Starlight Shimmer
- 3 years ago
- 48
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I hate it when these Navy people want to talk to you, nothing good is going to come out of it.
"Hello, Captain Todd," said the Commodore with a big smile on his face and his hand outstretched.
We exchanged chat for a few minutes then he got down to what he wanted.
"You've heard of Paradise, I'm sure?" he said.
"The planet and not the place in the bible," I replied with a chuckle.
"Right, well, this planet is just right for growing crops, good climate and fertile soil" he said. "We have great expectations of it feeding the whole quadrant."
"But, I hear a 'but' in there," I said.
"Well, yes, the planet has no natural resources at all," he explained. "Everything has to be shipped in."
"And?" I said.
"Well, the last two shipments never arrived," he said with a sad sigh.
"Oh," I said.
"Well, you have this reputation, you see," he coughed. "Of getting through were others have failed."
"Hey, I've only got a Starlight," I said. "My hold is just about big enough for the post."
"Yes, yes," he said. "We understand all that, but you recently brought in a Slaver's ship, an old Titian hauler, well, we acquired her, upgraded the engines and fitted a force field generator and then loaded her up to the gunnels with agricultural equipment. Now, she's sitting in moon orbit with a volunteer crew waiting for orders."
"Oh," I said.
"We'll give you a temporary commission of, let's say, Lieutenant Commander," he chuckled.
I stood in the doorway and watched as Candy worked on the engines. It was a breathtaking sight for she, as usual, wasn't wearing much, just a pair of faded shorts and her dirt streaked body glistened with sweat.
"What are you doing?" I asked.
"Changing all the seals and gaskets," she said without looking up. "I thought it was about time after we pushed my beauties up to Warp 6."
"Fine, fine," I said. "How long before you're finished?"
"Tomorrow, captain," she replied looking up. "Have we got a job then?"
"Yeah," I said turning away.
Lila was in the cockpit running diagnostics.
"Here, load that in," I said handing over a disk.
"What is it?" she asked.
"Latest upgrade to the Nav. computer," I said.
"But," she said.
"Got it from the Commodore, just now," I explained.
"Commodore," she said pushing the disk into its slot. "Does this mean we've got a job with the Navy?"
"Escort duty for a big hauler," I explained.
"Escort duty?" she repeated. "Where?"
"All the way to Paradise," I said with a laugh.
"So, are you clear, Lieutenant?" I asked after explaining my plan.
"Yes, sir," he said but one thing was clear and that was he wasn't very happy.
"Look, Lieutenant, the job is to get your load to Paradise," I said, "So you go the long way round, it'll be safer. Ok, so what can you get out of this old tub?"
"With the new engines, she tops out a Warp 3.1," he replied proudly.
"Well, don't push them unless you have to, then run as fast as you can," I said.
"Yes, sir," he replied.
He was not happy, he wanted death or glory, to slink off round the back way was not his or the Navy's style.
"So we are the bait, then," sighed a very naked Candy.
"That's the plan," I said, my hand running over the hollow between her torso and her hips. "We should be able to out-fight or out-run anything we find out here."
"Well, I hope they're paying us a load of lovely cash," she said.
"Don't worry, they are," I said with a smile for the amount of money they offered was nothing short of criminal. Makes you think that this job may be dangerous.
"Captain," interrupted Lila from the cockpit.
"Not now," I groaned for I was just getting near. "Shit."
I was slowly thrusting between Candy's slim thighs and now wasn't the best time for any interruptions.
"Now," she said sternly.
I lifted myself off a grumpy Candy who wasn't impressed either.
"Full spectrum scanner pulses," said Lila with a smile. "They're certainly searching for something."
"Shit and double shit," I shouted. "Ok, ok, status please?"
"We're flying dark, force field on maximum, all weapons charged," said Lila.
"Speed, warp 2.5," chipped in Candy who had padded naked after me.
"Right, interception course please," I ordered, "and Candy, put some clothes on."
"I can't see anything," observed Candy who was looking out of the cockpit windows.
"What's the best distance for your baby?" I asked Lila, referring to her Plasma cannon.
"No more than 10 klicks," she replied. "After that, the Plasma bubble becomes unstable and will collapse."
"There," pointed Candy.
It took awhile, but slowly, the shape became clearer then in a flash she was passed us.
"Recognise her, anybody?" I asked.
"No," the girls said in unison.
We turned after her and speeded up.
"Right, I want to set up for a shot right up her tail pipes," I said. "She's bound to be protected and she'll be most venerable there."
"She's doing warp 4 captain," said Lila whose head was fixed to the sensor hood. "Can't get a shot from the Plasma cannon chasing her like this, only the Phaser cannon up front can."
