A Weird OneChapter 8 free porn video

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I thought I was having a wet dream, but it was my mom waking me up with a blow job. I looked over at the clock and saw that it was only six. I tensed and started to push her away, but she took her mouth off me long enough to say:

"Don't panic baby; he had to go in early. We are alone."

I relaxed and she worked on me for a little bit longer and then she moved into a sixty-nine over me. I knew as soon as I tasted her pussy that dad had gotten the same wake up I was being given. I had known that it was coming. Mom had warned me some time ago that it would happen and in truth it didn't bother me. I'd done it with Gail and Mary and it hadn't hurt me, but it sure seemed to do something for them.

That's what it was all about right? Giving your partner pleasure? God knows my pleasure meter was pegged out a great deal of the time.

When mom was ready she switched ends, lowered herself onto my cock and started riding me cowgirl. She rode me through two orgasms and got me to where I absolutely, positively had to get off and then I rolled her onto her back and pounded her until I came. I looked at the clock and saw that we had time for one more and a shower before I had to leave for school.

I swung around and went into a sixty-nine with me on top this time and kept at it until I was stiff enough then I pulled mom into the dog position and fucked her until we both got off. I pulled out and headed for the shower and was not overly surprised when mom got in with me. After (and because of) all of the soaping, washing and rinsing I had mom leaning against the wall with her legs spread while I did her one more time from behind.

School was school, but when I got to the cafeteria at lunch time I had to face my first major problem of the day. Ahead of me in line were Gail, Angie and Nancy. No matter which one I chose to sit with it would piss off the other two. Then things got confusing, at least for me.

The three of them sat down together.

I had been noticed in line and Nancy was waiting for me when I finished paying the cashier.

"We saved you a seat" and she led me – actually she took hold of my sleeve and pulled me – over to the table and when I sat down Nancy said:

"Welcome to the first meeting of the SBC."

"The SBC? What is that?"

"The Share Bobby Committee."

"What the heck is that?"

"It is a committee made up of the three of us and our goal is to come up with an equitable way to share your time."

I looked at the three of them and then decided to just keep quiet.

"It is an interim committee that will probably dissolve in a couple of months or so. I've appointed myself chairman."

I could keep quiet. I just had to ask why.

"I'm a realist. I want you, but so does Angie and Gail has a previous claim on some of your time. I understand your arrangement with Gail and I have no desire to interfere. Angie has had a taste of you and wants more and as I said, I want you, but I understand that I'm going to have to share. I don't expect Angie to be around too long because she is hopelessly in love with Bert Cummings and no matter who she might be with she will drop him in a heartbeat when Bert comes calling, but I also know that she really, really wants more of what you gave her last week.

"How best to see that the three of us get what we want? Work out a schedule. It won't be rigid because each of the three of us will be out of commission for several days every month and hopefully our cycles won't coincide."

She looked at me and asked, "What do you think?"

"I think you overlooked the most important thing in your plan."

"What would that be?"

"Me. Monday and Thursday are Marge's nights. Pam gets Tuesdays. Mary gets Wednesday and every other Friday. Gail gets every other Friday and Saturday. I was saving Sunday for you, but I guess I can work it so you and Angie can alternate Sundays. Maybe you can talk Gail into giving up some of her time."

I looked at my watch and then said, "Got to run girls. I'm sure that you can work it out without me being here. Catch you later" and I got up and headed out.

Hobbs put me on a lathe when I got to work. He gave me a blueprint and a work order, asked me if I had any questions and when I said no he took off to do something else. The work order said that I needed to make fifty of the parts so I got busy. I got the last part made five minutes before quitting time and handed the completed work order to Fred. He gave me a look that I read as say "You're kidding me" and I knew that he would be checking out my parts before I was out of sight.

At quitting time I swung by Marge's office.

"Not tonight stud." She giggled and said, "Unless you like sloppy seconds behind your daddy."

Wouldn't be the first time I thought, but what I said was, "Ugh!! I'll pass."

She laughed and said, "Too bad. I'd really get a kick out of that."

"You are bad. Almost evil."

Another laugh and then, "Isn't that what you really want? A deliciously bad and evil hot body?"

"Point taken."

"If you change your mind give me a call about eight."

She got up, came around her desk, put her arms around me and kissed me. She gave me a little tongue and then she broke the kiss and said:

"Did you taste him? I had his cock in my mouth twenty minutes ago."

If she thought that she was going to shock me I had a surprise for her. I pulled her into my arms, kissed her with tongue, broke the kiss and said:

"Play your games sweetie, but you need to remember that daddy only gets half the job done. He fucks you and gets his cock sucked, but I get that too. I'm the total package sweetie. I give the same as he does, but I eat your pussy and I'll fuck your ass and if you have other needs and wants I can probably take care of them also. Want to be peed on? Want to pee on me? Want to have sex someplace where there is a danger of being caught? You ask and I'll probably do it. Will daddy? You have my cell number. Call me when he's gone."

She looked at me for several seconds and then said, "Are you really only nineteen?"

"Call me" I said and then I left.

Once in my car I used my cell to call Gail. After exchanging greetings I asked:

"What was that all about at lunch?"

"Pretty much what you heard. Nancy called me. Apparently she is hot for your body. She knows about us and I guess you told her that any dating you did had to allow for time spent with me so she felt that she had to talk to me about it."

"She doesn't know all about us. All she knows is that I date you to keep you occupied while Tom is gone."

"That's the idea I left her with too. I don't know about Angie. What was that all about?"

I explained what had happened Friday.

"So is Nancy going to be your new conquest?"

"Everyone keeps telling me that I need to get a girlfriend and I guess Nancy was in the running until today."

"You say that like she is no longer in the running."

"She isn't. Today put her in a new light. She is obviously a manipulative and controlling type and I don't need one of those in my life. I may take a shot at getting into her panties, but she is out of the running in the girlfriend stakes."

