BethChapter 47 free porn video

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August 16, 2017

Dear Ms. Diary,

[Written August 17]

I was woken by a whispered, but very demonstrative, “Fuck, yes!” I turned to my right and looked at Heather, who had taken notice of my movement and turned to look at me, all but her head under the sheet.

“I take it that you just woke up and realized that you’re here for good.”

Heather smiled at me and nodded.

“I’m happy, but right now the feeling that is in the forefront of my awareness is relief,” she whispered. “While becoming your friend ... and vice-versa ... and becoming part of the Go5 made for a happier existence, my living situation was always dragging on that happiness. We might have moved at any time. Some other shit might have happened. I am greatly relieved that my happiness is ... relieved of that weight that was keeping it from soaring.”

I smiled at her, put my right arm under the sheet, wrapped it around Heather, and pulled myself in closer to her. I leaned in and kissed her on the cheek.

“I’m very happy about your happiness’s relief.”

“I’m very happy that my day is here,” came from the other side of Heather.

I lifted my head to look over Heather at Rhee.

“Got ego?”

“I’m very happy about Heather’s happiness’s relief. I’m very happy for our happiness, as our wife will now be with us almost every night and every day. I’m very happy that my day is here.”

Heather snickered; I grinned. The alarm jolted all of us.

The soccer meeting was not what I expected, though I did not have a good idea of what to expect. It was quite different from anything Coach had done with us previously. It also took longer than I expected. Coach met with each of us separately from the rest of the team. From my discussion with the other Go5 team members about what the others experienced, Coach told each player in what areas that player had improved this season and upon what areas she thought the player should focus improvement effort in the future. She also had each of us fill out a form, while we were one-on-one with Coach, a form that asked various funny and serious questions, and told us that we were allowed to answer any question with our own name, except for questions #2 and #4. She also told each of us to think carefully about the questions, particularly the wording of the questions. I asked Coach if she had a spare form that I could keep. She cocked her head at me in question, but then smiled and handed me an extra. I copied the questions verbatim, below.

Who was the most-improved teammate over the course of the season?

Who is the teammate that you’d most want to have your back in a dark alley?

Of the players on the team for the first time, who had the most impact?

Which teammate would you want to sit next to while taking an exam for which you didn’t prepare?

Which teammate do you feel is most likely to play for a national or major professional team?

Who is your most-devious teammate?

Which teammate do you feel might accomplish the most in national or professional soccer?

If the team absolutely needed a goal, to whom would you pass the ball?

If the team absolutely needed a laugh, to whom would you turn?

Who is the team’s most valuable player?

Coach kept all the forms we filled out without saying anything about them. I suspect that all will be revealed at the banquet on the 25th.

When the meeting broke up, I found Civia, who was just starting to leave with her mother.

“Hi, Mrs. Palecek. The girls and I wanted to put a bug in your ear about inviting Civia over for a day in the next week or so. We can come get her and return her. Our best options are tomorrow and Monday, Wednesday, or Thursday next week. We also wanted to test the waters for her staying overnight.”

She looked down at Civia, who was smiling and nodding her head at her.

“Though tomorrow is out, I think that we could manage one of the days next week. What do you think about spending the night, Civia?”

“I would really like that, Mom. Would you be okay with that?”

“We would really miss you, but I think you should do it, if it’s all okay with Beth’s parents.”

Mrs. Palecek gave me a questioning look, to which I answered, “Actually, my mom suggested that. She likes to get to know my friends well and she really likes Civia ... so far.”

I grinned at both of them.

“Actually, if Thursday would work, we could bring her to the team banquet on Friday night and hand her off to you. You are coming, right?”

“Oh, Mom, may I? I would really like to spend that much time with ... my friends.”

Mrs. Palecek looked from Civia to me and said, “We are all going to the banquet. Coach Virtanen has convinced us that she really does consider Civia as part of the team, and we want to support Civia’s obvious interest in belonging with this team. Coach Virtanen and you girls that have taken our Civia under your wings have convinced us that our daughter is being well-served by this team. We’re happy that she has friends, even if they are years older. Civia has been happier than we’ve seen her in years and, though she’s still not a garrulous girl, she’s much more talkative and what she talks about, mostly, is her friends. You five girls. Will all five of you be there Thursday?”

“If Civia will be there, all five of us will be there. We like hanging with her.”

Upon returning home with the whole Go5, we quickly ransacked my clothing, as I made decisions on what to toss and what to keep. Heather had dibs on anything that I opted to toss, and she pulled quite a few items aside. We also pulled a few things that we thought Civia might like. On the way to Second Chance Wear with the stuff that I decided to jettison, I told Dad about the plans for Civia staying over. He agreed to drive me or us to get her next Thursday morning.

At Second Chance Wear, the owner was surprised at how much I’d brought and offered to give me $75 on account. I thought about it and counter offered.

“How about you make it $25 on account and put the rest toward giving cost breaks to girls that might not be able to afford something that they want? I know that most of the stuff here is relatively inexpensive, but I know girls that, despite the price, cannot afford much of it.”

He looked at me for many seconds, then smiled.

“Agreed, with one alteration. I’ll put $75 into that... “fund,” and still give you $25 on account.” He looked up at Dad and said, “Your daughter?” When Dad nodded, he said, “I recognize her; she’s been in here many times. She’s very well behaved, always puts stuff that she doesn’t buy back the way she found it. Now, I see that she’s also generous. You seem to have raised a wonderful daughter.”

“Her mother and I think so. Thank you for both accepting her offer and making an offer of your own. We’ve just semi-adopted another girl her age who is a girl about whom Beth’s words fit all too well. May I also add $25 to that fund?”

I added, “Please, don’t tell anyone from where the financial assistance comes. If anyone asks, just say that a few citizens wanted to help.”

The rest of the Go5 had lunch ready when we returned, after which the five of us tried to figure out how to get a wardrobe or an armoire for Heather into the bedroom or closet. While we were working on that, Dad knocked on the jamb.

