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August 22, 2017

Dear Ms. Diary,

[Written August 23]

After warmups and laps, Coach had Shameka, Hope, and Katie join the seven of us (the six of us plus Abby) to show how Rondo works [see].

“Seniors, you’re in the middle. Your individual tasks are to get possession of the ball while following all soccer rules. The other girls have to keep possession, but with constant passing and keeping the circle in roughly the same place. Since most of you may well have not done this, we’ll allow each offense player two touches each time the ball comes to her. Next week, we’ll change it to one touch. The players in the middle, that is the players on D, stay in the middle until one of them gets control of the ball. If and when that happens, that player switches places with the player that last touched it and enabled the D player to get control. This exercise builds field awareness and quick and precise passing.

“Rhee, get it going. We’ll go three minutes.”

With our experience with rondo, we did not lose the ball before Coach whistled us done.

“As you can see,” said Coach,” even though the defenders are all seniors and among this team’s best defenders, a talented and experienced set of younger girls was able to maintain possession for quite a while, and that with two of the seven being fullbacks and not among the premier team’s best ball handlers. However, except for Civia, all of them have done this every practice day for the past three months, and our last practice day was only 11 days ago.

She let that sink in for a few seconds, then said, “Don’t worry, this set of seven girls does include many of the premier team’s best ball handlers, though not either of the top two. If those two replaced Gracey and Abby, I would put money on those seven being able to hold off any three of the older girls for at least five minutes, possibly longer.

“Because the offense has such an advantage, here seven on three, it is difficult for the defense to get possession, unless the D is very good, or the O is sloppy. Thus, one might find oneself in the middle for a while. However, for the first week or two, Liya and I will put a limit on players being in the middle. We will also make it a little easier on the D, as we’ll set up three sets of six-on-three. Liya and I will wander around watching. If it appears to either of us that an individual set of three girls has been in the middle long enough, we’ll have those three trade places with three of the O players.

“I also want to point out that our three defenders in this exhibition did figure out the most important thing that the defenders can do in this exercise to increase their chances: work together. They just didn’t figure it out quickly enough to make a difference in the three minutes. Please put some effort into this, as great ball handling, great passing, and great defense are what we want this team to have. While most expect the front line and midfield to have good ball-handling skills, I expect it of the whole team, even the goalies; this exercise will help in that regard. I also expect the front line to have good defensive skills. As example, if Rhee weren’t such a superb striker, she’d make a damned fine midfielder, her defensive skills are so good.

“Liya, call off the nine girls whose first names come first alphabetically. When you hear your name, go stand by Liya. Every third girl will start on D.”

Coach did the same with two other groups, though she put ten in the second group, with seven on O. Each group moved to a different chunk of the field, while Coach and Liya wandered around in the no-man’s-land around the middle of the field watching the groups. Of course, I was the third girl in our rondo, so began on D. Heather was the ninth in my group; she, also, started on D.

Coach kept us at it for half an hour, then had us break for fluids. After that came scrimmaging. Coach had a gob of lightweight orange vests that she gave to one team at the start. As she moved personnel around, vests got traded so that each of us knew who her teammates were and, more importantly, who were not. We played for two hours, though with frequent breaks to move personnel into or out of the game or to change sides and/or positions. It looked to me that nearly everyone played on both teams and at multiple positions. Nearly everyone got at least a few-minutes-on-the-sidelines breather at some time. All of us but one.

Civia was spectacular, despite being on the field for the whole scrimmage. Oh, she didn’t have her way at all times, but she burned quite a few of us with her dribbling, and, yes, that included me. Shameka managed to stop her cold once and Gracey stripped her of the ball once. Other than that, when she was pressured, Civia either made a good pass or beat the pressure.

[I did not even try to not include this next bit, because I knew that Rhee and Heather would not let me leave it out. Despite that, they both made sure that I did not leave it out.]

Somewhere near the end of the scrimmage, Rhee, Heather, Civia, Gracey, and I were all put on the same team; I was at center half, Gracey at right half. Shortly after we started, Gracey stripped the ball from one of the girls on the other team and began carrying upfield. She and I ran three straight give-and-gos and found ourselves halfway into the other team’s side of the field. We also ran into more pressure, but Heather had come back to us, and the three of us worked around that two-girl block; we then got Rhee involved. The four of us moved the ball side-to-side quite a bit, but also worked it slowly upfield as we maintained local numerical superiority.