"Who was she running against?"

"There were two. Angie was one of them until I heard about Bert Cummings. I don't need another girl that someone can take away from me."

"You said two. Who is the other?"


"Me? You just said that you don't need a girl that can be taken away from you. Have you forgotten about Tommy?"

"No, but I think that Tom might have forgotten about you. I had a long talk with Mary the other night and she told me what is going on between you and Tom. She flat out told me that you deserve better and that I should seriously consider going after you. And who knows Tom better than his mom?"

"Tom loves me. I know he does."

"I'm sure that he does, but given what Mary tells me I have to wonder where you are on his list of priorities. His telling you not to bother coming to him and his telling you that your marriage has to wait until he comes home from overseas duty has to make me wonder. Especially since it is not a given that he will return to the States following an overseas posting. What if he gets sent to Germany, does his time there and then gets sent to Korea or some other duty station outside the US?

"But none of that matters to me. We are doing everything a couple does anyway so we will just bring it out into the open and let everyone see it. If Tom comes for you you drop me and go to him."

"That's the same thing that you just said that you didn't want to happen if you went with Angie."

"No it isn't. I don't have anything going with Angie. If we got something going I would be invested in it and if Cummings came along and took her away I would be really pissed at the both of them. You are totally different. I already have something going with you and the understanding was that I was keeping you for Tom. If he comes back I would expect you to leave me. I would be invested in the relationship, but I would know where I stood. The only way I would get pissed would be if you gave up on Tom, married me, but then left me for him if he ever came back."

"You are serious about this."

"Of course I am. We are totally compatible as a couple and I care about you a lot. Think on it some okay?"

"All right."

'Want to get together tonight?"

"I don't think so. I've got a lot of thinking to do and I need to keep a clear head to do it. Something I can't do when you are giving me orgasms."

"Okay. Call me when you want to get out and do something."

When I got home mom told me that dinner would be a little late.

"Your father is hung up at the plant. Said he would be here around seven-thirty. We have time for a quickie if you would like."

"I'd like, but should we take the chance? We don't know for sure when he is going to get here and I don't think we want to get caught."

"No problem" she said as she took off her panties. "You do me from behind as I'm bent over the back of the couch. That way we will see his headlights when he turns into the driveway."

The timing was perfect. I'd just finished cumming and mom was putting her panties back on when dad turned into the driveway. Mom headed for the kitchen as I pulled my pants up from where they had been pooled around my ankles and then went to help her by setting the table.

I was sitting at the table eating and talking shop with dad when my phone rang. I took it out of my pocket and saw that the caller was Marge.

"You coming over stud or should I clean myself up?"

"Don't you dare! I'll be there in thirty minutes."

"Why are you making me wait so long?"

"I'm eating dinner with my parents right now."

"Your father is there?"

"You bet."

"And you are looking at him as we make plans for you to fuck his girlfriend?"

"That's right."

"Far out! Hurry stud. I'm all charged up."

"Hang in there sweetie. Help is on the way."

"Hot date" dad asked.

"She misses me. I haven't known her all that long and she misses me."

"Daughter in law material?"

"I can only hope."

"When do we get to meet her" mom asked.

Now that would be worth watching I thought as I said, "I don't know. We are still getting used to each other. I don't want to put too much pressure on her just yet."

I could see the dried cum on her leg as she stood watching me undress.

"Hurry baby; if you hurry I can say I did father and son in the space of two hours. Just the idea has me hot."

"Maybe next time I can hide in the closet and nail you before his car pulls out of the parking lot."

"Oh God; that would be such a kick. We just have to do it."

"Set it up" I said as I pushed her back on her bed. She spread her legs wide and smiled at me as she said:

"You gonna fuck me or eat me?"


The look on her face said, "Yeah. Right!"

"You think I won't?"

Again she didn't say a word, but her facial expression was saying, "You don't have the balls."

I surprised the hell out of her when I buried my face in her bush. She laughed and said:

"Leave enough in there so you can feel what it is like to have sloppy seconds after daddy."

"Won't be the first time" I was thinking as I started eating her. I stayed at it until she had a climax and then while she was still feeling it I moved up and buried my bone in her pussy. I fucked her three times, once in her ass, and then I reached for my clothes.

"Can you stay the night" she asked. "I would love to go to work in the morning with a fresh load in me. Maybe I can give daddy some of his baby's sloppy seconds. Only fair right?"

Whether dad would get sloppy seconds or not I don't know, but I did spend then night and I did leave Marge with a fresh load when I left her to go to school.

School was school and when I hit the cafeteria for lunch I saw Angie sitting alone and I asked her if I could join her. She said yes so I sat down and as soon as I was sitting Angie said:

"I'm sorry for yesterday. I don't know why I let Nancy talk me into it."

"Not a problem, but tell me something. Is what she said about Bert Cummings right?"


"What does "partly" mean?"

"I've been hung up on Bert since the seventh grade, but he has never seemed to have any interest in me."

"Does he know how you feel?"

"I guess. Remember the Sadie Hawkins Day dance in the tenth grade?"

I nodded my head yes.

"I asked him to the dance and he went with me. After it was over I told him that I'd had a great time and I'd love to do it again. He never called me. I've sent him birthday cards and Christmas cards so he has to know that I'm interested, but it appears that it is all one way. So I very much doubt that what Nancy said is ever going to come to pass."

"So you and Bert have no plans for tonight?"

"Are you making fun of me?"

"No. Just trying to see if you had any plans that would keep you from saying yes if I asked you out."

"You are asking me out?"

"When I took you home Friday I left with the impression that you wouldn't mind seeing me again. Was I mistaken?"

"No. No you weren't."

"So will you go out with me tonight?"


"Pick you up at seven?"

"I'll be ready."

Fred had a work order for me when I got to work. I read the print, set up the lathe and got to work. The work order was for sixty pieces and when I had about twenty of them done Fred came a randomly chose two of them, took the print and checked them out. He put them back with no comment so I assumed that they were within specs so I continued on.

