The Submissive Side of Lust Part 6
- 3 years ago
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The entire earth seemed to be watching these pictures, because they were shown live. First I had to get many commentators educated on what they were going to say without sounding like fools when future generations looked at the records. For the most part, I just wanted to minimize confusion and give the people the straight dope.
This was the first spacecraft to leave earth and land on another body and the first to photograph the backside of the moon, never seen before.
The world was ecstatic with joy at this achievement. I used this to talk of all the international cooperation I had got to pull this feat off. Some people wanted to keep the cold war as warm as possible, while I wanted to keep the people of the world alive.
I spoke in different languages and the various recordings were sent through satellite to the countries behind the iron curtain. I knew that all the hype about war and a need for defence had raised people's anxieties. From my research after the broadcast it was obvious that most of the earth felt better when we all worked together for a common goal.
Another double launch with our Apollo units brought two large capsules into orbit. Over worldwide television we linked these two craft. Massive sails unfurled. They would provide electrical power for the craft, with a safety margin for portions being destroyed by debris and micrometeorites.
Many of my favours had been used up but I thought it was in a good cause. The West and the East had agreed previously to the cooperative projects like our moon probe. Hopefully, if this worked, the money and effort I put into this project would be worthwhile. Newspapers now talked of new cooperative efforts being planned. Old die-hard communist haters were again frothing at the mouth but my name seemed to help. It was explained that this was a safer way of continuing the cold war by bleeding them of money that otherwise could go to armies.
After the successful mating everybody was slapping each other on the back. I listed all the companies and countries that had a hand in building this. Even enemies didn't seem to mind much when the other side extolled their accomplishments while depreciating what others had done. These were basically put up with just my money. This was going to be a marriage of convenience between the government and the private sector.
I wanted to get the common person more involved in this than just watching from the distance. Remotely controlled cameras were steered into position from a dozen points on earth. Each happened to be at an elementary or high school. Every country with some stake in this new experiment was allowed to try their hand. When the trucks carrying the telemetry gear were in transit, the scientists were able to monitor insects, small animals and seeds growing in weightless conditions from their labs.
The United States launched one of their own capsules and the world saw how this new facet was integrated to the dual units already in orbit. From my original two it was fascinating to have some external cameras see the slowly moving mass of aluminum alloy, with a large American flag, dock. I hoped this symbolic mating would mean that the others would pull as hard as I was doing.
In following weeks, the Russian contribution came, then the British and the French. The latter two made their own units but paid me, or the United States, to launch them. I had been very shocked to find three years ago that Canada wanted to contribute. Its capsule was the largest, mainly because I had installed many extra tools on it; especially the long arm for the bay that would be used to service spacecraft. Canadian schools now went wild, cheering on our Union Jack, because our maple leaf flag had not been even thought of, yet.
I had cajoled Japan and West Germany to make their contribution, along with three others that were cooperative efforts of many smaller countries.
From children to adults, everybody from many countries were now very proud to see their nations' flags and symbols as they were added to a whole much greater than its parts. I tried to make it affordable to even the smallest countries but many still refused. Money was still available to purchase weapons to take on an equally poor neighbour, though.
Some in the West were angry at accepting the Russian contributions as well as those of their old Axis enemies. Some of it was cold war paranoia along with the wish to bleed Russia till it finally capitulated. Another part was that they saw their old enemies up to the same level of prosperity that they were, even if it was a sham.
In a way I was really bleeding Russia, too, for they were not making much money from this endeavour but it cost them a lot. I thought it a much better way to eventually bring the East back into the fold. They would come in with their heads held high and with the respect of the rest of the world.
There were only seventeen GPS satellites in orbit but now the military and everybody else could use our hand units. When the remainder were launched, then more areas would be covered.
Many companies sold GPS ground units but the parts all came from plants I had a share in.
