Ruth (1) free porn video

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This story is based on a wild fantasy a friend of mine has. The details were given to be by her and I wrapped them up in word. Enjoy!

I suppose I know exactly when it started, or at least when it crossed over from play to, well ‘play’.

It was early summer. Paul, my husband was yet again on one of his business trips and it was hot. Brian my 17 year old son had invited his best 16 year old friend PJ round for a swim and as we had done many times before we started to wrestle in the pool.

Only this time something was different. It started off the same. I had on what I called my conservative bikini and as usual we were ducking and diving around each other when the two boys grabbed me from behind, gripped my arms and held me firmly, pulling me close to them so that I couldn’t get away. I was struggling and trying to free myself when I felt an unmistakable lump rubbing against my bum cheek.

Then a hand sneaked around my waist and pulled me even closer and now I had that bump on both cheeks. Was it just my imagination or were the boys dry fucking me through there swim trunks.

I tried to pull free but they just gripped me harder and the really strange, and to me horrifying thing was that I was getting wet, and not from the water. The more I tried to pull free, the harder they gripped me the wetter I got. I stopped struggling.

“Ok boys,” I gasped, “you win. I need to go and get lunch ready.” I was shaking. They held on for a minute then let me go. There was a strange silence in the air as I walked out of the pool towards the house. The boys lay on the sun beds and by the time I reached my bedroom I was half convinced that it had all been in my mind.

I had always been in control of my life so the fact that the boys had, basically, taken that control from me by holding me, unable to escape was a strange feeling. The worst part was it excited me, unwillingly, unwanted but excited all the same. By the time we had eaten lunch, and sunbathed for an hour, I had put it all down to stupidity. So when the boys started splashing around in the pool again it was just the natural thing to do to join them. After all it was stiflingly hot today.

We messed about as we usually do then suddenly Brian went underwater and appeared in front of me. He towered above me and placed his hands on my shoulders forcing my head under the water. I started to struggle as I had been given no time to take a breath. Suddenly my bikini top came loose and Brian pushed himself back and took the top with him. My instinct was to cross my arms and boost myself to the surface. As I gasped for air and turned to chastise Brian I saw both boys waving my bikini in the air. Without me realising it PJ had grabbed my bottoms and pulled them from me as I rose to the surface.

“That’s enough boys.” I said, both afraid and excited. “Give it back to me so I can get out and get dried.”

In answer they swung my bikini above their heads and let them fly towards the bottom of the garden. It would be impossible for me to retrieve it without being seen by the neighbours. But what followed was the real shocker. They both removed there swim shorts and threw them in the same direction. Their eyes were what scared me the most. As they moved towards me I could see the lust and my mind filled with the smell of arousal. I turned, trying to find some escape but there was none and then they were on me. One either side pushing me back onto the side of the pool.

They were smiling, or maybe leering, at me as their hands roamed over my body. “Brian stop this.” I gasped, “This is wrong. I am you mother. Pj please stop this before it‘s too late”

“It’s already too late Mrs B.” PJ said, “I have waited to do this for ages.”

“Me and PJ have talked about this moment for so long mum.” Brian said, “Now your going to fulfil our dreams.”

“But Brian, oh fuck.” I gasped as a finger penetrated my pussy like an electric bolt. “Take my cock Mrs B.” PJ said, “Wank me off.”

“No I can’t this is wrong.” I moaned.

Brian took my hand and moved it to his erection, which to me seemed huge on my little boy. What seemed involuntarily I took hold of that hard cock and my hands went into automatic. My other hand did the same to PJ and I found myself comparing the two. They each had a finger in my pussy which, like it or not, was throbbing for action. Suddenly I seemed to wake from the dream and pushing them aside I forced my way through the water and ran out of the pool.

As I entered the house they were both behind me. One grabbed my arm and spun me round so fast I fell to my knees. An erect cock so close to my face I could smell it. I didn’t have time to think or react as it was pushed into my mouth. Again I just went into automatic, this was not me. I never lost control but I couldn’t help it. I took that cock in my hand and slid it between my lips like I had been sucking it for years. I was pulled back so I was now on my knees and the cock started to lower itself and as it sat on the floor in front of me I could see it was PJ. For some stupid reason I was happy it wasn’t Brian.

Then I was horrified as a prodding at my pussy told me my son was going to fuck me. “Oh shit.” I cried as he rammed his hard cock into me. PJ took my head and pushed me back onto his cock.

I have to admit it now. I was totally lost. Once that cock went into me I just gave my all to satisfying these two rampant boys. I had never felt such a total lack of control in my life. They controlled me and I had no choice what to do, and that was what was so confusing for me, because it excited me beyond anything I had ever experienced before. I knew without doubt that I would do anything they asked of me. And I did.

I was no prude and Paul, my husband and I, had experimented with all sorts of things when we were young. So when I straddled Brian as he lay on the floor feeling PJ’s cock slide into my arse was not my first time.

“Fuck me Mrs B. I thought your cunt was tight.” PJ said, “I have dreamed of fucking your arse but never dreamed it would feel this good.”

“Just fuck her PJ.” Brian said smiling up at me as he squeezed my nipples hard, making me moan loudly, and I admit it, I had several orgasms and enjoyed it every bit as much as they did. As the boys came once more in my 2 holes they collapsed either side of me. That was when reality hit me.

“I need a shower.” I said. I stood up and rushed, fighting back the tears, to the bathroom. A moment later a knock on the door. “Go away.” I said, “I will be done soon.”

“We were going to join you mum”

“No!. No you cant.” I cried, “Just, leave me alone for a while. Please.”

I turned the shower on to drown out the noise of me crying. I lay under the spray till the warmth calmed me down and then I cleaned myself up and went to my room and got dressed. A full length summer dress seemed appropriate at the moment. It was ¾ length and was done up with poppers to a V neck. I took a deep breath and returned to the garden. The boys had their trunks back on and were laying in the sun. An awkward silence surrounded the three of us but I was determined that what had occurred would never happen again

“You ok mum?” Brian asked after a while.