“Hey, Dad, you can help us figure out how to do this. We need...”

Dad interrupted with “An armoire for Heather. Yes?” When I nodded, he said, “How about a bigger closet?”

“Well, yeah, that would work, I suppose. Where are you going to get one?”

“By knocking out part of the wall between this closet and the storage space and giving you three half of that space.”

“Ummm, okay. What are you going to do with the things that are in that space, already?”

“The three ‘R’s: Reduce. Reuse. Recycle.”

The six of us discussed that for a bit, and, since Dad said that we could get the remodel done soon, we decided that we’d get Heather an armoire and put it in Gracey’s and Liya’s room as a stopgap. Once Dad left us, I looked at Liya fully expecting her to be staring at me. I was right.

“I know, Liya. They’re spending a lot of money on us. I just haven’t had the chance to bring it up with them.”

“Hey,” Heather exclaimed. “If I have to get comfortable with my adoptive parents buying me stuff, you do, too. It’s obvious that we needed the larger vehicle, as all five of us will be here for six months. While I could certainly get by without an armoire or anything similar, it will be easier on all ... on the three of us living in this room if I have somewhere discrete to store my clothes, rather than splitting my stuff among your spaces.”

Liya beat me to the response.

“Yes, but that’s not the ultimate point. Beth and I have talked about this and we don’t know the source that is permitting this ... oh, what’s that word ... umm ... profligacy. Are they digging themselves a credit hole, or do they actually have the money? Personally, I’d rather do without some stuff in exchange for knowing that my second home, here, is secure, and that they aren’t mortgaging their future just to allow us a bit more comfort.”

“I can see that. What I can’t really see is our ... three adoptive parents going out on such a limb. Look at this house and furnishings. It’s all nice, but it’s not ... The place is not like a museum where you feel that you can’t even sit on a chair or a couch. Charlie and Sandy don’t buy fancy stuff just to have fancy stuff. They buy nice, serviceable stuff. I assume that building this house and furnishing it originally, particularly in this neighborhood, cost a bundle, but they spent the money on the location and, barring unforeseen circumstances, I’ll bet that this house’s value has increased quite a bit since they built it. Finally, until recently, they had nothing to spend money on, other than Beth, and they certainly haven’t spoiled her with gobs and gobs of fancy stuff, not that Beth would want such.

“I wouldn’t be surprised if the house is already paid off, or is nearly so, given that they both make pretty good salaries. I know that tenured professors make good money and I assume that bank branch managers aren’t paid starvation wages. While I understand your concerns, I’ll bet that you’ll find that those concerns are unfounded.

“Look. They’ve recently semi-adopted three girls and they want to make sure that those girls are comfortable with their new situation. Yes, Sandy’s spending of money on clothes for us, particularly the sorts of clothes that we’ve gotten, is unnecessary, at least, mostly so. But, Beth, do you recall them spending much on wants as opposed to on needs?”

During her expostulation, I stared at Heather with more than a modicum of surprise. I should have known better and expected more. We’ve certainly underestimated her many times. Apparently, she’s had some cause to study finances. I broke out of my brief pondering of Heather’s mind.

“Not really. I’ve always had what I needed and even got a fair bit of what I wanted, but, other than this soccer team, they’re never spent a lot of money on me. Quality, yes, but big-name brands, not necessarily. I can certainly remember Mom telling me that I didn’t need the really fancy coat that I wanted when I was, umm, eight, when I was just going to outgrow it.” I snickered, then said, “I remember throwing something of a tantrum about that coat, but I didn’t get it. I’d grown three inches by the next winter and Mom made a point of that with me, with the coat that I had gotten that no longer fit well. I have no recollection of the price of the coat I wanted, but Mom did say something about the coat that I’d just outgrown was less than half the price of the coat I had wanted.”

I looked at Liya; she shrugged. I sighed. Deeply.

“I guess it’s time that I sit down with them and talk about these things. I’ll do it this week.”

“No, Beth,” Rhee said. “We’ll do it. In fact, I think that we should consider this to be a family-as-a-whole discussion topic. Perhaps you could ask them with what they’d be comfortable discussing as far as household finances and whether we could all take part or just you and me. I would bet that they’d be willing to discuss it with all of us, since we’re all going to be here for so long.”

I looked at Rhee for a while, then nodded. I glanced at Liya.

“You may be right, Rhee. I’ll ask. Now, so that we might get the discussion done before your ... date.”

We grinned at each other, then I trundled down the stairs. When I asked Dad if we could have a whole-family finances discussion, he looked at me with an odd expression, then told me that Sandy and Carol would both be home before 4.

“Are you worried about your inheritance,” he asked with a grin.

“Not really, but we have noted that Mom and you have been spending a lot of money on us, either directly or indirectly. We, that is the entire Go5, have concerns. Well, Heather doesn’t, and she made some valid arguments supporting her point of view. I guess that we could use some assurance that you’re not overspending just to make us happy. While I doubt that any of us would really believe this, I’m sure that a certain thought that has crossed my mind has also crossed Liya’s. She’s particularly concerned.”

“Okay. Let’s all sit down and hash this out as soon as the Moms get home. However, Beth, if I have interpreted your vague hint correctly, then I am disappointed that you’d consider the possibility that we’d buy sex from you five.”

I colored severely and ducked my head.

“In your defense, there are aspects of our finances that we have kept from you ... for what we considered to be good reasons. That ... secrecy has worn out its welcome if any of you could actually entertain the thought that we’d be so mercenary as to even consider buying the Go5’s sexual favors. So, while I’m disappointed, I can see how that thought might have come up. We’ll make it very clear to all of you this afternoon.

“I need to cool down, so I’m going to our bedroom to do that.”

I quickly looked up as he finished that sentence and turned on his heel and walked away from me.


