ShawnChapter 10 free porn video

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During the day the queen had to go on tours of the city and formal reception was to take place that night. That was the time the queen would make known the money for the poor clinic. Then she would talk on her feelings about the situation with the whites segregating the blacks.

I would normally stay home and in this case be with Charles, Anne and Lusa. However, this time I would be at the meal because of my knighthood and Lusa would be beside me to show our family's feelings. Mom bustled around the house even more trying to get ready for the festivities. Dad's knighthood would be bad enough but to have a son too was difficult to get everything right.

Fancy cars in the capital were now scarce and dad had to make do with his own vehicle. We pulled up close but security was tight and a valet had to come to us to park the car. The car left and we joined the line waiting to get into the public building. Dad had his invitation firmly in his hand when mom said, "Oh, I forgot my makeup in the car."

Dad said that he would get it and I said I would do it or we would loose our place in the line. Lusa insisted that she come with me and we soon found the car and the errant case. When we got back to the line we found that dad and mom had made it in and Lusa and waited again till our turn came.

The man doing the primary checking was Sergeant Colin McBride. He was one of the people from Internal Security that had killed and continue to kill any black that they thought was too uppity for their own good. Granted they usually got some severe warning first but no second chance.

When it came our turn he looked at me and recognised my face from the papers and had been give word by dad that I and another family member was coming a little later. "Your invitation please."

"I saw dad talk to you and inform you that we would be coming. Does security seem to be afflicted with memory loss?"

"Look boy, you don't have an invitation so and you and this darkie can leave."

"I am not boy. My name is Sir Shawn Boz. The sir might mean nothing to your obvious bigotry but my companion is part of my family and specifically invited by Her Royal Majesty Elizabeth II. Your choice of words shows that you are unsuited for your job on many grounds." Looking to my right I saw Corporal Kulbir following our conversation with more than a hint of levity.

"As for the derogatory term you used, I suppose your wishes would be to only have whites allowed to attend the reception?"

The man was angry but kept his cool and called one of his men to move us out of the line. When the man came and told me to leave I refused and then he bent down and grabbed Lusa in a painful grip and simply picked me up. Since this was assault I drove my hand into his shoulder and then across his throat. My arms were short and I could not move much but it was enough for him to drop me.

The man's eyes almost blazed and he said, "I will kill you."

He came at me again and I ducked and got under him then raised him by the scrotum and drove his head into the concrete walk. As he recovered I ran in and kicked his face with the sole of my shoes.

I turned to find McBride pointing a revolver at me. "Halt!" The people that had retreated during the fight retreated even further.

"Are you going to shoot a three year old boy, or are you going to shoot a person knighted by our sovereign and told quite explicitly to protect the weak?" My voice was loud enough to reach everybody even those just inside the door.

The gun wavered a little but stayed on me. A man in a tux came running forward and looked at the standoff. He was the appointed head of Internal Security and felt quite exposed at the moment. "What are you doing McBride? He has been knighted and has an invitation. Put away that gun now." The gun came down but the urge to kill remained.

The man looked at me and said, "You may pass."

"I might but what is going to happen here? Is the next guest invited by the Prime Minister or our Sovereign going to be harassed, attacked, forced to defend himself and his companions?"

"He will be disciplined."

"What about your other thug that threatened to kill me?"

"He did not. I was just inside the door."

"Sir you are a liar and the leader of goons and thugs. Corporal Kulbir," I called.

The Ghurkha came forward and snapped to attention as if I was his commanding officer. "Sir."

"Did this man assault me at McBride's orders?"

"Yes sir, he did."

"Did this man on the ground threaten to kill me?"

"Yes sir. Quite a stupid thing to do I think."

"Apparently this liar in a tux would like to call you to task for that comment. Perhaps he can put forward the idea that since you are not white you naturally lie."

"He would not do that to my face sir."

"I don't think anyone would call that to your face but you would be a liar behind your back. I will talk to our Queen as to see who can be trusted with the truth."

I held Lusa's hand and pulled her around the man and passed Corporal Kulbir, who had a small smile on his face. When we stepped within the hall there was no noise at all, even the kitchen was quiet. I escorted Lusa to her seat at the table with the queen and I stopped long enough to show her the bruising on Lusa's arm. She asked, "Are both of you all right?"

"Yes Your Majesty. We just ran into the usual bigots and liars on the way in."

She turned to the man beside her and asked, "Why is this beautiful county saddled with such people Mister Prime Minister?"

He mumbled something and left to see what could be salvaged. I pulled out Lusa's chair and sat her before getting into my own. Dad and mom had serious looks an their faces and I added, "I had to make a stand. I couldn't let this bigotry be hidden any longer. Now they would assault young mixed race girls, at another time they murder men and dump their bodies out of town."

The queen turned to one of her bodyguards and gave him some orders.

I had not whispered when I had uttered my words and most of the people around the table were politicians or very wealthy business people. There was very little chance to get active sympathy here. The business interests wanted cheap dependable labour and the government controlled by business tried its best to assure that this happened.

Conversations started and it wasn't for at least five minutes until the usual hubbub began. The Prime Minister and the Minister of Justice came back and took their seats.

The bodyguard came back and whispered in the queen's ear, giving a concise rendition of the incident.

The queen turned and asked the Prime Minister, "I hear when a security man gets caught doing something illegal or immoral in this country he is transferred to a different department and then carries on as if nothing happened." The men's faces turned red signifying they had been caught again. "Your personal appointee lied to Sir Shawn. How much of his dishonesty comes from the men around him? I feel as though I have fallen in with a pack of jackals."

I was very surprised to hear these strong words. I saw that this woman had a lot of scruples and backed them up with her will and words.