I turned in the completed work order about ten minutes before quitting time and Fred told me he had something different for me in mind for the next day.

"All we are supposed to be doing is making you familiar with the operations and it is obvious to me that you have the lathe down pat. Tomorrow I think we are going to give you some turret lathe time."

"I'll be looking forward to it."

I swung by the office to check in with Marge, but she wasn't in her office when I got there. Shelly saw me and came over to me.

"I hear that things are not so good between you and Gloria. Any truth to that?"

"I'm afraid so."

"Does that mean that I can maybe get my hooks back in you?"

"If you are still interested."

"Silly boy. When?"


"If I have to wait that long I guess I can."

"Sorry, but I already have made plans for tonight."

"I'll forgive you as long as you don't forget that tomorrow is mine."

"When you get off work drive over and park behind the dumpster. I'll meet you there."

I was just getting ready to leave when Marge came out of the ladies bathroom. I followed her into her office and closed the door behind me.

"Whatcha need stud?"

"Just checking in."

"Bullshit! You are dying of curiosity. You want to know if daddy soaked in what you left in me this morning."

"Did he?"

"As a matter of fact he did and you will not believe how turned on that made me. We have got to do that again and soon."

"Keep in mind that I really do want to do that closet thing."

"You are so bad."

"Would you have anything to do with me if I wasn't?"

She smiled and said, "Get out of here before we get in trouble."

"I don't know. It might be fun to do it on your desk."

"Maybe, but not today. Daddy is still in the building."

Angie was looking good. She was also blunt and to the point.

"Whatever we do I have to be home by midnight so can we please set aside some of our date to do what we did Friday?"

"We can use all of our time on that if that is what you want."

"Could we?"

As I drove to the Starlight she sat quietly looking out the window. After a few miles she said:

"I don't understand what has happened to me. I never used to be like this."

"Like what?"

"Always thinking of what we did Friday." She was silent for maybe a minute and then she said, "I wasn't a virgin. I liked making love, but I didn't think about it all the time. Since Friday it seems to be all I think about." She paused and then said, "I did it you know."

"Did what?"

"Called Eddie and thanked him for doing what he did so I could find out what really good sex was like. I told him that you were so much better at it than anyone I'd ever been with."

"What did he say to that?"

"Called me a fucking bitch and hung up on me."

Once inside the room I asked her what she wanted to do.

"I want to do you first. Once you start doing me I'm going to want you to never stop. I know that sounds selfish but I can't help it."

"No problem sweetie. There will be plenty of pleasure for the both of us."

She started sucking my cock and she was doing a heck of a lot better at it than she had done on Friday. Almost as if she was reading my mind she said:

"I wanted to be better for you so I've been practicing on large carrots and cucumbers."

She went back to it and I tried to remember if I came in her mouth Friday or pulled out. I couldn't remember so I told her when I was ready to cum. She didn't take her mouth off me and when I came she swallowed. I noticed the look on her face and said:

"You didn't have to do that Angie." Remembering my lessons from Mary I said, "If you don't like it don't do it. This is all about pleasure. Yours as well as mine. Doing things you don't want to do or don't like to do subtracts from the experience."

"But I want to please you too."

"Believe me Angie, when we are done here I will be a very pleased guy."

I ate her pussy. We fucked and then went sixty-nine after which we fucked again. We were lying next to each other recovering and I was fingering her pussy while she was fondling my soft cock when she said:

"Friday when I wondered about some of the other things I'd never done you asked if I'd ever done anal sex. I haven't, but I've been thinking about it ever since. Can we?"

"If you want."

"I might not like it. I don't know. Terry told me that she loves it, but Martha says she hates it. A couple of others said that they could take it or leave it. The only way I can find out for myself is if I do it."

She didn't like it. She didn't like it at all. Once it was clear to me that she wasn't going to get into it I pulled out of her butt, washed my cock and then went back and finished in her pussy.

"I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"Disappointing you."

"You didn't disappoint me Angie. I got off didn't I?"

"But not in my butt."

"I keep telling you that it is all about pleasure Angie. My pleasure comes from getting off. It doesn't matter where I get off; mouth, pussy or ass makes no difference. If a cock in your ass doesn't give you pleasure then don't do it. If swallowing cum is distasteful don't do it. If being eaten and straight fucking is all that is pleasurable to you then stick to those two things. I can't speak for other guys, by my goal is to make you want to let me do you again. I want to give you so much pleasure that all you will think about is getting me to give you more. That won't happen if I do things you don't like."

"Then I guess you had better eat me and then fuck me again because those are the things I like."

So I did just that.

When I got her home I asked if we could go out again.


"You tell me."


"Seven okay?"

"I'll be ready."

I didn't have classes on Wednesday so I was in the library doing homework and working on papers that were due when I saw Nancy come in. She saw me, made a face and went to a table in the research section and sat down with her back to me. Oh well; I didn't need another female in my life anyway.

At work Fred put me with George on the turret lathe and I found out that although it looked complicated it was not all that difficult to work.

While working with George I almost asked him about how he came to be Natasha's date at the company Christmas party, but decided that I'd be better off keeping my mouth shut. Not knowing the relationship I didn't know if they were talking or not and I didn't need for Natasha to hear that I had been asking about her. It could prompt her into thinking she needed to try harder to get back into my life and I didn't need that.

Silly me! Thinking that I had any control over what happens.

"Got you head out of your ass yet?" George asked.

"Pardon me?"

"I said have you gotten your head out of your ass yet."

"I don't have a clue as what the fuck you are talking about."

"Bullshit! You have a great girl trying to get your attention and you are ignoring her."

"A great girl? Who?"

"Natasha you asshole."

"That pig? A great girl?"

I saw George was getting ready to come unglued so I walked away from him and went over to Fred.

"You have something else I can do?"

