A Paladin's JourneyChapter 9 free porn video

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***AMINA: Temple Sura, Ekistair***

Amina suppressed a proud smile as she watched Tavish and Ayla side-by-side, awkwardly stepping through the initial forms of the Mohar, the fighting style that all Arohim learned. They were not granted weapons, yet, nor were they granted clothing during initial training. There were certain things that came first. They were still uncomfortable with their nudity, though they were getting better every day.

This was one of the rooms that had been appropriated for training. Clear of furniture, the large stone room was on the western side of the Temple, and the tall arched windows – long devoid of glass – let in a pleasant breeze. The sun had vanished long ago, but the Sunstones placed inside small niches in the walls provided what light they needed.

Amina watched over the twins keenly, correcting them here, encouraging them there. She had wondered often in her long years of solitude if she would ever again experience the rewarding task of training par’vala in the ways of her beloved Order. Then Aran had arrived at her doorstep and shifted the course of her life dramatically. There was hope again, and that was a dream she had not allowed herself until recently.

As twins, Ayla and Tavish shared similar features. Both were dark of hair and eye, and of middling height, with Ayla being shorter by a head. They came from a well-to-do family, and so were rather well-fed upon arrival at the Temple, but Tavish’s vala was already active, so his body was growing leaner and stronger by the day. His sister was still carrying maybe ten or fifteen extra pounds, but that would either be worked off through training or naturally through the vala.

The pretty young girl had had brief success with her vala yesterday, touching it for a mere second before losing it, but touching it nonetheless. She would be strong one day, this girl. She would make a fine Paladin, as would her brother. Ayla’s vala would not fully manifest until she made love for the first time, but that would happen at the girl’s own pace and nobody else’s. She would still develop her skills under Amina’s watchful eye in preparation for when that time came.

Tavish, however, had crossed that bridge before coming to the Temple, and so his abilities would develop faster. The boy stumbled suddenly as his eyes flicked to Amina’s chest and he lost his focus, his bare foot catching on the ankle of his other leg. Ayla looked at Amina from time to time also, but seemed not to have the same problem as her brother.

“You must concentrate!” Amina chided, stepping up to Tavish as he righted himself. His face reddened to a shade not dissimilar to a beetroot as she stood before him, hands on hips. She was wearing only her vaima, and she knew he could see right through it, but he may as well get used to being around people in the flesh, seeing as how he would be living in the Temple for the foreseeable future.

The training forms were all done unclothed to heighten awareness of one’s body. Only sparring was done with protective armour, for obvious reasons.

“Sorry, Priestess,” Tavish mumbled, focusing on the ground at his feet and resetting himself before starting his forms over. He very carefully did not look at Amina again, though she could almost feel the strain of him keeping his eyes down. His member stood rigid, and she could tell he was embarrassed, though he shouldn’t be. What were people teaching their children, these days, that they should be ashamed of their bodies and their desires? Amina wanted to shake her head in disgust. It would take her months to undo these inhibiting learnings.

“There are many things that can be used to distract a warrior,” she told him as she walked around behind him. “Food if you’re hungry, gold if you’re poor, water if you’re thirsty.” She leaned in closer, putting her lips almost against his ear. “And sex if you’re horny.”

Tavish cursed and stumbled again, and this time Ayla mirrored him. They mumbled apologies and started over.

“You are destined to become Arohim,” Amina said as she slowly strode circles around them, keeping a critical eye on their stances. “And it saddens me to say this, but the world, for the most part, will not accept you. At least, not yet. You will have enemies around many corners, and something as trivial as nudity is but a speck before the problems you will encounter.

“Your bodies are special,” she lectured, just as she was lectured in her first weeks, a thousand years ago. “And they are the vessel for your spirit, and your vala. They are beautiful, and strong, and thanks to the grace of Aros, you will have them for many long years, never aging, never weakening until the day you leave this world.

“You will be hated by some, desired by others, but this is the way of things. A Paladin must always act from love, even in times of violence, when you are protecting yourself or others. Your vala will not be available to you if your intention is to harm for personal gain. Aros does not allow it.”

Amina watched them move for a time. They were progressing readily, even at these early stages, especially for ones such as they; coddled youths torn away from a soft life. Their despicable treatment at the hands of the Heralds had changed them, though. Tavish had found strength in those terrible conditions, while Ayla had been broken, and was slowly putting herself back together.

Ayla’s wounds had closed, the hundreds of gouges and stripes all over her body well on their way to being healed. Scar tissue was forming, though even that would vanish as she worked with her vala.

Amina wished she could take the pain away for them, but that would rob them of anything they gained; Tavish’s determination, for one, and whatever it was Ayla had gained. She would find it, eventually.

“You will become paragons of strength, honour and love,” Amina continued. “And these will be the banners beneath which you fight, whether you are fighting with words or steel. Your attitudes will be challenged, and many of them will change. Sex will no longer be something only done in private, behind closed doors. The pleasures of the body are to be celebrated, and celebrate you will.”

The twins stumbled again at that, but righted themselves quickly. “Those who captured you denounce our ways and say that we are evil hedonists, a corrupt and perverted religion.”

Tavish’s brow drew down at the mention of their capture. His eyes hardened, as if he were staring at his torturers right this moment.

“The Heralds are our greatest enemy, and their voice is heard throughout the East, and many believe their lies. Will we let them continue their poisonous zealotry?”

“NO!” Tavish boomed hotly, startling Ayla. To Amina’s eyes, a light flickered to life around the boy, flaring a few times before disappearing. “I saw them for what they really were,” he muttered to nobody in particular. “I know them.”

To Amina’s surprise, Ayla seemed to draw some anger from her brother, her own face growing darker. “I know them, too,” she whispered. It was the first time she’d spoken all day.

“Good,” Amina encouraged. “Your anger is righteous, though it comes with a danger. If your anger turns to hate, then your vala will abandon you. Do you understand this?”

At their confused looks, Amina ordered them to stop and listen. “Anger can be used to fight for what you believe, to protect others. But hate is a wild and dangerous thing. A Paladin does not hate, not ever.”