“Yes Brian I am fine.”

“I gotta say Mrs B you’re an awesome fuck.” PJ was never the subtlest of boys. Or the most intelligent.

I took a deep breath and kept my anger down. “Thank you PJ but it will never happen again.” I said, “And you must never ever tell anybody what happened. Is that understood?”

“Oh yes Mrs B.” Pj replied , “Understood.”

“Ok mum.” Brian said rather casually, “If your sure that’s what you want.”

“It is.” I said, not really sure what I wanted.

It was quiet between us for the next hour or so and things seemed to be ok. As we started to chat about normal things I decided to order dinner in. “Pizza do for dinner?” I asked.

“Yes great.” Brian said.

“Ok I will order it and make some drinks for us to go with it.” I used my mobile to order the Pizza and then went to the kitchen to make some cool shandy. A couple of minutes later the boys joined me.

“I think I’m in need of another blow job before dinner mum.”

I took a deep breath and kept calm. I had my back to him so he couldn’t see how flushed my face was “I told you Brian it cannot happen again.”

The next moment Brian was pushing me against the kitchen counter and pulled my dress apart, the poppers opening without any effort. “I wasn’t asking” Brian said as my dress dropped to the floor. And that was my trigger. The moment it became clear I had no choice I knew I would do anything he wanted.

“Bend over Mrs B I’m going to fuck your arse again.”

Shaking, my pussy flooded already, I lowered my head and took Brian’s cock deep into my mouth. Bra and panties removed PJ slid his cock, slowly this time, deep into my arse. It didn’t take long and I was ramming back on PJ as hard as he was now ramming into me as our orgasms approached. Brian gave one last thrust and penetrated my throat to shoot his load as PJ and I come together in a final explosion.

I sank to the floor. My pussy was sopping wet and throbbing with need. “The Pizza will be here in a minute.” I said, still breathless. “I need to get cleaned and changed.”

“Do you have a tail shirt?” Brian asked.

“Your dad does. Why?”


“I should have some stay ups somewhere.”

“Ok put the stay ups on, high heels and the tail shirt.” Brian said, “One button done up at the naval.

“Ok as soon as the pizza guy has been.”

“No mum.“ Brian said, “Do it now.”

“But the pizza guy will see, well everything. If it‘s the usual guy he knows me. Who knows what he will do or who he will tell.”

“Yes mum.” Brian said, “He will see a great pair of tits and a hot wet pussy. He may even want to play with them. And you will let him. In fact you will encourage him to do it.”

“Your making me do this.” I said quietly, “Your making me offer myself to the pizza guy.” I was shaking. And not really with fear, though it was the fear of doing it that turned me on so much. I had never been like this before.

Brian just looked at me, “If you want me to do this Brian you have to make me do it You have to.”

“Yes mum I am making you look like a whore so everyone who sees you knows your nothing but a whore. You will smile and encourage him to use you.”

So I dressed as he instructed. I have to admit it felt really comfortable but it hid literally nothing and I was totally aware of this fact as the door bell rang.

“Smile mum and take your time. Oh and take the shirt off.” Brian said with a smile, “We will be watching so make him happy.”

Shocked I looked at him, “But, but I will be naked. That’s too much Brian please let me keep the shirt on. I will undo the button but let me keep it on.”

“Take it off.” Brian said slowly, menacingly, “Now.”

I dropped the shirt and, dressed in just stay ups and heels slowly move towards the door. My heart was pounding. Almost as fast as my pussy. I threw the door open with a big smile on my face. It was our usual guy and I did my best to hide the embarrassment but I almost burst out laughing as he gazed up and saw my body. The more he looked the wetter I got. In his early 20’s dressed in shorts and t-shirt his erection was instant and showing.

“Wow.” He gasped, “Love the, eerr outfit.”

“Well thank you.” I said, and spun round, “Glad you like it.”

“Nice arse. Great tits.”

“And a wet cunt.” Brian said taking the pizza from the guy. “Help yourself to anything you see.”

“Your kidding me right?” He gasped.

“Why don’t you show him what a slut you really are.” Brian said.

I cannot describe the feelings going through me at that moment. My door was wide open and a man with a furious hard on was free to do whatever he wanted with me. I felt an overpowering mixture of fear lust need and total submission. I would do anything that he or Brian or anyone else told me to do. I was completely lost.

Like some rampant vampire I dropped to my knees and pulled his shorts down taking his cock deep into my mouth.

“Oh fucking hell.” The guy gasped. “Oh shit you really are mmmm fuck serious.”

“No limits. Do what you want.” Brian said as he munched on a slice of pizza.

“Mrs B you really are a wonder when your getting cock.” PJ said

The pizza guy must have decided that he was going to make the most of this situation whatever happened so he was now ramming his cock deep into my throat and, even though I was gasping for breath I encouraged him. All thoughts of safety and being seen were lost in the total lust of the moment. He shot his salty cum deep into my throat and I moaned. Disappointed that my pussy had once again been ignored. But I need not have worried.

The guy, who’s name I had never known, turned me round, bent me over and leaned me against the wall. He rammed his still erect cock as hard as he could into my throbbing sopping wet pussy. My orgasm hit me instantly like a bomb shaking me to the core and my knees buckled. He held me and pounded me like a rag doll.

“God she is such a slut.” He said, “Oh fuck coming again .ooohhhh fuck me mmmm.” I didn’t feel him come as I was still in my own powerful orgasm. One of the most powerful I had ever experienced.

As he pulled out of me I dropped to the floor and he turned my head pushing his semi erect cock into my mouth. “Clean me up slut.” He said. I did as he ordered, avidly.

Once I had finished he pulled his shorts up. “Well that’s the best tip I have ever had.” He said.

“Well as long as dad isn’t here then you can have her anytime you want.” Brian said, “And all for the price of a pizza.”