"I put you on the turret lathe with George."

"We seem to have a personal conflict going. Best I get away from him."

"We don't have shit like that in my shop. Come on boy" he said as he walked over to where George was and said, "What the fuck is going on here Walton?"

It turns out that George is Mary's brother.

"He called my niece a pig."

"That true boy?"

I explained my relationship with Natasha and then said that it wasn't any of George's fucking business. Fred shook his head in disgust and said:

"This is a work place. Keep your personal shit out of here. Understand?"

"No I don't" I said. "All I did was come to work today. You put me with George and he starts giving me a ration of shit. I am standing at the machine trying to learn what you expect me to learn and he starts in on me. I didn't have nothing to do with it so where the fuck do you get off shaking your finger at me and talking to me in that tone of voice. Bark at George, but leave me out of it."

"Doesn't work that way boy. The way it works is that you ignore shit like that and do your job. When you let him get under your skin and responded by calling his niece a pig you became a full participant and you get an equal share of the shit when it starts falling. Now the two of you get back to work and I don't want to hear no more bullshit out of either of you. Hear?"

George and I managed to get through the rest of the shift with no more words, but as we were shutting down and cleaning up the work area George said:

"Took a bit of nerve to stand up to Fred like that. That's the kind of guy Natasha needs. Think on it."

Why the hell was everyone trying to get me and Natasha together?

I met Shelly behind the building and we used my key to come in the back door. I was carrying two boxes when we went down to the basement and I opened up the locked room. I had already moved a long table with folding legs into the room and the boxes I was carrying had an air mattress and a battery operated air pump in them. In no time I had a comfortable surface on the table.

"How much time do we have" I asked Shelly.

"An hour."

"What do you want to do?"

"Eat me while I suck you and then do my ass."

We got into a sixty-nine and when Shelly said she was ready I plowed her pooper.

"Tomorrow?" she asked as we dressed.

"Works for me, but I want to do it different. Tomorrow I eat you until you get off. The next day you do me and the next time after that I do your ass. Okay?"

"Fine with me."

When we left I put my own lock on the door and gave Shelly a key.

When I got to my car I took out my cell and called Gail to see how she was doing. She was still down in the dumps and didn't feel like leaving the house. I offered to come over and play cards or something to keep her company and she said she didn't feel like it so I told her I'd call her the next day and said goodbye.

I got home just in time to see mom getting ready to go out.

"Dinner is in the micro-wave. I'm going out to meet Mary for drinks."

I gave her a 'raised eyebrow' look and she said, "I'll tell you about it later" and she took off. I really would like to have been where I could have heard that conversation.

I used the evening to clean the interior of the car. I vacuumed it and then used Armor-All wipes to clean all the inside surfaces. I cleaned all the windows inside and out and was getting ready to go to my room when my cell chirped. It was mom.

"You doing anything pressing right now?"


"You know where the Top Hat Lounge is?"

"Corner of Broadway and Parker?"

"I'll be sitting in my car when you get here."

When I got there she left her car and got in mine and told me to move to the back row away from the parking lot overhead lights. I started to ask her why and she said:

"Just do it!"

I moved the car and as we were moving she climbed over the seat and onto the back seat.

"Hurry up and get back here with me."

She was taking off her panties as I got in the back. "I haven't done this since college. Am I your first back seat fuck? Never mind; I really don't want to know. Hurry up damn it! I need it."

Weird stuff just seemed to keep happening to me. My mother waiting for me to fuck her on the back seat of my car. Doesn't get much weirder than that I was thinking as I drove my cock into her. I pounded her as her high heeled shod feet pushed at the headliner and I was surprised that as hard as she was kicking that I didn't end up with holes in it.

"Damn baby" she said as she pulled on her panties. "I feel like a teenager again. After I met your dad I never thought I'd ever do it on a backseat again."

"What brought this on?"

"My getting together with Mary Bagley. We got to talking about old times and it fired me up and made me want to relive a few things. She even talked about the gangbangs we did and suggested that if we were going to do any reliving it should be pulling trains."

"Were do I sign up?"

"You wish!"

"So what happened that the two of you got together tonight?"

"She called me after seeing us at that reunion. I was expecting her to be snotty with me about it, but she surprised me. Said she was glad to see that I still had some of my old wildness in me although she did say she was surprised seeing me being wild with you. I laughed and told her I just had to see how good she trained you. But her real reason for tonight was you."


"I guess things aren't going well with her and her man. She wanted to sound me out on sharing you with her."

"What did you say to that?"

"She is sitting in her car waiting for me to leave so she can have her turn." As she was getting out of my car she said, "Take very good care of my friend."

I watched her walk to her car and as she opened the door and got in my door opened and Mary said:

"The second shift is here. I hope you are ready."

"I'm going to need some help."

"I know how to do that."

She bent to take my cock in her mouth and just before her mouth closed on me she said:

"It has been almost twenty years since I tasted Madge on a man's cock."

She got me up and I fucked her. When I had gotten us both off she asked:

"Follow me home?"

I ended up spending the night. A morning wake up blow job followed by a standing fuck in the shower followed by breakfast and I was ready to go off to school. Over breakfast she told me that Clyde just hadn't worked out and then she asked me if she could call me from time to time and I of course said "Hell yes."

At lunch Gail joined me and asked if I had plans for the evening and when I said no she told me that she would like to get out of the house for a while.

"Date type night or Starlight type night?"

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Weird Science

Weird Sciencewhat would have happened if Weird Science had been R-Rated and Gary hadn't been such a wuss. ***We had fucked with forces we couldn't dream of comprehending... And now it was too late. As we watch the door defy the law of physics and begin to bulge inward, all Wyatt and I could do was crawl underneath his computer desk and cower there until the end... Finally the door exploded into Wyatt's bedroom loudly. Then all got quiet. Seconds ticked by. The end didn't come after all. We...