The meal progressed and the politicians around the queen felt that this was their last meal. When it came time the queen left her prepared speech and lambasted bigotry in general. She went so far as to say that it undermined democracy and all the things the monarchy now stood for.

Reporters in the back were writing notes furiously. This was like no other speech she had given before.

Dad gave his speech and talked of man working with man to build a better world than what we had. He got in a lot of jabs about under funding the native health care system. Nothing was said about education because it did not exist.

I was given the microphone and had to get on my chair to be seen. This caused a few laughs and I laughed with them. "It is a real pain to be short and young," I started. "People treat you like a pet dog or ignore you. I have been born special. As you can tell I am more fortunate than the usual three year old and because I exercise I am stronger too. I have been afflicted with curiosity which has led me to explore and learn all about the world around me.

"When my family went to Britain on a holiday we met some survivors of a tragedy at sea. Through a lot of effort of Doctor Quigley and dad we were able to save the ones we managed to drag from the sea. I was fortunate to notice something that proved crucial for two lives.

"Her Royal Majesty saw fit to knight me for this and other things that I had done. My oath said that I was to be brave, ready and loyal. It was also said that I was to protect the weak and uphold the laws of God and man.

"While at the palace I found a rare opportunity. My oath told me to protect but I could not do that well. The Royal Family have a group of soldiers that I would think are the most loyal, trustworthy and honest men the world has to offer. They were kind and considerate to teach me a few things that could save my life and those around me.

"Outside this building I found that my parents had gone into this room before I got back from an errand. I tried to follow. Dad left specific word that I would be coming. This I heard myself, just before he entered the main doors. Because the girl beside me is not fully white the man called her 'darkie'. This is a common word and is meant as derision.

"I stood my ground as any man in this room would. When we refused to leave this gathering, we were assaulted. I used the knowledge given me by those non white men tonight to fight a man and his subordinate. A man pointed a gun at me for protecting my family. He is from Internal Security. It seems that a three-year-old boy with the ability to fight with his hands and a ten-year-old girl are a viable threat to the stability of the country we love.

"The head of Internal Security came out to rescue what he could at this time. He lied at hearing his man threaten to kill me, however I was lucky enough to have many witnesses. Some were honest civilians and others the queen's own men, they came forward and told the authorities what they had witnessed.

"Now we come to the men who run this government. Will they hide this man away so he can continue to do his work or will they allow him to enter private industry so that he can do the same thing? I for one would look suspiciously at anybody that would hire a man like that.

"If anybody thinks I have committed slander I want the Minister of Justice to look into it now and gather the facts. None of us want to hear 'oh I forgot to ask.' at a possible future trial.

"Now before I sit down I would like the Prime Minister to speak as he was going to do and address these issues with plain talk. Let's all listen to see how he approaches the subject, or evades it."

The Prime Minister was intelligent or he would never have got where he was now. He attacked my age and memory in a polite way but saw that he was getting nowhere. With everybody here having listened to the queen's words he was obliged to look into the matter and if the facts were true to terminate the head of Internal Security.

That night dad, mom and the queen were all angry with me. I hadn't manipulated much if any of the situation. It was out now that I was very bright and able to fight after a fashion. I would be watched very intently and possibly killed because of the way I embarrassed the government. The explanation of their motives for keeping the native population in chains later proved even more of an embarrassment for almost each and every person in the room.

The papers were full of the event and even the ones owned by interests in Britain were torn by loyalty. The queen had made a phone call and then another phone call had come back telling the local paper to print the truth or their editors would need to find themselves all new jobs. The one independent paper didn't print much of the incident, hoping to let the public forget.

That night the queen, her children and her retinue left and I was sorry to see them go. I could have asked them to stay like I did but the threat to my life and that of my family made that unthinkable.

Dad went back to his practice and his work did not suffer for his views. I had to help long distance for mom would not let me off our grounds. The poor clinic was the same way but this time there was money available for an additional doctor. The Ministry of Health gave us more money when they were shown to the world for being so stingy.

The visitors to our home changed. The only ones that came now were people sympathetic to our cause. Here mom walked a fine line, for she knew we were watched and possibly the phone was tapped too. If she said too much a public trial could be held and jail would surely follow.

Mom was getting so paranoid that I believe she overdid it. I was sent to London to stay with dad's parents and go to school there. A stipulation made that I stayed away from the palace for fear of carrying danger to the Royal Family.

I bordered the plane with the greatest of reluctance. Mom, Japera and Lusa had cried and still found enough tears to shed when I got on the BOAC flight for London. Dad had shed a few tears as well but had hid them much better. I had hardly ever cried but found a few to shed as I walked up the flight or steps.

The stewardess was a young woman and saw me as only a very young child that was sent alone on a long flight alone. I was given preferential seating in first class even though I told dad to book me with the rest of the ordinary people in economy. This time I was too distraught to argue and allowed the woman to buckle my seat belt and gave me a box of tissues. Two seats over a large man smoked a cigar that smelled up the cabin. On other seats men talked and smoked as they read the financial section of the paper.

Just before the flight a young pretty woman got on with an older man. She was the 'secretary' that performed many special duties for her boss. This made me even more homesick and the wheels had not even left the tarmac yet.

Lusa had demanded that I find a woman or two to keep me happy while I was away. She still didn't understand that the glands governing this type of action were inactive. I could perform though but it was necessary to use my brain instead. I really didn't know how Lusa would function because we made love almost every day since she was six.

Mom and dad had set-up a large bank account in my name and arranged many of the things that I could easily do for myself. It was just their way of doing this last little bit for me as if I had the mentality of a three-year-old along with the body that was approaching the ripe old age of four.

