Formez Vos BataillonsChapter 7 free porn video

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When she’d got back from washing her hands, Cat went to Memere to give her a hug. Kate hugged her back. When the physical imbalance of having her knees hugged and touching only Cat’s head bothered Kate, she led Cat to the sofa and sat down. When she patted the cushion beside her, Cat climbed up. This hug was much more comfortable. They were still sitting together when Kathleen and Charles came back. When Charles had sat down in a deep chair, Kathleen selected the chair furthest from others that would hold herself and Cat.

“Come here, Cat, and tell me some more jokes.” That earned her a smile of appreciation from Jeanette. Cat needed to be reasonably inactive for the hour after dinner, but she would resent any more restrictions from Maman. Cat looked to Memere. At her nod, she scurried over to Tante Kathleen. “Y’know, sweet, when I was your age, ton papa told me lots of jokes. I told them to my friends. Ta memere warned me to tell them to the students at my school, but not to the teachers or other adults. That’s a good rule, but you can tell them all to me. Do you know how to stick out your tongue and touch your nose?” Cat happily performed that feat.

“Think she’ll remember?” Jeanette asked Bob.

“Vi didn’t. On the other hand, that’s one limit that came from the people who normally spoil her. Kathleen’s doing us a favor, probably quite consciously. Did you hear her on books Cat would enjoy when she was old enough?”

“And your mother. Despite the way I had to do it, I’m sometimes glad to be a Brennan.”

“Well, you had to take the husband with the mother-in-law. There was no other way.”

“I’ll suffer through it,” Jeanette said.

“Not ‘til tonight.” They shared a smile. They were parents, not lovers, just then. They were, however, comfortable in both roles. They walked over to the couch. “Did Cat help?”

“Very much. I’m sorry, dears. I don’t know what came over me.”

“It’s called grief. Don’t apologize, Mom. I’ve felt it, too.”

“If he doesn’t still break out in tears, Katherine, you laid out the reason. You’re no longer Russell Brennan’s wife. He is still his son.”

“I felt awful when I heard,” Bob said. “But, probably, not one tenth as awful as I would have felt if we hadn’t been reconciled.”

“And that was your doing, dear. I’m ever so grateful, and Russ was, too.”

“Well,” Jeanette said, “he was always incredibly kind to me -- even when I wasn’t kind to him.”

“You were standing by your man, dear. And Russ would never have blamed you for that. And, of course, the man you were standing by was the son he loved. Family relations are so complicated.”

“Brennans don’t know how poisonous they can be.”

“Maybe not poisonous, dear, but you’ll have to admit that our relationships are as complicated as any other.”

“I’ll buy that.” Charles had joined them. “I think I’m beginning to understand Kath, and then we come here, and she’s an entirely different person.”

“Well, dear, you have to expect that. You’ve known Kathleen for years, but they were years in which she had minimal contact with us. I don’t have to tell you how often residents can come home.”

“Those years, she -- indeed I -- had contact with Bob and Jeanette.” He stopped there. Kath’s mother might not know about their borrowing Bob and Jeanette’s apartment for sex. She certainly wouldn’t want to hear about it if she was totally aware.

“And, to a great extent,” Jeanette pointed out, “the sibling rivalry was muted. You might not have thought so from what you saw, but it was at much lower volume than it is here.”

“And here is where all the memories lie -- at least, a different set of memories. You might think that those apartments were partly mine. Kathleen thought of them as Jeanette’s. She wants to be nice to Jeanette. I’ll give you one clue for free. Our dad was adamant on one point: the essence of masculinity is loyalty towards your woman. Kathleen sat at his table for years while he pounded that home. He was talking, usually, to me, but she had to have absorbed it.”

“I did note,” Jeanette said, “when I first met you, how many ways you resembled Bob and his father. Kathleen may have been rebelling, but she didn’t get very far when she was looking for a man.”

“And, dear, she wasn’t rebelling against Russ. That was Bob. She was rebelling against me.”

“She seems very loyal herself.”

“Well, yes. It wasn’t like pink and blue,” Bob said. “It was more that loyalty was the highest virtue for men. But it was the highest virtue he mentioned for anybody.”

“We were just saying, dear, that Russ admired Jeanette for standing up to him when he quarreled with Bob. She was being loyal, see? And Russ would never criticize loyalty, even if it worked to his detriment.”

“And, you have one very great advantage. She’s the stubbornest person in a stubborn family. She’s decided you’re her man, and she has never been known to change her mind.”

“There are other opinions, Charles, of which Brennan is stubbornest,” Jeanette said. “But I’ll testify that it’s often an advantage when a stubborn person has decided that he’s married to you.”

“Your daughter isn’t that stubborn, ma femme.”

“No, mon mari, but her father is.”

“Well,” Kathleen asked Cat, “If you have a nine-hundred pound gorilla, where would he sleep?”

“Anywhere he wants to. I forgot that one.”

“Remember any more?”


“Then go get Charles to read to you. I’m going up to take a shower.”

“Sharl, may I have some books, please?”

“Certainly. Let’s go over there.”

“And I think you’ve all been maligning me.”

“Not I,” Bob said. “It was Jeanette that said you weren’t the stubbornest person in the family. I’d never make that accusation.”

“I’ll grant that he fired the first shot this time, Kathleen, although you’ve fired several since the truce. But don’t you think that a long argument on which of you is the more stubborn would rather make the point that you’re each denying.”

“Good point! I’ll let the stubborner one have the last word. I’m off to the shower unless someone needs something from the bathroom first.” Kathleen headed for the stairs.

“And,” Bob pointed out, “the stubborner one had the last word.”

“Just now.”

“Dear, you married a quite intelligent woman.”

“If she was so smart, then why did she marry me?”

“I plead temporary insanity.”

“Or, dear, you have qualities which are not apparent to a mother.”

“Everybody picks on me,” Kathleen said.

“Dunno. Charles has been notably silent,” Bob said.

“Wisely so, dear.” Charles, glad to have wisdom attributed to him by the font of Brennan wisdom, stuck with Horton and Cat. When she selected the next book, though, he deferred to Bob.

“I think you have a special way of reading this book, Cat. Do you want to take it to Papa?” It turned out that Cat sat on Bob’s stomach and bounced while he lay stretched out on his back on the floor. It was an active way to read, but not really hopping on pop.

“I just hope that he doesn’t throw up.”

“If he does, dear, you can be sure we’ll blame him and not you.”

“Yes, that’s one advantage of visiting here.”

“I’m told that you sometime think that you have two children.” Charles had joined them.

“Can you blame me?” Jeanette gestured towards the two on the floor.

“And yet, you also say he’s a rock when you need him.”

“Quite. When I think back to our early married years, I shiver. I’d had one year of college; he’d had two. We were so young and naive, objectively. But, hard as it is to believe watching him now, Bob was mature where it counted back then -- earlier, too.

