Starlight Shimmer
- 3 years ago
- 47
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We had decided to land at our permanent base on Sol 3 and do some overdue maintenance. The water tanks had never been cleaned since I first bought 299 and it was the same with the food hopper. Both were being steam cleaned, ready to be refilled.
"Captain," said Lila. "We have a visitor."
I shut off the steam hose and looked around.
"Hello, Captain," whispered Rachelle.
Somehow seeing her here wasn't a complete surprise, for the news report of the shooting on board the gold ship was well circulated.
"Hello, Rachelle," I said moving toward her and taking her into my arms. "Come aboard."
I took her hand and led her inside. I poured out some cold drinks, for the coffee machine was down, then waited for her to speak.
"I wasn't there when they opened the vault," she said softly "and I can only imagine what happened."
The reports reaching us told of two dead and the third not expected to live.
"Yeah, it must have been a surprise when the gold turned up missing," I said.
"It was that news report that said that the all gold had been recovered," she stated. "They had a big argument, Peter and Scot wanted to see the gold but Mr Carpenter, that's Paul the First Officer, said it was fine and they should leave it alone. Of course they wouldn't and in the end they all went off to see. I was just about to come off duty, so I let them go off and see while I went back to my digs."
"So, what now?" I asked.
"I've resigned," she said. "I told them that I couldn't go on. They were going to promote me, but after what I had done I couldn't stay."
"So, what now?" I asked, but I already knew the answer.
"I'd like to stay with you," she said looking down. "Be part of your crew."
There it was out in the open. True Starlights were built to have a crew of four but we were doing just fine with three.
"So, what does she want?" asked Lila who had just come aboard.
"She wants to join us," I stated flatly.
"Join us?" said Candy who was standing behind Lila.
"How can we trust her?" asked Lila. "Seeing what she's done."
"That's true," I said. "How can we trust you? These two have been through hell and back with me and I trust them both with my life. So tell me?"
"There's no way I can ever convince you to trust me," she said wiping away a tear. "Only that I never wanted to do it, but Paul talked me into it. We were an item back then and he swore that nobody would get hurt but those men came aboard and shot the captain just like that."
"So, it was love not money you were after?" sneered Lila.
"Oh, no, it was the money," she said looking up sharply. "Money for us to get away and live together."
"Well, at least you're honest about that," conceded Lila.
"We could certainly use an extra crew member on long flights," I said. "So, what do you say, girls?"
"You're the Captain," said Lila sounding disinterested.
"Where will she sleep?" asked Candy being practical.
"With whoever's randy," snapped Lila.
Rachelle big eyes went from one face to the next.
"Look, I'll do anything for you guys," she begged.
"Ok, ok," I said making up my mind. "We'll give it a try, but if I ever suspect you of being disloyal, it's out the air lock with you."
"Yes, Captain," she said.
"Yeah, and I'll push the button," said Lila.
"Ok, girls there's work to do," I said clapping my hands. "Chop, chop."
I was alone in the cockpit when Rachelle slid in beside me. She had taken up the habit from the other girls of not wearing much. Tonight, I noticed she was wearing a man's shirt but it wasn't one of mine. We both stared out the front windows for some minutes, each deep in our own thoughts.
"You know, when those men came aboard and shot the Captain, something inside of me died," she whispered. "It didn't matter that they all took me and Paul did nothing to stop them. Horrible as that was, it was my betrayal that hurt the most."
She stopped talking but I could feel her eyes on me.
"Does that make sense to you, Captain?" she asked. "These men were doing disgusting things to me and all I could see was my Captain's blood on my hands."
"We are all brought up with the notion of duty and obedience," I replied. "In the war, I would have done anything for my Commander, and the thought of not doing it never entered my head."
"You fought in the war?" she asked.
"Yeah," I replied. "On the losing side."
"There's never a winning side in a civil war," she stated flatly.
"Oh so true," I said.
"You were so right when you picked me up that day," she said. "I was ready to go to the company and spill it all, then you came along and offered me a way out."
I didn't say anything, just waited for her to speak again.
"I was still dead inside, then Lila and Candy came along and held me, almost tenderly, and something stirred. I've never done it with a women before, never thought about it, but I needed to be held and they were there for me."
"I'm not sure that was their motive," I said. "They were just getting off on you."
"Oh, I know that," she said. "But they held me, stroked me, kissed me and showed me love. They didn't have to do that."
"And what about when I held you?" I asked.
