BethChapter 52 free porn video

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August 22, 2017

Dear Ms. Diary,

[Written August 23]

After warmups and laps, Coach had Shameka, Hope, and Katie join the seven of us (the six of us plus Abby) to show how Rondo works [see].

“Seniors, you’re in the middle. Your individual tasks are to get possession of the ball while following all soccer rules. The other girls have to keep possession, but with constant passing and keeping the circle in roughly the same place. Since most of you may well have not done this, we’ll allow each offense player two touches each time the ball comes to her. Next week, we’ll change it to one touch. The players in the middle, that is the players on D, stay in the middle until one of them gets control of the ball. If and when that happens, that player switches places with the player that last touched it and enabled the D player to get control. This exercise builds field awareness and quick and precise passing.

“Rhee, get it going. We’ll go three minutes.”

With our experience with rondo, we did not lose the ball before Coach whistled us done.

“As you can see,” said Coach,” even though the defenders are all seniors and among this team’s best defenders, a talented and experienced set of younger girls was able to maintain possession for quite a while, and that with two of the seven being fullbacks and not among the premier team’s best ball handlers. However, except for Civia, all of them have done this every practice day for the past three months, and our last practice day was only 11 days ago.

She let that sink in for a few seconds, then said, “Don’t worry, this set of seven girls does include many of the premier team’s best ball handlers, though not either of the top two. If those two replaced Gracey and Abby, I would put money on those seven being able to hold off any three of the older girls for at least five minutes, possibly longer.

“Because the offense has such an advantage, here seven on three, it is difficult for the defense to get possession, unless the D is very good, or the O is sloppy. Thus, one might find oneself in the middle for a while. However, for the first week or two, Liya and I will put a limit on players being in the middle. We will also make it a little easier on the D, as we’ll set up three sets of six-on-three. Liya and I will wander around watching. If it appears to either of us that an individual set of three girls has been in the middle long enough, we’ll have those three trade places with three of the O players.

“I also want to point out that our three defenders in this exhibition did figure out the most important thing that the defenders can do in this exercise to increase their chances: work together. They just didn’t figure it out quickly enough to make a difference in the three minutes. Please put some effort into this, as great ball handling, great passing, and great defense are what we want this team to have. While most expect the front line and midfield to have good ball-handling skills, I expect it of the whole team, even the goalies; this exercise will help in that regard. I also expect the front line to have good defensive skills. As example, if Rhee weren’t such a superb striker, she’d make a damned fine midfielder, her defensive skills are so good.

“Liya, call off the nine girls whose first names come first alphabetically. When you hear your name, go stand by Liya. Every third girl will start on D.”

Coach did the same with two other groups, though she put ten in the second group, with seven on O. Each group moved to a different chunk of the field, while Coach and Liya wandered around in the no-man’s-land around the middle of the field watching the groups. Of course, I was the third girl in our rondo, so began on D. Heather was the ninth in my group; she, also, started on D.

Coach kept us at it for half an hour, then had us break for fluids. After that came scrimmaging. Coach had a gob of lightweight orange vests that she gave to one team at the start. As she moved personnel around, vests got traded so that each of us knew who her teammates were and, more importantly, who were not. We played for two hours, though with frequent breaks to move personnel into or out of the game or to change sides and/or positions. It looked to me that nearly everyone played on both teams and at multiple positions. Nearly everyone got at least a few-minutes-on-the-sidelines breather at some time. All of us but one.

Civia was spectacular, despite being on the field for the whole scrimmage. Oh, she didn’t have her way at all times, but she burned quite a few of us with her dribbling, and, yes, that included me. Shameka managed to stop her cold once and Gracey stripped her of the ball once. Other than that, when she was pressured, Civia either made a good pass or beat the pressure.

[I did not even try to not include this next bit, because I knew that Rhee and Heather would not let me leave it out. Despite that, they both made sure that I did not leave it out.]

Somewhere near the end of the scrimmage, Rhee, Heather, Civia, Gracey, and I were all put on the same team; I was at center half, Gracey at right half. Shortly after we started, Gracey stripped the ball from one of the girls on the other team and began carrying upfield. She and I ran three straight give-and-gos and found ourselves halfway into the other team’s side of the field. We also ran into more pressure, but Heather had come back to us, and the three of us worked around that two-girl block; we then got Rhee involved. The four of us moved the ball side-to-side quite a bit, but also worked it slowly upfield as we maintained local numerical superiority.

