Kampar's WandPart 2 free porn video

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The group did penetrate the woods a fair distance before the sun dipped toward the horizon. The thick canopy of oaks, maples, and walnut trees caused the light to fail even quicker as they continued on. Finding a good, level spot with a nearby stream not far off the obviously well-trodden trail, the group stopped to make camp for the night.

The kampar scurried off to gather up wood, and the rest began the work of setting camp. Matusen emitted a pleased snort when Lorelle proved competent in setting up the small tent she had brought for Devan and herself. He had worried that he would have to give up his own tent in a chivalrous gesture, and upon seeing she had a tent, had guessed she probably wouldn't have a clue what to do with it until she started setting it up.

The kampar returned with a stack of wood that obscured his vision and threatened to tip him over. Still, it wasn't much and would really only serve as kindling to start a real fire. The little man proved adept with his flint and tinder, and soon had a small fire burning cheerily as the light continued to dim.

Matusen went off into the woods with a hatchet, returning shortly and dragging a large deadfall limb that looked well dried. He immediately chopped it up to provide them some real fuel for their fire.

Lorelle picked up a few of the wood chunks Matusen had chopped and brought them to the kampar, who fed the fire and soon had it blazing to an acceptable height for light and cooking.

Devan sat down, not really having any skills to provide as the others set camp, and fighting off a throbbing in her head from the kampar's never-ending story on the road.

Once the fire was going well, Lorelle brought over a small tin pot and some vegetables to Devan. "It's your turn to cook," she said with a wink.

Devan stood up, the throbbing in her head having finally subsided to a dull tingle that she could ignore. She dipped water from the stream and cooked vegetable soup seasoned with some spices and beef stock Lorelle also provided.

Matusen sniffed the air, smelling the soup as he approached from where he had just finished chopping firewood. It was fully dark now, the light from the fire the only illumination in the camp. Outside the wood, it was probably still before sundown, but the thick vegetation blocked out that fading light within its confines. He put down the armload of wood and looked into the pot where Devan was cooking.

"Vegetable soup. I thought we might have some decent food for at least tonight and tomorrow morning before we have to resort to trail fare. I have eggs and some bacon for the morning," Lorelle explained.

"Smells good, and it'll be a damn sight better than hardtack and jerked beef," Matusen remarked.

"Relax for a while, you've been working hard. Devan is a wonderful cook," Lorelle suggested and patted the ground near where she sat.

The kampar wandered off into the woods to look for ghosts, letting a blessed quiet settle over the camp. He returned shortly thereafter, crestfallen that nothing more interesting than an owl had accosted him, and then was thankfully silent again as he ate.

Lorelle edged closer to Matusen as they ate, once again touching him frequently as she discussed the next day's journey between bites of soup. When Matusen walked off into the woods to relieve himself, Devan walked over and whispered to Lorelle, "Aren't you being a little too nice?"

Lorelle chuckled and said, "Watch and learn, Devan. Trust me."

Devan shook her head and said, "Okay."

Matusen set watch for the night, and the kampar actually proved a welcome addition to Devan in that regard. It reduced the amount of time each of them had to stay awake. Devan was given the first watch because she had never done it before, which would provide her with uninterrupted sleep.

She was still fighting to stay awake when her watch at last ended and she awoke Matusen for his turn. She crawled into the tent next to Lorelle and wrapped her blankets around her, surrendering to blessed sleep.

Devan felt Lorelle moving next to her some time later, roused slightly as the other woman crawled out of the tent. Devan moved into a slightly more comfortable position and almost immediately drifted back off to sleep, assuming Lorelle had went to answer the call of nature.

Shortly thereafter, Devan half-roused again due to some sound she couldn't quite place. Peeking outside the tent, she was surprised to see Lorelle on her knees, bare breasted and with Matusen's cock in her mouth. The sound Devan had heard was Lorelle's mouth slurping up and down the man's shaft.

Matusen let out a quiet gasp as Devan watched, and from Lorelle's reaction Devan guessed that the man must be coming in her mouth. When his knees grew wobbly a moment later, it more or less confirmed Devan's suspicions.