I haven’t had Dad this upset with me in ... a long time. Though I clenched my jaw, gritting my teeth, I couldn’t stop the tears from coming. I stood, unmoving, in the living room, tears rolling down my cheeks, and trying like hell to keep from whimpering or, even, sobbing loudly. I was managing not to make too much noise and had begun getting hold of myself when Liya came downstairs. Though it did not make much impact on me at the time, I do recall thinking that, of all the others, Liya was the Go5 member that was least likely to make a furor over my crying.

Liya took one look at me and wrapped me in an embrace and quietly asked, “What, Beth?”

While, as I expected, Liya did not holler up the stairs to the others, the negative of Liya being the one to find me is that I had suggested to Dad that Liya, too, had pondered the thought that had annoyed Dad severely, and I had guessed about that; neither of us had stated it. That thought ended all control that I had managed; I broke down. I pulled out of Liya’s arms, ran upstairs, and threw myself onto the bed, face buried in a pillow, sobbing uncontrollably.

Needless to say, everyone was alarmed and began asking what was wrong. Well, Rhee did not. She immediately laid next to me, pulled me into her arms, rolled me a quarter-turn away, then skootched herself into me, tucked my head into her left shoulder, and wrapped her arms around me.

Apparently, the others got the message to leave me be, but that just meant that the only sounds in the room were my sobs. That embarrassed me further and exacerbated my situation, extending the time it took me to wrest control of myself from my emotions. Knowing from my past that if I tried to make the problem known to the others before I had myself well in hand, I would just further extend the lack of control, I did not try to speak.

Rhee continued to hold me, just hold me. Heather climbed onto the bed behind me and added her arms and warmth and caring to that of Rhee. I almost lost it again marveling at how much the addition of Heather made to my gaining control. Contradiction in terms, Ms. Diary? I know. Crazy.

While it seemed like it took forever, Heather later told me that it was only a couple of minutes before I leaned back into her and turned my head to look at her, my crying nearly over. I wormed my left hand out from their arms and wiped my eyes, sniffled a few times, then lurched enough to get their holds on me loosened enough for me to sit up, my back against the headboard. Looking up and around, I certainly had everyone’s attention. Just that nearly caused a loss of control, but I gritted my teeth, inhaled, and took myself to task.

My first attempt at a word came out as a strangled grunt, but I tried again.

“I screwed up. NO! I fucked up! Though I did not say it in words, I allowed Dad to discern that I had pondered the thought that Dad and the Moms were spending money on us in order to have us keep having sex with Dad.”

The anger I had at myself helped me get that admission out, but I still had to inhale deeply to keep from breaking down, again, particularly when seeing the shock on Gracey’s face and hearing the surprised inhalations from Heather and Rhee.

I cut off their nascent questions and turned to Liya.

“I’m very sorry, Liya, but, despite that you had never said any such thing to me, I intimated that you, too, had entertained that thought. I wouldn’t blame you for hating me for it.”

That did it for me; I began crying, again.

“STOP IT,” Liya screamed over my crying, which knocked me back enough to lessen my outburst.

“Stop it,” she said more calmly. “I do not hate you. I will never hate you, for a variety of reasons. The most important reason right now is that I did consider that thought. It has popped into my head on multiple occasions. I thought that that was the understanding between us for getting answers from Dad and the Moms.”

That brought me up short and enabled me to quit crying.

“I didn’t just imagine that, then?”

Liya looked hard at Heather as she moved around the bed to that side of it; Heather sat up and made room for her. Liya knelt on the bed next to me, put her hands on my shoulders, and looked hard into my eyes.

“Beth,” she said gently, “I know that you know this, as we’ve discussed it before. You and I ... our minds often travel the same paths, particularly in complex social situations like this. We are always trying to discern the impetus for others’ actions, in order to understand those actions. I assume from your reaction to the discussion with Dad that Dad is none too happy with you – and me – for considering such base motivations for spending money on us. Is that right?”

I could do nothing but nod at her.

“In that case, I will share in the consequences as, in this case, we are no different. I know that we both had trouble reconciling our knowledge of Dad with that ugly possibility, but, if you’re like me, then you had to examine it, too. Yes, it was unlikely – HAH! There’s an understatement! – that Dad could entertain such an ugly idea, but for us, for our sister-friend-lovers, we had to entertain it and make sure ... absolutely sure ... that we weren’t taken advantage of in that way.

“Beth, each of us in the Go5 has different abilities, though there is broad overlap within the Go5. You and I have the lead on social analysis, though Heather is no slouch in that department. You and I look for the social landmines to protect not only ourselves, but also our sister-friend-lovers. Everyone is wrong at least occasionally. I’ve certainly been very wrong before, so much so as almost to destroy my relationship with my mother. If we are wrong about the reasons behind this sudden splurging on us – and realize that neither of us has really thought it possible, then we admit it and explain why we had to consider the possibility.

“Your father loves you so very much and is so very proud of you. While I can certainly see that he would be very hurt that you could even think such a thing, it does not change the basic facts of his incredibly strong love for you as his wonderful daughter. Each of the rest of us knows ... KNOWS ... that Dad truly loves us as daughters, no matter what other aspects of love he has for us. First and foremost, we are all his daughters, genetic or quasi-adopted.

“You know Dad better than any of us, but we all know that he will truly forgive you and me for entertaining even the slightest possibility that Dad could be like that. He will understand.”

“Umm, yeah. He did say that there was some sort of mitigating circumstance, something that Dad and Mom had kept from me regarding family finances. He said that they would explain all to all of us this afternoon. Oh, both Moms will be home before 4; I imagine that we’ll have the meeting shortly after Dad can talk to them in private.”

I turned to Rhee and said, “I’m sorry, Rhee. This is your night, and I’ve both riled and depressed Dad and now we’re going to have some big family meeting, the end result of which I cannot guess. I’M SORRY!”

I tried very hard not to break, but the thought that I had ruined Rhee’s night hurt so much. And I had nowhere to flee.


Rhee wrapped herself around me and whispered “Hush” in my ear. “Hush, Beth. I love you. You’re more important to me than having sex with Dad. We’ll get through it all. Liya is right. Dad loves you so much and he will understand. Remember, he knows that you and Liya are the social-situation queens. He’ll understand why you had to ask.”

