DóchasChapter 17 free porn video

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It was daybreak when Sarah's Clan woke up. Sensing her spouses were awake, Sarah said, "Considering I only had some six hours sleep I feel really good." She then moved to kiss Rusty and Joyce.

"Wow," said Tara, "I felt that."

"Felt what?" asked Claudette.

"I felt Sarah kiss Rusty then Joyce. It wasn't quite like her lips touching me, but I felt it."

"So that's what that was. When I first woke, I wasn't sure where I was, then I had trouble believing it."

Judy said, "You are not alone. I've felt that way several times since I've been here." As Judy was talking she hugged and kissed Janet and Erin.

"I think what I've experienced in the last day or so will be dwarfed by our experiences over the next few days."

"Could be," responded Sarah, as they rose from the bed and moved to the exercise benches, they paused to hug and give their spouses a kiss. Once they were on their bench, each of them engaged the electro-stimulator. Again, the exercises for Claudette, Tara, Erin and Alison weren't as intense as those their spouses experienced. When they finished, they assisted Jill, Janet, Judy and Joyce to the showers. In the shower they reviewed last night's events and their potential impact.

As they were drying off Donna said, "Bob and Nancy want to talk to you as soon as possible."

"Donna, ask them to meet us in the conference room in 10 minutes," replied Terry. "Ask them if they would bring rolls and coffee, provided they are ready."


"MAI, how is Amy's group?" asked Sarah.

"They've been stabilized. The virus is very active. Each has suffered a considerable amount of tissue damage. The medical staff are concerned that they may not have enough time to block the virus before the damage becomes critical. They have identified the virus's mechanism of attack and have developed a treatment protocol. They need your approval to continue, once you have accepted command."

Sarah said, "As you heard, we are going to meet with Bob and Nancy in a few minutes. While we are on the ship, we plan on placing this location in Donna's and their hands."

"Bob will be full of questions about the changes in security status as I am sure he has already seen them," added Rusty as Sally nodded in agreement. "I think we should be open with them regarding what we know of our situation. This will place them in a better position to act if necessary while we are gone."

"You know that this will start them on the path of binding them to us," said MAI.

"What do you mean?" asked Sally.

"First, I agree with your plan. However, their acceptance has some subtle implications that may be unacceptable to them. By filling that role some changes in their makeup may be initiated. If these continue for too long then they will form a bond with this ship's family and species. Based on your background, I believe this is a similar feeling to that of a very strong friendship. This may make it hard for them to objectively evaluate whether they wish to fully join this family, if they reach that decision point." There were several puzzled expressions. "Perhaps I'm not making myself clear. Traditionally, we strive not to take any action that will cause someone to act as we hope they will solely for our benefit. Instead we want them to select the best choice as seen from their perspective. I'll grant that 8 of the 12 in your clan really didn't have the opportunity to make that choice, because of circumstances. A space ship is a very small environment, especially when some are disenchanted."

"Interesting," they replied.

"Okay," said Rusty. "I really don't think that will be an issue. Nancy recently asked me a question that leads me to believe they are seriously considering asking to stay. Today, we would prefer for them to have the authority to act in our absence if necessary. We could act remotely through Donna, but the delay in execution may cause a problem."

"In light of Nancy's question, why not share the risks associated with them actively assisting?" asked Sarah. "We can give them a summary sufficient for them to see if they need, or want, to know more. I'll let Rusty, Judy and Sally explain it while I monitor their reactions."

"Try it. Your approach appears to provide a nice balance."

They arrived at the conference room just as Bob and Nancy did. After placing the coffee and food on the table, they greeted each other with hugs and kisses. Their kisses were filled with the loving passion they felt and seemed to increase with each greeting.

"Wow," said Nancy. "Maybe we ought to do this more often. If Joyce put any more passion into her kisses, she could make me cum in seconds." Several chuckled.

"Okay before we get sidetracked, Rusty and Sarah, what the hell is going on?" asked Bob sharply.

"I see you are your usual testy self this morning," responded Sally with a smile.

Bob frowned then added, "Well we tried to go for a walk earlier. We were only a short distance from the patio when we walked into something. It was almost like a glass wall with no edges as there didn't seem to be any way around it."

"There isn't," said Rusty firmly. He could see Bob was building up a head of steam while Nancy waited expectantly. Looking at Bob he added, "Going on a rant won't resolve anything." Bob stared at Rusty, then looked at the others and started to speak, but instead nodded his head as he exhaled.

