My YouthChapter 3: Youth - Part 2 free porn video

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Alice, Tracy and I grabbed two cold beers and headed for the caboose.

Entering, Alice’s eyes were glued to the queen bed in the upper loft. I looked at Alice very closely. Her eyes were bright and her breathing got heavier by the minute. Her nipples poked out of the T shirt she wore and she kept clenching her thighs together. Closer inspection of said thighs, my eyes slowly trailed up to the growing wet spot on the crotch of her shorts. Well, they say anticipation is 90% of the game and anticipating whatever I had in mind was tearing her up.

“Why don’t you take off a few clothes and crawl up and get comfortable? Can I get you a beer? I’m afraid we don’t keep anything harder out here.”

She just nodded her head - I guess I was supposed to interpret that as yes, she’d get naked and yes, she wanted a beer. As she removed her shirt, I hung it on a clothes hook, followed by her daisy dukes. Gotta love a woman who goes commando! I meant to ask her if she dressed this way every day or if she was hoping for a little action. Climbing up the ladder to the loft, her wet pussy was nearly dripping.

I told Sal and Barb to go up and kneel on either side of her head while Tracy and I shed our own clothes. The girl’s clothes flew in every direction. They didn’t know the script, but were looking forward to whatever perverted plan I had in mind. By the time I crawled up, Tracy was a hand deep in Alice’s squishy pussy, plumbing her tunnel with all four fingers. All you could hear was her rapid breathing and the sloppy sound of her snatch as Tracy got her kitty purring.

I asked Alice to direct Tracy in whatever ways felt best to her. Her answer was to push Tracy’s hand away and pull on his shoulders until he was face down in her pussy. You didn’t have to tell him twice - Tracy was sucking on her pussy lips and he pinched her clit between thumb and forefinger.

“Oh! Right there, right there. Pinch that clit! Harder, make me scream.”

You could visibly see her making that short climb up the hill to her orgasm.

Barb and Sal sat there salivating, waiting for something that included them. I had both girls grab one of Alice’s generous tits and for them to suck and lick her nipples. That was all it took to push Alice over the edge. She grabbed Tracy by the ears and ground her dripping pussy into his face.

“OMFG! Oh shit! I’mmmmm cummmmmming!” as her ass bounced off the bed. I think she about broke Tracy’s nose, banging her pubic bone into it as she thrashed around.

Letting her catch her breath, the girls still had lip locks on her turgid nipples.

“You liked that, eh?” as I smiled at her.

“Christ on a bicycle, that was wonderful!”

“Glad we could take the edge off, however, we’re here to do two things - help train Tracy and satisfy a few of your favorite fantasies. You told me one earlier. How is it that in your married life and the weekends here, you’ve never been DP’d?”

“I didn’t say never. I said I was curious about it and the one time I tried it, the guys just forced it and it hurt like hell. Stan has never even tried anal with me. I don’t think his mind works like that.”

“You do know Stan and I had a little chat before he left. He told me he was a virgin until college and not a lot of experience at that, most of it with you. Sometimes you need to tell the guy what you want or need and how you want it. Damned few of us are mind readers.”

Everyone had recovered by now and I asked Tracy if he had gotten close while turning Alice on.

“OMG, yes! The higher she got, the more excited I got. I just wanted to jump on her and fuck the daylights out of her.”

“Pard, there’s nothing wrong with that, but remember what I told you about pacing yourself. It’s not ALL about you. Sometimes I have to distract myself by thinking of anything but what I’m doing. After a while control gets easier.”

“Alice, present company aside, don’t take this as applying to you. Tracy, sooner or later, you’ll meet a woman that just lies there. You’re doing your best and the only times she moves or makes a sound, you aren’t sure if she’s enjoying it, or you’re hurting her. These three ladies are pretty vocal AND physical. You KNOW when you’re doing a good job. Take that other lady Sharon for instance. You’ve yet to be with her, but her idea of sex was just lay there, get the guy off and go on to the next one. I’m not into patting myself on the back, but I think I rocked her world.”

Alice added her two cents. “Damned straight you did. She was all over her husband Max after you two finished up. I think she cut him off and she hasn’t been with another guy any weekend since.”

“Hon, didn’t anyone ever tell you it’s ok to demand a little for yourself now and then.”

“Then how did you know? I felt things with you I’ve felt damned few times in my entire life!”

“A smart woman showed me how to listen to a woman, feel her responses and change my tactics accordingly. Too many guys think sex is all about them, not bothering to think if the woman is satisfied. They are in it to get themselves taken care of. If the woman does enjoy it, that just an accidental side benefit, owning all to their natural studliness.”

Why does a nineteen year old know these things and the ‘adults’ don’t? I know if I rode rough shod over Sal, she’d either hand me my nuts with an evil grin and leave me or just leave me.

“Are we going to try my fantasies out?” asked Alice. Her wish is my command.

“Ok, I need to ask you if you’re ok with girl-on-girl action”

“Oh hell yes. I love it.” Her thighs began to squirm again.

“Ok, Barb or Sal, decide who gets their pussy eaten.”

I left them to sort that out while I had Tracy lay on his back.

I had Alice lay over the top of him as he slid his dick into her waiting pussy. I pulled her torso a little to the side. This made her mouth accessible to whichever girl she was going to lick.

“Tracy, just lay there and feel good. We’re going to let Alice do most of the work. Just slowly slide in and out. I want her to know she has a fat dick in that tight pussy of hers. Once I get in her, just lay there and let her provide the movement. If it gets intense, slide out a moment or do some multiplication tables or think about dead kittens.”

With Alice crouched over Tracy, I got behind her and spit on a finger to circle her brown crinkled hole. After a bit, her ass was squirming, both on Tracy’s dick and my finger. Figuring she was getting into it, I swabbed a finger through her copious juices running down out of her full pussy and sank a finger into her ass to the first knuckles. She tensed up.

“Just relax and concentrate on Tracy’s dick. Don’t clinch your ass, let it relax.”

Feeling her stop clamping down on my finger, I wiped up more juices and added a second finger, twisting it around to widen her. Two fingers would allow me into her tight recesses just fine. Tracy was taking up a lot of room, making her ass tighter. Sal was the lucky lady getting her pussy eaten, so I asked Barb to hand me the KY tube. She had been busy nursing Sal’s exposed nipple.

