Druids Ordeal - Chapter 1 free porn video

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by E.Y. Toad

To Ronak my Betrothed, or whoever may find this letter:

My name is Dahlia. I am a 19 year old human female. I am an initiate druid studying under Arch Druid Westrell in the Grove of Tranquility. I am now being held captive; a slave to the perverse desires of an evil man. I beg of you, please see that this letter reaches Ronak. He is a half-elf fletcher's apprentice in the Elven city of Fellgar. I swear that you will be suitably rewarded for your effort.

Four nights ago, I was traveling with Westrell and several fellow initiates. We were returning from a visit to a nearby grove. We were not told why we made this journey, but I gather it was of some importance. It was said in whispers that we were transporting some type of magical artifact, but I know nothing of its nature or what purpose it may serve.

Westrell had told us months ago about Arch Druid Kelmane from a grove down south. He had been ejected from the order when it was discovered that he had also been practicing the dark arts, and he was now trying to build an alliance between the dark clans from all over Revaria. Rumor had it that our journey was related to this threat. I don't know anything about that, but I know that Westrell was very quiet on our way back home and had a package he kept very close to him at all times.

It was late on the second night towards home. We had made a small camp and many of the initiates were already sleeping. I had wandered off to see if I could find some Bitterleaf. I'd heard that it grows in this area and it can be used in powerful magic. As I returned to the camp, I heard screams, howls and much commotion. Just as I got to the clearing I saw that we had been set upon by a band of Gnolls.

Gnolls are a race resembling a cross between a dog and a man. They are about 5 - 6 feet tall, with the face of a dog, but walk upright like a man. Most carry a sword, and a whip as a secondary weapon. They are filthy and savage creatures.

I stopped at the edge of the clearing and hid in some bushes, not knowing what to do. There were so many of them, probably 25 or more. As I watched, several of them grabbed Westrell and were trying to tear the package from his arms. Westrell broke free of them, chanted some words and disappeared in a flash of blue light. He had abandoned us to fend for ourselves! Was this an act of cowardice? I did not want to believe that. Whatever was in that package must have been very important; apparently more important than our lives.

My fear turned to horror as I saw what occurred next. Once they realized the package was gone, they grabbed poor Aleeda, stripped her clothes off and two gnolls held her face down on the ground. The gnoll who appeared to be the leader barked loudly at Aleeda as he repeatedly brought his whip down on her bare back, ass and legs. Poor Aleeda screamed as I have never heard anyone scream before.

The gnoll leader appeared to be interrogating her. None of us besides Westrell knows the gnoll language and gnolls are unable to speak Common because of the shape of their mouths, so she could not have even understood the question, let alone answer it.

At one point, brave Arlis jumped up and tried to grab the whip from the gnoll leaders hand. He was quickly run through with a sword and collapsed on the ground.

After a few minutes of this, Aleeda appeared to have passed out. The gnolls then went wild and started tearing the clothes off of the other initiates. Besides myself and Arlis, there were 4 female and 2 male initiates. The gnolls were in a blind rage, whipping and gang raping the initiates. They were all raped multiple times, including in their mouths and asses. Even the men did not escape these despicable acts.

It was horrible. They were being held up off the ground at both ends as one gnoll raped them in their vagina or ass, while another raped them in their mouth. It was hard to see from this distance, but the gnolls had huge reddish-colored penises, probably 8-10 inches long, almost as thick as my wrist and with what looked like pea-sized bumps all over them.

The initiates screamed the entire time. I know they were all virgins since that is a requirement to become an initiate. How horrible it must have been for them. I could not bear to see any more of this and turned my head away. My mind raced trying to decide what I should do. I know a few minor spells, but nothing that could handle two gnolls, let along all of them. I decided I needed to survive to return to the grove and relate to the elders what happened. I would stay hidden until they left so I would not be detected. I was far too scared to move anyway.

After the screams died down, I looked and the gnolls were sitting around drinking and laughing, if you can call their grunts and yips laughing. The naked initiates just laid on the ground moaning, some with small streaks of blood running down their legs. Occasionally one of the gnolls would walk over and rape one of the initiates again but there was no more screaming.

Once the gnolls had had their fill, they made the initiates stand up and chained them all together. They marched them off to the northwest, to a horrible fate only they and the Gods know.

