A Well Lived Life 2 Book 2 StephieChapter 42 Sparring
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I sat slouched at my school desk. It was almost the end of the day and it couldn't come soon enough.
Tiffany stood up front talking to the class. I liked Tiffany. In fact, she was my best friend, but I couldn't care less about her topic. Worst yet, I already was in two other classes with Tiffany, so I already heard her speech twice today.
"So where is this class?" asked Mr. Ellis, our math teacher, to make sure the students heard it.
"Right here at the school gym," answered Tiffany.
"And when?"
"Nine o'clock on Saturday."
"Great. Thank you, Tiffany," said Mr. Ellis. "I hope everyone takes advantage of this. It's good to learn a few basic self-defense techniques."
The school bell rang. At last! I was free!
I was out of the classroom quickly. I waited for Tiffany. She always took longer. Girls were always the last ones out. Yak, yak, yak!
Tiffany and I walked side-by-side on the sidewalk as we headed away from school. We never talked much on the walk until we reached Juniper Park. Juniper Street was our splitting point. Tiffany lived five minutes walking distance west on Juniper while I lived ten minutes to the east. We headed for the concrete table and benches that we always sat at. We tossed our backpacks on the top and sat on opposite sides.
"Did you see Julia today?" immediately asked Tiffany. She brushed a brunette tress out of her eyes. She was always doing that. She should just wear a headband.
"Uh-huh," I replied.
"She was hanging all over Matt. I thought she was going to go down on him right there!"
I laughed then thought about the image of Julia going down on Matt but quickly changed it to the thought of Julia going down on me. I smiled.
"Matt's cute," continued Tiffany, "but show a little restraint. You don't have to have his baby before the first date."
"You want to have his baby?" I teased.
"No!" she said sternly. "You know what I mean."
"I only know what you said."
"Stop it, Josh! It's not funny. Matt is nice, but I'm not interested in him."
"Would you go out with him if he asked you?"
"No," she said, but she paused first like she did last week when I asked the same question. I think she liked him a little but didn't want to admit it.
"Julia's just a sophomore like we are," I said. "You said Matt doesn't notice a girl unless she's at least a junior."
Tiffany glared at me. She so didn't want to talk about Matt right now. Hey, she brought it up!
"So how did you do on the history test?" I asked, changing the subject and letting her off the hook.
"I got a B."
"So did I."
"Are you going to the self-defense class?" she asked.
"Why not?"
"It's for girls," I said.
"No, it's not. Everybody needs to know a little self-defense."
"I don't need it." I was a guy. What could happen? I didn't need to fend off jerks like girls did.
She wrinkled her face disapprovingly.
"So why do you spend so much time looking at Matt?" I asked to put the conversation back on her and off of me.
"I don't!" she protested.
"You sure seem to notice everything he does."
"How could someone not notice today?"
I laughed. I had her riled up again.
"You're so mean," she said.
"It's a self-defense technique," I joked.
"I see Matt's available," I teased at the park. It was two days later.
"So you're watching Matt now?" she shot back.
Not taking the bait I replied, "So you finally admit that you watch Matt."
"I'm just wondering why you..."
"Hey!" said a male voice from behind me. "Can you spare some change?"
I looked back. It was a bum. The park didn't have too many problems but there was the occasional beggar.
"No," I said and faced Tiffany again.
"Come on. Help me out!" he insisted.
"I don't have anything," I said.
"You kids always have something."
"I don't."
"Come on."
He touched my shoulder, so I stood and faced him.
"You rich kids always have money," he said.
"Leave us alone," I said firmly.
"You know what it will take to get me to leave," he said putting his dirty palm out.
Tiffany came around the table and said, "Just go away."
"Can't you show a human being some kindness?" he said now trying to draw sympathy.
"Not to you!" I said.
"What?" he said becoming indignant. "I'm not good enough?"
He gave me a shove.
"Hey!" I protested.
"Give me some fucking money!" he said angrily.
"No!" I said resolutely. There was absolutely no way I would consider giving him money now.
The man charged. We grappled with each other. I desperately tried to fend him off. He was strong.
"Ow!" I cried out when his fist hit my jaw.