Slathering a generous amount on my hard dick, I put a glob on two fingers and eased that into her ass while twisting them around.

“This all feeling good Alice?”

“Unh, unh mmmm hhhmmm” I took that as a yes.

I lined up with her nether hole and gently pushed in just past the head.

I held it there as she squirmed, finally hunching her hips back to me. I took this as a definite sign she was ready for more. Sliding slowly in, I went all the way to my balls. I let her get used to being stuffed a few moments as her ass continued to churn. Grabbing her sexy hips, I pushed forward until only the head remained and started pumping slowly. I could feel Tracy through the thin wall separating her pussy from her bowel. She met me hunch for hunch, having a hard time keeping her mouth on the job at hand. That part took care of itself as Sal moaned and bucked her way through her own orgasm. Alice had hard suction on Sal’d clit and two fingers buried in her twat and ass both. Sal slipped backwards and started deep kissing Barb. Alice took over all the movement at that point, hunching both my dick buried in her bowels and Tracy’s sheathed in her tight pussy. She started hunching harder and more rapidly, then raise her head and screamed as her peak overtook her. As her climax hit, I know Tracy could feel the same pulsing of her pussy and ass muscles as they worked to milk all possible sensation from the two of us.

Collapsing on Tracy’s chest, she was like a fish out of water, gasping for breath.

“Neither one of you came!” as her heartbeat returned to normal.

“Nope, but that’s ok. This was about you and about Tracy. I am so proud of him. He handled that just right. And you! You acted like you do this everyday.”

“Oh Gawd! I wish. It was fantastic. I thought it would hurt, but all I felt was ‘stuffed’. I never knew my ass could feel so good, so sensitive.”

“Aw shucks, ma’am, tweren’t nuthin.”

“Can I ask one more favor of you both? I’ve never seen a man cum. I mean I’ve seen cum run out of me and other women and I sure as hell have felt it squirt inside me, but have never seen the act itself.”

“Well, three ways we could do this. One, fuck you, then pull out and cum all over your tits. Two, let you give us head, then squirt on your face and tits, or three, just jack off.”

“I think I’ll pass on either of you jacking off, that doesn’t sound as much fun for you. The first two choices involve me and I like that idea. That ok with you girls?”

Alice tuned to see Barb and Sal with their faces buried in each other’s cunt. I guess that answered her question.

I gave the choice over to Tracy. His decision was to finish fucking her. He’d never sprayed a woman’s tits before, so it was very tempting for him. Bending Alice’s legs so her knees were positioned on both sides of her head, opened her pussy like a flower.

“Remember Pard, it has to feel good for her too.”

Tracy pushed in slowly but not stopping until his pubic hair met her nearly bald mons. I was very surprised he’d managed to pick up some style. I know Alice appreciated it as her head twisted from side to side. We both paid close attention to Alice, her breathing and movements.


That was all it took to set Tracy off. Pulling out, he generously sprayed her from chin to tits, finally dribbling in her belly button. Seeing Tracy squirt hot cum on her body pushed her over the edge again and her pelvis began to buck. As both returned to normal, I’d gotten a warm washrag for Alice and I to clean up with.

“Ready for round 2?”

Barb and Sal were still going at it. Barb had worked her small fist inside Sal’s pussy and it was making her crazy. Knowing those two were occupied with each other left me open to give Alice what she desired.

Alice on hands and knees and me kneeling, put her mouth at the right height. She barely hesitated as her warm mouth slid over my distended cock. It kinda surprised me she was so avid, taking it into her throat with a swallow. I grabbed the back of her head and just face fucked her for a few minutes. As I held her head, she cradled my balls and ran her fingers along my perineum. There I was, pumping along, enjoying an excellent blow job when she pushed a dry finger in my ass and rubbed my prostate. Elvis has left the building and this rodeo was over. I pulled back and she just opened her mouth wide as I shot rope after rope of white cum, catching most of it. The rest hit her cheeks and eyes pouring down her chin to drip on the sheets. When I stopped quaking, I started to hand her the washrag again. Pushing my hand away, she swabbed her face with her fingers and rubbed what she hadn’t swallowed into those marvelous tits of hers.

“So, what shall we do the rest of the week?” I asked.

“Can I talk to you and Sal together some time?”

“Sure,” I said. I was a little wary of her intentions, so I asked her why.

“Well, I’m really curious about what the two of you do. She’s way more experienced and a damned sight kinkier than I was at that age, hell, prolly even more than I am now. So, I’d like to know what the two of you are into and how you got into it.”

“You aren’t exactly a stranger anymore, so I don’t have a problem with it. I’m sure she won’t either.”

Tracy and Barb decided to hit the camping beach just to see if any ‘new’ meat had made it to the campground to beat the weekend crowd, leaving Sal and I to entertain Alice. I could see Alice mentally trying to work on her questions for the two of us.

“Sal, Buck told me it would be ok to talk to the two of you about your relationship. When did you become sexually active and how did it happen?”

Sal just grinned and sat next to her. “Barb and I were rubbing around on a couch trying to bring ourselves off when Buck walked in with Tracy. Buck asked us ‘what in the hell we were doing’ and we told him. He surprised the shit outta us when he said there were more, better ways to accomplish that. Then, he proceeded to show us. We took our own cherries with a candle, of all things.

I had been in love with Buck for a couple of years, and believe it or not, was too chicken to tell him. Barb blabbed my secret, it turned out to be the best day of my life and it only got better from that point on.”

Alice sat thinking while Sal retraced her memories of that afternoon in Tracy’s bedroom.

“You said you had a crush on Buck for two years. Weren’t you a little young to take things that seriously?”

“Maybe it started out as a little girl’s crush, but after a year passed, my panties got wet every time he looked at me. Sadly, he wasn’t the first to fuck me ... Tracy was because Buck had a thing about the incest factor. He fucked Barb and it about crushed me, but how was he to know? I was too stupid and shy to tell him how I felt and he was sooo much older and more experienced than I was. Barb finally drug his lame ass out into the garage and told him what I was too tongue-tied to tell him. The rest is history. Tracy got ‘some’ of my virginity, but Buck got my heart and all the rest of me.”

Alice got pensive after hearing Sal’s confession.