“I might just do that.” He said, “Bye.”

And he was gone. My pussy was screaming in orgasm still and I was physically exhausted. Brian and PJ left me there on the floor with the door wide open. I looked out hoping that nobody had seen me. I pushed the door closed and joined the boys for some Pizza.

Both boys were sitting naked on the settee. I sat on the floor and took a slice from the box. “Things have taken a bit of a change wouldn’t you say mum?” Brian asked.

“You could say that Brian.”

“So new life means new rules.”

“What do you mean?” I was a little apprehensive but knew without question that I would do whatever he demanded of me.

“Well as PJ and I are going to be using you whenever we feel like it there is no need for clothes when you are at home. Heels and stay ups will do. You can keep the shirt available in case anyone knocks, but you will only ever do the middle button up. And you can get rid of your underclothes. No need for them anymore.”

“Well I will have to wear some for work and when your dad is at home.” I said, a little afraid now. “If your dad ever thought I was cheating that would be the end of us and I won’t risk that. And I certainly can’t risk my job.”

“Don’t worry.” Brian said, “Dad won’t find out. When he is here you can wear the skimpy red bikini bottoms. He won’t notice anyway. He is always out with his mates or working in his study anyway. And I won’t risk your job. But I will test my control over you when your at work. And at other times as well. You will wear button up skirts and blouses for work.”

“But I can’t go without a bra at work my girls will move around and people will see.”

“I love that.” PJ laughed, “Your girls. Sounds much better than ‘your tits‘.”

“No bra. No panties. No discussion.” Brian said, firmly.

“Alright.” I submitted, “If that is what you want.”

“Good.” PJ said, “Now that is sorted get up here and straddle my cock while I play with your girls.”

“And I want another go at your tight little arse.” Brian said.

I complied without hesitation as I was in as much need as they were. “Fuck me Brian her cunt is so fucking wet.” PJ said, as I slid down on his throbbing cock.

Brian was too busy slipping into my butt to care. This time he fucked me slowly and again I went into almost instant orgasm. I had never been like this before and I found myself totally engrossed in the domination by these two boys. My only worry was, now that the door had been opened was it restricted just to these two.

Half an hour later they both stood in front of me a I sucked their cocks clean. Once I was done they headed out for a quick swim.

“I need a shower and then I’m going to bed.” I said, “I am exhausted. You dad is home tomorrow and I need to get tidied up so I will see you in the morning.”

“Night mum” Brian said

“Goodnight Mrs B.” PJ smiled, “I hope you sleep well.”

“Oh I will. As long as you two let me.” I laughed. Once I said it I realised it may have sounded like an invitation, but I really hoped they would just let me sleep as I truly was exhausted.

I need not have worried. I woke in the morning feeling surprisingly cheerful considering what had happened. I had a quick shower then found a clean pair of stay ups and shirt and of course 3” heels and went to prepare breakfast.

A short while later I heard sounds of movement from upstairs then. “Take the shirt off mum. And open the drapes.”

“But someone may see me if the drapes are open.” I said. The look in his eyes told me it was not up for discussion. I took the shirt off and quickly opened the drapes, doing my very best not to be seen. The front windows were quite large coming down to about 2 feet from the floor. The rear windows were full height so from both directions people could get a clear look into the house. My heart was pounding and I could feel my pussy getting wet already.

PJ joined us and I put toast and cereal on the counter so they could help themselves. Both boys were wearing shorts a t-shirts. They were looking at Brian’s phone as they ate.

“Fuck me that is so hot I gotta fuck you Mrs B.” PJ said as he pushed me over the breakfast bar and slammed his cock into my wet hole.

I had no idea what brought this instant need on but I was more than ready and even eager to satisfy his needs. When Brian put his phone on the counter in front of me I could see what had turned PJ on so much. Brian had filmed the entire scene with the pizza guy and a lot of what had happened afterwards. It should have horrified me but it didn’t. It was the hottest thing I had ever seen and it sent me into a powerful orgasm. As I came down I looked to see Brian again filming me, I just smiled. PJ pulled out of me and took over the phone as Brian took his place.

PJ Moved in front of me. “Do you know who’s cock is rammed into your slut cunt Mrs B”

“Ohh shit mmmm yes I know.”

“Who is it?”

“PJ don’t. You know it’s Brian oh fuck harder Brian do it harder.”

“Brian your son?”

“Oh fuck yes yes oh god I’m cumming nnnnnnnnn” I felt Brian shoot his seed into my cunt. And it was only now that I noted it was the same cunt that had given birth to him and again that thought tipped me further into orgasm.

“Fucking hell mum you really are one hot slut.” Brian gasped as he pulled out of me. “And that video is just a bit more leverage. So make sure you don’t piss me off.”

Once again I cleaned both boys up and then myself before I started cleaning up the house. The boys went out front to shoot a few baskets and were soon joined by other kids from the street. Before he had gone out he instructed me to keep my phone on and Bluetooth connected so that he could give me instructions over the phone as the day went on. I kept him informed as to my progress with the cleaning and when I started vacuuming the lounge he told me to take my time when in front of the window.

“But they will see me.” I said. “it’s too risky they may tell there parents and I will be in serious trouble. Let me put the shirt on at least. Please Brian.”

He paused for moment and then said, “Ok put the shirt on but no buttons. Your in the privacy of your own home and people shouldn’t be looking in anyway. One of the boys wants to use the bathroom so I told him to go on in. Do not cover up. Understood?”

I hesitated for a moment. “Understood.” What choice did I have. None. Brain had that video so I had to do as he told me. Or that is what I told myself. I had no choice.

The boy who came in couldn’t have been more than 14 years old and his eyes popped out of his head when he saw me half bent over vacuuming the floor. I looked up at him and smile. “The second door on the right.” I said. Deliberately standing upright so he could get a better look. As far as my pussy was concerned age didn’t seem to matter. It was flooding. He nodded his head and went on his way.