Japera cried so hard I thought that she would never see me again. In the last week I lost count of the times she broke down and couldn't continue. Usually this set mom off too and they would both cry. Mom though did not back down for she saw this as the best way to ensure my safety.

Lusa couldn't take it so she played music for so many hours that I think she was fixating on it to exclude all else. Our lovemaking was almost animalistic in its intensity. She wanted me in her all the time thinking I could give her a baby. The sad fact was that she was not even pubescent yet.

The engines started to roar and the propellers spun till they disappeared. I couldn't directly see them even if I was at the window because of my height. The plane started its run down the asphalt and soon the nose climbed and I was still saying goodbye to my family many miles later as we climbed higher and higher.

I found in my anxiety that I had communicated almost a hundred miles before it finally faded. This made me even more morose and I curled up in my chair after taking off my seatbelt.

The stewardess, Shelley by name, came by and asked in a child like voice if there was anything I would like. "Only a pillow. Maybe I can get some sleep. I just find it upsetting to leave my family for such a long time."

Shelly was thinking of my speech and trying to reconcile it with my apparent age. When the pillow was presented is put it beside me and tried to think of it as Lusa.

I must have slept. At home all the feelings of imminent parting had kept me awake and those of everyone else in the house. My eye flew down and I could see land and then I had to search the navigator's mind and saw that we were just crossing the southern border of Chad.

The plane and its controls began to pique my interest because there was basically nothing else to do. The businessmen were thinking of profits and how they could screw the people above them so they could work their way up. Others already at the top looked how to screw competitors and fight off underlings from below.

The engines were fairly simple but the hydraulic and electric controls proved to be fascinating. After another meal I started on the captain and his crew and saw all the things that must be done to fly a plane of this size and complexity. By the time we were touching down in London I figured I could fly the plane myself and do most of the basic repairs if needed.

We coasted to a stop. A small towing machine came out and pulled us into position. We wearily disembarked. When the luggage was brought out I waited until most of the other people were done before fighting for my property. A young woman helped me with a small suitcase and asked, "Where are your parents, little boy?"

"Thank you for your assistance ma'am. My parents are in Salisbury worrying about me being away from home and my grandparents will soon be here after I get through customs."

The woman stood up straight and looked at me funny trying to see if I was a midget or something similar.

I pulled over a frame on wheels and threw my luggage on it. I was at the end of a line when the customs and immigration man looked over the counter at me.

"Hello there young man. May I have your papers please?"

"I handed my new passport up to him and he read the changes to it. The 'Sir' stood out and he said, "This is your dad's. Do you have anything for you?" Children usually came in under their parent's papers and if they were from a commonwealth country, a birth certificate was good enough.

"Sir, I thank you for your concern for protecting this country and of one small boy trying to make it to school here. But the fact is the passport is mine and I happen to have been knighted recently to get it."

"Well I'll be... I never thought I would meet somebody like you here. Where are you going?"

"My grandparents will put me up and then others will assess me to find my place in the British educational system. By my own reckoning I should be entering the final year of university while majoring in six subjects."

The man looked at the passport and especially the date August 12 1950. He looked at me again then at the passport then at me again and started to laugh. "You had me there, young man. You won't be four for another three months."

"Sir, I did not exaggerate. I will be a physician like my dad, a mathematician to understand physics and chemistry, I already understand many languages and will need a final topping up of business administration."

The man believed my words but had a very difficult time getting the rest of his brain to accept it. He simply stamped my passport and because I was last he helped me to the room where grandma and grandpa were nervously waiting. The kindly man recognised them from their pictures in the paper but surprisingly didn't keep an image of me.

I ran like any other boy and hugged one then the other. I finally turned around and thanked the officer for his help and his sympathy for a small boy alone for a time in a strange country.

In the taxi home I was asked all sorts of questions and had to field some for the time being. Mom and dad were great I told them but worried about me. Japera and Lusa were the same and promised to keep working on a better education just as I was doing.

I was given dad's old room and with all my clothes and some of dad's I felt less lonely.

Grandpa had arranged an assessment the next morning and he managed to get some time off work to accomplish this. Over a cuppa I told him that this was not necessary, "Grandpa, I only look little. I read all the maps and know them by heart. Taxi drivers can take me where I need to go if necessary and the train schedule is posted and I will have it memorized the first time I see it."

"That is good but you need an adult with you. I even think it is the law."

"Grandpa I love you and grandma but I can manage this easy thing myself. There is no reason for you to lose a day's pay," I smiled, "or deprive the Chancellor of the Exchequer his portion of your wages."

The next day I stepped out the front door in a cool day in the last days of May and waved to both grandparents. I had won this small battle and would take the trolley to my goal. With two changes of conveyance I was able to make it to my destination without incident even though most drivers were worried about someone so young getting on his vehicle.

A public call box reminded me to make a few courtesy calls and I phoned a private number at Buckingham Palace. A secretary picked up the phone and I gave my name and asked for Charles. He was able to take the call and I explained where I was and why. With a few pieces of information I explained how I was only able to meet him where the Ghurkhas could guard us both. In a way he did not understand but in a simpler way he did. He sounded a little down and I explained how I could be invited to come for a visit if his family thought it advisable.

After the call I climbed the many steps to an imposing stone building and looked at the heavy oak door. Its handle was out of reach and I had to wait till nobody was looking before opening the massive portal.

The floor was stone and I walked down a deserted hallway to the door I wanted. The room had a counter and glass separating the front of the room from the important people in the back. Nobody came to see who the visitor was and cared little. "Hello, Is there anybody here?"