“But you seem so, I don’t know, experienced now.”

“Buck let me experiment. Understand, I have older brothers but never once saw a live, nude male. That afternoon in that bedroom, was to say the least, an eye opener for me. He had us do some girl-girl stuff and it was ok - shit! It felt great and that was something that had never crossed my mind. It’s hard to believe, but I’d never seen a female pussy other than casually in the gym showers and damned sure never seen the inside of one. He made us INSPECT each other so we knew what parts of us were the hot spots. It was seemed gross at first, then as we got into it, made Barb and I both wet but it wasn’t something either of us really pursued until later. We did go take a shower together and fingered each other.”


“I hate to admit it, but I never did much until I went to college. It was like it was expected to happen. A lot of groping went on in the back seat of a car or in some idiot’s frat room. That was about the extent of my experience except for a few hand jobs. The idea of putting my mouth on some jock’s dick never crossed my mind. The cum I wiped off my hands disgusted me, but if it made my date happy ... swallow it? Never gonna happen.”

I chimed in with “Stan told me he was cherry until his college years. How did that work out for you two?”

“Stan was a sweetheart about sex and I finally ‘gave up’ my cherry to him our senior year. The sex was ‘ok’, not mind blowing, but ok. Hell, we were dumb bunnies when it came to sex. Just a lot of fumbling around til we found what felt good. Being out here at the cabin with the other couples is the wildest things we’ve ever done. I just felt kind of ignorant of the possibilities. I knew the guys all wanted Barb to get into the act with us, but she was so young. I was actually pissed when Tracy’s mom gave in and actually SOLD her pussy and ass.”

“Barb wasn’t exactly innocent when she went to that party. I’d told Tracy to be very careful about sex with Barb for fear of him knocking her up. You have to know, they are unsupervised all day just like they are out here. Tracy took the warning to heart and wouldn’t touch her, preferring to prowl the campers for a playmate until they’d leave. Barb was going nuts, even asking me to do her. I finally said if Sal is ok with it, then I’d help out.”

Sal added: “I said NO FUCKING WAY! I wasn’t sharing my man, even with my best friend. That lasted all the first summer, even after she got fed up and joined the cabin parties. Barb ‘experimented’ with a family that first summer. The dad was a pedophile. She obviously enjoyed the attention”

“Yes, but that’s Barb - what about you guys” asked Alice.

“Buck just kept me always turned on, just by the way he treated me. He coaxed me into doing things I was always afraid to do - like peeing outside.”

“Your mom told you something would run up your leg and into your pussy, didn’t she?” laughed Alice.

“Exactly. Buck assured me he’d beat off the snakes and the mice and to just squat and do my thing. That in itself was an eye-opener, peeing in front of a man. I’d neglected any toilet paper and when I was done, Buck just calmly wiped my pussy with the back of his hand. Later, he peed and let me ‘aim’ it. Gawd, that was such a turn on.”

“You gonna tell her the rest of it?” I asked.

“How easily grossed out are you” Sal queried, looking Alice in the eyes.

“Not easily. I’m really curious. Maybe I’ll learn something new.” She replied.

“Ok, you asked for it. The next day, as we were doing our morning thing, I forget if it was Buck or me that first initiated it, but we tasted each other’s urine. It was a little salty, but it about made me cum on the spot. Since then, Buck’s pissed in my pussy and in my ass and it was just mind blowing. I don’t think I’d ever cum that hard. You may not be aware, but urine is sterile, so unless you had a UTI or some social disease, there’s no danger. We’ve also just latched onto the source and drank from each other. I think they call all that ‘water sports’.”

Alice was quiet for a bit, then said “Gawd, I don’t believe it. How do you guys think up all this kinky stuff. It sounds like fun, but I don’t think Stan would ever go for it.”

“We don’t really ‘think’ this stuff up. A nasty thought will just cross one of our minds and we try it. If you don’t experiment, you never know what you may have missed. We aren’t into that scat stuff, that’s just plain icky. Look at you - you had a fantasy about being DP’d. Now it’s a reality and you loved it. I’ve been told by a few ladies more informed than I am that if you do a good, cleansing enema before playing, it’s ok to go ass to mouth afterwards. We’ve yet to try that, though. Ass, yes, mouth yes, but one didn’t necessarily follow the other” Sal answered.

“I think I have a lot to think about. I’ve had all the guys at the parties, but although it feels good, it’s just never got me off. If it doesn’t bother you for me to say so, that first time with Buck made me think something’s been wrong all this time. I want more times to happen like that and I know the other women will too. I know you made a believer out of Sharon that night.”

“There’s nothing wrong with free sex, as long as the people involved give as well as receive. I think the guys see it as just a ‘fuck fest’ and don’t pay any attention to us girls” Sal added.

All I could say was “Exactly. Men seem to be programmed to fuck, then move on. Seems to be a genetic thing. Little do they realize what they miss.”

The week passed with Alice trying every variation she or we could think of. She finally worked up nerve to have me piss in her pussy after a round of sex. As it was happening, she shivered and hunched like it was eating her insides.

“OMFG! That was unbelievable. It was sooo nasty and felt so good” as she reached between her legs and dipped her fingers into her sodden snatch. Pulling her fingers to her mouth, she gave a tentative lick, then licked again, then put her fingers into her mouth and sucked them.

“I am actually surprised at the taste - a little salty, but I can taste me and your cum there too. What a tasty cocktail!”

Alice paired off with Sal and Barb and alternated with Tracy and I for the rest of the week. Soon, Friday was here and the parental units showed up and later, the weekend crowd.

After it got dark, apparently the group was here for more debauchery and mayhem. Sharon, my second ‘conquest’ from before pulled Alice away from the crowd and wanted the lowdown on everything and all of us. I don’t think Alice applied any filters on what she told her friend. Sharon kept looking at me like I’d grown another head.

We had a new couple drop in about 10 pm. This was a realtor from the same town Tracy and I were from. Herman and Mary were probably in their middle 60’s and looked like Mutt and Jeff. He was grossly overweight and she was skinny as a rail. Herman was content to sit in a chair like Tracy’s dad and drink himself unconscious. I guess the bad thing about Herman was every time Tracy or I got close, he wanted to play with our nipples and squeeze our dicks. I finally asked him if he was gay or ‘queer’ as that was the PC term for homosexuality then. He told me ‘maybe’, so I asked him if he wanted to give us a blowjob. I’m not opposed to one from either male or female. A hard dick has no conscience.

