Housewife's AwakeningChapter 9: The Photo Shoot free porn video

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Stephanie and Brett arrived at the photo studio and found the SUV parked out front. “Looks like Amber and Aunt Debbie beat us here. Now remember, that you had better play along with us tonight or else your little secret will be revealed to all the world.” Stephanie warned as she got out of the car.

“I just have to play it cool. The girls will be going home in a few days and then all will go back to normal. Until then I have to keep them happy so that no one finds out about...” he said to himself.

Brett startled from his thoughts looked up in absolute horror as Stephanie opened the front door to the photo studio.

“Y-Y-You! What is he doing here?” A horrified Brett gasped.

“Oh silly, you remember Rachel, don’t you? It was his ass you were fucking just a couple of days ago, after all.” Stephanie mocked as she held his arm so he couldn’t turn tail and run out of the studio. “Turns out she ... I mean, he is one of the best photographer’s in the area and has graciously agreed to help your wife out with your birthday present. Now remember that you are to obey Rachel tonight like your life depends on it. Well, actually, it kind of does, now doesn’t it?”

“I can’t believe she is actually here. What if Debbie finds out? What if Rachel reveals what happened? This would absolutely kill Debbie. What should I do?” Brett feverishly questioned himself while he tried to regain his composure unable to tear his eyes away from the she-male.

“Where are the girls at Rachel?” Stephanie inquired.

“Amber took your lovely aunt backstage to start changing into her first outfit. Follow me Stephanie and I will take you to them.” Rachel said before turning to the petrified Brett. “You, sit in that chair and wait for us. The photo session will begin in a few minutes after your beautiful wife has a chance to get prepared. She has a killer figure and I can’t wait to shoot her.” Rachel said as she gently stroked Brett’s cheek, ignoring his obvious horror as he shrank away from the transvestite’s fingers.

“Now, I want you to tell her how absolutely stunning she is when she comes out. The poor thing is terribly nervous and self-conscious. First night nerves you know, and you WILL shower her with compliments and show your appreciation for what she is doing for you.” Rachel added. Brett nodded dumbly as he remained slumped in his chair.

At that Rachel escorted Stephanie backstage where a very nervous Debbie stood, still in her teenage outfit and overblown bimbo look, bewildered by what was happening and the number of people milling around her. As Debbie nervously looked at Rachel there was something out of the ordinary about the photographer which Debbie couldn’t quite put her finger on. Of course, by now she had learnt to keep her tongue, it wasn’t worth the wrath of Stephanie or Amber, better to keep mute and remain in the background. Debbie watched as Rachel immediately began going through the clothing that they brought, and nodded her approval, especially at the lingerie choices that Amber made for her. Like all the clothing selected for her, the colors were lurid, the cut was skimpy, designed to show her off...

“Let’s select something for you,” Rachel said to Debbie as she selected a number of dresses and held them against the visibly agitated woman.

“That one is not quite right ... let’s try this ... a bit better but still. Aaah yes, the classic black. Perfect!” Rachel said to Debbie who noticed how short the dress was. She couldn’t wear anything like that in front of Brett and all these strangers. But it got worse; Rachel held a sliver of cloth. She was being asked to wear a thong! Eyes wide, she would have protested but Amber started to pull her top off. Debbie was being prepared.

The next few minutes were a blur. Amber whispered in her ear a mixture of threats should she be ‘naughty’ with dire warnings of the consequences. In front of her, Rachel complimented Debbie on her beauty. At any other time, she really ought to be flattered.

Debbie knew that the girls were playing their cruel version of hard cop soft cop. What made it worse for her was that she was aware of what the girls were doing but helpless to control her almost pavlovian response to her niece’s treatment of her.

Debbie wanted to say something but she was worried about what would happen if she should say something out of turn. She was increasingly nervous at what was about to happen and of course she was aware of the terrible grip her nieces had on her. She had been trained to remain still as she was dressed ... she had no choice ... she was treated like a child’s toy to be dressed as others saw fit ... a doll to be dressed ... a flesh doll.

The slim black thong had been slipped onto her so that she was aware of it cupping her high mound but revealing her ass cheeks. A black satin bra held her breasts; it wasn’t designed for comfort but to emphasize her figure. The cups were under wired and lifted and pressed her big breasts into greater prominence than normal. The dresses’ plunging neckline revealed twin curves of bulging breast flesh and a deep cleavage ... the hemline barely fell beneath her crotch and no matter how much unconscious tugging at the hemline, the dress didn’t lengthen at all. It still fell barely below her crotch and ass cheeks. She knew that it required only a small movement on her part to reveal her female intimacy. Her legs were bare, shapely calves and firm thighs on show. She had the now familiar, uncomfortable ‘on tip toe’ stance arising from being shod in high heels - this time, black platform sandals, the mind bending soles at least some three inches high and the heels correspondingly high - it felt like she was walking on mini-stilts.