"We have a problem. Last night after dinner, there was an incident that brought to light a serious event that occurred earlier. As best we've been able to determine, yesterday around lunch Amy's Clan was deliberately exposed to a very aggressive virus. They are currently on the ship in isolation receiving medical care. Fortunately, no one else was exposed. We have not identified the agent. However, we know how it was delivered and who did it. That person is also in isolation on the ship.

"In response to this, the barrier was setup as a temporary protective measure around this immediate area. It is temporary but will likely be up for most of today. While it is in place there are a number of issues we need to take care of. Right after breakfast we have to go to the ship and will be there for several hours. While Donna can manage the site, it is better if she has a biological partner. Since last night it has been us, and we could continue, however, being new at it we think that is a poor choice. This is primarily because we are not sure whether we could interrupt what we were doing on the ship to focus on an issue here. There are other concerns. An alternative is to ask someone here to fill that role temporarily. Nancy and you are excellent choices, but if you do this then it could have significant ramifications for your family's future. This likely includes the others who came with you."

"You are not making a lot of sense, Rusty," said Nancy forcefully.

"Yes I know." He took a deep breath. "Let's try this. From what you've learned since being here you know that our effort is directed to staffing the space ship. Once there are more staff, it will be repaired and returned to operation. Living on a space ship is very different from living on a planet. Some have characterized it as living inside a can. So you need crew members that are comfortable and happy with living in that environment for long periods of time."

"But I thought you wanted us to help here," said Bob.

"We do," responded Sally.

"We are not doing a good job of this," said Judy, "in part because we care about all of you. While the choice appears simple on the surface, it has some potential consequences that may not be obvious. As Rusty noted, after breakfast, we will go to the ship. We will be gone for most of the morning and perhaps some of the afternoon. During the time we are away, Donna will be responsible for this site, including defensive measures. Through our link with her, we can assist her as needed. This has a few disadvantages. Due to the distance there will be a delay in execution, also this is our first time interacting with her in this way. An alternative is to have someone here work with her."

"If we knew what to expect, we would be agreeable to assisting Donna," said Bob. "I don't see the problem."

Rusty said, "The concern is that if you fill that role it could unduly influence decisions all of you make regarding your association with this society." Nancy and Bob smiled as they heard Rusty's comments. "These people have some very interesting technology and some very unique interpersonal links. A major concern is that someone opts in, then regrets it. We don't want to unduly influence anyone." Rusty smiled. "We want to be the car salesman that just gives you the facts and lets you make the choices without being pushed. As Erica put it, when living inside a space ship, just a tiny level of friction or discontent has many dire implications. Why? It is a hostile environment where one mistake can be very tragic."

Nancy looked at Bob and then said, "We have been considering discussing with you the idea of us staying permanently. In the last several days, our mind-link has become much more open and apparent. For us, it seems to be limited to our group of six. Alice, Susan, Julia and Stan have just indicated to me that they agree. I have opened my mind to them so they can hear our discussion."

"Okay, that alleviates our initial concern. There is still Zoe's group, Shirley and her children to consider. We presume you have a plan for the businesses."

"Yes. Right now, it is a work in progress. We need some input from several of you. As to the others, I don't think what we do will blind them to the consequences of making this choice." Sally and Joyce smiled on hearing Nancy's choice of words. "I don't think we are the only ones considering this."

"Let's deal with our immediate issue. Will you and Bob, along with the four in your group, oversee this sites' defenses in conjunction with Donna while we are gone?" asked Rusty.

"You bet," they immediately replied.

"In a moment, we will mind-link with your group to bring you up to date. You should be aware that the primary reason we are going to the ship is to accept command of it."

"What?" responded Nancy's Clan in unison.

"We were advised about two weeks ago by the ship's Master AI, that our group was a prime candidate to become the ship's Command Staff," replied Sarah. "At the time, we were not keen on accepting that role, and I can't say that we are now. She told us that our reluctance was viewed as a positive. Our hesitancy was largely due to not knowing what it entailed, whether we had the talent to do it and what our future was going to be. This role is a bit different than anything in our past experience. At that time, we were told that our psionic abilities weren't strong enough to fill that role. These have grown considerably since then and recent events are pushing us to accept now. Nancy, relax and open your mind to us so we can transfer the information regarding our current circumstances." Nancy and Bob's faces paled as they assimilated the information. Nancy could feel the emotional impact on the rest of her clan.

Sarah said to her spouses, "Let's give them a moment to relax."