“Not tonight, but let’s not cross that off the list. It’s our first time here.”

Mary, on the other hand, was nervous as a cat in a room full of rocking chairs. Her eyes flew to every couple in the cabin, trying to take in what they said and watch the men squeeze breasts, butts and the occasionally the crotch of the other women present. She was very hard to read - whether this was causing excitement or panic.

By this time, Alice and Sharon had hashed out whatever women talk about and came to her aid. The women took Mary back in the bedroom and closed the door, so I didn’t know if they were telling her the facts of cabin life or raping her. After an hour, they came out and she looked a lot better - still looking around, but without all the apprehension. Herman, by this time, was out in the ozone, oblivious to all that went on. It wasn’t long that all the adults had consumed an appreciable amount of the free liquor and started to pair off. Our girls didn’t seem to be in the spirit, so we crept out.

Tracy managed to down a couple three beers from his parent’s cabin and was soon snoring away on his bed. Barb and Sal had other ideas.

“Get up here and do your duty to a couple of horny girls, asshole” said Barb. Who am I to argue?

After climbing to our queen sized bed, I was presented with two girls on their knees, butts in the air with their faces on the mattress.

“So, I’m here to judge asses or pussies?”

“Buttfuck us both” said Sal. She gotten over her jealousy of Barb a while back and didn’t mind sharing as long as she got hers.

“Who’s first?”

“Who do ya think dickhead” groused Barb.

“Well, that would have to be the love of my life then.”

“Ya think??”

I reached over to the windowsill and grabbed the tube of KY. Squirting a glob on Sal’s asshole, I began to work a finger into her tight ass. Soon, she relaxed and I added a second finger, twisting them around to coat her insides good while widening her hole.

“I’m ready, do it and do it now.”

I know better than to open my mouth, so I slathered my hard dick with the KY and eased it into her sphincter. Sal didn’t wait. As soon as the head of my dick passed her tight hole, I was prepared to wait a bit until she got used to it. Sal had other ideas and rammed herself backwards, impaling herself on my dick all the way to my nuts. What’s an innocent boy to do? I grabbed her by both hips and started pile driving her into the mattress.

“Oooooo GAWWWWWWD, harder, split me wide open!”

I kept trying to force my dick out her mouth. She finally arched her back and slammed her ass into my crotch and screamed out her orgasm.

Since the girls had gotten into the cabin play, they religiously douched and helped each other with daily enemas. Sal lay down on the bed to get her wits about her and her breathing under control. Barb was still had her ass in the air, wiggling it around.

“Hey! I’m getting older over here.”

I calmly reached over to my box of condoms and tore open a tin, rolling it on.

I think Barb liked anal sex more than the other way. After her mom sold her asshole as a party favor, she had no trouble relaxing without the foreplay. Still. I worked a good amount of KY into her loosened butt and then coated my rain-coated dick. I just lined up and sunk it in to the hair the first shot. Barb started humming about how good and how full she felt. You need to understand that Barb was tiny all over, possibly four foot eight tall or a little less. She still had next to no tits, peach fuzz on her mound, but had miles on her pussy and ass by this time. The little shit snaked a hand over to Sal and began to finger her. Three fingers then a fourth and finally folded her thumb down and sank her entire fist in Sal to the wrist.

Sal came up off the bed screaming, but it wasn’t with pain. She was cumming like a jack hammer. Barb had her elbow on the mattress and Sal was doing squats, pistoning Barb’s fist in and out. This was about all I could take and grabbed Barbs hips and tried to drill her tonsils as I came. Pulling out, I sat and watched as Sal bounced up and down on Barb’s fist until she stiffened and her eyes rolled back in her head. Barb eased her hand out of Sal’s twat while I wet a washrag to rub her face and neck with.

“OMG, OMG, OMG What made you think of that” gasped Sal.

“I read a lot and like to look at the dirty pictures’ smiled Barb.

“I’m gonna be sore later, but you can do that again if you want, but later.”

I decided to speak up and mention Alice might like to try that too. It wasn’t my first rodeo but it was something I’d read about but only tried once. Barb’s face lit up with the thought and I could see the hamster on the exercise wheel in her head. With her small hands, the ladies next door were in for a surprise.


Herman and Mary came up late in the afternoon. Tracy’s dad and Herman started hitting the sauce right away. Tracy’s mom had yet to make an appearance, still snoozing away in their bedroom. Hell, maybe she was drunk - not my week to watch her.

Mary was another story. She seemed to mostly stay to herself, talking with Sharon after she came from Barb’s old bedroom. Tracy, the girls and I were enjoying a cup of coffee after a late night. We heard someone climbing the metal steps up to the caboose ‘front’ porch and Mary politely knocked on the screen door.

“May I come in” she asked?

“Certainly, care for a cup of coffee?”

“Gawd, NORMAL people, gimme gimme” she exclaimed! “The others are either hung over or getting an early start on tonight.”

“How can we help you, Mary. This is really the first time you’ve spoken to us”?

“How is it you kids are even here, part of this whole orgy thing?”

“Well, we LIVE here” spoke up Sal. “As for the other, we kinda sorta got ‘invited’ to the parties in the main cabin. It’s not like we’re blushing virgins, ya know.”

“Mary take a load off and enjoy your coffee. If you want to ask questions, we’ll try to answer them” I said.

Mary ... this is an old fashioned woman and getting her ‘groove on’ would take time, just bear with us.

“I watched Herman put the moves on you last night, Buck. Doesn’t that disturb you? From listening to the women, I assumed you weren’t like that.”

“I take it Herman likes young stuff, especially if it has a dick. Is he a pedophile or just queer?” [that PC thing again]

“I really don’t know how to explain Herman. We have two boys, the same age and older than you, I think. But in the last ten years, Herman hasn’t touched me. I’ve heard rumors he has a couple of young men/boys he spends time with when he’s out of the house.”

“How does that make you feel, Mary?”

“At first, frustrated, then mad, then neglected, then just resigned that our marital sex was over with. I don’t know if it’s me or his tastes just changed or if he’s always been this way.”