A click of china was heard and someone pushed back their chair and slowly came to the small opening in the glass. The woman about 40 or so looked out and then down to me. "What do you want, little boy?"

"I came to see Mr. Driscoll. I have an appointment."

"Where are your parents, little boy?"

"My parents are in Rhodesia. My appointment is here and now. I may be a little boy ma'am but my name is not little boy, it is Shawn Boz, as it says on your scheduling. Will you please inform Mr Driscoll that I am here and ready at his convenience?"

"Who do you think you are, little boy? Your parents were remiss in your education and you are sorely lacking in your manners."

I took a breath and let it out then took an oak chair and placed it in front of the opening then climbed onto it to see my antagonist face to face. "Madam, my parents went to a lot of effort to teach me a great many things, including manners. I was to respect age, intelligence and be polite to people that are polite to me. You show very little politeness and I tried to be nice. I assume you can understand my simple requests but I see you need stimulation to start this effort. First of all I am 'Sir' Shawn Boz. Secondly I almost brought down the government in Rhodesia and managed to get the government to fire the head of Internal Security. Do you think one receptionist in a minor building in a large city would be too much harder?"

Looking at the grey haired woman harder I said, "Now please inform Mr. Driscoll of my presence as your job requires."

The woman backed up and fled the room. Three other people were sitting at their desks, some with tea part way to their mouths, with said orifices wide open in shock or amusement.

In a moment a door on the side was flung open and a heavyset man rushed out. "What is the meaning of this young man. You frightened one of my workers half to death?"

"Since you choose to ask in public, I will reply the same way. Your appointment book has my name. It is not 'young man'. Your workers are having their break at 8am when the designated time is an hour later. That is of no matter as long as they handle their jobs. It seems that you do not run a very tight ship and that you have let things slide to the point that the ministry would have to be called in to rectify matters. Lastly I came here for an assessment not a confrontation with people that think that their senior position is the only thing to consider when dealing with the public."

The man sputtered then gained control of himself. "Come into my office and we can get you sorted out Master Boz."

I took a chair in his large panelled office and waited for the man to start. He was trying to think of ways to be vindictive and also throw roadblocks in my way. "There are quite a few tests to be done and we can start in the other room." His idea was to give me tests for a child starting school and work my way up through each of them then find one way or another to see that I fail.

"Before we start Mr. Driscoll, I want you to save any and all records you have of this testing. If I do not like the results I will take them to the minister for a review. Second I feel I can enter university now. Give me the tests that will assist me in this endeavour. Failing this I will bring in my solicitor to make my wishes better known. My name by the way is 'Sir' Shawn Boz and I will gain the minister's ear if I need."

The man sat up straighter and reassessed his course but not his objective. "There is no need for that young man."

"That is fine. I believe the minister will personally view my scores in any case. After the completion of these tests I will tell him that you are busy processing them."

The tests came in and I worked on them quickly. I put my name, date and a sequential number on each sheet I did. Within an hour I had completed more tests than were required but did them regardless. When Mr. Driscoll found nothing more for me to do, I wrapped them all up and made out a sheet of which tests I had completed and the number of extra sheets of paper that I had handed in. If some were going to be 'lost' I wanted the ministry to know that they were handed in.

Mr. Driscoll refused to give me the receipt that I requested, so I took his phone against his wishes and stuck my finger in the holes on the dial and dialled the personal number of the Minister of Education. I was lucky that the man was in his office. I referenced the man's job title then gave my own name and title. I explained where I was and who I was with. I gave my suspicions about my tests and the failure of Mr. Driscoll to give me a receipt. A minute later I hung up the phone.

"I believe you will be getting a call from somebody that will inform you to give me a receipt."

"You didn't have to do that Mr. Boz."

"I am past the point of trying to work with you. The name is Sir Shawn to you and I will not have you try to sidetrack my education because you and some old biddy like their prerequisites in an out of the way petty bureaucracy."

We were quiet for three minutes until a woman came to his door and knocked then came in and said, "There is a call for you sir in the other room." I found this was done so that Driscoll would not have to take the call in front of me.

Five minutes later a shaken man came back. In his hand was a receipt of the test taken. I handed him my more detailed receipt to put his signature on instead. When it was done I said, "You will find that the tests I did would be very easy for an adult to do. My score will be judged and re-evaluated many times in the near future. If you give me even one extra point everybody will know it. If I am not given a point the same thing will happen. I am only saying this so that I get what is fair and nothing more."

I walked out of the building to see many people moving along the busy street. The confrontation that I had just came from made me feel ill, particularly it didn't make me feel proud to have had to call in assistance. Granted I could have taken the tests and in a few weeks be where I was now but that was counter productive in many ways. Their time and my own would be wasted. I could be learning so many new things instead of taking exams on how to add integers or see how Spot ran with Dick and Jane. I could see how this would drive an adult to drink.

It took a while with trams and buses to get to University College London. The bus stopped on Euston Road and I walked a short distance to the Medical Science Centre just off Gower Street. I wandered into the building trying to get a feel for the place. Everybody was rushing about going to classes and I blended in but I had to worry about being trampled. I tried to stay out of sight as much as possible while I assessed the professors.

They were quite busy with mundane things and what I hoped to find was specific information. The Journal of the American Medical Association that I'd read in dad's office had mentioned that Salk had been working on a vaccine for poliomyelitis and I wanted to see how the people here interpreted the man's findings.

Same as Shawn
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Hello dosto mera naam sumit hai mai allahabad, up se hu mai engineering student hu meri height 5’6″ hai colour fair aur land ka size 6″. Mai jada time waste na karte hue story par ata hu. Ye story abhi just ek month pehle ki hai jab mere semester exams chal rahe the. Mai civil lines tak auto se jata tha aur vha se dost ki bike se. Ek din exam dekar mai vapas aa raha tha maine stand se auto pe baith gaya yaha ki auto me do long seat hoti ek driver ke just pichhe aur ek just opposite me. Mai...