“I think he had a hard on.” I said to Brian.

“Did you give him a good look?”

I told him what happened. “Good. He will probably tell the others and they will start coming in as well so just keep on doing what your doing and keep me informed if anything changes.”

“Yes Brian.”

Over the next half an hour several boys came in to use the bathroom, some even came twice. I had to smile and I got more daring with each exposure. Giving them a back view of spreading my legs a little. I kept Brian informed each time and he laughed. Then one of the boys scraped his knee.

“It’s not too bad but have a look and clean it for him mum.”

“Ok.” I said. This will be the closest any of them has been to me, and I had no idea what to expect.

The boy came limping in. I recognise him as the first boy who used the bathroom. I went over to him and, without thinking crouched down. The injury wasn’t serious. Not as serious as the erection in his shorts.

“Lets go into the kitchen and I will wipe it and put a plaster on it.” I said to the boy. To Brian I said, “He has a hard on. And his eyes were glued to my pussy. What should I do?”

“Let him look. Just keep smiling and let him know you are aware of where his eyes are.”

When I leaned over the sink to turn the tap on the shirt lifted. Revealing my bum in all it’s glory. I turned my head and smiled at him, “Do you like that?” I asked

“ Ssssorry Miss.” He stammered.

“Don’t be sorry.” I said crouching down and wiping the graze on his leg gently. “Did you like it?”

“I like that more.” He said shyly, “And them.”

“He likes my pussy and my tits more than my bum.”

(From here all that happens is by Brian’s instruction or (un)natural reaction)

“Would you like to touch them?” I asked, my heart beginning to race.

He looked a little embarrassed, then nodded his head. I took his hand and placed it on my breast. His eyes flew open and he began tracing around the nipple which was distended as far as it had ever been. His other hand reached for the other breast and he was now playing with both nipples. I tried hard to stifle a moan of pleasure but it got out anyway. Then his gaze fell to my pussy and he looked at me. I nodded my head and slowly his hand went down towards paradise.

“He is playing with my pussy and he will make me come.” I said to Brian. “Poor thing has a huge hard on. What should I do?”

“Get his cock out and make him come. If he makes you come tell him what a good job he has done. And if he wants he can tell the other boys but they all have to keep it a secret.”

“How should I make him come. Hand or mouth or…pussy.”

“Hand and mouth.” Brian said, “I have a feeling pussy will come later.”

I couldn’t hold off my orgasm any longer and let it sweep over me as I dropped his shorts and took his little cock in my hand.

“Uhhh” He gasped as I held him.

My orgasm subsided. “You have just made me feel wonderful so I want to do the same for you.” I said, “Is that ok?”

“Yes please Miss.” He replied. I got the feeling he knew what an orgasm was. He leaned back on the cupboard and gave me free access to his little cock. As I took him in my mouth his legs shook and within a few seconds I tasted a salty fluid in my mouth. Not quite cum but certainly not piss.

“Hmmm I enjoyed that.” I said with a smile, “Now you can tell the other bys what we did if you want but they must promise to keep it quiet. Lets just call it a boys club secret. Ok?”

“Oh yes miss.” He said, “Thank you miss.” And he was gone. Bad leg completely forgotten.

“Well he certainly looks happy.” Brian said. “Me and PJ are going round his for a while. We can keep an eye on things from over there. Ray is here. I told him he can come in for a soda.”

Ray was 16 and a little over bearing. His father was a male chauvinist who believed a woman’s place was in the kitchen or on her knees. I knew this because he had openly told me so. Ray was his fathers son. “I better cover up then.” I said.

“No.” Brian barked, “You will not.”

“But I don’t like him and he will, he is like his dad.”

Noting. No reply. A moment later Ray walked in and saw me standing there with the shirt open. My body on full display. I was shaking, scared. Frightened even.

“So my dad was right then.” He said, walking over to me. His eyes fixed and his erection rising rapidly. “You are just a fucking snobbish whore.”

““I….I..No I….” I stopped as he dropped his shorts. His erection pulsing in front of me.

He thrust his face at me. “Get on your knees and suck my cock you fucking whore.”

I didn’t need to lower myself as my legs just gave way. His cock was promptly pushed into my face and my mouth opened of it’s own accord to accommodate it. The is no other way to describe it. He fucked my face. Then he pushed me forward and rammed his cock into me, fucking me hard and brining me to a screaming orgasm.

Another of the boys walked in at that moment. “Wow Ray that looks awesome.”

“Go and get the others we are going to give this whore a seeing to.”

Brian could hear all this and was calling me al the whores he could think of which only heightened my sense of arousal. The next moment Ray shot his come into me. He pushed me to the floor and rolled me onto my back. Another boy lay between my legs and fucked me while Ray again fucked my face.

“All good whores clean a cock when it leaves her cunt.” He said, “Aint that right slut.”

As best I could I nodded agreement. I have no idea how many boys fucked me or how long it took. I just know it went on for what seemed like hours. Several of the boys had me twice and Ray finished by pushing my legs above my head and fucking my arse. The last thing I remember before I blacked out was Ray, surprisingly, placing a towel under me to soak up the come that was flooding from my sore well used pussy.

The next thing I knew someone was wiping my pussy. I jumped up and pushed him off, “no more no….” I moaned “Oh Brian.” I relaxed and lay back down on the floor while he cleaned me up.

“You did well mum.” He said, “Go have a shower and I will make you a coffee. Give her a hand PJ and no sex.” He laughed.

I sank into the shower and once again let the hot water flood over me. If I thought I was sore yesterday today let me know what sore really meant. Ray had not been gentle and neither had the others so I was finding it hard to walk properly. I didn’t bother dressing. I limped into the kitchen naked and sat on a stool gingerly.

“Here you are mum.” Brian said, “You deserve it.”

“How many?” I asked softly, “How many were there.”

“Nine including Ray.” PJ said, “They fucked you about 15 times between them.”

