Six Times A DayPart 150 Finish What Ya Started
- 2 years ago
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That night the seas started to get rough. We were two hundred miles off Liberia and the captain steered a course into the storm and, with the way the ship was constructed, the vessel did not pitch too much at all. More entertainment was offered to keep the passengers occupied. It was difficult for most people to sleep; some had it hard even keeping their food down. The next morning the storm was still blowing and perhaps even a bit rougher. Noon found very few people at the tables.
Weather reports came in by radio and it was mentioned how the storm covered a very wide area and was mostly at sea and on our course. Mom was a little seasick but pride made her ignore it and even pretend for our benefit. Lusa was in bad shape and I just let her rest in her bed until the worst was over.
As it happened, the worst was not over quickly and the next day it got worse. Some of the passenger ships had stabilisers to keep the ship from pitching in the seas. Ours was older and would probably never get a refit the way aeroplanes were seemingly taking over long trips.
I awoke Lusa and took her to the bathroom and later tried to get her to eat something. She did this for me but spewed it back up so I put her back to sleep. Thinking about the children in the lowest levels I took a few bags of candy and all I could buy at the store and went below decks. On the way I found an old newspaper from Cape Town and put it in the zip bag with the rest of my props. The crew's quarters supplied a short piece of rope that had been discarded. The ship was pitching slowly and I saw vomitus on the deck and the air reeked of more sources. I took a look around and found one of the three original girls and her smaller brother. In Hindi, I told them to go to the common room for a magic act.
They did not really want to go but decided to anyway because there was little else to do. I placed my zip bag on the ground and told the girl that I had a magical cobra in my bag pretending to be a rope. I put my hand in and drew it out quickly startling my audience of two. Another quick movement and I snatched a recorder from the bag. This would have to take the place of a Pungi that the typical snake charmer would use. I played a few tunes and the small audience began to enjoy the music. Finally I resorted to the music of the snake charmer and, being as theatrical as possible, I coaxed a three quarter manila rope to push out the insides of the bag.
The two were now worried that I might have such a snake with me. Soon others came by drawn by the music or the small congregation already there. I stopped and said with a worried voice, "You all better back up. This snake is very partial to small boys. He ate two before I came on the ship."
The boy of two and a half backed up taking his sister with him. I continued with my music and the bag started to move with the same rhythm. Soon the end of the rope poked out of the bag and bent a few inches from the top to simulate a snake's head. It moved back and forth following my movements and bobbed to the music. The rope was raised slowly and soon it was almost two feet out of the bag and staring at the motions I was making.
At the end of the song it abruptly hurled itself out of the bag and slithered across the floor to me. I heard screaming as the people in the front jumped back to get away from the fearful reptile. Nobody wanted a snake in their midst. I caught the snake in my fist close to where a real head would be and its tail realistically wrapped around my arm.
"You are a naughty snake. You came out to dance then want to eat me," I said as I put the rope back into the bag. The screams had brought even more people and it was getting difficult for people in the back to see. Taking a few steps I reached behind the ear of some of the smaller children and plucked small candies. This was easy to do as I could move very fast and in this case I could even move the candies to where I wanted them.
I took out the old newspaper next and using my fingers I ripped it into thin strips but did not separate them from the main sheet. When everybody could see the pieces I moved my hands very quickly and hid the ripped piece and substituted the whole piece with a flourish. It was handed to the people in the front row to see if they could find any damage.
"I need a volunteer from the audience to help me with the next piece of magic," I said with a serious voice. Nobody came forth and I reached out my hand to the first girl but she was much too shy to help. Her small brother eagerly came forward at my urging.
"I will put you in a trance for this experiment." The boy had no idea what I was talking about but moved as I pushed him. Soon he was lying on the floor with his full length viewable to the audience. "Pretend to fall asleep," I whispered, "and keep your eyes closed." Then for the audience's benefit I said, "Abra cadabra and presto," while gesturing with my hands.
I looked down to the smiling boy and said, "Look what I found here!" I started to pull a long piece of cloth from his ear with one hand at his ear to supposedly help bring it out. The boy's eyes opened and the audience saw it as I knew they would. After almost four yards were pulled out I stood up and walked to the zippered bag and threw the rags in and the rope tried to get out. After capturing it again and pushing it into the bag I palmed some candies.
The boy closed his eyes as I came back and I searched his body and found candy all over and threw them to the audience. The boy appeared to be a hoarder and had at least ten pieces in his navel.
When the candies were gone I waved my hand again and then raised the boy off the floor almost a foot. The audience was spell bound now and some even gasped. I went to the bag and got out the rags and pulled the boy's sister to him. "Take the end and we will run the cloth under your brother." She was amazed at what she saw but did as I asked and we brought the stretched rags under the boy then all over him to prove that there was no support. There was none but the audience would always think that there was and know this for a trick. If I slipped again they would think it a trick and me being an amateur magician just practising.
After I finished with the boy I lowered him down and offered him some candy as a reward. I bowed to the boy as if he did it all and started to clap. The audience was slow to catch on but clapped too. The boy turned red and ran to his sister.
"Thank you for your attention and good afternoon." I packed up my things and saw that the people were less motion sick now and my task had been accomplished.
As I went out some of the adults pressed small coins into my hands in thanks for a good performance. It felt like a lot when I considered how much they had to spare. I dare not refuse them either or they would think that I didn't value their generosity.