“But Priestess, surely the Heralds deserve our hate?” Tavish asked, for once not seeming uncomfortable in Amina’s presence.

Amina shook her head. “This is the difference, par’vala,” she explained. “What they did is a terrible thing, inexcusable, and it will not go unanswered, but if you fill your heart with hate and allow that to drive you, you will be no different from those you seek to punish.”

Ayla looked thoughtful, though Tavish seemed to struggle with the idea. “What will you do if Rodric Eames falls to his knees before you and begs you for forgiveness, if he genuinely seeks redemption? Will you strike him down? Or will you show him the way back to the light?”

Tavish considered this for long moments, his lips pursed. “How will I know who to save, and who not to?” He asked finally.

Amina placed a hand on his shoulder and met his eyes. “You will one day have the ability to look into someone’s heart, Tavish par’vala. And then you will know who wishes to be saved, and who does not.”

She gave the words a moment to settle before clapping her hands together. “I think that’s enough for one day. You both have done well. Go and wash and take some rest. You have another full day tomorrow. I will have one of the Servants bring you some supper.”

Tavish quickly moved off to gather his clothes from the corner, but surprisingly, Ayla remained. Normally she was in the midst of a flurry of clothing by now. “What is it, child?” Amina inquired.

“Might I have a word, Priestess?” she asked timidly. “In private?”

Tavish looked over, halfway through pulling his breeches on. He opened his mouth to say something, but Ayla interjected. “It’s alright, Tavish. I’ll just be a moment.”

When Tavish looked about to argue, she added, “I can hardly get into danger with Amina here, can I?” Her words were gentle, but firm.

“Very well,” Tavish replied stiffly as he resumed getting dressed, bending to snatch up his shirt and shake it out with more force than was strictly necessary. Once done, he picked up his boots and left barefoot.

Amina’s lips quirked in a pleased smile. Barefoot was good; it meant he was getting more of a feel for his body’s senses. He’d never before left the training room without first putting his boots back on. It was also good to see Ayla speaking for herself. Tavish had been guarding her like a she-wolf guards a wounded pup ever since they arrived at the Temple. His reasons were sound, but there was no need for such fierce protection within these walls. The girl needed space to breathe, room to become the woman she would grow into.

Amina turned to Ayla, who was shifting her feet nervously. “Speak when you are ready, child,” she said gently.

“It’s just that, um, well,” Ayla began clumsily, her lack of words sounding strange with her polished accent. “I noticed that Tavish is outpacing me, in the training, and I wonder if that’s because he, um...” She trailed off, too embarrassed to say it out loud.

Amina smiled warmly. “You are very perceptive, child. Yes, it is because Tavish is no longer a virgin that he is progressing faster than you.”

Ayla chewed her lip in thought. “So, I will fall behind if I do not do the same as Tavish?”

“In some ways, yes,” Amina replied truthfully. “But in others, no. Tavish’s vala will develop more quickly, but he will have to work harder to learn control. Young Kedron is no doubt experiencing the same problem, as he and Tavish are in the same boat, there. If you choose to wait, you will have a much easier time handling your power when it manifests itself. Aran was trained in this way, as was Elaina, I believe.”

The girl brightened at that. “I’m happy to hear this, Priestess,” she said sincerely. “I was worried that ... well...”

Amina didn’t need her to finish that sentence. She lifted Ayla’s chin with a finger. “Child, I would never force you to rush something as treasured as your first time. Nor would any other Arohim. Whatever you choose, and when you choose it, is up to you and nobody else. In that arena, I will only offer guidance, not orders. The passage to womanhood must be natural and authentic.”

To Amina’s pleased surprise, Ayla jumped forward and hugged her fiercely. “Thank you,” the shorter woman whispered into Amina’s breasts. Then she began to sob. Tears that she’d held inside since she was freed from the Heralds came spilling out, now that she knew it was safe to let them.

Amina just held her, making soothing noises and stroking the par’vala’s hair until she was done.

When Ayla finally left, Amina stood at the window, leaning on the solid stone sill with both hands and looking out over the mountainous terrain below. The cool night air felt good on her skin.

Her thoughts drifted toward Aran and Elaina, Kedron and Smythe, as they often did. She thought of them as her children, in some ways, and in others, not. She supposed that would be unconventional in many cultures, but there was nothing conventional about living for a thousand years. She felt a responsibility toward them, and a fierce, passionate love. They were the future of the Order, after all. The legacy of the Arohim would be built on their shoulders. Especially Aran’s, but he could not do it alone.

She felt a pleasant tingle in her belly when she thought of Aran. His hard body and those intense blue eyes never failed to excite her. Even from the first moment she saw him she knew he was special. Not that Henley was any slouch, with those broad shoulders and bulging arms, and that massive chest. Kedron was a handsome enough lad, but he needed seasoning. Amina favoured men over boys, and though Kedron was of age, she still considered him a boy. Gods, compared to her, they were all boys! Even Henley, and he was more than a hundred years old!

The tingles turned into an ache, and Amina grinned as she calmed herself down, damping the fire of her passions. It was one thing to be a figure of love and desire, wisdom and liberty, and it was quite another to let her urges rule her. Sara was learning that very thing lately, and Amina would not unleash that girl on the world until her hands were firmly on the reins of her vala.

All Arohim needed to learn control of their power, but for a Priest or Priestess, the discipline required was several times more than that of a Paladin. And the expectations were even higher. As the only High Priestess left, it was Amina’s duty to oversee Sara’s training, and it was Amina’s choice as to how that training was implemented. As it was, Amina saw no reason to change the old ways. In fact, she saw even more reason to adhere to the requirements of days past.

The new Order must be as good, if not better than the Order of old, or it would not survive this world.

Her heart lurched suddenly as a force rolled over her, a wave of energy that hit like a punch to the stomach. Gasping, she barely held herself upright, leaning heavily on the ledge.

That immense force was Aran’s vala! Where had this power come from? Surely, he had not been this strong before? Amina had thoroughly sensed for his ability several times during his training, and while she knew he would be powerful, she had never even fathomed this!