I waited another few minutes to make sure they were gone. Just as I decided it was safe to move, I saw a flash of blue light in the center of the camp. A tall, older man appeared out of nowhere. He appeared to be about 50 years old. He wore a dark gray robe, a silver headband and several large rings on his fingers.

He looked around for several moments as if he was searching for something. He uttered strange words I had never heard before as his hands lightly glowed. Suddenly, his head turned directly towards me and we made eye contact. I had been detected!

I stood up, jumped out of the bushes and ran as fast as I could to the south. I had only made it a few steps when I heard the man shout some words I had heard before. He was casting a spell of plant control! This spell allows one who is powerful enough to animate plant life in a limited fashion.

I immediately felt roots emerge from the ground and wrap themselves around my feet. I frantically tried to pull them off, but more roots would cover my feet faster than I was tearing them away. I was trapped! The man slowly walked up to me, taking his time. He knew I was trapped and he was in no hurry.

As he approached, I stood up and turned to face him as much as I could with my feet rooted in place. He circled me once and then stood in front of me.

“What is your name, girl?” He said.

“My name is Dahlia, initiate druid from the Grove of Tranquility.” I replied, “Who are you and what is the meaning of this attack?”

“My name is not important. You were traveling with a band of druids, were you not?” He asked.

“I was.”

“Was Arch Druid Westrell among you?” He asked.

“I... I am not in the habit of answering the questions of people who refuse to identify themselves!” I protested.

With that, he raised one hand and almost casually flipped two fingers towards me, saying a couple of words under his breath. My head felt as though it were on fire! I slapped my face and head frantically trying to put out a fire that was not there.

After a few moments the pain subsided. “Was Arch Druid Westrell among you?” He asked again.

“I... yes... he was.” I replied. I saw no harm in telling him that and I just wanted to get out of there and report to my elders.

“Did he have any... package with him?” the man inquired.

“I think he did, but I don't know what it was. I am just an initiate; I am not privy to that level of information.” I said.

“Yes... I see... I don't doubt you, girl.” he began, “... and you are such a... beautiful girl.”

I did not like the way he looked at me when he said that.

He kept leering at me for several moments and then gestured my way again, saying a few words under his breath. Suddenly my robe and undergarments started to fade away! I could feel they were still there, but they were becoming invisible!

I frantically moved my arms around, trying to bunch up the quickly fading garments to hide my nakedness. Once the garments were fully invisible, I covered my chest with one arm and my vagina with the other hand.

“Ah, ah ah! None of that!” he said, gesturing again as vines descended from a nearby tree and wrapped themselves around my wrists. The vines tightened and pulled up on my arms until they were fully extended over my head.

“You ARE a beautiful girl!” he said, with a grin that chilled me to the bone.

“Who are you?!” I yelled, “I demand that you release me at once!”

“You... demand?” he asked rhetorically as he walked towards me.

I felt so totally helpless, exposed and humiliated. I was spread out and completely naked before a strange man. My beloved Ronak has never so much as glimpsed my breast, let alone my full womanhood.

Just as he approached me, my garments started to slowly become visible again. Is it possible he can't maintain both the invisibility and plant control spells at once?

“YOU DEMAND?!” he yelled.

I jumped with a start at his tone. “Please... whoever you are... release me! I have nothing that will be of use to you!” I pleaded.

“Oh, I beg to differ, young one.” he said, the evil grin reappearing on his face, “You have much that will be of use to me.”

As he said this, he grabbed the top of my robe and jerked downwards quite forcefully, ripping the robe from my body, leaving me in only my light undergarments.

“You have MUCH that will be of use to me.” he repeated with emphasis, as he placed his hand on my vagina and lightly squeezed.

“By the Gods... please... do not do this! I am betrothed! ” I begged.

“Ah, my sweet virgin princess... you will beg me for more before this night is over!” he said, cackling and turning away from me.

He seemed to be meditating or maybe praying for a few minutes. I couldn't tell which.

He stood up, faced me and made gestures with both hands and spoke a few words, some of which I recognized. What is he doing... it was very familiar... Oh Gods! He was casting a spell of charm.

I felt a wave of warmth come over me and felt the roots and vines receding. Even though the plants had released me, I was unable to move. My mind was screaming “Run!” but my body would not obey.

