Alice - A Paul Purple StoryChapter 3: Sharon free porn video

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I won't give too much away with this.

My name is Sharon, I'm a medical doctor and I'm associated with the man now known as Paul Purple through his... how should I call it? 'Professional' interest.

I have obtained through him a slave (lets not beat around the bush, she is my sex slave) called Safina who I've found to be very polite and eager to please, I've spoken to her on many occasions and she's detailed her training with this man, it's strange but she still has an affection for him.

I also have a male slave, William, trained by another group, but I'm not satisfied with him, maybe it's because I'm more attracted to the distaff. My husband — yes I'm married! — indulges me because of my money, and his use of Safina, and he knows if anything should happen to me he will be without a penny to his name.

I've visited Paul's house a couple of times before, the first time I was unconscious, but since then I've learnt where he lives. But I'd never come here without his permission.

So here I was, going down to the infamous basement, the last time I visited there was a cell set up down here, I wondered if it was still there.

I picked up the key from the hiding place that Paul had constructed for it and unlocked the door, I entered the basement.

Seated on the single bed was a young girl, I supposed she was Alice since I didn't recognise her. Holding onto her hand was Billie-Jo and stroking Alice's back was Pauline, it was a scene of comfort.

"Pauline." I spoke quietly finding that I didn't want to raise my voice.

"Mistress Sharon, slave Alice has received some bad news and is upset, could I suggest that you..." She began but I held up my hand and she stopped.

"I'd better see to her now, can you take..." I indicated Billie-Jo as if I didn't recognise her, Pauline provided me with the name, "thank you, Billie-Jo upstairs to Master Paul, I will be able to cope down here."

Pauline nodded but then her face altered; it was something I'd seen before it meant that one of her implanted personas had taken over the body. "Doctor Sharon, Alice requires time to assimilate the news of her father's death. I would prefer that she does this naturally rather than with drugs."

The characteristics and manner was amazing, it was just as if Elizabeth was standing in front of me. "Thank you for your suggestion, however I'm concerned with both her body and mind I will consider your words" I said and waited for any reaction.

'Elizabeth' nodded and then her face cleared again and Pauline was before me again. "Sorry Mistress, but she wanted to be heard." Pauline said before taking Billie-Jo's hand and dragged her away.

I sat down beside the naked girl. She hadn't really noticed the loss of the two younger girls. I put my arms around her shoulders and pulled her close to me, she began to sob away.

"Its okay child, allow your emotions to show, get it out of your system." I said into her ear.

I suppose it was the tone of my voice that made her bawl out in her pain, there were words in the sobs, "I'm sorry... daddy... I'm so... sorry." And then she almost spoke out loud, "I'm the reason he's dead!"

I shook my head, "No, child. How could you have caused his death? You have done nothing except been kidnapped and you certainly had no control over that!" I said to her.

"But I was running away from home, that's why Red killed him, so that I couldn't go to him!" Alice was obviously confused and didn't know what she was saying. I held her until she managed to stop and pull herself together.

"Are you alright now?" I asked her, she nodded. "Good, now my name is Sharon and I'm a doctor, your name is Alice and you're here to be trained as a slave, I know about Paul and cannot help you in this, do you understand?" I asked her.

"Yes Doctor, Paul did tell me." Alice said I nodded.

"Right, and because you're in training you will address me as Mistress Sharon and Paul as Master!" I reminded her

Alice closed her eyes and then said, "I'm sorry Mistress Sharon, Master Paul did tell me, but it's all so different."

I smiled and nodded, patting her head as I did so, "I know my dear, but it's better to keep in practise, rather than being punished for your transgression." I noticed that she rubbed her bottom as she nodded her agreement.

"Now I'm going to give you an examination, just like your normal doctor would, and then I'll give you a contraceptive implant that will last for three months, it will only hurt for a few minutes until you are used to it." I could see the appeal in her eyes, "Don't worry Alice my slave Safina has it done and I would never cause her undue pain."

Alice looked at me, "You have a slave?" She asked surprised and then added, "Mistress?"