Rhee helped. She helped a lot. She had spent more time in Dad’s presence than our other three sister-friend-lovers had put together. Her words made me remember that Rhee knew Dad well. Could she be right that Dad would forgive me and, more importantly, Liya? I certainly hope she is right, that Liya is right.

We got back to some semblance of normality for us, but it was something of a stilted normality for a while. It felt like everyone was thinking hard about our situation as a group and of our own situations as they related to Dad and the Moms, particularly to Dad.

A bit after 2:30, we tentatively wandered down to the living room and began our YouTube “game” in which one person picks a video to watch and majority ruled as to whether we continued to watch it after the first six minutes (if it had not ended by then). After about 45 minutes and quite a few videos, I heard Dad in the kitchen. I stood without saying anything and started making my way there. I could feel all of their eyes on my back.

As I hit the entryway, I saw that Dad had a glass of ice water in front of him on the table and that he was most of the way through a sandwich of some sort. He must have seen me enter, as he turned toward me immediately. I held up my hand in the stop indicator and took a few more steps toward him.

“I’m sorry, Dad, that I hurt you.”

He shook his head, inhaled, then exhaled.

“I’m sorry, too. Something that Sandy and I set up to protect you when you were younger has come back to bite us on the ass. I don’t know why we didn’t decide to come clean earlier. We both know how bright you are, how bright all your friends are. We also both know that you and Liya cannot help analyzing situations, looking for the causes, the roots of why things happen the way they do. This ... um ... misunderstanding, though I don’t think that’s the correct term, but it’s as much our fault ... No, it’s mostly our fault.”

“No, Dad,” I responded with, perhaps, too much vigor.

“No, Dad,” Liya said as she charged into the kitchen. “This is partly my fault. If you’re going to be mad at Beth, reprimand Beth, you have to do the same to me.”

Dad just stared at Liya for what seemed like eternity, but was barely a few seconds, then burst out laughing. It was all I could do to keep from laughing, too, when I turned to see the indignant expression on Liya’s face. However, I had to take action when she straightened to her full height and began taking a deep breath in anticipation of a knock-down, drag-out fight.

“Down, Liya!”

That interrupted whatever Liya had planned as the beginning of her onslaught of sharp words. Dad helped by reining in his laughter and putting on a serious face.

“Wait! Both of you. Liya, I don’t need protection.” That put her back up, but I quickly realized why and said, “No, it’s not that I don’t want you protecting me. I appreciate that you are willing to protect me and I love you for it. It’s that I literally don’t need protection. Dad thinks that most of the blame is his and Mom’s and I was disagreeing with him.”

“Wh ... What?”

“Liya, Beth. I don’t want to get into specifics until Sandy gets here so that we can explain something to all of you. Liya, this ‘problem,’ this disagreement would not have come up except for something that Sandy and I decided many years ago. Please trust me, we will make it all clear to all of you, shortly. You will then both understand why your consideration of a particular possibility is unfounded and you will both understand why the fault lies with Sandy and me.”

“I cannot see how that can be.”

“Please, Liya, trust me. It’s fact.” Dad lifted his head and rolled his eyes and exhaled. “All of you, please wait for the explanation that Sandy and I will give you as soon as we can after the Moms get home. I have requested that they expedite their return if possible, but neither was able to commit to any earlier than...” he looked at the kitchen clock “a half-hour from now.”

I turned to see the other three crowded into the kitchen entryway. Dad’s voice caused me to turn back toward him.

“Liya, Beth. I am guessing somewhat, here, but my guess seems logical to me. You two ... you two were trying to protect all of you. Yes?”

I turned back to Liya, whose eyes were waiting for mine. I saw something in her eyes; perhaps the same thing that she saw in mine.

I turned to Dad as Liya said, “Yes, Dad. Though the idea was far-fetched, we had to be sure that our understanding of you was correct and that the idea, the thought was incorrect. I do need to say that Heather expressed complete trust in you. I need to say it because she will not be seen as bragging by telling you that she never considered the possibility to be a possibility at all.”

“Though I spent nearly an hour being very hurt, eventually my mind came to that supposition. That understanding of the driving force behind that unvoiced question hinted at by Beth in our earlier talk. You two would make incredible mothers if you have a mind to go in that direction. You are incredibly fierce, incredibly protective of your family, even when it’s other family from whom you’re protecting them. Your commitment to your ... sister-friend-lovers supersedes even your commitment to us, to the Moms and me. Doesn’t it?”

I turned back to Liya so that we could stare at each other’s minds, again. After a few seconds, she nodded her head minutely; I turned back to Dad.

“It’s more complicated than that, Dad. Though some things don’t have a right and a wrong, this one did. Rather, the possibility, as unlikely as it was, did have a right and a wrong. We would defend you ... you, Dad, and the Moms, against one or more of us if whatever possibility arose had a right and a wrong and our sister-friend-lovers were in what we believed to be the wrong.

“We sincerely hope that there never comes a time that we have to choose among subsets of family in a situation without a right and a wrong.”

“I also hope that. I love all of you and would absolutely hate being estranged from any of you.”

“Dad, would you join us in our YouTube game,” Heather asked.

Dad frowned in question, then vocalized the question, “YouTube game?”

“You’re smart; you’ll catch on. Come on. Join us.”

Dad smiled at Heather and said, “Okay.”

Oddly enough, it was Heather’s turn to pick the video and she chose one from the SciShow Space channel on “Building a Dyson Sphere.” She explained to Dad that since the video was shorter than our six-minute limit, we would not have to vote on whether to watch it to the end or not. At the end, Heather told Dad that it was his turn to pick.

“What sorts of videos are acceptable?”

“Anything that could teach us something ... all of us. So, no videos on, say, vector analysis, from which you would learn nothing.”

“Ah. And if it’s longer than six minutes, everyone votes at that point on whether we see it to the end or the next person in line picks a new video?”

“See, I knew you’d catch on,” Heather responded.