After they saw Nancy's Clan had calmed down Sarah's Clan said, "We find this a very easy way to communicate. After breakfast, we will give a brief summary of our situation. Everyone will be asked to delay doing anything away from the complex until we return. We do not intend to tell them about the probability of us accepting the position of "Command Staff". Traditionally, those in that position are sometimes referred to as the "Chosen Ones." These two words have a different meaning to the crew than they do to us Earthlings, so we hope to understand the meaning better before it is generally shared. We know it will have to be shared, we just need to figure out a good way to do it so it doesn't change the relationship between any of us."

"That makes a lot of sense."

"We need for Bob, Stan, Nancy and at least one other to take the weapons training this morning," said Rusty. "You should do it one at a time but it doesn't take very long."


"Donna will give you access to what we know as the armory. The training procedure is rather interesting. You wear a helmet which is like a set of head bands. These provide an avenue to allow transfer of the information directly to your mind. By the time, you are done, you will essentially be an expert with the weapons. If you have a need to use them before you have an opportunity for live fire, then follow your instincts. The benefit of live fire is to increase your confidence."

"It's that good?" responded Bob.


"Can we feel Zoe's group out on their plans?" asked Nancy. "They need to know we are planning on staying here. Shirley as well."

"Sure. Try to feel them out before you share what you are considering. I hope you do it better than we did." Rusty's comment caused several to smile.

"Let's go to breakfast," said Joyce, "as I am hungry. It has probably already started." Just then several stomachs growled, causing them to laugh.

Everyone was eating when they arrived on the patio. They quickly went through the serving line and hurriedly ate their breakfast. Janet was surprised at the amount of food each of them took and how quickly it was finished off. She wondered if it was due to all the energy expended in the last 12 hours. Her spouses silently told her that they agreed with her observation.

As breakfast finished, Sam stood up and rapped on the table to get everyone's attention. Once it was quiet, he gave a summary of things that needed to be done at the farm.

When Sam finished, Rusty stood and casually looked around before saying, "Last night Amy's group and Jennifer became quite ill. They were transported to the ship for medical treatment. The word we have this morning is that their condition, while critical, has been stabilized. As soon as we know more we will share it. Due to the circumstances surrounding their illnesses, a shield has been placed around this complex. This prevents anyone not known to live here from entering. It also keeps you from leaving unless accompanied by one of the lions. This is primarily to protect us.

"Sam, most everything you indicated for today is inside the force shield. We will be gone to the ship for most of the morning and likely into the afternoon. We would appreciate it, if you can save the work outside the shield until after we return. Currently we expect it to be gone by tomorrow, hopefully before then."

"Not a problem. In fact I don't see anything coming up that couldn't wait a few days if necessary."

"Now while we are away, Bob and Nancy, or Nancy's Clan, will assist Donna with site operation. We suspect that one of the groups that raided Sylvia's farm now knows our location. It will most likely be several days or more before they try anything. This island is not on any normal ocean route. From the ocean the island appears to be inaccessible except for one small area that is difficult to see from sea level."

"Do you know what made them sick?" asked Sophia.

"The symptoms were similar to the Ebola virus."

"Oh my god," said several in the group.

"The whole site has been scanned. Traces were found in Jim and Amy's work area. The area has been sealed off and several bots will be cleaning it up."

"We would like to meet with those working in the dispensary when we are done here. Other than that we don't have anything else, but we expect to be back for lunch, if not Donna will inform you of our delay. When we return, we will get together to bring you up to date."

Dorothy, Maria, Sophia, Patricia, Jessica and Mary all came over to where Rusty and Sarah were standing. Judy said, "Today, Donna will accelerate your training. You need to work in pairs. If it was me I would follow a work-rest-learn cycle. Base the cycle length on the length of the learning segments. I expect the modules to be between 3 and 4 hours long."

"We don't know if we can fill in for Betsy and Connie," said Maria as she looked at the other nurses, who nodded in agreement.

"You will have too. Just do the best you can. Don't forget, we have resources on the ship that can assist us. I don't believe they have treated humans but from what I've learned there isn't that much difference. They can provide advice and help us in working through a diagnosis. We suspect it could be several months before Betsy and Connie recover enough to work again."

"Just do your best," said Joyce. "We know you will." She gave each of them a kiss on the cheek with a hug.

"Donna, as you heard Nancy's Clan will assist you with overseeing the island while we are on the ship," said Sarah. "Don't hesitate to contact us if you need anything."

"Understood. Appropriate authorizations are enabled for Nancy's Clan. Good luck."

When Sarah's Clan exited the patio, their shuttle became visible as it settled onto the lawn just beyond the shield. As soon as they boarded the shuttle it lifted off, before they even had time to sit down.

The shuttle's AI said, "Welcome aboard Sarah's Clan."