“It helps, of course,” Jeanette continued, “that we’d both decided that we wanted to be married to each other. That’s wrongly stated, but you get the idea. Anyway, Bob did for us what he did this morning for you. ‘What does Jeanette really want? What does Bob really want? How can they each get what they want most?’ And, of course, you can’t both have the particulars that you want. You have to ask for the reasons you want those particulars.”

“I’m done,” Kathleen called from the stairs. “Whenever you can free yourself from your pleasant confinement, Charles, the shower is free.”

“Come up with me,” he said to Jeanette. She looked a question at him. “I want you to talk to both of us.”

“Bob would be better.”

“Not for Kath.” Jeanette saw his point. She followed him up the stairs.

“You’re going to shower with her?” Kathleen didn’t even fake anger at the idea. It was just a Brennan joke.

“We’re going to talk with her. Us!” He led the way into Kath’s room.

“All right,” Jeanette began. “First of all, while Charles has a right to commit both of you in most situations, this isn’t going to work unless Kathleen is willing.”

“I went to you for advice years ago.”

“You’ve grown since.”

“So have you. You’re only what? four years older than I am. You’re nearly two decades longer married. I assume that’s what this is about. And, as Mom points out, you’ve managed to have a successful marriage with Bob.”

“Drop that prejudice, Kathleen. This is serious.” Although it pointed out what Charles had said. Bob couldn’t do this with this couple. Whether or not she could, that was a question. “Okay, let’s sit down. Do you have pencils and paper?” That was a rhetorical question; Kathleen was a Brennan.

“Pens.” When each had paper on a handy book in their lap and a ballpoint, Jeanette moved her chair where she was facing both and clearly could not see the papers.

“Okay, you’re each going to make a list. I’m not going to see the list. List the ten things you want from this marriage. If it’s something you don’t want me to see, I won’t. Whether or not it’s something you want me to see, I still won’t. If it’s something you don’t want your spouse to see, we’re in real trouble.”

She waited until both looked up. “All right. Go over that list. Why do you want that thing?” She watched. Some of the answers came easily, some with a struggle. “I’m not going to go any further. You should. If you tell your partner your deepest wishes and he tells you his, you can usually find a way to get both. If it’s something concrete that you see as the way to get your deepest wishes, then finding a compromise is much harder. If we’re going out to eat and I want comfort food when Bob wants to give his taste buds an adventure, I might suggest one of our old favorites. Bob might suggest the new Ethiopian place where we’ve never eaten. If we tell why, we’ll compromise on an oriental restaurant where I can get won ton soup while he can try something he’s never tried before.

“Now, let me go from the general to the particular. Charles, why do you object to Kathleen’s paying all the rent?”

“I don’t have to have my wife support me. I can support myself. When I was growing up, I pictured myself supporting my wife, for that matter.”

“Ouch! Y’know, I keep saying how much harder it was for us since we married earlier. You two were MDs out of residency before you moved in together. Pardon me if I don’t count the wedding as the start of your marriage. Let me tell you about us. We wanted to get married, but -- we found out -- we didn’t quite mean the same thing by those words. I really think Bob would have been happy camping out -- not a tent because there aren’t enough bookshelves in a tent. But I’d swear that the only thing that dissatisfied him about his dorm room was that I didn’t share his bed. After the wedding, we were sleeping together, and he saw that as the essence of marriage.

“Okay, I wanted us to be a family. I’m still not sure what I meant, it certainly didn’t include a child in my thoughts back then. But I came out of a dysfunctional family, and I was going to be part of a functional one. I didn’t envy your mother the lovely dining-room table with matching chairs at which we just ate. I sure-as-hell envied her the conversations around that table.”

“Jeanette, you’d have died of boredom. I nearly did.”

“You don’t know how poisonous talk can be. Anyway, when Bob saw what I wanted, he tried to give it to me. I, of course, cooperated with his idea of marriage. He would tell you, or would tell you if he were more worried about honesty than about shielding his wife from criticism, that my cooperation wasn’t total. And it wasn’t. And some of the things I wanted he thought silly. But we worked out our differences because our ideas of marriage weren’t opposites. They were different but not incompatible.

“Now, you two grew up apart. And you each developed an idea of your future. And those ideas may well be incompatible. You had the picture of supporting a wife.” Charles nodded. “And you had the idea of being independent.” Kathleen nodded.

“Well, you’ve both already compromised. When she walked down the aisle, Kathleen traded that independence for something she saw as more important.”

“Before then.”

“And, when you’re splitting the rent, you’re accepting that you’re not supporting your wife.”

“I always knew that Kath wasn’t that sort of wife.”

“So you granted her her independence. Each of you pay half.”

“Sort of.”

“But, you heard her say that she traded in her independence for something she saw as better. Y’know, I’m going to stop claiming neutrality in this. Because I think Kathleen’s picture of being a family is something near my picture. And I’m totally prejudiced in favor of my picture. I’d want a joint checking account. I don’t know where that conditional comes from. We’ve had a joint checking account since maybe a month after the wedding.”

“Well, dear,” Kathleen said, “I now see that how far your agreement to move to a house has compromised your picture of yourself. I won’t push you farther. Someday, though, we have to talk about what sort of marriage we have and what sort of marriage we want.

“And somehow,” she continued, “I can’t be affectionate without sounding like my mother. Anyway, we’ll both leave you now. You can have your shower in peace. I’ll be downstairs. And I love you.”

Bob and his mother sat on each side of Cat. One read a story book, and then the other did. Cat was content for a while. Then she felt that there was space in her stomach.

“Memere, may I have a pickle, please.”

“Not until your mother comes down, dear. And then only if she ways yes.” Cat started to get off the couch. “She’ll say ‘Ask ta memere,’ won’t she?”


“And, if you go up those stairs now, I’ll say no.”

“You will?” Memere never said no.

“If you don’t wait for her to come downstairs. Of course, instead of ‘Ask ta memere,’ she might say no to a rude girl who interrupted her when she had gone off to talk with other people. You still wouldn’t get a pickle. You have to wait for others sometimes, dear. Now, do you want another story?”

“Yes, please.” But the tone didn’t sound like ‘please.’ The tone sounded like a girl who felt she had to wait for others all the time. Kate wasn’t working on tone right now, not with Bob sitting beside her. Bob, also content with the words, started the next book. Kathleen came downstairs a little ahead of Jeanette.

“Cat, your mother is a genius!”

“That means, ma jeune fille, that Maman is very smart. The proper response is ‘Of course she is. She managed to marry Papa, didn’t she?’”

“Maman, may I have a pickle please.”

“Ask ta memere. They are her pickles.”

“Memere, may I have a pickle now, please.”

“Certainly, Cat. Dear would you get it for her? I don’t want to move.” Jeanette took Cat into the kitchen.

Kathleen said, “‘Managed to marry you’? Hmph!”