The old colonies, like Vietnam, were growing restless and they were agitating for independence. It seemed to be just a movement, because it was good to get assistance from a large mother country in time of need. Like children, though, many needed to fledge. Some countries must have been monitoring Vietnam, for they did not jump on the independence bandwagon like they had before. Most of the colonies of the major nations, in that other time, had gained independence at this time.
France was watching Vietnam very closely and at the moment Vietnam was prospering under its preferred trade status and the lack of major corruption. It seemed that even some French nationals had met a gristly end and the Vietnamese found that nobody was above the law. The French, though, had to be pushed into this action, because the people involved had some influence with the French government.
France exploded its first atomic bomb and joined the atomic club, as I had predicted. The U-2s that had been shot down in the previous time had now been avoided. The spy satellites and my twisting of military ears as to the capabilities of some of the Russian missiles prevented the loss. My warning was not completely unheeded and the missile in question had missed the plane because it was at its maximum altitude.
Nikita Khrushchev was still pissed off, especially since his country was cooperating with the US and other countries on this project. The falsehoods and outright deceit still propagated by western and Soviet powers had always made me laugh, even up to the time I had been sent back to this time. Every country claimed that their planes were outside the other's territory when attacked. The truth was that a small-scale open war was always happening, with planes shot down and ships sunk or captured. Many times, commercial planes were used as pawns in this international game of prestige.
All that the average citizen ever heard was that some soldiers died or some bad country hurt another country. Usually, this was while they were going into a quiet field to pick wildflowers for their mothers. The hypocrisy was just too much to talk about. Then again, voters regularly reelected the very thieves and liars who had been in the news only a while before. When a plane full of vacationers was shot down it made the killer's country look bad but it also tested the boundaries that a country was ready to defend.
Russia was still cooperating, though, especially with me. The late April launch of cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin did not take place. They were busily doing some work on construction for the multinational habitat high above the earth. This was part of the deal, so that they would give the other countries a chance to participate.
Laura gave me a daughter and six months later Seiko did the same. Sonia was eight months pregnant and arguing with me about my latest exploit.
"You can't do this, Alex. It is much too dangerous. Even if you don't think of your family, think of all the people that are depending on you."
I tried to hold the woman but she was having none of this. I said, "This is what I was aiming for the last decade."
"You have been the first in so many things. Why must you do this? Send somebody else. There are more than enough volunteers."
"I know that, love. The trip has some element of risk but it is being very strenuously tested. I don't want to take a chance with my own life. My purpose, as I said many times before, is to lead and to keep a major war from breaking out. My way will make many countries cooperate for the first time since the Second World War. If I do not go, they will not follow. If they do not follow, then the human race will have an even less chance of survival."
My other wives sided with Sonia in this but I stuck to my guns. It was hard to fight them when three were carrying my children in their arms and one in her womb.
In May I worked between my wife's legs and brought my fourth child into the world. My newest son had a very good set of lungs. Joseph even looked a bit like his maternal grandfather. It was nice to have four adults who were not afraid to baby-sit and help the mothers out.
On June 20 1961 I was strapped down in my seat on top of the largest rocket yet built. The fabrication had taken years and much of it was done on my say-so alone. I didn't want to wait decades till the math, experimental flights and conditions could be proven. Earlier launches with unmanned loads indicated that it was fairly safe. I hoped it so safe that I did not even wear a heavy, cumbersome spacesuit. I was dressed in casual-looking clothes that happened to be the uniform used by my company. Nobody knew it but I had stolen shamelessly from the future Star Trek series for uniform ideas.
We did not have the height, weight or thrust of the one in my old time but we had enough to do this a piece at a time: send three separate modules into orbit and combine them into the spaceship to fly to he moon. We were just shy of three hundred feet high and only weighed in a four and a half million pounds.
Part of the improvements was accomplished by lightweight alloy and carbon fibre matrix around otherwise weak tanks. Its size, though, was just a brute force method to get this much mass into orbit. The hydraulics used the kerosene fuel itself to reduce weight. Hatches were made as large as possible to facilitate movement with our large suits.