The children in the back that had not received any candy thus far were delighted when I plucked some from their ears. When I left there was a lot less moaning and groaning than when I entered. The smell though was just as bad and this I would take care of now. I raced up the stairs and walked to the closest area I could to get to the captain. A large sign said that no passengers were allowed beyond so I waited for a crewmember to pass by. Luckily one was going into the crew's quarters and agreed to relay a message for me. He was a little incredulous about a little boy requesting this though.
I waited patiently for almost ten minutes because I could read that the Captain was busy. When he came out he looked at me seriously and said, "Hello Master Boz. What can I do for you?"
"Good afternoon sir. It is not quite for me but I would like the stewards to go below deck and clean up all the vomit on the deck. If this is not possible then you might give access to the cleaning supplies so that the passengers can do this themselves. I would recommend a slight monetary or gastronomic reward for their help."
He replied, "I have been thinking a lot about you recently Master Boz and I still can't place you. Listening I would think you a very educated adult and I can't see how that corresponds to your obvious youth. To answer your question, how many hours would it take for the clean up? The men are busy now cleaning up the areas on the upper deck from the passengers with weaker stomachs."
"Four man hours and another hour each day the storm continues, sir."
"Would you organize the clean up if I allowed the passengers to do it?"
"I can do that. I would suggest one pound be paid for the job for the duration of the storm. Food would be preferable but then there would be acrimony among the lower decks."
"That sounds satisfactory. Now what about some music for the passengers?"
"I was entertaining the sick children below decks and I anticipated the adults above deck too but I am afraid Lusa is sick and will not be able to play."
"We have a good pianist and I am sure you and he can come up with an adequate repertory for tonight. I would like to see my guests eat and enjoy themselves." Pausing for a few seconds he continued, "It takes a while for food to leave the stomach. Are you up to singing for that length of time?"
"I am and I would like all four musicians. Somewhere during the night I hope to get Lusa to start playing again and forget her own troubles for a while."
With the Captain's word on the matter I approached the musicians within the crew area and talked with them. I managed to get a better evaluation of their abilities. I went through all their sheet music and then asked about some Scottish and Irish ballads that many of the passengers would like. I also knew that many of the English would enjoy them at the same time. One of the Captain's favourites was a take off of one of Robby Burns' poems. Here I had to learn the pronunciation of the dialect to make it sound authentic.
With word of mouth advertising the dining room was filled somewhat more than usual. The Captain seemed to be risking his word on me without ever hearing me sing. Dad came early and sat at a table that was close to the musicians. The Captain was not yet present and we started with some Afrikaans songs that sprang from their Protestant background. There were few people present from South Africa but the ones that were tapped their feet or hand against their tables.
Sticking to ballads, we played English, Irish and when the Captain came in, some Scottish pieces. The latter seemed a little out of place without the pipes but I think we made do. Most of the people were being served now, so I reverted to some English sea shanties with the use of alternate words for some of the racier sections or just left them blank and let the audience fill the words in with their minds. Here I danced to the music with my leather shoes slapping the floor and the audience beating time on the tables.
I smiled at what I had done for the people and what they had done in return. This did not take away from me wanting to be a doctor but just that it was nice to entertain people as well. With Lusa finished her first major meal in two days I spoke into the large microphone and got her to take the pianist's place in accompanying me.
"Lusa, play our Bantu song. This time play it softly."
Lusa was frightened again and I helped place all the information before her so she would not feel threatened. I explained the song in English then Lusa started out very softly. I started singing in the soft Bantu language talking of life before the white man came and how a young man lost his life trying to kill a lion so that he could prove his manhood and marry his true love.
The audience did not know that the Bantu had such a rich past and had not heard many songs in any case. This one I happened to make while thinking of Lusa a few months after I was born.
To avoid showing preferences I sang a few German and Dutch songs. With the original pianist back at the keyboard, I sang in Spanish and we ended the night with a stirring piece in French. There was a lot of clapping and it seemed more people came from their rooms to hear us as the night wore on.
Dad was clapping harder than the rest and mom, Japera and Lusa were very bright eyed as they clapped too. When it was time to leave the Captain came up to me and said, "That was much more than I ever expected from you or any musician. The passengers are leaving happy and even the storm seems to have abated. So Shawn, when would you like to get your compensation for your labours?"
"The next watch starts in a half hour and I would like to begin then."
"Young man you need your sleep. Let's have it in the morning?"
"Sir the night is beautiful and perhaps a little less stressful as well. I believe the second mate would not object too much if you tell him the right way."
The Captain knew the second mate was competent but did not work very well with passengers or especially children but payment had been requested, so now it had to be delivered. "As you wish. I will inform the second but I think he will be a bit truculent about it."
"As temporary captain it would be my job to set him right in any case. I would look on it as a joke to see how well it worked in the morning."
I was soon introduced to the second mate. He was a short wide man with enormous strength that had gone to pot recently. His drinking was the major reason but the realisation that life was now finite seemed to cause the former.
"Mr. MacAndrews this is Shawn Boz. He looks young but is very knowledgeable. I would take it as a favour if you would follow his orders as if he were I. The only time I would like you to override him is if he does something dangerous to the ship or passengers. His orders are to keep a course for Southampton with as little trouble as possible." The helmsman and the radio operator listened to the odd orders and smiled at the probable outcome.