“Oh god!” I said, “Ray. He will tell his dad and then everyone will know.”

“Don’t worry Ray won’t tell anyone nor will any of the others.”

“How can you be so sure?”

“Well actually that is down to you. You started the boys club and they have all vowed to keep it secret on pain of club death. Whatever that may be. But Ray wouldn‘t say anything anyway. He asked me if he could fuck you once he heard you were naked.”

“So you whored me out to him. Knowing I didn’t like him.”

“I whored you out to him, because, I knew you didn’t like him. I wanted to see if you would fuck him. And you did without question. And this is just the beginning.”

That thought both horrified and super excited me.


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My life was a bit of a nightmare. I had to grow up real fast. My mother was a single mother. She didn’t have any college education, so she had to do shit jobs. She mostly worked in a bar as a cocktail waitress. Although, I do think she might have done other work on the side. She had the neighbor next door watching my young siblings. I was old enough to take care of things in the house. She expected me to do the cleaning and all of the cooking. I was basically her slave. She’d always bring men...

3 years ago
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His bed had been so warm. The slip of sheets spread over his skin like a basket of flower petals and bath oils so comforting and washing away half of the pains of so many yesterdays. The day was glorious, as a pale, tangerine sun rose up over a landscape dotted with heavy oaks, pines, plots of grass and waking animals from the previous night. Ashlee had woken without the slightest hint of where his love Drakalen had roamed off, though half of him had a good enough guess. Bare footsteps scraped...

1 year ago
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DPDiva Rory Knox First DP and Double Pussy Penetration

Alluring blonde bombshell, Rory Knox, is visiting DP Diva for a very special event, her very first DP. Even before the camera is rolling, Rory is already showing her naughty personality. She comfortably sits on the couch, between Michael Stefano and Ramon Nomar. The playful hottie performs a bit of striptease while the boys watch her. After letting Rory take off her clothes and reveal the full splendor of her naked body, Michael and Ramon quickly get to work. They worship Rory’s feet...

3 years ago
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The Book of DavidChapter 6 Hero

FALL QUARTER, JUNIOR YEAR (November 2000) "So, some kind of party, wasn't it?" "Hmm?" Amber looked over at me with half-dead eyes to see that I'd fallen into step with her on the way to our Art History class. Her hair was pulled into a simple ponytail and I noticed her makeup was significantly lighter than usual. Instead of her typically stylish blouses and short skirts, she was casually clad in an off-the-shoulder peasant shirt and jeans. She was still pretty, but clearly wasn't...

3 years ago
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My First Time with Mom

My story starts when I was 16 years old and was seduced by my mum SharonSharon was 38 at the time a very attractive blond woman with all the curves in the right places her tits where 36DD and attracted the attention of many a mans eyes.Dad was a work freek and worked all the hours he could doing many spare shifts he was however a good provider for his family which consisted of Mum myself and a younger sister who was 9.My first time took place one New Years Eve, In our house we always for as...

4 years ago
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_Author Notes: If you have any ideas for the story or if I forgot to finish it, message me! _Don't forget to follow me if you want to know when I update my stories. __ Characters - (You can customize these) - Daughter: Alice - Mother: Ellie - Father: John

1 year ago
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MrLuckyPOV Kendra Sunderland Carmen Caliente Best Friends Kendra Sunderland And Carmen Calientes Incredible Curves

There is truly nothing better than fucking two girls at the same time while being engulfed in a pair of massive natural all-American tits and a tremendous Latina ass. Kendra Sunderland and Carmen Caliente take things to a whole new level as these real-life best friends give the greatest pleasure while sharing a cock. Enjoy as Kendra shakes her massive G cup juggs and Carmen twerks her juicy ass as they both suck and fuck like queens. With incredible chemistry, they drain out a big load of cum...

1 year ago
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Always Owned by MD Part 7

MD had decided that she would have my wife. She outlined that I would put her in a position to seduce and fuck her. Throughout the next couple of months I worked on my wife, suggesting we try new things. More anal play, lesbian porn, getting deeper into bdsm. While she was interested in the bdsm side of things her interest in being with another woman was going to take a lot longer to develop than a couple of months. With my deadline fast approaching I advised MD that I had failed. She was...

1 year ago
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African seduction of three white daughters

Note : This story is completely fictional! African culture regards the seduction of sexually active women totally different that that of the western hemisphere. Sadly, there are few laws enforced to protect women in some countries and this appalling practice of sexual humiliation has torn families apart. A lot of kidnapped teen women, wives and daughters, have been forced into prostitution and sex slavery.... especially the young white ones. Many rich black African men lust for white women and...

Erotic Fiction
2 years ago
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Dont Judge a Book Part 3 Chapter 3

Wednesday 29th August 2018, Just before midnightThat bastard Luther had made me wait all day to find out exactly what had happened between Malcolm and Jill the day before. I’d had to spend all day prepping for the final project recovery update to the Oasis board on Thursday, but I’d managed to cut the day short a little and head back to the hotel. Veronica was very understanding and she kept Haley occupied while I tried calling all the phones I could think of back in Miami and tried the iPad as...

Wife Lovers
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Brian and Rachel

Hi again. I hope you like this story as much as you did "Terri". Like my other stories this one contains homosexual encounters. If that offends you then you shouldn't be here in the first place. With this story as the others I've tried to treat the sexual portions with romance and love. Hope it worked Kristina M. Ward [email protected] BRIAN AND RACHEL by Kristina Ward It wasn't the fact that he kept looking at me that bothered me so much but it was more the way...

3 years ago
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Wife Takes Charge Forever Chaper Two

Wife Takes Charge Forever Chapter Two At the end of the first chapter, Dear Reader, you learned of the change my life was going to go through at the hands of my beautiful wife Sarafina. As a recap, let me say that as I write this to you, Dear Reader, I am strapped to my computer chair while my Mistress is downstairs fucking the attorney she got to draw up the papers as she took complete control of my life, assets, and future. I have not left the house in over three months and...