3 years ago
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Letter from America

The letter from America1968Martin White and his wife Sarah were lying in bed .It wasn’t late in fact it was hardly dark but they had decided on an early night.Martin had decided to give “Don Quixote” another chance but his heart just wasn’t in it.Martin let the book tumble from his hand as it made a satisfying “clump” on the bedroom carpet ……“Fuck it” said Martin “I’ve seen the movie , why do I bother” ?Martin was typically English if there is...

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The New Neighbour Part 3

I found a note on the kitchen table from Caroline. It read, "Thank you so much, darling. I am so proud of you. Enjoy breakfast.”On the table was a bowl, spoon and a box of cornflakes! I even had to fetch the milk myself. How dare she, I thought. I was expecting a cold brunch, but got cereal!When she eventually returned, Caroline was full of her new friends. I was still mad with her, but was fascinated to discover more about these ladies, so curbed my temper. Besides, my wife looked delectable...

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DDFBusty Blondie Fesser Busty Blondie Blows Big Dick

Blondie Fesser is a stunner from Argentina. Her absolutely breath-taking 34F / 75H bra size gives you an instant boner in your pants, so sit back and enjoy today’s Busty XXX premium porn by DDF Network, the epicenter of adult entertainment! The horny blonde is on vacation and enjoys a relaxing afternoon on the balcony of her hotel suite. Butler Emilio Ardana serves her iced tea when she notices his gloves and asks him to bring her white gloves from her room. Once that busty bombshell puts those...

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Melissa just returned to her dorm room from classes. She threw her bag down on the floor and plopped down on the bottom bed of the bunk she shared with her roommate and turned on the tv. Melissa was wearing a tight pair of jean shorts and a yellow tank top that left a little bit of her belly showing. Holding the remote, Melissa flipped through the channels searching for something to watch. What should she do.... there were a couple of things Melissa needed to do before 5pm. She needed to go...

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Swift Discipline

I sat on the couch, my stomach twisted in anxiety, holding the yellow copy of my speeding ticket. I don't often get tickets, but when I do it's always a clear case of distraction, and today was no exception. I had flown through a speed trap 20 miles over the speed limit. The officer was kind enough to only write me a ticket and sternly remind me that if I would leave the talking on my phone to when my car was in park, perhaps I wouldn't be facing a $250 fine.So, here I am waiting for my...

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Rebound Sex With Rejected Cute Girl

I had been working quite a lot as I did'nt have much of a reason to do anything else lately, on this particular saturday afternoon I finished work and decided to stop on the way home and buy Subway for dinner.As I walked up to the counter their was a cute girl ahead of me ordering, she was short in height about 5' 2", a little chubby but she carried it well because she had quite large breasts, pretty face, nice eyes, sexy round ass and a great smile.While I waited my turn I could not help but...

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Making of a Sissy Maid chapter 56

Making a Sissy Maid - Chapters 5- Reminder - Chris loves his mother and secretly longs to wear her sexy lingerie. Out of the blue his mother meets the very handsome and wealthy man of her dreams and soon marries. This introduces Chris to his new and somewhat dominant sister-in-law who recognises the sissy in Chris and transforms him into a pink frilly maid. Chapter 5 - Chrissie and Eve For that whole weekend Eve, his new sister-in-law, had kept me dressed in his pink maid's...

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Mamas Boy

I always knew my wife was attracted to younger guys, I just didn't realize quite how much until we started trying to sell our old car, which had been doing nothing but taking up space at our place for months.My wife, D, is 43, with a great body that she exercises regularly maintain -- she's experienced the normal ravages of age but, because we never had k**s during our 19 years of marriage, her body looks much younger than her years. Sure, there are a few more wrinkles around her wide brown...

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The Worlds First Futas Daughters 04 Futas First Arab Passion Chapter 1 Novas Cuckolding Wedding Night

Chapter One: Nova's Cuckolding Wedding Night By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 December 23rd, 2038 – Nova Alfarsi “What was it like to be the first futa to enroll in King Njam bin Mohammad program to introduce futas to the Arab world?” “Terrifying,” I answered, shifting in the seat, my hijab wrapped about my face. It was a colorful affair, chosen by Wahida. “But also eager. I wanted to help my futa-mother out. She had this dream of futas being accepted everywhere.” “Yes, President...

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Working With Women PT 2

The alarm clock jarred me away. I squinted to see the red LED read 4:59 am. I knew it was too late to back out. I never woke up this early on a normal workday. But, in order to fully transform in to a beautiful and professional woman, this would take a bit of time. Rhonda and Monica said to get the three of us had to get to work on time. I was still in my black peignoir set, and found my robe. I almost left my hair on the foam, but shook it out and put it on. As I walked down the...

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One day, my uncle Ben, who is my mum's brother, was staying over, and I heard him saying to my mum that my dad must have hardly given her time to get her pants back on after she had me, before he knocked her up a second time and my sister came along. Uncle Ben probably didn't mean for me to hear him saying that, but when I think about it, the comment probably had a certain amount of truth in it. There was less than a year between my sister, Tina, and me, so we were pretty close as k**s. My...