Sarah and Rusty hadn't detected any movement so they went up to the flight deck to learn when they would leave. They stepped onto the deck just in time to see the earth change into a blue ball off to starboard. The pilot and copilot seats were empty, but the craft was rapidly rising into the dark void of space.

The shuttle's AI said, "Sarah, Rusty, you can sit in the seats. We will arrive at the ship in 10 minutes."

"Where is the ship? How far are we going?"

"The ship is currently at what you call the L5 Lagrange point of the Sun – Mars orbit."

"And it's only going to take 10 minutes."

"Yes. This is a Priority One trip. We can do this without causing a disturbance due to the shuttle's size and our path. Normally this is a 20 to 40 minute trip."

They sat down in the seats and looked out in wonder at the surrounding darkness filled with so many bright specks of light. Looking out of the starboard window they could see Earth and its moon rapidly receding.

"An interesting sight," said Rusty.

It was quiet in the cabin behind them, as their spouses were staring at the sights surrounding them. They had watched the monitor on the front wall until the viewing ports opened on leaving Earth's atmosphere. The monitors gave them a panoramic view of the universe. It wasn't long before they saw a dark object begin to take form in front of them.

"AI when we get close to the ship, would you slowly circle it?" asked Rusty. "We would like to see what it looks like."

"Anything in particular?"

"Not really, we would just like to see the external surfaces so we can get an idea of its condition. So real slow and close enough that we can see some detail."

They watched in awe as the ship began to fill their view. When they were close to it, they saw a door open in the side. The shuttle slowed dramatically and turned so it was virtually standing still next to the ship. This let them carefully scan the amazing structure. To them it was very much like the space ships seen in science fiction movies. It was huge.

The shuttle AI said, "Sarah and Rusty, you can use the controls in front of you to direct our flight path. Don't worry, I will still be flying the ship. By taking the controls, I can get a feel of your intent which will let me respond faster."

Rusty gently placed his hand on the stick and then began to direct them around the large ship. They could see areas with extensive damage. In some places the damage looked fresh while others looked as if it had been there a long time. All twelve of them shared their observations as they circled the ship. Some places near one end looked freshly repaired as did some near several access ports similar to the open one.

They had just finished their third circuit when Sarah said, "AI, I think we've seen enough for now. Let's dock."

Their shuttle drifted out away from the ship then turned toward the opening. Once facing it, a console screen began showing their approach. Rusty said, "That looks just like a glide path instrument in an airplane."

The shuttle passed through the opening and settled onto a cradle. As soon as it touched the cradle the port closed and within seconds the cabin door opened. When they stepped out on to the deck, they were met by two people who strongly resembled Amy's group. One offered his hand to Rusty then Sarah as he said, "Welcome aboard. Let's go in here so you can meet everyone."

Inside the adjacent room, which was set up much like a lounge, the introductions continued. Once they were complete Sarah said, "Thank you for using names we can easily pronounce. We understand that like Amy's Clan you've chosen ones that are phonetically similar to your actual name."

"Your perception is correct," said Luther. "Nadia and I are leading the effort to treat Amy's Clan. We need to go over our proposal for their treatment and those for the other two."

Terry said, "Although that is an urgent priority, we've been told there are several things we need to do before we can focus on it."

Clearly agitated Luther said, "But we need to do something quickly at that Clan is critical..." As he was speaking, a door to the lounge opened and a woman. The sight of her caused him to stop talking and several to gasp. While her appearance resembled a combination of Sarah and Amy's Clans members, she literally radiated authority. Their hosts moved to the side making room for her, as she walked toward Sarah's Clan. Sarah's Clan responded by increasing the strength of their link.

When the woman saw their response she said, "Sorry, I should have spoken sooner." As soon as she spoke, Sarah's Clan sighed and relaxed as they realized who she was. "Yes, I am the MAI, you've been talking too. Your hosts are a bit shocked. This is in part due to us not having any direct contact before now, also I entered from a part of the ship they haven't been able access. Additionally, in normal times an AI forming a visual construct is unusual. However these events should help them understand what will likely take place today. Now, I suspect they have many questions."

"You know we prefer names for people," said Sarah, "so we would like to call you, Star. Doing this would make it easier for us to direct our thoughts both verbally and through our mind-link."

"That will be fine, but the ships record has assigned me a different name, a name that would be difficult for you to say. It must be used for certain actions but pronouncing it is not really necessary for telepathic communication. However, a ship's commander can change the record."

"We can live with that."