"Shit, ok what will a 10 gig shot up her tail pipe do?" I asked.
"Nothing good, that's for sure," giggled Lila.
"That's my gun," said Candy.
"Ok, Candy," I said. "Go and get your self settled in."
"Are we going to attack her or what?" asked Lila after we had followed the strange ship for a couple of hours.
"We don't know anything about that ship," I said. "She could be some innocent trader."
"Not likely," scoffed Lila.
"No, not likely," I agreed. "But if she's here, then our old Titian is safe from her attentions and that's the important thing. No, we'll keep her in sight and just wait."
For the next three days we tracked her, keeping well out of range, but keeping tabs by her huge active sensor sweeps.
"She doing a search pattern," observed Lila.
"Yeah," I agreed. "Right in the middle of the flight path to Paradise."
"Some innocent trader," scoffed Lila.
"What the fuck?" I shouted for my whole world had just suddenly turned upside down.
It had been a quiet week, Candy was happily stripping down both engines and making repairs. We had landed next to her father's old Starlight to collect his perfectly useable coolant jacket to replace the one that had started to leak. I would look in on her from time to time and she would be happily humming tunelessly while working, dressed in just some faded shorts while the rest of her was magnificently naked with dirt and grease streaks all over her. "Everything ok?" I asked. She just...
After awhile you become one with your ship for I was instantly wide-awake after dozing after a very nice bout with Candy. "What's going on?" I shouted through to the bridge. "I've just dropped out of warp Captain," shouted Lila back to me. Within seconds I was standing beside her looking out into normal space. "I'm on short range navigation sensors only as per your orders," she explained, "when I picked up a small metal object." "What sort of object?" I asked. "Well we're...
When the red lightning crackled across the town square and the first Hellbeast touched down, it was chaos. These days, it was routine. Sure, they were still horrifying, dangerous monsters, but after the first few attacks, people knew to clear out when they saw the warning signs and wait for the cavalry to arrive. Besides, there was something cathartic and uplifting about watching an attractive, super-powered young woman beat a Hellbeast to death. These mysterious monster-battling heroines...
Fantasy"What's that?" asked Candy, when I picked up an item from a vendor's table. We had docked at Starbase 19, so that Candy could buy new inlet manifold couplings. One of ours had cracked on our last trip, and Candy had put a temporary patch on it. "This, ladies, is the famous (or should I say infamous) Sex Pistol," I said holding up the yellow plastic object. "What?" asked a confused Candy. Candy didn't really want to go wandering through the market square with us. She wanted to get...
"So, you want us to go out there?" I nodded towards the unknown space beyond Starbase 22. "Yes, that's the idea," said the base commander." After all, you do have a starlight and that's what they were designed for." Well, I couldn't argue with that. "We don't want you to go searching for that Corsair unless you run into him, of course," he expanded with a laugh. "There are seven systems that we can see within a ten day flight and we want to know all about them." "So, it's...
"Captain," said Candy. "We're coming up on something. Something large." But before I could have a look the speaker blasted out. "Unidentified ship," said a female voice we both new so well. "Stand clear. Any unauthorized ship coming within 10 klick of us will be blasted. You've been warned." "That's Rachelle," said Candy. "It certainly is," I said. "Hi," I replied. "This is Starlight 299." "Captain is that you," Rachelle screeched. "Sure is Rachelle," I...
I wasn't expecting Rachelle's ship to be still in dock but I was happy to see that it was. Also there was one of the newest navy scout ship docked next to it. "Commander," said Commodore Briggs. "Commodore, what brings you out here?" I asked. "Just passing by old chap," he said with a smile. "Commodore's don't just pass by," I said. "Ok, ok, I've come to see you and drink your coffee," he chuckled. "Got a few things to talk about that I didn't want broadcast over the...
I don't think I've ever seen Candy so happy since she first stepped foot on 299. We were down at our permnanate base on Sol 3 doing some routine maintenance but it looked anything but routine. She and Tasha had stripped one of our engines down to its component parts and were looking at them minutely with focus interest. "Will you look at them," said Erin nodding towards the conspiratorial pair. "Yeah," I agreed. "Good job we weren't panning on going anywhere." "Who says you're...
We had decided to land at our permanent base on Sol 3 and do some overdue maintenance. The water tanks had never been cleaned since I first bought 299 and it was the same with the food hopper. Both were being steam cleaned, ready to be refilled. "Captain," said Lila. "We have a visitor." I shut off the steam hose and looked around. "Hello, Captain," whispered Rachelle. Somehow seeing her here wasn't a complete surprise, for the news report of the shooting on board the gold ship was...