Devan pulled her head back inside the tent and wondered what had prompted Lorelle to warm up to the scarred old warrior. He was hardly her type from what Devan had seen. Lorelle crawled back into the tent a short while later — licking her lips — and curled back up in her blankets.

When Devan looked at her through sleepy eyes to ask the question in her mind, Lorelle put a finger before her lips and winked. She then curled up in her blanket to sleep.

Devan just shook her head and did the same, too exhausted to care at the moment.

The kampar awakened Lorelle for the last watch, and as it drew near a close, she started breakfast. Everyone else rose shortly thereafter as the scent of bacon filled the air in the camp.

Once everyone finished eating, they set out on the road again. Darmok had eaten more than his fill, and remained relatively quiet — at least for a kampar. That of course meant that he occasionally paused for a quarter hour or so.

Darmok constantly tried to engage Devan in conversation, but she pointedly ignored the creature. The only time she didn't ignore him was when she noticed him walking along close to her and found his hand in her spell component pouch. She slapped his hand away and scowled at him.

"Sorry, that little funny smelling bag was trying to fall out of there. I didn't want you to drop it, so I was pushing it back in. I didn't mean to startle you, but I had to move quick to catch it before it fell," Darmok explained to her with a bright, cheery smile.

Devan rolled her eyes at him and adjusted her pouch around to the front of her body.

They passed a few people going through the wood in the opposite direction. The strangers were wary as they approached, but were more or less friendly as they passed upon deciding the small group was not a threat. Everyone tightly held their purses and packs when they noticed the kampar, however.

Lorelle carefully scanned the sides of the trail, judging the conditions right for Wyvern Tongue. It only grew under very specific conditions, and the plant that grew from the root that was the prize they sought looked like any number of other plants that shared the undergrowth of the forest with it.

Around noon, Lorelle spotted something and walked off the trail to examine it more closely. She smiled and called to the rest of the group, "I found some!"

Devan walked over as Lorelle dug up the plant. Lorelle pointed out the features of the plant, which looked much like a dandelion, except it had red veins running through the leaves of the plant. She carefully dug up the two plants she had found, and then explored the nearby woods for more.

Darmok wandered off to look for ghosts or bandits again while Devan searched the area as well. Matusen just sat down on the trunk of a fallen tree, not really having anything to do.

Lorelle found four more plants, and Devan found one before they paused to eat the noon meal. Lorelle said the location was perfect for the plants, and they could probably find all they needed in this area.

It took them a few hours, but they eventually filled their sacks with the long taproots of the plants. They now had twice as much as the amount Lorelle had sold a couple of days before. Each root was carefully wrapped in cloth as soon as it was dug up, because exposure to sunlight for more than a few moments destroyed the potency of it. That and the difficulty in locating the plant was what made it so hard to find in many herbal shops.

The traveling companions were about to have an evening meal of trail bread and dried beef when Darmok returned to the camp with a brace of squirrels he had brought down with a sling.

Lorelle gratefully put away the trail fare and roasted squirrel on a fire instead.

Once everyone finished eating and Matusen extinguished the trailside fire, the group backtracked to a more suitable location to set up camp for the night. Roasting the squirrels had extended the time they would be on the road, but all felt it was worth it. The group managed to set up camp in plenty of time before darkness settled over the woods.

Matusen suggested the same watch as the night before, and once again, Devan noticed Lorelle creeping from the tent shortly after Devan returned to it. Devan was not quite as exhausted tonight as on the previous night, so she plainly heard the sound of Lorelle slurping on Matusen's manhood this time.

Even though the man was completely unattractive to her, the thought that Lorelle was sucking his cock only a few feet away made Devan wet. The sounds stopped for a moment, and something new replaced them. Devan couldn't help but peek outside the tent to see what had caused the change.

What she saw was Lorelle's bare bottom bobbing up and down over Matusen's legs. The new sounds was the squishing of his rod sliding into her depths, and her ass bouncing off his legs in an ever-increasing tempo. Those sounds were soon joined by quiet moans and groans from the couple. The firelight reflected off Matusen's slick member every time Lorelle rose up to impale herself on him again.