As Debbie again unconsciously tugged at the hem of the black micro-mini dress, she was unaware of Amber’s eyes on her. The young woman looked at her beautiful aunt’s every nervous twitch and tremble, trying to gauge her mood. Amber knew that Debbie had had a very long day, beginning with a training session, then being dressed in her pseudo-teenage outfit and the visit to the beauty parlor for the application of her blonde bimbo look. This session would warp her aunt’s psyche close to the breaking point and now, being dressed in her revealing ensemble and being prepared to be photographed in front of others, was making Debbie more nervous. Debbie looked like a filly about to break into flight. Amber could see that clearly.

Debbie was extremely nervous about what was about to happen. Rachel, next to her tried to reassure her that everything would turn out wonderfully. However, Debbie was so worried that she was visibly shaking. Noting her apprehension, Rachel turned to one of her helpers and nodded. The helper returned with a glass containing a liquid.

Debbie stood there nervously licking her glossy pink lips, her legs felt weak as she contemplated what was being asked of her. Amber moved next to her as someone handed Rachel a glass, which contained a pink liquid.

“Here sweetheart, drink this, it will help with those nerves of yours. There is nothing to be afraid of sweetie. Look through those drapes over there and you will see your husband waiting to watch you get your picture taken for him. You can talk with him throughout the session and we will run everything by him first so you know that you have his approval in all that you do.” Rachel said in her most reassuring voice.

Debbie took the cocktail and looked at it warily. Amber leaned over and whispered in her ear, “Look auntie slut, its time to get busy. You’re wasting this photographer’s valuable time. Now quite being so fucking stupid and drink up. Or do we have to go and tell your husband what a whore he married? And of course you’ll be punished for your insolence as well. Your choice!”

At this Debbie dipped her head as Rachel held the glass and lifted it to her mouth. Slowly she sipped on the upturned glass until it was all gone. The liquid didn’t taste too bad as she drained the last drop.

“Did you put the tablets in?” Stephanie whispered to Rachel as Debbie finished her cocktail.

“But of course. In about 10 minutes she will start feeling the effects of the roofie, then the other drugs will start kicking in and our shy little housewife will be doing some things she’ll deeply regret but will be highly profitable for us.” Rachel replied with a soft giggle.

After Debbie finished her cocktail Amber finished working on her clothing and repairing her make-up, while Rachel’s helpers busied themselves with setting up the camera, the lighting, the placement of a sofa, and some props.

Meanwhile, Brett, now frozen to his seat, felt beads of sweat on his forehead, he was terrified that the transvestite or his nieces would let on what happened. He couldn’t let Debbie find out. It would ruin his entire life. While he sat waiting for the upcoming proceedings he resolved to himself to do whatever it took to keep his dreaded secret safe. And besides the deep guilt there was the physical fear of what Stephanie or Amber would do to him.

Brett felt a lump come to his throat as he saw Debbie being led by Stephanie and Amber through the charcoal colored drapes hanging as the backdrop behind a large sofa. In a sense she was more beautiful than ever as she came towards him nervously tugging at the hem of her astonishingly short dress as she unconsciously tried to cover the expanse of white thigh she was displaying. He was amazed at how her blonde hair had been transformed into a soft platinum halo surrounding her head and drifting onto her shoulders. Her features were heavily made up. The figure that only weeks ago she was embarrassed to show, was now not only on display, but she seemed to be flaunting her luscious body. Brett looked on with amazement that this glamorous creature was once his conservative wife ... it was hard to believe the transformation. Brett was also aware that to go with all his other worries he knew that Debbie now would be attracting looks from other men like bees to honey. With that realization came a deep twinge of jealousy.

“Wow! You look incredible sweetness.” Brett nervously offered as Debbie carefully made her way over to her husband. She was having a very hard time keeping her balance in the staggering 7-inch platform heels.

Catching Stephanie’s warning glance Brett hastily added, “I can’t believe what a lucky man I am to be married to such an incredible beauty who wants to do this to please me.”

“So you want me to ... to ... pose with sexy clothes on for you? You won’t get mad at me?” Debbie timidly asked her husband. Normally, Brett would go into a jealous sulk at the just the thought of his precious little wife showing more skin that what was proper. But like Debbie, Brett was discovering that what he felt or did was no longer his choice.