"But sir," he said in a thick brogue, "he is only a wee lad."
"That is true by his looks but his mind is as sharp as yours. Follow my orders in this Mr. MacAndrews."
"Aye sir."
When the captain left MacAndrews said, "You won't be giving any orders on my watch, boy."
"I will be giving orders or I will have you thrown in the brig for mutiny. Don't think that I have not read and understood the articles under which this ship sails. Do I make my self clear Mr. MacAndrews?"
"And who would you get to enforce that law boy?"
"I will personally."
This time he laughed. He saw a boy of about 4 or 5 perhaps even 6 threatening him with force. "I would like to see that 'captain boy'."
I flew across the deck and drove my feet into his stomach and he doubled over from the unexpected pain. I landed on my feet and kicked him in the jaw and this knocked him out and he fell onto the deck. I walked over and dragged the heavy man to the wall and put him into the recovery position so there would be no problem till he awoke.
I casually walked over to the chart as the two men looked at me with their mouths open. Finding a steward on duty I made a call and asked him to come to the bridge. The radioman was going to check on the mate when I said, "As you were Mr. Frisco. The mate is fine and will wake up when the watch is over."
The man was used to taking orders and I used both the way dad and the Captain did in issuing them. Mr. Frisco returned to his duties but kept his eyes on me. I read the log and got a feeling for the style it was written in. I amended it to state that I had taken command.
The steward came on the deck and looked at Mr. MacAndrews in the corner then to the helmsman for clarification.
"The second mate disbelieved that I could enforce a command. A captain, even a temporary one has to be firm, fair and sure. I am trying to do that. Do you believe that I have the authority after the captain gave it to me?"
The man was in a quandary and could only say, "Ahh... I think you can give orders and if they are fair I will play the game."
"Thank you. The job I have for you is simple. I want you to go into steerage and then to cabin p36-b. Offer Mr. Sabal a temporary job of cleaning the vomit off the bulkhead and decks in the halls and public areas. You will need to give him access to the storage rooms and allow the passengers to clean up their own mess within their rooms." I reached into my pocket and pulled out a few folded notes and handed him a fiver. "Give him this for his time and say that the captain thinks he is honest enough to be paid first."
"But... ok. I can do that. Anything else?"
"That is all. Since the storm is subsiding I think we should be in clear water in two hours and there will be less work for you."
Every hour I wrote in the log our heading and speed. The engine room called to report everything functioning properly and I thanked the man. He was very startled by the voice but kept to his job. The radioman gave me his finding verbally. Another steward came to give us coffee and stopped dead in his tracks at seeing MacAndrews unconscious. I explained the problem and also said that the first steward neglected to tell him to get a reaction.
He smiled at me and said, "Would the temporary captain like a cocoa?"
"I think he would."
The watch came in later after hearing from the steward and gave the standard report. After a while all sorts of crew came to ask one thing or another to see the taciturn MacAndrews still sleeping on the hard deck.
Five hours into the watch I had this strange feeling of helplessness. I looked about and tried to find its source. After checking all the ship I knew it was ahead of us somewhere. There was no use using my eyes in the dark sky and the ship did not have the new radar the military had. I used my own eye and sent it far forward. The disturbance was still out there but not quite able to be pinpoint yet.
"Helmsman come to a course of zero zero one."
"But... , " he did a bit of thinking and saw that it was not dangerous and only headed a little closer to the shore than our nominal 250 mile distance. "Aye aye sir. Come to a course of zero zero one."
My eye could not go too high without losing detail so I kept it at three miles and made a zigzag course looking for the source of the disturbing feeling. Ten minutes later I came on it. A ship had gone down and in the wreckage of the vessel hung eight people. One was a young female hurt from a cut on the forehead and was supported by an older man. Four males still lived and one young boy was holding on to a cushion but was weakening rapidly. Another wounded man lay on a plank.
"Helmsman come four degrees to starboard and call for flank speed. There are some people in distress."
The helmsman didn't argue but slowly changed course and the engine room started to comply. Within five minutes the captain was putting his jacket on and coming on the bridge. "What in god's name is going on here." Then he saw MacAndrews on the floor and then wondered even more.
I finished making out the log and walked over and stood under the Captain's frowning features. A ship has sunk 23 nautical miles ahead. At present speed we should be there in 51 minutes. I believe there are survivors."
"How the hell... How do you know this?"
"It is a feeling. I got one once before and was able to save a woman with difficulties giving birth. If we hadn't got there; mother and child would have died. If I am wrong I will have spent 350 extra pounds worth of fuel and not made our trip any longer. If I am right I will have spent 350 extra pounds and this ship would be noted for saving some people' lives. I will pay for the fuel if I am wrong. If I am right the owners will pay and also get the credit."
The amount of money was high but the sale of the diamonds would cover it. Most people were lucky to make even one pound a day.
The captain saw the logic of the argument and started to give orders. "Sir I am still in command. Do you relieve me, sir?"
"Get out of my chair we are not in the Queen's Navy now." He looked at the log and saw that there was no damage to it and then looked at MacAndrews. "What happened to him?"
"I believe he stumbled before you came onto the bridge sir."
"Get him to sickbay and alert Doctor Quigley that we may have some work for him."
"Aye aye sir."
I awoke the doctor, "Yes, what is it?" he said groggily.