Devan's hand found its way down between her legs, her sex screaming for attention and refusing to be ignored. She couldn't take her eyes off the scene before her, her fingers pulling her panties aside and slipping between her moist lips.

Devan stroked two fingers into her depths, the fingers of her other hand rubbing her bud. Lorelle started to slam down harder on Matusen's cock, her sounds of pleasure growing louder. Devan's hands moved faster in pace with Lorelle's hips, and she bit her lip to trap her own sounds of pleasure.

Lorelle suddenly sat bolt upright, a low moan emerging from her throat as she sat impaled on Matusen's shaft. She pinched her nipples and pulled them outward, her body shuddering.

Devan's hands moved rapidly now, the growing heat of her impending orgasm swelling in her loins. It was all she could do to remain silent, her eyes still locked on the couple fucking in the firelight.

Lorelle's hips bounced spastically over him a pair of times, and then she gasped, falling forward. His hands found their way to her buttocks, tightly gripping them. He thrust up into her, causing Lorelle to gasp and bite off a yelp.

Matusen's hips thrust up at Lorelle fast, and Devan heard the woman release a moan that she attempted to choke off as she obviously reached another peak. Matusen's movement suddenly stopped and Devan heard him groan.

Devan could almost feel his hot cum flooding her depths as his seed spurted deep into Lorelle. Devan's body stiffened and it took every ounce of her will not to cry out as her own orgasm gripped her.

Devan curled up into a ball as her orgasm refused to let her go, pulling her head back inside the tent. She stroked her fingers inside her a few more times, causing her to curl up even tighter and emit a quiet, choked off yelp of pleasure. She jerked her fingers out of her depths and brought them to her mouth, sucking her wetness from them, and covered her quivering sex with her other hand as she slowly spiraled down from her peak.

She had only just managed to pull her panties back into place and regain her composure when Lorelle returned to the tent. The scent of Devan's arousal hung heavily in the air, and Lorelle smiled knowingly at Devan feigning sleep.

Lorelle curled up in her blankets and drifted off to sleep.

The group packed up their camp and set out early, believing they could make it back to town before nightfall if they didn't dally. Matusen seemed to have an additional spring in his step as he walked.

Unfortunately, so did Darmok.

His constant chatter gave Devan a feeling as if a bee was hovering next to her ear from the moment she started walking. The kampar constantly darted off the trail, bringing back this or that interesting — to him — objects and trying to draw everyone into conversation about them.

The traveling companions made good time, and Devan estimated that they were perhaps an hour away from the edge of the woods. Darmok had once again darted off the trail into the underbrush, and while Devan was glad for the brief respite in his chatter, she groaned knowing that he would trot back soon enough with a deer antler or some other piece of junk to annoy her again.

"Hey everybody, wait up! I found a dark and spooky staircase leading down into the ground over here!"

Devan rolled her eyes and grumbled under her breath, "Good. Go fall down the stairs."

"A staircase? The Kampar has lost what little mind he had. We're in the middle of the damn woods," Matusen grumbled, shaking his head and turning to continue down the trail.

"Maybe we should go take a look," Lorelle suggested.

Devan and Matusen both stopped walking and turned to look at Lorelle in surprise.

"It could be an old cellar or something similar. The conditions around here are perfect for Dwarf Beard fungus and a few other types of fungi we don't have in the shop. An old cellar would be the perfect place for them to grow."

Devan considered for a moment and realized Lorelle was right. Finding some Dwarf Beard would provide a welcome addition to their stores. It had uses in both magic and herbal healing. "Maybe we should check it out."

"I don't have any torches," Matusen offered as an excuse to continue on their way.

Lorelle smiled. "We don't need them. Show us this staircase Darmok."

Darmok's face sprouted a huge smile and he pointed. "It's right over here, just a little off the trail. Follow me!"

The little man bounded off into the undergrowth, and the other three followed. When they reached the spot, Devan saw that there was indeed a moss-covered staircase leading down into the earth.

Matusen kicked at a mossy stone nearby. "These are worked stone. There was a house or something here at some point."

"A little light, Devan? Yours are always brighter and last longer than mine," Lorelle requested.