Brett’s answer further surprised Debbie. “You should be proud of your beauty. And I don’t mind that you share your beauty with others. You really should show off more often. You look so incredibly great tonight and your new hair color is fantastic.”

Debbie blushed as she soaked in her husband’s compliments. “Maybe he is interested in me after all?” Debbie thought to herself ... Maybe things could get back to the way they were before. A few weeks ago she had been a common or garden wife, a boring and uneventful life ... but her need for a brief illicit excitement had led to her falling into the clutches of her perverted nieces. Stephanie and Amber both were tightly holding her forearms, ostensibly to support her but really emphasizing their control over her.

“Uncle Brett, tell Rachel what kind of photographs you want of your wife for your birthday.” Stephanie said loud enough for all to hear embarrassing both Brett and Debbie, but that was her intent.

“Yes, what kind of pictures do you want me to take?” Rachel interjected already knowing the answer.

Brett sat in his chair for a moment contemplating his answer. He looked to one of the many mirrors that lined the walls of Rachel’s studio and then back at Rachel before replying. “I would absolutely love some sexy pictures of my beautiful wife.”

Debbie hearing this timidly blushed. She wasn’t used to her husband being so blunt and to be honest, she didn’t know what he meant by sexy. And there was something else, his voice sounded strange as if the vowels were being stretched. There was something else happening as she felt her skin begin to slightly tingle and her heart rate begin to increase.

Seeing Debbie’s discomfort, Rachel furthered Debbie’s embarrassment by adding, “Do you mean really sexy pictures, or just glamour shots?”

Knowing what was expected of him, Brett reluctantly replied, “Sexy, definitely sexy shots. The sexier the better.” He couldn’t help hating himself for putting his normally conservative wife on the spot like this, but he couldn’t give Rachel the excuse she needed to expose him. This was going to be so hard on his wonderful wife, but he didn’t have a choice.

“Great, now that we all know what tonight is about let’s make some magic!” Rachel enthusiastically declared. “Let’s get started.” With this the stage crew went to the set, adjusting the baffle boards and switching on the stage lights so the center of the set was bathed with a harsh light. The surrounding lights were dimmed so the rest of the set seemed to be in twilight. Debbie still felt Amber’s firm grip as she was led to the center of the set. Although her heart rate increased as she found herself in the pool of light, the butterflies in her stomach seemed to recede ... they were there but there was something else. The set lights meant she couldn’t see beyond the sets immediate confines, comforting in one way ... but discomforting in that she knew there were others, including Brett, looking in.

In the twilight Brett sat back in his chair as Stephanie slid into the seat next to him. Amber remained on stage to help pose Debbie and Rachel climbed behind her cameras that were placed on series of large tripods. One was a photo camera and hidden rather well to the side was a video camera that would capture all the action planned for the hot little housewife.

Brett didn’t know that 2-way mirrors surrounded the entire room. Rachel’s helpers had started five different video cameras, one behind each of the mirrored walls, and one that captured the action from the ceiling. Whatever happened tonight would be captured on film forever. Stephanie, Amber and Rachel had big plans for the naive couple.

Brett watched Debbie in her very short black dress taking her initial pose on a barstool. The dress plunged down the middle exposing a generous amount of cleavage. Her big breasts were quivering with each small movement and the hem of her dress threatened to ride up and reveal more than her curvaceous legs. Brett couldn’t get over the transformation of his wife. Her new hair color, her new makeup, and the sexy clothes that she was wearing all were having quite an effect on him.

As for Debbie, she still felt butterflies in her stomach but at the same time oddly detached. The set lights blinded her and seemed to be moving. That couldn’t be so, thought Debbie as she was leaned back and used the stool for support. She brought her hand back to her head and tried to wipe away the weird sensations assailing her.

“Great shot. Hold that pose.” It was Rachel barking out an instruction to her. Debbie heard the click of a camera and film being wound, at the same time there was a brief flash of light. In the back of her mind, Debbie realized that a photograph had been taken.

The photo shoot had begun.

Debbie was aware of being the center of attention. Instructions were being barked by Rachel, every now and again Amber would emerge from the shadows surrounding the pool of light enveloping her, directing her to hold various postures.

“ ... That’s it. Hold that position ... Remember to look at the camera...” Rachel would bark out as she directed the camera lens towards the blonde haired woman.

Debbie, her mind may have been awhirl, but she remembered what Stephanie and Amber had taught her. ‘I must o-obey ... I am being t-trained and enslaved for my mistresses pleasure ... I am a slave ... I must obey...” And with those thoughts erupting, Rachel began shooting. They did several shots. Words seemed to assail Debbie. Amber threatening, while Rachel complimented her while telling her to expose more and more of her body.