Dad picked a video from the general SciShow channel on “7 Things We Don’t Know About the Ocean.” We voted to watch it to the end.

Two videos later, the garage door went up, an action that woke my stomach butterflies. Yes, Dad seemed to suggest that all would be, not only revealed, but okay. However, I still felt a bit of consternation over the meeting.

Same as Beth
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I was living with my soon to be ex husband. We were sharing the house as a matter of economic convenience but we stopped having a physical relationship, which was his choice not mine. He was seeing someone else in another town and making a half assed attempt to be faithful. I, on the other hand , was still married to him and wasn't looking to be with someone else. I had tried a couple times to convince him to have a little fun but he was resisting. I would call him into the bathroom to talk to...

1 year ago
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Definitely Not Gay Beg for It Bitch Gay

I'm happily married and until this recent week, fundamentally straight. I admit I often surf internet porn and have been strangely attracted to gay porn in the last couple of years. I often jerk off to gay porn and am fascinated by how uninhibited and downright dirty the male stars perform. Sex with the wife has become somewhat perfunctory and not very frequent, especially as the k**s take more and more of our daily energy. I've had several strange dreams recently that included me engaging in...

4 years ago
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Forget Beauty Its Overrated

The worlds of love and porn are obsessed with beauty, or that modern catch-all adjective: hot. If you’re not good looking and sexy in a conventional way, you’re nothing. That is particularly unfair to women who are neither blessed with natural prettiness and shapeliness nor the bravado to seem attractive by force of personality.Nothing gives me a greater thrill than sensing the sensuality beneath the plain façade of a woman who is resigned to being considered unattractive.One Saturday afternoon...

Oral Sex
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The International Mixed Wrestling League 2

Let's start the mixed wrestling life in International Mixed Wrestling League(IMWF)! Introduction>First, you make the wrestler and registration to option "Roster" .There is no care about original wrestler or celeblity, but please write name and gender, nationality.Include physical features and figure of wrestlers together. Way of the match>You made wrestler, start the match along with guideline and template thread.If you make match,enter the following sentence whichi no.3 to no.5, "Option"...

3 years ago
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Susans New Life Part 1

Jeff and Susan Phillips were finally headed back to their home in Dallas with their four year old son, Jeff Junior. The family was driving North on the scenic roads of the high desert of Mexico. Since it was summer they were not in a hurry and were taking an indirect route towards the U.S. border. The road they were currently on was chosen because Jeff thought the desert scenery would be beautiful. The Phillips family had been visiting the Aztec pyramids in the jungles south of Mexico City....

2 years ago
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From Femboi to faggot Madison

From Boy to faggot sissy Madison I meet Maddi Ng one night as I was heading back to my hotel form a sales meeting. I noticed this young lady walking down a dark street while being followed and heckled by 4 thug looking guys. I pulled over and asked her if she needed a ride or to use my cell phone, she jumped in so fast I thought she was going to rip the door off my suv. As I drove away I looked over and noticed that she was actually a very feminine boy. I asked “what was going on” and she...

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The Barbie Lez Fantasies Week 34 The Horny Bitch

Introduction: A quick and kinky bestiality fantasy! Authors Note 1: These short fantasies started off as weekly mini-stories for my readers, but the newsletter was shut down because autoresponders do not accept adult content. I thus decided to publish these fantasies for free for my readers to enjoy. It is meant to entertain, so please do not leave hateful comments if everything is not perfect. I am only human after all. Authors Note 2: Although this fantasy can be read independently, it was...

1 year ago
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Tution Teacher Ko Choda

Hello dosto, Mera naam sid hai aur mujhe sex ka bhut shonk hai agar koi bhi aunty, ldki sex k liye interested hai toh mereko contact kr skti hai m unhe pura satisfied krunga privacy guaranteed hai sex chat k liye bhi meri gmail id p mujhecontact kr skati hai gmail id – me apko aj meri real story hai ek desi teacher he saath. Unke bare me btane ja rha hu. Me apko btana chahta hu ki me sex ka bhot bada fan hu or muje sex ka bhot jada shok h. Agar apko mujse baat krni ho to muje mail bhi kr skte...

4 years ago
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Another Addicted Story ch 35

Introduction: ——- Synopsis: Eddie Spedman thought he was living the American Dream, owned his own business and married to his highschool sweetheart with two wonderful kids. Until a freak event made him realize that he was living the American Nightmare. However that freak event also gave him something he didnt believe in, Sex Slaves ——- ——- This isnt my story, however I enjoyed it so much I wanted to share it. It has 24 chapters and you can find it on storiesonline. The First 2 chapters did...

2 years ago
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Innocent Mom Crying And Moaning 8211 Part 1

Hi guys, let me go directly to the story. I’m from Chennai and studying in Coimbatore and my mom Anu is 40 with a great ass (34-30-38) all this started when I came to my home for vacation from my college. One day I was sitting and playing on the sofa, my mom as cleaning the house and asked me to lift my legs. I looked at her.. That’s when all this started.She was in her nighty and it was torn on the side giving me a vision to her white bra holding those boobs so tight. All the incest I read at...

3 years ago
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Nightmarish Husband

Paulette was just coming home. She was tired of such a long day from work, and she hoped to be able to have a peaceful night. She had been unable to get comfortable in her own home for at least a week. This is because her husband Craig had been unusually horny in the past month. At first, Paulette enjoyed the attention she had been getting from Craig but wondered where the extra libido had been coming from. But then, he needed to have sex twice a day. When that was not enough, he would bang her...

4 years ago
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Teddy Bear

What first attracted my eyes to her was her height, for she was about two heads taller than most of the other women in the crowd. Her bright pink hair sported streaks of black down each side, and her oil-black sunglasses, worn inside the hectic train station, made many people stop and stare at her, usually before quickly scurrying out of her way. Yet, despite the black leather jacket and the gray chest-hugging top and the black miniskirt and the black-and-blue thigh-high stockings and the...