“On your knees!” he commanded.

I had no choice. I tried to fight it but immediately went to my knees. I was his helpless puppet.

“Take my cock in to your mouth!” he demanded, as he pushed his robe aside, exposing his genitals. He was using crude street language, but I new what he meant.

Again, I had no choice. In my mind, I was repulsed and humiliated, but my body instantly obeyed and I took his penis in to my mouth. It tasted rancid.

“Ah... sweet, sweet girl...” he sighed. He gently started pushing his penis deeper in to my mouth, then almost fully withdrawing it and repeating. I had heard stories of the prostitutes in the city doing things like this and it always repulsed me. It was even more terrible than I imagined. He stunk of sweat, piss and dung.

“Mmmmm... “ he moaned as he pushed it almost all the way in. It went part-way down the back of my throat and gagged me. I wanted to vomit but my body would not cooperate.

“Move your tongue around slowly!” he ordered. I immediately, and involuntarily, started massaging the underside of his penis with my tongue.

“Lightly massage my balls with your hands!” he said.

I was no longer wasting energy fighting it. I was helpless. By this time his penis was much larger than before, and standing up rigidly.

I felt the warmth in my body fading away. I think the charm spell was wearing off and he didn't seem to notice. I was regaining enough control that I probably could have removed my mouth from his penis, but I was buying time until I regained enough control of my body to escape. I kept massaging his penis with my tongue as I felt control returning to my body. As much as the thought repulsed me, I was planning to bite his penis as hard as I could and then run.

I had almost regained enough control to attempt my escape when he pulled his penis out of my mouth and took a step backwards.

“Do not think me such an amateur as to not know the limits of my own spells!” he said, gesturing again to the roots to grasp my feet.

At this point I was desperate and tried to cast the only spell I could think of that might be of use. I gestured and spoke the words of the spell of blindness.

“Damn you, girl!” he yelled as he put his arm over his eyes. After the flash had faded, he removed his arm and blinked a few times, trying to focus on me.

“Your pitiful attempt at magic has done nothing more than anger me!” He yelled, his vision fully restored.

With this, he gestured again to the vines, which came down and pulled my arms high above my head.

“Let me see your full beauty, girl!” he said, in a low hushed voice.

Another vine that had been on the ground slowly started sliding up my left leg. It crawled beneath my undergarments, brushing against my vagina and continuing up my stomach. As it slid between my breast, it came out the top of my undergarment and curled back on itself. With a hard, fast, jerk, it ripped my undergarment off. I was now fully exposed to him, unable to cover up in any way.

“You should not have angered me, girl!” he said, as he removed the leather strap that was holding his robe closed.

He circled around behind me and made no other movement or sounds for several moments. “Please... what are you doing?” I asked, turning my head trying to see him

I then felt a stripe of pain lash across my ass, burning as if it were on fire. It was the worst pain I have ever felt. I screamed so loudly it hurt my ears.

He reached down, grabbed my undergarment, ripped a piece off and shoved it in my mouth, looking around nervously.

Then it began. I long series of lashes up and down my legs, ass and back. Each lash felt as if it were setting my skin afire. I tried to scream, but it was almost completely muffled by the cloth in my mouth.

I was in too much pain to count the lashes, but it felt like an eternity. I thought it would never end. I thought I was dying. He was going to beat me to death, I just knew it.

I was sobbing and crying long after he finished whipping me. He stood there, sweating and trying to catch his breath.

“Enough of this!” he yelled, and gestured to the vines again.

The vines on the ground lifted up and grabbed my arms, as the vine from above wrapped itself around my stomach, pulling upward. I was now bent over a vine, with my arms and feet secured to the ground and my ass fully exposed, legs spread wide apart.

He spit on his fingers and rubbed it in to my vagina and removed his robe.

“Xanthula! I commit this virgin to you! Please accept this offering and bless me with a measure of your glorious power!” he yelled skyward, and then mumbled some strange words.

I then felt a great stabbing pain shoot through my vagina and into my pelvis as he rammed his penis fully in to me with one savage stroke.

“Ahhhhh!!!” he sighed loudly, as I screamed in to my cloth gag.

He continued to pump his penis in and out of me, faster and faster.

