Knock on DoorChapter 9
- 4 years ago
- 21
- 0
August 20, 2017
Dear Ms. Diary,
[Written August 21]
When I woke up overly warm, I suspected Rhee was sleeping next to me. Ah, but it was worse than that. Rhee and Gracey were my neighbors in the jam-packed bed. Apparently, we had all decided to sleep here, though I do not recall anyone other than Heather conking out before me. I lifted my head to see if I could easily – or, at least, somewhat easily – extract myself from bed. Oh, joy. I’m in the middle. My action, though, let Heather know I was awake.
“Are you hot? I am, and I’ve got only one of the furnaces as a neighbor,” she whispered.
“I can get out and pull the sheet out from the foot of the bed. Perhaps you could skootch out that way.”
I smiled at her and nodded. When Heather slipped out of bed and untucked the sheet, I began slowly inching my way to the foot of the bed. By the time my knees were out from under the sheet, I began wondering how it was that neither Rhee nor Gracey had woken. Well, I figured I had a better chance with Rhee not waking, but I was a little surprised that Gracey hadn’t. I did a bit of a limbo to get out from under the sheet without tugging on it too severely.
“Thanks,” I whispered to Heather as I stood, enjoying the relative coolness.
I followed her as she headed to the bathroom, where we took turns on the throne. We agreed on a cooler shower, so washed each other, though not our hair. We then tiptoed to the kitchen.
“Are you interested in making a big breakfast for everyone?”
“Sure,” I answered, “though let’s try not to bang too many pots and pans together.”
By the time that Dad joined us, we had pancakes staying warm in the oven and were working on small omelets. I had set the dining-room table and started a pot of coffee going while Heather had made the pancakes. Dad grabbed one of the mugs I had set out, filled it with coffee, added some creamer, then took a cautious sip.
“Thanks, you two. Breakfast smells great and I really appreciate you having the coffee ready for me.”
“No prob, Dad. It’s my understanding that family does things like that,” replied Heather.
“Where are the others?”
“They’re still...,” Heather had started, but had been interrupted by the upstairs toilet flushing. “Someone is up.”
“Heather, would you go tell everyone that breakfast is imminent?”
“Sure, Beth.”
After Heather headed out, Dad said, “Beth, we haven’t told you this very often, but Sandy and I are so happy that you – and your sisters – chip in and help out so much here. We really appreciate that you do things like breakfast for everyone without being asked and that you cause so few real problems. Thank you.”
Though I was concentrating on an omelet, I blushed and began ducking my head. However, that immediately brought Liya to mind, so I lifted my head and turned it to face Dad.
“You’re welcome, Dad.”
I turned back to the omelet and folded it without it tearing or being messed up in some other fashion. Yay, me.
Breakfast was a loud, happy affair. A loud, happy affair in which the eight participants just happened to be naked, although that fact did not seem to be in anyone’s forebrain. We were just a family enjoying family and a good breakfast. That is until Rhee decided that my right nipple really needed to be slathered in boysenberry syrup. In response, Liya, to my right, decided that my left nipple needed some maple syrup. Liya then leaned over and sucked and licked the maple syrup off my right breast, which encouraged Rhee to clean and taste-test my left breast.
“Hey, no fair. I can’t reach her from here,” Heather complained, though with a grin on her face.
Since Heather wanted to try both syrup flavors, Rhee and Liya slathered my nipples, again. That led through a predictable series of challenges and counterchallenges to a spectacle. Each of the eight of us just had to sample both syrup flavors off every nipple in the room. We even did a blind taste test to see if anyone could taste whether it was a right nipple or a left nipple, despite whichever syrup was placed on it. Of course, the taste test devolved into hilarity. As we settled down and began to clean up the kitchen, Heather’s eyes began to water.
“What is it,” Gracey asked.
Heather shook her head, inhaled, and replied, “It’s this family.” After she inhaled and exhaled again, she continued, “I am so happy that I’m here, now. I never had fun with my ... biological family. I never had anything remotely like this happen there. I love you all, so much! You are so much fun!”
Rhee wrapped her arms around Heather and said, “You are, too. We, also, are very glad that you’re now living here.”
Gracey and Liya piled into that hug while I rubbed her hair from behind the others.
“I agree with Rhee,” said Carol. “You are fun, and this family is very happy to have you with us. I also agree with you, Heather. This family is incredibly fun. My life is certainly much more enjoyable now and that enjoyment is not due just to the wonderful sex I now get. However, just for the record, last night was glorious! Our Man is a spectacular lover!”
Gracey replied, “I agree with that! Friday night was ... incredible. I am definitely looking forward to more of that!”
Although she blushed when she said it, she was also grinning widely. Liya took her arms from around Heather and wrapped Gracey in them, then kissed her enthusiastically. Everyone turned to them, watching, as the kiss continued for minutes and their hands began to roam over each other.
When the two of them separated, panting, I said, “Well, that woke up someone ... or, rather, something.” I reached down and wrapped my right hand around Dad’s hardening cock, pointing it at Liya and Gracey, saying, “Since you two woke it up, you should tell it ‘good morning’ in some suitable fashion.
As Dad exclaimed, ‘Hey,” Liya stepped over to him, dropped to her knees, gently took the cock from my hand, and inserted it into her mouth. She slowly bobbed on it a few times, then leaned back.
“Good morning, Most Wonderful Cock in the World. I am very much looking forward to spending some quality time with you tonight. And with Dad, of course.”
There was much laughter.
My shoulder imp whispered a suggestion to me; I mentally nodded my head at her. Liya stood, hugged Dad while grinding her belly on his cock, then reached up and kissed him on the lips.
“I love you, Dad. I’m really looking forward to tonight.”
“So am I, Liya, my girlfriend-soon-to-be-lover.”
Liya’s body was racked by a paroxysm of pleasure with that sentence. She closed her eyes to enjoy it, then stepped back, a smile on her face.
“Sex Slave,” I stated firmly, “front and center.”
“Hey,” Dad said.
“Hush, Dad. It’ll be fine,” I responded.
When she got her wits gathered after hearing that command, Sex Slave stepped over toward me and, with her head bowed, said, “How may I serve, Mistress Beth?”