2 years ago
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Apni Saheli Ke Boyfriend Se Chudi

Mera naam pinky h main delhi ki rahne wali hu aur main call center me job karti hu. Ab main story par aati hu kaise main apni saheli ke boyfriend se chudi ye meri sacchi kahani h main ap sabko batane wali hu main aur meri saheli call center me ek sath job karte h aur hamare bich sabhi baate hoti h hum dono ek dusre se kuch nahi chipate h kyuki hum log hamesha sath hi rahte h aur hamare bich me sex ki baate bhi hoti h ki kawn kitne lund se chudi h aur ayeshe hi ek din meri saheli jiska naam...

3 years ago
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The Six Star Bed and Breakfast Afternoon Tea

I finally managed to make breakfast. It was hard getting dressed. Every time I tried to put clothes on my mind would remember something that Maggie had done in the shower, and I would feel my cock twitch and then I would have to give it a little tug.  I saw only one table laid as I entered the breakfast room, so I sat down at it and looked around me. The decor was nice, clean and with a big wide window at the front of the house letting in loads of light from the early morning sun. Just behind...

2 years ago
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Cheerleaders Rape and Torture

Cheerleaders' Rape and Torture This is the story of 5 high school Cheerleaders' who get lost and have theircar breakdown, only to have a friendly garage owner "help" them out and turnthem into slaves. Thanks for reading…Semiater ([email protected]) Cheerleaders' Rape and Torture Chapter One It was a crappy night out, raining, cold, all and all miserable. The funnything is, I wasn't even supposed to be at the shop. It's my garage, but I havea guy that runs the place for me, and I usually sit...

3 years ago
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Camilla To Become a Slut

“Honey”, she purred. “Can we do a little role playing tonight?” Mark looked at his gorgeous wife with her full pouting lips and long brown hair and said, “Anything for you babe. What have you got in mind?” The normally boisterous and unflappable Camilla looked at him and chewed her bottom lip which he found sexy as hell. “Well, I have been doing some reading lately online and came across some stories that have really turned me on so much it isn't funny.” “Oh really?” She looked down...

2 years ago
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My naughty machinations on a train ride home

I uncross and recross my legs, all the time noting who is watching, that excites me, knowing at least one man is trying to see up my skirt, steal a look at my forbidden fruit, as if he was successful, then I would be duty bound to surrender it to him for his own personal pleasure, up some backstreet alley or some despicable place, that would add to my debasement and to his prize.In the back of my mind I savor such a thought, feeling the sensation of my knickers being ripped from me, the thin...

3 years ago
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She Gave Her Cousin a Blow Job

Regina had a cousin, Jim, she thought was good-looking. He was three years older than her. Their families lived in different states and they only visited a few times a year. Regina was sixteen, he was nineteen.Regina began fantasizing about giving Jim a blow job soon after she had her first blow job experience.She had an opportunity when her family visited his family for a weekend.Everyone in both families, except Regina and Jim, went to a shopping mall and then to a movie. They were...

4 years ago
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Sams YearChapter 7 Marree and Kati Thanda

Sam stood in the lobby reading the announcements and business card that had been posted. The one from Wrightsair (“The spirit of the outback”) caught his eye. He walked over to the desk. “Excuse me?” “Yes?” Does Wrightsair ever land here?” “Sure. Atta ‘port. Fifteen minnit walk. Folks get ‘em to do a flyin’ tour o’ the lake. ‘Specially when it’s full or empty.” “Thank you.” He left to meet Tessa. She was waiting for him. “Waiting long?” “Not at all.” “I have an idea.” “That’s good....

1 year ago
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WebYoung Nia Nacci Gia Derza Playing Innocent

Gia Derza and Nia Nacci, two friends, are enjoying each other’s company while playing Go Fish in Gia’s bedroom. Whenever Nia leans forward to pick up cards, her perky breasts get Gia’s attention. She’s getting more aroused by the minute, sometimes shifting against the bed when she thinks Nia is distracted. Then Nia fans herself a little and asks if Gia is getting hot. Gia agrees that it IS hot in the room, so she’ll check the thermostat. She leaves the room, then...

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Mia Melano

Mia Melano Reddit, aka r/MiaMelano! Do I have any huge Mia Melano fans here? If so, then you have come to the right subreddit, and if not, you are about to become her fan. Meet the lovely Mia Melano, a gorgeous blonde girl with a fantastic body. Of course, the name of the subreddit is rather straightforward, as it is just her name, r/MiaMelano/. But, the subreddit is more than just that!First of all, how much do you actually know about Reddit? Well, you are about to learn a lot more, as I shall...

Reddit NSFW List
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Mike and Becky

Mike and Becky met in a bar in Louisiana, Mike had never been in that state before, he had never been in the country but had contacted Becky through an internet site! This sounds strange but it is not really! They both had a few drinks then Becky said " I feel I have been really naughty, what would you like to do to me?" Mike said ..." Well Girl a bit of corporal punishment should be in order!" "OH What sort??" ! A Fucking good thrashing, over my knee! He pulled her skirt up, her panties...

2 years ago
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The Principal Rules With A Very Big Stick 8211 Part 4

As I stared at Mr. Jeffers big black cock I knew that Mrs. Hall never made it to the club. In fact the only club she got to see that night was Mr. Jeffers members only ’12 inch black club’. As I was watching this sexy sight, he looked in the mirror too and said hotly, “Yeah baby, there been a lot of rich-married pussy, that sat right were you are now, watching this 12 inch cock goin in and out of their tight married pussies.” I then teased, “You mean like my boyfriends mom, Mrs. Hall.” He...

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MrStrokesXXX Savana Styles First EVER DP

“FEELS SO FUN” Savana Styles DP This Slut gets SLAMMED! Savana had an idea to try and fit 2 Cocks in her sweet holes at once today in this update. Well, lemme tell ya, She SUCCEEDS!!! This beautiful Blonde Canadian Dime piece with an INSANE ASS & HUGE TITS gets fucked and Double Penetrated. Savana has never done a DP on or off Camera yet~ And She absolutely loved getting dominated by Chris & Alex. This is a scene for the ages and the Hits dont stop coming…Check out the...