After several minutes of this, he slowed down and yelled “Gods! Ah! Eyaaaaahhhh!!!” as I felt a warmth shooting in to me and running down my leg. I could see it was a mixture of what I presume was semen, and traces of blood.

As he was in the midst of his ecstasy, the vines started losing their grip. As he pulled his penis out of me, the vines and roots receded away and I fell to the ground, crying and sobbing.

As I lay there, naked and ashamed, I could think of nothing other than my beloved Ronak. This evil man stole my virginity from you. I will not blame you if you longer want me as your wife. No respectable man would want me now.

I laid there for many long minutes, in to much pain to move.

The man then grabbed me by the back of the neck and forced me to look at him.

“You have pleased me, girl.” he started, “I have decided to let you live...” My heart seemed to skip a beat. He was going to let me go! Praise the Gods!

“Yes, you will live... at the top of my tower where you will please me at my whim.” My hopes completely deflated, I collapsed on the ground, crying and sobbing once again.

“You should feel proud, girl. Not many girls have the privilege of being a personal servant of Kelmane!” He proclaimed proudly.

By the Gods! This man was Arch Druid Kelmane!

He pulled me up by my hair and grabbed me around the waist. He gestured and spoke a few words. There was a flash of light and were were instantly in a circular room made of stone. There were two small windows but all I could see was the sky. There was a wooden hatch on the floor. We were obviously at the top of his tower.

“This is your home now. A servant will bring you food twice a day. I will summon you when I desire your 'attention'. There is no escape from this place. Attempt to leave and it will not go well for you.” he said, making a gesture and disappearing in a flash of blue light.

I have been here for 3 days now. I have been fed and have access to a few dusty books and a quill, but I have not seen Kelmane since he brought me here.

I wrote this letter on blank pages from the books. I befriended a large crow that had been landing on my window sill. I attached this letter to its leg and asked it to deliver the letter to a druid or other friend of the animals.

I have no idea who this letter may find, or if the crow even understood my request. I can only pray to the Gods that someone can help me. Please... help me...


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Olivias Ordeal

She can still hear the judge’s words, "90 days in the woman's unit at the county jail". She can still hear her lawyer telling her what a great plea bargain deal he got her. Great deal for whom, she thought, him? He gets paid and gets to go home to his wife. I'm the one going to jail. After what seemed like an eternity, the van finally arrived at the main prison entrance. The driver said something into the radio and Olivia could hear the main gate squeal loudly as it slowly rolled...

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Introduction: The misfortunes and misadventures of Ensign Wesley Crusher WARNING! This text file contains sexually explicit material. If you do not wish to read this type of literature, or you are under age, THEN YOU SHOULDNT BE READING THIS!!!!!   WESLEY CRUSHERS PAINFUL ORDEAL WITH THE KLINGONS   DEEP SPACE 7 09:00 HRS: Wesley Crusher woke up in the morning with his hard five-inch dick along with his hairless balls sticking out of the leg opening of his tight white briefs. Hed gotten...

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Susans Ordeal

Susan's Ordeal.I was awaiting my Master to return from hisDay at the office..I had readied myself as her requested..I stood against the wall of the living roomDutifully attired in red wig, black dressLong gloves and seamed nylons…I had applied my makeup and used my deepestRed lipstick to coat my lips….My legs ached from wearing the six inch heelsHe ordered me to wear…I do hope heWould allow me to take them offOr at least sit…as I found these heels veryPainful…and almost impossible for meTo walk...

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SLUT ANN My toilet ordeal

SLUT ANN’s Toilet OrdealMy name is Ann, well actually, it's been Slut Ann most of my life. My body has ruled me always. My nipples would itch, then when I played with them or scratched them, a charge would go through my body and make me crazy, insanely horny. It’s like the beginning of a huge orgasm that stays with me until I cum. The type of horny where there are no limits.We were very poor, so clothes weren't replaced regularly. As a result, I wore old then panties where the liner was wearing...

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Joanies Ordeal part 2

For reference and continuity check out the first part. They were a lot of fun to write and I hope you like it.Previously on Joanie's ordeal I stumbled back to my room and tip toed inside. I checked on Heather and she was sound asleep, her innocent face was so calm and peaceful. I went inside the bathroom, took off my clothes and looked at myself in the mirror. I looked nothing like I did when I left this room. Black mascara lines ran down my cheeks which where stained with cum and my hair was...