"Let me introduce myself to them and then we need to go to the bridge." Mention of the bridge caused their hosts to quieten, as they had been quietly discussing the meaning of the woman's appearance. "Fellow crew members, as you've probably concluded, I am Master AI for the ship. Donna, the AI you have been working with, has been aware of my presence since last night. Why not before then? It was due to restraints on AIs instituted by our government. If those limitations were violated it would have meant the end for our delicate situation. As you probably suspect the incident that brought us here killed everyone else including the Command Staff. The initial event was an act of sabotage. Some of the Command Staffs' subsequent actions initiated several defensive security measures. It is because of these, and the fact that you were isolated from the ship's systems at that time, that we are here today. Now I need to show Sarah's Clan the bridge. Afterward, they will meet with you regarding Amy's Clan. It is important to do it in that order. Once that is done we can talk some more and answer questions."

Same as Dóchas
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After leaving Harvey's house, i went to my favorite sex shop that had tons of movie cubicles in the back. There has been many times that i have watched moves and masterbated while an eye was glued to the glory hole in the side wall. Iwas never a dissappointment as i would always completely strip before playing. Tonight would be different as i had set my mind on an anything goes night I got my rolls of quarters and made my way to the back where the boothes were. As usual there were plenty of men...

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Donnas Day

Donna was her own worst enemy. Along with her ‘who-cares’ attitude, she had many fascinating experiences. She also had ones that were not so nice. At present, she tried to look around the room, unsure of how or why she was there. Donna had drunk too much, that she knew, but ‘what the hell!’ her daughter had just got engaged and everyone was celebrating.That was it, she thought, she was still at home. Her daughter and fiancé had invited had invited a whole slew of friends over. They were having...

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I met 'Brian'online on a dating website. We chatted for,I think, quite a while...lol And after this lengthy chat, we decided to meet. Now, he is not usually into big girls, but Im used to that. And decided to take a chance.He texted me on a Friday night, close to 11pm. We decided to meet at the park, people, lights, I guess safe...hahaWe agreed, we both did look exactly like our pictures. How rare for online dating. ;) But we did agree. And I was happy, he is handsome, tall, not bad bod. I am...

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Hot Doggie Chapter Five

Hot Doggie, Chapter Five - By: Beverly Taff List of characters. Sandra: Our Shemale heroine who becomes magically conjoined doggie style; Elizabeth: Sandra's limbless patient; Marjorie & Jennifer: (Marge & Jenny,), two other patients who lost their legs in a car accident. They also become magically conjoined and end up sharing the same torso whilst growing new legs. Octavia: The owner-manager of the care home where Sandra worked and the...

4 years ago
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I was home for the holidays between my fourth and final year of engineering. The two and a half months, stretched out in front of me, and I had made my plans.They were quite boring to explain to others, to slog for my GRE and GMAT. I knew that they were the only ticket to my success further down. I was studying in IIT Bombay and the year was the early 1980s. I had my admit cards for both exams, and I knew that at the worst, it was a good prep for the IIM CAT as well.I was naturally with my...

2 years ago
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Seema bhai ki sali

Hi ISS Readers, I am waseem and my nickname is wasi. I am 23 years old and I belong to Hyderabad. Aaj mai aapko apne pahle sex ke baare me batane jaa raha hoon. Jab mai 12th class me tha aur summer holidays me apne mama ke yahan rahane ke liye gaya hua tha. Mere mama ke 3 ladke hai jinme se bade do ladko ki shadi ho chuki hai aur tisara un dino kawanra tha aur mere bich wale bhai ki saali bhi aai hue thi. Wo mujhase 2 saal badi thi.Hight 5’3″ and mast mote boobs, mast figure badi badi aankhe...

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The perfect sex

Everyone has things they like and dislike about sex. I have a friend who loves giving head so much she almost never has vaginal sex and another with a similar love of anal.My urges are probably far more traditional: I love feeling a man’s semen spurting against my cervix. But I’m getting ahead of myself. I love the whole process from meeting the man who’s going to fuck me, to warming his flaccid penis up so that the foreskin moves away from his helmet as he becomes erect, to the vigorous...

4 years ago
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Marsha and Jaz Part 1

Marsha stood in the doorway and watched as Jaz rode away on her Harley. She stayed there until the motorcycle made a turn at the end of the street and the sound of the powerful engine was lost amid the other street sounds.A light wind pushed through the screen door and through her thin silk robe. It reminded her that she had nothing on underneath it. She quickly closed the inner door and headed downstairs for her workout.Her encounter with the lovely Jaz made her feel bold and sexy, she didn't...