The leaders of many countries wanted me to send another in my place. I was truthful in what I said to my wives but I also wanted to get into space. I had never done so before and this was really breaking new ground. I just hoped my ego did not weigh me down or lead to my death.
The Service Module was 5.3 metres in diameter, 7.9 metres long and containing the propulsion system for mid-course corrections, retrofire to achieve lunar orbit and thrust to return from lunar orbit into Earth trajectory. It was also our main transmitter for communicating with earth. This time, there would be many colour cameras giving the viewers scenes that even my old time had never seen. Its weight in my case was the heaviest of the three at 42,000 pounds. If I was going to go some place, I wanted to go in style and comfort.
It was the heavy Service Module that I was attempting to ride to orbit with. My idea was to be the first man into orbit and used the need to be a backup to the computer to justify this.
The Command Module was the spacecraft's control centre and housed the crew of possibly five astronauts. It was conical in shape, 4.9 metres high and 5.3 metres in diameter and weighed more than 17,000 pounds. This was much larger than the Apollo missions in weight and size. It would be launched independently and arrive with astronauts and more supplies.
The landing module was 6.9 metres high and 5.3 metres in diameter and weighed in at 45,000 pounds. This included our lunar excursion vehicle. It would arrive on a third launch vehicle and bring with it supplies for the international habitat. The weight was much greater than the first because we had many more experiments to run and planned to stay long enough to carry them out.
The world was now watching me with one eye, while the other was watching the other two rockets that would launch in as little as one day. My family was near the launch site reserved for guests.
Yuri bitched a bit about being so far away from the launch pad the same as Aron had previously. I just smiled when I told him to wait. Mom and dad were very proud and had known about this for years. Grandma and grandpa were the same but seemed to be more conservative and wanted to know why anybody needed to go into space.
The day before I was hustled off and went through some tests I thought appropriate. I had kissed my wives and children one more time. I just hoped it would not be the last.
The launch was hard and stressful. For a while, I had four and a half gravities on me and then it went to one more before cutting back. There were many cameras on me and many times more information was transmitted to our control than had happened in my time. When the rocket went through an area of the atmosphere that didn't allow transmission, the data was stored for later transmission.
Long minutes later I saw the blackness of night through the porthole. It was like being in a high altitude spy plane. This time though, I knew I had just started the voyage.
After a very brief moment of weightlessness I was propelled back into my seat by more acceleration. My mind was not able to keep too much track of my sensations for I was following the programmed course waiting to take over if needed. I just hoped that it wasn't.
The third stage fired for just a few minutes and shut off exactly as it was supposed to do. I now had to coast till it was time to fire the rockets one more time to straighten my orbit out.
The messages started to pour in and I knew that the television cameras must have been feeding the monitors on earth, again. I acknowledged the messages and gave my own opinion on my status. It was not likely at this point that I would quit even if I had a broken leg.
Heads of state called me to give their own congratulations. This must have been a problem, for I was given the calls one after the other and everybody was polite. It was a sure bet that the leaders voice was heard in his home country along with his picture superimposed on one corner of the screen. Politicians could usually score points, no matter what was happening.
The family came on after we made the course manoeuvre to stabilise the orbit. I held the firing button in my left hand ready to engage if it did not come in time. Again, the rocket and the computer performed faultlessly and shut off.
Dad talked first and after half of the small speech in English he lapsed into Polish, which I replied to in the same language, then told the people in English what had been said. A prompter would translate the words into other languages anyway.
Mom, then Grandpa then Grandma came on and said a few words. Before the wives came on, Aron, Mineko and Yuri talked to me individually. This time, for the foreign listeners, I spoke in Russian or Japanese. Part of this had been rehearsed and in a way I tried to bind East and West just a bit more.
The wives finally used the mic and joked a bit and said they loved me. The whole world knew that they were my wives but the term had never been used. 'Mates' was the term I preferred and what was most used. Various religious groups were always angry with me, especially when I started to have children.
