Vigilante Brock McLoud 3 Chapter 2
- 4 years ago
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Two questions remained to be resolved: What could they do with the freed slaves and what could they do with the 47 soldiers who might be convertible?
There were not enough hotel rooms in Dothan to accommodate all of the ex-slaves, so they would have to stay at Camp Rucker (the original name was restored) and live in the barracks until they could be sorted out. This should be good for a week or so, if not longer.
On the other hand, the soldiers had to be dealt with immediately. As the most experienced, Brenda and Bruce undertook the job of deep scanning the men to see if they were acceptable candidates for ESP conversion. As it turned out, only one was a loser, the other 46 were deemed salvageable. The odd ball was dumped back with the other approximately 240 rejects and they were all put to sleep, permanently. Their bodies were TPed into the sun.
The 46 ex-troopers were converted that day and put to use checking and maintaining the military equipment under the command of Capt. John Appleby. They were joined by the men who had been previously converted and John organized them into a company of two platoons. This was expected to grow before long. They expected trouble from Fort Benning and, possibly, other places.
All five McClouds turned to scanning the ex-slaves. All were found to be acceptable, but some seemed to be better suited to the task than others. Nevertheless, it was decided to convert all of the ex-slaves because the manpower might be needed when they had to face the next wave of soldiers.
The ex-slaves were divided into five teams of 100 each and conversion was started. A day was spent with each team, as this seemed to be ample time for the basic conversion and indoctrination. On the sixth day, Brenda and Bruce picked out the individuals they believed to be the best choices for leaders.
The soldiers were kept separate because of their special background and training, but the remaining approximately 640 people were divided into teams of 40 members, including the leaders. Just managing this many people was a full time job for Donald and Mary. From the purely logistics point of view, Dothan had to be abandoned and operations shifted to Camp Rucker. A few of the Dothan natives were unhappy for a short while, but they realized the stakes they were fighting for and agreed to go along with the Camp Rucker shift for the good of the group. Brock TPed the two jeeps and the tank from Dothan back to Camp Rucker, since they didn't have any resources to waste.
Bruce and Brenda began an intensive training course for the 16 teams of "civilians" in why their world had fallen into such dire straits. The world wide economic depression which had begun in the mid 1920s had mushroomed into a downward spiral which could not be checked by the foolish and selfish measures employed by the various world governments. Most had tried to stop their own economic slide by throwing up trade barriers to keep foreign goods out of the domestic market, hoping to force people and companies to buy their needs locally. They had not realized, or refused to acknowledge, that it was world wide trade that kept all their economies alive and vibrant. When they had cut off trade with other parts of the world, they had hurt everybody.
For example, when the USA had stopped buying rubber and tin from southeast Asia, not only had those countries been hurt, but the USA automobile business had been hurt from the lack of rubber for tires and wire insulation. The canning and food processing industries had been hurt because they could not get tin for making tin-plated steel cans. And so it went, industry after industry was forced to cut back as its markets shrank and its raw materials were used up; this caused massive layoffs and plant closings. The workers, who were also the customers of these same plants, ran out of money and could not buy what little was manufactured, so more plants were closed.
This was a vicious circle which drained money from governments as they tried to aid their populations, but there was no trade to tax, so the money could not be replaced. Governments had to cut services as they went bankrupt; finally, there was no government and local warlords like Lawrence moved in to fill the power vacuum. Ultimately, it was the fist with the biggest club which dominated a local area, and there was no way to fight back.
Finally, ESP had given the downtrodden the edge they needed to recover and regain what they had lost. It was this ESP that they were learning to use which would drive out the tyrants of the world and return life to the people and society. The war would be long and they would have to face some tough battles, but they would win eventually, as long as they did not give up hope.
The plan was to send these teams out to defeat the local warlords and set up working societies of the local people who would return to controlling their own lives. These teams would convert and train more teams who would go out on their own crusades. This would result in a geometric progression of more and more teams, until the world was finally covered.
Bruce and Brenda were working on an education program which would teach the people of the world that they were all dependent on each other. The idea was to eliminate the stupid artificial barriers among people and let them interact with each other. ESP would make it possible to be a citizen of the world because there could be no barriers against POV and TP; a person could go anywhere he could imagine and there would be no way to block him from entry or exit. This utopia was reachable; the people just had to try!