Devan cast her spell, and a brightly glowing orb of light appeared in her hand. She sent it drifting down into hole, illuminating more of the stairs. Peering down, she could see the landing at the bottom and little else.

"Wow, you can do magic! Do some more!" Darmok exclaimed, clapping his hands and staring at the globe of light.

"How about I turn you into a toad and look for a snake?" Devan mumbled.

"That sounds fun! Could you make me a purple toad with green spots? I don't think I'd like being a regular old boring toad."

Devan groaned and walked down the stairs. The Kampar bounded down after her, with Matusen and Lorelle following.

Once the four emerged from the staircase, they found themselves in what must have been a true basement, much more than a simple cellar. The walls, floor, and ceiling were worked stone, supported by columns. Devan saw a few pieces of collapsed and rotting wooden furniture, but other than that, the basement was empty.

"Look — Dwarf Beard," Lorelle exclaimed and walked over toward a rotting desk that was covered in spots of fuzzy fungus.

Once again, Matusen was lost. He sat down on the last step while the women gathered up the fungus. The excitable halfling moved all around the room, peering into cracks in the walls and under the crumbling furniture.

Lorelle and Devan had just finished scraping away the fungus when they heard Darmok say, "Hey, what's this?"

The sound of stone grinding on stone startled everyone, the volume of the noise and the echoes it produced in the basement causing everyone's teeth to grind.

Looking over toward the kampar, Devan saw him standing in front of a hidden door. "Wow! A secret passage!" He exclaimed and immediately darted inside.

Lorelle stepped into the room after him and quietly said, "Oh my, what have we here?" She knew full well what the room was, in truth. Devan likewise immediately recognized a wizard's lab and library when she stepped through the door.

The room was just large enough to contain the bookshelves, a pair of work desks, and a few chairs. These had been protected from the elements, and everything was in good condition.

Matusen at least had the luxury of sitting in a chair while the women gathered up things this time. The women were constantly forced to slap away Darmok's hands as he reached for things.

Darmok protested when Devan snatched something out of his hands, "I was just going to look at it! Have you ever considered being a prison guard instead of a magic user? You're really good at taking all the fun out of life, and that seems to be what prison guards are best at."

Same as Kampar's Wand
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The phone rang in Susan's office, she was reading one of her student's papers and hadn't thought about the lusty documentary she'd been working on since last weekend. The woman at the other end was GIllian, who worked as one of the executive producers for the production company that hired her to do the interviews. "Susan, its Gillian, we looked at your first interviews and were really taken with your lustful approach to the subject, we want you to embellish that concept and even go...

1 year ago
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MollyChapter 4

The next day at school was as bad as I thought it was going to be. Even my fair weather friend Michelle pretended to not see me in the cafeteria. I decided to skip my last class and get out of there early to avoid the whispering and looks of the others. I went home and put on some rice to cook for dinner. We still had some leftover red beans to go with it in the fridge. I put them on to warm. I was wishing we had some sausage or even a potato to put in it. Dad was sitting in his recliner...

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The Cosmic James BondChapter 3

There were several more boring meetings the next day, none of which seemed important to me, but Honeybunch carefully recorded everything that went on. You never knew what might turn out to be a significant bit of information. Things were going along at the usual snail's pace as was typical at this sort of convention, then we were called into a special meeting at the end of the day. I was told to stand in a certain place, but I didn't think much about that, since every one of the other...

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The Demerit System part 14

Life continued in Pete's house. The springtime weather continued to get warmer as the days got longer until senior exams were upon the girls. Exams lasted for a week, but for the week before and the week of exams, Pete told the girls that their weekly appointments with him for private spankings were going to be set aside so that they could concentrate on their studies. The girls spent most of their time when they weren't at classes studying or writing reports and the like, preparing for the...

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Pleasure Of Secret Love Relationship

This story is dedicated to all those married men and women who are desperate in search of a soul mate who can share their feelings, theirs pains, theirs frustration and their happiness. All the married couples are not so lucky to get a life partner who can share all these feelings. Even though some of them married after many years of love, their dream will spoil within sometime after marriage, this may happen because of over showing their goodness by hiding the weakness and high expectations...

