Grove River free porn video

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Charlie hated doing chores, she knew she'd much rather be out playing in the fields, running through the tall grass, or swimming down in the river, what she envisioned a normal fourteen year old girl should be doing. However she also knew they had to be done.

Even before the sun was up Charlie was. She had to feed the chickens, milk the cows, and collect the eggs needed for breakfast. So was life on the farm along the banks of the Grove River and she accepted it, most of the time that is. There were more chores now, more 'responsibilities' as Ma would say each time she saw her youngest daughter with sweat on her forehead.

"We each have to pull our own weight dear, now more than ever. No one else gonna do it for us, you have to show you're a part of this family and keep up your part."

Charlie accepted her mother's words and knew them to be true, but she still hated doing chores, and with Pa now gone to Heaven some six months past the workload had only increased. There were fences that needed mending and crops to sow. Part of the grain silo's roof had collapsed when a Tornado had come close only a week ago. Charlie had seen one before when she was five but that was nine years past and her memories were sketchy, though she could still remember holding her little brother in her arms, only one year old then, as Ma, Pa, and her two older sisters huddled in the storm shelter beneath the house. This time brother and sister had hugged each other tight as the winds blew away anything that hadn't been nailed down.

Her brother Tom would work alongside her each morning. Before breakfast he would feed the horses and clean out the stables and after would ride out to the fields with the seed in the truck to start planting crops before midday, indeed a heavy burden for someone nearing his eleventh birthday. Michelle and Sandra were in their early twenties and old enough to use the heavy farm equipment such as the tractor to till the soil in the Spring and the combine to cut the wheat when it was ready in the Fall.

Everybody had a job to do as directed by their mother who kept them fed and mended their clothes when torn. Living in near isolation, the closest house was some fifty miles, she knew they were on their own. She regretted having to put such a heavy burden on her children, especially the girls, as did her husband before he died.

Though he loved all his children he had mainly wanted boys to help with the day to day operations of the farm. After having three girls in a row he had given up hope of ever having a son, naming his youngest daughter Charlie was proof of that. But with an active sex life, screwing his wife at least once a day while the children took their afternoon break down at the river, another child was a certainty and this time his wishes were granted and a boy was delivered.

Charlie was presently hanging out the wash for Ma when Tom rode up in the truck, slamming on the brakes and sending a wall of dust towards the clothes line.

"Ma will beat you if she sees you doin that."

"Where's she at?"


"Well then she didn't see did she?"

"Why are you in so early, break time aint for another three hours, you can't be finished the east field already."

"No I need something in the barn."

"Well hurry up then little brother."

"You can't call me little I'm just as tall as you now."

"You'll always be my little brother."

"Oh fuck off Charlie."

Any battling between the two siblings had always been good natured and they both smiled at one another as Tom walked towards the barn, stopping to pet one of the dogs while Charlie continued to put out wet clothes recently washed. Though only ten Tom had a lean hard body from working long hours in the field. While slightly sunburned his skin had yet to take on a roughness like his father, for that you needed a lifetime devoted to planting crops.

Muscles were forming prominently on his arms and shoulders, something Charlie had noticed when they were in close contact in the shelter. Tom was growing, certainly not her little brother anymore as he had pointed out, he was developing into a man.

Much the same could be said for Charlie though obviously she was developing into a woman, growing in other ways. A tight body, lean to the point that Ma sometimes worried she was Anorexic, her breasts had remained small and barely showed through the white shirt she was wearing. Strong arms and legs, if she had been in school she would be a Gym Teacher's dream.

But school was the last thing on Charlie's mind, she was looking forward to a break so she could go swimming in the river. Tom had found whatever he was looking for and threw it in the back of the truck before coming over again.

"I guess I'll see you in a little bit Tom."

"Aren't Michelle and Sandra suppose to be fixing the tractor?"

"Yeah, why, aren't they in the barn?"

"Oh they're in there, but they aint fixin no tractor."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, I suppose you can take a look, maybe you can explain to me what they're doin."

Tom slowly made his way back to the open front doors on the barn and then inside, Charlie close behind. With the cows milked and the chickens fed she didn't have to come back in here till tomorrow morning. She certainly didn't have to go up into the hay loft which is where Tom was now headed, grabbing the first rung of the ladder.

"Where we goin Tom?"