I nodded, "Yes two, Safina and William. I've left them at home and I hope my husband is taking care of them." I said.

"Can... can I ask why? Mistress?" She said remembering her manners.

I laughed, "I found out that I couldn't have children, I didn't want to go through the routine of fostering as I couldn't stand the thought of having someone else's squalling brat to change their diapers and clean up, I wanted an older child. But I found out that many of the children of the right age were so institutionalised that they were almost obnoxious in their attitudes." I smiled at the memory now, but then it was almost heart breaking.

"So, how did you get your slave? Mistress." Alice prompted me.

"It was one of my patients. He asked me to check on a girl he was looking after; it was while I was examining her that she accidentally told me that she was the man's slave and had to obey him. At first I was shocked, but she begged me not to tell anyone else as she didn't want to lose him... it was her, devotion I suppose, that made me listen to her. And so I didn't report him... it was a few days later when George made a comment about slave labour that I had the idea. I got in touch with my patient and asked him outright where I could get a slave, he put me in touch with someone who then made the arrangement. Three months later Safina was delivered to me by a stranger who introduced us and gave me a contract to sign. It was that contract that I realised that Safina would always be safe." I sat back and smiled again.

After a few minutes Alice spoke again, "Mistress, are you alright?" She asked and I could tell she was starting to panic.

"I'm sorry Alice; it was just going over that memory, now lets get back to you." I said and asked her to stand.

She was slightly shorter than me, but her skin tone was very good, her breasts were responsive and I couldn't find any suspicious lumps, I gave her the normal talk about the necessity of checking her breasts herself and made sure she knew what to do. I allowed her to sit down and checked her responses, all were good. I saw that Paul had an examination table hiding away in the corner of the basement. I pulled it out and put the stirrups on the end of it.

Alice was naturally apprehensive as I asked her to lie down on the table and placed her feet in the stirrups, I didn't tie her on the table — it would have been traumatic for her — but just allowed her to relax. I told her exactly what I was doing as I brought a chair to position myself in the 'tunnel' of her legs and adjusted the reflective headband to angle the light into her vagina. The labia lips were closed but slightly moist, I gently eased them apart — which made Alice start to tighten up but I spoke her through the examination.

She was intact so I couldn't really do a deep penetrative check on her, so I then moved to her rectum. The sphincter muscle was undamaged and responsive, it allowed me to move my finger inside her and check for any unusual bumps of which, luckily, I found none.

I carefully withdrew from her anus and allowed her to drop her feet. "That's all for now Alice, you'll be happy to hear that you're perfectly healthy." I smiled at her. "Now all you'll need is the contraceptive shot. It's an implant that will allow you to have sexual..." I stopped because she shook her head and started to cry again.

I lost my patience with her, "Alice! You are in training to be a slave, crying about having sex will not stop a man from using your body as he see fit." I told her bluntly, "Sex is perfectly normal and healthy, without it the world would be full of nothing. Where would rabbits be without sex?" I said — a line that normally raised a smile on even the most scared virgin.

"I can't face it!" Alice said, "It always hurt my mother when HE would do it with her, I don't want to get hurt!" She started to blubber.

"Alice! Listen to me, who told you these lies." I asked her.

"They're not lies, I heard HIM and Mom together, she's always telling him not to be so hard and to be gentle, so then it must be hurting her."

I shook my head, "Alice, that's not normal." I told her.

"That's what Paul says but he's going to lie to me, just like Mom did!" Alice said.

"Alice!" I warned her she looked at me and then she added.

"Sorry, that's what Master Paul says." She corrected herself.

"And he right. Do you hurt yourself when you masturbate?" I asked her only to be greeted with some stupidity from childhood... going blind indeed. I spent the next few minutes giving Alice a... I was going to say blow by blow but I won't... insight into the normal sexual practises, but I could tell that she didn't believe me. So I told her that I wanted her to masturbate every night until she was no longer a virgin and then she had to practise with a dildo instead. I told her that she was having an irrational reaction against sex and had to get over it.