Debbie nervously looked over to her husband for approval. Seeing this, Stephanie whispered in Brett’s ear. Amber threatened Debbie, now Stephanie threatened Brett.

“You look so hot sweetness! I can’t believe you love me enough to do this for me. Just relax and enjoy yourself. Seeing you like this has really turned me on.” Brett said as Stephanie instructed.

Debbie blushed again. “Did Brett just say I was turning him on in front of all these people? Wow, he must really like the slutty look. I would never had guessed that about him.”

Next were some shots with Debbie in short skirts and low cut blouses to expose her upper breasts. When Rachel wanted to expose even more leg, so as to show all of Debbie’s sheer stockings and the straps of her garter belt, Debbie blushed, protesting. Deep down, part of her realized that photographs of her increasingly lurid poses were revealing even more of her lush body. It was only the instinct to obey inculcated within her by Stephanie and Amber, and the cocktail of drugs dampening all sense of propriety which enabled her to perform in front of the shooting crew, Brett, Stephanie, Amber and Rachel. But even this combination was unable to prevent the sense of disquiet rising within her.

Rachel kept a close eye on Debbie and when she saw her star begin to hesitate she halted the shoot and looked over at Brett.

“Sweetness, please, please, for me? You look so incredibly sexy and beautiful. I want to record this moment with pictures. Please continue, for me?” Brett begged his wife when he really wanted to pick her up and whisk her away from this place.

Amber gave Debbie another cocktail to calm her nerves. They all waited a few more minutes so that the potent mixture of ecstasy, hypnotic drugs and alcohol that Debbie had been given would have a chance to do it’s magic.

Stephanie whispered in Brett’s ear again prompting him to provide further encouragement. “Come on sweetness, you are so beautiful. Don’t be afraid to share that gift with us. You have such a hot body and should be proud of yourself. I have seen the way other guys look at you. Be proud of your sexuality. These photos are going to be so incredible. Please sweetness, be sexy for me.”

Debbie noticed a more seedy tone to Brett’s words. But the compliments were going to her head along with the cocktail’s effects. “Whoa. What’s going on with me? I guess I just can’t hold my alcohol anymore. Whoa ... I feel really buzzed. My husband wants me to be sexy for him. I guess I can try, I mean, as long as he wants it.”

The girls could tell that Debbie was definitely more relaxed and they resumed shooting.

Rachel instructed Amber to pose Debbie more suggestively.

“Did you hear that?” Amber asked Debbie who was standing rather unsteadily. Debbie looked at Amber; her niece seemed to be moving in and out. Amber’s voice seemed to be echoing again. When Amber took her and posed her, she scarcely protested as she showed her lovely stocking clad legs up to her sheer panties.

Then Rachel said it was time to do some lingerie shots. Amber firmly gripped Debbie’s slim forearm as she led her aunt behind the shooting stage so that she could dress her bemused aunt again.

When Debbie reemerged it was again after another confusing episode. She was aware of Amber once again treating her as a doll to be dressed ... dressed in erotic lingerie and revealing ultra feminine clothing. Somehow, she found herself wearing a sheer camisole top, sheer lacy half-slip with her nylon panties visible, still with black silk stockings and garter belt. On her feet she wore black stilettos with teetering 5-inch heels. Amber once again held her forearm as her heels were clicking on the hard floor. She was guided past her husband, stopping for a moment to be displayed to him, to taunt him. The part of her that was still even partially aware blushed as she stood there in front of her husband, who was sitting along with her niece, right in front of the stage.

Stephanie elbowed Brett in the ribcage causing a sharp shooting sensation to overtake him. Knowing full well what she wanted, Brett once again encouraged his wife to trust Rachel and let herself go. But internally Brett was in turmoil. “I can’t believe that Debbie is actually doing this. What would the neighbors think if they saw her like this? I can’t let this go on much longer. But how do I stop this? What can I do? I have to think of something.”

Debbie hearing her husband’s words of encouragement mixed with the dizzying sensations now flooding her curvaceous body seemed to be encouraging her to follow Rachel’s guidance as she was led to an ornate chaise lounge which had replaced the stool. The ornate wooden legs and heavy grey brocade looked inviting to Debbie. The substantial piece of furniture was lit up by bright lights and centered on the stage.

Brett looked on as his wife was being posed in her lingerie, she was looking incredibly sexy, and even though Brett didn’t want to become aroused, he couldn’t help it. He saw something other than his conservative wife, he saw a beautiful blonde haired woman with too much make-up and too little clothes. He, and even more galling, the crew and everyone else on the set, were gazing at her with undisguised lust.