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Wifes friend

I am living with my wife and three children in UK. Once we received a call from Sameera, an old friend of my wife’s. She said that she was in town and wanted to visit, but didn’t know where we were living. We decided to go pick her up. My wife and I went to receive her, and overjoyed to see an old friend again after so many years. As Sameera shook hands with my wife, I fell in love with her all over again. Unexpectedly, I offered my hand, which she squeezed affectionately. She had money, a lot...

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Four Day Weekend

It was 12:50 am..I stood by my car at the Greyhound station, waiting for the bus to arrive. My heart was pounding, butterflies fluttered around in my knotted up stomach. I was getting very excited but also very nervous.The 15 minutes felt like an eternity before the bus pulled up in front of me. One by one I watched people step off; then I saw my soldier. As soon as he stepped on to the sidewalk I ran towards him, jumping into his arms.For some reason I started to cry. I dont know if it was...

Straight Sex
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Six Times A DayPart 23 Good Lovin Gone Bad

The next morning, Alan woke up bright and early, excited about the new day. He'd been worried about Susan's state of mind lately, but he felt very encouraged after Susan's "goodnight kiss and tuck-in" the night before. And what he'd considered a Brenda problem - the necessity for him to seduce her to protect the family incest secret - had turned into a Brenda opportunity in his mind, after Suzanne's confidence-boosting training. He didn't worry much about that. But more importantly...

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Day Dreamin

Thwap-Thwap-Thwap "Kylie, time to rise and shine, honey..." I heard a soft male voice singing softly and something hot and heavy, almost soft but very firm, was hitting me on the face. On my forehead and cheeks. On my lips. "Open up, Kylie..." I opened my eyes as I felt that something being pushed into my mouth and I suckled the familiar shape instinctively. I blinked at the pale body above me, a white man straddling my face, pushing his large white cock between my black lips while he...

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The break in

It was a warm summer day in London. Emma couldn't believe her eyes. It had been raining the past three weeks, but now the sun was finally out. She glanced into the mirror, repositioned her hair and grinned. For a couple of seconds, the dreadful moment that was fast approaching seemed to be miles away. She put her lipstick on and muttered to herself, "Let's go, Emma. You can do this!" Her heart started pounded as she grabbed her keys a few minutes later, heading out the front door. Her mind went...

1 year ago
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Emily in the DarkChapter 10 Therersquos No Place Like Home

We finished with introductions, and Emily led us to her home. She looked around beneath a potted plant, and finally found a key, with which she opened the door. We entered, shedding shoes and boots, dropping packs on the floor, and then settling into chairs. I figured we ought to refill our canteens sooner rather than later. Leading us into the kitchen, Emily tried the tap, which produced nothing. As she turned, I saw a note flutter to the floor. I picked it up, and handed it to Emily. “This...

2 years ago
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Harry Plays Truth or Dare Part 2

Introduction: The game continues in round three AN: Thanks for the positive comments. ROUND 3 To start off this round the book says that whoever is reading the book must go first. So I guess Ill go first. I choose dare. The book says that I must choose someone to rim and or finger for 5 minutes. If you choose someone who has not gone for this round then this will count as there turn too. If I refuse to do this dare then I must complete the last two tasks. I definitely choose the first one and...

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The desert is safe from the virus

It has been several months now being stuck in the house venturing out every week or so for errands and nothing else. I do ALL for myself so I don't really need to wander out.....except for companionship. Thank goodness for the Internet.I have been in touch with a lot of the ladies I'm involved with including another who is still becoming one.I met Penny several years ago and we hooked up for an afternoon. She had not been out of prison long enough to get a regular job and her transition was...

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It was All Katies Idea

My name is Mojo. I'm 28, have a few extra pounds in some places, muscular in others. I work as a machinist and own my own company in the Midwest. Been out and on my own since high school. Both parents, gone. Dad had a heart attack ten years ago and Mom died three years later of skin cancer. Now it's just me and Katie, that's my girlfriend now and a long time friend from college. She's 24. cute as all get-out and very playful. She is from Windsor Heights which is a good 1 hour drive from where I...