I shivered as the cold air hit my body, damp from my recent shower, I shook with a mixture of cold and excitement. Tonight was my last night on the island, and Evan had told me to meet him for dinner. He picked me up at 7.30, and we walked silently over the darkened path, not touching except for his hand to guide mine over the steep rocks. I began to regret the skirt and low top, they were not exactly walking attire, I had dressed carefully to go out, wanting to make an impression. I put on my...
Firstly, before I begin, I cannot take complete credit for this story. Someone very dear to my heart was a big influence in putting it all together with me, He’s a wonderful man who’s heart, body and mind, could melt your very soul. I soon found that the story soon became more than a vision, or a part of my own imagination. Unlike my other stories, This is written from more of an equal perspective, Instead of just my own. As I sit and write this…I find my mind begins to wander, and a smile...
* this is based on a true story I am Clair female30* Some things are destiny.. my aunt and I had always beeen close. So when she was a guest in our home that evening I was thrilled. . We could talk and have cookie dough I thought. .. she had other plans... seeing her winking. Was tantalizing.. she was beautiful.. her beating eyes.a sparking sight. She mad mystical... the week had been long and I was looking forward to a night of sleep. As I fell asleep.. surrounded in covers. Suddenly, I felt...
"There's a crate for you Captain Todd," called the Storeman. "Just in on the freighter from Sol 3." "Yeah, what?" I called out. "Paint, anyway that's what it says on the manifest," he shouted across the storeroom. Good, the matt black paint I had ordered had arrived and now, with the help of the Starbase's space dock, we can spray number 299 all over black. "It really does work you know, Candy," said Lila who was supervising the re-spray. "You can hardly see it." "Well, I...
"So how many ships?" I asked the Base commander. "Three big battle stars," he said. "The Enterprise, Valley Forge and the Yorktown and the Brits are sending along the Ark Royal for fighter support." "And what else?" I asked. "Lots of Battle Cruisers and support ships," he said off hand. "How many fighting ships all told?" I asked. "15," he said. "15," is that all," I sighed. "Shit they've got that many in their outpost defence base." I had been making forays into...
I still had the shakes from our firefight with the Cadasian's but I don't suppose all the coffee I was drinking was helping me any. We had taken delivery of the two new engines and Candy was whistling happily installing them. "Captain," said Lila, with her face held rigid in an expressionless mask. "Yes," I replied looking up and seeing her face I was expecting the worst. "I want to ask you something," she said, "something really important." "Ask away," I said in a forced...
I don't like to lie so I always keep to the truth where ever possible so when I was called up to testify at Jefferson's Court Marshal I did just that. I told them that he and I had taken the 299 on a shake down cruise to test out the new engines as he had a couple of weeks to wait for his ship to dock. I told them that we had some problems with them and we were limping home when we came across the abandoned Meteor. We took it in tow and we were just a little late getting back. The Navy, I...
There was nothing there. The huts were empty, and had been for some months. "Shit," I swore as I kicked over a tin can. "Let's go back to the ship and have a think." I had set the 299 down in front of the buildings, so we didn't have to walk too far. The scans from orbit had shown they were empty. I punched up a mug of coffee. I sipped the hot brew, while I mulled over a few things. "Right," I said putting down my now empty mug. "There are three possible scenarios,...
I awoke in a deep sweat form my nightmare. The ship, my ship was heading straight into a star and the controls were frozen and there was nothing I could do about. "You ok Captain?" asked a worried Candy. "Yeah, yeah, just a bad dream," I said settling back. The ship was safely docked at Starbase 12 waiting for some spare parts to be shipped to us. "I don't like it," whispered Candy. "It's too quiet." In truth neither did I. After Lila had left, the ship seemed even more...
"So what's all this then?" I asked sternly as Candy and Erin stood before me, both beautifully naked. "We've had a crew meeting," said Candy equally stern. "And we have a grievance." "What?" I said trying to keep a straight face. "A grievance," repeated Erin. "It's you and 'er." She nodded to the room where Tasha was sleeping. "Since she's come on board, Candy and I don't get a look in," she explained. "All we want is equal dibs." "Oh," I said. "Sorry, I didn't...
"Slavers, what do you mean taken by a slaver?" screamed Candy. "All I know is she's gone, missing and the slavers' ship has gone, too," I said. "Look, I'll explain later but first, let's get moving." I emergency-cleared Star Base 12 for flight and backed her out of our slot. "Which way?" said Candy, her voice betraying her anxiety. "The only place that you can sell slaves these days is on Phobus 3," I said. "So set a heading and we'll see if we can pick up their warp...