Stephanie watched the mixture of horror and desire on Brett’s face. Leaning over she placed her hand on her uncle’s crotch and gently squeezed. “My, my, looks like you really like watching your wife act the slut. Don’t you my little panty bitch?”

Brett lowered his eyes in shame. He couldn’t believe that he was helping degrade his own wife. But what he really couldn’t believe is how agreeable and willing his wife had become. What was happening? I shouldn’t be enjoying this, but then why is my cock so hard? Mind awhirl, he watched as Debbie paraded herself in front of everyone.

Debbie was leaning on the heavy piece of furniture. To her side stood Amber, who was brushing her hair before carefully arranging the blonde strands. Debbie, her slim arms remained ramrod straight as she stared at the camera’s cold, unblinking eye. Amber would disappear and Rachel would snap commands and encouragement. Urging her to think of the camera as a lover, cajoling and encouraging her to expose more of her body.

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Frisky Photo Shoot

Frisky Photo shootHerbert had been interested in photography since he could remember getting his first camera. At first it was landscapes and then he moved onto people the best photos were the most natural ones. But his family has asked him to start taking local classes to improve his skills and quality with pictures. Over the summer he had taken the local classes which helped a little but he got bored of them quickly most of the “students” were mature and he hated that instead he decided to...

3 years ago
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Lynn My First Photo Shoot

My name is Lynn, an Asian woman now approaching sixty. Looking back at the good old days in the late 1960s, I am reminded of how my infatuation with nylon stockings began.  Although nylon stockings were common attire then, I developed a special obsession with them, much more than my peers in college. To this day, I still indulge in wearing sensual lingerie and expensive RHT and FF stockings all the time. Although nylon stockings just about disappeared after the 1970s, I never stopped wearing...

3 years ago
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Spicy photo shoot from a novice photographer

On the eighteenth anniversary of the son of my best friend, Oksana, I decided to give him a really worthy gift of this event. I knew he wanted to be a photographer and become famous for his work, but he didn't have a good camera. I bought a good professional camera for him. Let it was quite expensive, but I really wanted to pamper Andrew.Andrew was quite a nice sociable young man, of medium height, but without the impressive muscles. In General, he made a good impression, but as a man I never...

2 years ago
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Nikkis Photo Shoot

Introduction: My girlfriend lets things go to far Things were progressing a lot faster than I had anticipated. My girlfriend Nikki and I had just moved in together, and apparently it was important to have professional photos of us on our walls. She brought it up often, and to be honest, I wasnt very excited to have it done. I had heard about Chris through a friend at work. He told me that Chris was one of the best photographers around, and would give us a great bargain for going in as a...

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Nikkis Photo Shoot

My girlfriend Nikki and I had just moved in together, and apparently it was important to have professional photos of us on our walls. She brought it up often, and to be honest, I wasn’t very excited to have it done. I had heard about Chris through a friend at work. He told me that Chris was one of the best photographers around, and would give us a great bargain for going in as a couple. Nikki lit up when I told her. We got to Chris’ house on Saturday afternoon, Nikki in a loose top and...

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Danielle and Her First Photo Shoot

DISCLAIMER: This story involves sexual situations between one or more cross-dressers and/or adult males. If this offends you, please leave. Otherwise, please enjoy this fantasy of mine. Please, no posting of any of my stories without my prior written permission(this new disclaimer supercedes any and all previous disclaimers). Now read on, and enjoy. If you like what you read, tell me! I do have many more ideas for adventures!. Thank you... :) Part 08: "Danielle and Her...

1 year ago
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Photo Shoot

I was in the garage, inside my homemade darkroom developing some pictures of an antique car show I had been at a month or so ago when I heard the outside door buzzer ring. Photography has been my hobby and passion ever since high school some twenty five years ago and I spend most weekends on photo shoots or developing shots I have already taken. I looked around the darkroom and made sure everything was alright, turned on the interior lights and went out into the garage and opened my backdoor. I...

3 years ago
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Alas Photo Shoot

Things were getting better for Ala now. 32 years of age she was coming out of the misery of a failed marriage with a cheating husband who made her feel low. In the past 8 months Ala had lost 20lb or so making her tall striking figure even more so. Stunningly beautiful to look at with jet black hair and piercing blue eyes, Ala stood 5 feet 9 inches tall, even taller in the strappy heels she loved to wear. Small firm breasts curved down to an ample bum and wide thighs before tapering off to thin...