"It was different with you," she whispered. "You were the Captain. With you, I was making my peace with Captain Parker."
I thought about what she had said for a few minutes.
"What now?" I asked.
"I still have the nightmares," she said. "I keep seeing his blood on the floor but it's getting better."
"Hello, what's this?" I said, pointing to a flashing light.
"An incoming message," she said, punching in our code. "It's from the Navy, a Commodore Briggs. Are you in the Navy, Captain?"
"Just a reserve officer," I said, scanning the message. "Looks like a Transport is overdue heading for a new settlement in the new Starbase 22 sector. Work me out a new heading, please, and we'll go take a look."
It had been a quiet week, Candy was happily stripping down both engines and making repairs. We had landed next to her father's old Starlight to collect his perfectly useable coolant jacket to replace the one that had started to leak. I would look in on her from time to time and she would be happily humming tunelessly while working, dressed in just some faded shorts while the rest of her was magnificently naked with dirt and grease streaks all over her. "Everything ok?" I asked. She just...
After awhile you become one with your ship for I was instantly wide-awake after dozing after a very nice bout with Candy. "What's going on?" I shouted through to the bridge. "I've just dropped out of warp Captain," shouted Lila back to me. Within seconds I was standing beside her looking out into normal space. "I'm on short range navigation sensors only as per your orders," she explained, "when I picked up a small metal object." "What sort of object?" I asked. "Well we're...
When the red lightning crackled across the town square and the first Hellbeast touched down, it was chaos. These days, it was routine. Sure, they were still horrifying, dangerous monsters, but after the first few attacks, people knew to clear out when they saw the warning signs and wait for the cavalry to arrive. Besides, there was something cathartic and uplifting about watching an attractive, super-powered young woman beat a Hellbeast to death. These mysterious monster-battling heroines...
Fantasy"What's that?" asked Candy, when I picked up an item from a vendor's table. We had docked at Starbase 19, so that Candy could buy new inlet manifold couplings. One of ours had cracked on our last trip, and Candy had put a temporary patch on it. "This, ladies, is the famous (or should I say infamous) Sex Pistol," I said holding up the yellow plastic object. "What?" asked a confused Candy. Candy didn't really want to go wandering through the market square with us. She wanted to get...
"So, you want us to go out there?" I nodded towards the unknown space beyond Starbase 22. "Yes, that's the idea," said the base commander." After all, you do have a starlight and that's what they were designed for." Well, I couldn't argue with that. "We don't want you to go searching for that Corsair unless you run into him, of course," he expanded with a laugh. "There are seven systems that we can see within a ten day flight and we want to know all about them." "So, it's...
"Captain," said Candy. "We're coming up on something. Something large." But before I could have a look the speaker blasted out. "Unidentified ship," said a female voice we both new so well. "Stand clear. Any unauthorized ship coming within 10 klick of us will be blasted. You've been warned." "That's Rachelle," said Candy. "It certainly is," I said. "Hi," I replied. "This is Starlight 299." "Captain is that you," Rachelle screeched. "Sure is Rachelle," I...
I wasn't expecting Rachelle's ship to be still in dock but I was happy to see that it was. Also there was one of the newest navy scout ship docked next to it. "Commander," said Commodore Briggs. "Commodore, what brings you out here?" I asked. "Just passing by old chap," he said with a smile. "Commodore's don't just pass by," I said. "Ok, ok, I've come to see you and drink your coffee," he chuckled. "Got a few things to talk about that I didn't want broadcast over the...
I don't think I've ever seen Candy so happy since she first stepped foot on 299. We were down at our permnanate base on Sol 3 doing some routine maintenance but it looked anything but routine. She and Tasha had stripped one of our engines down to its component parts and were looking at them minutely with focus interest. "Will you look at them," said Erin nodding towards the conspiratorial pair. "Yeah," I agreed. "Good job we weren't panning on going anywhere." "Who says you're...
I hate it when these Navy people want to talk to you, nothing good is going to come out of it. "Hello, Captain Todd," said the Commodore with a big smile on his face and his hand outstretched. We exchanged chat for a few minutes then he got down to what he wanted. "You've heard of Paradise, I'm sure?" he said. "The planet and not the place in the bible," I replied with a chuckle. "Right, well, this planet is just right for growing crops, good climate and fertile soil" he said....