I strolled out of the living area and into the small engine room, made even tighter with the installation of the second engine. To help squeeze it in, they did flare the sides some but there was still very little room. "How's it going?" I asked Candy, eyeing up her slim figure. While working on fitting the two new inlet manifolds, she had stripped down to the waist, leaving her fine, if small, breasts bare. "These are great," she said with a wide smile. "They aren't cheap but they...
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Note : This story is completely fictional! My parents died a while ago in a car accident so there was just me and my who is a lesbian. We went to my parent holiday house 1 weekend with my girlfriend for my birthday. "Whats in the black bag" I asked my girlfriend julie "cant say" why not?" "its your birthday present" "can I have a clue" I asked "I dont see why not it concists of your favorite 2 colours black and red and you'll know when your getting it" I sat down after tea watching the footy on...
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If you read my previous story you’d know that I recently had an encounter with my SIL, I flashed my dick to her and she ended up taking a picture and graving it. That was last Xmas (2016) after heavy drinking. Nothing else happened and I am not sure if it ever will... (she is back in the UK and I am now in South America with my wife). But every now and then I send her a text to ask if she still has the picture she took of my dick or even asked if had looked at it to do anything else. At...
She was a looker all right--fine coat, double-breasted button-down pink blouse with black trim and with a knee-length skirt that hugged her bottom-- and it was a bottom that deserved to be caressed. Long dark hair, fair skin, green eyes emphasized with perfect makeup and lipstick the color of an oriental ruby. She was tall and firm on five-inch heels and her jewelry looked like the real thing. Her purse might have cost as much as my car. No one in Ruby's could stop looking.Normally the girls at...
LesbianChapter 1 Part 2First Steps ... Sandy s side.Even if Sandy wasn’t the most sexually open girl, like everyone she still had a few kinks in her. For 4 years she had been into a long relationship with another Chinese men. They were high school lovers so it was a pretty soft loving and sexual life.After a really bad break up she was really to get over him, and it took her almost a year before she started looking at other guys.When she started collage at 20 yr old, few guys were trying to get closer...
I had been going to this evening class for a few weeks, learning to do fancy things on Microsoft, and there was more to it than met the eye. In some ways I felt like an idiot, because although I used Word every day just for writing, there were all these other things you could do with it, and all the secretaries and administrators knew more than I did.My attention started to wane and my mind began to wander, and where it wandered to was a classmate called Letitia. She was a mature, that is...
Oral SexIch hatte gerade meinen Abschluss in Informatik an einer renommierten Universität gemacht. In der kleinen Stadt, in der ich die meiste Zeit meines Lebens gelebt hatte, gab es damals jedoch fast keine Jobs auf diesem Spezialgebiet. Deshalb musste ich dorthin gehen, wo es eine Arbeitsmöglichkeit gab. Ich hatte einen Cousin in der nächsten größeren Stadt, also rief ich ihn an. Ich erklärte das Problem, dass ich eine Unterkunft brauchte, während ich auf Jobsuche war. Er sagte, ich könne gerne bei...
hi my name is tej and wife name is mona she is a working women and as well as me my wife and love to have hot sex on bed and v watch blue movies together and do the same as they do it is great fun.she has nice pair of boobs and i love them them as they jump.i and friend usaly sit for drinks in wek and talk about sex and r cock lengths . one day i invited him home for some drinks as parents and maid was at home v decided to go for ride and drink in the night .my friend was good fucker as i knew...
John wondered what could be the problem. The After Action Report he had submitted to Federation Command last week, had made it pretty clear what had happened aboard the Corvette. He was unsure what kind of trouble the young Latina could be in, as there was certainly nothing in the AAR that implicated her being responsible in any way. “What kind of trouble?” he asked Alyssa. “Calara said she was being accused of ‘dereliction of duty’. She mentioned something about a possible court martial!”...
Glamorous slut Gianna Dior is always horny every time she chills with her man. The stunning brunette can’t help but feel naughty and wild when she sees her man’s fit body. The couple always ends up fucking each other hard every time they are together. It doesn’t take long before the two are completely naked. The lucky guy showers Gianna’s enticing body with kisses before licking her wet cunt. He then chokes and slaps the beautiful slut while she deepthroats his cock. The...
xmoviesforyouThis is a true story of what happened to my wife and I earlier this year. My name is Jon and my wife's name is Pam, we are both in our mid forties and have been married for over Twenty years. We have a Son and daughter who are both grown up and are currently at University. Pam and I have had a very happy marriage and what you would call a normal but satisfying sex life but after Twenty odd years we wanted to spice things up a little, maybe be as daring as we were in our youth. My wife came up...
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