As we came into contact with the other team’s fullbacks, including Shameka, we began pulling the whole defense to their right, our left, having made at least 20 passes since Gracey’s first pass to me on the first give-and-go. I had been keeping a corner of an eye on Civia, as after I’d given Rhee the sign, we had purposefully not involved her in the tiki-taka up to this point. Then I saw her coming. She had pulled a Mia and gone missing; no one was marking her and she was hauling to the right downfield of the action. I gave a sign and sent the ball on the ground hard to Rhee who had her back to the goal and had Shameka right on her back. I passed it to Rhee hoping to keep Shameka there. As requested, Rhee one-touched it back to me and then peeled to field left – Shameka following her for a couple steps. Civia cut behind me and headed upfield into the gap that Rhee had created. I sent the ball with my outside right between Shameka and Suzanne Rosenberg to a galloping Civia who split the defenders, leaned to her left to suck the goalie, Hope, farther to Hope’s right, then drilled an outside-right shot just inside the right post for her third goal of the scrimmage.


I turned to look at Shameka, who had yelled.

“DAMN! DAMN. Damnit. You did that on purpose, didn’t you, Beth? You passed to Rhee, despite that I had her blanketed, just to freeze me. Didn’t you?”

I smiled at her and nodded my head.

“And then Rhee rolled to her left and that was just enough to get me to take a couple steps that way. Damn. That was sweet.” She turned and said to Civia, “That was a great run and a good shot. And who the hell was supposed to be marking you?”

Though she sounded gruff, she was smiling. She looked at Emma Smythe, one of the many ninth graders at tryouts and who was playing right back for them. Emma looked a bit ... not quite scared, more like strongly concerned. I looked over my shoulder when Coach blew her whistle.

“Everyone, north penalty box, double time!”

Shameka beat me to the punch.

“Looks like we’ll be having a learning opportunity.”

I looked back at Shameka and grinned. I was going to respond, but Rhee beat me to that.

“Oh, yeah. This’ll be good. I suspect that Coach will be making multiple points on this one. Beth, prepare to blush.”

Shameka looked at Rhee, then me, then back at Rhee.

“Why would she blush?”

“Because I would put money on Coach praising Beth in some way, and I’d bet that it will be for her field awareness. Did you ever see Beth look left?”

“No, and I was watching her.”

“There you go.” When Shameka furrowed her brows at her, Rhee finished with, “Just wait. You’ll see.”

When everyone was present, Coach, who had Liya at her side, said, “Who can tell me, raise your hands, what aspects of that play enabled that goal?”

None of the premier team’s veterans raised hands, as we know that Coach asks these sorts of questions to teach newer players, either absolutely or, as here, players new with her. Almost ten hands went in the air and Coach called on Katie.

“The familiarity of most of this team’s offense with each other.”

“Definitely one of ‘em,” Coach responded, then called on Rose Iacobucci.

“I think all that passing lulled the defense somewhat.”

“I agree. The Barcelona men’s team calls it ‘tiki-taka’ and the premier team is proficient at it. It is designed to keep possession, as possession is one of the more telling differences in final score. Not always and not with all teams but wins usually go to the team that controls the ball the most when possession is lopsided.”

When Coach called on her, Jules Paxton in that lovely Brit accent said, “Rhee moving to her left got Shameka to move just enough ... in the wrong direction.”

There was some chuckling, including from Shameka, who was standing next to me.

“Correct. While the play may not have needed that extra space, it certainly was not going to hurt. Anyone else? There were more hands up before. I can only assume that everyone had those three causes in mind. I have two more in mind. Does anyone want to take a stab at either?”

No hands came up, but Shameka said, “Rhee suggested that field awareness would come up.”

Oh, god! I colored a little and began ducking my head.

“Beth Matilda Williams! Head up! Shoulders back! Be proud!”

Shameka lost it in laughter. After 15 seconds, or so, she got enough control to speak.

“Rhee predicted you would blush, Beth. She obviously has your number. Apparently, so does Liya. ‘Matilda?’ Really?”

“No,” I answered with loving exasperation. “Liya picks a random old-time girl’s name for my middle name when she reminds me not to be embarrassed by praise. I’m working on that.”

“Yes,” Coach said, “Beth deserves praise, in addition to the assist, for that goal. The assist is obvious, the reason for praise, less so. Anyone?”

Shameka replied, “In addition to keeping a body on Rhee, I was watching Beth with the ball. She never looked left. That was certainly important, if not critical, to that goal.”

Coach held her hand up to stop Shameka at that point.

“Someone tell me why Shameka’s observation is correct.”

Rachel Beck answered with, “Because Shameka’s always correct.”

There was some chuckling.

Coach smiled at Rachel and gave her the “go-on” motion.

Rachel replied, “If Beth would have looked left, Shameka might have looked that way and seen Civia hauling right and called it out or loosened her marking of Rhee to enable her to slide left if she needed to do so.”