She listened to me, but I don't think she wanted to hear what I had to say. So I went into Mistress Sharon mode. "And if you don't... trust me I will find out... I will find the thickest cane and mark your bottom up so badly you'll be lying on your side for a month!" I said, this time she did believe me.

I stood in front of the young girl with my hands on my hips, "Well Alice, I want to see you start before I give you the implants."

She gave a small sob but moved her hands down to her shaved pussy, rubbing along the slit and causing it to moisten even more. Alice began to moan as she became aroused by her motions, I directed her to touch her clitoris while I stroked her breasts, she looked sharply at me but carried on until she came with a silent scream and fell back onto the table unconscious from her first manually induced climax.

I quickly pulled out my syringe and injected her with the three parts of the contraceptive, which in her state she didn't feel - which was a good thing as it can sometimes sting as it's inserted. Looking around I saw a sink and plastic beakers, I filled one with water and had it ready when Alice came to.

"Here slave, drink this water. Now what do you think about sex?" I asked her with at smile.

"It was incredible; does it always feel like that?" Alice asked me, I had to glare again before she added "Mistress."

"You're apparently quite a sensuous person Alice; most girls don't faint when they masturbate themselves. I think when you first taste cock you're going to be hooked on it." I told her with a smile.

I saw her blush as I said that, "I don't think I'll ever suck one of those." She said.

I laughed "Alice you are a treasure, I didn't mean actually tasting it but its not that bad, Safina was a bit bashful when she first met George, but she's taken to it with gusto. But I meant with your first fucking, you are really going to enjoy it." I told her.

"I don't think so, Mistress." Alice said looking away from me.

I recognised the way she was acting. "Alice, look at me." I told her, she looked at me. "Say cock." I told her.

"C... co... cock" she said blushing.

"Good now prick." I said smiling.

"Prick." There was no hesitation in her voice.

"Now cunt." I said nodding and pointing to her pussy.

"C... cunt" the stutter was back.

"Pussy." I said touching her bald pussy.

She gasped before she said "Pussy."

"Now say this, I want a nice thick cock fucking my pussy" She looked at me as if I was telling her that I worshipped the devil. "Go on Alice, its only words." I told her.

"I... I want a nicethickcock fucking mypussy." She said. I shook my head, "Oh god. I... want... a nice... thick... cock... fucking... my... pussy." She said and her whole body went red.

"There you are Alice, did you turn into salt? Have you become paralysed?" I asked her.

"No mistress. But my Mom told me never to swear like that!" She said.

"She might have, but you're here now and the rules have changed! Haven't you realised that?" I said to her.

"Yes, mistress, but it's hard." She bashfully admitted.

"No that's now your job to get 'something' hard!" I said smiling and noticed a small smile on her lips. "That's it Alice, try to forget about your past life, this is just the start of a whole new world." I said to her and started to pack away my stuff.

"Mistress? Have you forgotten that thing?" Alice asked quietly.

I shook my head, "Not at all Alice, while you were 'recovering' I was able to give you the implant, check your arm." I said to her pointing to where the three ridges were visible on her arm. "Now I'll go back up and have a word with Master Paul while you stay down here and practise what I have shown you, try saying those words as you do." I kissed her on her cheek and went out of the basement, locking the door behind me as I did so.

"How is she?" Paul asked me as I went into his study. Pauline and Billie-Jo were watching me I smiled at Billie-Jo.

"Alice is fine and healthy. I've given her the implant but I would suggest that you don't actually attempt to impregnate her for 5 days." I said smiling and then I turned to Billie-Jo.

"Hello Billie-Jo, I understand you're the decoy in this?" I said to her smiling.

She nodded her head, "Yes Mistress, although Master is thinking about changing the script again."

I turned to look at Paul again. He shrugged his shoulders. "Well after the news I had to give her I think she's going to need support more than anything." He said.

I shook my head, "No Paul, she's going to have to have a purpose, keep to the script. It will be better for her in the long run, what do you say Pauline?" I challenged her to check her personas again.

Pauline was about to speak when she closed her eyes her attitude changed as she opened them again, "Doctor Sharon is correct. The need for Alice to take charge of Billie-Jo will give her the strength she need. My apologies Master for not seeing this." She said and then closed her eyes again; Pauline opened them again and looked slightly worried.