“Take the Master’s cock in hand and hold it out to each of your mistresses and ask them to say ‘good morning’ to it in the fashion that Mistress Liya did. Once you have handed Master’s cock to each of the mistresses who have not, yet, wished it a good morning this morning, you will then hand it to Mistress Liya so that she can wish it good morning again. She will join the select sorority of Master’s lovers tonight.”
Sex Slave inhaled, then said, “As you wish, Mistress Beth. Mistress Carol, I am bid to offer you Master’s cock to wish good morning.”
Carol smiled at me and nodded, then stepped over to Dad. She took Dad’s cock from Sex Slave’s hand, dropped to her knees, said “Good morning” to Dad’s cock, then bobbed on it a few times. She handed the cock back to Sex Slave, who took it reverently. Sex Slave repeated her entreaty to me, Rhee, Gracey, Heather, and then, Liya. We all followed Liya’s and Carol’s leads in sucking it into and partly out of our mouths a few times, each. Though Dad tried to act stoically, the look in his eyes suggested that he was enjoying it.
When Liya stood from her second round of sucking Dad’s cock, she said, “Sex Slave, you have done well in the task that Mistress Beth assigned you. Your reward is to wish Master’s cock good morning as we have done. However, once you have bobbed on it thrice, you will hold it in your mouth until Master allows you to release it, although you are not to make him cum. The next time he cums will be in my pussy.”
Sex Slave shivered, then responded, “Yes, Mistress Liya. Thank you, Mistress Liya.”
Dad let Sex Slave hold his cock in her mouth for 30 seconds or so, then said, “Was that good for you, Sandy?”
“Oh, yes! That was ... exhilarating.”
Dad searched her eyes for another 30 seconds or so, then held his hands out to her; she used them to stand, then hugged and kissed Dad.
After we five girls settled back from the sexual excitement of Sex Slave’s task, Gracey asked Liya if she would mind another bout of soccer practice.
“Not at all. I was going to suggest it. Everyone needs more rocket practice and you need to work on your roulette.”
When we were all upstairs getting dressed, Gracey said, “It’s too bad it’s Sunday and the pitch will probably have lots of people around it. I was going to suggest going commando until I remembered that fact. I’m still pretty buzzed from sucking Dad’s cock and from watching ... Sex Slave do your bidding, Beth. I keep forgetting that Sandy is Sex Slave for the rest of the month.”
“Gracey,” Liya asked, “that seems like you’re suggesting that you would have liked to do more sex on the pitch. Is that right?”
Gracey looked at Liya, her face coloring despite her complexion. She nodded. Liya launched herself at Gracey, hugging her tightly.
“Oh, Gracey. I love you. You’re turning me on with your larger comfort zone. I really, really want to make love with you on the pitch ... or on some pitch. I’m not sure why, but I do.”
Liya released Gracey, and vice-versa, with Liya turning to face all of us as best she could.
“That reminds me. What was last night? Are we becoming more of a five-girl item than separate two- and three-girl items? I did not once think that it was weird that we all started loving each other after Gracey got us going. That’s the first time that that’s happened. I am getting much more comfortable making love, having sex, with any one of you or all of you. I still love and want Gracey a bit more, but I really have become perfectly comfortable with having sex at any time with any number of my sister-friend-lovers. I am turned on just being with my sister-friend-lovers. Hell, I was so turned on in the kitchen with all of us sucking Dad’s cock that not only would I have been willing to have any or all of you sex me up right then on the kitchen floor, I would have let him take me, right there, right then. I thought that it would almost be right, with my whole adopted family right there to enjoy my first time having Dad’s cock inside me.”
Heather beat us all to it by wrapping Liya in a huge hug. The rest of us joined in. After a minute or so, we all stepped back.
Liya then said, “I am so fucking turned on right now. I’d really like to have Dad make love with me, from start to finish, in front of the whole family. I’d like all of you there. I’d like all of you taking part in some small fashion, whether putting your hands on us or kissing me while Dad’s inside me, or ... or I don’t know. I love you all, so much. Thank you for this wonderful life to which you’ve led me. I’m so fucking happy, like I didn’t think I would ever be, again.”
That caused another five-girl scrum hug.
“I want the same thing,” Rhee said after we released each other. “And I know that Heather does. Gracey, with your expanded comfort zone, is that something that you might want?”
“I’ve been thinking about it since Liya mentioned it. Yes, I would. Of course, I’d probably be willing to allow Dad to make love with me anywhere and anywhen, so I’m not really surprised by my interest in having my adopted family watch me make love with Dad. However, I doubt that I could do that on the pitch.”
There was much laughter.
“That sounds like a challenge, Gracey,” Rhee said, “Beth, I wonder how we can get that to happen, for each of us.”
“I don’t know, but it doesn’t seem all that outlandish, given this family. I could see a Special getting this to happen, though I don’t know whether Dad could cum seven times in a day. Of course, over a weekend...”
Everyone was silent while we each pondered how we could effect this ... fantasy.
Heather broke the silence by saying, “I don’t have any suggestions, but I wanted to see if something related were possible. If I can make love with Dad in front of the whole family, do you think that I could get the ... whole ... event videoed?”
“Wow, Heather! That’s pretty crazy, but not unexpected from you,” Gracey exclaimed. “I would be willing to do the videoing if it were possible to get various permissions to do so. We’re waiting only on the degausser to set up the archive. We’ll certainly have lots of storage space, at least for the foreseeable future, unless we go batshit crazy with video.”
I hated to break up the party, but I did.
“Hey, we’ve gotten sidetracked. I understand why and I think the discussion was a good one to have, and we should explore a couple of the aspects suggested. At another time. We should get to the pitch early, as I wouldn’t be surprised if others are going to be using it today.”
“Yeah,” said Liya, “though I wouldn’t mind an orgy, either. I wasn’t kidding. I am really turned on.”
At practice, Rhee managed a few inside-bend rockets, I hit three solid line-drive rockets, all of which felt so perfect. Heather even managed a quasi-rocket. But Gracey was the star of the show. She became consistent with line-drive rockets and began working on inside-bend rockets. She also managed to do three consecutive counterclockwise roulettes. I began pondering an interesting idea, an idea that I broached on the walk home.
