ShawnChapter 13 free porn video
When the period was over I said my goodbyes and left for the front office and hopefully the real estate agent. I found a portly man pacing back and forth waiting impatiently for somebody to show up. He already figured this to be a hoax and had considered leaving even if he had only been here five minutes. But business at the time was slow and he needed every pound he could get.
"Hello Mr. Cox, my name is Shawn Boz. Would you like to sit down for a moment, you seem ready for a heart attack."
The man was incredulous but then remembered the money and said, "Hello Mr. Boz," then remembering the name said, "didn't somebody get knighted with that name?"
"Sure my dad. Do you have the information I wanted?"
"Yes I do. Two pieces looked to be prime locations."
I laughed lightly, "You are not selling this to me Mr. Cox. I can negotiate and do a more thorough search if necessary."
"Force of habit I think. Here is all the information I could pick up."
"How many of the four plots did you find information about?"
"Ah... only three."
"Then I will give you three quarters the agreed price but I will also give you the bonus I stipulated."
"But you want to get paid for work you have not done? Find the rest of the information and I will pay the remaining 25% when I get it."
I opened the package and took a quick look, then dug into my pants and took out the money and handed it to him. He looked longingly at my money but did nothing crude.
Later I made it to the students' gym. I found 'coach' Malcolm Stone sitting on a small stool lining up the bolts for the new weights. There was a decided smile on his face as he worked. On other machines students put more weights into position. Getting close, I said, "I see you found the weights. I got some extra ones for the faculty gym too."
The man got up and wiped his hand on a towel and shook my hand. "Hello Shawn. I was very surprised at the mountain of weights. Everyone I found is forged steel. I don't know how the hell you did it, or the short time span since we talked about it but I am very impressed."
"I am glad to have helped even though I haven't done anything about making or finding some lightweight sculls yet."
"I am not complaining. You have done wonders, so whether we get new sculls or not it will still be good for the students."
There was just enough time to make it to the municipal building. I took a taxi to get there quickly. Inside I paid the fee and saw the legal description of one of the properties and then cross referenced it to a list of properties that the city had seized for taxes being in arrears. I made an appointment for the following day with a man who could allow me to see the property.
At a stationery store near the university I purchased some writing paper and an envelope. I used their pen to write a letter home, giving all my love to each and every one of my family, with a special message to dad to give Lusa a kiss for me. I went on to say that I had finally found my school and the work load was not too arduous. I described my first math class and the personalities of some of the people in it. At the bottom I said that grandma and grandpa were good. Lastly, I mentioned that the university was paying me £75 a month and would issue me the tests later in the year. I had a good laugh because I had led them on till the end thinking I would be a student and not a lecturer.
The woman behind the counter sold me a stamp and I mailed the letter down the block.
The steps in front of the sorority house were hard but I didn't have to wait long before a dozen girls came down the sidewalk with one smaller girl in front as if leading the procession.
When Jennifer saw me she ran immediately for me. Two girls gave chase but stopped when they saw where she was going. She tried to show how much she wanted me. Her old ideas about using her body to gain a boy's attention were clearly still uppermost in her mind. After a quick kiss the young women of the sorority made a few catcalls but were not so rude that they could break into Jennifer's consciousness.
Holding Jennifer's hand I said, "I think you all did a wonderful thing for Jennifer and for me. I would like to show my appreciation by taking you all to dinner now." They liked the idea and I asked if there were others that helped but were not present. One would be in her room and all ran in to put their things away.
We made quite a procession. There were actually fourteen young girls plus Jennifer and myself. The restaurant was not busy but was shocked to get sixteen customers in one group. I said holding Jennifer's hand, "The old lady and I decided to take the kids out for a meal tonight."
The waiter just widened his eyes for a moment trying to overcome the contradiction and then smiled instead.
We all sat in a corner for there were no tables large enough for the whole group. Monique sat on my right and Jennifer on my left as we tried many different dishes with some of the girls trying some wine with their meal. There were a lot of good feelings going around and I knew we were pulling together into a group. It was dark when we got outside but the air was just right and the walk would help settle the meal.
Turning down a side street we talked more about the shopping and how one or the other of the girls would argue over which was the right piece of clothing to purchase. Comments raged about who had better fashion sense and other matters. I was just happy to be holding both of my girl's hands.
Suddenly, from between two houses three young toughs sprang out. Behind us four more ran from a doorway. One in front stopped us with his hand. It appeared that one of the customers in the restaurant had tipped them off that I had a substantial amount of money.