2 years ago
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Buxomville Chapter 1

Chapter 1"Can't believe it's your last year in high school." Debbie Jensen told her daughter as they pulled up to the school."Mom." Justine looked over at her mother who was about to hug her."Okay... I'm not going to embarrass you." Debbie said.Justine had always looked up to her mother, though she could be a bit over protective sometimes.Justine pulled down the sun visor in the car to check how she looked in the mirror.As she looked at herself it still felt a bit weird seeing herself without...

1 year ago
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SweetheartVideo Valentina Nappi Adria Rae Future Wifey

Adria (Adria Rae) had a long day at work and when she arrives home her beautiful girlfriend Valentina (Valentina Nappi) has a nice dinner ready for her. She leaves her bag at the door and take a place at the table in front of her partner. Impressed by the dinner she made for her, but when she pulls out a ring to her she knows what is about to happen. She agreed instantly and kisses her future wife. That passionate kiss turn out in a torrid make out session before they have a taste of the future...

2 years ago
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Do I Know You Ch 06

6. ‘How about this,’ I said, ‘How about you stay in the restraints and let me fuck you until we both get there together?’ ‘Mmmmmm… I like it!’ she said, ‘But there is so much I want to do to you!’ ‘Oh, don’t worry baby,’ I assured her, ‘there will be plenty of time for that. Unless you have other plans, I don’t need to be back at my conference until tomorrow afternoon.’ I SO hoped that little self-invite would be well-received – fortunately, it was. ‘You have NO IDEA how happy I am to hear...

4 years ago
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Wet Sex

*I am sorry if this is categorized wrong, there are so few optios and none of them are completely right, but you have to choose one. So 'Mature' as he is an older guy, 'Taboo' as it is older with younger, and 'First Time' as it is their first time together. Sorry if this disappoints, but as I said, I have to choose something.Don't you hate that we always have to catergorize, put things in boxes?????*Hairdressing was what she wanted to do, and haircutting was why she was there. Well there maybe...

1 year ago
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Passion Wagon

I was in the US on business and had to get to my next appointment the following day. Unable to catch a flight I had to resort to the trains. I needed the overnight sleeper and managed to book a twin cabin online. I was told, however, that I had to share as this was a last minute booking and the train was full.I had shared before on such trips, but kept my exchanges light with my travelling companion, that was always male.I was late for my train, which didn’t help, and was quite hot and...

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Bless me Father

I knew it was Father Daniel, the slightly older priest who’d been in the church for longer than I had been alive, and I knew it was him because I had watched and figured out his schedule. He was here on Tuesday afternoons just after lunch, every week. I also knew that there would be practically no other parishioners there at that time, because I had tracked that, too. I wanted to catch him alone. All alone. I took another deep breath, and began. Calmly. Assuredly. "Bless me, Father, for I...

3 years ago
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Gingers Makeup

Ginger's Makeup She was tall in her stilettos and the ankle was the only part of her legs I could see when the manger Mr. Thom introduced me around that early fall afternoon three months ago. After the first hour of watching her parade about delivering the guest's their cocktails I saw more of her leg since the sheath gown of sequins in soft red was split along the left, biased to expose Ginger's thigh well passed the knee. Her smile cause me to dream of her over the next few...

3 years ago
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My Male Tenant Fucked My Virgin Pussy

Hi all, I am Nidhi, this is my 1st time as an author. I have been reading many stories on ISS and have been impressed by the stories. I intend to put use to some of the things in real like too. I wanted to share an amazing experience I had with a very good looking handsome guy. Before we begin let me tell you a little about myself and my background. I am simple girl aged 23 now. I am a single daughter of my aged parents and we belong to a small city in central India. I have long hair and I am...

3 years ago
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New SecretsChapter 2

I heard a slurping noise coming from underneath the sheets and warmth around my cock as I was awoken slowly. I looked down to see two little eyes peeping back, and I grinned. "Now you are awake," Sarah muttered and disengaged herself from my cock and spun her legs over mine to present me with her glabrous pussy. I was still shaking the sleep from my eyes when my tongue touched her moist slit and Sarah mewed. "Ahh, that's nice," she purred and my hands instinctively drew circles along...

2 years ago
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A present from MaryBeth

True story? You decide A couple of years ago, I decided to lose weight and bought a bike for exercise. A few years later, I got a gym membership. Last Christmas, because I got tired of riding the bike in rush hour I got an elliptical machine. Between the workouts at home and at the gym and the long bike rides, I was, if I do say so myself, turning into middle-aged stud muffin. As I was trimming up, my wife of fifteen years was making no headway. She was always on the heavy side. With the...

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First Time Best Time

Hi guys. I am Vishal (20). I am an engineering college student in Chennai. I am here to share my first time sexual experience. I have a girlfriend, Preethi (20). I don’t want you to bore with the story of how we met and how we fell in love and all. I will directly come to part which is the topmost priority right now. My native is not Chennai. So I live with friends in a rented house in Velacherry. But Preethi’s native is Chennai only. She is from Mylapore. One day while chatting with Preethi in...

4 years ago
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Death and a Life in Emerald CoveChapter 39

Bryant pulled back into the spot he had vacated only half an hour before. He knew the officers weren't dressed to wear a vest beneath their uniform tops so he picked up windbreakers for them to wear on top of their armor. He took Grant's spot while she slipped a vest over her uniform and then did the same for Harv. He did the same over the next few minutes until everyone was outfitted properly. Then he drove around the corner and pulled to a stop in front of Jan's house. He saw Holly's...

1 year ago
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Best Gore

Oh shit, BestGore! A site that became famous for showing the real-life murder committed by Luka Magnotta aka "1 lunatic 1 ice pick"! If you’re one of the few select internet users with nerves of steel who can easily watch beheading gore videos and other content which includes uncut, bloody gore, then Best Gore is right up your alley. Now I know that I’m mostly known as ‘The Porn Dude’ and you’d wonder why I’d be reviewing a site like this, but little do most porn-lovers know that there actually...