"When I came in here the first time I thought I heard a strange noise above so I went up to take a look, now come on and be quiet."

Charlie followed her brother but mainly just wanted to get back to work before mother noticed her absence. Besides, whatever their sisters were doing was their business, as long as the tractor got fixed before it was needed.

The loft was divided into two rooms, both for storing hay. The first one they had entered was empty, the hay having been used to feed the horses and cows during the long winter. The back room was almost empty, a few bales piled high in one corner and this is where Tom was slowly leading Charlie, putting a finger to his lips telling her to be extra quiet.

Charlie could hear her two sisters before she peeked around the wall of hay and saw them. They were moaning loudly, almost crying and Charlie had first thought that one of them must be hurt. But her eyes could see the real story as she now gazed down at Michelle and Sandra, both naked and laying one on top of the other on the straw covered floor.

Their lips were pressed together tight but Charlie could tell that their mouths were wide open, as if they were trying to suck something out of one another. Their hands were exploring, constantly moving up and down the full lengths of each other's body, though mainly focusing on two particular areas and rubbing hard causing even greater moans than a minute before.

Sandra was presently on the bottom and Michelle now pulled away, separating their lips, but just as quickly lowered her mouth to one of her sister's nipples and began sucking on it wildly. Both sister's had absolutely gorgeous bodies with nicely rounded breasts which Charlie had seen before in the bathroom from time to time and she was quite jealous that hers had remained small. She doubted Tom had ever seen a woman's breasts before.

Michelle now moved further down and Charlie took note where her hand was, rubbing furiously between Sandra's legs over her pussy, a place very familiar to Charlie and she was quite tempted to run her own hand into her jeans right there so she could pleasure herself while watching. Michelle brought her mouth down to where her hand was and her tongue licked fast over the pink opening found there. This made Sandra moan almost hysterically now and a long string of saliva connected the two sisters together when she pulled away.

Charlie was feeling quite warm and light headed and had to look away for a moment, but not for long as the image before her was too exhilarating and when she brought her eyes back she found her sisters had changed position once more and were grinding the lower halves of their bodies together, the both of them crying loudly.

Charlie was forced to turn and head back to the ladder as the air seemed to suddenly close in and weigh down heavy on her to the point that she thought she would pass out. Outside the barn she breathed deeply, bent over at the waist with her hands on her knees, and once better her mind slowly absorbed what she had just seen.

"So what were they doing?"

"I'm not sure, but I think they were having sex."

"Oh... Charlie what's sex?"

"I think we just saw."

"Are they suppose to?"

"I don't know, maybe we should ask Ma."

"What if we get them in trouble?"

"Okay so we won't ask Ma."

"Are girls suppose to have sex together?"

"Well, apparently we can Tom."

"Charlie, do you look like them?"

"What do you mean?"

"Do you have a hole down there?"

"Yeah, of course I do."

"I don't, I have a pointy thing called a penis."

"I know that Tom, I use to help change you when you were little."

"Oh, well I hadn't seen a woman before, do you rub your fingers over your own hole like they were doing?"

"It's called a vagina Tom."

"Va... Gin... A"

"Yeah, or pussy, anyway sometimes I do sure."

"Pussy, that's funny. Why do you put your fingers there Charlie?"

"Cause it feels good, really good."

"Oh, I guess I can't do anything like that."

"Well guys are different, from what I remember anyway, you were pretty small."

"Sometimes it gets bigger though."

"What do you mean?"

"Well it just kind of grows for a little while, like when we were in the barn just now watchin, it got very big."

"Why does it happen?"

"I don't know Charlie."

"There must be a reason, is it still big?"


"Can you show it to me?"

"I suppose, but not here, come on."

Tom led Charlie behind the barn where the hay wagon was kept and he climbed up onto its high flat back before offering Charlie his hand, helping her up as well. After looking around to make sure there was enough cover Tom started to unbuckle his pants. To Charlie's eyes he seemed to reconsider for a moment but just as quickly shrugged it off and continued to push them down.

"I don't know if I'm suppose to show you this, if Ma sees she might whoop us. Well, what do you think?"

Charlie looked down and almost fainted when she saw what came slithering out of Tom's underwear. She had in no way expected to see this and now could not take her eyes away.

"Christ Tom, it's bigger than I remember, a lot bigger. It looks swollen doesn't it hurt?"