"Gi' me ya money and you will live."
I did not give them a chance and moved forward and drove my stiffened fingers into his abdomen, turning sideways I slashed one in the throat. A kick to the genitals incapacitated the next and the fourth was poleaxed when the heel of my hand connected with his sternum. I ran to the back and struck one of that group, while another had a knife out already. As the second thug tried to get away he was accidentally knifed by the other. I jumped over the bleeding gang member and made sure the knife wielder stayed put.
I ripped the young man's shirt off and saw the knife had entered his abdominal wall and punctured the small intestine twice. Turning to Sharon and Beth I said, "Run back to the restaurant and phone the police and tell them to call an ambulance for an abdominal wound. Go!" They ran off like frightened rabbits.
Turning to Monique I said, "Take Jennifer home now. Take three girls with you and watch Jennifer diligently. She is in danger from herself now. Go before the police come and ask questions. I don't want Jennifer involved in any way. Go!"
It was possible to do some repairs now but the wound was not immediately fatal. This time the BMA would have to look out for this gent.
Talking to the remaining girls I said the last to leave were not here tonight. "The thug under my hand is going to live. His intestine is cut twice and a surgeon is going to have to open him up a bit and suture the gut closed. Not too much too it. I have done it many times. I remember once treating a woman that had been in a fight and had a cut to her arm. The next patient was a man that suffered even worse and had more cuts. After patching him up I found he was the other knife fighter. He didn't stand too much of a chance against the woman."
It took ten minutes before a bobby managed to make it to us. He asked questions about the altercation and told me to get away from the assailant. "Can't do it officer. I am keeping the would closed and pinching the blood vessel that would make the man bleed to death in five minutes or so."
"Who are you boy, some doctor."
"I helped my dad in Rhodesia. I have sewn up knife fighters before."
"Ya, and me grannie is the Queen of the May."
"Believe it or not but my holding the wound closed will not hurt the man. Let's leave it to the doctors to decide?"
He didn't say anything about it further. We gave our statements as a paddy wagon came and took the now awakening thugs while an ambulance took the wounded man and me to the hospital.
The girls were to walk home now and try to relax. I would be finished in a few hours and talk to them then.
In the emergency room I was told by the surgeon to let go and I refused until the patient was in the operating room. We argued all sorts of procedures and ways to save the patient. I accused him of sending patients to the undertaker for a commission. He threatened to have the guards take me out. I countered with him finding his licence as a free prize in a pop corn box. He said I knew nothing of medicine and I said, "I know little but more than you. If you don't want to do it right give me the damn scalpel and I will get him sutured up."
Somehow, we made peace after that barbed comment so I held tight till he started to cut. I didn't leave but donned a gown and looked on as he worked. This time he was very careful with his stitches and opened the abdominal cavity and sutured the intestines. The wound was closed very professionally. I said as he took off his gloves, "They must have had some good licences in those cornflake boxes. I couldn't have done better myself but then again, I wouldn't have left the sponge in the patient."
The doctor got a worried look then stared at me then saw my smile. "Get out of here before I call the coppers."
"Certainly doctor," I said as I left. The same bobby was shocked to see me taking off a gown after leaving the operating room.
"He will live. The doctor treating him hasn't gone senile quite yet and his hands only shake a little." The doctor heard me as he came out and actually laughed.
"God damned kid, couldn't get rid of him. If I get a chance I will sew his tongue to the top of his mouth."
"My parents might even hold me down for you to do that."
He laughed again and I introduced myself. He knew something of me but not much. His reply was, "Sir Shawn, when I tell you... "
"Do you really want to shoptalk in front of someone outside the medical profession?"
"Oh. Well consider it said anyway."
The police did not believe I could take out all seven thugs even after I said that I was trained by the Ghurkhas. "Fine. Get three more of your friends and bring them down to your gym along with ten bob."
"When I whip all your sorry bodies, I get to keep the money."
"You can't do it. Why four of us?"
I immediately thought, you will all be ready for me, you are all trained to fight. Besides you are all bigger than me, and the thugs. However, what I simply said was, "Put up, or shut up."
"You can't."
"Saturday afternoon. Four o'clock, your gym. Bring the money, medical supplies and enough ambulances."
"Your on bo'... young man."
"Ok, I teach at University College London. Leave a message for me. Bring your batons, I will show you something interesting."
I went immediately to Monique and found her in her room with the four other girls. All of them jumped on me as if I were their rescuer. I patted each and sat them on the bed before giving a still worried Jennifer a kiss and then a much more substantial one to Monique.