As we came into contact with the other team’s fullbacks, including Shameka, we began pulling the whole defense to their right, our left, having made at least 20 passes since Gracey’s first pass to me on the first give-and-go. I had been keeping a corner of an eye on Civia, as after I’d given Rhee the sign, we had purposefully not involved her in the tiki-taka up to this point. Then I saw her coming. She had pulled a Mia and gone missing; no one was marking her and she was hauling to the right downfield of the action. I gave a sign and sent the ball on the ground hard to Rhee who had her back to the goal and had Shameka right on her back. I passed it to Rhee hoping to keep Shameka there. As requested, Rhee one-touched it back to me and then peeled to field left – Shameka following her for a couple steps. Civia cut behind me and headed upfield into the gap that Rhee had created. I sent the ball with my outside right between Shameka and Suzanne Rosenberg to a galloping Civia who split the defenders, leaned to her left to suck the goalie, Hope, farther to Hope’s right, then drilled an outside-right shot just inside the right post for her third goal of the scrimmage.


I turned to look at Shameka, who had yelled.

“DAMN! DAMN. Damnit. You did that on purpose, didn’t you, Beth? You passed to Rhee, despite that I had her blanketed, just to freeze me. Didn’t you?”

I smiled at her and nodded my head.

“And then Rhee rolled to her left and that was just enough to get me to take a couple steps that way. Damn. That was sweet.” She turned and said to Civia, “That was a great run and a good shot. And who the hell was supposed to be marking you?”

Though she sounded gruff, she was smiling. She looked at Emma Smythe, one of the many ninth graders at tryouts and who was playing right back for them. Emma looked a bit ... not quite scared, more like strongly concerned. I looked over my shoulder when Coach blew her whistle.

“Everyone, north penalty box, double time!”

Shameka beat me to the punch.

“Looks like we’ll be having a learning opportunity.”

I looked back at Shameka and grinned. I was going to respond, but Rhee beat me to that.

“Oh, yeah. This’ll be good. I suspect that Coach will be making multiple points on this one. Beth, prepare to blush.”

Shameka looked at Rhee, then me, then back at Rhee.

“Why would she blush?”

“Because I would put money on Coach praising Beth in some way, and I’d bet that it will be for her field awareness. Did you ever see Beth look left?”

“No, and I was watching her.”

“There you go.” When Shameka furrowed her brows at her, Rhee finished with, “Just wait. You’ll see.”

When everyone was present, Coach, who had Liya at her side, said, “Who can tell me, raise your hands, what aspects of that play enabled that goal?”

None of the premier team’s veterans raised hands, as we know that Coach asks these sorts of questions to teach newer players, either absolutely or, as here, players new with her. Almost ten hands went in the air and Coach called on Katie.

“The familiarity of most of this team’s offense with each other.”

“Definitely one of ‘em,” Coach responded, then called on Rose Iacobucci.

“I think all that passing lulled the defense somewhat.”

“I agree. The Barcelona men’s team calls it ‘tiki-taka’ and the premier team is proficient at it. It is designed to keep possession, as possession is one of the more telling differences in final score. Not always and not with all teams but wins usually go to the team that controls the ball the most when possession is lopsided.”

When Coach called on her, Jules Paxton in that lovely Brit accent said, “Rhee moving to her left got Shameka to move just enough ... in the wrong direction.”

There was some chuckling, including from Shameka, who was standing next to me.

“Correct. While the play may not have needed that extra space, it certainly was not going to hurt. Anyone else? There were more hands up before. I can only assume that everyone had those three causes in mind. I have two more in mind. Does anyone want to take a stab at either?”

No hands came up, but Shameka said, “Rhee suggested that field awareness would come up.”

Oh, god! I colored a little and began ducking my head.

“Beth Matilda Williams! Head up! Shoulders back! Be proud!”

Shameka lost it in laughter. After 15 seconds, or so, she got enough control to speak.

“Rhee predicted you would blush, Beth. She obviously has your number. Apparently, so does Liya. ‘Matilda?’ Really?”

“No,” I answered with loving exasperation. “Liya picks a random old-time girl’s name for my middle name when she reminds me not to be embarrassed by praise. I’m working on that.”

“Yes,” Coach said, “Beth deserves praise, in addition to the assist, for that goal. The assist is obvious, the reason for praise, less so. Anyone?”

Shameka replied, “In addition to keeping a body on Rhee, I was watching Beth with the ball. She never looked left. That was certainly important, if not critical, to that goal.”

Coach held her hand up to stop Shameka at that point.

“Someone tell me why Shameka’s observation is correct.”

Rachel Beck answered with, “Because Shameka’s always correct.”

There was some chuckling.

Coach smiled at Rachel and gave her the “go-on” motion.

Rachel replied, “If Beth would have looked left, Shameka might have looked that way and seen Civia hauling right and called it out or loosened her marking of Rhee to enable her to slide left if she needed to do so.”

“Got it in one. Directly related to that and part-and-parcel of Beth not looking left was one other aspect of the play. Anyone?”