“Gracey, do you recall what Coach said about the high-school midfield?”
“Yeah. She said something like ... No. She said the midfield was a mixed bag. From that, I inferred that one or two starting positions would be held by, presumably, upper-class members. You remember that they were playing a 3-4-3 in the game we watched. Why?”
“I was thinking that you should tell Coach that you’d be interested in trying one of the wing midfield positions.”
She stopped walking and, when I turned to see why, she stared at me, mouth open for a few seconds. However, I could also see her brain working behind her eyes. After a few more seconds, she closed her mouth and her eyes narrowed.
“You think that with three returning seniors in the back line that I would be a backup all season, but that there might be more game time for me if I’m willing to be a midfielder.”
Rhee jumped in with, “That’s brilliant! Zala and Haven are going to West, Rathi to East, and Emma goes to a private school. Kanda and Dakota are still in middle school. You’ve got a rocket. You’ve got a roulette. You can learn more ball handling. And Coach believes in you.”
Gracey colored slightly at Rhee’s last sentence.
“Oh, Gracey! You should do it,” Liya stated. “I know you look up to her, so think about Ann. If she weren’t such a great center back and the anchor of the D, she probably could have been a very good midfielder. You’ve got nearly all the skills that she has.”
“Ann’s way better than me.”
“Gracey,” I responded, “she was way better than you. You worked hard and became a very good fullback this year. You’ve now got a rocket. You can do a Zidane roulette. If you can do that – and, remember, it took Civia a long time to get that – you can learn more dribbling skills. We’ll all be willing to teach you more. While I don’t know which midfielders are left from last year, I expect that you could have a reasonable chance of winning a starting midfield position. Even if you don’t, it certainly would make you more valuable to Coach – on both teams – if you could play midfield more than passably. And I know that you could do at least that!
After a moment of Gracey staring at me, I ended with, “And Coach believes in you.”
Gracey swallowed hard, then said, “Beth, I trust you, implicitly, on things like this. Do you really think I can do that?”
“Gracey, I believe that you can do most anything that you set your mind to doing, just like setting your mind last year to being a starting fullback. I think that you being a starting wing midfielder would be ... It may not be easy, but it is something that you could do. Coach was a midfielder, and I know she will help you. You know that Rathi said more than once that Coach really helped her be the midfielder that she is.”
After a few seconds, Gracey said, “Yeah, she did say that Coach helped her a lot.” She looked around at all of us, then said, “Heather?”
“I’d love to have you at my back, Gracey. I didn’t know you before you won the starting right back job, but I certainly saw how much you improved this year. I know that Beth and others have said this, but you have become much more confident this year and that has translated into a Gracey that is a terror on D. You can do this. You just have to believe that you can do this.”
“Absolutely, Gracey girl.”
Gracey’s eyes watered slightly, and she inhaled deeply.
“Okay. I can do this.”
Liya banged herself into Gracey and wrapped her in a ferocious hug.
“I love you, Gracey. You can do this.”
When we got home, Dad said, “Showers. Now. Picnic lunch at the park. Chop, chop.”
Needless to say, we chop-chopped. When Heather and I got back to the Go5 HQ after showering downstairs, she made a suggestion.
“Sister-friend-lovers, I have two words for you. Skirts. Commando.”
“Bitchin’,” exclaimed Liya.
“Oh, yeah. I’m in,” agreed Rhee. “Dad’s going to get an eyeful.”
“See! This is what I mean. Even a month ago, I would not have considered wearing a very short skirt with no undies in public. Now, I think about sex much of every day, particularly when I’m with any of you. When I’m with all of you, sex pushes at the forefront of my brain nearly all the time. I am glad that I gave all of you carte blanche with my body, because I am ready for any of you and all of you all of the time. I wonder what school will be like with my new outlook on ... life ... and sex. While I’d love to have one or more of you sex me up in school, we probably shouldn’t do things like that.”
“Ya think,” riposted Rhee. “It would be fun, though.”
We broke out our short skirts, with Heather going all out, wearing the outfit that Sandy bought her “to allow Dad access to her goodies ... you know, in case of emergency.” She opted to button the bottom button of the shirt [see Chapter 41]. While Heather’s outfit was the most revealing, none of us wore panties or bras and all of the outfits were risqué.
When we got to the living room, I said, “Let’s take the couch slip covers for the benches to protect our bare butts.”
When we reached the kitchen, Dad and Carol were standing by the sink, talking.
“Why are you bringing the slip covers?”
To answer Dad, I stepped over to Carol and, with one of the slip covers in my arms, bent over a little, my butt toward Dad.
“Carol,” I asked, “would you please do the honors?”
Carol chuckled, then lifted my skirt.
“Ahh. I see,” Dad said.
“Excuse my forwardness,” said Carol as she quickly caressed my left cheek.
I stood, then said, “Next.”
Next was Heather, who stood facing Dad, and asked Carol, “Would you do the honors, please?”
Carol lifted the front of the skirt; Dad’s eyes were riveted to the lovely scene underneath that skirt.
Carol then said, “Excuse my forwardness,” as she briefly caressed Heather’s labia.
Heather said, “Next.”
Gracey, who was next in line, seemed to delay a bit, perhaps trying to decide whether to show her pussy or her ass. She inhaled deeply and exhaled it, then stepped up to Carol facing Dad.
“Carol, would you please do the honors?”
Carol obliged her by lifting Gracey’s skirt and showing Dad Gracey’s pussy, then doing as she did with Heather. Rhee, her arms loaded with the other slipcover, repeated Heather and Gracey’s actions and Carol repeated her own actions. When Rhee said, “Next,” Liya stepped up to Carol.
“Carol, please do the honors, but bookends seems the right way to do this,” she said as she turned around and leaned over a bit.
When Carol bared Liya’s gorgeous ass to Dad, Dad surprised all of us, including Sandy, who arrived in the kitchen just then. He dropped to his knees and began rubbing Liya’s ass with both hands and kissing her ass around his hands.
Liya let out a long, low moan, then said, “Dad, I’ll give you exactly 30 minutes to stop doing that to me.”