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Punjabi Lund Ki Chudai

Hi friends kya hall hai mera name sam hai or main punjab se hun or iss ka bohat bada fan hun bohat se story padh chuka hun main iss pe jis main se jeyada tare jhoot likha hua hai kuc sahi hai main b aaj aap sab lokon ke sath ek sachi ghatna share krna chata hun pehale Main apne bare main bata dun ke mera name sam hai or main punjab se hun average bodey achi hun dikhne main or lund ka size 9 inch hai ager koi lADki aunty ya bhabi muj se sex karna chati ho plz cont me full injoey ke sath Aap ka...

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Being asked to Breed a White Married Woman chapter 7

Chapter SevenAntonio and Josh reach an agreement for workThe next morning, I awoke and had my normal morning wood. I decided Kitten needed to wake up. I spread her legs and began to eat her pussy. I could taste my dry cum from last night but I don’t care as I am on a mission to take care of my own needs and then get on with my day. Today we would be agreeing on the terms of our deal and then Josh’s company was throwing a big dinner to celebrate us working together.She rustled some but not what...

1 year ago
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BFFs Penelope White Natalie Brooks Skylar Valentine Burn Book

Sometimes girls in high school can be mean, and when they want to be mean, they get together and write mean things in burn books. Penelope White, Natalie Brooks, and Skylar Valentine are no exception. They get together to read some of the stuff they put down, and soon find themselves cracking up over some of the disses. They even make fun of each others blowjob skills. Little do they know, our stud is listening to every word they read. When he reveals he heard it all, they are eager to prove...

3 years ago
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It had finally stopped raining the day before and the sun was shining gloriously. Rain had been pouring down for weeks and she had not been able to do any work in the garden. I say garden - we actually live in a very hilly area covered in pine woods. We have a small lawn in comparison to our five acres. The lawn falls off to the woods below and a small spinney at the bottom, which is the boundary that separates us from our neighbour. We never saw a need for any fencing nor did our old...

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Joans Room Chapter 16

Chapter 16 Time I awoke early on Sunday morning. I was beginning to get used to the hardness of the floor. I felt somewhat refreshed, yet anxious as well. The anxiety bothered me, cause I wasn't sure just what I was anxious about. The memories of yesterday came flooding back to me. Sam's (typical) asinine behavior, Darla's cruel joke, and Fred's, what about Fred? I found myself wishing that I'd gotten his phone number as well. I wasn't too shy about...

1 year ago
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Eat The Seed

My wife, Jill and I have known Carl and Emma for years. We've gone camping together and, once, the four of us went to a beach resort in Puerto Rico for a vacation. Jill and I have been married for a little over eleven years and our friends have been married for seven. All of us keep in good shape. My wife is five foot three inches, has nice C-cup breasts and a shapely butt. Emma, by contrast, is five foot ten inches, is thin with A-cup tits and a tight ass. Carl, surprisingly, is shorter than...

Oral Sex
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Second ChanceChapter 19

We traveled to Seattle to play a one game playoff, the day after the season ended. Our final two regular season games were throw away games, because we had already clinched the final wild card. Martin Janacone called up two pitchers from Triple A to pitch those games, and left them in to get pasted. Our bench players filled the field for both games, while Martin rested everybody else. That saved two arms for the important games coming up. When he set the playoff roster, we were back to some...

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Nayi Padosan Ki Garam Chut

Hi this is Rishab from Guwahati once again. Thanx friends for for your overwhelming response on my previous story ” Payal Ki Pyas”. Keep on mailing me at Today I am sharing my sex experience with another neighbor of our flat. Hope you all will like it. Let’s come to the story. Subhe ke 8 baje the aur as usual me bed me soye soye apna lund masal raha tha. Qui ki har sabere mera lund maharaj rock hard aur gusse se latpat raheta hain. Gussa kyu na hoga 25 years ho chuka hain aur abhi isko ek...

3 years ago
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Rebecca in trouble part 2

Rebecca trembled as she lowered her arms from her breasts. She laced her fingers behind her neck and thrust her breasts out for all of them to see.There was a murmur from all as Rebecca's breasts were bared to them. Although she was very young, her breasts were big, yet firm. They defied gravity by pointing out. Her nipples were large, and because of the fear, had hardened to points."You have magnificent tits, Rebecca. We are going to enjoy them immensely in the days to come. We have great...

1 year ago
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Rare Outside Blowjob

I’ve recently been working in East Anglia, on some very remote sites for our customer. Generally, work is boring and lonely. The weather has been constantly grey and overcast, but this particular day it was glorious sunshine with a cloudless blue sky.To try and keep cool I had plenty of bottled water in the car and nature being nature, I needed to take a piss. For miles, there is nothing but fields, woods and more fields with the occasional remote farmhouse, so getting my cock out and taking a...

3 years ago
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OHGirl Velvet The Life of Porn Stars

Velvet: I missed the girls and Mikey, but he was still getting things organized. He had purchased a home in Japan and was getting it ready for the move, while he sold his and my condo in Las Vegas, our country home and my mom’s Condo in Columbus. The k**s were being cared for by him and mostly the nannies and they would be with us once again in the next month. Three weeks had already passed and my mom and I were keeping busy as the two hottest, fetish porn stars in Japan. We were sometimes...

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Stroke of LuckChapter 3

We made the trip home on edge but uneventfully. I was healing up, painfully. Lena was very conscientious about her work, she kept me in line like a drill instructor. When I got grumpy with her the others would give me "what for" and make me apologize. When she saw our bathing equipment, she made me bathe. She got in the tub with me and scrubbed me all over, especially my wound. "A clean wound will heal much better, my husband," she said. Sherry added, "It will make him smell better,...