“That’s sad, Mary. You’re still a very attractive woman. Many women would have divorced their man if he indicated he was queer. I know you and the women, Sharon and Alice spoke last night and I know this whole place is a bit of a shock if you’re not expecting it.”

Same as My Youth
Chapter 3: Youth - Part 2 Videos

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Youth Program Placement

Author's notes: this is the third part in my story set that started with artist in residence. This time, only some basic points are the same- otherwise, it's a totally new story. This one has a strong work component-you'll see what that means! As well, this story (unfortunately) uses scene splits. They are clearly marked and explained. It's like a movie, where you're shown different areas. They shouldn't be a problem. Story notes: this continues the continuum that started two stories...

1 year ago
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1 The days of my youth pt 1

The days of my youth pt 1I have been asked to repost this the only true story of mine[there is another but the characters were not me and were changed to protect the guilty]my style has changed over the last couple of years so I cleaned it up and I hope you enjoy it.So I was about 17 and a bit, a young soldier, a driver in what was then known as an RASC transport column, at his first real posting in mid Germany, and as green as they come. Off time out of barracks was rare in 1964 for us...

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Chapter Eight Youth group cookout

A week later... It only had been only a week since Stephanie and I had made love and during that next week I was riddled with guilt knowing for second time in less that year I had been unfaithful sexually to the woman who I really wanted to spend the rest of my life with. I didn’t really want to tell Jackie about what happened with Stephanie and I just week before because I had this overwhelming feeling this time around Jackie would decide to break up with me for sure. But like the old saying...

3 years ago
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Laura and her Youth Minister Chapter 1

I can empathize with the characters, but legally cannot condone sexual relations between a minor and an adult. Laura and her Youth Minister Chapter 1 He saw her come in the side door and all the thoughts in his head came to a complete standstill, making way for her alone. But why did they do that? Maybe a little background would help bring us up to speed. He had known her for how many years now? He had had the pleasure of watching this talented girl grow up so much since he...

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Mrs Cranes Fountain of Youth 10

Mrs. Crane’s Fountain of Youth By Don Abdul ©2011 CHAPTER TEN: A Private Party (Delicious Desserts) Loraine’s squirted juices trailed down over Jamal’s balls, and she felt his nuts and caressed them rubbing her juices into his sac. “Mmmm…” she let out a soft moan and then shivered as she replayed the moment when his load of hot cum shot up her vagina. She had squeezed his cock and choked his shaft with her tight cunt muscles and held his hot seed inside her body. She was determined to...

2 years ago
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Mrs Cranes Fountain of Youth 10

Mrs. Crane’s Fountain of Youth By Don Abdul ©2011 CHAPTER TEN: A Private Party (Delicious Desserts) Loraine’s squirted juices trailed down over Jamal’s balls, and she felt his nuts and caressed them rubbing her juices into his sac. “Mmmm…” she let out a soft moan and then shivered as she replayed the moment when his load of hot cum shot up her vagina. She had squeezed his cock and choked his shaft with her tight cunt muscles and held his hot seed inside her body. She was determined...

1 year ago
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Mrs Cranes Fountain of Youth 1

Mrs. Crane’s Fountain of Youth By Don Abdul ©2011 Part One: Shirley Gets Her Groove Back “Good morning pretty lady, did I wake you up?” Jamal Washington chirped happily as if he had just done her a huge favor. ‘Oh fuck!’ Mrs. Shirley Crane thought, so annoyed with herself for not imagining that it could be him at the door. He looked so painfully handsome and sexy that her first instinct was to grab his shirt and throw him on the floor and fuck him right there on the living room carpet of...

2 years ago
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Mrs Cranes Fountain of Youth 1

Mrs. Crane’s Fountain of Youth By Don Abdul ©2011 Part One: Shirley Gets Her Groove Back “Good morning pretty lady, did I wake you up?” Jamal Washington chirped happily as if he had just done her a huge favor. ‘Oh fuck!’ Mrs. Shirley Crane thought, so annoyed with herself for not imagining that it could be him at the door. He looked so painfully handsome and sexy that her first instinct was to grab his shirt and throw him on the floor and fuck him right there on the living room carpet of...

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Laura and her Youth Minister Chapter 6

This story is a work of fiction. Like most of my stories, the basic scenario is one suggested by a friend of mine. She had found herself In this situation once, and through discussion, we talked about the basic lusts and passions between two individuals and the internal conflicts they would have to overcome to basic religious morals and overall societal mindfucks the youth of today have to go through concerning sex. I can empathize with the characters, but legally cannot condone sexual...

1 year ago
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Youth Group Outing

When I was a sophomore in high school, my church youth group went to a Lutheran conference in a major city three hours away from our small town. To save money, we were packed four to a room with two king-sized beds and one floor monitor for each sex. I was in the same room with Jim, Arthur and Paul. We had grown up together and went to the same school as well as the same church, so we knew each other pretty well. What Paul and Arthur didn’t know was that Jim and I had been sucking and...

4 years ago
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My Cousin Cums Rather Than Goes To Youth Group

I was living at my folks' house after college when they decided to go on vacation. I would have the house to myself for a week. So on Saturday, I had some friends over and we partied a bit. One of my bud's from the Lacrosse team stayed over and we hung out Sunday recovering from the previous night's festivities and watched football.So we were sitting there, blowing a doob, when the doorbell rings. I go to the door and look out and It's my seventeen-year-old second cousin, Sarah. I open the...

3 years ago
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1Days of my youth 3

1Days of my youth [3]Sadly “Casper “the Newfoundland had been killed in a road accident and we had buried him the day before, inside the camp woodland at the back of the barracks, I had had to borrow a JCB to dig the grave and it had all been done on the quiet as no doubt authority would have been less than happy with giant dogs being buried all over their lovely tidy camp.I was now just 18 and had been experimenting with sex with Pete and Judy for a couple of months now whenever we had...

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My Experiance With Youth

I have read some stories on this site with interest. Some are pretty good though most are sexy pieces and while reading u cannot feel the soul. One does not feel any touch with the relater, perhaps, as there is not substance in them. However, some are excellent and to instantly feel related. I think the greatest contribution of this site is I am thinking of penning down some memories. I do not know where and how to start. It is very difficult to open down a part of once life which one wants to...