There was much chuckling.
Dad squeezed both of her cheeks then licked a long swipe up each cheek from bottom to top, then stood.
“I am really looking forward to our night together, Liya.”
Liya spun around and threw herself against him, wrapping her arms around him and putting both her hands on his shorts-covered cheeks and squeezed them. She laid her head on his chest below his chin, her face toward Sandy.
“Soon-to-be-my-lover Charlie, I am, too. I love you and you are so fucking hot.”
With that, she reached up onto her tiptoes and kissed his mouth, a kiss that he returned, a kiss that they maintained for nearly two minutes. Liya lowered herself and placed the right side of her face on his chest.
“Oh, Dad, you turn me on so much, and it seems that someone here turns you on.”
With that, she slowly rubbed her belly side-to-side on his crotch.
“That would be you and your sisters. I am the luckiest man on Earth.”
“Yes, you are, but we are the luckiest girls on Earth, as we get to make love with you.”
Liya then slid down his front, while still holding his ass cheeks, until her face reached his rampant cock in his shorts. She spread light kisses down the length of the bulge from tip to base, then stood.
Panting, Liya said, “Oh, god. Let’s get going before I have you take me on the kitchen table with the rest of our family as audience.”
A long, low “Fu-uckkkkkkkk” hissed out of Sandy’s mouth, which caused Liya to swivel her head to face Mom. She stepped over to Sandy and put her hands on Mom’s arms.
“You really would like to see that. Wouldn’t you?”
“Yes, Liya. I really would. While I’d like to be able to ogle your lovely ass with Charlie taking you doggie-style, I’d rather we all get to watch your face as Our Man pounded you on the table.”
It was Liya’s turn to surprise us. She threw her arms around Mom, pulled her into a clinch, and slammed her mouth onto Mom’s, kissing her hard for almost ten seconds.
When Liya pulled back, looking into Mom’s eyes, she said, “And I want you ... the whole family to watch me as Dad pounds me on the table.”
“Liya, Dear, that will happen,” replied Mom.
“Oh, god. OHGODOHGODOHGOD! Please, get us all into the Sprinter before I strip myself and lie on the table with my legs spread for Dad.”
Sandy chuckled, then lightly wrapped a hand around Liya’s left bicep and pulled her toward the garage. With someone moving that way, the rest of us followed.
Heather and Gracey sat with Liya between them in the second row of seats behind the front seats. Shortly after we got onto the road, we heard a squeak emanate from Liya. Rhee, Sandy, and I turned to see what caused it and got an eyeful. Heather was on Liya’s right and was turned toward her with her right hand in Liya’s crotch. In fact, her hand was slowly moving in and out, her fingers obviously slowly pistoning in Liya’s pussy. On the other side, Gracey was nuzzling Liya’s neck and face and had her right hand inside Liya’s top playing with her left breast. Liya was now moaning.
A particularly loud moan seemed to wake Liya to her situation.
“Wait, wait. I know I said that you could sex me up anytime, but I want my next orgasm be one that Dad gives me.”
Heather and Gracey stopped moving, though didn’t extract their hands from Liya’s body. They looked at each other; Gracey smirked.
“Okay,” she said. “We won’t make you cum.”
Both of them immediately started back in on Liya, who threw her head back and let out a noise that seemed part moan and part complaint about her treatment. Perhaps fortunately for Liya, Dad turned into the park then.
“Where in the park,” he asked.
Rhee answered, “Go all the way back and take the first right turn. Our table, uh ... our pavilion is at the end of that road.”
Halfway down the road after the right turn, a car passed us heading out. I looked at Rhee, who was looking at me. She nodded at me, a nod that I returned. Yes, that was lucky. We could already see “our” pavilion, which was devoid of people. I think that nod of Rhee’s also said, “Good thing Liya delayed us in getting here.” I grinned at her; she grinned back. We had not discussed it and we did not have a plan, but I believe that both of us were thinking something interesting might happen here, today. I have no idea why “our” pavilion, which sits on a slight rise, is the only feature on this road, but we girls all certainly appreciate that fact.
“Park the Sprinter with the right side facing the pavilion, Dad,” Heather stated.
Rhee looked back at me and nodded again; I returned it with a quick grin. After Dad parked, we piled out, grabbing cooler and other assorted stuff, including the slip covers. Since it was already 1 pm, we tucked into lunch.
When we had finished lunch and put much of the stuff away, Heather grabbed the frisbee and said, “Come on. Who wants to play with me?”
As soon as she finished that question, she grinned.
Before she could modify her question, Carol said, “We all do, nearly constantly.”
“Okay. Thanks. Who wants to toss the frisbee around?”
Who knew that Carol was so good at tossing a frisbee? Rhee, obviously, but all of the rest of us were surprised. She had, by far, the highest skill level among us, being able to do some fancy throws. Dad and Rhee were the next best, but they weren’t close to Carol’s level. Another surprise was Heather’s tumbling ability. It started when she leaped after the frisbee and turned it into a quick somersault. It turns out that she can do cartwheels, handsprings, and round-offs like a gymnast. Okay, she’s no Simone Biles, but she was much more proficient at such things than any of the rest of us. Of course, she liked doing them in the park, because she would flash her goodies every time. In fact, she took advantage of her skills big time.
“Hey, Dad, catch me if I start to fall over.”
With that, she did a handstand right in front of Dad with her adorably cute butt on display right in front of him. She came back down to her feet, rotated 180 degrees, then did another. Dad was spellbound. He did not have to catch her, but as she held the handstand for at least 15 seconds, he stared at her bare pussy on display for him.
“Hey,” Liya yelled once Heather was on her feet again, “no fair. None of the rest of us can do that.”
“Too bad, so sad,” Heather responded with a grin, then stuck her tongue out at Liya.
Liya responded by enveloping Heather and sucking that tongue into her mouth.
When the two of them came back up for air, Liya said, “You really do have a fucking adorably cute ass. You saw what you did to Dad’s shorts, right? For some reason, they suddenly got really tight on him.”
Heather grinned, then said, “Hey, I’m just trying to get him worked up for you.”