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Jens Ordeal

Jenny's Ordeal I was feeling rather horny today so I decided to drop in on a littlesubmissive slut I had dated for a few months. Her name was Jenny. She was38, about 5' 8", and 140 pounds. She was pretty with long brown hair. Alittle bulge around her waist, but a luscious, tight, and round ass! Ivisited her off and on, per her desire to keep seeing me, even though Ifelt a long term relationship wasn't viable between us. Don't get mewrong, the sex was great, but there was a spark missing...

2 years ago
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Billies Ordeal

Billie’s Ordeal by Andy G.Billie did not know what else to do. There was no one else she could call. It was only been two weeks since she buried her husband of 15 years and now she was alone. She was 38 and had no one left. Her father had died years ago and her mother died the previous year. Since she was an only c***d Billie inherited her mother’s estate. She and her husband moved into her very nice home and were happy until he died. Now she was alone and did not know what to do.She...

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The Ordeal

The Ordeal Janet Stickney [email protected] Mike, Kevin, and I grew up together, and we were almost like brothers. Mike was the one with the wild imagination and our practical joker. Kevin was a little less crazy, and always did what Mike wanted to. I was the follower. I usually went along with them, rarely voicing any concerns. That's how I ended up this way. All of us were 15 when it all fell on our heads. Mike is tall and husky, blond hair and blue eyes; Kevin is the...

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Anns ordealPart one

Ann’s ordeal-Part one.Police constable Ann V. was sweating under her uniform.The whole day the sun had been shining down on the city mercilessly, like it had been doing the whole week.She felt the sweat slowly trickling between her heaving breasts, and down her massive buttocks.Her bob of red hair was stuck sweatily under her regulation policewoman’s hat, and she had her big, green eyes half closed to keep the sunlight from blinding her.She silently cursed herself for not keeping the promise...

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Lisas ordeal Continued

Having cleaned myself up as best I could I turned the key in the ignition and started to move off. I immediately thought that I should try and make myself more respectable for when I got home as I didn’t want to have to tell my husband of my ordeal. I pulled up next to the door that led back upstairs to my office, leaving my coat I got out of my car and hurried up the stairs.On reaching my floor I headed straight for the ladies room only to be greeted by my boss Mr Stevens. He must have seen...

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Olivias Ordeal

So many things were going through Olivia's young mind as she rode in the back of the van. Though she was uncomfortable from the cuffs and leg irons digging into her lovely olive skin, this was barely a distraction as she replayed the recent events of her life over and over in her head. It was dark in the back of the transport van, and the 20-minute ride gave her plenty of time to think. How could she have not known her boyfriend Kenny was dealing d**gs? He seemed like a nice guy and always...

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The Ordeal

Again I can't take the credit for this one.The OrdealIt was the Friday night after Thanksgiving one year ago tonight. Like many people who do self-bondage, I had been planning this for some time. I had discussed certain aspects of my bondage with a friend who lives across town. We discussed how she'd like to find me, in what position and what she would like for me to be wearing. I sent her a checklist with choices for 1) position 2) what kind of gag 3) clips, if any 4) other torture items to be...

1 year ago
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Frankies Ordeal Or was it a Game

People often ask me if my writing is fiction or non fiction, so I will confirm here and now all my writing is in my fantasies, all involves adults over the age of 18, in fact well over the age of 18 and any reference to anything is purely in my thoughts. Especially the following story.Frankie had been out with the girls again and this time wasn’t approached by any strange amazon women or many men to be fair.They had started the night at Gemma’s on champagne then gone into town and she knew she...

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OLGAs ORDEAL chapter 2

Olga's Ordeal (chapter 2) The office was more like an over-sized hotel room. The leather furniture looked both comfortable and inviting. Olga noticed an odd contraption in the corner of the office. It looked like an x-shaped padded bench with several straps hanging down forlornly to the floor. She could imagine the evil purpose of such a device and remembered poor Lara's tattered ass after her appointment in this very same room. "Stand on the board!" At first, Olga was confused with the...