"We are coming on some survivors of a shipwreck in about forty minutes. They will be suffering from hypothermia, shock, exhaustion and I believe some to have trauma to the face and neck."
"Who the hell is this?"
"Shawn Boz. I was on watch and I am conveying the Captain's orders."
"Fine, I'll get dressed and see what I can do to help. Are you going to get your dad?"
"I was hoping you would say that sir."
"He might not be."
"The second mate is coming down with a contusion to the mandible at the condyle. I believe he has some problems with the ninth and tenth thoracic nerves." Dr. Quigley said nothing but I was sure he was doing his best to see the problem from my too specific answer.
The captain roused all the crew and got the boats ready to lower. Doctor Quigley came on deck with dad and asked if this were a game.
I had talked to dad and I verbally reminded him about the time that I recently helped him with the pregnant woman. Dad was vague but said how I once before averted a tragedy and caused him to stop and check on a woman 'close' to the road.
At ten minutes to five the captain ordered the lights turned on and the horn sounded. The loud and sorrowful hoot could be heard for miles and after five times the entire ship knew something was happening. I suggested cutting speed and the captain relayed the message. At twenty minutes after five, I spotted the wreckage with my real eyes and pointed it out. The officer of the watch used his glasses and found it in the dim light.
The captain ordered a full stop and the boats were sent out. One man hanging onto a plank for over a day could not hold out any longer and released his grip and slipped beneath the waters. I reached out and picked him up and held him afloat. Minutes later the boats were in the flotsam and pulling the survivors onboard.
The majority of the lifeboats returned while the rest searched for more survivors. There were none to be found.
All around our ship passengers used their cameras to take in the sight of the bedraggled and almost dead survivors pulled into the lifeboats.
The seas were gentle but not for a small craft and it took a while to secure them and bring the survivors onboard. Crewmembers carried the survivors wrapped in blankets and both dad and Dr. Quigley sent them where they wanted them. Passengers again pushed the crew aside and the flash of their cameras bothered the rescuers much more than the rescued. Japera went back to her old duties and helped three other nurses with carrying out the doctors' orders.
The 'Hidalgo II' was of Spanish registry and had set out from the Canary Islands. The owner, his wife and young son had gone for a trip to Dakar, Senegal. The crew of ten and a young maid had accompanied them. The storm came up and a massive bolt of lightning had struck the mast and destroyed the radio. An unnoticed fire had started in the hold and an explosion soon after ripped apart the ship and destroyed the lifeboats.
The owner, his wife and four members of the crew had succumbed to the explosion, fire and exposure. The heavy cargo had pulled down the wooden hull along with all of the lifesaving equipment. The young boy only survived because one of the survivors that did not make it to the pickup had put the boy on a larger piece of wreckage and kept him out of the warm water more. The maid was only 14 and had been saved by one of the crewmembers by wrapping her in a blanket and lashing the blanket to a short section of spar. The blanket kept the water next to her body warmer than the surrounding sea.
When the last survivor was carried onboard dad and Dr. Quigley relegated him to sickbay the same as the rest. I walked up to the man and saw his pale skin, felt his weak pulse with my hand and then looked into the man's mind and knew he had a cerebral embolism. Looking at both men I said, "This man has had a stroke."
"How can you... ?" said Quigley.
Dad cut in, "If Shawn says he has a stroke he has had a stroke. Let's get him on medication as soon as possible."
Dad and Quigley pushed their way through the crowd of onlookers and allowed a path for the crewmembers and the stroke victim. I followed right after. When we got to the medical section one nurse was going to bar my way when Japera came over and said, "He stays with the doctors," and took my hand and pulled me into the operating room.
Quigley looked up and was about to have me sent out but reconsidered and continued with his talk with dad over the best way to proceed. Japera and the other nurses were stripping the survivors and placing their valuables beside their beds. We came out of the room they were in and the nurses wanted me away from the naked people. Quigley said, "Let him stay. He has seen more than enough for his age and there is nothing here that's new."
I looked at the girl's forehead and asked, "Who is going to suture her? If we leave it too long it will take a cosmetic surgeon to repair the damage." Placing a hand on a person's wrist I said, "And this one may need a heart stimulant. The rhythm is too irregular and shallow. Can we get some heat lamps in here to bring their core temperature back up?"
The doctors looked at one another and started to do what was needed. I went into the small side room and found the small boy with one of the nurses. I reached out to his cold hand and found his respiration shallow and pulse weak from the effects of shock. His small body could not take too much of this abuse so I searched through Quigley's thoughts and found the location for the heat lamps and got one for the boy.
I plugged it in and directed the infra-red onto the boy. The nurse was going to object but thought about it and decided she would have done the same. Taking a small hand towel I folded it and placed it over the boy's eyes. He was on a normal hospital bed and I had to reach far over to place it correctly.
Next I started removing one piece of sheet at a time to find any damage. The nurse now reacted, "What are you doing? The little boy is in shock. Leave him alone."
"Nurse, he is in shock as you have diagnosed but do you know everything that is wrong with him?"
"There is nothing more wrong."
I pulled the boy's arm out and showed her all the small puncture marks. "Is he a heroin addict or perhaps a diabetic? Take a blood sample now and I will see if there is a way to save his life."
"I will..."
"Dr. Quigley, will you come here please?" I asked.