"It's alright Pauline, the advice was needed." Paul said and opened his mouth to speak again... but an alarm sounded making him look over to his computer screen. Pauline dashed off towards the basement but then there was an amplified voice from the door.



The voice echoed in the house, almost as if it was carried by every speaker in the place. I gestured to Pauline to continue down to the basement while I walked to the front door. Billie-Jo remained with Sharon in the study.

I checked that Pauline was down the stairs before I opened the door, a helicopter of a design I didn't recognise was slowly powering down, it's blades making a lazy circle. Two people wearing suits were running towards me, guns drawn. The pilot of the helicopter took off her helmet and waved to me, it was Mavis — the police officer from Ropeville.

I shook my head, "Can't you guys do anything quietly?" I said when they were close enough to hear. They both slowed up and, after seeing no sign of any weapon, the one in the lead holstered his gun. I looked again... yes, that was definitely a man running there!

I stepped to one side of the door as the man arrived. He held up a badge and redundantly repeated, "F... B... I. Spe... Special Agent... Smith." He panted, "Are you... alright sir?" He asked.

I nodded my head, "I'm perfectly fine, why?" I asked

He pointed to Sharon's car, "Our scan showed that car had recently arrived, we thought that Fornalski had found you."

I sighed, more in relief than anything else, "That is Doctor Sharon 's car, she's here to attend to Alice Fornalski. I think you'd better come in." I said gesturing to the door.

The second agent, who I noticed was female, had also arrived by this time. She was wearing an earpiece and I assumed she was in contact with Mavis as the helicopter blades started to speed up. As I watched it take to the air the second agent spoke up. "She'll be back when we've finished, I'm Special Agent Jones... get it out of your system!"

I must have looked blank because she had to explain, "It was an old television program, 'Alias Smith and Jones' ever since we've been partnered everyone's been laughing about it." She said.

"Well I'm not laughing. I've got a young girl downstairs who's worried that her step-father is going to get her." I said as I escorted Agent Jones into the house.

As I closed the door I pressed a button. Agent Smith turned "What have you just done?" He asked me, his hands moving to his gun.

"I have sent a code signal down to the basement to tell Pauline that everything's okay. If I didn't she would have taken Alice to a secure holding area and would have defended it with her life." I told him.

He looked at Jones who nodded her head, "He's talking the truth." The voice was slightly changed and I realised what had happened.

I spoke to Smith, "Does it need two of you to talk to Alice, or could just one of you do it?" I asked him, I didn't want to influence Agent Jones — although I knew I could.

"Well it would be better with two as we can be witnesses for each other; it's just for evidence sake." He said

"What if Doctor Sharon goes with Agent Jones, Alice already knows Sharon, and Sharon would be able to keep an eye on her, no disrespect to Agent Jones intended." I said.

"None taken Mr. Purple, it will give Agent Smith a chance to question you." Jones said and smiled sweetly at me, I nodded and walked to the study where Sharon and Billie-Jo were waiting. There was a scared look on Billie-Jo's face.

"It's okay Billie-Jo, they're from Ropeville." I said smiling and then made the introductions.

Sharon gave a small laugh while Billie-Jo looked blank. I turned to the two agents and gave an apologetic shrug. I quickly explained what I wanted and Sharon quickly agreed, she got up and went with Agent Jones to the basement, I turned on the monitor, and had the sound turned off, it showed Pauline talking to Alice, they were both sitting on an examination table — which I assumed Sharon had found down there.

"Sit down Agent Smith. Do you want a drink of anything? I'm sure Billie-Jo would be happy to serve you." I noticed he was watching my naked slave closely.

"Err... No, no thank you." He said, I wondered if he thought I was suggesting something other than a drink?

"I think you'd better go to your room Billie-Jo, you seem to be distracting the nice FBI man." I said to Billie-Jo who thanked me and left the study, I could hear a giggle as she closed the door.

I turned my attentions to Agent Smith, "Well Agent. Do you want to get it out of your system? You've been briefed on me and should know what to expect." I said to him.