3 years ago
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Weird Tales Succubus Part 1

Some times I would think back, I get flashes of her all vague, I have no idea why, may be on times now lost, easier times or less complicated. I'm in my twenties I've had my share of girlfriends but they all ended before anything physical would happen they seemed to end over silly little things petty thing or without explanation. One day a new women turns up in town, I was working as normal when I first saw her she was tall and beautiful, dark hair flowing down her back, blood red...

4 years ago
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Weird things Succubus

Some times I would think back, I get flashes of her all vague I have no idea why, may be on times lost, easier times or less complicated. I'm in my twenties I've had my share of girlfriends but they all ended before anything physical happened they seemed to end over silly little things. One day a new women turns up in town, I was working as normal when I first saw her she was tall and beautiful, dark hair flowing down her back, blood red slim lips, her eyes glinted purple I took it to...

2 years ago
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Weird Fantasys Part 1

Anyways, this is a story about how I got into the whole incest scene. Not really sure how it happened, and I never had any fantasy's about incest before then, but, when I was sitting on her back, her in a skimpy bikini, me rubbing lotion on her back... well, I'll just start from the beginning to leave out any confusion. So, today was a day like any other. I got a message from my sister's, she being 17 at the time as well (let's call her Zelda, just for the sake of humor), dick-wad...

3 years ago
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Weird dream

My dream It started with me, A girl I used to like named Victoria and a couple of my friends on a mountain in a water park(for some reason), so we were all in swimsuits, I don’t why but my friends where being rude to her and I would just go up to her and tell her they don’t mean it and we would continue walking. We walked for what seamed about ten minutes, me and Victoria were talking with each other the whole time. We got to the bottom of the mountain and it was slippery, being a water park...

2 years ago
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Weird Things

I first noticed something was off while I was looking away from Rachel, who was looking away from me. The difference was I was deliberately doing it. The pretty brunette classmate of mine seemed to be having no trouble on her part. A sigh invisibly scented the air before me. It seemed like the day was going to be as humdrum as usual. Another batch of notes, another hour of listening to adults speaking, the same splayed out folder. I was set and ready to snooze. I was set. Set. Dead set. ...or...

Mind Control
1 year ago
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Weird gym class

I live in the city and so often you will find a store that sells something very common but they will try to sell it to you differently. This gym was one of them.It was a small gym that opened in a building not too far from where i work. They basically offer private coach sessions so the gym is pretty small, about 900 square feet. There are two owners. Two men around 50 years old. One of them has a physiotherapy background while the other has a gymnastic one.I wanted more mobility when working...

4 years ago
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Weird 3 Way

I had a rather weird 3 way experience a few years back. I answered an add on Craigslist from a couple that was looking for a Bi Male to join them in the bedroom. After a few emails back and forth we exchanged phone numbers so we could text. We texted for 3 days, telling the husband what turned me on, what experience I had, what I was hoping for if I got the chance to meet him and his wife. He shared very little about himself or his wife, only that she was smoking hot. Finally I got the...

2 years ago
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Weird Cousin

I have this weird cousin, let's call him Alfred. He was 20 and I was 16 at the time. He used to visit and sit around the pool watching everyone. Never got in the pool or even wore a bathing suit. He would just sit and stare at all of us. I noticed him looking at me a lot in my suit and following around but not talking to me just starring. He creeped me out. I tried just being nice to him but not really engaging him. Just the fact that he was 20 and still coming to our house with his Mom and Dad...

4 years ago
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Weird Sex With Gloria

I was heading for the gym when Gloria suddenly grabbed my arm and asked 'want to go to my house and get real freaky???' I looked at her as she smiled and started to walk towards the exit. I decided that running was not as interesting as having sex with Gloria. Gloria is on the cheer leading squad and as sexy as hell. She had witnessed part of my initialization for the track squad and blacked mailed me into having sex with her. It really didn't make no sense, all the guys in school would have...

2 years ago
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Weird Science Part 2

Weird Science Part 2 By Eric Chapter 4: The New Sarah Professor Martin was laughing inside as 'she' held on tightly to her newly acquired boyfriend and protector. Mike was a godsend and one of the many things he thanked Sarah for - the chief of which was this absolutely wonderful young body. For the first time in Martin's unhappy life 'she' felt desirable and attractive! All Martin's life 'she' had been obsessed with sex, which caused Martin epic frustrations as her original...

3 years ago
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Weird afternoon at the beach

Weird afternoon at the beach The weather was fine, maybe one of the last warm days this summer. So I picked up my girlfriend after work and we drove to a nice secluded place at the coast. We found it some years ago and liked to go to there ever since. I parked the car hidden in a small forest and then we strolled the short distance to the cliffs hand in hand. We could hardly keep from each other and one would steal a kiss from the other every view steps. You would think we are...

2 years ago
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Weirdest Yet Most Memorable Experience

Hi readers!! Born and brought up in a subtle upper middle class family residing in Southern part of New Delhi, fortunately enough making me a handsome guy with fair complexion and smart yet slapstick sense of humor. An athletic body with high amount of libido makes me horny however always being discreet of my escapades. Being a regular reader of ISS, it was my long awaited wish to share my true incidence, though would only revert to mails or chats of people truly concerned of discretion!! This...

3 years ago
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Weird Tales Succubus Part 2

It was a stone walled room it reminded me of a castle turreted room from some fantasy story, was I still dreaming I heard a moan and grown as something was waking up next to me, I looked; it was Lilly the ebony beauty she was by my side. "Hello how are you?" she asked sleepily. "Where the hell am I?" fear running through me why have I not woken up yet I thought. She got up her hair now only just past her shoulders her wings tucked in, her naked lean yet fuller figure, beat any so...

3 years ago
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weird changes chap 3

I'm starting to enjoy it , even though I'm joy supposed to . He starts squeezing my sone hard young nipples with his fingers , making me even hornier then I all ready am . I'm so wet the my young pussy juice is starting to gather at my bottom . He lets go of my nipples and puts both his hands on my bottom , bringing them off the table . I see a combination of lust and crazyness in his eyes as he brings he waist back and slowly went into my pussy . I can feel my virgin pussy...