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NuruMassage Courtney Taylor Neighbors Snobby Wife

Snobby Courtney Taylor is supremely annoyed to find her nerdy neighbor Tyler Nixon swimming in her pool. Even worse, when he shows up at the spa where she works, wanting a massage from her, or else he’ll inform everyone with the news that she works there, in one of his famous online reviews. And that would never fly with her husband because he doesn’t know and would be furious if he found out. She reluctantly agrees to the NURU massage, but she can’t hide her impatience around Tyler, and she...

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BurningAngel Karlee Grey Metal Massage Part 1

The dudes at Metal Massage were late on rent! Landlord and Empress of the Metal Massage Kingdom Joanna Angel wasn’t thrilled about it, so it was important they made a good impression on Karlee Grey, a verified reviewer she was sending in. If she left good feedback, it might drum up some business- which would be no problem for drummer Owen Gray! He can drum up AND down. Karlee was impressed by the atmosphere and hipster trendy casual ambiance, and was interested in the ‘Drum...

3 years ago
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My Wet Dream

I could feel her breath on neck as her lips brushed me, Her fingers sought my penis It hardened as I felt the folds of my foreskin being touched, gently pulled, gently stretched out, then pulled back so that a bead of glans emerged from the tight ring of prepuce. My cock was as solid as it could be she slipped off her t-shirt and eased on top of me. I could feel her breasts brushing against my chest.I felt the warmth of her moist vulva as she rubbed against my cock.I so wanted to be inside her,...

1 year ago
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NFBusty Sofi Ryan Oil And Orgasms

Tony is a lucky man to have the attention of Sofi Ryan. With her big tits and huge ass, she’s one hell of a stunner. She also delivers on the promise of her sexy body. After an initial striptease, she spends plenty of time bouncing up and down so Tony can admire the ways her jugs jiggle. Then she covers herself in oil to make every inch of her busty body glisten. Beckoning Tony close, Sofi invites him to join her in the bedroom. He gets a handful of each of those boobies, then the chance...

4 years ago
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Waking Up

Waking UpIt was a wet and cold morning outside my bedroom window I laid there in my bed not wanting to get out of it. As I laid there all I could think about was what I saw last night as I passed my parents' bedroom door. I saw my mom laying there with dad shoving a dildo into her pussy as he was playing with his limp dick. I think they thought I was already in bed but I had been in the garage working on my bike. I went on to my room scared I get caught. Once in my room I laid on my bed and...

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The Team Mascot ch 10

My wife noticed my energy level namely, sex drive had dropped off so she got me a gymnasium membership for my birthday. I was less than enthusiastic about it at first. But as time passed I got more accepting of the new situation. Beautiful young bodies working out around me kept my cock stirring as I watched their asses and tits bobbing up and down on the various pieces of equipment. To my amazement I was watching the guys as well as the ladies. Between mentally undressing the ladies I...

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DISCLAIMER: In the DevianArt version of this story, Lucy's lines are mostly in italics. However, since I don't think they'll show up on FIctionmania, I'll try using //'s in her dialogue in order to create the otherworldly feel. If this bothers you, then inform me and I'll try releasing a version without the //'s. Lucy (A Halloween TG). October 31st 8:30pm. "Where do you think you're going?" The stern tone of his mother's voice was enough to make James wince as he was caught taking...

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Robin Girl Wonder the reboot

ROBIN GIRL WONDER - the reboot I recently stumbled across Fraylim's wonderful "Miss-Adventures of Robin the Girl Wonder" drawings again, and decided to write a completely new version of my Robin Girl Wonder story. This time I'll faithfully stick to the storyline as presented in Fraylim's art. I enjoyed re-imagining this story and I hope you enjoy reading it. Here's a link to Fraylim's art online: It's fun and sexy. http://tgcaps.com/caps/fanart/fraylim/robin01.jpg.php if the link...

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Message-ID: X-Original-To: [email protected]: [email protected]: From: Johnnie X-ASSTR-Original-Date: Wed, 14 Jul 2010 21:34:42 +0000 (GMT)Subject: {ASSM} Hannah - the whole story - (bbbbFF, MMMMMF, Slut, p**o, sex slave, voyeurism, exhibitionist, piercings, tattoos, b********y)Lines: 5435Date: Fri, 16 Jul 2010 08:10:08...