“Got it in one. Directly related to that and part-and-parcel of Beth not looking left was one other aspect of the play. Anyone?”

When no one ventured, Shameka said, “Beth passed it to Rhee, despite that I was draped all over her, just to freeze me in position, keep me focused on Rhee.”

“From my vantage, I would not have been able to say that with certainty, but it’s the kind of thing that Beth does, trying to wring every advantage she can out of a situation. Shameka, are you certain of that?”

“Yes. I asked her that, specifically, because I couldn’t see any other reason for her to make that pass. Rhee just one-touched it back; it got them nowhere. I could easily see a reason for every one of the however-many-passes these girls made before that. On the face of it, this one had no good reason. The reason became apparent to me when I saw Civia slide behind Beth and turn upfield. Of course, I had already taken two steps right to keep Rhee in check, but it was already too late at that point, even had I not followed Rhee.”

“I’ve coached a lot of girls over the years and played with another lot. Of all those girls, I could name very few that have Beth Matilda Williams’s field awareness.”

I blushed, but Coach’s use of “Matilda” kept my head up.

“Beth’s got exceptional peripheral vision and she uses it extensively and with malice aforethought to wring advantage for her team. I’ve coached her for three years now, and I used to ask her about this; I don’t, any longer. Without asking her, I am certain of a couple other aspects that we haven’t mentioned. The first is that Beth kept Civia out of the tiki-taka specifically to see if she could lull the defense into thinking less about Civia, even though Civia had already scored two goals today. She then kept a bit of her attention on Civia, even while she was involved in tiki-taka with three teammates. She didn’t look left when Civia began sprinting toward her because she could see her coming out of the corner of her eye. She then made the pass to Rhee that froze Shameka and got the expected one-touch back and slipped the ball between Shameka and Suzanne as pretty as you please.

“There is one more important aspect, though it has two facets. Smythe, care to take a stab?”

[Because there were two Emmas at tryouts, Coach had asked for and received okays from the Emmas to call them by their last names to reduce confusion.]

Emma’s eyes went wide, but she swallowed and answered.

“Umm, I was staying with Civia, but she wasn’t getting the ball. When Katie came past Civia at a run, I turned my attention to Katie in case she was making a run for the left post. I lost track of Civia in the process.”

“Exactly right, and I don’t really blame you. Had you let Katie go, I’m sure that Beth would have chipped the ball over the top to her and your team would have given up the goal to Katie, rather than to Civia. In fact, at that point, Beth held nearly all the cards. She had a few yards of space around her and she had Heather to her right, and Heather could have made a run at almost any time. However, as Katie pointed out, this group of girls has worked together a long time, and they know each other well and they know how each other plays. Had Civia held off even a couple of seconds, either Rhee or Heather would have made a break, possibly both of them. The combination of the right side of the offense making lots of passes with slow progress toward the goal without Civia’s involvement and Katie’s fake run enabled Civia to go missing. To disappear. She gave it a couple of seconds, then made her run.

“Civia has not known these girls for very long, but she has played together with them quite a bit this month and she’s quite bright and knows the game well. She counted on Beth’s field awareness. She counted on Beth seeing her coming. Beth counted on her making the exact break that she made, because it was the obvious point to make a break for the goal, particularly with Rhee’s move to her left, making that gap a little bit wider.

“This sort of teamwork is what I want to get this team doing as a matter of course. This sort of teamwork requires experience with and knowledge of how your various teammates play and think. It requires thinking ahead of the play, figuring out what the good options are, and taking them.”

Coach looked around at all of us, one at a time, then smiled.

“Now, I’ll come clean. Liya is one of two assistants that I will have this season. Her tasks will be primarily organizational, with a bit of covering for me in some tasks because I can be in only one place at a time. I will have another assistant and I’ll introduce you to her shortly. First, however, I want to talk about Civia.

“We and the premier team have known her for less than a month. However, during that time, she practiced with the team every day that we had practice. Since then and since she was sucked into the menagerie of girls that is Beth, Rhee, Gracey, Liya, and Heather, the six of them have spent some time since the team won the state tournament practicing by themselves, working on skills. She is the best young soccer player I’ve ever seen, and I’ve been doing this for 15 years as a coach. She is capable enough that she taught the entire menagerie, even Rhee, who knows lots of fancy footwork, how to do a Zidane roulette.

“Civia is very good and very knowledgeable about what she does. She will be my second assistant and if and when we bump into skills, particularly ball-handling skills, that certain of you girls may not know, Civia will probably be the one to teach them. That is the price that she’s willing to pay to be able to practice with you girls, with this team. Although she practiced with the premier team, she was not on the premier team. Although she will practice with the high-school team, she will not be on the high-school team. The reason that she will not be playing on this team this year is that Civia will be starting middle school this year because she is just 11 years old.”