"Nah it don't hurt, course it don't feel good either, not like your pussy when you rub it with your fingers, course I never tried that before. You couldn't show me yours could you Charlie?"

Even with the early morning air quite cool Charlie could still feel her cheeks flush over. Though brought on by her brother's question she in no way felt embarrassed. Charlie had not been able to get the picture of her two sisters out of her head and could still see them grinding their bodies together. It had excited her and looked just so right. Charlie looked into Tom's eyes, then looked down again, and an internal conflict was quickly decided as she now wanted to try it with someone.

After removing her own jeans Charlie took Tom by the hand and led him behind the only two hay bales still on the wagon. Lowering herself to the floor of the wagon she pulled Tom down as well, and fully on top of her.


"Well if they can do it so can we."

"Like you said though I'm different, wouldn't you rather do it with one of them?"

"They're a lot older than us, just rub your penis over my vagina, I'll show you what happens to me when I rub it myself."

Charlie pushed her panties down and off and spread her legs for her brother. Tom stared down beneath him for a long time and allowed himself a good look at new contours, new shapes, even passing his fingers over his sister's swollen mound, running one in along the folded skin found there before bringing his erection down to his sister's vagina and touching them together. But still he remained that way not moving.

"Just move back and forth a little Tom."


"Pump with your legs."

"Alright, I'll try."

Charlie had already guessed how it would feel, Tom's penis was much bigger than her fingers were and as his rough hardness moved across her sex she had to bite down on her tongue to keep from screaming out.

"Charlie are you alright?"

"Oh Tom, it feels so good, I'm so sorry that you can't feel..."

"Actually this does feel kind of nice, I just wanted to make sure I wasn't hurting you."

"No you're not hurting me."

"Can I press harder then?"

"Yes, oh yes, harder Tom, harder."

Tom now felt at ease and allowed himself to fully explore this new experience as he pushed down with more of his weight, actually spreading his sister's pussy lips as he rutted against her. What had felt coarse at first with Tom's movements unpracticed quickly became smooth and even as experience grew and a watery flow began to exude from Charlie making everything slippery.

"Charlie why are you so wet down there?"

"That happens when I'm almost there Tom."

"Almost where Charlie?"

"You'll see, just don't stop okay?"

Tom lowered his body more and pushed even harder with his erect penis against Charlie causing both brother and sister to moan loudly, and with their faces now so close neither noticed as Tom's penis opened up and began to drip precum fluid over Charlie's pussy, quickly making her even more slick and easier to move against. Tom dived deeper into his sister's body, her pussy lips first separating and wrapping around the head of his penis, only to fold together again as he continued his thrust forward, his penis now constantly drizzling more of his body's natural lubricant as it passed over Charlie's pee hole and hooded clitoris. Thick strands of both female and male cum would connect the two together whenever Tom moved away

With their faces close together anyway it just seemed the normal thing to do so Tom lowered himself further and kissed Charlie on the lips. Both smiling, and with a warm pleasant feeling flowing through them Charlie now threw her arms around her brother's shoulders and tried to pull him down all the way just as Tom was beginning an even greater thrust using all of his weight and strength, and with almost no effort at all he slipped into his sister's body and tore right through her innocence, forcing her body open for the first time.

Charlie tried to scream and would have if her mouth wasn't against Tom's. The pain had been stabbing, hot and fierce, something that had gone straight to her core. A fire ignited in her belly but was soon fading and just as quickly being replaced by several new feelings, all of them quite pleasant including a fullness that she had not experienced before.

Tom was at first terrified that he had severely hurt his sister and tried to pull out but she only held on to him tighter. Looking down upon her face he expected to see tears but instead he found an expression of pure delight and now understood how wrong he was, that he had given his sister exactly what she had been looking for and more.

Charlie encouraged Tom to continue by grinding her hips against him as she had seen her sisters do and new feelings both physical and something more were experienced by both for the first time. Tom pulled back slightly so he could see as his thick cock filled his sister, watching it slide in and out several times to make sure he wasn't hurting her and only then did he fully commit himself, both now eager to continue.

Spreading Charlie's legs wider Tom pushed himself even deeper into her body, the both of them groaning loudly as flesh became as one. Tom would drive harder and faster, pumping furiously with his legs at first but now grabbing hold of Charlie's shoulders for support and to keep her body still as animal instinct took over. Deep into his sister's well greased cunt he went, her pussy lips, labia, and cervix all alive with pleasure, pulsating even, clamping down on her brother's erection as he slipped in and out of her body, something Charlie sought more of as she reached behind her brother and tried to pull him in even deeper with each of his thrusts.