The man suddenly stopped. He was on the ground and his nose was bloody. Tiffany stood above him.
"Just go!" she commanded.
The man scrambled away and ran off.
"Are you okay?" Tiffany asked turning toward me.
"Did you knock him down?" I asked.
"Sure," she said shrugging. She looked at my hand which was rubbing my jaw. "Did he hurt you?"
"It was just a lucky punch," I joked. However it did hurt pretty bad.
"I'll walk home with you and we'll put some ice on it," she said.
"I know how to put ice on it," I replied annoyed. I didn't need Tiffany to fix me up. I was capable.
"Just trying to help," she mumbled. "Sorry for caring."
Unfortunately, a couple of students saw the incident as they walked home from school, so by fourth period of the next day the word had spread throughout the whole campus and I was getting teased.
"I heard a girl has to do your fighting for you," someone said.
"So is Tiffany your bodyguard?" said another.
It was a depressing day.
"What's wrong?" asked Tiffany at the park.
"Nothing," I muttered.
"Is it about yesterday?" she asked. "I heard some guys were teasing you."
"I can handle it. You don't have to beat them up for me."
"Should I have let that guy beat you up?"
"No," I said. "I don't know. Leave me alone."
"I know a few self-defense moves. Why don't you go to the class on Saturday? It will be helpful. If someone threatens you then you can stop him and if need be drop him to the ground."
"I don't know," I said quietly. I mulled the idea. Maybe it would help. "Okay."
"Great! I'll see you there."
I showed up at the school gym on Saturday. The wrestling mats covered the floor. I took my shoes off as instructed by the person at the registration table and claimed a spot in the middle back.
There were about 30 people here and it wasn't all girls. William was here, too. Yep, William and me, so not all girls.
As start time neared, there was no sign of Tiffany. I wanted her here. If we were taking the class together, it would look like we were both here to learn considering the incident that happened in the park. If I was alone then it would look like I was taking this class to try to eliminate my unfairly given wimp reputation.
When it was only a minute before start time, Tiffany still hadn't shown. A girl in a white martial arts uniform with a brown belt was lining up students in rows and columns. The small brunette was kind of pretty.
"Hi, Josh!" the girl said. She approached with a very friendly smile.
It was Tiffany! I didn't recognize her with her hair pulled back into a ponytail and with her dressed in the uniform.
"Hi," I said after recovering from my surprise.
"We'll start in a second."
"So you're not doing it with me?" I asked. I was quickly under that impression.
"I am but I'll be helping my sensei."
"Sensei?' I questioned.
"My teacher. Once you become a black belt then you can be a sensei."
"You're almost there," I commented.
"I still have a long way to go. I just got my brown belt a few months ago."
"Black belt is next," I encouraged.
"No" she corrected. "There are three levels of brown and three levels of red before I can test for black belt."
"Red is after brown?" I said confused. Brown was a lot closer in color to black.
Tiffany shrugged and said, "That's just the way it is. Talk to you later."
I stood at the position she placed me and watched her position the rest of the students. She brought William over and had him stand near me.
"You two can team up when we practice," she explained.
An adult man appeared wearing a similar uniform to Tiffany's but his uniform was black and he had a black belt. Tiffany bowed toward him then stood at the edge of the mats.
"Welcome," the man said enthusiastically. "I hope that after today you will feel more confident in your everyday situations. Today you will learn a few basic techniques to defend yourself in case of any incidents."
As the class progressed, the teacher would use Tiffany to demonstrate what to do. He would "attack" and Tiffany would do a counter move or vice versa where she would "attack" and he would counter. After each demonstration he had us try it on each other. I was teamed up with William as Tiffany planned. The teacher and Tiffany would walk around giving corrections and assistance.
Class was supposed to end at noon but it continued until 12:30.
"So how was it?" Tiffany asked me afterward.
"It was alright," I said.
"Did you learn something?"
"Sure," I said with a shrug. This morning was pretty cool and I learned a lot of good things, but I didn't want to admit it. "There were a couple of things that were helpful."
Tiffany smirked. "A couple of things?"
"Sure. Like some of the blocks."
Before I knew it, Tiffany's fist was against my chest. She didn't hit hard but it was so sudden that I was shocked.