The doctor came in and the nurse tried to get her say in first. I just showed him the arm, then, "I think the boy is into diabetic shock. We need some blood work done to calculate the amount. I would suggest a sugar solution administered intravenously to start. It would not hurt in any case."
"I think you are right." Turning to the nurse he said, "We are busy out there. Draw fives cc's of blood." He turned back to me; "Do you know how to run the equipment?"
"Since I was little sir."
"Nurse, give the sample to this young gentleman after you draw it." The nurse did not really understand but would do as the doctor ordered.
The boy's mind was confused and due to his age not organised enough to find all the details I needed to know. The state of his mind was one to the reasons I considered diabetes in the first place. When the nurse finished with the blood she gave it to me in a way that made her feeling like she was giving a sharp knife to a child. "Will you get the intravenous now and administer it?"
She was upset at things not being the usual stable way and absently said, "Yes doctor."
The test took eleven minutes and during that time I checked the rest of the patients and suggested to dad that they too received some sugar in their blood. With the absence of sugar I knew the boy was in trouble. Too much or too little sugar or the same with insulin could put a person into a coma.
I heard voices and knew that the Captain had come in to see what he could do to help. The doctors told him what they were facing and said basically that even a hospital could give no better care. A list was made of all the ailments and the doctor let it be known that nobody else on the ship was allowed to get sick or otherwise need his services. One survivor had a broken leg and another a concussion that might need surgery.
"I can use some more heat lamps if we have any. All of the survivors are also suffering from shock."
I finished the test and wrote out my findings. It was possible that most people could read my script even if most were in medical phraseology. This I believe was against the un-written code of all doctors.
Quigley read the results and passed them to dad and said, "I guess your son was right again."
The Captain asked, "What was that about?"
"Shawn found many marks from being injected on the boy's arms. This could mean diabetes but could also mean other problems. We are looking into the matter closely.
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xmoviesforyouJohn had a very sexy wife. He could hardly keep her satisfied. She wanted sex all the time. He was thirty but had started taking viagara just to keep his cock hard to please her. Last night he ate her pussy and tongue fucked her for an hour and a half then he fucked her for two hours and she still woke him as he slept and sucked his cock then pushed it in her cunt to be fucked. He could not resist her triple D tits and the thick pussy lips and that sexy round ass. Last Saturday she stayed naked...
As she came home Thursday night from work, there was a note from the post office that there was a package for her. She was unable to se whom the sender was so it became a long evening wondering who had sent her a package. Her thoughts went on long wild journeys. It could be her boyfriend that had send her something, but as she called him by phone he said no, but in a way that could mean yes too. She had to go to the post office before she went to work, she was too curious to wait till after...
The Obedient Secretary Is Expecting Sue was certain it was an error. Certainly, she could not be with child. She was far too young to be saddled with a little one. More importantly, she knew it of paramount importance to have a husband lined up before her belly began to show. Polly her maid confirmed her worst fear with a tear in her eye. The pretty maid was desperately in love with her mistress and was afraid this complication would curtail their fiery dalliances behind the locked bedroom...
Sleep came naturally to her that night. She'd curled up in bed reading a book and wearing her favourite Disney night shirt with a matching pair of white bra and panties. Yet as she turned the pages, her yawning was becoming more and more persistent. She kept looking at the glass of water next to her and wondered if it had been laced. Shaking that thought from her head she tried to concentrate on the page, but the words started to look jumbled up and blurry. Feeling disappointed she put the...
So the other day I was messing around on craigslist looking for some dick right. Well I post that i'm headed to the local video arcade and I want some guys to meet me there. Well low and behold, bam, someone sends me a message that he will be there and wants me to blow him, and maybe he wants to fuck me. He then proceeds to tell me how he likes it and wants to do me, and that he goes to the arcades all the time. So he sends me a cock pic and I recognize the background, and im like OMFG! I get...
Tuesday turned out to be a normal day at school; Kevin and Denise were relieved that they were not called to the office during the day. They found out that only two students from the week's chosen Program group had been persuaded to participate, but when they arrived at the school's front entrance to get dressed after school on Monday and saw that they were the only students participating, they vowed not to continue. So as of Tuesday morning there wasn't anyone participating in the...
Sally was bored. The slender older ("40's something, if you please!") brunette glared around her hotel room as though it was the room disappointing her. She kicked off her flats and proceeded to scatter her gray business pants suit around the room. She flopped back on the bed, lifting her hips and dragging her pantyhose down her shapely legs. She tossed them aside, leaving her clad only in her white bra and panties. She didn't like being alone. She did have to travel for business purposes...
The year was 2001, I was currently in my final year at college. During the year I attended an agricultural college in Wiltshire, England. To me, these were the best days of my life. I had the occasional fun evenings, with my mates. When we went to the local for a drink. They even tried to encourage me to hook up with the ladies. But for some reason, none of them stoked up my interest. With all that happened, I still managed to study hard for my course.For what I didn’t know, there was something...
Love StoriesWho am I? Part 2 I briefly saw a look of anger cross Jack's face. The first time he'd really showed any emotion other than sadness. "That's not funny Mrs Winchester," he said, standing up and taking the supportive hand from my shoulder. "I know it's not," I said. "I'm not trying to upset you and I don't understand it. How can I possibly remember this photo being taken?" "You don't. You are either mistaken or... just cruel," he said, turning to head towards the door. "Jack...