Liya squeezed her tightly again, then reached down and pulled Heather’s skirt to expose her adorably cute butt ... to Dad.
“Dad,” she said, “Heather doesn’t believe us when we tell her she has an adorably cute butt. You tell her.”
Dad swallowed hard, looked down the road to see no vehicles or people, then turned back to Heather.
“Heather, while Liya’s ass is exquisite, the girls are right. You have an ungodly-adorably cute, little butt. Every time I see it, I cannot choose between wanting to pet it softly or ... squeeze and bite it. It’s just so... fucking adorable!”
Heather turned 180 degrees in Liya’s arms and looked at Dad hard.
“You ... you really mean that?”
“Yes, Heather. You are probably the overall very cutest girl I’ve ever seen and that butt of yours is probably your cutest feature. Your sparkling eyes are gorgeous, but that butt ... You ... and that fucking incredibly, adorably cute butt ... take my breath away ... every time I see you.”
Heather stared at him for at least 15 seconds, then pulled out of Liya’s arms and wrapped herself around him and began shaking in his arms.
Among sobs, she got out, “You really think so?”
“Yes, Heather. I would never lie to you or exaggerate to you about something like that. You are ungodly cute. You turn me on ... all the time. With apologies to Liya, I am looking forward to making love with you on Tuesday night.”
The very next day you venture out to the same spot, at the same time, but he is not there. You do this for 4 days. Every day you are so excited on the beach you lay naked caressing your own body and bringing yourself to orgasm. You know you need his cock inside you. But he never shows up. Exactly a week later you decide to give it one more go. You trace your steps exactly like every day previously. You are so tired from all the exercise and horniness you collapse on the beach and are out for a...
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I have just spent a weekend enjoying the best sex of my life. My new lover Bill had fucked me silly, and I now knew I was gay and never wanted anything but cock to satisfy my ever-expanding needs. He had even brought some friends over for a group session that I had absolutely loved and all I wanted to do from now on was more of the same.Little did I know that this wonderful scenario I was envisioning would take a strange twist that would find me being abused, used, and humiliated by an old...
I worked in setting out field trials in sugar cane for new pesticides - it is hard work in the heat of the day. Often I needed a rest and a drink of water. One day I was working to set out a new trial and my thoughts wandered to a girl I watched the night before, a sexy middle aged woman with a beautiful bouncy ass. I sat down on my folding chair and the breeze was nice and relaxed me. When doing field work, I have always roomy boxers, to allow for good air circulation - of course it also...
It had been several days since Brian met Jamie on his delivery route. He could not stop thinking about her. He kept picturing her eyes locked in a gaze with his… kept imagining her standing in that doorway and kept fantasizing about her taking off her blouse and pulling him inside for the ride of his life. If his friends knew how many times he had masturbated just in the last weekend, they’d stage an intervention – he was hopelessly addicted to the thought of being with Jamie. Every morning he...
EroticThanks again for your patience on this chapter. My travels, work, and just exhaustion have kept me from getting anything else really written since mid-June. I'm hoping this weekend and the next few weekends will be good for writing. Thank you all for your comments in the reviews, I very much appreciate them! Chapter 19: I WOKE THE next morning to the sounds of someone walking down the hallway. Yawning, I rolled over to where my head faced the open crib bars towards the door....
The Women's Conference By Julie "All they are going to do is sit around and spend four days bashing men!" Glen said heatedly. "Exactly my point," Chet agreed. "They could do that here without having to spend $1000." "I'm sure they bash us already, but you know women," Jerry added, "they love to spend our hard earned money." The three men were sitting in the break room at General Medical, R & D, where they worked. General Medical, R & D was a group of...
Framing Erotica By Cal Y. Pygia The aim of erotic literature is to excite its reader sexually. Its goal is to cause male readers to attain and maintain a penile erection. Its intent is to cause female readers' vaginas to lubricate themselves and/or to cause women to attain and maintain a clitoral erection. More than most--perhaps all--other forms of literature, erotica demonstrates the physiological effects of fiction upon readers. One--and perhaps the primary--way by which...
Prologue25 Hours Hotel, Zürich'Non; Wait for me outside, Bitte.'He does not let him inside.He takes with him only his room key.They Kiss; They have Sex inside the Men's toilet, at the 25 Hours Hotel.They get on the Tram.They sit together; They don't talk.He touches his hand.EpilogueLyric Opera, ChicagoCio-Cio-San; Sie ist tot.Now he is giving him a blow job, inside his car.Noone cares about Cio-Cio-San; The Bitch is dead.He takes out his iPhone; He makes his very short film; He does not realize...
It was a Tuesday night in July, another night on the road for work. I was stir crazy at the hotel so I walked to the Irish pub a block down the street. Inside the bar was a little dull, I ordered Guinness and stepped out onto the patio. It was a beautiful night, perfect for sitting outside. Most of the tables were taken, so I struck up a conversation with a couple that were sitting off to the side. Their names were Mike and Dianna, an attractive married couple in good shape, white and...
Bill and Bob were born a year and a half before Jill and Joan. They were all twins. Like their parents. Their mother had a twin sister and their father had a twin brother. It ran in the family. Bill and Bob were both blonde like their mother and Jill and Joan were both redheads like their father. Approaching 16, Bill and Bob were both six feet tall and 170 pounds. They were both very athletic and good students. Like their sisters. Straight A's for the Hanson kids all around. Jill and Joan were...
Spells R Us created by Bill Hart. This story may be posted to Fictionmania and other free sites. SRU: Just Is Served by Scott K. Jamison The bell above the door of Spells R Us jingled merrily as a stout woman entered. Sadly, the woman herself was by no means merry. She slammed a potted plant down on the counter in front of Dannie. "I demand a refund!" The Old Man grinned, and moved towards the far end of the store. There were times when having an assistant in the shop was...
After few minutes of panting and caressing each other, we got up and cleaned our-self and laid together once again. “Wah Mausi maza aa gaya, aapne to kamal kar diya,” (Hey Aunty, we enjoyed a lot and you were wonderful) Raju said. She was lying between us and we were caressing her boobs and tummy. Kitni badi badi hain yeh, (How big are these) I complimented her about her boobs. But she was in a pensive mood and was not in her usual cheerful mood. Suddenly she started sobbing softly… Kya hua...