There was much exclaiming, including many of “No way,” some included modifying expletives.

“We will give Civia the ability to practice with a team that plays at a level much higher than anything that she has played. I want all of you to make her work, make her understand what playing at this level means. In exchange, Civia will probably be teaching new skills to many of you or refining skills you already have. Don’t think of it as learning from a little girl, think of it as learning from, perhaps, a future national team member.

“Civia is somewhat like Beth in not wanting to be in the spotlight, but once she got over her initial fears that she couldn’t possibly teach girls three years older than her how to do anything, much less something specific, she taught very well. All eight of the premier-team members that she taught can now do a Zidane roulette, even though none of them had even heard of it before she pulled one off in practice, making one of our starting halfbacks look, as that halfback put it, ‘foolish.’

“Regardless of what I suggested about future national team members, from here on, I don’t want Civia on a pedestal. I want her to be a teammate. Yes, a teammate that doesn’t get to play in our games, but a teammate, nonetheless. She’ll have to take a bus from her school to this one every day just to be here for practice ... yet she doesn’t get to play in our games. She’ll be taking that bus every day in order to be able to practice with you older girls and to help me teach you the sorts of things that I want you to know, the sorts of things I want you to be able to do, the sorts of things that just might make a difference in a game, in the season.”

Coach called an end to practice. Civia was mobbed. I could see and feel her nervousness, but she inhaled deeply, then exhaled.

“Wait, please, everyone. Shameka, I would like to ask a favor of you. From what I saw today, you are the rock of this defense. You fill the shoes that Ann De Jong filled on the premier team of being the defensive rock and a mentor to younger girls. As Coach pointed out to me in the first minute after I was introduced to her, I’m pretty skinny and not very strong. I’ve been working on that and will be working on that, at Coach’s request. However, she also pointed out to me that I’ve been protected from my own ... physique because the rules for younger ages allow much less physicality in play compared to the older levels.

“The favor I would ask of you is to treat me on the pitch like you would another senior on this or any other team. I need to get used to and understand the limits of the more-physical play of you older girls. I will not complain if you knock me to the ground as long as you don’t go too far over the line of what is allowed at this level without incurring a penalty. I don’t know what I could help you with, but I would greatly appreciate it if you’d help me this way.”

Shameka, who must be nearly six feet tall, looked down at Civia and smiled.

“I’d be happy to knock you around a bit, although we should probably have a little show-and-tell about some of the things we can do at this level that you probably haven’t seen. You know, under controlled conditions. It cannot be today, but if you’ve got the time after practice tomorrow, we could do it then.”

“Thank you, Shameka. Please let me know if there’s some soccer skill that you’d like to learn. I don’t know whether I know anything you don’t, but I’d be happy to help you.”

After that, Civia got lots of questions about how she does what she does, all from the younger girls. However, she pleaded a need to catch a bus and begged off, telling them that she’d be here every day this week. When the six of us were still a few hundred yards from the bus stop, the skies that had been threatening all morning opened up. We ran for the stop, as there is a shelter there. Once the bus dropped us at our stop by the practice pitch, we sheltered at the bus stop for ten minutes or so until the rain slackened enough that we would not get thoroughly soaked on the walk to the house, though we were certainly wet enough upon our arrival.

Once inside the mud room, we divested ourselves of wet clothes and popped them in the washing machine and started it. Civia opened the door to the garage and peeked in, letting us know that only the Trooper was there. Liya announced the shower plan as, with the rain, we opted not to go to the practice pitch.

“Downstairs, Gracey and Liya; upstairs Rhee with Beth.”

After lunch, we talked about the scrimmage, Civia’s request of Shameka, and the next dribbling moves that we would teach Gracey. We decided that Liya needed remedial dribbling and trapping instruction.

Today was one of Sandy’s early days, so at 3:45 when my alarm went off, I announced, “Time to get dressed.”

As she climbed into her freshly laundered practice clothes, Civia said, “I would never have believed a month ago that I could spend over three hours with five good friends in one of their houses, primarily because I had no friends. However, the craziest part of that would have been spending those hours wearing no clothes and taking little notice of that fact. I really like this. Thanks for ... introducing me to ... this way of ... living. I decided last week that I would be naked in my room as much as I could manage. My parents always knock and ask to come in, so I can manage it quite a bit, though I started only Friday afternoon. Last night, I decided to try sleeping ... naked. It was sort of weird, but I think I like it.”