Same as Alice - A Paul Purple Story
Chapter 3: Sharon Videos

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My Aunt Sharon

Revised, thank goodness spotting errors and added to in request for a continuation and now complete. It all started on a Saturday. I was out with three mates for a few beers and a curry. Later, we went to several clubs in the city centre and I was well wrecked, not picking up any cum sluts, puking in an alley and shaving to stagger home. It was nearly one in the morning when I reached home. I could see downstairs lights on in the trash quality, council house we existed in. That’s my Mum and...

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Showing Off Again with Sue and Sharon

A surprisingly hot May Friday in New England, Memorial Day weekend. Sharon had been coy about the purpose of the visit, but Sue felt that any visit to Sharon's was time well spent. A good friend with whom you could share your thoughts, commiserate, share and trust. After breakfast she showered, toweled off and dressed. Cutoffs, a cotton camisole and sandals. The ninety-minute drive to Sharon's went quickly; the holiday traffic wouldn't hit until afternoon, and when Sue pulled into...

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Robbies first time with his sister Sharon

I’ve wanted to fuck my sister since the first time I jerked off when I was twelve years old. I would peek through the door jamb at her and my mom when they’d get in or out of the shower. I would pretend to be asleep on the couch with my hard cock sticking through the fly of my boxers when my sister would come home from dates at night. I was obsessed! This is the retelling of the first time I finally got to fuck her. It was the summer of 2009. I had just turned 29, my sister, Sharon had just...

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Robbies first time with his sister Sharon

I’ve always wanted to fuck my sister. I would peek through the door jamb at her andmy mom when they’d get in or out of the shower. I would pretend to be asleep on the couch with my hard cock sticking through the fly of my boxers when my sister would come home from dates at night. I was obsessed! This is the story of the first time I finally got to fuck her. It was the summer of 2009. I had just turned 29, my sister, Sharon had just turned 32. I was dropping her off at her house and had no...

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My horny sister Sharon

I thought I would share my humble experience as well with you wonderful people. My name is RYAN. This story about me but about I one day found heaven on earth in my own little sister, Sharon just turned 18.i need to mention here that at this age shes as hot as a full grown woman as she has that perfect body anyone would die for.i have been noticing sharon’s beauty for a long time now and whenever I had a chance, would try to feel day our parents decided to spen some time with...

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With My Slutty School Teacher Sharon

Hi readers, this is Sarfaraz Khan back with another story. Hope you remember me. If you haven’t read , you are missing many things, kindly give a read. I’m a 23-year-old male from a South Indian city. I love sex, which is smooth and seductive, never forced. So coming straight to the story It is about my slutty elementary school teacher. Her name was Sharon. Let me describe her here. Back in school days, she was a darling of everyone’s eyes and a sure eye candy for all staff, including peons,...

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Brenda and Sharon

My name is Brenda. I came to the university on my own. Parents gave me some money but I was working getting loans and grants for the rest. I had lived off campus with a dude who turned out to be a douce. He tried to put the moves on me and I wasn’t interested, for whatever reason. He just didn’t do anything for me. Anyway, I decided that day that I needed to move out and find a new room-mate. I couldn't afford a place by myself. But this time I was going to find a female room mate. So I checked...

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Like A Virus Shannon And Sharon

AUTHOR'S NOTE: This is part of a series of stories, all set in the same universe. Reading the story "Puzzles and Solutions" will make things in this story make a lot more sense. Andy Meeker pulled around and stopped in front of the grocery store to pick up the milk and bread and such that his wife had asked for when he had called. He stepped through the front door, and the first person he saw was Jason, a sixteen-year-old boxboy, on his way out the door, pushing a shopping cart full of...

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Prologue I really love the taste of a man's cum. Really! The smooth feel of it on my tongue, the sloshing around of it in my mouth, the easy way it coats my throat on the way to my stomach. And yes, the awesome knowledge that my mouth, my tongue has given such pleasure to another human being. (I also love the taste of pussy; we'll talk about that later.) But after all these years, after all the gallons of sperm that I've ingested, deep down I know that those little soldiers swimming...