When no one ventured, Shameka said, “Beth passed it to Rhee, despite that I was draped all over her, just to freeze me in position, keep me focused on Rhee.”

“From my vantage, I would not have been able to say that with certainty, but it’s the kind of thing that Beth does, trying to wring every advantage she can out of a situation. Shameka, are you certain of that?”

“Yes. I asked her that, specifically, because I couldn’t see any other reason for her to make that pass. Rhee just one-touched it back; it got them nowhere. I could easily see a reason for every one of the however-many-passes these girls made before that. On the face of it, this one had no good reason. The reason became apparent to me when I saw Civia slide behind Beth and turn upfield. Of course, I had already taken two steps right to keep Rhee in check, but it was already too late at that point, even had I not followed Rhee.”

“I’ve coached a lot of girls over the years and played with another lot. Of all those girls, I could name very few that have Beth Matilda Williams’s field awareness.”

I blushed, but Coach’s use of “Matilda” kept my head up.

“Beth’s got exceptional peripheral vision and she uses it extensively and with malice aforethought to wring advantage for her team. I’ve coached her for three years now, and I used to ask her about this; I don’t, any longer. Without asking her, I am certain of a couple other aspects that we haven’t mentioned. The first is that Beth kept Civia out of the tiki-taka specifically to see if she could lull the defense into thinking less about Civia, even though Civia had already scored two goals today. She then kept a bit of her attention on Civia, even while she was involved in tiki-taka with three teammates. She didn’t look left when Civia began sprinting toward her because she could see her coming out of the corner of her eye. She then made the pass to Rhee that froze Shameka and got the expected one-touch back and slipped the ball between Shameka and Suzanne as pretty as you please.

“There is one more important aspect, though it has two facets. Smythe, care to take a stab?”

[Because there were two Emmas at tryouts, Coach had asked for and received okays from the Emmas to call them by their last names to reduce confusion.]

Emma’s eyes went wide, but she swallowed and answered.

“Umm, I was staying with Civia, but she wasn’t getting the ball. When Katie came past Civia at a run, I turned my attention to Katie in case she was making a run for the left post. I lost track of Civia in the process.”

“Exactly right, and I don’t really blame you. Had you let Katie go, I’m sure that Beth would have chipped the ball over the top to her and your team would have given up the goal to Katie, rather than to Civia. In fact, at that point, Beth held nearly all the cards. She had a few yards of space around her and she had Heather to her right, and Heather could have made a run at almost any time. However, as Katie pointed out, this group of girls has worked together a long time, and they know each other well and they know how each other plays. Had Civia held off even a couple of seconds, either Rhee or Heather would have made a break, possibly both of them. The combination of the right side of the offense making lots of passes with slow progress toward the goal without Civia’s involvement and Katie’s fake run enabled Civia to go missing. To disappear. She gave it a couple of seconds, then made her run.

“Civia has not known these girls for very long, but she has played together with them quite a bit this month and she’s quite bright and knows the game well. She counted on Beth’s field awareness. She counted on Beth seeing her coming. Beth counted on her making the exact break that she made, because it was the obvious point to make a break for the goal, particularly with Rhee’s move to her left, making that gap a little bit wider.

“This sort of teamwork is what I want to get this team doing as a matter of course. This sort of teamwork requires experience with and knowledge of how your various teammates play and think. It requires thinking ahead of the play, figuring out what the good options are, and taking them.”

Coach looked around at all of us, one at a time, then smiled.

“Now, I’ll come clean. Liya is one of two assistants that I will have this season. Her tasks will be primarily organizational, with a bit of covering for me in some tasks because I can be in only one place at a time. I will have another assistant and I’ll introduce you to her shortly. First, however, I want to talk about Civia.

“We and the premier team have known her for less than a month. However, during that time, she practiced with the team every day that we had practice. Since then and since she was sucked into the menagerie of girls that is Beth, Rhee, Gracey, Liya, and Heather, the six of them have spent some time since the team won the state tournament practicing by themselves, working on skills. She is the best young soccer player I’ve ever seen, and I’ve been doing this for 15 years as a coach. She is capable enough that she taught the entire menagerie, even Rhee, who knows lots of fancy footwork, how to do a Zidane roulette.

“Civia is very good and very knowledgeable about what she does. She will be my second assistant and if and when we bump into skills, particularly ball-handling skills, that certain of you girls may not know, Civia will probably be the one to teach them. That is the price that she’s willing to pay to be able to practice with you girls, with this team. Although she practiced with the premier team, she was not on the premier team. Although she will practice with the high-school team, she will not be on the high-school team. The reason that she will not be playing on this team this year is that Civia will be starting middle school this year because she is just 11 years old.”

There was much exclaiming, including many of “No way,” some included modifying expletives.