Same as Beth
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I lay dozing in the pilot’s couch, periodically performing a one-eyed visual scan of the control instruments. As usual all readings were in the green; which was good since the ship was flying on automatics. I’d lifted from the moon’s deep space launch site 35 days ago on a 10-year resupply mission to New Earth, the fourth planet of Proxima Centauri. It was pretty much a trash- hauling mission and, for all practical purposes, I was just along for the ride. Union regulations...

5 years ago
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The Strawberry Patch Book 3 Life On The SavannahChapter 46 Yoursquove Gotta Be Kidding Me

I knew that my wives were there, but their voices sounded different, and I never did see their faces. What was going on? I have no idea how long I was sitting there before there came a gently rapping on the bathroom door. I was too freaked out to answer. “Paul?” That was Erin’s voice. My blonde wife. “Baby?” That was Blossom, my Texas wife. “Paul? Open the door please.” That was Lynn, my first wife. I wondered which voice would be next. “Paul, you’re scaring us. Please open the door.”...

2 years ago
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Highwaymen Ch 06

It was an hour or so later that the two companions led their steeds out onto the road. Once mounted, Jamie urged his mare into a walk, heading west, where he had originally been headed what now seemed so long ago. Only last night! Joanna held her stallion in check as she watched, and called out to him ‘Jamie! Not that way!’ He pulled up, and turned to face her, but did not retrace his steps. ‘Why not?’ His tone betrayed some impatience. ‘That way is to take the hot route. It would be wiser...

3 years ago
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Cleaning Out the Pipes

As every teacher does when May arrives, I anticipated two months off for summer to re-energize. Recently divorced and just purchasing a wonderful 1939 home, I looked forward to the time for the remodeling projects that awaited me. Little did I know the erotic experiences I was about to have during this transitional time in my life. My first project was to tear out the old tile in the bathroom. The plan was to put a jetted garden tub where the old, shallow cast iron one currently was. The labor...

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Sashas birthday present0

Cindy sighs. She’d been waiting for the inevitable, and her new boyfriend didn’t disappoint. Being a girl of short stature with relatively modest breasts, there is one particular feature of hers that tends to attract men more than any other. And much to her dismay, it isn’t her love of the arts and sciences, or her glasses that announce such things to the world. It is that which her mother gave her. Which, itself, does not refer to her penchant for emotional honesty, her taste for fantasy...

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My Seductionist Neighbour

Hi friends, I’m Ted. I am living in Kerala. Please forgive for any mistakes. Also, do send feedbacks on All types of feedbacks are welcomed. This story is different from all my previous ones. Because in the previous ones, I tried to seduce ladies towards me, but in this case, a lady seduced me towards her. It was a long process and took nearly 2-3 years to bear fruit. 3 years back, we shifted to our new home. It was on the day of our housewarming that I met Renuka aunty for the first time. She...

3 years ago
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A Different Kind of Wake Up Call

{If you haven't already, read part 1. A Helping Hand, and this will make a lot more sense to you.} The way my night had gone it wasn't really all that odd that my dreams were filled with steam and sex, mostly with Jamie but also Kelly too. That was different. Kelly was sexy and I’d known that, especially the past few months, but I'd never really looked at her that way myself. In my dreams she kept showing up at my doorway, stripping just as she'd done before but she didn't stop at the doorway...

Straight Sex
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Taste For An Ibibio Pussy

So here I was on the road out of Awka. Not feeling too bad about myself actually. The trade show had gone well and I managed to pick up a few new potential clients. Things were going well for me business-wise and I finally starting to feel confident and comfortable in my success.Now normally, I'd be taking the 15 back home, but I happened to have a client out in Umuawulu. It was a small client, but one of my first. They were having a tiny bit of a technical issue, and since it was just a little...

3 years ago
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Something In The Water

I didn't set out to change the world. I just wanted to make it a better place. I guess it really doesn't matter now, considering the end result. But if I'm going to tell this story, I at least think I deserve a disclaimer. My name is Terrence. Terry is fine, but I prefer Terrence. Terrence Woods. I've worked for the past eighteen years as a professor of cellular biology at the University of California, Los Angeles. Considering that I'm only Forty-three, it's a hell of an achievement,...

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little cock friend

i was spending the weekend at his place, i knew him since start of school, we played video games together quite alot online and in his room i felt so shy, I was in the bed in boxer my backs to the wallwaiting him to finish his shower to watching netflix he got in the room wearing only a tight white boxerhis big black cock just there on his legs under still wet and kinda showingi was so small compare to him, my lil cock shivering looking at himhe sat down near me and we watch daredevili coudnt...