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The Battered LampChapter 13 The Despair of the Warrior

Notes: Thanks to b0b for beta-reading this! Thursday, January 23rd – South Hill, WA The memory of Fatima lying on the hospital bed wouldn't leave Kyle's mind when he reached Gym Class. So Kyle took comfort with Carla and Aaliyah behind the bleachers, burying his guilt and anger over everything that had happened in the warm, wet flesh of his wife and concubine, savoring the feel of their hot pussies wrapped around his cock. As his orgasm built, all the pain vanished and he was left with...

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My Sister and IChapter 6

"God Robbie, where did you learn to eat pussy like that?" Cindy said when she had finally gathered enough strength. "I've never climaxed so many times in my life." I smiled but didn't answer. For some reason, male pride or ego, I didn't want her to know that I had never eaten pussy before. Cindy finally sat up. She looked at me and whispered, "It's my turn." With that she slipped off the sofa and crawled between my legs. My cock wasn't as hard, but it was still a formidable...

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The sun burned a dusty orange, its incessant heat scorched the landscape even as it set on the distant horizon. Dust hung in the air choking everyone and everything. The only sign of water was the tear tracks on the children’s faces, and yet he still had hope. Though the dusty haze he watched as an old man approached him, walking very slowly. ‘The fever… our children are dying,’ Inua, the elder, spoke between his deep breaths. Ebbe hung his head. ‘I know.’ ‘But your daughter, she dies too,...

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Rescue turns into Recreation

I am heavily involved in search and rescue operations in the back county. The mountains are very steep and we end up with numerous calls for people who went off trail trying to take a short cut only to find their path ending in a cliff. It is too steep to backtrack up so the 911 call comes in. I have always had this fantasy. Calling out the three of us make our way down the hillside trying to locate the stranded hikers. We find them and I gear up first and head over the side of the...

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Minuet In G Chapter VIII

After she stopped reading, Alice had a sudden idea. She decided to put the things back in the room, and surprise Gerald with it, after she had cleaned everything up. She decided that if things were not in good working order, she could always admit trying to prepare a surprise for him. But if they were in good shape, and she could clean them, THAT surprise would be really stunning. Several days after finding the room, Alice was tearing salad greens and chopping vegetables when the phone rang....

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Trick or Treat

Introduction: This is my first story so I want to know what everybody thinks so please leave comments There was something about the air in Chicago whenever October rolled around. Brooklyn breathed in the fresh autumn air from the patio. For some reason, the air seemed fresher and cleaner. Its crispness mixed with the scent of freshly fallen leaves, reminding her that the days were getting shorter and the nights were getting colder. Normally, October was her major party month. Shed take weeks to...

3 years ago
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Forced to Be A Stripper

The John Mellencamp song was blaring loudly as Vanessa danced around under the lights. ‘I want you to dance naked, so I can see you, I’d like to get to know you, you don’t have to act naughty.’ Her hips moving back and forth, synchronized with the strings of his guitar, a wanton display of simulated sex. ‘Spin it round and round, spin it round and round and round, I want you to dance naked.’ Vanessa twirled around, her unbuttoned blouse blowing out to the side, her bra barely able to contain...

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Comforting Mom pt2 Grandma

“Mom, what do you think about us going to visit Grandma for a few days? I’m sure I can get a few days off from work.” She looks up from her book to give me a quizzical look. She thinks for a few seconds, then gives me a smile. “Yes. I supposed we could. What made you think of her all of a sudden?” Mom asks as she puts her book down. She stretches out on the couch to put her feet on my lap. This is her signal that she wants me to rub her feet. After grabbing her lotion from the table, I...

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Kissing Cousins

From: CharlotteTo: MaddieDate: July 3, 2019Since you asked, it's a funny story how Lisa and I wound up at SF Pride wearing "Proud of our Daughters" tee shirts. I'll tell you what happened last weekend. But DON'T TELL your mother!! Lisa will divorce you as her sister if you do. Give us a chance to tell her and my mom ourselves.[LOL feel free to skip the sex scene in the story. I was just too excited not to share it with you...]So the story starts last Thursday night after we checked into...


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