John Appleby was working on a training plan to teach his men how to fight a new kind of war. No longer would his men be dependent on guns, instead, they would fight with POV, TP, and TK. They must learn to take advantage of knowing exactly what the enemy was doing and being able to reach him no matter where he was hiding. They must learn to be discriminating in the amount of damage they did; they now could control the extent of the damage their actions caused, so they did not have to cause destruction over a large area just to achieve a limited objective. They must learn that each one of them was more powerful than any army the world had ever before seen.
John's preliminary training plan was concentrated on learning how to locate someone with POV and follow his actions. His first step was to pit his two platoons against each in friendly competition. They would duplicate the training the people in Dothan had used to find their opposite number in a defined area. Once that had been mastered, they would learn to do the same thing in complete darkness. Finally, they would learn to find somebody when they had no information on his current whereabouts.
After a few days of the initial POV training, he wanted to switch all communication to mind-speak. When the men had learned to control and direct that to specific individuals in a crowd, they would have an unbreakable avenue of communication much better than the best radio. Their talk could not be overheard or blocked by an enemy; they would have the best possible battle field communication.
John wanted to find the men most talented in the use of POV to have them concentrate on being the scouts for his new army. They could move among the enemy undetected and be perfectly safe because their bodies would be at home where they would be completely protected. He would have the best scouts and spies the world had ever known, undetectable and untouchable.
The next phase of training would be in TP. The men would have to learn to move themselves, as well as other people and objects safely from place to place, with cunning and stealth. This would take a lot of practice, since any object, when moved, would disturb the air around it and, if the object were big enough, cause a monstrous thunder clap, something sure to attract attention.
Training in TK should be easy, once the other two skills of POV and TP had been mastered. TK would mostly be used as a weapon. Bruce, the most skilled in this art, would teach the men how to fashion balls of hardened air and throw them at the target. Probably, the most useful projectile would be a ball about half an inch in diameter, moving at about 1000 feet per second (just under Mach 1), which would be dissolved as soon as it had done its damage. This would probably cause the least collateral damage while being easy to control. The great advantage of a TK projectile was that it would need no distance to accelerate; it could be moving at the desired speed as soon as it was created. TK never heard of inertia and other trivial laws of physics!
The purpose of the training was explained to the men and they began to practice with considerable enthusiasm. It was a lot of fun to surprise a buddy by suddenly appearing at his side when he was not expecting you. The men realized that this was serious training, but they did get a lot of laughs out of it. This was good because it kept the men from getting bored and interested in improving their technique.
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July, 1950 I thought of a good way to test my new armor. I generated the armor and TPed to Korea, to the battle line. I stood up and started walking across in front of the North Korean Army lines. They started shooting at me as soon as I showed up, and I felt a number of sharp blows as bullets hit my armor. Of course, nothing penetrated the armor and I TPed home. Dad really yelled at me when I told him what I had done; he ordered me never to do something so stupid again and never to tell...
July, 1950 I was just pain tired! I had been trying to do too many things without enough rest and, particularly, sleep. Mother noticed that I had a "droopy" look and said that I had to get more rest. But there were so many things I wanted to do! I needed to find a way to cram 42 hours into 24! This was ludicrous! Here I was, a functional immortal, who was pressed for time! For my own peace of mind, I had to find a solution. Then it dawned on me: I could use my time travel ability to pick...
March, 1949 I had been searching for way that I could use my powers to make money. So far I hadn't found anything. I refused to steal money from legitimate businesses, such as banks, but how about illegal businesses? Maybe I could find a way to lift some of the money that organized crime had stashed away. There was no way that this money could be returned to the original owners, so my conscience said that I could keep any that I could find. But, how could I find it if the government agents...
November, 1949 Time to beat 'Bama! Dad bet $250 at 11 to 1 odds that Auburn would beat The University of Alabama in Birmingham. The bookie, out of the goodness of his heart, actually tried to talk dad out of the bet. The bookie maintained that there was no way Auburn could win and Dad was throwing good money after bad. Auburn had done so poorly that season, that the bookie was embarrassed to take Dad's money. Nevertheless, Dad stuck to his guns and made the bet. Needless to say, we won! We...
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Alice was looking for a real challenge to her skills, but she hadn't found anything, yet. So far, she had solved a murder and a bank robbery, but neither one was much of a challenge. She wondered if that was going to be the way of it; some investigations could be tedious, but someone with her powers really had no trouble tracking down the culprit. She would just keep plugging away and a real challenge might eventually turn up. She was sitting at her desk in the agency office working on...