“We will give Civia the ability to practice with a team that plays at a level much higher than anything that she has played. I want all of you to make her work, make her understand what playing at this level means. In exchange, Civia will probably be teaching new skills to many of you or refining skills you already have. Don’t think of it as learning from a little girl, think of it as learning from, perhaps, a future national team member.

“Civia is somewhat like Beth in not wanting to be in the spotlight, but once she got over her initial fears that she couldn’t possibly teach girls three years older than her how to do anything, much less something specific, she taught very well. All eight of the premier-team members that she taught can now do a Zidane roulette, even though none of them had even heard of it before she pulled one off in practice, making one of our starting halfbacks look, as that halfback put it, ‘foolish.’

“Regardless of what I suggested about future national team members, from here on, I don’t want Civia on a pedestal. I want her to be a teammate. Yes, a teammate that doesn’t get to play in our games, but a teammate, nonetheless. She’ll have to take a bus from her school to this one every day just to be here for practice ... yet she doesn’t get to play in our games. She’ll be taking that bus every day in order to be able to practice with you older girls and to help me teach you the sorts of things that I want you to know, the sorts of things I want you to be able to do, the sorts of things that just might make a difference in a game, in the season.”

Coach called an end to practice. Civia was mobbed. I could see and feel her nervousness, but she inhaled deeply, then exhaled.

“Wait, please, everyone. Shameka, I would like to ask a favor of you. From what I saw today, you are the rock of this defense. You fill the shoes that Ann De Jong filled on the premier team of being the defensive rock and a mentor to younger girls. As Coach pointed out to me in the first minute after I was introduced to her, I’m pretty skinny and not very strong. I’ve been working on that and will be working on that, at Coach’s request. However, she also pointed out to me that I’ve been protected from my own ... physique because the rules for younger ages allow much less physicality in play compared to the older levels.

“The favor I would ask of you is to treat me on the pitch like you would another senior on this or any other team. I need to get used to and understand the limits of the more-physical play of you older girls. I will not complain if you knock me to the ground as long as you don’t go too far over the line of what is allowed at this level without incurring a penalty. I don’t know what I could help you with, but I would greatly appreciate it if you’d help me this way.”

Shameka, who must be nearly six feet tall, looked down at Civia and smiled.

“I’d be happy to knock you around a bit, although we should probably have a little show-and-tell about some of the things we can do at this level that you probably haven’t seen. You know, under controlled conditions. It cannot be today, but if you’ve got the time after practice tomorrow, we could do it then.”

“Thank you, Shameka. Please let me know if there’s some soccer skill that you’d like to learn. I don’t know whether I know anything you don’t, but I’d be happy to help you.”

After that, Civia got lots of questions about how she does what she does, all from the younger girls. However, she pleaded a need to catch a bus and begged off, telling them that she’d be here every day this week. When the six of us were still a few hundred yards from the bus stop, the skies that had been threatening all morning opened up. We ran for the stop, as there is a shelter there. Once the bus dropped us at our stop by the practice pitch, we sheltered at the bus stop for ten minutes or so until the rain slackened enough that we would not get thoroughly soaked on the walk to the house, though we were certainly wet enough upon our arrival.

Once inside the mud room, we divested ourselves of wet clothes and popped them in the washing machine and started it. Civia opened the door to the garage and peeked in, letting us know that only the Trooper was there. Liya announced the shower plan as, with the rain, we opted not to go to the practice pitch.

“Downstairs, Gracey and Liya; upstairs Rhee with Beth.”

After lunch, we talked about the scrimmage, Civia’s request of Shameka, and the next dribbling moves that we would teach Gracey. We decided that Liya needed remedial dribbling and trapping instruction.

Today was one of Sandy’s early days, so at 3:45 when my alarm went off, I announced, “Time to get dressed.”

As she climbed into her freshly laundered practice clothes, Civia said, “I would never have believed a month ago that I could spend over three hours with five good friends in one of their houses, primarily because I had no friends. However, the craziest part of that would have been spending those hours wearing no clothes and taking little notice of that fact. I really like this. Thanks for ... introducing me to ... this way of ... living. I decided last week that I would be naked in my room as much as I could manage. My parents always knock and ask to come in, so I can manage it quite a bit, though I started only Friday afternoon. Last night, I decided to try sleeping ... naked. It was sort of weird, but I think I like it.”

Same as Beth
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Ursi could hardly contain herself as he relayed the story to her, sitting together before her roaring fire on the massive couch, the flames licking at the metal grate. She suppressed a chuckle as she sipped daintily from a wooden mug, her long legs crossed as Dennis finished telling her about his encounter with Xhe. “How embarrassing for your poor secretary, Dennis. You’re just full of surprises, aren’t you?” She handed him the mug, and he took a long draw, the sweet taste of raises the hair...