“Well, dear, you’re rather trapped. Is Jeanette an intelligent woman who picked Bob? Or is she a woman whom Bob trapped into marriage despite her intelligence?”

“I think the sound is dripping from the trees, not rain. I’m going to look outside and see.”

“She may be rusty,” Bob said, “but she’s still a tactician.”

“I’m afraid I was spoiling Cat, but am I turning too stern?”

“Sounded just right to me. After all, I’m not about to teach you about parenting.”

“But, dear, you taught me an immense amount about parenting. Just as Cat is teaching you.”

“I have a list a mile long of things which don’t work.”

“Yes, dear, and remember that the first rule is consistency.”

“Which means that, when you use something and it doesn’t work, you’re obliged to use it again?”

“Precisely. And, when you have two children, whatever you used with the first that was a total disaster, he’ll remember and complain if you don’t use it with the second.”

“Was I that bad?”

“Dear, you don’t want my memories of your youngest days. Not while Cat might hear.”

“Jeanette claims Cat’s stubbornness is inherited.”

“That’s strange. What does Jeanette know about your stubbornness?”

“What don’t I know about it?” Jeanette had returned and was hoping Cat didn’t figure out the subject of the discussion.

“Dear, you’ve only experienced the fading remnants.” Kate was equally eager to keep Cat in the dark. “The full-blown examples were before your time.”

“Everybody maligns me. Ma jeune fille, aimes-tu ton papa?” Bob asked.

“Je vous aime, Papa. Je vous aime, Memere. Je vous aime, Maman. Je vous aime, Tante Kathleen.” The latter had just returned from outside.

“I love you, too, Catherine Angelique. It has stopped raining. Do you want to go out?”

“Get your flip-flops first. Bring them down here.” Cat scurried off.

“I’m sorry. I should have asked you first.”

“No problem. She would have heard you, anyway, and she does need exercise. It’s just that running upstairs for the flip-flops is exercise, too. We brought several pairs of shoes, so that pair getting wet won’t matter.” Cat came back at a run and handed her flip-flops to her mother. She and Kathleen went out.

“Really, dear,” Kate said, “you take more care of my carpets than I ever did.”

“Well, ‘Don’t track in dirt’ and ‘Don’t go barefoot when you’re visiting’ are good rules. A very wise woman told me that children need to learn rules as much as they need to learn reading.”

“Why thank you, dear.”

“Well, you can read rules,” Bob said. “Learning reading is more important.”

“Says the man who reads excellently and knows damn few rules.”

“Why do I need to control my swearing when you do it when she can’t hear you?”

“Because I remember whether she can hear me.”

“I said ‘wissenschaftliche Unmoeglichkeit’ in a faculty meeting the other week.”

“Because you didn’t remember where you were.”

“Vissin -- um?” Kate asked.

“Jeanette doesn’t want me to swear in front of Cat, Mom. I thought of German, because it’s the one language I have that Cat doesn’t. But many German oaths sound too much like English. ‘Sheiss’ is clear to anyone. On the other hand, a great many German words sound like you’re swearing. So I adopted a truly vile-sounding phrase. I say it at moments of great stress. Cat had been known to repeat it, and is scolded for that. But she fell down in front of the principal of her school. The woman, it happens, speaks German. The next student conference, she asked us about it. Between my accent and Cat’s memory, she hadn’t been clear about the words. Jeanette doesn’t believe it, but my French accent is better than my German accent.”

“I don’t say I don’t believe it. I just say that it is hard to believe.”

“Anyway, my accent may be awfully Yank, but it isn’t bad enough to keep several of my fellow teachers from understanding me.”

“It means scientific impossibility.” Jeanette explained.

“Which is good enough for an oath, at times. That wasn’t one of the times. You never warned me how many limits having a child puts on your life.”

“You never asked, dear, and -- after all -- Jeanette was the one who went through pregnancy. And she was the one who nursed her child, too. You went much longer than I did, dear, and I admire you for that.”

Jeanette said, “Three generations of Brennans like me for my breasts.”

“I was admiring your persistence and fortitude, dear. I’d guess my milk was as nourishing as yours.”

“And, of course, her pregnancy and breast feeding didn’t put any onus on me.”

“Not one that you’d mention in front of your mother, dear. Hello, dear.” That to Charles, who had just come down the stairs. “Kathleen and Cat decided to explore the outdoors.”

“Yes, the rain seems to have stopped. Jeanette...” She walked a little away from the others with him. They could be overheard, but the conversation -- if not private -- was clearly between the two of them.

“First, thank you. I don’t know how much help you were, yet, but I feel much better. Second, you know how Kath ended the conversation. You and Bob always say ‘I love you’ when you part. I wonder whether we should do that.”

“Well, you gain something, but you lose something. Mostly, it’s insurance. If something would happen, you don’t want your last words to the other person to have been an argument.”

“Argue? I’ve never heard you argue. That joking around...”

“Sniping? Sure. After all, you groan when you hear a pun. Bob reported to me once about some fellow faculty member that he laughed at puns. Bob couldn’t figure him out. Anyway, you hear sniping, but you don’t hear us really arguing. You’ve never seen me have a bowel movement, either, but guess what?

“Anyway, see this?” She held up her left hand so he could see the wedding band. “That’s an external sign that you have frequent arguments. Not always, of course. Katherine still wears one. But it’s fairly well a guarantee.”

“They’re one-sided now, dear. That’s all.”

“Anyway, the last thing we say as we’re going out the door is ‘I love you.’ So, if one of us is hit by a truck, that will be the last communication that the other ever hears. On the other hand, Kathleen was expressing a deep emotion and a decision then. You’ll have to hear from her what the decision was; I haven’t the faintest. When Bob leaves for work thinking about how he’ll start the first class on one level, worrying about where he parked the car on another level, and checking that he has his keys and the right briefcase on a third level, his ‘I love you’ while he’s facing the door is quite perfunctory.

“When he comes back on his late day, having traveled by two EL trains, he walks in and sees that the living room is a disaster area. Dinner is late. He sees that I look frazzled and that Cat is chattering in the kitchen distracting me. He says, ‘C’mon Cat; I’ll help you pick up your toys.’ Now that, when he could be complaining about my not doing my responsibility of dinner or having Cat pick up her toys before she leaves the room permanently, shows a deep love.”

“C’mon Cat. I’ll help you pick up your toys.”

“Context is all, mon sot mari.

“Y’know, Charles, that’s an example. Bob enjoys being silly, even enjoys being called silly. Did Bob trap me into marriage or did I trap him? Which of us claims which depends on the day. The truth, of course, is rather more complicated. We almost grew up together, and high school is full of that sort of banter-fights. If you’ll forgive my criticizing your wife, Kathleen sometimes still confuses that sort of thing with real arguments. You don’t slap your spouse on a real boil. Partly, of course, it’s that her fights with Bob used to be with both of them trying to draw blood. I’m mixing my metaphors terribly.”

“I think I know what you mean. She crossed your line once, and you froze her.”