Extreme Porn Websites
3 years ago
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Just got home

"Did you have a great time?" Jake's step mom, Jody asked as he flashed past her. Jake stared at Jody, he saw her through different eyes following the experience of the previous few days. He noticed her big boobs for the first time in his life. The contour of her body was very appealing to his new eye for the ladies, so appealing that he felt his cock start to stiffen. His dad placed a hand on his shoulder, "Welcome home bro, go have a shower" He did as he was told, and while in the...

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Angela Gets Her First Golden Shower Part 17 of the Angela series

Chapter 1Joseph continued fucking her mouth and slapping her tits for at least ten minutes, before finally stopping. She had been hearing him occasionally say something like ‘yes Master’ or ‘no Master’ and wondered if he was mocking her, but when he stepped back, she noticed the Bluetooth in his ear. He told her to turn over and slide down to the edge of the table. He grabbed something from his bag and walked around behind her. He pulled one leg up and strapped the lower leg and her wrist to...

3 years ago
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Suprise Sex With Girfriends Mother And Father

One night we were watching TV at her house. Her mother came in and sat down across from us. As they were engrossed in the movie, I was more interested in looking up the mother's dress. Her dress was only slightly above her knees. Her legs were parted and I could her white panties. She caught me looking, got up, and left the room. She came back and sat down. She scooted up the edge of her chair and resumed watching the movie. She had taken her panties off! I could clearly see her pussy hair. Her...

2 years ago
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The cost of a Hero

Disclaimer: This story is my intellectual property, and should be treated as such, do not plagiarize, or post without permission. If it is not legal to view writings that are sexually explicit and may have themes of bondage, feminization and other 'deviant' sexual experiences: don't read this. Don't read it, if it is not legal to do so where you live. Going any further is of your own free will, and responsibility is solely on yourself. Any similarity to real people or events is highly...

4 years ago
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I was standing at the kitchen sink doing dishes from last night's poker game when I felt the head of a cock entering my pussy from behind. A really large one. Think, 'Coke can' - and he was just as hard. I inhaled a deep and very audible breath as he pushed into me. I gripped the counter ledge with my fingertips. As a quarter was thrown on the counter I heard Travis' voice. "Good morning, whore.This man is a professional bull. All he does is get women pregnant. You're probably past that stage...

3 years ago
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GamerGirled for Life Part 3

Title: GamerGirled for Life (Part 3) Author: Cupertino Abstract: The games expand into other VR worlds as Scott continues his journey deeper into a new way of being. "Don't move your legs just yet," said Sarah, from her Ms. Ray body as she set up the next session at the VR brothel, "or you'll flop onto the floor." "Hey! I'm topless!" yapped Scott, finding his female VR body floating and rotating like other dangling marionette bodies on display in the manor's...

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The Client On The Sixth Floor Part IV

While you don’t have to have read parts I, II and III of the story, it will enhance your reading experience. I hope you enjoy it. * Mattie shifted in her sleep. She dreamt that she was lying in a sumptuous bed with a gorgeous man beside her. She felt him move between her legs and she wriggled her bottom, allowing his shoulders to push her legs apart and expose her soft mound. She sighed in her dream, as she felt his tongue begin to lap at her now-exposed clit. Fuck, it felt good, so good and...

Love Stories
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Sexe avec mon coquine bellemegravere

OK je avais 19 ans et je voudrais donc à peu près ne importe quoi et baiser tout ce qui femelle avec une impulsion.Ma famille ne était pas à court d'argent, mais le compromis est que je ai perdu mon père, la plupart du temps par des engagements de travail. Et quand maman en avait assez de lui je lui ai perdu trop. Elle a fait ses valises et est parti.Je ne me plains pas, beaucoup d'argent a elle bénéficie, mais ils ne remplacent pas une famille et on devient égoïste. Je suppose que son singe...

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Chapter 1 Since my wife left me, I've taken to having a few of an afternoon, so I stopped in at the Eternity on Queen Street West for a drink. It's one of the last good "conversation bars" left in Toronto. I like a nice quiet place to have a sip. Like all the other musicians I know, I hate the canned music in most bars. It seems designed to interfere with my conversation and to piss me off in general. In the Eternity, you can actually hear your own thoughts and share those of other...

1 year ago
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Hospital Hijinks Finale

Having just enjoyed the most volcanic ejaculations anyone could ever imagine, I was weak and at least temporarily sated and spent. I lay on my back on the landing at the turn of the stairway, breathing heavily. Edna sat next to me and began gently kissing me on my face, chest and stomach, as I slowly began to regain my stamina. After a few minutes, which seemed much longer, I was able to put my arms around Edna and pull her down to where I could kiss her on her lips and insert my tongue between...

3 years ago
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Bahan Ki Chudai

Mai vikram patil. Mai Eng. Ka student hu. Yey meri pehe li story hai. To mai story pe aata hu. Yeh bat tab ki hai jab meri chuttiyan chal rahi thi. Mai gaon ko gaya tha.mere ghar me hum do bhai hai,mai sabse chota hu.mere ek chacha hai unki do judwa betiyan hai.usme ek ka nam hai sandhya aur dusri ka nam nanda hai.jab mai ghar gaya tha tab mai hamesha ghar me akela hi rehta tha kyun ki papa kam pe jate the aur ma khet ko jati thi aur bhahi naukari karta tha. Tab tak maine ek bar bhi sex nahi...

3 years ago
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The Contest

I was feeling good. My Mistress Cherie had me in peak condition and here I was, naked body lightly oiled with a taught stomach showing a well developed six-pack. I tensed my tight buttocks and my erection jerked upwards, and the reason for this is that I was being paraded around a huge roomful of women.That in itself would have ensured my erection, but just at this moment Mistress Cherie was showing me to an attractive young woman who she addressed as Susan, and Susan was caressing my balls...