Ingrid Bergman's illegitimate child had angered many in 1950 but my four children in 1961 were even more controversial. Nobody, except a deluded one, would think that I would not watch out for my family. They had seen how I worked hard to bring about some social changes and strengthened the family as much as I could.
I didn't get to finish talking before the retrofire started and I lined up the sights and did what I could while still talking. As the two large masses came closer a small probe with some Styrofoam on the end touched first. A spark was not seen but I knew that all ships had shared the surplus electrons. Finally the ships clanged and then again as they locked. I said to Helen, "There, it looks like I am docked." Even though everybody could see better than me because of the multitude of cameras, I said, "It is so beautiful here. The stars are bright, just like your eyes but they do not even twinkle like yours do." Helen said nothing with the entire world looking on. I continued, "I can see deep shadows and bright surfaces with no in-between."
I had an evil thought and called openly to Fidel Castro who had not talked to me yet. "Hello, Fidel, are you there?"
He came on quickly enough and said, "I am here, Alex. Are you looking for that bottle of rum I promised you?"
"No, no, Fidel, I want your legal opinion."
"What is it you would like?"
"What would the nationality of my next children be, if my mates came up here with me and stayed for a bit over nine months?"
I heard gasps from the other lines and Fidel said, after he stopped chuckling, "I will have to work on that. You are now part of an international space station with the flags of many nations. At a guess I think they would have to have the nationality of all those nations. Quite a passport they would have to have, unless the United Nations starts issuing their own. I suppose that Hugh Hefner will want to interview you again to find out the mechanics."
"Quite possible but I will draw the line in this case. People will have to come up here to find out for themselves."
This more than anything else shocked the world. Many children still were not given any information about procreation. Some of my books had covered the subject but were only geared for certain ages. The Moslems felt it was ok to have four wives but I had not officially married mine. They were also very strict and kept the dark secret of sex away from their young as strongly as the Christians did.
This would stir up some major controversy on earth but they would still listen to me because I relayed information that nobody had known about or seen before.
When everything was in safe mode, I checked the conditions on the other side of the double hatch. I was not running off my batteries, for the solar panels on the station were supplying more than enough power. I broke open the hatch after bleeding a small amount of air between the station and the Service Module hatches. From independent sensors I knew what I was going to find on the other side.
I opened a small valve and equalized the pressure and soon I climbed into the central hub of the station. The first two portions had been first launched almost a year ago. The air was good, with the scent of living things and a comfortable amount of humidity. There had been no space walks to admit fungus but a small experiment that took samples like a sea anemone did something similar. The digestion, though, showed that some things were now growing from a sterile environment. Some fundamentalists thought this was just a mistake and discounted it out of hand. Others concurred with me that fungus might be in every gravity well.
I checked the fuel cell I was very proud of. It was even better than what I had used in our satellites launched in 2004. This is what was actually going to power our experiments in welding components in zero g and a vacuum. The vacuum had been tried on earth and now we wanted to use it to construct a future home for humanity.
One large experiment should have stunk but had been kept sealed. Mice had been put into a secured area and allowed to multiply without hindrance. Food was grown in the large bottle and more was introduced from time to time. The mouse population grew so large that they ate all the food and then reverted to cannibalism. This experiment had been done on earth but this way a billion people might see what had happened and draw parallels to humanity's growth.
One lone mouse lived on sprouts that had not all been eaten by his now dead brethren. I would be very surprised if this one were able to make it through the difficult times facing it. In a way I was proud of it for being such a survivor. When this one died, there would be no progeny to continue. China, in my old life, passed a law limiting one child to a family. India had no such backbone to pass a similar law. In this life I wanted the laws passed but I might already have done things that would make the population crisis come much sooner.
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by Quiver Part 2: Truth or Dare Author's Note & Disclaimer: This is a sequel to my true story “Necesito Acabar”: My Wet Hot Mexican Spring Break. However, the events of this sequel and any subsequent chapters are now fully in the realm of fiction, despite the fact that they follow the events in the original in-universe. As usual, this story contains graphic depictions of sexual activity and is intended to be read only by adults of legal age in legal contexts. All characters depicted in...