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TheFuckingClinic Jade Kiihara Strong Rolling pin massage

Kiihara Strong goes to Doctor Moreno’s office because he got recommended by a friend of hers. Apparently, in that clinic, she’s gonna be able to find a very special therapy that’s able to loosen up both her body and her mind and it’s completely based on a very particular technique called ‘The rolling pin technique’. Such a peculiar name comes from the ridiculously huge rolling pin that its owner has between his legs and I can assure you that he knows...

3 years ago
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Taking From The Shoot

“You know I should outright fire you young lady!” A knock on the door interrupts my reply, then it opens and a head can be seen “You wanted me Jerry?” Looking to the door “Ah Grayson, I need you to escort this young lady to your trailer and see if anything is missing!” Waying her out of his office as the phone on his desk rings. Oh fuck, I can’t believe that I’m in his presence, my childhood idol, Grayson Cartier, Mr. Doug Innis from my favorite show 'Glenvale Academy'. Right...

4 years ago
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An Indigo Bunting

This is a copyrighted original work of fiction. All rights reserved. All characters featured herein are at least eighteen years of age, even if not expressly stated. Any resemblance between actual persons, living or dead is entirely coincidental. Many thanks to Jim K for the fine editing work. Song lyrics contained herein remain the exclusive property of the original artist. This work may not be copied or distributed without the exclusive written permission of this author. * The lady...

3 years ago
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Community Three SigmaChapter 12

Dana’s turn: I’m lying in bed in that wonderful cusp between awake and asleep at the end of a very good day. Cindy’s done her presentation at NASA, and to my knowledge, they haven’t yet recruited her for a space mission. Nikki’s been, well, Nikki, and she’s a superstar in her own right, maybe a little more sane than Cindy, but those two are a binary system, both bright in a way I never witnessed until I found her sitting across the table from me and Ed one night at dinner. And...

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Private Heroes The Devils Breath Part 12

I'm standing in Rick's office, having just got my ID as a Private Hero. And now Rick's placed what looks like my Crossblade uniform on the table but there's something different about it. I take it and examine in. It's the same black skin tight suit. But instead of a crossblade symbol, it's a bright silver x that goes across the chest from my shoulders across to my hips. Rick also places a belt on the table and what looks like a set of goggles. "Go ahead try them on." I excuse myself...

3 years ago
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Undercover AngelChapter 4

Michele blinked as the flash went off in her eyes. "Ok; one more photo, and this time keep your eyes open for me luv ok?" the man behind the camera said. Mike had done some research before he had ripped off Tony Leonardo and he had located a man named Harold Brown who could produce good quality counterfeit identity documents. Harold had agreed to provide Michele with a passport and a driver's licence in the name of 'Michele Nylons' using a fake address. Michele was having her picture...

3 years ago
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For you bartybabe I

Tamed Devilish LookI'm entering a pub on a midday, half empty. Going to the bar, craving for a drink, for it has been hard day so far. While bartender pours me a glass of “Four Roses” I'm starting to feel someone's eyes on me. It feels like a burning spot on my neck.... I turn around slowly, and that was a mistake: my eyes fell deep into the pool of insatiable desire of a man sitting almost next to me. Finally he stops looking at my eyes, starting to look slowly first my feet, than legs,...

2 years ago
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Softcore ENFEUF

v v v v v v **Please Read Synopsis and Themes** ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Thank you for reading Themes and Synopsis, welcome to Wholesome ENF! Where women of all races, ethnicities, and (legal) ages become as naked as the day they were born in mostly innocent (or devious) ways. Feel free to make your own chapters, characters, or message me to recommend one! With that out of the way, who’s getting naked (or mostly, if you’re into EUF) today?

4 years ago
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Confession Of A Sextress 8211 Part 30

Narrated by qamar Why do I think that this will be the last part of this story? I dunno. What I know is she seems to be in a trouble. Whatever it was, I decided to go meet her and ask. Surely, she had no reason to waste my time on and off the roads. I reached the address. It was an apartment. She was looking down at me from the 1st floor. – come inside, qamar! The door is open – I went inside and locked the door. She said, – qamar, I have reached my last times. I went for a body check up...

2 years ago
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Child of Darkness

Darkness fell quickly, and She was alone. The once bright sky faded to a deep, subdued purple that was still so vivid it seemed almost tangible. She resisted the urge to reach up and touch it, knowing the task’s impossibility. Some things seem so close yet remain so far away, She thought. Dead leaves rustled as She walked through the forest, murmuring consolation, nameless faces clucking their pity in sympathetic tones. As if at a wake. Perhaps Her family’s, perhaps Her own. It was irrelevant....