"It takes a lot of practice before you get good," she said with a smile.
"Uh ... yeah."
"Do you want to walk home together? I have to help clean up first. If you have to go I understand."
"How can I help?"
I helped Tiffany drag the mats back into the storage room. I didn't realize they were so heavy. Tiffany was very thankful for my help.
On the walk home, I admitted, "I did like it. Those are pretty neat tricks."
"They aren't tricks. It takes time to get good at it like I said."
"I see," I said feeling discouraged.
"Do you want to come over to my house so you can practice more? We have a room just for practice. It has mats on the floor."
"Well..." I hedged.
"What? You can't learn from a girl?" she said gently teasing.
"I was just trying to remember if I had something I needed to do this afternoon," I lied. "But I don't have anything so I can come over."
"Oh," Tiffany said with relief. "Okay. Good. Sorry."
"No problem."
The room Tiffany mentioned was wall-to-wall mats. In the corner stood a kicking bag and a long fighting stick.
"Ready?" asked Tiffany.
"What?" I replied turning toward her.
She punched me firmly in the stomach.
"Oof!" I exhaled and grunted. It hurt. Not bad but it still hurt.
"You said you were ready," she said laughing.
Tiffany did things slowly to give me a chance to improve on my responses. I was amazed at how fluid she was with her hands and arms. She was very good. It made me feel like I didn't even know Tiffany.
"Do you want to come over to my place after school and practice your self-defense again?" Tiffany asked during lunch on Monday.
"I think I know it now," I said.
"You need to keep practicing until it's a reflex."
"I think I know enough."
"I can teach you other moves like how to attack or you can practice kicking the bag or I can teach you some basic kicks."
Tiffany seemed to really want me to go over to her house. I didn't have to be home right away so I said, "Okay."
"Great!" she said excitedly. "I won't take it easy on you this time."
"So I'm going to get my butt kicked by a girl," I joked.
"It's okay. I won't tell."
"You are a brown belt."
"And don't you forget it!"
We were alone in Tiffany's house. Both her parents worked and she was the youngest of three sisters. Tanya was off to college this year and Tara was a college senior.
"Here," she said handing me a padded vest.
The vest had a bull's-eye on the front which didn't appeal to me, but it would protect from a hard punch or a strong kick so that was a plus. Tiffany put on a second vest.
She motioned me to the middle of the room.
"When we spar we first bow to each other," she explained.
"Okay," I said bowing.
She didn't take her eyes off me as she bowed.
"Say 'Go' when you're ready," she instructed.
I stood up straight and waited a second in an attempt to take Tiffany by surprise.
"Go!" I said.
She went into some kind of fighting stance. I put my hands up to box. I planned to give her a few solid punches dead center on her vest's bull's eye but nothing too strong. I took a step forward and suddenly I was kicked in the side. I was so surprised that I was completely unprepared for a second kick that hit me dead center on my bull's eye. I became off-balanced and fell abruptly backwards onto my butt. As I sat up, Tiffany moved forward and stood over me.
She yelled out and her fist stopped inches from my face.
I was disconcerted by Tiffany's fury. It was controlled fury, but it was another part of her I never knew about. I wouldn't admit it, but she briefly intimidated me.
"Kill!" she said jovially and backed away.
I exhaled. I realized I had been holding my breath.
"Wow!" I said complimenting. I stood.
"Don't be afraid to hit me," Tiffany said.
"I'm not," I said.
"I let you have an opening but you didn't take it."
"Oh," I said. I wasn't sure what she meant.
"Again?" she asked.
We returned to the center of the room and faced each other.
"You can start it again," she said as we bowed.
"Go!" I said.
I didn't hesitate this time. I immediately rushed her. I was able to grab both her upper arms and tried to pull her down to the mat. She put her arms in-between my arms to attempt to break my hold, but I remembered that from the self-defense class. I moved closer and wrapped my arms around her back pulling her up against me. Sudden pressure to the back of my leg caused my stance to buckle. I started to fall but I didn't let go of her. I was determined to win this time no matter what it took. Within reason, of course.
With a thud and mutual hard exhales, we landed on the mat. I ended up on top of Tiffany. My hands hurt from the fall, but I was happy that I still had a firm hold on her.