THIS IS A CONTINUATION OF WHERE PART I HAS LEFT OFF.THIS STORY IS PURE FICTIONIt was a great weekend that both Victoria and I had with sex master Phil. I will never forget how hot that his dominate personality really had a great impact on me as a woman who is exploring herself sexually and professionally. I sometimes wonder if ha d not left the firm to pursue my political appointment; things would have been very different. I really cannot turn the clock back to do over my past decisions...
I found I almost stopped breathing when she took her jeans off. Out of politeness I tried not to stare, but I observed how she did her best to execute the move in a dignified way. Plain white cotton panties — very nice — obviously they too would be coming off. They came off. She stepped out of them in the same calm, dignfiied way. I saw rather pale but nice thighs and a hell of a good show of arse-flesh, better even than I could have anticipated from its denim-packaged state. Then I saw our...
"I don't belong here" I say insistently as the orderly leads me down the hall to the directors office. I step inside reluctantly and sit on the soft leather chair across from the director as he sits behind his large desk, in front of all his impressive certificates. "Sit, Ms. Watson, please. Relax, we are all here to help you." I shift in the seat and sigh indignantly, scoffing at his attempt to appease me. "I don't belong here... I still can't believe this is happening", I say almost to...
Hier nun der dritte Teil meiner Story. Dieser Teil ist definitiv anders geworden als die ersten beiden Teile, denn es geht nicht vorrangig um Sex, kommt zwar auch vor aber nicht nur, lest selbst. Ich hoffe, dass euch der dritte Teil gefällt und wünsche viel Spaß beim Lesen.Besonders dir Phil möchte ich nochmals danken! Daher habe ich diesen Teil so geschrieben wie er nun geworden ist. Es gibt einen Satz in der Story für dich, den ich ein wenig versteckt habe und der genauso gemeint ist, wie es...
For those who didn't want to read the first part:Harriet is a loving but traditional woman. Her boyfriend begins to have cuckold fantasies about her, though it's clear she's not interested. Desperately, he sets up a scenario where he hopes she will at least consider the idea. He takes her out for dinner and drinks, then takes her to a local pub and gives her an ultimatum: she will sit there alone for the rest of the evening and let herself get chatted up by some local guys or he will pack...
CuckoldMaria is distraught after a breakup, but her stepdad, Jay, tells her she can’t let it control her life. He shows her that there are plenty of ways to get over an ex, but he starts by massaging her back and fingering her pussy. Maria is so grateful to Jay that she sucks his cock in the kitchen while her mom isn’t home and swallows a massive load of her stepdad’s cum. Later, Jay helps Maria get over her ex entirely by pounding her petite pussy. He can’t believe how tight she is, and Maria loves...
xmoviesforyouA Short Trip In PublicBy The Qmoq (c) 2010Codes: MF/f, F/f, exhibitionism, watersports, D/s, S/M, bondage, real, consensual, humiliation, lightSynopsis: Pamela, a young submissive woman, publicly obeys her switch mistress (Alice) and Alice’s dominant fianc?e Jim.The situation was a little complicated, but interesting, at least. Jim and Alice were engaged, and firmly devoted to each other. Jim would beat Alice on the rear with a strap every so often, and frequently chained her to the bed, b...
More Than Just A Womanless Pageant (Chapter 5) by: crossvestite Players: Daddy-Steve Daughter-Amy Son-Andy Amy's Boyfriend-Lucas So far: Steve's daughter Amy was with him in his home office and was telling him about her plans to help her boyfriend Lucas enter into the high school's womanless beauty pageant. But it has turned into much more than that. Amy also knows about her dad's crossdressing hobby and has found ways to find out everything she needs to know in order to put...
I tell him that's enough with my legs and he goes back to his desk smiling like the cat that's got the cream. And he did get the cream, didn't he? Not only that, he got to rub it into my sexy legs. Next thing that happens is Cynthia comes back and she's got her tiny little pink bikini on. She'd look bad in this even if it fitted her but with it also being way too small she looks absolutely ridiculous. Chorus of sarcastic cheers and jeers from the guys. "Don't fancy yours much,"...
Dorm Surprize By Kachakali See a picture and caption of this story at What a bad time to take the TG pill and have the AC in the dorm room go out. My roomate told me to call Maintance. But I have other things on my mind. I'm turning into a girl. I'm nervous and I want the changes in me to start already. I took off my shirt and pants to see what's going to happen to me. I'm just in my underwear now. The ceiling fan is trying its best to cool...
Dear Sister-in-law, I seem to still get letters that Will sends to you. I guess that somewhere deep inside every AI is a bureaucratic ganglia that insists that the world has not changed. I wonder if they, like some companies and more government agencies I worked with, would not still be using couriers who ran on foot if possible because horses are a newfangled idea? Okay, that is a bit paranoid even for your brother who seems to be positively paranoid. Yet here I sit with my spouses lost,...
Introduction: my 18th birthday ( i have pics of myself on my profile ) it was my 18th birthday and my boyfriend came home with a box wrapped up in wrapping paper and handed it to me. He was 32 at the time. i smiled at him as i opened the package up inside was a one piece dress that was very see thru and white. i was told to put it on which i did stripping in front of him down to nothing my little 32 a cups and shaved hairless pussy. i slipped it over my head and the dress just came down to the...
I was settling into my aisle seat on the plane on the way to Las Vegas. A Thursday through Friday conference in a fun city with no one to play with. I would be a nice break from work. I had been working long hours and was a bit horny. I was starting to think about finding an escort. Then I noticed her walking down the aisle. She was a well dressed Asian women about 26 years old. She was wearing a conservative but sexy red and black dress. The dress was mid-thigh length, fairly tight and had a...
Straight SexMay, 1985, the Midwest, the Great Plains, California, and the Pacific Northwest, USA “More corn?” my sister asked shortly after we crossed the Mississippi at the Quad Cities. We were making good time, having covered the first 180 miles of our trip in less than three hours. “On this route, it’s going to be corn and wheat, with the odd herd of cows, and very flat, until we get to the Rocky Mountains.” “Should we fill the gas tank and switch places?” Stephanie asked. “Sure. It’s about 300...