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The organised party was going really well and the Ladies that had chosen to breed had selected their stud for the evening. The Madam released the boys from their 2 weeks of chastity and allowed there weapons back into the public again!!! I was a little surprised that a pretty, tiny and slight girl with mousy hair called Sharon was standing nervously in the breeding Ladies line up? We spoke and she explained that she had had a couple of white lads, but said they were not up to much in bed and...

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The organised party was going really well and the Ladies that had chosen to breed had selected their stud for the evening. The Madam released the boys from their 2 weeks of chastity and allowed there weapons back into the public again!!!I was a little surprised that a pretty, tiny and slight girl with mousy hair called Sharon was standing nervously in the breeding Ladies line up?We spoke and she explained that she had had a couple of white lads, but said they were not up to much in bed and she...

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Alice The Dirty Whore Part 6

Alice the Dirty WhoreBy Mad Jack69Synopsis: This is a fictional story of a sex addicted whore and her depraved sexual cravings. It covers most perversions. In this the sixth chapter Jack becomes Jackie, Alice starts a new carrier as a starlet and Josh makes a big discovery. (MF, M+F, MM, sissy, anal, prost, whore, cream-pie, ws, strap-on, Fdom) Chapter 6 Alice on the Silver ScreenAlice was dressed and ready for the car to pick her up at four and take her to the ladies outfitters and was...

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Alice The Dirty Whore Part 5

Alice the Dirty WhoreBy Mad Jack69Synopsis: This is a fictional story of a sex addicted whore and her depraved sexual cravings. It covers most perversions. In this the fifth chapter Alice and Daisy take Jack to new depths of depravity and humiliation. And the couple get drawn into the clutches of an exclusive sex club for societies élite and most wealthy. (MF, M+F, MM, anal, prost, whore, cream-pie, ws, strap-on Fdom) Chapter 5 The Engagement PartyJosh was very pleased with himself as he...

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Alice The Dirty Whore part 3

Alice The Dirty WhoreBy Mad Jack69Chapter Three “Alice The Slag Goes Back To Work”It was almost two months on from the night Jack brought Alice home and they got the all clear from the Doc. They were both very excited about Alice going back to work.The past seven weeks had been fun at times, getting to know each other as people and they had a lot of sex to try and sedate Alice’s almost uncontrollable needs.The more they got to know each other the more they realised just how sexually compatible...

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Alicersquos New Friend

Alice’s New Friend Alice Johnson was what you would call normal, boringly normal. She was 28 years olds and her life had been mostly uneventful except for a few odd situations. She had never married, really never had a significant relationship. She felt lonely at times particularly after her mother died last year but was mostly satisfied with things. She worked for the past 4 years in Peter Johnson’s accounting firm as a bookkeeper. She enjoyed her work and the salary was enough to keep...

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Alice worked for the department store for several years. Recently she witnessed several changes. The corporate executives brought in new managers to increase sales. Mr. Jake Benton was assigned to the store where Alice worked. When Mr. Benton spoke to the group where Alice worked he stressed that there would be lay-offs and poor performance would be grounds for termination. Alice remembered how large Jake Benton looked. He was black, over six feet tall and appeared extremely muscular. He...

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Alice The Dirty Whore Part 4

Alice The Dirty WhoreBy Mad Jack69Synopsis: This is a fictional story of a sex addicted whore and her depraved sexual cravings. It covers most perversions. In this the fourth chapter Alice rediscovers big cock worship and is introduced to the strap-on. She also becomes the target of an underground extreme sex club. (MF, M+F, FF, Anal, prost, whore, cream-pie, ws, strap-on Fdom) Chapter 4 “Alice gets big dick fucked, again”Josh woke up on Monday morning and stretched his lean taught body....

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Alice the Dirty Whore

Alice the Dirty WhoreBy Mad Jack69Chapter One “Alice the Gutter Whore”Alice couldn’t remember the moment she first started wanting, and lusting after physical contact with the opposite sex. But she figured that it was before she could walk. At just four years old and within her first week at school she was flashing her knickers in the playground for the price of an anissed ball. And for one more she would offer to pull them down. Her inquisitive sexual nature drove Alice to experiment with a...