“I don’t remember.”

“She does. Believe me, she does. Anyway, can’t Cat pick up her own toys? She seems quite responsible to me.”

“Sure. And I’m remembering back. Helping her means holding up the lid of the toy box while she runs around finding most of the toys. Then you ask her if those are all. Sometimes, she needs quite specific hints -- ‘Have you looked under the green chair?’ She picks them all up. She finds most of them by herself. Often, she picks up things and puts them in the toy box without supervision. If I can’t find my purse, I look there. But she is far from thorough. Without supervision, she never gets them all. I shouldn’t say never.”

“You two sound so tolerant.” Charles said.

“More tolerant when talking with you than when talking with her. Mostly, it’s a matter of deciding what you’ll tolerate now, and what you won’t. After all, as Katherine points out, you start with a person who screams when she wants something -- you have to figure out what she wants. She shits and pees when she feels like it. All this, you have to train her to change. Leaving her toys all over the floor and asking ‘why’ instead of going to bed are minor compared to that. It’s just that you want to be finished.”

“And you’ve just begun, dear. Wait until she starts dating.”

“Well,” Bob said, “she’ll be twenty-one then. We expect her to be much more cooperative.”

“Wrong on both counts, dear.”

“Somebody expects Bob’s daughter to be more cooperative,” said Jeanette. “Not I.”

“And twenty-one, dear?”

“It’s not worth fighting about now,” Jeanette said. “Not that I think that he’s serious. I remember what age I was when he first asked me out. If he actually raises an objection when she’s that age, I’ll remind him.”

“That will be your real problem, dear.”


“Bob was almost your first date, wasn’t he?”

“Third. Second, really. The first dance I went stag. Do girls go stag?”

“Well, dear, what happens when Cat goes to her third dance with a boy? She’s a freshman. She comes home and says, ‘I’m in love; I’m going to marry him; whatever we do is okay.’ What then? You can’t tell her how many boys you were in love with before you met the one you married.”

“I’ll tell her that if it is love, it will grow. If he loves her, he’ll wait. You don’t ask hard questions do you? This was supposed to be a vacation. Then I’ll send her to her aunt Kathleen who’ll tell her about graduating from college before she met her true love. Can’t I worry about second grade this year?”

“Well,” Charles said, “your answer may not satisfy Cat. It reassured me. You think Kathleen will be talking about me as her true love in ten years time?”

“Seven years, dear, and a good fraction,” Kate said. “It’s clear that you two are in love. It’s equally clear that you haven’t settled on an arrangement which satisfies you both. The first, dear, is a necessity. The second you should work on, but it’s a poor basis without the first.”

“And, when you have it,” Bob said, “life takes it away. What are we on, Jeanette, our fourth marriage arrangement?”

“Something like. It depends on what you count. Was every apartment move a new arrangement? My pregnancy and then The Kitten’s birth were major adjustments. Your getting a teaching job was a sea-change.”

“But those were imposed from without. Did you find anything unsatisfactory in your first arrangement?”

“That’s a private question. But, yes. We’re just not going to say what.”

“One thing, not necessarily the main thing, was that we carefully divided housework at the beginning. Jeanette would do certain tasks; I would do certain tasks. As time went on, we became much more flexible. But, our marriage wouldn’t have worked without the first division. If we’d left it to what each saw that needed to be done, I’d have done the laundry, and Jeanette would have done everything else.”

“And, you and Kathleen are in a quite different situation than Bob and I were. At one point, our weekly splurge was one ice-cream cone shared between us. So our answers aren’t anything for you to copy. Maybe our questions are.”

“Dear, we didn’t know.”

“Mom, going tight for a temporary period is reasonable,” Bob said. “You were behind us if we ever really needed it. And, one time, we really did. We got it. Actually, one shared ice-cream cone a week tastes delicious. Probably as much taste as buying a half gallon. And much better for my waistline.”

“Well, I think I’ll join my wife and her niece outside.”

“Your niece, too.”

“Thanks.” When Charles went out, Cat rushed over to him. He swung her up as far as his arms could reach, then brought her down to a hug. “Can you tell Tante Kathleen a secret for me?” He got a vigorous nod. “Tell her that Charles loves her.” When he set her down, Cat raced over to Kath. They whispered together for a second. Then Cat raced back. He bent over to hear her.

“Tante Kathleen says she loves you, too.”

“That’s nice to hear, Cat. Let’s go over to talk with her.” He reached down two fingers, and Cat gripped them. They walked to where Kathleen was standing. “She brought me some good news.”

“You could have heard it from the horse’s mouth ten minutes ago.”

“And so I did. It’s always nice to hear. Maybe my message is one I don’t deliver often enough myself.

“I always like to hear it.”

“I love you, Kath. Are we going to work through Jeanette’s exercise?”

“Might as well, no sense having a genius for a sister-in-law if you refuse her advice.”

“Something which didn’t seem to fit on the list. I want to be married to you.”

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Do Se Bhale Teen Me Poonam Or Vo 8211 Part 1

Hi dosto, kese ho aap log mujhe pata he aap log ek dam mast honge aaj me aap logo ke samne ek or kahini le ke aaya hu aap mujhe aapne vichar mujhe pe mail kar ke bata sakte he ya aap mujhe fb par bhi join kar sakte he aap mujhe hangout pe bhi msg kar sakte he aap logo ka jada samya barbad na karte hu me aapni kahain pe aata hu ye kahani meri pichli do kahaniyo ka aage ka bhag he jisme mene kses poonam ke sath aapne sambandho ka zikar kiya or kese punam me aapni aap biti batayi aab aage ka bhag...

2 years ago
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Me meri biwi or vo handsome guy

Hi dosto, mera naam sunil age 31 hai meri biwi ka naam aarti age 29 hai ye meri life ka true incident hai.meri shuru se tamnna rahi hai ke meri biwi ko koi handsome guy uske bare lund se mere samne chode. Last year hum log shimla gaye the.vahaa per ek hotel me hum log ruke the shuru din hi mene meri biwi ko khub choda tha.meri biwi bhi bahut sexy hai or vo sex ko bahutlike karti hai jub bhi hum blue movie dekhte hai to vo bare bare lund ki tarif karti hai main samgh jata tha ki es bhi bare lund...

2 years ago
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Gaanv Ki Vo Shard Raat

Hello Friends. Mera naam Madhu hai or me ISS ki ek regular reader hun. Mene yha pe kaafi stories padhi hai, jab bhi mera mann karta hai sex karne ka or mujhe koi mard nahi milta to me ISS pe story padhne aa jaati hun. Chalo me aapko apne baare me bata dun. Me khule vichaaro ki ladki hun lekin shadi ho jaane ke baad kuch limits aa jaati hai. Mera Rang gora hai or shadi ke baad mera badan bhar gya hai. Halanki shadi se pehle bhi me kamaal hi lagti thi. Me kad kathi me paripurn hun or meri shadi...