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SuperGirls Fetish

The middle of the night in National City a women is tossing and turning in her sleep. Her flailing arms putting holes into her head board and wall behind it. As she bursts awake to takes a look at the damage. "Alright enough of this I am tired of hiding my sexuality tomorrow I am just gonna face it." Said Kara before going back to sleep.

2 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 599

This Scary but How True It Is! If my body were a car... If my body were a car, this is the time I would be thinking about trading it in for a newer model. I’ve got bumps and dents and scratches in my finish and my point job is getting a little dull... “But” that’s not the worst of it! My headlights are out of focus and it’s especially hard to see things up close. My traction is not as graceful as it once was. I slip and slide and skid and bump into things even in the best weather. My...

1 year ago
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Daughter gets taught my Mom

Note : This story is completely fictional! It was one of those nights were I just couldn't sleep. The air was warm and it was too hot. So I had turned my bed side lamp on to watch television. But of course, at 1AM there was nothing good on so I was feeling a bit horny so I went and put a porn dvd on. 'Cum Baby' was one of my favourites. I laid back down on my bed and watched it and I could feel my nipples growing erect under my skimpy nightgown and I could feel a moist feeling between my legs....

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The Therapist

After much internal debate, Michelle finally worked through her trepidations to discuss a rather private concern with her GP. In the past year, attaining an orgasm became increasingly difficult during the rare moments of physical intimacy with her spouse. The relationship was well intact, but years of the same led to a drop in libido and increased sexual frustration, in fact, her last orgasm during intercourse was a distant memory. The harder she tried the worse it became, and virtually assured...

3 years ago
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Going on Vacation Pt 4

Introduction: Please read Going on Vacation pt 1 through 3 As we got in sight of the cabin, we reluctantly let go of each others hand. Aaron ducked behind a tree, taking me with him, giving me one last passionate kiss. We then walked back out into the open, and into the cabin. It was already after noon and our mother had lunch waiting for us. I had really worked up an appetite! I scarfed down my lunch, not even looking up until it was all gone. I saw my mother was staring at me with this...

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Viviannas Discretion

Straddling one of her lover's subordinates, Vivianna felt Nukuma Zamblia's large cock penetrate her ass and slide deep inside. She emitted a drawn-out erotic moan while Nukuma's other subordinate, standing beside the mass of heaving bodies, made full use of Vivianna's perfectly shaped mouth, stifling her erotic moan with his engorged helmet. Despite enjoying the way she was being used and loving the sensation of the powerful African cocks pulsating inside her, Vivianna felt guilty. Not only...

3 years ago
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Elizabeth Grey Part 14 Friends

Elizabeth Grey - Part 14: Friends. By Carmenica Diaz Thinking the best time to telephone Cleo, Mandy and Mel was mid-morning, I waited until the next day before I placed Toby's piece of paper firmly on the table and picked up the telephone. The telephone rang a few times before a sleepy voice grunted, 'hello!' 'I was looking for Cleo Rosser...' 'Who wants to know...' 'Liz Grey.' Suddenly, she was wide-awake. 'Liz? Liz Grey? Is that...

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Loving Alice

My obsession with Alice was growing. I had stopped Fucking other women entirely. I knew I was being stupid. Alice was a 15 year old girl. Nothing more nothing less. Why couldn’t I get her out of my head? She was beautiful for sure. All that red hair streaming down her back. Her beautiful blue eyes and sexy laughing smile made me weak. Long, long legs attached to her perfect ass and slim body never ceased to get me hard. But this was different. I didn’t want anyone else touching her. She had...

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Madhu 8211 My Mom8217s Secretary Whatsapp Horror Film Helped Me Fuck Her

Hi , aunites of ISS , thanks for your comments that you naughty aunties sent me on my previous story , every one need a aunty in their life who really is to be horny and needs to be fucked up day and night by a guy who is a bachelor ?? Accept this ladies and aunties?? This is ramkumar a guy from Coimbatore who is going to tell the real incident which happened with my mom’s colleague , her office mate , she was the new assistant joined there , starting to like the title of my story ?? mail me...

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A Weekend at the Shore

When Paul and Luke Amato invited me and Caleb O'Donnell to spend a weekend at their Dad's place on the Jersey Shore, I was excited to go, not least because of the secret crush I had on Luke. The weekend would be an opportunity to watch Luke strut around in board shorts, and, given Mr. Amato's reputation for being a 'cool' parent, potentially to see if he was still straight when he was drunk. I got up early Friday morning, packed, and drove over to Mr. Amato's house. Paul and Luke were...

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XNXX Funny Porn

Jerking off is serious business. It’s not just a hobby for me. It’s a way of life. It’s why I get up in the morning and how I pay my mortgage. That doesn’t mean porn can’t be funny, though. I’ve been around my fair share of porn sets, and trust me, shit can get pretty goofy. But how could it not? It’s a goofy situation. Imagine waiting around naked to start rolling while twenty other clothed professionals run around tending to equipment that’s about to film you fucking.In such a setting,...

Funny Porn Sites
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A Storm Brewing Part 4 Finale

The girls went to bed with big smiles and butterflies in their stomachs as their big jump into adulthood was hours away. Cindy and Stalking Wolf quietly enjoyed themselves in bed with the two feeling like it was the biggest day of their daughter's life. Stormy was a woman now, her body was changing and she had won the heart of a young man who felt the same for her. The girls were up late the next morning and saw Stalking Wolf head off to his first day of work with his new company. The...

2 years ago
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A mother pleasures herself with her son

Looking briefly at his wall, the clock showing 11:30. About to turn off the lights, 25 year-old Todd heard a knock on his door before seeing an attractive mid- forties woman enter. “Hi Mom.” Smiling at her son, Mona walked over to the bed. “Honey, I’ve got a mild cramp in my leg, would you mind massaging it?” “Sure,” shifting over on his bed to make room for her. Wearing only a long T-shirt, Mona sat down on the bed, facing him. “Where...