1 year ago
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Slut Wife The photo shoot

My wife Ellen and I were lying in bed recently doing one of our favorite things. No we weren't fucking, not yet anyway, we were reading "The Picture" magazine. Our favorite bits are the "my best fuck" stories, Homegirls and Homeblokes photos. We'd just finished reading "My best fuck" and Ellen flipped to the Homeblokes page when i thought I saw a familiar face staring out of the pages at us. I laughed and told her it was an old work mate of mine, Grant, who I hadn't seen in a couple of years....

Cheating Wifes
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SeniorChapter 19 The photo shoot

Chase called me early on Sunday morning, wanting to meet with me. He said he had some ideas about our business venture that he wanted to bounce off of me. I invited him to come to my apartment, and from the impression he gave me, that had been his intention. Victor called, wanting to know if there had been a decision on the Omaha building. I told him it was up in the air. "Don't worry, we'll find a job for you next summer," I said. "We didn't finish cleaning your apartment...

1 year ago
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Photo Shoot

You look good my darling slut, standing in the corner with your hands on your head, dressed in your old school uniform. Even at the grand age of twenty-seven it still fits your slim figure beautifully. My cock is already so very hard. The flash goes off, and I give you an order, "Lift the skirt slut" I watch as your hands slowly and teasingly lift up the skirt exposing your ass and white school knickers. The flash goes again. "Over the chair slut" I watch you lay across the chair, before I walk...

3 years ago
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Picture Story Hotel Softcore Photo shoot

Hotel photo shoot picture story – Softcore first meeting!!I was ready to pull out of the hotel parking lot when the text finally came. “Go to front desk. Ask for envelope for Mr. Holmes in 1335” So I did.The envelope had a room key and the instructions, “Come up to 1335. Knock. When I call you in, just come in and get showered. =R” So I walked down the hall to the bank of elevators and went up stairs. My heart seemed to pound louder as I went higher until I thought it would echo in the...

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For The Baby Night1 Sexy Photo Shoot

We were having sex with the purpose of having a baby. At Night-1 Now the time came, I asked Nikhil which dress I should wear, and to my surprise he said saree. He also instructed me to have light makeup and red lipstick. I wore that saree, and when I was tying up the bun then I realize why saree. The blouse of that Saree was too short, when I put my hands up it was showing my underboobs. When I came out of the bathroom, I saw Nikhil was not there. I searched for him in the other rooms and...

2 years ago
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Chelsey Chase and her photo shoot

I was in Miami for a photo shoot that was quite different than what I am used to. It was supposed to only be an erotic nude shoot with a male model. I arrived early at the set and was told I'd be shooting solo first until the male model arrived. As I was shown the dressing room and the negligee I'd soon be stripping from, I was a little nervous as it was crotchless! Being the trooper that I am though, I thought why not? I'm sexy and I love showing off my body anyway. As I slid the negligee over...

3 years ago
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The Photo Shoot

The Photo Shootby Miss Anonna When I pulled up to the house I realized how huge it really was and honestly, it didn’t surprise me considering how much I was getting paid to be a photographer for the next few hours. After one week of emails I had finally agreed to this guy’s pleadings for some professional photos of a couple in his humongous house. It seems he had been planning this for quite some time and though I thought it may be photos of this guy and his wife, it turns out that he is merely...

1 year ago
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The Photo Shoot

The Photo Shootby Miss Anonna When I pulled up to the house I realized how huge it really was and honestly, it didn’t surprise me considering how much I was getting paid to be a photographer for the next few hours. After one week of emails I had finally agreed to this guy’s pleadings for some professional photos of a couple in his humongous house. It seems he had been planning this for quite some time and though I thought it may be photos of this guy and his wife, it turns out that he is merely...

Straight Sex
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Tracey Photo Shoot

None of my stories are intended to offend so please read the description before reading the story as this will usually contain any warnings. This is a story of gang sex with a somewhat unwilling lady as her partner for the night views the events with some excitement. Please feel free to comment on my stories and all comments, both positive and negative are welcome. Or feel free to email me comments or thoughts or ideas about stories on [email protected]. Tracey – The...

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Wife gets carried away at a photo shoot and fucks the photographer

My wife Kamilla is still quite beautiful and sexy. A 33 years old petite, 5 ft, black haired, with brown eyes and thick black eye lashes she is very attractive. She has a gorgeous figure maintained by regular fitness exercise at the gym. I have always appreciated her small well-proportioned body and small rounded breasts which form small perfect globes on her chest, not to mention her thick black hairy mound. Even after over ten years of marriage and three children, unlike me, she appears...