She could see him in her mind as clear as day, as well as feel that incredible vala more than a hundred miles away. She wanted to laugh with joy at his amazing strength, and at the same time she wanted to weep at the magnitude of it.

‘Please, Aros,’ she prayed silently. ‘Give him the fortitude to withstand this storm you have bestowed upon him.’

The tempest abated as quickly as it had come, and Amina gathered herself, taking a deep breath and pushing away from the window. She would need to check on Tavish and Ayla, then Sara, and then Aran’s meldin. Perhaps they could help piece together what was happening out there.

She buried her frustration at not being out there with her children, protecting them, guiding them. Her duty was here, at the Temple, and would be for some time yet. She strode swiftly from the training room, heading for the twins’ quarters.

***ARAN – Emerin Chapel***

His old room on the upper floor of the Chapel was exactly as he’d left it. Darkwood paneling that reached halfway up the white stone wall, the arched window above the bed that looked out over the training yard, the simple washstand and the darkwood robe against opposite walls. This room was where he’d first begun to learn about who he really was. Where he’d begun his training and set himself on the inexorable path to his fate, whatever it may be.

Closing the door, he leaned back against it with a sigh, allowing himself to feel the weariness that had been nagging at him. Despite his fatigue, he grinned as he remembered his time here, training under Elaina, thinking that there could not possibly be anything more difficult under the sun.

It was the hardest year of his life, but he would do it all again just to be with Elaina, alone and undisturbed in this little sanctuary in the heart of the Emerin Forest. She was moving closer, slowly but steadily since yesterday. Judging the pace and the distance as best he could, Aran thought she might arrive as soon as tomorrow. Induin’s and Liaren’s melda were keeping pace with Elaina’s as they traveled.

“Please get here before the Heralds, my loves,” he whispered softly. “I don’t want to be burying more dead innocents if I can help it.”

As far as he could tell, the rest of his meldin were still at the Temple, clustered closely together in his mind in a bundle of sensation, each one different from the others. He allowed himself to feel them properly, getting a read on them.

Sorla seemed determined, while Rayna and Bella were sexually satisfied. Jeira was happy, but worried. Aran closed himself off from the sensations before he could lose himself in them. A dull ache washed through his muscles again. The aches had been growing more frequent of late, and he knew he was not as strong as he could be.

It wasn’t just the long days and the nights without sleep that was affecting him. Deep down, he was worried. He knew what he had to do, and he knew that he might not survive his destiny, but he could not see a way to do what must be done without hurting those closest to him.

They didn’t understand, not really. Jeira, Sorla, Rayna, all of them said they would rather be with him on this journey than anywhere else, but Aran couldn’t believe they truly knew what was coming.

He did. He could feel it approaching like a colossal menace, silent yet growing inexorably closer.

Even still, Aran wasn’t strong enough to send any of his meldin away. They were a part of him, and he them, and Aran was responsible for it all, bonding them without thought of his uncertain future. They would be stricken with untold pain, if he died. They would be targeted by his enemies if they were ever discovered.

It wasn’t just his meldin, either. Smythe, Kedron, the Servants, Sara ... He saw them all as his family, yet he would have to drag them through nightmare after nightmare. He could feel it in his heart, and he hated himself for it.

He saw the way they looked at him sometimes, when they thought he couldn’t see. Back in Korrin, one of the boys had found an abandoned wolf pup one winter and brought it home. He’d raised it well enough, and the wolf never hurt anybody, but most of the villagers would eye the thing as if afraid it would start ripping throats at any second.

That was the look Aran had seen in Smythe’s eyes yesterday.

Leaning his head back against the door, he closed his eyes for a minute, forcing himself not to think about the bed across the room, how good it would feel to lie down just for a few minutes, even though he knew his problems would still be there when he woke.

Faces and voices spun in his mind. Amina, her big sapphire eyes full of concern. “Nobody has ever had your strength, Aran...”

Elaina, her beautiful face anxious. “You may be the strongest that’s ever been...”

Smythe, trying to keep his nervousness down so Aran couldn’t sense it. “That much power can change a man...”

There was a rap on the door, the impact knocking lightly against his head where it rested against the wood. Aran sensed Smythe on the other side. Standing erect and forcing his weariness down, he banished his dark thoughts and pulled the door open to greet the older Paladin.

“Everything well, my friend?” He asked with a smile, ignoring another wave of fatigue.

“As well as can be,” Smythe said. “Ari has everyone organized. They all have a place to sleep and some food, and there’s even a bathing schedule! Though my name is too far down the list for my liking.” He finished with a chuckle.

Aran smiled. “He’s a good man, Ari. I’m glad he’s with us. How is Kedron?”

“Up and about,” Smythe replied. “Says he’s well enough to bring down a tiger with his bare hands, though I doubt it. He’s got Lena sticking to him like a fly on honey, but I think she’s keeping his spirits up. Can’t be easy with his girl in his father’s hands. The lad says she is moving closer steadily, but faster in the last couple of hours than before.”

Aran nodded grimly. “Looks like our Herald prisoners found their way back to their master.” He paused for a moment. “Listen, Smythe, I’ve been thinking. I need to know how many Heralds are coming for us, and I don’t want to risk sending you or anyone else to scout. That leaves me only one option.”

Smythe’s dark eyes searched Aran’s face for a moment before he inclined his head. “Alright, do what you have to do. I’ll head downstairs and keep an eye on the villagers. Some of them have been whispering about you since that Goblin raid.”

The big Paladin turned to leave, but stopped two steps down the hall. “Aran,” he added quietly, turning back. “I may be speaking out of turn here, but I can sense your weariness. Don’t overdo it, ey?”

“I won’t,” Aran assured him. “I think I can sense out that far without using so much of the vala, this time.”

“That’s a good thing, maybe,” Smythe mused, knuckling his mustache. “How about you let me visit the Plane tonight and you get some real rest? If there’s fighting coming, we’ll need you fit.”

Aran chuckled. “That’s very generous of you, old friend. Are you sure you can bear the treacherous burden of entertaining Amina and Elaina together?”