I shivered as the cold air hit my body, damp from my recent shower, I shook with a mixture of cold and excitement. Tonight was my last night on the island, and Evan had told me to meet him for dinner. He picked me up at 7.30, and we walked silently over the darkened path, not touching except for his hand to guide mine over the steep rocks. I began to regret the skirt and low top, they were not exactly walking attire, I had dressed carefully to go out, wanting to make an impression. I put on my...
Firstly, before I begin, I cannot take complete credit for this story. Someone very dear to my heart was a big influence in putting it all together with me, He’s a wonderful man who’s heart, body and mind, could melt your very soul. I soon found that the story soon became more than a vision, or a part of my own imagination. Unlike my other stories, This is written from more of an equal perspective, Instead of just my own. As I sit and write this…I find my mind begins to wander, and a smile...
* this is based on a true story I am Clair female30* Some things are destiny.. my aunt and I had always beeen close. So when she was a guest in our home that evening I was thrilled. . We could talk and have cookie dough I thought. .. she had other plans... seeing her winking. Was tantalizing.. she was beautiful.. her beating eyes.a sparking sight. She mad mystical... the week had been long and I was looking forward to a night of sleep. As I fell asleep.. surrounded in covers. Suddenly, I felt...
"There's a crate for you Captain Todd," called the Storeman. "Just in on the freighter from Sol 3." "Yeah, what?" I called out. "Paint, anyway that's what it says on the manifest," he shouted across the storeroom. Good, the matt black paint I had ordered had arrived and now, with the help of the Starbase's space dock, we can spray number 299 all over black. "It really does work you know, Candy," said Lila who was supervising the re-spray. "You can hardly see it." "Well, I...
"So how many ships?" I asked the Base commander. "Three big battle stars," he said. "The Enterprise, Valley Forge and the Yorktown and the Brits are sending along the Ark Royal for fighter support." "And what else?" I asked. "Lots of Battle Cruisers and support ships," he said off hand. "How many fighting ships all told?" I asked. "15," he said. "15," is that all," I sighed. "Shit they've got that many in their outpost defence base." I had been making forays into...
I still had the shakes from our firefight with the Cadasian's but I don't suppose all the coffee I was drinking was helping me any. We had taken delivery of the two new engines and Candy was whistling happily installing them. "Captain," said Lila, with her face held rigid in an expressionless mask. "Yes," I replied looking up and seeing her face I was expecting the worst. "I want to ask you something," she said, "something really important." "Ask away," I said in a forced...
I don't like to lie so I always keep to the truth where ever possible so when I was called up to testify at Jefferson's Court Marshal I did just that. I told them that he and I had taken the 299 on a shake down cruise to test out the new engines as he had a couple of weeks to wait for his ship to dock. I told them that we had some problems with them and we were limping home when we came across the abandoned Meteor. We took it in tow and we were just a little late getting back. The Navy, I...
There was nothing there. The huts were empty, and had been for some months. "Shit," I swore as I kicked over a tin can. "Let's go back to the ship and have a think." I had set the 299 down in front of the buildings, so we didn't have to walk too far. The scans from orbit had shown they were empty. I punched up a mug of coffee. I sipped the hot brew, while I mulled over a few things. "Right," I said putting down my now empty mug. "There are three possible scenarios,...
I awoke in a deep sweat form my nightmare. The ship, my ship was heading straight into a star and the controls were frozen and there was nothing I could do about. "You ok Captain?" asked a worried Candy. "Yeah, yeah, just a bad dream," I said settling back. The ship was safely docked at Starbase 12 waiting for some spare parts to be shipped to us. "I don't like it," whispered Candy. "It's too quiet." In truth neither did I. After Lila had left, the ship seemed even more...
"So what's all this then?" I asked sternly as Candy and Erin stood before me, both beautifully naked. "We've had a crew meeting," said Candy equally stern. "And we have a grievance." "What?" I said trying to keep a straight face. "A grievance," repeated Erin. "It's you and 'er." She nodded to the room where Tasha was sleeping. "Since she's come on board, Candy and I don't get a look in," she explained. "All we want is equal dibs." "Oh," I said. "Sorry, I didn't...
"Slavers, what do you mean taken by a slaver?" screamed Candy. "All I know is she's gone, missing and the slavers' ship has gone, too," I said. "Look, I'll explain later but first, let's get moving." I emergency-cleared Star Base 12 for flight and backed her out of our slot. "Which way?" said Candy, her voice betraying her anxiety. "The only place that you can sell slaves these days is on Phobus 3," I said. "So set a heading and we'll see if we can pick up their warp...