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First Cross Dressing Experience

Let me start the story and sorry if I make any mistake because I am excited to share my fun time with you people so I am an engineering student from Mumbai 20 years old. My name is raj (name changed) and used to have a big fantasy of dressing like a girl and wearing all those ladies cloths. I would like to make it clear that I am not a gay but when I dress like a girl. I feel like a girl and make me comfortable with a guy; at that time I get a girlish feeling which makes me horny and takes me...

2 years ago
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Chilling Weather In Shimla Makes Romances Between Mom And Son

This my first story how I fucked my mother on a vacation to Shimla. Hi all readers, I am new to this site and after reading the submitted stories I feel like sharing my own life experience with you all and please forgive if you found any mistakes in the following story. Myself 23yr male from Hyderabad and now completed my degree and waiting for my call letter from a big corporate .we are a family of four members and dad works in a private company. I have youngest sister she is 18, mom (Kalyani)...

2 years ago
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The Neighborhood Matchmaker

Based on sexual experience of mine. Hi my name is Dan I’m a 22 year old Caucasian guy from New York City. Last July the mother of my friend Kelsey had seen me outside working in my yard. I had been friends with Kelsey since before kindergarten. Her mom Bella came up to me and asked me if after I was done working in my yard could I come over to her yard and do some work for her. I said sure what do you need done. Bella said that she needed some to trim the bushes that around the pool area in the...

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Hot for teacher

This is my first time writing anything like this so please let me know what you think! Year 10 in secondary school, aged 15.It was the start of a new school year, we were all looking forward to seeing who would be teaching us what. The morning had mostly been very biring with double math which was taught be a rather creepy man who had a glass eye. After lunch we headed off to geography, we had a brand new teacher. Her name was Miss Gaynor. She was aged about 30, and was one of the best looking...

2 years ago
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Adam Pissing on Eve a MostlyTrue Story

The crew had hardly told me anything what was going to happen, most of it I had to figure it out for myself. After I came on the island I did not know exactly what to expect. I laid down in the sand near the shore, enjoying the sun and the sound of the ocean and trying not to get a hard on when thinking what lies ahead of me, don't forget, the crew is always a stone throw away with camera's pointed at you. I saw this gorgeous girl rising up out of the sea, stark naked and walking up to me,...

4 years ago
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Lou Cipher

Lou Cipher by Brenda Jane worked for a company on the floor above mine. I was a marketing rep and she held a similar position at her company but she was involved in the medical field I dealt with pretty boring consumer products. We had met on the elevator a few times before we finally went for lunch together and then on a few dates. We were both single. Well she was widowed and I was divorced. A result of my philandering ways. It cost me plenty but I had moved past it and...

3 years ago
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Me and Cera A Big Surprise

ME & CERA : A BIG SURPRISE by hfernandez1983 This story is a complete work of fiction. All characters in this story are of 18 years of age. Its set in the fictional suburb of River-hill. This time its the story of a young high school girl named Allison who befriends the new girl Cera who has moved in with he family next door and also goes to her high school. They become great friends. But Cera has a "secret". I hope that you enjoy this story as much as I enjoyed writing it. I am...

3 years ago
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Pleasure with Crossdresser Part 2

Well, I told how beautiful he was in Part 1 and how i was seduced after he wore his girlish makeup. I went to his room, where he sat on his chair with those pink lips. he had a fnger nail in between hs teeth and was staring at me. All my manly instincts rose and it was my turn to seduce him. i looked into his eyes and moved across the room and sat on on the bed. i pulled him on my laps with a manly force and made him sit on my lap. he drew his breath. i kissed his neck slowly. he asked me to...

4 years ago
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Fascination For Cute SisterInLaw Grows

This story took place around 10 years back with my sweet SIL. This softcore relationship between us continues to date. Currently, I am 38 years and residing along the IT highway in Chennai, happily married with kids. I am still leading a great sex life with a few more incidents in life that I would be sharing on this forum soon. My sexual feelings were well developed at a very young age and I don’t remember anyone teaching me about masturbation. I have had many on and off relationships right...

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Wifersquos Gym Membership

My wife wanted to lose some weight and get fit. We’d been married for a while, and like most couple we’d grown complacent and overweight. So she signed up for a gym membership that she planned on using while I was at work during the days. I didn’t think she’d stick with it, most people don’t, but after six months she’d lost a lot of weight and was back to the incredible shape she’d been in when we got married. It has also affected her libido, because she was super horny all the time...

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Cheating on Patricia Part II Arlene

I was sitting at the edge of the bed when the bathroom door swung open and Patricia stepped out. Wearing only a towel as a turban, her naked body tanned and toned, she rummaged through her bag looking for a pair shorts. She bent over giving me a clear view of her pale buttocks. She turned in my direction. Her breasts bore the marks of a day in the sun with two white triangles tattooed over each tiny breast. Her pink nipples were fat and erect, as the cold air from the air conditioner coaxed...

1 year ago
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BackroomCastingCouch Aria 12242018

18 year old fast food worker Aria looks so young, I check her IDs before we even talk about sex. Once I confirm this adorable sweet heart is indeed legal, we learn that Aria is a kinky porn fan and she realized she is into being a submissive but isn’t getting the proper treatment from guys in real life. So maybe porn dudes can “manhandle” her properly? After making her strip and putting a butt plug in her tight little ass, we let Mr Vince show her what a well-trained...

3 years ago
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Back in the game

Wow! was I nervous. I can't believe I actually have butterflies in my stomach.I know the cops watch this park but I also know it sees a lot of action. Not much coincidence really. But it's been so long since Ive had a man I had to take a chance.I was here two weeks ago and my conscience got the best of me. I walked away from a guy, I hope he wasn't insulted. Don't know why I care. See, I'm really nervous.At least as I walked away another burly bear was walking towards so I don't have to feel...

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