Alice was feeling kind of down from her adventure with the woman with the multiple personalities; she needed a break, something light like a kidnapping or a bank robbery. As she contemplated this, the phone rang. "I must be getting psychic," Alice chuckled. "Good afternoon, David Smith, Investigations. May I help you?" "Hello, Mrs. Clark. This is Agent Tom Jones of the FBI. May I speak to Mr. Smith or Miss Jones?" "Mr. Smith is still out of town, but Miss Jones is available. Please...
Sure, she could do it with POV, but where's the fun in that? Like any woman, Alice loved to window-shop, particularly along the string of stores featuring the latest fashions in the display windows, and she wanted to do it by walking along the street, enjoying the presence of the other people and the general joy of living. [She did cheat a little by using TK to take some of the load off her feet!] Alice was engaged in this activity one beautiful Saturday morning when a car screeched to a...
Alice had come to realize just how dull a place Atlanta could be without organized crime to keep her attention. Ever since she had broken up that protection racket and had all the crooks in Atlanta turn themselves in to the police, she had been pretty much in the doldrums. It looked like she was going to have to return to concentrating on private citizens for amusement until organized crime could get itself reorganized. She did hope that her telephone would ring pretty soon. And ring it did....
April, 1947 This was the last week of April, so I had to hurry if I wanted to catch the people behind this scam. School was nearly out (kids were needed to help on the farms), so I needed to move before I lost the trail. Realistically, I had only a couple of more days before I lost my contacts. At the last bell, I followed the fifth-graders to their runner. They gave him their take for the day and left. I followed the runner to two more schools by TPing to sort of generic street corners;...
January, 1948 Here it was, 1948, and I was at loose ends. There wasn't enough crime in our town to keep me busy, so I was looking for something to do. Maybe I could find some other abilities to develop. How about Clairvoyance (Far-Seeing)? I figured it would be useful if I could see a place without actually going there. As it was now, I needed someone in place whose eyes I could use to see, if I weren't there. It would be great if I could see inside the sun, or beneath the clouds of Venus,...
July, 1949 Sunday afternoon, when we were alone, I asked Dad, "What do you plan to do about the bookie?" "I've been thinking about it and I think we have to be a little devious. I'll call Joe Jones; you listen in." Dad dialed and I listened. "Joe? This is Doug McLoud, next door. I have a little problem I hope you can help me with. I just got a hot tip and I'd like to put some money on it, but I don't know a bookie. Can you recommend one?" "Sure, Doug. I usualy use Everett...
September, 1949 Now that Mother could do everything I could do, I had no trouble convincing her to let me have the motor scooter that I wanted. The three of us went to see the dealer the week before school started and we ordered the one I wanted: bright RED. There was no choice in these simple machines, except for color. There were no gears; all you got were two wheels and a motor covered by a simple stamped metal shell. There was a headlight and a horn, but nothing else. It was about as...
July, 1950 I knew that I had promised the dinosaur people to visit the next day, but something had come up that I couldn't ignore. Besides, I could visit any time in my time and shift to whenever I wanted to in their time. This time shift could get to be really confusing if I let it. My more pressing interest right now was a report among the teenage community of drugs becoming readily available. I couldn't say what it was about drugs that bothered me so much, except that I equated the...
Every boy dreamed of playing soldier, and I was no exception. With my ability to time travel and universe jump, I could pick any time and place I wanted to play and barrel right in. With my TK armor on, there was no way I could be hurt, so even my mother could not object to me giving it a try. I was trying to find a good place to go and I was considering some of the possibilities. I figured that anything that I could imagine could be found somewhere/somewhen, so all I needed to do was to...
August, 1951 I showed up at Brenda's front door promptly at 10:00AM; my motor scooter was parked at the curb. I rang the doorbell and waited nervously for somebody to come answer the door. The door opened to a vision of loveliness! Brenda was standing there in some of the shortest shorts I had ever seen and her top showed her off to perfection. I admit to standing there with my jaw at about my knees and my eyes as big as saucers. Brenda giggled and invited me in. We went into the kitchen...
Here we go again! Word of drugs were circulating around the highschool. The word was that if you wanted drugs, you should contact a particular senior. Brenda and I heard of this at the same time; we were eating lunch with some friends when one of the girls told the story. In mind-speak, I said to Brenda, "We need to talk about this after school. I've run into this situation before. We need to get your parents involved." After school, Brenda and I discussed what we would do about the drug...