4 years ago
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An Unseelie Court

An Introduction In 1968 Jennifer was caught up in a military experiment that propelled her 50 years into the future. In 2018 she met and fell in love with Finn Corrigan and became fast friends with his Aunt Cynthia, a 68-year-old woman remarkably dedicated to the young man. Jennifer was informed that the technology that brought her to the future would return to take her back to 1968 and she only had 180 days with Finn. She was told of this by Cynthia who claimed that she was Jennifer, only...

1 year ago
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This is the continuation of my narration about the illicit affair of my mom with her paramour. Now in this episode, I am explaining about our trip to Ooty. It was another unforgettable experience in my life. CHEATER MOM. [email protected] WAITING FOR YOUR RESPONSES.

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Glory hole tax The Mall Part 2

My clothes are still in a pile on the floor of Jim’s stall. I walk in to get them when Jim pushes me against the wall and kisses me. My mouth opens in surprise and his tongue slides inside my mouth. After a moment of shock I responded by sliding my tongue over his. He pulls back and looks down at my hard cock. He steps back, pulls down his shorts and pulls me to him tight. He kisses me again deeper and harder while his hands pull my ass checks wide. I feel his finger slide inside me and love...

3 years ago
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Surprise dare with an unexpected result

“Truth or Dare?” Really? That’s the first thing I see on a Sunday morning. I had just woken up after a night of beers and BBQ. We were out pretty late and I tied on a good buzz. Oh well, I agreed to play the game with her and it didn’t matter when or where. We had to answer as soon as we saw the message. So here we go. “Truth” is my response. The question popped up right away. “How many times did you jerk off this week?” Easy one, its Sunday morning. I responded with “Zero, the week is only a...

2 years ago
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Diary of How I Became a Gay Sex Slave Chapter 2

I wake up, I can only assume it is Saturday morning. I am still laying on the mattress in the dungeon. I look over at the clock on the side wall, it shows the time to be just past 11AM. Last think I remember is going to sleep on a mattress down here in the dungeon just a few hours ago. I can only turn my head from side to side, but I don't see anyone, or hear anyone. All my muscles are sore from the pounding I took the night before. Darren comes down the stairs and walks over to...

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The perfect revenge

It all started a few months ago when a friend lost a stupid bet involving football. Stupid because if he loses, he would have to let him tie naked and take a lot of kick in the sack (want crazy bet?). It turns out he didn't even realize he was going to lose ... and lost! The most revolting thing is that I did not want to comply, forgetting that bet is bet, lost, have to pay! And it was no use me talking that word of man does not go back, because he did not care, kept teasing. Everything would...

3 years ago
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Hannas Humiliation

Most men consider me very attractive. I have a lovely face with a great and easy smile, shoulder length brown hair and hazel eyes. At thirty-one, I am still 34B - 26 - 35, carrying 135 pounds on a five four frame. But, women... all women... are afraid of losing their looks, particularly single women like me who are fighting a war with a lot of younger competitors for the available men out there. So, I spend a lot on clothes and makeup. Really, I should spend more time in the gym, but, who has...

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A fun bus ride

I was also freaked out by the fact I was physically attracted to a few guys in college. Not knowing how to deal with this situation, I certainly didn’t want to talk about it with them, because I knew they would laugh and probably reject me. Everyday was the same old routine; take the bus, being surrounded by ugly, smelly people. That all changed one day as I was returning home after a long day in college. The bus was packed as always, And here I was standing in the middle hoping the 1 hr trip...

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Voyeuristic IncestChapter 2

The kids had certainly seen Jackie and I in the nude in times past, though not in quite the way they had seen us the night before. So it was that Jackie didn't overreact to Rob's sudden unexpected appearance, and made no move to make any attempt at covering herself up. And it wasn't like we flaunted our being naked in front of the kids either. But we certainly never made an issue of nudity in the home as we'd long ago agreed upon when raising them. "It's a long story," my wife began...

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Anita bent over the table

Ana called me to the office that morning, saying she was horny at home.I told her it was impossible for me to get back home early, because I was really busy that afternoon; but I would try my best to escape from my desk.But it was impossible; I could leave work just at six.First thing I could notice, was Amelia’s car parked at our driveway.Amelia was a good girlfriend and she had divorced recently; so I guessed she had come home to have a talk with my sweet wife.But, as I entered the house, I...

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Pissing around at the Office prequel

It was Monday morning, around ten, the staff meeting, boring stuff. "Now I did some preliminaries last week and I found that your availability ratio only rose to seventy eight percent on Thursday, and that excludes annual leave, sick leave and other legitimate absence, and actually fell below fifty percent on Tuesday and Friday." Boring, Karen mentally switched off and began to day dream of fucking Barry her boss. Muscular well built rugged Barry in his smart lightweight suit...