4 years ago
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Melissas Photo Shoot

I was over the moon, when my husband Dave had arranged for me to have a photo shoot for my 40th birthday. Dave had arranged it with his mate, a professional photographer that had worked with loads of models over the years and I was going to have a two hour session with him. “Make it a sexy shoot,” said Dave as he watched me dress and pack a few different outfits for the shoot, “and don‘t forget, live out whatever fantasy comes your way!” I found it a strange thing to say, but just smiled and...

1 year ago
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The Photo shoot

John welcomed Elpie into his house, she was right on time, 2pm just like he said. He’d met her while out in town and commented on how pretty she looked. He then told her that he worked for a local magazine and if she was interested in doing a photo shoot for the magazine that he had a set up at his house. She agreed to Johns surprise and so here they were. He’d made sure he got his wife out of the house and that the kids were at school so he wouldn’t be disturbed. John was 38 and very rarely...

First Time
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Courtneys Photo shoot

I’m a photographer. I make a decent living taking... shall we say “intimate” photos for people. Women come to me to take sexy photos for their lovers to look at and lust over. Some in costumes, some just in their underwear. Very classy, but very sexy. Most of my clients are decent photos of families, c***dren, etc.. I shoot photos all the time for clients. I am posting my story on Xhamster because of how unusual this was.On the afternoon of of January 11th of this year. There was a knock at my...

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My Mothers SonChapter 10 Photo Shop 2

Diary: "Oh dear, I thought David had thrown our pictures away before he died. But Charley found some of them along with one of David's sex magazines. After Charley left for school this morning, I went in to straighten his room. A disaster, as normal. I noticed something sticking out from the mattress and found a sex magazine. I know that is normal and to be expected. Looking through it, though, three photos fell out in my lap. ME! David left them around someplace and obviously Charley...

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My Wifes Studio Photoshoot

I got into photography many years ago when we went on holiday together and borrowed a decent camera as I couldn’t afford one. As years passed and we got financially more comfortable, I bought one and started to learn how to use it properly. One thing I wanted to try was studio photography and I learned through a friend of a new place that was opening up nearby and I joined one of the clubs that the owner was setting up which allowed us to use the studio together and thus save on costs....

Group Sex
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Not Just the Photographer Part 2 The Photo Shoot

PART 2 – The Photoshoot Please read Not Just the Photographer (Part 1 The Invitation) first as that explains how I got into this situation So the following day we were sitting round my table day having a few relaxing drinks and discussing a storyline I’d drawn the previous night up after my fantasising and whilst holding unto her damp panties. “My idea is that, Jayne, you stand over there and gradually undress in a sexy way. You pull aside your panties and expose your pussy and . . ” ...

4 years ago
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My first Photo Shoot

One of my first photo shoots took place a couple of years ago, I had always indicated on my profile that I was free t o take pictures for any couple or single lady to use on their profiles. I had a message from Silvia who wanted me to take some pictures for her, and we discussed it over several e-mails. I had told her that there were no strings and that it was purely taking pictures unless of course more was required.We finally settled on a date and I arrived at the allotted time, Silvia lived...

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Thangaiku Theriyaamal Amma Magalai Oothen

Indru tamil kama kathaiyil ilamaiyaana magalum pinbu vithavai ammavaiyum eppadi usar seithu matter poten endru ungaluku solugiren. Suvarasiyam athigam irukum kama kathaikul selalam vaarungal, en peyar karthik. En veethiiyil oru pen ilamaiyaaga sexiyaaga irupaal, avalai thinamum sight adithu kondu irupen. Thinamum aval kalluri sendru varum pozhuthu iru velaiyilum sight adika arambithu viduven. Aval peyar nandhini vayathu 21 irukum, avaluku veetil aan thunai kidaiyaathu. Veetil oru amma iru...

2 years ago
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Holly Valance Very Hot Photo Shoot

As a photographer, over the years, I have pictured many beautiful and sexy teen pop star  but never as hot  or sexy as Holly Valance, although I had met her on several press shows and award evenings. Finally I got my chance last week to picture her some of the most provocative outfits and positions that anyone has ever done. Working freelance for FHM I was to picture Holly and another model together in several sets of photo’s in a lush hotel suite and by the pool at the Four Seasons at the...

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Holly Valance Photo Shoot

As a photographer, over the years, I have pictured many beautiful and sexy women but never as beautiful or sexy as Holly Valance, although I had met her on several press shows and award evenings. Finally I got my chance last week to picture her some of the most provocative outfits and positions that anyone has ever done. Working freelance for FHM I was to picture Holly and another model together in several sets of photo’s in a lush hotel suite and by the pool at the Four Seasons at the London...