I strolled out of the living area and into the small engine room, made even tighter with the installation of the second engine. To help squeeze it in, they did flare the sides some but there was still very little room. "How's it going?" I asked Candy, eyeing up her slim figure. While working on fitting the two new inlet manifolds, she had stripped down to the waist, leaving her fine, if small, breasts bare. "These are great," she said with a wide smile. "They aren't cheap but they...
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This is a work of erotic fiction, and is not intended for viewing by anyone under the age of 18. All characters and events portrayed in this story are fictional, and any resemblance to actual persons or events is coincidental. "Mom at the Roxy" (FM, FMM, FFM, voy, inc) is an erotic story about a college student who, although he has a normal and satisfying relationship with a beautiful fellow student, has an inescapable thirst for sexual exploration. This leads him to a world of erotic discovery...
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For some reason, this posted as a blog so I'm going to repost it.'When I woke up the next morning, Kelly was curled up in my arms facing me. What a glorious way to wake up. Both of our cocks were rock hard. Gently, I removed my arms from around her and got out of bed to go take a piss.While standing in front of the toilet pissing I felt her arms wrap around my waist and her hands went down to my cock. She took control of aiming for me and shook me when I was done. Turning around to face her,...
It’s no secret that some kisses are totally sex-driven and far from platonic. Older research shows that for women, kissing is a way to size up a potential mate. It also plays an important role in their decision to hit the sheets. It’s also been found in research that men kiss to introduce sex hormones and proteins that make their female partner more sexually receptive. Open mouth and tongue kissing are especially effective in upping the level of sexual arousal, because they increase the...
Book Seven: Illusory Passion Chapter One: Mother-in-Law Delight By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Note: Thanks to B0b for beta reading this. King Edward IV – Shesax, The Kingdom of Secare A pleased smile spread across my lips. For once, things moved swiftly upon my command. Word had arrived that not only had Knight-Errant Angela been accused of high crimes by the Doge of Raratha, but so had Acolyte Sophia ev'Tith, servant of Saphique and daughter of the contemptible Duchess of Tith....
Karen smoothed her small hands across the cheeks of Katrina's ass, caressing them with loving strokes, frequently spreading her lover's ass open to gaze down at the small brown hole below. Katrina loved the way Karen worshipped her ass and she adored Karen's as well. They were really the same in a lot of ways. Both of them loved playing the toilet for each other. They were both submissive by nature and that put them on almost an equal ground. Their relationship was also very tender and...
Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn’t write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Kurtis – The Labyrinth, The Empire of Shizhuth The tarasque charged. The ground shook as the massive monster rushed at us. The giant tortoise-like behemoth kicked...
Becky, the beautiful submissive witch in hiding, had to admit that Sir Louie, the youngest son of the Mountbatten clan was quite skilled in the use of his God-given flesh-based sword in assorted positions entirely unfamiliar to her in her total innocence of recent personal past. The handsome youngest son of the estate continued to worry the flanks of the upstairs maid each morning, but Becky cared naught because the girl was insipid beyond all ken and merely grunted like a bored cow giving...
There was to be a feast after the binding of Two Bears and Bent Willow. Eagle Claw was determined to make it one that the tribe would long remember. He set out, along with several hunter friends of his, to trade with other villages, some as much as a day's walk distance for them, for the delicacies that were uniquely theirs. The people of the three rivers were long known for the potent drink they concocted of tree syrup and fermented grapes, and the people that slept in the valley between...
Hi Friends Girls and boys Kasy Hain ap Log ap ki kihdmat may kafi time kay bad hazir hoa hoon or ap kay ley ak hot stori hazir hay boys apny Lund ko pakar lain or girls apni choot per hath rakh lain boys or girls ab ap ko apni stori sunata hoon may kuch dinoo kay ley apni aunti kay yahan giya jo dossry city may rahti hain kunky mujhy us city may kuch kam bhi tha is ley may nay un kay yahan rukny ka progrm banya un kay gahr may 4 log hain unclr aunti or un ki 2 larkian ak ka nam Hina hay or...
I use tuk tuk’s a lot more than my own vehicle as it provides rapid transit in the midst of heavy traffic. It is also cheaper in a way and I don’t have totest my patience and get a headache driving amidst the chaotic traffic and also waste precious time to find parking places.It also provides me the opportunity to show off my thighs when I travel in a tuktuk in a short skirt. When I am real horny I even part my thighs to show my inner thighs and pussy to passing motorists and pedestrians……I...