Smythe grinned wolfishly. “I’ll figure something out.” His face returned to seriousness afterwards, however. “I meant it, though, Aran. You should rest.”

“I will, as soon as this is done. I need to know what we’re in for.”

Smythe left after that, and Aran closed his door and locked it, preparing to tap into that hurricane of power he’d discovered within himself yesterday. Unbuckling his sword belt, he crossed the room and sat on the edge of the bed. Hands on knees, he closed his eyes and breathed deeply and evenly.

‘Not so much, this time,’ he reminded himself. ‘Just bring it out slowly, until you can sense them.’

His feelings radiated outward more gently this time, first to surround the Chapel. Every soul in the building and its surrounds winked to life in his mind’s eye, like small candles in a dark room. Further out, for a mile, then two, then five.

Still nothing bar wildlife. A badger digging a new den. A fox sniffing through some fallen leaves. Ten miles. Twenty. Nothing.

Aran’s brow furrowed, but lifted a moment later when the first points of Human life appeared at about thirty miles north of the Chapel. As his vala passed over them, he received a shock. There were hundreds of them! Was he mistaken? Was it some other marching force?

No, it was Heralds. Too many of those moving lights were blackened and twisted with madness and pain. Too many, but not all of them. Aran guessed the force was five hundred strong, with maybe two hundred of them true, dedicated Heralds.

That left three hundred uncertain souls in the army, people who might be brought to see the error in following the Heralds.

An ache began inside Aran’s head, but he ignored it. Bringing his focus down onto the army, he concentrated his vala, laying his true heart and soul bare for them to feel. He’d never tried to align with so many before, and had to draw deeply on his power to do it.

The ache became a stabbing pain, but Aran pressed on, sweat forming on his brow. There was chance he could avoid a slaughter, here, and he was taking it.

***Smythe – Emerin Chapel, Ekistair***

The Chapel was as Smythe remembered it. He’d been here before, many years ago. Elaina had finished her training and Smythe had helped her get set up here before he moved on. That was the way it was done. No two Paladins residing together; it was too dangerous.

He stood in the library, warming his hands at the wide fireplace, though they didn’t need it. It was just something to do. All through the rest of the Chapel, villagers sat and talked quietly, or ate, or in a few cases, just stared at nothing for long periods of time.

Smythe felt for them. Their whole lives had been turned upside down in a matter of hours, and a few of them had lost people they loved only yesterday. He wished he didn’t feel guilty, but he did, even though he knew these folk would be much worse off if they’d been left for the Heralds.

The vala radiating from upstairs intensified, and Smythe found himself looking up at the stone ceiling again. Why wasn’t he done, yet? One benefit was the quiet peace that had fallen over the villagers as Aran’s vala enveloped them. Smythe hadn’t seen them so relaxed in a while, even the grieving ones.

“Is everything well, Henley?” A woman’s voice said from behind him.

Turning, Smythe saw Elsa, one of the village women, and he smiled despite his worry. She was a pretty one, with long, sandy hair and big dark eyes. Her lips were full and ripe for kissing, and the shape of her grey cotton dress promised a well-rounded figure. A wonderful armful.

“As well as can be, lass,” Smythe responded politely. Was she married? He couldn’t see a band on her finger. He hoped she wasn’t. A jealous husband was not something he wanted added to his concerns. His vala was certainly telling him that Elsa’s intentions did not belong to a married woman.

The vala upstairs intensified again, and Smythe wanted to clench his fists in frustration. Another minute of this, and he would be up those stairs in a flash to put a stop to it, even if he had to knock Aran unconscious!

Elsa stepped closer, looking up at him with those captivating eyes. “I just wanted to say thank you, Henley, for watching out for us. I’ve been talking with the others, and they all wanted me to offer thanks on their behalf, too.”

“Think nothing of it, lass,” Smythe replied absently, his attention still caught up by Aran.

Elsa giggled. “You keep calling me lass, but I’ll bet you my best dress I’ve got a year or two on you, Henley!”

Smythe had to pretend his mustache was itchy to hide the smile that bloomed on his face. Unless Elsa of Rostin was one hundred and six years old, then she was mistaken by a fair margin. “A woman’s age is not something I concern myself with, Elsa,” he told her smoothly. “Especially when she’s as pretty as you are.”

Elsa blushed crimson, but Smythe hardly noticed. Aran’s vala had just doubled in strength. With a curse, Smythe dashed from the library and up the stairs, leaving a startled Elsa by the fireplace. Finding Aran’s door locked, he put a solid boot to it, and the heavy darkwood timber burst inwards to show Aran sitting on his bed, his face twisted in a grimace of pain.

Smythe had to squint to see through the blinding light of the vala surrounding the younger Paladin. Sweat dripped from his nose and chin, and his eyes were squeezed shut under the strain of so much power.

“Aran!” Smythe bellowed. “Aran, stop!” He took a step forward, but suddenly Aran’s hand flung forward in a halting gesture. It was the only part of him that moved, but Smythe hesitated.

Hating himself for it, he stood in the maelstrom of Aran’s vala, convinced that he was watching his friend die.

***HERALDS OF DAWN ARMY – On Approach to the Emerin Forest***

“This is a mistake,” one of the recently recruited Heralds hissed to the man on his left as they rode toward the shadowy shapes of the outlying trees of the Emerin Forest. It was almost impossible to make out due to the bare sliver of moon in the sky, but he was sure it was the Emerin.

He didn’t know why, but just now he’d had a sudden gut urge that he was in the wrong place, at the wrong time, and something inside his was telling him insistently to ride the other way.

“Shut up,” a woman said from the rank behind. “You’re going to get us thrown out!”

“Surely I can’t be the only one that feels this!” The first man insisted, keeping his voice low. There were red-and-yellow cloaked Heralds – real Heralds, not recruits, like himself – riding not far away in the long column of five hundred. Then there was that naked girl in the cage ... All of this just felt wrong. “Something isn’t right!”

“I feel it,” a low voice muttered from in front. “But what can we do?”

“We can scatter,” a man suggested from somewhere nearby. “They can’t chase down all of us.” Some of the new recruits turned to stare daggers at this latest speaker, while others nodded thoughtfully.