2 years ago
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El No We Wont GoChapter 2

The News Stand really should have been renamed 'The Community Center' Mike always thought. In the seven years that he had grown up running it with his father, he'd watched the life of this local district revolve around it and the coffee shop / bakery next door, like the planets revolve around the Sun. You could set your watch at 4:00 A.M. by Angelo Catrella arriving to start the day's baking and Mike would have sworn he'd heard "Time to Make the Donuts" mumbled at least once or twice...

2 years ago
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A Prince Too ManyChapter 5

Five and a Half Years Later... Sharn bathed himself after a hard day’s ride on Raisa. He wistfully remembered it was his tenth birthday. For all the attention his family had paid him this morning, it was easy to forget. Even his beloved sister Samantia was now distant with him, having grown into a proper Lady of House Jenni, as required by their mother. She would be getting married soon and the House was a dither about that, not even bothering to pay attention to Sharn anymore. He slept at...

4 years ago
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Learning CurvesChapter 55

Phil pondered Hailey’s words as he sipped at his limeade. The menus were open in front of them but neither was looking at the pages. Phil picked his up even though he knew what he’d order. He glanced at it and put it back down. “I wasn’t trying to ruin our evening,” Hailey said. “I only thought it was important that we both know where we stand.” “I hadn’t thought that far ahead,” Phil admitted. “It would be impossible for me to see you with someone else.” Hailey nodded sagely. “That means...

3 years ago
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Angels Journey Chapter 8

In the end I fall asleep quite quickly, promising myself I will never be so stupid again. I know I will be stiff in the morning... and when the rising brightness of the lights wakes me I can feel all the kinks in my muscles. The little voice in my head tells me it serves me right for being such a pervert, and I can't deny that.... There's a click, which I realise with a start is the door unlocking. And I wait for my bondage to follow suit... and wait... getting increasingly nervous. Oh...

3 years ago
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sex on the lawn part 1

Sex on the lawnChapter 1A number of years ago I lived in a part of Birmingham called Kings Norton. My wife was part of a very large family, (10 brothers and 11 sisters) they were all married and most of them had c***dren, the strange thing was though that most of them would change partners and think it was an everyday thing. It was a common thing for them to get their tits out and push them in your face or rub their nipples to try and get you horny, many times I have been working under a car...

4 years ago
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The time my cousin asked me to fuck her

I woke up around 5 am. I had been tossing and turning, not able to sleep all night, just thinking about what I was about to do today. Finally I decided to get up and go to the gym.I got there and shad just about finished my midweek routine when a very hot young thing came up to me and asked if I could spot her. She had long dark hair and a perfectly toned body with an ass like you only see in rap videos. As she laid down on the bench, I passed her the bar and she started her reps, I noticed how...

2 years ago
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"So first thing next day I knocked on their bedroom door to say good mornin' and one of them called out, tellin' me to come in." "This was one of the gay blokes who owned the house?" Brian asked. "Yeah. I think I was the only one rentin' a room that night." He nodded and I went on. "I walked into their bedroom and there the two of them were – the older dude and the younger lad I'd met the night before. Both of them were in the stark nuddies and they were sittin' side-by-side with their hands...

Gay Male
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Hers for The Day

Hers for the day By: lsa3 For personal use only. All rights reserved. Duplicate with this copyright messageintact. He lost the bet, her team won the game. He regretted thefact that he had been such a smartass because he “knew” he couldn’t lose thebet and now she “owned” him for a day. From 9AM till 9 PM she could do what shewanted with him and he could not protest or object. She owned him and could doanything she wanted with him or to him. The look on herface said it all. ...

4 years ago
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When the window lit up, Molly jerked awake. It was headlights, and the engine sounded like the Jeep. She didn’t relax, though, until she heard the engine chug and cut off. The headlights, no longer shining in the windows, were off a moment later. Dan was back, and, if he was back alone, he was uninjured. There was only one set of footsteps on the gravel going towards the back door whenever the distant thunder didn’t cover the crunch. The evening had been great -- until the call came for him....

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Living the Dream part 5

Living the Dream: part 5 By: Malissa Madison "I think you handled that really well Malissa. Certainly better than your old self would have." Momma stated as a matter of fact. "Thank you Momma," I looked at my Sister's and my soon to be in-laws. "Bambi, you look like you want to say something." She ushered me into a nearby ladies room then looked in all the stalls to make sure we were alone. "Your Name used to be Donnie? Oh my god I don't fucking...

3 years ago
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Werewolf Girl Ch 06

Chapter 6 Lying in bed Vera stretched, naked, kicking off the tangled sheets. She felt a little sore in a few places. She ran a finger over the tooth marks on her shoulder. They would be healed by the time the sun rose. It would be better if she slept. He body was exhausted but her mind was racing. She felt like she was aware of Lucien even though she wasn’t with him. His scent was all over her and she imagined him lying upstairs in his bed, thinking of her. It made Vera angry that she...