2 years ago
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Naughty mother even naughtier daughter story 3

As with all my stories these are truthful recollections of things past, except for the ones which are fantasies (lol) - you choose which you think they are! Names are real in the hope that the people involved will read about themselves and get in touch, (except where because of reasons that should be obvious, it could cause the person to be put in an embarrassing situation)If you enjoy them please give them the thumbs up; if you really like them please comment and if you REALLY like them mail...

4 years ago
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Happy new year gloryhole

So I have been trying to find a gloryhole near me for a long time but there just didn't seem to be any anywhere. I had always liked the idea of giving someone a completely anonymous blowjob, it's a turn on, no small talk and just something I always wanted to try. I eventually found somewhere with a gloryhole, recommended by someone I was speaking to on xhamster, I wasn't sure what to expect as I have only seen videos online and these showed a vast difference. This one was in the back of a sex...

1 year ago
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The Movie Date

Master and I had a “movie date” one Saturday night–he had called me up and told me just what to wear and when to be ready. I love these spontaneous times with him, he always makes them so exciting and sexy!I rushed to make sure I was ready. He specifically told me to wear my little black dress, stockings, and heels. I wasn’t to wear a bra or panties, and right then I knew it wouldn’t be an ordinary movie date! I dressed as he requested and when I had my makeup and hair looking perfect, I was...

Quickie Sex
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Ethiopian Women Rock

With the summer of 2013 around the corner, the hunt is on for the biggest, meanest and most beautiful butt in town. I smile to myself as I spotted my latest target. The owner of said booty is this tall, curvy, dark-skinned sister I spotted walking through the Carleton University library on a fine Monday morning in mid-March. I saw her practically sashaying that magnificent booty from side to side as she made her way to the printer, and fiddled with the machine which for some reason wouldn’t...

4 years ago
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“They call her Dumplin’,” said Madam Von R--. “Isn’t that awful?” She hid behind her fan. “She’s not really that fat.” I waited. “She volunteered, of course, so what could I do. I know her people.” I waited some more, pretty sure of what was coming. “I want you to go talk to her, about what we do, about her clothes, which are awful, and, well, see if you can convince her she has made a mistake.” “Why me?” I asked. “You’re a man,” the Madam said coldly. “But don’t hurt her feelings.” I...

1 year ago
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My Lovely Niece Pt2

Note : This story is completely fictional! My nephew and I got back around two in the morning. My sister was asleep probably dead to the world because of the pills she's prescribed. "Yo Tio, I'm crashing, later man", said Tito as he made his way to the room. I started taken off my clothes, folding them, and walked to the bathroom to piss out some of that beer we had just drunk. I began to piss when the bathroom door opened and my niece, yawning, eyes slightly closed, tried walking in when she...

2 years ago
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Gloryhole slut in training

As some of you read in my other story i am a young guy that wants to expand his number of cocks he has had. I dont know exactly how to do it and i search around the internet and gloryholes caught my attention. I just think they are the sexiest thing ever! like taking load after load whats more hot than that? I knew i wouldnt be able to just go in there and go full board (even though i sucked a few cocks) but not many. I doubted i would be able to swallow all that cum even though i knew i most...

2 years ago
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Slut 13Erica left Jason's room, angrily. Dressed only in skimpy black panties and a long T-shirt that went halfway down her gorgeous ass, and carrying a pillow, she went to the closet in the hall. The small, beautiful girl with long, dirty blonde hair grabbed a comforter and headed for the couch. She was furious that Jason would try to control her that way. Who was he to decide who she can and cannot sleep with? They weren't a couple!What an eventful few days she has been through. First, her...

3 years ago
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AngelicaChapter 11 God Loves You

The school dance was a week away and Mia was disappointed that she wouldn't be going. She was restricted to the house because she had run away, so she spent most of her time sitting in her room and staring off into space, filled with resentment. It was early Saturday morning and she listened to her grandpa leave for the hardware store, then she lay in bed awake until her grandma made noises in the kitchen. Mia then got out of bed and crept down the stairs. "Good morning," Claudia greeted...

1 year ago
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Of Demons And Men Ch 01

First chapter in a bit of a twisted series I’ve had in my head for a while. Bon appetite. Criticism, as always, is appreciated. **************** ‘9441. That is what you’re called is it not? I request that you rise immediately.’ Yeah sure, like she had any obligation to pay anyone even the slightest bit of attention ever since she was thrown in this hell hole. She smiled at the unintended pun. ‘Nope, not a damn reason.’ The smile almost immediately wore off. She didn’t like the way that...

2 years ago
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Behind Closed Doors

Gloria and her husband John had been married for eighteen years; as a forty nine year old she considered herself past child bearing age and she was happy that she had bore her two daughters at an early age; for both had now left home aged eighteen and seventeen respectively. Gloria was five foot seven tall medium build and raven haired; her crowning glory was her largish breasts; which she was proud that they still had not even shown the slightest signs of beginning to sag; her 38 DD tits were...