“They’re only going to use us as a first charge, anyway,” an older man croaked from the rank behind. “I’ve seen it before.” He shut his mouth as a torch-bearing officer rode past the outside of the column, casting a sharp eye over the recruits.

“It’s as good an idea as any,” the first man agreed. The feeling suddenly intensified, and a ripple of movement went through the column. People turned their heads to look behind them, or shifted in their saddles uncomfortably.

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Maddie the Babysitting Slut Chapter 1 Dream Job Lost

I know the themes in this story are not going to be for everyone, taboo, and morally wrong. I am not saying that they are mine or hers but this is what came from our chats. I was highly encouraged to edit our talks together and post them in story form here on XNXX. Each story will have set up but you can scroll to the good parts quite easily. But since these chats were not meant to be stories, there will be gaps, especially in the beginning where transitions should occur. All people involved...

3 years ago
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The Addicted NaturalChapter 29 The White Witch of Walden Confrontation and Truce

"You shouldn't be wasting your night with me, Master. The doctor said you can't make love to me. You should spend the evening with Brenda or Willie!" I stretched out on my side next to her naked form and trailed a fingertip over the expanse of her distended belly. Pregnancy had really taken a toll on her, but then, I guess it does with most women. The most dramatic difference was her breasts; those glorious breasts. They were large and swollen now, and they sagged slightly under the...

1 year ago
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Kathryn Tiffany and Derricks Vacation

Note : This story is completely fictional! Never try to do it in real live! This is the last, at least for now, in the Kathryn stories. If you have not read any of the others, I would suggest you read them before you read this. Keep the sending feedback, I enjoy getting it and try and answer all of them. I hope everyone enjoys this story as much as the others. Derrick pulled the car into the motel’s parking lot. They had arrived at Corpus Christi at 4:30 P.M. It took them eight and half hours...

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Lisas First Time Her Version

I had an affair on my husband 15 years ago. At first it was just a fling that started after one drunken night, but after we started meeting secretly for our sexual desires it turned into something else. The first night my master took me as his, I was partying at a friend’s house, and met him earlier in the evening. He was a biker, and I always had the hots for rough Harley type guys. We flirted with one another most the night innocently so I thought. I drank too much and passed out. I woke up...

3 years ago
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43 Years in HidingChapter 5

I was hungry. I had not eaten all day. I had my doctor visit and felt somewhat better. I ordered from Domino's. I was interested in trying their new cheese steak (which I did like). I really wanted to try that new Brooklyn Style 5 cheese pizza. I was able to eat the cheese steak just fine. Then my wife arrived home and we got into our 'little' discussion. Thankfully, my daughter was off on a trip to Europe. My son was working. His girlfriend was working also. I requested a break in...

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Dinner at Shelly and Johns

Diane felt Geoff tense in her mouth and then felt a warm stream hit the back of her throat, then a second. Using her tongue to massage his shaft as it rested inside her mouth she swallowed and then she sucked on his hot cock pulling it slowly from her lips. Looking up at him from between his legs, she smiled and licked the tip of his manhood for the last time. She slid up his body and kissed his lips, her hand grasping his cock, giving it a playful squeeze. He kissed her back and smiled.

2 years ago
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Wishing Well

WISHING WELL This story is one of six stories in the compilation, A New You by Emma Finn, a book of transformation and body swap stories available on Amazon, iBooks, Barnes & Noble and Smashwords. 1 The well was ancient; easily as old as many of the oldest houses in Bycastle, the original village from which Nockton and its twin-town Barton spread. It had been restored somewhat in recent years by the Friends of Nockton conservation group. Loose stones had been mortared...

1 year ago
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CherryPimps Nina Elle Loves Sucking Cock

If there is one thing Nina Elle really loves it is sucking cock. She dreams of deep throating them. They are just so good when they are in her mouth. No worries she would never forget the balls either! Nina knows exactly what she is doing when a cock is in front of her. Alex dips his tongue into her wet pussy making her lose control moaning out loud. She is so horny and just wants to feel that wet cock in her wet pussy! Alex drills her hard and bends her over so he can plow his large cock as...

1 year ago
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GloryHole Febby Twigs 06272020

Sometimes a good Dirty online ad , adds up to a lot of fun. Febby has answered just one of those ads. A couple of guys have a home glory hole set up and she decides to answer it with all the need she has inside her. Febby goes all out and puts on her best Slut outfit to play and is ecstatic to find two Giant Black Cocks coming through the holes to greet her greedy mouth. She takes all and almost breaks the whole thing down when she decides she needs those Cocks in her White Pussy too. Febby is...

3 years ago
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Adventures in Horticulture

It was not too much to ask, a simple chore, really. Her neighbor, Prof. Masterson, a kind elderly woman who had always been a good friend, asked Emily to tend to her house while she was away at a botanical exposition. The professor had fallen all over Emily with praise but there really was no reason. Emily was happy to do it and the chores involved were quite trivial. She was engaged to collect the mail and water the plants inside the house and the adjoining arboretum. It could hardly take more...

1 year ago
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Scorpio MadnessChapter 5

Rikki was still catching her breath on the bed as I uncorked the ice-cooled second bottle. This time the confined bubbly didn't burst forth in a frothy eruption of pent-up madness, but there was still some excess. I allowed the cold wetness to drip into her prone ass-crack and run downwards onto her exposed pussy. "Rick! JEE-sus... you're as bad as I am! ... I'm just catching my breath. Gimme that..." Rikki tilted the bottle towards her, gulped down a swig, and then rolled...

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Exciting And Adventurous Experiences Of Indian Couples 2

What a thrill and suspense it was! Remembering those events even today, I feel goose pimples on my arms. Even today, we are unable to comprehend the mind boggling experiences in a short span of time. It was the experience of adventure, suspense, life threatening situation, titillation, excitement, sensuality and most of all subtle and expressive love; all mixed together to make a thrilling package. Those interested in only hard porn, may please move elsewhere. The first part dealt with the...