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Xylloc not what a human would call a paradise planet. For one thing, it rained all of the time. Of course, that was not literally true, but it seemed that way to Bruce and Brenda. They went down in the shuttle with Heartfullofjoy because they wanted to experience the ride. It was like an amusement park ride, combined roller coaster and bumper cars! The atmosphere was so violently unstable that the locals had never developed machines for flight, let alone, space travel. They were completely...
Bruce and Brenda held hands as they gazed out a "window" of The Bright Journey. "Bruce, darling, I'm so very glad you wanted to take this vacation. Space is so beautiful at sub-light speed. I admit that I would probably not have thought of it, but I am having the time of my life! And so many of these ET's are such wonderful people and make such pleasant company. I just love it all!" "Me, too! It's been so much more than I had hoped and being here with you is the icing on the cake....
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It was a very good day. We were about to go for a long trip to kodaikkanal. I went to my aunt’s house to issue their ticket. They were living in a rented house in the second floor. The entrance door in the ground floor was locked. I pressed the calling bell of my aunt’s house. She saw from the terrace and dropped the key. I caught it and opened the door. The family in the ground floor was away. Similarly the family in the first floor was also away. I went to the second floor. There I saw my...
IncestSummer Camp Part 3 By Princess Pantyboy Me/Chris 8-year-old boy Miley 5-year-old evil little sister Heather 14-year-old big sister Karen 3-year-old baby sister Mommy/Linda 35-years-old looks like she is barely 21 Amy 5-year-old girl from next door Andy 5-year-old boy, twin to Amy Ms. Tina Amy & Andy's mom (Please read part one and two so my story makes sense. I did copy the last two pages of part two to...
David I arrived back at the mansion about an hour later. Johnny was talking to Susan and drinking a Dr. Pepper. I said I see you two are getting to know each other. He said yeah, Colonel, little feisty, kept badgering me wanting to know where you were and if you were alright. I told her you can take care of yourself. She gave me a stare that would boil water. Johnny didn’t need to know about our relationship just yet so I debriefed him on what I found out and asked him to locate Rothschild....
My wife's older sister came to stay with us for a week or two. She and her husband were having some marital troubles. My sister inlaw, Lori, is three years older than my wife, bottle blonde hair, b cup tits, around 130 pounds, 5 foot 5 inches tall and brown eyes. Lori looks alot like my wife and I have always wanted to pork her. My wife, Lisa, and I have done some swinging and swapping and I have cheated on her too and from what I understand Lori and her husband have done all the above also....
Kiarra Kai is back at Bang Bros and she tells us a little secret. She’s always wanted to film a scene with Charles Dera. Luckily for her, Bang Bros knows everybody, and we’ve got Charles on speed dial. We give him a quick call to see if he’s free to come by the set right now! He loves Kiarra Kai and always wanted to work with her. He rushes over and worships her amazing body. She gives him a blowjob and sucks dick like a pro. They start to have intense sex. It’s full of...
xmoviesforyouPlayboyPlus takes a comically stereotypical approach to bring a classic brand into the new millennium, slapping a Plus on the end when they could have just as easily tacked on a 2.0, a 4K, an Ultra, or maybe even a Hub. Whatever, though, because I’m less concerned about the name than what they’ve actually got to show me. This is the porn brand your grandpa grew up with, but the younger generations are less familiar with. Playboy has lost some of its luster in this world of hardcore Internet...
Premium Porn Pictures SitesAlthough he is keeping both his lovers satiated, Justin is aware of his need to improve himself. There is cost and reward, pleasure and pain as he grows. School started. I enrolled at the highschool near Jules’ house, just a kid with a couple of hundred other kids. Normal. I didn’t like being away from Jules and Daria all day; Daria was at work anyway. Jules dropped me off and picked me up in one car or another. I didn’t mix with the other kids much at first. Some guys tried to bully me...
I learned at puberty that the way into a girls panties is to tell them what they want to hear and show interest in them. This worked really well for me and got me laid by many, many girls my age. I was getting so much pussy I think my cock smelled more like pussy than most real pussy! Any way I got to thinking of upping the antae, finding more challenging game. I had boned some older girls, eighteen and nineteen, but I was thinking much older. I started to scout around, checking out some of...