Monique asked, "What took you so long?"
"I fought the doctor verbally and long enough to make sure that the patient survived. To do that I had to go into the operating room still holding the wound closed. Afterwards the police did not believe me, even with all the witnesses, so next Saturday we get to go to the policemen's gym and then I take on a few bobbies."
"Oh Shawn, they will hurt you."
"Bring some money to the gym and make bets. I will tell you how later. We can make enough profit to go to dinner again." I gave each of the girls a kiss for helping me and an extra one for Monique and Jennifer.
I took no chances with Jennifer even if she was just going to run. I told her to go to the bathroom. When she came back I tapped her on the forehead and then removed all her clothing and put her into the bed. I held my right breast to remind her and said, "You should get in on the other side tonight honeybunch."
The next morning I brought breakfast again and after the two had eaten, I handed them lots of change to have a shower together. They giggled like children and ran to the shower holding hands. More money was left as well. Keeping a child I knew was expensive and I could not have others taking the burden when they were so poor themselves.
This day was like the last but I didn't have the period to help the students. Jennifer was being watched and I went to see the clerk at the municipal offices. I was ushered into a small office and the man incredulously looked at me. "What do you want boy, my time is valuable?"
"So is mine. Do you want to sell these two lots or not?" I handed him the legal descriptions.
"Yes I do. Who is going to buy them?"
"My name is 'Sir' Shawn Boz. I got my knighthood for using my mind and helping people. Don't discount me for my age or size. I have cash to make an offer and if you want I can finish the deal tomorrow."
"Fine, bring your solicitor. You are too young to make a legal commitment." He handed me the total of the back taxes to me.
"You must think I was born yesterday. The city needs all the money it can get now. I will give you a third of that total. If you had foreclosed sooner then the price would be more in line with reality."
We argued more and I found he had no authority to make deals. "Put a motion in before city council tonight and I will be there to argue my case. Now tell me about this property." I handed him another paper and all I could reasonably expect to find would be the taxes owing.
Going back to the sorority house, I let myself in and climbed the stairs. There were a lot more people about and said hello to each by name and was given a very polite response. Monique was not the shy one now. She was giving suggestions that sounded like orders about Jennifer. It was good to see her changed for the better. Jennifer was holding onto Monique as if she needed somebody to cling to or be blown back to her old haunts.
We went out to a pub frequented by students and had a meal. I told them of my plan to buy a property so I could build 'our' house. Only Monique actually knew what that meant. The city hall meeting should be a formality for they couldn't stick to rules and have everything their way. That was not to mean that they wouldn't try to get all they could.
I had a little time to spare, so I helped the girls in the sorority with their work assignments, holding mini classes in almost every diverse subject the university taught. With a quick kiss I wanted to leave but I found that I had to do quite a few quick kisses to many of the girls before I could make my way out. Catching at first one trolleybus and then another took me to the municipal meeting and I waited for my presentation to be put forward.
Although there was a lectern it was not needed and if I had tried to use it I would not be seen. So I just walked close and said who I was and where I worked. I explained that I wanted to open an art gallery and housing complex and needed the room. I explained that at present the buildings brought in no revenue and only would if somebody purchased them. They said that I had to pay the full amount of taxes in arrears.
Sifting through the minds of the many people around the table I listed twenty three cases recently where the selling price was significantly lower than the taxes due. This stopped their arguments. I talked of other properties I would like to purchase and soon I got a better offer on them too. I negotiated with all my ability, outlining for them the asset that my presence as a property owner would bring to the city. One of the stipulations I insisted on was a group of engineers could overturn the city's engineering department if I found them too conservative. There were many new ideas that I wanted to put forward in steel, concrete and glass and I was concerned that an orthodox group would not bother to see if they really were feasible.
I would be remembered for a long time after the meeting for the type of deal I had received. There were many provisos still in place and some could only be rectified after plans were drawn up. I signed a cheque and said my solicitor would be around to add his signature to the document and the cheque the next day when the contract was filled out.
Although it was getting late, I went to my 'home away from home' to see my girls and tell them of my purchases. With a sketch I showed them the present condition and what things would look like when everything was cleaned up. I made various drawings of the finished building, pointing out the large studio and various bedrooms. I placed names on two bedrooms and said, "These will be yours."
Even though there were others in the room I was tackled by two missiles and landed on my back on the bed being kissed. I took the abuse like a man and returned the affection. When I got up my hair was in disarray even more than when I had been fighting. I combed it with my fingers and said, "I see that I am more than just appreciated." Now talking to everybody I said, "I have an option that is good for one year to purchase for two more properties. I have already put a deposit of three hundred pounds on it and if I take the properties I will just have to pay the balance."