I am 19, but when i was 13, my mother caught masturbating, but iassured her i was inspecting myself. She was still upset and hauledme off to the local medical clinic to get a lecture on "sexualpractices" from our GP.When we arrived my mother made me go and ask the nurse at reception,but it turned out that our GP wasn't working that day (it was asunday). The only other doctors on duty were an andrologist, achristian brother in charge of family planning, a spannish speakingGP, a dentist and an...
The thoughts that ran though my head were sinful, the ways I touched myself over him would not be forgiven, deep pleasure that couldnt be satisfied without his touch. I knew I couldnt, I shouldnt but that didnt stop my mind from thinking it, I wanted to feel mortal pleasure in the hands of a man. More than anything I have ever wanted or needed before. I didnt understand the emotions that flowed thought my head, lust was not an emotion angels were meant to feel. But here I was this is what I...
The fall was a blur. Between school, my business, and the women in my life, I was constantly busy. At least I remembered to buy Christmas presents this year. Rather than wait until the last minute, I picked them up whenever I saw something I thought they would appreciate. Two days after Christmas, Janice called me into the study. Her grin told me it couldn’t be bad news. “You need to make a business decision in the next couple of days. Your business will make a one hundred ninety thousand...
Ryan McLane is interviewing his buddy’s smoking hot girlfriend Brenna Sparks for a job. He likes what he’s seeing on her resume and her experience is perfect for the job, but another employee Susan is due for a promotion. It wouldn’t be right to give Brenna the job and make Susan report to her. Unless Brenna can demonstrate skills that will blow him away, he won’t be able to give her the job. Brenna chirps that her exceptional skill is giving great massages. She...
xmoviesforyouI awoke with the sun in my eyes, and discovered that I was sitting in the car wearing the seatbelt. I thought to myself, 'Oh, thank God. It was all a dream, ' but then I realized that the windshield was missing and the car was severely damaged. I could see a busy highway about a hundred feet in front of us, but we were still on the side road. I became aware that I was sitting on the passenger side of the front seat about the same time that I heard a man scream. I turned towards the source...
We got to our room and my dad opened the door. As soon as it was open my dad pushed me into the room where I was instantly grabbed by two naked men. They grabbed me by my arms as my dad shut the door. Then my dad said to them, "Go on, have your way with Megan." They pulled me towards the bed as my dad sat down in chair next to a table in the room. "You guys fuck my daughter while I sit here and watch." I was still a bit startled by all of this so I was still struggling a bit as I...
Shit, no, she wasn’t. “Hi darling, are you ready for our evening of fun,” came Sally’s voice from the conference call speaker set that Zoe had attached to my laptop. Obviously, a purchase from earlier. She’d positioned the MacBook, so the camera covered the bed. Sally and Mila had set theirs up to cover the bed at Mila’s flat. They were sitting on the bed dressed only in their panties. Zoe was sat on our bed dressed in only her panties, and she’d stripped me down to my boxers. “Are we...
The next morning, sexually sated for the first time in days after getting stuffed with cock at the club the night before, Amy was sitting on the couch absentmindedly playing with her jiggly new C-cups when they began to remind her of their ever-present need for another splash of the bimbo potion. As tempting as it would be to indulge them, to allow the drug to trigger their sensuous swelling once again, Amy obviously wasn't going to turn herself into even more of a bimbo just to experience it....
Mind ControlHi readers. Hope you enjoyed my the first part of the foreplay affair that I had with my sister for about 4 years and how I got my luck succeeding to get my sister in bed. Sorry for the mistakes in my narration, I am new to writing things. If you have not read my first part, please go back to Incest Tale – Part 1. Coming to the story, this would be a bit longer one. So please have some patience to go through my first virgin sex affair. After I reached home, we had a cake cutting for me arranged...