‘I’m very cold,’ said Millie as she was walking in the Arctic, Joel next to him. They had been walking over the Arctic polar region, after Millie had known him since they had met the last evening when they were boarding the helicopter. Millie and Joel were both Jamaican, both 16, wore ‘YOUNG EXPLORER’ t-shirts and they were black. They had secretly developed a crush on each other while in the helicopter. ‘I like the polar region,’ said Joel in reply. He was wearing one layer of clothing, and...
Hi Friends, Thank you so much for the support you showed me and great comments you sent me about my story. I really enjoy hearing about how you got aroused reading my story. I especially love those who told me they had me in their mind when they get close to their orgasm. It makes me feel very close to the readers. In fact, last week I went to a net center and on the computer I sat at, all my stories were downloaded and one was open on the screen. Imagine my surprise and happiness at seeing my...
IncestI met Antonio at the local college in my freshman year. We were both the same story: couldn't afford to go away to school and undecided on our major. We shared two classes together in our first semester and decided to team up to help each other through the confusing maze of the commuter college experience.Antonio was, like me, a bit nerdy but he was handsome, with tan skin and dark eyes. We were both a bit socially awkward, which is probably why we bonded. We'd spend time in the library between...
It was a Friday night which means that the Jacksons would want to go out to eat by themselves, but their longtime babysitter had moved away. Desperately they called their friends daughter Sarah who was 18 years old had the night free so she agreed to come over and watch their eight year old daughter for the night. When she arrived at the Jacksons the two of them were had their coats on and about to leave.“Jenna is asleep and you shouldn’t have any problems with her.” Mrs. Jackson told...
An Once in a Lifetime Experience It started out as just an ordinary date with an old friend of mine Heather. Back in school some 40 years ago we spoke to each other, but she showed no interest in me. Recently I had friended her on Facebook and we talked about the school days and which friends we kept in contact with, those whom had passed and things of such nature. Heather told me that she was divorced and had a younger daughter named Amber about 30 years old, unmarried, but a career minded...
Amy’s aunt and uncle came to her house every Saturday afternoon to play cards with her parents. She called her cousin and had a blushing conversation with Tim about how Kevin wanted to watch her suck his dick. “He wants to watch you,” Tim said, “suck my dick . . . he knows you used to do that?” “Of course he knows,” she said, “I tell him everything.” “Did you tell him I screwed you?” Tim asked, blushing. “Well,” Amy said, “yeah, just that one time.” “Does he wanna watch me,” Tim...
Frankly, I was pissed at him for having left me alone for half the summer although I didn't show it and replied his e-mails very sweetly for all the world as if I was doing perfectly fine without him. Truth was that I was not. With the intense humidity and the sheer boredom of having nothing to do, I found myself in a constant state of arousal most of the time. My pussy was wet and moist on most occasions even when I wasn't doing anything and this caused me some discomfort as you can...
Mister Hamilton was well-aware of Tammy’s improvement in the matter of conversing in complete sentences with proper pronunciation. Her usage of slang words and outright obscenities was curtailed to the bare essentials. He was so satisfied with her improvement and her dedication to following his program of better conversational skills that he gifted her with a diamond bracelet that did a lot more to impress her than his skilled rimming of her hindquarters performed with great gusto underneath...
My husband and I were out of town. We were staying at a very nice downtown hotel which his company was paying for. We were attending the annual company meeting and the wives were invited. It was our first night there and no activities were planned so we could do whatever. We had been married for almost 14 yrs. For the last 3 we had been leading a double life. At his suggestion we had started going to swinger parties and having sex with other people. At first I was not sure about that but soon...
Oral Sex“Mom, Dad I’m home!” “Kara come on in, you won’t guess who’s...” “PARKERRR!” I ran into the living room, and jumped my brother, he grabbed on tight thank God or we would have both busted our asses. “Ohmygodwhendidyougethome?” I threw questions at him left and right while everyone just laughed at me. Let me introduce myself I’m Kara Marie, I’m eighteen and a total brothers girl. I have waist length auburn wavy hair, perky 36d breasts, a tapered athletes body, long lean legs and I’m proud of it...
Straight SexRick and I avoided any kind of drama we feared our kids might put us through if they knew we were seeing each other. In fact, Kellie, by way of Brandon, provided him with all kinds of information about me in order to pull off some unexpected surprises. He bought gold circle tickets to see Diana Krall. He sent me a basketful of candles that I lit all over my room whenever he came over for marathon sex sessions. He surprised me with homemade gnocchi and Marinara sauce, my favorite, and the best I...
Word soon spread to everyone about what was going to be taking place here very soon. It had been announced, on the open Balcony of the Estate grounds, the one rare time when people and the media were allowed into the Estate grounds. That the Wedding for Lord Dimitrious and his lovely new Queen would be on August 17th. The Crowd had gone wild and the media was now beginning to speculate and pass their own rumors over what Lady Dimitrious would be wearing for her wedding day. Would it be Prada?...
SupernaturalAt this time I am 18 years old and its summertime. Having just graduated from high school it was to be an exciting summer with new plans on the horizon. Throughout my teenage years I was always very much a straight guy and still am to this day. The only difference is that I had a secret longing to be touched by an older man , a fantasy of sorts that I had decided I would soon experience. Back then the main social media was Myspace , it was all the rave and one horny night on the computer I...