3 years ago
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Magic in the MoonlightChapter 7 Nightmares and Reality

I was only vaguely aware of being carried up the stairs and into my new room. I was warm and comfortable and safe, that was all I cared about. When I was put down on my feet, I protested and tried to snuggle back into that warmth. "Kimber, can you just stand there for a second? I need to turn down the bed so I can put you in it." I mumbled a protest in a sleepy, childlike voice and leaned against Evan. He held me against him with one arm while turning down the bed with the other. "Okay,...

3 years ago
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Traveling With Mom 8211 Endgame

Hi guys, I hope you enjoyed previous episodes of ‘Traveling With Mom’. I am back with the continuation of the story. Here you are going to read the final episode of the series. If you are new to this story, please go through my previous episodes linked to this series. That night I enjoyed a lot watching my mom wearing only a panty beside me. Later we both went into a deep sleep. We don’t know when the power came back. In the morning, I woke up at 7:00 am. I saw my mom was still asleep beside...

1 year ago
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Mistaken Identity Scotts Chapter 10

And now the finale for Scott. A long adventure that started over a year ago for me, and about ten months for most of you! I'm glad to have had you here for it, and look forward to the next big adventure we see played out over months! Let me know if you are happy with the conclusion! Apologies that it is late! :( Disclaimer: This story is my intellectual property, and should be treated as such, do not plagiarize, or post without permission. If it is not legal to view writings that...

2 years ago
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Sex Fun Over A Trip To Sariska

The story which I am going to write is about me Yash and my friend Priya.A few months back we meet each other at a party through a mutual friend and our bonding grew strong. I myself work with an MNC into Hr Profile and my age is 28 Priya is working as an Account manager with PR Company she will be also of same age. We both live in Gurgaon on M.g Road. Without wasting much time, I will narrate my story Still, I remember it was Thursday and I took a week off on Friday and planned a long weekend....

2 years ago
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ChameleonChapter 8

Tom was so gung ho that Genie gave him the full treatment all at once. That was quite a physical shock for any human body to take, so it laid Tom out for a couple of hours. As soon as he was back in circulation, Genie and Mom fitted him out with a uniform and the special gun. Tom had been in the Marines, so he had a head start on the muscle memory that we all had to work on. Within 24 hours we figured that Salamander was ready to be a regular team member. (By the way, the Salamander of...

1 year ago
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Divorced Aunty Ki Phir Suhagraat Part 2

Hello iss readers. I am rocky from mumbai. Thanks aap sabi k feedbacks k liye. Mumbai se jo aunty ladkiya ladies mujhe se sex ya friendship karna chahti hai to mujhe mail kare at  pe. Thanks khas karke unko jo mere friends ban chuke hai aur mujhe trust karne k liye thanks. Kafi mail mujhe ate hai ki fake story hai n all. To jinko lagta hai fake to mujhe koe parwa nae usne. Jo yakin karte hai wo mere friends aur unko me aur wo mujhe satisfy karte hai. To ye story hai nisha aunty ki aur merit 2nd...

2 years ago
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Moms 8mm MoviesChapter 6

Mom had watched me cum and was lying by my side masturbating as I kissed her breasts. My hand was caressing her midriff and just kept going lower until I felt her pubic hair. I played at the edge of her soft pubic hair until I started bumping into her hand that she was using to masturbate. Mom giggled, “We can’t both play down there at the same time, Honey.” Mom took her hand away, “Go ahead and touch me if you want. I have touched you, so I don’t see why you can’t touch me. Do you want to...

3 years ago
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Captain Caveman in Cavey Can Do It

Captain Caveman in Cavey Can Do It By Sasha Zarya Nexus This fan fiction piece is based on the original works, "Captain Caveman and the Teen Angels" by Hannah Barbera, copyright 1977. "All New Super Friends Hour"; by Hannah Barbera, copyright 1977 and Extreme Justice #9 by DC Comics, Copyright 1995 All original characters and plot lines are the property of the owners, and any resemblance to individuals either living or dead is coincidental. This piece is for entertainment...

4 years ago
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AndyChapter 3

Andy had been fairly frugal during his four and a half years aboard the Albatross. He didn’t gamble, only drank a little, and his biggest expense was on women in nearly every port. He had a respectable sum in the bank. So the first thing he did in Sydney that late September day in 1932 when he was paid off was find a comfortable hotel near The Domain and book in for five nights. He spent two days at the Australian Museum, finding that he was more interested in the myriad artefacts than in...