1 year ago
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Weird Afternoon

We go for a drive to the beach, the dog's are running and playing, and after a bit I have to go pee, and so do you, we see a couple of big rocks in a circle not far away and we head there. Once there we look around, no one is anywhere close, we kick off our shorts and undies an you start to squat to pee. I say "wait Laura, pee on me" You look at me funny, but I lie in sand and I pull off my shirt and you straddle me and pull open your lips and begin to piss on my chest, your piss hits me hard...

1 year ago
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Weird Sex and the depths of depravity

'Warning, this is a story of woman's depravity, read with caution, and please remark about what unfolds'As we drove my husband looked across at me, 'Fancy a gang-bang'?Asking your wife or girl friend to sexually gratify up to twenty men, is easier said than done, it takes a certain temperament in a women to realize that, just fantasizing about multiple men when you're having sex with one, is one thing, but actually being confronted by many men eager to rip your fucking pussy off is another.We...

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Weird sex

My girlfiend and I have always taken things slow. Mostly petting and missionary sex. I have never been brave enough to discuss my fetiish with her.One night after she got somewhat drunk we both crashed at our bedroom.Towards early morning before sunrise was my queue. I removed her panties slightly and inserted my morning glory erect cok up her ass.At first I thought of simply shafting her. Also, I rememebered the reason I woke up was due to urge to pee. There was this moment of trepidation and...

3 years ago
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Weird Science

My eyes fluttered opened and I sat up quickly. For a moment, I assumed I was awakening in the library and had fallen asleep studying again.  It made sense at first; the last thing I remembered was reading and taking notes from my macroeconomics book, and my eyes growing heavy.  But as my eyes adjusted to the light I realized I was not slumped over, leaning on a table in the library with my head resting on a book.  I wasn't in the library at all.  Instead I found myself lying on the floor in a...

1 year ago
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weirdo story 2

I love spiders. I see your adorable body in front of me. You are on the table, just the naughty nylon touches your soft skin. I like you, feel the tickling of the nylon on my tongue. Again I start to become hard. Your bald skull, your face – everything makes me horny. The breasts are moving up and down as you breathe. A kind of fear and shame is in your eyes – and a enormous desire and lust. I take a little box and show it to you. You can see three big spiders insides – just like the one I sent...

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weirdo story

I meet you at the airport in only a sheer black catsuit and a fish netttop over and a short skirt, thats tigth around me. I have only a little bagwhere Ihave all my money and passport. After we meet I give you a kiss and says its nowyour turn to run my life the next weeks. And gives you my little bag. I curl myhairwho is long and blond and ask if you know a cheep hair cutter who can help ustake it of and shave my head of all hair ?You drive us to a filthy plase where and old man have his shop,...

1 year ago
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Studio 66 TV

S66Cams aka Studio 66 Cams might have the worst name for a cam site ever, tucking a 66 right in the middle of “Scams.” What’s in a name, though? Shakespeare once famously quipped that the exposed rose of a puckered butthole would smell like ass no matter what you called it. So could this mean that, despite the name, S66Cams is actually a decent cam site? Well, the fact that they’ve been around since 2009 and pull a couple of million visits a month seems like a strong indicator that it...

Live Sex Cam Sites
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Rachels Reform

Turtle Construction Limited I sat in the waiting room of the police station waiting for my parents to pick me up. This was yet another in a long line of disappointments to test the patience of my long suffering Mum and Dad. Although the reason I was here could hardly be called a disappointment more like a complete disaster. I know my life had being getting out of control in the last few months and I had found myself drinking too much. It was of course all my own fault; I had wasted my...

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Na Segunda parte Susana propôs a ser minha senhora. Aceitei e viemos para Belo Horizonte. Minha prima não gostou da coisa e pós a boca no trombone tive que sair de casa e passei a morar com Susana . Nesta ultima parte eu contarei a vocês como foi a minha transformação. Depois do meu adestramento no interior eu voltei para Belo Horizonte. No meu serviço as pessoas notaram que eu estava diferente. Dizia que estava tomando um remédio que alterava meu metabolismo. A maioria das pessoas acreditaram...

3 years ago
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Smoking Butts High

Stanley Manley King built his ranch around the buttes on the far edge of his isolated Idaho town and worked it with true puritan zeal until the day he died, when it was sold off by his family to the municipality for a tidy sum. One of his descendants was rumored to have growled “and good riddens to all you inbred, know-nothing, reactionary rednecks” before hopping a plane to his new villa in the Alps. Thus, the King family exits stage East, never to enter into this story again. King buttes was...

2 years ago
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Massage room with sister

I am about 38 and my sister is 5 years younger. We never had sexual behavior, except from some kisses on the lips when we were c***dren. Sometimes I have thoughts about her, but one day I found naked photos of her in the computer. Since that day, I masturbate very often thinking of her, as I see these photos. I know that is very difficult to do something at that age, but I started to make a plan that could bring us closer. I arranged a treatment at a spa center for two persons in the same room....

1 year ago
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Janus and his Mother Annas Rosebud Part

Ah there you two are Janus said as he entered the room. I looked up and smiled and patted the bed beside me and beckoned Janus to sit by me. Janus leaned over and kissed me and cleared his throat. I looked at my son and raised my eyebrows in anticipation of his question to come.Mother, I’ve been thinking he began as he bent down and kissed my forehead. Yes Janus and what have you been thinking about my precious son? Well just because , well um, well just because I have a bigger cock than...