Gay Male
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Youth RetreatChapter 2

The rest of the week, I wondered what about the retreat was so special. My parents had agreed readily to my going on the trip. Even though they themselves are not religious, they support me in my decisions, and if this is a way to increase my faith, they want me to do it. On Sunday, I attend church with Finn. I help in the Sunday school, and smile lovingly at all the tottering babies and toddlers, belonging to young couples in their very early twenties. There really is an abundance of...

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Mrs Cranes Fountain of Youth 4

Mrs. Crane's Fountain of Youth Part Four: Horny Naked Chef Shirley had planned to put in some work in her garden at the weekend, and she had stopped over at the mall to pick up a few things for the job. As she drove back to her place her cell phone rang. From the assigned tone she knew it was Jamal. She felt a sliver of wet heat rise in her loins as she clicked on her hands free button to take the call. “Oh sweetie that’s great news, I’ll see you at 6p.m. then,” she said at the end of...

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Mrs Cranes Fountain of Youth 3

Mrs. Crane’s Fountain of Youth 3  By Don Abdul (c)2011 Part Three: Exploring Deeper and further Jamal swung by the following morning right after his morning run and he took her hard and rough right over the kitchen table as she attempted to make breakfast. He was such crazy fun and great fuck too. She found herself getting wet again just thinking about their sex that Sunday morning, he had smeared maple syrup all over her tits and pussy, and then licked it all up while he fingered her...

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Mrs Cranes Fountain of Youth 8

Mrs. Crane’s Fountain of Youth By Don Abdul ©2011 PART EIGHT : A Private Party (Juices and Nectar) ‘Does that mean I get to regain my freedom, and perhaps also get Jamal’s cock?’ Shirley wondered too scared to ask her captor. The question was however written all over her face and Loraine laughed as she shook her head saying, “Yes, eventually you would get his huge cock in your slutty married pussy, but first things first, I need me some cunt.” Turning to Jamal, she whispered, “Hey...

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Mrs Cranes Fountain of Youth 3

Mrs. Crane's Fountain of Youth 3  By Don Abdul (c)2011 Part Three: Exploring Deeper and further Jamal swung by the following morning right after his morning run and he took her hard and rough right over the kitchen table as she attempted to make breakfast. He was such crazy fun and great fuck too. She found herself getting wet again just thinking about their sex that Sunday morning; he had smeared maple syrup all over her tits and pussy, and then licked it all up while he fingered her cunt...

3 years ago
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Mrs Cranes Fountain of Youth 2

Mrs. Crane's Fountain of Youth ByDon Abdul (c) 2011PART TWO: In the Beginning ….It had been hard to tell exactly what the problem was but despite the fact that Shirley had been lucky in life generally, she gradually sank into despair. Not even her blessings of a healthy son who had just gone off to college, a loving husband, relative wealth and a great group of friends could ease her suffering. She even saw a shrink once who had explained to her that she was merely going through a mid life...

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The Fountain of Youth

‘I want some of the weed you’ve been smokin’!’ Sam Beckett exclaimed, ‘Or a taste of your psychedelic mushrooms!’ ‘You can call off the narc squad – I’m as clean as a set of bowels after a gallon of polyethylene glycol colonoscopy prep,’ bantered Tom Kiernander, one of Sam’s poker buddies and a fellow sales associate at Kevvexx Pharmaceuticals. ‘Besides, I have the information on the highest authority.’ ‘Whose? The redhead’s in accounting whose skirt you’ve been chasin’ the last couple of...

1 year ago
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I am the Fountain of Youth pt 2

What do I know? 1) My mom is not my mom. 2) Her name is Laura. 3) I don’t know where I come from. 4) Most importantly - the woman I believed to be my mother has become overwhelmingly in need of my cum. 5) I fucked her. 6) I loved it. My mom was waiting for me back in the living room. We had just finished having sex there, and though I knew it was a mind-blowing experience, it was also bordering on traumatizing. I wished I could get back into the mindset I was in when I was on...

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Time at Youth Pt2

“I see you finally got the nerve to ask Anah out, Jesse,” said Amber. Amber is a year older than me, but about half a foot shorter. She has long, dark brown hair tied back into a pony tail. Her wood brown eyes were complimented perfectly by her black glasses. “Actually, I asked her out a while ago, she just interested in a commitment style relationship,” I said having Anah release my arm so I could give Amber a hug. “Yea, follow me and I’ll explain it to you. Jesse, can we have a...

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The Youth Pastor Chapter 1

Yet. CHAPTER 1 It was a cold afternoon after school on Wednesday and I had planned to go on visitation with Dan Monroe (the youth pastor). I hadn’t realized that most of the church was sick and wasn’t going and I had already told my mom not to pick me up (we didn’t have busses). So Mr. Monroe said I could go to his house and hang out with his daughter who was about my age. I agreed and off we went. When we arrived at his house, his daughter was nowhere to be found. He said that she...

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I am the Fountain of Youth pt 2

Introduction: The second part of the story. Hopefully fewer mistakes. Thanks so much for the feedback. First experience writing erotica, so it all helps. I took a shower to rinse off all the sweat and everything else still sticking to my body. It had the added effect of settling my mind down a bit. Things came a little into perspective. I wasnt sure if I should be panicked. What do I know? 1) My mom is not my mom. 2) Her name is Laura. 3) I dont know where I come from. 4) Most importantly...

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Youth And Maturity

The temperature in the shop continued to rise with the mid-morning sun. Ryan had been watching the clock tick, second by second, for the last half hour, begging for his workday to be over with. Stack after stack of heavy bricks were laid painstakingly slowly on each pallet sent his way. The sweat poured off of his body, soaking his jeans and making his t-shirt stick to his body. His shaggy brown hair was matted back in his drenched ball cap. Covered in dust and grime from head to toe, the...

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Satisfying My Jiju With My Youth For His Hardness

After the last story and your encouraging feedback, I thought to come up with an all English language story for my readers. This goes back to the summer time after my sister’s marriage when I was 24 yrs old and went to my her place after completing my master’s course. My sister told me lot of things about jiju some of which were: “Your jiju likes me a lot, your jiju compliments me for every style of dress and hairstyle I wear, your jiju loves me a lot, your jiju brings me new clothes almost...