3 years ago
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Might Have Morphed Herself

MIGHT HAVE MORPHED HERSELF by Throne When Greg Sanders woke up one morning from a restless night, he found himself changed, right there in his bed, into a monstrous woman. Not monstrous in the sense of 'hideous', but in the sense of 'large'. He looked down at the shape his body made of the sheet, lifting it up into twin breast mountains that made him think of the Grand Tetons. Gingerly, he plucked at the edge of the sheet, took hold of it with thumbs and forefingers, and lifted. To...

2 years ago
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There and BackChapter 138 Fires that Burn

The trip back to Amaranthine was uneventful; the group of us, including the covered cart with our precious cargo, caught up to the army on the second day, and then proceeded to leave them to head slowly back to Amaranthine as we continued at a faster pace back to the Vigil. Nathaniel was going to meet with his sister in the city, and then join us back at the Vigil a day or so later. The plan was for the army to stay around Amaranthine for a couple of months in case the escaped sentient...

3 years ago
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Future Prison

A pervert controlled In the year 2050, the world has changed. Women are now in control, men have been reduced to second class citizens, we are all slaves and must obey women totally. We have a dress code, we must keep our bodies’ shaven and smooth from the neck to the ankles we are only allowed to dress in very short mini-skirts, no top and no underwear. Women have the right to order any man they cross in the street to lift up his skirt and wank in front of them...

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When Sorrows ComeChapter 3

Later that day Ted had stopped to fill up with gas south of Richmond, Va. He saw an Army-Navy store across the road and made a snap decision. While he realized that he had packed suits and dress shirts, he now realized that he would no longer need that mode of dress. He made his way to the store and outfitted himself with khaki pants, denim jeans, plaid shirts, athletic socks and a sturdy pair of plain, brown shoes. On the way to pay for his purchases he pulled a plain, beige baseball cap...

4 years ago
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Taking a Road TripDAY FOUR

DAY FOUR “Ooh, look at them Richard, so peaceful. They must’ve had ... quite a night. It certainly smells like sex in here.” Wait, did I hear that? Naw, my alarm hadn’t gone off, did I remember to set it? I barely opened my eyes and saw Mary and Richard, oh shit, oh my god, “HELLO Mother, Hello father!” “Who are you ... oh god bless America,” my sister/lover said. “Why are you in here?” I asked, trying to change the topic. “It’s eight am. We should be on the road, but somebody didn’t set...

4 years ago
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Filling Mrs Claus with Holiday Spirit

It was the Friday before Christmas, and I was bored to tears. Every one of my friends had family festivities to attend, but I desperately needed to get away from mine. Don't get me wrong, their enthusiasm is great, but I knew that in another hour or so, the photo album would make its annual appearance, and the generous amounts of spirits would encourage the stories and tears to flow freely. I grabbed the gift I bought for my friend, tossed it in a gift bag with some tissue, and quickly made it...

2 years ago
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Scoped and

When I woke up, I felt sore all over. My hips ached, as did my throat. I had come in for a routine procedure and didn’t expect to feel anything let alone all the aches and pains I now had. I remember when I came in, the nurse, a young guy about 25, helped me get ready for the procedure. First, he had me strip and put on one of those awful gowns with no back, only this time, the hole was at the front. He helped me up into the apparatus they had with my feet in stirrups of a sort and my...

3 years ago
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Vendor Whore

Placed in a not-so-known part of my local town lies a small yet tidy-kept building, which every customer calls, "The Release". It was a Friday evening when I returned to the building by driving my way through the back roads. I parked up aside the building and stepped out of my car happily, with wry smile, and an upbeat swing in my step. I came to a teal-colored steel door and to the right of the door was a complex hand reader. After pressing the palm of my hand against the hand reader a few red...

2 years ago
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The Rogues Harem Book 2 Rogues Wicked HaremChapter 33 Insidious Poison

Note: Thanks to B0b and WRC 264 for beta reading this! Sven Falk Scáthnamhaid barked as he burst out of the brush and into the cleared field along the south side of the Forest of Lhes, disturbing an owl into hooting. All day, the new feyhound had ranged ahead of us, sniffing even though he didn’t have a nose, his tail wagging. He flushed out more than enough rabbits to provide a hearty meal for tonight’s dinner. Twilight approached. I was glad it was almost sunset, almost time to camp,...

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He was a big man, an a****l. The sort of man who just takes what he wants. I didn't know him, but he was the host of the party I was at.It was a great party as far as I was concerned, there was a woman who had taken an interest in me and we had been flirting all evening.It was getting late and couples were starting to leave. I hadn't drunk too much and went to the kitchen to get a beer. There was this woman again, leant against a doorframe talking to people I couldn't see.I moved behind the...