Vaginal secretions now flooded out of Charlie's newly stretched pussy, and the milky fluid ran thick down her thighs to the hay wagon floor below as Tom pounded into her relentlessly, almost lifting her body off the floor with every powerful stroke.

They would both climax but only Charlie would recognize the familiar feeling within her for what it was having experienced it before, laying there fully satisfied, not expecting her second orgasm so quickly as Tom drove on, compelled by some unseen force to reach something before unheard of to him. He would be taken totally by surprise as his already inflated erection began to stretch to new limits and an unknown pressure raised within him and threatened to explode outwards without warning.

"Charlie, what, what's happening to me?"

"It's okay I think you're just cumming like I did, just relax a little and let it happen."

"Nooooo Charlie I don't think so, somethings wrong, oh God Charlie what's happening to meeeeee..."

"What Tom, what's wrong, wait, what are you putting inside me?"

"I, I don't know Charlie."

"Well stop it, pull out Tom, pull out of me."

"I think it's too late Charlie, oh God I'm so sorry."

Tom tried to lift himself up and pull out but with his energy spent he collapsed down while his penis pumped sperm into Charlie's open body. When it finally stopped spurting he barely managed to roll off his sister, sprawling out on the hay wagon floor and shaking badly. Charlie sat up and looked closely between her legs at her own body.

"Are you alright Charlie, did I hurt you?"

"I guess I'm fine, I don't see anything. I'm awfully wet though, what about you Tom are you okay?"

"Yeah I guess so, I aint hard no more that's for sure. I guess we'd better get back to work soon."

"Shit you're right it's late, Mom's probably looking for me."

Charlie redressed slowly, more interested in a final look at her brother as he put his clothes back on. There were several scratches on her back and legs from the rough wood she had been laying on but they weren't bothersome. Tom again offered assistance to his sister and helped lift her down from the wagon, and once on the ground proceeded to kiss her again.

"Thank you Charlie, that was really special for me, it felt so nice."

"I thought so too Tom, thank you, I love you."

Tom jumped into the truck while Charlie went back to the clothes basket and the wash, both staring hard at one another and smiling, neither knowing that a third pair of eyes was being watchful from the kitchen. Charlie would continue to smile until long after Tom had driven off.

Charlie spent the afternoon break thinking and she hardly spoke a word, a dull ache between her legs as she stole glances at Tom. Sandra and Michelle swam in the river, very close to one another Charlie noticed, while Tom laid in the grass staring up at the sky and occasionally looking over at Charlie where she sat on the back of the truck eating a sandwich. Whenever their eyes met they would smile, they just couldn't help themselves and soon they were laughing. Michelle and Sandra who had stolen a kiss when Charlie and Tom weren't looking now turned towards their younger brother and sister.

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I parked the car just off the road and above the narrow bridge that crossed Little River. It was a beautiful summer afternoon. A slight breeze rustled through the trees as I made my way down a well-worn path to the river's edge. Another path paralleled the river and I followed it downstream. I loved to come to this secluded bit of nature and had come to know several miles along the river quite intimately. I was wearing a pair of soft, gray jogging shorts, a tee shirt and sandals. Over one...

2 years ago
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Camping By The River

Standing in the shallow ice cold water of the rushing river, I closed my eyes and felt the sun warm my bare skin. I reached down and felt my thickening cock as it hung down over my chilled, taught scrotum. It had been the first time I had skinny dipped in many years. I had gone into the river wearing my bathing suit but the warm summer day, the beautiful natural surroundings and the cool water rushing over my skin had made me feel sexually charged. Slipping my suit off in a small swirling pool,...

1 year ago
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A Day on the River

I was in the mood for some fishing, so I loaded my gear in my truck and left Austin bound for Round Rock. There was a small river with some decent fishing. I had been there before and that was the reason I chose that particular conservation access. I wasn’t going to stay near the car anyway. I was going fishing. There were maybe twenty cars around the gravel parking lot on the small river. I always hate leaving my car there. The kinds of riffraff that hang around those accesses are the kind...