I looked down into her eyes. I said softly while feeling very pleased, "Kill!"
Suddenly I was in the air. She had flipped me over and I landed roughly on my back. In a second, Tiffany sat on top of my stomach with her fist in my face.
"Kill!" she said gleefully.
"Yeah," I said with resignation putting my empty hands out.
My surrender was a fake. I grabbed her extended arm and pulled her down. I was going to wrap her up again, roll her to her back, and claim kill. That was my plan anyway. What happened was that our noses roughly collided.
"Ow!" said Tiffany.
I immediately let my arms fall to the ground. I didn't want to hurt Tiffany. The game was over.
"Are you okay?" I asked as she carefully rubbed her nose.
"Yeah, it just stings a little."
"Is it broken?"
"We didn't hit THAT hard," she replied. She continued to rub her nose. "It still hurts though."
"Maybe you should put some ice on it?" I said.
"On my nose?"
"Why not? What do you usually do when you get hurt?"
"I don't know. I guess my mom kisses it." She turned a little red in embarrassment.
"My mom still kisses my ow-ies," I admitted.
Tiffany laughed.
She had such a pretty smile, but what stunned me was that for the first time I noticed how beautiful her eyes were. They weren't exotic eyes like green or blue or even blue-green. They were only brown eyes, but this close up I could see the exact shade of brown and I didn't know there was such a shade of brown. It was amazing and I could honestly say her eyes were exotic. At least to me.
"What are you looking at?" she asked noticing my distant stare. I was unaware I was doing it.
"I..." I stammered. Impulsively, I lifted my head up and kissed her nose. "All better?"
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M. was just as surprised as me that W. had agreed to get together. Neither one of us thought it would actually happen since we started corresponding three months ago. But there we were at the local pub having drinks. The conversation flowed easily, much to my great relief. After an hour or so (and 3 drinks knocked back in quick succession) W. says, “Alright, let’s go.”The walk back to the house was quieter, as if we are all lost in our own thoughts. When we got inside and out of our coats...
From a young age I liked dressing up in womens lingerie and clothing.... as I got older I grew up over weight a little and more so the older I got..... by the time I was I was in my late teens I had nice size breasts....nice enough to fill a bra. So worked up the courage to buy some lingerie online and when I received it in the mail I was so excited. I couldn't wait to try everything on.... I had brought a white lace bra, matching panties and white suspenders and stockings.....I tried them...
I thought we were quite done with these, but it seems that my publishers, 'The Daily Heil Publications Corporation', have a different opinion. We batted it back and forth for a few days without reaching much of a conclusion so they sent a couple of their brown-shirted and heavy-booted 'representatives' around to pay me a visit. Well, after a completely unjustifiable trampling of my hyacinths and the crystal clear implication that they were going to go all Kristallnacht on my greenhouse, I...
TabooCh. 02: Gabriel Author’s Note: Sorry this took so long! Hopefully the next chapter won’t be as long in coming. Thank you for all the wonderful feedback, I’m so glad you guys like my story. Check my profile page for updates. As always, all comments are welcome. All characters are 18+ at the time of any sexual acts. Huge thanks to coloryourworld, azraeyl, and alwaysup4u2004 for their essential editing help. This chapter was written from Gabriel’s POV, and repeats some of the previous chapter,...
Author’s Note: So here we are, the last chapter. I’m sorry it took me more than a year to get this thing out, thanks for bearing with me. I’m planning on continuing the Ramirez family’s story, maybe even next, but I’ll wait until I’ve managed to write a fair amount before posting. Thanks to warrior_wolf and coloryourworld for editing for me, and another massive thanks to Tangledinyou for being there when I needed a friend. Also a huge thanks to everyone who’s read, reviewed and/or given...
I could barely believe this was happening; Kara’s incredible, perfect, alabaster body pressed to mine, the perspiration of our lovemaking drying on our skin.She had come to the house with the intent of studying for an exam with my assistance. That had lasted for a couple of hours, but the effects of being so close to each other had finally overwhelmed us both and we had kissed. The kiss had grown passionate until both of us were trembling and panting.Her notes forgotten, I had lifted her into...