1 year ago
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CommunityChapter 18

Sweet little Susan's turn: "You did WHAT?" Alan asked me. I took a breath. The guy actually sounded disturbed. "I gave some of Terri's writings to the English professor who's working with us." I looked at Tina. "Did I do something wrong?" "Alan, she didn't do anything wrong, you know." "I know. I'm just surprised." Alan smiled at me. "You know they'd have figured it out when she started school in the fall," Tina said. "Yeah, I suppose you're right." "Do you...

1 year ago
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I Dream of Tweenie The Queen of the Sluts AwakensChapter 8

Mmmmmm... , oh yeah... , that feels so good." A good looking guy was kneeling between her legs, his hands cupping her butt cheeks, hoisting her pussy onto his generous cock slowly but surely, filling her pussy with his throbbing manhood. He was smiling down at her with his big blue eyes, his rippling muscles flexing as he worked her body on and off his tool. She could feel his hands gripping her ass cheeks tightly, lifting her hips up to meet his, their bodies locked together in time with...

2 years ago
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Jenny and the wrecker conclusion

Within a few miles it became apparent that she was heading towards the same hotel that we had first met , I said nothing yet hoped that I would not be expected to rent a room as it would cost half a week salary of a maintenance electrician such as I, we did not speak a lot in the half hour journey other than her filling me in on her recent break up and how her parents had been quite pleased with her decision, they thought her to young at 22 to settle down, I in turn wondered what they might...

1 year ago
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Futa Daughters Naughty TemptationChapter 10 FutaMommy and the Hot MILF

Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Madeline Marlow I stared in shock at Lupita Reyes, the math teacher, staring with horror and disgust at us. She had caught me getting ass-fucked by my futa-daughter while I licked out Aoi’s pussy, making the student cum on my face. Her cream dripped down my chin. “Madeline Marlow!” Lupita gasped in shock. “You’re fucking the students. What is wrong with you? And one of them is your own daughter!” “This ... I...” “We have to seduce her, Mom,”...

3 years ago
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time to reconnect with Bob skatergirl story

Kat rolled down the sidewalk still tingling from the orgasm she had just experienced. This definitely wasn't the first time she had done something like this, but this guy seemed different. Usually she would have to fight them off her even though she had established clear boundaries, or they talked to her like she wasn't human.This guy was nice and truly seemed to appreciate the fact that she was willing to help him cum in exchange for keeping his mouth shut. He wasn't bad looking and she had...

4 years ago
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cuckold lifestyle 11

Well you have have been reading my post , so far you know that I'm married to a hot little wife that loves to bring home the pie. And up to last night I thought I was in the "click" with every time she did that. In story number seven I told you of a movie she had made while fucking Tim in his bed while I was at work. I thought that was the only movie and my wife told me she hid it so our son wouldn't find it. Well I found it , but not just it there was five others in the same hidding spot. She...

3 years ago
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Turning to Darkness P 14

Part 14Warning some nasty stuff in this one. Violet lay naked in the sunlight. She had not done that in a very, very long time. She had always loved warm spring days with the smell of new flowers in bloom. But that was part of her other life. As a vampire she found the sunlight painful and it was hard to stay awake during the day. Some times she would do it; force herself to stay awake and peek out at the world. This afternoon Violet was not in the light by her own choice. Vampire hunters had...

3 years ago
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My Masters Puppet

Chapter 1: A Costly Mistake I slept comfortably in my empty bed only to be disturbed by a pounding on the front door. The veracity of the knocking startled me, it took a minute to focus the sunlight from the window was blinding. It was a reminder of my sadness, that I’m wasting a perfectly good day moping around. I must of fell asleep after I took a shower, I was still wearing my bath robe and my hair was still damp. I stood up adjusting my robe making sure nothing was exposed...

3 years ago
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Are You My Dominatrix

*Before reading this story you should know that is very sexual. I thought I should start up my short series with a big spark. The storyline will broaden within every story though* * I live in a world of only women, and I absolutely love it. Today was judgment day for everyone that turned 18 in the past month. I went to the room and they questioned me to find out if I am submissive or a dominatrix. I have heard stories about this before. If you turn out to be the submissive one, they have you...

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The Shortest Skirt in School Part 03

by Vanessa Evans Part 03 After a while of comparing the guys and what they’d done to us I noticed that it was getting cooler. “Fancy another swim before it gets cold?” I asked. “Shall we go and tell the guys that we’re going into the pool?” “That depends on if you want them to start grabbing your tits and pussy.” Lizzy smiled and replied, “I’ll go and tell them.” A few minutes later Lizzy came back out followed by the 3 guys, Duncan and Luke having put their shirts on. “Not coming for...

3 years ago
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For my Pet

Crack my whip went across his fingers. "I told you to do what I said. If you break the rules you will be punished." We were at the movies and I brought my slave. I told her that she would get a treat today, half way through the movie. I put her collar on and her leash, I made her hike up her denim mini skirt it barely covered her shaved pussy. Her 36DD chest was bulging out of her tight shirt; she had no bra on either. I began to play with her pussy. I saw the guy in front of us look back. I...

1 year ago
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DaughterSwap Ava Parker Summer Day Bailed Out Of Jail For Fucking My Friends Father8230

Ava Parker and Summer Day had such a fun night that they ended up in jail. We can all relate to that situation. The only problem is they had no idea how they were going to get bailed out of there. Luckily, one of their fathers had a friend in law enforcement who tipped him off. Now he had to go tell the other father too. This did not look like it was going to end well for the girlies. As their fathers arrived, they switched daughters and clearly explained to them that they needed to learn an...

2 years ago
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It had been three weeks since Tom had taken the spare room in Jessica’s flat. It wasn’t really her flat, but she had taken on the lease for the whole place and had been desperate for someone to take the second room. Jessica had been particularly pleased to get Tom. He was tall, good-looking, a fun kind of guy and someone who she would love to get to know.Tom had also been pleased to move out from his current place, the flat he shared with his ex-girlfriend. Jessica’s flat may have been small,...