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Holly Valance Photo Shoot

bynineandahalf©As a photographer, over the years, I have pictured many beautiful and sexy women but never as beautiful or sexy as Holly Valance, although I had met her on several press shows and award evenings. Finally I got my chance last week to picture her some of the most provocative outfits and positions that anyone has ever done. Working freelance for FHM I was to picture Holly and another model together in several sets of photo's in a lush hotel suite and by the pool at the Four Seasons...

2 years ago
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The photo shoot

]Once he figured it out, he had Mark stand behind me again with both of us facing the camera. Bob then untied the front of my robe. I gave him a look because he knew I wasn't wearing anything underneath, but again, he just ignored the look. He didn't open it up all the way to reveal anything, but enough so that it was open to below my belly button and showed all the skin between my breasts just barely concealing my nipples. I have very firm, small breasts and when I looked down, I could clearly...

4 years ago
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My sisters Photo shoot

This happened a long time ago before digital cameras were available. I was 19 and taking a photography class in college. I had set up a makeshift dark room in the basement where I did all my development work. My sister was always interested in my art always hanging around. Now because my sister had studied gymnastics and dance growing up so was very lithe. I had never thought of her sexually until that summer she turned 16. One of her birthday presents was to be allowed to buy a bikini for the...

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Peeing During Nude Photo Shoot

The two girls practically ran up the stairs giggling as they climbed. Kelly and Jen have been friends since college. Both now happily married and agreed to keep all their dark secrets from their college days between them. Jen flipped through the portfolio while Kelly look over her shoulder.“OMG, these pictures are so sexy,” Jen was not surprised that Kelly was so photogenic.“It’s hard not to take good pictures with this guy. I’m telling you; you have to go do this for Jack. He will love you for...

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Neighbour Photoshoot see photos

NEIGHBOUR PHOTOSHOOT Rajesh and I were chatting late at nightPriya says:Sweet dreamsRajesh says:this was for Arvind ! I suppose?Priya says:no, for u Rajesh.. to think of ur wedding anniversary ....Priya says:it is noon for him... he cannot go to bed nowRajesh says:what sweet dreams ? all scary 1’s onlyPriya says:bye and good night RajeshRajesh says:bye but u din tell me when u wan 2 use my digi cam.Rajesh says:u'll click for urself or need help?Priya says:what time u r back normally... actually...

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First Time Lesbian At Photo Shoot

Its Friday night your at home its quite late about 2:30am and you are on the Internet like you do most Friday night. Your looking up porn on the Internet and you type in the address and click to go in to the members area, it asks your for your username and password. Username: John2002 Password:*** Your access is correct and you enter the members area and click to go in the gallery and start to look at the thumbnails and a advert opens it self up, you allow it to load and read what it said in...

1 year ago
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Thelma and her brother

Note : This story is completely fictional!In nineteen forty six Thelma Lou Anderson was married with three kids. Linda was the oldest. She was sixteen. Guy and George was ten and Guy seven. Thelma owned a beauty shop in Kansas City. She suspected her husband Lawerance was cheating on her again. She followed him one day when he thought she was at work and saw him go into a house. A woman opened the door and he went in. That was all the proof she needed. She went home and packed her suitcase and...

2 years ago
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The Photo Shoot

The shoot was scheduled for a seedy Bronx hotel, all dirty walls and bedraggled furnishings, apparently to highlight the contrast between the exclusive and outrageously expensive lingerie and the squalid surroundings. Eve had various misgivings about the reasoning behind the location and so on, but mainly wondered why posh women would see these fancy knickers in a Bronx flea-pit and suddenly decide they simply must own a pair. The photographer, Stuart Thorn, planned to pair Eve with another...

3 years ago
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The Photo Shoot

The shoot was scheduled for a seedy Bronx hotel, all dirty walls and bedraggled furnishings, apparently to highlight the contrast between the exclusive and outrageously expensive lingerie and the squalid surroundings. Eve had various misgivings about the reasoning behind the location and so on, but mainly wondered why posh women would see these fancy knickers in a Bronx flea-pit and suddenly decide they simply must own a pair.The photographer, Stuart Thorn, planned to pair Eve with another...

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The Passion of Mother Ethel

Mother Ethel always enjoyed the short walk to the train station. It was beautiful Autumnal morning and Mother Ethel took the opportunity to walk to the train station as she knew that she had a very busy day ahead. Those that saw Mother Ethel along the way bowed reverently,they knew that Mother Ethel was a Nun of the Monastery of Repentance and when a Nun or a Monk walked past it was polite to bow, for many knew what the Nun's and Monk's of the Monastery were capable of. As Mother Ethel strolled...

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