3 years ago
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Sardiyon Ki Vo Toofani Raat

Meri umar apne gaon gya tha dadi k pas… Meri dai mjhe bht pyar karti h. Usi samay meri 1 bua ki ladki(ruchi) b gaon ayi huyi thi uski umar tab karib 18 thi mast dikhti thi slim and sexy 1dum perfect figure the tab uska. Sardi ka time tha or rat ko khana khake hum sone ja rahe the.. Mein , didi or dadi 1 hi rum m so rahe the… Us rum m 2 charpai thi , dadi boli ki 1 pee tum dono so jao or or 1 pe mein so jati hun. Mujhe mzaa aa gya qki dadi nai janti thi mere andar kya chal rha h.. Hum or didi 1...

2 years ago
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Vo Teen Mahenee Kee Mast Chudayee 8211 Part I

Hi! Mera naam Vinod haa par mee apnee nickname Suckhot1 (mail id: ) se apnee nett dostto see chat kartaa huu. Voo apnee chudeeyee kee story mujhee brief mee batatee haa ferr mee us chudeeyee par ek spicy story develop kartaa huu. Meree saree stories sacch haa readers manee yaa naa manee ye un par nirbhar kartaa haa. Meree abhee ek nayee net frend baneee haa. Uskaa naam ha- Reena. Ab aggee kee chudayee story Reena kee sexy aur methee Shabdoo mee- Hiee , mee Reena Uttar Pradesh kee sabsee badee...

3 years ago
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Maa Ke Sath Vo Raat

Hello friend.. Mera naam sameer hai n me first year ka student ho… Meri age he 19.. Me padhne me har barr first raheta ho…me study ko ek khel ki tarah lekar padhta ho .. Jisese vo mujhe aasani se samaj me aa jati hai.. Kher abb me apne bare me bata deta ho… Me himmatnagar , gujarat se rahene vala ho..Meri iss site pr ye paheli story he aur vo bhi jo ki mere aur meri maa ke bich hui ek real accident hai… Meri mom ka name hai sangeeta aur unki age hai 35 years old.. dikhne me ek dum gori...

3 years ago
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Vo Mast Aurat Ki Bus M Ki Chudai

Iss k sbi paathkon ko mera namaskaar.Ye meri pehli story h.Baat un dino ki jb m bus se jaipur up down krta tha meri umar 26 years ki h or ye baat aaj se 4 years pehle ki h..To ye safar night ka hota h.Ek raat jb m us bus m safar kr rha tha to meri side wali seat khali thi n piche wali seat pr ek lady n uska bachaa tha sath mein.Kyuki bache ko nind nhi aa rhi thi to usne pehle bache ko sulaya phir aage meri seat p aa kr baith gyi taaki bachaa aasaani se so ske … Jb meri jaag khuli to maine dekha...

3 years ago
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Puna Ka Suhana Mosam Or Vo

Hi dosto kese ho aap log aap ka jay singh fir hazir he ek or kahain le ke…..Aap loga ne meri pichli kahani “do parivaro ki kahi” ke sabhi bhag ko pasnad kiya iske liye me aap loga to shukariya ada karta hu aap logo ko kalpanic kahaniya bhi pasand he ya jan ke mujhe bada acha laga me aage bhi kuch kahaniya aap ke samne rakhunga bas aap apna pyar ese hi rakhan . Aap aapne wichar mujhae mail kar ke bata sakte he meri email id he me hangout pe bhi uplabdh hu jaha mujhse aap aapni bate shear kar...

3 years ago
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Vo Makan Ke Pass Wali Bhabhi

Hi friends..Aapkpko mera namskar and pyar m anish indoore m.P se hu ye meri life ki aisi khanai hai jo mene kabhi sapne mai bhi nahi socha tha but.God is g8 bas ho gya.Ab kese or kab….To suniye. Mera email. Id hai ye bat tab ki hai jab me ..Dehli me job k liye gya tha mai waha bilkul naya tha.,kuch bhi nahi dekha ek dum new city thi ….Badi mushkil se mujhe ek flate mila jo uutam nagar east me tha.Ye bat 2010.Ki thi.Aajkal to mai indore mai hi rehta hu.,neway.Story p aata hu.Mai dehli me rooj...

2 years ago
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Reshma Rana Ki Phele Chudai Jiske Baad Vo Randi Baan Gai

Hi friends mera naam sahil hai mai haryana ke choti se city ka rahne wala hu yeh kaha jo aaj mein apko suna raha hu mere aur merr girlfriend ki hai jiska naam reshma hai mene bhut chudai ki story sune hai mera bhi maan hua apke sath apne sex ke baate share karu ab story per aata hu merr age 23 saal hai yeh baat 4 saal phele ki hai jb main 19 saal ka tha dekhne main smart bhi hu ek ladki thi jiska naam reshma tha dekhne mai sunder thi uski gaand boobs chote chote thi per mujhe vo bhut acche...

3 years ago
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Dudh Ki Cream Lund Ka Ghee Or Vo

Hi to all hot n sexy member of iss I’m Vijay a Punjabi guy n srchng hot females bcoz my aim of life to spent next 2 years as a call nature m vesy cool.ok friends now m telling my story in front of id is. () Ye koi imagnary story nhin hai ye ek real story hai jo 2 sept 2010 ki golden night ko hui.mein sealdah rajdhani mein evng time delhi se sealdah k liye chala.meri sath seat par ek bhut sexy aunty jeans or shirt mein bethi thi.train chalte rhi humaro baat chit ka silsila...

3 years ago
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Do Se Bhale Teen Me Poonam Or Vo 8211 Part 2

Hi dosto, kese ho aap log mujhe pata he ek dam mast honge or khub chudai kar rahe honge aap ki iss chudai ki or ranging banae ke liye aap ka jay singh ek or kahani le ke upasthit hu or sabhi ladko se anurod he ki wo ladkiyo ka no mujhse mang ke mujhe sharminda na kare… Meri jo clint hoti he unki bhi prvecy hoti he to use me mentione rakhta hu asha karta hu aap log is baat ko samjhenge Meri pichle kahani do se bhale teen me poonam or vo aap logo ko bohot pasand aayi uske liye me aap logo ka...

3 years ago
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Cudai Ki Vo Kali Raat 1 Ajnabi Nari Ke Sath

Hai frnds aur garam bhabhia ye meri paheli story jo ki saachi ghatna hei aur era pahela xperience hei ye bat tb ke hei jb mei apne family aur papa ke kuch dosto ki family ke sath gaya tha hum sabhi ne chitrakut jane ka program banaye the aur mei bhi bahut xited tha ab mei apne bare mei bhi kuch bta du mera nam Joeaman hei mei Chhattisgarh ka rahene wala hu aur mujhe bhi sex ki kahania padni bahut aachi lagti hei is liye mene bhi socha ki kyu na mei bhi 1 aachi aur sacchi kahaninlikhu .. Ab mei...