4 years ago
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An Evening by the River

I set my bag down on the chair and pulled out my laptop. I needed to look up some articles on the Internet, so I decided to escape my hot office and got to the library. It was always cooler in the library, and after recent remodeling, there were dozen of Ethernet outlets on the long tables in the main hall. It was late Thursday afternoon, in the summer, so there were far fewer students there as normal, in fact, I only saw two other people in the hall as I sat down. I picked a spot close to the...

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Raped on the River

Ginny Marie Munson gazed silently at the flower bed in front of her as she gathered up the weeds she had just pulled. The cannas she had planted a couple of weeks ago reminded her of her fourteen-year-old granddaughter, Maria, who was spending the summer with her. Once the bright green stalks broke through the surface, they would grow like they were on fire, from small stalks to six foot high stalks with stunning flowers that would bloom until the snow covered them up in the winter. Maria was...

4 years ago
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Rebel SpyChapter 34 Up River

On one of my last trips to visit with Mrs. Von R--, seeking knowledge of British intentions and a warm bed, a black woman hoeing at a kitchen garden stopped me as I walked past the back fence of her long plot. "Ho, mistah," she cried, waving her free hand. "You shore is a big 'un. How 'bout helpin' some poor folks?" She leaned on her hoe and looked at me stony faced, a bandana covering her head and her feet bare. I was in a hurry, eager to find a bedmate since Mrs. Von R-- usually...

4 years ago
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Fun in the River

I had lost my virginity two years ago, and was not entirely impressed. I hardly felt the first guy and the second one lasted all of five minutes. Now I was eighteen and blossoming, and I was ready. I didn’t just want to sleep with someone again; I wanted to try something new. I have always been adventurous. My name is Dianna and I am about 5'5' light skin and light brown hair. My eyes are hazel. I have a perfect hour glass figure, 34 B cup and a round ass that amounts to a decent handful. I...

4 years ago
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Down By The River

The morning was bright with the promise of a warm day ahead, the sky a perfect deep blue. I am fortunate to live in a sparely populated rural location and can go days without seeing another human being, with the exception of my Wife, of course. So, after finishing breakfast, I set out for my morning stroll over the fields, as had become our custom. However, as my better half was away at a conference, I was totally alone, and as the temperature began to rise, I steadily peeled off layer after...

3 years ago
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The Great River

The day was hot and the sun was very bright and high in the sky. The Great River sparkled like sapphire, and the well-tended fields of wheat and barley shone like gold. It was the height of summer and the sweltering heat had sent most people indoors into the cool shade but out here in the countryside and farmlands, beyond the ancient capital, there were at least two people who were revelling in the warmth and sun. Alya laughed joyously, her head tossed back as her long raven hair streamed...

First Time
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Down By The River

Sex, the final frontier. A never ending voyage to explore new sexual realms. To come together to create a new definition of erotic enjoyment. Giving each other mutual pleasure. To boldly go where we have never gone … before.Back in the day, when my wife and I were a new couple, we were still exploring each other’s bodies. I asked her to marry me just fifteen days after we met. I could only see her on weekends, because she lived an hour away and we both worked during the week. However, Friday...

2 years ago
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Whiskey River

"Whiskey River, take my mind Don't let a memory talk to me Whiskey River, don't run dry You're all I got, take care of me..." My name is Jim. I ordered my third bourbon of the night and listened to the singer on the stage belting out a Willie Nelson special. Whiskey River, don't dry up. You got that right. After what they did, I never want the river to run dry, I thought as the song continued. Who were the they I was referring to? They were what I had believed to be my lifetime best...

3 years ago
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The Devils Pact the Tyrants DaughterChapter 3 The River

Note: Thanks to b0b for beta reading this! Tuesday, August 11th, 2071 – Chasity "Chase" Glassner – Sierra Nevada, CA The sun rose, shining through my window. It roused me from my thoughts. All night, I had sat on my bed, staring at my hands, the pain slowly fading from my spanked ass. But the hurt in my heart only intensified. Joab had been the first person in a long time I had cared for. He was strong and passionate. He loved me. And maybe I loved him. But I messed it up. I replayed...

1 year ago
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RebelChapter 45 On the River

When we had nothing better to do, and the big river was nearby, we enjoyed taking pot shots at the officers on the poop decks of passing ships. We seldom hit anyone as far as I could tell, but even at 500 yards, my rifle was very accurate, and I often scattered the afterguard. It was judging the moving target that was the problem, but I enjoyed seeing men scrambling about after one of my shots. Occasionally the tars replied with a bow chaser, aiming at the smoke cloud my riffle produced, but...