Wife Lovers
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Max Dolcett the Facts of Life

Obligatory Explanation You know how there are Story Codes on SOL like M/m, F/f, Anal, etc? if there is any code – I don’t care if it is on SOL, or if its NC-17 versus PG-13 that makes you uncomfortable in some way – please don’t read this story. That is the simplest caveat I can give you, friend. It’s all fantasy from here on out while I enjoy constructive comments the last thing I want is some “Hey, you tagged this science fiction, but it is really fan fiction” or whatever discussion. I’ve...

2 years ago
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The Lucky One Part 4

The Lucky One, Part 4 (Well, Ladies and Gentlemen, and all beings in between, this is the conclusion of the exciting origin of the Fantastic Fluke, "the luckiest person alive." Without further ado, let's join today's adventure, already in progress....) It was a dark and stormy night.... (Umm, Fluke? Dot here. Just what are you doing?) (I got bored waiting for you, so I thought I would get started without you) (Fluke, leave the writing to professionals, okay?) (Fine. Should...

2 years ago
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Shahina 8211 Incest And Sex 8211 Part 3

He came closer and closer. I was pretending to be deep in sleep. He sat beside me next to my feet. He kept his one hand on my leg and started moving up hiking my night gown up which was the only thing I was wearing. He went up and up till he reached my boobs. Then he got up and took my gown slowly out from my head lifting my head slowly. I was naked again in front of my dad. He planted a kiss on my lips. Till now there was no response from my side. He fondled my boobs, kissed and sucked my...

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A New Dawn

Dawn slammed the door behind her as she stomped her way down the walk, towards her car. This was the last straw; she didn’t have to put up with his bullshit any more. Where did he get off telling her whom she could and couldn’t see? He was just possessive, controlling, whining, jackass. Yes, she thought to herself. A jackass was exactly what he was. “Fine, then!” he screamed out the window. “Leave! But I’m not coming after you!” He slammed the shutters and she could hear him screaming to her...

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Jenny Chapter 1

I had just finished work after a miserable day and decided I needed a drink to calm myself down before I went home. My normal route to and from work took me past this one bar I had noticed one day and it had become something of a landmark on my commute. So after the day I had just finished, today was the perfect opportunity to stop in and check the place out. What made that day even worse was that earlier that week my girlfriend and I had had a huge fight and ended our relationship. So not...

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James and Katherine are newlyweds in their mid-twenties. They are happily married and madly in love. That is, until you come in. The happy couple has just returned from their honeymoon and are eager to start their lives together. This is where you come in. You now have the opportunity to take control of either James or Katherine and control their every move. Will you keep the couple exclusive and devoted to each other, or will you inbolve them in torrid love affairs? The choice is entirely up...

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Great Vexations

He never thought he'd miss home, but that first night, he definitely did. The red of the walls suddenly resembled blood. Plus, there were so many places for monsters to hide in the large house, little nooks and crannies behind furniture and tables. He hid beneath the bed on the following day when Dr. and Mrs. Cullen announced his doctor appointment. He was terrified of needles, had only just been released from the hospital where they had constantly poked and prodded him. The wooden...

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Kaedia Lang 20 215000

Are you in the mood for some Asian persuasion? I don’t know about you, but I don’t need much persuading to look at Asian pussy. Such is the case over on Twitter.com/KaediaLang.This is the official Twitter account of Kaedia Lang. If you have never heard of her, you’re about to become her next biggest fan. Especially whenever you see those clips of her rubbing her tight, wet pussy up close and personally. If you want to watch her slide a set of her fingers deep inside that pulsating twat, you...

Twitter Porn Accounts
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Johnnys long wait

Again that night it was “I have a headache.” Every night for over a year it had been, “I have a headache,” but I still tried. I‘d come to believe the definition of sexual compatibility between us was when we have a headache at the same time. Kristin, my wife had delivered our son and my namesake, John Joseph Booker, Jr. just over a year ago, we had a little birthday party for him the previous week, of course, he’d turned one. We hadn’t had sexual relations since he was born. At...

4 years ago
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The SwapChapter 6

In the weeks which followed, Peter's life began to unravel. He had built his entire life around Samantha and the kids and now that world was suddenly falling apart. Although he had hoped she would change her mind, Samantha filed for a divorce and after the appropriate waiting period, because children were involved, the divorce was granted. Since Peter did not object, custody was given to Samantha who made it clear his visits with the kids would be few and far between. Peter began drinking....

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Daddy and daughter Brittany

"Yessssss,,," She hissed it out through her clenched teeth "And your pussy is always wet for me isn't it?" She moaned her agreement, with that I pulled my finger out of her and wiped it across her tee shirt over her tits and walked away. I had fingered her often enough to know when she was getting ready to cum, this time I wasn't allowing her to do it though. I turned back and saw her still standing there, nipples erect through her tee shirt, panting as she massaged her own...

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Jacks Christmas Present

Jack's Christmas Present(i****t - mother/son, mother/daughters, brother/sister, sisters, lesbian, oral, anal, first, teen, group (FFfm)) IntroChristmas time in the first few years since Virginia's divorce had been fairly difficult. Her husband had ran off with a younger woman leaving Virginia to raise their three c***dren. That had been in 1992. It was now 2002 and Virginia had managed to fully get over the absence of her other half. She barely thought about him now.When her husband had gone...

2 years ago
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The Freiburg ProjectChapter 2

In the morning, Helen rose early, showered, started the coffee and went to the bakery for a baguette and croissants. As she ate, the orange cat appeared, watching her silently. She went to speak to him, reaching out to let him smell her fingers. He stretched to rub his cheek against them and Helen rubbed his head. Unlike many of his fellows, he was clean and shiny and the sun had warmed his fur. She felt a connection begin between them and withdrew her hand. 'I can't, ' she thought, 'I...

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Surrendering to Lust

A hotel hallway You take my hand and pull me into our room. ‘‘I had fun tonight.“ I say, as soon as you shut the door. You turn and push me until my back is pressed against the door, you peel my skirt up. Taking my panties off me. You start teasing my clit with your fingers as you skim through the slippery folds. I gasp into your mouth as you seal our lips together. The velvet softness of your tongue mates with mine and I sigh, melting into your chest. I want you and I need a moment to realize...