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Love when my lady gets horny

I love how my lady can get so turned on, that if she craves wild sex it gonna happen. Like this past weekend, we had a small get together with a few friends and co-workers. After mid-night the party thinned down to a couple friends and a co-worker of my lady, Todd. Soon it was down to my lady, myself and Todd.I had noticed most of the night that my lady and Todd would grind together when dancing. I found it hot watching. Plus I knew either way, I was gonna get some, lol. When he stepped out to...

1 year ago
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The End and the Beginning Part 2

Lord Argol's army was met with no resistance as they entered King Rol's city as the king new they were outnumbered. The king proposed that the women and children be allowed to leave but Lord Argol has no interest in allowing safety for the citizens. Instead King Rol was imprisoned in the worst dungeon Argol could find. Queen Georgina was told of the fall of the city and her husband's imprisonment. Guards were stationed outside her chambers and she wasn't allowed to leave. She is told to await...

Erotic Fiction
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Ass cheek

Hi friends, my name is Vishal from Mumbai. I am 28 yrs. Old and owner of good size dick; all of 8″ long. This is the true event that occurred 4 months back. We friends -4 couples in all decided to go to panchgani, where one of our common friend has a bungalow. That common friend gave us bungalow keys to stay there. We eight of us drove down there in my car which I was driving. It was tiring not only for me but all of us and therefore decided to hit the bed the moment we reached there. Since the...

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HotwifeXXX Jamie Michelle Sexy Wife Jamie8217s Hard BBC Surprise

Sexy milf wife Jamie has a big hard thick BBC surprise waiting for her in the next room as a gift from her husband. Isiah greets Jamie in and lets her know he has a blindfold for her to wear as well so she can get to know the hard big black cock that is about to enter her hot holes with her other senses. As soon as Jamie has her hand stroking that cock she just needs to see it and suck it! She sees it with her eyes licking and sucking every inch down her throat before Isiah bends her over and...

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The Point of No Return

The Point of No Return By Callie Messenger I read and re-read the advert every day for a fortnight before replying. SWM seeks same, 18-30, submissive, to train/transform into the woman of your dreams. On the fifteenth day I replied. It was a Thursday. There was nothing special about that day. There had been nothing special about any day for quite some time now. I worked, I got home, I watched TV, I slept. On weekends I drank. Sometimes I met people. I had few friends - had had few...

2 years ago
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The Girl They Called Hot

The girl they all called "Hot," stretched and smiled, feeling healthy and randy. It was early Sunday morning, her second Sunday away from home and at college, and she was lying between two fucked out hunks, her throbbing pussy eager for more action. They both had satisfied her more than once, and she had sucked them and exhausted them late last night. She crawled off the foot of the bed, looked at the pair of big young men who lay snoring with their exhausted cocks lying limply, thoroughly...

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Sue and the Truck Driver

Introduction: Sue tells about doing a truck driver Hi This is the second story I have put here with my husbands account. I have added one story before about the first time someone other than my husband fucked me. That was a long time before this story. What you can expect in my tales is an accounting of the incident, the best I can recall, and this incident I can remember rather well. I do like sex. In fact I love sex. From reading some of the entries here that seems to be the main thing. My...

4 years ago
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dinner party bj

this my first story, hope you like it. it's a bit of everything. my then wife Jane, needless to say but all names have been changed. anyway Jane had made dinner party plans with our neighbors Kate and Jeff. they are both earley 40's, older than we were but only a few years. Kate is a short, big titty, milf, Jeff is about as average as they get, about 5'10", 185. The plan was to meet a few other couples from the neighborhood, and have wine and food, sounded great. That friday night came and Jane...

4 years ago
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StungChapter 5 Therapy

Johnny was released from the hospital at the end of May. I had just finished my freshman year which was full of turmoil and I ran the gambit of every emotion possible. I told Dr. Turner I would return in the fall. I had to take Johnny under my wing. I helped him whenever I could. A therapist came over three times a week to repair his broken body. Johnny had me there to watch. The days the therapist wasn't there, I did what I could. Johnny was determined to play football again. I couldn't...

2 years ago
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The House

It was a nice little house about a mile from campus whereI was in grad school for my teaching degree. I would be thefourth housemate. There was Janey who was about 5’ 4”with curly dark hair and as friendly as you could hope forin a housemate. There was Danielle who was a bigger girl,probably about 5’ 8”, blonde, big boobs, fun to talkto, a great girl to be friends with (but maybe not to standnext to at a bar when you were trying to pick up a guy--because he would be VERY distracted by...