2 years ago
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Olga's Ordeal (chapter 1)Olga could hear muffled screams. Far away, but penetrating her eardrums."Ohh...no. Not there. Please.....Please. What do you want?"She shivered not so much from the cold, but from dread. A certain dread that it would soon be her turn. The last 24 hours had been a nightmare. First, the handcuffs, then the humiliating removal of all her clothing, and the final shame of the brutal cavity search by the smiling female guard. The screams of the unknown prisoner had become...

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Kyles ordeal

Kyle's ordeal By Lucille Trish had never thought that shopping for lingerie could be so interesting, but it was. November was almost finished and she took a break from Christmas shopping. She was shopping for herself now. Walking though the aisles of different style bras at Victoria's Secret had sparked a wicked idea in her head. She never wore very sexy styles of lingerie but looking at the bright pink padded cups and purple, blue, imported silk and elaborately embroidered styles...

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Jennys Punishment Letter Ordeal Continues

This continues the story of a mother and daughter's discipline. Please read the earlier chapter, "Mother and Daughter Punishment Letter Ordeal" first, already published:By the following morning 42 year old Jenny and 17 year old Charlotte had recovered from the spanking Grandma gave them both the night before although their bottoms were still sore and neither felt like sitting down. They went together to the Academy to hand in their punishment letters. Charlotte was at her desk when Olivia and...

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Ordeal in Liverpool

ORDEAL IN LIVERPOOL by Long Tall MaryAt forty years old, Kathleen would have made a trophy wife for some deserving guy, but having been divorced for five years, shunned the idea of dating. An elementary school teacher in a suburban Syracuse district, she was extremely devoted to her two daughters, ages nineteen and twenty, both of whom were attending college out of town. With a dead beat ex, a good share of her salary was spent on tuition for the daughters.A natural blond, at 5’8 and 145...

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Olivias Ordeal

So many things were going through Olivia's young mind as she rode in the back of the van. Though she was uncomfortable from the cuffs and leg irons digging into her lovely olive skin, this was barely a distraction as she replayed the recent events of her life over and over in her head. It was dark in the back of the transport van, and the twenty minute ride gave her plenty of time to think. How could she have not known her boyfriend Kenny was dealing drugs? He seemed like a nice guy and always...

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Wesley Crushers Painful Ordeal with the Klingons

WARNING! This text file contains sexually explicit material. If you do not wish to read this type of literature, or you are under age, PLEASE DELETE THIS FILE NOW!!!!!------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This work is copyrighted to the author ? 2009. Please don't remove the author information or make any changes to this story. All rights reserved. Thank you for your...

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Annas Ordeal

Captain Romerro picked up his phone Anna?s? OrdealCaptain Romero picked up his phone. An agent in a town some four hours away by road had some good news. Anna Lubec had been seen leaving the house of a known rebel. Carlos menez was part of a group suspected of killing an officer of the secret police. Romerro ordered his agent not to lose sight of the girl, advising that a kidnap squad would be mobilized. So his informant had been right, and that little slut was using her imagined immunity...

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Lord Harringtons Ordeal

This story began as a prologue for a much longer story that was never completed – so I just continued with this part instead.Lord Harrington’s OrdealLord Harrington was laid naked on a long, thin table, his arms secured to the sides by steel rings and his legs spread wide and secured high in the air to a metal bar suspended from the ceiling.  Carol was stood between his open legs, gently scraping her long fingernails around the tip of his throbbing cock. ?I do hope that you’re going to give me...

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Pennys Ordeal

PENNY’S ORDEALThis was not just another day for Penny. Today she would be doing what her Master had told her, and to be honest, she was both excited and fearful of it. It had started, she thought, as a joke on her Master’s part, but over the ensuing days she realised that He had meant it, and today, she was going to do it.A chance remark that He would love her to be tied up, and walk back to her house, in the night, naked and tied, no release until she arrived home. They had both laughed, but...

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French Womans Ordeal

French Woman?s Ordeal Part 1By Sonya Esperanto [email protected]:It was a hot day in Pattaya, Thailand. It was summer time. The locals were running around, with hats on their heads, and here they watch the Western tourists, walking around. Foreigners from Scandinavia love Thailand?s heat.Claire was walking around. Claire was an attractive woman, originally from Bretagne, somewhere in the West Coast of the France, that faced the Atlantic Ocean. She stood at 6 feet tall, with...