4 years ago
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Life Goes On Me and My Sister Part Three

      After our second sexual encounter, my sister and I decided we could go on being involved in this kind of intimate relationship. We thought exploring our sexual desires could help us prepare for our future life, like when had a serious relationship or we got married. We established some rules though, like having sex just a week.This usually meant starting fucking on Friday evening and staying in bed until Saturday afternoon. At that moment, both of us were in college and lived in a big...

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The House of Shemales

Rudy stands about 5'9" and weighs about 140 lbs and if you look at him say from 9' away would think he is an attractive lady with a real short haircut. Rudy was tired of the old hangouts and he saw a large building that said The House of Shemales. First, he passed it but than turned his car around and went to the parking lot. After about a 5 minute hesitation he went inside out of curiousity. The lights were dimmed and the first thing he noticed were really attractive passable...

4 years ago
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Obsessed Part 2

Laying on my bed, my identity swirled through my head. Who am I? What am I? If Mike was dead, what would I call myself. How do I explain this? It was that spiraling thought that kept me in bed for a day. The depression killed my horniness. I didn't work. I didn't eat. I didn't move. Motivation is hard to come by when everything around you, everything that makes you you, crumbles away. It was this state that led Natasha and Trevor to check on me. Knocking on my door, Nat poked her head...

3 years ago
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From college student to slave Part 2 The punishment

Once he had made himself his own breakfast he put in on his side of the table and went to wake her up. 

She was surprised to not be in the bed when she woke up. She also felt something inside her ass and reached one of her hands there to see what was inside her. She felt a fluffy thing hanging out from her butt and looked at her master in search of answers. 
« As you probably remember you’ve been a bad girl yesterday. So as a punishment you’ll spend this whole day as my dog. As a dog you’re...

1 year ago
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Cousin Bhai Ke Saath Chudayi

Hello friends mera naam Priti hai. Ye meri pehli story hai. Mujhe ISS ki story bahut acchi lagti hai. Isliye main bhi sochi ki main bhi aapko meri sex story batati hu. Aap sabse request hai agar koi bhi galti mujhse story likhne me ho jayegi to mujhe maaf kar dena. Main pahli baar kahani likh rahi hu. Waise main koshish karungi ki aap sabke liye acchi si kahani likh saku jo meri life ki real kahani hai. Main aap ko jyada bor na karte huwe aap sabko apni kahani batati hu. Mera bhi sabke tarah ek...

4 years ago
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Journey From Brother To Hubby Part I

Hi my name is Vikram and 26 male from Delhi. Let me tell you a little more about and as I am Average guy fair color and average 6 inch cock. I am regular reader for ISS and I love incest section the most and after a long thought and discussion with my sister. I decided to pen down my story for you all in this story I am going to share with you about my journey from a loving brother to a lusting husband. All Interested Sisters and Mothers can mail me at And you can make me your brother or son...

4 years ago
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The Priest

Joshua looked at his mother and the tears stared flowing. "Mom I'm sorry, really I am. I'll never do it again, I promise!" "Well young man you should be sorry. Peeking at me in the shower and then stealing my underwear and masturbating with it. What is your father going to think of you young man?" Mom had caught me red handed, so to speak, with her panties wrapped around my cock furiously jacking off. I was sure that I had locked my bedroom door but obviously I was mistaken. She knew...

2 years ago
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Friday night,at a corner coffee shop where friends meet up.I had gone down to met up with some friends none of which had turned up.As i waited around reading a book I noticed that there was a girl over yonder that i had talked to a few times trough some common friends.She looked over my way and i gave her a warm smile- up she got and walked right over to sit next to me.Hey there's not much happening around tonight would you fancy coffee at my place i don't think you have ever been,it's...

1 year ago
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Office Colleague Ko Jam Kar Choda

Hi doston mera naam Akash hai aur mein Gujarat ka rehne wala hu. kyun ki yeh meri pehli story hai. Mein pehle aapko apne baare mein bata du, merit umra 25 saal hai, 6 feet height, gehuvein rang ka hu aur body bhi Thik thaak hai, Lund ki size 7 inch hai. Me Iss ko regular reader hu aur kaafi story padne k baad socha k kyun na ek khud ka real vaakya likhu. Yeh kahani aaj se 1.5 saal pehle ki hai. Mere saath ek ladki kaam karti thi, naam tha Anju. Anju dikhne me bahut khoobsurat thi or uska figure...

3 years ago
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Mother And I 8211 Part III

This is the second part of love affairs between me and my mother. 18 July I woke up around 8.30 am. Mother was standing in front of me wearing a night gown. I held her and she came near me. I kissed her on her lips. It continued for about 30 seconds and then she stopped and said “now wake up and go for bath. I need to clear the bed sheets. The maid must be coming any time now.” I stood up and was searching for my shorts and t-shirt. They were lying on the ground. I put my shorts and saw that...


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