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Since My Early Youth

Since My Early Youth By Susie Hoare Since my early youth (prepubescent) I had an interest in dressing as a girl and also an interest in having my bottom spanked. I used to play a game with my younger sister in which I would dress in her clothes, and we would be two girls. However even at that early age of 7 or 8, I used to like pretending to be a stripper doing a strip tease. I never had my bottom spanked or caned as a child but I loved comics where spankings were shown and I...

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Fountain of Youth Best Laid Plans

Fountain of Youth - Best Laid Plans By Shawna Hello, my name is Danny Ford. I am a research biologist in my mid- twenties, having achieved my doctorate at the age of 20. I have recently made a breakthrough with my formula designed to regress age - a virtual fountain of youth. If I'm as successful as I believe I will be, my discovery will make my distant relative Henry Ford's fame and fortune pale in comparison! This breakthrough will enable...

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My YouthChapter 7 Goon and Ragdoll

This and other stories by me are wholly true. Sometimes, and only sometimes, names are changed to protect the people involved. These stories are from my past and no doubt, some of the characters have gone on to lives of their own which may or may not have been affected by the accounts written here. Where do I begin? As an author of adult paranormal romance books, you’d think I could pull from some of these true stories for fuel in my writing. But you know what? I’ve never done that. Yes,...

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My YouthChapter 2 Youth Part 1

Ah, how to begin? Let me fill you in on a little background of my troubled youth:) I started younger than a lot of my peers. You see, due to a lot of emotional problems with my bitch mother growing up, I was ‘forced’ into early puberty at the tender age of eight. Now, that might not seem like too bad a deal, but we had a neighborhood gang [Some neighborhood, in a town of 250 people. What few kids there were numbered about six living in town and another 10 or so living on farms. My first...

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My YouthChapter 4 Youth Part 3

Paula continued... I offered Paula my elbow and she took it as we walked the 50 yards or so over to our humble little caboose. “Wow, a real gentleman!” I held her hand, helping her up the steps leading to our back porch. Once inside. I showed her the amenities we’d installed to make this real living quarters. “So, you turned the old lower seating area into a full bed and the ‘observation’ deck into a queen sized bed ... interesting. You never worry about falling out of bed?” she...

4 years ago
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Xena Versus The Spartans

It was a time of horrible raids by terrible marrauding hordes, which caused untold misery, fear and poverty in all of Pelopones. It was a time when Xena and Gabrielle were needed by all the towns, before it is too late, but she was nowhere to be found. The century before had been a good time for all, under the Cooperation Accord of Olympia, there was piece between all the polises, and Xena could concentrate on petty crime and feuding Gods. But now Xena had been on a mission in Asia for years,...

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At the youth club

I was 21 and had just left the army after a bad accident meant me being medically discharged. I decided I would volunteer to work at my old schools youth club. One night we were running an all night disco and I went for a patrol of the school grounds to ensure nothing untoward was happening. One of the girls at the youths asked if she could come with me for some fresh air.We walked about for a couple of minutes chatting then sat on a wall and continued talking. We went silent for a bit and she...

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Mrs Cranes Fountain of Youth 6

Mrs. Crane’s Fountain of Youth By Don Abdul ©2011 PART SIX: A Private Party (Appetizers) On her way home from another successful day of work, Shirley needed a boost from the loneliness that had dogged her for the past week. Jamal had been so busy at college he hadn’t been spending any time in her bed. She was so desperately horny, lonely and a little downcast too, and so she decided to do some lingerie shopping at an adult shop she had discovered just about the same time she had...

2 years ago
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Youth becomes man with older woman

I grew up in a low income family living in a small country town. Travelling anywhere was rare and a luxury for us. Accommodation was always with relatives or friends in the places we visited. My memories of holidays and travel are of sleeping on couches, sharing beds, or mattresses on the living room floor. Growing up in a small hick town had given me fairly sheltered upbringing and very little exposure to the wide world. One year, shortly after my sixteenth birthday, a family emergency saw a...

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JUAN or The Youth Health Control Program

JUAN or The Youth Health Control Program. By Angel Fouco A devious woman dominates young boys and girls and makes them fullfill her sexual phantasies. (F+/m, F+/f, F+/f+m+, M/m, M+F+/f, humil, cons) Main Characters: Ana C?rdova In?s Ju?rez, a female Doctor Mariana Garc?a, assistant secretary Juan Cuadrado Casilda Cuadrado, his sister Several others from the neighborhood Chapter 1: The health program Ana C?rdova, was a stout, short woman of around forty five years old. She was like the ruler over...

4 years ago
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The Osaka Riders of Glorious Youth Part 1

by Vincent Part 1 Every spring I take the ferry from Osaka to Tokushima to let loose my Ducati Hyperstrada on the winding mountain roads of Shikoku. I look forward to this trip all year. It's pure "me time." The roads of Shikoku are kept in excellent condition as a way to support rural communities, even though very few cars use them. The scenery they travel through is stunningly beautiful, steep pine covered mountains and snow fed lakes. Spring adds the extra element of wild cherry...

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The Fountain of Youth Ch 00 Prologue

I deleted this a while ago. Was a bit frightened. Now I’m putting it back up with some changes. This is (likely) a three part series of stories. ***** The year 2016 was an extraordinary year. It was a year of chaos and confusion. Fear and fervour were the emotions of the time. Bombastic and hardline attitudes became the norm of politicians. Common people entrenched themselves within their own worldviews, clashing with those who differed even slightly. To an outsider — and many insiders — it...

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Mrs Cranes Fountain of Youth 6

Mrs. Crane’s Fountain of Youth By Don Abdul ©2011 PART SIX: A Private Party (Appetizers) On her way home from another successful day of work, Shirley needed a boost from the loneliness that had dogged her for the past week. Jamal had been so busy at college he hadn’t been spending any time in her bed. She was so desperately horny, lonely and a little downcast too, and so she decided to do some lingerie shopping at an adult shop she had discovered just about the same time she had started...

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The Fountain of Youth

I had a semi-regular client named Jonathan. He was in his early fifties, and kept himself fit and smelling pretty good (those things matter, trust me). His wishes were pretty vanilla – i.e., he’d hire me for a couple of hours and we would have pretty basic sex, running through most of the common positions and things that a man and woman can do to and for each other. He always enjoyed himself enormously and I liked him a lot. He often remarked that I was very good at it. As he got to know me...