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Fuck Mobile

After I returned from Buffalo, Ron and Gary wanted to hear every detail of my trip not about my dealing with the estate. They wanted to hear every detail of every cock I’d taken up my ass and down my throat while there. The telling turned them on so it required frequent fuck breaks in the story so they could take turns plowing my ass or fucking my throat. What really turned them on was my telling of Longjohn’s van and getting fucked with his giant cock in the airport garage, so I wasn’t too...

4 years ago
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DesiderataChapter 15

Isobel was ashamed of herself. Through complete selfishness she had aroused Gerry when she herself had been the one to deny him making love to her. What sort of love was that? Where was her consideration? After a rapid shower she slipped her dressing gown on again and went downstairs to prepare breakfast. She slammed round in the kitchen still berating herself. When Gerry appeared she could not bring herself to face him. "Oy!" he said. "Don't I get a welcome kiss on a freshly shaved...

1 year ago
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A Love For The AgesPart 10

There was sickly grey predawn light coloring the ceiling when she opened her eyes. She wasn't sure what was going on, but when she tried to move she felt the wincing pain in her side, and remembered all that had happened. Something had woken her: a noise. She turned her head to see Jordan, sprawled in a chair, in a troubled sleep. His head tossed from side to side and he mumbled unintelligibly. He wore the black stained clothing of the night before. She realized he must have stayed in this...

1 year ago
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My Weekend With Dawn Sunday Morning

Please read the first chapter "My Weekend With Dawn - Friday and Saturday" Since we had the room darkening shades pulled on the windows, it is difficult to figure out what time it is as I wake up, but I can see sunlight coming through the sides of the shades and it gives a dim orange glow to the room. I feel like I had slept for hours, but when I finally look at the time, it is only 9am. I get up to go to the bathroom and noticed that Autumn is not in the bed. I am a little disappointed...

2 years ago
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Cherry Red Corvette

Molly breaks in a brand-spanking-new Cherry Red Corvette  Good golly, miss Molly told me this and I had to share. Youthful exuberance and sexual exploration at it's freshest. A really good friend of mine came to the house about 6 or so last night. He was driving, of all things, a brand new Cherry Red Corvette. I thought to myself “How sweet is that?” He got it as an early graduation present. He is already 18 but it didn’t matter with me being two years younger. We had never dated really...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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Lovely Priya

Hi to iss and iss fans. I am a very big fan of iss stories and its great fun to read every one’s sexperience. So I decided to share my sexperience with all iss fans. Let me introduce myself first, my name is raj shah (unmarried) and I am a 27 year old Gujarati guy living in Mumbai. My physique is a bit muscular and I also have a good personality and looks. My cock is of full 7 inches and 2.5 wide and really turn hard like iron. I am working in a multinational company. It all started with priya...

2 years ago
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Between the Bridesmaid

I have a brother named James. My parents were and are a couple of sick individuals. James' wedding was the family event of the season and I was stuck in a tuxedo to play usher. Mary first caught my eye at the rehearsal dinner. She had sparkling green eyes, a cute button nose on a lightly freckled face, a wonderful smile, long shapely legs and a slim sexy body. She was the bride's older sister and a bridesmaid. Though we were paired up to walk down the aisle, she was way out of my league. I'd...

4 years ago
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Story Three Cum Sluts Coming Out Party

The past week has been a blur. When I came to stay with my aunt and uncle I was a naïve virgin. In seven short days they had transformed me into a cum slut sex toy. I barely remember my apprehension from the first time I was fucked with my aunt's strap-on or had my uncle's ten inch dick forced down my throat. They were both now daily occurrences and I actually look forward to it. Each time they call my name with the tone of voice that tells me I am about to be of service the butterflies go...

1 year ago
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first love3

Jesse groaned and followed. Marissa was the party animal and wasnt afraid to do anything. Jesse was the shy, cute guy who didnt like attention drawn to himself. He doesnt know why they hang out, they were totally different people but bring the best out to each other. Marissa and Jesse arrived at the house that was already packed with people. Jesse followed Marissa in and immedinately became nervous. Marissa was all hyped up and ready to party as usual. When she noticed Jesse, she went...

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Hearts BloomingChapter 10 Attacks of the Heart

“Tim, I really need your help,” Joey said, catching me after our class on Monday following spring break. I looked him in the eye and asked carefully, “In what way?” “I need you to let me link with you...” “Absolutely not,” I said, turning away to leave him. “You don’t understand,” he said, grabbing my arm. “I want to free all my girls.” When I didn’t struggle to leave, Joey let my arm go and waited for my response. “Why me?” I finally asked. “Why not just borrow Tommy like you did when...

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BOBBIE Oh Lord, here he is, drunk, falling down drunk, Anna thought. She heard her husband of thirty years come home in his usual state. He spend all his days in the pool hall and his evenings at Maloney's Bar. The fact that he could afford it was not the point. Ever since they won the lottery and he gave up working he spend his days drinking. Half past seven and he could barely walk. He started early. She had attempted to get him help but he was not interested. His...

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Hero the EscapeChapter 11 Shock and Awe

A graying woman in red robes and a pair of sheathed short swords with worn hilts arrived two hours before dawn. Kneeling across from me, she got comfortable before speaking. “I’m Mother Chandra. I would like a few minutes of your time, Hero.” “Are you the leader of the priestesses with swords, from the beach?” “Yes, I am. We serve Kassandra, Lady of the Dance.” she replied with patience. “What is your will?” tomorrow would be ugly; I wasn’t in the mood to play guessing games. “I ask that...

3 years ago
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The Widow Part 3

My third date with Dozie had been quite exciting, as we both had performed oral sex on the other. That was the first sex I had with another person since my husband had passed away more than two years before, but I was ready for more.Dozie knew I was ready for more. Well, I had told him. Before we had oral sex I had surprised myself by telling him that I wanted him inside me, but without a condom I wouldn't do it. I was afraid of disease. Pregnancy didn't bother me. I had learned long ago that I...

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