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Suhara of Curses Chapter 2 Suharas Test

Something was tickling Jaux's face as he slept. No matter what direction he turned his face, the feeling was still there. Eventually, Jaux was annoyed to the point of reaching towards his face to pull off the disturbance. "Ouch!" Jaux woke from his slumber in pain and confusion. He had definitely just pulled his hair, but his hair was never long enough to fall over his face. Groaning, he sat up on his bed, and pitch black hair that stretched down past his waist tugged back on his...

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A Saturday of Cheerleader Pleasure Ch 07

It was a sunny and beautiful Saturday morning when I arrived at the airport with my beautiful girlfriend, Becca. Normally, it was difficult to find parking near the airport. However, luck was on our side today. There was an available parking spot that was relatively close to the airport doors. “We're here,” I told Becca, as I parked the van that I recently rented. “Thanks again for the ride, dear,” Becca said, as she unbuckled her seatbelt. “You're quite welcome,” I told her. Becca was heading...

Group Sex
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My Girlfriend Shoved A Vibrator Up My Ass

(episode 12)It was the winter semester of 2006 at UGA and I had been seeing Jennifer for a little over a year. I still couldn’t believe that I was involved with such a gorgeous girl. My feelings were further reinforced by my fraternity brothers, who constantly told me that I had, by far, the best looking girlfriend of any of the guys and one of the hottest girls on our entire campus; which is nationally known for gorgeous girls.Sex with Jennifer was more than amazing. Her sexual appetite was...

College Sex
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Bobby and Spanky IV

(Phase 2) by Lamia Fangs I will continue my story avoiding useless details. So I will begin by saying that two days after our last meeting, the neighbors’ parents came to my house introduce themselves and to tell me that they were pleased to meet me, same as their kids, and to assure me not to worry if I notice that the kids spent too much time home alone. — They know how to look after themselves. — No doubt about it — I answered. From that moment on, we, adults, became the best new...

2 years ago
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She Deserved It

She stood right at the very edge of the floor, a cold wind rustling her hair, as a grim smile spread across her face. Her hand resting against the exposed steel girder and looked down, seeking confirmation that she’d killed her rival for her husband’s affection. Being this high up and exposed to the element, made her head spin and her stomach churn, but she had needed to seem, to be certain. Twenty storeys were all they’d built so far, so it had to be enough. She knew twenty storeys would be...

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Swing Time

Bruce and Hannah had been married for fifteen years. They were wonderful happy years and they had a beautiful family with two kids, pets and everything a family should have. Unfortunately the flames of passion that burned so hot when they were dating and first married had smoldered and were threatening to go out altogether. The solution to their intimacy problems came quite unexpectedly one week during the summer. Hannah called her friend Mary to change their plans for the weekend. "I am so...

Group Sex
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Betseys Execution

STATE OF Pacifica DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS   Pacifica Women?s Correctional Institute - Sing Sing   EXECUTION REPORT Inmate ID No. 00-9602850 Name: Betsey {last name deleted} Date of Birth: June 14, 2064 Crime(s): none Sentence: Death by Electrocution Height: 5?10? Measurements: 32B-24-26 Hair: Auburn Eyes: Brown   BETSEY?S Execution - PART ONE The Euthanasia and Right to Die Act of 2105, passed by our Legislature a few months ago, permits terminally-ill persons to...

1 year ago
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Long day waiting

Today was a long day at work, actually a long week. After a call to the office, it was great to hear that it was a night alone, by myself. I thought about how to fill my time.  The day couldn’t had gone slow enough. But my mind kept working. There could be so many things I could do, but what? I informed my co-worker of my plans for the night, as we usually would ask each other. Nothing out of the ordinary. It was 6 o’clock when I got in. Waiting, waiting, waiting….when does my evening...

3 years ago
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Caught By sis

I was 15 and very obsessed with the idea of sex, even though I was still very much a virgin. My love of sex even had me going through a phase of sniffing my own sisters dirty knickers while I masterbated.My sister Sophie, s*******n years old and very pretty, all my mates fancied her, still living at home with me.This particular day, It was the school holidays, I was at home alone, Muma and Dad were at work and Sophie has gone to town. I had layed in and had started to feel horny and had got out...

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You Were Adopted

Every parent has some degree of fear when it becomes time to reveal to a child that they were adopted. There should never be a stigma attached to such a truth, but it's not an easy subject to dissect. Why tell the child now? Why ever tell the child? Why not tell them sooner? Why not later? And then there's: What happened to my real parents? Where are they? Why won't they see me? Psychologists will expand on any or all of these subjects if you have the time and...

3 years ago
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Male Carer Gives Well Hung Patient A Handjob

After a few years flitting from one job to i needed to find another career and decided to train to be a carer the money was poor but it was a stable job and after a few redundancies I knew I'd never be out of work. Ill be honest I didn't really fancy it at first but the hours were steady and it was secure, and when I saw the smiles I brought to some of the old people I looked after, I soon got over the hard work and initial messy and uncomfortable situations that the job brought with it....

1 year ago
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Getting Schooled

This story is a fantasy and completely fictional! I am a 24 year old male english teacher who recently finished university in a big city, and wanted to get away from it all and teach some where quiet and peaceful. One day while in the country I came across a quaint little town about an hours drive from the city. While reading the local paper over lunch I noticed an employment opportunity at a local girls college for a teacher who taught english and history. I decided to apply even though I new...

Group Sex
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Aliens Ch 02


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Beginning Of Lust

By: Riki4790 Hi friend’s I’m Riki I live in Delhi I’m a regular reader of ISS so, by reading these stories I get courage to share my stories here as well. I’m 23 years of age, fair complexion, average body and 6’1 height. Guys, this is my first story so like your support as well. If anything you wanna suggest your suggestions are welcome. You can contact me on I’m waiting for your reply this story is the about the sex encounter between me and my friend Prerna. Actually I’m an engineer just...

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