2 years ago
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Gender Role Reversal First date

I sat nervously at my vanity table. Tonight I was having a date with a girl named Emily. I was nervous because tonight was my first ever date. I had decided to go casual; I was wearing a blue strapless sundress which had little daises on it. I also wore white open toed sandals, my finger and toenails were painted blue to match my dress. My makeup was simple but cute and my blonde wavy hair fell down past my shoulders. As I checked my makeup in my mirror one last time. I heard the doorbell...

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Dinner and Then SomeChapter 7

As the next few days passed, Leigh began to fret more and more over the possibility she might cheat on Michael. She became nervous and irritated. When Wednesday afternoon rolled around Leigh was beside herself. Then Gabby called and pestered her once again about calling him. Leigh remained ripped into her. "Goddamnit Gabby, I told you to leave me alone on this. If you need to get laid call an escort service, but for Christ's sake leave me the hell alone!" "Menstruating are we?" Gabby...

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Emend by EclipseChapter 52

June 16, 1979 Tim drove into the park and had to drive around the campground to find the spot where Benny was holed up. He drove around for thirty minutes before he noticed the tent tucked up out of the way. He parked his jeep and walked over to the tent. Benny was lying there, staring up at the sky. A golden eagle was circling above. Benny was watching the magnificent bird. Tim sat down, lay back, and looked up at the sky. The golden eagle was gone. A turkey neck buzzard had taken up in...

1 year ago
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The Dream Part Four

“You dirty little bitch!” I exclaim as she soaks me with her hot piss, aiming directly at the tip of my cock, washing away all our combined cum from its shaft before moving the stream to soak my balls. “You dirty, dirty, filthy girl!” “Seems to be working, though, doesn’t it?” she laughs as we both look down to see my wet member growing into a proud, rampant stand. “So now are you going to fuck me?” “Yes I am,” I reply, “But since you’ve been such a naughty girl I’m going to have to spank you...

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Seducing Daddy

Seducing Daddy, A good daughter does everything she can to make her dad feel better after a hard day at work… When he came home from work that evening he was 3 hours late. His face looked drawn and haggard, and he had loosened his tie in order toundo the top button on his shirt, and it hung at an angle. She hadwanted to be mad at him, but she saw on his face how tired he was, andshe knew he must have had a bad day. When she heard the garage dooropening, she had popped his cold dinner into the...

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The Philanthropist My name is Louis, for today, and anyway, you don't need to know my real name to understand who I really am. I have a secret and I'm going to let you in on it because, the thing is, I'm pretty proud of myself for having accomplished so much in my so far short life of twenty-four years, for how far I've come in the past ten years. Don't tell anyone, but I'm what some would call a serial killer. I don't think of it like that though, and it's sure not a...

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The Hot Sister

We were all(Doug,Mike,harry ,Steve and me) lazing around,gettin pretty bored when we thought of renting some movies and going over to Steve's place,since his parents were out of town.Steve had no sooner unlocked the door that harry told steve to cum with him ,to go get some,the rest of us went in and were lookin around and we casually happened to go into one of the bedrooms....just as we entered, the door to the connected loo opened as well and there was Steve's...

3 years ago
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Spring TrainingChapter 10

The April wedding was a very small private affair with a local judge presiding, Debbie as matron of honor and Mark's old quarterback, Marcus, as best man. Their household now had two Mrs. Matthews and the happy trio honeymooned in their own home. It was a weekend of total debauchery, sex and sleep. The only difference from that of a normal weekend was the lack of studies. Mark and Kiki were still taking classes but decided a few days away wouldn't kill them. The INS paperwork was filed...

2 years ago
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Love and Family During the Great DeathEpilogue

Awareness slowly seeped into David's weary brain, taking time for him to gather enough energy to even attempt opening his eyes. But when he did, his vision was flooded, not with visions of either ethereal beauty or a demonic hell, but by a bright and crisp day. Groaning, and being surprised by the sound of his own raspy voice, David rolled over, feeling exhausted in every inch of his body, and tried to figure out what was happening. He could see the sun shining outdoors. It was still mostly...

2 years ago
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LizChapter 2

I was soon balls deep inside Aurya again, my cock now pushed into her without being washed first, just as she asked of me earlier. My sexy, slutty, Middle Eastern wife wanted to be fucked bareback with a prick that still had another woman’s juices lingering to it? That worked for me. She seemed to really get off on the knowledge that I had raw dogged Liz, just as Ryan next to me enjoyed the fact that his fiancee still had another man’s cum in her twat. Something about sloppy seconds and a...

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The Way BackChapter 25

The following days were hectic at work. Everything in sales was put to one side as we negotiated the lease and the terms of the new building. It was hard going; the leasing company wanted an arm and a leg, but weren't getting any offers from any other prospective tenants as a result. We were offering them a hand and perhaps a wrist, rather than an arm and leg, but they were playing hard to get. All four of us, Geoff, Judy, Jenny and I were constantly involved with it, while trying to keep...

4 years ago
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Maybe not out of Reach Part 1

Knocking on the office door, I waited for Williams response. I wasn’t looking forward to bringing his documents to him. They were all trashed because of that pathetic printer. The fight I had with it was evident by the toner marks all over my white blouse. Thank god it didn't touch my skirt, I’d never have gotten the marks out of this linen weave. Well, at least he can re-print. If I had my way, that machine would be thrown out in the next trash unit. I never understood why he refuse to...

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The Rider

The Rider by: ExtremeDom The boy, a slight fellow, just turned 18 years of age, looked over his shoulder to see if the vehicle was still coming his direction. He had set out on his own after another fight with his father. The man who he hated because he had never been able to live up to his expectations. Being of small size,the boy had never been the athletic star his father wanted. He had tried of course, sitting on the bench for 4 long years through highschool. Tonight had...