Foreword from the author This is Book II in the "Party of Five" series of novellas. That means, there's definitelt at least one more book out there that needs some love as well. Plus, it's really good to learn a bit more about the main characters and read their story, their first adventure together. Not that you really have to, me thinks, but I hope you'll like it. It's also good for the soul. In book II, there might not be so many funny moments (the definition of funny is always up...
Hi many of you have appreciated my last part, and have mailed me your thoughts so thanks a lot for your replies and opinions. Now here is the part 7 of this series. Please keep your comments coming so i can write more and simulate your fantasies. So here we go. We played with each other’s bodies for a bit and kissed and caressed each other in the bath tub till we felt the water get colder by the minute. The bath tub though sizeable was still uncomfortable for two people, by now anjana had held...
After I had finished at college, I started my first real job in an industrial town in the West Country. The Personnel department found me lodgings, and so I arrived on the Sunday afternoon at the house, which luckily was not far from the station as my suitcase was its usual over-loaded state.I was greeted by a couple, Fred and Susan, and shown to my room, which it turned out had been their son’s until he had left home a year before to join the army. I joined them at 7 for supper, and started to...
Had a little extra cash and alot of free time today so I decided to get a a massage. My search took about and hour, I basically googled happy ending a bunch of times called up a number and decided from the sketchy answer and vague answer to my inquiry that I had found the right place.Turns out my instinct was right. I was greeted outside the surprising small"parlor" it was basically a small studio/office space (around 350 sq/ft was my best guess) and looked over suspiciously by an middle aged...
After that, Val didn't want to talk for a while. She didn't want me too close, but she didn't want me far. That is until her stomach started to growl. From the look on her face and body, I could tell she didn't want to get up. "Can I go and get you something to eat," I asked? She gave me a slightly ticked off look and said, "I'm not helpless you know. I don't need a prince in shining armor to come to my rescue. Just because I was raped by my own daddy..." She stopped from anger or...
I've been toying with doing this for a while and find the buzz from 'exposing' some of my experiences to be incredibly exciting in itself. All the more so as I'm not a 'flaunt it' type of girl in normal life. More than once a new boyfriend as been taken by surprise once things get personal. The following details a few events, but focuses on one of my most 'illicit' sides - playing with another girl. I am to all intents and purposes completely straight, except to the very few who know. Hope...
LesbianWhen Paul and his crew returned from the gym Monday morning, he called to me that he had a present for me. I walked out into the living as he was removing a vile of amber liquid from his gym bag and syringe. As he placed the needle into the vile and drew a large amount of the liquid into the syringe, he told me to turn around which I did. I was wearing tiny thong panties and he rubbed my bottom with a little alcohol swab which made me squeal from the sudden cold and without warning pushed the...
I was 25. I was looking for jobs. I had a neighbor. She is a widow. We used to call her Shilpa Aunty. She liked me and we are neighbors for more than 2 years. If any females from Hyderabad wanna have me can male me on It was rainy season and I came home, my door was locked. I asked the shilpa aunty abt my mom or asked if she gave the keys. She told that she came 20 min before and the house is locked. I went to my house and saw a note from mom that my father has asked her to come and meet in...
IncestWell hello to all the readers of ISS. I have been reading a few stories here and found them really hot and interesting. I am really drawn to narrate a real life experience which I encountered when I was just 15 yrs old. Let me tell you about myself. I am 40yrs old and now live in Bangalore. I am into my own business and live a pleasant live. Well this incident was also my first experience with sex.I lived with my parents in Calcutta. We had a full time maid named Veena who was nearly 22-23 yrs...
Sixteen-year-old Mia's parents were out for dinner one evening and she was completely bored. She had done her homework, picked out an outfit for school the next day, packed her bags, and was waiting for pizza to get delivered that was ordered by her brother Dan. Since there were a few minutes till dinner, Mia decided to go to her room for some 'pleasing time' aka masturbation. She laid on her bed, got her phone out and went to 'Lush Stories' and started reading an erotic story. Her hand soon...
IncestI put about cleaning up our camp site while Lesly was in getting dressed. I was wandering what was in store for the day. I knew what we were doing was wrong, but I could not help myself. I convinced myself that it was Lesly not me that had wanted to come on the trip and it was her that had made the first move in the direction that things were heading. My mind was going a hundred miles an hour. What was she going to come up with today? She came out of the van in the white tank top that left...
Richard arrived in a taxi at his friend Aaron’s family home, a huge mansion like house for the mid-winter party at the same time as an elegant looking lady with silver grey streaks in a stylish expensive coiffeur cut to just below her ears. She was very fashionably dressed wearing white tailored cut satin slacks that shows her ass nicely. She was also dressed in a designer black faux-fur vest, black soft leather gloves with a small designer leather bandolier strap i-phone wallet hanging from...
Copyright© 1994-2003 "Said a pornographistic young poet 'Although I perhaps do not show it, My interest in sin Is wearing quite thin, And I'll soon tell those fuckers to stow it.'" -author unknown Jan was not overly attractive. Nor was she someone I would have normally taken a passing notice in, except, I had been friends, and partners, with her husband for several years. Every woman I have ever met, I have to consider the pros and cons of a sexual relationship with her....
As the curtain came down on Act I, Scarlett was lying in a pool of cum across her huge bed. Her cunt and her pretty little ass hole were well stretched by Horatio and his two henchmen. She knew this was only the beginning of her bargain with the evil Yankee carpetbagger to save her beloved plantation. Lucinda and her daughter Ellie Mae were trembling in the room below Scarlett's bedroom listening to the noisy orgy above them. They knew Miss Scarlett had been subjected to the most undignified...
LEVERIA Head-ranger Adarian knelt before me. I let him kneel for quite a while, my anger simmering silently in the throne room. “Rise.” I finally commanded, “Explain yourself, Ranger.” “My queen,” Adarian said, rising to his feet, “our attack on the Terdini tribe was repelled. Brock Terdini was not present, but we did dispatch his wife.” “I don’t give a shit about his wife!” I said angrily, “How does an elite company of rangers lose to a pack of beasts?!” Adarian paused. “You Highness,...