First Time
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I am the Fountain of Youth Pt 1

On the morning of my 18th birthday, my mother sat me down for a talk in our living room. “Jack, have you noticed the girls looking at you differently over the last couple of months?” I had. All the women in my family had begun to treat me a little more playfully over the last couple of months. They looked at me with a strange new curiosity, and they tried to find more opportunities to hug me or place a hand on my shoulder. “Now that you bring it up, they’ve been more affectionate these...

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Laura and her Youth Minister Chapter 5

I can empathize with the characters, but legally cannot condone sexual relations between a minor and an adult. Laura and her Youth Minister Chapter 5 Laura was dressed and waiting by the street. She was in a good mood. The little exercise she had got in before drifting to sleep the night before had done a lot to clear the sexual tension that had been growing in her. Sometimes it wasn’t so easy, sometimes she had to keep after it until she hit upon something that did the trick,...

4 years ago
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Laura and her Youth Minister Chapter 4

I can empathize with the characters, but legally cannot condone sexual relations between a minor and an adult. Laura and her Youth Minister CHAPTER 4 Laura was waiting on the porch at 6 AM. She had arisen at 5 and got ready and dressed. Last night she had spent several hours trying on her new bikini, and trying different tops and makeup, shoes, nail polish with it, looking for the right combination of innocent sexy for her needs. She had bought one she knew her Dad wouldn’t give...

1 year ago
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Laura and her Youth Minister Chapter 3

I can empathize with the characters, but legally cannot condone sexual relations between a minor and an adult. Laura and her Youth Minister Chapter 3 Laura rode her bike to the church. The day was pretty, but fall wasn’t far off. She thought about the upcoming weekend. Tomorrow they had their end of the summer bash planned. A couple of hours over to the closest water park for a day of splashing, fellowship and eating. Like the new top she was wearing, she had gone shopping for...

4 years ago
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Memories of a Mortician Part 8 Last BathElectric Youth

Year: 2011 Name:J.L Age: 23 Cause of Death: Asphyxiation due to drowning Other Injuries: Light chemical burns near nose and mouth area caused by chloroform. Torn vagina and hymen from sexual assault. Time between death and delivery to mortician: 14hrs Notes: Pic 1 A young woman has just finished dressing up for her dinner date with her boyfriend. Suddenly, the serial killer known as the ‘Kosmetics Killer’ (refer to earlier case ‘A Bad Idea’) broke into her house. He chloroformed and...

3 years ago
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Stories of my youth Chapter 15 New Years Day

Stories of my Youth Chapter 15 – New Year’s DayDespite how late I had got to sleep I was up at seven-thirty. By eight o’clock I was showered and dressed so sat out the front of the unit eating my toast and drinking my coffee not wanting to wake Linda and Jatz up. I watched all the cars going past on the way down to the celebrations at the beach.I didn’t recognize many of the people in the cars but then I saw one that I did recognize. It was Sue. She sat in the back of a car. The middle-aged...

1 year ago
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Youth Driven Passion Part 1

Coming home wasn't an easy choice for Alan. He hated that after doing so well at his writing career, he had to come back here. North Carolina was supposed to be his past. Now he was standing in front of the same house he had tried so hard to leave. He was angry with himself already. As he pulled his bags out of the trunk, he tried to remember why he was back. Then he remembered it all. His friend, Aaron, was running a youth group with their old church. He needed help. And Alan needed to...

3 years ago
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Contest entry Bonds of youth

Right, without any further delay, I present my entry to ejls' contest ^_^ Bonds of youth Turning my head with a painfully deep sigh, I run my fingers through my thick, hazel brown hair. I look out of the window, gazing down upon the well kept college grounds from the perch of the third floor of the tower block. I can feel the boredom take a tight grasp over my mind, wishing that I could lie on the fields and just soak in all the sunlight. The exams had ended a few weeks ago and I...

2 years ago
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Reformed Youth

Attempted rape His name was Steve, Steve Pincardo, age 17. Steve was on his way to the most notorious Youth Offenders Centre in the country. Pachem Hole or Hall by its proper title. He was being sent there for one reason, he was a teen sex offender, one whose traits would not, could not be curbed by anything but Pachem Hole. Pachem Hole had a reputation for changing even the worst deviant teens that were sent there in the space of a few months in residence. How? Well no one outside new and the...

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Youth Soccer

Mekala instantly caught my eye and probably the eye of every man there. She was just so energetic and vibrant. She ran down the edge of the soccer field and then did three back flips in a row to the amazement of all those watching her. As I watched her practice I realized that she was very good at soccer too. She was thirteen years old and much better built than the rest of the girls out on the field. This was the first day of practice for the fifth and sixth graders. Mekala was a sixth...

1 year ago
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I am the Fountain of Youth Pt 1

Introduction: This is my first story, and its the first in a series. Let me know if youd like me to continue It wasnt until I was in my mid teens that I started to wonder why the women in my family never seemed to get any older. As a kid, they just looked like adults to me. Even my sisters who were in their early twenties. That age, to a kid, still just looks like an adult. But when I turned 14 I started to wonder – are you guys not aging? I started to ask questions. My mom, who was 46...

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Mrs Cranes Fountain of Youth 2

Mrs. Crane’s Fountain of Youth By Don Abdul (c) 2011 PART TWO: In the Beginning ….It had been hard to tell exactly what the problem was but despite the fact that Shirley had been lucky in life generally, she gradually sank into despair. Not even her blessings of a healthy son who had just gone off to college, a loving husband, relative wealth and a great group of friends could ease her suffering. She even saw a shrink once who had explained to her that she was merely going through a mid life...

1 year ago
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The Arrogance of Youth

THE ARROGANCE OF YOUTH The year was 1993 and it was the best and worst of times. The best in that I was young, free and single. mortgages, commitment, financial uncertainty and the concept of ‘fitting in’ were like distant fictional concepts to me. Cheap booze, acid, badly rolled joints and unprotected sex were the reality. It was the worst of times in that faceless club-land dance anthems replete with jingly electric piano intros and moronic sampled vocals were the soundtrack to my every step....

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