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Misha8217s ordeal

I was contacted by Roy to write a story based on his (supposedly) real life experience so am obliging. This is not my story so please forgive me if I get carried away a bit. Roy’s sister Misha (23) is married to Sri, an engineer in PWD, Sri happens to be one unscrupulous fellow, he has the appetite for taking bribes and using his power to get to the people. He had been exploiting the machinery for over 2 years and was in no ones good books. But that didn’t deter him from asking for bribes from...

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JaneJoes Prison OrdealChapter 2

He had been hitchhiking from school to home and was offered a ride by a middle aged man in a pickup truck. The forty-five minute trip started innocently enough, blah, blah, blah, but it soon turned to the sexually interesting ideas of getting a blowjob. The man appeared to be an expert on the whole matter. He went on about how it was so great to have a hot mouth on your dick. At that point he asked, "Know what I mean?" Joe said, without even thinking about it, "Oh, yeah, ain't nothing...

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JaneJoes Prison OrdealChapter 3

Finally, mercifully, Jane/Joe felt it. The beginings of an orgasm. Thank you, lord, Jane/Joe thought just before he yelled out to Sir Cougar, "Now! Sir Cougar, sir! I'm gonna shoot, sir!" He felt Sir Cougar pick up the pace a bit, banging in and out of his ass with purpose, trying to drive himself to his own orgasm. Sir Cougar was now leaning over him and he could feel drops of the man's sweat hit his chest and belly. They both did their respective parts for a few second more. Then......

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Our Ordeal In TumaliChapter 14 My pregnancy confirmed

Our bed in Government House was much softer than the one in which I'd spent the previous two nights and yet I couldn't sleep. Roger lay alongside me and even though he faced away from me, I knew that he too was awake. He'd been quiet all day and had said almost nothing about what happened between him and Sanle after we'd left them. Sumala was in his own room, or at least I supposed that he was. Even after a day of rest my cunt was far too sore to think about having him fuck me that night....

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Our Ordeal In TumaliChapter 18 Set up for another ordeal

"I'll wring the bastard's neck. I'll squeeze his balls until he squeals," I fumed as I dragged Roger up the stairs into Government House. Sumala followed at a discrete distance. Ignoring Shelumba I barged straight into Major Entembe's office. He looked up in surprise but before he could open his mouth, I started, "I didn't think that even you could be such a cruel bastard. Treating us like animals! Why? Haven't you made us suffer enough? First you make us walk all the way there and...

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Our Ordeal In TumaliChapter 20 The Birthing Clinic

"How did the rest of your stay there go?" Riku asked, "I read the part you wrote today and that seemed pretty traumatic." We'd arrived back late the previous day. Shelumba told us the Major was rather annoyed as he'd sent a proper car for us but that had perforce to go via the cablecar station and the dirt road to the camp. We'd made an early start and had turned off that road on to the contour track before the car reached us. "The Major wanted to see you before he went away for a...

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Our Ordeal In TumaliChapter 23 Home and back

Nine weeks after our visit to the prison the major summoned us to his office. We'd been away for a week visiting with Allaice and JeanPaul again and seeing the forestry industry in her area. This time I didn't even ask for transport; just for permission to go there. Roger didn't object too much either especially as the non-physical link we had in the IT office was extended to outside with the exception that if I passed him on to another girl, he had to be linked to her. In any case I had...

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Sandys smothering ordeal with two black women

Stella was enjoying her new job on the night shift at this top class hotel, it gave her every opportunity to hit the long sandy beaches and work out in the hotel gym during the day, plus things were usually a lot more quiet. Until now it seemed. The telephone on the desk started ringing, Stella looked up at the clock it was two o'clock in the morning, she picked up the receiver and listened to the female voice on the other end, "ok I'll take a look". Someone was complaining about thumping...

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Sammies Ordeal

Note : This story is completely fictional! Right before I entered my teens, my mother passed. Ever since, I have lived with my two older brothers and my father. My mother did not have a happy life; my father was always drunk and made a hobby out of beating and raping my mother. My brothers always tried to spend as much time as they could away from home. I guess they could not handle what was happening. However, being the youngest sibling, I had no choice. I was trapped. This story is not meant...


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