"What are they for?" asked Monique.
"A bigger home when I need it, then the rooms in the art gallery can be used for other things. There is a lot of money I will need. My dad spent a lot of money on the poor clinic and when I continue in his footsteps, I will need the cash too."
The next day the sale was finalised and funds had to be transferred to cover the costs. There was less free time after school and I used it clearing the site of rubble. Monique and the girls helped some but I insisted that they study too. When the coach found out about my new home he and a few of his students came over to help as well. Soon I had many of my students helping and I had to spend time organising them because they were getting in each other's way.
The warehouse complex where I found Jessica and a dormant property beside it were purchased. Part of the reason was that I disliked taking things from the site and another part was that I saw a good business opportunity here. Commercial enterprises here were spread out and required a lot of walking to get from one store to another. I had visions of stacking them three high and enclose the entire area in a roof to keep out the inclement weather. Costs would have to be checked but it might prove feasible to cool or heat the entire area to attract customers when the competition had them walking from one store to the next along the street in a downpour.
The plans had been put in as soon as we worked out our requirements. As expected the Engineering Department balked at non-traditional structures. Part of this I was sure would be that they didn't want to embrace the future. I gave them the council's decision when I purchased the properties. "I know some of this is new but it isn't that different. The mathematics is the same and all you need to do is work out the structural capacities of each of the beams. Soon many more buildings will be built this way and you will be obliged to pass them if they are sound," I said to the chief engineer. After more arguing and more sketches he finally agreed and put his stamp of approval on the plans if the math worked out.
A note was waiting for me at the offices requesting I meet some of the local constabulary at a specific gym. I took my cheering gallery and some money. The men were somewhat put out that women were in the gym area but had to accept it or I would leave. The coach came too, along with the boys I had beaten in the competitions. The policemen were in sweats and I put my own on too just having purchasing them together with new gym shoes to match.
Gentlemanly wagers were made after which I laid out the four bobbies receiving only some bruises for my effort. I was not easy on them and after the initial sparring, they understandably were the same for me. When the hands were shaken and the money changed hands, I gave a demonstration of what the Ghurkhas had taught me. This was followed up by an hour of individual training. When it was time to go there weren't too many hard feelings, particularly when the coppers discovered that a few drinks on me at the pub down the street made the hurt feelings even easier to take.
The people with me were quite happy to have doubled their money. All my winnings went into a wet lunch for the local police force.
The plans for the buildings had many new ideas and they were not simply in housing and architecture. I put in new sewers, water mains, even the electricity and telephone lines were brought in underground. Engineering thought this a waste but passed it because there was nothing unsafe about it. I used my powers during the cleaning to break up the foundations and footings. When it came time fresh concrete took its place and forms were filled in for a much more substantial structure.
Threaded rods were cemented in place and on a Saturday a lift truck filled a lorry with completed beams salvaged from the warehouse where I had found Jessica. Monday was raining just like the day before. When people came Tuesday they saw the steelwork erected and riveted into place. They assumed that a crew of steelworkers had done the job in the rain.
The skeleton stretched far above the other buildings. My grandparents came over and marvelled at the sight. Nothing else was even remotely like this and wondered at the need to build so differently. Weren't the old ways good enough?
Glass was my next need, however there was none that met my requirements. I knew that some glass could be made much stronger and tougher than the flint glass that we had been using until now. I rented a small warehouse, adding some machines which I'd fabricated. With a bit of experimenting I was able to produce the thick toughened glass that I wanted. I was forced to use some gold in the glass mix to keep out some of the infra red energy from the sun. My abilities with the forces of my mind were taxed to the limit to make the sheets of glass as flat as possible even with the bath of liquid tin. I then had to treat them afterwards to give them the strength they would need.
In the same building I made frames, doors and all of the smaller things a building needed. Here too a large lorry delivered the finished product just in time for the tradesmen to put them into place. There were problems here to for the men were not used to this type of specialized work and had to be taught some of it. They didn't seem to like a young boy talking to them and telling them their job, but after a few of the ones with problems were let go, the rest settled down.
During this time my classes were settling into a groove and this particular groove was much better directed to passing the course. It became common for other educators to sit through my classes and try to find my tricks. I was invited to many gatherings but used my building work as an excuse, thus begging off going as much as possible.