Mrs. Sheela Mansell flicked through the morning papers not for the first time, she was bored. It was days like this when she regretted marrying a rich husband, who insisted that she stayed at home and looked after the children. But there were no children. Now nearing thirty, she regretted. having married and having to leave nursing a job which she had really enjoyed. She had trained in a hospital in Mumbai and then come to England following the rest of her family, who had.emigrated some years...
Confessions of a Young BottomBy billy69boyMy name is Al. Looking back, I feel like I am the luckiest guy in the world. Here's my story:For starters, I was lucky enough to discover my life's calling at a young age. It all started out innocently enough: I had a friend who was a few years older than me. He was barely into his teens. We used to play down by the river after school: climbing trees, skipping stones, catching frogs…the usual things boys did together. One day he brought a porn...
David and I both arrived home about the same time on Wednesday evening for Thanksgiving with our folks. It was about dinner time, so David gave both his mom and me a big hug and kiss. He also hugged my dad and shook his hand.The kiss that he gave me was really much more passionate than any he had ever given me before, and I certainly read more into it and hoped his mom and my dad did not see anything out of the ordinary. I certainly did, and I wanted to lay one on him that would say, “I love...
First Time"Gladys, are you home? I got your message..." Reilly peered in the window of the side door, but couldn't see any sign of activity from inside, though his wife's Grand Cherokee was still in the garage. He reached for his keychain out of habit, and had sorted through half a dozen keys before he mentally kicked himself. "Ass. It's not your house anymore, remember? You just pay the fucking mortgage." He shook his head at his own stupidity before his gaze rested on the huge flowerpot that...
ReluctanceI watched Sara until she disappeared around the corner. Maybe I was starting to understand a little about women. At least now I realized something was a little wacky with her. A few weeks ago I would have gone along with her and thought nothing more about it. She was around the rest of the day but we didn't talk much other than surface stuff. "I couldn't stay awake", "Too much homework", stuff like that. After fourth period I headed over to the locker room, got my gym bag and went out...
I am mayank and had a chat with my net gf with whom i enjoyed on cam and had a chat….now i fantasize about her a lot like this….Mmmm! They say a picture of beauty can speak a thousand words of pleasure…Well every time a picture of you comes into my mind…damn I find myself getting lost in so much pleasure and desire…that without hesitation I feel my dark cock getting excited for you…Wanting you, needing you…and when you’re not here I find myself touching myself for you…I get lost in the realms...
I was a bit surprised by the lack of ore cart rails in the mine shaft until I examined the timbers shoring up the tunnel a little more closely. They were roughly cut from the spindly local pinion trees, suggesting a one- or two-person operation. As such, instead of ore carts on steel rails, they probably used wooden-wheeled hand carts or mule drawn sledges. As I made my way into the tunnel, I watched carefully for branch shafts and dropshafts. To my relief, there were few of the former and...
Chapter 7 The Ring (No, not THAT one) The sun was shining high over the horizon as Alan navigated his mom’s Volvo through the streets of Manhattan. They had come over the Triboro bridge and Alan elected to head downtown through the streets instead of taking the FDR Drive. At the corner of Second Avenue and 79th Street he made a right turn and aimed the car towards Central Park, turning north on Madison Avenue. He found a spot on East 81st Street, less than a half a block for the museum. They...
Cal and I had agreed that it would be best for both of us to keep our relationship relatively quiet, at least until something changed that would make us both want it public. We both still wanted the option of seeing other people and we did not want questions about what might be going on with us.I had a couple guys that I went out with occasionally and had sex with occasionally but they were really just fun friends. I had no serious relationships on the horizon and was not really looking for...
InterracialShe brought him a gift. The sole purpose of the Gift was to service him and help act out his deepest, most erotic fantasies. She knew there was no emotional connection, only raw animal instinct, and a never-ending urge to experience what he hadn't before."She is yours to do as you wish," she said, taking a seat to watch.A new, beautiful, and wanting woman knelt before him. He could see his wife and her lustful eyes, watching, waiting to help him fulfill his fantasy."Join me," he said, reaching...
ThreesomesThis story happens at present moment in Gr9 high school. I am in no way gay at all but had a certain kind of crush on this boy in my year. We walked into our boarding house dorm room just school finished, we began to take our bags out of our locker to get changed for sport. This was a usual event which happened nearly every day as we both have quite a hectic sports schedule. We both play rugby and were in the same team so always changed together and chatted while we were getting changed about...
Amilia Onyx – that HOT new porn starlet with big natural tits – invites James Deen over to her place for some good old fashioned, sex tape romance. But before they get to fucking, the two engage in some deep conversation. The first topic of note? James was the first guy to ever make Amilia squirt. That’s a big deal. Now, she says, she does it all the time. Second topic of note? Everyone in porn is awkward. James has said this about himself, like, a million times. Amilia thinks she’s...
xmoviesforyouIt had been an unusually trying day and I had a lot right up front on my mind when I decided to relax a bit and take a shower. As I walked into the bathroom, I remember vaguely noting that someone else was also taking a shower, but since there were two shower stalls, I didn’t really pay any attention. I put my stuff down and removed my robe and laid it on the counter, grabbed a towel, hung it up and all this time, thinking about a dozen things, none of which had anything to do with the occupied...