Timothy and I met many times before. A deep experience richer every time. His 8.5 inches always make me very slutty. Not only his cock is amazing. His whole body is beautiful. His African roots provide a body and skin color for which I can get down on my knees in a second. But that is on the outside. He is also a nice laid back man. Moreover sweet, witty and intelligent. A discussion about small and large national or international world problems always ends in interesting insights.The last time...
May 14, 1940, The world is in turmoil. Tanks and trucks rumble through cities and the countryside. The Wehrmacht has launched it's infamous blitzkrieg against the West....The Newspapers were all so depressing these days. Not that they were wrong of course but we had all heard it first from the radio. Or at least most of us. I had just ridden out of a town south of Amsterdam. I reached a fork in the road North and south. Amsterdam or Antwerp. Right or Left. I took a deep breath and turned...
My new girlfriend Sandy was always gone on either Friday or Saturday. I asked about where she went and she explained she had a second job where she made a lot of money for a few hours work. As a teacher she needed to supplement her income and as a Nurse I was not much better. Sandy introduced me to Carla who offered me a job as a dinner companion for lonely wealthy widows and divorcees. Her service was for women only and she carefully screened all her clients. Usually you escorted them to...
I had just returned from los angeles where I had been for three weeks on a job assignment. It was only natural then that I had called bill and mike, my two closest buddies to have a drink with me so we could catch up on the latest happenings. The three of us were sitting in al's bar which has been our favorite hangout since we became old enough to drink legally. It is a nice friendly place and we have spent many nights getting totally hammered in here. But al always makes sure that we get home...
This is Kiran again in front of you with an amazing experience of sex. If anyone finds interest in the sex story can email me on The incident took back about a week before. The heroine of this sex story in Rekha who is the owner of the house. Her age is around 36 and she has the sexiest figure of 36-30-36 the body which makes everyone think of her. She has the sexiest smile that can turn anyone’s mood for her. And coming to me, my name is Kiran, studying B. Tech, age 22 with a perfect sports...
Sisters ? by: Serena Lawhead Chapter 1 - Captured 17 year old Errol Harris was pissed off, how dare that bitch of a teacher have the audacity to have him suspended from school! And for what he fumed, sexually harassing the girls in his class they said, 'hell didn't all girls like to be treated that way?' he thought, 'and didn't the blondes like it most?' That was what he'd learned from his older brother all these years that he'd looked after Errol since their parents had died...
The next morning when I tried to call Jenny there was no answer. I must have missed her, I thought, she’s gone off to work early. I bought her a super bunch of flowers and went into the supermarket to see her. God I loved her so much if I’d had the money I would have bought her diamonds. I couldn’t stop thinking about how we’d fucked and I could still feel her nails digging into my ass when she felt me spunking inside her. The pleasures which were yet to come! But … There was no sign of her in...
I (Stirling Cooper) can’t help myself sometimes. My new stepdaughter Honey Hayes is just so cute. I catch her showering, soaping up her amazing natural tits & rubbing down her hairy teen pussy. She catches me spying, but this isn’t our first time – she knows her mom will be out for awhile. She teases me while she lotions her body and then starts burying her face in my cock. She gasps when my thick dick enters her and then rides her stepdaddy like a good girl. I take her...
xmoviesforyouCeladus moved his kiss from her sweet mouth to her neck, then to her chest, working his way down to her heaving, eager breasts. Selassie moaned and squirmed under him as his kisses burned a fiery trail down her body. When he reached her breasts with their dark brown areolae and hard stiff nipples, he licked a small circle around the near one as his hand moved to cup its sister on the far side. "Ohhh..." Selassie moaned, arching her back and thrusting her breasts up for him to feast on."You like...
HistoricalA father buys a lie detector robot that slaps people when they lie. He decides to test it out at dinner one night. The father asks his son what he did that afternoon. The son says, “I did some schoolwork.” The robot slaps the son. The son says, “Ok, Ok. I was at a friend’s house watching movies.” Dad asks, “What movie did you watch?” Son says, “Toy Story.” The robot slaps the son. Son says, “Ok, Ok, we were watching porn.” Dad says, “What? At your age I didn’t even know what porn...
Mera naam manish hai.. Mujhe ldke bhut pasand h.. Mera pdosi mukesh or me gay h .. Hm dono bhut sex krte h .. Ek din me ghar me akela tha.. To mene mukesh ko call krke bula liya.. Mene meri didi ke kpde phn rkhe the.. Meri didi ki black bra or panty phn rkhi thi.. Mere boobs ldki jese soft h . Upr mene saree blouse pahan liya tha . Jab mukesh aaya to mjhe dekhkr ek baar to heran ho gaya.. M bola aaj mujhe apni dulhan bna ke chodo.. Usne kha jrur bnaunga meri rani.. Esa kh kr usne mjhe apni...
The light of the Christmas tree twinkled in the beautiful sunlight of the morning. I looked over at the huge window in our apartment, the sunlight was beaming through. The gorgeous blue sky somewhat calmed my nerves. Somewhat. Where was he? His tour ended Friday, it’s Sunday morning. I began pacing around impatiently in my pink bathrobe. Three months has been entirely too long and I need him now. Then the front door unlocked. Finally. I whipped my head around and there he was....
It didn’t take quite some time to feel my dick getting hard looking at Nish take a dip in the beach, you could judge me to be pervy – but yes it was nothing less than fantastic when she took a dip in the water and her white tee shirt stuck through the skin of her lean body making the nipples so visible ! I would bet it wasn’t only me who had noticed yet! We were a bunch of undergrads who planned for a trip to Goa during the month of august – the month of rain and lust and a blissful period for...
i first started to wear tights when i was 18,i was shocked when i first realised i loved tight panties and sheer tights. i was staying with my friends mother who was 65 at the time,she wore the sexiest lingerie i had ever seen,especially on a woman that age,but i felt drawn to the sheer stockings. the next day i was taking a bath when i noticed them on the wash basket,i had an urge to wear them,i was very shocked by this desire but had to!i slipped them on taking care not to rip them,they were...