IncestProfile of Love2bused Chapter Three To say I got my throat hammered all through the rest of the week would be an understatement. My camera team did their best to get me ready for deep throating cock like it was my second nature to have big cocks shoved down my throat. Even Harold volunteered to come back and help me after Monday. Of course I understood they were getting to receive a bunch of great blow jobs but, that...
Hello Readers of ISS i am waseem here again with a new exciting story to share with you all, as you know i live in hyderabad i am 29 years old, i have a seprate flat for fem looking for real sex, can email me on . ye meri ek dum nayee kahaani hai jo kuch din pehle jab mai dostoon ke sath ghoom ne ke liye City Centre gaya tha wahan kuch ladies families ke sath aaye hui thi wo 5 ladies thi jin me kuch chote bache the aur 5 choon married the, hum log jab McD per gai kuch khaan eke liye to wo log...
I was with my boyfriend Damien at the canteen when you came and sat at our table with us. You were beautiful, and your smile added more beauty and sunshine to your face. We became close friends.Though I fully trusted Damien, I knew he had eyes for many beautiful girls at the university and had a checkered past at the university. He had several girlfriends that I knew about and I am sure some I did not.As Damien completed his studies found employment, our love was blossoming. You and I became...
Love StoriesThe young lady is coy and quite introverted. She was called in to do one of her first jobs as an In-home nurse. “Yes mam” she told the supervising nurse through a phone call as she nodded her head. “Yes mam, I understand” this 26 year old quiet and quite bashful long haired but curvaceous girl added. “I can be there in about thirty minutes.” “That’s great. You know where the address is” the supervisor said. Olivia said she did. “That’s great. And listen up” she went on to tell Olivia. “This man...
The girls were too involved in the movie to noticed Claudia enter the room. The sound effects of the actors gave away the theme of the movie. She turned to look at the giant screen to see three naked adults. A man was fucking a full-breasted woman doggy style, while she was sucking on another guy’s cock. “Well, this certainly is a different version of a chick flick!” She interrupted, startling them. “Mom!” Allison shrieked. Several hands quickly came from inside bikini bottoms. Claudia...
Hi, all my kinky fellows out there. I am back with yet another gangbang story that happened to me while I was accidentally trapped in a boys college during its summer vacations. You can read . The scenario took place in a reputed boys college in southern India. It was the month of June and vacations were going on in most of the colleges, I didn’t stay in the hostel and was unaware of the fact. I accidentally went inside the college. I was roaming around enjoying the scenic beauty when I was...
Gay MaleI walked in to a adult book store where I was heading for the glory hole in the back I have been there be for and know its safe.. I walked to the tooth I normally take and found it locked and some one was in there. So I walked to the one that had the x on the door wonder why did not hit me yet. I closed the door and popped my 20 bucks in the player and pulled my pants off I did not want cum or lube to be on them and hung them on the door. I picked anal blowjobs for the movie and lubed my self...
She MalesMy baby Carolyn has been back in my life these past few months but each time she's visited her family her hubby has been with her so our fucking time has been short and limited .A month ago she told me she was coming down for a week to help plan her daughter's wedding and that her hubby was staying home.She told me that with everyone coming into town that she'd have to stay in a motel which is exactly as she had planned. I told her I'd book the room for her near my work so travel time to her...
Hi dear mera naam ajay hai , aaj mai aap logo ko ek sach ghatna batane jaa raha hun . Mere ghar me mummy papa or bhaiya bhabi rahte hai, didi bhi unke sasural me rahti hai . Hum sab kanpur ke ek chote ganv me rahte hai . Papa ki umra 52 sal hai or unka khud ka business hai , bhaiya bhi papa ka business sambhal te hai.Bhaiya ki sadi 5sal pahle hui thi . Or didi ki 3sal pahle. Mummy ki umra 48 sal hai or bo ek sati savitri housewife hai . Ye kahani or kisi ki nhi meri mummy ki hi hai jo ek...