4 years ago
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VO EK DIN I am huma at your service. Thanks for your comments on my previous stories. This the story of a close friend of mine named Sudha. I hope you like it. You may email me oyur comments if youlike it at Mera naam Sudha hai, umar 24 saal, rang sanwla, kad 5 feet 5 inch, sharir bhara hua, aur bal lambe kale. Main dikhne mein sunder hoon. Mere boobs kafi bade hai, pet patla, kamar patli aur gaand badi hi gadrayi hui. Main apne maa baap ki eklauti ladki hoon aur kuchh hi dino mein meri shadi...

2 years ago
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Mere Jiju Ne Meri Chudai Ki Vo Bhi Didi Ki Permission Lekar

Give me your feed back at my mail id This is my real experience of life….So i wanna share i with you. Meri didi ka naam nishta hai..Or unki shadi ko 3 saal ho chuke hain.My jiju name is abhay he is very handsome and good looking personality..Brief intro of nishta.She is also a wild slut like me..Usne apne college time main bahut masti ki hai…Abuse hona,pitna,gang bang karna,,,ye sab uske liye bhi fun tha…N ek baar pregnant bhi ho gayi thi..So abortion karana pada.Hum dono ne kaafi baar lesbo...

2 years ago
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Un trabajo de la escuela de preservativos

dias despues vino edith y alondra a mi ksa salio mi mama y edith dijo hay q follar y yo le dije pz va nos metimos al baño alondra y yo y estabamos haciendo un 69 en eso edith abrio la puerta y le dijo alondra que ella hiba y alondra se salio, edith se bajo los pantalones y me dijo metemela porfa por mi chiquito se inclino un poco y pz se la empeze a meter despues de 5 minutos de gemidos alondra toco la puerta y entro al baño agarro mi pene y empezo a manocearlo edith y alondra se incaron y...

3 years ago
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Bravos Feminine

"Bravos Feminie" (or "The Bravos" as most people know them) is a group of heroes, composed of four women: Fuu, Becky, Emmaline, and Liv. Together they travel the land, slaying horrible monsters and protecting those in need. Recently, however, some strange spell has been working its way through the wilds, inspiring ravenous lust in the foes our heroes would usually slay. To make matters worse, it seems that this lust spell can be transmitted to humans via liquid contact, such as spit, venom or...

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Game of Thrones How Davos Saved the DayChapter 2

“You know, Jamie did help you rescue me, Varys. I just thought that I should point that out,” Tyrion observed to Lord Varys, who smiled calmly in response. “Of course. I did not mean to imply otherwise, though I suppose that my words could have been more carefully phrased. I simply wanted to make it clear that you do not owe the kind of debt to your family that would cause you to spare Cersei from her doom. She blamed you, framed you with your father’s aid, spied on you through Pycelle,...

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Game of Thrones How Davos Saved the DayChapter 4

“All in a good day’s work, I suppose,” Missandei greeted her Queen, Daenerys Targaryen, as she returned from burning the Iron Fleet near King’s Landing, tempted as she was to go further and burn the Red Keep. “Is that any way to greet your Queen now, my dear friend?” Dany teased Missandei, both of them knowing that she didn’t actually object when in private like this. “Did you bag the whole lot, my Queen? Burn them all?” Missandei inquired of Dany, who smiled in response. “All charred and...

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Game of Thrones How Davos Saved the DayChapter 5

“How in the Seven Hells are we to get into the damned city, anyway? We must get past this rotten mess and this is the perfect moment for a sentry to catch us, you know. You two really know a passage into this miserable town?” Ser Jorah looked at Tyrion and Davos with a bit of skepticism and hesitation even now. “Three, counting myself, Ser Jorah. Remember, with Ser Jamie’s aid, I was able to smuggle Tyrion here out of King’s Landing and on a ship to Pentos. Trust me, though. We’ll be in...

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Game of Thrones How Davos Saved the DayChapter 6

For Ser Davos Seaworth, the Street of Steel was certainly a familiar enough place. He had been there more than once in his earlier years as a smuggler and pirate, especially having grown up in Flea Bottom and smuggled whatever he wished into whatever port. Even so, it had changed more than a little, becoming even busier than in the past. After all, there was a war going on, wasn’t there, and Queen Cersei wasn’t about to give up the fight short of a total victory or defeat. Everywhere Davos...

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Game of Thrones How Davos Saved the DayChapter 7

For Lord Varys, the path was far more treacherous and he was far less sure of the outcome. Still, he had to test the loyalty of the little birds, whether they had truly defected to Qyburn to a man, or rather some of them might retain some allegiance to the former Master of Whispers. To the eunuch, this could well make a difference between a more decisive and imminent victory and a longer, more dangerous conflict that impaired their chances against the Night King later. If this meant his...

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Game of Thrones How Davos Saved the DayChapter 8

“You, man, what brings a knight like you into a tavern like this?” Ser Jorah heard behind him as he drank some ale, missing the wines of Essos. “Well, now, that’s the question, isn’t it? What gave me away as a knight?” Mormont asked the fellow approaching now, a rather young and clean-shaven septon from the looks of him. “As a septon, I’ve witnessed many a knight take his vows. Despite your Northern accent, you’re definitely consecrated as a knight in the light of the Seven. There’s a...

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Game of Thrones How Davos Saved the DayChapter 10

“Where’s that sellsword of yours?” Cersei Lannister, self-appointed Queen of the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros, asked her twin brother and general, Ser Jaime Lannister. “Where’s that pirate king of yours?” Jaime retorted, “why isn’t he reporting on the status of the Iron Fleet and paying court to you, his intended bride?” “Enough of that, Jaime! Euron is not my twin, he did not come out of our mother’s womb into this world together, he did not father my children, he did not fight my wars and...

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Game of Thrones How Davos Saved the DayChapter 11

“Lord Baelish, might we have a word?” a voice at the door asked Littlefinger, who naturally responded to the sound and the knock. “Of course, my Lady of Winterfell. Perhaps you’ve heard the news, then? The ravens have already borne the message that our King, Jon Snow, has taken the Dragon Queen, Daenerys Targaryen, as his bride? Quite an auspicious union, of course. Still, I don’t recall what this has to do with gathering dragonglass, do you?” Petyr already began to spin his web, seeking to...

1 year ago
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Game of Thrones How Davos Saved the DayChapter 13

“Milord, milord, please rise,” Lord Edmure Tully heard as he rose from his bed, thinking himself still in his dungeon cell. “Is it breakfast already? If so, might I have fewer maggots this time with the bread?” the groggy nobleman asked as his eyes adapted to more light than expected. “Why would milord want maggots at all? We generally try to keep those out of bread, m’lord,” a gentle voice, very feminine answered him, in the bedchamber where he lay. “What, where am I?” Lord Edmure asked...