4 years ago
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12 October 2008Chapter 8

Abby taking on seven cocks seemed to be the pinnacle of the night. She needed to rest and lying on a double lounger, Tiffany and Cathy were quick to take turns licking her pussy clean. Everyone took time to relax and have some pumpkin or apple pie and ice cream. Brad went to Abby, bringing her some pie and ice cream. “You were fucking amazing! Vicky and Karen told me how very proud they are of you.” “But are you, proud of me? I’ll admit I got a little carried away with the lust and getting...

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The Cumstained Family Picture

I rarely enjoyed family gatherings. They always drained me (in the mental sense).Most of the time, I'd end up walking around the house, making small talk for 10 minutes, and then vacating the area before needing to repeat. If I were lucky, I would be able to find an empty room and just relax for 20 minutes.I had never done anything naughty at such parties, mind you. I also didn't know beforehand that I'd break that record that day. As life would have it, some records are broken accidentally.I'd...

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The Three Signs Book 2 LoriChapter 4 Moving on Out

We woke up with the alarm; made love, had a shower together, then ate breakfast before we drove into Surry Hills and the recording studio. When we reached the studio; I parked at the side in the loading area, and went inside looking for George. We found him in the administration office, speaking with a brunette. “Hey, Will, good to see ya, Mate,” he said. “And this is...” he asked, looking at Lori. “You remember my girlfriend, Lori?” I said to him. “Of course, I remember now. Will, here’s...

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Ghar Ki Chut Ghar Ka Lund

Mera naam Manisha hai. Main 19 saal ki hun aur college mein padhti hun. Dikhne mein ekdum mast hun. Gora rang aur mast face mujhe dekh kar har kisi ka lund khada ho jata hai. College mein main t-shirt aur half skirt pahanti hun to meri gori taang sab ko dikhti hai. Mere boob bhi ab bade ho gaye hain to main bra pahanne lgi hun. Mujhe college mein bohut log line marte hain. Par mujhe koi acha ladka nahi mila. Waise bhi main college mein kisi se affair nahi rakhna chahti. Main kafi gori hun. Boob...

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Lusty Son 1

Lusty Son (1) What was wrong with me? I just couldn’t help it. Every time I saw mum I just got a raging hard on. She was beautiful. She was sexy and she was so not available. Or not supposed to be anyway. She was my mum for gods sake. This had been going on for too long. I had to get my head straight. I suppose it really started five years ago when dad died. I was just thirteen and at that age I sort of went off the rails a bit. After one bad fight at school where she had to leave work and...

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Driving Mrs Tandy Chapter 2

John Stefanovitch was helping Norma with the shopping, which, for the most part consisted in carrying the bags. There were some things that were bugging him, but he wasn’t sure if he should ask. Finally, he gave in to the urge. “Norma, Mrs. Tandy has been in some kind of accident, hasn’t she?” A wide smile split Norma’s face, and her head tilted to one side. “Does she look like someone who has not been in an accident?” She remained silent for a while, then said: “It was a car crash.” “Her...

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substitue teacher incest

Like every substitute day we end up watching some lame movie and I just fall asleep. The bell rings and the day is over and we all exit the class and we get our final looks at Miss Lane. I am about to eave school when I realize I left my math notes back in class. I walk back and enter the class room and there she is sitting on a desk with her legs crossed reading people magazine. I could definitely see all the way up to her ass and she knew it to. Surprisingly she just sat there and lowered her...

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Back To School

Hey, everyone, this is my first sex story, so I’ll need some honest reviews about this one. Ladies, if you like it, please drop in your comments at It was a chilly day of December. I was driving around the city in my car when I spotted her in the market. At first instance, I was about to pass her, but my heart said NO, just one last time, give it a try. She had been my all-time crush at the school. I’d never miss a class of hers and she unknowingly made sure she kept my dick excited all the...

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AlteristChapter 12

It was just after ten when Bev shook me to wake me up. I was instantly alert but she held me down with an arm on my shoulder. "It's OK. Just time to get up." "I thought you'd want to sleep in later than this." "I'm fine. We've got a picnic to go to. I already called Karen and told her we'd be late and she's fine with it." "Bev, we should call the picnic off. I mean, it not that long since you were attacked." "I'm not going to let Jimmy ruin my day or my life or anything...

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Wolf Creek Ch 10

Estelle Hopewell proved to be Ada’s saving angel—and far more than in their intimate moments, of which there were many in the ensuing years. Estelle immediately fell in love with the hidden Colorado valley of Wolf Creek, and she virtually moved in with Ada and Frank in the Wolf Creek Ranch main ranch house. Frank never really took to her, but he tolerated her for Ada’s sake. Estelle was visited in turn by her adventuring husband, who one day looked in the passenger seat of the RC-38US Douglas...

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Teacher Teacher chapter 11

All the while as Dawn was working on her mistress, Sandy was servicing Anita. Anita lay in the opposite direction as her sister, her head slightly lower than her sister's cunt. Sandy was kneeling between Anita's legs, which were drawn up to her chest. Sandy eyes were just above her cunt and her tongue firmly planted in Anita's ass. As the two sisters were basking in their slaves attention, Anita looked over at Susanna's hairless cunt. It was leaking down into the crack of her ass. She...

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Librarians TrainingChapter 8

A door closed. Gillian stirred, lifting her head. It was pitch dark and she had no idea where she was. She was kneeling; tied face-down over a soft round pillow. She wriggled and thought she was on a bed. Then she heard them. "Which end do you want?" a boy asked. "I want her cunt." Gillian shivered and lay quiet. "Okay, fuck, you got it; I want that mouth." Suddenly their hands were all over her, and Gillian gave a shriek of horror, pulling against the bonds that held her, but...

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