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Alice and Sophia Meet Mrs Heaton

Alice and Sophia knew they were two very lucky girls. Both were twenty-six-years-old and rented a room and lived under the auspices of their two landladies. They both found adverts for single women, their mum's ages, who offered a maternal type arrangement. It turned out that both landladies, Loretta and Monika, enjoyed mothering girls they could treat as their daughters, and charged a lower rent as well. Alice and Sophia jumped at the chance, seeing many benefits to the arrangement.The...

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AliceDDR - 1980Alice, eine wundersch?ne 22-j?hrige Frau, mit den Traumma?en 92 – 58 – 94 und h?ftlangem honigfarbenem Haar. Ihre gro?en, runden und vollen Br?ste wippen elastisch auf und ab, wenn sie grazil an einem vorbeischreitet. Ihre Haut ist leicht gebr?unt, ganz glatt und seidig weich. Mit ihren 1,84 m ist sie f?r eine Frau ?berdurchschnittlich gro?. Wenn man ihre Beine anschaut, kommt es einem vor, als w?rden sie nie enden, so lang sind sie. Mit ihrer Schuhgr??e 40 hat sie f?r ihre K?rpergr??e ehe...

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Alice Is Spanked Again

The holiday was going by all too quickly for Alice, although she had already agreed to meet up with Melanie when they got home as they didn’t live very far from each other.Melanie had retained her very strict and quick to discipline attitude towards Alice who, at fifty-eight-years-old, loved submitting to eighteen-year-old Melanie. What was better, for Alice, was to find out that she wasn’t the only granny figure to be disciplined by a teenager at the camp. Although Alice hadn’t realised when...

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Alice Takes A Break

Alice was sniffing back tears as she stood with her nose against a tree and her hands on her head. She was in shock having had just been given a very hard bare bottom spanking by Melanie. The shock wasn’t just the fact that Melanie was eighteen-years-old whilst Alice was sixty-three-years-old, but that Alice was actually turned by accepting Melanie’s control over her and wanted to continue to obey the very demanding and authoritative teenager.As Alice saw only the tree trunk an inch from her...

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Alices Wonderland a SciFi fantasy

Alice's Wonderlandby oggbashan©*************************************************Copyright Oggbashan December 2014The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons.*************************************************Alice's Wonderland, or 'Eat Me; Drink Me'PrologueThe planet Sextiple was known...

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Alice and Trixie Turn A Trick A Horny Honeymooners Story

“No I haven’t Ralph, where was it the last time that you saw it?” she answered. Ralph barged into the kitchen like a runaway elephant being chased by a mouse. He was a very portly man with black, slicked back hair and eyes that seemed to bug out of his round, fat face. His Loyal Order Of Raccoon Lodge jacket with its exaggerated epaulets strained against the buttons keeping it covering his large stomach. “I remember having it the night of the last lodge meeting but now I can’t...

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Alice the dirty whore part 2

Alice The Dirty WhoreBy Mad Jack69Chapter Two “Alice Serves Up Her Messy Holes”Alice leaned back against the lamppost and put her hand down between her legs to rub her well fucked cunt. She smiled to herself, it had been a long day and she would never forget the fucking she got from Monkey. She wondered if she lived to seventy if she would ever get to be fucked by a cock as big as that again. She desperately hoped so.The London sky was now cloudless and the havens filled with bright stars more...

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Alice and the Babies

author: PJThis all happened nearly forty years ago. You will understand that the facts and the more exciting scenes are burned into my memory. The conversations naturally are sometimes invented as the length of time has eroded them. Where they have been invented, they give the flavor of the time Sadly I lost Alice in the mid eighties, she developed breast cancer and they didn't catch it in time, the foul thing spread. Later I married Freda who was a widow by then. My two lovely daughters live...