3 years ago
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The Creature from the Dark River

The Creature from the Dark River 32 year old Sandy Stevens stood on the bow of the 40? research vessel the Raven II as it cruised down the narrow river. The light breeze went through her long hair and felt good in the African heat. The voluptuous blonde was wearing a very tight light blue halter top and a pair of white short shorts which did nothing to hide her impressive 37DD-24-35 body. She and her husband, 52 year old Dr. William Stevens, where heading this expedition to try to find a...

1 year ago
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Summer by the river

It was late in the afternoon when i left work, quite fed up with all the sh_t happened that day. I was not exhausted, but i really needed something to take my mind off of things, to relax. So, i just rode my bike, with no idea where i should be going. I didn't wanted any friends around, nor did i want to be completely alone. Since it was a hot summer day, i finally decided to go for a swim in the river. There's a quite nice sandy beach near town, where the river takes a turn, with beer stands...

2 years ago
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Warm Day at the Walla Walla River

It was a warm day at the Walla Walla River; I figured it was discrete enough to take off my clothes and just skinny dip. I walked along a rocky area and slowly took my clothes off feeling the warmth of the sun on my skin. It was quiet and peaceful, the river was running slow, I could even see the rocks at the bottom, and if I look hard, I could see the fish moving through the current. The water was refreshing soothing the heat off of my body as I slipped in. It was shallow enough just to sit in...

2 years ago
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Camping on the Tennessee River

All characters are 18 years of age or over.*I've had a "thing" for the girl next door for as long as I can remember. Ever since Elise and her family moved in next door I thought she was the prettiest girl I'd ever seen. She's also the sweetest, funniest, smartest, and the sexiest girl I've ever known. We've always been best friends and only recently has that friendship grown into something more. From my perspective, it's like I've been given the greatest gift I could possibly imagine. I've got...

4 years ago
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The River

Eric stopped to wipe his sweating brow with a red polka-dot handkerchief, before renewing his grip on the long pole and pushing the punt along again. He was seventy-three years old and slightly overweight. The poling was very hard work and Eric was looking forward to reaching the end of the journey. Mavis, his wife of fifty-two years, reclined in the double love seat of the boat and looked around at the countryside as they made their placid way along the gently-flowing water. She was also a...

2 years ago
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TNWS02 A Summer to RememberChapter 43 Cruising Down the River

When that largish canoe had rounded its first bend and all those naked people on the shore were well and truly out of sight Keith just leaned back into his seat and pulled Gemma’s body back into his chest. He put his arms around her waist then felt up the girl’s puffy breasts with his hands. He rubbed the areolae with his fingers and gently squeezed the girl’s nipples then gently kissed Gemma’s neck and ears and the back of her head with its black, curly shoulder length hair. One hand also...

2 years ago
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The Great River

The day was hot and the sun was very bright and high in the sky. The Great River sparkled like sapphire, and the well-tended fields of wheat and barley shone like gold. It was the height of summer and the sweltering heat had sent most people indoors into the cool shade but out here in the countryside and farmlands, beyond the ancient capital, there were at least two people who were revelling in the warmth and sun. Alya laughed joyously, her head tossed back as her long raven hair streamed...

3 years ago
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Time Like a River

[Note: By Lifting Winds Forgot and The Ceremony of Innocence precede this tale. If you’ve not read these two this story will make no sense at all.] +++ Time, Like A River: The Voyage From Driftwood III Part I: They called for the harp – but our blood they shall spill Byron, By the Waters of Babylon – from The Hebrew Melodies ◊◊◊◊◊ The Air Force C37A turned on base over Maryland’s ‘eastern shore’ – flying towards it’s next waypoint and now 4500 feet over the Chesapeake Bay Bridge, and...

1 year ago
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Jenny By The River

I had ridden my BMW 900 into the rolling hills of northern Victoria, to visit friends at their house in a little town of only a few hundred people. My friend’s had two teenage kids and while we were all chatting some other kids dropped in. When I saw Jenny our eyes met and locked. I was about thirty two with a beard, jeans, denim jacket and short boots. With the motorbike I must have cut quite a dashing figure, interesting to a young girl. After a cool drink the kids decided to go for a...