GayVOLUME-1. Chapter VIII I went back to London, and resumed my preparations. Penniless, I tried to get money from my mother, but could not. I tried to feel our ugly housemaid, who threatened to tell. Just then a friend lent me Fanny Hill, how well I recollect that day, it was a sunshiny afternoon, I devoured the book and its luscious pictures, and although I never contemplated masturbation, lost all command of myself, frigged, and spent over a picture as it lay before me. I did not know how...
We were invited to a BBQ at the weekend to watch the Euro’s football at a work friend of my husbands. It was billed as a pool party but the weather and to be honest the crowd attending weren’t exactly the hottest shall we say so my new bikini didn’t even get to make an appearance. The hosts however were lovely people, a youngish Irish couple Mike and Oona. It was Mike who worked with Olly my husband, and he was quite the host with the gift of the gab and a handsome face as well. He wasn’t the...
Let me back up just a bit. I have seizures. A lot of them. Most of them are small, but every once in a while, I'll get one that's so bad that it knocks out my motor functions for a while; I can't even open a bottle of cola, at times. Other times, I lose the ability to speak for a few hours, sometimes even up to a day or so. But despite all that, for some reason or another, mostly bureaucratic bullshit, I can't get disability for the longest time. So while I've taken a few small jobs,...
She sat down at the table across the aisle from him, her long legs exposed half way up her thigh. She was a mature woman fifty-four, fifty-five maybe, but in excellent physical shape, and with great looking legs. She ordered a cup of tea and then smiled across the isle at him. He looked up again when he heard the click-click of her heels as she approached his table. “Please don’t think me too forward but I simply detest sitting alone to take tea, would you mind terribly if I sat...
“Remember when we had a talk with the kids how much experience they had with nudity of members of the opposite sex,” said Kevin. “That was something I didn’t want to do, but at the time, I was happy to find out.” The next week, it happened. At dinner, Kathy said, “There was a nude boy in one of my classes today.” Kari asked, “Would you tell us about it?” Kathy took a sip of her milk. “It was third period, history. He came in and sat down. Before the class started, the teacher asked him...
Where It Ends. By Tanya H. "When did this start?" Sonia asks, affecting the expression of one who has just popped a sweet in her mouth and found it to be a chunk of raw onion. Donna wonders how to answer that? When did it start? Where does anything start, for every beginning must have something before it? How about twenty four hours ago? There's Donna walking home through the night, night into morning really - the witching hour has gone in a thud of music, bright cocktails and...
CHAPTER 1 Fired at the age of five-four as part of the vehicle assembly plant’s downsizing to ride out the economic downturn, Carson Kline was living alone because his wife had gone to live with her eighty-seven year old mom. Sara had found Carson’s increased demand for sex since being out of work intolerable, not that she’d been much interested way back when becoming pregnant for the third time. Anyway she was tired of him and called him ‘over-active’. Carson missed the sex and thought of...
“David,” Steve said, sounding pensive. “Lenny said to stop by his house before going home. Paula is already waiting for you in your room.” That is odd. Why is Paula in my room waiting, but he wants me to come to his house? I headed on over to Lenny’s house to see what was up. When I arrived, Trina was only wearing an annoyed look on her face. That changed into a big smile once she saw it was me. Of the multitude of boys, girls, men, and women, the only ones partially dressed were girls on...
CHAPTER 6 Susan slowly came to, the darkness lifting, aware of nothing except an intense pleasure. As she opened her eyes, she was aware that her feet were still bound in their spread position, but realized as her first impulse was to flail about, her arms were free. As her eyes opened and her senses quickly returned, she saw Peter sitting next to her. She could still feel her receding climax, and the wonderful sensation it brought. She lifted her hands and arms for a moment, almost in a...
Ich bin 48 und etwas dominant veranlagt, ich bin analgeil und mag es geile Ärsche zu ficken und zu versohlen, allerdings müssen Striemen nicht unbedingt sein. In einem Familienhotel in der Nähe von Bremen arbeitet die Schwester des Inhabers als Zimmermädchen. Dort übernachte ich ein Mal im Monat für eine Woche und die superhübsche 28jährige Sonja, zweifache Mutter, mit ihren schulterlangen, rötlichblonden, naturgelockten Haaren mit ihrer Traumfigur, kleine, feste Brüste, lange, wohlgeformte...
My name is Ed, and I had just turned forty-five years old and my wife Sue was forty-three. Sue had been encouraging me to start exercising to stay in shape. She was going to the gym near our home in the Pittsburgh suburbs, but it was more convenient for me to exercise at work.The insurance company I worked for also encourages its employees to exercise. They installed a work-out area and shower facility in our building. That made it very convenient to go jogging either before work or over the...
BisexualI spent most of the day thinking about what had happened on my run that morning. I had gotten used to the lame come on lines and weak attempts to hit on me while I was on my runs. Paul hadn't attempted once to do or say anything like that, why did that bother me so? What was going on with me? I would never even think of going out with a guy so why did I enjoy and even look forward to the flirting. All this had started out as a game to me and I had fun playing the game. I was starting to...
100% fiction! Michelle was so very scared, being tied like this to her own bed, gagged for nobody to hear her muffled screams. Then moments later Angela sat her huge ass right on small Michelle's face. This caused Michelle to scream like crazy under her ass. A fart to the face made Michelle thrash even more. Angela, without saying a word carefully placed her ass in leggings on Michelle's long nose( which sat proportionally on her face, her nostrils being long and narrow) and forced a smelly...