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Game of Thrones How Davos Saved the DayChapter 14

“You’re quite sure of this? It isn’t a joke or trick?” Daenerys Targaryen asked Missandei, as she reread the raven’s message. “No, my Queen. Your husband is also your nephew, by blood, the sole surviving son of your eldest brother, Prince Rhaegar Targaryen, and his second, secret wife, Lyanna Stark. That would also make him slightly older than Your Grace, would it not? Older than his aunt, who happens to be his wife? Is this a problem, due to it being incest, my Queen?” Missandei asked Dany,...

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Game of Thrones How Davos Saved the DayChapter 15

“Arise, my lord. You are back,” Varys heard a voice calling him out of the darkness of death, a very familiar one if haunting to him. “Back? I ... was dead! How do I come back from that?” Varys strained to see before he noticed who it was that he faced. Kinvara, the Red Priestess who had aided Tyrion and he in the saving of Meereen, at least back when it still could be saved. She had brought him back, he who loathed and despised everything that the Lord of Light and his priests represented?...

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Game of Thrones How Davos Saved the DayChapter 17

“Most of our troops are still scattered all over the Seven Kingdoms, even more so now that the Dothraki and the Unsullied are on the march across the Stormlands, wresting much of them from our control,” Ser Jaime Lannister laid out the current disaster that was the war map of Westeros while standing next to the Iron Throne. “Many of their troops are unavailable to them as well, both in the North and in the Stormlands, to say nothing of the Riverlands. We can still defeat them, and their...

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Game of Thrones How Davos Saved the DayChapter 18

“Well, just what did you have in mind for this last Sand Snake, Cersei? Why am I pulling away from the fighting, when my men need me most, what we are even doing here? Why abandon our post? Did you know that three of the five men on the Small Council proposed that I remove you from the Iron Throne? Including the now dead High Septon! Well, no need for that now. You’ve removed yourself from it, dear sister! You’ve abandoned the Iron Throne and I doubt, that now I’ve thought on it, either of us...

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Game of Thrones How Davos Saved the DayChapter 19

“Lord Varys, to what I do owe this pleasure?” Yara Greyjoy asked the Spider as he descended upon the docks, where she had rounded up some three dozen Lannister men. “I have been given orders to arrange the transport of certain cargo presently located in the Dragonpit, namely wildfire, for the voyage to White Harbor, and from there to Eastwatch-by-the Sea, which must begin as quickly as practicable,” Varys answered, “also, I have been named Master of Coin, so I will naturally help fund this...

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Game of Thrones How Davos Saved the DayChapter 20

Dany found herself more heated than ever after supper, as she felt her husband’s cock inside her luscious pussy, knowing that this appendage belonged to her nephew as well. There was simply something quite natural and comforting to her in this knowledge that, as a Targaryen, she came home to the old ways and traditions of her family, even without being aware prior to the marriage. It was little wonder, she thought, that she was in fact drawn to Jon Snow from the moment that he arrived, even...

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Game of Thrones How Davos Saved the DayChapter 21

“The intent of this is well enough, good priestess, but I am rather worried that entirely excluding the Faith of the Seven from power and a hand in the governance of the realm will invite envy, mistrust, and other troubled responses. Might I propose a slight adjustment?” Ser Jorah Mormont suggested. “Of course, what would that be?” Kinvara inquired in response. “I ... I had to atone for my past crimes, and rightly so, and the Faith of the Seven has been guilty of its crimes. I have no great...

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Game of Thrones How Davos Saved the DayChapter 22

For Ser Gregor Clegane, The Mountain That Rides, also known simply as the Mountain, things had definitely gone downhill for him. He was alone for a good while, except for Ashlyh, who didn’t particularly enjoy what he did to her whenever he took her to bed. She grunted and winced in pain even now, taking that monstrous cock up her bum. He oiled her bottom before going in, but that was his only courtesy to her while buggering the young maid. She bit her lower lip in her agony, trying to endure...

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Game of Thrones How Davos Saved the DayChapter 23

“Found this one slipping away. Must have been forgotten somehow, Your Graces,” Ser Bronn informed King Jon Snow and Queen Daenerys Targaryen as they were formally crowned and enthroned. “My lords, I present to you Their Graces, Jon, of Houses Snow, Stark, and Targaryen, First of His Name, King of the Andals, of the Rhoynar, and of the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, Protector of the Realm, King of Meereen, Astapor, and Yunkai, the White Wolf, the King in the North, the Resurrected,...

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Game of Thrones How Davos Saved the DayChapter 24

“There they are. They waited for those forces on the ground to get closer, weren’t they?” Daario Naharis inquired of Howland Reed and Benjen Stark as the boats carrying the Night King’s flotilla approached them. “That they did, more’s the pity,” Howland Reed concurred, feeling nervous in spite of his attempts to steel his nerves as the wights on the water closed the distance. “It’s a classic pincer move, of course. One flank attacks from the front, the other from the side. They hope to find...

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Game of Thrones How Davos Saved the DayChapter 25

“How many days until we reach White Harbor?” Yara the Bottomless asked Lord Darren Haerd. “I’d guess about four or five at most, Your Grace,” Darren smiled as he stood with his Queen at the helm of the Balon, her flagship. “I’ve had a raven send me this note. Seems that my brother, Theon, is now very firmly attached to the Night’s Watch in Eastwatch. I’ll see him again when I arrive, assuming that he survives. That’s hardly certain, as it appears that four men have already perished in the...

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Game of Thrones How Davos Saved the DayChapter 26

“A raven has arrived, Khaleesi,” Ser Jorah Mormont, Lord Commander of the Kingsguard, informed Daenerys Targaryen, Queen of Westeros rather abruptly. “What does it say? Have you read it, Ser Jorah?” Dany turned to her oldest adherent, the most loyal of her supporters. “Yes, my Queen, I have. It is from Cotter Pyke, Commander of Eastwatch-by-the-Sea. It seems that there was a brief naval clash ... with the Dead. The Night King attempted to sail around the Wall. He was stopped for now, but at...

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Game of Thrones How Davos Saved the DayChapter 27

“Is this all that you could find, Decran?” Ser Gregor Clegane, his face looking even less human by the moment. “You’re lucky that I found this lot, Ser Gregor. Even half of the men who I found would probably betray you for enough coin. I would advise you to watch your back, but I suspect that none of these poor fellows, not even all of them, could take you down. They would be dead men within the hour. Incidentally, if any of us die, it would be best not to break the new law, at least for...

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Game of Thrones How Davos Saved the DayChapter 28

“Seven Hells! They’re making another attempt!” one of the Night’s Watch, an Earic Flowers from the Reach, warned Cotter Pyke, rousing him from his slumber early in the predawn chill of the great maritime castle of Eastwatch-by-the-Sea. “That soon? Either the Night King is more resourceful than I knew, or else he’s just more attempt to get around or capture Eastwatch now. Get a party of men together as quickly as you can, under Ragnar Slait, Sandor Clegane, Theon Greyjoy, and Lord Beric...