If you recall, Hilda had arranged an anonymous sex session between my wife and I at her place. Neither my wife nor I knew the identity of the other party. My wife was made to wear a hood and warned not to speak, preventing her from knowing who she was fucking. As I studied her body, I felt she looked familiar, but hey, I fuck lots of women and had not fucked my wife for a while. Thus, the unfamiliarity.Hilda answered the phone with a giggle, "Well, hello Howard. Are you calling about...
SwingersIt was getting close to lunch and I was sitting in my 5 th hour class, Economics and Government, making a paper airplane in the back table. I was zoning off as she talked about the laws of Supply and Demand, as if I will ever need to know any of that bull crap. I looked around as I finished up the final touches of my airplane and noticed half the class was droopy eyed and zoning off as well. I would hate to teach Econ to a bunch of teenagers who don’t care, haha. I was about to throw the...
I am Rahul, I was working in a company in Bangalore, since it was a big company we had clients all over the world and to meet one such client I was on a business trip to Colombo, I look forward to such trips as usually on my trips I get to meet some very interesting people. I reached the airport and finished my security; I was looking around at the crowd eyeing many beautiful women, especially the air hostesses in their short skirts. I went over to the magazine sore and picked up a couple of...
Peter, Brandon, Colin and Monica were already in the pool by the time I arrived, but I didn't get in the water. I couldn't get in the water. Of course, that didn't stop Peter from trying to splash me. Lucky me, I can take a little water without juicing everything. I sat down on the pool chair and just started to read. That was when Peter decided to splash some more water at me. Ugh! I lowered my book and took off my sunglasses. "Hey, c'mon! You, quit it!" "Why don't you get in the...
From: DaChaz To: kinkyguy606 So I know that your profile says your only looking for women but if your striking out there what would you say to trying a BJ from me. I can be real discreet and I know the perfect place to meet. At first the idea disgusts me and I instantly close the message but the more I think about it the more I wonder what it would be like. I pass the time looking at porn and jacking off. After an hour I pull the message back up and write From: ...
Sue and Ben had been married for nearly two years. Add that to the years they had dated, and it seemed there was a reason that their sex life had grown stale. Nothing wrong with it, exactly. But it was very routine. They would get in bed and kiss goodnight, and two or three times a week the kiss would deepen, hands would begin roaming bodies, and intercourse would result. And it seemed about as lifeless as it sounds. Ben thought about that at work one day. He started out feeling bad about his...
So i was 18 and though a virgin.. i gotta admit for a nice guy like me..most women can't handle my type then end up hurt by another and wish they had me back again..So it was my junior year... and also a newly transferred student... lol now you can judge me and take me as an innocent guy but i've had my fair share of women since and partially before..maybe not sexual intercourse but i can sure as hell pls a woman. My first asian girlfriend...always wanted one..but it came suddenly as no one in...
This somewhat different then the normal so I thought I would tell you guys, but frist let me set things up for you 1. Kat is my wife she is 42yrs. loves to fuck women who have never been with a women before then she dates them under there husbends noses. 2. Rose is one of Kats ladys, I think for about 3 years now. 3. Trish is a close freind to Rose who is always upset cause her husband doesn't love her like they use to. Ok so Rose and Trish were having lunch like they do every tuseday talking...
Interlude: 25th Anniversary Cindy: Mom says she gets her distaste for press from that week. Dad says she was born that way. I lean more to Dad's point of view. Mom is unfailingly polite—to a fault sometimes. The press rarely is. I suppose it was a blessing to have Aunt Francine out of the picture for a day. God knows she made up for it later Wednesday 6:27 PM—NBC Nightly News This is a scene very familiar to certain parts of Pennsylvania. A dozen horse drawn buggies going down the road....
David sat back and stretched, enjoying his time off. He'd always taken this week off because of Valentine's Day and his anniversary, even though it eventually didn't help to keep his marriage intact. After the divorce, he'd just kept up the tradition because it was part of the way he balanced his vacation weeks. A scowl crossed his face when the door downstairs slammed shut. David looked out the window to see his son climb in the car. He'd converted the basement into an apartment when...
