly pocket money has increased tenfold from what it used to be, a father who loves me, although the same is not true with my so called mother who put me in this position. If you saw me, you would probably think that I was a...

4 years ago
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Culture Shock 1823

Elaine grabbed Kendra's arm before they entered the clinic. She looked around before hissing, "I thought we were going to see an Ob-Gyn..."Kendra shook Elaine's grip. "I've seen an Ob-Gyn. This is the doctor. You know, The Doctor. I'm getting rid of it. Jeez, Elaine. What did you think I needed? My hand held in the waiting room?"Elaine's eyes narrowed. "You could've just been honest.""This is my decision. I don't need anyone else telling me what to do.""Jesus, Kendra. I agree with you. It's...

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Willingly KidnappedVersion 2

"My dear fans, this will be my last post ever. I've decided to follow my fantasies in real life. I've found someone willing to help me carry them out. I'm already committed, I've sent him my personal information which he'll use to find me and there is no way for me to call it off. Soon, I don't know when exactly he'll find me, kidnap me, rape me, and murder me. Farewell to you all..." Well, turns out this was not her last post. This one is. She gave me the password and such so I can...

1 year ago
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How I fucked My Brother 8211 Part III

Six months after Raj moved in we got a call from Mom. Yeah my step mom whom my dad married 10 years back. She is very loving, caring and nyc as she was my mother’s sister. We brothers used to address her as mom. The day was a sweltering hot one in July, which was uncharacteristic enough of Delhi to warrant a heat-wave warning. With no air conditioning in our flat, we were hot, sweaty, and wanting to get naked. So we did. And once the clothes came off, it was just me and two-hundred pounds of...

Gay Male
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My Dirty Little Secret 2

My Dirty Little Secret (2) The problem with making out with your straight friend while he’s piss-drunk and you’re tipsy is that you will remember it. This might cause you to evoke some feelings about him inside, but I quickly shot down these feelings because I knew they weren’t going to get me anywhere. The morning after, a surprised Alan called me, waking me up from my fitful slumber. “Dude, where are you?” he said when I picked up the phone. “I walked back home,” I replied...

2 years ago
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The Road to Chrissie

Who would ever have thought that something as simple as a domestic apron could lead to so many changes in a marriage. It had been the last thing on my mind that evening 12 months ago when I'd asked Chris to help me in the kitchen. We'd entertained two other couples to dinner and now they'd left, all that remained was the huge pile of washing up and cleaning up. When Chris declined saying he was wearing one of his best shirts I'd tied him into one of my aprons. Well it was more a pinafore...

3 years ago
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Jessicas Excitement in Paradise

Jessica’s Excitement in Paradise It had been 2 weeks since Jessica and her parents had checked into the luxury hotel isolated on an island in the South Pacific. Initially it had been exiting seeing the glassy blue water, lush green rainforest and white gold sands and exploring the hotel. But as it stood now she was bored. They were amongst only a few guests staying at the hotel with it being a new eco-resort it was yet to be put on the map and could currently only house four or five parties in...

1 year ago
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Becoming Daddys Good GirlChapter 8 Good Girlrsquos Naughty Task

I wanted to scream and shout and moan as loud as I could as Daddy rammed his huge cock into my fourteen-year-old cunt. He had me pinned against the shower wall, the spray crashing into his back, a steamy mist wafting over me as I humped and wiggled and enjoyed every second of his dick slamming into my underage depths. My daddy fucked me. I was his good girl. His sex slave. My choker lay on the bathroom counter. The only time I could take it off was in the shower. He gave it to me Saturday...

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