1 year ago
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Brother Of The Bride Ch 04

Note : This story is completely fictional! Once we arrived to the church, I felt calmer as I saw Nick there waiting for me beaming. I rushed over to him to hold him as everyone else was scattered around trying to listen for directions. I stood very close to Nick as Eric narrowed his eyes at me. We went through the directions as they were given. Eric was standing up with one of my old friends Rose from high school. I saw them talking and Eric seemed to be flirting with her madly. I felt a twinge...

3 years ago
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tits got banng bang

I was on my way home from club-hopping (my hubby was away for the week - training). About ¼ of the way home, my car started acting up and finally gave out on me. Using my cellphone and a phonebook from a near-by gas station, I called around to see if any repair shops were open…but at 1am I was out of luck. I then called around and found a 24-hour towing service. A very deep, gruff sounding voice said that he would be around in about 30 minutes to get me. All I could do now was wait. Just...

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Anna and Sam Chapter 6

It took a lot of effort to get out of the car and into the house. It was a very cold night but Philip had thought ahead and set the heating to come on before he came to get me so the house was cosy warm. “Why don’t you sleep downstairs tonight, love. You are too tired to negotiate the stairs in your condition. Worry about that tomorrow.” We lived in a dormer bungalow. The two main bedrooms and bathroom were upstairs but we kept a single bed made up in the small downstairs bedroom for guests. ...

4 years ago
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Kevins Girl Time Part 1

Kevin's Girl Time, Part 1 ? by: Ashley Ann Belle The Pirates had already scored 3 runs to Kevin's team 1 the Tigers, Kevin had not yet got his turn to play, and it was the 8th inning, he knew he would eventually get to play because it was League rules every one had a chance to play for a period of time. Finally Coach Barns called for Kevin. Kevin took his short stop position, the pitch went to the batter, and the batter hit a hot grounder right to Kevin, He put every thing he...

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The Point Chapter 11

The following day, Mark was a man on a mission. He was pushing Zach to try to help Luke and Maxi find somebody. Zach explained that he had kept asking them about who they were interested in, but the only person that they had mentioned by name was Mark. They discussed possibly trying to get Justin involved in that situation, but they weren’t really sure with whom or how. They were relatively confident that Maxi and Luke would prefer to be the top, Maxi probably more so than Luke. Then Mark threw...

Gay Male
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Godless and Faithless 2 God RockChapter 9

The town of Ridgehill deserved its name. Ridges surrounded it, providing a suitable defense. The three armies camped outside the town used those Ridges as cover. However, as Vix and his two companions sneaked past the camp and into the town, it was clear their natural defenses bred a lack of security. The town brimmed with activity and desperation. Women haggled with street vendors and the homeless hustled used goods on street corners. It reminded Vix of a poor city instead of town in a...

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Jamaican Dick for Chub Bottom

Renald Gold drove his sister’s blue 2012 Toyota Rav4 down the highway. The five-foot-nine, one-hundred-eighty-pound Jamaican had arrived in the U.S. only days before. He thought Texas was pretty cool for the most part. He was especially happy that a pretty young sissy had hit him up on Tagged. They conversed back and forth for the better part of the day.Prentiss Lewis was at home in the bathroom getting ready. His parents both worked the overnight shift at their respective jobs. He was an only...

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Banging A Hot Bride On Her Wedding Night

Hello all. I hope you all are good now that we are in the unlock phase, and everything is getting back to normal slowly. I’m Prem, and back with another one of my experiences about a hot bride. All my stories are in a linear order, and to understand everything, do read . Let’s get started. I had another hot ‘friend with benefit’ on my list after I fucked my ex-roommate’s girlfriend. We continued to be in touch and fuck whenever we got a chance. Still, again my work life had kept me busy and I...

1 year ago
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100% fiction! This is the story of one of the most satisfying sexual relationships I’ve ever had; no one since has made me come harder, or longer, than my sister. 1. It began in the early summer of my nineteenth year. My parents had separated three years previously, and my sister had moved away with my mom to the west coast, while I stayed with my dad. I guess there was a lot of bad feeling between my folks, because for that three years, I didn’t see either my mom or Cathy at all; I got to...

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Game of Life Ch 0304

Copyright© 2008 by Denham Forrest, The Wanderer Chapter 3: Complications of Life as a Divorced Man Things didn’t go as easily as all that, though. Vivian and I did have to see some arbitration or counsellor guy, not that it was much more than a waste of time. There were some uncomfortable confrontations between us, but not in front of the children. The divorce took six months to go through and all that time the children were trying to talk me into going back home again. The poor little sods...

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