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Getting even with Mary Anne

I don't know where I was the night Mary Anne McAlister cried rape. I haven't a clue and that's the truth. I know Sheriff Parker found me at six the next morning lying in a pool of my own vomit under the Ultine Bridge, I can still feel the boot he used to wake me. Now, old Parker was one of those good ol' boy's "born and raised in the county like all the Parker's going way back."  He had no time for city folk who fancied their chances at farming, even less if the miserable bastards failed. ...

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Math Exam Goes From Bad To Worse

Hello readers, That summer day in March 2012 shall never be forgotten by me. I was an innocent boy of age 18 back then preparing for my boards. After that wild night, my life has never been the same. Let me begin by setting up this story for you…. THE SETUP We lived in a flat in Andheri in Bombay. My father my mother and myself. We were just like any other nuclear families living in this urban puzzle. We kept mostly to ourselves but did join in for functions and parties hosted by the...

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my wifes new friend

My wife an I have had talks about having sex with another man she whould like a big black man. well one night we wentout with my b*****r in law friend. my wife had talked about sucking his dick she thought it would be big,I also am black but a brown color she said she wanted a dark black man who would domantate her.Well we were at the bar and drinking we danced and my wife said to be im going to take terry to the car for some fun Isaid lets go to the house i told terry we were going to leave an...

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Chapter 02 Felicity Julia Get To Know Each Other

I must have drifted off to sleep because it was starting to get light when I heard a faint noise, the sound of someone in my room. In the half-darkness, I partly opened one eye and could just make out the outline of a person standing in my doorway. They were wearing a long baggy white tee-shirt, pulled up at the front.Keeping perfectly still and quiet, I listened and heard the unmistakable, delicious sound of fingers working a well-lubricated vulva. I could hear breathing and a quiet,...

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Nicks Downfall

PrologueI was twenty-one-years-old when all this happened. Although a truly unforgettable experience, I didn’t write about it earlier because… in the first place it never occurred to me to do so and, secondly, it's a true story or saga involving real people, some of whom are still friends to this day. That said, all names apart from my own, have been changed to protect the innocent. The rest of the account, as they pledge, is "The truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.”Part 1Nick...

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camping first circle jerk

IT started on the bus ride home from school. I was 13 tall for my age, also a boy scout. Five of the boys on the bus were talking about a camping trip. I asked if I could join. They said it would be fine. " do you know any thing about tents?"S*b asked. 'Yah I know all about camping." They all said great,what do we need. I gave them a list, and said I'd bring the tent. So I packed up end went to meet s*b. He said the guys would be here in an hour. How about checking the sight out. " ok" I said....

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I Lost My Virginity To My Maths Tuition Teacher

Hi friends, unga comments ellam paayhen rmba santhosam idhu ennudaiya threesome experience and sex story. Innum oru thagaval inge naan podra stories and inime podapora stories ellame true incidents not a story Ennoda mudhal sex ku piragu naan sex pathina ninaipugaloda thaan irundhen en sir um enna summa vidala kaanja maadu maathiri en unachigala usupi vittute iruppar muthal sex ku apram tution enna muthal aala vara sollidvaar tuition mudinju 1 hour apram thaan poven thinamim edhavathu oru kaama...

4 years ago
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A Routine EnslavementChapter 19 Some Who Would Heal

About two weeks after the meeting with Masterson things finally came to a head. I had a meeting scheduled for 3 pm one afternoon at the offices of Richmond Slendabond where I knew I would be conferencing with Morgan Richmond, Stephanie's attorney and Stephanie herself. But first I had promised my brother that I would pick up his boy Steven, a fourth-grader whose school would be letting out at 11:30 am today because of parent teacher conferences scheduled all this week. I pulled into the...

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The Philanthropist My name is Louis, for today, and anyway, you don't need to know my real name to understand who I really am. I have a secret and I'm going to let you in on it because, the thing is, I'm pretty proud of myself for having accomplished so much in my so far short life of twenty-four years, for how far I've come in the past ten years. Don't tell anyone, but I'm what some would call a serial killer. I don't think of it like that though, and it's sure not a...

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Goes Without SayingChapter 19

David felt good to be back looking after the children on his own, cooking their evening meal, and feeding Beth. It was fun to watch Beth crawling, and beginning to make sounds approaching the odd word. Evan asked for paper and crayons and spent time drawing or rather scribbling on the paper, telling David what his pictures were about, for which David was grateful. He bathed both children together, and after drying and dressing Beth in her night clothes and putting her in her cot, did the...

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How We Made Out With Each Other Part 3

My sister Valerie and I were shocked when Jenifer, our mom, walked in unexpectedly two days early. She caught us both naked and fucking doggy style as we watched the large screen TV playing the video that we had made when we both lost our virginity to each other.Now we were even more surprised as watched as our mom, Jenifer, completely undressed and was standing naked before my sister and me.Mom was an almost exact copy of Valerie. Yes, she was an earlier edition of her daughter, but a very...

2 years ago
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Deeply Satisfying Finger Fuck

Hello Friends, I’m Sunitha, a 38-years old married woman. I’ve been married for past 15 years have a 13 years old daughter too. My husband runs a pharmacy store. Our sex life has been pretty satisfying all these years. My husband keeps me very happy and I too reciprocate this happiness in the same measure. We’ve been so happy, satisfied and pleased with each other that it never occurred to me to seek sexual pleasure from outside. I’m an extremely pretty lady with fair skin and long jet black...

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BSC08 How Jack and Susan Became NudistsChapter 20 Poking Jacks Penis

When Jack woke up that Monday morning he was not expecting to feel so horny. Not only had Jack woken up with the proverbial boner but he also just felt so aroused and energized in a very sexual sort of way. Jack could only assume that his heightened state of arousal was down to several factors. Firstly ... this had been the first time he had ever slept right through the night totally in the nude. Secondly ... Jack knew he was looking forward to making love to Susan again that night when they...