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Game of Thrones How Davos Saved the DayChapter 29

“My lord, there is a man ... and woman here with very ... interesting information regarding the Mountain, Ser Gregor Clegane. Seems that, well, they can explain better,” one of his key officers, a fellow Unsullied known as Cat Piss, informed Grey Worm, now Master of War and Lord of the Dreadfort. “Who is it, Cat Piss? Bring them in ... but under close guard,” Grey Worm insisted, still getting used to the news that he had an actual castle of his own somewhere in the North, a gift from Jon...

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Game of Thrones How Davos Saved the DayChapter 30

“M’lord, please have ... mercy,” the unfortunate soul being buggered by Ser Gregor Clegane, the Mountain, begged him to go easier. This only prompted him to get rougher still ... buggering Decran Hill as punishment for him losing Ashlyh Waters. The Mountain didn’t care for the bastard too much that way, certainly didn’t fancy him. Nevertheless, he wanted to teach him a lesson and make an example of him ... that even a high officer can be punished if he failed a Clegane. The actual effect was...

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Game of Thrones How Davos Saved the DayChapter 31

Somewhere north of the Crownlands ... the camp of the Stark/Targaryen banners. “A raven, Your Grace,” Ser Jorah presented the newest message to Daenerys Targaryen, Mother of Dragons. “Astapor and Yunkai have both fallen to the forces of the Free Cities of Essos. Slave Cities of Essos would be a better description. Leaders of any resistance have been crucified, along with any sons that they had. The coalition arrayed against the freedmen now includes Norvos, Pentos, Lys, Myr, Volantis,...

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Game of Thrones How Davos Saved the DayChapter 32

Eastwatch-by-the-Sea Two days later... He was back from Castle Black ... Tormund Giantsbane, with whatever fresh provisions he could requisition for the defense of the coastal fort. He also had clear instructions from Dolorous Edd, the Lord Commander of the Night’s Watch. Eastwatch must not be surrendered intact, must not be abandoned while a single brother could fight to hold it. It was far too vital to the defense of the realm, after all. If Eastwatch fell, then the Night King and the...

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Game of Thrones How Davos Saved the DayChapter 33

A week later ... Eastwatch-by-the-Sea... “Whatever happened to the galleys that we once used to guard and trade from Eastwatch, anyway?” Theon asked Cotter, the thought more than once naturally occurring to an Ironborn prince, even a fallen one. “Where do you think that the Night King got his ships? He turned every last one of those poor buggers, that is my only conclusion, plus any foolish smugglers and pirates caught in the open. Look, we have now been cut down to a force of what two...

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Game of Thrones How Davos Saved the DayChapter 34

Winterfell, two days later... “My lady Sansa, a message for you by raven,” Lord Yohn Royce of the Vale presented the latest news to Sansa Stark, Lady of Winterfell and Wardeness of the North. “I can see that, my lord,” Sansa observed as she sat with her sister, Arya (still posing as Lord Petyr Baelish, also known as Littlefinger), her knight, Brienne of Tarth, Lyanna Mormont of Bear Island, Lord Royce, Lord Glover, Lord Robin Arryn of the Vale, Lady Meera Arryn of the Vale (formerly known...

1 year ago
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Game of Thrones How Davos Saved the DayChapter 35

White Harbor That very evening Yara Greyjoy, First of Her Name, Queen of the Iron Islands, was relieved that, after some delays, she had finally reached White Harbor, leading port of the North. She wasn’t alone, had taken as many ships as she could manage with him, containing prisoners, supplies, etc. Most importantly, she had taken the precious cargo assigned to her by Lord Varys: wildfire. It could very well make the difference between victory and defeat here in the North, against this...

4 years ago
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Game of Thrones How Davos Saved the DayChapter 36

Sunspear, Dorne The next morning Elia Sand, the young Princess of Dorne, daughter of the late Prince Oberyn Martell and Ellaria Sand, niece and namesake of Elia Martell, nervously tossed back a good deal of Dornish red wine while listening to Kinvara, the Red Priestess sent from King’s Landing to Sunspear. As the eldest remaining Sand Snake, she was the obvious choice to rule Dorne, and so now she did. Elia heard rumors that Kinvara and other Red Priests could resurrect the dead, but if so,...

2 years ago
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Game of Thrones How Davos Saved the DayChapter 37

Riverrun, The Riverlands Noon the next day “So, you’re the Red Woman, Melisandre of Asshai, the Red Priestess who once served Stannis Baratheon,” Lord Edmure Tully remarked as he sat back in his seat in Riverrun, with his wife, Lady Roslin Tully, nee Frey, at his side, and his chief mistress, Lady Marleigh Rivers, Lady of the Twins, at his feet. “And you are Lord Edmure Tully, recently liberated from a dungeon where he spent several years thanks to his own father-in-law, the late Lord...

3 years ago
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Game of Thrones How Davos Saved the DayChapter 38

Storm’s End, The Stormlands That very evening “Open up for your rightful lord!” the commander of the small, already besieged Lannister garrison at Storm’s End, Ser Martyn Hill, heard someone cry out to him from below the battlements. “Who are you?” Hill, widely rumored to be a bastard of either Tywald or Tion Lannister, demanded of the stranger, who seemed to have a lot of retainers just then. “I am Lord Gendry Baratheon, son of Robert Baratheon, Lord of Storm’s End and Lord Paramount of...

4 years ago
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Game of Thrones How Davos Saved the DayChapter 39

House of Magister Illyrio Mopatis, Free City of Pentos, Essos The next evening “Welcome to my house, my friend. This is a most ... unusual visit, to say the least, and you are a most remarkable guest,” Magister Illyrio Mopatis of Pentos told his visitor now, as they walked into his palace and prepared for supper. “A man does well to know when to accept or decline invitations. This man knows very well that acceptance is the better option here ... under present circumstances. A man does not...

4 years ago
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Game of Thrones How Davos Saved the DayChapter 40

The Riverlands, not far from the Neck, Four days later... “Your Graces, this is report that three different battalions of ‘Faith Militant’ seem to have simply been former Sparrows that lined up for their dragonglass and showed up armed with cudgels for now. When they were denied dragonglass as yet, because it’s not available here, and were instructed to put away their cudgels, they caused an uproar and the Gold Cloaks were forced to kill several before gaoling the rest. They will instead...

3 years ago
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Game of Thrones How Davos Saved the DayChapter 41

The Neck, Five Days Later... The trout sigil of House Tully was unmistakable, of course. With it came more than a few hundred knights, many of them hedge knights freshly wed to Frey and Rivers girls as prizes probably better than they would otherwise have for at least another year. Lord Edmure Tully, Lord of Riverrun and Lord Paramount of the Riverlands (the title used to be “Lord Paramount of the Trident,” but Edmure preferred a stronger association with Riverrun itself), rode eagerly into...

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