3 years ago
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Back to the River

Growing up by a river is a strangely special thing.   No matter where I travel in the world I keep finding myself drawn back, as I just seem to find real peace while I am there.   Even now though I work in the city, I still head back up to our family farm, just to chill by the river… especially as my parents get older and need more help. With that said, I don’t actually stay at the main house when I am there.   Don’t get me wrong, it is a beautiful old homestead, the original portion being...

3 years ago
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Our walk by the river

We arrived at the car park and as we drove in B noticed a car with three young lads in and around it. “That looks a bit strange.” She said and I agreed. Still we parked up and made our way to the path that leads along by the river amongst the trees. I noticed that the young lads, all around the middle to late twenties, had left their car and had followed us down the path. We didn’t think much of it and carried on with our walk watching the Swans and Ducks on the river.We walked for about ten...

2 years ago
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Virgin Used by the River

Virgin Used by the River.Just turned 16 and still looking to lose my virginity. As a healthy male I watch all the girls like a hungry wolf after it’s pray. Like wolves I hunt in a pack. Today, however my mates are on holiday. My family not being as affluent as theirs, means I couldn’t afford to go with them. They were all virgins when they left and plan on losing it to some lucky Italian beauties. Well that’s their plan! The only rod I’m likely to use is of the fishing variety. It’s a glorious...

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Bukkake by the river

We had returned to one of our favourite spots, by the river next to a weir. We have photos from our last time there and Dee had got really excited taking her clothes of and exposing herself to the fresh air.It was a bright sunny day and Dee who had this time, her button up dress and just a pair of crotch-less panties underneath. She walked in front of me towards the area where we last went. My camera videoing as she walked. I could clearly see her unbuttoning her dress as she walked and then...

2 years ago
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Sex at the river

As a nudist and naturalist I enjoy long summer afternoons nude at the river. I have met women at Collins beach and developed relationships with a few of them. I have also brought dates and girlfriends to the (clothing optional) nude beach. And they all reveled in the freedom they found there.I met Lisa at the beach several times and we enjoyed floating on her inflatable mattress. Lisa is a voluptuous blond woman with very bouncy tits. Her hair cascaded past her shoulders and she has very...

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Andrea at the river

My dad has a sweet cabin along the Colorado river, just an hour or so north of Martinez’s place. The company that I work for shuts down production around the 4th of July, and give all of its workers a week off. I figured that this would be a great time to visit the river, get a tan, drink a ton of alcohol, smoke some sweet herb, and have a blast. I invited my group of friends to come along for the week, as there is plenty of room at the cabin. Chris, a friend of mine from high school brought...

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Bikini Beach Over the River

Bikini Beach: Over the River and Through the Woods Synopsis: An elderly man, confined to a nursing home and often neglected by his children, wishes for one last holiday with his family. [email protected] ********************************************************************** Bikini Beach: Over the River and Through the Woods The old woman paused at the door and turned to the girl. "I'm so glad you could come with me, dear." The brunette girl smiled. ...

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Myakka River

My wife, Hazel, and I on holiday in Englewood in Florida, this was our second visit and we were exploring some of the local beauty spots we'd missed last time we were there. On our first visit we'd passed the entrance to The Mayakka River State Park several times and were checking it out. Now my wife are nudist and we were looking for somewhere quiet where we could top up our all over tans. I turned off the main trail onto a dirt track and drove for about fifteen minutes until it ended at a...

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The House By the River

I live in a suburb of a large city. In some fifty meters from my house begins the forest. When a child, I have spent lots of time there. I know that there is a large forsaken house standing on the bank of the river which flows through the wood - some day the house is bound to fall right into it. Sometimes I go there just to be on my own for some time... One warm summer morning I went there to spend all the day there. I was thinking of smoking my pot when I heard somebody's footsteps, and a...

2 years ago
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Dee and Claire have more fun by the river

Claire and Dee finished off the photo shoot sitting on a bench near to where all the action had taken place earlier. Traces of cum had dried across their bodies as they now posed naked in front of me. Their back’s to the bridge behind them was in clear view and people were walking over it. Occasionally someone would spy that they might be naked and stop to look over the pa****t. If I saw them I would indicate to the girls that someone was watching and they would turn and wave, giving them a...

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