Fiona’s diary: It had been a great weekend, in spite of everything. True, it hadn’t gone quite according to plan, but I could see that Amanda was definitely interested in me, and her personality made her deliciously sweet and compliant. She glowed with my approval and yearned to please me, which was just how I liked my pets. She also seemed to like my feet, though it may have only been her sense of inferiority and her desire to serve me which made her act that way. It was enough, though: I...
Have you ever took a second and thought about how you met the one you love? Or maybe wondered how many other? It was early February 8th that was the day we officially met. I was at my apartment have a girls night with my girl Nicole we were doing the typical slumber party girl night thing like hair, makeup, music, drugs, and the occasional talk about men and there bullshit that we females tend to put up with. Nicole was having problems with her kind of sort of boyfriend Trent. Trent and I had...
Group SexSo the Army sat and waited. It waited for some word or sign that General Clinton was coming closer. Instead what it got was signs that Fall was here in all its splendor. The leaves turned bright yellows and reds and the nights were cooler. It also meant winter was coming with all the horrors it would bring if this Army were forced to winter where it was. There were other signs. Signs that the American Army was growing in size and strength. Across the Hudson bands of men could be seen gathering...
I had always been a closet cross dresser. For as long as I could remember I would sneak into my mom and sister's room when they weren't home and try on their clothes, make-up and jewelry. I would pretend I was woman, trying on different clothes and living my life as if I had been born a woman. I guess this is what made me susceptible to the disease in a way. My name is Jack Levitt and I attend community college. I am straight but just liked the idea of being a woman. It turned me on I...
I didn’t know what the hell I was doing there. Well I knew what I was doing. I was there buying condoms and lubrication. I didn’t know why I was doing it. Why was I going along with Mr. Dante’s plan of revenge? His revenge was directed at Victoria. She was the little bitch that tried to cause me to rape Mr. Dante’s daughter. She and I would play these little role playing games. That particular day she gave me instructions that lead me into a dark room and I fucked a girl that I thought was...
My legs open, pussy soaked, my bruised nipple out, I look up and your eyes are glued to my pussy. You lick my lips... I smile. "Are you going to come in and join me?" I ask winking.Your chuckle ends with a groan as you watch me dip a finger into my pussy and lick it. My eyes close enjoying the taste. You come up to the couch and kneel in front of my open legs. You grab my stocking covered leg kissing up my thigh. Spreading my legs even more you rub your face in my pussy. i moan as i feel...
I woke up the next morning still inside her. My head swam. For a moment, I didn’t know who I was or what happened, and I didn’t fucking care as long as I could stay with this beautiful woman forever. It was her, the woman of my dream, Hearts. Hearts was a tall, slender Asian dream with great legs, perky breasts, tight ass and pussy, and fucked like a machine. I had assumed and dreamed all of that for months, but last night, I had seen and experienced it. I spurred a bet with her husband that...
I was tired next day or perhaps ‘shagged out’ was more to the point. It had been a long time since I had someone sharing my bed during the week. It was much less exhausting having someone stay over the weekend when there was no need to get up early. Sunita woke me for sex in the early hours and then woke me again at six o’clock for sex once more before getting up for work. She made me breakfast as I shaved and showered and then helped prepare my lunch. I left her soon after with the promise of...
CuckoldIt was date night, my girlfriend and I were supposed to have dinner at a truly classy spot in Bangalore as it was our 1st anniversary. I dressed up in a white shirt and a black trouser. A pure white canvas shoe to go with, a neat shave, 1st button left open, some perfume nd I’m on my way. On my way, I stop and buy a bouquet for my Queen. To boot with, I had also bought a gorgeous pair of earrings for her. Upon reaching the place, I noticed it was a well lit, open top place. A breathtaking view...
PART 2======Monday morning. I got out of the shower still amazed at the different feel and look of my smooth body. Karen was sat at her dressing table blow-drying her hair in her undies."Wow! You look great love! Neil's in for a treat!" I grinned, feeling my cock begin to rise. She had on a midnight blue silk and lace underwear set! Her big full DD breasts barely perched in the half cups! It only just covered her plums cherry nipples. Her bum filled the high leg brief panties and six suspenders...