Two of the three boys did not make the required 75% so I put them to work on building my home. This was not too bad because the girls that they were to date came to help as well, so naturally I tried to put the couples together as much as possible. The boys did make a good showing but not enough to get the prize I had offered.
Cindy had after the first few days had decided to take me up on my bet. When the exam was over she did manage to achieve her goal and even a few percent more. Her reward was to be put off for a while to negotiate the terms with her prospective date.
Cement was poured around metal conduit and the frames of the windows. Men on high scaffolding were completing the outside finish as the concrete dried. I knew it would be a long time before all the water left the concrete and dreaded any woodwork that the building would contain till that happened.
A large 'I' beam went through the loft and extended outwards from a large door. This was so that large articles could be hoisted up to be worked on. Finished works could descend either to the store below or a waiting lorry.
I got in touch with one of the queen's private secretaries to advise him that I would like to come by and alter the painting that I had made of her family. I requested three additional passes and asked if it was possible for Prince Charles to be there too. I was in the school's offices making the call and a hush came over it when it was announced I had the return call from Buckingham Palace. The private secretary said that the queen was too busy to come to the phone but that I could come when I wanted. Charles would be free after four o'clock and would like to see me.
The woman who handed me the telephone looked at me very strangely as I handed the instrument back to her. I would have preferred to have used one of the public phones, but they were usually busy and very noisy at this time.
I rounded up Monique, Jennifer and had the girls find Cindy so she could go on a very casual date. For the first time I had the use of a university car and Monique would be the designated driver. With the paint and supplies in my possession, Monique drove the car with Jennifer in the back and me in the front. We picked up Cindy as she rushed out her sorority's front door. She got in the back seat and she immediately wanted to know about her date. To forestall any problem I told her nothing and directed Monique on where to drive.
I said to everybody in the car, "Let's make this a real surprise. Cindy, I want you to close your eyes when I say and then you can see your date's home when we are right in front of it."
"Just more fun for me and a nicer surprise for you. Will you do this for me?"
"Well ok, since it is you doing the asking."
I used my finger to point for Monique and said aloud, "Don't say anything at all. I want to do all the talking to the door man."
She smiled at the simple request and said, "I will try."
Ten minutes later I told Cindy, "Close her eyes now and bend over because I knew you will cheat."
"I will not."
"Close them girl and bend over. There is no such thing as a woman that is not curious."
A few minutes later I pointed to the side gate at the palace and had to turn the wheel myself to get it into position. Monique stopped dead and I placed my hand over her mouth. "Quiet woman." I got out of the car and closed the door. I talked to the man at the gate and we had a short chat. We had trained together and I explained how I wanted the girl in the back to not know where she was until it was too late.
I got a wicked smile and the gate opened for us, so I got back in and we drove to the side door. A servant came to the door to greet us but said nothing after seeing my gesture to keep quiet. Inside with a box of paints and supplies I told Cindy to open her eyes. She looked around then did a fast look all around her. "Where are we?"
"Where do you think we are?"
"A museum, or an art gallery, or a mansion." She caught sight of the uniforms and only said, "Oh my god."
We walked to the room with the painting and found it already hung. The girls looked at the painting as I brought out my supplies. I mixed some paint and Monique took my hand. That is the Queen's. Don't touch it Shawn."
She didn't want me to get in trouble. "Honeybunch I painted this picture. Look at the feet. Our monarch gave specific orders that the bunny slippers have to go."
"You... You did this?"
"Yes I did. Do you think we can make enough money to survive now?"
"Oh yes, I think we can make a lot of money."
My strokes were quicker than any other artist and soon one pair of feet sported comfortable casual shoes. Then minutes later the rest did too. It took much longer to repaint the background to take the place of the ears. I was just finishing the work and cleaning the brushes when the door behind us opened and the Duke of Edinburgh came in with his son.
I bowed my head at both then smiled at Charlie. I made introductions and explained how Jennifer couldn't speak.
The duke looked at the child and said, "I am sorry to hear that."
"I had two ulterior reasons for coming."
"Oh and they are?"
"I want to get fed for my work. You have much better meals and Cindy was promised a date. I figure if your wife will not object strongly either you or Charlie would be her escort for the meal."
Cindy turned red and physically hid behind Monique. The duke had a sense of humour and walked behind Monique and held Cindy's hand. " Cindy, I think you might get two escorts for the meal if you like." Turning to his son he said, " Charles, would you like to escort this lady with me to dine?"
"Yes, she's pretty." Then thinking a bit, "All Shawn's girlfriends are pretty." This brought a chuckle and red faces from all the girls.
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