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Jaylas Bad Boy

It was May 15. Two days previous Jayla had graduated Magna Cum Laude after her four years in college. Now she had three months to enjoy life until she started law school towards the end of August. Tomorrow was Friday, the weekend was starting. After the killer last few months of study and final paper writing, she was in the mood for some major fun.During her last two years of college she had developed a stronger and stronger attraction to “bad boys.” Rationally she knew this was not a good...

2 years ago
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You Want Me to Do WhatChapter 5

I indeed caught her, but she wanted a shower before she would let me lick her to orgasm. She cleaned herself as best she could, knowing I would be licking around down there. All the while, I was cleaning her ... I stuck out my tongue and teased her. We got out and dried off. She got on the bed saying, "How do you want me Jeff?" "It's fine ... just the way you are," I said getting on my knees and spreading her legs. She was already breathing heavy in anticipation. "What's wrong...

4 years ago
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Grappling With SurvivalChapter 6 Distractions

"Today we have some more information on the animal front: as expected, cattle, deer and the majority of pigs are officially history, as are corn and potatoes. Other species were impacted, but they seem to have survived to an extent. We're sure there were a lot of mass extinctions, like insects, carnivores, frogs, mice, rats as well as other vermin. It'll be years before we have any kind of official list. If anyone is so inclined, we desperately need people to take over existing farms...

1 year ago
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Behavioral Adjustment In Jail chapter 1

She was just a petty thief, it wasn’t fair, she should’ve gotten a fine or something it was ridiculous to sentence her to a three year imprisonment. April looked out of the window as the barbed wired fence came closer and closer. A three year sentence just for some stolen nail polish. She banged her head against the window and the officer that was driving looked at her with a stern look on his face. ‘Sorry,’ April mumbled. A deep sigh. The gates opened and they drove onto the...

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First Glory Hole PT2 Gay

The Lee was a rundown theater past its prime. Its heyday was probably in the fifties, and it probably went through several revival attempts before becoming the adult theater for the town. It was alright that seats were broken, and everything was musty with mold smell in the air, because people were coming to see movies that they couldn't see anywhere else because of the war on pornography. Nothing in the layout of the theater had been changed or even professionally cleaned for that matter. The...

2 years ago
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Midnight Visitor

It was late and we were in bed for the night. I was spooning her with my throbbing cock pressed against the crack of her really hairy ass. Suddenly the bedroom door opens. There's enough light to see that it's the old white guy that lives in our neighborhood. He asks what I'm doing in his bed and starts to take off his clothes. I'm so shocked I can't say anything. He reeks of alcohol so I know he's drunk off his ass. I realize I must have left the door unlocked, and in his drunken state he must...

1 year ago
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The Idea 8

The Idea 8. : How it all began. It all started with a crazy idea. Sat in a public bar, Mick and I were simply bouncing ideas off each other for possible ideal jobs. He turned to me and said “the best job in the world has to be filming those porno stars” to which I replied “No… The best job in the world would be filming everyday housewives and their dirty little fantasies” He almost instantly agreed. We both looked at each other and simultaneously said “could we!” So one week later we had...

Erotic Fiction
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Meri Randi Maa Ka Nanga Naach

Hi.mera name samrat singh h. Main noida me rehta ho. But basically main lucknow me belong krta ho. Ye bt 3 mahine pehle ki h. Main b.tech kr rha ho. Jb main 1 st yeare tha to mere dad ki death ho gyi thi. Ghar me sirf main aur maa hi bache the. Bt padhayi ki wajah se mujhe noida rehta padta hai. Ghar pe abhi sirf maa rehti h.main holidays me hi ghar jata ho. Papa ki death ke ek saal bad jb main garmiyon me ghar gya to maa kch badli badli si lagi. Sari blouse se kurti aur laggings pe aa gyi...

3 years ago
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GreeniesChapter 27B

Eden General Hospital was a bit of a contrast to the celebrations in the street. It was packed to well beyond capacity, the overflow having spilled out into two adjoining office buildings. Harried doctors, nurses, and other technicians move frantically here and there. Every available floor space was filled with cots in which wounded MPG soldiers or wounded WestHem soldiers were being housed and cared for. Scores of uniformed MPG soldiers — undoubtedly on the same mission as Xenia, Belinda,...

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Wagons HoChapter 5

Bob came around in a few minutes and Sally tended to his hand. Caleb looked him in the eye and said, "You've got two choices, Bob. The whiskey is busted up. There ain't no more of it. You can either promise me you'll not try to hurt anyone here and ride on into St Louis with us, or we'll give you a mule and you can leave now. Either way, St Louis is as far as you go with us." "Pap, I ain't gonna make no promises about not hurting anyone. Jase shot me and he's gonna pay for...

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The Locket

What is it…?" He asks for probably the 12th time. "Just open it!" You tell him impatiently "It's a booby trap isn't it?" He says accusingly "It's a prank" "No!" You insist. "Now friggin open it!" You're sitting on the floor of Dr. Robotnik's garage, the never ending mess of genius strewn about the two of you. He has a neatly wrapped Christmas gift on his lap and he keeps looking from it to you, and back again. He turns it over in his hands one last time before quietly huffing to himself. He...

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Melindas Mountains

Introduction: My wife wants to watch me fuck our sexy neighbor, Melinda. This is a fictional story, but the characters are real people. In this story, Melinda is my next door neighbor. In reality, Melinda is a young woman who writes and reads stories on xnxx. So, the events of this story are fictional, but the story is written for and about a real person, Melinda. My name is Ray, Im a man in my early 40s and my wife Ann is a sexy woman. Ann is 58 tall, 130 lbs., brown hair, blues eyes, small...

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Mistis Adventures Part 100

The rest of the family, knowing Sue wasn't in any danger left her to the care of the nurses, and the tender mercies of her beloved fiance'. Sue had been given medicine for the pain, and assured that she would soon be feeling drowsy, despite her wish to stay awake and tell Rick about the party.She tried her best to talk to him, but nothing she said made sense, even to her, so she gave it up and let herself drift off to sleep. Her last conscious memory was Rick leaning down to kiss her. Rick...

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