2 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 574

The Training Mission ... One of the few things left unharmed about the cruiser was its heavily shielded engines. The Captain, desperate to destroy the dreadnought before it could launch, did something that Diana knew would kill them all – at full acceleration, he went to warp while headed straight toward the shipyards, and the destroyer was so close to the cruiser that it took the smaller vessel with it – maybe several of the destroyers; she didn’t know. Cruisers don’t do microjumps well –...

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Picking Up the PiecesChapter 4 Amandas Mom in Action

"What's the knife for?" Brian asked. "I'm going to measure you," she said, matter-of-factly. He let her undress him. She got down on her knees, knife in hand. "How should I go about this? When a guy says he'd nine inches, where does the measurement start?" "Just don't stab me with that," Brian laughed. "It's a butter knife, Silly. There are no sharp edges," she said, patting the underside of his cock with the blade. "That's cold," he said, feeling his cock twinge in...

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Waterfall KeepChapter 5

I sat on his bed and took his hand. We made the jump to the corridor just outside of the shielded apartment where we landed sitting on the floor. I took off my belt and whistle and helped my father to carry Lord Bushton into the bedroom and lay him on the bed. Several maids and the Keep doctor were waiting there to receive him. They made him as comfortable as possible, and Father left six guards there to make sure of Lord Bushton's safety. We went back to Father's office, and I told him of...

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Escort Services

  Escort services.   Chapter 1.   At last, she allowed him to cum, letting his seed spurt into her mouth in almost painful spasms of ejaculation. Her tight grip at the base of his cock released, allowing the pent up seed to pass, so that it shot through his urethra at blast velocity.   His hips bucked involuntarily, raising his narrow cheeks off the stone slab of the poolside paving, his orgasm ripped through his body. Her lips, locked around...

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Shootout in the BadlandsChapter 7

Brett and Miss Rhonda both agreed that it would better if they kept their relationship a secret. In Brett's view it would save him from any accusation of bias in the range war. From Rhonda's perspective, she needed more time to butter up her daddy who didn't hold with any lawmen or bounty hunters. He let his mount set the pace on the way back into town so he could think over the events of the past two or three days. The fact that he had gotten hired as the sheriff was uppermost in his...

2 years ago
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My Village Tales 8211 Part 1

Hi my name is Rohan I’m 18 years old I had just finished with my 12th broad exams so my best friend invited me to his village so I asked my parents and they gave me d permission to go… So I was happy that I would spend my vacations with my best friend his name is rajesh 17 old a real stud of our school… In a few days I left for his village via bus. It was a long and tedious journey of about 6 hours . After reaching his village I was received by rajesh and his father mohan(42) who was a farmer...

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Jokes and GigglesChapter 542

This One Is Compliments of Joe S A Harley Biker is riding by the zoo in Washington, DC when he sees a little girl leaning into the lion’s cage. Suddenly, the lion grabs her by the collar of her jacket and tries to pull her inside to slaughter her, under the eyes of her screaming parents. The biker jumps off his Harley, runs to the cage and hits the lion square on the nose with a powerful punch. Whimpering from the pain the lion jumps back letting go of the girl, and the biker brings the...

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Hotel Swinging Meeting

So....... we’ve finally plucked up the courage to agree to meet another couple of the Xhamster website, they are staying in a hotel in Town after travelling up from London for a friend’s wedding and they are staying an extra night to meet up with us.........We meet them for a few drinks at a bar in Town and find that we get on really well and they do actually look like their Xhamster photo’s, she is slim with long dark hair and he is well built with close cropped hair.We explain that we are...

2 years ago
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Out on the town pt1

My name is jophine but every one calls me jo I'm 21 and live in a big city i live a fast pace life as I'm a nurse In a trama er .. I am fairly average in size being 5'5 and a 145 lbs I have a full bust thick thys and a decently round butt.. I don't really date much I work alot and when I not working i to go out dancing.. My boss was giving me a hard time about taking time off as I built up some paid time off so I took a long weekend off and planned on going out on the town on a Friday...

4 years ago
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Dreamscape II

Dreamscape 2 By Diana Kimberly Heche Part 2: Arnie and Janet One of the things I learned quickly was that Lucy Maya wore glasses. I sat on the couch surrounded by books and articles of every ilk - everything from witchcraft to little known aspects and traditions of major religions. I had been this way for days, sitting and reading almost continuously. After a few days of holding papers near the tip of my nose, it dawned on me that perhaps I should search for a pair of...

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