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Alice 1

Alice My name is Alan Smith, I am twenty two, about five foot six, fairly slim at just nine stone, my hair is dark blonde and fairly long, sometimes I put it in a pony tail. I have a degree in computer science, I work for an I.T. company, travelling around the southern half of England fixing computers and programming. I live with my dad Greg in a quiet suburb in Essex. My mum Elizabeth left us about four years ago, that was such a surprise as mum and dad got on very well, there did...

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Alice Her boss takes full advantage

“Hi Alice, Paul here” “Hi Paul, what’s up?” “Well Alice, I’m back in work tomorrow and I’d like you to dress how you did the other times. Remember like we discussed?” “Yes yes I remember Paul” “Good. I might need you to stay late tomorrow as well Alice, that won’t be a problem will it?” “No Paul of course not” “See you tomorrow then Alice” “Bye” I heard the conversation clearly as I made Alice put it on loud speaker. He wanted her to stay late alright; Paul couldn’t...

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Alice and the GBelt

Alice and the G-Belt By Charlotte Dickles I am just not one of those guys who can generally start chatting up a woman in a pub at nine pm, and be shagging the arse off her by midnight. I simply don't have the techniques, or the confidence, or whatever to do it. So if someone had asked me of my chances of scoring on that cold, Monday evening in late November, as I left the railway station at the end of a delayed, four-hour journey on a train with no heating or buffet car,...

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Alice in Wondeland Takes a Turn

Alice, clad in a pink bra and matching pink panties, sat on the lawn interweaving her silken combed locks into a thick long plait. No sooner had she finished braiding her hair, then a high-pitched voice from nearby started her. ‘Drat! Damn! Fuck a duck! She’ll kill me if I’m late!!’ the voice was saying in a very excited tone. Alice jumped up and looked over the hedge to see the speaker. To her astonishment, it belonged to a rather large, white rabbit. Not an ordinary rabbit by any means....

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Alice 3

Alice part three. On the way home from the office I was feeling good about what Stephen had said about me being the top female engineer, then it struck me, I was the only female engineer. I popped in the bank and paid in the cheque from Santex, with so much going on I had forgotten all about it. I did some shopping and got a few bottles of wine, also another pack of KY, dad had used a few on me this week. I changed from my suit to a mini skirt and strappy three-inch shoes, I now...

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Alice in Wondeland Takes a Turn

Alice, clad in a pink bra and matching pink panties, sat on the lawn interweaving her silken combed locks into a thick long plait. No sooner had she finished braiding her hair, then a high-pitched voice from nearby started her."Drat! Damn! Fuck a duck! She'll kill me if I'm late!!" the voice was saying in a very excited tone.Alice jumped up and looked over the hedge to see the speaker. To her astonishment, it belonged to a rather large, white rabbit. Not an ordinary rabbit by any means. This...

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Alice in Wonderland

The morning had passed quietly and quickly at the Pink Lady Boutique and that suited Alice Parks just fine. The twenty-one-year-old had spent so much time the previous week concentrating on finals that she had fallen behind on her responsibilities at the store. With classes having ended the day before, Alice was grateful for the chance to catch up. Standing high on a ladder as she put away some boxes that had been delivered earlier, Alice didn’t react when she heard the chimes that rang when...

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Alice takes her first strangers cockshes becoming a very good whore

“Hey sexy, you ok?” “Yeah yeah I’m fine”. Alice seemed a little quiet still so I probed a little more. “You want picking up again tonight baby?” There was an uneasy silence for about 10 seconds “Yeah ok, 10 o clock out back again”. “Hey Alice don’t wear your bra again, I’ll be in at 8”. And hung up the phone before she had time to answer me back. I was testing Alice, if she went to work braless again after a bollocking from the boss the night before and getting molested by a...

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Alice and the Sherrif

I knew I was in trouble the minute the flashing lights showed up behind my car. I have two dui’s already and a third would be a disaster. Alice has been bitching about my drinking for almost a year. She says I’ve lost my sex drive and I’m no fun anymore. Let her do my job and see how much fun she has. Oh shit, it’s the county sherrif, Alex Cooper. He’s become a real bastard about dui’s since his wife was run down by a drunk. I watched Alex run the computer...

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