This is a sequel of sorts to "Buying a Teenage Girl" by Angel. The author brought the story to a reasonable ending, but I was intrigued by some unexplored possibilities in it. This begins with a summary of it, with some details changed because I felt them superfluously complicating, and others altered to fit my own prejudices. I had started my own business and worked quite hard on it; hard enough that it probably accounts for my not marrying when I was in my twenties. At...
‘Hey’ ‘Hey…’ ‘What have you been doing?’ ‘Not a lot today. Work’s been a bitch and I’ve been looking forward to talking with you since last night.’ ‘Me, too.’ A pause… ‘I want you to do something for me’ ‘Yes?’ ‘We’ve been talking about fantasies now for weeks. But you know, you being you, have never really told me something you would really like to do. You’ve hinted around it, but not really. ‘Oh… So what are you asking?’ ‘Yeah… Well, write me a story. Better yet, paint me a picture....
David sat back and stretched, enjoying his time off. He’d always taken this week off because of Valentine’s Day and his anniversary, even though it eventually didn’t help to keep his marriage intact. After the divorce, he’d just kept up the tradition because it was part of the way he balanced his vacation weeks. A scowl crossed his face when the door downstairs slammed shut. David looked out the window to see his son climb into the car. He’d converted the basement into an apartment when Greg...
Introduction: TRUE STORY OF MY FIRST & ONLY LOVE Foreword: This story was written by Laura953, and translated from Italian and edited by Empress Lainie. Copyright, 2012, Laura953. Published exclusively for XNXX. FIRST LOVE FOREWORD After I have had, for the first time, anal sex with my sister, I was hugging Marisa asleep naked on the couch next to me now satisfied and exhausted. It was Saturday, Feb. 18. As I watched my sisters naked body, lit by the dim light of the fire, my hand...
Foreword: This story was written by Laura953, and translated from Italian and edited by Empress Lainie. Copyright, 2012, Laura953. Published exclusively for XNXX. FIRST LOVE FOREWORD After I have had, for the first time, anal sex with my sister, I was hugging Marisa asleep naked on the couch next to me now satisfied and exhausted. It was Saturday, Feb. 18. As I watched my sister's naked body, lit by the dim light of the fire, my hand stroking the between her legs and...
How it happened. This story is pretty much all real. Mouth-to-god, cross-my-heart, stick-a-needle-in-my-eye, all that shit. I know it’s real, because it is my story. FIRST CUM I was an innocent kid. I won’t lie and say I hadn’t ever kissed a girl. I was curious about kissing, and had talked my share of girls into stolen kisses in the garage, or in games of truth-or-dare. However, that is as far as it ever went. I remember one ‘girlfriend’ I had in fifth grade who had just kissed me...
This story is pretty much all real. Mouth-to-god, cross-my-heart, stick-a-needle-in-my-eye, all that shit. I know it’s real, because it is my story. FIRST CUM I was an innocent kid. I won’t lie and say I hadn’t ever kissed a girl. I was curious about kissing, and had talked my share of girls into stolen kisses in the garage, or in games of truth-or-dare. However, that is as far as it ever went. I remember one ‘girlfriend’ I had in fifth grade who had just kissed me and said, “I’m...
Do remember your 'first time'?The first time that someone paid sexual attention to you. The first timethat someone looked at you with a look in his eyes that thrilled andterrified you at the same time. The first time that someone else's lookmade your penis harden and lengthen. The first time that you knew someonewanted to touch you... down there.Of course you do.Go back to that person, that place, that moment. Your cock is stiffeningalready.I admit I've always been fascinated by first time...
This is the second published story in a series I'm writing, based on events taken from my own life. Chronologically, however the events described herein took place well before the episode described in my first story, "Laundromat Love." Like it, the following story is basically true. As always seems to be the case, "real life" stories are never quite as tidy and cohesive as their fictional counterparts, so I have exercised a certain amount of creative license here and modified some of...
The First Time I have always fantasized about being involved with a dominant woman.For as long as I can remember, I have always been intrigued by powerfuland demanding women. Even as a c***d, my favorite times were when I wascaught and tied up in a game of Cowboys and Indians. Usually by Stephanie,the girl who lived just up the street from me. I always gave up much tooeasily. She knew it too, but she always seemed to get just as excited as Idid at the prospect of...